Astounding Stories of Super-Science February 1930
Author: Various
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Anti-Tobacco League P.O. Box H-2 OMAHA, NEBR.

* * * * *


SUBSTANTIAL ADVANCE ROYALTIES are paid on work found acceptable for publication. Anyone wishing to write either the words or music for songs may submit work for free examination and advice. Past experience unnecessary. New demand created by "Talking Pictures" fully described in our free book. Write for it Today.

NEWCOMER ASSOCIATES 723 Earle Building, New York

* * * * *


We quickly teach you by mail, or at school. In spare time. Enormous demand. Big future. Interesting work. Oldest and foremost school.


Otto Wiegand, Md., home-study graduate, made $12,000 from his business in one year. John Vassoe, N.Y., gets $25 for a show card. Crawford, B.C., writes: "Earned $200 while taking course." Write for complete information.


* * * * *


YES—here's a wonderful opportunity to start right in making $15 in a day. You can have plenty of money to pay your bills, to spend for new clothes, furniture, radio, pleasure trips, or whatever you want. No more pinching pennies or counting the nickels and dimes. No more saying "We can't afford it." That's the biggest mistake any man or woman ever made. And I'll prove it.

Van Allen Makes $100 a Week

Just send me your name and address and I'll give you some facts that will open your eyes. I'll show you how L. C. Van Allen, of Illinois, quit a $23-a-week job, took hold of my proposition, and made better than $100 a week! Then there's Gustav Karnath, of Minnesota, who cleared $20.35 the first five hours, and Mrs. B. L. Hodges, of New York, who says she never fails to make a profit of $18 to $20 a day. I have letters from men and women everywhere that tell about profits of $10, $15, $20 and as high as $25 and $30 in a single day.

Start Right In

You don't need any experience or capital to make big money my way. No course of training is necessary. You simply act as my Representative in your locality and look after my business there. All you have to do is call on your friends and my established customers and take care of their orders for my fast selling line of Groceries, Toilet Articles and other Household Necessities. I have thousands of customers in every section of every State. They must order from you because I never sell through stores. Last year my Representatives made nearly two million dollars. When I get the coupon from you I send full details by return mail. You can quickly be making money just like I said. I will also supply you with Groceries and other Household Necessities at lowest, wholesale prices.


If you want ready cash—a chance to make $15 or more a day starting at once—and Groceries at wholesale—just send me your name and address on the coupon. It costs you nothing to investigate. Keep your present job and start in spare time if you want to. Oscar Stuart, of W. Virginia, reports $18 profit in 2-1/2 hours' spare time. So you see there's everything to gain. Simply mail the coupon. I will give you full details of my plan without cost or obligation to you. I'll give you the big opportunity you've been waiting for. So don't lose a moment. Mail the coupon NOW.


NOT a contest. I offer a brand-new car free to producers as an extra reward or bonus—in addition to their large cash profits. Mail coupon for particulars.

* * * * *


ALBERT MILLS, Pres., American Products Co., 5441 Monmouth Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio.

Send me, without cost or obligation, all the facts about your new proposition that offers a wonderful opportunity to make quick profits of $15 or more a day and Groceries at wholesale.

Name ........................................

Address .....................................

............................................. (C) A. P. Co. (Print or Write Plainly)

* * * * *

Please mention NEWSSTAND GROUP—MEN'S LIST, when answering advertisements

* * * * *

What's Wrong With This Picture?

See If You Can Find the Mistakes in This Picture

We will spend over $167,000.00 this year for the purpose of conducting free prize offers to advertise and expand our business. Thousands of persons are going to receive valuable prizes or cash awards and compensations this year through our offers. The sky is the limit! Anyone living in the United States outside of Chicago, except employees of this company, members of their families, or our previous auto or first prize winners, or members of their families, may enter an answer to this puzzle.

$7,346 In Prizes Given in This One Offer

Seven Big New 6-Cylinder Sedans and Other Valuable Prizes

Try your skill—it costs you nothing. Study the picture shown here, but look carefully. The artist has purposely made many mistakes. Can you find four or more of them? These mistakes can be found in various objects is the picture—that's all the hint we can give you. If you think you can find four or more mistakes, answer at once. Just mark the mistakes in pencil on the picture, or tell me what they are in a letter or on a post card. Only four mistakes are required for a perfect answer.

Anyone Who Answers This Puzzle Correctly May Receive Prizes or Cash!

Man, woman, boy, or girl—it doesn't matter who or what you are. Seven of the people who take up this offer are going to win wonderful automobiles. You can be among them. Answer today! Duplicate prizes awarded in case of ties.

Additional $500.00 for Promptness $500.00 extra will be awarded in addition to first prize if you are prompt. If your answer is judged to be perfect, I will tell you without delay about winning the prizes. Hurry now! Address your answer to G. W. ALDERTON, Advertising Manager, Dept. 143, 510 North Dearborn St., Chicago, Ill.

* * * * *

AGENTS—Represent THE Carlton LINE—America's Best Paying Proposition!



Shirts, Neckwear and Underwear.

No substitutions. 4 Hour Shipping Service. Highest Commissions Bonuses. Profit Sharing. Biggest Company. Mail Coupon.

CARLTON MILLS, 114 FIFTH AVE., N.Y.C. Send me your Famous Sample Outfit

Name ........................................

Address .....................................




$1000 LIFE Insurance Policy Free

* * * * *


Play Piano By Ear

Play popular song hits perfectly. Name the tune, play it by ear. No teacher—self-instruction. No tedious ding-dong daily practice—just 20 brief, entertaining lessons, easily mastered.

At Home in Your Spare Time

Send for FREE BOOK. Learn many styles of bass and syncopation—trick endings. If 10c (coin or stamps) is enclosed, you also receive wonderful booklet "How to Entertain at Piano"—and many new tricks, stunts, etc.

Niagara School of Music Dept. 350 Niagara Falls, N.Y.

Send for this Free Book

* * * * *

Learn How to BOX

$2.98 brings you the famous boxing course by mail of Jimmy DeForest, World's Greatest Trainer, the system that trained Dempsey and great champions. Covers everything in scientific boxing from fundamentals to ring generalship. Twenty weeks makes you a finished DeForest trained boxer. Hundreds of DeForest trained men are making good in the ring today. Complete course sent in one mailing. Send $2.98 or C.O.D order paying postman $2.98 plus actual postage.

Jimmy DeForest Boxing Course 347 Madison Ave., Box 42, New York City

* * * * *

Radium Is Restoring Health to Thousands

No medicine, drugs or dieting. Just a light, small, comfortable inexpensive Radio-Active Pad, worn on the back by day and over the stomach at night. Sold on trial. You can be sure it is helping you before you buy it. Over 150,000 sold on this plan. Thousands have written us that it healed them of Neuritis, Rheumatism, High Blood Pressure, Constipation, Nervous Prostration, Heart, Lungs, Liver, Kidney and Bladder trouble, etc. No matter what you have tried, or what your trouble may be, try Degnen's Radio-Active Solar Pad at our risk. Write today for Trial offer and descriptive literature. Radium Appliance Co., 2833 Bradbury Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal.

* * * * *


25 Lessons in Hypnotism, Mind Reading and Magnetic Healing. Tells how experts hypnotize at a glance, make others obey their commands. How to overcome bad habits, how to give a home performance, get on the stage, etc. Helpful to every man and woman, executives, salesmen, doctors, mothers, etc. Simple, easy. Learn at home. Only $1.10, including the "Hypnotic Eye," a new aid for amateurs. Send stamps or M.O. (or pay C.O.D. plus postage). Guaranteed. Educator Press, 19 Park Row, New York. Dept. H-41

* * * * *


Send us your name and address for full information regarding the Aviation and Airplane business. Find out about the many great opportunities now open and how we prepare you at home, during spare time, to qualify. Our new book, Opportunities in the Airplane industry also sent free if you answer at once.


* * * * *


DESIR D'AMOUR [Love's Desire]

This exotic perfume goes straight to the heart like Cupid's arrows. Its strength and mystic aroma thrills and delights young and old. Triple strength full size vial 98 cents prepaid or $1.32 C.O.D. plus shipping charges. Directions free. One bottle GRATIS if you order three vials. MAGNUS WORKS, Box 12, Varick Sta., New York, N.Y., Dept. NSG-2.

* * * * *

Please mention NEWSSTAND GROUP—MEN'S LIST, when answering advertisements

* * * * *

We start you in the shoe and hosiery business. Inexperienced workers earn Big Money yearly. Direct-to-Wearer plan. Just show Tanners Famous Line of Footwear.

We tell how and where to sell. Perfect fit through Patented System. Collect your pay daily. We furnish $40.00 Sample Outfit of actual shoes and hosiery. 83 styles.

Send for free book "Getting Ahead" and full particulars. No obligation.

TANNERS SHOE CO. 892 C Street, Boston, Mass.

* * * * *

Play the Hawaiian Guitar like the Hawaiians!

Only 4 Motions used in playing this fascinating instrument Our native Hawaiian instructors teach you to master them quickly. Pictures show how. Everything explained clearly.

Play in Half Hour

After you get the four easy motions you play harmonious chords with very little practice. No previous musical knowledge needed.

Easy Lessons

Even if you don't know one note from another, the 52 printed lessons and clear pictures make it easy to learn quickly. Pay as you play.

GIVEN when you enroll—a sweet toned HAWAIIAN GUITAR, Carrying Case and Playing Outfit—Value $18 to $20

No extras—everything included

WRITE AT ONCE for attractive offer and easy terms. You have everything to gain. A postcard will do. ACT!


Tenor Banjo, Violin, Tiple, Tenor Guitar, Ukulele, Banjo Ukulele. Under well known instructors.

FIRST HAWAIIAN CONSERVATORY of MUSIC, Inc. 9th Floor, Woolworth Bldg, Dept. 269 New York, N.Y.

Approved as a Correspondence School Under the Laws of the State of New York—Member National Home Study Council

* * * * *


Make Steady Money


Showing Samples

Men's Shirts Ties, Underwear brings you big cash commissions. One Year Guarantee. No substitutions. Free silk initials. More exclusive Rosecliff features establish leadership. Write for your FREE Outfit NOW!

ROSECLIFF SHIRT CORP. Dept. J-2 1237 Broadway, N.Y.

Outfit Free

* * * * *


$35 TO $75 WEEKLY MEN—WOMEN AGE 18 to 55

( ) By. Mail Clerk ( ) P. O. Laborer ( ) R. F. D. Carrier ( ) Special Agent (investigator) ( ) City Mail Carrier ( ) Meat Inspector ( ) P. O. Clerk ( ) File Clerk ( ) General Clerk ( ) Matron ( ) Steno-Typist ( ) Immigrant Inspector ( ) Seamstress ( ) Auditor ( ) Steno-Secretary ( ) U.S. Border Patrol ( ) Chauffeur-Carrier ( ) Watchman ( ) Skilled Laborer ( ) Postmaster ( ) Typist


Send me FREE particulars How To Qualify for positions marked "X." Salaries, locations, opportunities, etc. ALL SENT FREE.

Name ............................................

Address .........................................

* * * * *

If you will mail the coupon below, this Anatomical and Physiological Chart will be mailed to you without one cent of expense. It shows the location of the Organs, Bones of the Body, Muscles of the Body, Head and Vertebra Column and tells you how the nerves radiate from your spinal cord to all organs of the body. This chart should be in every home.

Where Is That PAIN?

It may be in the neck, back, hips, stomach, liver, legs or arms. Wherever it is, the chart will help to show you the location and cause of your ailment. For instance, this chart will help you locate vermiform appendix pains. Hundreds of lives might have been saved if people had known the location and character of the pain and had received proper attention.

Stop that Pain

By Relieving the Cause with Violet Ray—Vibration Ozone—Medical Electricity The Four Greatest Curative Powers Generated by This Great New Invention!

Elco Health Generators at last are ready for you! If you want more health—greater power to enjoy the pleasures and delights about you, or if more beauty is your desire—write! Ask for the book on these inventions which has just been prepared. It will be sent to you without cost. It tells you how Elco Health Generators aid you in leaving the lethargy and hopelessness of bad health and weakness behind forever. Re-vitalize yourself. Bring back energy. Be wholly alive. Write today!

Elco Electric Health Generators

Here's What Elco Users Say—

"Wouldn't Take $1000 for my Elco." "Has done me more good in 2 weeks than doctors did in three years." "Cured my Rheumatism." "My Eczema gone." "Cured my stomach trouble." "Cured my weakness." "Now I sleep soundly all night." "Thanks to Elco my strength and vigor are back." "No more pain." "Colds never bother me now." "Chronic Constipation banished."

Free Trial

These great new inventions generate Violet Ray, Vibration, Electricity and Ozone—combined or separate. They operate on the electric light in your home or on their own motive power at less than 50 cents per year. Elco Health Generators are positively the only instruments which can give you in one outfit Electricity, Violet Ray—Vibration and Ozone—the four greatest curative agents. Send the coupon below. Get the Free Book NOW!


Do not put this paper down without sending the coupon. Don't go on as you are with pains and with almost no life and energy. You owe it to yourself to be a better man or woman. You were put here to enjoy life—not just to drag through it. So do not rest another day until you have put your name on the coupon here. That will bring the whole story of these great new inventions. Do it today—now.

* * * * *

Lindstrom & Co. Makers of Therapeutic Apparatus since 1892. 2322 Indiana Avenue Dept. 15-62 Chicago

Please send me your free book, "Heal—Power—Beauty" and full information of your 10-day Free Trial Offer.

Name ........................................

Address .....................................

* * * * *

Please mention NEWSSTAND GROUP—MEN'S LIST, when answering advertisements

* * * * *

Who Wants an Auto FREE?

STUDEBAKER—BUICK—NASH! Your choice! OR $2000.00 CASH

Thousands of dollars in new autos and grand prizes will positively be given free to advertise and make new friends for my firm. Choice of Studebaker or Buick or Nash new 4-door sedan delivered free, or $2000.00 cash. Also Oldsmobile, Pontiac, Chevrolet, Fords, diamonds, other fine prizes and cash will be given free. No problems to do. No fine writing required. No words to make. No figures to add. Bank guarantees all prizes.

Pick Your Lucky Star!

All the stars in the circle are exactly alike except one. That star is different to all the others and it may be a lucky star for you. Can you pick it out? If you can, mark the different star and send the circle to me at once along with your name and address. A prompt answer can start you on the way to win the great $2000.00 free prize.


Someone like you who will write me at once can get $650.00 cash fast for being prompt, so you may thank your lucky stars if you send your answer right off. No risk. Nothing to buy. Nothing hard to do. Over $7000.00 in valuable prizes will be given free of cost. Send today and I will show you just how you can get your free choice of these splendid new sedans or $2000.00 cash, without cost or obligation of any kind. All win plan! A reward for everybody! SEND NO MONEY. Answer AT ONCE.


* * * * *


Your physician will tell you that hernia (rupture) is a muscular weakness in the abdominal wall.—Do not be satisfied with merely bracing these weakened muscles, with your condition probably growing worse every day!—Strike at the real cause of the trouble, and


The weakened muscles recover their strength and elasticity, and—

The unsightly, unnatural protrusion disappears, and—

You recover your vim, vigor and vitality,—your strength and energy,—and you look and feel better in every way,—and your friends notice the difference,—


You'll know your rupture is gone, and

You'll know why for almost a quarter of a century numerous sworn statements report complete recovery and freedom from uncomfortable mechanical supports, without delay from work.


A Test of the scientific self-treatment mentioned in coupon below is now available to you, whether you are young or old, man or woman. It costs you nothing to make this test.—For your own good mail the coupon NOW—TODAY.

* * * * *


Plapao Laboratories, 692 Stuart Bldg., St. Louis, Mo.

Send me a Free 10-day test supply of the remedial factor Plapao and 48 page illustrated book on Rupture; no charge for this now or later.

Name ........................................

Address .....................................

* * * * *



We prove it to you, FREE. SEND NO MONEY. Write today for PROOF and full details of our liberal prepaid FULL SIZE TRIAL PACKAGE.


Quickly ends Pimples, Blackheads, Whiteheads, Coarse Pores, Wrinkles, Oily Shiny Skin, Freckles, Chronic Eczema, Stubborn Psoriasis, Scales, Crusts, Pustules, Barbers Itch, Itching Skin, Scabbies, softens and whitens the skin. Just send us your name and address.

ANDRE & CO., 751 E. 42nd St., Suite 77, Chicago

* * * * *


"ONE WOMAN'S WAR" By Helene Reynolds Moffatt

"BROADWAY'S CHILDREN" By Achmed Abdullah and Faith Baldwin

"THE LOST DREAM" By Hector Hawton

"THE LIFE HE STOLE" By Roy Vickers

"FOOLISH FIRE" By Virginia Swain


"THE WHIRL OF YOUTH" By Evelyn Campbell

"FLAME OF FIRE WEED" By James French Dorrance

"A PRAIRIE PRINCESS" By Frank C. Robertson

These complete novels, each one a story of unusual significance, are now being offered to you at the special price of

25 cents each or five for $1.00, postpaid


* * * * *


World's best makes—Underwood, Remington, Royal—also portables—prices smashed to below half. (Easy terms.)


All late models completely rebuilt and refinished brand new. Guaranteed for ten years. Send no money—big Free catalog shows actual machines in full colors. Get our direct-to-you easy payment plan and 10 day free trial offer. Amazing values—send at once.

International Typewriter Exch., 231 W. Monroe St. Dept. 272, Chicago

* * * * *



DON'T DISCARD YOUR OLD SUIT. Wear the coat and vest another year by getting new trousers to match. Tailored to your measure. With over 100,000 patterns to select from we can match almost any pattern. Send vest or sample of cloth today, and we will submit FREE best match obtainable.

AMERICAN MATCH PANTS CO. Dept D. N. 6 W. Randolph St., Chicago, Ill.

* * * * *

Please mention NEWSSTAND GROUP—MEN'S LIST, when answering advertisements

* * * * *


No man or woman can escape the harmful effects of tobacco. Don't try to banish unaided the hold tobacco has upon you. Join the thousands of inveterate tobacco users that have found it easy to quit with the aid of the Keeley Treatment.


Treatment For Tobacco Habit Successful For Over 50 Years

Quickly banishes all craving for tobacco. Write today for Free Book telling how to quickly Free yourself from the tobacco habit and our Money Back Guarantee.

THE KEELEY INSTITUTE Dept. E-211 Dwight, Illinois

* * * * *

Styled On Fifth Avenue.



weekly selling this combined line. Public Service offers the best money-maker in the country for full time or spare time workers.

Splendid Fifth Ave. Styled shirts. Beautiful fabrics to satisfy every taste. Sell on sight to men and women at factory prices. Biggest assortment in the business. Collect your commissions in advance. Finest new Spring Outfit FREE. Start earning more money at once. Write TODAY.

PUBLIC SERVICE MILLS, Inc. 517-J Thirtieth Street, North Bergen, N.J. Canadian Office, 110 Dundas St., London, Ontario, Canada

* * * * *


Men or women can earn $15 to $25 weekly in spare time at home making display cards. Light, pleasant work. No canvassing. We instruct you and supply you with work. Write today for full particulars.

The MENHENITT COMPANY Limited 245 Dominion Bldg., Toronto, Can.

* * * * *



A New Creation, an Enchanting, powerful aroma, with that alluring blend that stirs the soul of rich and poor, old and young to surrender to its charms. $2.50 value, $1.00 post paid or $1.27 C.O.D. with instructions for use. Also Free our 2 new books totaling 120 pages including


burning love epistles of many of history's famous characters, also secrets of Love's Psychology and Art of winning the One You Love with the original 7 Psychological and Successful plans for winning and holding the love of the one you love.

Wons Co., Dept. N-15 Box 1250, Hollywood, Calif.

* * * * *


Executive Accountants and C.P.A.'s earn $8,000 to $10,000 a year. Thousands of firms need them. Only 9,000 Certified Public Accountants in the Unites States. We train you thoroughly at home in spare time for C.P.A. examinations or executive accounting positions. Previous experience unnecessary. Training under the personal supervision of William B. Castenholz, A.M., C.P.A., and a large staff of C.P.A.'s including members of the American Institute of Accountants. Write for free book, "Accountancy, the Profession that Pays."

La Salle Extension University, Dept. 275-H Chicago The World's Largest Business Training Institution

* * * * *

LEARN TO Mount Birds

We teach you At Home by Mail to mount Birds, Animals, Heads, Tan Furs and Make Rugs. Be a taxidermy artist. Easily, quickly learned by men, women and boys. Tremendously interesting and fascinating. Decorate home and den with beautiful art. Make Big Profits from Spare Time Selling Specimens and Mounting for Others.

Free Book—Yes absolutely Free—beautiful book telling all about how to learn taxidermy. Send Today. You will be delighted. Don't Delay!

Northwestern School of Taxidermy 1032 Elwood Bldg. OMAHA, NEB.

* * * * *


send you these Genuine high quality, Imported Drawing Instruments, 14 Other Tools and a Drafting Table—All included in my Home Training Course.

"My Pay-Raising Plan"

It Shows You How I Prepare You at Home For


In These and Other Great Industries

Automobile—Electricity—Motor Bus—Aviation—Building Construction.

There are jobs for Draftsmen in all of these industries and in hundreds of others.

Aviation is expanding to enormous proportions.

Electricity is getting bigger every day. Motor Bus building is becoming a leading world industry.

Building of stores, homes, factories and office buildings is going on all the time. No structure can be erected without plans drawn by a draftsman. No machinery can be built without plans drawn by a draftsman. I train you at home, in Drafting. Keep the job you have now while learning.

Earn As You Learn

I tell you how to start earning extra money a few weeks after beginning my training.

I will train you in drafting right where you are in your spare time. I have trained men who are making $3,500.00 to $9,000.00 a year. Get started now toward a better position, paying a good, straight salary, the year around. Comfortable surroundings. Inside work.

Employment Service

After training you I help you to get a job without charging you a cent for this service. Employers of Draftsmen come to me for men. Employers know they are not taking chances on men trained by me.

No Experience Necessary

You do not need to be a college man nor high school graduate to learn by this method. No previous experience necessary. I make a positive money back guarantee with you before I begin to train you.

If you are now earning less than

$70.00 a WEEK

Write For My FREE "Pay-Raising Plan"

Mail this coupon at once. Get "My Pay-Raising Plan". It certainly points the way to success. You owe it to yourself to send for this book. Find out how I help you find big opportunities in practically all big industries. The book will come to you post paid and FREE. Mail the coupon for it today.

* * * * *

Engineer Dobe 1951 Lawrence Ave., Div. 15-62 Chicago

Send me Free of all cost, "My Pay-Raising Plan". Also plan to earn money while learning to be a draftsman and proof of big money paying positions in great industries.

Name.................................. Age.........


Post Office......................... State.........

* * * * *

Please mention NEWSSTAND GROUP—MEN'S LIST, when answering advertisements

* * * * *

Clear-Tone Clears the Skin

Clear-Tone is a penetrating, purifying lotion, used at night with astounding success to clear the skin of pimples, blotches, black-heads and other annoying, unsightly skin irritations due to external causes. More than one-half million persons have cleared their skins with Clear-Tone in the last 12 years. "Complexion Tragedies with Happy Endings", filled with facts supplied by Clear-Tone users sent Free on request. Clear-Tone can be had at your druggist—or direct from us. GIVENS CHEMICAL CO., 2557 Southwest Boulevard, Kansas City, Mo.

* * * * *

SELL PIONEER All Wool Tailoring

Full or Part Time

$4.50 to $7.00 (WITH BONUS) PROFIT Per SUIT

Cash Paid Daily

An opportunity to make $12 a day from the start, selling famous Pioneer tailored-to-measure, all-wool suits at $25. Commissions paid in advance. Chance for own clothes at no cost. Striking Big Outfit of over 100 large swatches furnished free—other equally remarkable values at $30 and $35. We train the inexperienced. Men willing to work for success will write for this big money-making opportunity, today.

PIONEER TAILORING CO. Congress and Throop Sts., Dept. P-1184, Chicago

* * * * *


Be Comfortable—

Three million of these comfortable sanitary appliances sold. No obnoxious springs or pads. Automatic Air Cushion gently assists nature in drawing together the broken parts. Durable. Cheap. Sent on 10-day trial to prove its worth. Beware of imitations. Every appliance made to individual measurements and sent direct from Marshall. Full information and Rupture booklet sent free in plain, sealed envelope. Write for all the facts today.

BROOKS APPLIANCE CO., 173-B State Street, Marshall, Mich.

* * * * *


Thousands have used the Anita Nose Adjuster to improve their appearance. Shapes flesh and cartilage of the nose—safely, painlessly, while you sleep. Results are lasting. Doctors approve it. Money back guarantee. Gold Medal winner. Write for 30-Day TRIAL OFFER and FREE BOOKLET.

ANITA INSTITUTE, 242 Anita Building, Newark, N.J.

* * * * *


Is easily found in AUDELS NEW ELECTRIC LIBRARY. Electricity made simple as ABC. Up-to-date, trade dope for the expert and ALL electrical workers.

Questions, answers, diagrams, calculations, underwriter's code; design, construction, operation and maintenance of modern electrical machines and appliances FULLY COVERED.

All available at small cost, easy terms. BOOK-A-MONTH service puts this NEW information in your hands for 6c a day.

Write TODAY for Electrical Folder and FREE TRIAL offer.

Theo. Audel & Co. 65 W. 23rd St. New York, Dept. 20

* * * * *

Ever Get Nervous When You're Reading?

You might see a doctor,

But if you are a girl, and wise,

You'll try reading

MISS 1930



—A Chance To See your picture in a magazine.

—Real laughs.

—Choosing a Career

—The Fate of Your Name

—Youthful Styles

—And the Best Fiction in any


MISS 1930 80 Lafayette Street, New York City


* * * * *

Please mention NEWSSTAND GROUP—MEN'S LIST, when answering advertisements

* * * * *

Tobacco Habit Banished

Let Us Help You

Stop craving tobacco in any form. Tobacco Redeemer in most cases relieves all craving for it in a few days' time. Don't try to quit the tobacco habit unaided. It's often a losing fight against heavy odds, and may mean a distressing shock to the nervous system. Let Tobacco Redeemer help the habit to quit you. Tobacco users usually can depend upon this help by simply using Tobacco Redeemer according to simple directions. It is pleasant to use, acts quickly, and is thoroughly reliable.

Not a Substitute

Tobacco Redeemer contains no habit-forming drugs of any kind. It is in no sense a substitute for tobacco. After finishing the treatment, there should be no desire to use tobacco again or to continue the use of the remedy. In case the treatment is not perfectly satisfactory, we will gladly refund any money paid. It makes not a particle of difference how long tobacco has been used, or in what form—whether it is cigars, cigarettes, pipe, plug, fine cut or snuff. In most cases Tobacco Redeemer removes all craving for tobacco in any form in a very few days. And remember, it is offered with a positive money-back guarantee. Write today for our free booklet showing the injurious effect of tobacco upon the human system and convincing evidence that TOBACCO REDEEMER does quickly relieve the craving for tobacco in most cases.

NEWELL PHARMACAL COMPANY Dept. 793 Clayton Station St. Louis, Mo.

* * * * *

10 Inches Off Waistline In 35 Days

"I reduced from 48 inches to 38 inches in 35 days," says R. E. Johnson, of Akron, O., "just by wearing a Director Belt. Stomach now firm, doesn't sag and I feel fine."

The Director Belt gets at the cause of fat and quickly removes it by its gentle, kneading, massaging action on the abdomen, which causes the fat to be dissolved and absorbed. Thousands have proved it and doctors recommend it as the natural way to reduce. Stop drugs, exercises and dieting. Try this easy way.

Sent on Trial

Let us prove our claims. We'll send a Director for trial. If you don't get results you owe nothing. You don't risk a penny. Write for trial offer, doctors' endorsements and letters from users. Mail the coupon NOW!

LANDON & WARNER 332 S. La Salle St., Chicago, Ill.

* * * * *

Landon & Warner, Dept. C-71, 332 S. LaSalle, Chicago

Gentlemen: Without cost or obligation on my part please send me details of your trial offer.

Name ........................................

Address .....................................

* * * * *

$1,000 Reward!

In a dirty, forelorn shack by the river's edge they found the mutilated body of Genevieve Martin. Her pretty face was swollen and distorted. Marks on the slender throat showed that she had been brutally choked to death. Who had committed this ghastly crime?

Crimes like this are being solved every day by Finger Print Experts. We read in the papers of their exploits, hear of the mysteries they solve, the rewards they win. Finger Print Experts are the heroes of the hour.

More Trained Men Needed

The demand for trained men by governments, states, cities, detective agencies, corporations, and private bureaus is becoming greater every day. Here is a real opportunity for YOU. Can you imagine a more fascinating line of work than this? Often life and death depend on finger print evidence—and big rewards go to the expert. Many experts earn regularly from $3,000 to $10,000 per year.

Learn At Home in Spare Time

Now, through this amazing new, simple course, you can learn the secrets of this science easily and quickly at home in your spare time. Any man with common school education and average ability can become a Finger Print Detective in surprisingly short time.

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Institute of Applied Science Dept. 15-62 1920 Sunnyside Avenue, Chicago

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INSTITUTE OF APPLIED SCIENCE, Dept. 15-62 1920 Sunnyside Avenue, Chicago, Ill.

Gentlemen: Without any obligation whatever, send me your new, fully illustrated FREE book on Finger Prints and the free copy of the Confidential Reports of Operator No. 38 made to His Chief.

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Muscles 5c apiece!

Wouldn't it be great if we could buy muscles by the bag—take them home and paste them on our shoulders? Then our rich friends with money to buy them, sure would be socking us all over the lots. But they don't come that easy, fellows. If you want muscle you have to work for it. That's the reason why the lazy fellow never can hope to be strong. So if you're lazy and don't want to work—you had better quit right here. This talk was never meant for you.

Author of "Muscle Building," "Science of Wrestling and Jiu Jitsu," "Secrets of Strength," "Here's Health," "Endurance," Etc.


I've been making big men out of little ones for over fifteen years. I've made pretty near as many strong men as Heinz has made pickles. My system never fails. That's why I guarantee my works to do the trick. That's why they gave me the name of "The Muscle Builder."

I have the surest bet that you ever heard of. Eugen Sandow himself said that my system is the shortest and surest that America ever had to offer.

Follow me closely now and I'll tell you a few things I'm going to do for you.


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Sounds pretty good, what? You can bet your old ukulele it's good. It's wonderful. And don't forget, fellow—I'm not just promising all this—I guarantee it. Well, let's get busy, I want action—So do you.

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It contains forty-eight full-page photographs of myself and some of the many prize-winning pupils I have trained. Some of these came to me as pitiful weaklings, imploring me to help them. Look them over now, and you will marvel at their present physiques. This book will prove an impetus and a real inspiration to you. It will thrill you through and through. This will not obligate you at all, but for the sake of your future health and happiness, do not put it off. Send today—right now, before you turn this page.


* * * * *

EARLE LIEDERMAN Dept. 1702, 305 Broadway, New York City

Dear Sir:—Please send me without any obligation on my part whatever, a copy of your latest book "Muscular Development." (Please write or print plainly.)

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Better tobaccos make them smoother and better ... with "not a cough in a carload"

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When they learn the difference they flock to Camels.


* * * * *

Transcriber Corrections:

He turned quickly and was astonished at the sight of [added 'the']

shook a skinny forefinger [standardized 'fore-finger'] in Tom's face.

I was successful [was 'successsful'] in business

His eyes were riveted [standardized 'rivetted'] to an undulating,

One is that it would be [was 'would me']

propellers [standardized 'propellors'] ripping into the summer night

The thing was halfway [standardized 'half-way'] to the high bank

On some were propellers [standardized 'propellors'].

the slim shafts with their little propellerlike [standardized 'propellorlike'] fans.

There were others without the propellers; [standardized 'propellors']

He saw from below the swift plane, [added comma] the streaming, intangible ray

does not sympathize [was 'symphathize'] with radicals.

and took up a cigarette. Lighting [was 'Lightning'] it

The light of the match died, plunging me into a pit of gloom. [was ,]

more comfort than [was 'that'] a room of grotesque shadows

familiar [was 'familar'] to him. He had seen it pictured

throughout the sun-ship, [standardized 'sun ship'] Northwood, going into the cabin for fur coats,

Athalia's [was 'Athania's'] picture was gone.

He seized a telescope and focused [was 'focusd'] it

Northwood [was 'Norwood'] narrowed his eyes as

"Do I guess right," said Northwood, [was ;] "that the light is

"Yes," said Dr. Mundson. [was 'Munson'] "In your American slang,

New Eden, [was 'Elden'] where supermen are younger than babes

while she possessed the freshness of young girlhood, [changed from ;] her skin and eyes

the iciness [was 'icyness'] was gone from his blue eyes

you would be disappointed in him, [added ,] especially after having

which she probably never saw before to-day, [standardized 'today']

I don't blame Adam for preferring [was 'prefering'] Athalia.

the atoms of his body seemed to fly asunder. [was 'assunder']

Every grave that has yawned to receive its prey hides [was 'pray']

thrust him into Future Time, where the laboratory [was hyphenated between lines as 'labor-ratory']

there could be no survivors. [standardized 'survivers']

could receive with any [was 'and'] degree of clarity,

always passed everyone [standardized 'every one'] who took his courses

that he was allowed to go [was 'do'] about as he pleased.

I can have a good man rewrite [standardized 're-write'] your drivel

isn't to-day [standardized 'today'] to that Indian.

would be necessary to decelerate [was 'decellerate']

what looked at first [was 'fist'] glance to be a huge artillery shell

To-day [standardized 'Today'] the human body stands a speed

A few minutes was enough for [removed duplicate 'for'] me to grasp

Suppose I was laughed [was 'to laughed'] at when I get back,

in the chairs of science to-day. [standardized 'today']

pre-pleistocene [was 'pre-pleistocence'] age—swimming among the invertebrate

and, with almost super-human [standardized 'superhuman'] efforts,

"The swarm's halfway [standardized 'half-way'] to Adelaide," he said.

"Tommy, there must be water in the station," said [was 'and'] Dodd.

The entire machine was enclosed [standardized 'inclosed'] in a

inconspicuousness [was 'inconspicuous'] of his voice and manner

replied the detective. "Where did you hide the loot?" [was ,]

a person might [was 'mighty'] cause by passing very rapidly.

more experience with robberies than [was 'that'] with apprehending

is closed for to-day. [standardized 'today']

replied the doctor with a judicial [was 'judical'] air,

"Are we going to waste the whole afternoon [was 'afternon']

showed you to be ambidextrous." [was 'ambidexterous']



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