Scene IV.
Joad is followed by a procession of priests and Levites', and the chorus. The high-priest arranges them round their king, and orders them to wait in concealment the expected signal. He seats Joas on the throne, and immediately after Athaliah arrives. At her approach Joad draws a curtain, by which Joas and the Levites are hid from view.
Ye saintly Levites, ministers of God, Surround this place, concealed on every side; And, leaving to my charge to guide your zeal, Wait till my voice commands you to appear.
(They all conceal themselves.)
King, I believe this hope's allowed your vows; You come to see your foes fall at your feet. That one, whose madness in your infancy Pursued you, now advances towards this place, With hasty step, intent to ruin you; But fear you not, think, that surrounding you, The exterminating angel, stands with us. Ascend your throne, and—but the doors are opening: Allow this screen to cover you a moment.
(He draws the screen.)
Princess, you are pale.
Without becoming so Can I behold the temple filled with murderers? What! See you not that numerous escort?
I see them close the sacred temple's doors, That everything is safe.
Scene V.
(Athaliah enters, and addresses Joad.)
Ah! there thou art, seducer! thou Noxious contriver of conspiracies, Who only on confusion feed'st thy hopes; Perpetual enemy of sovereign power! In the support of God thou hast reposed: Art thou yet disabused of thy vain trust? His temple and thy life he yields to me. I ought upon the altar, where thy hand Makes sacrifices, thee.—But with the price They offer me I must content myself. What thou hast promised, see to execute: That boy, that treasure must be given to me. Where are they?
Immediately thou shalt be satisfied; I am about to show them both at once.
(The screen is withdrawn. Joas is seen on his throne; his nurse on her knees at his right; Azariah, with his sword in his hand, is standing at his left; and near him are Zachariah and Salomith, kneeling on the steps of the throne; several Levites armed are ranged around.)
Appear, dear boy, blood worthy Israel's kings! Of our most saintly monarchs, knowst thou, queen, The inheritor? Knowst thou at least these scars Thy dagger made? Behold thy king, thy son, The son of Ochoziah! Abner, you And people recognise king Joas!
ATHALIAH (to Joad).
Perfidious wretch!
See'st thou that faithful Jewess Of whom, thou knowest well, he drew the breast? Him rescued from thy rage by Josabet, This temple hailed, where God has cared for him, Of David's treasures, see what I have left.
Thy treachery, traitor, to that child will be Most fatal. Soldiers, deliver me from That odious spectre!
Guards of the living God, defend your king!
(The bottom of the temple opens, and the Levites rush upon the scene from all sides.)
Where am I? Treason! O, unhappy queen! With arms and enemies I am surrounded!
Thine eyes flash round in vain, escape thou canst not, On every side the Lord's encompassed thee: That God thou hast defied, into my hands Has given thee up: now render an account To Him of slaughters which have made thee drunk.
What fear has petrified my worthless troops? Into what snare hast thou conducted me, Base Abner?
Queen, God is my testimony—
Hence with thy God, thou traitor, and avenge me!
On whom, on Joas, my master?
He Joas? Thy king? Remember, vile one, that My armies still are holding you besieged. I hear my camp demand me with loud cries, They come to aid me, quake, rebellious crew!
Scene VI.
{ISHMAEL (to Joad).}
The temple, sire, is free, the foe's no more; The stranger's army's fled, the Jewish docile; As wind disperses vapour in the air, The voice of the Almighty's chased that army. Our Levites, from the sacred porches' height, The son of Ochoziah have proclaimed Unto the people, and recited how His infancy was stolen from the sword; How Ahab's daughter's buried in the snare. At the same time the trumpet on all sides Resounded, and its blasts, blent with their shouts, Into the astonished camp disorder spread, And utter panic: (as proud Midianite Was struck by Gideon) Tyrians threw away Their arms and bucklers, and by diverse roads Scattered the first; some Hebrews next took flight; But with loud voice the rest declared for Joas; Admiring how the Lord had dealt with him. At length the people, by one spirit moved, The women, children, and old men, with joy Embraced each other, blessing God who sent, And those who tended him, celebrating Joas With hymns, the son of David come again to life! Baal in the holy city is in horror! His temple's doors are shivered Mathan's slain!
God of the Jews, Thou conquerest! Yea, it is Joas, I try deceit in vain; I see where I did cause him to be struck; I own the port and mien of Ochoziah; True, all remind me of the blood I hate; David's triumphant; Ahab is destroyed. Merciless God Thou hast o'erruled the whole: Who, with an easy vengeance flattering me, Hast made me self-conflicting through the day. Now, by a child exciting my remorse; Now, dazzling me with lust of Thy rich treasures, I feared to give this temple to destruction. Then let that son be king, Thy care, Thy work, And that to signalize his new dominion, Cause him to plunge his knife into my breast! This is his dying mother's wish towards him. What do I say? I soothe myself with hopes, That to Thy yoke unbent, tired of Thy law, Faithful to Ahab's blood received from me, In his grandfather's steps, and like his sire, The hateful heir of David will be found To abrogate Thy honour, and profane Thy temple, Venging Ahab, Jezebel, And Athaliah!
Let her at once be taken from the temple, So that its sanctity be not profaned. Go, sacred Vengers of our murdered princes, Stay, by her death, the outcry of their blood. If any rash adherent take her part, Let him be given to the sword with her.
Scene VII.
{JOAS (having descended from his throne)}
God, who behold'st my trouble, my affliction, O turn her maledictions far from me, And never suffer their accomplishment. Sooner than Joas forget Thee, may he die!
Call forth the people, let them see their king, That in his power they may renew their faith. King, people, priests, come, full of gratitude, Confirm the covenant with Jacob's God: And, struck with sacred awe at our ill deeds, Engage ourselves anew to Him with oaths. Abner, resume your place beside your prince.
Scene VIII.
{JOAD (to the Levite).}
Well, have they punished the temerity Of that ungodly woman?
Her death's atoned the horrors of her life. Jerusalem, for long her fury's prey, Is freed at length from her detested yoke.
By her dread end, commensurate with her crimes, Learn, prince of Judah, never to forget, That there's a rigid Judge of kings in heaven; The orphan's Father, Sword of innocence.
{FINIS.} |