1912. Mar. 16. Production of F. Stahlberg's "Symphonic Scherzo" by the Philharmonic Society, New York City.
1912. Mar. 25. Brahms's "Triumphlied" for chorus and orchestra given in New York City.
1912. April 7. Max Reger's "Romantic" and "Ballet" Suites, given by the Philharmonic Society, New York City.
1912. April 8. First appearance in America of the London (England) Symphony Orchestra, A. Nikisch, conductor, at Carnegie Hall, New York City.
1912. April 14. Production of P. G. Clapp's "Dramatic Poem," by the Pierian Sodality of Harvard University, at the Hotel Astor, New York City.
1912. April 14. Monteverde's opera "Orfeo" given in concert form at the Metropolitan Opera House, New York City, with Rita Fornia, M. Duchene, Anna Case, H. Weil, H. Witherspoon and Basil Ruysdael.
1912. May. Production of Arne Oldberg's "Symphonic Variations" at the North Shore Festival, Evanston, Ill.
1912. May 16. Production of Wm. Berwald's overture "Walthari" by the New York Symphony Orchestra, Walter Damrosch, conductor, at the Central New York Music Festival, Syracuse, N. Y.
1912. June 4. Production of G. W. Chadwick's symphonic fantasie "Aphrodite" by the Litchfield County Choral Union, at Norfolk, Conn.
1912. June 5. Production of Henry F. Gilbert's "Negro Rhapsody," also Coleridge Taylor's Concerto for Violin, his "Negro Air" for solo violin and orchestra, and "A Tale of Old Japan," by the Litchfield County Choral Union, at Norfolk, Conn.
1912. Oct. Leopold Stokowski, having severed his connection with the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra in March, appeared as conductor of the Philadelphia Symphony Orchestra.
1912. Oct. 30. A. Schoenberg's "Five Pieces for Orchestra" given by the Chicago Symphony Orchestra.
1912. Oct. 30. E. Schelling's "Legende Symphonique" given by the Philadelphia Symphony Orchestra.
1912. Nov. 4. Debut of Titta Ruffo as the Duke in "Rigoletto," with the Chicago-Philadelphia Company at Philadelphia, Pa.
1912. Nov. 7. Delius's symphonic poem "Life's Dance" given by the Chicago Symphony Orchestra.
1912. Nov. 7. Goldmark's opera "Das Heimchen am Herd" presented at the Metropolitan Opera House, Philadelphia, with Maggie Teyte, Mabel Riegelman, Helen Stanley, Riccardo Martin, and Henri Scott, in the leading parts, and Arnold Winternitz conducting.
1912. Nov. 8. Maurice Ravel's orchestral suite "Ma Mere l'Oye" given at a concert in Aeolian Hall, New York City. And at the same concert William Becher's "Pianoforte Concerto" was produced.
1912. Nov. 13. R. Strauss's "Festival Prelude" given by the Philharmonic Society, New York City.
1912. Nov. 14. Weingaertner's "Lustige Overture" given by the Philharmonic Society, New York City.
1912. Nov. 15. Dr. Ernest Kunwald appeared as conductor of the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra.
1912. Nov. 16. Ernest Fanelli's symphonic pictures "Thebes" given by the Symphony Society, New York City.
1912. Nov. 19. Max Reger's "Concerto in Ancient Style" given at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, New York City, by the Philharmonic Society.
1912. Nov. 21. Bruckner's Sixth Symphony (A major), and Korngold's "Overture to a Play," given by the Philharmonic Society, New York City.
1912. Nov. 21. Ippolitof-Ivanof's "Armenian Rhapsodie," given by the Russian Symphony Orchestra at its tenth anniversary concert in New York City.
1912. Dec. 3. Cornelius Dopper's third symphony "Rembrandt" (in C minor) given by the St. Paul (Minn.) Symphony Orchestra.
1912. Dec. 3. Louis Koemmenich made his first appearance as conductor of the Oratorio Society of New York City, at a performance of "Elijah," on the resignation of Frank Damrosch.
1912. Dec. 6. G. Fitelberg's tone poem "Das Lied vom Falken" given by the St. Louis Symphony Orchestra.
1912. Dec. 13. Production of David S. Smith's Symphony in F minor by the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra.
1912. Dec. 14. Borodin's Second Symphony (D minor) given by the Boston Symphony Orchestra.
1912. Dec. 21. Klughardt's "Concerto for Violoncello" (Op. 59) given by the Boston Symphony Orchestra.
1912. Dec. 27. American debut of Frieda Hempel, noted soprano, as Marguerite in "Les Huguenots" at the Metropolitan Opera House, New York City.
1912. Dec. 29. The "Jena Symphony" (ascribed to Beethoven, and discovered in the archives of the University of Jena) given by the Boston Symphony Orchestra. This work was played publicly for the first time at St. Petersburg, Dec. 1911.
1912. Philharmonic Society of New York reorganized in such a manner as to secure the Pulitzer bequest of $500,000.
1913. Jan. 11. Joseph Holbrooke's symphonic poem "Queen Mab" given by the Boston Symphony Orchestra.
1913. Jan. 16. Arensky's "Serenade" given by the Russian Symphony Orchestra, New York City.
1913. Jan. 16. American debut of Max Pauer, noted pianist, in New York City.
1913. Jan. 25. Production of Gustav Strube's symphonic poems "Narcissus" and "Echo" by the Boston Symphony Orchestra.
1913. Feb. 6. Zandonai's opera "Conchita" presented at the Metropolitan Opera House, Philadelphia, with Tarquina Tarquini in the title role, by the Philadelphia-Chicago Opera Company.
1913. Feb. 15. Ernest Lendvai's "Symphony in D major" given by the Boston Symphony Orchestra.
1913. Feb. 20. Perelli's opera "A Lover's Quarrel" given by the Chicago-Philadelphia Company, in Philadelphia, with Zepelli, Sammarco, and Berat.
1913. Feb. 24. Wilhelm Kienzl's opera "Les Ranz des Vaches" given at the Metropolitan Opera House, Philadelphia, by the Chicago-Philadelphia Opera Company.
1913. Feb. 27. Production of Walter Damrosch's opera "Cyrano de Bergerac" at the Metropolitan Opera House, New York City, with Amito and Frances Alda in the leading roles, and Alfred Hertz conducting.
1913. Feb. 27. Production of J. Stransky's two symphony songs, "Moonrise" and "Requiem," by the Philharmonic Society, New York City.
1913. Mar. 2. Sibelius's Symphony No. 4 given by the New York Symphony Society.
1913. Mar. 8. Vivaldi's "Concerto in G minor" for violin, organ and orchestra, given by the Boston Symphony Orchestra.
1913. Mar. 8. Louis Aubert's opera "La Foret Bleue" given at the Boston Opera House with Carmen Melis, Bernice Fisher, Elizabeth Amsden, Jeska Swartz, Riddez and Potter. Caplet conducting.
1913. Mar. 8. Mussorgsky's opera "Boris Godunof" presented at the Metropolitan Opera House, New York City, with Anna Case, Jeanne Maubourg, Louise Homer, Paul Althouse and Didur.
1913. Mar. 23. Leoncavallo's opera "Zingari" presented by the Chicago Opera Company, conducted by the composer, at Chicago.
1913. Mar. 28. O. Taubmann's "A Choral Service" given by the Oratorio Society, New York City.
1913. April 17. R. Strauss's "Der Abend" (16 parts), and Granville Bantock's choral symphony "Atalanta in Calydon" (20 parts), also Percy Grainger's "Folk Tune Settings," given by the MacDonell Chorus in New York City.
1913. June 3. Production of Edgar S. Kelley's second symphony "New England" by the Litchfield County Choral Union at Norfolk, Conn.
1913. Oct. 2. G. Pierne's oratorio "St. Francis of Assisi" given at the Worcester (Mass.) Festival.
1913. Nov. 11. Florent Schmitt's drame muet "La Tragedie de Salome" given by the Boston Symphony Orchestra.
1913. Nov. 14. Jaernefelt's "Praeludium" given by the Russian Symphony Orchestra in New York City.
1913. Nov. 20. Franchetti's opera "Cristoforo Colombo" presented at the Metropolitan Opera House, Philadelphia, by the Chicago-Philadelphia Opera Company, with Rosa Raisa, Titta Ruffo, and Bassi in the leading roles, and Campanini conducting.
1913. Nov. 21. Production of Gustav Strube's symphonic poem "Loreley" by the St. Louis Symphony Orchestra.
1913. Nov. 21. Arthur Hinton's Second Symphony (C minor) given by the Minneapolis (Minn.) Symphony Orchestra.
1913. Nov. 28. Operatic debut of Sophie Braslau (contralto) at the Metropolitan Opera House, New York City, as Prince Feodor in "Boris Godounov."
1913. Nov. 28. F. Arbos's "Guajiras" for violin and orchestra given by the Philadelphia Symphony Orchestra, with Bonarios Grimson as soloist.
1913. Dec. 5. H. Fevrier's opera "Monna Vanna" presented at the Boston Opera House, with Mary Garden, Jeska Swartz, L. Muratore and Vanni Marcoux.
1913. Dec. 9. R. Strauss' opera "Der Rosenkavalier" given at the Metropolitan Opera House, New York City, with Frieda Hempel, M. Ober, H. Weil, Carl Joern and Otto Goritz. Hertz conducting.
1913. Dec. 12. Elgar's symphonic study "Falstaff" given by the Symphony Society, New York City.
1913. Dec. 18. F. Schmitt's "Psaulme XLVI" given by the Cecilia Society in Boston.
1913. Dec. 27. Ravel's fantasy "Juon" and "Vaegtervise" (Watchman's Song) given by the Boston Symphony Orchestra.
1914. Jan. 2. Albert Roussel's evocation "La Ville Rose" given by the Philadelphia Symphony Orchestra.
1914. Jan. 2. Montemezzi's opera "L'Amore di Tre Re" presented at the Metropolitan Opera House, New York City, with Boni, Braslau, Amato and Didur. Toscanini conducting.
1914. Jan. 6. W. Stenhammer's "Midwinter" given by the Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra.
1914. Jan. 16. Gabriel Pierne's orchestration of C. Franck's "Prelude, Chorale, and Fugue" for pianoforte, given by the Symphony Society, New York City.
1914. Jan. 20. R. Zandonai's "O Padre Nostro" for male voices, organ and orchestra, from "Purgatory," given by the Schola Cantorum in New York City.
1914. Jan. 24. Production of Victor Herbert's one-act opera "Madeline" at the Metropolitan Opera House, New York City, with Alda, Sparkes, Althouse, Segurola and Pini-Corsi.
1914. Jan. 25. Production of G. Huee's "Fantasie" for flute and orchestra, with G. Barrere as soloist; also V. Kolar's "Suite" for orchestra, and Lekew's "Adagio" for strings, by the Symphony Society in New York City.
1914. Feb. 6. Production of M. Kernochan's cantata "The Foolish Virgins" by the Orange Musical Art Society at East Orange, N. J.
1914. Feb. 12. J. G. Ropartz's symphonic etude "The Hunt of Prince Arthur" given by the Philharmonic Society, New York City.
1914. Feb. 17. Spendiarof's symphonic poem "The Three Palms" given by the Russian Symphony Orchestra, New York City.
1914. Feb. 19. Production of Mabel W. Daniels's "The Guests of Sleep" by the Cecilia Society in Boston.
1914. Feb. 26. Vittorio Gnecchi's opera "Cassandra" given at the Metropolitan Opera House, Philadelphia, by the Chicago-Philadelphia Opera Company, with Rosa Raisa, J. Claussen, and Dalmores. Sturani, conductor.
1914. Feb. 26. Charpentier's opera "Julien" presented at the Metropolitan Opera House, New York City, with Farrar, Caruso, and Gilly.
1914. Mar. 7. Production of Otto Urack's first symphony (E major) by the Boston Symphony Orchestra, conducted by the composer.
1914. Mar. 14. Production of R. Goldmark's tone poem "Samson" by the Boston Symphony Orchestra.
1914. Mar. 25. Wolf-Ferrari's opera "L'Amore Medico" presented at the Metropolitan Opera House, New York City, with L. Boni, B. Alten, L. Rothier, Pini-Corsi, Segurola. Toscanini conducting.
1914. April 2. Production of Francis Pauly's Pianoforte Concerto in E flat, by the Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra, with Florence Pauly as soloist.
1914. April 3. Production of Eric Korngold's Sinfonietta (Op. 5) by the Chicago Symphony Orchestra.
1914. April 5. Production of Wm. Berwald's cantata "The Seven Last Words of Christ" by the St. Thomas Church Choir, New York City. Tertius Noble, organist and director.
1914. April 11. Production of P. G. Clapp's "Symphony in E minor" by the Boston Symphony Orchestra, conducted by the composer.
1914. April 19. The Fort Worth (Texas) Symphony Orchestra organized under Carl Venth. Produced several works by American composers, including Carl Venth's "Prologue to an Indian Drama."
1914. April 25. Reznicek's Symphonishes Lebensbild "Schlemihl" given by the Boston Symphony Orchestra.
1914. May 28. Production of "Cahokia," the pageant and masque of St. Louis (music by F. S. Converse), at Forest Park, St. Louis, Mo.
1914. June 2. Production of H. K. Hadley's tone poem "Lucifer" at the Litchfield County Choral Union Festival, Norfolk, Conn., conducted by the composer.
1914. June. Production of Coleridge Taylor's orchestral rhapsody "From the Prairie" (Arthur Mees, conductor), and J. Sibelius's orchestral tone poem "Aalloteret," by the Litchfield County Choral Union, at Norfolk, Conn., conducted by the composer.
1914. Aug. 20. Production of Arthur Nevin's suite "Love Dreams" at the MacDowell Festival, Peterboro, N. H.
1914. Aug. Henry F. Gilbert's music to Synge's play "Riders to the Sea" produced at a MacDowell Festival, Peterboro, N. H., conducted by the composer.
1914. Oct. 23. Roussel's ballet pantomime "Le Festin de l'Araignee" given by the Symphony Society of New York City.
1914. Oct. 23. Dohnanyi's Suite for Orchestra (Op. 19) given by the Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra.
1914. Oct. 24. Ropartz's Fourth Symphony (C major) given by the Boston Symphony Orchestra.
1914. Nov. 6. Hugo Alfven's Third Symphony (E minor) given by the Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra.
1914. Nov. 29. Symphonic fragment from Ravel's Ballet "Daphnis and Chloe" given by the Symphony Society of New York City.
1914. Dec. 13. Hugo Alfven's "Festspel-Polonaise" given by the Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra.
1914. American Symphony Orchestra organized in Chicago with Glenn Dillard Gunn as conductor.
1914. Great organ with 7000 pipes installed at the Pan-American Exposition in San Francisco, Cal.
1915. Jan. 4. F. Leoni's opera "L'Oracolo" presented at the Metropolitan Opera House, New York City, with Bori, Braslau, Scotti and Didur.
1915. Jan. 8. Theophile Ysaye's "Fantasia on a Popular Walloon Theme" given by the St. Louis Symphony Orchestra.
1915. Jan. 17. First public performance of Edmund Severn's Violin Concerto in D minor given by the Philharmonic Society, New York City, with Max Pilser as soloist.
1915. Jan. 25. Production of U. Giordano's opera "Madame Sans-Gene" at the Metropolitan Opera House, New York City, with Geraldine Farrar, Leonora Sparkes, Amato, Martinelli, and Segurola. Toscanini conducting.
1915. Jan. 30. Notable revival of Beethoven's opera "Fidelio" at the Metropolitan Opera House, New York City, with Matzenauer and Urlus in the leading roles.
1915. Jan. 31. Roger Ducasse's "La Jolie Jeu de Furet" given by the Symphony Society of New York City.
1915. Jan. 31. Production of Henry Burck's "Meditation" for strings; and Nicola Laucella's "Prelude and Temple Dance" given by the Philharmonic Society in New York City.
1915. Feb. 5. S. Stojowski's Suite for Orchestra in E flat major given by the Philharmonic Society, New York City.
1915. Feb. 13. S. E. Bortkiewitch's Pianoforte Concerto in B flat major given by the Russian Symphony Orchestra in New York City, with Margaret Volovy as soloist.
1915. Feb. 22. F. Cowen's oratorio "The Veil" given by the Apollo Musical Society in Chicago.
1915. Mar. 19. Production of John Alden Carpenter's orchestral suite "Adventures in a Perambulator" by the Chicago Symphony Orchestra.
1915. Mar. 19. Production of Scriabin's "Poem of Fire—Prometheus" by the Russian Symphony Orchestra in New York City. (Had been played in Chicago Mar. 5, but without effects of light.)
1915. Mar. 27. First of Reger's "Four Tone Poems" for orchestra (after Boecklin) given by the Boston Symphony Orchestra.
1915. April 3. F. Klose's Prelude and Double Fugue for Organ, with choral for trumpets and trombones, given by the Boston Symphony Orchestra.
1915. June 3. Production of G. W. Chadwick's ballade for orchestra "Tam O'Shanter" at the Litchfield County Choral Union Festival, Norfolk, Conn.
1915. June. Production of F. A. Stock's Violin Concerto, under direction of the composer, with Efrem Zimbalist as soloist, and C. V. Stanford's "Pianoforte Concerto in G major" (first time in America) with Harold Bauer as soloist, at the Litchfield County Choral Union Festival, Norfolk, Conn.
1915. Summer. Walter Damrosch's incidental music to the Greek play "Iphigenia in Aulis" produced at the Greek Theatre, Berkeley, Cal. (Was given in New York Dec. 15 the same year.)
1915. July 1. Production of H.W. Parker and Brian Hooker's opera "Fairyland" at Los Angeles, Cal. This opera won the prize offered by the Los Angeles Opera Association.
1915. Aug. 7. Production of Edward F. Schneider's opera "Apollo" at Bohemian Grove, Cal.
1915. Oct. 22. Further excerpts from Ravel's ballet "Daphnis and Chloe" given by the Symphony Society of New York City.
1915. Nov. 5. F. Delius's "A Dance Rhapsody" given by the Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra.
1915. Nov. 5. Arnold Schoenberg's "Kammer Symphonie" given by the Philadelphia Symphony Orchestra.
1915. Nov. 9. Production of Clarence Loomis's Pianoforte Concerto by the American Symphony Orchestra, Chicago, with Glenn Dillard Gunn as soloist.
1915. Nov. 9. Production of Carlo Minetti's Aria for tenor and orchestra, with George Hamlin as soloist, by the American Symphony Orchestra in Chicago. This work won a prize offered by George Hamlin.
1915. Nov. 18. Schoenberg's symphonic poem "Pelleas et Melisande" given by the Philharmonic Society in New York City.
1915. Nov. 26. Delius's Pianoforte Concerto in C minor given by the Philharmonic Society in New York City, with Percy Grainger as soloist.
1915. Dec. 9. Saint-Saens's opera "Dejanire" presented by the Chicago Opera Company with Carmen Melis, de Cisneros, and Muratore. Campanini conducting.
1915. Dec. 30. Borodin's opera "Prince Igor" given at the Metropolitan Opera House, New York City, with F. Alda, F. Perini, Amato, Segurola, and Didur. Polacco conducting.
1915. Dec. 31. Production of Edward B. Hill's symphonic poem "The Parting of Lancelot and Guinevere" by the St. Louis Symphony Orchestra.
1915. Dec. 31. Schelling's theme and variations for orchestra "Impressions, from an Artist's Life," given by the Boston Symphony Orchestra with the composer as soloist.
1915. The San Francisco Symphony Orchestra reorganized with Alfred Hertz as conductor.
1915. The Baltimore Symphony Orchestra organized with Gustav Strube as conductor.
1916. Jan. 7. Duka's dance poem "La Peri," given by the San Francisco Symphony Orchestra, A. Hertz conducting.
1916. Jan. 10. Massenet's opera "Cleopatre" presented by the Chicago Opera Company at the Auditorium with M. Kuznetsof in the title role.
1916. Jan. 15. Stravinsky's "First Symphony" (E flat) given by the Russian Symphony Orchestra in New York City.
1916. Jan. 20. Fibich's idyll for orchestra "At Evening" given by the Philharmonic Society, New York City.
1916. Jan. 23. F. Schmitt's "Pupazzi" given by the Symphony Society of New York City.
1916. Jan. 28. Production of E. Granados's opera "Goyescas" at the Metropolitan Opera House, New York City, with Anna Fitziu, F. Perini, Martinelli, and de Luca. Bavagnoli conducting.
1916. Feb. 4. Production of F. Stahlberg's Suite for Orchestra (Op. 53) given by the Philharmonic Society of New York City.
1916. Feb. 5. Centennial anniversary performance of Rossini's opera "The Barber of Seville" at the Metropolitan Opera House, New York City, with Madame Barrientos as Rosina.
1916. Feb. 6. Production of Seth Bingham's Suite for Orchestra by the Philharmonic Society of New York City.
1916. Feb. 11. Production of Arthur Shepherd's overture "The Festival of Youth" by the St. Louis Symphony Orchestra.
1916. Feb. 17. Rimsky's-Korsakof's "Serbian Fantaisie" and G. Huee's suite "Croquois d'Orient" given by the Symphony Society of New York City.
1916. Feb. 18. Production of Daniel Gregory Mason's First Symphony (C minor) by the Philadelphia Symphony Orchestra.
1916. Mar. 3. Gustav Mahler's "Giant Symphony" (Eighth) given by the Philadelphia Symphony Orchestra with more than one thousand performers.
1916. Mar. 10. Production of J. A. Carpenter's "Concertino" by the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, with Percy Grainger as pianist.
1916. April 23. Victor Louis Saar's "Suite Rococo" given by the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra.
1916. April 25. R. Strauss's "Alpine Symphony" given by the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra.
1916. April 25. Production of Franz C. Bornschein's cantata "Onawa" at the Tri-City Musical Festival at Paterson, N. J. (This work won the prize offered by the New Jersey Choral Society.)
1916. May 4. V. d'Indy's prize choral work "Le Chant de la Cloche" given by the Cecilia Society in Boston.
1956. June. Production by the Litchfield County Choral Union at Norfolk, Conn., of Percy Grainger's suite for orchestra "In a Nutshell" conducted by the composer; C. M. Loeffler's symphony "Hora Mystica" conducted by the composer.
1916. July 12-16. Production at the Seattle Festival of State Federation of Musical Clubs of C. W. Cadman's symphonic fantasy "To a Vanishing Race" and J. H. Howe's "Festival Overture."
1916. Oct. 16. Ernest Bloch's two poems, "Winter" and "Spring," played at the 44th St. Theatre, New York City. (They were given by the New Symphony Orchestra, New York City, on Nov. 5, 1919.)
1916. Oct. 20. Schelling's "Violin Concerto" produced by the Boston Symphony Orchestra with Fritz Kreisler as soloist.
1916. Oct. 26. J. M. Ravel's "Valses Nobles et Sentimentales" given by the Symphony Society, New York City.
1916. Oct. 29. C. S. Skilton's "Two Indian Dances," (1) "Deer Dance" (Rogue River, Ore.), and (2) "War Dance" (Cheyenne), produced by the Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra. (They had been played as a string quartet in January by the Zoellner Quartet.)
1916. Nov. 13. Bizet's opera "Les Pecheurs des Perles" presented entire at the Metropolitan Opera House, New York City. (Two acts were given in 1897.)
1916. Nov. 18. American debut of Amelita Galli-Curci, as Gilda in "Rigoletto" with the Chicago Opera Company in Chicago. L. Campanini conducting.
1916. Nov. 24. Michael Dvorsky's Symphonic Duologue for pianoforte and orchestra, produced by the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra with Josef Hofmann (M. Dvorsky) as soloist.
1916. Nov. 25. Gluck's opera "Iphigenia in Tauris" presented at the Metropolitan Opera House, New York City, with Melanie Kurt, Marie Rappold, L. Sparkes, Sembach, Weil.
1916. Nov. 26. Elgar's adagio "Sospiri," for strings, harps, and organ, given by the Symphony Society of New York City; also Sinigaglia's "Etude Caprice" for strings.
1916. Dec. 3. M. Ravel's "Introduction et Allegro" for harp, strings, quartet, flute and clarinet, given by the Symphony Society, New York City.
1916. Dec. 14. Gustav Mahler's "Lied von der Erde" given by the Philadelphia Symphony Orchestra.
1916. Dec. 22, Zandonai's opera "Francesca da Rimini" presented at the Metropolitan Opera House, New York City.
1917. Jan. 12. Sibelius's symphonic fantasy "Polyola's Daughter," and his symphonic poem "Night Ride and Sunrise" (Op. 53), given by the Boston Symphony Orchestra.
1917. Jan. 18. Leo Sowerby's "Come Autumn Time" produced at a concert in Orchestral Hall, Chicago, conducted by Eric De Lamarter.
1917. Jan. 19. Ballantine's symphonic poem "The Eve of St. Agnes" produced by the Boston Symphony Orchestra.
1917. Jan. 26. Percy Grainger's "The Warriors" given by the Symphony Society at Aeolian Hall, New York City, with the composer at the pianoforte.
1917. Feb. 2. Widor's Symphony No. 3 (in E minor) for organ and orchestra given by the Philharmonic Society, New York City, with Gilbert Spross as soloist.
1917. Mar. 8. Reginald de Koven's opera "The Canterbury Pilgrims" produced at the Metropolitan Opera House, New York City, with Ober, Althouse, Ruysdael, and Sembach.
1917. Mar. 23. The First of E. Bloch's "Trois poems Juifs" (Op. 133), "Dance," "Rite," and "Cortege Funebre," presented by the Boston Symphony Orchestra.
1917. Feb. 6. E. De Lamarter's "The Fable of the Hapless Folktune" produced by the Chicago Symphony Orchestra.
1917. April 6. Philip Greeley Clapp's Symphony in E flat produced by the Boston Symphony Orchestra.
1917. April 13. Debussy's "Gigues" given by the Boston Symphony Orchestra.
1917. April 15. Adolf Brune's overture "A Twilight Picture" produced by the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra.
1917. April 20. Noren's symphony "Vita" given by the Boston Symphony Orchestra.
1917. April 27. F. S. Converse's tone poem "Ave atque Vale" produced by the Boston Symphony Orchestra.
1917. May 3. Ernest Bloch's "Two Psalms," for soprano and orchestra, given in New York City.
1917. June. Production of the following works by the Litchfield County Choral Union at Norfolk, Conn.: Nicola Laucella's symphonic impressions "Whitehouse" under the direction of the composer. John Alden Carpenter's symphony "Sermons in Stones" conducted by F. Stock. Percy Grainger's "The Warriors" (Music to an Imaginary Ballet) conducted by the composer. First performance in America of C. Villiers Stanford's "Irish Rhapsody" No. 5 (dedicated to Lord Roberts).
1917. Oct. 7. First concert of the Chicago Philharmonic Orchestra, recently organized, under Arthur Dunham, conductor.
1917. Oct. 26. Mozart's operetta "Bastien et Bastienne" presented at the Empire Theatre, New York City, under Albert Reiss.
1917. Oct. 27. American debut of Jascha Heifetz, Russian violinist, in a recital at Carnegie Hall, New York City.
1917. Nov. 12. Mascagni's opera "Isabeau" presented at the Auditorium, Chicago, by the Chicago Opera Association, with Rosa Raisa, Jeska Swartz, Crimi, Rimini, Maguenat, and Nicolay. Campanini conducting.
1917. Nov. 17. S. M. Liapounov's Second Concerto for pianoforte given by the Russian Symphony Orchestra, New York City, with Tamara Labinova (debut) as soloist.
1917. Nov. 17. American debut, as conductor, of Pierre Monteux, at the Metropolitan Opera House, New York City,—a matinee performance of "Faust."
1917. Nov. 19. Operatic debut of Anna Fitziu as Tosca with the Chicago Opera Association.
1917. Nov. 29. Debut of May Peterson as Michaela, in "Carmen," at the Metropolitan Opera House, New York City.
1917. Nov. 30. S. Palmgren's Second Symphony given by the Chicago Symphony Orchestra.
1917. Nov. 30. Max Bruch's Concerto for Two Pianofortes and Orchestra given by the Philharmonic Society in New York City, with Rose and Ottilie Sutro as pianists. (First time in New York.)
1917. Dec. 1. Operatic debut of Genevieve Vix as Manon with the Chicago Opera Association.
1917. Dec. 6. Liszt's "Twenty-third Psalm" given with chorus and orchestra by the Philharmonic Society, New York City, Vernon Stiles, soloist. J. Stransky, conductor.
1917. Dec. 6. Frederick Jacobi's orchestral suite "California" produced at the Cort Theatre, San Francisco, Cal., by the San Francisco Symphony Orchestra.
1917. Dec. 14. Widor's "Prelude" for organ, three trumpets, three trombones, and kettledrums, given by the Chicago Symphony Orchestra.
1917. Dec. 19. Henri Rabaud's opera "Marouf" presented by the Metropolitan Opera Company, New York City, with F. Alda, K. Howard, de Luca, Rothier, de Segurola, T. Chalmers, Rossi. P. Monteux conducting.
1917. Dec. 26. Arthur Hadley's opera "Azora" produced by the Chicago Opera Association, with Anna Fitziu, Cyrena van Gordon, and F. Lamont. Conducted by the composer.
1917. Dec. 28. Henry K. Hadley awarded the Hinshaw prize for an opera, "Bianca," for small orchestra, without chorus.
1917. A Symphony Orchestra organized in New Orleans, La.
1917. Dec. 27. Production of Percy Mackaye and Arthur Farwell's masque "The Evergreen Tree," by the MacDowell Club, assisted by the Manuscript Society and Prospect Heights (Brooklyn) Choral Society, in New York City.
1918. Jan. 3. Liszt's oratorio "St. Elizabeth" presented in operatic form at the Metropolitan Opera House, New York City, with Florence Easton, M. Matzenauer, Clarence Whitehill, Schlegel, Leonard and Ruysdael. Bodansky conducting.
1918. Jan. 5. World premiere of Arthur Nevin's one-act opera, "Daughter of the Forest," by the Chicago Opera Association, with Vix, Peralta, Lamont, and Godfrey. Conducted by the composer.
1918. Jan. 6. Hubay's Concerto for Violin and Orchestra given by the Symphony Society, New York City, at Aeolian Hall, with E. Zimbalist as soloist. Also, Kalikinnov's Second Symphony (in G minor).
1918. Jan. 10. E. Bloch's "Trois Poemes Juifs"—"Danse," "Rite," and "Cortege Funebre"—given by the Symphony Society, New York City.
1918. Jan. 12. Mascagni's opera "Lodoletta" presented at the Metropolitan Opera House, New York City, with G. Farrar, Lila Robeson, Caruso, de Segurola, Amato, Didur, and Cecil Arden. Moranzoni conducting.
1918. Jan. 12. American debut of Max Rosen, violinist, in Goldmark's violin concerto in A minor, with the Philharmonic Society, New York City.
1918. Jan. 18. Gliere's third symphony (B minor) "Ilia Mourometz" given by the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, F. Stock conducting.
1918. Jan. 19. World premiere of Sylvio Lazzari's opera, "Le Sauteriot," by the Chicago Opera Association, with G. Vix, Carolina Lazzari, Myrna Sharlow, M. Claessens, Dalmores, Dufranne.
1918. Jan. 19. Jurassorsky's symphonic poem "The Phantoms," Speniarov's legend, "The Sermon of Resia," Rachmaninov's "Veralize" (arranged for orchestra by M. Atshuler), Rimsky-Korsakov's four tableaux from "Le Coq d'Or," and Slavinski's "The Shepherdess and the Faun," given by the Russian Symphony Orchestra in New York City.
1918. Jan. 25. F. Borowski's "Peintures Portrait d'une Jeune Fille," "Le Jardin de Nuit," and "La Fete," produced by the Chicago Symphony Orchestra.
1918. Jan. 27. E. B. Hill's orchestral suite "Stevensoniana" produced by the Symphony Society, New York City. Walter Damrosch conducting.
1918. Jan. 31. American debut of Hipolito Lazari, Spanish tenor, as The Duke in "Rigoletto," at the Metropolitan Opera House, New York City.
1918. Feb. 15. American debut of Mayer Wadler, American violinist, in a miscellaneous program, at Acolian Hall, New York City.
1918. Feb. 15. Production of Leo Sowerby's orchestral suite, "Set of Four," by the Chicago Symphony Orchestra.
1918. Feb. 17. A. Chiaffarelli's "Prelude and Fugue" produced by the Philharmonic Society, New York City.
1918. Feb. 21. Henri Verbrugghen, noted Belgian conductor, appeared with the Russian Symphony Orchestra in Carnegie Hall, New York City, conducting a Beethoven program.
1918. Mar. 2. Jeral's "Concerto for Violoncello," with W. Willeke as soloist, given by the Russian Symphony Orchestra, at Carnegie Hall, New York City.
1918. Mar. 6. Rimsky-Korsakov's opera "Le Coq d'Or" presented at the Metropolitan Opera House, New York City, with Marie Sundelius as Le Coq, Sophie Braslau, Didur, Diaz, Audisio, Ruysdael, and Reschiglian. Monteux conducting.
1918. Mar. 8. E. Bloch's Symphony in C sharp minor given by the Philharmonic Society, New York City, conducted by the composer.
1918. Mar. 15. F. Stock's "Overture to a Romantic Comedy" produced by the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, conducted by the composer.
1918. Mar. 23. Tscherepin's folklore "Fire Bird" and "Rhapsodie Negre," and John Powell's suite, "The Fair," with the composer at the piano, given by the Russian Symphony Orchestra, at Carnegie Hall, New York City.
1918. Mar. 23. Henry F. Gilbert's ballet pantomime "The Dance in Place Congo" produced at the Metropolitan Opera House, New York City. P. Monteux conducting.
1918. Mar. 23. Charles Wakefield Cadman's opera "Shanewis" produced at the Metropolitan Opera House, New York City, with Alice Gentle, Kathleen Howard, Marie Sundelius, Paul Althouse, and Chalmers. Moranzoni conducting.
1918. April. Eugene Ysaye, noted Belgian violinist, appointed conductor of the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra.
1918. April 26. A. T. Davison's "Tragic Overture" produced by the Boston Symphony Orchestra. Ernest Schmidt conducting.
1918. May. 9. Eugene Ysaye's poem "Exil," for string orchestra without basses, produced at the Cincinnati May Festival, conducted by the composer.
1918. May 10. Edgar Stillman Kelley's choral work, "The Pilgrim's Progress," produced at the Cincinnati May Festival.
1918. May 30. David Stanley Smith's oratorio "Rhapsody of St. Bernard" produced at the North Shore Festival, Evanston, Ill., under the direction of Peter C. Lutkin.
1918. June. Ossip Gabrilovitsch, noted pianist, appointed conductor of the Detroit Symphony Orchestra.
1918. June 4. David Stanley Smith's Second Symphony (D major). (Played in New York by the Philharmonic Society Dec. 2.) Also G. W. Chadwick's "Land of Our Hearts" for chorus and orchestra, and Horatio Parker's cantata "Dream of Mary," with Mabel Garrison and Carl Formes as soloists, produced at Norfolk, Conn., by the Litchfield County Choral Association.
1918. June 6. C. Villiers Stanford's tone poem "Verdun" given at Norfolk, Conn. (and by the Philharmonic Society New York Dec. 2).
1918. Oct. 15. First concert in America of "Le Societe des Concerts du Conservatoire de Paris," Andre Messager, conductor, at the Metropolitan Opera House, New York City.
1918. Oct. 18. A. Hadley's one-act opera "Bianca" produced at the Park Theatre, New York City, with Maggie Teyte, Henri Scott, Craig Campbell, Howard White, and Carl Formes. (This opera won a prize offered by Wm. Hinshaw.)
1918. Oct. 20. American debut of Alfred Cortot, noted French pianist, at a concert of "Le Societe des Concerts du Conservatoire de Paris" at the Metropolitan Opera House, New York City. He played the Fourth Concerto of Saint-Saens. M. Cortot's first recital was given at Aeolian Hall, Nov. 11.
1918. Nov. 3. American debut of Thelma Given, violinist, at Carnegie Hall, New York City. The program included Conus's "Concerto in E minor," Kryjenovky's "Russian Romance" (new), Achron's "Hebrew Lullaby," and Halverson's "Norwegian Dance" (new).
1918. Nov. 9. Paul Vidal's "Danses Tanagreennes" given by the New York Symphony Society, New York City.
1918. Nov. 11. American debut of B. Cousinou, baritone, in "Samson et Delila" at the Metropolitan Opera House, New York City.
1918. Nov. 13. American debut of G. Crimi, tenor, and Montesanto, baritone, in "Aida" at the Metropolitan Opera House, New York City.
1918. Nov. 13. American debut of Raoul Vidas, violinist, in a miscellaneous program at Carnegie Hall, New York City.
1918. Nov. 14. Production of Edgar Stillman Kelley's song "A California Idyll" by the Symphony Society of New York, with Mabel Garrison as soloist.
1918. Nov. 14. Roger-Ducasse's symphonic poem "Sarabande," for orchestra and invisible choir, given by the Philharmonic Society, New York City, with Mr. Koemmenich's chorus.
1918. Nov. 15. Operatic debut of Rosa Ponselle, soprano, as Donna Leonora in "La Forza del Destino," at the Metropolitan Opera House, New York City.
1918. Nov. 16. Daniel Gregory Mason's "Four Songs—Russians," for baritone and orchestra, produced by the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, with R. Werrenrath as soloist.
1918. Nov. 17. David Stanley Smith's suite for orchestra, "Impressions," produced by the Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra, Emil Oberhoffer conducting.
1918. Nov. 30. Lekeu's "Symphonic Fantasia on Two Popular Angevin Tunes" given by the Symphony Society, New York City.
1918. Dec. 3. Leo Schulz's "American Rhapsody," for violoncello and orchestra, produced by the Philharmonic Society, New York City, with the composer as soloist.
1918. Dec. 6. S. Prokofieff's First Concerto (in D flat major) for pianoforte and orchestra (with the composer as soloist), and his Scythian suite, "Ala and Lilli" (conducted by the composer), given by the Chicago Symphony Orchestra.
1918. Dec. 7. American debut of Alexandro Dolci, Italian tenor, as Enzo in "La Gioconda," with the Chicago Opera Association, at the Auditorium, Chicago.
1918. Dec. 8. A. de Greef's "Four Old Flemish Folk Songs" for orchestra, given by the Symphony Society, New York City.
1918. Dec. 8. Vittore di Sabata's Symphonic Suite, given by the New York Symphony Society.
1918. Dec. 11. First appearance of Nicolai Sokolov as conductor of the Cleveland (O.) Symphony Orchestra.
1918. Dec. 14. World premiere of Puccini's three one-act operas, "Il Tabarro," "Gianni Schecchi," and "Suor Angelica," at the Metropolitan Opera House, New York City, with Farrar, Muzio, Easton, Crimi, de Luca, and Montesanto. Moranzoni conducting.
1918. Dec. 26. Lili Boulanger's cantata, "Faust et Helene," given at a concert of the New York Symphony Society at Carnegie Hall, with Julia Claussen as Helene, Craig Campbell as Faust, and Edgar Schofield as Mephisto. (Composed at the age of 19, and won Grand Prix de Rome. Composer died 1918.)
1919. Jan. 5. Felix Borowski's "Elegie Symphonique" given by the New York Symphony Society at Aeolian Hall, New York City.
1919. Jan. 14. World premiere of Fevrier's opera "Gismonda" by the Chicago Opera Association, with Mary Garden, E. Fontaine, Maguenat and Journet. Campanini conducting.
1919. Jan. 17. Catalani's opera "Loreley" presented by the Chicago Opera Association, with Anna Fitziu, Florence Macbeth, A. Dolci, V. Lazzari, and C. Rimini. Polacco conducting.
1919. Jan. 24. Xavier Leroux's opera "La Reine Fiamette" presented at the Metropolitan Opera House, New York City, with Farrar, Lazaro, Rothier and Didur. P. Monteux conducting.
1919. Jan. 25. Xavier Leroux's opera "Le Chemineau," presented at the Auditorium by the Chicago Opera Association, with Yvonne Gall, Desire Defrere, Maguenat, Baklanov, and Huberdeau. Hasselmans conducting.
1919. Jan. 26. Humiston's Suite in F sharp minor produced by the Philharmonic Society, New York City, conducted by the composer.
1919. Jan. 28. American debut of Leopold Auer, noted Russian violinist and teacher, at Aeolian Hall, New York City. He played Beethoven's violin sonatas in C minor (Op. 30), G major (Op. 30) and A major (Op. 47).
1919. Jan. 28. S. Rachmaninov's First Pianoforte Concerto given by the Russian Symphony Orchestra, New York City, with the composer as soloist. M. Altschuler conducting.
1919. Jan. 30. R. Goldmark's "Requiem" given by the Philharmonic Society, New York City.
1919. Jan. 30. Victor de Sabata's symphonic poem "Juventus" given by the Symphony Society, New York City.
1919. Jan. 31. American operatic debut of Charles Hackett, American tenor, at the Metropolitan Opera House, New York City, as Count Almaviva in "Il Barbiere."
1919. Jan. 31. Chausson's Symphony in B flat major given by the Philadelphia Symphony Orchestra.
1919. Feb. 2. A. Casella's "Films—War Pictures" given by the Symphony Society, at Carnegie Hall, New York City.
1. Belgium—"Heavy Artillery Passing." 2. France—"Before the Ruins of a Cathedral." 3. Alsatia—"The Wooden Cross." 4. Italy—"Man-o'-war Cruising in the Adriatic."
1919. Feb. 9. G. W. Chadwick's symphonic poem "The Angel of Death" produced by the Symphony Society, New York City, at a concert given in memory of Theodore Roosevelt.
1919. Feb. 12. American debut of Winifred Christie, noted English pianist, at Aeolian Hall, New York City.
1919. Feb. 13. O. Respighi's symphonic poem "Fontane di Roma" (Fountains of Rome) given by the Philharmonic Society, New York City.
1919. Feb. 14. Felix Borowski's suite from the ballet pantomime "Boudour" produced by the Chicago Symphony Orchestra with the composer conducting.
1919. Feb. 17. Stanley R. Avery's overture to "The Taming of the Shrew" produced by the Chicago Symphony Orchestra.
1919. Feb. 23. A. Weidig's Concert Overture (Op. 65) produced by the Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra, conducted by the composer.
1919. Feb. 28. F. Stock's "March and Hymn to Democracy" produced by the Chicago Symphony Orchestra.
1919. Mar. 2. Elgar's two songs, "Carillon" and "Le Drapeau Belge," for orchestra and narrator, given by the Philharmonic Society, New York City, with Carlo Liten as narrator.
1919. Mar. 6. Harold Morris's Tone Poem (from MS.) produced by the Philharmonic Society, New York City.
1919. Mar. 12. Joseph Breil's opera "The Legend" produced at the Metropolitan Opera House, New York City, with Rosa Ponselle, Kathleen Howard, Paul Althouse, and L. d'Angelo in the leading roles; also J. A. Hugo's opera, "The Temple Dancer" with Florence Easton, Carl Schlegel and Morgan Kingston. Moranzoni conducting.
1919. Mar. 14. Rosseter G. Cole's "Pioneer" overture produced by the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, conducted by the composer.
1919. Mar. 17. Vincenzo Tommasini's "Moonlights"; two pieces, "Churches and Ruins" and "Serenade," given by the Chicago Symphony Orchestra.
1919. Mar. 24. Griffes's "Three Songs" for soprano and orchestra produced by the Philadelphia Symphony Orchestra, with Marcia van Dresser as soloist.
1919. Mar. 28. G. Faure's prelude to the opera "Penelope" given by the Boston Symphony Orchestra.
1919. April 4. G. Francesco Malipieri's "Pause del Silenzio" (Pauses of Silence) given by the Boston Symphony Orchestra, Henri Rabaud conducting.
1919. April 9. Ildebrando Pizzetti's prelude to Act I of "Fedra" (d'Annunzio) given by the Philadelphia Symphony Orchestra.
1919. April 11. Alberic Magnard's "Hymn a la Justice" (Op. 14) given by the Boston Symphony Orchestra.
1919. April 11. First concert of the Musicians' New Symphony Orchestra of the New York Federation of Musicians, given at Carnegie Hall, New York City, Varese conducting. (Organized in February.)
1919. April 18. R. Laparra's poem on four popular verses, "Un Dimanche Basque," for orchestra with pianoforte, produced by the Boston Symphony Orchestra, with the composer as soloist. P. Monteux conducting.
1919. June. Charles T. Griffes's "The White Peacock" produced at the Rivoli Theatre, New York City.
1919. July 4. Arthur Farwell's "Chant of Victory" produced at the Greek Theatre, Berkeley, Cal.
1919. July 7. Samuel Gardner's tone poem, "New Russia," produced at a concert in the Stadium, New York City, conducted by the composer.
1919. Oct. 24. Vincent d'Indy's "Sinfonia Brevis de Bello Gallico" (No. 3. Op. 70) given by the Boston Symphony Orchestra, P. Monteux conducting.
1919. Oct. 31. V. d'Indy's descriptive symphony, "La Queste de Dieu" (The search for God), from the opera "La Legende de Saint-Christophe," given by the Chicago Symphony Orchestra.
1919. Nov. 7. Michael Dvorsky's tone poem, "Haunted Castle," given by the Philadelphia Symphony Orchestra.
1919. Nov. 13. Vitaslev Novak's symphonic poem, "In the Tatra Mountains" (Op. 26), given by the Philharmonic Society, New York City; also B. Roger's dirge, "To the Fallen."
1919. Nov. 13. Vincent d'Indy's Third Symphony; also Duparc's "Aux Etoiles," Debussy's "Berceuse Heroique," and J. Turina's "La Procession del Racio," given by the Symphony Society, New York City.
1919. Nov. 16. C. T. Griffes's "Poem, for flute and orchestra," produced by the Symphony Society, New York City, with G. Barrere as soloist.
1919. Nov. 18. Montemezzi's opera "La Nave" presented by the Chicago Opera Association, with Rosa Raisa, Lazzari, Dolci, and Rimini. The composer conducting.
1919. Nov. 19. E. DeLamarter's suite from "The Betrothed" (Maeterlinck) produced at the Schubert Theatre, New York City, Theodore Spiering conducting.
1919. Nov. 21. Dvořak's Third Symphony given by the Philharmonic Society, New York City.
1919. Nov. 28. Griffes's symphonic poem "The Pleasure-Dome of Kubla Khan" produced by the Boston Symphony Orchestra, P. Monteux conducting.
1919. Nov. 29. Percy Grainger's children's march, "Over the Hills and Far Away," given by the New York Symphony Society, with the composer at the Pianoforte. (First performance of the version for orchestra.)
1919. Nov. 29. American debut of Benno Moisevitch, Russian pianist, in a recital at Carnegie Hall, New York City.
1919. Dec. 5. Albert Chiaffarelli's "Prelude to a Merry Play" produced (from MS.) by the Philharmonic Society, New York City.
1919. Dec. 10. American debut of Madame Besanzoni, mezzo soprano, as Delila, at the Metropolitan Opera House, New York City.
1919. Dec. 11. Prokofieff's "Classical Symphony" produced by the Russian Symphony Orchestra (from MS.) at Carnegie Hall, New York City.
1919. Dec. 19. C. T. Griffes's "Notturno," "The White Peacock," "Clouds," and "Bacchanale" produced by the Philadelphia Symphony Orchestra. (N. B. "The White Peacock" had already been given at the Rivoli Theatre in June.)
1919. Dec. 19. Sylvio Lazzari's symphonic picture, "Impressions of Night," given by the Philharmonic Society, New York City.
1919. Dec. 23. John Alden Carpenter's ballet, "The Birthday of the Infanta," produced by the Chicago Opera Association.
1919. Dec. 27. Albert Wolff's opera "The Blue Bird" (Maeterlinck) presented at the Metropolitan Opera House. New York City, conducted by the composer. (Maeterlinck also present.)
1919. Dec. 28. American debut of Madame Wurmser-Delcourt, harpist, at a concert of the Symphony Society, New York City. (She played, for the first time in America, the harp chromatique.)
1920. Jan. 2. Reginald de Koven's opera "Rip van Winkle" produced by the Chicago Opera Association, with E. Herbert, E. Darch, Baklanov, Dufranne, Cotreuil and Huberdeau. A. Smallens conducting.
1920. Jan. 2. Debussy's dance poem "Jeux" given by the Boston Symphony Orchestra.
1920. Jan. 2. Fibich's overture to the merry play, "A Night at Karluv-Tyn," given by the Philharmonic Society, New York City.
1920. Jan. 5. Ravel's opera "L'Heure Espagnol" presented by the Chicago Opera Association with Y. Gall, D. Defrere, Maguenat, Cotreuil and Warnery. Hasselmans conducting.
1920. Jan. 17. Leoncavallo's opera "Zaza" presented at the Metropolitan Opera House, New York City, with Farrar, K. Howard, Crimi and Amato.
1920. Jan. 19. Andre Messager's opera "Madame Chrysantheme" presented by the Chicago Opera Association with Miura, Fontaine, Dufranne and Warnery. Hasselmans conducting.
1920. Jan. 21. American debut of Carlos Valderranea, Peruvian pianist, in a program of Inca music, at Carnegie Hall, New York City.
1920. Jan. 23. Kalinnikov's symphonic poem, "The Fir Tree and the Palm," given by the Philharmonic Society, New York City.
1920. Jan. 30. F. Converse's Symphony in C minor given by the Boston Symphony Orchestra, P. Monteux conducting.
1920. Jan. 31. Arthur Hadley's opera in two acts, "Cleopatra's Night," produced at the Metropolitan Opera House, New York City, with Frances Alda, Jeanne Gordon, Marie Tiffany, Orville Harold, V. Reschiglian, M. Picco and L. d'Angelo. Gennaro Papi conducting.
1920. Feb. 1. Louis Aubert's "Habanera" given by the New York Symphony Society at Aeolian Hall, New York City.
1920. Feb. 6. Hugo Riesenfeld's "Overture in Romantic Style" produced by the Philharmonic Society, New York City, conducted by the composer.
1920. Feb. 6. Rachmaninov's third symphony, "The Bells," for soprano, tenor, bass and chorus, with orchestra, given by the Philadelphia Symphony Orchestra with Florence Hinkle, Arthur Hackett, F. Patten, and a chorus trained by Stephen Townsend.
1920. Feb. 13. Elgar's variations, "Enigma," given by the Philadelphia Symphony Orchestra.
1920. Mar. 3. American debut of Sascha Culbertson, violinist, at Carnegie Hall, New York City.
1920. Mar. 5. Leo Sowerby's Pianoforte Concerto in F major given by the Chicago Symphony Orchestra with the composer as soloist. (N. B. As originally arranged, for voice and orchestra, it was given at a concert at Orchestra Hall, Jan. 18, 1917.)
1920. Mar. 19. A. Brune's symphonic poem, "A Fairy Tale," produced by the Chicago Symphony Orchestra.
1920. April 2. Eric De Lamarter's Concerto in E major for organ, produced by the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, with the composer as soloist.
1920. April 16. Debussy's "Fantasy" for pianoforte and orchestra given by the Boston Symphony Orchestra, with Alfred Cortot as soloist.
1920. May 25. Felix Borowski's poeme "Le Printemps Passionne" produced at the North Shore Festival, Evanston, Ill., conducted by the composer.
1920. Aug. 23. Charles Wakefield Cadman's Indian music-drama, "The Sunset Trail," produced by the California Theatre Ensemble at San Diego, Cal., under Dr. H. J. Stewart.
1920. Oct. 3. American debut of Michel Piastro, Russian violinist, at Carnegie Hall, New York City.
1920. Oct. Production of Mortimer Wilson's overture "New Orleans" at the Rialto Theatre, New York City, conducted by the composer. (This work won a prize of $500 offered by Hugo Riesenfeld.)
1920. Oct. 16. American debut of Josef Stopak, violinist, in a recital at Carnegie Hall, New York City.
1920. Oct. 22. G. Ropartz's "Divertissement" for orchestra given by the Boston Symphony Orchestra. P. Monteux conducting.
1920. Oct. 22. E. Goossens's "By the Tarn," for string orchestra and clarinet, given by the Chicago Symphony Orchestra.
1920. Oct. 25. American debut of Michel Gusikov, Russian violinist, in a recital at Carnegie Hall, New York City.
1920. Oct. 29. A. Bax's "The Garden of Fand" produced by the Chicago Symphony Orchestra. F. Stock conducting.
1920. Oct. 29. E. B. Hill's poem for orchestra, "The Fall of the House of Usher," produced by the Boston Symphony Orchestra. P. Monteux conducting.
1920. Nov. 2. American debut of Duci Karekjarto, Jugo-Slavian violinist, in a recital at Carnegie Hall, New York City.
1920. Nov. 5. American debut of Cyril Scott, English composer and pianist, in a concert with the Philadelphia Orchestra. He played his "Concerto in C," and conducted his "Two Passacaglias."
1920. Nov. 5. Sabata's symphonic poem "Juventus" given by the Chicago Symphony Orchestra.
1920. Nov. 5. First performance of the orchestral version of Ernest Bloch's "Suite for Viola and Orchestra" (or pianoforte) given by the National Symphony Orchestra at Carnegie Hall, New York City, with Mr. Bailly as soloist. (This work was produced, with piano, at the Berkshire Festival of Chamber Music, Pittsfield, Mass., on Sept. 25, 1919.)
1920. Nov. 12. Gustav Strube's "Four Preludes for Orchestra" produced by the Boston Symphony Orchestra.
1920. Nov. 17. Premiere of Marinuzzi's opera "Jacquerie" by the Chicago Opera Association, with Yvonne Gall, Olga Carrara, L. Olivieri, Desire Defrere, Vitto Trevisan, A. Paillard, S. Civai and T. Dentale. Conducted by the composer.
1920. Nov. 19. Albert Dupuis's symphonic fragments "Jean Michel" given by the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra.
1920. Nov. 21. J. Albeniz's rhapsody "A Night in Seville" given by the St. Louis Symphony Orchestra.
1920. Nov. 21. American debut of the Hungarian pianist, Nyredghasi, in Chaikovsky's pianoforte concerto in B flat, with the National Symphony Orchestra, at the Lexington Theatre, New York City.
1920. Nov. 22. American debut of Vasa Prihoda, Czecho-Slovak violinist, in a recital at Carnegie Hall, New York City.
1920. Nov. 26. Alfven's Second Symphony given by the Philharmonic Society, New York City.
1920. Nov. 23. J. A. Carpenter's "A Pilgrim Vision," written to celebrate the tercentenary of the landing of the "Mayflower" Pilgrims, produced by the Philadelphia Symphony Orchestra.
1920. Nov. 29. American debut of Daisy Kennedy (Mrs. Benno Moisevitch), Australian violinist, at Aeolian Hall, New York City.
1920. Dec. 2. Riccardo Pick-Mangialli's symphonic comedy "Il Carillon Magico" presented at the Metropolitan Opera House, New York City.
1920. Dec. 5. First concert of the newly organized Civic Music Students' Orchestra, in Orchestral Hall, Chicago, Ill.
1920. Dec. 5. Alfredo Casella's "The Venetian Convent" given by the New York Symphony Orchestra, at the Academy of Music, New York City.
1920. Dec. 12. Edward F. Kurtz's march "Victory" given at a popular concert by the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra.
1920. Dec. 13. Leoncavallo's posthumous opera "Edipo Re" produced by the Chicago Opera Association, with Titta Ruffo and Dorothy Francis in the leading parts. Marinuzzi conducting.
1920. Dec. 14. Samuel Gardner's Violin Concerto produced by the Boston Symphony Orchestra at Providence, R. I., with the composer as soloist.
1920. Dec. 23. Revival of Verdi's opera "Don Carlos" at the Metropolitan Opera House, New York City, with Rosa Ponselle, Matzenauer, Martinelli, de Luca, and Didur.
1920. Dec. 23. G. Francesco Malipiero's "Impressioni dal Vero." Part 1, "Il Capinero" (The Blackcap), Part 2, "Il Picchio" (The Woodpecker), Part 3, "Il Chiu" (The Owl), given by the Boston Symphony Orchestra.
1920. Dec. 29. Revival of Gay's "The Beggar's Opera" (the first ballad opera performed in America) at the Greenwich Village Theatre, New York City, with Sylvia Nelis as Polly Peachum.
1920. Dec. 30. Ralph Vaughan Williams's "A London Symphony" given by the New York Symphony Society, when Albert Coates (noted English conductor) made his American debut as conductor.
1920. Dec. 30. First Concert of Toscanini's "La Scala" Orchestra, at Carnegie Hall, New York City.
1920. Dec. 31. Gustav Holst's symphony, "The Planets," given by the Chicago Symphony Orchestra.
1920. Dec. Adolph Tandler appointed conductor of the Los Angeles (Cal.) Symphony Orchestra.
1921. Jan. 9. American debut of Selma Kurtz, Viennese soprano, in a concert at the Hippodrome, New York City, in a miscellaneous program.
1921. Jan. 13. Mary Garden appointed artistic director of the Chicago Opera Association.
1921. Jan. 13. Production, from MS., of Josef Stransky's two songs for voice and orchestra, "Thy Fragrant Hair," and "Hymnus," by the Philharmonic Orchestra, New York City, with Margarete Matzenauer as soloist.
1921. Jan. 14. American debut of Ignaz Friedman, pianist, in a recital at Aeolian Hall, New York City.
1921. Jan. 14. Francesca Malipiero's "Grottesco," for small orchestra, given by the National Symphony Orchestra, New York City. A. Bodansky conducting.
1921. Jan. 14. American debut of Alexander Schmuller, Russian violinist, in a recital at Carnegie Hall, New York City.
1921. Jan. 17. American debut of Izzy Mitnisky, Russian violinist, in a recital at Carnegie Hall, New York City.
1921. Jan. 19. American debut of Daisy Jean, Belgian violoncellist, in a recital at Aeolian Hall, New York City.
1921. Jan. 19. Frank Bridge's Suite for String Orchestra, and Debussy's "Jet d'Eau" for voice and orchestra, given by the Boston Musical Association, in Jordan Hall.
1921. Feb. 2. National Symphony Orchestra of New York merged with the Philharmonic Orchestra, under Josef Stransky.
1921. Feb. 2. American debut of Erika Morini, Austro-Italian violinist, in a recital at Carnegie Hall, New York City, supported by an orchestra under Bodansky. She played the Mendelssohn concerto and one by Vieuxtemps.
1921. Feb. 3. Respighi's "Suite of Four Songs and Dances of the Sixteenth Century" for the lute (transcribed for orchestra) given by the Symphony Society, New York City.
1921. Feb. 4. Granville Bantock's prelude to "Sappho" given by the Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra.
1921. Feb. 6. Pietro Yon's "Concerto Gregoriano" for organ and orchestra given by the Symphony Society, New York City. (Had been previously played by the composer as an organ piece at Wanamaker's, and in Chicago.)
1921. Feb. 12. R. Strauss's orchestral suite from "Der Buerger als Edelman" (opera based on Moliere's play "Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme") given by the Boston Symphony Orchestra, with Alfred de Voto at the pianoforte.
1921. Feb. 14. American debut of Paul Kochanski, Russian violinist, at Carnegie Hall, New York City, in Brahms's concerto in D. Walter Damrosch conducting.
1921. Feb. 16. A. Bruneau's symphonic poem "Penthesilee," for voice and orchestra; V. Davico's "Impressionna Romana" from MS., and M. Ravel's "Alborada del Gracioso," also from MS., given by the Boston Musical Association in Jordan Hall. Georges Longy, conductor.
1921. Feb. 17. Debussy's Two Nocturnes for pianoforte and orchestra, and a "Fantasy," given by the Symphony Society, New York City, with Alfred Cortot at the pianoforte.
1921. Feb. 22. American debut of Carlo Sabatini at Carnegie Hall, New York City, in a miscellaneous program including the Bruch concerto in G minor and Beethoven's "Kreutzer Sonata."
1921. Mar. 4. Production of H. F. Gilbert's orchestral suite "Indian Sketches" by the Boston Symphony Orchestra. P. Monteux conducting.
1921. Mar. 4. Daniel Gregory Mason's Prelude and Fugue for pianoforte and orchestra given by the Chicago Symphony Orchestra with John Powell, pianist.
1921. Mar. 4. Victor Vreuil's symphonic poem "Jour de Fete" given by the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra, E. Ysaye conducting.
1921. Mar. 4. Production from MS. of Reginald Sweet's overture to the one-act opera "Riders to the Sea" by the Philharmonic Orchestra, New York City.
1921. Mar. 5. Emanuel Moor's Concerto for string quartet and orchestra given by the Chicago Symphony Orchestra.
1921. Mar. 9. Karl Weiss's opera "The Polish Jew" presented at the Metropolitan Opera House, New York City, with Emile Capoulican, Kathleen Howard, Raymonde Delaunais, Mario Chamlee, Angelo Bada, R. Leonhardt, William Gustafson, L. d'Angelo and Paolo Ananian. Conducted by A. Bodansky.
1921. Mar. 11. Kurt Atterbury's First Symphony (F major) given by the Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra.
1921. April 27. Florent Schmitt's "Chant de Guerre" given for the first time in America with orchestra, by the Boston Musical Association, assisted by the Harvard Glee Club; also Charles Bordes's "Rhapsodie Basque" for pianoforte and orchestra, with Miss Marion Carley, pianist.
1921. May 26. F. Stock's choral work, "A Psalmodic Rhapsody," produced at the North Shore Festival, Evanston, Ill., conducted by the composer.
1921. June 7. Production of Paolo Gallico's prize oratorio, "The Apocalypse," in the gymnasium of Augustana College, Rock Island, Ill., at the Biennial Convention of the National Federation of Music Clubs.
1921. July 20. Production of music by Edgar Stillman Kelley, F. S. Converse, George W. Chadwick, Arthur Foote, John Powell, E. B. Hill, Leo Sowerby, Chalmers Clifton, and Henry F. Gilbert, at the pageant given at Plymouth, Mass., to celebrate the tercentenary of the Pilgrims' landing.
1921. Oct. 14. Walter Braunfels's "Fantastic Variations on a Theme of Berlioz," given by the Philadelphia Symphony Orchestra.
1921. Oct. 14. American debut of Emil Telmanyi, Hungarian violinist, in Lalo's "Symphony Espagnole," with the Philadelphia Orchestra.
1921. Oct. 15. American debut of Elly Ney, noted French pianist, in a recital of Beethoven's works at Carnegie Hall, New York City. She appeared with the Philharmonic Orchestra Nov. 26, and played Chaikovsky's "First Concerto."
1921. Oct. 21. Cesar Franck's Organ Chorale No. 2, B minor, arranged for orchestra and organ by Wallace Goodrich, given by the Boston Symphony Orchestra with Wallace Goodrich as soloist.
1921. Oct. 21. Jan Sibelius's "Fifth Symphony" (E flat) given by the Philadelphia Symphony Orchestra.
1921. Oct. 23. Production of Louis T. Gruenberg's symphonic poem "The Hill of Dreams" by the Symphony Society, New York City, at Aeolian Hall. (This work won the prize offered in 1920 by Harry Harkins Flagler.)
1921. Oct. 28. Ravel's "La Valse" given by the San Francisco Symphony Orchestra, under Alfred Hertz.
1921. Nov. 4. Gregor Fitelberg's "Polish Rhapsody" given by the Philadelphia Symphony Orchestra. (This work in its original form, won the $1000 prize offered by Mrs. F. S. Coolidge in 1919, and was played at the Berkshire Festival of Chamber Music at Pittsfield, Mass., in September of that year.)
1921. Nov. 6. Rudolf Ganz formally welcomed as conductor of the St. Louis Symphony Orchestra.
1921. Nov. 13. H. H. Wetzler's overture to "As You Like It," given by the San Francisco Symphony Orchestra.
1921. Nov. 14. American debut of Beniamino Gigli, Italian tenor, as Alfredo in "La Traviata," at the Metropolitan Opera House, New York City.
1921. Nov. 15. American debut of Tino Pattiera, Italian tenor, as Mario in "La Tosca" with the Chicago Opera Association.
1921. Nov. 16. Operatic debut of Edith Mason as Cio-Cio-San in "Madama Butterfly," with the Chicago Opera Association.
1921. Nov. 17. Production of H. K. Hadley's tone poem "The Ocean" by the Philharmonic Orchestra, New York City, conducted by the composer.
1921. Nov. 19. Erich W. Korngold's opera, "Die Tote Stadt," presented at the Metropolitan Opera House, New York City, on which occasion Marie Jeritza, noted Moravian soprano, made her American debut. Bodansky conducting.
1921. Nov. 28. American debut (as pianist) of Alfredo Casella, noted Italian composer, at a recital in the Town Hall, New York City.
1921. Nov. 29. American operatic debut of Claire Dux, soprano, as Mimi in "La Boheme," with the Chicago Opera Association.
1921. Dec. 16. Production of Serge Prokofiev's "Classical Symphony" (D major) by the Chicago Symphony Orchestra with the composer as pianist.
1921. Dec. 23. Production of the music of John Alden Carpenter's jazz pantomime, "Krazy Kat," by the Chicago Symphony Orchestra.
1921. Dec. 25. American debut of Artur Schnabel, German pianist, in a recital at Carnegie Hall, New York City.
1921. Dec. 30. Production of S. Prokofiev's satirical opera, "Love for Three Oranges," by the Chicago Opera Association.
[Footnote 1: Said to have been played at the World's Fair, Chicago, under Theodore Thomas in a series of concerts of Russian music from June 5-13th, 1893.]
4. 1742. For Fingstude read Singstunde. 295.
28. 1841. Mar. 31. read 1853. Jan. 11. 363.
33. 1848. Jan. 8. omit "Pastoral." 197.
47. 1857. Nov. 19. read 1859. Nov. 19. and 275. "Prelude" for "Overture."
" 1857. Nov. 21. read 1856. April 27. at a concert 263. given by Carl Bergmann, New York.
48. 1858. Nov. 28. Insert, Gade's Fifth Symphony 221. given by the Philharmonic Society, New York.
" 1859. April 30. read April 20. 238.
49. 1860. Mar. 3. for Mendelssohn read Beethoven. 243.
" 1860. Mar. 3. read Dec. 22. Liszt's Fest-Klaenge. 238.
50. 1861, Jan. 9. read 1869. Jan. 9. "
" 1862. Feb. Insert Brahms's First Serenade 202. given by the Philharmonic Society, New York.
53. 1865. Nov. 11. read Nov. 4. 238.
" 1866. Mar. 12. read 1859 Jan, 8. by the Philharmonic 262. Society, New York.
57. 1869. Feb. 6. read 1868. May 9. at Triennial 243. Festival, Boston.
58. 1870. May 7. read 1855. Mar. 10. by the Philharmonic 275. Society, New York.
" 1871. Jan. 5. read 1870. Feb. 5. by the Philharmonic 224. Society, New York.
63. 1874. Clara Louise Kellogg, third line—read 286. 1861.
82. 1884. Feb. 9. for Liszt read Bizet. 238.
88. 1887. Jan. 19. read Feb. 19. 259.
89. 1887. Feb. 19. read 1883. Nov. 10. by the 240. Philharmonic Society, New York.
89. 1887. May 8. Insert, Sir Arthur Sullivan's 271. oratorio, "The Golden Legend," given by the Boston Oratorio Society, conducted by Frederick Archer, at Music Hall, Boston.
101. 1891. April 15. add—produced as an opera 242. in New Orleans, 1893. Feb. 10.
104. 1891. Dec. 31. read 1878. Dec. 21. by Philharmonic 208. Society, New York.
104. 1893. Mar. 7. read 1884. Feb. 3, by the 274. Boston Symphony Orchestra.
106. 1894. April. Insert, Edgar Stillman Kelley's 234. "Aladdin" and "A Chinese Suite for Orchestra," San Francisco, Cal.
108. 1895. Mar. 23. read "Hans Heiling" played 241. 1856, April 19, by the Philharmonic Society, New York.
114. 1898. Feb. 5. read Nov. 12. Philharmonic 208. Society, New York.
115. 1899. Jan. 17. omit "first full performance". 210.
123. 1900. Dec. 1. read 1890. April 23. Brahms's 202. First Pianoforte Concerto given at Steinway Hall, New York, by Conrad Ansorge, assisted by part of the Th. Thomas Orchestra.
124. 1901. Mar. 15. omit "In London Town." 217.
125. 1901. Nov. 22. omit "March." 271.
127. 1902. Nov. 29. omit (Same as 1901. Nov. 22.) 271.
128. First line—Berlioz's overture, "Les Francs 199. Juges," was given in 1846, in New York.
132. 1904. Mar. 23. Insert, Glazunof's symphonic 223. poem "Stenka Razin" given at a Chickering concert in Boston under B. J. Lang.
133. 1904. Oct. 22. read 1899. Jan. 13. by the 215. Chicago Symphony Orchestra.
136. 1905. Dec. 4. add Chausson's Symphony in 209. B flat.
139. 1906. Nov. 12. omit—(see Oct. 15.) 251.
141. 1907. Mar. 16. for Moskowsky read S. 245. Noskowski.
142. 1907. Oct. 19. read Oct. 18. by Chicago Symphony 233. Orchestra.
143. 1907. Dec. 21. for Bassi read Bossi. 202.
ABERT, J. J. 1866. Oct. 27. First Symphony. New York, N. Y.
ADAM, A. C. 1839. "Le Postillon de Longjumeau," opera. New York, N. Y. 1858-9. "Chalet." New Orleans, La. 1858-9. "Si j'etais Roi." New Orleans, La.
AKIMENKO, TH. 1904. Feb. 27. Lyric Poem. Boston, Mass.
ALBENIZ, P. 1920. Nov. 21. "A Night in Seville," rhapsody. St. Louis, Mo.
ALFVEN, H. 1914. Nov. 6. Third Symphony (E minor). Minneapolis, Minn. 1914. Dec. 13. Festspel Polonaise. Minneapolis, Minn. 1920. Nov. 26. Second Symphony (D). New York, N. Y.
d'AMBROSIO. 1905. Jan. 7. Quatre Pieces d'Orchestre. Boston, Mass. 1907. Dec. 21. Violin Concerto (B minor). Boston, Mass.
ARBOS, E. F. 1903. Oct. 24. "Tango," Morceau de Concert. Boston, Mass. 1913. Nov. 28. "Guajiras" for violin and orchestra. Philadelphia, Pa.
ARENS, F. X. 1900. Dec. 10. "Salve Regina." New York, N. Y.
ARENSKY, A. S. 1899. Oct. 14. Pianoforte Concerto (F minor). Boston, Mass. 1903. Jan. 4. Introduction to "Nala and Damayanti." Boston, Mass. 1904. Mar. 3. Variations on an Original Theme. New York, N. Y. 1905. Feb. 25. "Silhouettes," suite. New York, N. Y. 1905. Dec. 30. Violin Concerto (Op. 54). New York, N. Y. 1907. Dec. 20. First Symphony. New York, N. Y. 1909. Nov. 18. Variations for Strings. New York, N. Y. 1913. Jan. 16. Serenade. New York, N. Y.
ARNE, DR. T. A. 1757. Masque of Alfred. Philadelphia, Pa.
ARNOLD, M. 1895. Feb. 28. American Plantation Dances. New York, N. Y.
ATTERBURY, K. 1921. Mar. 11. First Symphony (F Major). Minneapolis, Minn.
AUBER, D. F. E. 1829. Nov. 7. "Masaniello," opera. New York, N. Y. 1833. June 20. "Fra Diavolo," opera. New York, N. Y. 1843. May 25. "L'Ambassadrice," opera. New York, N. Y. 1843. June 17. "Le Domino Noir," opera. New York, N. Y. 1843. July 5. "Pre aux Clerc," opera. New York, N. Y. 1858-9. "Diamans de Couronne," opera. New Orleans, La. 1862. Sept. 18. Grand Inauguration March. New York, N. Y. 1895. April 13. "L'Enfant Prodigue," overture. Boston, Mass.
AUBERT, L. 1913. Mar. 8. "La Foret Bleue," opera. Boston, Mass. 1920. Feb. 1. "Habanera" opera. New York, N. Y.
AVERY, S. R. 1919. Feb. 17. "Taming of the Shrew," overture. Chicago, Ill.
BACH, C. P. E. 1862. Sept. 18. Symphony in D major. New York, N. Y. 1866. Jan. 13. Symphony in C. New York, N. Y. 1908. April 11. Symphony in E flat. Boston, Mass.
BACH, J. S. 1865. Jan. 13. Toccata in F. New York, N. Y. 1865. April 8. Passacaglia. New York, N. Y. 1867. Oct. 7. Third Suite (in D). New York, N. Y. 1874. May 8. St. Matthew Passion, in part. Boston, Mass. 1874. Nov. 27. Suite in B minor. New York, N. Y. 1874. Dec. 12. Ciaconna in D minor. New York, N. Y. 1876. Nov. 25. Suite in C. New York, N. Y. 1877. Dec. 23. Christmas Oratorio (Parts I and II). Boston, Mass. 1879. April 11. St. Matthew Passion (complete). Boston, Mass. 1883. April 2. Christmas Oratorio (Part VI). Boston, Mass. 1884. Nov. 22. Christmas Oratorio (Pastoral). Boston, Mass. 1885. Jan. 31. Three Sonata Movements for Orchestra. Boston, Mass. 1900. Mass in B minor. Bethlehem, Pa. 1901. Dec. 28. Concerto (F major). Boston, Mass. 1902. Dec. 6. Concerto for Violin (A minor). Boston, Mass. 1904. Dec. 3. Second Violin Concerto (E major). Boston, Mass. 1907. Mar. 9. Brandenburg Concerto (G). Boston, Mass.
BALAKIREF, M. A. 1891. April 29. "Islamay," orchestral fantasia. Boston, Mass. 1893. June 6. Overture on Russian Themes. Chicago, Ill. 1896. Oct. 23. "Tamara," symphonic poem. Chicago, Ill. 1908. Jan. 21. "En Boheme," symphonic poem. Boston, Mass. 1908. Mar. 14. Symphony in C major. Boston, Mass. 1910. April 19. Overture. Boston, Mass. 1911. Nov. 25. Overture on Theme of a Spanish March. Boston, Mass.
BALFE, M. W. 1844. Nov. 25. "The Bohemian Girl," opera. New York, N. Y.
BALLANTINE, E. 1917. Jan. 19. "The Eve of St. Agnes," symphonic poem. Boston, Mass.
BANTOCK, G. 1909. Oct. 23. "The Pierrot of the Minute." Boston, Mass. 1910. Mar. 6. "Fine Old English Tunes." New York, N. Y. 1910. Sept. 29. "Omar Khayyam" (first part). Worcester, Mass. 1910. Dec. 1. "Omar Khayyam" (complete). Boston, Mass. 1911. Oct. 28. "Dante and Beatrice" symphonic poem. Boston, Mass. 1913. April 17. "Atalanta" symphonic poem. New York, N. Y. 1921. Feb. 4. "Sappho," prelude to. Minneapolis, Minn.
BARGIEL, W. 1866. Jan. 13. Symphony in C. New York, N. Y.
BARNARD, F. 1886. Jan. 9. Violin Concerto (G major). Boston, Mass.
BARNETT, J. F. 1869. Feb. 11. "The Ancient Mariner" cantata. Roxbury, Mass.
BAYER, J. 1890. Jan. 4. "Die Puppensee" ballet. New York, N. Y.
BAX, A. 1920. Oct. 29. "The Garden of Fand." Chicago, Ill.
BEACH, MRS. H. H. A. 1896. April 7. Pianoforte Concerto (C sharp minor). Boston, Mass. 1896. Oct. 31. "Gallic Symphony" (E minor). Boston, Mass.
BECHER, WM. 1912. Nov. 8. Pianoforte Concerto. New York, N. Y.
BECKER, G. 1900. April 27. "Scenes Luxembourgeoises." Boston, Mass.
BEETHOVEN, L. van 1821. April 24. First Symphony (C). Philadelphia, Pa. 1839. Sept. 9. "Fidelio" opera (in English). New York, N. Y. 1840. Fifth Symphony. Philadelphia, Pa. 1842. Jan. 15. Sixth Symphony "Pastoral" (F). Boston, Mass. 1842. Nov. 12. Second Symphony (D). Boston, Mass. 1843. Feb. 15. Third Symphony "Eroica" (E flat). New York, N. Y. 1844. Nov. 16. Eighth Symphony (F). New York, N. Y. 1844. Nov. 16. "Egmont" overture. Boston, Mass. 1844. Dec. 14. "Wellington Symphony." New York, N. Y. 1846. May 20. Ninth Symphony "Choral" (D minor). New York, N. Y. 1848. Jan. 8. Seventh Symphony. Boston, Mass. 1849. Nov. 24. Fourth Symphony (B flat). New York, N. Y. 1850. Jan. 19. Third Pianoforte Concerto (C minor). Boston, Mass. 1850. Dec. 7. "Leonore" overture. Boston, Mass. 1853. Nov. 22. Violin Concerto (first movement). Boston, Mass. 1854. Feb. 4. Fourth Pianoforte Concerto (G). Boston, Mass. 1854. Mar. 4. Fifth Pianoforte Concerto (E flat). Boston, Mass. 1856. Dec. 29. "Fidelio" opera (in German). New York, N. Y. 1859. Mar. 26. "Egmont" music. Boston, Mass. 1860. Mar. 3. "Die Weihe des Hauses" overture. Boston, Mass. 1865. Feb. 18. Second Pianoforte Concerto (B Flat). New York, N. Y. 1865. Feb. 18. Triple Concerto. New York, N. Y. 1866. Jan. 13. Choral Fantasia. New York, N. Y. 1866. Dec. 2. Overture in C. New York, N. Y. 1867. Dec. 15. "Prometheus" music. New York, N. Y. 1869-1874. Mass in D. New York, N. Y. 1884. April 4. Grand Quatuor. New York, N. Y. 1908. Jan. 15. Twelve Dances. New York, N. Y. 1912. Dec. 29. "Jena Symphony." Boston, Mass. 1915. Jan. 30. "Fidelio" (revival). New York, N. Y.
BELLINI, V. 1832. Dec. 5. "Il Pirata" opera. New York, N. Y. 1833-4. "La Straniera" opera. New York, N. Y. 1835. Nov. 13. "La Sonnambula" (in English). New York, N. Y. 1840. "Norma" opera. Philadelphia, Pa. 1844. Feb. 2. "I Puritani" opera. New York, N. Y. 1844. Mar. 18. "Beatrice di Finda" opera. New York, N. Y. 1848. Feb. 1. "I Capuletti e Montecchi" opera. New York, N. Y.
BEMBERG, H. 1894. Dec. 17. "Elaine" opera. New York, N. Y.
BENDIX, V. 1907. April 27. Fourth Symphony (D minor). Boston, Mass.
BENNETT, W. S. 1845. Mar. 1. "The Naiads" (Die Najaden), overture. New York, N. Y. 1848. Dec. 2. "The Woodnymph" (Die Waldnymphe), overture. New York, N. Y. 1873. Nov. 6. Concerto in E. Boston, Mass. 1875. April 24. "Paradise and the Peri" overture. New York, N. Y. 1875. Sept. 7. Symphony in G minor. New York, N. Y.
BENOIT, P. 1894. Nov. 17. Symphonic Poem. Boston, Mass.
BERGER, W. 1899. Nov 4. Symphony in B flat major. Boston, Mass.
BERLIOZ, H. 1846. "Les Francs Juges" overture. New York, N. Y. 1846. Nov. 21. "King Lear" overture. New York, N. Y. 1857. Jan. 24. "Roman Carnival" overture. Boston, Mass. 1863. Mar. 7. "Corsair" overture. New York, N. Y. 1863. May 9. "Harold in Italy" symphony. New York, N. Y. 1864. Dec. 3. "Romeo et Juliette" (second part) dramatic symphony. New York, N. Y. 1866. Jan. 27. "Fantastic Symphony." New York, N. Y. 1867. Jan. 19. "Romeo et Juliette" overture. Brooklyn, N. Y. 1867. Nov. 9. "Benvenuto Cellini" overture. Brooklyn, N. Y. 1880. Feb. 12. "Damnation de Faust." New York, N. Y. 1882. April 6. "Requiem." New York, N. Y. 1882. May 6. "Les Troyens" (second act). New York, N. Y. 1884. Mar. 7. "The Childhood of Christ" (selections). New York, N. Y. 1885. Feb. 5. "Tristia." New York, N. Y. 1887. Feb. 26. "Les Troyens" (complete). New York, N. Y. 1891. May 5. "Te Deum." New York, N. Y. 1891. Nov. 29. "The Fifth of May." Boston, Mass. 1900. Nov. 2. "Rob Roy" overture. Chicago, Ill. 1903. April 15. "Marche Funebre" from "Hamlet." Boston, Mass.
BERNARD, E. 1886. Jan. 9. Violin Concerto in G major. Boston, Mass.
BERWALD, W. 1910. Jan. 14. Dramatic Overture. Syracuse, N. Y. 1912. May 16. "Walthari" overture. Syracuse, N. Y. 1914. April 5. "The Seven Last Words of Christ" cantata. New York, N. Y.
BINGHAM, S. 1916. Feb. 6. Suite for Orchestra. New York, N. Y.
BIRD, A. 1886. Nov. 5. First Symphony (A). New York, N. Y. 1887. April 23. Carnival Scene. New York, N. Y. 1893. June 12. Third Suite. Chicago, Ill.
BISCHOFF, H. 1908. Jan. 14. Symphony (E major). Boston, Mass.
BISHOP, SIR H. 1823. "Clari" ballad opera. New York, N. Y.
BIZET, G. 1878. Oct. 23. "Carmen" opera. New York, N. Y. 1881. April 2. "Arlesienne" suite. Boston, Mass. 1882. Feb. 18. "La Patrie" overture. Boston, Mass. 1884. Feb. 9. "Roma" third suite. Boston, Mass. 1893. Aug. "The Pearl Fishers" (in English). Philadelphia, Pa. 1896. Jan. 11. "Les Pecheurs des Perles" (2 acts). New York, N. Y. 1916. Nov. 13. "Les Pecheurs des Perles" opera (complete). New York, N. Y.
BLECH, L. 1911. Jan. 20. "Versiegelt" opera. New York, N. Y.
BLOCH, E. 1916. Oct. 16. Two poems, "Winter" and "Spring." New York, N. Y. 1917. Mar. 23. The first of "Trois Poemes Juifs," Boston, Mass. 1917. May 3. "Two Psalms." New York, N. Y. 1918. Jan. 10. "Trois Poemes Juifs" (complete). New York, N. Y. 1918. Mar. 8. Symphony in C sharp minor. New York, N. Y. 1920. Nov. 5. Suite for Viola and Orchestra. New York, N. Y.
BLOCKX, J. 1903. Jan. 7. "Danse Flamande." Boston, Mass. 1909. Mar. 10. "Princesse Auberge" opera. New York, N. Y.
BOEHE, E. 1904. Nov. 11. "Wanderings of Odysseus." Philadelphia, Pa. 1906. Mar. 3. First four "Episodes." Boston, Mass. 1907. Nov. 30. "Taormina" symphonic poem. Boston, Mass.
BOELLMAN, L. 1902. Nov. 14. Variations Symphoniques. Chicago, Ill.
BOITO, A. 1880. Oct. 24. "Mefistofele" opera. New York, N. Y.
BOIELDIEU, F. A. 1827. Sept. 28. "Jean de Paris" opera. New York, N. Y. 1827. Oct. "The Caliph of Bagdad" opera. New York, N. Y. 1831. May. "La Dame Blanche" opera. New York, N. Y.
BORDES, CHARLES 1921. April 27. "Rhapsodie Basque." Boston, Mass.
BORDIER, J. 1905. Jan. 4. Meditation. Boston, Mass.
BORNSCHEIN, F. C. 1916. April 25. "Onawa" cantata. Paterson, N. J.
BORODIN, A. 1886. Mar. 23. "On the Steppes of Central Asia." Brooklyn, N. Y. 1890. Jan. 4. First Symphony (A flat). Boston, Mass. 1892. Feb. 27. "A Prairie Scene." Boston, Mass. 1912. Dec. 14. Second Symphony (D minor). Boston, Mass. 1915. Dec. 30. "Prince Igor" opera. New York, N. Y.
BOROWSKI, F. 1918. Jan. 25. "Peintures Portrait d'une Jeune Fille." Chicago, Ill. 1919. Jan. 5. "Elegie Symphonique." New York, N. Y. 1919. Feb. 14. Suite from "Boudour." Chicago, Ill. 1920. May 25. "Le Printemps Passionne." Evanston, Ill.
BORTKIEVITCH, S. E. 1915. Feb. 13. Pianoforte Concerto in B flat. New York, N. Y.
BOSSI, E. 1907. Dec. 21. Goldonian Intermezzo from Suite Variee (Op. 27). Boston, Mass. 1910. Mar. 27. "Paradise Lost" oratorio. Boston, Mass.
BOULANGER, L. 1918. Dec. 26. "Faust et Helene" cantata. New York, N. Y.
BOURGAULT-DUCOUDRAY, L. A. 1896. Oct. 17. "L'Interrement d'Ophelie." Boston, Mass. 1906. April 17. "Rhapsodie Cambodgienne." Boston, Mass.
BOYLE, G. F. 1912. Feb. 2. Pianoforte Concerto (D minor). New York, N. Y.
BRAHMS, J. 1862. Feb. First Serenade. New York, N. Y. 1873. May 29. Serenade in D. New York, N. Y. 1875. Jan. 16. Hungarian Dances. Brooklyn, N. Y. 1877. Mar. 15. A German Requiem. New York, N. Y. 1877. Dec. 17. First Symphony (C minor). New York, N. Y. 1878. Oct. 3. Second Symphony (D major). New York, N. Y. 1881. Oct. 14. "Academic Overture." Boston, Mass. 1881. Oct. 29. "Tragic Overture." Boston, Mass. 1882. Feb. 11. Rhapsody (voices and orchestra). Boston, Mass. 1882. Dec. 9. Pianoforte Concerto (B flat). New York, N. Y. 1884. Oct. 24. Third Symphony (F). New York, N. Y. 1886. Nov. 6. Serenade for Strings (A major). Boston, Mass. 1886. Dec. 11. Fourth Symphony (E minor). New York, N. Y. 1889. April 4. Waltzes. Boston, Mass. 1889. Dec. 7. Violin Concerto (D). Boston, Mass. 1890. Jan. 31. "Liebeslieder Waltzes." New York, N. Y. 1896. Mar. 28. Three Hungarian Dances. Boston, Mass. 1890. April 23. First Pianoforte Concerto (D minor). New York, N. Y. 1912. Mar. 25. "Song of Triumph." New York, N. Y.
BRAUNFELS, W. 1921. Oct. 14. Fantastic Variations. Philadelphia, Pa.
BREIL, J. 1919. Mar. 12. "The Legend" opera. New York, N. Y.
BRIDGE, FRANK. 1921. Jan. 19. Suite. Boston, Mass.
BRIDGE, J. F. 1891. Sept. 23. "The Repentance of Nineveh." Worcester, Mass. 1902. Mar. 27. "The Forging of the Anchor." Brooklyn, N. Y.
BRISTOW, G. F. 1847. Nov. 14. Two Concert Overtures (Opus 3). New York, N. Y. 1855. Sept. 27. "Rip van Winkle" opera. New York, N. Y. 1866. Nov. 17. "Columbus Overture." New York, N. Y. 1874. Feb. 14. "Arcadian Symphony." New York, N. Y. 1879. May 10. "Great Republic" overture. Brooklyn, N. Y. 1889. Mar. 6. "The Jibbenainosay" overture. New York, N. Y.
BROCKWAY, H. 1901. April 6. "Sylvan Suite." Boston, Mass. 1907. April 6. Symphony (D major). Boston, Mass.
BRONSART, HANS VON 1881. Jan. 6. Spring Fantaisie. New York, N. Y.
BRUCH, M. 1868. First Violin Concerto (G minor). New York, N. Y. 1869. Mar. 13. Symphony in E flat. New York, N. Y. 1873. Nov. 15. Introduction to "Loreley." New York, N. Y. 1882. Dec. 15. Third Symphony. New York, N. Y. 1883. May 4. "Arminius" oratorio. Boston, Mass. 1888. Nov. 24. Fantaisie for violin and orchestra. Boston, Mass. 1889. Nov. 16. "Kol Nidrei" for cello and orchestra. Boston, Mass. 1892. Feb. 5. Second Violin Concerto (D minor). New York, N. Y. 1894. Feb. 7. "Romanza" (Op. 42). Boston, Mass. 1905. Feb. 11. Serenade for violin and orchestra. Boston, Mass. 1917. Nov. 30. Concerto for Two Pianofortes. New York, N. Y.
BRUCKNER, A. 1886. July 29. Seventh Symphony (E major). Chicago, Ill. 1888. Mar. 16. Fourth Symphony (Romantic). New York, N. Y. 1901. Mar. 9. Third Symphony (D minor). Boston, Mass. 1901. Dec. 28. Fifth Symphony (D flat major). Boston, Mass. 1904. Feb. 20. Ninth Symphony (unfinished). Chicago, Ill. 1909. Mar. 12. Eighth Symphony (C minor). Boston, Mass. 1912. Nov. 21. Sixth Symphony (A major), New York, N. Y.
BRUeLL, I. 1886. Nov. 9. "Das Golden Kreutz" opera. New York, N. Y. 1901. Feb. 2. Overture to "Macbeth." Boston, Mass.
BRUNE, A. 1917. April 13. "A Twilight Picture" overture. Cincinnati, O. 1920. Mar. 19. "A Fairy Tale" symphonic poem. Chicago, Ill.
BRUNEAU, A. 1903. Oct. 17. "Messidor" entr'acte symphonique. Boston, Mass. 1903. Nov. 7. "La Belle aux Bois Dormant." Chicago, Ill. 1906. Jan. 2. "Preludes de l'Ouragan." Boston, Mass. 1910. Feb. 8. "L'Attaque du Moulin." Harlem, N. Y. 1921. Feb. 16. "Penthesilee" symphonic poem. Boston, Mass.
BUCK, D. 1876. May 11. Centennial Meditation. Philadelphia, Pa. 1880. May 20. "Golden Legend" cantata. Cincinnati, O. 1885. Mar. 31. "Marmion" overture. New York, N. Y. 1888. "The Light of Asia" cantata. Newark, N. J. 1891. Feb. 23. "Romance" for four horns and orchestra. New York, N. Y. 1891. April 10. "The Star-Spangled Banner" overture. New York, N. Y.
BUeLOW, HANS von 1887. Feb. 10. "The Minstrel's Curse," symphonic poem. New York, N. Y. 1894. April 7. "Funerale." Boston, Mass.
BUNGERT, A. 1888. Feb. 28. "Auf der Wartling," symphonic poem. New York, N. Y.
BURCK, H. 1915. Jan. 31. "Meditation." New York, N. Y.
BURMEISTER, R. 1890. Dec. 12. Pianoforte Concerto in D. New York, N. Y. 1902. Jan. 10. "The Sisters" tone poem. New York, N. Y.
BUSCH, C. 1903. Nov. 30. "King Olaf" cantata. Chicago, Ill.
BUSONI, F. 1892. Feb. 20. Symphonic Suite (Op. 23). Boston, Mass. 1893. April 15. Symphonic Tone Poem. Boston, Mass. 1905. Nov. 18. Comedy Overture (C major). Boston, Mass. 1906. Mar. 31. "Geharnischte" suite. Boston, Mass. 1910. Mar 11. "Turandot" suite. New York, N. Y.
CADMAN, C. W. 1916. July. "To a Vanishing Race." Seattle, Wash. 1918. Mar. 23. "Shanewis" opera. New York, N. Y. 1920. Aug. 23. "The Sunset Trail." San Diego, Cal.
CAETANI. 1902. Nov. 15. Symphonic Prelude (A minor). New York, N. Y.
CAPLET, A. 1906. April 17. "Impressions d'Automne." Boston, Mass.
CARPENTER, J. A. 1915. Mar. 19. "Adventures in a Perambulator." Chicago, Ill. 1916. Mar. 10. Concertino. Chicago, Ill. 1917. June 5. Symphony. Norfolk, Conn. 1919. Dec. 23. "The Birthday of the Infanta." Chicago, Ill. 1920. Nov. 26. "A Pilgrim Vision." Philadelphia, Pa.
CARR, B. 1796. "The Archers of Switzerland." New York, N. Y.
CASELLA, A. 1919. Feb. 2. "Films—War Pictures." New York, N. Y. 1920. Dec. 5. "The Venetian Convent." New York, N. Y.
CATALANI, A. 1909. Jan. 6. "Le Wally" opera. New York, N. Y. 1919. Jan. 17. "Loreley" opera. Chicago, Ill.
CATEL, C. S. 1869. Jan. 9. Overture to "Semiramis." New York, N. Y.
CAUFFMAN, F. G. 1903. Nov. 27. "Salammbo" tone poem. Philadelphia, Pa.
CHABRIER, E. 1864. Dec. 6. "Espana" rhapsody. New York, N. Y. 1896. Oct. 24. "Gwendoline" overture. Boston, Mass. 1899. Mar. 4. "Bourree Fantastique." Boston, Mass. 1905. Jan. 4. "Danse Slave," Boston, Mass. 1911. Jan, 6. "Ode a la Musique." New York, N. Y. 1911. Mar. 3. "Briseis" opera. New York, N. Y.
CHADWICK, G. W. 1879. Dec. 11 "Rip van Winkle" overture. Boston, Mass. 1883. Jan. 13. "Thalia" overture. Boston, Mass. 1884. Mar. 8. Scherzo in F. Boston, Mass. 1886. Dec. 11. Second Symphony (B flat). Boston, Mass. 1887. Dec. 24. "Melpomene" overture. Boston, Mass. 1891. April 2. "The Pilgrims" cantata. Boston, Mass. 1892. Jan. 10. "A Pastoral Prelude." Boston, Mass. 1892. May 5. "Phoenix Expirans." Springfield, Mass. 1892. Oct. 22. "Columbian Ode." Chicago, Ill. 1894. Oct. 20. Third Symphony (F major). Boston, Mass. 1900. Feb. 3. "Elegiac" overture. Boston, Mass. 1901. Sept. 26. "Judith" oratorio. Worcester, Mass. 1904. April 23. "Euterpe" overture. Boston, Mass. 1905. Sept. 29. "Cleopatra" symphonic poem. Worcester, Mass. 1908. Feb. 22. Symphonic Sketches. Boston, Mass. 1909. June. "Noel" Christmas pastoral. Norfolk, Conn. 1910. Feb. 12. Sinfonietta in D major. Boston, Mass. 1911. April 15. Suite Symphonique. Boston, Mass. 1912. June 4. "Aphrodite" symphonic fantasie. Norfolk, Conn. 1915. June 3. "Tam o' Shanter" ballad. Norfolk, Conn. 1918. June 4. "Land of our Hearts." Norfolk, Conn. 1919. Feb. 2. "The Angel of Death." New York, N. Y.
CHAIKOVSKY, P. I. 1875. Oct. 25. Pianoforte Concerto (B flat minor). Boston, Mass. 1876. April 22. "Romeo et Juliette" overture. New York, N. Y. 1879. Feb. 8. Third Symphony (D). New York, N. Y. 1880. Jan. 17. Suite for Giant Orchestra. New York, N. Y. 1883. Feb. 24. "Marche Slave." Boston, Mass. 1883. Dec. 7. Second Symphony (C). New York, N. Y. 1885. Jan. 23. Serenade for Strings. New York, N. Y. 1885. Nov. 24. Third Suite (Op. 55). New York, N. Y. 1886. Nov. 1. Italian Caprice. New York, N. Y. 1886. Dec. 4. "Manfred" symphony. New York, N. Y. 1888. Feb. 4. "Mozartiana" suite (Op. 61). New York, N.Y. 1889. Jan. 19. Violin Concerto. New York, N. Y. 1889. Jan. 24. Introduction and Fugue. New York, N. Y. 1889. Mar. 5. Fifth Symphony (E minor). New York, N. Y. 1889. Mar. 15. First Suite (Op. 43). Brooklyn, N. Y. 1890. Feb. 1. Fourth Symphony (F minor). New York, N. Y. 1891. Feb. 4. "Hamlet" overture. Brooklyn, N. Y. 1891. May. 6. Legende and Paternoster. New York, N. Y. 1878. Dec. 21. "Francesca da Rimini" fantasia. New York, N. Y. 1892. Oct. 22. "Casse Noisette" suite. Chicago, Ill. 1893. Dec. 30. Overture—"1812." Boston, Mass. 1894. Mar. 16. Sixth Symphony (B minor). New York, N. Y. 1896. Feb. 7. First Symphony (G minor). New York, N. Y. 1897. Nov. 26. "Voyvode" symphonic ballad. New York, N.Y. 1898. Nov. 12. Second Pianoforte Concerto (G). New York, N. Y. 1900. Oct. 19. "La Belle au Bois Dormant" suite. Chicago, Ill. 1904. Dec. 24. "The Battle of Poltava." New York, N. Y. 1904. Dec. 24. Hopak from "Mazeppa." New York, N. Y. 1905. April 1. "Night" fantasia. New York, N. Y. 1908. Feb. 2. "Eugene Onegin" (Yevgeni Onyegin) opera (in concert form). New York, N. Y. 1908. Oct. 31. Variations on a Rococo Theme. Boston, Mass. 1910. Mar. 5. "Pique Dame" opera. New York, N. Y. 1910. Nov. 10. Excerpts from "Jeanne d'Arc." New York, N. Y.
CHAMINADE, C. 1895. Feb. 5. Concertstueck for Orchestra. Chicago, Ill. 1897. Dec. 13. "Callirhoe" ballet. New York, N. Y.
CHARPENTIER, G. 1893. Nov. 24. "Impressions of Italy" suite. Chicago, Ill. 1905. April 4. "La Vie du Poete" symphonic drama. Boston, Mass. 1908. Jan. 3. "Louise" opera. New York, N. Y. 1914. Feb. 26. "Julien" opera. New York, N. Y.
CHAUSSON, E. 1898. Oct. 22. "Viviani" symphonic poem. Chicago, Ill. 1904. Nov. 18. Poeme for violin and orchestra. New York, N. Y. 1905. April 18. "Hymne Vedique." Boston, Mass. 1905. Dec. 4. Symphony in B flat. Philadelphia, Pa. 1906. Jan. 20. Symphony (A flat major). Boston, Mass. 1908. Jan. 21. "Poeme d'Amour et de la Mer." Boston, Mass. 1919. Jan. 31. Symphony (B flat major). Philadelphia, Pa.
CHAUVET, C. A. 1902. Jan. 7. "Feuillets d'Album" suite. Boston, Mass.
CHERUBINI, L. 1842. Jan. 15. Overture to "Les deux Journees." Boston, Mass. 1866. Feb. 28. Overture to "Anacreon." Boston, Mass. 1867. Nov. 21. Overture to "Medea." Boston, Mass. 1872. Feb. "Les deux Journees" (The Water Carrier). New York, N. Y. 1873. Jan. 9. "Ali Baba" overture. Boston, Mass. 1876. Feb. 19. "Faniska" overture. Boston, Mass. 1883. May 2. Mass in D minor. Boston, Mass. 1892. Dec. 2. Overture. New York, N. Y.
CHEVILLARD, C. 1903. Jan. 7. "Le Chene et le Roseau." Boston, Mass.
CHIAFFARELLI, A. 1918. Feb. 17. Prelude and Fugue. New York, N. Y. 1919. Dec. 5. Prelude to a Merry Play. New York, N. Y.
CHOPIN, F. 1861. Nov. 9. Second Pianoforte Concerto. New York, N. Y.
CILEA, F. 1907. Nov. 18. "Adrienne Lecouvreur" opera. New York, N. Y.
CIMAROSA, D. 1833-4. "Il Matrimonio Segreto" opera. New York, N. Y.
CLAPP, P. G. 1909. April 29. "Norge" tone poem. Cambridge, Mass. 1912. Jan. 16. "In Summer" prelude. St. Louis, Mo. 1912. April 14. Dramatic Poem. New York, N. Y. 1914. April 11. Symphony in E minor. Boston, Mass. 1917. April 6. Symphony in E flat. Boston, Mass.
COLE, R. E. 1919. Mar. 14. "Pioneer Overture." Chicago, Ill.
CONVERSE, C. C. 1868. Jan. 25. "Festival Overture," Brooklyn, N. Y.
CONVERSE, F. S. 1899. Jan. 14. Symphony (D minor—first movement). Boston, Mass. 1900. Dec. 22. "Festival of Pan." Boston, Mass. 1903. April 11. "Endymion's Narrative." Boston, Mass. 1905. Jan. 21. "Night" and "Day" tone poems. Boston, Mass. 1905. Mar. 3. "The Mystic Trumpeter." Philadelphia, Pa. 1906. Jan. 31. "The Pipe of Desire" opera. Boston, Mass. 1906. Mar. 3. "La Belle Dame Sans Merci." Providence, R. I. 1906. Oct. 15. "Jeanne d'Arc" incidental music. Philadelphia, Pa. 1907. Oct. 2. "Job" dramatic poem. Worcester, Mass. 1910. Nov. 16. "The Sacrifice" opera. Boston, Mass. 1911. Jan. 27. Orchestral Fantasy. St. Louis, Mo. 1912. Jan. 26. "Ormazd" tone poem. St. Louis, Mo. 1914. May 28. "Cahokia" masque. St. Louis, Mo. 1917. April 27. "Ave atque Vale" tone poem. Boston, Mass. 1920. Jan. 30. Symphony in C minor. Boston, Mass.
COPPOLA, P. A. 1847. Jan. 3. "Nina Pazza per Amore" opera. New York, N. Y.
CORNELIUS, P. 1888. Oct. 27. "Il Barbiere von Bagdad" overture. Boston, Mass. 1890. Jan. 4. "Il Barbiere von Bagdad" opera. New York, N. Y.
COWEN, F. 1882. Nov. 11. Third Symphony "Scandinavian." New York, N. Y. 1883. Jan. 27. First Symphony (in C). Boston, Mass. 1883. Nov. 21. "St. Ursula" cantata. New York, N. Y. 1885. April 11. Fourth Symphony (B minor) "Welsh." New York, N. Y. 1888. Feb. 28. Fifth Symphony (F). New York, N. Y. 1890. Nov. 24. Sixth Symphony (E major) "Idyllic." Boston, Mass. 1902. Oct. 28. "The Butterfly's Ball" overture. Chicago, Ill. 1903. Dec. 18. "Indian Rhapsody." Pittsburgh, Pa. 1915. Feb. 22. "The Veil" oratorio. Chicago, Ill.
CUI, C. 1886. Oct. 28. Tarantella. New York, N. Y. 1906. Mar. 17. Waltz. New York, N. Y.
CURRY, A. 1911. April 22. "Attala" symphonic poem. Boston, Mass.
DALYRAC 1790-1800. "Nina" opera. New Orleans, La. 1790-1800. "L'Amant Statue" opera. New Orleans, La.
d'ALBERT, E. 1887. Nov. 25. First Symphony (F). New York, N. Y. 1894. Feb. 2. "Esther" overture. Boston, Mass. 1895. Nov. 30. "Der Rubin" prelude. Boston, Mass. 1897. Dec. 3. "Gernot" introduction to Act II. Pittsburgh, Pa. 1901. Oct. 14. "Der Improvisatore" overture. Chicago, 1905. Feb. 4. Second Pianoforte Concerto (E major). Boston, Mass. 1908. Feb. 23. "Tiefland" opera. New York, N. Y.
DALCROZE, J. 1906. Mar. 10. Violin Concerto (C minor). Boston, Mass.
DAMROSCH, L. 1875. Feb. 22. "Ruth and Naomi" cantata. New York, N. Y. 1882. April 20. "Sulamith" cantata. New York, N. Y. 1907. Dec. 1. "Silver Wedding." New York, N. Y.
DAMROSCH, W. 1896. Feb. 11. "The Scarlet Letter" opera. Boston, Mass. 1898. Dec. 3. "Manilla Te Deum." New York, N. Y. 1913. Feb. 27. "Cyrano de Bergerac" opera. New York, N. Y. 1915. Summer. "Iphigenia in Aulis" incidental music, Berkeley, Cal. |