CHACHO. There, there, stop, now!
OSSEP. Whatever she tries to do is only half done: music, languages—she has only half learned. Tell me, what can she do? Is she able to sew anything? or to cut out a dress for herself? Yes, that one seems like a European girl! Ha! ha! Five times I have been in Leipsic, and the daughter of the merest pauper there can do more than she can. What have I not seen in the way of needlework! I gaped with admiration. And she cannot even speak Armenian properly, and that is her mother tongue! Can she write a page without mistakes? Can she pronounce ten French words fluently? Yes, tell me, what can she do? What does she understand? She will make a fine housekeeper for you! The man who takes her for his wife is to be pitied. She be able to share with him the troubles of life! Some day or other she will be a mother and must bring up children. Ha, ha! they will have a fine bringing-up! She is here to make a show; but for nothing beside! She is an adept at spending money. Yes, give her money, money, so that she can rig herself out and go to balls and parties! [Nato cries.] Can I stand this any longer? Can I go on with these doings? Retrench, you say. What is this [taking a corner of Nato's tunic in his hand]? How is this for a twelve-story building? Does it warm the back? How am I to reduce expenses here? And if I do it, will others do it also? I'd like to see the man who could do it! [Nato still crying.
CHACHO. Do all these things you have said in my presence amount to anything? You yourself said that you troubled yourself little about what others did. What do you want, then? Why should you poison the heart of this innocent girl? [All are silent awhile.
OSSEP [lays his hand on his forehead and recovers himself.] O just heaven, what am I doing? I am beside myself. [Goes up to Nato.] Not to you, not to you, my Nato, should I say all this! [Embraces her.] No, you do not deserve it; you are innocent. We are to blame for all. I am to blame, I! because I imitated the others and brought you up as others brought up their daughters. Don't cry! I did not wish to hurt you. I was in bad humor, for everything has vexed me to-day, and unfortunately you came in at the wrong moment. [Picks up the music and gives it to her.] Here, take the music, my child. [Embraces her again.] Go and buy some more. Do what you wish everywhere, and be behind no one. Until to-day you have wanted nothing, and, with God's help, you shall want nothing in the future. [Kisses her and turns to go.
CHACHO. Now, Ossep, think it over; come to some decision in the matter.
OSSEP. I should like to, indeed; but what I cannot do I cannot do. [Goes off at the right.
Nato, Chacho, then Salome.
NATO [falling sobbing in Chacho's arms]. O dear, dear aunt.
CHACHO. Stop; don't cry, my dear, my precious child. It is indeed your father. Stop; stop, Salome.
SALOME [coming in smiling]. Dear aunt, I have arranged everything. [Stops.] What is this now? Why are you crying? [Nato wipes away her tears and goes toward the divan.
CHACHO. You know her father, don't you? He has been scolding her, and has made her cry.
SALOME. If her father has been troubling her, then I will make her happy again. Nato, dear, I have betrothed you. [Nato looks at her in wonderment.] Yes, my love, be happy—what have you to say about it? Mr. Alexander Marmarow is now your betrothed.
NATO. Is it really true, mamma dear?
CHACHO [at the same time]. Is it true?
SALOME. It is true, be assured.
NATO [embracing Salome]. O my dear, dear mother.
SALOME [seizing her daughter and kissing her]. Now I am rid of my worries about you. I hope it will bring you joy. Go and put on another dress, for your betrothed is coming.
NATO. Now?
SALOME. Certainly, at once. You know, I presume, that you must make yourself pretty.
NATO [happy and speaking quickly]. Certainly. I will wear the white barege with blue ribbons, the little cross on black velvet ribbon, and a blue ribbon in my hair. [Hugs Chacho.] O my precious auntie!
CHACHO [embracing and kissing her]. May this hour bring you good-fortune! I wish it for you with all my heart.
NATO [hugging and kissing Salome again]. O you dear, you dearest mamma. [Runs out of the room.
Salome. Chacho.
CHACHO. What does all this mean? Am I dreaming or am I still awake?
SALOME. What are you saying about dreams? His sister Champera was here, and about five minutes later he himself came. They live very near here.
CHACHO. If it was arranged so easily, why have you wrangled and quarrelled so much?
SALOME [in a whisper]. But what do you think, aunt? I have arranged the affair for 7,000 rubles, and I have had to promise his sister 200 rubles beside.
CHACHO. May I be struck blind! And you have done this without Ossep's knowing it?
SALOME [whispering]. He will not kill me for it, and let him talk as much as he will. It could not go through otherwise. Get up and let us go into that room where Ossep will not hear us. [Helps her to rise.
CHACHO. O just heaven! What women we have in these days!
OSSEP [alone, buckling his belt and holding his cap in his hand, comes in through the right-hand door, stands awhile in deep thought while he wrings his hands several times]. Give me money! Give me money! I would like to know where I am to get it. It is hard for me to give what I have promised. And what if it cannot be arranged for that sum? Am I, then, to make a mess of this!—I who have always been willing to make any sacrifice for my children? It must, indeed, lie in this—that the suitor does not please; for I could not find 2,000 to add to the 6,000 that I have promised. Yes, that's it! The man is not the one I want for her. If he were an ordinary fellow, he would not treat with me. At any rate, what he is after will show itself now; yes, we shall soon see what kind of man he is! Up to this day I have always kept my word, and the best thing I can do is to keep it now.
Enter Gewo.
OSSEP [meeting him as he enters from the right]. Oh, it is you, dear Gewo! What brings you to our house? [Offering him his hand.] I love you; come again, and often!
GEWO. You know well that if I had not need of you, I would not come.
OSSEP. How can I serve you? Pray, sit down.
GEWO [seating himself]. What are you saying about serving? Do you think that this confounded Santurian has—
OSSEP [interrupting him anxiously]. What has happened?
GEWO. The dear God knows what has happened to the fellow!
OSSEP. But go on, what has happened?
GEWO. What could happen? The fellow has cleared out everything.
OSSEP [disturbed and speaking softly]. What did you say, Gewo? Then I am lost, body and soul; then I am ruined!
GEWO. I hope he will go to the bottom. How is one to trust any human being nowadays? Everyone who saw his way of living must have taken him for an honest man.
OSSEP [softly]. You kill me, man!
GEWO. God in heaven should have destroyed him long ago, so that this could not have happened. But who could have foreseen it? When one went into his store everything was always in the best order. He kept his word, paid promptly when the money was due; but what lay behind that, no one knew.
OSSEP. I have depended on him so much. What do you say, Gewo? He owes me 10,000 rubles! I was going to satisfy my creditors with this sum. To-morrow his payment was due, and the next day mine. How can I satisfy them now? Can I say that I cannot pay them because Santurian has given me nothing? Am I to be a bankrupt as well as he? May the earth swallow me rather!
GEWO. I wish the earth would swallow him, or rather that he had never come into the world! I have just 2,000 rubles on hand; if you wish I will give them to you to-morrow.
OSSEP. Good; I will be very thankful for them. But what do you say to that shameless fellow? Have you seen him? Have you spoken with him?
GEWO. Of course. I have just come from him.
OSSEP. What did he say? Will he really give nothing?
GEWO. If he does not lie, he will settle with you alone. Let the others kick, he said. Go to him right off, dear Ossep. Before the thing becomes known perhaps you can still get something out of him.
OSSEP. Come with me, Gewo. Yes, we must do something, or else I am lost.
GEWO. The devil take the scoundrel!
SALOME [coming in from the left]. May I lose my sight if he is not coming already. He is already on the walk. [Looking out of the window and then walking toward the entry.] How my heart beats!
[Goes into the ante-room. Alexander appears at the window and then at the door of the ante-room.]
Alexander enters.
SALOME [at the door]. Come; pray come in. [Offers her hand.] May your coming into our house bring blessings!
ALEXANDER [making a bow]. Madame Salome [kisses her hand], I am happy that from now on I dare call myself your son.
SALOME [kissing him on the brow]. May God make you as happy as your mother wishes. Please, please sit down! Nato will be here immediately. [They sit down.
ALEXANDER. How are you, Madame Salome? What is Miss Natalie doing? Since that evening I have not had the pleasure of seeing her.
SALOME. Thank you, she is very well. The concert that evening pleased me exceedingly. Thank heaven that so good a fashion has found entrance among us. In this way we have a perfect bazaar for the marriageable girls, for had not this concert taken place where would you two have found an opportunity to make each other's acquaintance? Where else could you have caught sight of each other?
ALEXANDER. Dear lady, Miss Natalie must please everybody without concerts, and awaken love in them. Oh, how I bless my fate that it is my happy lot to win her love!
SALOME. And my Nato pleases you, dear son-in-law?
ALEXANDER. Oh, I love her with all my heart, dear madame!
SALOME. If you love her so much, dear son, why did you exact so much money? For the sake of 1,000 rubles this affair almost went to pieces. Your sister Champera swore to me that if we did not give 1,000 rubles more you would this very day betroth yourself to the daughter of Barssegh Leproink.
ALEXANDER. I wonder, Madame Salome, that you should credit such things. I marry Leproink's daughter! I refuse Miss Natalie on her account! forget her beautiful black eyes and her good heart, and run after money! Would not that be shameful in me! I must confess to you freely, dear madame, that my sister's way of doing things is hateful to me. Fi mauvais genre! But let us say no more about it. If only God will help us to a good ending!
SALOME. God grant that neither of you may have anything to regret!—[rising] I will come back immediately, dear son-in-law; I am only going to see what is keeping Nato. [Alexander also rises.] Keep your seat, I beg of you. How ceremonious you are! I will come right back. [Exit right.
ALEXANDER [alone.] At last my burning wish is fulfilled! Now I have both a pretty wife and money. Without money a man is not of the least importance. Let him give himself what trouble he may, if he has no money, no one will pay any attention to him. I have made only one mistake in the business. I have been in too much of a hurry. If I had held out a little longer they would have given me 8,000 rubles; now I must be satisfied with 7,000. Still, what was to be done? It would not have gone through otherwise; and for that matter, I may, perhaps, somehow make up for it in other ways. In any case, I stand here on a fat pasture-land where they seem to be pretty rich. The principal thing is that I should make myself popular among them, then I shall have succeeded in getting my fill out of them. Ha, ha, ha! How they worry themselves! Yes, the whole office will be in an uproar to-morrow. [With affected voice:] "Have you heard the news? Marmarow is engaged, and has received 7,000 rubles dowry. And such a beautiful girl! Such a lovely creature!" [Clucking with his tongue and changing his voice:] "Is it possible!" [In his own voice:] Charming, charming, Marmarow! [Looking at his clothing:] Chic! A true gentleman am I! Yes, I am getting on. I must now think only of to-morrow and the next day, and how to get on further. The principal thing is for a man to know the value of money, for without money nothing can be undertaken. First, I shall have the interest on my capital; then my salary, and last some hundred rubles beside. That makes 3,000 or 4,000 rubles a year. If I lay aside 1,000 rubles every year, I have in seven or eight years 10,000; in fifteen years double that, and so on. Yes, Monsieur Marmarow, you understand it! Be happy, therefore, and let the others burst with envy.
Salome and Nato enter at the right, Salome holding Nato's hand.
ALEXANDER. Miss Natalie, the whole night long I thought only of you! [Kisses her hand.]
SALOME. Kiss her on the cheek and give her the engagement ring.
ALEXANDER. Oh, you are the sun of my existence! [Draws a ring from his finger and gives it to Natalie.] From now on you are mine. Please! [Kisses her.]
SALOME. Be happy and may you reach old age together. [Kisses Alexander; then Nato.] God bless you, my children. Sit down, I pray you, Alexander [pointing to the sofa on which Alexander and Nato sit down]. Your father will soon be here. [Walks to and fro in joyful excitement.]
ALEXANDER [looking at Nato]. Dear Natalie, why are you so silent? Let me hear your sweet voice, I beg of you.
NATO. I am speechless, Monsieur Marmarow.
ALEXANDER. Monsieur!
NATO. Dear Alexander.
ALEXANDER [seizing her hand]. So! That sounds much sweeter! [Kisses her hand.]
Enter Chacho.
SALOME. Come in, dear aunt.
CHACHO. Such a thing has never happened to me before! Could you not wait till the man of the house arrived?
SALOME. Oh, it is all the same; he will be here soon enough. Give them your blessing, I beg of you.
CHACHO. May God bestow all good things upon you. May heaven grant the prayer of me, a sinner. [Alexander and Nato stand up.] May you have nothing to regret. May you flourish and prosper and grow old together on the same pillow. [Ossep comes to the door and stands astonished.]
CHACHO [continuing]. God grant that your first may be a boy! Love and respect each other! May the eye of the Czar look down on you with mercy! [Sees Ossep.] Let the father now offer you his good wishes.
SALOME. Dear Ossep, congratulate your daughter.
NATO. Dear papa! [Goes up to Ossep and kisses his hand. Ossep stands motionless.
ALEXANDER [seizing Ossep's hand]. From now on, dear father, count me among your children. [Turning to Nato offended:] What is this?
SALOME. Don't be impolite, Ossep.
CHACHO. What has happened to you, Ossep?
ALEXANDER [to Salome]. I understand nothing of this. [To Ossep:] My father, you seem dissatisfied.
OSSEP [recovering himself]. I dissatisfied! No—yes—I am dizzy.
ALEXANDER [offering him a chair]. Sit down, I pray, my father.
OSSEP [to Alexander]. Do not trouble yourself. It is already passed.
SALOME. Can one meet his son-in-law like that? And such a son-in-law, beside! Say something, do.
OSSEP. What shall I say, then? You have consummated the betrothal. God grant that all will end well. [To Alexander:] Please be seated.
ALEXANDER. My father, when do you wish the betrothal to be celebrated?
OSSEP. That depends upon you. Do as you wish.
ALEXANDER. I will invite twenty persons and bring them with me. My superiors I must invite also; it would not do to omit them.
OSSEP. Do as you see fit.
ALEXANDER [to Salome]. Perhaps he is angry with me. If there is any reason for it, pray tell me now.
SALOME. What are you saying? That cannot be! [They move away a little and speak softly together.
OSSEP [on the other side of the stage to Chacho]. You Godforsaken! Could you not wait a moment?
CHACHO. What is the matter now?
OSSEP. Only God in heaven knows how I stand! Think of it! Santurian has failed.
CHACHO. Great heaven!
ALEXANDER [offering Nato his arm]. Something must have happened! [They go off at the left, Salome following.
OSSEP. Righteous God, why dost thou punish me thus?
SALOME [returning to Ossep]. Do with me as you will, but it could not have been helped. I have promised him 7,000 rubles as dowry, [Turning to Chacho as she leaves the room:] Pray come with me, aunt. You come, too, Ossep. [Exit Salome.
OSSEP [much excited]. What do I hear? Has she spoken the truth? Do you hear? Why do you not answer me? Why are you silent? [Still more excited.] It is true, then! Yes, yes, I see that it is true! O God, let lightning strike this unlucky house that we may all die together. I have just lost an important sum and come home to prevent further negotiations. And see there!
CHACHO. I am to blame for it. Do not get excited. I will add 1,000 rubles to it, if need be, from the money I have laid by for my burial.
OSSEP. From your burial money? Have I already fallen so low that I must ask alms? Keep your money for yourself! I do not want it. Drop that complaint also, for I am still rich, very rich. How can it injure me that Santurian has failed? I stand here firm and unshakable, and have inexhaustible money resources. [Tearing his hair.] O God! O God! [Walks to and fro excitedly.] Now I will go and wish my son-in-law joy. Yes, I must go so that I shall not make myself ridiculous to him. The man is a government official! [Exit right, laughing bitterly.
CHACHO. Gracious heaven, be thou our saviour and deliverer.
A richly furnished sales-room in Barssegh's house.
MICHO. Two, three, four, five, six and this little piece. It does not measure so much!
BARSSEGH [standing up and giving Micho a rap on the nose]. You have what is lacking there. Measure again. Now you've got what is lacking. I will tear your soul out of your body if you measure so that in seven arschin[44] it comes out one werschok short.
[44] Russian measure of length.
MICHO [measuring again]. O dear, O dear!
BARSSEGH. Look out, or I will take that "O dear" out of your ear. Be up and at it now!
MICHO. Oh, Mr. Barssegh! [Measuring.] One, two, three—
BARSSEGH. Stretch it, you blockhead.
MICHO [stretching the cotton]. Three, four. [Wipes the perspiration from his brow.]
BARSSEGH. What is the matter with you? You sweat as though you had a mule-pack on your back.
MICHO. Five.
BARSSEGH. Pull it out more.
MICHO. Six and this little piece. It lacks three werschok again.
BARSSEGH [pulling his ears]. It lacks three werschok? There they are!
MICHO. Oh my, oh my!
BARSSEGH. You calf; will you ever develop into a man?
MICHO. O dear mother!
BARSSEGH [pulling him again by the ear]. Doesn't it grow longer?
MICHO [crying]. Dear Mr. Barssegh, dear sir, let me go.
BARSSEGH. I want to teach you how to measure.
MICHO. It reaches, I say; it reaches, indeed; it reaches. Let me measure again.
BARSSEGH. Now take care that you make it seven arschin.
MICHO [aside]. Holy Karapet, help me. [Measuring.] One, two—
BARSSEGH. O you blockhead!
MICHO. Three.
MICHO. Four.
BARSSEGH. Haven't you seen how Dartscho measures?
MICHO. Five.
BARSSEGH. Will you ever learn how to do it?
MICHO. Five.
BARSSEGH. If you keep on being so stupid my business will be ruined.
MICHO. Five—five.
BARSSEGH. I give you my word that I will give you the sack.
MICHO. Five—five.
BARSSEGH. Measure further.
MICHO. Five—[aside:]; Holy George, help me! [Aloud:] Six. I cannot stretch it any more or I shall tear it.
BARSSEGH. Measure, now.
MICHO. O dear; I believe it is already torn.
BARSSEGH [looking at the cloth]. I see nothing. God forbid!
MICHO [looking at the measure]. It is short a half werschok of seven arschin every time.
The madman, Mosi, comes in at the middle door and stands in the background.
BARSSEGH [hitting Micho on the head]. What are you good for? Can't you get that half werschok out of it?
MICHO [howling.] What am I to do when the cloth is too short?
BARSSEGH [pulling his hair]. Are you sure you're not lying?
MICHO [yelling.] How can you say that? Measure it yourself and we shall see whether there are seven arschin here.
BARSSEGH [angry; taking measure and calico]. You say there are not seven here? Wait, I will show you [measuring.] One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, and a quarter left over for a present to you. What do you say about it now? You must learn to measure if you burst doing it. But you think only of your week's pay. Now, hurry up; be lively there!
MICHO. O heaven! How shall I begin? One, two—
BARSSEGH. Be careful and don't tear it.
MICHO [crying.] What do you want of me? If I pull on the stuff I tear it; and if I don't stretch it, no seven arschin will come out of it.
MOSI [coming near]. Ha! ha! ha! Who is the toper? Who? 'Tis I; the mad Mosi. Ha! ha! ha!
BARSSEGH [aside.] How comes this crazy fellow here?
MOSI [seizing the measure and calico]. Give it to me, you booby! There are not only seven arschin here, but twenty-seven [measuring quickly]. One, two, four, six, eight, ten, twelve, and here are thirteen and fourteen. Do you want me to make still more out of it? You must shove the stick back in measuring. Can't you understand that? [Throws the stick and calico upon Micho.] Here, take it and be a man at last. You the shop-boy of such a great merchant and not find out a little thing like that. Haven't you learned yet how to steal half a werschok? Ha, ha, ha! [Micho tries to free himself but becomes more entangled in the cloth.
BARSSEGH [to Mosi], I forbid such impudent talk in my presence! Be silent, or I'll show you.
MOSI. That's the way with all mankind. They never appreciate good intentions. [Pointing to Micho.] I only wanted to make something of him. Go, go, my son, be a man! Learn from your master! You surely see how much money he has scraped together! [To Barssegh:] How is it about eating? It's time for dinner! Have the table set; I have come as a guest. What have you to-day? Coal-soup, perhaps, or water-soup? Yes, yes; you will entertain me finely! Ha, ha!
BARSSEGH [aside]. This confounded fellow is drunk again! [To Micho:] Get out of the room! [Exit Micho middle door.
MOSI. From this stuff you can make a shroud for yourself. To-day or to-morrow you must die, that's sure.
BARSSEGH. You'd better be still! [Enter Khali at left.
KHALI. Do you know the latest?
BARSSEGH. What has happened?
KHALI. What has happened? Marmarow was betrothed yesterday.
KHALI. By heaven!
BARSSEGH. To whom?
KHALI. To the daughter of Ossep Gulabianz.
BARSSEGH. Is that really true?
KHALI. Do you think I am lying? They promised him 10,000 rubles dowry. I always said you should have saved something. Now you have it! They have snatched him away from you. And such a man, too! They puff themselves up entirely too much. Where did they get the money, I would like to know? [Micho appears at the middle door.
BARSSEGH. Run right off down to the Tapitach.[45] You know where Ossep Gulabianz's store is?
[45] A district of Tiflis.
MICHO. Gulabianz? The one who brought money to-day?
BARSSEGH. Yes, that one. Go and look for him wherever he is likely to be. Tell him he must bring the rest of the money at once. Now, run quickly. What else do I want to say? Oh, yes [pointing to the calico]; take that winding-sheet with you.
MOSI. Ha, ha, ha! Listen to him!
BARSSEGH. By heaven! What am I chattering about? I am crazed! [Angrily, to Micho:] What are you gaping at? Do you hear? Take this calico. Go to the store and tell Dartscho to come here. Lively, now! [Exit Micho with goods.
BARSSEGH [going on]. I would like to see how he is going to give 10,000 rubles dowry. I would like to know whose money it is?
KHALI. That stuck-up Salome has gotten my son-in-law away from me.
BARSSEGH. Never mind. I will soon put them into a hole.
MOSI. Oh, don't brag about things you can't perform. What has Ossep done to you that you want revenge? How can Ossep help it if your daughter is as dumb as straw and has a mouth three ells long? And what have Micho's ears to do with it? You should simply have given what the man asked.
BARSSEGH [rising]. O you wretch, you!
MOSI. Yes, you should certainly have paid it. Why didn't you? For whom are you saving? To-morrow or the day after you will have to die and leave it here.
BARSSEGH. Stop, or—
KHALI [to Mosi]. Why do you anger him? Haven't we trouble and anxiety enough?
MOSI. Well, I will be still. But I swear that this young man may call himself lucky that he has freed himself from you and closed with Ossep. Both of you together are not worth Ossep's finger-tips.
BARSSEGH. Leave me in peace or I will shake off all my anger on to you.
MOSI. What can you do to me? You cannot put my store under the hammer. What a man you are, indeed!
BARSSEGH. A better man than you any day.
MOSI. In what are you better?
BARSSEGH. In the first place, I am master of my five senses, and you are cracked.
MOSI [laughs]. Ha, ha, ha! If you were rational you would not have said that. Am I crazy because I show up your villanies? You are wise, you say? Perhaps you are as wise as Solomon!
BARSSEGH. I am wealthy.
MOSI. Take your money and—[Whispers something in his ear.] You have stolen it here and there. You have swindled me out of something, too. Me and this one and that one, and so you became rich! You have provided yourself with a carriage, and go riding in it and make yourself important. Yes, that is the way with your money. Did your father Matus come riding to his store in a carriage, eh? You say you are rich? True, there is scarcely anyone richer than you; but if we reckon together all the money you have gained honorably, we shall see which of us two has most. [Drawing his purse from his pocket and slapping it.] See! I have earned all this by the sweat of my brow. Oh, no, like you I collected it for the church and put it in my own pocket. Are you going to fail again soon?
BARSSEGH. Heaven preserve me from it!
MOSI. It would not be the first time. When you are dead they will shake whole sacks full of money in your grave for you.
BARSSEGH. Will you never stop?
KHALI. Are you not ashamed to make such speeches?
MOSI. Till you die I will not let you rest. As long as you live I will gnaw at you like a worm, for you deserve it for your villany. What! Haven't you committed every crime? You robbed your brother of his inheritance; you cheated your partner; you have repudiated debts, and held others to false debts. Haven't you set your neighbors' stores on fire? If people knew everything they would hang you. But the world is stone-blind, and so you walk God's earth in peace. Good-by! I would like to go to Ossep and warn him against you; for if he falls into your clutches he is lost.
BARSSEGH. Yes, yes; go and never come back.
KHALI. I wish water lay in front of him and a drawn sword behind.
BARSSEGH. This fellow is a veritable curse!
KHALI. Yes, he is, indeed.
BARSSEGH. The devil take him! If he is going to utter such slanders, I hope he will always do it here, and not do me harm with outsiders.
KHALI. You are to blame for it yourself. Why do you have anything to do with the good-for-nothing fellow?
BARSSEGH. There you go! Do I have anything to do with him? He is always at my heels, like my own shadow.
KHALI. Can't you forbid him to enter your doors?
BARSSEGH. So that he will not let me pass by in the streets? Do you want him to make me the talk of the town?
KHALI. Then don't speak to him any more.
BARSSEGH. As if I took pleasure in it! It is all the same to him whether one speaks to him or not.
KHALI. What are we to do with him, then?
BARSSEGH [angrily]. Why do you fasten yourself on to me like a gadfly? Have I not trouble enough already? [Beating his hands together.] How could you let him escape? You are good for nothing!
KHALI. What could I do, then, if you were stingy about the money? If you had promised the 10,000 rubles, you would have seen how easily and quickly everything would have been arranged.
BARSSEGH. If he insists upon so much he may go to the devil. For 10,000 rubles I will find a better man for my daughter.
KHALI. I know whom you mean. Give me the money and I will arrange the thing to-day.
BARSSEGH [derisively]. Give it! How easily you can say it! Is that a mulberry-tree, then, that one has only to shake and thousands will fall from it? Don't hold my rubles so cheaply; for every one of them I have sold my soul twenty times.
KHALI. If I can only get sight of that insolent Salome, I'll shake a cart-load of dirt over her head. Only let her meet me! [Exit, left.
BARSSEGH [alone]. And you shall see what I will do! Only wait, my dear Ossep! I am getting a day of joy ready for you and you will shed tears as thick as my thumb. I have been looking for the chance a long time, and now fate has delivered you into my hands. You braggart, you shall see how you will lie at my feet. I am the son of the cobbler Matus. There are certain simpletons who shake their heads over those who had nothing and suddenly amount to something. But I tell you that this world is nothing more than a great honey-cask. He who carries away the best part for himself, without letting the others come near it, he is the man to whom praise and honor are due. But a man who stands aside, like Ossep, and waits till his turn comes is an ass.
Enter Dartscho.
BARSSEGH. Ah, Dartscho! How quickly you have come!
DARTSCHO. I met Micho just now, and he told me that you had sent for me.
BARSSEGH. I have something important to speak with you about. [He sits down.] Where were you just now?
DARTSCHO. At George's, the coal man. He owed us some money, and I have been to see him seven times this week on that account.
BARSSEGH. He is very unpunctual. But how does it stand? Has he paid?
DARTSCHO. Of course! What do you take me for? I stayed in the store as if nailed there, and when a new customer came in I repeated my demand. There was nothing left for him to do but to pay me, for shame's sake.
BARSSEGH. That pleases me in you, my son. Go on like that and you will get on in the world. Look at me! There was a time when they beat me over the head and called me by my given name. Then they called me Barssegh, and finally "Mr." Barssegh. When I was as old as you are I was nothing, and now I am a man who stands for something. If my father, Matus, were still alive he would be proud of me. I tell you all this so that you will spare no pains to make yourself a master and make people forget that you are the son of a driver. A son can raise up the name of his father; he can also drag it down into the dust.
DARTSCHO. You see best of all what trouble I take, Mr. Barssegh. When I open the store in the morning, I never wait until Micho comes, but I take the broom in my hand and sweep out the store. And how I behave with the customers, you yourself see.
BARSSEGH. Yes, I see it; I see it, my son, and it is on that account I am so good to you. Only wait till next year and you shall be my partner. I will supply the money and you the labor.
DARTSCHO. May God give you a long life for that! I seem to myself like a tree which you have planted. I hope I will still bear fruit and you will have your joy in me. Do you know that I have gotten rid of those damaged goods?
BARSSEGH. Is it possible?
DARTSCHO. It's a fact.
BARSSEGH. To whom have you sold them?
DARTSCHO. To a man from Signach. I laid two good pieces on top so that he did not notice it. Let him groan now.
BARSSEGH. And how? On credit?
DARTSCHO. Am I then crazy? Have I ever sold damaged goods on credit, that you make such a supposition? Of course I took something off for it, but made believe I only did it to please him. He paid me the full sum at once; and if he is now boasting how cheap he bought the goods, I hope he will sing my praises also.
BARSSEGH. Do you know, dear Dartscho, you are a fine fellow? Yes, I have always said that you would amount to something.
DARTSCHO. God grant it! What commands have you, Mr. Barssegh? There is no one in the store.
BARSSEGH. Oh, right! I had almost forgotten. If Ossep Gulabianz comes to borrow money, give him nothing.
DARTSCHO. What has happened?
BARSSEGH. I am terribly angry at him.
DARTSCHO. And I have even more reason to be angry at him; he is altogether too stuck-up. But what has occurred?
BARSSEGH. I will show him now who I am. His whole business is just like a hayrick; a match is enough to set the whole thing ablaze.
DARTSCHO. I would not be sorry for ten matches! Tell me what I can do about it? The rest I know already.
BARSSEGH. Think of it! The fellow has snatched away a fine fat morsel from my very mouth. I had found an excellent husband for my daughter. For a whole week we carried on negotiations with him and everything was near final settlement when this Ossep came in and bid over us. On the very same day he betrothed his daughter to the man.
DARTSCHO. The devil take him for it!
BARSSEGH. And do you know, also, whose money he is going to use? It is my money he is going to give him.
DARTSCHO. That is just it! That is it!
BARSSEGH. Things look bad for his pocket. Now he is going to marry off his daughter and put himself in a tight place. Go, therefore, and get out an execution against him; otherwise nothing can be squeezed out of him.
DARTSCHO. We shall see. I will go at once and demand our money.
BARSSEGH. I have already sent Micho, but I hardly believe he will give it up so easily. On that account I sent for you to find out someone who can help us.
DARTSCHO. I know a lawyer who can manage so that in three hours they will put an attachment on his store.
BARSSEGH. Go on so forever, dear Dartscho! Yes, I have long known that you were going to be the right sort of fellow!
DARTSCHO. The apprentice of a right good master always gets on in the world.
BARSSEGH. Go quickly then; lose no time.
DARTSCHO. I will not waste an hour.
BARSSEGH. Go! May you succeed! [Exit Dartscho, middle door.
BARSSEGH [alone]. Yes, yes, friend Ossep, now show what you can do! I would burn ten candles to have you in my power. [Exit, right, taking the account book.
Khali. Salome.
KHALI [entering from the left]. Such a bold creature I never saw before in my life! [Calling through the window:] Come in! come in! I pray! Do you hear, Salome? I am calling you. Come in here a moment [coming back from the window]. She is coming. Wait, you insolent thing! I will give you a setting-out such as no one has ever given you before!
SALOME [dressed in the latest fashion, with a parasol in her hand; enters at middle door]. Why did you call me? Good-morning! How are you? [They shake hands.
KHALI. Thank you. Pray sit down. [They both sit down.] So you have betrothed your daughter?
SALOME. Yes, dear Khali. God grant that we soon hear of your Nino's like good-fortune! I betrothed her last evening. I found a good husband for her. He is as handsome as a god. I can scarcely stand for joy!
KHALI. Yes, make yourself important about it!
SALOME [offended]. What is this? What does it mean?
KHALI. You owed us a favor, and you have done it for us.
SALOME. What have I done to you?
KHALI. You could not do more, indeed. You have cheated me out of a son-in-law. Is not that enough?
SALOME. But, my dear Khali, what kind of things are you saying to me? What do you mean by it?
KHALI. Be still! be still! I know well enough how it was.
SALOME. May I go blind if I know what you are talking about!
KHALI. Didn't you know very well that I wished to give my daughter to him?
SALOME. I don't understand you! You said no earthly word to me about it.
KHALI. Even if I have not said anything about it, someone has certainly told you of it.
SALOME. No one has said a word about it.
KHALI. She lies about it, beside! Isn't that shameful?
SALOME. Satan lies. What are you accusing me of?
KHALI. And you really did not know that I wished to give him my daughter?
SALOME. And if I had known it? When a man wants to marry, they always speak of ten, and yet he marries only one.
KHALI. So you knew it very well? Why did you lie, then?
SALOME. You are out of your head! How was I to find it out? Did you send word by anyone that you were going to give your daughter to the man? In what way am I to blame for it? You knew as much as I did. You treated with him just as I did and sent marriage brokers to him.
KHALI. I approached him first.
SALOME. O my dear, the flowers in the meadow belong not to those who see them first, but to those who pluck them.
KHALI. You did not wait. Perhaps I would have plucked them.
SALOME. And why didn't you pluck them?
KHALI. You wouldn't let me. Do you think I do not know that you promised him more than we did?
SALOME. May I go blind! Khali, how can you say that? How much did you promise him?
KHALI. How much did we promise him? Ha! ha! as though you did not know it! Eight thousand rubles.
SALOME. Then you promised more than we did, for we can give him only 7,000.
KHALI. You surely do not think me so stupid as to believe that!
SALOME. As sure as I wish my Nato all good fortune, what I say is true.
KHALI. And you think that I believe you?
SALOME. What? What do you say? Would I swear falsely about my daughter?
KHALI. Of course it is so! Would he let my 8,000 go to take your 7,000?
SALOME. I am not to blame for that. Probably your daughter did not please him, since he did not want her.
KHALI. What fault have you to find with my daughter? As though yours were prettier, you insolent woman, you!
SALOME [standing up]. You are insolent! Is it for this you called me in? Can your daughter be compared to my Nato? Is it my fault that your daughter has a wide mouth?
KHALI. You have a wide mouth yourself; and your forward daughter is not a bit prettier than mine!
SALOME. What! you say she is forward? Everyone knows her as a modest and well-behaved girl, while everybody calls yours stupid. Yes, that is true; and if you want to know the truth, I can tell it to you—it is just on that account that he would not have her.
KHALI. Oh, you witch, you! You have caught the poor young man in your nets and deceived him. I would like to know where you are going to get the 7,000 rubles.
SALOME. That is our affair. I would rather have broken my leg than to have come in here.
KHALI. He is up to the ears in debt and is going to give such a dowry!
SALOME [coming back]. Even if we are in debt, we have robbed nobody, as you have.
KHALI [springing up]. 'Tis you who steal; you! You are a thief! Look out for yourself that I do not tear the veil off your head, you wicked witch, you!
SALOME [holding her veil toward her]. Try it once. I would like to see how you begin it. You have altogether too long a tongue, and are only the daughter-in-law of the cobbler Matus.
KHALI. And what better are you? You are a gardener's daughter, you insolent thing!
SALOME. You are insolent, yourself! Do not think so much of yourself—everyone knows that you have robbed the whole world, and only in that way have gotten up in the world.
KHALI. Oh, you good-for-nothing! [Throws herself on Salome and tears her veil off.
SALOME. Oh! oh! [Gets hold of Khali's hair.
KHALI. Oh! oh!
SALOME. I'll pull all your hair out! [Astonished, she holds a lock in her hand.
Enter Ossep.
OSSEP. What do I see?
KHALI [tearing the lock from Salome's hand]. May I be blind! [Exit embarrassed.
SALOME [arranging her veil]. Oh, you monkey, you!
OSSEP. What is the meaning of this?
SALOME. God only knows how it came to this. I was walking quietly in the street and she called me in and tore the veil from my head because I, as she said, took her daughter's suitor away from her.
OSSEP. It serves you right! That comes from your having secrets from me and promising him 7,000 rubles instead of 6,000.
SALOME. I would rather have broken a leg than come into this horrid house. I did it only out of politeness. I wish these people might lose everything they have got [pinning her veil]. At any rate, I punished her for it by pulling off her false hair. If she tells on herself now, she may also tell about me. She got out of the room quickly, so that no one would find out that her hair was as false as everything else.
OSSEP. It would be best for us if the earth opened and swallowed us up.
SALOME [crying]. Am I, then, so much to blame here?
OSSEP. Really, you look splendid! Go! go! that no one sees you here. It is not the first time that you have put me in a dilemma. Go! and pray God to change noon into midnight and make the streets dark, so that no one sees that you have a torn veil on your head.
SALOME [wiping away her tears]. God only knows everything I have to suffer from you!
OSSEP [alone]. Great heaven! how this world is arranged! When one trouble comes to a man a second comes along, too, and waits at his door. When I am just about ready to cope with the first, in comes the second and caps the climax. I don't know which way to turn with all my debts; and now this women's quarrel will be laid at my door.
BARSSEGH [coming in, angry]. I will show him that I am a man!
OSSEP. Good-morning!
BARSSEGH. I want neither "good-morning" nor any other wish from you. You have, I suppose, come to help your wife. Give me a blow, too, so the measure will be full. This is surely the interest on the money you owe me.
OSSEP. Calm yourself. What, indeed, do you want?
BARSSEGH. Do you, then, believe that I will overlook my wife's hair being pulled out? That I will not pardon.
OSSEP. What is there to pardon? Your wife tore my wife's veil from her head.
BARSSEGH. A veil is not hair.
OSSEP. For heaven's sake, stop! Is a women's spat our affair?
BARSSEGH. Say what you wish, but I will do what pleases me.
OSSEP. Calm yourself; calm yourself.
BARSSEGH. Yes, yes; I will calm you, too.
OSSEP. Believe me; it is unworthy of you.
BARSSEGH. She has torn her veil, he says. What is a veil, then? A thing that one can buy, and at most costs two rubles.
OSSEP. The hair was also not her own. Why do you worry yourself about it? For a two-ruble veil she tore a two-kopeck band. The band is there, and she can fasten the hair on again.
BARSSEGH. No, you can't get out of it that way. I will not pardon her for this insolence.
OSSEP [aside]. Great heaven!
BARSSEGH. You'll see! you'll see!
OSSEP. Do what you will! I did not come to you on that account. You sent for me by Micho?
BARSSEGH. Yes, you are right. Have you brought me my money? Give it to me, quick!
OSSEP. How you speak to me! Am I your servant, that you speak so roughly? You surely do not know whom you have before you. Look out, for if I go for you, you will sing another tune.
BARSSEGH. That has not happened to me yet! He owes me money, and even here he makes himself important!
OSSEP. Do you think because I owe you money I shall stand your insults? I speak politely to you, and I demand the same from you.
BARSSEGH. Enough of that! Tell me whether you have brought the money or not.
OSSEP. Have I ever kept back from you any of your money? Why should I do it to-day?
BARSSEGH. Then give it to me now.
OSSEP. You said at that time—
BARSSEGH. I know nothing of that time.
OSSEP. What is the matter with you? You speak as if in a dream.
BARSSEGH. Whether I speak as in a dream or not, give me the money, and have done with it.
OSSEP [takes a chair and sits down]. You are mistaken, my dear Mr. Barssegh; you are mistaken. Sit down, pray.
BARSSEGH [ironically]. Thank you very much.
OSSEP. You will surely not take back your word?
BARSSEGH. Hand over the money.
OSSEP. What has happened to you? You speak like a madman.
BARSSEGH. It is all the same to me however I speak.
OSSEP. When I gave you the 5,000 rubles that time, did not you say that I was to pay the rest in a month?
BARSSEGH [sitting down]. And if I did say so, what does it amount to? I need it now.
OSSEP. You should have said so at the time and I would not have paid out my money in other ways. How comes it that you demand it so suddenly? I am no wizard, I am sure, to procure it from the stars for you.
BARSSEGH. You may get it wherever you want to. I need it, and that settles it.
OSSEP. Just heaven! Why did you give me a month's grace and reckon on an additional twelve per cent. for it?
BARSSEGH. What kind of grace? Have you anything to show for it?
OSSEP. Isn't your word enough? Why do we need a paper in addition?
BARSSEGH. I didn't give you my word.
OSSEP. What? You did not give it? You admitted it just a few minutes ago.
BARSSEGH. No, I said nothing about it.
OSSEP [standing]. My God! what do I see and hear? You are a merchant and tread your word under foot. Shame on you! [Takes him by the arm and leads him to the mirror.] Look! look at your face! Why do you turn pale?
BARSSEGH. Let me go!
OSSEP [holding him fast by the sleeve]. How can you be so unscrupulous? Look! How pale your lips are!
BARSSEGH. Let me go! [Freeing himself.] You act exactly as though you were the creditor.
OSSEP. No, you are the creditor. I would rather be swallowed up alive by the earth than be such a creditor as you are. What do you think you will be in my eyes after this?
BARSSEGH. I tell you, hand out my money or I will lay your note before the court immediately! I would only like to know where you are going to get the dowry for your daughter. You will pay over my money to your son-in-law, will you, and give me the go-by?
OSSEP. Give yourself no trouble! Even if you should beg me now, I would not keep your money. To-morrow at this time you shall have it, and then may the faces turn black of those who still look at you.
BARSSEGH. I want it at once.
OSSEP. Then come with me. You shall have it. The sooner a man is rid of a bad thing, the better it is. Give me the note! No, don't give it to me, for you don't trust me. You are not worthy of trusting me. Take it yourself and come with me. We will go at once to the bazaar, sell it, then you can have your money. I may lose something by it. It makes no difference. It is easier to bear this misfortune than to talk to you. Do you hear? Shall we go?
BARSSEGH. What do you mean?
OSSEP. Get the note, I tell you! Don't you hear?
BARSSEGH. What kind of a note?
OSSEP. Rostom's note.
BARSSEGH. Rostom's' note? What is this note to you?
OSSEP. What is it to me? It is no word, indeed, that you can deny. It is a document.
BARSSEGH. What is it to you that I have this document in my hands? That is mine and Rostom's business.
OSSEP. Yours and Rostom's business! [Pauses.] It is, I see, not yet enough that you lie. You are a thief and a robber beside. What people say of you is really true; namely, that you have robbed everybody, and by this means have acquired your wealth. Yes, it is true that you have ruined twenty-five families; that you have put out their candle and lighted yours by it. Now I see, for the first time, that everything that people say about you is true. Now I believe, indeed, that these chairs, this sofa, this mirror, your coat, your cane—in a word, every article that you call yours—represents some person you have robbed. Take my bones and add to them. Make the measure full. You have made your conscience a stone and will hear nothing; but I tell you, one day it will awake, and every object that lies or stands here will begin to speak and hold up to you your villanies. Then you can go and justify yourself before your Maker. Shame upon him who still calls you a human being! [Exit by the middle door.
BARSSEGH. Ha! ha! ha! [Exit at the right.
NATO [stands before the mirror elegantly dressed, and, while she prinks, hums a European melody. Then she draws out of her pocket a little photograph and speaks to herself while looking in the mirror]. O my treasure! my treasure! [Presses the photo to her breast and kisses it.] Mon cher! Come; we will dance. [Dances around the table.] Tra-la-la, Tra-la-la. [Sits down at the right.] Alexander; my Alexander; dear Alexander! Yes, you are really an angel. Why are you so handsome? You have black eyes and I also have black. Then arched eyebrows just like me. [Touches her eyebrows.] A pretty little mustache, which I lack. Which of us is more beautiful, I or you? You are handsomest; no, I am handsomest [springing up]. We will see at once.
[Looks at herself in the mirror and then at the photograph. Enter Alexander at the middle door.
NATO [without noticing Alexander]. No, you are the more beautiful! [Kisses the photograph.
[Alexander approaches softly and kisses Nato.
NATO [frightened]. Oh!
ALEXANDER. No, you are the more beautiful, Natalie, dear. Ma chere Nathalie!
NATO. O mon cher Alexandre! How you frightened me!
ALEXANDER [putting his arm around her]. Let me kiss you again, and your fright will pass away. [Kisses her.] Give me a kiss just once!
NATO [kissing him]. There, you have one.
ALEXANDER. Well, I ought to allow you to kiss me. Am I not worth more than that piece of paper? [Takes her by the hand; they sit down on sofa at the right.
NATO. They have come to congratulate us.
ALEXANDER. Yes, your grandmother, your aunts, and your cousins. Nato, shall you give evening parties like this?
NATO [smiling]. Ha! ha! ha! No such soirees as this, my dear Alexander. Two evenings every month we will give little dances, either on Tuesdays or Thursdays. Which is better? Do you not think, Alexander, that Thursday will be best?
ALEXANDER [with a grimace]. As you wish, chere Nathalie. If you like, you can give a soiree every week.
NATO. No, twice a month is better. Sophie, who is now Madame Jarinskaja, gives only two soirees in a month.
ALEXANDER. Very well, Nato dear.
NATO. That is agreed, then. And every Thursday we will dance at the Casino. [Alexander makes another grimace.] Mind, now! every Thursday.
ALEXANDER. Do you like to visit the Casino?
NATO [laying her hand on his shoulder]. Who doesn't like to visit it? Is there another place where one can amuse one's self better? The beautiful long salon! the boudoir! the beautiful music and the rich costumes! How beautiful they all are! [Embracing Alexander.] We will dance together, and when we are tired, we will go into the mirror-room and rest ourselves and talk and laugh.
ALEXANDER. And then we will dance again and rest ourselves, and talk and laugh again.
NATO. It will be splendid! [Kisses him.] I will dress beautifully a la mode, so that everyone will say, "Look! look! what a charming woman Madame Marmarow is!" And then, dear Alexander, we will subscribe for a box at the theatre for Fridays.
ALEXANDER [making another grimace aside]. She's piling it on.
NATO. And do you know where? In the upper tier at the left, near the foyer.
ALEXANDER. Wouldn't it be better to subscribe for two evenings a week?
NATO. Wouldn't it cost too much?
ALEXANDER. What has that to do with it? Do you think I could deny you any pleasure? No! no! you shall have everything.
NATO [embracing him]. Cher Alexandre! do you really love me so much?
ALEXANDER. I cannot tell you at all how much I love you. Right at our first meeting I fell in love with you!
NATO. I don't believe it! I don't believe it! All young men talk so!
ALEXANDER. Ha! ha! ha! Do you think I am like them? With them the tongues have nothing to do with the heart; but my tongue speaks what is here! [Strikes himself on the breast.
NATO [ironically]. I know! I know! If I had no dowry you would not marry me.
ALEXANDER. Nato dear, you wrong me! ma chere! As if the dowry made any difference! Fi donc!
NATO. Then you really love me so much?
ALEXANDER. Very, very much, Nato dear. You can put me to the test if you will.
NATO. Do you know, my piano is not fit to use!
ALEXANDER [smoothing his hair—aside]. Something new again.
NATO. Buy me a new piano. To-day I saw one at a store; it cost 500 rubles.
ALEXANDER. Five hundred rubles! You cannot buy a decent piano for that!
NATO. Dear Alexander!
ALEXANDER. Be patient awhile, Nato dear. One of my friends brought a piano from abroad that cost 1,000; yes, even 1,500 rubles.
NATO. My sweetheart; my dear sweetheart! [Kissing him.] I will come right back. [Rises.] I must go and prepare for our reception or mamma will be angry. Tra-la-la. [Exit at left.
ALEXANDER [alone, springing up]. Ha! ha! ha! soirees, balls at the club, box at the theatre, dresses and ornaments after the latest fashion! Am I a millionaire? I would have nothing against it if I had the money to do it. She acts as though she was going to bring 50,000 rubles dowry into the house. No, Natalie, that will all come later. In ten or twenty years, perhaps, I will set up a carriage; but it is not even to be thought of now. Indeed, I don't know, where it will lead to if she makes such demands on me every day. It will lead to quarrels and unpleasantness, and it will be all up with my economizing. No, indeed, Natalie, it will be no easy thing to satisfy you. Why did I not think of this sooner? Let her talk, and demand what she will. I will do what pleases me.
NATO [enter right; speaks to someone behind the scenes]. I will come at once. I am coming. Come, Alexander, let us go into the garden. Mamma must go upstairs, and the guests will be all alone in the garden.
ALEXANDER. I am waiting for your father, Nato dear, I have something important to discuss with him.
NATO. Why, we will soon return, and by that time father will be home. Do you want to sit here alone?
ALEXANDER. Well, we will go.
NATO. Come! come! I want to introduce you to my coquettish aunt. [Mimics her while making a courtesy, and makes faces. Alexander, shaking his head, goes out with Nato noisily through middle door.
Salome. Chacho.
CHACHO. No, indeed, Salome. She behaves too boldly. You must give her a warning. Such self-confidence I have I never before seen in a girl.
SALOME. That is all a matter of fashion! What is to be done? [Shuffling the cards.
CHACHO [seating herself]. When one thinks how the times have changed, one grows dizzy! When I was engaged, my love, I dared not open my mouth; it was as if they had put a lock on it. Indeed, I dared not look anyone in the face, even, and kept my eyes always cast down, as if glued fast to the floor.
SALOME. How could anyone endure all that? The eyes are made to look with, I hope, and the tongue to speak! I wouldn't have borne it. It is well that those times are past. I should die of such a life.
CHACHO. Oh, your present times are the true ones! Isn't this shameful, now, what goes on here? All the money that the husband can make in a week, the wife loses at play in a single evening. Is that widow, the stout one, going to play with you? She is surely more than fifty years old.
SALOME. Of course! we wouldn't play at all without her.
CHACHO. That is the best of all. Why, she has a married daughter as old as you are!
SALOME. What of that? Whoever has money can always play. But what do you say to the wife of blind Gigoli? She hasn't enough to eat, but gives herself airs before us just the same.
CHACHO. Don't talk to me about her! A few weeks ago she pawned a silver pitcher to one of our neighbors for five rubles without her husband's knowledge. God punished her for it, for that same evening she lost it all at cards. I should like to know how she is going to redeem the pitcher.
SALOME [arranging her dress before the mirror]. Yes, yes; no one can take her measure better than I. [Enter Ossep.
OSSEP [angrily]. And what have you gotten ready for again?
SALOME. What was to be done? Look and see how many guests there are in the garden!
OSSEP. It was very wrong of them to come here. Has no one invited them, then? They should have asked me first.
SALOME. You are a singular being! We have betrothed our daughter and they were obliged to come and congratulate us.
OSSEP. Congratulate! As though my joy went to their hearts! On the contrary, they would enjoy it if I had a misfortune; they could put their heads together and criticise and laugh at me.
CHACHO. What are you so ill-humored about? For the last two days you have been intolerable.
OSSEP. If I could unbosom myself to you and show you my heart, you would comprehend what the cause of it is.
CHACHO. God protect you from all evil!
OSSEP. Am I not right? Tell me yourself! This is not the time for card-playing. Why have they come, then? If they wished to congratulate us, they could come separately. How does it happen that they all thought of us at once? Perhaps each has sent word to the other that Salome has betrothed her daughter and they have all taken advantage of the opportunity to come. Of course only for the sake of those damned cards! This one or that one has probably been invited by her [pointing to Salome]. She sent word to them, "Come to us, I pray! X and Z are already here." [To Salome:] Say, isn't that so?
SALOME. What nonsense he talks! Ought they not to know at your uncle's house that we have betrothed our daughter? I was obliged to give them some information about it, was I not?
OSSEP. And to whom beside?
SALOME. Whom else? Your cousins. And I have just sent for your sister-in-law.
OSSEP [anxiously]. For what purpose? She could have come another time just as well.
SALOME. How useless it is to talk so! You understand nothing at all about the matter. Your relatives would take offence in every possible way if I did not invite them. They would not speak to me for a year!
OSSEP. Great heaven! I wish they were struck blind! [Sits down and pulls at the end of the table-cloth.] I would take pleasure in throwing them all out!
SALOME. I have no time to dispute with you. [Exit at left, angry.
OSSEP. Great heaven! have women been created only to bleed the men?
CHACHO. Don't excite yourself so, dear Ossep. What you say is in every way pure facts. But you must overlook something now and then. It can't be helped now; they are all here; you cannot chase them out of the house. The whole city would be stirred up about it.
OSSEP. And what will people say when to-morrow or the day after my creditors come and chase me out of my house?
CHACHO. Oh, don't talk about such things!
OSSEP [sitting down at the card-table]. That's easily said. But let me tell you, I feel as though the house was going to fall down on top of me.
CHACHO. What has happened, Ossep?
OSSEP. They say Barssegh Leproink has brought action against me.
CHACHO. What? Brought action against you?
OSSEP. I owe him money, and on that account he holds the knife at my throat.
CHACHO. God bless me!
OSSEP. The wicked fellow has my note, and another security beside, and yet he will not wait.
CHACHO. His match for wickedness cannot be found in the whole world.
OSSEP. No, not another such miserable scoundrel! I expect every moment to be notified, and have no idea where I can get the money. Everyone I have asked to help me has refused me. I can borrow no more on my note, and I cannot sell my goods at half price. That everyone must understand. They all show their claws as soon as they find out the position I am in. Salome is to blame for all this; the 7,000 rubles she promised is the cause of it all. I would like to know who will pay them to him now.
CHACHO. You talk nonsense! You will make your daughter unhappy forever, Ossep.
OSSEP. I am still more unhappy myself. But let us see what the coming day brings forth. I still have hope of one. Perhaps he will supply me with money.
CHACHO. How could you trust the scamp so blindly? Is such want of thought consistent with reason?
OSSEP. What is the use of reason in this? I have always said I could not stand the expense that now everybody assumes. If a man conducts his business honestly, he makes little profit; and as for a dishonest business, I am not fit for that! So I have suffered one reverse after another; and where I was most vulnerable I have been hit at last.
CHACHO. Heavens! what do I hear? Why don't I sink into the earth?
OSSEP. In our line of trade only a few persons carry on their business with their own money. Most of us have to borrow. When I sell goods to one, I pay my debt to the other. I sell goods to the third and pay to the fourth; and so it goes in a circle, like a wheel drawing water, until one falls in the hands of a man who draws the needle out of the knitting and everything falls in pieces. Who is in a position to fight against such conditions? One must pay the store rent and the clerk's salary, and beside that the interest on the working capital. Then there are the goods that are spoiled or stolen—and here at home! [Striking the cards.] All this rubbish and more beside! [Striking the table again.] And the women are to blame for all this; if my wife had not promised 7,000 rubles, without my knowledge, the betrothal would not have taken place, and this bad luck would not have come to me. But where does one find among our women insight and forethought? For model women give me some foreign countries. There the women stand by the men in everything: the wife of a cook is a cook; the wife of a writer, a writer; the wife of a merchant is in every case a merchant. They earn jointly and spend jointly. With us the man is here only to make money for them, so that they [striking the table] may kill time with foolish things like this.
CHACHO. Say, rather, that times are changed; for the men also sit at the club all day and play cards.
OSSEP. Ho! ho! As though women did not play cards also! Formerly the cards were solely our diversion; but they have taken them away from us. Don't worry yourself; with God's help they will be learning to play billiards. Why do you dwell upon the fact that the men play cards? One in a thousand plays; while of a thousand women, nine hundred play. Men are always more moderate. They see that the times are hard, and have given up most of their earlier pleasures. Where are the banquets that used to be given, one after another? Where are the drinking-places where the music played? They have given them up; and the women are just like they were, only worse. To-day they arrange a picnic, to-morrow a little party, and so on. The men stand gaping at them, and the children are left to the servants. If I could take the law into my own hands, I'd soon set them right. [Paces to and fro in anger.
CHACHO [rising, aside]. He is right. All that he says is pure truth. [Exit left
Ossep. Then Alexander.
OSSEP. O dear! O dear! [Stands near fireplace; rests head on hand and remains motionless.
ALEXANDER [enter right]. You have come, father? [Silence—comes near Ossep.] Father.
OSSEP. Ah! Alexander [offering his hand]. Please sit down. Have you just come?
ALEXANDER. No; I have been here a long time. I was in the garden.
OSSEP. What is the news? [Both sit down.
ALEXANDER. Nothing, except that I wish to have a wedding next week.
OSSEP. So soon?
ALEXANDER. Yes; my chief goes soon to Petersburg, and I want him to be at the wedding.
OSSEP. And can't we wait till he comes back?
ALEXANDER. That would be too long.
OSSEP. Very well. As you wish.
ALEXANDER [stammering]. But—my dear father—
OSSEP. I understand; I understand. You want me to pay over the money at once?
ALEXANDER. Yes, my dear father, if it is possible.
OSSEP. I am sorry to confess that at the present moment I have no money at hand. You must wait a little. If you wish to marry without money, that is your affair.
ALEXANDER. You amaze me!
OSSEP. It is better for me to tell you this than to deceive you. You know the law to some extent. Tell me, if I owe someone money on a note, can my creditor bring action against me and put an execution on me without having me called before the court?
ALEXANDER. Is the note attested by a notary?
ALEXANDER. He has the right to come to your house and have everything put under seal.
OSSEP. Without first bringing me into court?
ALEXANDER. Yes, without court proceedings.
OSSEP. But if he has received on account of this debt the note of a third person?
ALEXANDER. That is another thing. Have you a receipt for it?
OSSEP. No; but I can take my oath on it.
ALEXANDER. According to law you must first pay the money and then produce proofs that you gave him the other document.
OSSEP [excited]. Is that true?
ALEXANDER. Yes, it is so.
OSSEP [wringing his hands and springing up]. Then I am ruined. [A silence. Nato's voice is heard outside.] Alexander, they are calling you.
ALEXANDER [approaching Ossep]. What is it? For God's sake tell me the truth.
OSSEP. There, there. Go out first. They are calling you.
ALEXANDER [aside, taking his hat]. So far as I see, I am ruined also. [Exit.
OSSEP [alone]. What do I not suffer! If they really come here I shall perish through shame. Where can I find so much money in such a hurry? One must have time for it, and that fellow may come to-day even—perhaps this minute. Then I am lost—who will trust me then? My creditors will tie a rope around my neck and prevent me from saying a word in my own behalf. "Pay us," they will cry; "pay us!" O Salome, Salome!
Enter Gewo.
OSSEP. There he is.
GEWO. Good-evening, Ossep.
OSSEP. You have come, too. You want your money, too? Yes, choke me; double my debt; say that I owe you, not 2,000 rubles, but 4,000. Speak! You are my creditor; speak! Have no pity on me. You want your money—why do you wait, then? Slay me; tear my heart out of my body; hack me in pieces and sell it piece by piece, so that your money shall not be lost. [Gewo wipes his eyes.] Weep, weep, for your money is lost. I am bankrupt—bankrupt!
GEWO [embracing Ossep]. Dear Ossep, dear Ossep!
OSSEP. You say "dear" to me? Yet you are my creditor.
GEWO. Take courage; be a man!
OSSEP. What kind of a man? I am a good-for-nothing; I have lost my good name [weeping]. My good name is gone. [Wipes his eyes.]
GEWO. God is merciful, dear Ossep.
OSSEP. God and heaven have taken their mercy from me. You see now where the marriage of my daughter has led me? If I could at least pay you everything I owe you—that I must do at any price.
GEWO. What are you saying, Ossep? If I had the means I would go on your bond. Why should I be your friend otherwise?
OSSEP. If you had money, dear Gewo, you would not be my friend, nor have such a good heart. Stay poor as you are, so that I shall not lose your friendship. Only your sympathy is left me in this world. I would not like to lose your friendship. In this one day I have suffered everything. No one has shown interest in me; no one has given proof of his sympathy—neither my uncle, nor my brother, nor my nephew. When they saw I was near my last breath, they all forsook me and shut the door in my face.
GEWO. Come with me; perhaps we will find help somewhere.
OSSEP. There can be no more talk of help.
GEWO. Come, come; there is still a way out.
OSSEP. What way out can there be?
GEWO. Come, come; let us not delay.
OSSEP. But tell me how is it to be managed?
GEWO. Come, come! I will tell you on the way.
OSSEP. What you say sounds very strange; tell me what it is. Speak, what has occurred? Don't fear! Don't spare me! Whatever happens cannot be worse than what has happened; they have already sent a bullet into my heart, and what worse can they do to me, except tear open my breast and take my heart out? Speak; what is it? Have they put seals on my store?
GEWO. Come and you will see.
OSSEP. They have put seals on it, then?
GEWO. I tell—
OSSEP. You are ruined, Ossep. [Rushes to the table, seizes the box and scatters the cards; some fall on the floor.] Now you may play; now you may play. [Exit.
GEWO. Too bad; too bad about him! [Follows him.
Enter Salome, Martha, Nino, Pepel, and many well-dressed ladies, followed by two footmen carrying candelabra and lamps, which they put on the table.
SALOME. Take seats, please. The cards are already here.
MARTHA. How pretty it is, isn't it? The cards are already dealt. [The ladies converse smilingly with one another.
SALOME [stepping forward and noticing the cards on the floor]. What is this? Who can have done it?
MARTHA. Probably the cats ran over the table.
SALOME. I cannot think how it could have happened! Please sit down.
Enter Nato and her friends.
SALOME [collecting the cards]. Who can have done it? Nato, did you do it?
NATO. No, mamma, I did not touch them.
SALOME [to the guests]. Sit down, I beg.
[All the guests sit down at the table, Nato and her friends sit on the other side of the stage. Salome, standing, deals the cards which the guests hand one to the other. Then they pay in the stakes to Salome, which she lays on the table in front of her.
Enter Alexander.
NATO [going to meet Alexander]. Alexander, why were you so long?
ALEXANDER. I was obliged to be [leading Nato aside excitedly, and in a whisper:] I have something to say to you.
NATO [in a whisper]. What makes your hand tremble?
ALEXANDER. They have brought action against your father in the courts.
NATO. What! For what reason?
ALEXANDER. Because of debts.
NATO. Who told you so?
ALEXANDER. Your father himself.
NATO [laughing aloud]. Ha! ha! ha! [Whispering:] My father has no debts.
ALEXANDER. Well, he told me so himself.
NATO. He was joking. Don't believe him. [Goes over to her friends, laughing.
ALEXANDER. Well, I can't make it out. I am not so stupid, however. Until I have the money in my hands I will not cross this threshold again.
SALOME. Let us begin. [Guests begin to play.
Enter Chacho.
CHACHO [coming from left]. Get this stuff out of the way.
SALOME. What is the matter? What has happened?
CHACHO. What was to happen? We are ruined. [Behind the scenes are heard threatening voices:] "Here! Yes! No." [Then Ossep's voice:] "Come in, come in."
CHACHO [to Salome]. Do you not hear them?
Enter Barssegh through middle door.
BARSSEGH. This is really splendid! I work for my daily bread, and you illuminate your house on my money.
CHACHO [to Salome]. Now you have it.
SALOME [rising]. Are you mad? Show him out.
BARSSEGH. I will show you pretty soon who is to be shown out.
SALOME. Alexander, show this man out.
ALEXANDER [to Barssegh]. What do you want, sir? How can you indulge in such insolence?
BARSSEGH. That is not your affair, sir! I demand my money. Demand yours also if you can. You will be obliged to wait a long while for it.
CHACHO [to Barssegh]. Have you no conscience?
BARSSEGH. I want my money, and nothing more.
Enter Ossep, Gewo, a sheriff and his secretary, Dartscho, and several others.
OSSEP [opening the door with both hands as he enters]. Come in! come in! [The others follow him.] Play, play and laugh as much as you will over my misfortunes!
CHACHO [aside]. Now it is all over with us!
SALOME. Tell me, for God's sake, the meaning of this.
OSSEP. God will judge you and me also. [To sheriff and others:] Come, make your inventory, put your seals on everything—the house, the furniture, and on the cards, too.
BARSSEGH. Make an inventory of everything. [The sheriff lists furniture in the background and puts a ticket on each piece. The guests assemble, frightened, on the left side of the table.
SALOME [beating her head]. Good heavens!
MARTHA. This is a disgrace for us as well.
CHACHO [in a low voice to Martha]. You at least should be silent.
OSSEP [pointing to Barssegh]. He has stripped me of my honor. Now you will honor and esteem him. He will arrange for your parties. Yes, he, the man who takes the shirt from my back and possesses himself of all my property.
ALEXANDER [aside]. I have my sister to thank for all this, who dragged me into this house.
OSSEP [ironically]. Alexander, look for a dowry elsewhere, for I can no longer give my daughter one.
ALEXANDER [angry]. What, you deride me as well! I don't belong to your class, sir!
OSSEP. And has it come to this!
ALEXANDER [taking his hat]. I have not acquired my present dignity to lose it through you.
OSSEP. Ha! ha! ha! His dignity!
ALEXANDER [coming near Nato]. I have loved you truly, Miss Nato, but I must give you up. I am not to blame for it. Farewell. [Goes to the door.
[Barssegh laughs for joy.
OSSEP [approaching Salome, who stands dismayed, takes her by the arm and points to the departing Alexander]. There goes your official!
NATO [standing at the left near the sofa]. Alexander! Alexander! [Exit Alexander.] Dear Alexander. [Sitting down on the sofa, begins to cry.
SALOME [in a low tone, striking her brow with both hands]. Why doesn't the earth open and swallow me?
OSSEP [to Salome]. Now you are punished, are you not? [Turning to Barssegh:] Take it all, now! Satisfy yourself! [Takes off his coat.] Take this also! [Throws it to Barssegh.] Yes, take it! [Takes his cap from the table and throws it to Barssegh.] Make off with this also; I need it no longer. [Runs to and fro as if distracted.
BARSSEGH [in a low voice]. Keep on giving! [Turns to sheriff and speaks softly to him.
OSSEP [taking up different articles from card table and throwing them on the floor]. Take these also! Take these also! [Taking a lighted candelabra and smashing it on the floor] Stick that also down your throat!
SEVERAL OF THE GUESTS. The poor fellow is losing his wits. [Nato crying; her friends comfort her. Salome faints.
CHACHO. Ossep! My dear Ossep!
GEWO [embracing Ossep]. Be calm, dear Ossep. You behave like a madman.
OSSEP [after a pause]. Gewo, I was mad when I settled in this city. This life is too much for me; it was not for me. I am ruined. I am a beggar. He is to be praised who comes off better than I. [Exit.
SALOME [with her hand on her brow sinks down on the sofa, groaning loudly]. Ah!
GEWO. Poor Ossep!
BARSSEGH [turns from Dartscho, to whom he has been speaking, to the sheriff]. What are you gazing around for, sir? Keep on with your writing. [Sheriff looks at Barssegh in disgust, sits down by card table and writes.
MARTHA [to the guests]. We have nothing more to look for here. [Aside:] A charming set! [Goes toward middle door; some ladies follow; others stand offended.
CHACHO [raising her eyes]. Would that I had died long ago, so that I had not lived to see this unfortunate day!