Lai barbarians, Lai-chou Fu, Lakes of Hu Nan and Kiang Si, Lakes of Kiang Su, Lan-thou Fu, Land, belongs to Emperor, Land-owners, Language questions, Lang-ya, locality, Laos tribes, Lao-tsz, philosopher, Lao-tsz's book, Law, Law, natural, Leather chariots, Leather trade, Left and Right, Legal fictions, Legge, Dr., Legists, Lex Julia, Li, Emperor, Li Hung-chang, Li K'wei, lawyer, Li Ping, engineer, Li Tan, See Lao-tsz Liang, state, Liao River, Liao Tung, Lieh-tsz, Taoist author, Lin-tsz, city, Literary activity, Literary pedants, Literature, destruction of, Literature, early, Liu Hia, person, Liu K'un-yih, viceroy, Livadia, Treaty of, Loadstone, Lob Nor, Local customs, Loess territory, Loh River, Loh-yang (see Ho-nan Fu and Capitals), Lolo, tribes, Long Tartars, Loss of rule, Lu, extinction of, Lu, Lu stripped of territory, Luh-fu, personal name, Lunations, Luni-solar years,
Macedon, Maire du palais, Males, Seven, Manchu dynasty, Manchuria, Manchus, Manes, Maps, Marco Polo, Markets, Marquesses, Marriages, exogamic, Marriages, imperial, Marriages, Tartar, Marriages, vassal, Marseilles, Martial King, the; (see Founder and Warrior), Mats, Meat eating, Meat, gifts of sacrificial, Medicine, Memorizing books, Mencius, philosopher, Meng, Ford, Merchants, log Mercury, Meridians, Mesne-lords, Metals, Meteors, Metropolis, 279 (see Capitals), Miao-tsz tribes, Migrating birds, Migration, Mikado, See Jimmu Mining, Ministers of State, Missions, (see Envoys; Embassies), Modern ideas, Modernism, Mon, people, Monaco, Money, Mongolia, Mongols, Monosyllabic language, Months and moons, Moon, proclaiming the, Moon, sacrifice at full, Morals, Mothers, quality of, See Wives Mourning and War, Mourning customs, Muh (T'ien-tsz or) Emperor, Muh, Duke of Ts'in, Mulberry trees, Municipia, Music, Mustard, Mutilation, Mutilation of corpses,
Names, ancient and modern place, Names, Chinese proper, Names, clan, Names, personal, Names, posthumous, Names, Tartar, "Naming" process, Nanking, modern, Nan-yang Fu, Napoleon, National colours, See Flags Natural law, Nature, Naval fights, Navigable rivers, Navigation by sea, Needles, Nepaul, Ngwei, state, Nien-po, locality, Nine Tripods, Ningpo, modern, Nomad horsemen, Norman feudal system, Nose-cutting, Nosu. See Lolo Nucleus of old China (see China),
Oaths, Odes, Odes, Book of, Okuma, Count, Omens, Opium, Oppolzer's dates, Oracles, consulting, Oranges, Orthodox Chinese, Orthodox courts, Ouigours, Oviet, See Yueeh
PA, state, Pagodas, Palaces, Pao-ch'eng, locality, Paper, invention of, Paranymphs, Pass, frontier, Paterfamilias, Patriarchal rule, Peace Conference, "Pechelee" Gulf, Pedantry, Pedigree, Peh K'i, General, Peking, modern, Peking plain, Pelasgi, People, the, Period, Protector, "Perpendicular and Horizontal" Period, Persia, Persian civilization, Personal causes of war, Personal names, Philosophy, Phoenicians, Physicians, Pigs, "Piled Stones," locality, Pilgrimages, Pillars of Hercules, P'ing-yang Fu, Pisces, Pivot points, historical, Ploughed fields, Ploughman Emperor, Poetry, See Odes Poetry, classic, See Odes Police, Politeness, Political intrigue, Pope, comparison with the, Population, Population, non-Chinese, Posterity, importance of, Posthumous names, Posthumous titles, Powers, great, Prayer, Precedence, Premiers, See Ministers Presage, See Astrology Presents from Emperor, Priestly caste, no, Princesses, Principalities, (see Fiefs), Prisons, Prisoners of war, Proclaiming the law, Proclaiming the moon, Proclamation, Progress in China, Promontory, Shan Tung, Prophecy, (see Astrology and Oracles), Propriety, Prostitution, Protector, First, Protector, Protector, Third, Protectors, Joint, Protectors of China, Proverbs, Prussia, P'u-chou Fu, P'uh, barbarians, Punishment, Punishments, barbarous, Purification, Pyrrhus,
Quelpaert, Island, Quicksilver,
Race feeling, Racing, Railway, "British," Ranks of nobility, Ranks, official, Records, (see History), Redwater, River, Regency, See Duke of Chou Reign periods, Religion, none in ancient China, Religion of Confucius (so-called), Religious compromise, Remains, ancient, Renan, Ernest, Residences at the metropolis, Revolutionary literature, Rice, Right and Left, Rites, See Ritual Rites, Book of, Rites of Chou, Ritual, Ritual chivalry, Ritual, Shinto, Rivers and migration, Rivers and navigation, Road, begging, Roads, Roman civilization, Royal caste, Rulers, divine right of, Rulers, tyranny of, Russia,
Sacrifices, Sacrifices, drum, Sacrifices, family, Sacrifices, human, Sacrifices, spring and autumn, Sacrificial meat, Saga literature, Sagittarius, Salary in grain, Salt flats, Salt trade, Sanctions, solemn, Savages, See Barbarians Scandinavia, Sceptres, Science and religion, Scottish parallels, Scripture, Scythians, See Turks and Hiung-nu Sea, little known, Seal character, Seals, Seasons, Semi-mythical times, Septimius Severus, Settled communities, Seven States, Sha-Shi, modern, Shakespeare, Shan-hai Kiwan, Shan races, Shan Si, province, Shan Tung, province, Shang dynasty, Shang, principality, Shang Ti, title, Shanghai, modern, Shao, Duke of (in Yen), Shao-hing, modern, Sheba, Queen of, Shen-wu, Mikado (see Jimmu), Shen Si, province, Shi-ki, history, Shintoe ritual, Shipbuilding, Shipping, early, Shou-meng, King of Wu, Shrines, Shuh Hiang, statesman, Shuh, state, Shun, Emperor, Siam, Siang, Emperor, Siang-yang city, Siberia, Sin, idea of, Si-ngan Fu, Sinim, land of, Si-ning, locality, Silk, Silk industry, Silk, writing on, sisters as joint wives, Siwangmu, country and ruler, Six Kingdoms, Six states (south), slavery, smearing blood, smearing lips with blood, Solstices, Son of Heaven, Songs, 154 (see Odes), Soochow city, Soochow Creek, Soothsayers, Soul, the, Soeul (Corea), South, facing, South China, South Sea, South Sea Islands, Southern Yueeh, Sovereign quality, Spanish parallels, Spinning, Spirits, (see Wine), Spirits and ghosts, Spiritual power, Sport, Spring and Autumn Annals, Spring functions, Standards, See Flags States, size of, Statesmen, intimacy of, Statistics, absence of, Stone documents, Stone drums, Struggle for empire, Succession questions, Sii Chou, Suicide, Sultans of Turkey, Sun, facing the, Sun, movements of, Sung as Protector, Sung, state, Sung's diplomatic position, Supernatural agencies, Superstition, Surnames, Surveys, Su Ts'in, diplomatist, Swords, Sz, the River, Sz Ch'wan history, Sz Ch'wan, province, Sz-ma Kwang, Sz-ma Ts'ien,
Tablets, ancestral, Tablets, documentary, See Documents Tabu, T'ai Hu, lake, T'ai-p'ing rebels, T'ai-shan, mountain, Ta-liang, capital, Tan, historiographer, Tan-yang, locality, T'ang dynasty, Tao, or the way, Taoists, Tarim valley, Tartar advisers, "Tartar," ambiguity of word, Tartar cart-houses, Tartar Emperors, Tartar Empire, Tartar-Generals, Tartar kings, Tartar pedigrees, Tartar treaties, Tartar wives, Tartars, Tartars annexed, Tartars kill Emperor, Tartars, Northern, Tartars, Western, Tartary, Tattooing, Taxation, Tea, Teh-an, locality, Temple of Heaven, Temples in China, See Ancestral Teng, state, Tenshi, or T'ien-tsz, Territorial names, Teutonic migrations, Theatricals, Thicket country, See King Tho, people, Three Miao, Three Tsin, Ti, the word, or Emperor, Tibet, Tibetans, T'ien (disguised form of Ch'en) family, T'ien H&g, Tientsin, modern, Tillage, (see Agriculture), Tin Islands, Titles of vassal rulers, Tobacco, Tombs, Tombs, ancient, Tombs, desecration of, Tombs of Emperors, Tones, Chinese, Tonic languages, Tonquin, Tonquin, early relations with, Tortoises, T'ouman, personal name, Tower of Babel, Trade, Traditions, Treaties, Treaties, Chinese vassal, Treaties, faithlessness to, Treaties, Tartar, Tribute, Tribute of Yii, Triennial homage, Tripods, Nine, Trophies, war, Tropics, Ts'ai, state, Tsaidam, Ts'ao Wen-chung, statesman, Ts'ao, state, Ts'ao-thou Fu, Tschepe, Father, S. J., Ts'i a Tartar power, Ts'i and Tsin cooperation, Ts'i and Ts'u wars, Ts'i-nan Fu, Ts'i revolution, Tsi, River, Ts'i, state, Ts'i's gay capital, Ts'i's hegemony, Ts'i's hospitality, Ts'i's luxury, Tsin and Ts'i wars, Tsin and Ts'in wars, Tsin and Ts'u wars, Tsin, extension of, Tsin, half Tartar, T'sin, history of, Tsin, New, Tsin, Old, Tsin, state, Tsin, Three, Tsin's division, T's'in and Tsin wars, T's'in and Ts'u cooperation, T's'in empire, T's'in history, T's'in not literary, Ts'in Protector, Ts'in, state, Ts'in's isolation, Ts'in's kindness to Tsin, Ts'in's Tartar blood, Ts'ing-chou Fu, Ts'ing-tao, See Kiao Chou Tso Chwan, history, Tso K'iu-ming, historian, Ts'u a literary state, Ts'u and Ts'i wars, Ts'u and Tsin wars, Ts'u and Ts'in straggle for empire, Ts'u and Wu wars, Ts'u as a suzerain, Ts'u as Protector, Ts'u extinguishes Lu Ts'u, foreign blood Ts'u, progress of Ts'u, state (see Jungle) Tsushima Tsz-ch'an Tsz-chi T'ung-kien, History T'ung-thou Fu Tung-t'ing Lake Tunguses Tun-hwang, locality Turfan, locality Turkestan Turkestan, Early travels to Turks Turning-points in history Turtles Twelve mansions Twelve Tables Tyrants, Five, See Protectors
Ultima Thule Uncle, political status of Urumtsi, locality Usury Uviet (see Yiieh)
Valuables Varnish for writing Vassal princes Vassals, barbarous Vicar of God Victims in sacrifice Victory, praying for Vietnam, See Yiieh Viscounts Voltaire on Chinese eclipses Vows, See Oaths and Sanctions
Wagner Wall, Great Walls of cities Wanderings of Second Protector Wang, title War, See Warfare War-chariots War, etiquette of Warfare, Chinese Warrior King, See Martial King Water-courses Wealth, ideas of Wei (Ngwei), state Wei Kiang (of Tsin) Wei, River Wei, state Wei, Valley Wei Yang, statesman Heights and Measures Wei-hai-wei Wei-hwei Fu W&chow Wen Wang Western filtration of ideas Western marches of China Wheelbarrows Widows William HI. of England Wine Wives, classes of Wizards Wo, name for Japanese Women, position of Worship or sacrifice Writing, ancient Writing brush Writing modified Writing unknown to Tartars, etc. Written characters Wu and Ts'u wars Wu and Ytieh wars Wu as Protector Wu extinguished Wu, state "Wu," the word Wu's pedigree Wu's progress Wuhu, modern Wu-sih, locality Wusung River Wu Wang
Ya-chou Fu Yamagata, Prince or Duke Yamens Yang Chou, province Yangchow Yang-tsz, joined to Hwai Yang-tsz, mouths of Yang-tsz, River Yao, Emperor Year, the Yellow River as boundary its early course its later courses its lower course its northern bank Tartars its northern bend its southern bend Yen, state of Yen-tsz, philosopher Yih-ch'eng, locality Ying, clan-name Yu, Emperor Yii, Emperor Yii Chou, locality Yue-yueeh, See Uviet Yiian Shi-k'ai, Viceroy Yiieh, Shan Tung capital of Yiieh as Protector Yueeh destroys Wu Yiieh, Southern Yiieh, state Yiieh, the Hundred Yung-ning, locality Yuen Nan, province
Zodiac Zoroaster