"Carnegie," the wood-and-bronze yacht, 260, 261.
Carnegie Brothers & Co., 129, 225, 226.
Carnegie Corporation of New York, 290 n.
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 286 n.
Carnegie Endowment for the Advancement of Learning, 268.
Carnegie Hero Fund, 262-66.
Carnegie Institute at Pittsburgh, 259, 348.
Carnegie Institution, 259, 260.
Carnegie, Kloman & Co., 196, 197.
Carnegie, McCandless & Co., 201.
Carnegie, Phipps & Co., 226.
Carnegie Relief Fund, for Carnegie workmen, 266.
Carnegie Steel Company, 256.
Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland, trustees of, 269; duties of, 270, 271.
Carnegie United Kingdom Trust, 290 n.
Carnegie Veteran Association, 291, 292.
"Cavendish" (Henry Jones), anecdote of, 315.
Central Transportation Company, 159, 161.
Chamberlain, Joseph, 326, 327, 356.
Chemistry, value of, in iron manufacture, 181, 182, 223.
Chicago, "dizzy on cult," 305, 306.
Chili, quarrel with, 350-53.
Chisholm, Mr., Cleveland iron manufacturer, 184.
Clayton-Bulwer Treaty, 355, 356, 360.
Clemens, Samuel L., see Twain, Mark.
Cleveland, Frances, Library at Wellesley College, 275.
Cleveland, President, 283; and tariff revision, 147.
Cluny Castle, Scotland, 217; Mr. Blaine at, 344.
Coal-washing, introduced into America by George Lauder, 144.
Cobbett, William, 4.
Coke, manufacture of, 144, 145, 221.
Coleman, Lucy, afterwards Mrs. Thomas Carnegie, 149.
Coleman, William, interested in oil wells, 136-40; and in coke, 144; manufacturer of steel rails, 186; anecdote of, 192; sells out to Mr. Carnegie, 202.
Columbia University, 274 n.
Confucius, quoted, 50, 52, 340.
Constant, Baron d'Estournelles de, 286.
Conway, Moncure D., Autobiography quoted, 274.
Cooeperative store, 250.
Corn Law agitation, the, 8.
Cornell University, salaries of professors, 268.
Cowley, William, 46.
Cremer, William Randall, receives Nobel Prize for promotion of peace, 283, 284 n.
Cresson Springs, Mr. Carnegie's summer home in the Alleghanies, 213, 307.
Cromwell, Oliver, 15.
Crystal Palace, London, 143.
Curry, Henry M., 181; becomes a partner of Mr. Carnegie, 201.
Cyclops Mills, 133, 134.
Damask trade in Scotland, 2, 8, 12, 13.
Dawes, Anna L., How we are Governed, 327.
Dennis, Prof. F.S., 213, 214.
Dickinson College, Conway Hall at, 274.
Disestablishment of the English Church, 329.
Dodds process, the, for carbonizing the heads of iron rails, 186.
Dodge, William E., 260.
Donaldson, Principal, of St. Andrews University, 273.
Douglas, Euphemia (Mrs. Sloane), 29.
Drexel, Anthony, 175, 205.
Dunfermline, birthplace of Mr. Carnegie, 2, 6; a radical town, 10; libraries in, 48; revisited, 110-12, 157; gives Mr. Carnegie the freedom of the town, 210; Carnegie Library in, 211; confers freedom of the town on Mrs. Carnegie, 271.
Dunfermline Abbey, 6, 7, 17, 18, 26, 27, 111.
Durrant, President, of the Union Pacific Railway, 159.
Eads, Capt. James B., 119, 120.
Edgar Thomson Steel Company, 188, 189, 201, 202.
Education, compulsory, 34.
Edwards, "Billy," 249, 250.
Edwards, Passmore, 330.
Elgin, Earl of, and Trust for the Universities of Scotland, 269-72, 313, 314.
Elkins, Sen. Stephen B., and Mr. Blaine, 344, 345, 352, 359.
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, anecdote of, 335.
Endorsing notes, 173, 174.
Erie Canal, the, 29, 30.
Escanaba Iron Company, 194-97, 220.
Evans, Captain ("Fighting Bob"), as government inspector, 199.
Evarts, William M., 336 n.
Fahnestock, Mr., Pittsburgh financier, 41.
Farmer, President, of Cleveland and Pittsburgh Railroad Co., 5.
Ferguson, Ella (Mrs. Henderson), 25.
Ferro-manganese, manufacture of, 220.
Fleming, Marjory, 20.
Flower, Governor Roswell P., and the tariff, 147, 148.
Forbes, Gen. John, Laird of Pittencrieff, 188.
Franciscus, Mr., freight agent at Pittsburgh, 72.
Franciscus, Mrs., 80.
Franklin, Benjamin, and St. Andrews University, 272; quoted, 340.
Frick, Henry C., 222.
Frick Coke Company, 222, 226.
Fricke, Dr., chemist at the Lucy Furnace, 182.
Frissell, Hollis B., of Hampton Institute, 277.
Garrett, John W., President of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, 125-29.
General Education Board, 274.
Germany, and the Philippines, 365; Emperor William, 366-71.
Gilder, Richard Watson, poem by, 262, 263; manager of the Literary Dinner, 292, 293; on Mr. Carnegie, 293 n., 340 n.
Gilman, Daniel C., first president of the Carnegie Institution, 260.
Gladstone, W.E., letter from, 233; and Matthew Arnold, 298; Mr. Carnegie and, 309, 327-31; his library, 318; devout and sincere, 319; anecdote of, 320; and J.G. Blaine, 321; and John Morley, 325.
Glass, John P., 54, 55.
God, each stage of civilization creates its own, 75.
Gorman, Senator Arthur P., and the tariff, 147, 148.
Gospel of Wealth, The, published, 255.
Gould, Jay, 152.
Grant, Gen. U.S., and Secretary Stanton, 106; some characteristics of, 107; unjustly suspected, 108.
Greeley, Horace, 68, 81.
Grey, Earl, trustee of Carnegie United Kingdom Trust, 290 and n.
Hague Conference, 283, 284.
Haldane, Lord Chancellor, error as to British manufactures, 331.
Hale, Eugene, visits Mr. Carnegie, 216.
Hale, Prof. George E., of the Mount Wilson Observatory, 261.
Halkett, Sir Arthur, killed at Braddock's defeat, 187, 188.
Hamilton College, Elihu Root Foundation at, 275.
Hampton Institute, 276.
Hanna, Senator Mark, 233, 234, 359; Chair in Western Reserve University named for, 275.
Harcourt, Sir William Vernon, 312.
Harris, Joel Chandler, 295.
Harrison, President Benjamin, opens Carnegie Hall at Allegheny City, 259, 347; his nomination, 344, 345; dispute with Chili, 350-53; the Behring Sea question, 350, 353-55.
Hartman Steel Works, 226.
Hawk, Mr., of the Windsor Hotel, New York, 150.
Hay, Secretary John, comment on Lincoln, 101, 102; visits Mr. Carnegie, 216; chairman of directors of Carnegie Institution, 260; Library, at Brown University, 275; as Secretary of State, 358; the Hay-Pauncefote Treaty, 359; the Senate his bete noire, 360, 361.
Hay, John, of Allegheny City, 34-37.
Head-ication versus Hand-ication, 4.
Henderson, Ebenezer, 5.
Henderson, Ella Ferguson, 25, 55.
Hero Fund, 262-66.
Hewitt, Abram S., 260.
Higginson, Maj. F.L., 260.
Higginson, Col. Thomas Wentworth, 150.
Hill, David Jayne, on the German Hero Fund, 263, 264.
Hogan, Maria, 70.
Hogan, Uncle, 36, 77.
Holls, G.F.W., and the Hague Conference, 284.
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, and the Matthew Arnold memorial, 307, 308.
Homestead Steel Mills, consolidated with Carnegie Brothers & Co., 225, 226; strike at, 228-39; address of workmen to Mr. Carnegie, 257.
Hughes, Courtney, 58.
Huntington, Collis P., 205.
Ignorance, the main root of industrial trouble, 240.
In the Time of Peace, by Richard Watson Gilder, 262, 263.
Ingersoll, Col. Robert G., 210, 300.
Integrity, importance of, in business, 172.
Ireland, Mr. Carnegie's freedom tour in, 314 n., 316.
Irish Home Rule, 327.
Irwin, Agnes, receives doctor's degree from St. Andrews University, 272, 273.
Isle of Wight, 215.
Jackson, Andrew, and Simon Cameron, 104, 105.
Jewett, Thomas L., President of the Panhandle Railroad, 117.
Jones, Henry ("Cavendish"), anecdote of, 315.
Jones, —— ("The Captain"), 202, 204, 241, 242, 369; prefers large salary to partnership, 203.
Just by the Way, poem on Mr. Carnegie, 238.
Kaiser Wilhelm, and Mr. Carnegie, 366-71.
Katte, Walter, 123.
Keble, Bishop, godfather of Matthew Arnold, 298.
Kelly, Mr., chairman of blast-furnaces committee, 241-43.
Kennedy, Julian, 220.
Kenyon College, gift to, 106; Stanton Chair of Economics, 275.
Keokuk, Iowa, 154.
Keystone Bridge Works, 116, 122-28, 176.
Keystone Iron Works, 130.
Kilgraston, Scotland, 215, 216.
Kind action never lost, 85, 86.
King Edward VII, letter from, 264, 265, 326.
Kloman, Andrew, partner with Mr. Carnegie, 130, 178, 179; a great mechanic, 131, 134; in bankruptcy, 194-96.
Knowledge, sure to prove useful, 60.
Knowles, James, on Tennyson, 337, 338.
Koethen, Mr., choir leader, 51.
Labor, some problems of, 240-54.
Lang, Principal, 272.
Lauder, George, uncle of A.C., 12, 28, 113, 287; teaches him history, 15-17; and recitation, 20.
Lauder, George, cousin of A.C., 8, 17; develops coal-washing machinery, 144, 223.
Lauder Technical College, 9, 15.
Lehigh University, Mr. Carnegie gives Taylor Hall, 266.
Lewis, Enoch, 91.
Libraries, founded by Mr. Carnegie, 47, 48, 259.
Library, public, usefulness of, 47.
Lincoln, Abraham, some characteristics of, 101; second nomination sought, 104, 105.
Linville, H.J., partner of Mr. Carnegie, 116, 120.
Literature, value of a taste for, 46.
Lloyd, Mr., banker at Altoona, 87.
Lombaert, Mr., general superintendent of the Pennsylvania Railroad, 63, 66, 67, 73.
Lucy Furnace, the, erected, 178; in charge of Henry Phipps, 181; enlarged, 183; gift from the workmen in, 257, 258.
Lynch, Rev. Frederick, 285.
Mabie, Hamilton Wright, quoted, 113.
McAneny, George, 277.
McCandless, David, 78, 186.
McCargo, David, 42, 49, 69.
McCullough, J.N., 173, 175.
MacIntosh, Mr., Scottish furniture manufacturer, 24.
McKinley, President William, 358; and the Panama Canal, 359; and the Spanish War, 361-65.
McLuckie, Burgomaster, and Mr. Carnegie, 235-37.
McMillan, Rev. Mr., Presbyterian minister, 74-76.
Macdonald, Sir John, and the Behring Sea troubles, 354, 355.
Mackie, J.B., quoted, 3, 9.
Macy, V. Everit, 277.
Martin, Robert, Mr. Carnegie's only schoolmaster, 13-15, 21.
Mason and Slidell, 102.
Mellon, Judge, of Pittsburgh, 1.
Memorizing, benefit of, 21, 39.
Mill, John Stuart, as rector of St. Andrews, 272.
Miller, Thomas N., 45, 46, 110; on the doctrine of predestination, 75; partner with Mr. Carnegie, 115, 130, 133; death of, 130; sells his interest, 133, 134.
Mills, D.O., 260.
Mitchell, Dr. S. Weir, 260.
Morgan, J. Pierpont, 171, 172, 256.
Morgan, Junius S., 155, 156, 170.
Morgan, J.S., & Co., negotiations with, 169-72.
Morland, W.C., 42.
Morley, John, and Mr. Carnegie, 21, 22, 293; address at Carnegie Institute, 188; on Lord Rosebery, 311; on the Earl of Elgin, 314; on Mr. Carnegie, 322 n.; pessimistic, 322, 323; visits America, 324, 325; and Elihu Root, 324; and Theodore Roosevelt, 325; and Lord Acton's library, 325; and Joseph Chamberlain, 326, 327.
Morley, R.F., 100 n.
Morris, Leander, cousin of Mr. Carnegie, 51.
Morrison, Bailie, uncle of Mr. Carnegie, 4-6, 9, 11, 210, 287, 312.
Morrison, Margaret, see Carnegie, Margaret.
Morrison, Thomas, maternal grandfather of Mr. Carnegie, 4-6, 287.
Morrison, Thomas, second cousin of Mr. Carnegie, 145.
Morton, Levi P., 165.
Mount Wilson Observatory, 261, 262.
Municipal government, British and American, 314-16.
"Naig," Mr. Carnegie's nickname, 17.
National Civic Federation, 234.
National Trust Company, Pittsburgh, 224.
Naugle, J.A., 237.
New York, first impressions of, 28; business headquarters of America, 149.
Nineteenth Century Club, New York, 150.
Ocean surveys, 261.
Ogden, Robert C., 277.
Oil wells, 136-39.
Oliver, Hon. H.W., 42, 49.
Omaha Bridge, 164, 165.
Optimism, 3, 162; optimist and pessimist, 323.
Organs, in churches, 278, 279.
Our Coaching Trip, quoted, 48, 110; privately published, 212.
Palmer, Courtlandt, 150.
Panama Canal, 359, 360, 372.
Pan-American Congress, 345, 346.
Panic of 1873, the, 171, 172, 189-93.
Park, James, pioneer steel-maker of Pittsburgh, 199, 200.
Parliament, membership and meetings, 315.
Partnership better than corporation, 221.
Patiemuir College, 2.
Pauncefote, Sir Julian, and Mr. Blaine, 355; the Hay-Pauncefote Treaty, 359, 360.
Peabody, George, his body brought home on the warship Monarch, 282.
Peabody, George Foster, 277.
Peace, Mr. Carnegie's work for, 282-86; Palace, at The Hague, 284, 285.
Peace Society of New York, 285, 286.
Peacock, Alexander R., partner of Mr. Carnegie, 203.
Pennsylvania Railroad Company, builds first iron bridge, 115-17; aids Union Pacific Railway, 163, 164; aids Allegheny Valley Railway, 167-71; aids Pennsylvania Steel Works, 185. See also Carnegie, Andrew, Railroad experience.
Pennsylvania Steel Works, the, 185.
Pessimist and optimist, story of, 323.
Philadelphia and Erie Railroad, 167-70.
Philippines, the, annexation of, 358, 362-65.
Phillips, Col. William, 167, 168, 169.
Phipps, Henry, 31, 130; advertises for work, 131, 132; crony and partner of Thomas Carnegie, 132; controversy over opening conservatories on Sunday, 132, 133; European tour, 142; in charge of the Lucy Furnace, 181, 182; statement about Mr. Carnegie and his partners, 196, 197; goes into the steel business, 201.
Phipps, John, 46; killed, 76.
Pig iron, manufacture of, 178, 179; importance of chemistry in, 181-84.
Pilot Knob mine, 183.
Piper, Col. John L., partner of Mr. Carnegie, 116, 117; had a craze for horses, 118, 121; attachment to Thomas Carnegie, 118, 119; relations with James B. Eads, 120.
Pitcairn, Robert, division superintendent, Pennsylvania Railroad, 42, 44, 49, 66, 189.
Pittencrieff Glen, bought and given to Dunfermline, 286-89, 291.
Pittsburgh, in 1850, 39-41; some of its leading men, 41; in 1860, 93; later development, 348.
Pittsburgh, Bank of, 194.
Pittsburgh Locomotive Works, 115.
Pittsburgh Theater, 46, 48, 49.
Political corruption, 109.
Predestination, doctrine of, 75.
Principals' Week, 272.
Pritchett, Dr. Henry S., president of the Carnegie Endowment for the Advancement of Learning, 268.
Private pension fund, 279, 280.
Problems of To-day, quoted, 40, 217.
Protective tariffs, 146-48.
Prousser, Mr., chemist, 222.
Public speaking, 210.
Pullman, George M., 157, 159; forms Pullman Palace Car Company, 160, 161; anecdote of, 162; becomes a director of the Union Pacific, 164.
Quality, the most important factor in success, 115, 122, 123.
Queen's Jubilee, the (June, 1887), 320, 321.
Quintana, Manuel, President of Argentina, 346.
Railroad Pension Fund, 280.
Rawlins, Gen. John A., and General Grant, 107, 108.
Recitation, value of, in education, 20.
Reed, Speaker Thomas B., 362.
Reid, James D., and Mr. Carnegie, 59 and n.
Reid, General, of Keokuk, 154.
Republican Party, first national meeting, 68.
Riddle, Robert M., 81.
Ritchie, David, 139, 140.
Ritter, Governor, of Pennsylvania, anecdote of, 342.
Robinson, General, first white child born west of the Ohio River, 40.
Rockefeller, John D., 274.
Rogers, Henry H., 296.
Rolland School, 13.
Roosevelt, Theodore, 260; and Elihu Root, 275; John Morley on, 325; rejects the Arbitration Treaty, 360, 361; and the Philippines, 365.
Root, Elihu, 260, 286 n.; fund named for, at Hamilton College, 275; "ablest of all our Secretaries of State," 275; on Mr. Carnegie, 276; and John Morley, 324.
Rosebery, Lord, presents Mr. Carnegie with the freedom of Edinburgh, 215; relations with, 309, 310; handicapped by being born a peer, 310, 311.
Ross, Dr. John, 269, 271; aids in buying Pittencrieff Glen, 288, 289; receives freedom of Dunfermline, 313.
Round the World, 205, 206, 208.
Sabbath observance, 52, 53, 133.
St. Andrews University, Mr. Carnegie elected Lord Rector, 271, 273; confers doctor's degree on Benjamin Franklin and on his great-granddaughter, 272, 273.
St. Louis Bridge, 155-57.
Salisbury, Lord, and the Behring Sea troubles, 353-55.
Sampson, ——, financial editor of the London Times, 156.
Schiffler, Mr., a partner of Mr. Carnegie in building iron bridges, 116, 117.
Schoenberger, Mr., president of the Exchange Bank, Pittsburgh, 192, 193.
Schurman, President Jacob G., 363.
Schwab, Charles M., 152, 254-56.
Scott, John, 186.
Scott, Thomas A., 63, 70-74, 77; helps Carnegie to his first investment, 79; made general superintendent of the Pennsylvania Railroad, 84; breaks a strike, 84, 85; made vice-president of the Company, 90; Assistant Secretary of War, 99, 102; colonel, 103; returns to the railroad, 109; tries to get contract for sleeping-cars on the Union Pacific, 158, 159; becomes president of that road, 164; first serious difference with Carnegie, 165; president of the Texas Pacific Railroad, and then of the Pennsylvania road, 172; financially embarrassed, 173, 192; break with Carnegie and premature death, 174.
Scott, Sir Walter, and Marjory Fleming, 20; bust of, at Stirling, 157; made a burgess of Dunfermline, 210.
Scott, Gen. Winfield, 102, 103.
Seneca Indians, early gatherers of oil, 138.
Sentiment, in the practical affairs of life, 253.
Seton, Ernest Thompson, and John Burroughs, 293.
Seward, William Henry, 102.
Shakespeare, quoted, 10, 214, 219, 255, 294, 297; Mr. Carnegie's interest in, 48, 49.
Shaw, Henry W., see Billings, Josh.
Shaw, Thomas (Lord Shaw), of Dunfermline, 269, 288, 289.
Sherman, Gen. W.T., 107.
Shiras, George, Jr., appointed to the Supreme Court, 353.
Siemens gas furnace, 136.
Singer, George, 225.
Skibo Castle, Scotland, 217, 272, 326.
Sleeping-car, invention of, 87; on the Union Pacific Railway, 158-61.
Sliding scale of wages, solution of the capital and labor problem, 246, 247, 252.
Sloane, Mr. and Mrs., 29.
Smith, J.B., friend of John Bright, 11, 12.
Smith, Perry, anecdote of, 124.
Snobs, English, 301.
Spanish War, the, 361-65.
Speculation, 151, 153.
Spencer, Herbert, Mr. Carnegie's relations with, 333-37; a good laugher, 333, 334; opposed to militarism, 335; banquet to, at Delmonico's, 336; very conscientious, 337, 338; his philosophy, 339; on the gift of Carnegie Institute, 348, 349.
Spens, Sir Patrick, ballad of, 7, 367.
Spiegel, manufacture of, 220.
Stanley, Dean A.P., on Burns's theology, 271.
Stanton, Edwin M., 41, 275.
Stanwood, Edward, James G. Blaine quoted, 345 n.
Steel, the age of, 181-97; King, 224, 225.
Steel Workers' Pension Fund, 281.
Steubenville, bridge at, over the Ohio River, 116, 117.
Stewart, D.A., freight agent of the Pennsylvania Railroad, 94, 95; joins Mr. Carnegie in manufacture of steel rails, 186.
Stewart, Rebecca, niece of Thomas A. Scott, 90.
Stokes, Major, chief counsel of the Pennsylvania Railroad, 81-83, 86.
Storey, Samuel, M.P., 330.
Storey farm, oil wells on, 138, 139 n.
Straus, Isidor, 196.
Straus, Oscar S., and the National Civic Federation, 234, 235.
Strikes: on the Pennsylvania Railroad, 84, 85; at Homestead, 228-39; at the steel-rail works, 240, 243.
Sturgis, Russell, 168.
Success, true road to, 176, 177.
Sun City Forge Company, 115 n.
Superior Rail Mill and Blast Furnaces, 115.
Surplus, the law of the, 227.
Swedenborgianism, 22, 50, 51.
Sweet By and By, The, 341, 342.
Taft, William H., and the Philippines, 363, 365.
Tariff, protective, 146-48.
Taylor, Charles, president of the Hero Fund, 266, 267.
Taylor, Joseph, 58.
Taylor Hall at Lehigh University, 266.
Teaching, a meanly paid profession, 268.
Temple of Peace, at The Hague, 284, 285.
Tennant, Sir Charles, President of the Scotland Steel Company, 356, 357.
Texas, story about, 334.
Texas Pacific Railway, 172 n., 173.
Thaw, William, vice-president of the Fort Wayne Railroad, 190.
Thayer, William Roscoe, Life and Letters of John Hay, quoted, 216, 358, 359.
Thomas, Gen. George H., 107.
Thompson, Moses, 223.
Thomson, John Edgar, President of the Pennsylvania Railroad, 72; an evidence of his fairness, 117; offers Mr. Carnegie promotion, 140; shows confidence in him, 163; steel mills named for, 188, 189; financially embarrassed, 192.
Tower, Charlemagne, Ambassador to Germany, 366, 368.
Trent affair, the, 102.
Trifles, importance of, 36, 124, 159, 248.
Triumphant Democracy, published, 309; origin, 330-32.
Troubles, most of them imaginary, 162.
Tuskegee Institute, 276.
Twain, Mark, letter from, 294, 295; man and hero, 296; devotion to his wife, 297.
Union Iron Mills, 133, 134, 176; very profitable, 198.
Union Pacific Railway, sleeping-cars on, 159-61; Mr. Carnegie's connection with, 162-65.
"Unitawrian," prejudice against, 12.
Vanderlip, Frank A., 268.
Vandevort, Benjamin, 95.
Vandevort, John W., 95; Mr. Carnegie's closest companion, 142; accompanies him around the world, 204.
Van Dyke, Prof. John C., on the Homestead strike, 235-37, 239.
Wagner, Mr., Carnegie's interest in, 49, 50.
Walker, Baillie, 3.
Wallace, William, 16, 17, 367.
War, breeds war, 16; must be abolished, 274, 283, 284; "ferocious and futile folly," 358.
Washington, Booker T., declines gift to himself, 276, 277.
Waterways, inland, improvement of, 342.
Webster Literary Society, 61.
Wellesley College, Cleveland Library at, 275.
Western Reserve University, Hanna Chair at, 275.
White, Andrew D., 23, 150; and the Hague Conference, 284.
White, Henry, 358.
Whitfield, Louise, 213, 214. See also, Carnegie, Mrs. Andrew.
Whitwell Brothers, 179.
Wilkins, Judge William, 95, 96.
William IV, German Emperor, 366-71.
Wilmot, Mr., of the Carnegie Relief Fund, 266.
Wilson, James R., 46.
Wilson, Woodrow, 371, 372.
Wilson, Walker & Co., 226.
Women as telegraph operators, 69, 70.
Woodruff, T.T., inventor of the sleeping-car, 87, 161.
Woodward, Dr. Robert S., president of the Carnegie Institution, 260.
Wordsworth, William, quoted, 86.
Workmen's savings, 251.
World peace, 369-71.
Wright, John A., president of the Freedom Iron Works, 185.