Beeton's Book of Needlework
by Isabella Beeton
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ILLUSTRATION 233 (Hollow Spots).—The ground is worked in double crochet (illustration 220). These spots, which appear raised, consist of 5 treble stitches; they are worked in every other row at intervals of 5 stitches. For working them leave 1 loop on the needle, insert the needle between the 2 long sides of the last-worked double stitch, and work 5 treble stitches, always inserting the needle into the front part of 1 stitch of the preceding row. The first 4 treble are completed entirely without taking up the loop which was on the needle; with the fifth treble stitch only the 3 loops are cast off together by winding the cotton round the needle. Miss 1 stitch of the preceding row under the spot.

ILLUSTRATION 234 (Open-work Spots).—These spots are treble stitches divided by 2 chain; miss 2 stitches under the latter; for the rest, they are worked like the raised spots (illustration 232).

ILLUSTRATION 235 (Raised Treble Stitch).—These stitches are long treble worked on a ribbed ground (illustration 222), and are thrown across 3 rows of the same. The raised treble are always worked on the same side of the work and in the long side of the corresponding stitch of the last row but two. After every row with treble stitch comes a row in ribbed stitch. At the beginning work 3 rows of ribbed stitch; the treble stitches begin only in the 4th row.

ILLUSTRATION 236 (Purl Stitch).—These purl stitches imitate a lace edging perfectly well. Work 1 double, draw out the loop to a certain length (this forms the purl), take the needle out of it, insert it in the front part of the last stitch which has been worked (see illustration), wind the cotton round the needle and draw it through as a loop; 1 double, 1 purl, and so on.

ILLUSTRATION 237 (Purl Stitch turned upwards).—Work 1 treble, then 7 chain stitch. Insert the needle into the 2nd of the 7 chain stitch downwards, so that the chain stitches form a scallop upwards (see illustration), wind the cotton round the needle and draw the cotton through; work 1 chain stitch and 1 treble in the next stitch but 3, missing 3 stitches under it.

ILLUSTRATION 238 (Purl Stitch turned downwards).—The chain stitches form a scallop turned downwards. After having worked the 7 chain stitches take the needle out of the loop, insert it underneath the upper chain of the 2nd chain stitch, from right to left, and draw it through the loop in the direction of the arrow. Wind the cotton round the needle and cast all the loops off together. It is evident that the purl stitches may be worked at larger or smaller distances.

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239.—Small Crochet Basket.

Materials: 2 balls of closely-covered white and silver, and 1 ball of pink and silver twine; a crochet needle.

For the bottom: Make a chain of 4 stitches and unite it, work 3 long, 3 chain, and repeat three times more.

2nd round: Work 3 long into the 1st 3 chain, make 3 chain, work 3 long into the next 3 chain, make 3 chain, work 3 long into the same place, make 3 chain, and repeat.

3rd round: 3 long, 3 chain, working twice into the 3 chain of last round.

4th round: 3 long, 3 chain, increasing in every other 3rd chain by working twice into it.

5th round: Increasing in every 3rd chain, repeat.

For the leaves: Make a chain of 32 stitches, then work a row of 1 long stitch and 1 chain stitch with the silver twine.

2nd round: Work 1 long stitch into each chain stitch in 1st row, make 1 chain stitch, repeat. (At the point, make 4 long, with a chain stitch between each), repeat on the other side of the chain, 1 long stitch and 1 chain stitch alternately.

3rd round: With pink: Work over a wire in double crochet 1 stitch into each loop, work 15 more leaves in the same way, join each leaf half way, then sew it to the centre, work a row of double crochet 1 yard in length, and twist it for the handle. This should also be crocheted over wire.

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240 to 243.—Couvrette in Crochet.

Materials: Messrs. Walter Evans and Co.'s Boar's Head cotton No. 10, and steel crochet needle.

This very pretty pattern is composed of separate circles representing dahlias in raised work upon an open centre. No. 242 shows one of these large circles in full size, No. 241 one of the small circles placed in the spaces between the larger ones, No. 243 part of the border, and No. 240 the couvrette when completed, but in reduced size.

For each large circle make a chain of 20 stitches, and join it into a circle.

1st round: 30 stitches of double crochet over the circle of chain stitches.

2nd round: 36 stitches of double crochet.

3rd round: 1 double, 5 chain, miss 1. 4th round:

The same as the preceding—the 1 double always on the 3rd chain.

5th round: Close double crochet; 3 stitches in 1 in the centre stitch of each loop.

6th to 12th round: The same as the 5th, close double crochet, increasing in the centre of each small scallop, which forms the 18 raised petals of the dahlia.

13th round: Here begins the open-work border round the dahlia. Work 1 double between 2 petals, taking together the 2 centre stitches, 1 double in the next, 5 chain. There will be 18 loops of 5 chain in the round.

14th to 17th round: 1 double in centre of each loop, 5 chain between. 18th round: 1 double in centre of 1st loop, 4 chain, 1 treble in next loop; in the top of this treble stitch work 3 double, with 3 chain between each; make 4 chain. Repeat the same all round, and the large circle is completed. Six of these are required.

For each small circle make a chain of 10 stitches, and join it into a round.

1st round: 16 stitches of close double crochet.

2nd round: 1 treble, 3 chain, miss 1, 8 times.

3rd round: 9 treble over each loop of chain, 1 double between. This completes 1 of the 6 small circles placed round the large ones in the centre of the couvrette. The 6 that are placed between the 5 other large circles have 1 more round, which is worked as follows:—1 treble in the centre of 1 scallop in the top of this treble stitch, 3 double, with 3 chain between each, 6 chain. Repeat the same all round.

When all the circles are completed, join them together, as seen in illustration 217, and work the border as follows:—

1st round: 1 treble in one of the trefoil branches of a small circle, 8 chain, 1 treble in next trefoil, 8 chain, 1 treble in 3rd trefoil, 8 chain, 1 long treble in 4th trefoil, 10 chain, 1 long treble in 1 trefoil of a large circle, 1 treble in each of the 4 next trefoils of the large circle, 8 chain between each 8 chain, 1 long treble in the last trefoil of the large circle,10 chain. Repeat all round.

2nd round: 2 treble, with 1 chain between, in first stitch of last round, * 4 chain, miss 5, 2 treble with 1 chain between next stitch. Repeat from *.

3rd and 4th rounds: The same as the 2nd. The 2 treble always in 1 chain.

5th round: In each 1 chain, 4 treble, with 1 chain between the 2nd and 3rd, 4 chain after the 4 treble. The same all round.

6th round: The same as the 5th.

7th round: 1 treble in 1 chain, 1 trefoil in the top of the treble, 6 chain. Repeat the same all round, which completes the couvrette.

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244.—Star in Crochet.

Materials: Messrs. Walter Evans and Co.'s crochet cotton No. 80, or with No. 8 or 10 for couvrettes.

A number of these stars joined together will make very pretty strips of insertion. For this purpose they should be worked with fine cotton. They may also be used for trimming collars, cuffs, and cravats, the material being cut away underneath. If worked with crochet cotton No. 8 or 10, they will make nice couvrettes, bed-quilts, &c.

The star is begun by the outer circle. Make a chain of 70 stitches, and join it into a circle. * Make 10 chain, miss 3, work 1 extra long treble, 1 treble, and 1 double, inserting the needle under the chain, then 1 double worked as usual, 1 long double, 2 extra long double, miss 4, and work 1 double, inserting the needle under the 5th. Repeat 13 times from * Fasten off, and for the centre of the star work as follows:—

1st round: * 10 chain, turn, miss 1 and work 1 double in the next 7 chain, 1 double in the 1st of the 10 chain, thus forming 1 loop. Repeat from * 5 times more.

2nd round: 12 double on the first loop of chain of the first branch, 1 double in the centre of the branch, 2 chain; slip the stitch which is upon the needle in one of the stitches of the foundation chain of the outer circle, work 1 double in the first of the 2 chain last made, then 12 double in the remaining loop of chain of the branch, and 1 double at the bottom of the branch. Repeat 5 times more from *. The centre star must be joined on to the outer circle at regular distances.

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245.—Crochet Silk Bag over Rings.

Materials: 2 skeins each of black, blue, rose, and drab coarse purse twist; 8 skeins of the spangled silk for the top part of the bag and strings; the tassel for the bottom is made of the silks that are left; rings.

Work over a ring in double crochet, with black, 48 stitches and fasten off; this is for the centre ring. Then with the rose colour take a ring and work 24 stitches in double crochet as before, take a second ring, and work 24 double crochet over it without cutting off the silk, work over 4 more rings in the same manner, then work on the other side of the rings to correspond, join the first and last ring together, and sew in the centre ring; this completes the 1st circle. Work 12 more rounds in the same way, 3 rose colour, with drab centre, 3 blue with black, 3 drab with rose centre, 3 black with blue, join 6 circles of the alternate colours to the 1st circle, 1 to each ring, then sew the second ring to the corresponding one of the next circle, till the 6 are united; join the other 6 circles in the following manner: join one ring to the second from the one that was sewed to the 1st circle, join the next ring to the corresponding one of the next circle (which will be the one opposite to the one sewed in the 1st circle), and repeat, joining the other 5 in the same way.

For the small diamond make a chain of 5 stitches and unite it, work 4 long stitches into the circle, make 2 chain, work 1 single stitch to the centre of the ring missed in joining the last circle, make 2 chain, work 4 long into the circle, make 2 chain, and work a stitch of single crochet to the centre of the next ring, make 2 chain, work 4 long into the same place, make 5 chain, work 4 long into the same place, make 2 chain, and work a stitch of single crochet to the next ring, make 2 chain, and join it to the first of the long stitches; this completes the diamonds; work 5 more, joining them in the same way, then work over 12 rings, and join one on each side of every diamond; this completes the lower part of the bag. For the top part of the bag work 3 stitches of double crochet to the centre of each ring, make 5 chain, and repeat. 1st round: Work 1 long stitch, make 1 chain, miss 1 loop, and repeat. Work 12 more rounds in the same way, working the long stitch into the chain stitch of last row. Run some cord in the top of the bag to match one of the colours used, and make the tassel for the bottom from the silk that is remaining after working the crochet.

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246.—Crochet Sovereign Purse.

Materials: 1 skein of black purse silk: 1 skein of coloured ditto; a few steel beads; and a steel clasp.

The open portion of this purse is worked in coloured, and the raised rose and outer border in black, silk, the latter being dotted with steel beads. A few rows of plain double crochet are worked, increasing where necessary, to make the work lie flat; then 4 rows of loops of chain in coloured silk, and then 3 rows of thick double crochet, threading the beads first on the silk, and pushing them up to the stitches when required.

The black silk must now be joined on to the centre, and the little raised piece worked in treble crochet, inserting the hook on the upper side of the stitches. Three rounds of treble are executed, and when both sides of the purse are finished they should be joined together (except where the clasp is put on) by a row of open treble, ornamented with beads. This purse is so easy to make, that it might be worked without the least difficulty from the illustration.

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247.—Stars in Crochet.

Materials: Messrs. Walter Evans and Co.'s crochet cotton No. 8 or 20.

This pattern can be used for a couvrette or pincushion cover, according to the size of the cotton with which it is worked.

Each star is begun in the centre by a chain of 8 stitches. In the 1st stitch work 1 treble, * 4 chain, 1 treble in this same 1st stitch, repeat from * 3 times more, 4 chain, 1 slip stitch in the 4th of the 8 chain. You have thus formed 8 rays, joined to the 1st stitch. Now work (without cutting the cotton) the branches, which are begun from the centre.

1st branch.—1st round: 18 chain, 1 treble in the 13th, so as to form a purl with the last 5, 2 chain, 3 treble with 2 chain between, missing 2 stitches under the 2 chain, 2 chain, 1 slip stitch in the last of the 18 chain.

2nd round: 2 double over the 1st 2 chain, 2 double with 1 purl between over the next 2 chain, 2 double over the next 2 chain, 1 purl, 7 double over the next 5 chain; then, on the other side of the branch, 1 purl, 2 double, 1 purl, 2 double, 2 double with 1 purl between, 2 double on the last 2 chain of the branch, 1 slip stitch in the stitch from which the leaf was begun, 5 double over the 4 chain of the circle. Here begins the second branch.

1st round of the 2nd leaf: 22 chain, 1 double in the last so as to form a circle.

2nd round: 1 double in each of the 10 first chain, in the next stitch work 1 double, 1 chain, 1 double to form the point, 1 double in each of the 10 remaining stitches, 1 slip stitch in the 1st stitch of the 1st round.

3rd round: 3 double, 1 purl, repeat from * twice more, then work in double crochet as far as the point, work 2 double with 1 chain between, then work the 2nd half of the branch the same as the 1st. Before beginning the next leaf, work 5 double on the chain stitches of the circle; work 6 branches, repeating alternately the 2 above explained; cut the cotton and fasten it on again to the point of one of the branches, in order to join them together by the two following rounds:—

1st round: 1 double in the point of one of the leaves, * 4 chain, 1 purl under the chain; thus make 5 chain, turn the chain with the crochet to the right, insert the needle downwards in the first chain, and make a slip stitch, 4 chain, 1 purl under, 4 chain, 1 purl under, 4 chain, 1 slip stitch in the point of the next leaf, repeat from * five times more.

2nd round: * 4 double over the nearest 4 chain; 1 purl as usual—that is, above the chain—4 double over the next 4 chain. Now work 1 trefoil (thus: 1 chain, 1 purl, 1 chain, 1 purl, 1 chain, 1 double in the 1 double coming just before the 3 purl). 1 double on each of the next 4 chain of last round, 1 purl, 5 double, 1 trefoil, repeat five times from *.

Join the stars by a few stitches, as seen in the illustration.

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248.—Crochet Purse over Rings.

Materials: 67 rings; 2 skeins each of cerise and black, and 1 of maize coarse purse silk.

Work in double crochet with maize over one ring 38 stitches; this is the centre ring for the bottom of the purse.

Then work with cerise colour over a ring 19 stitches, take another ring and work 19 stitches, repeat this till you have 6 rings, then work round the other half of each ring 19 stitches; and when the 6 are finished, join the first to the last to make a circle; sew the maize ring into the centre of it, then work over 12 rings with black in the same manner, and place them outside the cerise circle. Then work over 16 rings with maize colour, and join them beyond the black, but not to lie flat down; they are to stand up to form the sides of the purse. Work over 16 rings with cerise, and these you can join one to each of the former rounds in working the second half of the crochet, as it will save the sewing. Work over 16 rings in black, and join them in the same manner to the cerise. For the edge, with cerise, work into the centre stitch of the ring a stitch of double crochet, make 5 chain, work into the stitch joining the 8 rings an extra long stitch, make 5 chain, repeat. Then work 4 rounds of single open crochet.

6th round: * Work a stitch of double crochet and 1 chain alternately, missing 1 loop between each 4 times, then work a long stitch, make 1 chain, work into the next loop 1 long stitch, make 2 chain, work another long stitch into the same place, make 1 chain, work a long stitch into the next loop, repeat from *.

7th round: Work into the 2 chain 1 long stitch, make 2 chain, work another long stitch into the same place, * make 1 chain, work a stitch of double crochet into the 1 chain in last round, repeat from * 3 times more, miss the next 1 chain, * work a stitch of double crochet into the next 1 chain, make 1 chain, repeat from * 3 times more, then repeat from the beginning.

8th round: Join the black, work into the 2 chain 1 long stitch, make 2 chain, work another long stitch into the same place, make 2 chain, work another long stitch into the same place, make 1 chain, work a 4th long stitch into the same place, * make 1 chain, work a stitch of double crochet into the 1 chain, repeat from * 3 times more, miss the next 2 stitches of double crochet, * work a stitch of double crochet into the 1 chain, make 1 chain, repeat from * 3 times more, then repeat from the beginning.

9th round: Work into the 2 chain 1 long stitch, make 2 chain, work another long stitch into the same place, repeat the stitches of double crochet with 1 chain between, as in last round, then repeat from the beginning. 10th and 11th rounds the same as the 9th. Add a tassel at the bottom, and strings run into the last row of open crochet complete the purse.

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249.—Crochet Brioche Cushion.

Materials: 10 skeins of 12-thread fleecy, of six shades of red (these should be most of the darker shades); 2 skeins of white ditto; 1 skein of white filoselle.

Make a chain of 196 stitches with the darkest shade of red wool, and join it into a circle. Work 1 round of raised spots thus:—Turn the wool 5 times round the needle, insert the needle in 1 chain, and draw it through all the loops, then work 1 slip stitch, insert the needle in the next stitch, work 1 double, and begin a fresh spot. Continue in the same way all round.

2nd round: Divide the round into 7 parts; work 12 spots with the 3rd shade of red, always working 1 double between each spot, and taking care to place them between those of preceding round: after 12 spots, work 1 double, then 12 more, and so on.

3rd round: 3rd shade of red, 11 spots, 1 double.

4th round: 4th shade, 10 spots, 3 double.

5th round: 5th shade, 9 spots, 5 double.

6th round: Same shade, 8 spots, 7 double.

7th round: 5th shade, 7 spots, 9 double.

8th round: Same shade, 6 spots, 11 double.

9th round: Same shade, 5 spots, 13 double.

10th round: 6th shade, 4 spots, 15 double.

11th round: Same shade, 3 spots, 17 double.

12th round: Same shade, 2 spots, 19 double.

13th round: Same shade, 1 spot, 21 double. The pattern of raised spots being now completed, continue to work with the lightest shade of red in double stitches, decreasing once above each pattern, so as to close up the circle gradually. The white flowers are worked over the plain part of the cushion with white wool, and silk for the petals, and a black dot in the centre. The cushion is stuffed with horsehair and lined with glazed calico. A round of thick pasteboard is stitched in at the bottom, to make it stand firmer.

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250.—Daisy Pattern for a Crochet Couvrette.

Materials: For a large couvrette, Messrs. Walter Evans and Co.'s Boar's Head cotton No. 8; for pincushion covers, mats, and such-like small articles, Boar's Head cotton No. 16 or 20.

A pattern of this description is most useful, as it can be converted to so many purposes. Counterpanes, couvrettes of every description, mats, pincushions, and a thousand other things can all be arranged from the design.

Each circle is made separately, and joined to the others, as the last row is crocheted. Begin in the centre; make 8 chain, insert the needle in the first, and make * a long treble stitch, then make 3 chain, repeat 4 times from *, always inserting the needle in the 1st chain stitch, join the last chain to the 5th of the 1st 8 chain to close the round.

2nd round: Work 1 double crochet, * 9 chain, turn, work a slip stitch in each of the 9 chain; work round the stem thus made in close crochet, working 3 stitches in 1 to turn at the point; miss 1 stitch of preceding row, work 2 double crochet, and repeat from * 5 times more, making 6 petals in all.

3rd round: Work at the back of the last row, behind the petals; make 1 petal between each petal in last row, 1 double crochet at the back of each, and cut the cotton at the end of the round.

4th round: 2 double crochet at the point of each of the 12 petals, 5 chain between each petal.

5th round: 2 treble, 5 chain, repeat.

6th and last round: 1 double crochet in the centre of the 1st 5 chain, * 5 chain, 1 treble in the centre of the next 5 chain, 5 chain, 1 slip stitch in the top of the treble stitch, 6 chain, 1 slip stitch in the same place, 5 chain, a 3rd slip stitch in the same place, 5 chain, 1 double crochet in the centre of the next 5 chain, repeat from * to the end of the round. There should be 12 trefoil patterns in the round.

For the couvrette join the circles together, as shown in illustration, in working the last round. As many circles can be added as may be required for the couvrette.

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251.—Crochet Lace.

Materials: Messrs. Walter Evans and Co.'s crochet cotton No. 40 or 60.

This lace produces a very good effect when worked with fine cotton. Make a sufficiently long foundation chain, and work the 1st row entirely in double stitch.

2nd row: * 1 treble in the next stitch, 1 chain, miss 1 stitch under it; repeat from *.

3rd row: 1 long treble in the 3rd stitch of the preceding row, * 3 purl (each consisting of 5 chain, 1 double, in the 1st of the same), 1 long treble in the same stitch of the preceding row, 1 purl, miss 3, 3 double in the 3 following stitches, 1 purl, miss 3 stitches, 1 long treble in the 4th stitch; repeat from *.

4th row: * 3 double in the middle of the next 3 purl of the preceding row, 1 purl, 2 long treble divided by 3 purl in the middle of the 3 next double in the preceding row, 1 purl; repeat from *.

5th row: * 2 long treble, divided by 3 purl in the middle of the next 3 double of the preceding row, 1 purl, 3 double in the middle of the next 3 purl of the preceding row, 1 purl; repeat from *. Repeat the 4th and 5th rows alternately till the border is wide enough.

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252.—Crochet Border.

Material: Messrs. Walter Evans and Co.'s crochet cotton No. 12, 16, 24, or 40.

This border is suitable for a great variety of purposes, according to the size of the cotton employed; in coarse cotton it will make a trimming for couvrettes and berceaunette covers; with fine cotton it can be used for children's clothes, small curtains, &c. Make a sufficiently long foundation chain, and work the 1st row: * 2 treble divided by 3 chain in the 1st foundation chain stitch, miss 3; repeat from *.

2nd row: * In the 1st scallop of the preceding row, 1 double, 5 treble, 1 double, then 1 chain, 1 purl (4 chain, 1 slip stitch in the 1st of the four), 1 chain, miss under these the next chain stitch scallop; repeat from *.

3rd row: 1 treble in the chain stitch on either side of the purl in the preceding row, 5 chain.

4th row: * 2 double divided by 7 chain in the two first treble of the preceding row (insert the needle underneath the upper parts of the stitch), 10 chain, 1 slip stitch in the 5th of these 10 stitches so as to form a loop, 4 chain, repeat from *.

5th row: * 1 slip in the middle stitch of the scallop formed by 7 chain in the preceding row, 4 treble, 3 chain, 5 treble, 3 chain, 4 treble, all these 13 stitches in the loop of the preceding row, so as to form a clover-leaf pattern; repeat from *, but fasten the 4th treble with a slip stitch on the 10th treble of the preceding figure.

6th row: In the first and last stitch of the 5 middle treble of the clover-leaf 1 double, 7 chain between, 7th row: * 1 double in the 2nd chain stitch of the scallop which is above the 5 middle treble of the clover-leaf, 2 chain, 1 purl (5 chain, 1 slip stitch in the 1st), 2 chain, 1 double in the next chain stitch of the same scallop, 2 chain, 1 purl, 2 chain, miss one chain of the scallop, 1 double, 2 chain, 1 purl, 2 chain, 1 double in the next chain stitch, 3 chain. 1 double in the middle stitch of the following scallop, 3 chain, repeat from *.

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253—Crochet Border

Materials: Messrs. Walter Evans and Co.'s crochet cotton No. 24, 40, or 60, according to the article for which it is required.

On a sufficiently long foundation chain work the 1st row: 1 double in each chain stitch.

2nd row: Alternately 1 double, 7 chain, miss under the latter 3 stitches of the preceding row.

3rd row: 1 treble in each double of the preceding row, 1 double in the middle stitch of each scallop, 2 chain between.

4th row: 1 double on each double of the preceding row, 1 treble on each treble, 3 chain between.

5th row: 1 double on each treble of the preceding row, 3 chain between.

6th row: 1 double in each stitch of the preceding row.

7th row: * 1 treble in the 1st stitch of the preceding row, 4 chain, miss 1, 3 treble in the following 3 stitches, miss 3 stitches, 3 treble in the following 3 stitches, 4 chain, miss 1 stitch, 1 treble, 3 chain, miss 4; repeat from *.

8th row: Repeat regularly 8 treble in the scallop formed of 4 chain in the preceding row, 1 double in the middle of the following 3 chain.

9th row: * 1 double in the 4th treble of the preceding row, 2 treble, 1 long treble in next treble but 2, 2 long treble in each of the 2 following treble, 1 long treble, 2 treble in the next treble, 1 double in the next treble but 2, 3 chain, 1 purl (4 chain, 1 slip), 3 chain stitch; repeat from *.

10th row: * 1 double in the 4th treble of the preceding row, 2 chain, 1 purl, 2 chain, miss 2 under them, 1 double, 2 chain, 1 purl, 2 chain, 1 double in the next chain but 1 of the next scallop, 2 chain, 1 purl, 2 chain, 1 double in the 2 chain stitch after the purl of the preceding row, 2 chain, 1 purl, 2 chain; repeat from *.

11th row: In each scallop of the preceding row 2 double (they must meet on either side of the purl); they are divided alternately by 5 chain, and by a scallop formed of 2 chain, 1 purl, and 2 chain, only in the chain stitch scallops which join the two treble figures work no double, but 2 chain, 1 purl, 2 chain.

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254 to 257.—Wicker Arm Chair, covered with Crochet.

Material: Berlin wool in two colours.

The seat and back of this arm-chair are covered with two round couvrettes, worked in crochet with Berlin wool of two colours. They are fastened on the chair with woollen braid, finishing off with tassels of the same colour. Begin each couvrette in the centre with a foundation chain of 6 stitches, with the lightest wool; join them into a circle, and work the 1st round in the following manner:—12 double.

2nd round: * 3 chain, 1 double, in the next stitch of the 1st round, inserting the needle in the upper part of the stitch; repeat from * 11 times more; at the end of this round work 1 slip stitch in the 1st chain of this round. We shall not repeat any more the repetitions from * to the end of the round.

3rd round: * 4 chain, 1 double, in the next scallop of the preceding round; at the end of the round 4 chain.

4th round: 4 double in each scallop of the preceding round.

5th round: Begin to work with the darker wool and crochet slip stitch, inserting the needle in the front chain of the stitches of the 4th round.

The 6th round is worked once more with light wool, and consists entirely of double stitch, worked by inserting the needle at the back of the stitches of the 4th round, so that the slip stitches appear raised on the right side of the work, and form a round of chain stitches. The middle part of the couvrette is then finished.

Illustration 257 shows it in full size.

7th round: * 2 chain, missing 1 stitch of the preceding round under them, 1 double.

8th round: * 3 chain, 1 double, in the next scallop of the preceding round.

9th round: 3 double in each scallop.

10th round, like the 5th;

11th round, like the 6th;

12th, 13th, 14th, 15th, and 16th rounds, like the 7th—11th;

17th—19th rounds like the 7th—9th.

20th round: Alternately 1 treble with the light wool, 1 treble with the dark; but every treble stitch must be cast off with the wool of the colour of the next stitch; that is, a light treble stitch with the dark wool, and a dark treble stitch with the light wool. Now and then crochet 2 treble stitches in one stitch of the preceding round, so that the couvrette remains perfectly flat.

21st round: 1 double in every stitch.

The 22nd—31st rounds consist of a double repetition of the 7th—11th rounds.

The 32nd and 33rd rounds are made in open work like the 7th and 8th rounds.

The 34th round is worked in treble stitches like the 20th round. Then work the outer border. It consists of chain stitch scallops which are worked alternately with dark and light wool. Illustration No. 256 shows a part of the border with the treble round in full size. Work from it with the light wool 1 double on 1 light treble stitch of the preceding round, 5 chain, 1 double, on the next light treble, throw the wool off the needle and let it hang over the right side of the work; crochet with the dark wool 1 double on the treble stitch between the 2 double of this round, leave the wool on the right side of the work; 5 chain, 1 double, on the next dark treble. Take the needle again out of the loop, draw the wool on to the right side, and work the next chain stitch scallop again with the light wool.

Instead of this border, pattern No. 255 may be worked. It consists of 3 rounds to be worked after the 34th round of the couvrette.

1st round of the border: With dark wool, * 1 double in 1 stitch, of the 34th round; 1 double, 3 treble, 1 double, in the next stitch; repeat from *.

2nd round: With the light wool, * 1 treble, inserting the needle in the next treble stitch of the 34th round, thus working over the double stitch between the spots of the preceding round; 1 chain.

3rd round * 3 double in each chain stitch of the preceding round. To work the 2nd of these 3 double, insert the needle at the same time in the upper part of the middle treble of the 1st round.

4th round: Dark wool, * 1 double in each double of the preceding round, miss 1, and work 3 treble in the next stitch but one; the last of these 3 treble is cast off with light wool, miss 1, and continue to work with the light wool 1 double in the next stitch but one, miss 1, 3 treble in the next stitch, cast off the last with the dark wool, miss 1; repeat from *.

* * * * *

258 to 260.—Crochet Insertions.

Material: Messrs. Walter Evans and Co.'s crochet cotton No. 30, 40, or 60.

These insertions are worked with crochet cotton of sizes which depend upon the use you wish to make of them. The insertion seen in illustration 258 is worked the long way in 8 rows. Make a sufficiently long foundation chain, and work the 1st row as follows:—1 slip stitch in the 1st stitch of the foundation, * 5 chain, miss 3, 1 double in the next stitch but 3, repeat from *.

2nd row: 1 slip stitch in the middle of the 1st 5 chain, * 3 chain, 1 slip stitch in the middle stitch of the next 5 chain, repeat from *.

3rd row: 1 treble in the 1st stitch, * 1 leaf worked as follows: 6 chain, then without noticing the loop left on the needle 1 long treble in the 2nd and 1 in the 1st of the 6 chain; these stitches are not cast off separately, but together with the loop left on the needle. Then 5 chain, miss 7, 1 treble in the 8th stitch, repeat from *.

4th row: 1 double in the 1st of the 5 chain, * 8 chain, 1 double in the 1st of the next 5 chain, repeat from *.

5th row: * 1 leaf as in the 3rd row, 1 double in the double stitch of the preceding row, 5 chain, repeat from *.

6th row: 1 treble in the point of the 1st leaf, * 7 chain, 1 treble in the point of the next leaf, repeat from *.

7th and 8th rows: Like the 1st and 2nd.

The insertion seen in illustration 259 is worked in 6 rows, and is begun in the centre on a foundation chain sufficiently long not to be worked too tight.

1st row: 4 double in the 1st 4 stitches, * 4 double divided in the same way on the other side of the foundation chain, inserting the needle in the 1st row into the 2 chain. Illustration 260 shows an insertion which imitates darned netting; it is worked on a grounding imitating netting with raised figures. The grounding consists of 9 rows. Work on a sufficiently long foundation chain the 1st row as follows: 1 cross treble in the 1st and 3rd stitch, * 2 chain, missing 2 stitches under them, 1 cross treble in the 6th and 8th stitch, repeat from *.

2nd row: 1 double in the 1st stitch, * 9 chain, miss 4 under them, 1 double in the 5th stitch, repeat from *.

3rd to 8th rows: 1 double in the middle stitch of every chain stitch scallop, 4 chain between. 9th row: Like the 1st. Work from illustration square patterns on this grounding, consisting each of 4 leaves; for these leaves carry on the cotton taken double in double windings from 1 double stitch to another, so as to have 4 threads lying close to each other; darn these as can be seen in illustration, with single cotton.

* * * * *

261.—Crochet Lace.

Material: Messrs. Walter Evans and Co.'s crochet cotton No. 30.

A particular kind of purl makes this border look very like guipure lace. Begin with a foundation chain worked in the following manner:—* 3 chain, the last of them forms 1 purl; this is made by drawing out a long loop on the needle, taking the needle out of the loop, inserting it in the chain stitch before the last one, drawing the cotton through it, and continuing to work so that the loop out of which the needle has been drawn forms 1 purl. All the purl must be equally long; to do this more easily the loop may be kept on the needle till a chain stitch has been worked in that which comes just before the purl, continue the foundation chain, and repeat from *.

1st row: 1 long double in the 1st stitch of the foundation, * 1 chain, 1 slip stitch in the nearest purl of the foundation chain; repeat from *.

2nd row: 1 double in the 1st stitch, * 1 purl, 1 chain, missing 1 stitch under it; 1 slip stitch in the slip stitch of the preceding row; repeat from *.

3rd row: Like the 1st.

4th row: 1 double in the 1st stitch, * 1 purl, 5 chain, 1 purl, 1 chain, missing 5 stitches under them; 1 double in the 6th stitch; repeat from *.

5th row: 1 long double in the 1st stitch, 3 chain, 1 purl, 1 chain, * 1 double in the middle of the next 5 chain of the preceding row, 1 purl, 5 chain, 1 purl, 1 chain; repeat from *.

6th to 9th rows: Alternately like the 4th and 5th rows.

10th row: 1 double in the 1st stitch, * 6 chain, 1 double long treble (throw the cotton 3 times round the needle) in the 1st of these chain stitches; the stitch is only completed so far as still to leave 2 loops on the needle; 1 double long treble in the same chain stitch. This stitch is cast off so as to leave in all 3 loops, and the cotton over the needle; these loops are cast off together by drawing the cotton once through them. This forms 1 leaf, or one-half of the bell-shaped patterns. 3 purl, 1 chain, 1 leaf like the preceding one, 1 slip stitch in the 1st of the first 6 chain stitches; the other half of the pattern is then completed; 1 purl, 5 chain, 1 purl, 1 chain, 1 double in the middle stitch of the next scallop of the preceding row, 1 purl, 5 chain, 1 purl, 1 chain, 1 double in the middle stitch of the following scallop 11th row: 1 slip stitch in the next purl of the preceding row, 1 purl, 2 chain, 1 slip stitch in the next purl of the preceding row, 1 purl, 2 chain, 1 slip stitch in the following purl, 1 purl (the 3 purl which are worked on the 3 purl of the bell-shaped pattern are made in this row and in the following one as follows:—Crochet 1 chain after the slip stitch, leave it for 1 purl, and work the next chain stitch in the slip stitch), 1 purl, 5 chain, 1 purl, 1 chain, 1 double in the middle stitch of the following scallop, 1 purl, 3 chain, 1 purl, 1 chain. 12th row: 3 purl on the next 3 purl of the preceding row, 3 chain between, 1 purl, 3 chain, 1 purl, 1 chain, 1 double in the middle stitch of the next 5 chain stitches, 1 bell-shaped pattern like those of the 10th row, 1 purl, 3 chain, 1 purl, 1 chain.

* * * * *


262—D'Oyley No. 1.

Material: Messrs. Walter Evans and Co.'s Boar's Head cotton No. 20.

Pattern No. 1.—Make a chain of 8 stitches, unite it.

Round 1: * 1 double crochet, 9 chain, repeat from * 7 times more, 1 double crochet, unite it to the 1st stitch.

Round 2: 3 single crochet up the 3 1st of the chain in last row, *, 5 long into the loop of 9 chain, 1 chain, repeat from *.

Round 3: 1 long into the 1 chain in last round, 9 chain, repeat.

Round 4: 11 double crochet into the 9 chain in last round, repeat.

Round 5: 1 double crochet, 5 chain, miss 1 loop, repeat.

Round 6: 1 double crochet into the 5 chain, 5 chain, repeat.

Round 7: The same as 6th.

No. 2.—Make a chain of 6 stitches, and unite it.

Round 1: * 1 double crochet, 4 chain, repeat from * 5 times more.

Round 2: Into the 4 chain 1 double crochet, 4 long, and 1 double crochet, repeat.

Round 3: 1 double crochet over the double crochet in 1st round, 6 chain, repeat.

Round 4: Into the 6 chain in last round 1 double crochet, 6 long, 1 double crochet, repeat.

Round 5: 1 double crochet over the one in 3rd round, 8 chain, repeat.

Round 6: Into the 8 chain 1 double crochet, 8 long, 1 double crochet, repeat.

Round 7: 1 double crochet over the 1 in 5th round, 10 chain, repeat.

Round 8: Into the 10 chain 1 double crochet, 10 long, 1 double crochet, repeat.

Round 9: 1 double crochet over the 1 in 7th round, 12 chain, repeat.

Round 10: Into the 12 chain 1 double crochet, 12 long, 1 double crochet, repeat.

Round 11: 1 double crochet over the 1 in 9th round, 14 chain, repeat.

Round 12: Into the 14 chain 1 double crochet, 14 long, 1 double crochet, repeat.

Round 13: 1 double crochet over the 1 in 11th round, 14 chain, repeat. Work 3 patterns of No. 2 for this d'oyley.

No. 3.—Make a chain of 12 stitches, and unite it. Into the circle 1 double crochet, *, 2 long, 3 chain, repeat from * twice more, 2 double long, 4 chain, 2 double long, * 3 chain, 2 long, repeat from * twice more, 1 double crochet, 7 chain. Repeat from the beginning. In working the 2nd pattern, join it to the 1st with the 2nd 3 chain, work 3 leaves in this manner, then make only 3 chain, and work a 4th leaf without joining it to the 3rd, make 3 chain after 4th leaf, and work a stitch of double crochet into last 7 chain, make 3 chain. Work a 5th leaf, and join it to the 4th as before, 3 chain, 1 double crochet into the next 7 chain, 3 chain. Work a 6th leaf in the same way, and join it; but make no chain stitch after the 6th leaf. Work 3 patterns of No. 3 for this d'oyley.

No. 4.—The same as No. 3, only work 4 leaves instead of 6, 2 on each side. Work 3 patterns of No. 4 for this d'oyley.

No. 5.—Work the 3 1st leaves of No. 3 This is not repeated in this d'oyley.

No. 6.—Make a chain of 15 stitches, and unite it. Work into the circle 1 double crochet, 7 long, 6 double, 6 long, 5 chain, 6 double long, 7 long, 1 double crochet, 7 chain, joining the 7th long stitch to the corresponding stitch in 1st leaf, 3 chain. Work the 3rd leaf the same as the 1st without joining it to the 2nd, 3 chain, 1 double crochet into the 7 chain, 3 chain, work a 4th leaf, and join it to the 3rd, 3 chain, and join it to the 1st stitch of double crochet at the beginning of the 1st leaf. This pattern is not repeated in this d'oyley.

No. 7.—Tie a round of cotton about this size O.

Round 1: 20 double crochet into the round.

Round 2: 2 double crochet into successive loops, work 2 into 3rd loop, repeat.

Round 3: 1 double crochet into every loop.

Round 4: 1 double crochet, 5 chain, miss 2 loops, repeat.

Round 5: Into the 5 chain in last round 2 long, 5 chain, 2 more long stitches into the same place, 2 chain, repeat.

Round 6: Into the 5 chain 1 double crochet, 6 long, 1 double crochet, 5 chain, repeat. This pattern is not repeated in this d'oyley.

No. 8.—Make a chain of 10 stitches, and unite it.

Round I: 28 double long into the circle.

Round 2: 2 double crochet between each long in last round.

Round 3: 1 long, 2 chain, miss 1 loop, repeat.

Round 4: 3 long into the 2 chain, 1 chain, repeat.

Round 5: 1 double crochet into the 1 chain in last round, 5 chain, repeat. This pattern is not repeated in this d'oyley.

No. 9.—1st row: Make a chain of 30 stitches, work 1 long stitch into the 6th, *, 3 chain stitches, miss 3 loops, 1 long into the next, repeat from * to the end of the row.

2nd row: 11 chain, *, 1 double crochet on the other side of the chain into the centre one of the 3 between the long stitch, 1 chain, turn, and work into the 11 chain 3 double crochet and 9 long, 11 chain, repeat from * 7 times more, work into the chain stitches at the end 3 loops of 11 chain with the double crochet and long stitch as before, then work the other half of the pattern to correspond. 3rd row: Into the space between the long stitches 5 double crochet, 2 chain, repeat. This pattern is not repeated in this d'oyley.

No. 10.—Make a chain of 8 stitches, and unite it.

Round 1: Into the circle 24 double long, with 1 chain between each.

Round 2: 2 double crochet into the 1 chain in last round, repeat.

Round 3: 1 long, 2 chain, miss 1 loop, repeat.

Round 4: 1 double crochet into the 2 chain in last round, 5 chain, repeat. This pattern is not repeated in this d'oyley.

No. 11.—Make a chain of 7 stitches, and unite it.

Round 1: 20 long into the circle.

Round 2: 1 double crochet into every loop.

Round 3: 1 double crochet, 6 chain, miss 2 loops, repeat.

Round 4: 1 double crochet into the 6 chain, 7 chain, repeat. Round 5: 10 double crochet into the 7 chain, repeat.

Round 6: 1 long, 2 long into the next loop, repeat.

Round 7: 1 double crochet, 5 chain, miss 3 loops, repeat. This pattern is not repeated in this d'oyley.

No. 12.—Make a chain of 21 stitches, and unite it. Round 1: 30 double crochet into the circle. Round 2: *, 21 chain, join it to the 18th, work into the circle 1 double crochet, 2 long, 3 chain, 2 long, 5 chain, 2 long, 7 chain, 2 long, 5 chain, 2 long, 3 chain, 2 long and 1 double crochet, 1 single crochet into the 1st double crochet, 3 chain, 4 double crochet into the 3 chain, 2 chain, 6 double crochet into the 5 chain, 2 chain, 4 double crochet into the 7 chain, 3 chain, 4 double crochet into the same place, 2 chain, 6 double crochet into the 5 chain, 2 chain, 4 double crochet into the 3 chain, 3 chain, 1 single crochet into the stitches of double crochet at the end, 3 single crochet down the 3 for the stem, 9 single crochet into successive loops round the circle, repeat from * twice more. This pattern is not repeated in this d'oyley.

No. 13.—*, make 9 chain stitches, turn, 1 double crochet into each loop, repeat from * twice more, then work round both sides of these 3 points 1 double crochet, 3 chain, miss 1 loop at the top of each point, work twice into the same loop, then 5 chain, 1 double crochet into each end, unite the 5th to the last of the centre point of 9. This pattern is not repeated in this d'oyley.

No. 14.—Round 1: * make a chain of 13 stitches, and unite it, repeat from * 4 more times.

Round 2: 1 double crochet into 6 successive loops, 3 stitches into the 7th, 1 into each of the next 6 loops, repeat.

Round 3: 1 double crochet, 7 chain, 1 double crochet into the centre 1 of the 3 in last, 7 chain, miss 6, repeat.

Round 4: 1 double crochet, 3 chain, miss 1 loop, repeat. This pattern is not repeated.

No. 15.—*, make a chain of 19 stitches, unite it, 3 long into successive loops, 3 double long, 2 long, 1 double crochet, 5 chain, 1 double crochet into the next loop, 7 chain, 1 double crochet into the same place, 5 chain, work into successive loops 1 double crochet, 2 long, 3 double long, 3 long, unite the last to the first, 9 chain, repeat from * once more, then 5 double crochet into the 5 1st of the 9 chain, 7 chain, 1 double crochet into each, and 1 into each of the 4 remaining of the 9 chain. This pattern is not repeated in this d'oyley.

No. 16.—Make a chain of 11 stitches, *, work into successive loops 2 double crochet, 7 long, 2 double crochet, 2 more double crochet into the same loop as the last, repeat from * once, make a chain of 24 stitches, unite to the 20th, work into the circle, *, 1 long, 3 chain, 1 long, repeat from * 12 times, work into the 3 chain 1 long, 3 chain, work another long into the same place, repeat, join the last with 1 single crochet to the last of the 24 chain, 2 double crochet over the 2 of the leaf, 7 long into successive loops, 4 double long into successive loops, 4 long into the next loop, and 1 long into the next. This pattern is not repeated. When all these pieces are done, join them as shown in the engraving, sewing them firmly together with the same cotton, then work an edging round in the following manner:—1st row: 1 double long into the 4 chain at the point of the leaf of No. 4 pattern, 7 chain, 1 double long into the 2nd 3 chain in the same leaf, 8 chain, 1 double long into the 1st 3 chain of the 2nd leaf of the same pattern, 15 chain, 1 long into the 4 chain of No. 6 pattern, 15 chain, 1 long into the 4 chain of the next leaf in the same pattern, 12 chain, 1 long into the 3rd 5 chain from the join of the 11th pattern, 6 chain, 1 single crochet into the 2nd 5 chain from the long stitch, 9 chain, 1 single crochet into the 3rd 5 chain from the last, 6 chain, 1 long into the 2nd 5 chain from the last, 12 chain, work into the 2nd 5 chain from the join of the 7th pattern 1 long, 8 chain, 1 double crochet into the next 5 chain, 9 chain, 1 long into the next 5 chain, 8 chain, 1 double crochet in the 1st 3 chain from the join of 4th pattern, 11 chain, 1 double crochet into the 1st 3 chain of the 2nd leaf of the same pattern, 6 chain, 1 double crochet into the last 3 chain of the same leaf, 4 chain, 1 double crochet into the 3 chain of No. 5 pattern, 6 chain, 1 long into the 7 chain between the leaves of the same pattern, 10 chain, 1 long into the next 7 chain, 6 chain, 1 long into the 1st 3 chain of the 3rd leaf of the same pattern, 12 chain, 1 single crochet into the 3rd 5 of double crochet from the join of 9th pattern, 8 chain, 1 single crochet into the centre of the 2nd 5 double crochet from the last, 11 chain, 1 single crochet into the 2nd 5 of double crochet from the last, 12 chain, 1 double crochet into the 7 chain of 15th pattern, 7 chain, 1 double crochet into the 6th long stitch of the same leaf, 11 chain, 1 double crochet into the end of the stem of 15th pattern, 8 chain, 1 double long into the 1st 3 chain of the 4th pattern, 4 chain, 1 double long into the last 3 chain of the same leaf, 9 chain, 1 double long into the 2nd 3 chain of the 2nd leaf, 12 chain, 1 long into the 3rd 3 chain of No. 16 pattern, 8 chain, 1 long into the 2nd 3 chain of the same pattern from the last, 12 chain, 1 long into the 3rd 5 chain from the join of the 10th pattern, 10 chain, 1 long into the 3rd 5 chain from the last, 12 chain, 1 double crochet into the centre of the 7 of double crochet in 12th pattern, 12 chain, 1 long into the 5 double crochet of same pattern, 8 chain, 1 double crochet into the 3 chain in centre of same leaf, 9 chain, 1 long into the 3rd 5 chain from the join of the 8th pattern, 8 chain, 1 single crochet into the 3rd 5 chain from the last, 10 chain, 1 double long into the 3rd 5 chain from the stitch of single, 13 chain, and join it to the double long stitch at the beginning of the row. 2nd row: *, 12 chain, and unite it, 1 chain to cross, and on the other side into the circle 1 double crochet, 2 long, 3 chain, 2 long, 3 chain, 2 double long, 4 chain, then work down the other side to correspond, 8 double crochet into successive loops of the foundation, repeat from *, joining the leaves in the 1st 3 chain.

* * * * *

263.—D'Oyley No. 2.

Material: Messrs. Walter Evans and Co.'s Boar's Head cotton No. 20.

Pattern No. 1.—Make a chain of 4 stitches, and unite it. Round 1: 2 double crochet into each loop.

Round 2: 2 double crochet into each loop.

Round 3: 1 double crochet, 2 double crochet into the next loop, repeat.

Round 4: 1 double crochet into each loop.

Round 5: 1 double crochet, 5 chain, miss 2 loops, repeat.

Round 6: 9 double crochet into the 5 chain, repeat.

Round 7: 9 double crochet into successive loops, beginning on the 5th of the 9 in last round, 5 chain, 1 single crochet into the last double crochet, and repeat.

Round 8: 1 double crochet into the centre one of the 9 in last round, 11 chain, repeat. Round 9: 15 double crochet into the 11 chain in last round, repeat. Round 10: 15 double crochet into successive loops, beginning on the 8th of the 15 in last round, 5 chain, 1 single crochet into the last double crochet, repeat. Round 11: 1 double crochet into the centre one of the 15 in last round, 17 chain, repeat. Round 12: 21 double crochet into the 17 chain in last round.

No. 2.—Make a chain of 7 stitches, and unite it. Round 1: *, 7 chain, 1 double crochet into the circle, repeat from * twice more.

Round 2: 12 long into the 7 chain, repeat.

Round 3: 2 long into each loop.

Round 4: 1 long, 2 chain, miss 2 loops, repeat.

Round 5: 2 long into the 2 chain in last round, 1 chain, repeat.

Round 6: 1 double crochet into the 1 chain, 5 chain, repeat.

No. 3.—Make a chain of 14 stitches, and unite it.

Round 1: Into the circle 1 double crochet, 7 long, 6 double long, 4 chain, 6 double long, 7 long, 1 double crochet.

Round 2: 1 double crochet into every loop.

Round 3: 2 chain, miss 1 loop, 1 long and repeat, 4 long at the point, finish with a single stitch, 3 chain, and repeat this once more.

No. 4.—Make a chain of 13 stitches, and unite it, chain of 15 and unite it, chain of 13 and unite it, work 6 double crochet into successive loops, beginning on the 1st of the 1st loop of 13, 3 into the next loop, and 1 into each of the 6 next, 1 double crochet into each of the 1st 7 of the loop of 15, 3 into the next, 1 into each of the next 7, 1 double crochet into each of the 6 1st of the next loop of 13, 3 into the next, 1 into each of the next 6.

2nd row: 1 double crochet, 3 chain, miss 1 loop, repeat.

No. 5.—Make a chain of 13 stitches, and unite it.

Round 1: Into the circle 3 double crochet, 3 long, 3 double long, 5 treble long, 3 double long, 3 long, 3 double crochet.

Round 2: 1 double crochet into each of the 9 1st loops, 2 into each of the 2 next, and 3 into the next, 2 into each of the 2 next, and 1 into each of the 9 next. Round 3: 1 long, *, 3 chain, 1 long into the next loop, repeat from * at the end, unite the last to the 1st stitch, 9 chain, repeat from the beginning; in uniting the last stitch of the 2nd leaf, take up the centre stitch of the 9 chain with it, make 5 chain, and work a 3rd leaf in the same manner; in uniting the last stitch of the 3rd leaf, take up the last of the 5 chain with it, make 9 chain, turn, and work 1 double crochet into each, join the last to the last of the 5 and 9 chain stitch.

No. 6.—Make a chain of 6 stitches, and unite it.

Round 1: 1 double crochet into 1 loop, 5 chain, repeat 5 times more.

Round 2: Into the 5 chain 1 double crochet, 3 long, 1 double crochet, repeat.

Round 3: 1 double crochet over the 1st double crochet in last round, 7 chain, repeat.

Round 4: Into the 7 chain in last round 2 double crochet, 7 long, 2 double crochet, and repeat.

Round 5: 1 double crochet into the 1st double crochet in last round, 11 chain, repeat.

Round 6: Into the 11 chain in last round 3 double crochet, 9 long, 3 more double crochet, repeat.

No. 7.—1st row: Make a chain of 20 stitches. 1 long into the 15th, *, 2 chain, miss 2 loops, 1 long into the next, repeat from * to the end of the row.

2nd row: Turn, into the 2 chain 1 double crochet, 2 long, 1 double crochet, repeat this to the end, then into the 5 chain 1 double crochet, 2 long, 1 double long, 2 long, 1 double crochet, work the other side to correspond.

3rd row: 1 double crochet into the 1st double crochet in last row, 7 chain, and repeat to the point, 7 chain, 1 double crochet into the double long, work the other side to correspond. 4th row: Into the 7 chain 4 double crochet, 3 chain, 1 single into the last double crochet, 4 more double crochet into the same place, repeat.

No. 8.—1st row: 1 chain of 7 stitches, 1 double crochet into each of the 6 1st, 3 stitches into the 7th, work on the other side of the chain to correspond. 2nd row: 1 double crochet, 3 chain, miss 1 loop, repeat. 3rd row: 5 double crochet into the 3 chain, repeat.

No. 9.—The same as No. 3 in the 1st d'oyley, only 5 leaves instead of 6, 2 on each side, and 1 at the end; 2 of these will be required for this d'oyley.

No. 10.—Work the 2 1st leaves of No. 4 in the 1st d'oyley; 3 of these will be required for this d'oyley.

No. 11.—Work only 1 leaf of No. 4 in the 1st d'oyley. This is not to be repeated in this d'oyley.

No. 12.—The same as No. 4 in 1st d'oyley.

No. 13.—The same as No. 5.

No. 14.—The same as No. 8 in 1st d'oyley.

No. 15.—The same as No. 10.

No. 16.—The same as No. 11 in the 1st d'oyley.

No. 17.—The same as No. 2 in 1st d'oyley; 2 of these will be required.

No. 18.—The same as No 6 in 1st d'oyley; 2 of these will be required. When all these pieces are done, sew them firmly together, and work the edging round in the following manner:—1 double crochet into the 1st 4 chain of 9th pattern, 9 chain, 1 double crochet into the last 3 chain of same leaf, 4 chain, 1 double crochet into the 1st 3 chain of 2nd leaf, 10 chain, 1 double crochet in the 4 chain of same leaf, 8 chain, 1 long into the 4th of the 5 chain, from the joining of 15th pattern, 4 chain, 1 double crochet into the 2nd 5 chain, 4 chain, 1 long into the 2nd 5 chain from the last, 12 chain, 1 long into the last 3 chain of 10th pattern, 3 chain, 1 double crochet into the 4 chain of same leaf, 9 chain, 1 double crochet into the 4 chain of 2nd leaf, 12 chain, 1 long into the 1st double crochet from the join of No. 6 pattern, 9 chain, 1 long into the next stitch of double crochet after the long stitch, 16 chain, 1 long into the 3rd 5 chain from the join of 14th pattern, 8 chain, 1 double crochet into the 3rd 5 chain from the long stitch, 9 chain, 1 long into the 3rd 5 chain from the stitch of double crochet, 9 chain, 1 long into the 1st 3 chain of 10th pattern, 8 chain, 1 double crochet into the 4 chain of same leaf, 12 chain, 1 double crochet into the 4 chain of 15th pattern, 8 chain, 1 double crochet into the last 3 chain of same leaf, 9 chain, 1 long into the 1st 14 chain from the join of 17th pattern, 10 chain, 1 long into the next 14 chain of same pattern, 14 chain, 1 long into the 4th 5 chain from the join of 16th pattern, 6 chain, 1 double crochet into the 2nd 5 chain from last, 6 chain, 1 long into the 2nd 5 chain from last, 12 chain, 1 double crochet into the 1st 4 chain of 9th pattern, 8 chain, 1 double crochet into the last 3 chain of same leaf, 4 chain, 1 double crochet into the 1st 3 chain of 2nd leaf, 5 chain, 1 double crochet into the last 3 chain of 2nd leaf, 6 chain, 1 double crochet into the last 3 chain of 10th pattern, 8 chain, 1 double crochet into the 7 chain of same pattern, 6 chain, 1 double crochet into the 1st 3 chain of 2nd leaf, 11 chain, 1 double crochet into the 4 chain of 11th pattern, 9 chain, 1 double crochet into the last 3 chain of same pattern, 8 chain, 1 long into the centre 3 chain of 1st leaf of 12th pattern, 7 chain, 1 double crochet into the 1st 3 chain of 2nd leaf same pattern, 7 chain, 1 double crochet into the 4 chain of same leaf, 10 chain, 1 long into the 5th 3 chain from the join of the 3rd pattern, 4 chain, 1 double crochet into the 2nd 3 chain, 4 chain, 1 long into the 2nd 3 chain of same pattern, 8 chain, 1 long into the 1st 14 chain from join of 17th pattern, 12 chain, 1 long into the next 14 chain of same pattern, 10 chain, and unite. 2nd row: The same edging as to 1st d'oyley.

* * * * *

264.—D'Oyley No. 3.

Material: Messrs. Walter Evans and Co.'s Boar's Head cotton No. 20.

Work 2 patterns from No. 2 in 1st d'oyley, 2 patterns from No. 3 in same d'oyley, 1 pattern from No. 4 in same d'oyley, and 1 pattern from No. 5, 2 patterns from No. 6 in same d'oyley, 1 pattern from No. 7, 1 pattern from No. 8; and 1 from No. 10 in same d'oyley, 2 patterns from No. 11 in 1st d'oyley, 1 pattern from No. 2 in 2nd d'oyley, 1 pattern from No. 3 in same d'oyley, 1 pattern from No. 9 in same d'oyley, and 2 from No. 10.

Then 1 pattern in the following manner:—Round 1: Make a chain stitch of 12 stitches, 1 double crochet, 10 long into successive loops, 1 double crochet, 1 double crochet at the point, and work down the other side to correspond.

Round 2: 2 long into each loop.

Round 3: 4 chain, miss 2 loops, 1 double crochet into the next, repeat.

Round 4: 1 double crochet into the 1st 4 chain of 3rd round, 5 chain, repeat.

Work 1 pattern in this way, 1 chain of 14, 1 double crochet into each, 5 chain, 1 double crochet into the last double crochet, turn, 6 double crochet into the circle, with 3 chain between each, into each 3 chain, 5 long, turn, 1 double crochet between each of the 5 long, with 6 chain between each double crochet, turn, into the 1st double crochet 1 long, 2 chain, 1 double long, 2 chain, 1 treble long, 2 chain, 1 double long, 2 chain, 1 long all into the same place, 1 double crochet into the 6 chain. Repeat this 5 times more, then work down the 7 of 14, 7 long, and 7 of single crochet. The edging to be the same as in the former d'oyleys. The 1st round of the edging takes up so much space to write, that we think it better to leave it to the judgment of the worker. It will be seen by the engraving when it is necessary to work a double long or long stitch, or a stitch of single or double crochet, and the number of chain stitches between must be just sufficient to make the circle perfect. The best way is to cut a round of blue paper and place them on it from the engraving, then sew them together, and tack them to the paper, and work the 1st row of the edging before removing the paper.

* * * * *

265.—D'Oyley No. 4.

Material: Messrs. Walter Evans and Co.'s Boar's Head cotton No. 20.

Work 3 patterns from No. 2 in 1st d'oyley, and 2 from No. 3, 1 pattern from No. 4, 1 pattern from No. 5 in 1st d'oyley, 2 patterns from No. 6, and 1 from No. 8 in same d'oyley, 1 pattern from No. 2 in 2nd d'oyley, and 1 leaf from No. 3 in 2nd d'oyley, 1 pattern from No. 11 in 2nd d'oyley, and the following pattern.

No. 1.—Make a chain of 30 stitches, turn, miss 1 loop, 29 double crochet into successive loops, turn, 1 double crochet, 1 long, 2 double long, 8 treble long into 4 loops, 8 double long, 9 long, 4 double crochet, 3 chain, work down the other side to correspond, then 1 double crochet, 3 chain, miss 1 loop, repeat all round.

No. 2.—Make a chain of 20 stitches, turn, miss 1 loop, 2 double crochet into successive loops, * 2 chain, miss two loops, 1 long into the next, repeat from * 3 times more, 2 chain, miss 2 loops, 3 double crochet into successive loops, 1 double crochet into every loop on both sides. Next round: * 5 chain, turn, miss 1 loop, 1 double crochet, 3 long, miss 2 loops of the foundation, 1 double crochet, repeat from * at the point, miss only 1 loop, work 2 patterns of this number.

No. 3.—Make a chain of 36 stitches, turn, miss 2 loops, 2 long, *, 1 chain, 3 long, repeat from * 3 times, 1 double crochet, turn, *, 4 chain, 1 double crochet into the 1st chain stitch, repeat from * 3 times, at the point make 5 chain instead of 4, work down the other side to correspond, turn, and into each of the 4 chain 1 double crochet, 7 long, and 1 double crochet, at the point 10 long instead of 7, 2 double crochet down the stem, 1 chain of 28, turn, miss 12 loops, 1 single crochet, then into the circle 20 long, turn, 1 double crochet, 5 chain, miss 1 loop, repeat, turn, 1 double crochet into the 5 chain in last row, 5 chain, repeat, turn, into the 5 chain 1 double crochet, 7 chain, repeat, turn, into the 7 chain 1 double crochet, 1 long, 7 double long, 1 long, 1 double crochet, repeat, work down the stem, 1 double crochet, 1 long, 4 double long, 1 long, 4 double crochet, 1 chain of 14, turn, miss 3 loops, 10 long, 1 double crochet, 1 double crochet, turn, 1 double crochet, 3 chain, miss 1 loop, repeat, turn, into the 3 chain 1 double crochet, 5 long, 1 double crochet, repeat, work down the stem in double crochet.

No. 4.—Make a chain of 6 stitches, and unite it. Round 1: Into the circle 16 long. Round 2: 1 double crochet into each loop, 3 chain after each. Round 3: 1 double crochet into the 3 chain, 3 chain, repeat. Round 4: 4 long into the 3 chain, repeat. Round 5: 1 double crochet, make 3 chain, miss 1 loop, repeat. *, for the leaves, 1 chain of 22, turn, 4 double crochet, 1 long, 9 double long, 1 long, 1 double crochet, 1 chain to cross the stem, on the other side 1 double crochet, 1 long, 9 double long, 1 long, 4 double crochet, 2 double crochet at the point, work down the other side to correspond, 2 double crochet down the stem, 1 chain of 8, repeat from *, 1 chain of 12, and unite it to the 3 chain of the round, turn, 12 double crochet down the stem, work another leaf in the same manner, then work a stem of 8, and make another leaf the same as before, finish with a stem of 8.

No. 5.—Round 1: Make a chain of 12 stitches, and unite it, 1 double crochet, miss 3 loops, 12 chain, repeat twice more. Round 2: Into the 12 chain 2 double crochet, 13 long, 2 double crochet, repeat. Round 3: 2 double crochet into successive loops, 13 long into successive loops, 2 double crochet into successive loops, repeat. Round 4: 1 long, 5 chain, miss 3 loops, repeat. Round 5: Into the 5 chain 2 double crochet, 5 long, 2 double crochet, repeat.

No. 6.—Make a chain of 11 stitches, and unite it. Round 1: 2 double crochet into each loop. Round 2: 1 double crochet into each loop. Round 3: 2 double crochet into 1 loop, 1 into the next, repeat. Round 4: 1 long, 5 chain, miss 2 loops, repeat. Round 5: Into the 5 chain 3 double crochet, 3 chain, 1 single crochet into the last double crochet, 3 more of double crochet into the same place, 4 chain, repeat. Round 6: 1 long into the 4 chain, 7 chain, repeat. Round 7: Into the 7 chain 4 double crochet, 3 chain, 1 single crochet into the last double crochet, 4 more double crochet into the same place, 4 chain, repeat. When all these pieces are done sew them together, as shown in the engraving, and work the edging to correspond with the other d'oyleys.

* * * * *

266.—D'Oyley No. 5.

Materials: Messrs. Walter Evans and Co.'s Boar's Head cotton No. 20; and 1 skein of fine embroidery cotton, by the same makers.

Pattern No. 1.—Make a chain of 8 stitches, and unite it.

Round 1: 1 double crochet, 7 chain, miss 1 loop, repeat 5 times more.

Round 2: Into the 7 chain 11 stitches of double crochet, repeat.

Round 3: 1 double crochet into the 1st of the 11, 9 chain, miss 5 loops, 1 double crochet into the next, 9 chain, repeat.

Round 4: Into the 9 chain 13 double crochet, repeat.

Round 5: 1 double crochet into the 1st of the 13, 7 chain, miss 3 loops, repeat.

Round 6: 5 double crochet into the 7 chain, and repeat.

No. 2.—Make a chain of 8 stitches, and unite it.

Round 1: 1 double crochet, 5 chain, repeat 7 times more.

Round 2: 6 chain, miss the 1st, then work into successive loops 2 double crochet and 3 long, 1 double crochet into the 1 double crochet in 1st round, repeat.

Round 3: 1 double crochet into the 1 in 1st round, 5 chain, and repeat.

Round 4: 7 chain, miss the 1st, and work into successive loops 2 double crochet, 3 long, 1 double long, 1 double crochet into the 5 chain, repeat.

Round 5: 1 double crochet into the 1 in the 3rd round, 5 chain, repeat.

Round 6: Same as 4th.

Round 7: 1 double crochet into the 1 in 5th round, 6 chain, repeat.

Round 8: 8 chain, miss the 1st, and work into successive loops 2 double crochet, 3 long, 2 double long.

Round 9: Same as 7th. Round 10: Same as 8th. Two of these patterns will be required for this d'oyley.

No. 3.—Make a chain of 16, and unite it.

Round 1: 2 double crochet into 1 loop, 1 double crochet into the next, repeat.

Round 2: 6 double crochet into successive loops, 5 chain, 1 single crochet into the last double crochet, repeat.

Round 3: 1 double crochet into the 3rd of the 6, 13 chain, repeat.

Round 4: 17 double crochet into the 13 chain, repeat.

Round 5: 1 long and 1 chain alternately, missing 1 loop between each.

Round 6: 1 double crochet into the 1 chain, 1 chain, 1 double crochet into the next chain, 5 chain, work another double crochet into the same place, 1 chain, repeat.

No. 4.—Make a chain of 14 stitches, and unite it.

Round 1: 1 double crochet, 7 chain, miss 1 loop, repeat 6 times more.

Round 2: 5 double crochet into the 7 chain, repeat.

Round 3: 8 chain, miss the 1st, and work into successive loops 2 double crochet, 3 long, and 2 double long, 1 double crochet into the last of the 5 double crochet, repeat.

Round 4: 1 double crochet at the top of the point, 4 chain, miss 1 loop, 1 double crochet into the next, 4 chain, miss 2 loops, 1 double crochet into the next, 4 chain, 1 double crochet into the 1 in last round. Work the other side of the point to correspond. Two of these patterns will be required for this d'oyley.

No. 5.—Make a chain of 8 stitches, and unite it.

Round 1: 2 double crochet into each loop.

Round 2: 2 double crochet into 1 loop, 1 into the next, repeat.

Round 3: 8 chain, miss the 1st, and work into successive loops, 5 double crochet and 2 long, miss 1 of the last round, work 4 double crochet into successive loops, repeat 3 times more, at the end of the round work 4 more double crochet.

Round 4: 1 double crochet, 3 chain, miss 1 loop, repeat all, round the 4 points and 2 stitches beyond the 4th, 7 chain, 1 double crochet into each of the 7, finish the round with 3 chain and 1 double crochet as before.

No. 6.—Make a chain of 5 stitches, and unite it.

Round 1: 1 double crochet, 5 chain, repeat 4 times more.

Round 2: Into the 5 chain 1 double crochet, 3 chain, repeat till 5 double crochet are done, repeat.

Round 3: 1 double crochet into the 1 in 1st round, 7 chain, repeat.

Round 4: Same as 2nd.

Round 5: 1 double crochet into the 1 in 3rd round, 7 chain, repeat.

Round 6: Same as 2nd.

Round 7: Same as 5th.

Round 8: Same as 2nd, only 4 chain instead of 3.

Round 9: 1 double crochet into the 1 in 7th round, 8 chain, repeat.

Round 10: The same as 8th, only making 5 chain instead of 4. Four of these patterns will be required for this d'oyley.

No. 7.—Make a chain of 6 stitches, and unite it.

Round 1: 1 double crochet, 7 chain, miss 1 loop, repeat twice more.

Round 2: Into the 7 chain 2 double crochet, 7 long, 2 double crochet, repeat.

Round 3: 1 double crochet, 3 chain, miss 1 loop, repeat, 11 chain, work 2 more leaves in the same way, 1 double crochet into the 3 chain, 4 chain, repeat round 2 sides of the leaf, 3 chain, repeat the stitch of double crochet and 4 chain round 2 sides of each leaf, joining them with 3 chain. Two of these patterns will be required for this d'oyley.

No. 8.—1st row: Make a chain of 14 stitches, miss the 1st, and work into successive loops 5 double crochet, 5 long, 3 double long, turn. 2nd row: 2 double long into each of the 3, 9 long into successive loops, 5 long into the double crochet at the point of the leaf, 9 long into successive loops, 6 double long into the next 2 loops, 9 double long into the end of the 1st row, unite the last to the first double long in 2nd row. 3rd row: 1 double crochet, 3 chain, miss 1 loop, repeat. No loop to be missed at the point, then work with the embroidery cotton a smaller leaf on it in satin stitch, raising it first with the cotton.

No. 9.—Make a chain of 10 stitches, and unite it.

Round 1: 20 long into the circle.

Round 2: 1 double crochet, taking both sides of the loop, 9 chain, miss 1 loop, repeat.

Round 3: Double crochet into the centre of the 9 chain, 7 chain, repeat.

Round 4: Into the 7 chain of last row 1 double crochet, 1 long, 3 double long, 1 long, 1 double crochet, repeat, then work 2 patterns from No. 2 in 1st d'oyley, 1 pattern from No. 3, 2 patterns with 3 leaves from No. 3 in 1st d'oyley, 2 patterns with 2 leaves, and 1 pattern with 1 leaf, work 3 patterns from No. 6 in 1st d'oyley.

When all these patterns are done join them as shown in the engraving, and work the edging as directed in the former d'oyleys.

* * * * *

267.—D'Oyley No. 6.

Material: Messrs. Walter Evans and Co.'s Boar's Head cotton No. 20.

Pattern No. 1.—Make a chain of 7 stitches, and unite it.

Round 1: 2 double crochet into each loop.

Round 2: 2 double crochet into 1 loop, and 1 into the next, repeat.

Round 3: Increase to 30 double crochet.

Round 4: 4 chain, 1 single crochet into the 1st chain, 5 double crochet, and repeat 5 times more.

Round 5: 1 double crochet into the centre one of the 5 in last round, 11 chain, repeat.

Round 6: 1 double crochet into every loop.

Round 7: 5 chain, 1 single crochet into the 1st, 12 double crochet, and repeat.

Round 8: 1 double crochet into the 6th of the 12, 15 chain, repeat.

Round 9: 1 double crochet into every loop.

Round 10: 7 chain, miss the 1st, and work into successive loops 1 double crochet, 2 long, and 3 double long, miss 5 loops of the last round, work 1 double crochet, repeat.

Round 11: 1 double crochet over the 1 in last round, miss 1 loop, 1 double crochet into the next, *, 3 chain, miss 1 loop, repeat from * 4 times more, repeat from the beginning of the row.

No. 2.—Make a chain of 20 stitches, and unite it.

Round 1: 30 double crochet into the circle.

Round 2: 1 double crochet, 13 chain, miss 5 loops, repeat.

Round 3: 17 double crochet into the 13 chain, repeat.

Round 4: 1 long, 5 chain, 1 single crochet into the 2nd of the 5 chain, miss 1 loop, repeat. Four patterns of this number will be required for this d'oyley.

No. 3.—Make a chain of 8 stitches, and unite it.

Round 1: 1 double crochet, 11 chain, miss 1 loop, repeat 3 times more.

Round 2: Into the 11 chain, *, 3 double crochet, 5 chain, 1 single crochet into the 1st chain, repeat from * twice more, 3 more double crochet, repeat from the beginning of the row.

No. 4.—Make a chain of 6, and unite it.

Round 1: 1 long, 4 chain, repeat 5 times more.

Round 2: Into the 4 chain in last row 1 long, 4 chain, work another long into the same place, 2 chain, repeat.

Round 3: Into the 2 chain 3 double crochet, into the 4 chain 1 double crochet, 11 chain, work another double crochet into the same place, repeat.

Round 4: Into the 11 chain 3 double crochet, 5 chain, 1 single crochet into the 1st of the 5 chain, 3 double crochet, 7 chain, 1 single crochet into the 1st of the 7, 3 double crochet, 5 chain, 1 single crochet into the 1st of the 5 chain, 3 double crochet, 2 chain, 1 double crochet into the centre one of the 3 in last round, 2 chain, repeat; then work 2 patterns from No. 2 in 1st d'oyley, 1 pattern from No. 3, 2 patterns from No. 4, 3 from No. 6, and 1 each from Nos. 11, 13, and 14 in 1st d'oyley, 1 pattern from each of Nos. 3 and 4 in 2nd d'oyley, 2 patterns from No. 2 in 5th d'oyley, and 1 pattern each from Nos. 4 and 6 in the 5th d'oyley. Sew these pieces firmly together as shown in the engraving, and add the edging as before.

* * * * *

268.—D'Oyley No. 7.

Materials: Messrs. Walter Evans and Co.'s Boar's Head cotton No. 20; and 1 skein of their fine embroidery cotton.

Pattern No. 1.—Make a chain of 16 stitches and unite it.

1st round: 2 double crochet into each loop.

2nd round: 1 double crochet into each loop.

3rd round: 1 double crochet, 9 chain, miss 3 loops, repeat.

4th round: Into the 9 chain 11 double crochet.

5th round: 1 long, 2 chain, miss 2 loops, repeat.

6th round: Into the 2 chain 1 double crochet, 3 chain, 1 single crochet into the one double crochet, work another double crochet into the 2 chain, 2 double crochet into the next 2 chain, repeat.

7th round: 1 double crochet into the 1st of the 2 in last round, 13 chain, repeat.

8th round: Into the 13 chain 11 double crochet, repeat.

No. 2.—Make a chain of 13 stitches, work 1 double crochet into each, make a chain of 15 stitches, work 1 double crochet into each, make a chain of 13 stitches, 1 double crochet into each.

2nd row: 1 double crochet into the end of each of these points, then work round both sides of these points in double crochet, working twice into the end of each point.

3rd row: 3 double crochet over the 3 at the beginning of last row, *, 4 chain, single crochet into the 1st of the 4 chain, miss 1 loop, work a long stitch into the next, repeat from * all round, at the beginning and end of the 3rd point miss 2 loops instead of 1, then work a stitch of double crochet into the 1st of the 3, 6 chain, miss the 1st, work into successive loops 2 long and 3 double crochet, 1 double crochet into the last of the 3. This completes the pattern.

No. 3.—Make a chain of 8 stitches, and unite it. 1st round: 2 double crochet into each loop.

2nd round: 1 double crochet into 1 loop, 2 double crochet into the next, repeat.

3rd round: 2 double crochet into successive loops, 2 double crochet into the next, repeat.

4th round: 11 double crochet into successive loops, *, 9 chain, miss 2 loops, 1 double crochet into the next, repeat from *.

5th round: 11 double crochet over the 11 in last round, work into the 9 chain 5 double crochet, 5 chain, 1 single crochet into the 1st of the chain, 5 more double crochet into the same place, repeat.

6th round: 13 double crochet over the 11 in last round, *, 15 chain, 1 double crochet over the 1st of the 5 in last round, repeat from *.

7th round: 13 double crochet over the 13 in last round, *, work into the 15 chain 8 double crochet, 5 chain, work a stitch of single crochet into the 1st of the 5, 8 double crochet into the same place, repeat from *. This completes the pattern. Then work a circle in satin stitch on the plain part of the pattern with the Fine Embroidery Cotton. Two of these patterns will be required for this d'oyley.

No. 4.—Make a chain of 16 stitches, and unite it. * make a chain of 10 stitches, miss the 1st, and work into successive loops 3 double crochet, 3 long, and 3 double long, unite the last double long to the 4th of the 16 chain in the circle, repeat from * 3 times more, *, work in single crochet to the top of the point and down 6 stitches of the other side, then make a chain of 8 stitches, miss the 1st, work into successive loops 3 stitches of double crochet, 2 long, and 2 double long, unite the last to the 3rd of the next point, and repeat from * 3 times more. Three of these patterns will be required for this d'oyley. Work 2 patterns from No. 2 in the 1st d'oyley, work 2 patterns from No. 3 in the same d'oyley, work 1 pattern from No. 5, and 1 from No. 6 in 1st d'oyley, work 2 patterns with 1 leaf from No. 3 in 1st d'oyley, and 1 pattern with 2 leaves, work 2 patterns from No. 3 in the 5th d'oyley, and 1 pattern from No. 4 in the same d'oyley, and 1 from No. 6, work 6 patterns from No. 3 in the 6th d'oyley, and 1 pattern from No. 4 in the same d'oyley, work 1 pattern from No. 2 in 6th d'oyley. Join these pieces as before, and add the same edging.

* * * * *

269.—D'Oyley No. 8

Materials: Messrs. Walter Evans and Co.'s Boar's Head cotton No. 20; and 1 skein of their fine embroidery cotton.

Pattern No. 1.—Make a chain of 9 stitches, work a stitch of double crochet into each of the 8 1st, work 2 into the 9th, work down the other side of the chain to correspond, and unite it.

2nd round: *, Work 1 long, make 4 chain, 1 single crochet into the 1st of the 4 chain, miss 1 loop, and repeat from *. No loop to be missed at the point. When this round is finished, make 10 chain, miss the 1st, and work into successive loops 2 long, and 7 of double crochet, then make 15 chain, unite to the 7th, and work into the circle 1 double crochet, make 5 chain, repeat 5 times more.

2nd round: Work into the 5 chain 1 double crochet, 3 long, and 1 of double crochet, repeat.

3rd round: Work 1 double crochet, make 3 chain, miss 1 loop, and repeat. Three of these patterns are required for this d'oyley.

No. 2.—Make a chain of 6 stitches. 1st round: Work 2 double crochet into each loop.

2nd round: Work 1 double crochet, make 9 chain, miss 1 loop, repeat.

3rd round: Work into the 9 chain 1 long, make 1 chain, work another 1 long into the same place, make 1 chain, work a third 1 long into the same place, make 7 chain, and repeat.

4th round: Work into the centre of 3 long 2 long, make 5 chain, work 2 more long into the same place, make 5 chain, work into the centre of the 7 chain 1 double crochet, make 3 chain, work another of double crochet into the same place, make 5 chain, and repeat. Two of these patterns will be required for this d'oyley. Work 1 pattern from No. 2 in 1st d'oyley, work 1 pattern from Nos. 3, 4, and 6, work 1 pattern with 3 leaves from No. 3 in 1st d'oyley, and 2 with only 1 leaf, work 1 pattern from each of Nos. 13 and 14 in 1st d'oyley, work 1 pattern from 2 in 5th d'oyley, and 1 from No. 4 in the same d'oyley, work 2 patterns from No. 6 in 5th d'oyley, work 3 patterns from No. 3 in 6th d'oyley, and 2 from No. 4 in the same d'oyley, work 1 pattern from No. 1 in 7th d'oyley, work 2 patterns from No. 3, and 1 pattern from No. 4 in 7th d'oyley, then sew them together as before.

* * * * *

270.—D'Oyley No. 9.

Material: Messrs. Walter Evans and Co.'s Boar's Head cotton No. 20.

Pattern No. 1—Make a chain of 10 stitches, and unite ir.

1st round: Work into the circle 1 long, make 3 chain, repeat 11 times more.

2nd round: Work 1 double crochet into every loop.

3rd round: *, Make 11 chain, turn, miss 1 loop, work 10 double crochet down the chain, miss 1 loop, work 7 double crochet and repeat from * 5 times more.

4th round: Work 1 double crochet, beginning on the 1st of the 10, make 5 chain, miss 3 loops, work 1 double crochet, make 5 chain, miss 3 loops, work 1 double crochet, make 5 chain, work 1 double crochet into the point, work down the other side to correspond, make 2 chain, miss 3 loops, work 1 double crochet, make 2 chain, miss 3 loops, and repeat.

5th round: Work into each of the 5 chain 1 double crochet, 5 long stitches, and 1 double crochet.

No. 2.—Make a chain of 20 stitches, and unite it.

1st round: Work a stitch of double crochet into 1 loop, work 2 double crochet into the next, repeat.

2nd round: * Work 3 double crochet, make 5 chain, work 1 single crochet into the 1st of the 5 chain, repeat from * 9 times more, work 2 double crochet.

3rd round: * Make 21 chain stitches, work 1 double crochet in the centre one of the 3, turn, work 7 double crochet into the 21 chain, make 5 chain, work 1 single crochet into the 1st of the 5 chain, work 7 double crochet into the 21 chain, repeat from * 8 times more.

4th round: Work 15 double crochet into each loop of 21 chain, above the last 7 work 20 double crochet into the last loop of 21, make 5 chain, turn, work 1 single crochet into the last of the 5 chain, 7 double crochet, make 4 chain.

5th round: Work 19 double crochet, beginning on the 1st of the 7 in the 1st loop of 21 chain, * make 6 chain, turn, miss 1 loop, work into successive loops a stitch of double, 3 long, 1 double long, then miss 4 double crochet stitches, work 5 double crochet into successive loops, make 5 chain, 1 single crochet into the 1st of the 5 chain, miss 1 loop, 5 double crochet into successive loops, repeat from * 8 times more, then work 12 double crochet. Two of these patterns will be required for this d'oyley.

No. 3.—Make a chain of 8 stitches, and unite it.

1st round: Work into the circle 1 long, make 3 chain, repeat 9 times more.

2nd round: Work into the 3 chain 1 double crochet, make 17 chain, work another stitch of double crochet into the same place, make 1 chain, work 1 double crochet into the next 3 chain, make 1 chain, and repeat.

3rd round: Work into the 17 chain 20 double crochet, work 1 double crochet into the 1 chain, make 1 chain, work 1 double crochet into the next 1 chain, and repeat.

4th round: Work a stitch of double crochet into the 1 chain in last round, * work 5 double crochet into successive loops, beginning on the 1st of the 20, make 5 chain, work 1 single crochet into the 1st of the 5, repeat from * twice more, then work 5 double crochet into successive loops, and repeat from the beginning of the round. Two of these patterns will be required for this d'oyley.

No. 4.—Make 21 chain and unite it, make a chain of 27 and unite it, make a chain of 21 and unite it. 1st round: Work in the 21 chain 25 stitches of double crochet, work into the 27 chain 31 double crochet, work into the 21 chain 25 double crochet. 2nd round: Work 3 stitches of double crochet into successive loops, make 5 chain, work 1 single crochet into the 1st of the 5 chain, repeat this 6 times more, then work 3 double crochet and repeat from the beginning in the centre loop, repeat this 9 times instead of 7. Two of these are required for this d'oyley.

No. 5.—Make a chain of 44 stitches, work 1 double crochet into each, turn, make 21 chain, work 1 double crochet into the 4th chain on the other side, * make 21 chain, miss 3 loops, work 1 double crochet into the next, repeat from * 9 times more, work 1 single crochet into the end loop, work 44 double crochet into successive loops, work 15 double into the 1st loop of 21, work 4 double crochet into each loop of 21, and 15 into the end one, then * work 2 double crochet, make 3 chain, work 1 single crochet into the 1st of the 3, repeat from * all round.

Work 2 patterns from No. 2 in 1st d'oyley, 1 from No. 3, 2 with 3 leaves, and 2 with 2 leaves, from No. 3 in 1st d'oyley, 2 patterns from No. 6 in same d'oyley, and 3 patterns from No. 3 in 6th d'oyley, sew them together as shown in the engraving, and add the edging as before.

* * * * *

271.—D'Oyley No. 10.

Material: Messrs. Walter Evans and Co.'s Boar's Head cotton No. 20.

Pattern No. 1.—Make a chain of 19 stitches, turn, miss 5 loops, work 10 double crochet, make 3 chain, miss 3 loops, work 1 long, make 3 chain stitches, miss 3 loops, work 1 long stitch, make 3 chain stitches, work a stitch of double crochet into the last loop, then work into the 1st 3 chain on the other side, 1 double crochet, 5 long, work into the next 3 chain 4 long stitches, work 4 long stitches into the next 3 chain stitches, then work into the 5 chain at the point 8 long stitches, then work down the other side to correspond, * make 3 chain, miss 1 loop, work 1 long, make 1 chain, work 1 long stitch into the same place, make 1 chain, work another long stitch into the same place, miss 1 loop, work 1 double crochet, repeat from * 7 times more, then work into the 1st 3 chain 1 double crochet, make 1 chain, work 1 long stitch, * make 1, work 1 double long stitch, repeat from * twice more, make 1 chain, work 1 long; all these stitches are worked into the same 3 chain, then work 1 double crochet into the chain stitch between the 2nd and 3rd long stitches, repeat this 7 times more; this finishes the leaf; then make 16 chain, and work a second leaf the same as 1st, then work 2 double crochet down, then make 12 chain, and work a third leaf the same as 1st, work 14 stitches down the stem, and work a 4th leaf the same as 1st, work 8 double crochet down the stem, work a 5th leaf the same as 1st, make a chain of 40 stitches, turn, and work back in double crochet.

No. 2.—Make a chain of 10 stitches, and unite it, *, work a stitch of double crochet into the circle, make 13 chain, and repeat from * five times more, then work 17 stitches into each of the 13 chain, then work 2 stitches of double crochet, beginning on the second of the 13, *, make 5 chain stitches, and work a stitch of single crochet into the 1st of the 5 chain, then work 2 stitches of double crochet, and repeat from * 5 times more; for the stem make a chain of 30 stitches, turn, * work 5 stitches of double crochet, make 5 chain, turn, and work a stitch of single crochet into the 1st, repeat from * 4 times more, then work down the other side to correspond; then work 1 pattern from No. 2 in 1st d'oyley, and 2 from No. 3, 2 with only two leaves, and 2 from No. 6 in the same d'oyley; work 1 pattern from No. 6 in 5th d'oyley, and 3 from No. 3 in 6th d'oyley; work 1 pattern from No. 2 in 9th d'oyley, and 1 from No. 3; work 3 patterns from No. 4 in the same d'oyley, sew the pieces together as before, and work the edging.

* * * * *

272 and 273.—Work-Basket in Straw and Silk Crochet-Work.

Materials: Straw; brown floss silk; brown ribbon, 1-1/4 inch wide; small glass beads; a piece of bamboo cane.

This basket has a cover formed of two pieces. It can be employed for many things, and is formed entirely of crochet-work with brown silk over straw. A ruche trimmed with beads and bows of brown silk ribbon form the trimming of the basket. The straws over which you crochet must be damp, so as not to be stiff. They should be of unequal length, and when you join the two ends of two straws together, try to hide the beginning with the other straws. Begin the basket in the centre of the bottom part with 46 stitches; then work 9 rounds on either side of this first row, working alternately 1 double stitch, 1 or 2 chain stitches, the double stitch in the chain stitch of the preceding round, the last round over wire.

It is necessary to increase regularly in all the rounds to keep the work flat. When you have finished the bottom begin the border of the basket, which is worked of the same piece with it, and consists of 11 rounds.

It is worked in the same way as the bottom, the first 2 rounds without increasing the number of stitches, but in the following 9 rounds increase 2 double stitches at both ends, in order that the edge may be a little wider in the upper part. In the last round add a piece of wire to the straws.

The cover of the basket is formed of two pieces. Begin in the middle with 28 stitches; crochet each half in rows forming a half circle, working backwards and forwards; at the beginning of each row turn the straws, and take care that the rows which are finished form a straight line. Each half of the cover requires 9 rows; the last one is worked over wire. The two halves are united at the straight sides by a brown silk ribbon 1-1/4 inch wide, which is sewed on underneath, and which forms a sort of hinge; sew on also a piece of wire covered with brown silk, so as to make the hinge stronger. Form the handle with a piece of bamboo cane 23 inches long, and covered with straws; work over it in long stitches of brown silk, and let it go down to the bottom of the basket; then sew the cover on the handle with the brown ribbon, which forms the two parts. Trim the basket with a ruche of double box pleats, ornamented with glass beads and with bows of brown silk ribbon.

* * * * *

274 and 275.—Two Crochet Borders.

Materials: Messrs. Walter Evans and Co.'s crochet cotton Nos. 30 and 80.

No. 274.—Crochet cotton of two sizes is used for this border (No. 30 and No. 80); it is begun in the centre by a chain of stitches of the length required.

1st row: 1 double in each stitch of the chain.

2nd row: Turn and work on the opposite side of the chain, * 1 double, 11 chain, miss 7. Repeat from *. 3rd row: * 1 double on the 1st loop of chain, 2 chain, 1 double in the centre of the 7 stitches which are under the 1st loop of chain, 2 chain, 1 double on the same loop, 5 chain. Repeat from *.

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