An Introductorie for to Lerne to Read, To Pronounce, and to Speke French Trewly
Author: Anonymous
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Page 891


Page 892


L'auteur de cette Grammaire ayant apporte un soin extreme a marquer la prononciation par l'accent, on a du s'attacher a reproduire scrupuleusement les accents du texte original.

Mais il faut savoir que Du Guez, par un systeme particulier, emploie l'accent place sous la voyelle. Nous avons reporte l'accent au-dessus, conformement a l'usage moderne.

Cette substitution a d'autant moins d'inconvenient, que nulle part Du Guez n'emploie l'accent superieur; par consequent, il n'y a point de confusion a craindre. C'est un tres-petit detail dont il suffit que le lecteur soit averti.

F. G.

Page 893


[Sidenote: [written vertically] GILES DU WES]

Grace of God that I love so moche G race de Dieu que jayme tant

I your requier ryght humbly I e uous requier treshumblement

the gift of love without any further L e don damour sans plus auant

of it to make any refuce E n faire aulcun refusement

If ye do fynde in any wise S e uous trouues aulcunement

of me service, but in trouth D e moy seruice quen loyaulte

I gyve you leve utterly U ous habandonne entierement

to wyll at all at your wyll U oulloir du tout a uoulente

toward me to use of great rigour U ers moy user de grant rigeur

and me to banysshe from all good hap E t me bannir de tout bon heur

without more of me to have pite. S ans plus de moy auoir pite.

Sola salus seruire Deo, sunt cetera fraudes.

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For the honour of Mary Pour lhonneur de Marye

God doughter to saynt Mary filleule a saynte Marye

virgin and mother Jesu Christ vierge et mere Jhesuh Crist

have these verses ben written. ont ces verse este escripts.


glasse mesure shewynge mirouer mesure monstrant

lenyng lovynge fulfilled appuis amoureus assouuie

rose redde well smellyng rose rouge redolente

that can nat vade yonge jolie inmarcessible jeune jolie

amonge chosen exellente entre eslytes exellente

for ever more be ye blessyd. a tousjours mais soyez benye. Amen.


How beit that I do nat, nat knowe how that many as well lerned in good Combien que ne ignore point que pluisieurs tant qualifiez es bonnes

lettres as also well spoken in the frenche tonge (at the lest nat beyng lectres come aussy elegant en la langue francoise (au moins pour non estre

naturall and borne of the lande and countrey) have composed, and written rules and naturel et natif du territoire et pais) ont composes et escripz regles et

principles for introduction in the sayd tonge the whiche par aventure, as principes pour introduction en la dicte langue les quelz peult estre, come

witnessed saint Hierome to Paulin, have tought before that they have ben tiesmoigne saint Hierome a Paulin, ont ensegnes auant que auoir este

conynge, for how beit that arte is folower of nature folowyng her right nygh, scauantz, car ja soit que art soit imitatrice de nature lensuiuant de bien pres,

Page 895

yet neuerthelesse can nat she ouertake her. Wherfore the sayd composytours sy ne la peult elle toutefois aconsuiuir. Pourquoy les ditz compilateurs

all togyder leanyng to the same ben by nature in sondrie places checked reproued du tout adherens a icelle sont par nature en diuers lieux cancelles repris

and corrected. Shulde it nat seme a thynge selde and strange to se a Frenchman et corrigez. Ne sembleroit ce point chose rare et estrange ueoir ung Francois

endeuoir and inforce himself to teche unto the Germayns the langage of Almaine: se ingerer et efforcer dapprendre aux Allemans la lange tyoise,

ye and that more over is, upon the same to compyle rules and principles, how beit uoire et qui plus est, sur icelle composer regles et principes, combien

that agaynst me and my reason some body myght say, that one que contre moy et ma rayson quelque ung pourroit dire que on

shulde fynde no body whiche shulde teche Hebreu, Greke, nor Laten, if it were nat laufull ne trouueroit ame qui ensegneroit Hebrieu, Grec, ne Latin, sil ne loisoit

to any body so to do but to him which shulde have it of nature: to whom I a auscun de ce faire sinon a celui qui laroit de nature: a quoy je

answere that it is another thyng to teche and instruct by the principles respons que cest aultre chose densegner et daprendre par les principes

and reules made by divers well expertz auctours, by great space and longe proces et regles faictz par diuers expertz aucteurs, par interualle et diuturnite

of longe tyme well approved, than at the fyrst metyng and nat havyng a de long temps bien approuueez, que de premiere abordee et nauoir ung

language but meanely and as a thynge borowed to be wyllyng by and by langage que moienement et come par emprunt, en uoulloir cy pris cy mis,

nat only instructe the others, but also to compyle upon the same reules non seullement ensegner les aultres, mais aussy composer sur ce regles

certayne, the whiche doyng is nat graunted but unto ryght few of them whiche infallibles, ce que scauoir faire nest ottroie a bien peu de ceulz qui

ben borne of the sayd langage, for touchyng my self to whom the sayd sont mesme natif du dict langage, car touchant moy mesmes a qui la dicte

tonge is maternall or naturall, and whiche by the space of therty yeres langue est maternelle ou naturelle, et qui par lespase de trente ans

and more have besyed me how beit that I am ryght ignorant, to teche et plus me suis entremis (combien que soie tres ignorant) densegner

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and instruct many great princes and princesses, as to decessed of et apprendre pluisieurs grandz princes et princesses, comme a feu de

noble and recomended memory the prince Arthur, the noble kyng Henry noble et recommandee memoire le prince Arthur, le noble roy Henry

for the present prosperously regnyng, to whom God gyve lyfe perpetuall: pour le present prospereusement regnant, a qui Dieu doint uie perpetuelle:

the quenes of France and Scotlande, with the noble marquis of Excestre, les roynes de France et dEscosse, auec le noble marquis dExcestre, etc.

for the whiche thynge to fulfyll I have done my power and dever to serche pour la quelle chose accomplir jay fait mon pouoir et debuoir de perscruter

and seke all that which hath semed me to this purpose te serve: I have nat nevertheless et cercher tout ce qui ma semble a ce propos seruir: sy nay je toutesfois

founde rules infallybles, bycause that it is nat possyble to fynde any peu trouver regles infalibles, pour ce quil nest possible de telles les

suche, that is to say, suche whiche may serve without any faulte, as do trouuer, cest a dire, telles que puissent seruir infalliblement, comme font

the rules compiled for to lerne Laten, Greke and Hebreu and other suche les regles composeez pour apprendre Latin, Grec et Hebrieu et autres telz

languages: the whiche nevertheless the sayd compilatours have overtaken, langages: ce que neantmoins les ditz compilateurs ont entrepris

te the ende that I ne say presumed to do, how beit they have nat ben but lytell (affin que ne die presumes) de faire, ja soit quilz naient este que petit de

tyme to lerne it, but now beit so that suche rules and techyng ben temps a laprendre, mais or soit ainsy que telz regles et ensegnementz soient

sufficient and farre above my workes, by cause nevertheless that tressuffisans et loing par desus mes oeuures, pour ce toutes fois que

now natwithstandyng myn ignorancy, I am agayne by my most redoubted maintenant (nonobstant mon ignorance) suis derechief (par mon tres redoubte

lorde and prince the kynge above named, ordayned to administre myn accustomed seigneur et prince le roy dessus nomme) ordonne dadministrer mon accoustume

poore and unworthy servyce to most illustre, ryght exellente and ryght poure et indigne seruice a tres illustre, tres exellente et tres

vertuouse lady my lady Mary of Englande his ryght entierly well beloved uertueuse dame ma dame Mary dEngleterre sa tres entierement bien aymee

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doughter, the whiche right specially and straytly hath me commanded and fille, laquelle tres especialement et estroitement ma comande et

encharged to reduce and to put by writtynge the maner how I have proceded encharge de reduire et mectre par escript la maniere coment jay procede

towarde her sayd progenitours and predecessours, as that same also by the which enuers ses dictz progeniteurs et predecesseurs, come celle aussy par la quelle

I have her so so taught, and do teche dayly whiche to refuse, je lay tellement quellement instruit, et instruis journellement, ce que refuser

nat withstandynge the reasons above sayd alleged, I durst nat, nor wolde nat (nonobstant les raisons dessus dictes alleguee) noseroie ne uouldroie,

how beit that I am ryght well assured to merite more for and by cause of myn combien que soie tres asseure de plus meriter pour et cause de mon

obedience than by any seruice or sacrifyce that to her I may do, fulfyllyng obedience que par aulcun seruice ou sacrifice que luy puisse prester, accomplissant

her most noble and gracious comandement, gratious say I, by cause son tresnoble et gracieux comandement, gracieus dis je, pour ce

that her beniuolence and good wyll is to proffite to others as to que sa beniuolence et bon uoulloir est de prouffiter aux aultres come a

herselfe, wherfore I supplie and require all reders the causes and reasons elle mesme, pourquoi je suplie et requier tous lecteurs les causes et raisons

aboue sayd contempled and consydered to have me for to be excused, and ther dessus dictes contempleez et considereez mauoir pour excuse, et la

where they shall se the good Homer have ben aslepe to be wyllyng by good maner ou ilz verront le bon Homere auoir dormy le uoulloir par bonne maniere

to wake him, in correctyng the fautes in the whiche by cause of the same he is esueiller en corrigeant les faultes esquelles a cause de ce il est

fallin, the whiche doyng they shall deserve nat only to be lauded and praysed, encouru, ce que faisantz ilz meriteront nonseullement destre loues et prises,

but also in theyr workes and operations taxed and estimed of maner mais aussy en leurs euures et operations taxes et estimes de maniere

lyke, and to the same answeryng. reciprocque et corespondent.


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This lytle worke shalbe devided in two bokes, wherof the fyrst shal have two partes.

In the fyrst part shalbe treated of rules, that is redyng frenche, and what letters shall be lefte unbesounde, and the cause therof.

The seconde parte shalbe of nownes, pronownes, adverbes, participles, with verbes, prepositions, and conjunctions.

Also certayne rules for conjugations.

Item fyve or six maners of conjugations with one verbe.

Item conjugations with two pronownes and with thre and fynally combining or joinyng II verbes togeder.

The second boke shall be of lettres missyves in prose and in ryme.

Also diuerse comunications by way of dialoges, to receyve a messager from the emperour, the frenche kynge, or any other prince.

Also other comunications of the propriete of mete, of love, of peas, of warres, of the exposicion of the masse, and what mannes soule is, with the division of tyme, and other conseites.



The thynges that directely expressed maye nat be ought to be declared Les choses qui a droit exprimer ne se peuuent doibuent estre declareez

by syncopation of sylence, by cause that by sylence one doth answer to many par sincopacion taciturne, pour ce que par silence on respond a pluisieurs

thynges. Syncopation is none other thyng but abreviation of length, and prolixite choses. Sincopation nest aultre chose quabreuiacion de prolixite, et prolixite

is superfluitie of wordes in declarying a thyng. Wherfore in all est superfluite de paroles en declarant une chose. Pourquoy en toutes

workes one ought to be shorte. We shall begynne this boke than in the name oeuures on doibt estre brief. Nous commencerons ce liure doncques ou nom

of God all mighty and shall ende it with the helpe of hym, procedyng by the de Dieu tout puissant et lacheuerons a laide diceluy, procedant par le

counsayle of Orace, whiche is as shorte as possible shalbe. conseil dOrace, qui est le plus brief que possible sera.

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THE FYRST is howe the fyve vowels, that is to saye a, e, i, o, and v, shalbe sounded in redyng french.

Ye shal pronounce your a, as wyde open mouthed as ye can; your e, as ye do in latyn, almost as brode as ye pronounce your a in englysshe; your i, as sharpe as can be; o, as ye do in englyssh, and v after the Skottes, as in this worde gud. These fyve uowels be consonantes when they receyve nat their full sounde, as in this worde jamais the fyrst a is a uowell, and the seconde is a consonant.

Example of e, as deite and mageste, where bothe ees of deite be uowels, and the fyrst of mageste is a consonant and the seconde is a uowell. Wherfore ye shall understande that the moste parte of ees in french be consonantes, save fewe with suche wordes as come out of latyn. Example of me, the, hym, that, of, the, do, to say, to put, oure, your,

consonantes me, te, se, que, de, le, faire, dire, mectre, nostre, vostre,

wher is never a uowel. All the ees that shalbe uowels in this present boke shalbe marked as the dyptong is in latyn, thus e.


Also in redyng frenche ye shall leave the last letter of every worde unsounde, endyng in s, t, and p, save of the same worde wherupon ye do pause or rest, for if ye do pronounce every worde by hymselfe, that is to say, restyng upon the same, ye ought for to pronounce and sounde him thorowe. And if any word endyng with an s, have the next worde folowyng begynning with a uowell, than shall ye sounde the said s, lyke a z,

never others

as in these wordes jamais aultres ye shal rede jamaiz aultre, as it were but one worde, but if the next worde commyng after the s be a consonant, than shall the said s remayne unsounde, as in these wordes jamais nares, (never shall ye have) the s of jamais shall nat be sounde. Provyded alwayes, as is sayde before, that ye do nat pause nor rest upon the worde, for so doyng ye must sounde it parfitely.


Whan one worde doth ende with a uowell, and the next folowyng after

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begyn with another, than the fyrste shalbe unsounde, as in these wordes, but in you I me have I the have I him have _que en uous_, ye shall rede _quen uous_, and _je me ay_, _je te ay_, je le ay_, ye shall rede _je may_, _je tay_, _je lay_, and so of all suche lyke, excepte some wordes whiche be nat used in Fraunce, as _tu as_, _thou hast_. Where bothe uowels must be sounde, howbeit the Picardes sounde it after the sayd rule, sayeng _tas_ for _tu as_, _tes_ for _tu es_, thou arte. And if ye fynde two _ees_ endynge and begynnynge a worde, ye shall leave the tone, as in these it is with the well wordes, _il te est bien_, ye shall rede _il test bien_. And of _e_, and _a_, as in these wordes _que a_, but te, ye shall rede _qua_. Of _e_, and _o_, as in these wordes, _que on_, but one, ye shal rede _quon_. Of _a_ and _o_, as in these wordes, _pourra on_, may one, ye shall rede _pourran_. And in lyke maner of all other of that termynation.


An s, in the begynnynge of a worde hath his full sounde, as dothe wyse wylde appere by these wordes folowyng, sage, sauuage, sapient, etc. but in the myddes beynge eyther before a consonant or a uowell, shall be sounded I sayde I dyd I brake I holde peace. lyke a z, as in these wordes disoie, faisoie, brisoie, taisoie, etc.


Whan st dothe come togider in a worde hauing a uowell before it, than the sayde s shall remayne unsounde, but it shall encreace the sounde of to wast to taste to haste, the sayde uowell, as in these wordes gaster, taster, haster, ye shall rede gaater, taater, haater.

myne hoste come agayne anone And mon hoste reuenes tantost: ye shall rede mon hoote reuenes tantoot: ye shall nevertheles except al those that be nyghe the to protest to shewe latyn, as protester, manifester, contester, to withstande: and suche lyke, whiche must have the sayd s, well and parfitly sounded and pronounced, for it is nat possyble to fynde a rule so generall and infallible to serue for euery worde as was said aboue in the prologue.


There is in french dyuers wordes, whiche for denotation or signifycation

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of plurarite dothe ende with an s, or with a z, for without he same they be synguler nombre, as these wordes and such lyke worde fyste write a lefe mot, puing, escript, feullet, whiche be all synguler nombres: and if ye do adde a z, at the latter ende of them, than are they plurell nombres, as motz, puingz, escriptz, feulletz: and than shall ye nat sounde the letter before the sayd z, redynge mos, puins, feulles. And lyke wise whan a worde hath a p, or b, in the myddes endyng the syllable, ye shall leaue them unsounde, as in these wordes and

dewtie dette to write suche lyke, debuoir, debte, escripre: ye shal rede deuoir, det, escrire. But whan they do begyn the worde or the syllable, than shall they be pronounced, putte away debated to breke as these wordes, deboute, debatu, debriser, etc.


There is two maner of wordes harde for to be pronounced in french. The fyrst is written with a double ll whiche must be souned togider, as lla, lle, lly, llo, llu, as in these wordes, gave cutte gader lefe bayly fayle bailla, tailla, ceulle, feulle, bally, fally,

white knele a tymer hamer full of leaves moullet, engenoullet, mallot, feullu, houllu.

The seconde maner harde to pronounce ben written with gn, before a uowell, as gna, gne, gni, gno, gnu. As in these wordes wan dyd blede lyne combe vyne scabbe felowe gagna, saigna, ligne, pigne, uigne, tigne, compagne,

swell wanton wanton laigne, mignon, mignarde,

ye shal except many wordes that be so written and nat so pronounced, endyng specially in e, as worthy swanne hyghe corage digne, cigne, magnanime, etc. They that can pronounce these wordes in latyn after the Italians maner, as (agnus, dignus, magnus, magnanimus) have bothe the understandyng and the pronouncynge of the sayde rule and of the wordes. Ye shall fynde many suche among the nownes, uerbes, and adverbes that herafter be folowynge, the whiche shall have the double l, thus written ll, besyde the word and gn, besyde the tother.


the heed or chyfe le chief

the scoull la teste

the heeres les cheueulz

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womens heares les tresches

the busshe la cheuelure

the perwyke la perrucque

the heares ll. la cheuechalle

the forhed le front

the temples les temples

the browes les sourcilz

the visage le visage

the berde la barbe

the face le viaire

the face la face

the eye or eyes loeul

the eyes les yeux

the lydde la paulpiere

the lyddes les paulpieres

the ball of the eye la pupille

the nose le naes

the nose thrilles ll. les narilles

the chekes les joes

the nether chekes les bajoes

the eare loreille

the eares les oreilles

the mowth la bouce

beastes mowthe la geule

the lyppes les leures

the tonge la langue

the rouf of the mowth le palais

or ou palet

the teeth les dentz

the gommes les genciues

the jaws les machoires

the inward jawes les mandibulles

the chynne le menton

the throte bo?te le gosier

the gorge la gargate

the gorge la gorge

the necke le col

the knot of the neck le neu du col

the hole of the necke la fosse du col

the kenel of the necke la canol du col

the sholder lespaule

the armes les bras

the elbowe la coude

the elbowes les coudes

the fyste le puing

the fystes les puingz

the hande la main

the handes les mains

the bat of the hande le dos de la main

the balle of the hande la paulme

the balles les paulmes

the finger le doigt

the fingers les doigz

the thombe le poulce

the thombes les poulces

the jointe la joincte

the joyntes les joinctes

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the naile longle

the nayles les ongles

the brest la poictrine

the forke of the brest la fourcelle

the breste la mamelle

the brestes les mamelles

the body le corps

the wast le fauz du corpz

the holes under the armes les esselles

the bely le uentre

the nauyl le nombril

the backe le dos

the chyne leschine

the rayns les rains

the buttockes les fesses

the buttocke la fesse

the hippe la hanche

the hippes les hanches

the grynes les ames

the nether beerde la penilliere

the thighe la cuisse

the thighes les cuisses

the knee le genouil

the knees les genoulz

the hamme le jaret

the hammes les jaretz

the legge la jambe

the legges les jambes

the chyne boone la greue

or the backe of ou le dos de

the legge la jambe

the calfe of the legge le pomeau

the ancle ll. la cheuille

the ancles ll. les cheuilles

the hele le talon

the foote le pied

the feetes les piedz

the back of the foote le dos du pied

the soole la plante

the sooles les plantes

the great too le graunt orteil

the toes les orteilz


the braine le cerueau

the hering louye

the sight la ueue

the smellyng lolfact

the smellyng le flairer

the taste le goust

the telynge le taste

the chawyng le macer

the swalowyng lauailer

the hert le ceur

the stomake lestomac

the galle le feil

the leuer le foie

the lyver le gisier

Page 904

the longe le poulmo

the mylte lesplene

or the mylte ou la rate

or mylte ou ratelle

the bledder la uessie

the kydneys gn. les rognons

the uryne lurine

the guttes les boiaulz

the small guttes les intestins

thinward part of the bely ll. les entrailles

the gader la coree

the blode le sang

the coller la colere

the melancoly la melencolie

the fleame le flegme

the senewes les nerfz

the ueynes les uaines

the ueynes of the puls les arteres

the pulse le pulse

the rybbes les costes

the bones les os

the brethe lalaine

the spyttell la saliue

the spyttyng le crachat


the soule lame

the spyrite lesperit

the wytte le sens

the wyll le uoullior

the wyll la uoullente

the rayson la raison

the memory la memoire

the understandyng lentendement

the thought la pensee

the ymagination limagination

the jugement le jugement

the opynyon lopinion

the stomake le courage

the hardynesse la hardiesse

the cowardnesse la couardise

feblenesse of corage la lachete

the feare la peur

the truthe la uerite

the leasyng le mensonge

the drede la crainte

the ferefulnesse lespouantement

the strength la force

the feblenesse la foiblesse

the mansuetude la debonairete

the angrefull disposition la felonie

the malyce la malice

the cruelnesse la cruaulte

the goodnesse la bonte

the frowardnesse la mauuaiste

the peace la paix

the rest le repos

the trouble le trouble

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the labour ll. le trauaill

the stedfastnesse la constance

the unstedfastnesse la uariablete

the hatered la hayne

the frendship lamitie

the joye la joye

the sorowe la tristesse

the heuynesse lennuy

the rejoysyng le rejouissement

the angre le corous

the sporte lesbatement

the wrath lire

the pacyence la pacience

the pride lorgeul

the mekenesse lhumilite

the envy lenuie

the charyte la charite

the dilygence la deligence

the lytell corage la pusillanimite

the glotony la glotonnie

the sobernesse la sobriete

lechery luxure

the chastyte la chastete

coueytyse conuoitise

lyberalytie liberalite

auaryce auarice

waste prodigalite

to go about rychesse ambicion

wylfull pouertie uoluntaire pourete

boostyng la uantance

presumptuous larrogance

the truthe in lyueng la preudomie

the falsehed la faulcete

the lyfe la uie

the dethe la mort

the youthe la jeunesse

the age ll. la uiellesse

the ignorauncy lignoraunce

the wysdome la sagesse

the byrth la neissance

the chyldhode lenfance

the feblenesse la debilite

the manhood la uirilite

the foulenesse la turpitude

the honeste lhonnestete

the insolency linsolence

the stablenes la fermete

the bondage la seruitude

the fredome la liberte

the honoure lhonneur

the shame la honte

the rychesse la richesse

the nedynes la pourete

the sikenes la maladie

the helth la sante

the pourete lindigence

the plente la plente

Page 906

the plenty labondance

the nigardnes la chicete

the rudenes la rudesse

the swyftness la promptitude

the inclynation la propension

facyle inclynation la procliuite

the desyre to slepe lassoupissement

the quyckenesse la uiuacite

the graunt lottroy

the denyeng le deniement

the heate la challeur

the coldnesse la froydure

the drynesse la seicheur

the moystnesse lhumidite

the laughyng le rire

the wepyng le plourer

the complaynyng le playndre

the lamentyng le lamenter

the yexyng le sanglouter

the neesyng lesternuer

the snowring le ronfler

the syghynges le souperer

syghes soupirs

the yexynges les sanglous

the spyttyng le cracher

to blowe the nose le moucher

the slepynge le dormir

the watchyng le ueillier

the slepe le sompne

the dreamyng le songer

the drinkyng le boire

the eatynge le menger

the sacyate le saoul

the hungry le familleus


the smocke le chemisse

the coler le colet

the sleves les manches

the gussettes le goucerons

the surfyls les ourletz

the seames les coustures

the kyrtell le corset

the krytell la cottelette

the petycote la cotte simple

the gowne la robbe

the placharde le placart

the cuffes les bonbardes

the purfyll la bordure

the lynynge la doublure

the furre la fourrure

the under gyrdell le demy chaint

the gyrdell la chainture

the purse la bourse

the pyncase lespinceau

or the case for pynnes ou lespinglier

the heed atayre lattour

the frenche hode le chapperon a plis

Page 907

the bonette le bonnet

the crispynes les crespines

the frontler of velvet ll. les beatilles

the templettes les templettes

the partelet le gorgias

the necke kerchef la colerette

the kercher le ceuurechief

the partelet le colet

the partelet le colier

the bracel le bracelet

the tache lesgrappe

the ringes les aneaulz

the owche la bague

to close the necke kercher ll. le fermall

a broche lafficque

an image limage

the gabardine la gauardine

the tipet la cornette

the cloke le manteau

the bone grace le moufflet

the knyves les coutteaus

the beedes les patenostres

the hande kercher lesmouchail

the hande kercher ou mouchoir

the lace le lacz

the small lace le lacet

the combe le pigne

the lye la lessiue

the gloves les gantz

the tymble le does

the nydel ll. lesguille

the pynnes les espingles

the brusshe to swepe les espoussettes, la uerge a esterdre

the hooses les chausses

the garters les jartiers

the pynson showes les eschapins

the showes les solies

the buskyns les brousequins

the slyppars les pantouffles

the sheres les forces

the small sheres ou forcettes


the sherte la chemisse

the doublet le pourpoint

the coote le seon or say

the jacquete la jacquete

the jacquete le hecqueton

the gowne la robbe

the partelet le colet

the hat le chapiau

lappe of man la tocque

the cappe le bonnet

the hoode le chaperon

the gyrdel la chainture

the sworde lespee

Page 908

the spanische sworde la rapiere

the dagar la dague

the bagge la gibessiere

the purse la louiere

the purse laulmoniere

the bootes les botes

the bootes les houseaus

the spores les esperons

the shylde lescu

the paueys la parme

a great buccler la taloche

the buccler le bouclier

the camell le camiau

the drommadary le dromadaire

the asse lasne

the horse le cheual

and all beestes et touttes bestes

bearyng sadyls portant selles

or fardels ou fardeau

or packes ou uoiture

have nede ont mestier

of packe sadyls or of de batz ou de

saddyls, the whiche selles, les quelles

have a pomell a pommeau

backe and boweth dos et archons

sursyngles soursangles

and pannels et paneaus

than the heed-stall, puis la testierre

reyne, and resne, et

byttes, make the mors, font la

bridell bride

the petrell le poitral

the gyrthes les sengles

the styroppes les estries

the styrop ledders les estriuieres

the crouper la croupiere

the buckeles les boucles

and the nayles et les clous

that one can nat quon ne peult

make nor forge faire ne forger

without the anuyle sans lenclume

the fyle the la lime, le

hammer marteau

the pyncettes ll. les tenailles

the coles les charbons

with the fyre auec le feu

ayre, water, and aire, eaue et

erthe, with the terre, auec le

smyth marechall

or locker ou serrurier


the bedde le lict

the bolster le trauersin

or the bolster ou le chauet

the pyllowes ll. les oreilliers

the blankettes les blanchetz

the shetes les linceulz

Page 909

the couerlette le couuertior

the sparuer le ciel

the sparuer ll. le pauillon

the curtyns les courtines

the hangyng la tapisserie

the carpettes les tapis uelus

the quyishens les carriaus

all one les coissins

the bedde portatyve le lict de camp

the bedstede le chalict

the borde la table

the trestels les tresteaus

the forme le banc

the chayres les chaieres

the stools les escabelles

the forte stoole le marce pied

the table cloth la nape

the napkyns les seruiettes

the salt le sel

the salt saler la saliere

the chafyng dysshe la chauffette

the spones les cuillieres

the trenchers les trenchoirs

the platters les platz

the dysshes les escuelles

the sawcers les saussiers

the bred le pain

the fleshe la cher

the butter le beurre

the chese le fromage

the egges les oeufz

the whyte wyn le uin blanc

the claret le claret

the rede darke ll. le uermeill

the wyne red le uin rouge

ypocras ypocras

the waffers les oubliez

the succades la succad

the confittes la dragerie

the confections les confitures

the coup borde le buffet

the pottes les potz

the flagons les flagons

the couppes les couppes

the boles les tasses

a genial name for cuppes les hanapz

the gobbelettes les gobeletz

the glasses les uoires

and the water et leau

for to washe them pour les rincer

the bacin le bacin

the ewer lesguiere


the mayster coke le sommelier

the yoman coke les cuisinies

gromes of the kechin uarletz de cuisin

turne broches les galopins

Page 910

the pottes les potz

the pannes les poelles

the caudrons les chaudrons

the spyttes les hastiez

the spyttes les broches

the morters les mortiers

the pestels les pestiaus

the serces les tamis

the stamels les estamines

the instrument for to larde le lardeur

the bacon le lard

the mustarde la moustarde

the grene sauce la sausse uerde

the gambon le jambon

the befe le beuf

the bull le tor

the cowe la uache

the calfe, vele le ueau

the mutton le mouton

the sholder lespoule

the gygot, a brest le gigot

the chyne leschine

the rybbes les costes

the necks le colet

the trotters les trottins

the lambe gn. lagneau

the heed la teste

the gader or nombles la couree

the skynne la piau

the ramme le belin

the ewe la brebis

the he gotte le bouc

the she gotte la chieuure

the swyne or hogge le pourceau

the boore le uerrart

the boore le uer

the wylde boore le senglier

the sowe la truye

the pygge le cochon


the egle laigle

gerfaucon gerfau

the tercell gerk

sacres sacres

the tercell sacretz

falcons faulcons

the tercell tierceletz

lenners lainers

lanerettes laneretz

meryllons ll. esmerillons

hobbeys hobriaus

goshaukes austours

tercels tierceletz

uperhaukes esparuiers

muskettes mouchetz

crystrels cretreulles

the thrusshe mauluis

Page 911

the cocowe coucou

cocowe cocou

glede mellans

puttockes escoufles

the blewe kyte faulz perdrier

bussardes busartz

bruhiers bruhiers

greater than the egle uoultoires

the ducke oule le duc chahuan

the oule le chahuan

the lytell oule la chouette

the ravyn le corbiau

the crowe la cornaille

the highwale lespec

the unthatche le picmars

the dawe le canne

the pye la pie

the pye lagace

the jaye le jay

the henne la poulle

the henne le geline

the chekyns les poucins

the cocke le coc

the capon le chappon

the partryche la perdris

the yong partryches les pertriaus

the fesaunt le faisant

the dove le coulomb

the rynged dove le ramier

the stocke dove le creuset

the turtle dove la tourtrelle

the pygions les pigeons

the cormorande le cormorain

the wodcocke la becasse

the quayle la quaille

the larke lalouette

the plouuer le pluuier

the lapwyng le uaniau

the crane la grue

the bustarde lautarde

the pecoke le paon

the swanne le signe

the goose louoye

wylde souuage

tame domenche

the barnacle le barnacle

the gander le jar

the goslynges les oisons

the heyron le heron

the shoveler le trublet

theggret laigret

the byttour le buto

the storke la cigoin

the malarde le malard

the malarde le canart

the ducke la canne

the ducke lanette

Page 912

the ducklyns les annetons

the coote la joudelle

the coote la blarie

the teyle le cercelle

the starlyng lestourneau

the star lesprohon

the felde fare la griue

the osyll le merle

the sparowe le passereau

the sparowe le moisson

the fynche le pinchon

the blewe back and redbrest la pioue

the wagtayle la bergieronnet

the wagtayle le hochecul

the grene fynche le frion

the grene fynche la verdiere

the gold fynche la cardinotte

the lynnnet la linotte

the coldmouse la messange

the nyghtyngale gn. le rossignol

rocyn redbrest la robaille

the wrenne le rotelet


cherys cherises

small cherys guingues

great cherys gascongnes

small cherys merises

[something missing?] cormes

[something missing?] sorbes

raspyse franboises

gose berrys groiselles

strawberys freses

apples pommes

perys poires

plummes prunes

dampsons prunes de damas

peches pesches

mulberys moures

melons melons

gourdes gourdes

coucumbers coucombres

granades grenades

orenges orenges

openarses mesles

medlers neffles

chestayns gn. chatangnes

walnottes nois

fylberdes nois franches

small nottes noisettes


custardes dariolles

flawnes flans

tartes tartes

pasteys pastes

frytters bignetz


the harte le cerf

Page 913

the hynde la biche

the bucke le dain

the doe la daine

the robucke le saillant

the robucke la capreolle

the robucke le cheuriau

the hare le leure

the watte le leurart

the conys les connis

the rabettes les lapriaus

the rabettes les lapins


alose or shaddes aloses

eeles ll. anguilles

whelkes balaines

barbyls barbeaus

base bars

breames bresmes

pykes brocetz

carpes carpes

haddockes cableaus

myllers thombes caboceaus

congers congres

coccles cocques

crabbes crabbes

dogge fysshe chien de mer

cheuyns chieuennes

shrimpes creuettes

porpasse daulphin

sturgyons esturgeons

smeltes espelans

creuice deau douce escreuice

goienne gougeons

crevyce of the see houmars

whyte heryng harenc blanc

reed heryng harenc sor

lampreys lamproiez

loches loches

makerell macreaus

muskels moulles

whytynges melans

mullettes muletz

the see swyne marsouin

oysters hiutres

perches perces

plaise plais

ray or thornbacke rayes

roches roches

husses roussettes

rochettes rougetz

salmons saulmons

solles solles

tonyne toninnes

tenches tences

gournardes tumbes

trowtes treute

turbottes turbot

Page 914

menews uerron

[something missing] uendoise


the almande tre amandier

thelder aulne

hau thorne bearing aubespin portant

the beris curelles

wodde, tymber bois, fust

tymber fewell mairien laigne

fagottes faceaus, fagotz

logges huches

kyndlyng fagottes bourreez

barberis barberis

boxe buis

heyth bruiere

busshes buissons

byrche bouill

a place full of hasels couldrieres

hasell couldre

chestayne tree chataignier

chery tree cherisier

honysocle tre eiebrou

all one chieurefeul

tyller of a crosbowe cormier

cornus ll. cornillier

oke beryng chesnes portant

acornes glandz

cipre tree cipres

quyne aple tre coingz

palmier datiers

maples errables

thornes blacke espines noire

and whyte et blanche

eglentine esglentier

biche or the tre fou ou haitre

that beareth qui porte

the maste foynes

figge tre figuier

raspis tre francboisier

ashe fresne

small chery tre guinguier

the same agayne badeolier

wylde cherys merisier

great chery tre gascongnier

gowsbery tre groiselier

grenade tre grenadier

browme genistres

the pocke tre gaiaqz ou eban

holy or holme houll

jue yerre

jenoper jenopure

ewe iff

firres or gost songniarins ou rauenelles

the bay tre laurier

more bery tre mourier

medler meslier

Page 915

opyners tre nefflier

walnot tre noier

basels noisiers

oliue tre oliuiers

wylows or osiers osiers

orange tre orengiers

elmes ourmes

aple tre pommiers

peerre tre poiriers

plomme tre pruniers

peche tre peschiers

pinaple tre pins

plane planes

poplar tre poupeliers

rosiers rosiers

breeres rouces

rosmarie rosmarins

fyrs sapins

the place of wilowes saussoie

wylowes saus

serues tre seruiers

elder tre sehuc

aspes trembles

tron a lytell tre trosne

vynes uignes

cornes bledz

whette fourment

rye seigle

daruell iuraie

all one jargerie

all one or zizany droe

ootes auaine

barley myll orge myll

beanes febues

peeses pois

great peeses cices

small peeses ll. lentilles

small beanes lupins

all one lobis

ryse riez

fetche uesche

hempe sede canebuise

line side linuuy

rape side nauette

mostard syde senneue

strawe estrain

straw or hay feurre

hey foyn

litter or chaff paille

pease strawe pesas

mele flour farine fleur

branne tercou

alle one son

trowgh mayt

paste levyn paste leuain

to knede pestrir

ouuen four

Page 916

to put in the ouuen enfourner

{ white { blanc { brede { black pain { bis { { brown { brun


the great master le grand maistre

the steward le maistre dhostel

the great chamberlayn le chambrier

the second chamberlin le chamberlain

the cuppe bearer le echanson

the seuer le pannetier

sergeantes officers le somellier

master of horses le grant escuier

the squier under him lescuier descurie

the great hownter le grant ueneur

the master of hawkes le grant faulconner

the master of the forest le verdier

the see la mer

of the see la marinne

of the see in the masculin marin

the tyde maree

springe sourjon

springe sourse

fountayne fontaine

riuer riuiere

the shawre riue

a furde le gue

the poole le uiuier

the great poole lestant

the hole la fosse

the dykes les fosses

the broke le rieu

the broke or chenell le ruisseau

cysterne citerne

a shyppe nauire

a barge nef

a shyppe bote scaffe

a lytell bote nacelle

a ferry bote bac

a square bote bacquet

a lytell barge chalan

all one santine

a whery cymbe

to suche flocke a tel aumaille

suche shepherde tel bergier

{ of shepe { de brebis { flocke { of gotes ung { de chieures tropeau { { of kyne { de uaches { { of mares { de jumentz

stoude of stalons haras des talons

of coltes de poulains


a man dothe syng ung homme chante

an asse ung asne recane

a cowe lowes une uache mugist

a shepe bletes une brebis beste

a wolfe and a ung loup et ung

Page 917

dogge houles chien hulent

the cat and the lyon le chat et le lion

grynneth groulent

a hogge ung pourceau

groneth grongne

a chorle hommeth ung uillain

or grudgeth hongne

a dogge barketh ung chien abaie

a foxe and ung renart et

an otter panteth ung putois glatissent

the serpentes hysses les serpens siblent

the byrdes les oiseauz

chermes and chattereth jargonent et degoisent

the man is well lhomme est bien

shaped, that hath the fourme, qui a le

troncke ryght, and the tronc droit, et le

remenaunt lyke tige semblable

longe long, longue

shorte court, courte

brefe brief, briefue

great grand, grande

groose gros, grosse

dimynutyve groset, grossette

small or sclender gresle

fatte gras, grasse

thynne delie tenue

small menu menue

thycke espes espesse

thycke or rype drue drue

lyght legier legiere

hevy pesant pesante

holowe creu creuse

hole or sounde entier entiere

solude massif massifue

streyght estroit estroite

large large largeur

ynough plente

all one prou

plentie foison

inough asses

ynough lytell asses pou

all one asses petit

to moche trop

more lesse plus moins

nygarde escars, escarse

softe mol molle

harde dur dure duret durette

lyar menteur mentresse

swete douls doulce

bytter amer amere

bytternesse amertume

vyle ord orde

foule sal salle

spotted souille souillee

vyllayne villain villaine

craver truand truande

Page 918

begger belitre, belitresse

lepre pouacre infect

knave coquin coquine

begger kemand kemande

boy gyrle garcon garce

boy gyrle hardeau hardele

glotton gourmand gourmande

malapert cocard cocarde

lykerous friand friande

wanton mignon mignart

wanton woman mignarde

lyar mensongier mensongiere

jester bourdeur bourderesse

beggler trompeur trompeuse

jangler cacqueteur cacquetresse

reprover ramponeur ramponeresse

hore monger paillard

hore paillarde

hore monger ribauld

hoore ribaulde

hoore monger putier

hoore putain

baude macreau macquerelle

a thefe laron

a she thefe laronnesse


good morowe bon jour

good yere bon an

good evenyng bon vespre

good evyn bon soir

good nyght bonne nuyt

good meetyng bon encontre

good joye bon joie

Page 919

me good lyfe and longe me me bonne vie et longue me

the good fortune the te bonne fortune te

God hym gyve good prosperyte and to you him gyve God Dieu luy doint bonne prosperite et a vous luy doint Dieu

us well to prospere us nous bien prosperer nous

you good lucke you vous bon heur vous

them good begynnyng them leurs bon commencement leurs

good meane bon moien

good ende, and well to fynisshe bon fin, ou bien acheuer

well to lyve, well to dye bien uiure, bien mourir

good helthe bonne sante

paradyse at the ende paradis en la fin

the hole, or the fulfyllyng of your desyres lentier ou laccomplissement de vos desirs

God kepe, God blesse, God save, God gyde you. Dieu gart, Dieu benie, Dieu sauue, Dieu uous conduye.

God be within, God be your helpe, God be wyllynge to helpe you, God kepe you Dieu soit ceans, Dieu vous soit en aide, Dieu vous veulle aider, Dieu vous garde

from yvell and trouble, I bydde you farwell, God be with you, I take my leave of you, farwell de mal et dencombrier, a dieu vous dis, a dieu soiez, adieu sans adieu, adieu

tyll we se agayne. jusques au reueoir.

Page 920


Colour is lyght incorporate in a body visyble pure and clene. There Coulleur est lumiere incorporee en ung perspectif pur et nect. Ilz

ben two dyfference of perspectyves, the one is pure, separate of erthlynesse, sont deux difference de perspectifz, lung est pur, separe de terrestreite,

and the tother is spotted by the same and myxed lyght is devyded in et lautre est coinquine par icelle et mixtione lumiere est

four partes, that is to say clere, darke plentuous or scant, whiche is to understande quadri-partite, cest a dire clere, obscure habondante et rare, qui est a entendre

great or small. Wherfore it appereth that thre thynges dothe cause grande ou petite. Pourquoy il appert que trois choses causent

the essence of whythnesse, that is to say, clerenesse with habundaunce of the same, lessence de blancheur, cest a scauoir, clarte avec multitude dicelle,

and a body visyble clene and pure. And thre thynges lykewyse ben cause of et ung perspectif pur et nect. Et trois choses semblablement sont cause de

blacke colour, it is to say, lyght, darke with scarsnesse of it, and coulleur noir, cest a scauoir, lumiere, obscure auec paucite dicelle, et

perspectyve unclene. And by this is open the sayeng of Arystotell, and of Avenrois, perspectif impur. Et par ce est esclarcy le dict dAristote et de Avenrois,

whiche have put blacknesse for privation and whytnesse for habytude qui ont mis noircheur pour priuacion et blancheur pour habitude

or forme. And knowe ye that in these two colours lyeth all the others. ou forme. Et saches quen ces deux coulleurs gisent toutes les aultres.

mournyng blacke deul noir sable

mekenesse whyte sylver humilite blanc argent

pride reed orgeul rouge geule

love grene amoureus verd sinople

stedfast blewe constant bleu asure

Page 921

gyle darke blewe deception pers

werynes tawny fatygation taune

possessyon yelowe jouissance jaulne

hoope gray esperance gris

purple mageste pourple

blody colour cherite sanguin

vyolette trahison violet

flour of peche tree fleur de pescier

carnatyon dissymulation carnation

chaungeable changeant

pale pale darke colour pasle blesme obscur

deed colour horse flesshe coulleur morte cher de cheual


Out sette the hevynesse of slepe vayne and longe, a quyete slepe Hors mis lentommissement du somne vain et long, ung taisible dormir

is right necessary and delycious. est tres necessaire et delicieus.

A man doutfull and suspect of jelous is sone converted and tounred Ung homme doubteus et soupeconeus est tost conuerty et tourne

in smerte. en cusancon.

Page 922

A man alredy luke warme in deedly hete, kyndled of angre and Homme desja tiede en mortelle challeur, embrase de eorous et

madde of dispayre. forsene de desespoir.

A goodly lady, meke, trymmed, currteyse: damosell stedfast, symple, Dame gaillarde, benigne, cointe, courtoise: damoiselle constant, symple,

chaste, shamefast and honest. chaste, pudique et honeste.

A woman dishonest, redy to fall, shamelesse, wanton, subtyle, paynted Femme impudicque, lubricque, affrontee, mignarde, affaitee, fardee

and disceyvable. et rusee.

A gyrle havyng laughyng eyes, full of swete promyse, bearyng wytnesse Une garce aiant yeulx riantz, plains de doulx promettre, faisant foy

of a wanton wyll. dung voulloir feminin.

He is worthy of prayse, whiche enforceth him to gete by vertue greater Il est digne de louenge, qui senforce dacquerer par vertu plus haulte

lyght, for of it to sparcle the beames through all the worlde. lucence pour en espandre les rais par tout le monde.

It is folly to set our trust in thynges whiche shall fall sythe that we knowe Cest folie de nous fier ez choses qui cherront puisque cognoissons

selfely the soveraygne lyghtnesse to be darked of a lyght cloude. neiz les souuerains resplendisseurs estre obscurciez dune legiere nuee.

O fortune, sorowe encreasyng, and slombryng all delyces with great blame O fortune, doulleur aggrauant, et soupissant tous delices, a grant tort

a body by a lytell immoderate colere, doth angre hymself agaynst une personne par ung petit de colere immoderee, se indigne contre

his frende, at the lest without a faute goyng before. son amy, au moins sans prealable offence.

It is shame to a noble person with his strength to darke his honour Cest honte a une noble personne selon sa force obscurcir son honneur

by his shame. par ses hontes.

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If the humayne inclynation, whiche is wont for the most parte to refuse that Se lhumaine propension, qui seult pour la plus part refuser ce

which one to him doth ministre for most necessary, is nat somwhat restrayned, quon luy administre pour plus necessaire nest aulcunement cohibee,

scante shalbe able in any scyence to profyte. a paine pourra en aulcune science prouffiter.

We be right nygh clevyng the one to the other, bycause of naturall Nous sommes de pres adherentes les ung des aultres, a cause de naturalle

inclynation, specially havyng symilytude of maners togyder. procliuite, signament aiantz confirmite de meurs ensemble.

Those whiche by dignyties ben shewed above others ought to then sample Ceulz qui par dignites sont preeminence par dessus les aultres deueroient selon

of God, to put downe their pride and highnesse. Dieu, rabaisser leur crestes et haultesses.

To do the contrary is an infortunate accident springyng of malyce, and Faire au contraire est ung fortuit accident procedant de malice, et

yeldyng a man right dull, wherfore for nat to be gainsayeng and rendant ung homme fort empos, pour quoy pour non estre restif et

refusyng good counsayle: it is farre better to sustayne a good quarell, oppugnant bon conseil, trope mieulx vault soubstenir bonne querelle,

than to yelde hymselfe in suche trouble. que de soy rendre en telle berelle.

Pronownes devyded by the sixe articles of declynation, both synguler and plurell nombre. And these that ende in a, as ma, ta, sa, la, ben all feminyn. And all those that dothe ende in on, and in e, as mon, ton, son; me, te, se, le, ben all masculyne. And mien, tien, sien, synguler nombre and masculyn, miens, tiens, siens; mes, tes, ses, plurell nombre and masculyn. Mienne, tienne, sienne, singuler; miennes, tiennes, siennes, plurell nombre and feminyn. But there ben certayne names of the femynyn, whiche do requyre the pronownes masculyns that must be excepted, as mon ame, mon hotesse, and suche lyke: where both ame and hotesse ben femynyn gender, and mon he (she) masculyn. And me, te, se, ben indifferent, as in these wordes: il, (elle) sayth to me, he (she) saith to the, he (she) saith to him; me dit, il (elle) te dit, il (elle) se dit; where me, te, se, serve

Page 924 bothe for the masculyn and femynin. I, of me, to me, at me, o me, Je, de moy, a moy, a me, a moy, o moy, for me, to me, of me. pour moy, a moy, de moy. our, we, ours; of ours, to us, by Plurell, nos, nous, nostres; les nostres, a nous, par our. for Thou, of the, to the; by the: o thou, nos. O nous, o nos, pour nous. Tu, de toy, a toy; par te, par toy: o tu, o toy: by the. your, you, of yours; to you, by your, o ye: by you. He par toy. Plurell, vos, vous, des vostres; a vous, par vos, o vous: pour vous. Il she, he, him; that same the same, that same, that or this. They, they, elle; cil, luy; celuy, celle, icelle, icelluy, cestuy, ceste. Ilz, ceulx, elles, them, those. What, howe, which, the which, of whom, to have. celles, icelles, eulz, iceulz. Que, qui, quel, lequel, laquelle, de qui, a cui, by whom, the whiche. My, myne: to my, of my, myne: for par quel, quelz, laquelle, lesquelles. Mon, mien: a mon, de mon, mien: pour me, for my: for myne: o my, o myne, for me, for me, pour mon: pour le mien, par le mien: o mon, o my, o mien: pour me, pour myne, for Plurell nombre, Thy, my, his: thy, my, his: mien, pour mon. Mes, miens, mienne, miennes, Ta, ma, sa: tes, mes, ses: thyne, myne, his: tiens, miens, siens: miennes, tiennes, siennes.

Example for the femynin:

Ma mere, ma seur, ma maistresse, ma cousine: Ta mere, ta seur, ta maistresse, ta cousine: Sa mere, sa seur, sa maistresse, sa cousine: La mere, la seur, la maistresse, la cousine.

Example howe the pronowne masculyne shal be applyed as Mon pere, mon frere, mon maistre, mon cousin: Ton pere, ton frere, ton maistre, ton cousin: Son pere, son frere, son maistre, son cousin: Le pere, le frere, le maistre, le cousin, and mes, tes, ses, les, for bothe plurell.

Also there be two pronownes, that ben pronounced in french by syncopation, the same and that same: for the femynine: as cestuy cy et cestuy la: ceste cy et ceste la: where ye shall take but the last syllable of them, sayeng stuicy, stuyla: stecy, stela.


Nyghe, nyghe: towarde, towarde: for, by, up, downe, above, under Pres, joucte: enuers, deuers: pour, par, sus, jus, dessus, dessoubz:

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afore, before, agaynst, with, to, to the, of the, of, at this syde, beyonde. auant, deuant, contre, en contre: auec, a, au, du, de, deca, dela.


If, if, and, Sy, se, et, etc.

Here foloweth the adverbes, and howe ye shall turn, and forme an adverbe from englisshe into frenche, and specially those that signifye qualities, takyng this syllable ly from them, and addyng ment for it, as in these wordes folowynge:

propre } parfaite } honeste } habondant } cordial } prompte } incessante } real } instante } due } ment commune } ly signant } competente } reuerente } decente } couarde } harde } loial } condicional } compendieuse }


this day huy

all this day meshuy

in this day au jourdhuy

yester day hier

before yester day auant hier

the tother day lautre hier

to morowe demain

the day after lendemain

after to morowe appres demain

from hens forth desormais

ones agayne derechief

from hens forth dicy en auant

from hens forwarde de la en auant

this yere ouan

al this yere mesouan

not long a gone nagaires

but lytel agone depuis nagare

{ lytel { petit { sith { lytel depuis { pou { { lytel { peu

of tyme de temps

anone tost

anone or sone tantost

incontynent incontinent

by and by cy pris cy mis

nowe maintenant

{ up { sus { now { here ore { ca { { there { la

Page 926

yere while orains

nowe ades

at this tyme a ceste heure

somtyme jadis

tyme paste temps fust

than lors

from than des lors

at that tyme alors

for that tyme pour lors

for all that toutesfois

alwayes toutteuoies

many tymes maintefois

oftentymes souuentefois

at somtyme a la fois

many tymes pluisieurs fois

betyme parfois

somtyme aulcunnefois

in the meane tyme endementiers

duryng the tyme entandis

whyle it was tandis

alwayes toudis

ever tousjours

never jamais

for ever a jamais

never syns oncques puis

never more oncques mais

than donques

at that tyme adonques

alredy desja

unto this jusques cy

unto that jusques la

moche moult

right or most tres

in maner de maniere

in so moche en tant

in the meane whyle entretant

duryng that tyme ce pendant

of maner de sorte

in maner en sorte

in a facyon en fachon

of facyon de fachon

in suche wyse tellement

as it was quellement

almost quasy

natwithstandyng nonobstant

withstandyng obstant

natwithstandyng non pourtant

nat neverthelesse non pourquant

neverthelesse neant mains

howbeit combien

all beit ja soit

as comme

howe, and howe moche comment

what quoy

to what a quoy

of what de quoy

in what en quoy

Page 927

for what pour quoy

upon what sur quoy

as what come quoy

selfely mesmement

farre loing

a longe whyle longuement

more late plus tard

to soone or tymely trop tempre


i, so ouy, sy

no, nay non, nenny

in earnes a certes

for earnes pour certes

of earnes de certes

in certayne a certain

for certayne pour certain

of certayne de certain

certaynly certainement

in trewth en uerite

in sothe en uray

for truthe pour uerite

for sothe pour uray

of truthe de uerite

of sothe de uray

trewly urayment

veritably veritablement

in my God en mon Dieu

in good lucke en bon omen

by the faith of par la foy de

fayre women belles femmes

I you assure je vous asseure

I promyse you je vous promectz

I certifye you je vous certifie

without any faute sans faulte

in my trewth en ma uerite

in my loyaltie en ma loyaulte

in my worthynesse en ma prudommie

by my holynesse par ma sainctete

trewe man preudhomme

trewe woman preude femme

yare so aincois ainsy

otherwyse aultrement

also aussy

quickely uitement

goodly bonnement

betyme tempre

tymely temprement

early matin

at the prick of day au point du jour

the dawing of the day a laube du jour

at the dayeng a lajourner

at the cockes crowynge au chant du coc

at pryme a prime

at thirde hour a heure de tierce

at noone a none

at mydde day a mydy

at evynsong a vespre

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at evenyng au soir

betwene lyght and dark entre chien et loup

at the sonne settynge a soleil couchant

at the nyght a la nuyt

at mydnyght a mie nuyt

at the day au jour



fyrst, fyrst, emprent, premier

fyrstly, one premierment, ung, une

onely, evyn, unie, unicque, uniement, uny,

evenly, union, unie, uniement, unite,

of one voyce, of variable signification. uniuocque, equiuocque.

onely all onely seul, seulle, seulement, seullet,

solytary. seullette, solitaire.


seconde, seconde, deusiesme: second, seconde,

double, doubled, double, double, doublee,

doublenesse, dualite, duplicite, doublement,

secondary, parted in two. secondement, bipartit.


thyrde, thirdly, tiers, tierce, tiercement,

the thirde, troisieme, trinite,

all one, ternil, triangle, triplicite, triple, terciane, tripartit.


fourth, the fourth, quart, quarte, quatriesme,

fourthly, quartement, quaternite,

the fourth parte, square, quadril, quarre, quarree,

foure cornarde, quadrangle,

foure double, a crosse way, quadruple, quarefour,

the quartayne, forthy, quartaine, quarantaine,

forthy or lent, lent. quadragesime, quaresme.


fyfth, fyfthly, quint, quinte, quintement,

the fyfth, of fyve, cinquiesme, quintuplice,

pentecost, whit sonday. cinquesme.

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the sixte sixtely sixt, sixte, sixtement,

of sixe, sixe cornarde sextil, sextangle, sisieme, sexagesime.


the seventh seventhly, septiesme, septiesmement,

ones sevyn, in sevyn septaine, septuplice,

sevyn corners. septangle, septuagesime.


the eight huitaine, huitiesme huitiesmement


the nynth nyne neuuiesme, neuuayne,

nynthly neuuiesmement


tenne dix, disiesme,

is he that hath charge of x men. desinier, disayne.


theleventh onsieme onsaine.


twelfthly dousieme, dousaine.


the thirtenth traisieme.


the fourtenth quatorsieme


the fyftenth quinsieme.


the sixtenth saisieme


the sevententh dix septiesme


the eightenth dishuitiesme.


the nyntenth disneufiesme


twenty the twenteth vintaine, vingtieme


the thirteth, thirtie trentiesme, trentaine


the fourteth quarantiesme


acompte of fyftie the fyfteth cincquantaine, cincquantiesme.

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the sixteth threscore. soissantieme, soisantaine.


the sevynteth septantiesme


the eighteth octantiesme


the nynteth nonantiesme


hundreth, the hundreth, centaine, centiesme,

the hundredeth, lykewyse centenier, centurion.














Here after foloweth the maner, howe one shall make and fourme the present of the indicatyve or shewyng mode, of the verbes folowyng.

The maner to fourme the present of the verbes infynityve mode, here after folowynge, is: that all those that ende in er, puttyng the r away, and makyng the e a consonant, ye shall have the present of the indicatyve, as in these wordes: parler, appeller, appaiser, appuier, etc.; puttyng r away, ye have: parle, appelle, appaise; appuie: sayeng, japelle, tu appelle, il appelle, nous appellons, vous appelles, ilz appellent. Ye shall neverthelesse except some verbes defectyves, as aller that do make, je voy, tu vas, in the present, and such lyke.

Also all suche as have d in the last syllable, ye shall leave all the letters commynge after the d, and shall adde s, or z to it: ye shall have the plurell nombre of them, as in those wordes tordre, mordre, prendre, attaindre, auaindre, and such lyke, puttynge s or z to the d: ye shall have tordz, mordz, prendz, attainz, auaindz: howbeit that ye shall nat sounde the sayde d, accordynge to the sixte rule in the begynnyng of this worke.

Also all those that doth ende in ir, as tenir, uenir, with all them that be dirivate of them: as contenir, maintenir, soubstenir, preuenir, reuenir, paruenir, deuenir, and such lyke, must be all ended in iens, as tiens, viens, contiens,

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maintiens, soubstiens, preuiens, reuiens, paruiens, deuiens. Sayeng: je tiens, tu tiens, il tient, nous tenons, vous tenes, ilz tienent. There is another sorte endyng in ir, as conuertir, assoupir, appourir, attendrir, benir, bannir, etc. the whiche chaungynge the r in s, ye have conuertis, assoupis, appouris, benis, bannis; sayeng: je bannis, tu bannis, il bannist, nous bannissons, vous bannisses, ilz bannissent; and lykewyse of the tothers. Also there must be many except, as consentir, assentir, mourir, querir, dormir, whiche do make their present: je consens, je assens, je meurs, je quiers, je dors, tu dors, il dort, nous dormons, vous dormes, ilz dorment.

Also there is two other that doth ende in oir, the tone hath an a, in the penultyme syllable, as auoir and scauoir; whiche do make ay and scay in the present. The tother maner hath lyke termynation without an a, as apperceuoir, deuoir, pouruoir, concepuoir, decepuoir, whiche do make their present, japercoy, je doy, je pouruoy, je concoy, je decoy; how be it ualloir and uolloir must be except which do make in the present je vaulz, and voulloir, je veulz, tu ueulz, il ueult, nous uoulons, uous uoules, ilz ueulent.

Also there is another sorte endynge in e, in the infinitive, as

saying, _laughyng, redyng, frieng, _dire, rire, lire, frire,_ etc.

say, laugh, rede, frye; which make in their present, dis, ris, lis, fris;

sayeng, je lis, tu lis, il list, nous lisons, vous lises, ilz lisent.

Also there ben others endyng in ore, as clore, shitte, with all his compost, that is to saye, disclore, unshitte, forclore, shitte out, etc. whiche do make in their present, clos, declos, forclos, etc. and for cause that rules ben infinites, and that they ben more necessary for the teacher than for the lernar, I suppose that those above sayd ben sufficyent for the indicative present.

It is to be noted that in the frenche tongue is but two cojugacions: the first shal be discerned and knowen by the first persone plurel nombre of the present in the shewynge moode, for where the sayd fyrst persone hath no s in the seconde sillable before his termination or ende, than it is of the

we love, we have, we bette, we gyve, first, as in these verbes, aymons, auons, batons, donons, with such lyke; and where there is an s begynning the last syllable of the forsayd fyrst persone, than it is of the second, as in these verbes, baisons, taisons, brisons, faisons, disons, lisons, pensons, etc.

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Ye shal note lykewyse that in the indicative mode ye have for the moste parte, foure preterites, that is to say, the imperfect, parfect and indiffinitive with the plusperfect, whiche ben communely founde in all verbes save in them that ben defectives, as it apereth by this verbe, I say, thou sayest, je dis, tu dis,

wherfore the preterit imperfyte is: I dyde say; je disoie; the perfect, I sayde je deis; the indiffynitive, I have sayd; jay dit; the plusperfect, I had sayd. jauoie dit.

Nevertheles for the most part there is no difference in englysshe betwene the perf. and imperf. that is to say, betwene I dyd say, and I sayd: but bycause it is otherwise in french, I must use the said difference.


Ye shall forme the preterit imperf. in all verbes of both conjugations by the fyrst person plurell nombre, turnyng this syllable ons, whiche is in every verbe, in oie for the fyrst conjugation: and sons in soie, in the second, soundynge s, lyke a z, as zons, zoie.

Example for the fyrst conjugation as in this verbe aymons, whiche is the fyrst person plurell nombre of jaime, chaungyng this syllable ons in oie, ye have aimoie; of auons, ye have auoie; of donnons, donnoie.

Example for the seconde conjugation, as in these worde: baisons, turnynge the last syllable, whiche is sons in soie, ye have of brisons, brisoie; of faisons, faisoie; of disons, disoie; and the seconde persone shall termyne in ois, the thirde in oit; the fyrst plurell nombre in ions for the fyrst, and sons for the seconde, as it shall appere clerely in the conjugations herafter folowing, and this rule is infallyble for all preterites imparfyte.


The preterit parfyte, as well of the fyrst as of the seconde conjugation hath dyvers termynations, but there is four speciall, that is to say in us, in is, in ins and in ay.

Example of us: as je bus, je fus, je leus, je congneus, etc. of is: as je escripuis, je deis, je mis, je feis. of ins: as je tins, je prins, je uins, japrins. of ay: as jaimay, je donnay, je baisay, je prisay, je laissay.

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And so the verbe that ende in us shalbe, je bus, tu bus, il but, nous bumes, vous butes, ilz burent.

Example of is: as je feis, tu feis, il feist, nous fismes, vous feistes, ilz firent. of ins: as je uins, tu uins, il uint, nous uimmes, uous uintes, ilz uindrent. of ay: as je donnay, tu donnas, il donna, nous donnasmes, vous donnastes, ilz donnerent.


Ye shall ever fourme the preterit indiffynityve with the thre persons, both singuler and plurell nombres of this verbe (have) in the present tensis, saying, jay ayme, I have loved; tu as ayme, thou hast loved; il a ayme, nous auons, uous aues, ilz ont ayme; and likewise of all other verbes with the sayd have, as jay dit, jay bu, jay lu, jay fait.


The preterit most parfect is ever formed with the preterit imperfyte of the foresayd verbe (have) as the indiffynityve is with the presente, sayeng I have done, thou haddest done, that is to say, jauoie dit, jauoie ayme, jauoie bus, jauoie requis; and so thorowe the thre persons, never chaungynge the terminacion of the verbe, as jauoie dit, tu auois dit, il auoit dit, nous auions dit, uous auies dit, ilz auoient dit; and so of all other lyke.


Ye shall understande that all maner verbes in generall ben termyned in their thre persons synguler and plurell nombres after this wayes: ray, ras, ra: rons, res, ront, so that ye shall take the verbe in the present, and put the s away at the later ende, if it be of the seconde or the fyrst conjugacion, and adde therto the foresayd terminacyon: as in this worde dis, I saye; ye shall take awaye s and adde ray, sayeng diray, diras, dira, dirons, dires, diront. Jaimeray, tu aymeras, il aymera, nous aymerons, uous aymeres, ilz aymeront. There be some verbes must have more addicion, as dors, I slepe, whiche must have mi, added unto it, sayeng, dormiray, and boy, drinke, which sygnify I drinke; ye shal nat say boiray, but buueray, I shall drinke; and so of some other, as doy, ought; and metre, I put. How be it they be all termined with the above sayd termination.

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The imperative for the most parte is ever lyke the verbe present tensis of the indicatyve moode, leavyng the fyrst persone and puttyng the pronowne after the verbe, for it differs nat: save in the thyrde persone synguler, and plurell nombre of some verbes, as jay, whiche doth make in the thirde person synguler, il a; and the thirde persone of the imperatyve is quil ayt, or ayt cil, ou celuy; and lykewyse of scay. But of the moste parte of others, it is lyke the present, leavyng the fyrst persone, whiche is nat in the imperatyve synguler nombre, as in this verbe jaime, tu aime, il aime, nous aimons, uous aimes, ilz aiment; which his present is that is a lyke in the imperatyve, leavynge the fyrst persone, sayeng aime tu, aime cil, aimons nous, aimes uous, quilz aiment; puttyng ever the pronowne after the verbe.

The sayde imperatyve hath two futures, the tone affyrmatyve, and the tother negatyve, whiche have evermore these frenche wordes going before do, kepe, se, every person: faitz, garde, voy, Se that thou speke; loke that he move nat; as in this example: Voy que tu parle; garde quil ne se meuue; prenons garde que nous ne mouuons, que vous ne mouues; prenez garde quilz ne se meuuent; and lykewise of the affyrmative, leavyng this worde ne.


After the olde grammer was wonte to be all one with his preterit imperf. but we shall make hym different from hym, puttyng before the verbe this worde oh, or je vous prie, sayeng, oh que je boiue, je te prie que tu boiue, etc.

The sayd optatyve hath thre preterites, that is to say, imperf., parfyte, and plusperf., puttynge alwayes a ma uoullente, or plust a Dieu before the verbe. The preterit imperf. is moost termyned in usse, inse, and in asse, whiche may serve lykewyse for the present, as in these verbes: Pleust a Dieu que jaimasse; a ma uoullente que tu me congneusse; pleust a Dieu que tu prinsses courage. The parfyte is moche lyke the preterit indiffynityve of the indicatyve, as a ma uoullente que jaie aime. The plus perfyt hath ever this verbe jeusse (I had) before hym, as jeusse aime, jeusse dit, etc. His presente doth serve for his future, addyng either tantost or demain, sayeng pleust a Dieu que je uoise demain auec uous; a ma uoullente que deuiegne bon, a ma uoullente quil soit tantost corrige.

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The conjunctive is lyke the optative in his present and preterittes, save that we say in stede of pleust a Dieu, a ma uoullente; sy, come, quant, or ueu, sayeng for the present, sy je fuisse maintenant, comme jay congneu, quant jeusse sentu.

The sayd conjunctyve hath two futures, the tone hath alwayes this worde mais, goyng before the verbe, as mais que je soie joieulz, etc.

The tother is borowed of the potenciall mode, and hath for his termynation, roy, rois, roit: rions, ries, roient, as jaimeroie, tu aimerois, il aimeroit, nous aimerions, uous aimeries, ilz aimeroient; and likewyse of all others. The termination of the infinityve shall appere in the verbes here after folowyng, wherfore in eschewyng prolixite, I will no further speke of it. The preterit must ever have this verbe infynityve moode: auoir, before hym, as auoir parle, auoir dit, auoir mordz, etc.

The gerundyve is formed of the infinityve, and of the participle present tensis, as de parler, pour conferer, en communicant, etc. The overthrowen or supins which ben called reuerses, ye shall ever put the preterit parfit or the second futur of the conjunctive before him, sayeng: je te uoulsisse, or je te uouldroye bien aime de Dieu, etc.


All maner verbes infinitive mode endyng in er, takyng the r away, ye have the preterit masculin, and addyng an e to the e that remaine, ye have the participle feminin of the preterit tensis, as in this verbe enseigner, take away the r, ye have enseigne, which is masculin, and addyng another e to it, ye have enseignee, which is the preterit feminin, soundyng the first e as a uowel, and if ye adde ment to it, ye shal have enseignement, which is an adverbe, and puttyng both es away, and addyng ant, ye have the participle present, whiche is enseignant, and this rule is generall for the termination.

Also all verbes endyng in ir, as uenir, and such as come of him must al change ir in u for the preterit masculyn, and addyng an e to the sayd u for the feminin. Exemple for the masculin, if ye take ir away from uenir, tenir, souuenir, soubstenir, maintenir, and adde u for it, ye shall have, uenu, tenu, souuenu, maintenu, and addyng an e to it, ye shall have the feminin, whiche

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be, uenue, tenue, souuenue, maintenue, etc. and if ye put away the sayd u and e, and put ant for it, ye shall have the participle present tensis, as uenant, tenant, souuenant, maintenant. There ben other verbes ending in ir, whiche must chaunge the r in e for the feminin, and without the e for the masculin, as benir, take away the r, ye have beny, which is preterit masculin, and adde an e to it, ye have benie, whiche is the feminin, and lykewyse of bannir, banni, bannie; rauy, rauie, and adding ssant to the masculin, ye have banissant, benissant, rauissant. Mourir and querir must be excepted: for mourir hath mort for his masculyn, and morte for the femynyn, and querir, quis and quise; mourant and querant for the participle present tense.

Also those wherof the infynityve termyne or ende in tre, or in dre, the e beyng a consonant, as batre, abatre, combatre, rabatre, debatre: pendre, fendre, deffendre, tendre, rendre, uendre, must all chaunge re in u for the masculyn, sayeng batu, abatu, combatu, pendu, fendu, deffendu, uendu, tondu, addyng an e to it for the femynyn, sayeng batue, uendue, fendue, tondue; ye must except prendre with all his dirivatives, and make pris, prise; repris, reprise; compris, comprise; mespris, mesprise. There ben other that ende in e, as mectre, with all that of hym ben diryvate; whiche must folowe the sayd rule, as permis, permise; mis, mise; demis, demise; commis, commise; promis, promise; remis, remise; compris, etc. and bycause they be noted for the most parte among the Catalogue of verbes, and howe ye shall fourme lykewyse both nownes and adverbes: and also that it is harde for to fynde a rule generall and infallyble, I do here termyne the sayde rules.



to cast downe abattre

to barke abaier

to stoupe abaisser

to araye abiller

to bourde aborder

to water abruuer

to make a fole or beest abestir

to abuse abuser

to leane the backe adosser

to distroy abolir

to make swete adoulcir

to dresse or to order addouber

to warne aduertir

to touche adeser

to auowe aduouer

to wyne or to adde adjouter

to swere adjurer

Page 937

to go out of the way adirer

to clyppe accoller

to pacifye accoyser

to tryme a woman achesmer

to agre accorder

to aquent accoynter

to gader accumuler

to bow downe, croked accroper

to accepte accepter

to bye acheter

to harken accoupter

to certyfye acertener

to cache with a hoke acrocher

to directe adrecer

to mynister administrer

to ordre at pleasure affaitter

to make one lame affoller

to make sharpe affiler

to put on a mantel affubler

to make fast affycher

to make feble affoyblir

to make fre affranchir

to dresse agencer

to tache with a hoke aggrapper

to make more greuous aggrauer

to tache aggripper

to knele agenouller

to flatter alechier

to cherysshe aloser

to gader amasser

to wrappe amallotter

to tye amarer

to wake ambuler

to leade amener

to mende amender

to love aimer

to make lesse amaindrir

to make softe amollir

to make leane amesgrir

to make smale amenuser

to heape amonceler

to drye adurer

to arnat or prepare aourner

to gyve sucke allaiter

to kyndel alumer

to alter alterer

to waste anuller

to anounce anoncer

to appere apparoistre

to pacify apaiser

to aparel appareiller

to call appeller

to perceyve apercepuoir

to make redy aprester

to learne aprendre

to flatre with myrth aploudir

to aproche aprocher

Page 938

to waxe poore apourir

to tame apriuoiser

to appoint apointer

to leane upon appuier

to go before anticiper

to make propre aproprier

to assemble assembler

to assigne assigner

to assure asseurer

to kyl with a clubbe assommer

to fulfyl assouuir

to make one bownde asseruir

to assople assouldre

to make sadde assoupir

to invade assailir

to consent assentir

to flatter assotir

to make to swere assermenter

to make subget assubgetter

to resemble assimuller

to fall in company associer

to helpe assister

to reste a man arester

to enquere one araisonner

to come or to lande arriuer

to ronde or go about arondir

to water or sparcle water arrouser

to fal in the company arouter

to tye atacher

to tary or abyde attendre

to dresse atourner

to catche subtelly attraper

to hitte or ouertake attaindre

to reche auaindre

to take hede auiser

to go about auironner

to auance auancer

to have auoir

to gyve auctorite auctoriser

to somen adjourner

to dawne ajourner

to jeopard aduenturer

to swalow or go downe aualler


to bete battre

to buylde baatir

to cast butter upon rost bastir

to banysshe bannir

to bast the roste basser

to stoupe baisser

to kysse baiser

to mocke bauer

to barre a dore barrer

to barter bareter

to gape beer

to gape ll. basllier

to blote ll. barbouller

Page 939

to bable lyke a duck barbotter

to plee the fole baguenauder

to beate at ars bacculer

to shake a sworde brandir

to brew brasser

to bragge braguer

to stutte begguer

to ete lyke a gote brouter

to brawle or to wage bransler

to rocke the cradel bercher

to hunt beres berser

to blysse benir

to begge belistrer

to bourde or jape bourder

to bathe baigner

to put boutter

to crye or wepe braire

to breke briser

to speke fayre blandir

to juste behourder

to bargayne barguigner

to blame blasmer

to swere blasphemer

to yexe ll. ballier

to bable ll. babiller

to swepe balier

to stut balbuter

to lyspe besguer

to shave barbier

to blasonne blassonner

to drinke boire

to eate gredely briffer

to springe bourjoner

to budde bouttonner

to set a broche brocher

to bridel brider

to worke besongner

to blotte brouller

to bribe briber

to hurte blesser

to sethe or boyle boullonner

to delve bescher

to tourne away bestourner

to dounse balloyer

to cut busshes buissoner

to burne brusler

to stutte brettonner

to brunishe brunir


to play at cardes carder

to trifle cabasser

to hide cacer

to breke casser

to hunte chasser

to spit cracer

to chope brede chapler

to clatter caqueter

Page 940

to rele chanceler

to shake canceler

to tickel catouller

to danse caroler

to cloute showes carler

to charme charmer

to hewe charpenter

to carie charier

to put on hoses chausser

to caffe or warme chauffer

to charge charger

to do reverence chaproner

to over charge crauenter

to cherisshe cherir

to shyfte cheuir

to geder ceullier

to certify certifier

to walke cheminer

to somme citer

to tame cicurer

to take right away ciffrer

to cleyme clamer

to shit clore

to halte clocer

to cover couurir

to guyde conduire

to knowe congnoistre

to runne courrir

to counsell conseller

to ronne togider concourrir

to correcte corriger

to speke togider conferer

to situat colloquer

to stoupe coytir

to constrayne cohercer

to reduce narowly coarter

to confounde confoundre

to go about costoier

to compasse compasser

to nayle clouer

to contryve controuuer

to whelpe chienner

to tourne to a purpose conuertir

to reken compter

to comprehende comprendre

to strive contendre

to make composer

to compile compiler

to discerne concerner

to kepe conseruer

to comaunde comander

to fortyfe corroborer

to constrayne contraindre

to graunt consentir

to suffre comporter

to forgyve condonner

to conceyve concepuoir

Page 941

as liker throw a cloth couler

to corrumpe or corrupt corompre

to shrive confesser

to deffende cohiber

to conforte conforter

to ayde consoler

to be ydel connuer

to be suerte caucioner

to sowe coudre

to resyste contrester

to lye coucher

to beshitte conchier

to winke cligner

to drede craindre

to feare crennir

to burste creuer

to farte or to burste crepiter

to afferme creancer

to crye crier

to bake cuire

to smarte cuyre


to dampne damner

to danse danser

to date datter

to cast a dart darder

to aske demander

to pay the costes deffroier

to disconfit desconfire

to defende deffendre

to unnayle desclouer

to owe debuior

to debate debatre

to overcome debeller

to juge decider

to begile defrauder

to go out of the way desuoier

to denye denier

to spende despendre

to unhange despendre

to dye deuier

to purpose deliberer

to unbynde deslier

to devore deuorer

to take away destituer

to distrempe destremper

to disloge desloger

to deuine deuiner

to bacbite detracter

to deceyve decepuoir

to gyve sentence determiner

to discusse desrainer

to distroy desmollir

to distourbe destourber

to untrusse destrousser

to deliver deliurer

to unneste deuiser

Page 942

to prejudice deroguer

to put of rementes ll. despouller

to disprayse despriser

to devise deuiser

to come downe descendre

to unfolde desueloper

to deprave deprauer

to put downe deprimer

to make fowle deturper

to unknowe descognoistre

to forsake delaisser

to devoure degluber

to sease desister

to robbe desrober

to go out of order desregler

to temper destremper

to unbridel desbrider

to discharge descharger

to discorde descorder

to put downe desmectre

to denye sayeng desdire

to put out debouter

to uncover descouurir

to take away lande desterrer

to disenherite desheriter

to breke faste desuner

to distroy destruire

to dishonoure deshonorer

to defyle deflorer

to go from merite desmeriter

to unpurvey despourueoir

to rele desuider

to discorage descorager

to put out of the place desloquer

to distroy the people depopuler

to take awaye maydenhed despuceler

to spoyle despreder

to set forth and go back desmarcher

to unbende a crosbowe descocher

to clatter out descliquer

to unhose deschausser

to spoyle despouller

to unbende desbender

to unlace deslacher

to make myrth as byrdes degoiger

to deserve deseruir

to delate delater

to distroy dissiper

to dispute discepter

to dispence dispenser

to say dire

to have lordeshippe dominer

to gyve donner

to slepe dormir

to tame dompter

to display desplier

to unarme desarmer

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to sporte esbatre

to bashe esbahir

to be bawlde esbaudir

to blusshe esblouir

to here or harken escouter

to set upon the spit embrocher

to teche endoctriner

to kepe skowte wache eschaugueter

to scarche esgratigner

to make softe emollir

to wexe harde endurcir

to wrappe enfardeler

to folde up enueloper

to put in the ovyn enfourner

to esteme esmer

to cromme esmier

to spare espargner

to sparcle espardre

to sparcle about esparpillier

to enforce enforcer

to hunt away enchasser

to lyghten esclarcir

to hyde away esconser

to eschewe escheoir

to shake of excuter

to bringe to passe executer

to be delivered of a childe enfanter

to breke enfraindre

to sinke enfondrer

to sinke enfonser

to set togider narowly enferrer

to go out of the way escarter

to put or blot out effacer

to go out of the way egarer

to waxe great engrossir

to move esmouuoir

to clyppe enbracer

to lyght esclerer

to scape eschapper

to skyrmysshe escarmucher

to quarter escarteler

to mocke escharmir

to make afrayde espouenter

to be marveyled esmerueiller

to gete corage esuertuer

to prove esprouuer

to spurre esperonner

to understande entendre

to cancre ll. enrouiller

to waxe madde enrager

to waxe riche enrichir

to breake entamer

to put in prison emprisonner

to grynde esmouldre

to stoupe estouper

to sette at large eslargir

Page 944

to sette up eriger

to exalte exalter

to styre one exagiter

to put out of order exorbiter

to be buse exerciter

to take without ryght extorquer

to distroy exterminer

to excuse excuser

to shake of escusser

to say nay escondire

to declare explicquer

to declare epiloquer

to go about enuironner

to serche nygh expliquer

to poyson empoysonner

to wrappe entortiller

to flee escorcher

to spye espier

to pluc away esracier

to hope esperer

to enmayle esmailler

to stere out the brain escerueler

to clene the nose esmoucher

to waxe a slepe endormir

to wake esueiller

to invade empaindre

to press on espraindre

to kyndle esprendre

to teche enseigner

to launch a bote esquiper

to shake escourre

to set a thyng in the wynde esuenter

to drye uppe essuer

to be abasshed estonner

to put liker in a vessel entonner

to put in the case estuyer

to quenche estaindre

to stablisshe establir

to strive estriuer

to sparcle estinciler

to inforce enforcer

to take corage encourager

to encrease encroistre

to set a stringe upon a bowe encorder

to write escripre

to curse escomunier

to undertake enprendre

to undertake entreprendre

to stretche estendre

to tye with a chayne enchainer

to close enclore

to mete encontrer

to borowe emprunter

to bury ensepuelir

to move esmouuoir

to waxe riche enrichir

to put in the grounde enterrer

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to stanche estancer

to lede away enmener

to eschew euiter

to set upon a hepe entasser

to cut entailler

to folow ensuiuir

to dye espirer

to kyndle esprendre

to lette empescher

to enbrace embracher

to make thicke espessir

to ladle espuiser

to bere away emporter

to exorte enorter

to nese estrenuer

to sende enuoier

to scratche esgratigner

to geve the first hansel estriner

to stoppe estancher

to pluck up parforce enracher

to kyndle embraser

to waxe fayre embellir

to spotte with myre embouer

to beshytte embrener

to scalde eschauder

to chaffe eschauffer

to pluc from the shelle eschaller

to make worse empirer

to set in presse empresser

to except excepter

to banishe exiller

to breke a dere euiscerer


to talke fabuler

to forge fabricquer

to go about nought fatrouller

to fantesy fantasier

to mow faulcher

to penetre fausser

to make false falsifier

to fayle faillir

to do faire

to paint as women do farder

to wrappe fardeler

to play or mocke farcer

to stuffe mete farsir

to feyne faindre

to facion a thynge fassonner

to helpe fauoriser

to make one wery facer

to fawne faonner

to swadel facher

to make fertil feconder

to cleve fendre

to strike ferir

to make hay fener

to make feste festoier

Page 946

to put the levain fermenter

to show horses ferrer

to shytt fermer

to forme or shape figurer

to spinne filer

to kasten a thynge on the grounde ficher

to congele foitir

to melte fondre

to forge forger

to hurte or to dresse cloth fouller

to serche ll. fouller

to furre fourrer

to provaile fourboullir

to go out of the way fouruier

to waxe madde forsener

to be killed with tempest fouldroier

to play the fole folloier

to confort a membre with a bathe fomenter

to donge fienter

to lay out fonser

to shitte out forclore

to furbisshe fourbir

to banisshe forbanir

to forfect forfaire

to draw from another fortraire

to forswere forjurer

to scourge fouetter

to fly fouir

to fetche vitall fourrager

to go from the lyne forligner

to enforce forcer

to shape former

to use idel wordes flagorner

to flatter flatter

to smell flairer

to tormente flageller

to pipe flajoller

to wade flaistrir

to bow fleschir

to florisshe flourir

to haunte frequenter

to quake fremir

to frye fricquasser

to frye frire

to play the galant fringner

to shake of the ague frissonner

to bruse froier

to rubbe froter

to breake froisser

to ronne away fouir

to assyst fulcir

to thretten fulminer

to fume fumer

to disceyve frustrer


to mocke gaber

to lay a wayes gager

Page 947

to gage a vessell gauger

to distroy any thyng garconner

to kepe garder

to garnysshe garnir

to graunt garantir

to galope a horse galloper

to lette blode garser

to clatter garruler

to waste gaister

to rejoise gaudir

to make mery, or to prike galler

to wynne gaigner

to lye downe gesir

to dresse gencer

to frese geller

to turmente gehiner

to confesse gehir

to playne gemir

to double geminer

to tourne gerer

to discryve the world or therth geographer

to springe germiner

to eate as a glotton gourmander

to say meate gouster

to droppe goutter

to governe gouuerner

to parbreke gosiller

to barke as a fulmer glatir

to gleane glenner

to glorifye glorifier

to glose gloser

to folde togyder glomerer

to glew glutiner

to clawe grater

to grave or sculpe grauer

to noy greuer

to grese botes gresser

to hayle gresler

to sclyde ll. griller

to sclyde glisser

to scratche griffer

to grynne gn. grigner

to gryppe or to clyme gripper

to grudge gn. grongner

to curle as a cattle gruler

to heale guerir

to rewarde guerdonner

to forsake guerpir

to caste geler

to make warre guerroier

to complayne guermenter

to voyde guenchir

to lyfte up guinder

to gyde guyder

to watche guetter

to loke with one eye guigner

Page 948


to leave alone habandonner

to have plentie habonder

to cutte small hacher

to haunte hanter

to be sonne burnde hasler

to plucke up ll. haller

to rele threde hapler

to catche happer

to harpe herper

to hate hair

to pyke a quarell harceler

to pyke a quarell harier

to ryse up haulser

to play at dyce hasarder

to harborowe hebreger

to lodge hosteler

to harowe hercher

to ney as a horse hennir

to succede to heritage heriter

to move hobber

to be wery hoder

to spotte honnir

to make one ashame hontoier

to grudge gn. hongner

to put on botes houser

to wynde up housser

to calle hucher

to suppe humer

to humme huner

to stryke with horns hurter

to be meke humilier

to hurtel togider hurteler

to make a creste lyke a coke fighting hurer

to houle as a dogge huler

to set up the heres as a hedge dog herissonner


to boost jacter

to chatter as byrdes jargonner

to folowe imiter

to trouble infester

to say unto inferer

to injury injurier

to put upon inculquer

to call inciter

to bringe in introduire

to stablysh a bisshop introniser

to put in parforce intruser

to enquere interroguer

to teache instruire

to attempte inuestiguer

to finde inuenter

to make unhappe infortuner

to move instiguer

to reprove improperer

to wrappe intriguer

to sacrify immoler

Page 949

to invade inuader

to intoxicat infectioner

to be importunat importuner

to require implorer

to call inuocquer

to gete impetrer

to put on imputer

to jeopart ingerer

to inspire inspirer

[missing English verb] involver

to printe imprimer

to cal to inviter

to ordenne instituer

to let interpeller

to induce induire

to teche or bringe in introduire

to juste jouster

to play jouer

to joine joindre

to fast juner

to juge juger

to swere jurer

to justify justifier

to do justice justicier

to angre irriter

to winter iuerner

to go out issir

to cut the trouth juguler

to ronne upon one irruer

to use dronkenship iurongner


to labour labourer

to lace lacer

to lose or let go lascer

to provoke lacesser

to leave laisser

to wery lasser

to lance lancer

to stele larciner

to sile a wale lambroisser

to complayne lamenter

to drinke as a dogge lapper

to wepe larmoier

to wepe lacrimer

to stone to deth lapider

to larde larder

to lathe with lathes latter

to wache lauer

to lyke lescher

to lyfte leuer

to lure, as a hawke leurer

to tye lier

to fyle as a smyte limer

to deliver liurer

to rede lire

to here louer

to lawde loer

Page 950

to shine luire

to wrestell luiter


to chewe macher

to mary marier

to angre marir

to blaspheme maulgrier

to barguine marchander

to martir martirer

to martir martiriser

to mastry maistrier

to waxe leane maigrir

to worke as a mason massonner

to mainteyn maintenir

to curse mauldire

to handle manier

to make foule maculer

to make blacke machurer

to trede marcher

to marke marquer

to hamer marteler

to putte mectre

to begge mendier

to muse mediter

to eate menger

to thanke mercier

to backebyte mesdire

to medyll mesler

to reken falce mescompter

to do a mysse mesprendre

to disprease mespriser

to murdre meurdrir

to lye mentir

to deserve meriter

to mysknowe mescognoistre

to loke in a glasse mirer

to dyg in the grounde miner

to lede mener

to asswage metiguer

to shewe monstrer

to mortifie mortifier

to grounde mouldre

to move mouuoir

to make a molde mouller

to wite ll. mouller

to mue as a hawke muer

to hide mucer

to fortify munir

to multiply multiplier

to go to hervest moissonner

all one messonner

to playe the husbande mesnager

to byte mordre

to dye mourir

to mounte monter

to swepe the nose moucer

to morfounde morfoundre

Page 951

to mocke mocquer

to put one yvell maumectre

to mysdo mesfaire

all one mesprendre


to swym nager

to shewe narrer

to serve at tennes nacqueter

to give posession nantir

to wounde naurer

to be borne naistre

to make mattes nater

to set sinewes on a sadle neruer

to make clene nettoier

to denye nier

to bride nidger

to snuf with the nose niffler

to becke with hedde niquer

to knytte nouer

to swimme noer

to drowne noier

to nombre nombrer

to notte notter

to nourishe norir

to shade noncer

to make black noircer

to certify notiffier

to name nommer

to hurt nuyre

to strive noisir


to obaye obair

to be ocupyed occuper

to darken obscurer

to say yvell obtrecter

to obtaine obtenir

to bynde obliger

to binde is all one obliger

bloted forgotten obliterer

to forgette oublier

to withstande obuier

to darken obfusquer

to offende offencer

to offrende offrir

to kyll occire

to hide occulter

to make fole ordoier

to ordayne ordonner

to leve obmectre

to hurte oultrager

to uttre oultrer

to obtaine obtenir

to graunte obtemperer

to constrayne opprimer

to opose oposer

to wene oppiner

to oppresse oppresser

Page 952

to dare oser

to pray orer

to enoisel as a hauke oisiler

to warye ourdir

to worke ouurer

to open ouurir

to take awaye oster

to here ouir

to graunte ottroier


to forgyve pardonner

to prepare parer

to speke parler

to painte paindre

to forswere parjurer

to parforme parformer

to make an ende parfaire

to lese perdre

to passe passer

to perce percer

to perceyve percepuoir

to suffre permectre

to waye peser

to thynke penser

to do perpetrer

to perysshe pericliter

to synne pecher

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