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An Introductorie for to Lerne to Read, To Pronounce, and to Speke French Trewly
Author: Anonymous
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to fysshe pescher

to preache prescher

to penetre or throwe penetrer

to presente presenter

to contynew preseruer

to lose perdre

to farte petter

to knede pestrir

to warantise pleuir

to bere porter

to thynke pourpenser

to walke pourmener

to prove prouuer

to wepe plourer

to dowke plonger

to lye down as a hore prostituer

to brynge forthe produire

to shuldre pousser

to powte poussir

to bowe ploier

to fole as a mare poulener

to pygge as a sowe pourceler

to sette planter

to playde plaider

to please plaire

to plane planer

to make even planier

to lay a thynge downe or to rest poser

to combe the hedde gn. pigner

to pysse pisser

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to prycke picquer

to stampe piller

to robbe ll. piller

to take awaye priuer

to banysshe prescripre

to presuppose presuposer

to beare perhiber

to defende prohiber

to procure procurer

to say before predire

to prayse priser

to make poudre pulueriser

to multiply as birdes pululler

to purchase purchasser

to polisshe as silver polire

to caste downe precipiter

to publysshe publier

to sounde pasmer

to complayne plaindre

to lade out water puiser

to suffre permectre


to double furre quadrupler

to square quarer

to square quadrer

to stoupe quatir

to douke ou coitir

to sertche or demande querir

to pyke a quarell quereller

to begge as a pardoner quester

to move a questyon questionner

to begge quemander

to quyte quitter

to begge quoquiner

to play the fole quocarder


to bring lower rabaisser

to bate of a somme rabattre

to bring agayne ramener

to gyve yll wordes ramponer

to ravysshe rauir

to take away all raser

to raunsome ranconner

to overtake rataindre

to rake with a rake rateler

to rampe as a cat ramper

to remembre agayne ramenteuoir

to alowe it ratifier

to refresshe raffreschir

to recreate recreer

to spyll respandre

to answere respondre

to rejoyce resjouir

to refuse refuser

to feare resuer

to reduce reduire

to refuce recuser

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to lament regretter

to restore rendre

to rebounde rebunder

to reprove reprouuer

to rest reposer

to grudge gn. recigner

to eate at after noon reciner

to restore restituer

to reherce recencer

to resygne resigner

to go backe reculer

to reforme refermer

to shave rere

to reherce referer

to releve releuer

to bewray reueler

to reherce reciter

to repete repeter

to repugne repugner

to revoke reuocquer

to restore in agayne restablir

to restrayne restraindre

to robbe rober

to cancre ll. rouiller

to stare ll. rouller

to role rouller

to snore ronfler

to gnawe ronger

to ruffle rouffler

to take all away riffler

to ryme rimer

to rowe rymer

to woe a woman rouuer

to speke in ones ere runer

to use subtilte ruser

to repete by him self ruminer

to strike agayne reuerberer

to shine resplendir

to rewarde remunerer

to reise agayn resouldre

to bye agayne racheter


to salte saller

to salute saluer

to lepe saulter

to ken scauoir

to blede saigner

to yelke sangloutir

to save sauluer

to tast sauuorer

to heale saner

to halowe sainctifier

to sacrify sacrifier

to wede yvel herbes sarcler

to grave sculper

to saciate saouler

to satisfie satisfaire

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to saw semer

to somme semondre

to serve seruir

to preche sermonner

to sojourne sojourner

to devide segreger

to devyde separer

to gyve jugement sentencier

to signe signer

to sporte solager

to suffre souffrir

to suspecte soupeconner

to sawe soier

to wysshe souhaiter

to overcome sourmonter

to subdue soubmectre

to dreame songer

to slombre sommeiller

to assoyle souldre

to syghe soupirer

to beare or staye soubstenir

to remembre souuenir

to come sodenly souruenir

to swete suer

to set seoir

to sowke sucher

to folow suiuir

to succede succeder

to take sodenly surprendre

to ayde suffulter

to rone over suronder

to soupe soupper

to kare soucier

to surname sournommer

to helpe up sustenter

to strayne serrer

to flater sugerer

to over wene surcuider

to be sodenly afraide soursaillir

to suffice suppeter

to withdrawe soubstraire

to begyle suplanter

to calcule or nombre supputer

to be delygent songnier


to blot or spote tacher

to go about tacer

to tabure tabourer

to prike with heles tallonner

to syfte tamisser

to dye taindre

to dresse ledder tanner

to pike quarel tarier

to grope or taste taster

to taxe taxer

to cut ll. tailler

to taxe tausser

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to bende or go about tendre

to shere tondre

to ley a tente tenter

to tempte tenter

to abide temporiser

to make besynesse tempester

to tempre temprer

to holde tenir

to make one wery tenner

to vade ternir

to ende terminer

to karve trancher

to chide tencer

to plat heres trescher

to draw tirer

to styrre the fyre tiser

to dresse a woman tiffer

to clyppe heares touser

to tourne tourner

to swepe torcher

to bete torcer

to take away tollir

to medle ll. touller

to coughe toussir

to wip teurdre

to traite traiter

to go overthwarde trauerser

to forshape transmuer

to trace, as a hare tracer

to strike or blot out tracer

to sounde transir

to sende transmectre

to transporte transporter

to betray trahir

to tremble trembler

to draw trainer

to find trouuer

to travayle ll. trauailler

to begyle tromper

to trusse trousser

to cut in gobettes tronchonner

to falle tumber

to kylle tuer

to mocke trouffer

to tormente tourmenter

to just or fyght tournoier

to begge truander

to go thorow trespercher

to expownde tropographer

to drawe or to milke a cowe traire

to crye crier


to varye uaciller

to vayncquysshe uaincre

to be worthe ualloir

to fanne corne uaner

to boste uanter

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to varye uarier

to be avenged uenger

to go aboute uacquer

to selle uendre

to comme uenir

to fysel uener

to uernysshe uernir

to boxe uentouser

to verifye uerifier

to make verses uersifier

to serche the uttermoste uentiler

to lye on the bely uentrouller

to fil the cup uerser

to make wynde uenter

to shyt the bolte uerrouller

to make grene uerdoier

to shame uergonder

to fysell uessir

all one uesner

to watche ll. uellier

to se ueoir

to muse uiser

to vysyte uiseter

to live uiure

to turne uirer

to shame uituperer

to pisse uriner

to put out uoyder

to devoure uorrer

to gather grapes uendenger

to make shadowe umbroier

Here consequently foloweth the conjugations wherof the fyrst shalbe tourned in one tens, synguler nombre and plurell, sixe and thirty maner awaye, every person sixe maner wayes, that is to say, the affyrmatyve thre wayes and the negatyve lykewise; as whan I say: I have, which is affyrmation or grauntyng, if ye do turne it, ye shall have, have I. And if ye put this worde, why, before it, ye shall have a questyon, as: why have I, and lykewyse of the negation or denying, whiche is, I have nat; turne it, ye have, have nat I: and puttyng why before it, ye have a question, whiche is: why have nat I. And in lyke maner thorowe every persone synguler and plurell; and so shall it be sixe and thirty wayes in one tens, and this rule is generall for every verbe.

Also there is another maner, whiche shall serve for every verbe lykewyse, and shalbe turned in one tens an hundred and eyght wayes, with thre pronownes, that is to say: me, the, hym.

Example for the fyrst persone: I have me, I have the, I have hym. And

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we tourne it, we shall have: have I me, have I the, have I hym. Than puttyng why before it, we shall have: Why have I me, why have I the, why have I hym; and this is nyne wayes in the affyrmatyve.

Nowe, if ye do lykewise in the negatyve, ye shall have other nyne wayes, as whan ye say: I have nat me, I have nat the, I have nat him, and tournyng it, ye have: have I nat me, have I nat the, have I nat hym; and puttyng why before, I have: why have nat I me, why have nat I the, why have nat I hym. And doynge lykewise of the seconde persone and the thyrde, and consequently with the plurell nombre, ye shall have syx tymes eightene variable and sondry wayes, which do amount to an hundred and viii wayes in one tense, and may be lykewise of every verbe; and if ye do take but the fyrste worde of every persone, ye shall have a syngle conjugacion, as: I have, thou hast, he hath: we have, ye have, they have, etc.

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Here after foloweth the fyrst conjugation whiche is sixe and thyrty wayes in the presente, and lykewyse of every preteryte and future, in every tense and mode, except all the imperatyves the present of the optatyves. And bycause we can nat specifye by our wordes any of our dedes, signyfyeng action, without this verbe (have) we shall begyn with the same, addyng to it a worde or two for to shewe an example, howe one may make dyverse and many sentences with one worde, and percon- sequent come shortely to the french speche.

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I have great desyre [Symbol: hand] jay grant desir

have I ay je

why have I pourquoy ay je

I have nat —- je nay pas

have nat I great desyre nay je pas grand desir

why have nat I pourquoy nay je pas

thou hast [Symbol: hand] tu as

hast thou good appetyte as tu bon appetit

why hast thou pourquoy as tu

thou hast nat —- tu nas pas

hast thou nat good appetyte nas tu pas bon appetit

why hast thou nat pourquoy nas tu pas

he hath [Symbol: hand] il a

hath he sorowe a il deul

why hath he pourquoy a il

he hath nat —- il na pas

hath he nat sorowe na il pas deul

why hath he nat pourquoy na il point

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we have [Symbol: hand] nous auons

have we joye auons nous joie

why have we pourquoy auons nous

we have nat — nous nauons mie

have nat we joye nauons nous mie joie

why have nat we pourquoy nauons nous mie

ye have [Symbol: hand] uous auez

have ye right auez uous droit

why have ye pourquoy auez uous

ye have nat — uous nauez point

have ye nat right nauez uous point droit

why have ye nat pourquoy nauez uous point

they have [Symbol: hand] ilz ont

have they shame ont ilz honte

why have they pourquoy ont ilz

they have nat — ilz nont pas

have they nat shame nont ilz pas honte

why have they nat pourquoy nont ilz pas

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I dyd have, or I was havyng, or I had [Symbol: hand] jauoy

why had I good hope pourquoy auoy je bonne esperance

I had nat — je nauoy point

had nat I good hope nauoy je point bonne esperance

why had nat I pourquoy nauoy je pas

thou haddes [Symbol: hand] tu auois

haddest thou great feare auois tu belle peur

why haddest thou pourquoy auois tu

thou haddest nat — tu nauois mie

haddest nat thou great feare nauois tu mie belle peur

why haddest nat thou pourquoy nauois tu mie

he dyd have or had [Symbol: hand] il auoit

had he understandyng auoit il entendement

why had he pourquoy auoit il

he had nat — il nauoit pas

had nat he understandyng nauoit il pas entendement

why had nat he pourquoy nauoit il pas

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we had [Symbol: hand] nous auions

had we layser auions nous loisir

why had we pourquoy auions nous

we had nat — nous nauions pas

had nat we layser nauions nous pas loisir

why had nat we pourquoy nauions nous pas

ye had [Symbol: hand] uous auiez

had ye wronge auiez uous tort

why had ye pourquoy auies uous

ye had nat — uous nauiez point

had nat ye wronge nauiez uous point tort

why had ye nat pourquoy nauiez uous pas

they had [Symbol: hand] ilz auoient

had they well sayd auoient ilz bien dit

why had they pourquoy auoient ilz

they had nat — ilz nauoient pas

had they nat well sayd nauoient ilz pas bien dit

why had they nat pourquoy nauoient ilz pas

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I had [Symbol: hand] je eus

had I fayre pastyme eus je beau passe temps

why had I pourquoy eus je

I had nat — je neus pas

had nat I fayre pastyme neus je pas beau passe temps

why had nat I pourquoy ne eus je pas

thou haddest [Symbol: hand] tu eus

haddest thou moche a do eus tu a besongnier

why haddest thou pourquoy eus tu

thou haddest nat — tu neus point

haddest nat thou moche a do neus tu point a besongnier

why haddest nat thou pourquoy neus tu point

he had [Symbol: hand] il eust

had he that that he sought eust il ce quil cerchoit

why had he pourquoy eust il

he had nat — il neust pas

had nat he that that he sought neust il pas ce quil cerchoit

why had nat he pourquoy neust il pas

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we had [Symbol: hand] nous eusmes

had we good corage eusmes nous bon courage

why had we pourquoy eusmes nous

we had nat — nous neusmes pas

had nat we good corage neusmes nous pas bon courage

why had nat we pourquoy neusmes nous pas

ye had [Symbol: hand] uous eustes

had ye the prise eustes uous le pris

why had ye pourquoy eustes uous

ye had nat — uous neustes pas

had nat ye the prise neustes uous pas le pris

why had nat ye pourquoy neustes vous pas

they had [Symbol: hand] ilz eurent

had they the aduauntage eurent ilz laduantage

why had they pourquoy eurent ilz

they had nat — ilz neurent pas

had they nat the aduauntage neurent ilz pas laduantage

why had they nat pourquoy neurent ilz pas

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I have had [Symbol: hand] jay eu

have I had to drinke ay je eu a boire

why have I had pourquoy ay je eu

I have nat had — je nay pas eu

have nat I had to drinke nay je pas eu a boire

why have nat I had pourquoy nay je pas eu

thou hast had [Symbol: hand] tu as eu

hast thou had thurst as tu eu soif

why hast thou had pourquoy as tu eu

thou hast nat had — tu nas pas eu

hast thou nat had thurst nas tu pas eu soif

why hast thou nat had pourquoy nas tu pas eu

he hath had [Symbol: hand] il a eu

hath he had to eate a il eu a manger

why hath he had pourquoy a il eu

he hath nat had — il na pas eu

hath he nat had to eate na il pas eu a manger

why hath he nat had pourquoy na il pas eu

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we have had [Symbol: hand] nous auons eu

have we had patience auons nous eu pacience

why have we had pourquoy auons nous eu

we have nat had — nous nauons pas eu

have we nat had pacyence nauons nous pas eu pacience

why have we nat had pourquoy nauons nous pas eu

ye have had [Symbol: hand] uous auez eu

have ye had nede auez uous eu necessite

why have ye had pourquoy auez uous eu

ye have nat had — uous nauez pas eu

have ye nat had nede nauez uous pas eu necessite

why have ye nat had pourquoy nauez uous pas eu

they have had [Symbol: hand] ilz ont eu

have they had their wages ont ilz eu leur gages

why have they had pourquoy ont ilz eu

they have nat had — ilz nont pas eu

have they nat had their wages nont ilz pas eu leur gages

why have they nat had pourquoy nont ilz pas eu

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I had had [Symbol: Hand] jauoy eu

had I had the payne auoy je eu la paine

why had I had pourquoy auoy je eu

I had nat had — je nauoy pas eu

had nat I had the payne nauoy je pas eu la paine

why had nat I had pourquoy nauoy je pas eu

thou haddest had [Symbol: hand] tu auois eu

haddest thou had profyte auois tu eu prouffit

why haddest thou had pourquoy auois tu eu

thou haddest nat had — tu nauois pas eu

haddest thou nat had profyte nauois tu pas eu prouffit

why haddest thou nat had pourquoy nauois tu pas eu

he had had [Symbol: hand] il auoit eu

had he had damage auoit il eu domage

why had he had pourquoy auoit il eu

he had nat had — il nauoit pas eu

had he nat had damage nauoit il pas eu domage

why had nat he had pourquoy nauoit il pas eu

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we had had [Symbol: hand] nous auions eu

had we had wynnyng auions nous eu gagnage

why had we had pourquoy auions nous eu

we had nat had — nous nauions pas eu

had we nat had wynnyng nauions nous pas eu gagnage

why had we nat had pourquoy nauions nous pas eu

ye had had [Symbol: hand] uous auiez eu

had ye had losse auiez uous eu perte

why had ye had pourquoy auiez uous eu

ye had nat had — uous nauiez pas eu

had ye nat had losse nauiez uous pas eu perte

why had ye nat had pourquoy nauiez uous pas eu

they had had [Symbol: hand] ilz auoient eu

had they had their pleasure auoient ilz eu leur plaisir

why had they had pourquoy auoient ilz eu

they had nat had — ilz nauoient pas eu

had they nat had their pleasure nauoient ilz pas eu leur plaisir

why had they nat had pourquoy nauoient ilz pas eu

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I shall have [Symbol: hand] je aray

shall I have better fortune aray je meilleur fortune

why shall I have pourquoy aray je

I shall nat have — je naray pas

shall nat have I better fortune naray je pas meilleur fortune

why shall nat I have pourquoy naray je pas

thou shalte have [Symbol: hand] tu aras

shalte thou have moche a do aras tu bien a faire

why shalte thou have pourquoy aras tu

thou shalte nat have — tu naras pas

shalte thou nat have moche a do naras tu pas bien a faire

why shalte thou nat have pourquoy naras tu pas

he shall have [Symbol: hand] il ara

shall he have a strawe ara il ung festu

why shall he have pourquoy ara il

he shall nat have — il nara pas

shall he nat have a strawe nara il pas ung festu

why shall he nat have pourquoy nara il pas

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we shall have [Symbol: hand] nous arons

shall we have that that we wene arons nous ce que nous cuidons

why shall we have pourquoy arons nous

we shall nat have — nous narons pas

shall we nat have that that we wene narons nous pas ce que nous cuidons

why shall we nat have pourquoy narons nous pas

ye shall have [Symbol: hand] uous arez

shall ye have your purpose arez uous uostre purpose

why shall ye have pourquoy arez uous

ye shall nat have — uous narez point

shall ye nat have your purpose narez uous point vostre purpose

why shall nat ye have pourquoy narez uous point

they shall have [Symbol: hand] ilz aront

shall they have the goyng for the comming aront ilz laler pour le uenir

why shall they have pourquoy aront ilz

they shall nat have — ilz naront pas

shall they nat have the going for the commyng naront ilz pas laler pour le uenir

why shall they nat have pourquoy naront ilz pas

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Have thou selfe, have the selfe, have he Ay tu mesme, ay toi mesme, ayt il,

Have him, have she.—have we, have ye. Ayt celuy, ayt celle.—aions nous, aiez uous.

Have they. Aient ceulz, ou celles.


Loke that thou have, that he have, that we have, that ye have, that they have. Garde que tu aye, quil ait, que nous aions, que uous aiez, quilz aient.


Do that thou have nat, do that he have nat, do that we have nat, that ye have nat, Fais que tu naye point, quil nait pas, que nous naions mie, que uous naiez pas,

that they have nat. quilz naient pas.

The optatyve whiche is syngle lykewyse, the which shall serve for a future, with an addicion of the tyme to come, as tantost or demain, etc.

I praye you that I have, that thou have, that he have, Je uous prie que jaye, que tu aie, quil ayt,

With my wyll that we have, that ye have, that they have. A ma uoullente que nous ayons, que uous aiez, quilz aient.

The preterit imparfyte, whiche may serve lykewyse for the present, after the olde grammer.

Wolde God that I had, that thou hadest, that he had. Pleust a Dieu que je eusse, que tu eusse, quil eust.

Wolde God that we had, that ye had, that they had. Pleust a Dieu que nous eussions, que uous eussiez, quilz eussent.


Wolde to God that I have had, that thou, that he. A ma uoullente que jaye eu, que tu aie eu, quil ait eu.

Wolde to God that we have had, that ye have had, that they have had. A ma uoullente que nous aions eu, que uous aiez eu, quilz aient eu.

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O if I had had, thou hadest had, he had had. O sy jeusse eu, tu eusse eu, il eust eu.

O if we had had, ye had had, they had had. O sy nous eussions eu, uous eussies eu, ilz eussent eu.

The subjunctyve is lyke the optatyve save the future sayeng, comme or quant.

I have jaye

thou have of custome Comme tu aye de coustome

he have il ayt

we have, ye have they have. Comme nous aions, uous aiez, ilz ayent.


As I had or dyd have, as thou haddest, as he had, Comme jeusse ou jauois, comme tu eusses ou auois, comme il eust ou auoit,

As we had or dyd have, as ye had, comme nous eussons ou auions, comme uous eussez ou auyes

as they had. comme ilz eussent ou auoient.


As I have had, as thou hast had, as he hath had, as we have had, Comme jaye eu, comme tu aye eu, comme il ayt eu, comme nous ayons eu,

as ye have had, as they have had. comme uous ayez eu, comme ilz ayent eu.


If I had had, if thou hadest had, if he had had, if we had had, if ye had Se jeusse eu, se tu eusse eu, se il eust eu, se nous eussions eu, se uous eussiez

had, if they had had. eu, se ilz eussent eu.

The fyrst future, which may be tourned XXXVI maner of wayes as the indicatyve.

As I shulde have, thou he we Comme jaroie, tu arois, il aroit, nous arions,

ye shulde have, they shulde have. uous ariez, ilz aroient.

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So that I have, that thou have, that he have, that we have, that ye have, that they have. Mais que jaye, que tu aye, quil ayt, que nous aions, que vous ayes, quilz ayent.


To have. Auoir.

THE PRETERIT. To have had. Auoir eu.

GERUNDIVES. To have, for to have, in havynge. Dauoir, pour auoir, en ayant.

THE OVERTHROWEN or I you wolde had, I you desire had. SUPINS. Je uous uouldroie eu, je vous desire eu.

And thus endeth the conjugation of this verbe, have.

Here foloweth a conjugation of an hundred and eight wayes in one tence onely, wher ye shall reherce twise the interrogatyves of bothe the affirmatyve and negatyve: the fyrst tyme as it standeth written, and the seconde tyme, puttinge outher why or howe before it.


I knowe me, I knowe the, I knowe hym. Je me congnoy, je te congnoy, je le congnoy.

Why knowe I me, why knowe I the, why knowe I hym. Pourquoy me congnoy je, pourquoy te congnoy je, pourquoy le congnoy je.

I knowe nat me, I knowe nat the, I knowe nat hym. Je ne me congnoy pas, je ne te congnoy pas, je ne le congnoy pas

Howe knowe nat I me, howe knowe nat I the, howe knowe nat I hym. Come ne me congnoy je pas, come ne te congnoy je pas, come ne le congnoy je pas.


Thou knowest me, thou the, thou him. Tu me congnois, tu te congnois, tu le congnois.

How knowest thou me, how thou the, howe thou hym. Come me congnois tu, come te congnoys tu, come le congnoys tu.

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Thou knowest nat me, thou nat the, thou nat hym. Tu ne me congnois pas, tu ne te congnois pas, tu ne le congnois pas.

Howe knowest thou nat me, howe thou nat the, howe thou nat hym. Come ne me congnoys tu pas, come ne te congnois tu pas, come ne le congnois tu pas.


He knewe me, he the, he him. Il me congnoit, il te congnoit, il le congnoit.

Howe knewe he me, howe he the, howe he him. Come me congnoit il, come te congnoit il, come le congnoit il.

He knewe nat me, he nat the, he nat him. Il ne me congnoit pas, il ne te congnoyt pas, il ne le congnoit pas.

How knewe nat he me, howe nat he the, howe nat he him. Come ne me congnoit il pas, come ne te congnoit il pas, come ne le congnoit il pas.


We knowe us, we you, we them. Nous nous congnoissons, nous uous congnoissons, nous les congnoissons.

How know we us, how we you, how we them. Come nous cognoissons nous, come uous cognoissons nous, come les cognoissons nous.

We know us nat, we you nat, we them nat. Nous ne nous cognoissons pas, nous ne uous cognoissons pas, nous ne les cognoissons pas.

Why do we nat know us, why do we nat you, Pourquoy ne nous cognoissons nous pas, pourquoy ne uous cognoissons nous pas,

why do we nat them. pourquoy ne les congnoissons nous pas.


Ye us know, ye you know, ye them know. Uous nous cognoisses, uous uous cognoisses, uous les congnoisses.

Howe know ye us, how you us, how they us. Come nous congnoisses uous, come uous congnoisses uous, come les congnoisses uous.

Ye know us nat, ye you nat, you them nat. Uous ne nous congnoisses pas, uous ne uous congnoisses pas, uous ne les congnoisses pas.

How know ye nat us, how ye nat you, how ye nat them. Come ne nous cognoisses uous pas, come ne uous congnoisses uous pas, come ne les cognoisses uous pas.

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They know us, they you, they them. Ilz nous congnoissent, ilz uous congnoissent, ilz les congnoissent.

How know they us, how they you, how they them. Come nous congnoissent ilz, come uous congnoissent ilz, come les congnoissent ilz.

They dyd nat know us, they dyd nat you, they dyd nat them. Ilz ne nous cognoissent pas, ilz ne uous congnoissent pas, ilz ne les congnoissent pas.

How know they nat us, how they nat you, howe they nat them. Come ne nous cognoissent ilz pas, come ne uous cognoissent ilz pas, come ne les cognoissent ilz pas.


I dyd know me, I dyd the, I dyd him. Je me cognoissoie, je te cognoissoie, je le cognoissoie.

How dyd I know me, how dyd I the, how dyd I him. Come je me cognoissoye je, come te cognoissoie je, come le cognoissoie je.

I dyd nat knowe me, I dyd nat the, I dyd nat him. Je ne me cognoissoie pas, je ne te congnoissoie pas, je ne le congnoissoie pas.

Why dyd nat I know me, how dyd I nat you, how dyd nat I him. Pourquoy ne me cognoissoie je pas, pourquoy ne te cognoissoie je pas, pourquoy ne le congnoissoie je pas.


Thou dydest knew me, thou dydest the, thou dydest him. Tu me cognoissois, tu te cognoissois, tu le cognoissois.

How dydest thou know me, howe dydest thou the, how dydest thou him. Come me cognoissois tu, come te cognoissois tu, come le congnoissois tu.

Thou dydest nat know me, thou dydest nat the, thou dydest nat him. Tu ne me cognoissois pas, tu ne te cognoissois pas, tu ne le cognoissois pas.

How dydest thou nat know me, how dydest thou nat the, how dydest thou nat him. Come ne me congnoissois tu pas, come ne te congnoissois tu pas, come ne le congnoissois tu pas.


He dyd know me, he dyd the, he dyd hym. Il me cognoissoit, il te cognoissoit, il le cognoissoit.

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Howe dyd he knowe me, how dyd he the, Come me cognoissoit il, come te cognoissoit il, howe dyd he hym. come le congnoissoit il.

He dyd nat knowe me, he dyd nat the, he dyd nat Il ne me cognoissoit pas, il ne te cognoissoit pas, il ne hym. le cognoissoit pas.

How dyd nat he know me, howe dyd nat he the, Come ne me congnoissoit il pas, come ne te congnoissoit il pas, how dyd nat he him. come ne le congnoissoit il pas.


We dyd knowe us, we dyd you, Nous nous congnoissions, nous uous congnoissions, we dyd them. nous les congnoissions.

Howe dyd we knowe us, howe dyd we you, Come nous congnoissions nous, come uous congnoissions nous, how dyd we them. come les congnoissions nous.

We dyd nat know us, we dyd nat you, Nous ne nous congnoissions pas, nous ne uous congnoissions pas, we dyd nat them. nous ne les congnoissions pas.

Why dyd nat we know us, Pourquoy ne nous congnoissions nous pas, why dyd nat we know you, pourquoy ne uous cognoissions nous pas, why dyd nat we know them. pourquoy ne les congnoissions nous pas.


Ye dyd knowe us, ye dyd knowe you, ye dyd knowe them. Uous nous cognoisses, uous uous cognoisses, uous les cognoisses.

Howe dyd ye knowe us, howe dyd ye knowe you, Come nous cognoisses uous, come uous cognoisses uous, how dyd ye know them. come les congnoisses uous.

Ye dyd nat know us, ye dyd nat know you,. Uous ne nous congnoisses pas, uous ne uous cognoisses pas, ye dyd nat know them uous ne les congnoisses pas.

Howe dyd ye nat knowe us, how dyd ye nat know you, Come ne nous cognoisses uous pas, come ne uous cognoisses uous pas, how dyd ye nat know them. come ne les cognoisses uous pas.


They dyd know us, they dyd you, they dyd them. Ilz nous cognoissoient, ilz uous cognoissoient, ilz les cognoissoient.

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How dyd they know us, how dyd they you, Come nous congnoissoient ilz, come uous congnoissoient ilz, how dyd they them. come les cognoissoient ilz.

They dyd nat know us, they dyd nat you, Ilz ne nous cognoissoient pas, ilz ne uous cognoissoient pas, they dyd nat them, ilz ne les cognoissoient pas.

How dyd they nat know us, how dyd they nat you, Come ne nous cognoissoient ilz pas, come ne uous cognoissoient ilz pas, how dyd they nat them, come ne les cognoissoient ilz pas.


I knew me, I the, I him. Je me cogneus, je le cogneus, je le cogneus.

How knew I me, how I the, how I him. Come me cogneus je, come te cogneus je, come le cogneus je.

I knewe nat me, I nat the, I nat him. Je ne me cogneus pas, je ne le cogneus pas, je ne le congneus pas.

Howe knew nat I me, howe nat I the, Come ne me cogneus je pas, come ne te congneus je pas, howe nat I him. come ne le cogneus je pas.


Thou knewest me, thou the, thou him. Tu me cogneus, tu te cogneus, tu le cogneus.

Why knewest the me, why the the, why the him. Pourquoy me cogneus tu, pourquoy te cogneus tu, pourquoy le cogneus tu.

Thou knewest nat me, thou nat the, thou nat him. Tu ne me cogneus pas, tu ne te cogneus pas, tu ne le cogneus pas.

How knewest thou nat me, how thou nat the, Come ne me cogneus tu pas, come ne te congneus tu pas, how thou nat him. come ne le cogneus tu pas.


He knew me, he the, he him. Il me congneut, il te congneut, il le cogneut.

How knew he me, how he the, how he him. Come me cogneut il, come te cogneut il, come le cogneut il.

He knew nat me, he nat the, he nat him. Il ne me congneut pas, il ne le congneut pas, il ne le cogneut pas.

Why knew nat he me, why nat he the, Pourquoy ne me cogneut il pas, pourquoy ne te cogneut il pas, why nat he him. pourquoy ne le cogneut il pas.

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We knew us, we you, we them. Nous nous cogneusmes, nous uous cogneusmes, nous les cogneusmes.

How knew we us, how we you, Come nous cogneusmes nous, come uous cogneusmes nous, how we them. come les cogneusmes nous.

We knew nat us, we nat you, Nous ne nous cogneusmes pas, nous ne uous cogneusmes pas, we nat them. nous ne les cogneusmes pas.

How knew we nat us, how we nat you, Come ne nous cogneusmes nous pas, come ne uous cogneusmes nous pas, how we nat them. come ne les cogneusmes nous pas.


Ye knew us, ye you, ye them. Uous nous cogneustes, uous uous cogneustes, uous les cogneustes.

How knew ye us, how ye you, Come nous cogneustes uous, come uous cogneustes uous, how ye them. come les cogneustes uous.

Ye knew nat us, ye nat you, Uous ne nous congneustes pas, uous ne uous congneustes pas, ye nat them. uous ne les cogneustes pas.

How knew ye nat us, how ye nat you, Come ne nous cogneustes uous pas, come ne uous cogneustes uous pas, how ye nat them. come ne les cogneustes uous pas.


They knew us, they you, they them. Ilz nous cogneurent, ilz uous cogneurent, ilz les cogneurent.

How knew they us, how they you, Come nous cogneurent ilz, come uous cogneurent ilz, how they them. come les cogneurent ilz.

They knewe nat us, they nat you, Ilz ne nous congneurent pas, ilz ne uous congneurent pas, they nat them. ilz ne les cogneurent pas.

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Howe knewe they nat us, how they nat you, Come ne nous cogneurent ilz pas, come ne uous cogneurent ilz pas, how they nat them. come ne les cogneurent ilz pas.


I have knowen me, I have the, I have him. Je may cogneu, je tay cogneu, je lay cogneu.

How have I knowen me, how have I the, howe have I him. Come may je cogneu, come tay je congneu, come lay je cogneu.

How have nat I knowen me, how have nat I the, Come ne may je pas congneu, come ne tay je pas cogneu, how have nat I him. come ne lay je pas cogneu.


Thou hast knowen me, thou hast the, thou hast him. Tu mas cogneu, tu te as cogneu, tu las cogneu.

How hast thou knowen me, how hast thou the, how hast thou him. Come mas tu congneu, come tas tu congneu, come las tu cogneu.

Thou hast nat knowen me, thou hast nat the, thou hast nat him. Tu ne mas pas cogneu, tu ne tas pas cogneu, tu ne las pas cogneu.

How hast nat thou knowen me, how hast nat thou the, Come ne mas tu pas cogneu, come ne las tu pas cogneu, how hast nat thou him. come ne las tu pas cogneu.


He hath knowen me, he hath the, he hath him, Il ma congneu, il ta congneu, il la congneu.

How hath he knowen me, how hath he the, how hath he him. Come ma il cogneu, come ta il cogneu, come la il cogneu.

He hath nat knowen me, he hath nat the, he hath nat him. Il ne ma pas congneu, il ne ta pas congneu, il ne la pas congneu.

How hath nat he knowen me, how hath nat he the, Come ne ma il pas cogneu, come ne ta il pas cogneu, how hath nat he him. come ne la il pas cogneu.


We have knowen us, we have you, we have them. Nous nous auons cogneu, nous uous auons cogneu, nous les auons cogneu.

Howe have we knowen us, how have we you, Come nous auons nous cogneu, come uous auons nous cogneu, how have we them. come les auons nous cogneu.

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We have nat knowen us, we have nat you, Nous ne nous auons pas cogneu, nous ne nous auons pas cogneu, we have nat them. nous ne les auons pas cogneu.

How have we nat knowen us, how have we nat you, Come ne nous auons nous pas cogneu, come ne uous auons nous pas cogneu, how have we nat them. come ne les auons nous pas cogneu.


Ye have knowen us, ye have you, ye have knowen them. Uous nous aues cogneu, uous uous aues cogneu, uous les aues cogneu.

Howe have ye knowen us, have ye you, Come nous aues uous cogneu, come uous aues uous cogneu, have ye them. come les aues uous cogneu.

Ye have nat knowen us, ye have nat you, Uous ne nous aues pas cogneu, uous ne uous aues pas cogneu, ye have nat them. uous ne les aues pas cogneu.

How have nat you knowen us, how have nat ye you, Come ne nous aues uous pas congneu, come ne uous aues uous pas congneu, how have nat ye them. come ne les aues uous pas cogneu.


They have knowen me, they have you, they have them. Ilz me ont cogneu, ilz te ont cogneu, ilz les ont cogneu.

How have they knowen me, how have they the, Come mont ilz cogneu, come te ont ilz cogneu, how have they them. come les ont ilz cogneu.

They have nat knowen me, they have nat you, Ilz ne mont pas cogneu, ilz ne tont pas cogneu, they have nat them. ilz ne les ont pas cogneu.

How have they nat knowen me, how have they nat you, Come ne mont ilz pas cogneu, come ne tont ilz pas cogneu, how have they nat them. come ne les ont ilz pas cogneu.


I had knowen me, I had the, I had him. Je mauoy cogneu, je tauoy cogneu, je lauoy cogneu.

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How had I knowen me, how had I the, how had I him. Come mauoy je cogneu, come tauoy je cogneu, come lauoy je cogneu.

I had nat knowen me, I had nat the, Je ne mauoy pas congneu, je ne tauoy pas cogneu, I had nat him. je ne lauoy pas cogneu.

How had nat I knowen me, how had nat I the, Come ne mauoy je pas cogneu, come ne tauoy je pas cogneu, how had nat I him. come ne lauoy je pas cogneu.


Thou hadest knowen me, thou hadest the, thou hadest him. Tu mauoys cogneu, tu tauoys cogneu, tu lauoys congneu.

How hadest thou knowen me, how hadest thou the, Come mauoys tu cogneu, come tauoys tu cogneu, how hadest thou him. come lauoys tu cogneu.

Thou hadest nat knowen me, thou hadest nat the, Tu ne mauoys pas cogneu, tu ne tauoys pas cogneu, thou hadest nat him. tu ne lauoys pas cogneu.

How hadest thou nat knowen me, how hadest thou nat the, Come ne mauois tu pas cogneu, come ne tauoys tu pas cogneu, how hadest thou nat him. come ne lauoys tu pas cogneu.


He had knowen me, he had the, he had him. Il mauoit cogneu, il tauoit cogneu, il lavoit cogneu.

How had he knowen me, how had he the, how had he him. Come mauoit il cogneu, come tauoyt il cogneu, come lauoyt il cogneu.

He had nat knowen me, he had nat the, Il ne mauoit pas cogneu, il ne tauoyt pas cogneu, he had nat him. il ne lauoyt pas cogneu.

How had nat he knowen me, how had nat he the, Come ne mauoyt il pas cogneu, come ne tauoit il pas cogneu, how had nat he him. come ne lavoit il pas cogneu.


We had knowen us, we had you, Nous nous auions cogneu, nous uous auions cogneu, we had him. nous les auious cogneu.

How had we knowen us, how had we you, Come nous auions nous cogneu, come uous auions nous cogneu, how had we them. come les auions nous cogneu.

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We had nat knowen us, we had nat you, Nous ne nous auions pas cogneu, nous ne uous auions pas cogneu, we had nat them. nous ne les auions pas cogneu.

Howe had nat we knowen us, Come ne nous auions nous pas cogneu, how had nat we you, come ne uous auions nous pas cogneu, how had nat we them. come ne les auions nous pas cogneu.


Ye had knowen us, ye had you, ye had them. Uous nous auies cogneu, uous uous auies cogneu, uous les auies cogneu.

How had ye knowen us, how had ye you, Come nous auies uous cogneu, come uous auiez nous cogneu, how had ye them. come les auies uous cogneu.

Ye had nat knowen us, ye had nat you, Uous ne nous auies pas cogneu, uous ne uous auies pas cogneu, ye had nat them. uous ne les auies pas cogneu.

How had nat ye knowen me, how had nat ye you, Come ne nous auies uous pas cogneu, come ne les auies uous pas cogneu, how had nat ye them. come ne les auies uous pas cogneu.


They had knowen us, they had you, Ilz nous auoient cogneu, ilz uous auoient cogneu, they had them. ilz les auoient cogneu.

How had they knowen us, how had they you, Come nous auoient ilz cogneu, come uous auoient ilz cogneu, how had they them. come les auoient ilz cogneu.

They had nat knowen us, they had nat you, Ilz ne nous auoient pas cogneu, ilz ne uous auoient pas cogneu, they had nat them. ilz ne les auoient pas cogneu.

How had they nat knowen us, Come ne nous auoient ilz pas congneu, how had they nat you, come ne uous auoient ilz pas congneu, how had they nat them. come ne les auoient ilz pas cogneu.

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I shall know me, I shall the, I shall him. Je me cognoistray, je te cognoistray, je le cognoistray.

How shall I know me, how shall I the, how shall I him. Come me cognoistray je, come te cognoistray je, come le cognoistray je.

I shall nat know me, I shall nat the, Je ne me congnoistray pas, je ne te congnoistray pas, I shall nat him. je ne le congnoistray pas.

How shall nat I know me, how shall nat I the, Come ne me cognoistray je pas, come ne te cognoistray je pas, how shall nat I him. come ne le cognoistray je pas.


Thou shalt know me, thou shall the, thou shalt him. Tu me cognoistras, tu te cognoistras, tu le cognoistras.

How shalt thou knowe me, how shalt thou the, Come me cognoistras tu, come te cognoistras tu, how shalt thou him. come le cognoistras tu.

Thou shalt nat knowe me, thou shalt nat the, Tu ne me cognoistras pas, tu ne te cognoistras pas, thou shalt nat him. tu ne le cognoistras pas.

How shalt thou nat knowe me, how shalt thou nat the, Come ne me cognoistras tu pas, come ne te cognoistras tu pas, how shall thou nat him. come ne le cognoistras tu pas.


He shall know me, he shall the, he shall him. Il me cognoistras, il te cognoistras, il le cognoistras.

How shall he knowe me, how shall he the, how shall he him. Come me cognoistra il, come te cognoistra il, come le cognoistra il.

He shall nat knowe me, he shall nat the, Il ne me cognoistras pas, il ne te cognoistras pas, he shall nat him. il ne le cognoistras pas.

How shall nat he knowe me, how shall nat he the, Come ne me cognoistra il pas, come ne te cognoistra il pas, how shall nat he him. come ne le cognoistra il pas.


We shall know us, we shall you, we shall them. Nous nous cognoistrons, nous uous cognoistrons, nous les cognoistrons.

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How shall we know us, how shall we you,

Come nous cognoistrons nous, come uous cognoistrons nous, how shall we them. come les cognoistrons nous.

We shall nat knowe us, we shall nat you, Nous ne nous cognoistrons pas, nous ne uous cognoistrons pas, we shall nat them. nous ne les cognoistrons pas.

How shall nat we knowe us, how shall nat we you, Come ne nous cognoistrons nous pas, come ne uous congnoistrons nous pas, how shall nat we them. come ne les congnoistrons nous pas.


Ye shall know us, ye shall you, ye shall them. Uous nous cognoistres, uous uous cognoistres, uous les cognoistres.

How shall ye know us, how shall ye you, Come nous cognoistres uous, come uous cognoistres uous, how shall ye them. come les cognoistres nous.

Ye shall nat knowe us, ye shall nat you, Uous ne nous cognoistres pas, uous ne uous cognoistres pas, ye shall nat them. uous ne les cognoistres pas.

How shall ye nat know us, how shall ye nat you, Come ne nous cognoistres uous pas, come ne uous cognoistres nous pas, how shall ye nat them. come ne les congnoistres uous pas.


They shall know us, they shall you, they shall them. Ilz nous cognoistront, ilz uous cognoistront, ilz les cognoistront.

How shall they know us, how shall they you, Come nous cognoistront ilz, come uous congnoistront ilz, how shall they them. come les congnoistront ilz.

They shall nat know us, they shall nat you, Ilz ne nous cognoistront pas, ilz ne uous cognoistront pas, they shall nat them. ilz ne les cognoistront pas.

How shall they nat know us, how shall they nat you, Come ne nous cognoistront ilz pas, come ne uous cognoistront ilz pas, how shall they nat them. come ne les cognoistront ilz pas.

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Know thou, know he or him, know we, know ye, Cognoys toi, cognoisse soy, cognoissons nous, cognoisses uous, know they. cognoissent eulz ou elles.


Loke that thou know the, that he himselfe, Garde que tu te cognoisse, quil se cognoisse, that we know us, que nous nous cognoissons,

that ye you, that they themselfe. que uous uous cognoissez, quilz se cognoissent.


Do that thou knoweth nat, that he knoweth nat, that we knoweth nat, Faitz que tu ne cognoisse, quil ne cognoisse, que nous ne cognoissons,

that ye nat, that they nat. que uous ne cognoissez, quilz ne cognoissent.


I pray you that I may knowe, that thou know. Je uous prie que je congnoisse, que tu congnoisse, etc. lyke the imperatyve.


O yf I knew, yf thou, yf he, O se je cogneusse, se tu congneusse, se il cogneusse,

yf we knew, yf you, yf they knew. se nous cogneussions, se uous cogneussies, se ilz cogneussent.


With my wyll that I have knowen, that thou hast, that he hath, A ma uoullente que jaye cogneu, que tu aye cogneu, quil ayt cogneu,

that we have, that ye have, that they have knowen. que nous ayons cogneu, que uous ayez cogneu, quilz ayent cogneu.


Wold to God that I had knowen, that thou hadest, that he had, Pleust a Dieu que jeusse cogneu, que tu eusse cogneu, quil eust cogueu,

that we had, that ye had, that they had knowen. que nous eussions cogneu, que uous eussiez cogneu, quilz eussent cogneu.

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The subjunctive present and thre preterites is lyke the optative, puttyng before the verbe, ueu, or come, etc.


Whan I shall knowe, thou shall, he shall know: Mais que je cognoisse, que tu, quil cognoisse;

we shall, ye shall, they shall know. que nous cognoissons, que uous cognoisses, quilz cognoissent.


Whan I shulde knowe, thou shulde, he shulde: Quant je cognoistroye, que tu cognoistrois, quil cognoistroit:

we shulde, ye shulde, they shuld know. que nous cognoistrions, que uous cognoistriez, quilz cognoistroient.

to know. to have knowen. THE INFINITIVE, cognoistre. THE PRETERIT, auoir cogneu. to know, THE GERUNDIF, a cognoistre,

for to knowe, in knowyng. pour cognoistre, en cognoissant.

I the wyshe THE SUPIN or OVERTHROWEN, je te souhaite

knowen. cogneu.

And so ende this conjugation.

Here doth folowe the conjugation of this verbe am, the which is as an instrument wherby we do expresse by our wordes all verbes passives, fewe except, and all that we do suffre, the whiche may be turned lyke the verbe precedent, as je me, je te, je le suis. But for to eschewe prolixite, we shal tourne him but VI maner ways in every persone.

I am, why am I. Je suis, pourquoy suis je.

I am nat, why am nat I. Je ne suis pas, come ne suis je pas.

Thou arte, why art thou. Tu es, come es tu.

Thou art nat, why art nat thou. Tu nes pas, pourquoy nes tu pas.

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He is, why is he. Il est, pourquoy est il.

He is nat, why is he nat. Il nest pas, come nest il pas.


We be, why be we. Nous somes, pourquoy somes nous.

We be nat, why be nat we. Nous ne somes pas, pourquoy ne somes nous pas.

Ye be, why be ye. Uous estes, pourquoy estes uous.

Ye be nat, why be ye nat. Uous nestes pas, pourquoy nestes uous pas.

They be, why be they. Ilz sont, pourquoy sont ilz.

They be nat, why be nat they. Ilz ne sont pas, pourquoy ne sont ilz pas.


Note that the preterit imperfet and perfet have but one exposicion in this verbe.

I was beyng, why was I. Jestoie, pourquoy estoye je.

I was nat, why was nat I. Je nestoy pas, pourquoy nestoy je pas.

Thou was, why was thou. Tu estois, pourquoy estois tu.

Thou was nat, why was nat thou. Tu nestois pas, pourquoy nestois tu pas.

He was, why was he, Il estoit, pourquoy estoit il.

He was nat, why was nat he. Il nestoit pas, pourquoy nestoit il pas.


We were, why were we. Nous estions, pourquoy estions nous.

We were nat, why were we nat. Nous nestions pas, pourquoy nestions nous pas.

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Ye were, why were ye. Uous estiez, pourquoy estiez uous.

Ye were nat, why were ye nat. Uous nestiez pas, pourquoy nestiez uous pas.

They were, why were they. Ilz estoient, pourquoi estoient ilz.

They were nat, why were they nat. Ilz nestoient pas, pourquoy nestoient ilz pas.


I was, why was I. Je fus, pourquoy fus je.

I was nat, why was nat I. Je ne fus point, pourquoy ne fus je point.

Thou was, why was thou. Tu fus, pourquoy fus tu.

Thou was nat, why was nat thou. Tu ne fus pas, pourquoy ne fus tu pas.

He was, why was he. Il fust, pourquoy fust il.

He was nat, why was nat he. Il ne fust pas, pourquoy ne fust il pas.


We were, why were we. Nous fusmes, pourquoy fusmes nous.

We were nat, why were nat we. Nous ne fusmes pas, pourquoy ne fusmes nous pas.

Ye were, why were ye. Uous fustes, pourquoy fustes uous.

Ye were nat, why were nat ye. Uous ne fustes pas, pourquoy ne fustes uous pas.

They were nat, why were they nat. Ilz ne furent pas, pourquoy ne furent ilz pas.


I have ben, why have I ben. Jay este, pourquoy ay je este.


I have nat ben, why have nat I ben. Je nay pas este, pourquoy nay je pas este.

Thou hast ben, why hast thou ben. Tu as este, pourquoy as tu este.

Thou hast nat ben, why hast nat thou ben. Tu nas pas este, pourquoy nas tu pas este.

He hath ben, why hath he ben. Il a este, pourquoy a il este.

He hath nat ben, why hath nat he ben. Il na pas este, pourquoy na il pas este.


We have ben, why have we ben. Nous auons este, pourquoy auons nous este.

We have nat ben, why have we nat ben. Nous nauons pas este, pourquoy nauons nous pas este.

Ye have ben, why have ye ben. Uous auez este, pourquoy aues-uous este.

Ye have nat ben, why have nat ye ben. Uous naues pas este, pourquoy naues uous pas este.

They have ben, why have they ben. Ilz ont este, pourquoy ont ilz este.

They have nat ben, why have nat they ben. Ilz nont pas este, pourquoy nont ilz pas este.


I had ben, why had I ben. Jauoy este, come auoy je este.

I had nat ben, why had nat I ben. Je nauoys pas este, come nauoy je pas este.

Thou hadest ben, why hadest thou ben. Tu auoys este, come auois tu este.

Thou hadest nat ben, why hadest nat thou ben. Tu nauois pas este, come nauois tu pas este.

He had nat ben, why had nat he ben. Il nauoit pas este, come nauoit il pas este.

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We had ben, why had we ben. Nous auions este, pourquoy auions nous este.

We had nat ben, why had nat we ben. Nous nauions pas este, pourquoy nauions nous pas este.

Ye had ben, why had ye ben. Uous auiez este, pourquoy auiez uous este.

Ye had nat ben, why had nat ye ben. Uous nauiez pas este, pourquoy nauiez uous pas este.

They had ben, why had they ben. Ils auoient este, come auoient ilz este.

They had nat ben, why had they nat ben. Ilz nauoient pas este, come nauoient ilz pas este.


I shall be, why shal I be. Je seray, come seray je.

I shall nat be, why shall nat I be. Je ne seray pas, come ne seray je pas.

Thou shalt be, why shalt thou be. Tu seras, pourquoy seras tu.

Thou shalt nat be, why shalt thou nat be. Tu ne seras pas, pourquoy ne seras tu pas.

He shalbe, why shall he be. Il sera, pourquoy sera il.

He shall nat be, why shall nat he be. Il ne sera pas, pourquoy ne sera il pas.


We shalbe, why shall we be. Nous serons, pourquoy serons nous.

We shall nat be, why shall we nat be. Nous ne serons pas, pourquoy ne serons nous pas.

Ye shalbe, why shall ye be. Uous seres, pourquoy seres uous.

Ye shall nat be, why shall nat ye be. Uous ne seres pas, pourquoy ne seres uous pas.

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They shall nat be, why shall nat they be. Ilz ne seront pas, pourquoy ne seront ilz pas.


Be thou, be he, be we, be ye, be they. Sois toy, soit il, soions nous, soiez uous, soient ilz.


Do that thou be, that he be, that we be, that ye be, Fais que tu sois, quil soyt, que nous soions, que uous soyez, that they be. quilz soient.

Do that thou be nat, that he be nat, that we be nat, Fais que tu ne sois pas, quil ne soit pas, que nous ne soyons pas, that ye be nat, that they be nat. que uous ne soiez pas, quilz ne soient pas.


I pray you that I be, that thou be, that he be, Je uous prie que je soie, que tu sois, quil soit,

that we be, that ye be, that they be. que nous soions, que uous soyez, quils soyent.


Wold to God that I were, that thou, that he, Pleust a Dieu que je fusse, que tu fusse, quil fusse.

That we, that ye, that they were. Que nous fussions, que uous fusses, quilz fussent.


With my wyll that I have ben, that thou, that he, A ma uoullente que jaye este, que tu aye este, quil ayt este,

that we that ye, that they have ben. que nous ayons este, que uous ayez este, quilz ayent este.


Oh if I had ben, if thou haddest ben, if he, O sy jeusse este, se tu eusse este, sil eust este,

if we had ben, if ye, if they. se nous eussons este, se uous eusses este, silz eussent este.

The conjunctive is both in the present and preterites, lyke the optatyve.

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Whan I shalbe, thou, he, THE FYRST FUTURE. Mais que soie, que tu sois, quil soit,

we, ye, they shalbe. mais que nous soyons, que uous soyez, quilz soient.


I shulde be, thou shulde be, he shuld be, we shulde be, ye shulde be, they shulde be. Je seroye, tu serois, il seroit, nous serions, uous series, ilz seroient.

to be. haue ben. for to be, THE INFINITYVE, estre. THE PRETERIT, avoir este, GERUNDIF, pour estre, in beyng. en estant, etc.

And thus finishe this conjugation.

Also it is to be noted that there ben certayne answeres bothe in the affyrmatyon, and negation of a thyng: as whan one doth say, I am: and they may say, ye be nat: where he may answere agayne, I am: and the other grauntyng the same shall say, so are ye. And lykewise whan one doth affirme a thyng by way of negation: as whan he doth say, I am nat, if any wyll deny the same, he shall saye, ye be, and if he wyll graunt unto it, he shall saye, no more are ye. For example of the whiche I wyll make therof a conjugation full requisyte and necessary to the frenche tonge. But ye shall understande that thre verbes onely shall serve you to this purpose: that is to say, have, do, and am: for if one say I am, ye may say, ye be nat: I have, ye have nat: and I do, ye do nat: the whiche thre ben principall in this rule.


I am, thou art, he is. Je suis, tu es, il est.

I am nat, thou art nat, he is nat. Non suis, non es, non est.

But I am, But thou arte, but he is. Sy suis, Sy es, sy est.

So am I, So arte thou, so is he. Ce suis mon, ce es mon, ce est mon.

We be, ye be, they be. Nous sommes, uous estes, Ilz sont.

We be nat, ye be nat, they be nat. Non sommes, non estes, non sont.

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But we be, but ye be, but they be. Sy sommes, sy estes, sy sont.

So we be, so be ye, so be they. Ce sommes mon, ce estes mon, ce sont mon.

And so forth thorow al the tenses and modes of all the tother twayne, as:

I was, I was nat, but I was: so was I. I sayde, Jestoye, non estoye, sy estoie: cestoie mon. Je dysoie,

I dyd nat, but I dyd, non faisoie, sy faisoie,

so dyd I. I had, I had nat, but I had, so had I: ce faisoie mon. Jauoie, non auoie, sy auoie, ce auoie mon: je eus, non eus:

I shall have, I shall nat, but I shall, so shall I. jaray, non aray, sy aray, ce aray mon.

Which thre wordes shall serve you to any verbes signifieng either doing or suffryng.


I am nat: but I am. I am nat: no more I am. Je ne suis pas: sy suis. non suis: ce ne suis mon.

I do nat: but I do. I do nat: no more do I. Je ne fay pas: sy fay. non fay: ce ne fay mon.

I have nat: but I have. I have nat: no more have I. Je nay pas: sy ay. non ay: ce nay mon.

Thou hast nat: but thou hast. thou hast nat: no more hast thou. Tu nas pas: sy as. non as: ce nas mon, etc.

Touchyng the conjugation interrogative, as,

Am I: do I: have I: or no, Suis je: fays je: ay je: ou non,

ye shall answere, ouy, nenny, non: and to the interrogation negatyve, as,

Am nat I, do nat I, have nat I, Ne suis je pas, ne fay je pas, nai je pas,

ye shal answer as is said before in thexample of the negation, wherfore this is sufficient for this present rule.

Another conjugation of these two verbes in latyn uado and eo, whiche both verbes of one signifycation signifyeth in englyssh, I go, the which go is defectyve in the frenche tonge, wherfore the tone must helpe the other.

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I go, why go I. Je uoy, pourquoy uoy je.

I go nat, why go nat I. Je ne uoy poynt, pourquoy ne uoy je point.

Thou goest, why goest thou. Tu uas, pourquoy uas tu.

Thou goest nat, why goest thou nat. Tu ne uas pas, pourquoy ne uas tu pas.

He goeth, why goeth he. Il ua, pourquoy ua il.

He goeth nat, why goeth nat he. Il ne ua pas, pourquoy ne ua il pas.


We go, why go we. Nous allons, pourquoy allons nous.

We go nat, why go nat we. Nous nallons pas, pourquoy nallons nous pas.

Ye go, why go ye. Uous alles, pourquoy alles uous.

Ye go nat, why go nat ye. Uous nalles point, pourquoy nalles uous point.

They go, why go they. Ilz uont, pourquoy uont ilz.

They go nat, why go nat they. Ilz ne uont mie, pourquoy ne uont ilz mie.


I dyd go, why dyd I go. Jallois, pourquoy allois je.

I dyd nat go, why dyd nat I go. Je nallois pas, pourquoy nallois je pas.

Thou dydest go, why dydest thou go. Tu allois, pourquoy allois tu.

Thou dydest nat go, why dydest thou nat go. Tu nallois point, pourquoy nallois tu point.

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He dyd go, why dyd he go. Il alloit; pourquoy alloit il.

He dyd nat go, why dyd nat he go. Il nalloit pas, pourquoy nalloit il pas.


We dyd go, why dyd we go. Nous allions, pourquoy allions nous.

We dyd nat go, why dyd nat we go. Nous nallions mie, pourquoy nallions nous mie.

Ye dyd go, how dyd ye go. Uous alliez, coment alliez uous.

Ye dyd nat go, how dyd nat ye go. Uous nallies point, coment nalliez uous point.

They dyd go, how dyd they go. Ilz alloient, come alloient ilz.

They dyd nat go, how dyd they nat go. Ilz nalloient pas, come nalloient ilz pas.


I went, how went I. Jalay, coment alay je.

I went nat, how went nat I. Je nallay pas, coment nallay je pas.

Thou wenst, how wenst thou. Tu alas, come alas tu.

Thou wenst nat, how wenst nat thou. Tu nalas mie, come nalas tu mye.

He went, how went he. Il ala, coment ala il.

He went nat, how went nat he. Il nala point, coment nala il point.


We went, how went we. Nous alasmes, come alasmes nous.

We went nat, howe went we nat. Nous nalasmes point, come nalasmes nous point.

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Ye went, why went ye. Uous alastes, pourquoy alastes uous.

Ye went nat, why went ye nat. Uous nalastes pas, pourquoy nalastes uous pas.

They went, why went they. Ilz allerent, pourquoy allerent ilz.

They went nat, why went nat they. Ilz nallerent mie, pourquoy nallerent ilz mye.


I have gone, how have I gone. Jay alle, coment ay je alle.

I have nat gone, how have nat I gone. Je nay pas alle, coment nay je pas alle.

Thou hast gone, why hast thou gone. Tu as alle, pourquoy as tu alle.

Thou hast nat gone, why hast thou nat gone. Tu nas pas alle, pourquoy nas tu pas alle.

He hath gone, why hath he gone. Il a alle, pourquoy a il alle.

He hath nat gone, why hath nat he gone. Il na point alle, pourquoy na il point alle.


We have gone, why have we gone. Nous auons alle, pourquoy auons nous alle.

We have nat gone, why have we nat gone. Nous nauons pas alle, pourquoy nauons nous pas alle.

Ye have gone, why have ye gone. Uous aues alle, pourquoy aues uous alle.

Ye have nat gone, why have nat ye gone. Uous naues pas alle, pourquoy naues uous pas alle.

They have gone, how have they gone. Ilz ont alle, come ont ilz alle.

They have nat gone, how have they nat gone. Ilz nont pas alle, come nont ilz pas alle.

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I had gone, how had I gone. Jauoy alle, coment auoy je alle.

I had nat gone, how had nat I gone. Je nauoy point alle, coment nauoy je point alle.

Thou hadest gone, why hadest thou gone. Tu auois alle, pourquoy auois tu alle.

Thou hadest nat gone, why hadest thou nat gone. Tu nauois point alle, pourquoy nauois tu point alle.

He had gone, how had he gone. Il auoit alle, come auoit il alle.

He had nat gone, how had nat he gone. Il nauoit pas alle, come nauoit il pas alle.


We had gone, how had we gone. Nous auions alle, coment auions nous alle.

We had nat gone, how had we nat gone. Nous nauions point alle, coment nauions nous point alle.

Ye had gone, why had ye gone. Uous auiez alle, pourquoy auiez uous alle.

Ye had nat gone, why had nat ye gone. Uous nauiez mie alle, pourquoy nauiez uous mie alle.

They had gone, why had they gone. Ils auoient alle, pourquoy auoyent ilz alle.

They had nat gone, why had they nat gone. Ilz nauoient point alle, pourquoy nauoient ilz point alle.


I shall go, why shall I go. Je yray, pourquoy yray je.

I shall nat go, why shall nat I go. Je nyray pas, pourquoy niray je pas.

Thou shalt go, howe shalt thou go. Tu yras, coment yras tu.

Thou shalt nat go, howe shalt nat thou go. Tu niras pas, coment niras tu pas.

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He shall go, howe shall he go. Il yra, coment yra il.

He shall nat go, howe shall nat he go. Il nira point, comment nyra il point.


We shall go, why shall we go. Nous yrons, pourquoy yrons nous.

We shall nat go, why shall nat we go. Nous nirons pas, pourquoy nirons nous pas.

Ye shall go, why shall ye go. Uous yres, pourquoy yres uous.

Ye shall nat go, why shall nat ye go. Uous nires pas, pourquoy nires uous pas.

They shall go, howe shall they go. Ilz yront, coment yront ilz.

They shall nat go, howe shall they nat go. Ilz niront mie, coment niront ilz mie.


Go thou, go he, all one, go we, go ye, Ua toy, aylle luy, uoise luy, alons nous, alles uous,

go they. uoisent ou aillent eulx.


Do that thou go, that he go, that we go, Fais que tu uoyse ou aylle, quil uoise ou aille, que nous allons,

that ye go, that they go. que uous alles, quilz uoisent ou aillent.


Kepe that thou go nat, all one, that he go nat, Garde que tu ne aylle point, que tu ne uoise point, quil naile poynt,

all one, that we go nat, that ye go nat, quil ne uoise point, que nous nallons, que uous nalles,

that they go nat, all one. quilz ne aillent point, quilz ne uoisent point.


Wold to God, or I pray you that I go, that thou go,

Pleust a Dieu, ou je uous prie que jaille ou uoise, que tu aille,

that he go, that we go, that ye go, that they go. que il aille, que nous allons, que uous alles, quilz aillent ou uoisent.

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With my wyll that I went, that thou went, that he went: A ma uoullente que jallasse, que tu allasse, que il allast:

that we went, that ye went, that they went. que nous allissions, que uous allissiez, quilz allassent.


Wolde to God that I have gone, that thou have gone, A la mienne uoullente que jay alle, que tu aie alle, that he have gone, quil ayt alle,

that we have gone, that ye have gone, that they have gone. que nous ayons alle, que uous ayes alle, quilz ayent alle.


O if I had gone, if thou had gone, if he had gone, O sy jeusse alle, se tu eusse alle, se il eust alle,

if we had gone, if ye had gone, if they had gone. se nous eussons alle, se uous ses alle, se ilz eussent alle.

Ye may make a future of the present, sayenge:

With my wyll that I may go anone, etc. all one. A ma uoullente que je aylle tantost, etc. que je uoise tantost, etc.

The conjunctif present and thre preterites is lyke the optatif, sayeng: as whan wolde to God come or quant, before the verbe, leuyng a ma uoullente, etc.

The future boroweth of the potentiall moode whiche may be tourned six maner of wayes after the indicatif, or elles XVIII, after the seconde conjunction:

I shuld go, thou, he, we shuld go, ye shuld go, Je yroie, tu yrois, il yroit, nous yrions, uous yriez, they shuld go. ilz yroient.


Whan I shall go, all one, whan thou shalt go, all one, Mais que je aille, que je uoise, que tu aille, que tu uoise, whan he shuld go, que il aille,

all one, whan we shuld go, whan ye shall go, whan they shal go, quil uoise, que nous allons, que uous alles, quilz aillent, all one. quilz uoisent.

to go. to be gone. goyng. THE INFINITYVE, aller. THE PRETERIT, estre alle. THE GERUNDIF, allant.


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Here foloweth another conjugation, whiche may be turned XXXVI maner wayes lyke the precedent, or els XII in every person, addyng me, te, le: lyke the fyrst conjugation, but for to eschewe prolixite it shalbe syngle.

I se, thou seest, he seeth, we se, ye se, they se. Je uoy, tu uois, il uoit nous ueons, uous uoiez, ilz uoient.


I dyd se, thou dedest se, he dyd se: we dyd se, ye dyd se, Je ueoie, tu ueois, il ueoit: nous ueions, uous ueiez, they dyd se. ilz ueioient.


I saw, thou saw, he saw: we saw, ye saw, they saw. Je ueis, tu ueis, il ueist: nous ueismes, uous ueistes, ilz ueirent.


I have sene, thou hast sene, he hath sene: we have sene, Jay ueu, tu as ueu, il a ueu: nous auons ueu,

ye have sene, they have sene. uous aues ueu, ilz ont ueu.


I had sene, thou hadest, he had, we had sene, Jauoie ueu, tu auois ueu, il auoit ueu, nous auions ueu,

ye had, they had sene. uous auiez ueu, ilz auoient ueu.


I shall se, thou shalt, he shall, we shall se, ye shall, Je uoiray, tu uoiras, il uoira, nous uoirons, uous uoires,

they shall se. ilz uoiront.


Se thou or he, se we, se ye, se they. Uois toy ou luy, uoions nous, uoies uous, uoient eulx, elles, celles.


Do that thou seest, or that thou sest nat, that he seeth or that he seeth nat: Fais que tu uoie, ou que tu ne uoie point, quil uoie ou quil ne uoie point:

that we se, or that we se nat, que nous uoions, ou que nous ne uoions point, that ye se or that ye se nat, que uous uoiez ou que uous ne uoiez point, that they se, or that they seeth nat. quilz uoient, ou quelles ne uoient point.

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Wolde to God, or I pray you that I may se, that thou mayst se, A la mienne uoullente, ou je uous prie que je uoie, que tu uoie,

that he may se, that we may se, that ye may se, that they may se. quil uoie, que nous uoions, que uous uoiez, quilz uoient.


Wold to God that I coud se, that thou, that he, Pleust a Dieu que je ueisse, que tu ueisse, quil ueisse,

that we coude se, that ye, that they. que nous ueissions, que uous ueissiez, quilz ueissent.


With my wyll that I have sene, that thou, that he, A ma uoullente que jaie ueu, que tu aie ueu, quil aie ueu,

that we have sene, that ye, that they. que nous aions ueu, que uous aiez ueu, quilz aient ueu.


O if I had sene, if thou hadest, if he had sene, O se jeusse ueu, se tu eusse ueu, sil eusse ueu,

yf we had, yf ye had, if they had sene. se nous eussions, se uous eussiez, silz eussent ueu.

The subjunctif is lyke the optatif.

The fyrste future of the subjunctyve is:

I shulde, Je uoiroie, uoirois, uoiroit, uoirions, uoiriez, uoiroient.

whan I shall se thou he we THE SECONDE FUTUR: mais que je uoie, que tu uoie, quil uoie: que nous uoions,

you they. que uous uoies, quilz uoient.

to se. to have sene, seyng. THE INFINITIF: ueoir. PRETERIT: auoir ueu, uoiant.

Another conjugation upon howe do you, and how do ye fare: and if ye do take the verbe after the fyrst conjugation, sayeng: je porte, porte je, pourquoy porte je, etc. and lykewise of je fay, fay je, etc. ye shal tourne it XXXVI wayes in one tense, and if ye turne it after the seconde conjugacion, ye

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shall have an hundred and VIII wayes in one tense, addyng to it me, te, le, nous nous, uous uous, ilz se.

Howe do I fare, or beare me, how dost thou fare, or bere the, Coment me porte je, coment te porte tu,

howe dothe he fare: howe do we fare, coment se porte il: coment nous portons nous,

howe do ye fare, howe do they fare, coment uous portes uous, coment se portent ilz.


Howe dyd I, howe dedest thou, howe dyd he, Coment me portoy je, coment te portois tu, coment se portoit il,

howe dyd we bere us, how dyd ye, coment nous portions nous, coment uous portiez uous,

howe dyd they. coment se portoient ilz.


Howe dyd I, howe dedest thou, Come me portay je, coment te portas tu,

howe dyd he, howe dyd we beare us, coment se porta il, coment nous portasmes nous,

how dyd ye beare you, how dyd they beare them. coment uous portaste uous, coment se porterent ilz.


Howe have I borne me, howe have I, Coment may je porte, coment tay je porte,

howe hath he, howe have we borne us, coment sa il porte, coment nous auons nous porte,

howe have ye borne you, howe have they borne them. coment uous aues uous porte, coment se sont ilz porte.


Howe had I borne me, howe hadest thou, Coment mauoy je porte, coment tauois tu porte,

howe had he borne him, howe had we borne us, coment se auoit il porte, coment nous auions nous porte,

howe had ye borne you, howe had they borne them, coment uous auiez uous porte, coment se auoient ilz porte.


Howe shall I beare me, howe shalt thou bere the, Coment me porteray je, coment te porteras tu,

howe shall he beare hym: howe shall we beare us, coment se portera il: coment nous porterons nous,

howe shall you beare you, howe shall they beare them. coment uous porteres uous, coment se porteront ilz.

The imperatyve, optatyve, and conjunctyve may nat serve with this

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worde, coment, save onely the future of the potentiall mode, whiche is:

I shulde beare, thou shuldest, he shulde, Porteroie, porterois, porteroit,

we shulde bere, ye shuld, they shulde bere. porterions, porteriez, porteroient.

And if ye wyll go thorowe the sayd modes, ye shall folowe the termination of this verbe, I go, whiche is sette before.

And touchyng, howe do you, ye shall ever put le before the verbe, sayeng:

Howe do I, howe dost thou, howe dothe he, Coment le fay je, coment le fais tu, coment le fait il,

howe do we, do ye, do they. coment faisons nous, faictes uous, font ilz ou elles.

And lykewise of all the preterites, sayeng:

Howe dyd I, etc. howe dyd I, howe have I done, Coment le faisoi je, etc. coment le feiz je, coment lay je fait,

howe had I done, howe shall I do, howe shulde I do, etc. coment lauoy je fait, coment le feray je, coment le feroy je, etc.


Here foloweth the conjugation of a verbe defectyve in frenche, whiche is I am wont, because it is a verbe rare and syldome used.

I am wont, thou art, he is wont, we be wonte, ye be wonte, Je seulz, tu seulz, il seult, nous seulmes, uous seultes,

they be wonte. ilz seulent.


I was, thou, he, we, ye, Je soulloie, tu soullois, il soulloit: nous soulions, uous souliez,

they. ilz souloient.

I was, Je seulz, tu seulz, il seult, nous seulmes, uous seultes, ilz seulrent.

There is nomore of this verbe, for if we procede any further, we do say:

I have, I had customed, I shall custome. je ay de coustume, jauoy de coustume, and jaray de coustume, and so forth.

Anoder verbe defectif which is, it is lawful to me; this verbe may be turned XXXVI wayes, accordyng to the fyrst conjugation.

It is to me laufull, it is to the, it is to him, it is to us, Il me loise, il te loise, il luy loise, il nous,

it is to you, it is to them laufull. il uous, il leur loise.

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It was to me laufull, to the, to him laufull, Il me loisoit, il te, il luy loisoit,

to us, to you, to them laufull or licite. il nous, il uous, ilz leur loisoit.


It was, Il me loisit, il te, il luy loisit: il nous, il uous, ilz leur loisit.


It hath ben to me laufull, to the, to him, Il ma este loisible, il ta este, il luy a,

to us, to you, to them laufull, or behovable. il nous a, il uous a, ilz leur a este loisible.


It had ben to me, or els it had behoved me. Il mauoit este loisible, il tauoit este loisible, il luy auoit este loisible, il nous, il uous, ilz leur auoit este loisible.

It shalbe to me, THE FUTURE is: Il me loysera, ou il me sera loisyble.

THE FUTURE OF THE IMPERATIF, whiche is negatif is: Loke that it be nat laufull to the. Garde ou faitz quil ne te loise.

That it were to me laufull. THE OPTATIF. Quil me fust loisible.

THE PRETERIT IMPARFET. Quil me loisisse.

That it have ben to me, that it have ben to him. THE PARFET. Quil maie este, quil luy ayt este loysible, and so forth.

That it had ben to me laufull. THE PLUS PARFET. Quil meust este loysible.

THE SUBJUNCTIF, is lyke the optatyve, taking the present for the seconde future. How it shulde be laufull to me, THE FYRST FUTURE. Come il me loiseroit, come il te loyseroit, come il luy loyseroit, come ilz nous loiseroit, come ilz uous loiseroit, come ilz leur loiseroit.


A conjugation of this verbe care, which for the most parte is negatyve, as I care nat, and if ye wyll adde this worde it unto the same, sayeng: I care nat for it: ye shall put an n after every pronoun, as: il ne men chault, il ne ten, il ne luy en, il ne nous en, il ne uous en, il ne leur en chault.

I care nat, thou carest nat, he Il ne me chault, il ne te chault, il ne luy:

we ye they. il ne nous, il ne uous, ilz ne leur chault.

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I dyd nat care, Il ne me, il ne te, il ne luy chaloit,

ye they ilz ne nous, ilz ne uous, ilz ne leur chaloit.


I cared nat, Il ne me, il ne te, il ne luy chalut, ilz ne nous, ilz ne vous, ilz ne leur chalut.


I have nat cared. Il ne ma chalu, etc.


I had nat cared. Il ne mauoit, il ne tauoit, il ne luy auoit, ilz ne nous, ye they ilz ne uous, ilz ne leur avoit chalu.


I shall nat care. Il ne me chauldra, il ne te, il ne luy, ilz ne nous, ilz ne uous, ilz ne leur chauldra.


Care thou nat, him, care we nat, care ye, care they nat. Ne te, ne luy chaille, ne nous, ne uous, ne leur chaille.


Se that thou care, that thou care nat. Se we that we care, Garde quil te chaille, quil ne te chaille. Gardons quil nous chaille,

that we nat care. Se ye that ye care, that ye nat care. quil ne nous chaille. Gardes quil uous chaille, quil ne vous chaille.

Let them se that they care, that they nat care. Gardent quil leur chaille, quil ne leur chaille.


With my wyll that I care, that thou care, that he care, A ma uoullente quil me chaille, quil te chaille, quil luy chaille,

that we care, that ye care, that they care. quil nous chaille, quil uous chaille, quil leur chaille.


Wold to God that I care, that thou, that he, Pleust a Dieu quil me chalusse, quil te chalusse, quil luy chalusse,

that we, that ye, that they care. quil nous chalusse, quil uous chalusse, quil leur chalusse.

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With my wyll that I have, that thou hast, that he hath care: A ma uoullente quil maie chalu, quil taie chalu, quil luy ayt chalu:

that we, that ye, that they have care. quil nous, quil uous, quil leur ayt chalu.


O if I had care, if thou hadest, if he had care, O sil me eust, sil teust, sil luy eust chalu.

if we, if ye, if they had care. sil nous, sil uous, sil leur eust chalu.

The futur is lyke the present as:

I praye to God that I care nat, or that I care. Je prie a Dieu quil ne me chaille, ou quil me chaille.

The subjunctif is lyke the optatif.

Whan I shall care. THE FUTURE: Mais quil me chaille, and so forth.

I shulde nat care, thou shuld nat care, THE SECONDE FUTURE: Il ne me chauldroit, il ne te chauldroit,

he shuld nat care. il ne luy chauldroit, etc.

It maketh no matter, or it skylleth nat. THE INFINITIVE: Il ne peult chaloir.

Note that if ye leve this worde, ne, whiche is before every pronowne, it is affirmative, and if ye do put it unto the sayd pronowne it is negative.

Another conjugation of two verbes together, that is to say, I serche in englishe, and because I wyll eschewe prolixite, I wyll touche but the synguler nombre of every tense.

I seke, all one, thou, he, Je cerche, je quiers, tu cerche, tu quiers, il cerche, il quiers,

we serche, ye nous cerchons, nous quierons, uous cerches, uous quieres,

they ilz cerchent, ilz quierent.


I dyd seke, or serche. Je cerchoie, ou querois.

I sauht. THE PRETERIT PARFET. Je cerchay, ou quis.

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I have sought. THE PRETERIT INDIFFINITIF. Jay cerche, ou quis.

I had sought. THE PRETERIT PLUS PARFET. Jauoie cerche, ou quis.

I shall serche. THE FUTURE. Je cercheray, ou quereray.

Seke thou, or seke the, seke we, THE IMPERATIVE. Cerche toy, ou quiers toy, querons nous, cerchons nous,

seke ye, seke they. queres uous, cerches, quierent eulz, cerchent eulz.

Se that thou seke, that thou serche. THE FUTURE. Garde que tu cerche, que tu quiere.

Loke that thou serche nat. THE SECOND FUTUR. Garde que ne cerche, ou quiere.

With my wyll, that I serche or seke. THE OPTATIF. A ma uoullente, que je cerche ou quiere.

Wold to God that I dyd serche. PRETERIT IMPARFET. Pleust a Dieu que je cerchasse, pleust a Dieu que je quisse.

With my wyll that I have sought. THE PRETERIT PARFET. A ma uoullente que jaie cerche ou quis.

O if I had sought, if thou had, THE PRETERIT PLUS PARFET. O se jeusse cerche ou quis, se tu eusse,

if he had, etc. sil eust, etc.

The subjunctif is lyke the optatif, with his thre preterites.

Whan I shall serche, THE FYRST FUTURE. Mais que je cerche, ou quiere.

I shulde serche THE SECONDE FUTURE. Je cercheroie, ou quereroie, quererois, roit, rions, riez, roient.

To seke and to serche. THE INFINITIF. Cercher et querir.

Note that this conjugation may be turned six and thirty maner wayes

I seke, seke I: why seke I, after the fyrst sayenge: je cerche, cerche je: pourquoy cerche je,

I seke nat, seke nat I, why seke nat I. je ne cerche pas, ne cerche je pas, pourquoy ne cerche je pas, etc. or elles an hondred and I seke me, VIII wayes in one tense, sayeng after the II conjugation: je me quiers,

I seke the, I seke him je te quiers, je le quiers , and so forth, turninge it with the questions. (Loke upon the seconde conjugation.)


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A conjugation of a verbe that must be pronounced with double ll, accordyng to the seventh rule that is immediatly after the prologue whiche shalbe a patron and example for all suche verbes, the which conjugation may be turned syx and thirty wayes after the fyrste, or an hundred and VIII after the seconde.

I knele, I blotte, I wyte, The verbes ben je mengenoulle, je broulle, je toulle, je moulle,

make foule, I stare je soulle, je roulle, je catoulle, je fatroulle, je barboulle,

I cut, I gyve, I gape, I rayle. je talle, je balle, je baslle, je ralle, and suche lyke.

I knele, thou knele, he knele: Je mengenoulle, tu tengenoulle, il sengenoulle:

we knele, you knele, they knele. nous nous engenoullons, uous uous engenoulles, ilz sengenoullent.


I dyd knele, thou, he, Je mengenoulloie, tu tengenoullois, il sengenoulloit,

we, you, they. nous nous engenoullions, uous uous engenoulliez, ilz sengenoulloient.


I dyd knele, thou, he, Je mengenoullay, tu tengenoullas, il sengenoulla,

we, you, they. nous nous engenoullames, uous uous engenoullates, ilz sengenoullerent.


I have kneled, thou hast kneled, he hath, Je may engenoulle, tu tas engenoulle, il sa engenoulle,

we have, you, nous nous auons engenoulle, uous uous aues engenoulle,

they. ilz se sont engenoulle.


I had kneled, thou, he, Je mauoie engenoulle, tu te auois engenoulle, il se auoit engenoulle,

we, you, nous nous auions engenoulles, uous uous auiez engenoulle,

they. ilz se auoient engenoulles.

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I shall knele, thou, he, Je mengenoulleray, tu tengenoulleras, il sengenoullera,

we, you, they. nous nous engenoullerons, uous uous engenoulleres, ilz sengenoulleront.


Knele thou or he, knele we, knele ye, Engenoulle toy ou soy, engenoullons nous, engenoulles uous,

let them knele. quilz sengenoullent.


Se that thou knele, that thou knele nat, that he knele, Garde que tu tengenoulle, que tu ne tengenoulle pas, quil sengenoulle,

that he knele nat. That we knele, quil ne sengenoulle pas. Que nous nous engenoullons,

that we knele nat, that ye do knele, que nous ne nous engenoullons pas, que uous uous engenoulles,

ye do nat knele. Do that they knele, que uous ne uous engenoulles pas. Faictes quilz sengenoullent,

do that they knele nat. faictes quilz ne sengenoullent pas.


With my wyll, or I pray you that I may knele, A la mienne uoullente, ou je uous prie que je mengenoulle,

that thou, he or she, que tu tengenoulle, quil ou quelle sengenoulle,

that we, you, que nous nous engenoullons, que uous uous engenoullez,

they. quilz ou quelles sengenoullent.


Wold to God that I dyd knele, that, Pleust a Dieu que mengenoullasse, que tu tengenoullasse,

that, that we, quil ou quelle sengenoullast, que nous engenoullissions,

that ye, that they. que uous uous engenoullissiez, quilz ou quelles sengenoullassent.


That I have kneled, that thou, A ma uoullente que maie engenoulle, que taie engenoulle,

that he, that we, que laie engenoulle, que nous aions engenoulles,

that ye, that they. que uous aies engenoulles, quilz se aient engenoulles.

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O and I had kneled, if thou hadest, O se je meusse engenoulle, se tu te eusse engenoulle,

if he had: if we, se il se eust engenoulle, se nous nous eussions engenoulles,

if you, if they. se uous uous eusses engenoulles, silz se eussent engenoulles.

The subjunctif is lyke the optatif, saieng come or quant before the verbe.


Whan I shall knele, thou, he, Mais que je mengenoulle, que tu tengenoulle, quil sengenoulle:

whan we, whan ye, mais que nous nous engenoullons, que uous uous engenoulles,

whan they. quilz sengenoullent.


I shuld knele, thou, he, Je mengenoulleroie, tu tengenoullerois, il sengenoulleroit,

we, ye, nous nous engenoullerions, uous uous engenoulleriez,

they. ilz sengenoulleroient.

To knele. To have kneled. THE INFINITIF. Engenouller. THE PRETERIT. Auoir engenoulle.


to knele, in knelyng. mengenouller, de mengenouller, en mengenoullant.

I wysshe the kneled. THE OVERTHROWEN OF SUPIN. Je te souhaite engenoulle.

And lyke wyse of all the other verbes above rehersed.


A conjugacion combinyng or joynyng two verbes togyder, that is to say I am and I do, takynge the present onely, in eschewyng prolyxite.

Whan I am at scole, I do my deuer to lerne my lesson. Quant je suis a lescole, je fais mon debuoir daprendre ma lesson, ou lecon.

Whan thou art at scole, thou doest thy deuer to lerne thy lesson. Quant tu es a lescole, tu fais ton debuoir daprendre ta lesson, ou lecon.

Whan he is at scole, he doeth his dever to lerne his lesson. Quant il est a lescole, il fait son debuoir daprendre sa lesson.

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Whan we be at scole, we do our dever to lerne our. Quant nous sommes a lescolle, nous faisons nostre deuoir daprendre nostre lecon.

Whan ye be at scole, ye do your dever to lerne your. Quant uous estes a lescole, uous festes uostre deuoir dapprendre uostre lesson.

Whan they be at scole, they do theyr dever to lerne theyr. Quant ilz sont a lescolle, ilz font leur deuoir dapprendre leur lecon.

And so forth thorow al the conjugation of I am, above written, and of this verbe I do, whiche is in the preterit imparfet je faisoie.

I dyd. PARFET. Je feis.

I have done. THE PRETERIT INDIFINITIF. Jay fait.

I had done. PLUS PARFET. Jauoie fait.

I shall do. THE FUTURE. Je feray.

Do thou. THE IMPERATIF. Faitz.

Loke that thou do. THE FUTURE. Garde que tu face.

Let me do. THE OPTATIF. Que je face.

Thad I dyd. IMPARFET. Que je feisse.

That I have done. THE PRETERIT PARFET. Que jaye faict.

That I had done. PLUS PARFET. Que jeusse fait.

THE SUBJUNCTYF. Whan I shall do lyke the optatyf.

THE FIRST FUTURE. Mais que je face.

I shuld do, THE SECONDE. Je feroye, rois, roit: ferions, riez, roient.

To do. THE INFINITIF. Faire.

To have done. PRETERIT. Auoir fait.

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In doyng, to do, for to do. GERUNDIF. En faisant, a faire, pour faire.

THE OVERTHROWEN. To be done. LE RENUERSE. Estre fait.

Note that for to lerne frenche quickely, ye must turne the sayd conjugation iiii maners of wayes, tat is to say affirmatyve, and interrogatyve, and negatyve, and interrogatyve, as it hath ben plainly shewed here before.


Another conjugation by way of combination lyke the tother before rehersed. And fyrst of the present.

Whan I repute me vile and unclene, by humilite, I am clene Quant je me repute uil et ord, uile et orde, par humilite, je suis

and pure by goodnes. nect et pur, necte etpure, par bonte.

Whan thou repute the, by goodnes, thou art, Quant tu te repute uil et ord, uile et orde, par bonte, tu es nect

et pur, necte et pure, par humilite.

Whan he him repute, he is, Quant il se repute uil et ord, uile et orde, par bonte, il est

pur et nect, pure et necte, par humilite.

Whan we us repute, Quant nous nous reputons uilz et ordz, uiles et ordes, par humilite,

we be nous sommes purs et nectz par bonte.

Whan ye you repute, Quant uous uous reputez uilz et ordz, uiles et ordes, par humilite,

ye be uous estes purs et nectz, etc. par bonte.

Whan they them repute, by Quant ilz ou elles se reputent uilz et ordz, uiles et ordes, par

mekenes, they humilite, ilz ou elles sont purs et nectz, pures et nectes, par bonte.

And so forth unto the imperatif, makyng other verbes by patron of the same.

Also another conjugation with two verbes togeder every of them twyse rehersed, and the verbe repeted ever in the preterit parfet, and the fyrst and last goyng through all the modes and tenses: the whiche ben thus. Whan I se that I never saw, I thinke that I never thought.

Whan I se that whiche I never saw, I thinke that I never thought. Quant je uoy ce que ne ueis jamais, je pense ce que ne pensay oncques.

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Whan thou seest that that thou, thou. Quant tu uois ce que tu ne ueis jamais, tu pense ce que ne pensas oncques.

Whan he seth, he thinke that. Quant il uoit ce quil ne ueist jamais, il pense ce quil ne pensa oncques.

Whan we se that that we, we. Quant nous uoions ce que nous ne ueismes jamais, nous pensons ce que ne pensames oncques.

Whan ye se that that ye never sawe, ye. Quant uous uoyez ce que ne ueistes jamais, uous penses ce que ne pensastes oncques.

Whan they se, they. Quant ilz uoient ce quilz ne ueisent jamais, ilz pensent ce que ne penserent oncques.

And so through till the imperatif, than ye may turne the verbes if ye lyste, sayeng: "Whan I thinke that I never thought, I se that I never sawe; Quant je pense ce que ne pensay jamais, je uoy ce que ne ueis oncques," and so forth.

Another conjugation joynynge two verbes together.

Whan I am ydell, I worke nat, whan I worke, I am nat ydell. Quant je chomme, je ne besongne pas, quant je besongne, je ne chomme pas.

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