An Introductorie for to Lerne to Read, To Pronounce, and to Speke French Trewly
Author: Anonymous
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Whan thou art ydell, thou workest nat: whan thou workest, thou art nat ydell. Quant tu chomme, tu ne besongne pas: quant tu besongne, tu ne chomme pas.

Whan he or she is ydell, he or she worketh nat: whan he or she Quant il ou elle chome, il ou elle ne besongne pas: quand il ou elle

doeth worke, he or she is nat ydell. besongne, il ou elle ne chomme pas.

Whan we be ydel, we do nat worke: whan we worke, Quant nous chommons, nous ne besongnons pas: quant nous besongnons,

we be nat ydel. nous ne chomons pas.

Whan ye be ydel, ye worke nat: whan ye worked, ye Quant uous chommes, uous ne besongnes pas: quant uous besongnes, uous

be nat ydel. ne chomes pas.

Whan they ben ydel, they worke nat: whan they Quant ilz ou elles chomment, ilz ou elles ne besongnent pas: quant ilz

worke, they be nat ydel. ou elles besongnent, ilz ou elles ne chomment pas.

And so forth till the imperatif, saieng in the preterit imparfet: I was ydel, chomoie,

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I dyd worke. I was ydel besongnoie, etc.; in the parfet: chommay, besongnay; the whan I had ben ydel, I had nat worked. indifinitif: quant jay_ chomme, je nay pas besongne, the plus parfet: whan I had ben ydel, I had nat worked. quant jauoie chome, je nauoie pas besongne; the future: whan I shalbe ydel, I shall nat worke. quant je chommeray, je ne besongneray pas.

Another conjugation accordynge to the precedent.

Whan I am possessed, I have good earnes: whan I have non Quant je suis nantis ou nantie, jay bonnes arres: quant je nay nulles earnes, I am nat possessed. arres, je ne suis point nantie.

Whan thou art possessed, thou hast good earnes: whan thou hast non Quant tu es nantis, tu as bonnes arres: quant tu nas nulles earnes, thou art nat possessed. arres, tu nes point nantis.

Whan he hath good earnes, he is: whan he is nat possessed, he Quant il a bonnes arres, il est nantis: quant il nest point nantis, il hath none earnes. na nulles arres.

Whan we be possessed, we have good earnes: whan we have Quant nous sommes nantis, nous auons bonnes arres: quant nous auons good earnes, we be possessed. bonnes arres, nous sommes nantis.

Whan ye be, ye have good: whan ye have, Quant uous estes nantis, uous aues bonnes arres: quant uous aues ye be. bonnes arres, uous estes nantis.

Whan they be, they have, whan they have, Quant ilz sont nantis, ilz ont bonnes arres: quant ilz ont they be. bonnes arres, ilz sont nantis.

I am And so forth after the verbe, je suis, sayeng in the preterit imparfet,

whan I was quant jestois, etc. (Loke above.)

I understande, thou understande, he or she understandeth, Jentens, je mentens: tu entens, tu tentens: il ou elle sentend,

we us understande, ye understande you, they understande. nous nous entendons, uous uous entendes, ilz ou elles sentendent.


Understand I me, understande thou, understande he or she: understande Mentens je, tentens tu, sentend il ou elle: nous entendons

we us, understande ye you, understande they them. nous, uous entendes uous, sentendent ilz ou elles.

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I understande nat me, thou understande nat the, Je ne mentens pas, tu ne tentens pas,

he or she understande nat him; we do nat understande us, il ou elle ne sentend pas: nous ne nous entendons pas,

ye do nat understande you, they do nat understande them. uous ne uous entendes pas, ilz ou elles ne sentendent pas.


Do nat I understande me, do nat thou understande the, Ne mentens je pas, ne tentens tu pas,

do nat he understande him or she: do we nat understande us, ne sentend il ou elle pas: ne nous entendons nous pas,

do ye nat understande ye, do nat they understande them. ne uous entendes uous pas, ne sentendent ilz ou elles pas.

Dyd I understande, understande I, I have understande, entendoie, entendis, jay entendu,

I had understande, I shall understande. jauoie entendu, entenderay.

Thus endeth the fyrst boke.

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An answere to the correcters and of all workes reprouers. APOLOGIE AUX CORRECTEURS ET DE TOUTTES OUURES REPREUEURS.


Grose folke of rude affection G rosses gens de rudes affections

dronkerdes, banysshed of trewe felyng I urongnes, bannis de uray sentement

lubbers, knaves, private of understandyng L ourdaultz, cocardz, priues dentendement

in their mouthfull takyng refection E n leur gueulee prenant refections

fulfylled of oprobre and of detraction S aoule doprobes et de detractions

Shall say of me as they do of other folkes D iront de moy comme ilz font daultre gent

beholde here, what a maker fayre and gentyl U oies icy, quel facteur bel et gent,

trewe it is for certayne, that I am ignorant U ray est pour certain, que suis ignorant

wyllyng I ought nat to leave therfore U oulloir je ne doy pas laisser pour tant

to undertake thyng that ought to be prayse E mprendre chose qui fait a priser

without takyng hede to their disprayse. S ans garde prendre a leur despriser.

Some shall say this is yvell writte A ulcun diront cecy est mal escript

the others aftervarde, bendyng the browes L es aultres appres, bandant lez sourcilz

shall there fynde right great faute of spirite I trouueront tresgrant faulte desprit

other shall wey all, as folkes subtyles A ultres peseront tout, comme gens subtilz.

upon this gyveng their sentence and advyse. S ur ce donnant leur sentence et aduis.

Say every one what so ever he wyll D ie ung chescun ce que dire uouldra

in the spite of the dyvell, and of yvel wyll. E n despit du diable, et de mal uoulloir.

Se they may, that I have put me in dever U eoir ilz pouront, que ma mis en debuoir

to do well, do better that can A bien faire, face mieulz qui scara

of me certes nat reproved he shalbe. D e moy certes ja reprins nen sera.

Jesus than us graunt well to do I hesus doncques nous ottroy bien faire

without willyng, neither him nor other displease. S ans uoulloir, na lui na aultre desplaire.


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HERE FOLOWETH THE SECONDE BOOKE of this lytell worke, in the whiche shalbe treated of communycations, and other thynges necessary to the lernyn of the sayd French tonge.

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To the right hye, right christen, and most redouted imperiall myght, and A la treshaulte, trescrestien, et tresredoutee imperialle puissance, et

soverayne majesty of you, Henry by the grace of God, lyveng kyng victorious, souueraine maiste de uous, Henry par la grace de Dieu, uiuant roy uictorieux,

and monarcion of all Englande, the VIII of that name: be et monarque de toute Engleterre, huitiesme de ce nom: soit

laude everlastyng, honour without ende: alwayes lastynge lyfe louenge perpetuelle, honneur sans fin: tousjours durant uie

prosperous and good felicite. prospere et bien heuree.

And to you most illustre, right excellente, and right magnanime lady and Et a uous tresillustre, tresexcellente, et tresmagnanime dame et

princesse, my lady Anne by the grace of God quene of Englande and of princesse, ma dame Anne par la grace de Dieu royne dEngleterre et de

France: with right noble and most vertuouse yours right dere and well beloved Fraunce: auec tres noble et tres uertueuse uostre tres chiere et bien aimee

doughter Elizabeth, princesse of Englande and of Wales: be lyfe everlastynge fille Elizabeth, princesse dEngleterre et de Galles: soit uie pardurable

and joye without ende. Amen amen. et joye sans fin. Amen amen.

Ee dicat omnis populus amen.

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Wolde to God A ma uoullente

that the Godheed que la deite,

full of goodnesse plaine de bonte

had graunted to me sy meust ottroie

whiche am counterfait qui suis contrefait

of ignorancy, and undone dignorance, et desfait

koning and knowledge science et scauoir

with the power auecques pouoir

can declare scavoir declarer

and to manyfeste et manifester

after my power selon mon possible

the grace that can nat be saide la grace indicible

of the right christen kyng du trescrestien roy

whiche in noble aray qui en noble aroy

is this day lyvyng est aujourdhuy uiuant

prosperous and reignyng prospereus et regnant

whiche all the men qui tous les hommes

howe great that we ben come grans que sommes

as well clerkes and lays et clercz et laiz

by his faire dedes par ses beaulz faitz

hath over comen a surmontes

and excelled et excelles

wherfore the most pourquoy le plus

parfait here beneth parfait ca jus

having power ayant pouoir

and the knowyng et le scauoir

shulde fayle right well il fauldroit bien

that his mainteynyng que son maintien

that his sperit que son esprit

of wyt kyndled de sens esprit

might ones begyne peult entamer

for to declare pour declarer

as it hapened comme il aduient

whan a man doth come quant homme uient

to the great see a la graunt mer

for to lade it pour lespuiser

incontinently incontinent

that he doth se quil uoit comment

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his entreprise son entreprise

whiche to that him tychyt que ce latise

hath made him do amysse la fait mesprendre

willyng to take in hande uoulloir emprendre

a thinge unpossible chose impossible

he that right feble luy qui debile

is, and fraile est, et fragille

and lytell able et peu abille

as a man dronke comme ung homme yvre

whiche lytell to lyve quy guere uiura

naturally naturellement

may nat goodly ne peult bonnement

he him withdraweth il se retire

pluckyng him selfe et se detire

him complainynge soy doulousant

that nat knowyng que non scauaunt

he hath undertake il a empris

to wyn the prise gagner le pris

wyllyng for to do pour uoulloir faire

the whiche to parforme ce que parfaire

no man might nul ne poulroit

where he nover tant ne seroit

man so myghty home puissant

alwaies livyng tousjours uiuaunt

neither more nor lesse ne plus ne moins

to put his handes mectre ses mains

or besy him selfe ou sempescher

wyllyng to prayse uoulloir priser

prince without pere prince sans per

and nat to erre sans point errer

shuld be to lade seroit puisser

the water out of the se leaue hors la mer

wherfore in now pourquoy a tant

me withdrawyng me retirant

of myn enterpryse de mon emprise

I say without fiction dis sans faintise

during my lyfe. durant ma uye.

Be it sadde or mery Soit triste ou lye

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I shall never cease ne cesseray

nor shall leave ne laysseray

in every place en chascun lieu

to laude God de louer Dieu

and also to crie et de crier

and to supply et suplier

his magestie sa mageste

and godheed et deite

to be wyllyng to kepe uoulloir garder

and to preserve et preseruer

the noble lorde le noble seigneur

from all unhap de tout malheur

also the lady aussi la dame

whiche lyved without blame que uist sans blame

I understande the quene jentens la royne

whiche never doth ende qui point ne fine

to do honour de faire honneur

to the maker au createur

with she auecque celle

that hath no pere qui non pareille

in this worlde est en ce monde

right pure and clene trespure et monde

it is the princesse cest la princesse

halfe a goddesse demie deesse

leavyng them to us les nous laissans

here lyvyng icy uiuans

right longe space tres longue espace

with his grace avec sa grace

than whan shall come puis quand uiendra

that it shall nede quil conuiendra

at the later ende a la parfin

that they take an ende quilz prengnent fin

without bytternesse sans amertune

or payne any ne paine aulcune

they be sette ilz soient poses

and bestowed et colocques

in Heven en Paradis

where as ever la ou toudis

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they may laude puissent louer

and exalte et exalter

with the saintes auec les sainctz

wherof there is many dont y a maintz

the blessed Trinite la benoite Trinite

thre persones in unite trois personnes en unite

the whiche for ever without decline laquelle a jamais sans declin

reigne alwayes without ende. regne a tousjours sans prendre fin.





From wens come you, my frende. Dou uenes uous, mon amy.

The messanger.

I come from the court. Certes, madame, je uiens de la court.


How doth fare the Kyng my father and the good lady my mother. Coment se porte le Roy mon pere et la bonne dame ma mere.

The messanger.

In truthe, madame, they dyd right well at my partyng, or En uerite, madame, ilz se portoient tresbien a mon departement, ou

whan I came thens. quant je men partis.


I am right glad of their good prosperite, and pray Our Lorde always so Je suis tresjoieuse de leur bonne prosperite, et prie Nostre Seigneur tousjours

to maintene them: do nat you bryng me some remembraunce or token ainsy les maintenir: ne maportes uous quelque souuenance ou enseigne

from them. de par eulz.

Le mes.

I do presente unto you, in the name of the good grace of the Kyng your father, this Je uous presente, ou nom de la bonne grace du roy uostre pere, ce

herte of golde, amelde of trewe hope, whiche is russet couller, and from ceur dor, esmaille de uray esperance, qui est coulleur grise, et de par

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the good lady your mother, a flour of forget me nat, with the la bonne dame uostre mere, une fleur de ne moubliez mye, auec la

blessyng of God, gyven to Jacob. benediction de Dieu donnee a Jacob.


What blessyng do ye speke to me of. Quelle benediction me mectes uous en termes.

Le mes.

The same that Abraham gave to Isaak, and Isaak to Jacob, and Jacob to Judas, Celle que Abraham donna a Isaak, et Isaak a Jacob, et Jacob a Judas,

the whiche is suche that all they that shall blesse you, shalbe blessed. laquelle est telle que tous ceulx qui uous benyront seront benyes.


Blessed be God and blessed be the Kyng and the Quine and all creatures Benoit soit Dieu et benoitz soient le Roy et la Royne et touttes creatures

of good wyll: now tell me what newes bringe ye to me. de bonne uoullente: orsus die moy quelles nouuelles maportes uous.

Le mes.

Trewly ma dame, I do know none other thyng that I may say

Ueritablement, ma dame, je ne scay aultre chose que puisse dire

openly, but that the Kyng is a knyght. en appert, sinon que le Roy est cheuallier.


For soth, or in my God: ther be fayre tidynges, ye may go En mon Dieu, vas les belles nouuelles, uous uous poues en

whan shall please you. aller quant uous playra.

Le mes.

Wherfore madame. Pourquoy, madame.


Because that ye have done your arande. Pource que fait aues uostre message.

I pray you how do myne uncle, myne ante, my lorde, Je uous prie comment se porte, se portent mon oncle, ma tante, monsieur,

my lady, my my madame, maistre, maistresse; mon cousin, mes cousins, ma cousine,

neigh bour, my mes cousines, mon uoisin, mes uoisins, ma uoisine, mes uoisines, mon

God father, my God mother, gospy, parin, ma marine, mon compere, ma commere, maistre, maistresse,

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women, the men: and all my les damoiselles, les gentilz femmes, les gentilz hommes: et tous mes

good fryndes. bons amis.

Le mes.

He or she they an hondred times, Il ou elle se recommande, ilz ou elles se recommandent cent fois,

a thousand times, to your good grace, to your highnesse, to your mille fois, a uostre bonne grace, a uostre haultesse, a uostr

excellency, to your lordshyppe. e excellence, a uostre seigneurie.


I am glad, that he do well, that she Je suis joieus, je suis joieuse, quil se porte bien, quelle le fait

that they do. bien, quilz le font bien, quelles se portent bien.

Whan shall ye retourne, whan pretende you or purpose ye to Quant retourneres uous, quant pretendes uous, quant proposes uous de

returne toward the court, toward the Kyng, the Quene, retourner deuers la court, deuers le Roy, deuers la Royne,

my lorde, my lady. devers monsieur, devers madame, etc.

Le mes.

Certainly to morow, after to morow, within this two dayes, within Certainement, madame, demain, appres demain, dicy a deux jours, dicy a

viii daies, within this moneth: will it please you to commande me any huit jours, dicy a ung mois: uous plaist il me commander aulcun

servyce. seruyce.


I you pray to do my most humble recommendations to the good grace Je uous prie de fayre mes tres humbles recommandations a la bonne grace

of the Kyng my father, and the good lady my mother, and to saye to them du Roy mon pere, a la bonne dame ma mere, et leur dire

that I them pray alwayes of their blessynges. que je les prie tousjours de leurs benedictions.

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I you have herde say Madame, je uous ay ouy dire

that by the towne gothe here say que par uille ua ouyr dire

wherfore I you say, and for trouth pourquoy je uous dis, et pour uray

that if ye ne do other dever que sy ne faictes aultre debvoir

ye shall fynd that one hath missaide uous trouueres quon a mesdict

in that which of you one hath saide en ce que de uous on a dit

that you dyd speke ryght good frenche que uous parliez tresbon francois

passed allredy more than six monethes passes desja plus de six mois

wherfore, for the love that I you owe pourquoy pour lamour que uous doy

and that to you have gyve my fayth et que uous ay donne ma foy

I you requyre and monishe je uous requier et admoneste

as she whiche is redy comme celle qui est preste

to serve you and worshyppe de uous seruir et honorer

that it please you to remember quil uous plaise rememorer

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that whiche more touche your honour ce qui plus touche uostre honeur

for if it dyd please our lorde car sil plaisoit nostre seigneur

that you might ones come to que uous peussiez ja paruenir

where your hert hath his desire ou uostre coeur a son desir

without knowyng the frenche speche sans sauoir parler francois

ye shulde be forced to take by election il uous faudroie prendre par chois

a faire lady and mynyon une belle dame et mignonne

for to assiste your persone pour assister uostre personne

and also for to interprete et aussy pour interpreter

that whiche it shulde please you to declare ce quil uous plairoit declarer

to your husbande and lorde, a uostre mary et seigneur,

were he either kyng or emperour, fust il ou roy ou empereur,

whiche might be occasyon qui poulroit estre occasyon

to gyve you suspicion de uous donner suspicion

puttyng you in jalousye uous mectant en jalousie

wherfore howe be it that I am nat pourquoy combien que ne soie mye

wise ynough nor discrete asses sage ne discrete

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for of you to be secrete pour de uous estre secrete

faithfulnes nevertheles bynde me loiaulte neantmoins me lie

the whiche humbly supplye le quel humblement suplie

to your hygh excellency a uostre haulte exellence

to do dever and delygence de faire debuoir et diligence

to lern of all your power daprendre de tout uostre pouoir

to the ende that ye may can affin que uous puisses scauoir

at the commyng of your father a la uenue de uostre pere

speke frenche in suche wyse parler francois de telle maniere

that Jesu be therof worshypped que Jesu en soit honore

and the noble Kyng contented et le noble Roy contente

and that it tourne you to honour et quil uous tourne a honeur

and in proffit to the servant et a prouffit au seruiteur

whiche for to serve your grace qui pour seruir uostre grace

nothyng is possyble that he ne do nest rien possible quil ne face

the whiche God be wyllyng to kepe laquelle Dieu ueulle garder

and in suche wyse to enlumine et tellement enluminer

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that you may have at the later ende que uous puisses auoir en fin

the joy that last without ende. la joie qui dure sans fin.



The mes. God save you good life and honour gyve you God. Dieu uous sauue, madame, bonne uie et honneur uous doint Dieu, madame.

Mary. Ye be welcome my frende, my lorde. Bien soiez uenu, mon amy, mamie, monsieur.

The mes. The empereur your cosin recommende to your good grace, to your Lempereur uostre cousin se recommande a uostre bonne grace, a uostre

or the Kyng my maistre or your father grete you well. celsitude, ou majeste, le Roy mon maistre ou uostre pere uous salue.

Ma. How doth his good grace, his lordshyp. Comment le fait sa bonne grace, sa seigneurie.

Le mes. he doth as the prince of this worlde, that most desyre Certes, madame, il se porte come le prince de ce monde qui plus desire

your welth, your honour, and for the maintenyng of the whiche he uostre bien, uostre honeur, et pour le maintenement du quel il

wolde bestow body and richesse, or richesse. uouldroit emploier corps et auoir, ou cheuance.

Ma. I thanke him hertely, for I do holde him for suche, and Certes je le mercie de tresbon coeur, car je le tiens pour tel, et

I do certifye you that of my parte I wolde do lykewyse uous certifye que de ma parte je uouldroie fayre le pareil, le semblable

for him. Now rise up I shall beholde your letters, than I pour luy. Or sus leves uous, je regarderay uos lettres, puis je

shall gyve you an answere. uous donerai responsse.

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Le mes. At your good pleasure. Wyll it please your grace, your highnesse, A uostre bon playsir, madame. Plaist il a uostre grace, a uostre haultesse,

to comande me any servyce to the of your cosin the Emperour, me comander aulcun seruice a la majeste de uostre cousin lempereur,

or of the Kyng my maistre. ou du Roy mon maistre.

Ma. I praye you to recomende me to his majestie, as she that is glad Je uous prie de me recomander a sa majeste, come celle qui seroit joieuse

of his welth, honour and prosperite. And for the which or to encrease de son bien, honneur et prosperite. Et pour laquelle ou lequel encoistre

I wolde do my power. je uouldroie faire mon pouoir.

Le mes. I shall fulfyll your commandement with the helpe of God, madame. Jacomplyray uostre commandement a laide de Dieu, madame.

Ma. I pray you therof my frende: and fare well. Je uous en prie, mon amy, et a Dieu soiez, etc.


Le mes. God save you or preserve you from evyl and mishap Dieu uous garde ou preserue de mal et dencombrier, ma dame.

Mary. Ye be right well come, my gentylman. Vous soiez le tresbien uenu, mom gentilhomme.

Le mes. My lorde of Worcestre and my lady his wyfe recomende them Monsieur de Worcestre et ma dame sa femme se recomandent

humbly, mekely, to your good grace, and doth send you this lytell present humblement a uostre bonne grace, et uous enuoient ce petit present

of suche comodities that it hath pleased Our Lorde to send them. de telles comodites quil a pleu Nostre Seigneur leur envoier.

Ma. Forsoth I thanke them hertely: it is nat the fyrst En bonne uerite je les mercye de bonne amour: ce nest pas la premiere

goodnesse and courtesy that they have done to me: how doth he, bonte et courtoisie quilz mont faicte: comment se porte il,

I pray you, and how doth the good lady his wyfe. je uous prie, et comment le fait la bonne dame sa femme.

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Le mes. Certaynly, madame, they do, or they fare, as they that ben Certainement, madam, ilz se portent, or ilz le font come ceulz qui sont

all yours. tous uostres.

Ma. Forsoth I am glad therof, for he is a noble lorde, En mon Dieu, jen suis bien joieuse, car il est noble personne, seigneur,

man: and she is a good, and vertuouse lady, trewe, homme: et elle est bonne et uertueuse dame, honeste, preude, gentille

lady, woman, I pray you dame, damoisel, femme de bien, je uous prie ou requier de

to thanke her, to thanke them, and to them say that I me la remercier, de me les regracier, et leur ou luy dictes que je

shalbe glade, to remembre the honour that he they seray joieuz, joieuse de recognoistre lhoneur quil ou quelle, quilz ou

do to me when oportunite or tyme shalbe. quelles me fait ou font quant temps oportun ou oportunite en sera.

Le mes. I shall endever me with all my power to fulfyll your comandement, madame. Je menploiray de tout mon pouer a accomplir uostre commandemant, madame.

Ma. Tresourer. Tresorier.

Le tres. Madame. Madame.

Mar. Gyve him fifty crownes. Dones luy cinquante escus.

Le tres. It shalbe done, madame. Il sera fait, madame.

Mar. Hussher. Hussher.

Lhus. What please your grace. Que plait il a uostre grace.

Ma. Go and brynge this gentilman to the seller and make him good chere, and Alles et menes ce gentil homme au celier et luy faictes bonne chiere, et

loke that he lake no thinge. regardes que riens ne luy faille.

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Lhus. I shall fulfyll your pleasure, madame. Jaccompliray uostre plaisir, madame.


Here lyeth the frenche ouerthrowen Cy gist le francois renuerse

as ye se and cast downe come uous uoiez et abatu

the whiche is more than a yere a gone lequel plus dung an a passe

that he came among us; quauec nous sest embatu;

wold to God that he had lyved pleust ore a Dieu quil eust uescu

reignyng alwayes as he was wont regnant tousjours come il soulloit

sith that no man he wolde none yvell ueu qua nulluy mal ne uoulloit

Alas, at his begynnyng Helas, a son commencement

he was so right well accepted il fust sy tresbien accepte

of his lady and of her people, de sa dame et de sa gent,

but at the ende dere it hath coste mais en la fin chiere a couste

for he hath ben slayne car il a este assomme

and cast downe by stronge warre et rues jus par forte guerre

and now lyeth deed in the grounde et maintenant gist mort en terre

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In dyeng made his complainte En se mourant fist sa complainte

against thre man of this house contre trois hommes de ceans

wherof one of them hath deceived many dont lung diceulz a diceu maintes

as ben customed all phisiciens come seulent tous phisiciens

for I have herde say to the ancientes car jay ouy dire aux anciens

that with our peril they lerne, qua nos perilz font discipline,

that which may be proved by Plyny. ce qui se peult prouuer par Pline.

The other whiche was his enemy Laultre qui fust son ennemy

is called maistre amener, sapelle monsieur laumosnier,

whiche at the fyrst to him was lovyng qui au premier luy fust amy

cherisshyng him as a frynde dere, le festoiant come amy chier,

but at the ende of a hert of stele mais en la fin dung coeur dacier

him renouncynge put him in oblivion, le renoncant mist en oubly,

wherof he died for great thought. dont il mourust par grant soucy.

The thirde that best him dyd mainten Le tiers qui mieulz le maintenoit

had it nat ben for his absence se neust este pour son absence

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one him dyd name Jehan ap Morgan on le nonmoit

the whiche hath him put in forgetyng, lequel la mis en non chalance,

for howbeit that great knowyng car combien que grant science

to him mainteyn he had nat, a le soubstenir point nauoit,

by him nevertheles over al he dyde lyve. par luy neantmoins sur tous uiuoit.

But sith that it is so hapned, Mais puis quainsy est aduenu,

it must be take paciently prendre le fault paciamment

prayeng for him and his salvation priant pour luy et son salu

sens that it may nat be otherwyse. ueu questre ne peult aultrement.

that it please to God almyghty quil plaise a Dieu omnipotent

of him and us to have mercy de luy et nous auoir mercy

whan by the deth we shalbe passed. quant par la mort serons transy.



To my lady, my lady Mary of Englande, doughter of the most cristen Kyng, Madame, madame Marye dEngleterre, fille du roy trescrestiien,

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my most redoubted lady and mastresse, gretyng with renowne immortall. ma tresredoubtee dame et maistresse, salut auec renommee immortelle.

Consideryng that here before I have advertysed you, most Considerant que deuant ores, ou par ca deuant uous ay aduerty, tres

illustre and right excellent lady, how we have the deth before us, illustre et tres excellente dame, coment nous auons la mort deuant nous,

to the whiche by the wyll of God we haste us of all our strength a la quelle par le uouiloir diuin nous nous hastons de touttes nos forces

to come. The whiche in my memory revolving about my partyng, parvenir. Ce quen ma memoire reuoluant enuiron mon partement,

nat knowyng if I shall have grace to retourne in your servyce or no: ignorant se jaray grace de retourner en uostre seruyce ou non:

have advised me of herte trewe and contrit in all mekenesse to requyre me suis aduise de coeur loyall et contrit en toutte humilite uous requerir

you forgyvenes and pardon of the rudenesse that I yvel manerd have used toward mercy et pardon de la rudesse que (je mal morigere) ay use enuers

your hyghnesse, administryng you my pore and unworthy servyce, uostre haultesse, uous administrant mon poure et indigne seruyce,

supplyeng you humbly that specially for the love of him uous supliant humblement quespeciallement pour lamour de celluy

please you to pardone me, for the whiche willyng to serve, I have right often passed me ueulles pardoner, pour lequel uoulloir seruir jay souuent transgresse

the markes and lymytes of reason, having confidence assuredly that the syngular les limites et bournes de raison, me confiant asseureement que la singuliere

mekenes of your excellency, joined with the fulfullyng of all other benignite de uostre excellence conjoincte auec le comble de toutes aultres

graces shall nat rejecte nor refuse this my lyttell request, and for a token graces ne rejectera ne refusera ceste ma petitte requeste, et pour signe

of the graunt of the same, shal please you benignely to rede and understande this de lotroy dicelle uous plaira benignement lire et entendre ceste

rude and unworthy letters, the whiche as I hope) shall nat do you lytell rude et indigne lettres, la quelle (come jespoir) ne uous sera point petit

proffit with that that by this meane ye shall restore and excuse myn de prouffit auec ce que par ce moien uous supleres et excuseres mon

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absence, prayeng our Lorde thus most hye, most illustre, and most absence, priant nostre Seigneur a tant tres haulte, tres illustre, et tres

excellente lady, to gyve you rest pleasant and slepe delicat. excellente dame, uous donner repos plaisant et sompne delicieuz. Amen.

Written by your unworthy servant the nyght that he toke leve of Escript par uostre indigne seruiteur la nuyt que prins congie de

your grace. uostre grace.


To the right hygh, right excellente and right magnanyme my right redouted A tres haulte, tres excellente et tres magnanime ma tres redoubtee

lady my lady Mary of Englande, my lady and mastresse, grettyng with dame ma dame Marye dEngleterre, madame et maistresse, salut auec

joye everlastyng. joye sans fin.

The tribulations of this worlde most grevous and most intollerable to Les tribulations de ce monde plus angoisseuses et plus intollerables a

bere and suffre, right illustre and prosperous lady, ben whan a comporter et souffrir, tres illustre et bien heuree dame, sont quant une

body desiryng to satisfie and to obtemperate to his pleasur and affection is persone desirant de satisfaire et obtemperer a son plaisir et affection est

contrained by strength and inforced to the contrary, wherof I may of my contrainte par uiue force et efforcee au contraire, de quoy je puis de ma

part bere trew witnesse, for of the one side I am holde and bounde after part porter uray tiesmoygnage, car dung coste je suis tenu et oblige selon

the lawe divyne to entertaine my wyfe and espouse, nat onely of the lytell la loy diuine dentretenir ma femme et espouse, non seullement des petis

goodes temporals that it hath pleased to God to sende me, but also of my biens temporelz quil a pleu a Dieu menuoyer, mais aussy de mon

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owne body in all her necessities and busenes, to ayde and lene unto: with corps mesme en toutes ses negoces et affaires, suffulter et assister: auec

that that of the other part your excellency, to the whiche I am bounde by nature ce que daultre part uostre excellence, a laquelle je suis oblige par nature

and by othe, doth styre and move me continually to desyre the of et par serment me instique et esmeult incessament desirer la fruicion de

your presence for the more and more to consider and beholde the indicible uostre presence pour de plus en plus ruminer et speculer les inconprehensibles

vertues, of the whiche our Lorde of his grace infinit hath uertus, desquelles nostre Seigneur de sa grace inmense uous

you above all other ladyes of this worlde, as the sone above a pardessus touttes aultres dames de ce monde, come le soleill par dessus

all the sterres of Heven made to shine and glistre: but sens that none touttes les estoilles du ciel fait luire et resplendir: mais ueu que nul

may to the Creatour satisfy without kepyng the faith promised, I have suche ne peult au Createur satisfayre sans garder la foy promise, jay tel

hope and trust in your hygh that this mekely espoir et confidence en uostre haulte circonspeccion, que ce benignement

considred, shall holde me in myne absence for excused: certifyeng you consydere, me tiendra en mon absence pour excuse: uous certifiant

trewly that it were nat for to pray and requyre our lady of Matheley ueritablement que se ne fust pour prier et requerir nostre dame de Matheley

that it please her to sende you or to gyve to fare well again and helth qui luy plaise uous doner conualescence et sante

to recover, with longe youth and age of Nestor, I had lefte my recouvrer, auec longue jeunesse et uiellesse Nestorienne, jeusse laisse mon

hert all togyder with you, as in the place of this worlde, where lieth all coeur totallement auec uous, come ou lieu de ce monde ou gisent touttes

his thoughtes and affections most desired, praieng the swete Jesu thus, moste ses pensees et affections plus desireez, priant le doulz Jhesus a tant, tres

hygh, most illustre and most excellente lady Mary, to gyve you haulte, tres illustre et tres excellente dame Mary, uous doner

the hole fulfillyng of your nobles desirs. lentier de uos nobles desirs. Amen.

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How ye shew well that ye have great cure and care to Comment, Giles, uous montres bien quaues grant cure et soing de

teche me when ye do you absente se from me. maprendre quant uous uous absentes ainsy de moy.


Trewly me thinke that I am continually here. Certes, madame, il me semble que suis continuellement icy.


Ye, and where were ye yester day at soupper, I praye you. Uoire, et ou esties uous hier a soupper, je uous prie.


Trewly ye have reason, for I forgate myselfe yester night, Ueritablement, madame, uous aues raison, car je men troubliay ersoir

bycause of company and of a cause de compagnie et de communication.


I pray you, faire sir, make us partener of your Je uous prie, beau sire, faictes nous parconniere de vostre communication,

for I suppose that it was of some good purpos. car jestime quelle estoit de quelque bon purpos.


Trewly it was of the peas, the whiche (as they sayde) is Certes, madame, elle estoit de la paix, laquelle (come on disoit) est

proclamed by all this realme. proclamee par tout ce royaume.


Of what maner, I praye you, and of what lastyng. De quelle maniere, je uous prie, et de quelle duree.


Of the lastyng shall God answere you, but of the forme and maner De la duree uous respondera Dieu, madame: mais de la forme et maniere

can I shew and report, the whiche is cried as wel in this realme of England uous scay je bien rapporter, laquelle est criee tant en ce royaume dEngleterre

as of France, so longe as the noble Kyng your father come de France, et tant que le noble roy Henry uostre pere

(whiche God preserve) shall lyve and the frenche Kynge lykewyse (que Dieu ueulle garder) uiura et le roy Francois pareillement

with the addicion of a day. auec laddicion dung jour.

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Must that day be anexed to it and comprehended. Fault il que ce jour y soit anexe et compris.


Ye verily Ouy certes, madame.


Wherfore me thynke that it is but Pourquoy il me semble que ce nest que superfluite.


Nat so, save your for the addicion of a day yelde the tyme Non est, sauue vostre grace, car laddiction dung jour rent le terme

infinit, for the lastyng of the worlde is but a day. infiny, car la duree du monde nest qung jour.


I wolde fayne understande how that may be, how be it I love better Jentenderoie uoullentier coment cela peult estre, toutesuoies jayme mieulx

that for this tyme you do declare unto me what is of peas. que pour le present uous me declares que cest que paix.


Well I shall kepe to you the exposicion of that day for whan I shall Bien, madame, je uous garderay lexposicion de ce jour pour quant uous

teche you the spere the whiche parteine and serve to that purpos, and touchyng apprendray lespere laquelle duit et sert a ce propos, et touchant

the peas, howbeit that, after the holy lectres, it excede and surmonte la paix, combien que, selon la saincte lectre, elle excede et sourmonte

all the wyttes, I shall recite you neverthelesse that that of it saint tous les sens, je uous reciteray nonobstant ce que dict monsieur saint

Austin sayth, spekyng of the worde of God, in his nynty and seven omelye, Augustin parlant de la parolle de Dieu, en sa nonante septiesme homelie,

howbeit that it shulde be necessary to make you understande first combien quil seroie necessaire uous donner a entendre premierement

how many kyndes or maner of warres ben. quantes especes ou maniere de guerres sont.


How is there more than one maner. Coment, en est il plus dune maniere.


there is warre betwene reame and reame, betwene town and Certes, madame, il y a guerre entre royaume et royaume, entre uille et

towne, betwene parishe and parishe, betwene linages, betwene neygbours, betwene uille, entre paroisse et paroisse, entre lignages, entre uoisins, entre

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the man and the wyfe, and betweene the body and the soule, the whiche is the lhome et la femme, et entre le corps et lame, laquelle est la

worste, and more dangerous of the others, but touchyng the peas, saint pire, et plus dangereuse des aultres, mais quant est de la paix, saint

Austin, in the place above alleged, sayth that it is clennesse of thought, Augustin, ou lieu dessus allegue, dict que cest serenite de pensee,

peas of corage, simplenesse of hert, bonde of love, feliship of tranquilite de courage, simplesse de coeur, lien damour, compagne de

charite, breker of strife, pacifier of molifiyng of charyte, destruiseresse destrif, apaiseresse de batailles, mollifieresse de

angre, vainquisshyng proude men, love of humilite, asswagyng couroux, uainqueresse des orguilleus, amour dhumilite, en mitigant

discorde, and agreyng ennemys, nat sekyng but his, that can nat les discordz, et concordant ennemis, non cerchant laultruy, non scachant

hate, callyng nothyng his, that can nat exalte him nor be proude, hair, rien ne reputant sien, non scauant soy exaulter ne enorgueillir,

techyng to love, pleasante to every body, he that had it let him kepe it, ensegnant aimer, plaisante a chescun, quil la tient sy la garde,

he that lese it let him seke it, for he that in it shall nat be founde, God the father qui la pert sy la cerche, car qui en elle trouue ne sera, Dieu le pere

him shal pluck out of his roote, and the Sonne him shal disenherite, and of the Holy le disracinera, et le Filz le desheritera, et du Saint

Goost shalbe unknowen, wherof the same be willyng us to Esprit sera descongneu, dont icelle Trinite nous ueulle

defende and kepe. deffendre et garder.


In my God it is a great thyng of peas; I requyre the swete En mon Dieu, cest grand chose que de paix; je requier le doulz

Jhesus to mainteyne it to us. Jhesus la nostre uoulloir maintenir.




To you, most soverayn, A uous, tressouueraine maistresse,

I sende these vers, wyllyng to signifie jenvoy ces uerse, uoullant sinifier

my great dolour and that more me oppresse ma grand doulleur et que plus mopresse

that I may nat you serve and teche ne uous pouoir seruir et enseygner

than for to suffre sekenesse and danger que de souffrir maladie et dangier

wherfore, if it please so moche do to your grace pourquoy, sil plaist tant faire a uostre grace

them for to rede some lyttell space les uoulloir lire quelque petitte espace

my hope is that better therof ye shalbe mon espoir est que mieulz uous en vauldres

and by that point also shall excuse me. et par ce point aussi mescuseres.

Me thinketh that other than you ought nat Il me semble quaultre que uous ne doibt

to be judge of my greuous payne estre juge de ma griefue payne

bycause also that other myght nat pource aussy quaultre ne pouroit

nat knowyng the whiche lede me non congnoisant la cause qui me maine

but as for you, I know that ye be mais quant a uous, say questes certaine

of the good wyll and great du bon uoulloir et grande affection

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that I have to serve, and the quay de seruir, et la deuocion

to fulfyll of hert and of power pour accomplir de coeur et de pouoir

all that whiche please to the noble kynge to wyll. tout ce quil plaist au noble roy uoulloir.

Amonge the monethes which fulfyll the yere Entre les mois qui accomplissent lan

two there ben specially deux en y a especiallement

whiche have done me yvell, great sorowe and harme qui mont fait deul, grant ennuy et ahan

it may nat be that I say otherwyse estre ne peult que je die aultrement

often I have sene theyr maner and how souvent ay ueu leur maniere et comment

they me have entreated, without any deservyng ilz mont traicte, sans lauoir deseruy

bycause they ben of courage bounded pour ce quilz sont de courage asseruy

never lovyng the workes of the springe of the yere naimant jamais les oeuures de printemps

rather without cesse than doth yvell at all tymes. ains sans cesser leur font mal en tous temps.

The principall of the whiche more I me complayne Le principal duquel plus je me plains

in his blason him doth name en son blason se fait nommer Decembre

by him I have made weppyng and syghes many par luy ay fait pleurs et soupirs mains

never shall it be but I shall ja ne sera que ne men remembre

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he and me have ravyshed a luy et Januier mont tollu ung membre

whiche me shall make that so longe as I shall lyve qui me fera que tant que je uiuray

in great sorow fromhensforth shall go en grant doulleur doresnauant iray

wherfore I drede that in great melancoly pourquoy je crains quen grant merencolie

at the latter ende shall behove that therof I lose my lyfe. en fin fauldra que jen perde la uie.

If it hap nat that the springe Sansy naduient, que printempz gracieuz

to his commyng the whiche is nygh a sa uenue laquelle est prouchaine

beholdyng me and seyng so pitious me regardant et uoiant sy piteuz

to heale me, put him nat in paine de me guerir ne se mecte en paine

for trewly, I know well that he love me car pour certain, bien je scay quil mayme

by him first in this worlde was I put par luy primier en ce monde fus mys

with that always he hath him indever auec ce tousjours sest entermys

duryng his tyme, to do me somme good son temps durant, de me faire du bien

wherof from ever I shall yelde me for his. dont a jamais je me tiendray pour sien.

Whiche I requyre that it may hap Ce que requier ainsy puist aduenir

to the ende that to God I may crie mercy affin qua Dieu puisse crier mercy

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of my synnes, and to go and come de mes pechez, et aller et uenir

in servyng you, for to satisfie also en uous seruant, pour satisfaire aussy

to your good dedes, that do entreate me so a uos biens faitz, qui me traictez ainsy

wherfore next Good, I am more bounde dont appres Dieu, je suis plus obligez

to your grace, than to any under heven a uostre grace, qua nul dessoubz les cielz

wherfore in the meane tyme that I shalbe in this worlde pourquoy tandis que seray en ce monde

I shall him requyre to kepe you pure and clene. luy requerray uous garder pure et monde.




Ah, maister Amener, I had nat wened that ye had so Ha, monsieur lAumosnier, je neusse pas cuide que meusses ainsy

forgotten me. mise en oubly.


Howe, madame. Coment, madame.


Bicause that ye well knowe that I solytarie and of all company Pource que bien scaues que moy solitaire et de toutte compagnie

destytute, ye have me forsaken and lefte. destituee, uous maues relenquie et laissee.


God forbede, madame, that it be as ye say, for it is nat to you Ja Dieu ne ueulle, madame, que soit come uous dictes, car il ne uous est point

unknowen that I must nede be with your counsayle, leavyng to them incongneu quil ne me faulte estre auec uostre conseil, les assistant

of my power. de mon pouoir.

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I had wened neverthelesse that for the regarde of me and of your Jeusse cuide toutesfois que pour le regard de moy et de uostre

profyte, ye had made you dispensed. prouffit, uous uous eusses fait dispenser.


Trewly, madame, there is nothyng in my power that I ne dyd for the honour Certes, madame, il nest chose en mon pouoir que je ne feisse pour lhonneur

of you, how be it that I do nat understande well what thyng ye do de uous, combien que je nentens pas bien quelle chose uous

thynke, spekynge of dispence and of profyte. penses parlant de dispense et de prouffit.


I understande by the dispence, that ye myght excuse you from the counsayle for Jentens par la dispense, que uous uous pouiez escuser du conseil pour

a tyme, and touchyng the profyte, ye knowe that whan I dyd prayse ung temps, et touchant le prouffit, uous scaues que quand je prisoie

your frenche, ye dyd warant me that whithin a yere I shulde speke as uostre francois, uous masseuriez que dedans ung an je parleroye aussy

good or better than you, wherfore by suche condycion that so bon ou meilleur que uous, pourquoy par telle condicion quainsy

myght be, trusting more of the power of the Kyng my father, and of the good peult estre, me confiant plus du pouoir du Roy mon pere, et la bonne

lady my mother than of myn owne, dyd promis you a good benefyce, for dame ma mere que du mien, uous promis ung bon benefice, pour

the impetration of the whiche me thynketh that ye ought to do some dylygence. lympetracion duquel il me semble que deueriez faire quelque diligence.


Trewly, madame, that whiche me moved so to assure you was especially Certes, madame, ce que me meult a uous ainsy asseurer fut especiallement

by cause of your synguler undentandyng, for the whiche ye ought well a cause de uostre singulier entendement, pour lequel uous debuez bien

to thanke God, and for that also that after the phylosopher, the soule of the Dieu remercier, et pour ce aussy que selon le philosophe, lame de la

person is as the table planed, or as the perspectif or glasse persone est come la table rasee, ou come le perspectif ou mirouer

in the whiche the kindnes and symilitudes of thynges ben shewed, ouquel les especes et similitudes des choses sont representees,

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spiritually duryng the tyme that the sayd glasse or table is nat signanment durant le temps que le dict mirouer ou table nest point

infected, deturpat, nor made foule by synne, wherfore contemplyng contaminee, deturpee, ne maculee par peche, pourquoy contemplant

the same similitude to have confirmite and agreyng, to your grace, icelle similitude auoir conformite et conuenience a uostre grace,

might nat say that that I sayd. ne peuz non dire ce que je diz.


In good fay I thanke our Lorde and shall thanke duryng my lyfe En bonne foy je mercye nostre Seigneur et merciray tant que uiuray

of all the that it hath pleased to him to gyve me, howbeit that de touttes les graces qui luy a pleu me donner, combien que

of suche wherof ye me praise I have no knowlege, but de telles dont uous me louez nay je point de congnoissance, mais

all suche wordes set asyde, I shall nat be nevertheless of toutes telles parabolles arriere mises, je ne seray touttes uoiez ja de

you content without mende. uous contente sans amende.


Without faute, ma dame, the mende shalbe made at your jugement, for Infailliblement, ma dame, lamende sera faicte a uostre arbitrement, car

I have me exyled and banyshed from all lybertie for the love of je me suis exille et banny de toutte liberte pour lamour de

your service, wherfore nothynge to me shalbe possible, that hayyng uostre service, pourquoy rien ne me sera possible, que aiant

your I do nat fulfyll to my power. uostre comandement, je nacomplisse a mon pouoir.


Trewly, I thanke you, mayster Amener, certifyeng you surely Certes, je uous mercye, monsieur lAumosnier, uous asseurant tresacertes

that suche is my trust in you. que telle est ma fiance en uous.


Trewly, madame, ye may therof well be assured, Pour certayn, madame, uous en pouez bien estre asseuree.


Now than I comande you that ye visite me as often as Or bien doncques je uous comande que me uisites le plus souuent que

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goodly and conveniently may do, and specially at dinner, bonnement et licitement faire poulres, et especiallement a disner,

to the ende to talke and to speke with me. affin de confabuler et comunicquer auec moy.


It shalbe done, madame, if it please God. Il sera fait, madame, se Dieu plaist.


Se than that there have no faute. Uoiez doncques quil ny ait point de faulte.


Nomore shall have. Non ara il, madame.



Amour. Of love.


In good faith, my husband, I can nat me mervaile ynough, how I have En bonne foy, mon mary, je ne me puis asses esbahir coment je nay

no more comfort of you, for in that that I may se, ye take great plus de confort de vous, car en ce que je puis veoir, vous vous souciez

care of your goute the whiche one hath tolde me that ye have, than ye plus de vostre goute (la quelle on ma dit que vous aves) que ne

do of your wyfe. faictes de vostre femme.

Le tre.

Certainly, ma dame, your grace hath sayd truthe, howbeit that it is Certes, ma dame, vostre grace a dit uerite, combien que ce soit

agaynst my wyll and by force. contre ma voullente et par force.

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In my God with great payne may I beleve that the goute myght withholde En mon Dieu, a grant paine puis je croire que la goute peult retenir

a good husbande havyng some love to his wyfe, specially ung bon mary aiant quelque amour a sa femme, especiallement

beyng so nygh of her, but he shulde more oftener to visyte her. estant sy pres delle, qui ne la uinst plus souuent uisyter.

Le tre.

Without faulte it is an harde thyng and dyffuce to go to hym that hath neither Infailliblement cest chose ardue et difficile daller a qui na ne

fote nor legges, nevertheles as your grace hath sayd, love piedz ne jambes, nonobstant que comme uostre grace a dit, amour

dothe moche. fait moult.


I pray you, good syr, to declare me what it is of love. For ye Je uous prie, beau sire, declares moy que cest que damour. Car uous

be a doctour and well lettred, with that that a good husbande ought to teche estes docteur et bien lettres, avec ce que ung bon mary doibt endoctriner

his wyfe, wherfore I pray you to do your devour to teche sa femme, pourquoy je uous prie de faire uostre debuoir dendoctriner

yours. la uostre.

Le tre.

Infallibly, madame, the mater is to hyghe for my symplenesse, but Sans faulte, madame, la matiere est trop haulte pour ma simplesse, mais,

for nat be wyllyng to disobey you, with my power I shall shewe you pour non uous uoulloir desobair a mon pouoir je uous en

of it willyngly that I therof can. diray uolentier ce que jen scay.


I requyre you therof, my good husbande, for I knowe you suche that Je vous en requier, mon bon mary, car je vous congnis tel que ne

ye cannat say ywell. scariez mal dire.

Le tre.

Now than sith that it please you so, trew it is that I fynde thre Or sus doncques, puis quainsy vous agree, il est vray que je treuue trois

maners of love, that is to say and the manieres damour, cest a scavoir filialle, matrimonialle, et animalle: a

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is that same which the father and the mother have to their chylde, the whiche filialle est celle que le pere et la mere ont a leur enfant, laquelle

is nat nor easy to your grace to understande, unto nest pas facile ne aysee a uostre grace dentendre, jusques a

that that he please God that ye understande it by experiens, for the childe ce quil plaise a Dieu que lentendes par experience, car lenfant ne

know never the love that the father and mother have toward him, unto cognoist jamais lamour que le pere et mere ont vers luy, jusques a

the tyme that he be made father or mother, bycause that suche love is nat reciprocque ce quil soit fait pere ou mere, pour ce que telle amour nest pas reciproque,

or retorning, but rather comyng from God to the firste father or prothoplauste ains uenant de Dieu au premier pere ou prothoplauste

it goeth and retourne to God from father to the sonne. The seconde sen va et retourne a Dieu de pere en filz. La seconde

love is called matrimoniall the whiche is of mervellouse strength and amour est dicte matrimonialle, la quelle est de merveilleuse energie et

vertu, specially whan the mariages ben made after the ordynance of vertu, especiallement quant les mariages sont faitz selon lordonance de

God, that is to say, by true love and, if it were nat to eschewe prolixite, Dieu, cest a dire par uray amour, et, si ce nestoit pour non estre prolix,

I myght recite you of many women whiche ben deed je vous poulroie reciter de pluisieurs femmes qui sont mortes

and perished for the love of their husbandes, and many men lykewyse et perie pour lamour de leur maris, et pluisieurs hommes semblablement

for the love of their wyves. And touchyng to the thirde, that is sayde pour lamour de leur femmes. Et quant a la tierce qui est dicte

animalle, she is without conparacion stronger than the others, bycause animalle, elle est sans comparacion plus forte que les aultres, pour ce

it is the love that the soule hath to his body the whiche is so great that que cest lamour que lame a a son corps, laquelle est sy grande que

nothyng is so moche loved in this worlde, that the man ne renounce and refuse, riens nest tant ayme en ce monde que lhomme ne renounce et refuse,

first that he suffre his soule to departe from his body, nor nothing premier quil souffre son ame departir de son corps, ne riens

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is so terrible painful nor dangerous, that the man ne shulde suffre, nest sy terryble, penible ne dangereus, que lhomme ne tollerast,

before or rather than to suffre devorce or departyng betwene his soule and his auant souffrir diuorce ou separation entre son ame et son

body, bycause that nothyng is so more to be drede than the deth: nevertheles corps, pour ce que rien nest plus a craindre que la mort: neantmoins

all these premisses set aside, God the creatour hath loved us toutes ces premisses, madame, Dieu le createur nous a aime

above all the above sayd loves. For touchyng the filiall, he par dessus toutes les dessus dictes amours. Car touchant la filialle, il

hath sende his dere sonne here beneth, for to redeme us and from the paines a envoie son chier filz ca bas pour nous redimer et des paines

of hell to deliver, makyng him of a lorde a servant and of immortall mortall, denfer deliurer, le faisant de seigneur serf et de immortel mortel,

suffring him rather to dye for us than in havyng pyte of him le souffrant plus tost mourir pour nous que en aiant pite de luy

to leve us in periclitation. And touchyng the howbeit nous laisser en periclitation. Et touchant la matrimonialle, combien

that he had love inestimable to his swete mother the virgyn Mary, that quil eubt amour inestimable a sa doulce mere la vierge Marie, ce

natwithstandyng he hath chosen rather to dye for us, leavyng her nonobstant il a preesleu plus tost mourir pour nous, la laissant

desolat and desconforted than in her comfortyng to leave us in perdicion. desolee et desconfortee que en la consolant nous laisser en perdicion.

And as touching to the animalle, what so ever great feare that he have had to Et quant a lanimalle, quelque grant pour quil ayt eubt de

dye and what so ever love that he hath had to his soule, yet hath he nevertheles mourir et quelque amour quil ayt eu a son ame, sy sest il touttes fois

made himselfe for us obedient unto the deth of the crosse: ther is, faict pour nous obedient jusques a la mort de la croix: vesla,

madame, that that I can of love: howbeit nevertheles that the worlde madame, ce que je scay damour: combien touttes fois que le monde

doth use of dyverse other maner of love, as of richesses and use de dyuerses aultres manieres damours, come de richesses et biens

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temporall goodes and other folishe love whiche do merite bettre to be called temporelz et aultres folles amours qui meritent mieulz destre appellees

folyes than love, wherfore I love them, so prayeng your noble grace foliez quamour: pourquoy je men passe, a tant priant uostre noble grace

to pardone me in that that I have sayd. me pardonner en ce que jen ay dict.


In good soth my husbande, I thanke you of good hert, En bonne uerite, mon mary, je uous mercie de bon coeur,

for ye have you ryght truly acquited toward your wife. car uousuous estes tres-loiallement acquite enuers uostre femme.

Le tre.

I requere to God, madame, that it may to you in suche wyse proffite that Je requier a Dieu, madame, quil uous puisse tellement prouffiter que

in lovyng God above all thynges, and the good grace of the Kyng en aymant Dieu par dessus touttes choses et la bonne grace du Roy

your father, and the good lady your mother of trewe love filiall uostre pere, et la bonne dame uostre mere de uraie amour filialle,

ye may love your husband whan God shall gyve you one, of uous puisses aimer uostre mary, quant Dieu uous en donra ung, de

good and trew love in suche wyse that it may bonne et loialle amour matrimonialle, de sorte que ce soit

be to the helth of your soule. au the salut de uostre ame.


So pleased our Lord by his goodnes to graunt me. Ainsy le me ueulle nostre Seigneur par sa bonte ottroier.

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Anima quid.

Mary. After that well I me remembre, I have herde here above speke of the soule, Selon que bien me recorde, je uous ay ouy cy dessus parler de lame,

but neverthelesse ye have nat declared what it is, wherfore I mais toutes fois uous naues point declare que cest, pourquoy jen

wolde of it faine here somwhat. uouldroie bien ouir quelque chose.

Gil. Trewly, madame, it shuld be necessary to be better lerned in good Certes, madame, il seroit necessaire destre mieulz qualifiez ez bonnes

lettres than I am for to satisfy to your question. lettres que ne suis pour satisfaire a uostre question.

Ma. It is nat to me unknowen that ye be nat of the best lettred of the worlde, Il ne mest point incongneu que nestes pas des mieulz lectres du monde,

howbeit that I doubt nat but of it ye can somwhat, wherfore combien que point ne doubte que nen scaues quelque chose, pourquoy

take hede that the lytell that ye therof can, be nat hydde to me. gardes que le petit que uous en scaues ne me soit point cele.

Gyl. Trewe it is that the philosophers have spoken therof, albeit that it hath nat ben Il est bien uray que les philosophes en ont parle, ja soit que pas na este

sufficiently specially touchyng the soule resonable, for some souffisanment, especiallement touchant lame rationnelle, car aulcuns

of them have it esteme mortall, as Pliny among other that sayth that suche deulz lont estime mortelle, come Pline entre aultres qui dit que tel

shalbe the soule after the dethe of the body, as she was before the lyfe sera lame appres la mort du corps, quelle elle estoit deuaunt la uie

of the same, and it is nat yet come to my knowlege that dicelluy, et il nest point encore uenu a ma congnoissance que

the holy scripture doth make of it any mention; but syth that your lescripture saincte en face mention aulcune; mais puisque uostre

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pleasure is suche I shall recyte you (submyttyng me to the correction of plaisir est tel, je uous reciteray (me soubmetant a la correction de

your grace, and of all persons connyng) that whiche I have therof gathered uostre grace, et de toute persone scauante) ce que jen ay peu ceullier

from the philosophers, and of the holy s. Isodore, wherfore it shall please you to knowe des philosophes, et de saint Isidore; pourquoy il uous plaira scauoir

that all thynges created of God under the moone ben or elemented que touttes choses creez de Dieu soubz le globe lunaire sont ou ellementees

onely, as precious stones and other with all mettalles, or seullement, come pierres precieuses et aultres auec tous metaulz, ou

be elemented and vegetables, as herbes, trees, and all maner sont ellementees et uegetables, come herbes, arbres, et touttes manieres

of plantes, or ben elemented vegetables and sensytyves, as ben de plantes, ou sont elementees uegetables et sensitiues, come sont

all beestes, byrdes, fyshes, reptyll them movyng from place to other, touttes bestes, oiseaulz, poissons, reptiles se mouuant de lieu a aultre,

or ben elemented vegetables sensytyves and reasonable, as ben the ou sont elementees uegetables sensitiues et racionelles, come sont les

men whiche have in them all the fours proprietees above sayd; hommes lesquelz ont en eulz touttes les quatre proprietes dessus dictes;

for as touchyng the body (which is a masse elemented) it is but a car quant au corps (qui est une masse elementee) ce nest que une

conglutination and combination of the foure elementes in the whiche our conglutination, et combination des quatre elementes ezquelz nostre

Lorde hath planted the soule vegetable by the whiche it groweth in length, Seigneur a plante lame uegetable par laquelle il croist en longeur,

largenes, and depnes (whiche one calle thre dimensions) by cause that the largeur et profundite (quon dit trois dimensions) a cause que la

sayd vegetable hath in her foure vertues, by the whiche she subsiste and dicte uegetable a en soy quatre uertus, par lesquelles elle subsiste et

groweth, that is to saye, the atractyve or appetityve, the retentyve, the digestyve, croist, cest a scauoir, latractiue ou appetitiue, la retentyue, la degestiue,

and expulsive; a body may nat ete without appetit, nor may nat et expulsiue; une personne ne peult menger sans appetit, ne ne peult

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degeste without holdyng that mete, or keping in his stomake that which is eten, degerer sans retenir ce qui est menge,

nor may nat grow by the vertue of such degestion without expulsion or ne ne peult croistre par la uertu de telle degestion sans expulsion ou

evacuation, for it is nede or to destroy the meate receyved in euaccuacion, car il est de necessite ou de destruire la uiande receue en

the stomake, or to be destroied by the same; but to be wyllyng to warne your lestomac, ou estre destruit par icelle; mais uouloir aduertir uostre

grace of all that which doth depend to this purpos, shulde be to be wyllyng to declare grace de tout ce qui depend a ce pourpos, seroit uoulloir declarer

all the philosophy naturall withe all phisyque and astrologie toutte la philosophie naturelle auec toutte phisycque et astrologie

in shewyng with all all the movyng of nature, wherof procede en comprenant tous les mouuemens de nature, dont procedent

and sprynge all corruption and generation expoundyng what it is of the XII et pulullent toutte corruption et generation declarant que cest des douse

signes of the Zodiacque with the seven planettes and all the starres signes du Zodiacque auec les sept planettes et touttes les estoielles

fixe, and to shew how the sayd XII signes havyng relacion, and similitude fixe, et monstrer comment lesdictz douse signes aiantz relacion, et similitude

to the foure ben devided by foure triplicites the whiche aux quatre elementz sont distinguez par quatre triplicites lesquelz

up holde and kepe up the fore sayd foure might and suffultent et maintiennent les deuant dittes quatre puissances et

to the whiche one ought to have recourse for to put them agayn in ordre by medecyne auxquelz on doibt auoir recours pour les remectre en ordre par medecine

whan by some accident they ben alterat. But for to eschew so quant par alcun accident ilz sont alteres. Mais pour euiter sy

wondrefull prolixite and that I have hope here and there therof to talke enorme prolixite et que jay espoir cy et la den communiquer

somtyme with your grace, with that that of it ye have somwhat tasted alcune fois auec uostre grace, auec ce quen aues quelque petit gouste

in lernyng the Ephemerides I shall passe it so. en apprenant lEphemerides je men passeray a tant.

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Now turnyng agayn to our porpos the soule vegetable, as I have tolde you, is Or retournant a nostre pourpos lame uegetable, come je uous ay dit, est

setted within the myght elemented, the whiche doth upholde her as the plantee dedans la puissance ellementee, la quelle la soubstient come le

vessell doth the lyker, and the sensytyve nother more no lesse is setted within uaisseau fait la liqueur, et la sensitiue ne plus ne moins est plantee dedens

the vegetable, as the ratyonell is within the sensytyve, the whiche ye may la uegetable, come la racionelle est dedens la sensitiue, ce que pouez

clerely parceyve by that that whan the body begynneth to fayle clerement apercepuoir par ce que quant le corpz commence a deffaillir

by age or otherwyse, the vegetable lyfe herselfe by and by, bycause par uiellesse ou aultrement, la uegetable se pert incontinent, pour ce

that thappetite begyn to fayle whith retayning and voyding, which make to perish que lappetit se pert auec retencion et euacuacion, qui fait perir

the sensytyve, for as the persone lese the luste, and the dygestion, also soone la sensitiue, car come la persone pert lappetit et le degerer, tout aussy tost

begynne he to juge the switte bytter, and the bytter swete, and say that he seeth commence il a juger le doulz amer, et lamer doulz, et dit quil uoit

that whiche other may nat se, and also of all his fyve wyttes, and ce que les aultres ne peuuent ueoir, et ainsy de tous ses cincq sens, et

lykewyse thintellectyve lese the reason and the jugement of thynges, par consequent lintellectiue pert la reason et le discernement des choses,

for she beynge in the body humayne can nat attayne to any knolege car elle estant ou cors humain ne peult paruenir a aulcune cognoissance

(nat beyng inspyred ghostly) without it be by the meane of the fyve (selle nest inspiree diuinement) ce se nest par le moien des cincq

wyttes aparteyning to the sensytyve, for before that ye do understande any sens apartenant a la sensitiue, car deuant que uous entendez aulcune

thyng, it behoved fyrst that it be to you shewed by the syght, by chose, il faut premierement quil uous soit monstre par la ueue, par

meane of colours, or by the hering by the meane of sound or voise, or by moien de coulleur, ou par louye moiennant son ou uoix, ou par

smelyng, goustyng and tastyng, the whiche thyng so perceved by the fyve flairer, gouster et taster, laquelle chose ainsy aperceue par les cincq

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wyttes, is sende to the comon witt which lieth in the formest parte of the sens, est enuoiee au commun sens qui gist en la partie anteriore du

braine, the whiche goeth incontinently to the memory in the whiche he cerueau, lequel sen ua incontinent a la remembrance en laquelle il

fynde what thynge it is after that one have him somtyme sayd and thought, treuue quelle chose cest selon quon luy a autfrefois dit et appris,

wherfore it appere clerly that these thre myghtes beyng in man pourquoy il appert clerement que ces trois puissances estant en lhome

and named onely by the name of soule resonable, in takynge denomination et nommee sullement par le nom de ame raisonable, en prenant denomination

of the most noble, that is to understande of her which doth discesse, de la plus noble, qui est a entendre de celle qui discerne,

ben hankyng the one of the others, and we juge clerely that the sont dependantes les unes des aultres, et dijudicons clerement que la

sayd intellectyve or resonable is without comparation more excellent than dicte intellectiue ou racionelle est sans comparation plus excellente que

the others, wherfore we juge her a thought or understandynge incarnate, les aultres, pourquoy nous la jugeons une pensee ou intelligence incarnee,

the whiche is perpetuell and immortall, by cause that she is created to laquelle est perpetuelle et inmortelle, pource quelle est cree a

thymage of God almighty, and if you aske me of what substaunce limage de Dieu tout puissant, et sy uous me demandes de quel matiere

she is, I may say that it is fyre spirituell as ben the angels of God, elle est, je puis dire que cest feu espirituel come sont les angeles de Dieu,

the whiche shalbe in her hyghe strength and prosperitie, whan she shalbe separate laquelle sera en sa haulte uigueur et prosperite, alors quelle sera separee

from her body, by the meane of the whiche she is infatuate, for by de son corps, par le moien duquel elle est infatuee, car par

the vegetable myght, with the whiche she is bounde, she thynketh day la uegetable puissance, auec laquelle elle est liee, elle pense jour

and nyght to serve her body of drinke and meat, and by cause of the sensityve, et nuyt a seruir son corps de boire et menger, et a cause de la sensitiue,

with the whiche she is lykewyse alyed, she hath her syght to auec laquelle elle est semblablement aliee, elle a son respect a

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generation, to pride of lyfe, and to all lyfe sensyble, the whiche yelde her generacion, a orgeul de uie, et a toutte uie sensuelle, qui la rend

blunt, rude and forgetefull, and by the whiche she becomed spotted and cancred, obtuse, rude et ygnorante, et pourquoy elle deuient tachee et enroulle,

as a harneys or clere glasse doth cancre by humydite of come ung harnois ou cler mirouer senroullist par humidite de

rayne or other moystnesse, in suche wyse that by this meane she is all togeder pluie ou aultre moisteur, tellement que par ce moien elle est du tout

blynded, and hath no knowlege of her pasture wherby she becometh aueuglee, et na nulle cognoissance de sa pasture par quoy elle deuient

lene and folyshe; for as the wyse man saith, truth is the fote of the mesgre et ignorante; car come dit le sage, uerite est le past de

soule. Aristotel saith that the soule is as a table made euyn and clere, lame. Aristotle dit que lame est come une table rase et clere,

polished, in the whiche all maner shape and effigiation doth shyne clerely so polie, en laquelle toutes formes et effigie reluysent clerement sy

well corporates as incorporates, by cause therof we understande with bien corporeez come incorporeez, a cause de quoy nous entendons auec

the angels, that is to saye, in the meane tyme that she is nat cancred by les angeles, cest a dire tandis quelle nest pas enrouyllee par

synne, as I have sayd before. Here myght I open unto you, what it is peche, come jay dit deuant. Icy uous poulroy je ouurir que cest

of understandyng actyve and passyble, but in this doyng I shulde be to tedyous. dentendement agent et passyble, mais en ce faisant je seroie trop tedieus.

Ma. Trewly, Gyles, I laude your persuacion, for by that that ye have sayde of it Certes, Giles, je los uostre parsuasion, car par ce quen aues dit

I parceyve clerelye that it is nat possyble to declare it, the whiche one may japarcoy clerement quil nest possible a la declarer, ce quon peult

conjecte by that that she doth resemble unto God and to be wyllynge conjecturer parce quelle resemble a Dieu et uoulloir

to declare his ymage shalde be wyllyng to do a thyng impossyble, declarer son image seroit uoulloir faire impossible,

bycause that he is uncomprehensyble. pource quil est incomprehensyble.

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Gil. Trewly, madame, ye saye the truthe, neverthelesse that the scriplure wytnessed, Certes, madame, uous dicte la uerite, nonobstant que lescripture tiesmoigne

that Moyses by the graunt of God dyd merit to se his posterioritie, the whiche is que Moyse par lotroy de Dieu merita de ueoir sa posteriorite, qui est

to understande his workes, of the whiche knowlege, the cabalystes doth make a entendre ses oeuures, de la quelle cognoissance les cabalistres font

fyftie gates that they name of intelligence, sayeng that the sayd cinquante portes quilz sournomment dintellygence, disant que le dit

Moyse had nat but fourty and nyne, by cause that the first is to knowe Moyse nen eust que quarante neuf, parce que la premiere est congnoistre

God from the begynnyng, which is impossyble: but he may be knowen Dieu par prius, ce qui est impossible: mais il est bien cognoissible

by posterius, whiche is to understande by his operacions, as knowlege par posterius, qui est a entendre par ses operacions, come cognissance

comunely cometh unto us for bycause that we do serche the causes by comunement nous uient pour ce que nous perscrutons les causes par

the dedes of them, and nat to the contrary. From hensforth I shall tell you les effectz dicelles, et non point au contraire. Desormais je uous diray

of the philosophers of the whiche some have sayd that it is nombre movyng him des philosophes desquelz les ungz ont dit que cest nombre soy mesme

selfe others that it is made of atmos which ben parties nat possible to divide mouuant les aultres quelle est faicte de atmos qui sont partiez indiuiduez

or indivisible: others that it is fyre, the others that it is ayr, the ou indiuisyble: aultres que cest feu, les aultres que cest air, les

others have sayd that it is a maner of armonie with others infinites aultres ont dit que cest une maniere darmonie auec daultres infiniez

opinions: but levyng them there, the prophete spekyng in our Lorde opinions: mais les laissant la, Isaie le prophete parlant en nostre Seigneur

sayd: All brethyng have I made, whiche is to understande of the soules that our dit: Omne flatum ego feci, qui est a entendre des ames que nostre

Lorde have all created, and the spekyng of those soules sayth: Seigneur a touttes creez, et le psalmistre parlant dicelles dit:

He that created all hertes: whiche is to understande the soules, for the hert is Qui finxit singulatim corda: cest a dire les ames, car le coeur est

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the principall membre of the man, the whiche is the candelstyke of the soule le principall membre de lhomme, lequel est le chandelier de lame

susteynyng her by maner of spekyng, as the candelstyke doth the candell, la soustenant par maniere de parler, come le chandelier fait la chandelle,

the whiche beyng racionelle and quycke dothe quicken invisible and la quelle estant racionelle et sensible uiuifie inuisiblement,

spiritually and mervellously all the membres and inward of the spirituellement et merueilleusement tous les membres et entrailles du

body by the comandement of the, as well by within as by without, corpz par le comandement du canter, tant par dedens come par dehors,

in ministring of onespecable maner to the fyve wyttes their power, for she en administrant de maniere indicible aux cincq sens leur pouoir, car elle

seeth by the eyen and heer by the eeres, she mel (smele) and by the nosse trilles, uoit par les yeulz et oyt par les oreilles, odore et flaire par les narilles,

and discerne the savours by the, by the feelyng she reule and governe et discerne les scaueurs par le goust, par le tacte elle regle et gouuerne

all the membres of the body in generall, she and stande by tous les membres du corps en generall, elle subsiste et demeure par

foure maner of reasons, by wit, sapience, and wyll, quatre manieres de raisons, par sens, sapience, cogitacion et uoullente,

the wit doth parteyne to the lyfe, the sapience to the understandyng, the cogitation le sens appartient a la uie, la sapience a lentendement, la cogitacion

to the counsel, the wyll to the defence. And howbeit that the sayd soule au conseil, la uoullente a la deffence. Et combien que la dicte ame

be one, she hath nevertheles many kyndes and rayment in her, soit unicque, elle a touttes fois plusieurs especes et aornament en soy,

for wher she doth brethe she is called sperit, whan she fele one car la ou elle espire elle est appelee esperit, quant elle sent on la

do call her wit, and whan she take strength one call her corrage, whan she nomme sens, et quant elle prent uigueur on la dit courrage, quant elle

understande, she is named understandyng, whan she discusse, one call her entend, elle est nommee entendement, quant elle discerne, on lapelle

reason, whan she consente, one call her wyll, and whan she raison, quant elle consent, on la nomme uoullente, et quant elle

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remembre she is sayde memory, and whan she doth grow and encrease remembre elle est dicte memoire, et quant elle uegete et croist en multipliant

the vertue, she is called the soule, the whiche lyveng justely is la vertu, elle est appellee lame, laquelle uiuant loiallement est

the ymage of God, so pleasant that he of her make is chare and his temple, limage de Dieu, tant pleasant quil en fait sa chare et son temple,

as wytnesseth my lorde saynt Poule sayeng. come le tiesmoigne monsieur saint Paul disant: Templum Dei quod estis

The beautie or raymentes of her ben, that by heryng she beleveth, she sercheth vos. Les aornementz dicelle sont que par louye elle croist, elle cerche

by desyre, and fynde by sapyence, she aske by prayers, and receyve par desir, et treuue par sapience, elle demande par oraison, et recoit

by grace, she kepe by mekenes, and helpe by mercy, by par grace, elle garde par humilite, et sequeure par misericorde, par

benignite forgyve, and aquiere by teachyng, she worke by penaunce, benignite pardonne, et acquiert par doctrine, elle compose par penitence,

by examples, the faire thynges, and by connyng the clere and fayre, she par exemples, les belles choses, et par sciences les cleres et nectes, elle

is fre by onely goodnes, and by softnes, mansuetude, and swetenes est franche par seulle bonte, et par leintz mansuetude et doulceur

plaine, she is by prudence discrete, and by symplenes hoole, by playne, elle est par prudence circonspecte, et par simplicite entiere, par

subtiltie sobre, and by justice ryghtfull, she is nat hasty by impacience, subtilite sobre, et par justice droituriere, elle est longanime par pacience,

and by obedience redy, by good doyng pure and clene, and by hope et par obedience preste, par bien faire pure et monde, et par esperance

abydyng, by abstinence temperat, and by chastyte holy, by rejoissyng attendable, par abstinence attrempee, et par chastete saincte, par resjouissement

spirituall and mery, and by confession open, by martirdom spirituelle et joieuse, et par confession ouuerte, par martire

aornat, and by unite catholicque, by concorde peasyble: and by love aournee, et par unite catolicque, par concorde pacificque, et par amour

and deleccion of her neyghbour large and lyberalle: by charite parfect et deleccion de son prouchain large et lyberalle, par charite parfaite.

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Trewly I am ryght glade to here you, and you have gyve me En bonne uerite, Giles, je suis tresjoieuse de uous auoir ouy, et maues donnes

in your wordes solas and recreation: but I praye you, good syr, tell en uos parolles soulas et recreation: mais je uous prie, beau sire, dites

us somwhat of the body and of his worckes. nous quelque chose du corps et de ses operations.


Certainly the body, as I have tolde you here before, is the Certainement, madame, le corps, come je vous ay dit cy deuant, est le

vessell of the soule, and doth serve of none other thynge but to beare the soule, uaisseau de lame et ne sert daultre chose que de porter lame,

howbeit that some sayen that the soule doth beare him, by cause that without combien que alcun dient que lame le porte, pour ce que sans

her, he his deth and may nat styre ne move. But settyng asyde icelle il est mort et ne se peult bouger ne mouuoir. Mais postposant

suche reasons, trew it is that in his necessite he must be holpen by him telles raisons, il est ueray quen ses necessites le fault secourir

that wyll kepe the soule hole in a hole body, in his hungre one must qui ueult garder lame saineen ung corps sain, en sa fain lui fault

gyve him meate, and in his thurst drinke, in labour rest, slepe in donner uiande, et en sa soif a boire, en labeure repos, sompne en

werinesse, in tristes and hevynesse myrth, in sorow confort and fatigacion, en tristesse et ennuy armonie, en doulloir comfort et

helth, in sekenesse strength and vertue, in drede socour and in darkenes salut, en foiblesse force et uertue, en crainte refuge et entenebres

lyght, and in bataill peas, and lykewyse as the body may nat lumiere et en bataille paix, etc. et tout ainsy que le corps ne peult

lyve without that whiche to him is necessary, nother more nor lesse may uiure sans ce qui luy est necessaire, ne plus ne moins ne

nat the soule by proces of tyme contynewe without her propre norsinge, peult lame par diuturnite de temps subsister sans sa propre nourriture,

for her meate his the dyvyn commandement, her drinke is car sa uiande est le diuin comandement, son beuurage est

pure praier, her bath is fastyng trew and ryghtwyse, her oraison pure, son baing est june legitime et droituriere, sea

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clothyng almesses of her propre goodes, her songe and melody is the uestementz sont aulmosne de son propre, son chant et melodie est la

contynuall laude of God, her rest is parfait poverte, her helth continuelle louenge de Dieu, son repos est parfaitte pourete, sa sante

is the sekenes of the body, her socour is pure penaunce, her peace is est la maladye du corps, son refuge est pure penitence, sa paix est

charite plentyfull, wherfore we ought well to folow our creatour charite habondante, pourquoy nous debuons bien ensuiuir nostre creatour

Jesu Christ, and the saintes fathers whiche have ben before us in Jhesu Crist, et les saintz peres qui nous ont precedes en

lernyng mekeness of Jesu Christ, devotyon of saynt Peter, charitie apprenant humilite de Jhesuh Crist, deuotion de saint Pierre, charite

of saynt Johan, obedyence of Abraham, hospitalytie of Loth, longe abidyng de saint Jehan, obedience dAbraham, hospitalite de Loth, longanimite

of Isaac, sufferaunce of Jacob, pacience of Job, chastitie of Joseph, de Isaac, tolerance de Jacob, pacience de Job, chastete de Joseph,

softnesse of Moyses, stedfastnesse of Josue, benignytie of Samuell, mansuetude de Moyse, constance de Josue, benignite de Samuel,

mercy of Davyd, almysdede of Tobye, abstynence of Danyell, misericorde de Dauid, aulmosne de Tobie, abstinence de Daniel,

speculation of Hely, experience of saynt Paule, penaunce soroufull of theoricque de Helie, practicque de saint Pol, penitence lacrimeuse de

Mary Magdaleyne, pure confessiyon of the thefe, martiyrdome of saynt Marie Magdalaine, pure confessyon du laron, martire de saint

Stephane, and lyberalytie of saynt Laurence. Ye may se, right noble lady, all Estienne et liberalite de saint Laurens. Vesla, tres noble dame, tout

that I have founde so well of the soule resonable, as of the vegetable ce que jay peu trouuer tant de lame raisonable come de la uegetable

and sensytyve, howbeit that I have here touched no thyng but the outside, et sensitiue, combien que nay icy rien touche sinon la superficie,

for I to you dare well say, that every worde here doth comprehende car je uous ose bien dire que chescune parolle icy comprent

a great boke in his declaration, trustyng that whiche rudely I have ung grant liure en sa declaracion, esperant que ce que rudement jay

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here putte in termes shalbe occasyon that in tyme to come ye shalbe icy mis en termes sera occasion que ou temps aduenir uous seres

moved for to serche the remenaunt, prayeng the swete Jesus, that it instiguee de perscruter le demourant, priant le doulx Jhesuh que ce

be to the honour of God and to the helth of your soule. soit a lhonneur de Dieu et au salut de uostre ame.


God graunt that so may it happen. Dieu ueulle que ainsy puist aduenir.




I have good memory, maistre Amnere, how ye sayd one day that Jay bonne memoire, monsieur lAumosnier, coment uous disiez ung jour que

we ought nat to pray at masse, but rather onely to here and ne debuons point orer ne prier a la messe, ains seullement ouir et

harken, and dyd prove it by that one say comunely: I go here accouter, et le prouuez par ce quon dit comunement: je men uoy ouir

masse, whiche my lorde the President fortifyng sayd that we be nat messe, ce que monsieur le President corroboroit disant que ne sommes point

bounde by the lawe to say, but onely to here, is it nat trewe? obliges par la loy de dire, mais seullement douir, nest il pas uray?


Ye, verely, madame. Ouy, certes, madame.


Wherfore than sayth the preest after the offytorie, in hym tournyng to the Pourquoy doncques dit le prestre apres loffertoire, en soi tournant au

people, pray for me, etc. and our Lorde at his passyon sayd to peuple, priez pour moy, etc. et Nostre Seigneur a sa passion disoit a

his discyples, watch and pray, that ye entre nat in temptation, with that ses disciples, ueilles et ores, affin que nentres en temptation, auec ce

that if our Lorde wolde nat our prayers, why had he made que sy Nostre Seigneur ne uoulloit nos prierez, pourquoy eust il fait

the le Pater noster.

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Certaynely that whiche I shewed you was nat onely but for Certainement, madame, ce que uous disoie nestoit seullement que pour

to shew you how you ought to maintene you at the masse, specyally uous monstrer coment uous uous debues contenir a la messe, especiallement

unto that that one monysshe you for to pray. jusques a ce quon uous admoneste de prier.


In my God, I can nat se what we shall do at the masse, if we pray nat. En mon Dieu, je ne puis ueoir que nous ferons a la messe se nous ne prions.


No. Non, madame.


No, trewly. Non, certes.


Ye shall thynke to the mystery of the masse and shall herken the wordes

Uous penseres au mistere de la messe et accouteres les parolles

that the preest say. que le prestre dit.


Yee, and what shall do they whiche understande it nat. Uoir, et que feront ceulz qui point ne lentendent.

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