"Now, let us get Mrs. Eddy's definition of God," said Robert. "'What is God? Answer—God is incorporeal, divine, supreme, infinite Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, Love.'"
"Let us notice her definition of Mind," continued Robert. "'Mind is God,' she says. Let us draw forth some of the Christian Science principles and stand them up for inspection.
"1. Man is not matter; he has not brains, blood, or bones.
"2. Man is incapable of sin.
"3. Man is incapable of sickness.
"4. Man is incapable of death.
"5. Sin, sickness, and death are errors.
"6. God is Mind, Principle.
"7. Mind is God.
"8. Sickness is a dream.
"9. Sickness, sin, and death are 'mortal dreams.'
"10. 'There is no disease' (Science and Health, p. 421).
"11. 'Death is the illusion' (Science and Health, p. 428).
"Now, over and against these statements of Christian Science, let us place the immutable Word of God.
"1. Man is not matter; he is not brains, blood, or bones.
"The very first word in inspiration contradicts this principle in Christian Science. 'In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth' (Gen. 1:1). The creation of man contradicts Christian Science. Listen—'And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.' (Gen. 2:7).
"So there is such a thing as man composed of matter such as body, and blood, and bones.
"2. Man is incapable of sin.
"Let us see what the Bible says of this proposition," continued Robert.
"'For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God' (Rom. 3:23).
"'Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures' (1 Cor. 15:3).
"'He shall save his people from their sins' (Matt. 1:21).
"3. Man is incapable of sickness.
"'Is any sick among you' what shall he do?" asked Robert, quoting Jas. 5:14, 15. "Let him deny that he is sick, and claim that he is incapable of being sick? No. 'Let him call for the elders ... and the prayer of faith shall save the sick.'
"David said of the Lord, 'Who healeth all thy diseases' (Psa. 103:3).
"4. Man is incapable of death.
"It seems that no scripture is needed to refute this falsehood. Men of past ages are dead. Mrs. Eddy herself will die, all Christian Scientists die, for 'it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment.'"
"My, the Bible is hard on Christian Science doctrine, isn't it," said Kate Newby. "I did not think to read and compare Mrs. Eddy's statements with the Bible."
"Indeed it is," said Robert Davis. "The Bible states facts as they are. Man did sin, and all men have sinned. The plan of salvation, in all its vast provisions for men, came about because of man's need, because of man's fall. Man has sinned. Oh, it is all too plain to deny. The bruised and wounded hearts of mothers and wives, the bowed heads of grief-stricken fathers over the sins of their loved ones, prove all too painfully that sin is real."
"I know it is, too," said Jake Newby. "My heart yearns for deliverance from sin right now. Kate, turn from this deception. You see it is not right. It denies facts."
"Now, as a matter of fact," said Robert Davis, "mind has considerable influence over matter, but, after saying that, it is not necessary to go to the absurd extent as to deny that there is matter."
"I see it now," said Kate, "there is a subtle connection between mind and our bodies, but I see that if, because of that, I should deny facts, my state would be no better and probably worse. I give up the whole system as being contrary to reason, sense, and the Scriptures."
A few days after this Robert was called to Kansas City on business, where he remained a week. Now, it so happened that while he was away from home on this business trip, a colporteur of the Seventh-Day Adventists denomination came through the country and sold Mary Davis the book entitled Daniel and the Revelation, also several tracts, one of which was entitled "Who Changed the Sabbath?" Mary Davis had never before heard of anything on the Sabbath question, and when the colporteur told her about how the Sabbath had been changed from Saturday to Sunday (according to Adventist theories), and how they, the Adventists, were in a great reformation to restore the Sabbath-day, she was considerably interested. Open-hearted for truth, she was peculiarly susceptible at that time to the claims of Adventism.
Mary spent the next few days in reading her newly bought literature. It seemed plausible to her that if God gave the Ten Commandments as a perpetual covenant, the seventh day should still be kept. The more she read the more she was convinced. By the time Robert returned she had begun to count herself a seventh-day keeper. Robert Davis was surprised beyond measure when he returned and found his house full of Advent literature.
"Well, Mary dear, what does all this mean?" asked Robert kindly.
"Why, Robert," she said, "while you were gone a colporteur came here with these books. He seemed so earnest and he talked for hours about a reformation and how the Catholics had changed the Sabbath and about how God had set himself to restore the day to Christendom. I have been reading the books and they make it very plain that we ought to keep Saturday."
"Now, come here, dear," said Robert, "let me point out to you the false and unscriptural position which these zealots hold."
Mary felt a little indignant at this, but she complied, willing to know the truth. However, she was secretly determined to keep the Sabbath-day unless very good reasons were shown why she should not.
"First, Mary, let me ask a few questions," said Robert. "Did the colporteur say anything about living holy or nearer to God?"
"No," said Mary, "he talked almost exclusively about the Sabbath-day."
"Very well," said Robert. "Did he say the Ten Commandments were still in full force?"
"Yes, he did, Robert, and he made it very plain that God's law could not change," said Mary.
"Did he say the Catholics changed the Sabbath-day from Saturday to Sunday?" asked Robert.
"Yes, he did," replied Mary.
"Now, Mary, get your Bible, please," said Robert. "Turn to 2 Cor. 3, and begin reading with verse 7."
"'But if the ministration of death, written and engraven with stones, was glorious, so that the children of Israel could not stedfastly behold the face of Moses for the glory of his countenance; which glory was to be done away:'" read Mary.
"You need not read the rest of the chapter now," said Robert, "but this verse and the verses following show beyond all question or argument that the Ten Commandments were a 'ministration of death' and were abolished in Christ. That law was glorious, but that glory was eclipsed by the greater glory of the New Testament law. Now turn to Gal. 4:21-31. Read verse 24 first."
"'Which things are an allegory: for these are the two covenants; the one from mount Sinai, which gendereth to bondage, which is Agar,'" read Mary.
"This passage proves," said Robert, "that Paul was showing by Abraham's two sons, Isaac and Ishmael, Isaac by Sarah, and Ishmael by Hagar, that the covenant at Sinai was to be cast out, just as Hagar and Ishmael were cast out of Abraham's home. The verse you read declares that the Ten Commandments, covenant, law, and all from Sinai correspond with Hagar. What happened to her? She was cast out. So the old Ten-Commandment law is cast out in favor of a better one. Now turn to Hebrews 8 and read the last verse."
"'In that he saith, a new covenant, he hath made the first old. Now that which decayeth and waxeth old is ready to vanish away.'"
"Plain enough, isn't it, Mary?" asked Robert. "God found fault with the old covenant (see verse 7) and so he took it away."
"But, Robert," said Mary, "does this mean that it is right to lie, or steal, or kill? If the Ten Commandments are done away with, how will these sins be condemned?" And Mary was really puzzled about it.
"Why, Mary," said Robert, "the Ten Commandments did not make it wrong to lie and steal. It was always wrong to lie and steal even before there were any Ten Commandments. Wrong is wrong. Now in Christ's law every possible wrong is condemned. Do you see the point? Now, the Sabbath-day law is the Fourth Commandment of the Ten. But that Sabbath law was given to the Jews only. They could keep it where they lived, but everybody can't keep it now at the same time even if they should want to."
"You see we live on a round earth," continued Robert, "and the sun shines somewhere all the time. Now Israel could keep the seventh day all right in Palestine, but suppose that they had been scattered over all the earth? Then a Jew in Australia would be keeping his Sabbath about eighteen hours before his brother in California. The day begins out in the Pacific Ocean, not because it really begins there, but because for the sake of convenience it was fixed to begin there. The whole arrangement is artificial. Now, would God put so much emphasis on keeping a certain day under such circumstances? Adventists think it is very wrong to work on the Sabbath-day, yet some of them work as much as twelve hours while their brethren on the other side of the earth are keeping their Sabbath. It is impossible for all the earth to keep the Sabbath at the same time."
"Well, I never thought of that before," said Mary, as her Adventism began to leave her about as quickly as it came.
"Now the fact is, too, Mary," said Robert, "that the Catholics did not change the Sabbath-day. They may claim to have done so and the Adventists accept the claim, it appears, but the early Christians kept the first day of the week Sunday, long before there was any Roman Catholic Church or any pope at Rome. Adventists twist history here just like they twist the Scriptures."
"Listen here, dear," continued Robert. "'I was in the Spirit on the Lord's Day' (Rev. 1:10). What day was the Lord's Day? It was not Saturday, the Sabbath. Pentecost, that grand birthday of the church, was on Sunday (Acts 2:1-4). The disciples met to break bread on the first day of the week—Sunday (Acts 20:6, 7). The laying-by of the collection for the saints was made on the first day of the week—Sunday (1 Cor. 16:1, 2). On the Sabbath-day Jesus lay cold in death in the borrowed tomb while the sad and disconsolate disciples mourned the death of the Prince of Israel, their Savior. But on Sunday morning Christ arose triumphant (John 20:1) and in memory of it Christians began early to observe Sunday as a day of worship."
"Mary, you were just about to be entangled with a yoke of bondage, a yoke of man's making," said Robert. "This Sabbath doctrine of the Adventists is utterly man-made. In their writings the apostles did not teach the keeping of it; so why go away back to bleak and smoking Sinai for a law to keep when Jesus offers us a new covenant? Why those Adventists are trying to prop up a law that was old, and decayed, and ready to vanish away in Paul's time."
"Did Constantine make a Sunday law, Robert?" asked Mary.
"Yes, he did. In A.D. 321, Constantine legalized the day of worship that the Christians already were using," said Robert. "The Adventists claim that Constantine changed the day, but he did not. There is no history at all to support their theory. He was the first Christian emperor of Rome and simply gave legal sanction to a day already set apart for worship, which was Sunday. This was long before there was any pope."
"Well, I am very glad you came home when you did," said Mary. "It was a providence. I see the snare set for me, and I shall fly out from it, by God's grace."
Two months after Robert Davis arrived home, Mary took violently ill. First there was a high fever, then convulsions, then paralysis. Dr. Horton came at once to see what he could do. After a careful examination he said she had typhoid fever and progressive paralysis and that she was in grave danger. After a day or two she rallied, regained consciousness, and was able to converse with the family. Little Janet was just one month old the day Mary took sick, and Mrs. Jake Newby, now a very dear friend, took the child and nursed it.
Mary knew, as well as anyone, that she was very ill. She talked it over with Robert. Together they most earnestly prayed that God would spare her life, for Robert's sake, and especially for little Janet's sake. But though her mind remained remarkably clear, her body sank deeper down into the jaws of death. Mary was led to consecrate all to God; so in a very simple and humble way she resigned her all to Him.
"The will of God be done," she said, "whether I live or die, wake or sleep, I am the Lord's, body, soul, mind, will, all. Have Thine own dear way with me, Lord Jesus, work out Thy will in me. If I live I shall be always all for Thee, if I die, I am Thine alone. Take from my heart every selfish desire and reign, dear Jesus, on Thy royal throne there. Purge me pure, O Christ, so pure that I can come into Thy effulgent presence without one fear, without one sin, but instead with great joy. I want to be able to greet Thee, blessed Christ, as my dearest, sweetest friend without a doubt as to my entire acceptance with Thee. Oh, come, Jesus, come in all Thy power to fully save me, just for Thine own dear sake. Amen, amen."
Mary closed her eyes. She lay there, so quiet, as if the angel of death had claimed her for His own. A sweet smile of satisfaction spread over her face. It seemed some angel voice had whispered something ineffably sweet to her. Robert hardly knew what to do or to say. She lay there so motionless, so still, yet there was such a sweet, holy awe, such a spiritual atmosphere, just as ii the room were full of angels, that it seemed he could not cry. Kate Newby was greatly affected. Her mind went back to that night in her home after Robert Davis had made his confession.
Then there came stealing over Mary's wan face a smile that broke into the sweetest laughter. "Praise the Lord," she said.
"Is everything well with you, Mary?" Robert asked.
"All is well," she said. "I am ready to go, if the Lord calls for me."
Mary continued very low for several days. She hung between life and death and at times it seemed that the thread would snap and her soul would be released. All hope of recovery had fled.
"Robert, Robert, come here," she said one day. "I feel so happy. I wonder if I am going to die! Heaven must be a beautiful place, Robert. I had the most wonderful dream or vision a while ago. I thought I was in heaven and it was so rich and beautiful. I saw a little baby there; its wings were tinted in all the colors of the rainbow and its robe seemed to be of the finest, whitest silk. I just wanted to grasp the dear thing, but it eluded me and flew up into one of the trees of life.
"Robert," she continued in a low voice, "what will you and Janet do if I die? Oh, I hate to leave you here alone. Poor little Janet, she will never have mother's hand to smooth away the care from her brow or to wipe the tears from her innocent eyes. I would so like to stay. Poor little Janet! Bring her here, papa, and lay her down by my side so I can see her, and I want to lay my hand on her sweet, velvet face."
They brought Janet and laid her down on the bed by Mary and then Mary laid her hand over on the baby's face and caressing it softly said:
"Sweet little one, I love you. You are a part of me. Shall I leave you in this cold world with no mama to see after you? Poor child, what will you do? But Jesus will help you if He takes me away from you. O Jesus, bless Janet, bless Papa, bless Kate, bless everybody."
Mary lay there so quiet again. Tears were flowing from the eyes of everyone in the room. Robert could hardly restrain himself. He was broken-hearted. Kate Newby burst out in a cry of sorrow and sympathy. Then Mary, after a few moments, opened her eyes and said: "I have just been hearing the most wonderful music. Did you hear it, Robert? It must have been the angels, for they all had long white robes. Oh, it was so pretty and lovely." Then she sank away again. Everyone thought that she would soon be gone, but as night wore on she still breathed and was no worse in the morning. The month before this sickness Robert had hunted up one of the old religious papers which had then ceased coming, and had sent in his subscription. Two or three copies had already come. As Mary continued very low he had had time to read. One day his eyes were attracted to the testimony of a woman who had been healed. He also found a short article on healing in which it was stated that any of the ministers of the church of God would be glad to pray for any sick person. It was evident that Mary was beyond the power of medicine to heal. Dr. Horton had given her up and no more medicine was being given her.
"I wonder if any of the church of God ministers are near Bethany," said Robert to himself. His eyes began to run over the pages in search of a minister close enough to send for. Then he saw a meeting announced for Sayersville, October 1-10. Sayersville was only fifty miles north of Bethany. The minister in charge was D.W. Monteith.
That same hour a telegram was sent as follows:
"D.W. Monteith, Sayersville, Mo.
"Come at once Pray for my wife Very sick
"Robert Davis, Bethany, Mo."
Robert was at the station at seven o'clock the next morning to meet the minister. He wondered just what kind of a man a church of God minister would be. When they met he found a plain, neat-looking man with a kind, strong face, ready to go to the bedside of his wife.
"Be of good cheer, Brother Davis," said the minister, "the Lord has great power. He can raise up your wife. Up at Sayersville last week a man was thrown from a train and seriously hurt, but the Lord healed him. Have faith in God."
Robert Davis thought he had never heard words so encouraging as those, nor had he seen a man who entered so heartily into his burdens. Here was a man from whom he felt the warm, free flow of Christian fellowship.
When they drove up to the house Mary was awake.
"Mary, dear," said Robert, "this is Brother Monteith, a minister of the church of God. He has come to pray for you."
"I'm so glad you have come, Brother," said Mary. "We need your prayers."
"Are you all the Lord's, sister?" inquired the minister.
"Oh, yes, all the Lord's," she replied. "All given up, to go or to stay. But I wish so much to stay. See my little baby over here."
The minister breathed a short prayer for guidance. "Is it your will to heal her, Lord?" he prayed. He felt an answer that God would raise her up.
Then he took out a small vial of olive oil, anointed the brow of Mary with it, and said:
"In the name of Jesus Christ, we anoint you with this oil in fulfillment of James 5:14,15, 'Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing with oil in the name of the Lord, and the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up.' Now, Lord, we claim this promise in behalf of this woman. Inspire her faith. Send Thy healing virtue. Destroy this disease and heal her for thy glory. Amen.
"Now, sister, arise in the name of Jesus," he said gently.
The mighty power of God fell upon Mary Davis in a moment of time. She raised up in bed, lifted her hand toward heaven and said, "I am healed."
The news spread over the community rapidly. Several of the neighbors had been there when she was healed. They went home telling it to all they met. Next day several people drove up to see what had happened. Mary was sitting up in a chair as happy as she could be and ready to tell all comers what great things the Lord had done for her. Kate Newby said that she was very glad that she had dropped Christian Science. "This is real divine healing," she said.
The healing of Mary Davis made a great stir in the neighborhood. Several preachers felt it their duty to warn people against divine healing. It is mostly excitement, they said, when one is healed, as Mary Davis was. Others ridiculed it. Some said that she never had been sick, but others knew that she had been sick, and a few gave God the praise for the work done.
But this healing attracted attention to the doctrines of holiness and the church of God that Robert Davis had been talking about. It became a topic of earnest discussion as to which church was right. Many were asking, "I wonder if Davis is not right, after all, in claiming that there should be a better, purer, more powerful, more spiritual church than what we have here."
As for Robert Davis, he determined to have a revival conducted by Brother Monteith.
In three weeks the church of God revival was to begin in Bethany, according to previous arrangements made between Robert Davis and Evangelist Monteith. Meanwhile Robert Davis studied the church question assiduously. His study of the Bible led him to accept the Bible name—church of God—but he knew that the right name did not necessarily make a church right that had adopted it. The church must be in and of itself the real church and then the name would naturally apply to it.
When the evangelist came, Robert asked him the very first day, "Brother Monteith, tell me about the church of God. I see by the Bible that in the apostles' time there was one church called the church of God, but what became of it? Where is it now? All I can see is a multitude of churches. Can you tell me what has happened to the apostolic church? Tell me the full history, please."
"Very well, Brother Davis, I shall do the best that I can to give you a brief account of the church," he said. "The church of God was built by Jesus Christ, organized and filled with power by the Holy Ghost on the day of Pentecost, and was then sent forth on her glorious mission of working with Christ to save a lost world.
"The first step toward world evangelism followed the persecution of the church in Jerusalem when 'they that were scattered abroad went everywhere preaching the word.'
"The second step was taken when Paul and Barnabas, with Mark, set forth from Antioch in Syria on the first missionary tour of the early church. On this tour several local churches of the general church of God were raised up through the salvation of Jews and Gentiles in Antioch in Pisidia, Iconium, Lystra, and other places in the Roman provinces of Asia Minor.
"The third great step was taken when Paul and his companions, on the second tour, crossed the Aegean to Europe and thus began the conquest of Europe for Jesus Christ. Local churches were planted in Philippi, Thessalonica, and Corinth, to each of which Paul wrote epistles—Philippians, 1 and 2 Thessalonians, and 1 and 2 Corinthians. Before Paul's death he had preached in Rome, the capital of the Roman Empire, one of the greatest empires of all time. While Paul was establishing congregations of the one church in the West, the other apostles were raising up local congregations elsewhere.
"Everywhere this church was known as the 'church of God.' In the century after the apostles the name 'catholic' which means universal, was applied to it. There was one church. Congregations embraced thousands in some of the larger cities. Antioch in Syria is said to have had thousands of Christians within its borders.
"What a glorious church that early church was, Bro. Davis, you have already seen in your Scripture investigation. With the breaking forth of the glorious light of the gospel there arose the true church of God, spotless in her purity, glorious in her power, and adorned with the rich graces and gifts of the Spirit. And in three hundred years this church broke down paganism and Constantine had made Christianity the religion of the Roman Empire.
"But this glorious church was not to remain glorious. Sad but true, there came an apostasy foretold by the apostles. Peter foretold it (2 Pet. 2:1, 2). Paul foretold it (2 Thess. 2:3, 4). And notice how far short some of the seven churches of Asia were before John's death (Rev. 2 and 3). Marsh's Church History says: 'Almost proportionate with the extension of Christianity was the decrease in the church of vital piety. A philosophizing spirit among the higher, and a wild monkish superstition among the lower orders, fast took the place in the third century of the faith and humility of the first Christians. Many of the clergy became very corrupt, and excessively ambitious. In consequence of this, there was an awful deflection of Christianity.' Milner's Church History says: 'And if the faith of Christ was so much declined (and its decayed state ought to be dated from about the year 270), we need not wonder that such scenes as Eusebius hints at without any circumstantial details took place in the Christian world.'
"When Constantine made Christianity the religion of Rome the apostatizing processes were greatly accelerated. The constitution of the church was patterned after that of the civil government. The Holy Spirit had to retire from the active government of the church because forms and legality had taken place. The Word of God ceased to have authority, its place being taken by the laws and decrees of the councils. The clergy arose to great power and pomp and there was a long line of graduations made in the ministry, some of these offices given much more authority than others."
"Is that the way the papacy was formed?" asked Robert.
"Indeed it was," said the preacher. "The chief minister of large cities obtained control of the ministry of that city and surrounding towns. These chief ministers were called diocesans. Ministers in still more prominent places came to have a still wider authority and were called metropolitans, those over large districts were called patriarchs, and so the grasping for supremacy went on. When the Mohammedan conquest had reduced the importance of the other patriarchates, the conflict for supremacy lay between the Patriarch of Rome and the Patriarch of Constantinople. At last the Patriarch of Rome gained the greater prestige and authority and was called pope, and became supreme head of the Western or Roman Catholic Church.
"The great apostasy lasted twelve hundred and sixty years, or until A.D. 1530. This time was foretold in Rev. 12:6; 14-17, where the woman, under which figure the church is presented, fled into the wilderness for 1260 days or 'a time, and times, and half a time,' and in chapter 13:1-10, the beast, under which figure Roman Catholicism is represented, had power to continue 'forty and two months,' (forty-two months) or 1260 days, which, taking the usual Biblical method of interpreting prophetical time (see Dan. 4:25; Num. 14:34; and Ezek. 4:6) means 1260 years.
"The Roman Catholic supremacy was broken by the sixteenth-century Reformation. The Augsburg Confession of Faith, prepared by Melanchthon and Luther, was formed in A.D. 1530. This was the first Protestant creed.
"Then followed the great day of Protestantism when creeds and denominations sprang up in every direction and upon many pretenses. God's sheep were scattered and divided, as it was foretold in Ezek. 34:11-25. The true church of Jesus Christ was lost sight of. It was spoken of as the invisible church, while the denominations were the visible churches. Men joined churches because they thought that it was the right thing to do.
"About the year 1880, or 350 years after the Augsburg Confession, A.D. 1530, a deep conviction seized a number of earnest, sanctified people that the denominational system was wrong, utterly unscriptural. They began to preach a pure Bible church of which salvation alone makes men members."
"When these prophets began to teach the unity of God's people thousands saw the wrong of remaining in the denominations; so they came out. In fact, Brother Davis, God's sheep would naturally stay together if they were not induced to separate. The denominations have good Christians in them, but there are many members who do not have an experimental knowledge of grace and these have led many churches into worldliness and formality."
"I see it," said Robert. "The church was hidden down through the Catholic and Protestant ages and is just now again coming out and standing aloof and clear for God and her blessed founder, Jesus Christ. Oh, praise God! it is all so plain now. Thank God."
On the third night of the meeting a mob formed to frighten the minister out of town and to destroy the meeting. Old Peter Newby helped organize it. The ammunition consisted of a vast assortment of ancient eggs, also stones, brickbats, and a few clubs and sticks. The mob stormed the house about the time of the close of a powerful sermon on A Better Testament. Windows crashed, portions of egg bespattered many, several persons were struck by missiles, and a great hubbub was created. The evangelist was the quietest person in the house, though his clothing bore mute evidence that the egg-brigade had singled him out as their target.
The mob did not come into the house; so after a few temporary adjustments an altar call was given and seven came to the altar, among whom were old Mr. Stephenson and Charley Moss.
On the next day rumors flew thick and fast. The wildest stories were told. Some heard that the evangelist was killed, and great excitement stirred the whole community. That night some were too much afraid to go, others went out of sheer curiosity, while one partisan of the evangelist formed a band of men in favor of him, and they sent word both to the evangelist and to the mob leader that they would be on hand that night to protect the preacher. Needless to say everything was perfectly quiet and the meeting closed without further disturbance.
The last night Evangelist Monteith preached on The Judgment Day, and he pictured the doom of sinners until the stillness of death pervaded the room. Great conviction rested upon the people. At the altar call several went forward and found glorious peace at the foot of the cross.
The last good-bys were said with eyes brimming with tears.
"I shall see you again, God willing," said the evangelist, and the meeting closed.
It is not every town that can boast of such a religious commotion as Bethany had during the next three weeks. Rumors of a strange people floated in from Piketon and Shenandoah, rumors of a strange doctrine, a new religion, a really strenuous religion that had left the old conventional churches high and dry in their formality. The members of the band who were holding the meeting could speak in "tongues," "unknown tongues" at that. And the demonstrations were wonderful. Then the news came that they were coming to Bethany.
They came. There was a band of six—two ministers, their wives, and two helpers. They rented the empty store building owned by Mayor Hempstead and began. The scenes enacted at the meeting were well-nigh indescribable. Robert Davis attended one night, two weeks after the meeting had begun, and he said to Mary when he got home:
"Mary, I never saw such demonstrations in all my life before. Would you believe it if I should tell you that I stood in front of the front row of seats about ten feet from the platform and that I could not hear a word that those on the platform were singing? It is a fact. The altar extended between the seats and platform and the seekers and those talking to them were making such a noise that the singing could no longer be heard.
"Why did they make so much noise?" asked Mary.
"I do not know," replied Robert, "they seemed very much in earnest. Let me tell you something more. I saw young women jiggle and jerk all over until their hair was all thrown down, and their clothing disarranged. Two or three men were running about on the platform as if they were mad, others danced more gracefully. One or two were bellowing. There were noises that were indescribable, screeches, howls, yells, and several gibbering syllables that no one understood. Some were shaking all over, some were lying prone and stiff, some were falling down into various attitudes. Why, Mary, it was simply awful. You would never dream of sane people doing such things."
Next morning Kate Newby came over. She came in dancing and talking in the "unknown tongue."
"Oh, I have got it, I have got it," she exclaimed.
"You have got what?" asked Robert.
"I have got the Holy Ghost, I have the 'tongues,' hallelujah!" shouted Kate.
"What has it done for you?" asked Mary.
"Oh, I have got it, I've got it!" was all the reply Kate would make.
"Did you make a complete consecration to God? Did you seek Him for the cleansing power? Were you brought near to Him? Was your heart brought very humble and yielding to God? Tell me how you prayed and what your faith took in," said Robert.
"I have got it, I have got it," was all Kate could say about her new experience. She seemed to be very happy, yet she looked as if she were in a tremendous strain and lines were drawn in her face which denoted care and anxiety.
"My dear, did you come to the Lord for more of His grace?" asked Mary. "If so, we have a sure promise, but what is this 'tongues' that you have received?"
"That is proof that I have the Holy Ghost," said Kate. "Don't you know that the apostles spoke in tongues?" But Kate did not know the theology of the new religion very well.
Robert Davis was determined to know the theological basis of the new outburst, if it had any; so he went to see the ministers and asked them for their doctrinal belief.
"Very well, sir, sit down," replied one of the ministers.
"The first Scripture text is a prediction by Christ (Mark 16:17): 'They shall speak with new tongues.' The second is where the prophecy was fulfilled (Acts 2:4): 'And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.' Next in Acts 10:46: 'For they heard them speak with tongues, and magnify God.'
"Now the doctrine is this: everybody must speak in tongues as the evidence of having received the Holy Spirit. This is the evidence. Do you have the Holy Ghost? If so, then you have spoken in tongues."
"But," said Robert, "why should one manifestation of the Spirit be any more of a witness than another manifestation?"
"Oh, you have got to get the 'tongues,'" replied the preacher. "Come tonight and seek the Holy Ghost. Hallelujah!"
But Robert noticed a peculiar accent to this "hallelujah," and also that every one present seemed to be moved by one dominating, overwhelming spirit or power. Among these people there seemed to be more seeking for something to exhilarate them than seeking the face of God for more grace and love. There was an amazing brazenness about most of those who had the "tongues," an air of superiority, a sort of spiritual pride that disgusted him. When he attempted to reason with them he found them unreasonably impervious to argument or logic. He finally concluded that the doctrine was based on a false claim, a misconception of Scripture.
"No wonder," he said to Mary when he got home, "that these people have gone far beyond the line of reasonableness, when one considers that law of physics which says that the reaction goes about as far as the action. The truth is, Mary, many churches have become so formal and dead that the cry of mankind is for life, freedom, spiritual power, spiritual joy, spiritual victory. No wonder the pendulum has swung over to the other extreme. The right place is in the middle, between these two extremes. I believe we should go over and see Kate Newby."
Kate Newby had yielded herself fully to the new religious idea. Kate was emotional. When a girl she was easily mesmerized and always took everything that was going, diseases and all. However, she was a good woman, and true, and conscientious. During the week after she got her new experience she had dreams and visions, spoke in tongues, read the Bible, shouted at every meeting, danced, and became a willing worker.
Along toward the end of the week she began to feel depressed. A stray thought or two forced its way into her excited brain as to the propriety of some of the demonstrations going on. There were some extremes which her soul could not approve. She began to pray earnestly for divine guidance. She remembered her excursion into the wilds of false religion, into the Christian Science delusion.
Kate was somewhat in this frame of mind when Robert Davis and Mary went over to visit her. At once she asked Robert what he thought of the "tongues."
"Kate," answered Robert, "if the Bible says that speaking in a tongue is the evidence of receiving the Holy Spirit it is plain that all should have that evidence. But listen, Kate, are you ready to believe that for all these years, yes for centuries back, God's children have not had the baptism of the Holy Spirit? Can you believe that D.L. Moody and John Wesley and George Whitefield and men like them did not have the Spirit?"
"Why, I never thought of that, Robert," said Kate, "it does not look reasonable, does it?"
"Let us note, Kate," he continued, "that the Bible nowhere says or intimates that speaking in tongues is the essential evidence of the reception of the Holy Spirit. Speaking in tongues is a gift of the Spirit. Paul asks, 'Do all speak with tongues?' (1 Cor. 12:30). The inference is plain that he did not think they did. These gifts are distributed to advantage, being given to every man as God wills (1 Cor. 12:4-11). The idea that speaking in tongues is the essential evidence of the reception of the Holy Spirit is chiefly responsible for the fanatical extremism that these folks exhibit. Why, Kate Newby, you know that this is not New Testament Christianity, this wild, riotous, noisy thing! It cannot be.
"You see, when one decides that he must speak in tongues as the evidence of the Holy Spirit's baptism, he becomes so eager to do so that he often receives a mental or spiritual deception which he considers the real evidence of the Holy Spirit baptism."
"I am beginning to see the deception of it," said Kate. "Yesterday, I believe the good Spirit of God was talking to me. I felt that something was wrong. While I professed to be very happy, still there was a feeling that I was not right after all. But I thrust the thought aside as not coming from God and held on. But, honestly, I am not happy. I did not consecrate. I just fell in with the spirit of the meeting and got the 'tongues' in a few moments. I doubt if God had any connection with it at all."
The next day the town marshall was called to the home of Mrs. Jane Smith. She had embraced the new religion and was losing her mind. The new teaching had so upset her that her weak mind could not stand the strain. She was taken to the asylum, where she remains to this day.
When Kate Newby heard of this she became more convinced that there was something wrong with the theory and she thoroughly renounced it.
The "tongues" meeting left Bethany in the worst spiritual condition that town had ever been in. Families were torn apart, many persons became skeptics, and there were debates, and arguments, and violent clashes almost daily.
It remained in this condition until the time when Evangelist Monteith began his second revival the next year.
Jesus Christ brought the grandest conception of human brotherhood that the world has ever heard. He intended to create a perfect society, and to establish principles of social justice in the earth. He planned that sin, with its accompanying maladjustments, should be destroyed and that man should live in harmony with man and with the infinite Creator. Nothing less than the transformation of society was His goal. His plan of rejuvenation was based on the truth that all men are of one blood, created by one God, whose children they all are by virtue of that creation. All should have equal claims upon His mercy, goodness, and love, and upon the material blessings which the earth affords. Divisions into rank, classes, and strata are not the will of God. Jesus put all on one common level when He invited all to come unto Him and rest, when He said, "Him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out" (John 6:37).
This work of reforming society goes on like yeast working in dough, particle by particle, a little at a time, but at an accelerating rate. At first there were the twelve apostles and a few others. By and by there were more. But always and ever Christ carries on His great work through His people. First one man is enlightened and saved; he then becomes a missionary to enlighten others. They in turn lead others to Jesus until there are enough to establish a congregation of the church of God at whatever point they live. This local congregation becomes then, a model in miniature of what society would be if all were Christians. Vast responsibilities rest upon a local congregation. They represent God. They show forth the power of God and exhibit to the world the blessed state of the saved. They are responsible to make their society attractive, so that sinners may be convicted of their lack and be persuaded to become members of it. The next several months of our narrative embraces the time when God raised up a church, a society of the saved, in Bethany.
One year after the "tongues" revival, Evangelist Monteith began the second revival of the church of God in Bethany. He was accompanied by three helpers. Robert Davis and Mary were sanctified wholly. So also was Jake Newby and Kate, old Mr. Stephenson and Charley Moss. Thirty-five were converted, and twelve besides the ones named were sanctified. Mrs. Thomas Jones was healed of tuberculosis and Dr. Horton, who had been her physician for three years, met her one day and was much surprised at her appearance.
"Why, Mrs. Jones, whatever has happened to you?" he said, "you look so well."
"Hadn't you heard about my healing, Doctor?" she replied pleasantly. "At the meeting recently the Lord touched my body with His healing power and I do not cough any more, the fever is gone, and I am gaining two pounds a week."
"My, if you folks keep on I will starve to death practicing medicine," said the Doctor.
"Probably we shall not spend money for drugs, Doctor, but there will still be things you can do for us," said Mrs. Jones. "We are still under physical laws and your knowledge will be of great help to us in keeping well."
In the advertising matter which Robert Davis published at the beginning of the second revival he publicly repudiated Mormonism, Russell's "No-hell-ism," Adventism, and announced that the meeting was under the auspices of the church of God. The meeting itself was so sane, yet so spiritual, that it commended itself to every one who attended. There were no excesses, and everything was done decently and in order.
On Sunday, the last day of the meeting, the evangelist preached on "The Church, the House of God," and in the afternoon he preached on "The Church, Its Divine Ordinances," after which thirty-nine were baptized in the river which flowed close by. The minister stood on the banks and said:
"We have met here this beautiful afternoon, friends, to administer the ordinance of baptism. Jesus commanded His ministers in Matt. 28:19 and 20—'Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.' We gladly obey the commands of our great Redeemer.
"Baptism does not save the sinner, but it is the answer of a good conscience, as Peter 3:21 says. Baptism represents our death to sin and our resurrection to righteousness. As Paul, the great apostle says: 'Buried with him in baptism, wherein also ye are risen with him through the faith of the operation of God, who hath raised him from the dead.' The whole idea of baptism is beautifully pictured in Romans 6:3, 4, 'Know ye not, that so many of us as were baptized into Jesus Christ were baptized into his death? Therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death: that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life.'
"Once these dear ones were dead in sins, but through repentance and faith they now are saved. They are, therefore, fit subjects for baptism."
It was a very solemn occasion. A holy awe covered the crowd, a holy atmosphere was prevalent among the people. One by one the minister led the candidates down into the typical grave of water and when they arose out of the water there were praises and thanks given unto Him who had loved them and washed them from sin in His own blood. So affecting was this scene that three persons asked for prayer that they might be saved.
At 6:00 P.M. the ordinances of feet-washing and the Lord's Supper were celebrated. When the congregation was assembled the minister said:
"Jesus, on the night of His betrayal, ate the last Passover supper in the upper room with His disciples. Before this supper was ended He took a towel and washed the disciples' feet, and said: 'If I then, your Lord and Master, have washed your feet: ye also ought to wash one another's feet. For I have given you an example, that ye should do as I have done unto you ... If ye know these things, happy are ye if ye do them' (John 13:14, 15, 17). We shall follow Jesus in this ordinance. It symbolizes true Christian humility and service one to another. It symbolizes one of the most tender relationships one person can hold with another, that of mutual helpfulness in little things. A very deep lesson it teaches, one that has not been very well learned by Christians yet."
Then they separated, the men going to one place, the women to another, and participated in the blessed ordinance.
Afterward, they assembled for the Lord's Supper in remembrance of Christ's death for them.
The effects of this meeting on the people of the town were profound. Some wondered, some scoffed, some were deeply convicted, but many were stirred to the point of discussion and earnest Bible-searching to see if these things were so. Mr. Johnson, the bookstore man, sold more Bibles the next month after the revival than he had in the whole previous year.
The congregation raised up began at once to lay plans for a suitable church-building. A lot was donated by one of the new converts, and many volunteered their services on the new building that was to be erected.
The zeal of the church led them to hold meetings in the neighborhood surroundings, one of which was held in the neighborhood of the Fairmount School, where the debates had taken place. Peter Newby had spent considerable time in Bible study since those debates, but what his conclusions were, no one knew. One Sunday the church announced an all-day meeting and basket dinner in a grove near Peter's house. There were many present, but one person, whose eye glistened with the fire of energy, was conspicuous.
"Why, there is old Peter Newby," said Mary to Robert, and they ran over and greeted him cordially.
The evening was given over to a testimony and experience meeting. Many testified to full salvation. It was to the surprise of Robert and Mary Davis, as well as the others, when Peter Newby arose and said:
"Friends, let me tell you something," and he looked around in that same quizzical way and poised his head as he used to do. "I am convinced." And he stopped again. Everybody listened most attentively. "I fought Bob Davis over there ever since he came into this neighborhood. I fought holiness. I fought divine healing. I fought the church of God. I really thought, friends, that the Bible said, 'He that saith he liveth and sinneth not is a liar and the truth is not in him.' But I never found it." And the old man stopped again.
"I have watched this church of God come up in this neighborhood, and I must confess it has done more for this community than anything that has ever happened to it since I have been here. It has lifted up several of my neighbors out of sin. It has brought peace to many homes.
"I am sorry that I fought this work. God forgive me. I was wrong and I was stubborn. But I know now that if a man is a Christian he will not commit sin."
It was almost overwhelming to Robert and Mary Davis. Tears of joy flowed down their faces. They ran over to old Peter, grasped his arm, and said, "God bless you, Brother Newby, we knew you were honest at heart."
That day Jake Newby recovered the confidence he used to have in his father.
These were the beginnings of the church at Bethany, the church of God. A church-house was built and the church was organized by the Holy Spirit into a working body of saints. Robert Davis soon afterward felt the inspiration to teach and exhort and he was much used in this way. By and by he preached occasionally until his gifts were recognized by the church through the laying on of the hands of the ministry.
There was a true catholicity of spirit in this congregation which caused them to make all Christians feel at home there. They maintained unity by keeping close to God. Their Sunday-school soon was the largest in the town. Three missionaries went from it to foreign, heathen lands, and colporteurs carried the literature of the church into every home in the town. The reputation of the church spread far and wide. It became noted for the honesty and humility of its members. The business men of the town had the utmost confidence in the church. It became the greatest power for righteousness in the town, and every one came to look upon it as the living exponent of the best and highest in civic life and in social uplift as well as in religion. Zion became a praise in the earth, as the prophet had said.
The events narrated occurred many years ago. Last summer there was a reunion of the Davis family in the old home at Bethany. One son had become a minister in the church, the other was the editor of the local newspaper. One daughter was home on a furlough from China, while the other was married to a Christian brother of the town. Robert Davis, in the meantime, had preached the whole gospel. He had been instrumental in raising up several congregations.
"Dad, what is the most interesting experience you ever had in your life?" asked Marie one day.
"The most important experience of my life occurred right here, my girl, when Janet was a baby," he replied. "Here is where your mother and I first became seekers. Here I debated for the truth before I fully understood it, but I felt it was essential to stand up for what I knew was truth. Here your mother was healed when life seemed almost gone and the last ray of hope had died in the gathering darkness. Here I first learned of the church of God. Here that good religious paper first came to my notice, bringing rays of light to my mind and soul.
"Those were the beginnings, humble ones indeed, but they were the beginnings of my life of service. My days are about over. My work is about done. My eyes are dim, and my strength is failing. My race will soon be over. I have seen the church in Bethany grow into the place of influence it now has, from the very humblest beginnings. I have seen thousands flee to the cross of Jesus for mercy and pardon, and I have heard the shouts of hundreds that have been sanctified wholly. And I have seen many, many sick persons healed.
"My children, be true to God, be true to the cause of truth. Carry these precious truths to the next generation, unadulterated, as pure as they come from the Bible. Invest your all in God's cause; you will receive a hundredfold now and hereafter.
"May you ever champion the cause of truth which Jesus Christ came to establish. The church He built shall stand till the mighty Gabriel declares that time shall be no longer, till the judgment-day comes, yea, and afterward she shall live in the heaven of heavens eternally with her founder and Lord.
"Press on, children, all heaven watches the race you run. Do not become negligent, nor worldly, nor lovers of luxury, nor of ease. Live as good soldiers of Jesus Christ and be crowned victors and conquerors at last."
A holy awe filled the room as this aged saint gave them his benediction. And they said:
"By the grace of God, we will, Father."