[31] Lady Caroline, daughter of the Earl of Bessborough, wife of Hon. William Lamb, afterwards Lord Melbourne, authoress of "Glenarvon," &c.
[32] Mr. Morritt, of Rokeby.
[33] Lord Liverpool, 1770-1828. Prime Minister in 1815.
[34] Platoff, 1716-1818, Russian General.
[35] Frederick William III.
[36] The Duchess had been very fond of music, but since the death of her husband it had affected her so deeply that she feared breaking down on any public occasion.
[37] Rowland Hill. General Lord Hill, 1772-1842; distinguished in the Peninsular War.
[38] The Prince Regent, afterwards George IV.
[39] "After the Restoration of the Bourbons several duels took place for the most frivolous causes. Duels were fought even by night. The officers of the Swiss guards were constantly measuring swords with the officers of the old 'Garde Imperiale'" (Gronow's Memoirs, vol. ii. p. 22).
[40] The Colonne Vendome. This stood on the site of a statue to Louis XIV. which had been melted down at the Revolution. It was made of Austrian cannon taken during the years from 1806 to 1810.
[42] Madame de Stael had only returned to France after her long exile a few weeks after Napoleon's abdication. Her rooms were in the Hotel de Tamerzan, 105, Rue de Grenelle St. Germain.
[42] Stuart, Sir Charles, 1779-1845. Eldest son of Sir C. Stuart, General, and Louisa, daughter and co-heiress of Lord Vere Bertie. Minister at the Hague and Ambassador at Paris, and later on at St. Petersburg. British Envoy at the Congress of Vienna. Created Baron Stuart de Rothesay 1841. Married, 1816, Lady Elizabeth Yorke, third daughter of third Earl of Hardwicke. Gronow gives a more favourable account of him, "One of the most popular Ambassadors Great Britain ever sent to Paris."
[43] Under the Treaty of Paris France had been allowed to keep the Art Treasures taken by Napoleon.
[44] Talma, the celebrated tragic actor, 1763-1826.
[45] On March 30th the Allies marched on Paris. They attacked in three divisions—the Silesian army on the side of Montmartre, Prince Eugene of Wurtemberg and Barclay de Tolly by Pantin and Romainville, the Crown Prince of Wurtemberg by Vincennes and Charenton. Marmont surrendered the same day.
[46] Regnaud St. Jean d'Angely, 1762-1819.
[47] Abai Reny Just Haiiy, 1743-1822.
[48] Dumeril, naturalist and professor.
[49] Marmont, 1774-1852, Duc de Raguse. The defence of Paris had been left in his hands by Napoleon, and his surrender to the Allies was the finishing stroke which forced Napoleon to abdicate.
[50] Lafayette, 1757-1834, Liberal general and politician.
[51] Madame Recamier, 1777-1849, a famous beauty. She had held a "salon" at Paris in the early days of the Empire, but had been exiled in 1811 and had just returned (June, 1814).
[52] Auguste de Stael, 1790-1827.
[53] Mademoiselle de Stael, married the Duc de Broglie.
[54] Hodgson, Dean of Carlisle and Rector of St. George's, Hanover Square; d. 1844.
[55] William Wilberforce, 1759-1833; distinguished among the promoters of Negro Emancipation and the Abolition of the Slave Trade.
[56] Dumolard, 1766-1820; a French politician, a prominent figure in the Chamber of Representatives under the first Restoration.
[57] Eugene Beauharnais, 1780-1824, Viceroy of Italy, 1805-15. Son of Josephine by her first marriage with the Vicomte de Beauharnais.
[58] After the Second Restoration Prince Eugene Beauharnais sold Malmaison and removed its gallery of pictures to Munich.
[59] Duc d'Enghien, 1772-1804, son of the Duc de Bourbon. Shot at Vincennes by order of Napoleon when First Consul, under the pretext that he had conspired against him.
[60] Marmont lost his arm at the battle of Salamanca in 1812.
[61] Jourdan, General, 1762-1833.
[62] Duc de Treviso, Marshal Mortier, 1768-1835.
[63] Duc de Conegliano, Marshal Moncey, 1754-1842. He defended the walls of Paris as Major-General of the National Guard and laid down his arms only after the Capitulation was signed.
[64] Serurier, General, 1742-1819.
[65] Perignan, General, 1754-1819.
[66] Ney, Prince de la Moskowa, Duc d'Elchingen, 1769-1815, "Le Brave des Braves." He swore allegiance to Louis XVIII., but returned to Napoleon in 1815, fought under him at Waterloo, and was shot for treason under the Second Restoration.
[67] Duc d'Istria, Bessieres, Commander of the Old Guard.
[68] Davoust, Prince d'Eckmuhl. In 1814 the unfortunate city of Hamburg was still suffering under the unrelenting severity of Davoust, who had appointed a commission having the power of condemning to death all persons who used inflammatory speeches to exasperate the soldiers or the inhabitants.
[69] Victor, Duc de Belluno, 1764-1841.
[70] Lefebre, Duc de Dantzig, 1755-1820.
[71] Berthier, Prince de Wagram, 1753-1815, Chief of the Staff. A close friend of Napoleon from 1796 onwards. He escaped to Bamberg in 1815 in hopes of remaining neutral, but was killed there by the emissaries of a secret society.
[72] Murat, 1778-1815, King of Naples and husband of Caroline Bonaparte. He had concluded a treaty with Austria against Napoleon in January, 1814. He was shot in Calabria in 1815.
[73] Massena, Duc de Rivoli, 1758-1817. "The favoured child of victory."
[74] Soult, Duc de Dalmatie, 1769-1861. He decided the victory of Austerlitz.
[75] Edridge, portrait painter, 1769-1821.
[76] Duke de Berri, second son of the Comte d'Artois, afterwards Charles X., 1778-1820. He married Caroline of Naples, and was the father of the Comte de Chambord. He was assassinated by Louvel on the steps of the Opera House at Paris in 1820.
[77] General Du Pont, 1759-1838.
[78] Eldest son of Edward Stanley, b. 1811.
[79] Soissons had been taken in February by the Russians under Winzengerode.
[80] E. D. Davenport, Esq., of Capesthorne, Cheshire, 1778-1847.
[81] May, 1813.
[82] October, 1813.
[83] Subsequent accounts which I heard proved that this second account was nearer the truth than the first (E. Stanley).
[84] Queen Louise, nee Princess of Mecklenburg Strelitz.
[85] Grand Duke Constantine, brother of Czar Alexander, 1779-1831.
[86] Lady Catherine North, sister of Lady Sheffield, married 1786, Sylvester Douglas, Lord Glenbervie.
[87] Hon. F. North, fifth Earl of Guilford.
[88] Marshal Macdonald, 1765-1840.
[89] General Maison, 1771-1840, one of the most faithful of Napoleon's generals.
[90] This disastrous expedition to attack Antwerp sailed under the Earl of Chatham, July 20, 1809, and ended in total failure. The troops were withdrawn in December, 1809.
[91] Sir Thomas Graham, 1748-1843, afterwards Lord Lynedoch.
[92] Louis Buonaparte, third brother of Napoleon, 1778-1846; King of Holland, 1806-1813.
[93] A novel by Lady Morgan.
[94] F. North, afterwards 5th Earl of Guilford.
[95] A member of the Directory.
[96] In the neighbourhood of Lyons.
[97] The defeat of the British Flotilla by the Americans in September, 1814.
[98] Ferdinand VII., b. 1784, d. 1833.
[99] Daughter of the Duke of Saxe Coburg; married in 1796 to the Grand Duke Constantine of Russia.
[100] Daughter of the second Earl of Guilford: married, 1800, John, son of Earl of Balcarres; d. 1849.
[101] Son of Lord Glenbervie, and nephew of Lord Sheffield.
[102] General Clarke, 1765-1818. He took part in the negotiations for the Treaty of Campo Formio in 1797. He was made Duc de Feltre for his services against the English at Walcheren. He accepted service under Louis XVIII., and was his Minister of War, 1815-1816.
[103] Marshal Macdonald (made Duc de Tarente after the battle of Wagram, 1809), b. 1765, d. 1840. He did not join Napoleon during the Hundred Days, but refused employment under the King, and served only as a simple soldier in the National Guard.
[104] Edward Leycester had inherited in December, 1815, the fortune of his cousin, Lady Penrhyn, who directed in her will that he should assume the name of Penrhyn. He married, in 1823, Lady Charlotte Stanley, daughter of the 14th Earl of Derby.
[105] Lord Pevensey, son of Earl of Sheffield.
[106] Panorama by Barker, shown in London.
[107] Married Sir Edward Parry, K.C.B., the Arctic navigator, 1826.
[108] Allusions to the characters in "Guy Mannering."
[109] John Scott, painter, 1774-1828.
[110] Hougoumont was occupied by Byng's Brigade, and resisted the repeated attacks of the French throughout the battle.
[111] Napoleon's army, on the day of Waterloo, occupied the plateau of La Belle Alliance.
[112] A farm occupied by the King's German Legion under Major Baring; after a gallant resistance captured by the French at 4 o'clock on June 18th.
[113] Wellington watched the battle from the shade of an elm-tree, which was afterwards sold to an Englishman, who made the wood into boxes and sold them as memorials.
[114] General Bertrand, 1773-1844; fought in Egypt and distinguished himself at Austerlitz and in the campaigns of Wagram and Moscow. He followed Napoleon to Elba and to St. Helena.
[115] Inn at Alderley.
[116] Sir George Scovell, 1774-1861, General. He fought in the Peninsula and at Waterloo.
[117] Sir Lowry Cole, second son of first Earl of Enniskillen, General of 4th Division at the Battle of Salamanca. He received the thanks of both Houses of Parliament for his gallant services in the Peninsula. Commanded 6th Division at Waterloo.
[118] Comte d'Artois, afterwards King Charles X.
[119] Daughter of Louis XVI.
[120] Caroline of Naples.
[121] Michael Bruce, one of the Englishmen who helped Lavalette to escape from prison. He was known as Lavalette's Bruce. He had previously tried to save Ney. Major-General Wilson and Captain Hutchinson were also concerned in Lavalette's escape.
[122] Denon (1747-1825), a member of the Academic de Peinture. He made sketches in Egypt for Napoleon, quietly finishing them on the battlefield. He directed the Emperor what objects of art he should take from various countries to enrich the Louvre. Napoleon made him Directeur-General of Museums.
[123] Abbe Roch Ambroise Sicard, founder of deaf and dumb school at Paris, 1742-1822.
[124] Labedoyere, General (1786-1815). Shot at Grenelle, 1815.
[125] French poet and Academician, 1738-1813. |