169TH BRIGADE, INFANTRY—Brig. Gen. Thomas B. Dugan; 337th and 338th Regiments; 329th Machine Gun Battalion.
170TH BRIGADE, INFANTRY—(Commanding officer not announced); 339th and 340th Regiments; 330th Machine Gun Battalion.
160TH BRIGADE, FIELD ARTILLERY—Brig. Gen. Guy M. Preston; 328th, 329th and 330th Regiments; 310th Trench Mortar Battery.
ENGINEER TROOPS—310th Regiment.
SIGNAL TROOPS—310th Battalion.
DIVISION UNITS—85th Division Headquarters Troop; 328th Machine Gun Battalion.
91ST DIVISION—Brig. Gen. F. H. Foltz, commanding; Colonel Herbert J. Brees, Chief of Staff; Major Frederick W. Manley, Adjutant General.
181ST BRIGADE, INFANTRY—Brig. Gen. John B. McDonald; 361st and 362d Regiments; 347th Machine Gun Battalion.
182D BRIGADE, INFANTRY—Brig. Gen. Frederick S. Foltz; 363d and 364th Regiments; 348th Machine Gun Battalion.
166TH BRIGADE, FIELD ARTILLERY—Brig. Gen. Edward Burr; 346th, 347th and 348th Regiments; 316th Trench Mortar Battery.
ENGINEER TROOPS—316th Regiment.
SIGNAL TROOPS—316th Battalion.
DIVISION UNITS—91st Division Headquarters Troop; 346th Machine Gun Battalion.
81ST DIVISION—Major Gen. C. J. Bailey, commanding; Colonel Charles D. Roberts, Chief of Staff; Major Arthur E. Ahrends, Adjutant General.
161ST BRIGADE, INFANTRY—Brig. Gen. George W. McIver; 321st and 322nd Regiments; 317th Machine Gun Battalion.
162D BRIGADE, INFANTRY—Brig. Gen. Monroe McFarland; 323d and 324th Regiments; 318th Machine Gun Battalion.
156TH BRIGADE, FIELD ARTILLERY—Brig. Gen. Andrew Moses; 316th, 317th and 318th Regiments; 306th Trench Mortar Battery.
ENGINEER TROOPS—306th Regiment.
SIGNAL TROOPS—306th Battalion.
DIVISION UNITS—81st Division Headquarters Troop; 316th Machine Gun Battalion.
93RD DIVISION—(Commander not announced); Major Lee S. Tillotson, Adjutant General.
185TH BRIGADE, INFANTRY—(Commanding officer not announced); 369th and 370th Regiments; 333d Machine Gun Battalion.
186TH BRIGADE, INFANTRY—Brig. Gen. George H. Harries; 371st and 372d Regiments; 334th Machine Gun Battalion.
168TH BRIGADE, FIELD ARTILLERY—(Commanding officer not announced); 332d, 333d and 334th Regiments; 318th Trench Mortar Battery.
ENGINEER TROOPS—318th Regiment.
SIGNAL TROOPS—318th Battalion.
DIVISION UNITS—332d Machine Gun Battalion.
* * * * *
Transcribers Notes
1. Passages in italics are surrounded by underscores.
2. Passages in bold are indicated by bold.
3. Obvious punctuation errors and omissions in original text have been repaired.
4. Text spelling was common at the time of its publication.
5. ILLUSTRATIONS TEXT - Spelling, accent and hypenation corrections have been made to conform with text.
6. pg. xi (M. FLOYS GIBBONS) appears in the original text of the letter and has been corrected to M. FLOYD GIBBONS.
7. pg. xvii - Table of Contents - Chapter XVIII, pg. 328; the chapter correctly starts on Pg. 338 - this was corrected.
8. The word manoeuvre uses an oe ligatgure in the original text, and has be here represented as oe.
9. All possibly dialectic-phonetic phrases have been retained, including the following;
pg. 31 - "stear" (steer), (we can stear with an oar), quote pg. 91 - "Sourkraut" (Sauerkraut), (German as Sourkraut), remembrance pg. 276 - "dimonds" (diamonds), (filled wid dimonds), quote pg. 370 - "Lueger" (Luger), (of the Lueger make), remembrance
10. 21 Spelling corrections: (x) shows no. of times word was already correctly spelled in text.
pg. xv - "citatation" to "citation" (he received a citation) pg. 38 - "tatooed" to "tattooed" (tattooed arms of the) pg. 50 - "Harboard" to "Harbord" (4) (Brigadier General Harbord) pg. 73 - "practise" to "practice" (9), (began to practice) pg. 99 - "surpised" to "surprised" (I was not surprised) pg. 107 - "dicharge" to "discharge" (signal for the discharge) pg. 139 - "aves-vous" to "avez-vous" (3) (Aves-vous de chevaux?) pg. 143 - "Nicholas" to "Nicolas" (2) (Saint-Nicolas-du-Port) pg. 157 - "milimetre" to "millimetre" (2), (battery of 150 millimetre) pg. 208 - "Ukelele" to "Ukulele" (tending the Ukulele crop) pg. 222 - "perigrinations" to "peregrinations" (trace the peregrinations) pg. 248 - "harrassed" to "harassed" (harassed the road intersections) pg. 315 - "ricochetted" to "ricocheted" (had ricocheted upward) pg. 346 - "desposit" to "deposit" (would solemnly deposit) pg. 349 - "McDougal" to "MacDougal" (7), (MacDougal then began) pg. 365 - "turrent" to "turret" (the tank's turret) pg. 367 - "blow" to "blown" (trunks were blown high) pg. 376 - "barracades" to "barricades" (built barracades across) pg. 382 - "distingushed" to "distinguished" (that so distinguished itself) pg. 383 - "reconnaisance" to "reconnaissance" (2), (making a reconnaissance). pg. 391 - "knowng" to "knowing" (knowing at the time)
11. 17 hyphenation, Capitalization or diacritical accent corrections made as follows:
pg. xi - "ARMEES" to "ARMEES" (2) (DES ARMEES DU NORD) - Fr. pg. 24 - "victrola" to "Victrola" ( a cabinet Victrola) - Trademark pg. 88 - "coryphees" to "coryphees" (male coryphees who hold) - Fr. pg. 88 - "under-sized" to "undersized" (2), (toughest set of undersized) pg. 111 - "zigzagging" to "zig-zagging" (3) (through zig-zagging avenues) pg. 183 - "hand grenades" to "hand-grenades" (2), (post with hand-grenades) pg. 194 - "counter-battery" to "counter battery" (3) (casual counter battery work) pg. 232 - "debris" to "debris" (4) (person in the debris) pg. 251 - "debris" to "debris (4) (the debris ceased falling) pg. 269 - "tricolour" to "tri-colour" (2) (of the French tri-colour) pg. 274 - "Americains" to "Americains" (les bons Americains) - Fr. pg. 307 - "Chatel" to "Chatel" (La Voie du Chatel) - Fr. pg. 367 - "dug-outs" to "dugouts" (10), (crushed the enemy dugouts) pg. 370 - "t'-ell" to "t'ell" (Allay veet t'ell outer here), as on pg. 275. pg. 373 - "dug-out" to "dugout" (24), (in a dugout with) pg. 383 - "Thibault" to "Thiebault" (9) (east of St. Thiebault) pg. 385 - "country-side" to "countryside" (5), (no fairer countryside)
12. List of same word variations appearing in this text which have been retained.
"cooperation" (1) and "co-operation" (1) "dockside" (1) and "dock-side" (1) "farmhouse" (1) and "farm-house" (1) "heartbroken" (1) and "heart-break" (1) "manpower" (1) and "man-power" (1) "midday" (1) and "mid-day" (1) "old-timer" (1), "old-timers" (2), "old timer" (3) "well kept" (1) and "well-kept" (1)
13. Printers error correction;
pg 394: - two lines of text were exchanged as follows:
original text;
"It was the same Germany many that had covered America with her net of spies and that had tried to murder France. It was the same Ger- had sought to bring war to our borders with Mexico and"
as corrected;
"It was the same Germany that had tried to murder France. It was the same Germany that had covered America with her net of spies and had sought to bring war to our borders with Mexico and"