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Assimilative Memory - or, How to Attend and Never Forget
by Marcus Dwight Larrowe (AKA Prof. A. Loisette)
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1. In this process, what is first done with a sentence? 2. After a sentence is thus taken to pieces, what is then done with it? 3. How do we proceed after finding the lowest terms? 4. Do we revive any part of the original sentence each time we make an addition? 5. How much of it? 6. Is the intellect kept occupied in this way? 7. Does this not make a deep and lasting first impression? 8. Every time this is used what should be the result? 9. Should the natural Memory be strengthened in both stages? 10. Does this process admit of more than one application in the case of a long sentence?


The practice of the above method is so attractive to a beginner when it is applied to single sentences, that he is apt to work at it too long at a time. Let him not at the outset analyse and reconstruct more than from 3 to 4 sentences at one sitting or lesson, but let him do what he attempts in the most thorough manner, and after a time he will not find it necessary to apply this method in future memorisations.


1. A bachelor is a wild goose that tame geese envy.

2. Law is a trap baited with promise of benefit or revenge.

3. Conversation is the idle man's business and the business man's recreation.

4. Attention is adjusting the observer to the object in order to seize it in its unity and diversity.

5. Assimilative Memory is the Habit of so receiving and absorbing impressions and ideas that they or their representatives shall be ready for revival or recall whenever wanted.


Interrogative Analysis or intellectual Inquisition is another and most effective mode of inciting the intellect to pass from a passive into an active assimilating condition when trying to learn by heart as well as to help create the habit of the intellect staying with the senses. The process consists of two parts: (1) To not only ask a question on every important word in the sentence to be memorised, but, (2) to repeat the entire sentence in reply to each question, while specially emphasising that word of the sentence which constitutes the answer to the question. Take the passage from Byron:—

"Man! Thou pendulum 'twixt a smile and tear."

1. Who is a pendulum 'twixt a smile and tear? "Man! thou pendulum 'twixt a smile and tear." 2. What function does man perform 'twixt a smile and tear? "Man! thou pendulum 'twixt a smile and tear." 3. 'Twixt a tear and what else is man said to be a pendulum? "Man! thou pendulum 'twixt a smile and tear." 4. 'Twixt a smile and what else is man said to be a pendulum? "Man! thou pendulum 'twixt a smile and tear." 5. By what word is the relation between "pendulum" and "a smile and tear" described? "Man! thou pendulum 'twixt a smile and tear." 6. Is the pendulum which man is said to be 'twixt a smile and tear addressed in the first, second, or third person? "Man! thou pendulum 'twixt a smile and tear."

The pupils will see that the above method is fundamentally unlike the ordinary question and answer method. In the latter procedure, a question is asked and the answer is given by "yes" or "no," or by the use of one or more words of the sentence. To illustrate: What is "man" called in this passage? Ans. A pendulum. What swings betwixt a smile and tear? Ans. A pendulum, &c., &c.

1. Define Interrogative Analysis. 2. What does it incite the intellect to do? 3. What does the process consist of? What are they?

But in my Method the aim is to repeat as much of the sentence as is possible informing the question and the whole of it in each reply; and in question and reply the word that constitutes the point of both is to be especially emphasized, and in this way the mind is exercised on each word of the sentence twice (once in question and once in answer), and each word of the sentence is emphasized in reference to the whole of the sentence. And in all these separate steps it is impossible for the mind to remain in a passive state, but must be active and absorbing throughout, and thereby a most vivid first impression is secured, and the remembrance of it assured.

Besides the habit of exhaustively considering and weighing a sentence which is created by this method, it not only secures the faithful recollection of the passages to which it is applied, but it gives another great advantage. What usually makes a person dull in conversation? Setting aside timidity, we find that well-informed persons are sometimes good listeners, but no talkers. Why is this? In conversation their minds are apt to remain in a recipient passive state. Hence no trains of thought arise in their own minds. And having nothing in their minds which seeks utterance, they remain quiet. Now the practice of Interrogative Analysis compels such persons to interrogate—to propose questions—to think. And when such mental activity becomes strong, it will break out in conversations by interrogatories and critical and often original interesting remarks.

1. Is this method like the ordinary question and answer method? 2. How are answers given in the latter procedure? 3. What is the aim in my method? 4. How much of the sentence is repeated in each reply given to the question? 5. What word is to be especially emphasised? 6. How often is the mind exercised on each word of the sentence? 7. In all of these separate steps, is it possible for the mind to remain in a passive state? Must it not be active and absorbing throughout?

Teachers often complain that they can never induce some of their pupils to ask questions on their tasks. The reason is that their pupils remain in a passive state of mind. Had they been thoroughly drilled in Interrogative Analysis as I teach it, they would quickly have questions to ask on all subjects.

I show them how to interrogate. They cannot help practising this method. They commence with the first word of a sentence and go on to the last. And from the numerous examples I give, they see exactly how this is to be done in all other cases. But if I had merely told them to ask questions on the sentence to be learned, they would have had no guide or rule of procedure to follow. As I fully illustrate my Method the pupil at once knows how to proceed, and he gains confidence in his ability to use the method every time he tries it, and at length the Habit of active thinking has been formed, and he is almost sure to be an interrogator and thinker on all subjects.

1. What is thereby secured? 2. Is the remembrance of the first impression assured? 3. What other great advantage does the method of Interrogative Analysis give? 4. Are all well-informed persons good talkers? 5. If not, why? 6. In conversation, in what state are their minds apt to remain? 7. Do any trains of thought arise in their own minds? 8. What does the practice of Interrogative Analysis compel such persons to do? 9. What do teachers often complain of? 10. What is the cause? 11. What does my method show them? 12. Can they help practising it? 13. Do I not fully illustrate my method? 14. Does not the pupil gain confidence by practising this method? 15. Does not the habit of active thinking thereby grow upon him?

The following sentence will be made use of as an example for practice. I deal with it by the Analytic-Synthetic, and also by the Interrogative Analysis methods.

"The Devil hath not, in all his quiver's choice, An arrow for the heart like a sweet voice!"

1. The Devil hath an arrow. 2. The Devil hath not an arrow. 3. The Devil hath not an arrow for the heart. 4. The Devil hath not an arrow for the heart like a voice. 5. The Devil hath not an arrow for the heart like a sweet voice. 6. The Devil hath not, in his choice, an arrow for the heart like a sweet voice. 7. The Devil hath not, in his quiver's choice, an arrow for the heart like a sweet voice. 8. The Devil hath not, in all his quiver's choice, an arrow for the heart like a sweet voice.


1. Who hath not in all his quiver's choice an arrow for the heart like a sweet voice? The Devil hath not, in all his quiver's choice, an arrow for the heart like a sweet voice. 2. Hath the Devil in all his quiver's choice an arrow for the heart like a sweet voice? The Devil hath not, in all his quiver's choice, an arrow for the heart like a sweet voice. 3. What hath not the Devil in all his quiver's choice for the heart? The Devil hath not, in all his quiver's choice, an arrow for the heart like a sweet voice. 4. For what hath not the Devil in all his quiver's choice an arrow like a sweet voice? The Devil hath not, in all his quiver's choice, an arrow for the heart like a sweet voice. 5. Like what sweet thing hath not the Devil in all his quiver's choice an arrow for the heart? The Devil hath not, in all his quiver's choice, an arrow for the heart like a sweet voice. 6. Like what kind of a voice hath not the Devil in all his quiver's choice an arrow for the heart? The Devil hath not, in all his quiver's choice, an arrow for the heart like a sweet voice.

"A bad workman blames his tools."

Who blames his tools? A bad workman blames his tools. What kind of a workman blames his tools? A bad workman blames his tools. What bad man blames his tools? A bad workman blames his tools. How does a bad workman treat his tools? A bad workman blames his tools. Whose tools does a bad workman blame? A bad workman blames his tools. What things belonging to a bad workman does he blame? A bad workman blames his tools.

"Judgments draw interest at six per cent."

What draw interest? Judgments draw interest at six per cent. How do judgments operate on interest? Judgments draw interest at six per cent. What do judgments draw? Judgments draw interest at six per cent. At what rate do judgments draw interest? Judgments draw interest at six per cent. A part of what sum is the interest of six dollars which judgments draw? Judgments draw interest at six per cent.

"Effort is the price of success."

What is the price of success? Effort is the price of success. Was effort the price of success? Effort is the price of success. What bearing has effort on success? Effort is the price of success. Effort is the price of what? Effort is the price of success.

"Truth seldom goes without a scratched face."

What seldom goes without a scratched face? Truth seldom goes without a scratched face. Does truth ever go without a scratched face? Truth seldom goes without a scratched face. What does truth seldom do without a scratched face? Truth seldom goes without a scratched face. Does truth seldom go with a scratched face? Truth seldom goes without a scratched face. Truth seldom goes without what? Truth seldom goes without a scratched face. What kind of a face is spoken of? Truth seldom goes without a scratched face. Without what scratched thing does truth seldom go? Truth seldom goes without a scratched face.


1. Instinct is inherited memory. 2. Books are embalmed minds. 3. Words are the fortresses of thought. 4. A name denotes objects and connotes attributes. 5. Force is depersonalised will. 6. A somnambule only acts his dream. 7. Attention is fixation of consciousness. 8. Science is organised common sense.

The student of Interrogative Analysis can apply this method to the examples given under the Analytic-Synthetic Method. This will give the needful additional practice. But let him not attempt too much at any one time. Three to four examples thoroughly studied are quite sufficient for one session or sitting.



1. Before attempting to memorize any selections of Prose or Poetry, never fail first to read it carefully to ascertain what it is all about, to learn its aim and mode of development and its peculiarities, and not least of all, to look up and note down in writing the meaning of unfamiliar words.

2. In this poem the average reader might have to consult the dictionary for the precise meaning of "Crystalline" [clear, unalloyed], "Runic" [old-fashioned, mystical], "Tintinnabulation" [bell-ringing], "Monody" [a monotonous sound], "Ghouls" [imaginary evil beings supposed to prey upon human bodies], and "Paean" [a song of triumph]. The pupil should understand that except in the rare cases where mere sound helps us, we learn wholly through the meaning of the words and their relations between the meanings, and therefore if he fails to know the import of any word or words in a selection, he cannot receive the full benefit of the methods taught in this System.

3. The reader finds that there are four stanzas in this poem, each dealing with a different kind of bell, viz.: Silver, Golden, Brazen and Iron bells.

4. It is always best to fix in memory the order of paragraphs or of stanzas the moment the opportunity occurs for that purpose, and here, before attempting to memorise the stanzas themselves, let the order of them be fixed.

5. The order of the bells is first "silver," second "golden," third "brazen," and fourth "iron." How establish this order in mind? Silver and gold are the precious metals used for coins. They occur here in the order of their value, "silver" being first and the cheaper, and "gold" the second and the most valuable of all. Next we have "brazen," which resembles "gold" in colour, and fourth and last we have "iron," the cheapest of the four—silver, gold, brass and iron. If this analysis of the order of the subject-matter of the stanzas is retained, the student is ready to take account of other things which his first perusal of the poem has taught him.

6. Before doing so, however, let us notice a method of the old Mnemonics, which is still taught and which should never be resorted to. It is their story-telling method. A story or narrative is invented for the purpose of helping the student, as it is claimed, to memorise it. In this poem we find there are four stanzas, each occupied with a different kind of bell. To help remember that the order of the bells is silver, gold, brass and iron, the old Mnemonics advises us to invent a story—the following will answer: A couple of lovers once took a sleigh-ride, the horses carrying silver bells. After a time they marry, when wedding or golden bells are used. Later on their house is on fire, when alarm or brazen bells are brought into requisition, and last of all, one of the couple dies, when the iron bells were tolled.

Whilst such a method is a novelty to the student, he might tolerate it as such, but as a memory-aid it is always unreliable, since it is something in addition to the matter to be remembered and forming no part of it, the invented story, if remembered at all, is apt to be recalled as an integral part of the selection itself.

7. In this first perusal the reader has noticed that there is a certain uniformity of construction in the first line of each stanza, as in the first stanza we have: "Hear the sledges with the bells—silver bells;" in the second, "Hear the mellow wedding bells—golden bells;" in the third, "Hear the loud alarum bells—brazen bells;" and in the fourth and last, "Hear the tolling of the bells—iron bells."

8. The reader has also observed that the second line in each stanza contains a reflection in the form of an exclamation on the function or result of the uses of the bells spoken of, as in the second line of the first stanza we see: "What a world of merriment their melody foretells;" in the second stanza the second line gives us, "What a world of happiness their harmony foretells;" the second line of the third stanza reads as follows: "What a tale of terror, now, their turbulency tells;" and in the fourth stanza the second line runs thus: "What a world of solemn thought their monody compels."

9. Other points of resemblance [In.], or of unlikeness [Ex.], were noticed in the reader's first perusal of this poem, and these, as well as those already remarked upon, will greatly facilitate his learning the exact language of each stanza.

10. Now comes the test. It is often said that habit is "second" nature. The Duke of Wellington more truly said: "Habit is ten times nature." The reader early acquired the habit of learning prose and poetry by the rote method—the method of repeating the sentences over and over again almost endlessly till ear or eye retains the exact language.

Now, if the reader has gained a clear conception of the Analytic-Synthetic and Interrogative Analysis methods, he is sure to be convinced of their undoubted superiority to the rote method. And if he must needs learn Poe's "Bells" before to-morrow night, he would probably spend most of the intervening time in trying to learn it by the discredited rote method, and most likely fail in the attempt, while he is satisfied in theory that he could memorise it by one of my methods in three hours, or in half of that time. The difficulty in his case is to induce him to exert his willpower long enough to practise my methods in learning not a few detached sentences, but an entire poem of 50 or 200 lines; but if he does this in one instance, he effectually breaks down the old bad habit of endless unassimilating repetition and introduces a good habit instead. He will then learn Poe's "Bells" by my methods in one-tenth, if not one-fiftieth, part of the time it would take him to do it by the rote method.

11. I here produce the poem in the hope that every one who studies my System will learn it by the Analytic-Synthetic method, and when he has learned the first stanza he should then glance at my Analysis of it which follows the poem and compare his work with mine. Let him then learn the rest of the poem—and thereafter, as a genuine exercise of his reviving power and as a training in attention, let him recall it as often as once a week for as many weeks as his desire for improvement continues, or until the recital of it becomes merely automatic.


Hear the sledges with the bells—silver bells— What a world of merriment their melody foretells! How they tinkle, tinkle, tinkle, in the icy air of night! While the stars that oversprinkle All the heavens seem to twinkle with a crystalline delight; Keeping time, time, time, in a sort of Runic rhyme, To the tintinnabulation that so musically wells From the bells, bells, bells, bells, bells, bells, bells— From the jingling and the tinkling of the bells.

Hear the mellow wedding-bells, golden bells! What a world of happiness their harmony foretells— Through the balmy air of night how they ring out their delight! From the molten-golden notes, and all in tune, What a liquid ditty floats To the turtle-dove that listens, while she gloats on the moon! Oh, from out the sounding cells, What a gush of euphony voluminously wells! How it swells! how it dwells On the Future! how it tells of the rapture that impels To the swinging and the ringing of the bells, bells, bells— Of the bells, bells, bells, bells, bells, bells, bells— To the rhyming and the chiming of the bells!

Hear the loud alarum bells—brazen bells! What a tale of terror, now, their turbulency tells! In the startled ear of night How they scream out their affright! Too much horrified to speak, They can only shriek, shriek, out of tune, In a clamorous appealing to the mercy of the fire, In a mad expostulation with the deaf and frantic fire Leaping higher, higher, higher, with a desperate desire, And a resolute endeavor now—now to sit or never, By the side of the pale-faced moon. Oh, the bells, bells, bells! What a tale their terror tells of despair! How they clang, and clash, and roar! What a horror they outpour On the bosom of the palpitating air! Yet the air, it fully knows, By the twanging and the clanging, How the danger ebbs and flows; yet the ear distinctly tells In the jangling and the wrangling, How the danger sinks and swells, By the sinking or the swelling in the anger of the bells—of the bells— Of the bells, bells, bells, bells, bells, bells, bells— In the clamor and the clangor of the bells!

Hear the tolling of the bells—iron bells! What a world of solemn thought their monody compels! In the silence of the night, How we shiver with affright At the melancholy menace of their tone! For every sound that floats From the rust within their throats is a groan. And the people—ah, the people— They that dwell up in the steeple, all alone! And who tolling, tolling, tolling, in that muffled monotone, Feel a glory in so rolling on the human heart a stone— They are neither man nor woman— They are neither brute nor human—they are Ghouls: And their king it is who tolls; And he rolls, rolls, rolls, rolls a paean from the bells! And his merry bosom swells with the paean of the bells! And he dances and he yells; Keeping time, time, time, in a sort of Runic rhyme, To the paean of the bells—of the bells; Keeping time, time, time, in a sort of Runic rhyme, To the throbbing of the bells—of the bells, bells, bells, To the sobbing of the bells; keeping time, time, time, As he knells, knells, knells, in a happy Runic rhyme, To the rolling of the bells—of the bells, bells, bells— To the tolling of the bells, of the bells, bells, bells, bells, bells, bells, bells— To the moaning and the groaning of the bells.



This method can be applied in several different ways according to the idiosyncrasies of different students. One way is as follows:—"Hear the sledges with the bells—silver bells." Applying this method, we have—1. Hear the sledges; 2. Hear the sledges with the bells; 3. Hear the sledges with the bells—bells; 4. Hear the sledges with the bells—silver bells. Or, if we use the Interrogatory Analysis Method we could proceed thus: 1. What act of the mind do we exercise in regard to the sledges with the bells—silver bells? "Hear the sledges with the bells—silver bells." 2. What kind of a vehicle do we hear with the bells? "Hear the sledges with the bells—silver bells." 3. What is it we hear in connection with the sledges? "Hear the sledges with the bells—silver bells." 4. What kind of bells do we hear? "Hear the sledges with the bells—silver bells."

We advance to the second line, which is a reflection on the facts stated in the first line. The two lines are thus connected through the operation of cause, or occasion. [Con.] "What a world of merriment their melody foretells." We will henceforth only use the Analytic-Synthetic Method. 1. Melody foretells. 2. Their melody foretells. 3. What merriment their melody foretells. 4. What a world of merriment their melody foretells. Having seen that the second line grows out of the first, and having memorised both we can recall them together thus:

1. Hear the sledges with the bells—silver bells— 2. What a world of merriment their melody foretells!

The third line runs thus: "How they tinkle, tinkle, tinkle in the icy air of night." Melody means "a succession of agreeable musical sounds." It is a general term—"tinkle, tinkle, tinkle," means a species of musical sounds, the sounds of the bells. Thus we see that these two lines bear towards each other the relation of genus and species. This relation carefully noticed will tend to hold the lines together. Let us now apply our Method: 1. They tinkle. 2. They tinkle in the night. 3. How they tinkle in the night. 4. How they tinkle, tinkle in the night. 5. How they tinkle, tinkle, tinkle in the night. 6. How they tinkle, tinkle, tinkle, in the air of night. 7. How they tinkle, tinkle, tinkle in the icy air of night. Now let us recall all the lines together, thus:

1. Hear the sledges with the bells—silver bells— 2. What a world of merriment their melody foretells! 3. How they tinkle, tinkle, tinkle in the icy air of night!

The fourth line being very short had better be memorised in connection with the fifth line, and in the expression of the Analysis, we can print the first word of the fifth line with a capital letter. The two lines are:

4. While the stars that oversprinkle 5. All the heavens, seem to twinkle with a crystalline delight.

Before proceeding we may notice "night" of the third line is directly connected with "stars" of the fourth line by Concurrence. This observed relation will tend to cement the lines together. Using our Method we say: 1. Stars oversprinkle. 2. While the stars oversprinkle. 3. While the stars oversprinkle the heavens. 4. While the stars oversprinkle All the heavens. 5. While the stars that oversprinkle All the heavens. 6. While the stars that oversprinkle All the heavens seem to twinkle. 7. While the stars that oversprinkle All the heavens seem to twinkle with delight. 8. While the stars that oversprinkle All the heavens seem to twinkle with a crystalline delight. So far we have learned the following lines:

1. Hear the sledges with the bells—silver bells— 2. What a world of merriment their melody foretells! 3. How they tinkle, tinkle, tinkle in the icy air of night! 4. While the stars that oversprinkle 5. All the heavens, seem to twinkle with a crystalline delight.

The sixth line is in these words: "Keeping time, time, time, in a sort of Runic rhyme." We observe that as "time" is here repeated three times, so "tinkle" was repeated three times in the third line. We must have observed, too, that it is "stars" of the fourth line that are said to "twinkle" in the fifth line. The two lines are as closely connected as grammatical construction and the expression of thought could make them. And the sixth line is an obvious continuation of the description. Analytically we say: 1. Keeping time in a rhyme. 2. Keeping time, time, in a rhyme. 3. Keeping time, time, time in a rhyme. 4. Keeping time, time, time in a sort of rhyme. 5. Keeping time, time, time in a sort of Runic rhyme.

Let us now recall the six lines together.

1. Hear the sledges with the bells—silver bells— 2. What a world of merriment their melody foretells! 3. How they tinkle, tinkle, tinkle in the icy air of night! 4. While the stars that oversprinkle 5. All the heavens, seem to twinkle with a crystalline delight; 6. Keeping time, time, time, in a sort of Runic rhyme.

The seventh line is the continuation of the sixth. Keeping time to what? "To the tintinnabulation that so musically wells." 1. The tintinnabulation wells. 2. The tintinnabulation that wells. 3. The tintinnabulation that musically wells. 4. The tintinnabulation that so musically wells. 5. To the tintinnabulation that so musically wells. Wells from what? From the bells, bells—occurring altogether six times more. This makes the eighth line. But some pupils say at once, "I can never be sure in reciting the line to recall bells only seven times, no more or less." These pupils will admit that they can be sure to say bells four times, as bells, bells, bells, bells. Then, of course, they can say bells three times more, making seven times altogether. Here, then, we have the seventh and eighth lines, as follows:

7. To the tintinnabulation that so musically wells 8. From the bells, bells, bells, bells, bells, bells, bells—

The ninth line is—"From the jingling and the tinkling of the bells."

In the eighth line we have "bells" seven times repeated in all—bells being taken in their utmost generality, viz., musical action. But in the ninth or last line we have the very specific action of the bells, to wit: "From the jingling and the tinkling of the bells." We can make a short analysis, which is always better than unthinking repetition, as: 1. From the bells. 2. From the jingling of the bells. 3. From the jingling and the tinkling of the bells. The seventh, eighth, and ninth lines are as follows:

7. To the tintinnabulation that so musically wells 8. From the bells, bells, bells, bells, bells, bells, bells— 9. From the jingling and the tinkling of the bells.

Having already learned the first six lines, we have but to preface these last three by the previous six, and we have the first stanza as follows:—

1. Hear the sledges with the bells—silver bells— 2. What a world of merriment their melody foretells! 3. How they tinkle, tinkle, tinkle in the icy air of night! 4. While the stars that oversprinkle 5. All the heavens, seem to twinkle with a crystalline delight; 6. Keeping time, time, time, in a sort of Runic rhyme, 7. To the tintinnabulation that so musically wells 8. From the bells, bells, bells, bells, bells, bells, bells— 9. From the jingling and the tinkling of the bells.

In a similar manner, the pupil can memorise the three remaining stanzas.

Having heretofore learned the order of the four different kinds of bells, and having dealt with the first or "silver" bells, we know that the next or second stanza is concerned with the "golden" bells. Similarly, when we finish the second stanza, we know that the third stanza deals with the "brazen" bells, and the last with the "iron" bells.

No further hints need be offered except perhaps in regard to the last ten lines of the last stanza.

Notice the coincidences, the resemblances, or Inclusions, the Exclusions, and the Concurrences. "Keeping time, time, time, in a sort of Runic rhyme," occurs three times—but on the third appearance of that phrase, there is a change which must be observed; for it bears this form: "Keeping time, time, time, as he knells, knells, knells, in a happy Runic rhyme." But the main difficulty with most students seems to be to remember the number of times the word "bells" is repeated in the different lines. We must keep to the text and not resort to any foreign matter to help the feeble memory. The words paean, throbbing, sobbing, rolling and tolling occur in the lines where the "bells" are mentioned (except in that next to the last line, where "bells" occurs three times, and there is no other word in that line), and in the last line "bells" is found once, and the words "moaning" and "groaning" appear. Memorise these seven words by Analysis, to wit: paean, throbbing, sobbing, rolling, tolling, moaning and groaning. Thus paean—a song of triumph—might cause heart throbbing, an inward act accompanied in the present instance by sobbing, and this outward manifestation of grief would be intensified by the rolling of the bells and their tolling. Moaning and groaning are figurative expressions for the moaning and groaning of the mourners.

Now the figures 2, 4, 1, 4, 8, 1 (easily learned by analysis as 2, 4, 1 and 4, 8, 1, or 2, 4 with 1 following, and 4, 8, with 1 following, or 2, 4 with 1 following, and [double 2, 4] 4, 8 and 1 following) give the number of times the word "bells" occurs in connection with the words just learned. Opposite the line where tolling occurs we have marked 8, since "bells" occurs in that line five times and three times in the next line, where no other word is found.

Keeping time, time, time, in a sort of Runic rhyme, 2. To the paean of the bells—of the bells; Keeping time, time, time, in a sort of Runic rhyme, 4. To the throbbing of the bells, of the bells, bells, bells, 1. To the sobbing of the bells; keeping time, time, time, As he knells, knells, knells, in a happy Runic rhyme, 4. To the rolling of the bells, of the bells, bells, bells, 8. To the tolling of the bells, of the bells, bells, bells, bells, Bells, bells, bells; 1. To the moaning and the groaning of the bells.

Carrying these suggestions to the text, they help fix the exact number of times the word "bells" occurs in each line. There are other legitimate ways to assist a poor memory to master these lines, but whatever is done let no one ever think of resorting to the unthoughtive, brainless process of endless repetition.

Poe's "Bells," being a difficult selection to learn, furnishes, as all difficult selections do, numerous opportunities for applying Analysis to fix the lines in memory. Hence it should be mastered and often recited by all who would learn to memorise poetry or prose, in, at the very least, one-fifth of the time required by the old mind-wandering process of rote learning.



This lesson in figures is given for the benefit of those who have not yet mastered NUMERIC THINKING. The pupil will appreciate its practical value the moment he masters the key to it.

This is given in the next few pages, and it will be found to be easy of comprehension and interesting to a surprising degree.

The whole thing is in a nutshell. Numbers, as such, are abstractions and hard to be remembered. To make them hard to forget, we translate them into words or phrases. These are easily remembered and they always instantly give back the figures they stand for.

We represent the figures 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 0, by certain consonants; and then, as the vowels [a, e, i, o, u, and y, together with w] have no numerical value assigned to them, we turn dates or any numbers into translating words, which will always tell us precisely the figures the words stand for.

As this simple process enables us to remember any dates or numbers with absolute certainty, the pupil will be pleased to know that he can learn how it is done by only one thoughtful perusal.

The questions at the bottom of each page constitute an invaluable aid to test the accuracy of his knowledge and the correctness of his inferences.

1. Is it possible to exaggerate the importance of this lesson? 2. When will the pupil appreciate its practical value? 3. Where is this key given? 4. Are numbers hard to remember? 5. How do we make them hard to forget? 6. By what are the figures represented? 7. What letters have no numerical value assigned to them? 8. What do the questions at the bottom of each page constitute?

The nought and the nine digits are represented by the following consonants when they are sounded or pronounced; viz., 0 (nought) by s, z, or c^soft as in cease, 1 by t, th, or d, 2 by n, 3 by m, 4 by r, 5 by l, 6 by sh, j, ch, or g^soft as in the first g of George, 7 g^hard as in Gorge, k, c^hard as in cane, q, or ng, 8 by f or v, and 9 by b or p.

Ample practice in translating the sounded consonants of words into figures, or of figures into the sounded consonants of words will now be given. If the reader can remember the foregoing consonant equivalents of figures in connection with the tabulated Figure Alphabet on the 74th page of this lesson, he can at once pass on through the book. If not, he must carefully study the intervening pages with painstaking—for when once learned, no further difficulty can arise.

The tabulated Figure Alphabet on the 74th page of this lesson expresses the consonant values of the nought and nine digits in perpendicular columns, as under nought (0) are placed s, z, and c^soft; under nine are placed b and p; under six are placed sh, j, ch, and g^soft, &c. Only those who possess first-rate natural memories can learn the equivalents of the sounded consonants in figures from this table. But when learned in this way, the pupil requires much practice in translating words into figures and figures into words. Even this exceptional pupil had better carefully study the ensuing examples.

The first thing to be done is to learn which consonants are used to stand for and represent the nought (0) and 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9. Let the student remember that we use vowels to make words with, but we do not give the vowels [a, e, i, o, u], or w, or y, any number value whatever.


The figure value of "sew," therefore equals or is represented by a cipher [0]. S = 0, and the vowel "e" and the consonant "w" have no figure value. Cannot the student understand at once that {S}ay = 0, {S}ee = 0, Ea{s}e = 0, I{s} = 0, and {Z}oe = 0, and {S}ei{z}e = 00, {S}i{z}e = 00, {S}au{c}e = 00?

The following is another way of fixing in mind this first rule.

If the capital letter S were cut into two parts, and the bottom half attached to the top half, it would make a nought (0). So it is easy to remember that S represents 0. C^soft as in cease has the same sound as S, and should therefore stand for the same figure, viz., 0; and Z is a cognate of S—that is, it is made by the same organs of speech in the same position as when making S, only it is an undertone, and S is a whispered letter. Besides Z should represent 0 because it begins the word Zero—C^soft should also stand for 0 for the additional reason that C^soft begins the word cipher. In translating a word into figures we always turn S, Z, or C^soft into nought (0); in turning figures into words we always translate a nought (0) into S, Z, or C^soft.

1. What is the first thing to be done? 2. What must the student remember in connection with vowels? 3. By what do we represent the cipher? 4. What other way is given for fixing the first rule in the mind? 5. What is meant by a "cognate"? 6. What kind of a letter is S?


{T}oy = 1. As "t" stands for 1, and o and y are vowels, and have no figure value, the numerical value of Toy must be 1.

{Th}ee = 1, {Th}ou = 1, {D}ay = 1, {D}ew = 1, {Th}i{s} = 10, {Th}u{s} = 10, {D}oe{s} = 10, {T}ie{s} = 10, {T}oe{s} = 10, {D}ee{d} = 11, {D}o{th} = 11, {T}o-{d}ay = 11, {T}a{t}too[B] = 11, {T}u{t} = 11, {T}oa{d} = 11, {T}ie{d} = 11, {S}a{t} = 01, {S}ai{d} = 01, {S}ea{t}= 01, {D}ay{s} = 10, {T}oy{s} = 10, {Th}e{s}e = 10, {Th}o{s}e = 10.

[B] See rules on page 72.

"t" stands for 1, because it is made with one downward stroke. "h" has no figure value except when it is united with "s" or "c" in sh or ch, and therefore "th" must represent 1, and d, being the cognate of "t," it is represented by 1. Hence we translate "t," "th," and "d" by the figure 1, and when we want to represent 1, by letters, we translate it into t, th, or d.

2 IS REPRESENTED BY "N," because it is made by two downward strokes. {N}o = 2, A{n}y = 2, O{n}e = 2, {N}oi{s}e = 20, {N}i{c}e = 20, {N}e{s}{t} = 201, {N}o{t}e = 21, {Th}e{n} = 12, {N}u{n} = 22, {N}a{n} = 22, {S}o{n} = 02, {S}i{n}e = 02, {Z}o{n}e = 02, {N}i{n}e = 22, {Z}e{n}o = 02, {S}ow{n} = 02.

3 IS REPRESENTED BY "M," because the written m is made by three downward strokes. Ai{m} = 3, {S}u{m} = 03, {M}u{m} = 33, {M}ai{m} = 33, {M}o{n}ey = 32, {M}o{th} = 31, {M}oo{n} = 32, {M}a{n} = 32, {M}o{n}{th} = 321, A{m}e{n}{d}{s} = 3210, {Th}i{n} = 12, E{n}e{m}ie{s} = 230, Ho{m}e = 3.

4 IS REPRESENTED BY "R," because it terminates the word four in several languages. Ai{r} = 4. A and i are vowels, and count for no figure value in Air, and hence that word represents only the figure 4. Wi{r}e = 4, {R}ow = 4, Wo{r}{t} = 41, W{r}a{th} = 41, Wo{r}{th} = 41, {R}i{d}e = 41, Hei{r}{s} = 40, {R}ui{n}{s} = 420, {R}oa{s}{t} = 401, {R}u{m} = 43, {R}oa{r} = 44, {S}au{c}e{r} = 004, {S}wo{r}{d}{s}{m}a{n} = 041032, {R}a{z}o{r}{s} = 4040, A{r}i{s}e{n} = 402, He{r}{m}i{t}{s} = 4310.

1. In translating a word into figures, what do we always do? 2. By what letters is the figure 1 represented? 3. Why does "t" stand for 1? 4. When does the letter "h" have a figure value? 5. By what is 2 represented? 6. Why? 7. How do we represent 3? 8. Why? 9. By what consonant is 4 represented? 10. Why?

5 IS REPRESENTED BY "L," because in the Roman alphabet L stood for 50, and we disregard the cipher and make it stand for 5 only—as, Oi{l} = 5. O and i, being vowels, may be used in a word, but having no figure value, do not change the numerical value of the word; therefore the figure value of "oi{l}" is 5, the same as though the "l" stood alone. {L}ay = 5, {L}aw = 5, Ho{l}y = 5, Awhi{l}e = 5, Whee{l} = 5, {L}i{t} = 51, Wea{lth} = 51, {L}a{d} = 51, {S}o{l}o = 05, {S}a{l}e{s} = 050, {S}{l}owe{r} = 054, {L}a{n}e = 52, A{l}o{n}e = 52, {L}a{m}a = 53, Ea{r}{l}ie{r} = 454, Who{l}e{s}a{l}e = 505, U{n}{m}i{l}i{t}a{r}y{n}e{s}s = 2351420.

6 IS REPRESENTED BY "SH," "J," "CH," AND "G^soft." WE HAVE THE LETTER VALUES OF 6, THROUGH THE INITIAL CONSONANTS OF THE PHRASE: (Six), {Sh}y {J}ewesses {Ch}ose {G}eorge. In the following words, the vowels have no figure value, hence in translation are never counted. {Sh}ow = 6, {J}oy = 6, Ha{tch} = 6, Hu{g}e = 6, {S}a{g}e = 06, {Ch}ea{t}{s} = 610, {Sh}e{d} = 61, {Sh}ea{th} = 61, {Sh}o{t} = 61, {G}i{n} = 62, {Sh}i{n} = 62, {J}ea{n} = 62, {Ch}i{n} = 62, {G}e{m} = 63, {J}a{m} = 63, {Sh}a{m}e = 63, {Ch}i{m}e = 63, U{sh}e{r} = 64, {J}u{r}y = 64, {Ch}ai{r} = 64, Wa{g}e{r} = 64, {Sh}a{l}l = 65, {J}ai{l} = 65, {Ch}i{l}l = 65, {G}e{ntl}e = 6215, {J}ewi{sh} = 66.

7 IS REPRESENTED BY "G^hard" "K," "C^hard" "Q," AND "NG." WE FIND THE LETTER EQUIVALENTS OF 7 IN THE INITIAL CONSONANTS OF THE PHRASE: (Seven), {G}reat {K}ings {C}ame {Q}uarrelli{ng}. We thus use the termination "ng" to express 7. Ho{g} = 7, {K}ey = 7, {C}ue = 7, You{ng} = 7, Yo{k}e = 7, Wi{g} = 7. As no vowels have any figure value, they cut no figure in translating into numbers. {D}e{ck} = 17, {D}e{s}{k} = 107, {K}i{d} = 71. {S}{k}a{t}e = 071, A{s}{k} = 07, A{s}{k}i{ng} = 077, {S}{k}e{tch} = 076, {S}{q}ui{r}e = 074, {C}a{s}e{s} = 700, {G}a{t}e = 71, E{g}a{d} = 71, {K}i{t}e = 71, {Q}uo{t}e = 71. This first "{g}" is hard (7) and the second "{g}" is soft (6) in {G}an{g}es. The "{g}" in Governor is hard and in General is soft in {G}overnor-{G}eneral. The first "{c}" is hard (7) and the second "{c}" is soft (0) in a{c}{c}i{d}e{n}{t}, = 70121, Ha{g}g{l}e = 75, A{c}{m}e = 73, {C}a{n}no{n} = 722, {G}ui{t}a{r} = 714, {S}{q}uea{k} = 077.

WE REPRESENT 8 BY "F" AND "V," BECAUSE YOU CAN IMAGINE A WRITTEN "F" TO BE AN ELONGATED 8, AND "V" IS A COGNATE OF "F," hence equivalent to the same number; as, Wi{f}e = 8, Wo{v}e = 8. The vowels, although used in the words, have no figure values, neither do "w," "y," or "h," when not a part of "sh" or "ch." {S}a{f}e = 08, {S}a{v}e = 08, I{v}y = 8, Hi{v}e = 8, {F}oe = 8, {D}i{v}e = 18, E{d}i{f}y = 18, {T}i{f}f = 18, {Th}ie{f} = 18, {Th}ie{v}e = 18, {T}ou{gh} = 18, E{n}ou{gh} = 28, {N}a{v}y = 28, K{n}a{v}e = 28, {N}e{f}a{r}iou{s} = 2840, {M}u{f}f = 38, {M}o{v}e = 38, {R}u{f}f = 48, {R}oo{f} = 48, {R}ou{gh} = 48, {R}e{v}iew = 48, A{l}i{v}e = 58, A{l}oo{f} = 58, {L}ea{v}e = 58, {L}ea{f} = 58, A{lph}a = 58, {Sh}ea{f} = 68, {Ch}a{f}f = 68, {J}o{v}e = 68, {Sh}a{v}e = 68, {Sh}o{v}e = 68, {C}a{v}e = 78, {C}al{f} = 78, {G}a{v}e = 78, {C}ou{gh} = 78, {Q}ua{f}f = 78, {Q}ui{v}e{r} = 784, {F}i{v}e = 88, {F}i{f}e = 88, {F}eo{f}f = 88, {F}i{fth} = 881, {V}i{v}i{d} = 881, {F}a{c}e{s} = 800.

9 IS REPRESENTED BY "B" AND "P." (Nine) {B}eautiful {P}eacocks would indicate the figure value of 9, in the initial consonants of "{b}eautiful {p}eacocks." {B}ee = 9, and the two vowels "ee" have no figure value. {B}ow = 9, {P}ie = 9, {P}ew = 9, {P}ay = 9, A{p}e = 9, U{p} = 9, {B}y = 9, {B}a{s}e = 90, {B}ia{s} = 90, {P}o{s}e = 90, {P}au{s}e = 90, {B}oa{t} = 91, {B}o{th} = 91, {B}ea{d} = 91, {B}ea{n} = 92, {B}o{n}e = 92, {P}o{t} = 91, {P}a{th} = 91, {P}a{d} = 91, {P}i{n}e = 92, {B}ea{m} = 93, {B}a{r} = 94, {B}a{l}e = 95, {B}a{dg}e = 96, {B}u{sh} = 96, {B}u{f}f = 98, {B}a{b}y = 99, {P}oe{m} = 93, {P}ai{r} = 94, {P}i{l}e = 95, {P}u{sh} = 96, {P}a{g}e = 96, {P}u{f}f = 98, {P}i{p}e = 99, {P}o{p}e = 99, {P}ac{k} = 97.

1. Why is 5 represented by "L"? 2. By what is 6 represented? 3. Through the initial consonants of what sentence, not considering the six in brackets? 4. Where do we find the letter equivalents of 7, not regarding the seven in brackets? 5. What termination do we also use to express 7? 6. If the termination "ng" represent 7, what is the figure value of Singing? 7. Give the figure value of Hong-kong. 8. By what two consonants do we represent 8? 9. Why? 10. Give the figure value of the vowels in these illustrations, if you find they have any value.

The representatives of the figures from 0 up to 9 are given in the initial consonants of the ten subsequent phrases following the figures:—

"{S}i{d}{n}ey {M}e{r}{l}i{sh} {g}a{v}e a {b}ow"[C] = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.

Nought (0) {S}o {Z}ealous {C}eases. One (1) {T}ankard {th}is {D}ay. Two (2) {N}ostrils. (or 2 {N}ations. Ex. 35, 10; 37, 22.) Three (3) {M}eals. (or 3 {M}ighty {M}en. 2 Sam. 23.) Four (4) {R}oads. (or 4 {R}ings. Ex. 25, 26; 38, 5.) Five (5) {L}oaves. (Matt. 14; Mark 6; Luke 9.) Six (6) {Sh}y {J}ewesses {Ch}ose {G}eorge. Seven (7) {G}reat {K}ings {C}ame {Q}uarrelli{ng}. Eight (8) {F}old {V}alue. (or 8 '{V}arsity {F}ellows.) Nine (9) {P}in {B}owling.

[C] Gouraud said: "{S}a{t}a{n} {m}ay {r}e{l}i{sh} {c}o{f}fee {p}ie."

This explanation is a help to remember the letter-values of the figures. Another way to fix these values in mind for permanent use is to turn words into figures, as in going through an ordinary spelling-book. This practice quickly enables you to turn figures into words, and to translate them back into figures. Facility will be attained long before the lessons are completed. But this lesson, thoroughly studied, will secure the needful proficiency.

1. By what two consonants is the figure value of 9 represented? 2. What are represented in the initial consonants of the ten Phrases here given, not including, of course, the words before the figures in brackets? 3. Are these sentences of any help in remembering the letter values of the figures? 4. What other way is there to fix these values in mind? 5. What does this practice enable you to do?


Not to be glanced at or skipped, but to be carefully studied.

1.—Two consonants of the same kind with no vowel between, provided they have the same sound, are treated as one consonant, as "ll" = 5, "nn" = 2, "rr" = 4, "dd" = 1, &c. The first two consonants have different values in the word "accident" = 70121.

2.—All silent consonants are disregarded, as "b" in "Lamb" = 53, "Comb" = 73, or in "Tomb" = 13. "Ph" and "h" in "Phthisic" = 107; "gh" in Bought = 91; "k" in Know = 2; "gh" in Neighbours = 2940; "l" in Could = 71, or in Psalm = 03.

3.—The equivalents of the figure-consonants have the same value as those consonants themselves, as "gh" in "{T}ou{gh}" = 18, "gh" in E{n}ou{gh} = 28; "gh" in {R}ou{gh} = 48. "{Ph}{r}a{s}e" = 840, "{N}y{mph}" = 238, "{L}o{ck}" = 57. "N" sometimes sounds like ng, and so represents 7, as in "Bank" (977) which sounds like "bang" (not "ban") with a "k" after it; ng are not always taken together as one sound and translated into 7, but when they sound separately are treated separately, as in engage = 276[D]. X = gs or ks = 70, as in example = 70395; in oxygen = 7062. Sometimes X = Z, as in Xerxes = 04700, and then it = 0. Ci and ti, and sometimes si and sci = sh, as gracious = 7460; Nation = 262; Conscience = 72620. Dge = j, as in Ju{dge} = 66. Tch = ch = 6, as in ditch = 16 (it rhymes with rich = 46). Ch sometimes = k, as in {Ch}ristmas = 74030. S and z sometimes = zh, which is the cognate equivalent of sh = 6, as in pleasure = 9564, and in Crozier = 7464. Acquiesce = 70, excrescence = 7074020.

[D] Pupils who have a poor ear for sounds sometimes fail to note when "n" sounds like "ng" and so means 7 instead of 2. Let them study the words "ringer" (474), "linger" (5774), and "ginger" (6264). The first syllable of "linger" rhymes with the first of "ringer" and not with the first of "ginger;" it rhymes with "ring" and not with "gin;" and if the first syllable of "ringer" is 47, the first of "linger" must be 57; but the second syllable of "linger" is "ger," while the second syllable of "ringer" is only "er." So "linger" is pronounced as if spelled "ling-ger," the "n" sounds like "ng." "Ringer" is pronounced "ring-er," and "ginger" as if spelled "gin-ger."

1. When will facility be attained? 2. Are these rules to be carefully studied? 3. Repeat the first rule. 4. What value is given to silent consonants? 5. What have the same value as the consonants themselves? 6. What does the consonant "N" sometimes sound like? 7. What value is assigned to it in such cases? 8. What is the consonant X equal to?

4.—No notice is taken of any vowel or of w (war = 4) or y (yoke = 7), or of h (the = 1) except as part of ch or sh. Words like Weigh, Whey, &c., having no figure values, are never counted. If one word ends with, and the next word begins with, the same consonant, they are both reckoned, as That Toad = 1111.


The pupil may skip the next paragraph if not wishing to deal with decimals.

[As a rule, it is better not to use words beginning with S, except to translate decimals and fractions, and Date-words where a doubt might otherwise arise (unless in a phrase like "To see Jiji," "delay a spy," &c.); and in case of the decimals, S, as the initial letter, means (not 0, but) the decimal point. (1) If there is an integer followed by a decimal, two separate words are used; the decimal-word begins with S, thus: 945.51 = barley sold; 71.3412 = "good Samaritan." (2) If it is a decimal by itself, the S indicates the decimal point only; .01 = society; .02 = Susan; .94 = sparrow. (3) If it is a vulgar fraction, the words translating numerator and denominator begin with S, and the S's are not counted, the numerator-word coming first, and the denominator-word last; thus 5/12 = sell Satan.]

As to Date-words, just before the Christian Era you may use an initial S [or the vowel A, or any other vowel], as, Stir would mean 14 B.C. [Before Christ]; and, of course, Tower would mean 14 A.D. [for Anno Domini—in the year of our Lord]; Soar = 4 B.C., and Rue = 4 A.D. In a Date-word like Trial, to express 145 B.C., no doubt could arise; if the Pupil knows the contemporary history, he could not imagine it could be 290 later, or 145 A.D. If he fears he might not remember that it was B.C. he could remove all doubt by using the word Stroll, or any other word which translates 145 and begins with S.

1. Do we ever take any notice of a vowel? 2. Are there any words which do not have a figure value, and if so, what are they? 3. When do we use the letter "S" in dealing with decimals? 4. When does "S" indicate the decimal point? 5. When are two separate words used? 6. In such cases, with what does the decimal word begin? 7. In case of a vulgar fraction, what words begin with "S"? 8. Are the S's then counted? 9. Which word comes first? 10. How may we deal with date-words which express the time of events before the Christian Era? 11. After?

For convenience of reference I now give the figure Alphabet tabulated.

+ + -+ -+ -+ -+ + + -+ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 + + -+ -+ -+ -+ + + -+ S t n m r l sh g^hard f b Z th j k v p C^soft d ch c^hard g^soft q ng + + -+ -+ -+ -+ + + -+

If the pupil has mastered the Figure Alphabet he will proceed with the greatest satisfaction and profit. If he has not mastered it, let him carefully review the foregoing pages of this chapter, and then he can advance with the assurance of meeting no difficulties.

1. Write the Figure Alphabet from memory. 2. If the pupil has not thoroughly mastered this alphabet, what is required of him? 3. If the pupil must review the foregoing six pages, let him find words himself which spell the figures. 4. Is not such a course much better than merely to read over the examples and illustrations which I give? 5. Is it easy to find words with which to translate dates and numbers?


It is a simple and easy process; knowing exactly what consonants are used to represent each of the numbers, you simply write at the side of the numbers to be turned into words the consonants which stand for them; and using any vowels you please, you find out by experimenting what words can translate the figures. Suppose you wish to find out what words will translate the date of the settlement of Jamestown, Va., 1607. You place the figures under each other as below, and then you place at the right hand of each figure the consonants which translate it.

1 = t, th, d. 6 = sh, j, ch, g soft (as in gem), 0 = s, z, c soft (as in cease). 7 = g hard, k, c hard, q, and ng.

By experimenting you soon find the following phrases will represent 1607; as, "A {D}u{tch} {S}o{ng}," "{D}a{sh} a {S}a{ck}," "{T}o wa{sh} a {S}o{ck}," "{Th}e {Ch}oo{s}i{ng}," "{Th}e {Ch}a{s}i{ng}," "{T}ou{ch}e{s} a {K}ey," &c.

Try the date of the adoption of the Constitution of the United States, 1787. Writing down the numbers as before, you place t, th, d, opposite 1; g hard, k, c hard, q, ng, opposite 7; f and v, opposite 8; g hard, k, c hard, q, and ng, opposite 7; and then you soon find translating words, as follows: "{T}o {g}i{v}e a {K}ey," "{Th}e {g}i{v}i{ng}," "{Th}e {q}ua{f}fi{ng}," "{Th}e {C}ou{gh}i{ng}," &c.

In all cases you must carefully comply with the rules and explanations heretofore given. A little practice will enable you to dispense with writing down the figures and the consonants which represent them; but at first pains must be taken in the above way to secure accuracy.

1. What would be your method of procedure? 2. What must be done in all cases? 3. What will a little practice enable you to do? 4. What must be done to secure accuracy at first? 5. Deal with an original date in the way indicated here. 6. In dealing with the date of the foundation of Yale College, would the phrase "taxes due" express 1701? 7. If not, why? 8. Can you translate into a word or phrase the date of your own birth? 9. Translate into words or phrases the birth and death dates of some of the historic characters which you admire most. 10. Keep a record of these words or phrases for future examination.

Try 1636, the date of the founding of Harvard College: You obtain "{D}a{sh} a {m}i{dg}e," "{Th}e {ch}u{m} a{g}e," "{T}ea{ch} {m}u{ch}," "{T}o {sh}ow {m}y {j}oy," &c.

The founding of Yale College in 1701 gives: "{T}oo{k} a {s}ea{t}," "{Th}e {c}o{s}{t}," "{Th}e {q}ue{s}{t}," "{Th}e {c}a{s}{t}," "A {t}a{x} {d}ue," or "{T}oo{k} a {c}i{t}y," &c.

Sometimes the first consonants only of words are used. Comenius, Educational Reformer (things before words, pictured illustrations, &c.) and Moravian Bishop, was born 1592: or (1) {Th}ings (5) We{l}l (9) {P}ictured (2) {N}ow. He died 1671; or A (1) {T}eaching (6) {Ch}urchman (7) {G}ave (1) Ou{t}.


When the word or phrase used to translate figures sustains no relation of In., Ex., or Con., to the event itself, that word or phrase is synthetic and is dealt with hereafter.

Nearly all the translating words given in this section so far are synthetic. "The coughing," sustains no relation of In., Ex., or Con., to the adoption of the Constitution of the U. S., and is therefore relegated to the next chapter for the method of cementing it to that event if we were obliged to use that phrase.

Synthesis will be sometimes hereafter resorted to to connect in our minds an event to its date. When this will be necessary, the sequel will show.


When the word or phrase which translates the date or number sustains the relation of In., Ex., or Con., to the event or fact itself, that word or phrase is analytic, and is memorised by merely assimilating that relation.

Different ways of expressing figures by words, phrases, or sentences that are self-connected to the fact or event will now be given.


Room-mates in college are called "chums." Harvard College—the oldest Collegiate Institution in America—really introduced "the chum age" in America. The formula for the date of its foundation in 1636 may be thus expressed—Harvard College founded; {th}e {ch}u{m} a{g}e [1636].

The annual production of iron in America is said to be six million four hundred and twenty-seven thousand, one hundred and forty-eight tons. These figures may be analytically expressed thus: "Hu{g}e i{r}o{n} we {g}e{t} {r}ou{gh}" [6,427,148 tons].

The great wall of China is 1,250 miles long. This may be expressed thus: "{Th}ey {n}ow a high Wa{l}l see" [1250].

A characteristic of Herbert Spencer is the accuracy of his definitions. His birth, in 1820, may be indicated by this significant phrase: "He {D}e{f}i{n}e{s}" [1820].


Caius Julius Caesar was born 100 B.C., and he died 44 B.C. His birth may be expressed by the phrase, (1) "{Th}e (0) {S}tripling (0) {C}aesar;" and his death by a phrase which declares that his death was the remote result of his crossing the Rubicon, thus: (4) "{R}ubicon's (4) {R}evenge."

Marcus Tullius Cicero was born 106 B.C., and he died 43 B.C. His birth: (1) "{T}ullius (0) {C}icero's (6) {Ch}ildhood." His death: (4) "{R}emove (3) {M}arcus." [In allusion to the order for his death.]

The height of Egypt's greatest pyramid is 479 feet, or (4) "Wo{r}ld's (7) {G}reatest (9) {P}yramid."

The city of Melbourne was named after Lord Melbourne in 1837, or (3) "{M}elbourne (7) {Ch}ristened."

It will be convenient to consider all compound names of cities or places as if they were single words, using only the initial consonant of the first of the names, as (2) {N}ew-York, or (2) {N}ew-Amsterdam, or (2) U{n}ited-States, etc.

New York City [at first known as New Amsterdam] was settled by the Dutch in 1626, or New York founded: (1) "{D}utchmen (6) {Ch}ose (2) {N}ew-Amsterdam (6) {J}oyfully."

Virginia was settled at Jamestown in 1607. This date may be analytically expressed thus: (1) "{Th}en (6) {J}amestown (0) Wa{s} (7) {C}olonized."

The exact population of the United States, according to the census of 1880, may be expressed through the initial consonants of the following sentence: "A (5) {L}ate (0) {C}ensus, (1) 'Eigh{t}y's' (8) {F}urnishes (9) {P}recise (2) U{n}ited-States (0) {S}overeign (9) {P}opulation," or 50,189,209.

The exact population of the United States declared in June, 1890, commonly called the census of "ninety," was stated as sixty-two millions six hundred and twenty-two thousand two hundred and fifty, or "A (6) {G}eneral (2) E{n}umeration (6) whi{ch} (2) U{n}doubtedly (2) I{n}dicates (2) '{N}inety's' (5) {L}arge (0) {C}ensus." 62,622,250, or for the last three figures we could say: (2) U{n}ited States' (5) {L}arge (0) {C}ensus.

Before the close of the year 1890 an official census of the Whites and Indians on the Indian Reservations added 243,875 to the above number, making the total population of the United States in 1890, 62,866,125. A (6) {G}eneral (2) E{n}umeration (8) O{f}ficially (6) S{h}ows (6) {J}ust (1) {Th}e (2) {N}umber (5) {L}iving. Now (1895) it is computed to be 67,000,000 [to express the round numbers of millions, we could say, (6) {J}ust (7) {G}overnment or (6) {Ch}arming (7) {C}ountry].

The birth of Herbert Spencer, in 1820, may be expressed thus: (1) A{d}vent (8) o{f} (2) I{n}fant (0) {S}pencer, or (1) {Th}e (8) {F}uture (2) "U{n}knowable" (0) {S}pencer, (2) I{n}fant (0) {S}pencer. Several different ways of expressing the same date will be given in a few cases.

It is often convenient for a teacher, and others, to recall the number of a page of a book in which a citation is found. In Prof. William James's Psychology Abridged for Schools and Colleges, the chapter on Habit begins on p. 134, or "(1) {Th}e (3) {M}ould (4) {R}ules;" the chapter on Will begins on p. 415: "A (4) {R}esolve (1) {D}enotes (5) Wi{l}l;" the chapter on Attention begins on p. 217, or "(2) {N}otice (1) A{t}tention's (7) {Q}ualities;" the chapter on Association begins on p. 253, or (2) "{N}ow (5) He{l}p (3) {M}emory;" and that on Memory on p. 287, or "(2) I{n}tellect (8) {F}orbids (7) {C}ramming." Prof. Loisette's New York Office is in Fifth Avenue at No. 237, or "A (2) {N}ew (3) {M}emory (7) {G}iven," or "A (2) {N}ew (3) {M}emory (7) A{c}quired." His London Office was formerly at 37 [a {m}emory {g}ained] New Oxford Street. It is now at 200 Regent Street, London [(2) {N}ow (0) {S}ecure (0) A{s}similation].


Sheridan's famous ride occurred in 1864. In dates of the last and present century it is usual to indicate the last two figures of the date. 64, therefore, is all we need express. Formula: Sheridan's ride in 1864—(64) {Ch}ee{r}s; or, (64) {Sh}e{r}idan. The Pennsylvania Whisky Rebellion took place in 1794; or, (94) {B}{r}ewery.


These devices are rarely resorted to, but if ever used, they must be thoroughly assimilated. Battle of Waterloo was fought in 1815; 15 may be found in the t and l of (15) Wa{t}er{l}oo. Herbert Spencer was born, as we have already seen, in 1820. The 20 may be found in the n and c of Spe{n}{c}er.

5. Never, on any account, use the same word to express two different dates; as, its first two consonants for one date and its two middle, or its first and last consonants, to express another date.

6. Never fail to carefully analyse the relations between the fact or event and its date or number word.


Alexander the Great was born 356 B.C. and died in a drunken debauch 323 B.C. His birth: (3) {M}acedonia's (5) A{l}exander a (6) {Ch}ild. His death: A (3) {M}acedonian's (2) I{n}ebriation (3) {M}ortal. Several mnemonists of the old school have for the past forty years used the phrase "Rise, Sire," to express the date of the creation of the world, which according to the accepted biblical chronology took place 4004 B.C. But that phrase, proper enough in the mouths of the sons of Noah, when they found their father lying on the ground in a fit of intoxication, could have no pertinence when applied to the Creator, to the creation in general, or to the creation of this world in particular. A self-connected phrase would, however, express this date as follows: "Creation of the World: (4) Ea{r}th (0) {S}tarted (0) {S}wiftly (4) {R}otating."

First Exception.—From A.D. 1000 to A.D. 1700 the last three figures of the date should be expressed in the date words. {M}a{r}{s} expresses 340 and could be used to indicate the invention of cannon in (1) 340 by one who knew that Mars was the name of the god of war in classic mythology. The formula would be: "Invention of cannon: (1) 340 {M}a{r}{s}." But this term would have no mnemonic significance to one who knows the word Mars as meaning only one of the planets. Hence the danger—ever to be avoided—of using classical allusions in teaching the average student. A (3) {m}artial (4) O{r}gan (0) {S}ways, or {m}urderous a{r}tillery {s}tarted.

Second Exception.—From A.D. 1700 to the present moment, the last two figures must be expressed in the date words. Many examples will hereafter illustrate this exception. In very rare cases, the expression of the last figure in the date word will suffice. We know that Ralph Waldo Emerson and Oliver Wendell Holmes [author of the Autocrat of the Breakfast Table] were born towards the beginning of this century, the former in 1803 and the latter in 1809. The following formulas would give the date of their birth: Ralph Waldo (180)3 E{m}erson; Oliver Wendell Holmes (180)9 "{B}reakfast."

Third Exception.—In cases where there is no practical utility in comparing one very large number with another, as in the case of the distances of the planets from the sun, mere round numbers may suffice, yet astronomers must know such numbers with exactness. But in regard to all mundane affairs, the pupil must throw off the character of scholar and assume the license of children, if he attempts to express large numbers, as of populations, &c., by "guessing," or, what is the same thing, by only giving round numbers. The Brooklyn Suspension Bridge is 5989 feet long, and the Forth Bridge, which crosses the Firth of Forth in Scotland, is 8296 feet long. Now, instead of saying that the former is about 5000 feet long, why not say 5989 feet long? [(5) {L}ong (9) {B}ridge (8) O{f} (9) {B}rooklyn.] And instead of saying that the latter is about or somewhere in the neighbourhood of 8000 feet long, why not be exact and say 8296 feet long? [(8) {F}orth's (2) {N}ew (9) {B}ridge (6) {Sh}own. It was completed in 1890.]

No one who has not had experience in dealing with thousands of poor memories, as I have had, can realise the fact that in most cases of poor memories the facts themselves are often possessed, but are mostly unrecallable when wanted. I have tried to teach pupils how to find analytic date or number words without any previous training in In., Ex., and Con., and 99 of all such attempts have always been failures. The 100th case, which succeeded, only confirmed the rule. On the other hand, I have always found that these failures become successes after a thorough practical training in In., Ex., and Con., such as I have already given. In fact, I never had a pupil who became proficient in the use of In., Ex., and Con., who did not arrive at the use of analytic number words without any specific directions from me. But I think, on the whole, that it is the better way to combine direct and specific training in analytic number words, with a previous exhaustive general drill in In., Ex., and Con.

The rules hereafter given must be carefully studied and every example painstakingly examined. After studying my formulas let the pupil endeavour in each case to find a better one himself. If the pupil acts on my advice, he will know how to be always sure to think of the needful related or including facts for finding analytic date words, phrases, or sentences.

The different processes for dealing with dates or numbers may be classified as follows:—

(1) Cases where the name of the person, fact, or event gives its date; as, Birth of the colored orator and politician Frederick {D}ou{g}lass (18)17. This kind of a case is of rare occurrence, and it would be like the charlatanry which has disgraced many former memory systems to allow the pupil to suppose that it frequently happens. A glance at the event, word, or description will quickly tell him if it represents the necessary figures, and if it do not, he must resort to an analytic date word, or phrase, or sentence, whichever he finds most suitable for him. No one figure alphabet contains the advantages of all others. Each has special advantages in special cases. Whatever figure alphabet, however, is used, the main thing about it is to master it thoroughly.

(2) Cases where a significant or analytic word or phrase expresses the date or number. "I{l}l-u{s}a{g}e" expresses the date of the death of Columbus in 1506, as he died in great neglect. The impetuous pupil says: "How can I be sure that this phrase applies to Columbus? Would it not apply to any one who had been ill-used?" Certainly not. It applies only to an ill-used man whose date (birth or death, &c.) was in 1506. If he knows of some other man who was greatly ill-used and who died in 1506, then he must use another analytic phrase for that man. See next paragraph.

Six distinguished persons were born in 1809, yet the date of the birth of each is easily fixed: Darwin, whose principal work was called "Origin of Species;" Gladstone, noted for his vigorous eloquence; Lincoln, who was conspicuous as a binder together of separated States; Tennyson, who was chosen as Poet-Laureate, and who was born at Somersby, England; Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, who early displayed a musical genius, and whose first oratorio was called "St. Paul;" Elizabeth Barrett Browning [nee Elizabeth Barrett], whose poems are distinguished for their subjectivity. The analytic formulas for these different persons born in the same year, 1809, may each differ from the others, thus:

Birth of Charles Darwin {S}{p}ecies (18)09

—— William Ewart Gladstone {S}{p}ellbinder (18)09

—— Abraham Lincoln {S}{p}licer (18)09

—— Alfred Tennyson, {P}oet (180)9 or (0) {S}elected (9) {P}oet or {S}omers{b}y (09)

—— Felix Mendelssohn-{B}artholdy (180)9 or {P}recocious (180)9, or (0) {S}t. (9) {P}aul

—— Elizabeth {B}arret Browning (180)9, or {S}u{b}jective (18)09

1. Do all pupils succeed in finding analytic date or number words without any previous training in In., Ex., or Con.? 2. What proportion succeeded? 3. Does this not confirm the rule? 4. Do these failures ever become successes? 5. How? 6. What must be carefully studied hereafter? 7. After studying my formulas, what should the pupil do? 8. What will be the result, if the pupil acts on my advice? 9. In what ways may the different processes for dealing with dates and numbers be classified?

Benjamin Franklin was born in 1706, and died in 1790. (0) "{S}agacious (6) {ch}ild" would analytically fix his birth, as he was known as a precocious boy: or the single word (06) {S}a{g}e. As he was a great worker all his life, (90) "{B}u{s}y," or "(9) {B}enjamin (0) {C}eased" would significantly express his death-date.

(3) Cases where the initial consonants of a short sentence analytically express the date.

The analytic number words, phrases, and sentences which one retains most easily are those which he has made himself. Formulas prepared by others are perfectly retained, however, if they are thoroughly assimilated.

The analytic word or phrase is what one most usually finds and uses. Sentences will sometimes be useful because they may contain the name of the event, and they sometimes offer a wider range for selection of the needed consonants; but care must be taken to avoid ambiguity. To indicate the birth of Lincoln, we might use this formula: (1) {D}awn (8) o{f} (0) A{s}sassinated (9) {P}resident, but as Garfield was also assassinated, the formula in its meaning would equally apply to the latter. If, however, we know that Garfield was born in 1831, the ambiguity would be removed. (1) {D}awn (8) o{f} (0) A{s}sassinated (9) A{b}raham could apply only to Lincoln. (1) {D}awn (8) o{f} (0) {S}lavery's (9) {P}resident would be applicable to the career of Buchanan, Pierce and Fillmore, but it would express the birth-date only of Lincoln, while it would be wholly inapplicable to his career. (1) {D}awn (8) o{f} (0) {S}lavery's (9) {P}unisher would exclusively apply to Lincoln's life and birth-date.

1. Can you think of any other analytic words to express the date of the birth of Abraham Lincoln? 2. Since "h" has no figure value, could we not use "Shaper"? 3. If not, why? 4. What analytic number, word, phrase, or sentence, does the pupil retain best? 5. Are formulas made by others ever perfectly retained? 6. In what cases?

(2) "{N}oah a (34) {M}e{r}e (8) Wai{f}," (2) "{N}oah (3) {M}ay (48) {R}o{v}e," or (2) "{N}oah (3) {M}ay (48) A{r}ri{v}e," are analytic sentences where all the sounded consonants are used. But a greater variety of sentences might be found, or one sentence be more readily found in the first instance if only the initial consonants are used: as, (2) {N}oah's (3) {M}enagerie (4) A{r}k (8) {F}ull, or (2) {N}oah (3) {M}ade (4) A{r}arat (8) {F}amous, or (2) {N}oah's (3) {M}arvellous (4) {R}ainy (8) {F}lood, or (2) {N}oah's (3) {M}ighty (4) A{r}k (8) {F}loated, or (2) {N}oah (3) {M}ounted (4) A{r}arat (8) {F}irmly. Other specific analytic phrases for this event may easily be found by the student.

The superiority of analytic phrases where all the sounded consonants are used, over the analytic sentences, where only the initial consonants are employed, may be seen in the case of the number of men who enlisted in behalf of the Federal Government in the late war. The number was two millions, three hundred and twenty thousand, eight hundred and fifty-four. By initial consonants we have, (2) A{n}y (3) {M}an (2) {n}ow (0) i{s} (8) a {f}ull (5) {l}oyal (4) He{r}o. By all the sounded consonants we have—"I{n}hu{m}a{n} Ci{v}i{l} Wa{r};" the latter shorter, more significant, and more easily remembered. And, on the principle that a condensed, brief statement, if clear and definite, makes a more vivid impression than a longer one, we shall find that a short analytic phrase is better for the memory than an analytic sentence, and an analytic single word than a phrase. But a short analytic phrase, or a short analytic sentence, is usually necessary, owing to our ignorance of the subject matter, the limitations which belong to all figure alphabets, and our neglect to act strictly on the lines of In., Ex., and Con.

1. Is the analytic word or phrase self-connected to the event? 2. Why will sentences sometimes be useful? 3. What must be avoided? 4. Can a greater variety of sentences be found if only the initial consonants are used? 5. What does the phrase "Inhuman Civil War" represent? 6. What does it show the superiority of? 7. What are the characteristics which recommend it? 8. Is a short analytic phrase better for the memory than an analytic sentence? 9. On what principle?

(4) Cases where there is no direct relation between the person, fact, or event, and the date, or number word or words. In such cases, Synthesis, which is taught hereafter, develops an indirect relation. Synthesis is used in three cases: (1) Where there is no relation existing between the fact or event and its date word; (2) Where we are ignorant of all the facts which would give us significant or analytic date-words; and (3) where we know the needful pertinent facts with which analytic words could be formed, but we cannot recall them for use. In these three cases Synthesis must be used. I will now give and illustrate the rules for the prompt finding of analytic date or number words.

The preparation for thus remembering numbers without effort is the only exertion required. When the method is mastered, the application of it is made with the greatest ease and pleasure.

There are four indispensable requisites to finding analytic date and number words promptly.


Pumps were invented in 1425. A student who thinks 2 is to be translated by "m" instead of "n," translates the dates by these phrases, viz., "Drum a whale," or "Trim oil," or "To ram a wall." As these phrases sustain the relation neither of In., Ex., or Con. to the fact, they are hard to be remembered; and if remembered, they mislead. The student who has mastered the Fig. Alphabet remembers that "n" stands for 2, and if he knows the object of pumps, he at once finds the analytic phrase, "Drain a well." The formula would be: "The pump invented—{D}{r}ai{n} a we{l}l (1425)," or (1) Wa{t}er (4) {r}aised (2) i{n} a (5) ho{l}low. How could he forget the date?

Tea was first used in Europe in 1601. The unobserving student imagines that 6 is translated by g^hard, k, c^hard, q, or ng, and so he translates 1601 into "Ou{tc}a{st}," (1701); a mistake of 100 years, and, besides, "Outcast" is wholly unconnected with the introduction of tea into Europe. The genuine student knows that 6 is represented by sh, j, ch, or g^soft, and so he at once finds the analytic formula: "Tea first introduced into Europe—{T}ea {ch}e{s}{t} (1601)." The figure phrase bears the relation of In. and Con. to the event, and cannot be forgotten. Besides many people believe that tea helps digestion, and such persons would find an analytic date-word thus: "Tea first used in Europe—{D}i{g}e{s}{t} (1601)."

1. What is sometimes necessary? 2. In how many cases is Synthesis used? 3. What are they? 4. How many indispensable requisites are there to finding analytic date and number words promptly? 5. Is draining a well the sole object of a pump? 6. Was such its purpose originally? 7. Explain the two phrases used to fix the date of the introduction of tea into Europe. 8. Can a figure phrase that bears the relation of In., Ex., or Con. to the event be forgotten?

"C^soft" is often mistaken for "c^hard" by careless learners. Fulton's steamboat "Clermont" was launched in 1807. Such a pupil translates that date by the phrase, "{D}e{f}ie{s} i{c}e" (1800). Here "c" is soft and represents a cipher and not 7. "{D}e{f}y a {s}{c}ow" gives the exact date. Here the "c" is hard and represents 7, and as the steamboat could easily outrun the "scow," the phrase is easily remembered.

An impatient pupil who never learns anything thoroughly often disregards the rule about silent consonants. Braddock and most of his men were killed by the Indians in 1755. This date this pupil translates by the phrase, "Dock knell all" (17255). He overlooks the fact that 17 was expressed by "Dock," and no one out of a mad-house can tell how he came to add "knell all," unless he had forgotten that he had provided for the 7 of 17, and imagined that "k" in knell is sounded. But how account for "n" to introduce 2? A genuine pupil would find the analytic phrase in "{Th}ey {k}i{l}l a{l}l" (1755).

Andrew Jackson, the seventh President, died in 1845. The unindustrious pupil imagines that "p" represents 8, and not "f" or "v," and translates 1845 into "{T}o {p}ou{r} oi{l}" (1945). The diligent student finds an analytic translation of the date in the phrase "{Th}e {f}a{r}ewe{l}l" (1845).

These illustrations are sufficient to convince any one that the Figure Alphabet must be mastered before the attempt is made to deal with dates and numbers.

(2) THE PUPIL MUST POSSESS SUCH A MASTERY OF THE SUBJECT MATTER THAT HE CAN INSTANTLY RECALL FACTS RELATING THERETO ON THE LINES OF IN., EX., AND CON. If he lacks such knowledge he had better deal with dates and numbers which he must remember by synthesis [hereafter], or by Numeric Thinking, rather than strive in vain to find analytic date and number words.

1. What mistake does the impatient pupil make? 2. Does this not convince you that the figure alphabet must be mastered before the attempt is made to deal with dates? 3. What is the second requisite to becoming proficient in forming analytic date words? 4. What should the pupil do if he lacks the knowledge indicated here? 5. If the pupil fixes in mind the population of three States per day, how long will it take him to learn the population of all the American States? 6. How long to deal in like manner with the population of all the countries of the globe?

It is said that there are 1,750 spoken languages. If the pupil does not know that the tongue is moved in different ways to pronounce the distinctive sounds of different languages, he might not think of this analytic translation of (1750), "{T}o{ng}ue a{l}l way{s}."

The population of Kentucky according to the last census (1880) was 1,648,690. Those who do not know the Kentuckians raise fine saddle and race horses, many of which are bays, might not think of the analytic phrases, "{T}ea{ch}e{r} o{f} {sh}owy {b}ay{s}," or "{T}ea{ch}e{r} o{f} a {sh}owy {p}a{c}e."

The estimated number of horses in the world is 58,576,322. Those who do not know how cruelly coachmen often treat the horses under their charge might not think of the analytic phrase, "Wi{l}l {f}ee{l} {c}oa{ch}{m}e{n} {n}ow."

The Yellowstone National Park contains 2,294,740 acres. One who does not know that this park was recently created, might not think of the analytic phrase, "O{n}e {N}ew {P}a{r}{k} a{r}o{s}e."

The U. S. Government paid out in the year 1865 the sum of $1,297,555,324. If one wished to remember the exact figures, he could easily find an analytic phrase, if he thinks of the act of delivering or handing over the money, as "{Th}ey u{n}{p}a{ck} {l}oya{l}ly a{l}l {m}o{n}ey he{r}e." If any analytic phrase is long or awkwardly constructed, it is very easy to memorise it by the analytic-synthetic method; as (1) They unpack. (2) They unpack money. (3) They unpack money here. (4) They unpack all money here. (5) They unpack loyally all money here.

The number of letters delivered in Great Britain during the postal year of 1881-82 was 1,280,636,200. If the student knows that the Central Post Office of London is a very large building, he could instantly find the analytic phrase, "Wi{th}i{n} o{f}fi{c}e hu{g}e {m}u{ch} {n}ew{s} we {s}ee."

The amount lost annually by fire in the United States is estimated at $112,853,784. If we do not go outside of the subject matter of losses by fire, we shall readily find an analytic phrase by means of which we can certainly remember that large number of dollars—"A {d}eb{t} o{n} {f}{l}a{m}i{ng} {f}i{r}e."

There are 653,020 Freemasons in U. S. A. Those who know what is meant by the phrase, "From labor to refreshment," in the masonic ritual, will at once translate those figures into the analytic phrase, "{J}o{l}ly {M}a{s}o{n}{s}."

There are 591,800 Odd Fellows in the United States. Notice if you can find figures to translate "Odd" or "Fellows," or any other fact pertaining to the Order, and you have the analytic phrase, "A{l}l ha{p}py 'O{d}d' {f}a{c}e{s}."

There have been granted 428,212 patents in the United States. Can you find any word pertaining to patents in those figures? "We he{r}e i{n}{v}e{n}{t} a{n}ew."

The number of Indians in the United States is estimated as 241,329. Considering how unkindly treated many of them have been, we find an analytic phrase which fits the fact—"{N}o {r}e{d} {m}a{n} ha{p}py."

The population of the state of New York in 1880 was five millions, eighty-two thousand, eight hundred and seventy-one (5,082,871). An analytic phrase founded on any conspicuous characteristic of the population, or on any prominent aspect of the geography of the State [Niagara Falls, for instance], which many of its people have witnessed, would suffice, or "A (5) {L}egal (0) {C}ensus (8) O{f} (2) {N}ew-York's (8) {F}olks (7) {C}omprising (1) Eigh{t}y's."

The pupil who conscientiously studies the rules and examples in this lesson will find that he can have the great satisfaction of always being exact and reliable in regard to numbers.

1. Give an original analytic phrase expressing the number of acres in Yellowstone National Park. 2. Why do we not give all three of the l's in the word "loyally" a figure value? 3. In translating the word "debt," why is it not 191 instead of 11? 4. What makes these phrases easy to remember? 5. Give an analytic phrase expressing the number of patents granted in the United States. 6. What great satisfaction can the conscientious pupil always have? 7. Suppose, when the pupil reaches this page, he has learned that the number of the population, or of patents, or of Masons, Odd Fellows, &c., has changed, what is he to do? 8. Must he not deal with the latest statement of the fact, and find his own analytic number words?


The date-words opposite each name can be learned by one careful analytic perusal. If the relation is not understood in any case, a glance at the explanations which follow the series of Presidents will remove all doubt or difficulty.

[*]GEORGE WASHINGTON {F}a{b}ian (1789). JOHN ADAMS {B}i{ck}erings (1797). [*]THOMAS JEFFERSON {S}{t}eed (1801). [*]JAMES MADISON {S}{p}eculative (1809). [*]JAMES MONROE {D}o{c}trine (1817). JOHN Q. ADAMS U{n}{l}ucky (1825). [*]ANDREW JACKSON U{n}whi{p}ped (1829). MARTIN VAN BUREN {M}o{ck}ed (1837). [+]WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON Ha{r}{d} cider (1841). JOHN TYLER {R}u{d}derless (1841). JAMES K. POLK {R}ea{l}m-extender (1845). [+]ZACHARY TAYLOR Wa{r}{p}roof (1849). MILLARD FILLMORE {L}i{c}enser (1850). FRANKLIN PIERCE {L}oo{m}ing (1853). JAMES BUCHANAN {L}e{c}ompton (1857). [*]ABRAHAM LINCOLN A{g}i{t}ation (1861). ANDREW JOHNSON {Sh}a{l}l (1865). [*]ULYSSES S. GRANT {Ch}a{p}ultepec (1869). RUTHERFORD B. HAYES {C}o{c}oa (1877). [+]JAMES A. GARFIELD {F}a{t}al (1881). CHESTER A. ARTHUR A{f}{t}er (1881). GROVER CLEVELAND {F}{l}ood (1885). BENJAMIN HARRISON {F}i{b}rous (1889). GROVER CLEVELAND {B}oo{m} (1893).

[*] Those who were in office more than four years were re-elected for a second term. The second term always began four years after the beginning of the first term.

[+] Those who were Presidents for less than four years died in office and were succeeded by Vice-Presidents. President Lincoln was murdered forty days after the commencement of his second term of office, when Vice-President Johnson became the 17th President.

1. How can the date-words opposite each name be learned? 2. What must be done in case the relation is not understood? 3. What is the relation between William Henry Harrison and "Hard cider"? 4. Why would not "Sweet cider" do? 5. What Presidents served more than one term? 6. How is this indicated? 7. How many died in office? 8. When is the pupil supposed to learn the series of Presidents?

REMARKS.—The pupil is presumed to have learned heretofore the series of Presidents from Washington to Grover Cleveland, and to have recited it forwards and backwards many times. Now let him learn the dates of their accession to office, and then let him recite the series both ways in connection with those dates several times: as, George Washington, 1789; John Adams, 1797; Thomas Jefferson, 1801, &c., &c., to Grover Cleveland, 1893 and then back to Washington. Although it is much better for the pupil to find his own analytic date-words, yet, as many may not have the time to do so while studying this lesson, I append a few explanations of the facts on which the above analytic date-words are founded.

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