Caesar, his accounts of the Druids, 138. Cairbre, Satire of, 63. Cairbre, Cinn-Cait, 97. Cairbres, the three, 102. Caligraphy, Irish skilled in, 185. Callaghan of Cashel, 196. Cambridge, treatise on origin of, 71. Camden on Ogygia, 72. Cannibalism, charge of, refuted, 74. Cannon-balls first used, 381n. Canons, St. Patrick's, 117. Carew's, Sir P., claim, 428. Carhampton, Lord, cruelties of, 617n. Carmelite monasteries, 323. Cashel, the Saltair of, 44. the Synod of, 275. massacre at, 496. Castlehaven Memoirs, 482n. Casts for celts, 246. Cataldus, St., 178. Catalogue of lost books, 44. Cathair Crofinn, a circular fort, 165. Cathal Carragh, 296. Cathal Crovderg, 296. Catholic Emancipation, 647. worship publicly restored, 411, Association, 583. priests, their peculiar position and difficulties, 586. question, a ministerial difficulty, 639. delegates met in Dublin, 615. Catholics, Orangemen bribed to persecute, 616n penal laws against, 576. Cauldrons as tribute, 241. Cavalry, 309n. Ceann Cruach, great ancient idol of the Irish, 121. Ceasair, taking of Erinn by, 54 landing in Ireland of, 57. Celedabhaill, his quatrains, 198. Celestine, Pope, sends St. Patrick to Ireland, 115. Celsus, St., 227 when buried, 227. Celtic language, antiquity of, 147 remains of, 46. Celtic literature, 37. Celtic and Roman history, 81. Celts, description of, 160. Chariots used in Ireland, 167. Charlemont, Earl of, his life, 607. Charles I., reign of, 473 his "faith," 475. Charles II., reign of, 520 his treatment of the loyalists, 521. Chesterfield and Adam Smith on Ireland, 603. Chichester, Sir John, 580. Chichester's Parliament, 471. Chieftains, Irish, 303. Child, interment of a, 157n. Christ, the age of, 94. Christian missions, 108. Christianity, introduction of, 112. Chronicle of Cormac MacCullinan, 41. of Aengus Ceile De, 41. of Richard of Cirencester, 139. Chronicum Scotorum, 58 compiled by, 50 account in, 57 on Partholan's landing in Ireland, 58. Chronology, difficulties of, 44 Irish, 80. Cin Droma Snechta, 39 quotations from, 43 on Irish immigration, 58. Circular forts, 165. Cistercians, Order of, 316. Cities and Cemeteries of Etruria, 155. Clanrickarde, Earl of, 356. Clare, Lord, on Irish cultivation, 638. Clare election, the, 649. Clarence, Duke of, 371. Clergy, state of the Catholic, in the reign of Elizabeth, 426. Clonmacnois, the Annals of, 60n. Clubs in the seventeenth century, 545 Clynn, the annalist, 319. Cobhthach Cael, 90. Codex, containing Venerable Bede's works, 47. Coigley, Father, arrested and hanged, 624. Colgan, his labours, 52 mention of, 534. College of Physicians, establishment of, in Dublin, 543. Colleges, continental, established for Irish students, 535. Colonists—Scythians, Greeks, 68. Colonization, proofs of our early, 55 the last, 75. Columba, St., and the Bards, 168. Columbanus, St., his rule, 173 on papal supremacy, 176. Commercial status of Irish towns, 540. Comyn, John, Archbishop of Dublin, 291 his imprisonment, 295. Conchessa, 112. Confessions, St. Patrick's, 113. Conaire II., 103 collects laws, 104. Conn of the Hundred Battles, 101. Conn's half of Ireland, 102. Connaught, ancient, 64 massacre in, 297 three claimants for, 307 rising of the men, 323 plantation of, 475. Conor Mac Nessa, legend of, 127 death of, 128. Controversy, theological, of the "Three Chapters," 175. Cooke, Mr., publishes a pamphlet, 631. Coote's cruelties, 482. Cork Militia, cruelties of the, 626. Cormac, author of Saltair of Tara, 104. Council at Tara, 172. Courcy, John de, in Ulster, 286 his valour, 286 his defeat in Antrim, 288 his death. 298. Craftine, the poet, 91. Crannoges, 159. Cranmer, Archbishop, 410. Cremation not usual in Erinn, 155. Crom Chonaill, the, 162. Cromlechs, 155 in the Phoenix Park, 161. Cromwell arrives in Ireland, 500 marches to Drogheda, 500 massacre at Drogheda. 501 letters, 502 his cruelties, 503 brutality of his soldiers, 503 his massacre at Wexford, 503. Cromwellian settlement in Ireland, 512n. Crovderg, Hugh, 307 his death, 308. Cruelties of English officers, 417. Crystede, his account of Ireland, 363. Cuilmenn, the, 40. Culdees, the, 182 question on the 179n. Curia Regis, held at Lismore, 273. Curragh of Kildare, 255. Curran, his life, 606. Cusack, Sir Thomas. 409 favours O'Neill, 421. Custom-house built, 638.
Da Derga, destruction of the court of, 91. Dagges, 413n. Dalriada, the Irish, 131. Danes, Malachy's exploits against the, 207 in Ireland, 204 cruelties of the, 190 divided into Black and White Gentiles, 191 found sea-port towns, 200 supposed conversion of, 204 pipes, 241 the Dalcassians fight the, 205. Danish fortress in Dublin, 278n the first invasion, 188 attempted second invasion, 224 pirates, first raid of the, 188 valour, battle of Clontarf, 215. Dante, 385. D'Alton on the Round Towers, 163 on History, Religion, &c., of Ancient Ireland, 68n. Dathi, 107. Defective Titles, Commission of, 475. Derry, siege of, 558. Dervorgil, the Lady, 234. Desmond, Earls of, their ancestors and descendants, 282n. Castle, 221. Earl of, his witty reply, 384. Destruction of the idols, 121. Details of the atrocities of the military, 621. Diarmaid, Princess, pursuit of, 106. Diarmaid's reign, misfortunes of, 167. Dicho, St. Patrick's first convert, 116. Dinnseanchus, a topographical work, 164. Dog, story of a faithful, 571. Domhnach, Gaedhilic term for Sunday, 121. Domhnach Airgid, 134n. Dominican Order in Ireland, 318. Donatus, St., 178. Doneraile Conspiracy, 643. Dowdall, Dr., opposition of, 410. Downpatrick, battle of, 325. Drapier's Letters, the, 581. Dress of the poorer classes in Ireland in seventeenth century, 552. Drink of the ancient Irish, 243. Drinking vessels of different kinds, 243. Druids and their teaching, 137. Drumceat, first convention held at, 167. Drury, his cruelties, 443 his death, 443 Dubhdaleithe, Book of, 44. Dublin in the seventeenth century, 544. Dublin, fashionable and prosperous, 638. Dubtach salutes St. Patrick at Tara, 121. Duke of Clarence, Viceroy, 371. Duke of York, viceroyalty of, 375. Dunboy, siege of, 460. Duncheadh, St., 221. Dundalk, battle of, 201.
Early missionaries. 108. Eber, 84. Ecclesiastics, cruelties practised on, 452. Ecclesiastical property, confiscation of, 403. Edward I., reign of, 329. Elizabeth, Queen, accession of, 412 martyrs in the reign of, 416. Emania, Palace of, 89. Embargo laws, 578. Emmet's career, 640. Enda, St., 169. English, invasion of the, 257. come to Ireland for instruction, 178. quarrels of, barons, 300. law refused to Ireland, 362. writers, mistakes of, 361. schism, real cause of, 394. Irish emigrants defeat the, 584. Enniskilleners, cruelties of the, 559. Eras, three, in Irish history, 387. Eremon, reign of, 77 his death, 78 families descended from, 84. Eric, or compensation for murder, 146. Erinn, St. Patrick's mission to, 112. ancient chronicles of, 48n. pre-Noahacian colonization of, 55. takings of, 57. early geographical accounts of, 72. social accounts of, 73. ancient laws of, 144. religion of, 137. customs of, 139. language of, 147. antiquities of, 153. five great roads of ancient, 101. Essex, Earl of, tries to colonize Ulster, 432 his interview with O'Neill, 456 his death, 433. Ethnea, Princess, 123. Eva, her marriage with Strongbow, 264. Exchequer of the King of England in Dublin, fourteenth century, 339. Exiled Irishmen, 478.
Fairs, Irish, seventeenth century, 538. Falkland, Lord, suspected of favouring the Catholics, 473. Fauna, description of, 253. Fene-men, the, 42n. Fenian poems and tales, 87 ascribed to, 105. Fes, or triennial assembly, 163. Fethlimia, Princess, 122. Fiacc's Hymn, Scholiast on, 111. Fidh Aengussa, the Synod of, 227. Fifth taking of Ireland, 62, Fiacre, St., 177. Finnachta Fleadhach, the Hospitable, 171. Finnen, St., 162, Fintan, son of Bochra, the Irish historian, 40. Firbolg chiefs, division of Ireland by, 60 battles of, 62. Fish in Ireland, 80n anecdote on, 72n. FitzAldelm, his viceroyalty, 285 his death, 299. FitzGerald, war between De Burgo and, 326. FitzGerald, war between De Vesci and, 333. FitzGerald, Lord Edward, joins the United Irishmen, 618 arrest of, 624 his death, 624. Fithil, the poet, 40. FitzMaurice obtains foreign aid, 441 his death, 443. FitzStephen, 260. FitzWilliam, Earl, viceroyalty, of 616. Flahertach, Abbot, and King of Munster, 194 Flann, his Synchronisms, 49 synchronizes the chiefs and monarchs with the kings of Erinn, 50. Flann, King, his reign, 192. Flint used to make weapons of defence, 160. Flood, his life, 607. Flora, description of, 253. Foillan, St., 177. Fomorians, the, 60-64. Food of the ancient Irish, 241 of poorer classes in seventeenth century, 553. Ford of the Biscuits, battle of, 451. Fothadh of the Canons, 180. Franciscan Order in Ireland, 319 their patriotism, 344 their convents, 312 remarkable spring, 319 persecution of, 474. Friars Preachers, Order of, 318. Fridolin, St., 178. Froude's History of England, quotations from his account of the English clergy, 440. Fursey, St., 177.
Gall, St., 177. Galls, description of, 187n.
Gallic Church, labours of the Irish in 177. Gaul, the Celts of, 73. Irish saints venerated in, 183. Geisill, battle of, 78n. Genealogies, differences between, and pedigrees, 80-82. Milesian, 79. peculiar historical value of, 80. and pedigrees, 51. General Assembly at Kilkenny, 485. Geographical accounts of Ireland, 72 George I., 582. Geraldines, rising of, 1534, 390 ancestor of the, 333 their wars, 334 defeated at Kenmare, 325. Germanus, St., his Canons, 117. Gertrude, St., daughter of King Pepin, 177. Gherardini, letter from the, 384. Gilla Caemhain, an Irish writer, 49 gives annals of all times, 49. Ginkell, General, 568. Glundubh, Nial, lamentation for, 196. Gold ornaments, 157. Goldsmith, his life, 609. Gordon's, Mr., account of the atrocities of the military, 628, 629. Gormgal, St., 221. Gormflaith, Brian Boroimhe's wife, 210. Gospels, the, used by St. Patrick, 134. Graces, the, 474. Grammatica Celtica, 46. Granard and Staigue, 237. Grattan's demand for Irish independence, 590 his life, 607 entrance into the Imperial Parliament, 640. Grainne, pursuit of, and Diarmaid, 106. Greeks said to have visited Ireland, 139. Grey, Lord, desecrates churches, 133. Grey, John de, 301. Guaire, his hostility to St. Columba, 167.
Harp, when first used as an emblem, 249. Haverty's History of Ireland, 221n. Henry II. lands in Ireland, 270 produces the Bull, 274 makes his son Lord of Ireland, 287 holds a synod at Cashel, 273 his palace, 272 Henry IV., his reign, 368 his death, 294. Henry V., 369. Henry VI., Wars of the Roses, 371. Henry VII., 379. Henry VIII., 387 persecutions during the reign of, 401 Dr. Browne's letter to, 399. Herodotus, quotations from, 69. Hibernia, the first buried in, 57. Himantiliginos, game of, 141. Himerus and Iberus, 70. Hispania Illustrata, 70. Historians of Erinn, 40. Historians of the seventeenth century, 531. Historic Tales, 86. Historical value of genealogies, 80, 87. History, Ecclesiastical, 227. History of the Exile, 91. Hoggen's Butt, and Le Hogges, 272. Holy wells not superstitious, 143. Honorius III., 305. Howth family founded, 298n. Hua Alta, race of, 125. Hy-Figeinte (Munster), 125. Hy-Kinsallagh (co. Carlow), 125. Hymn of St. Fiacc, 117. of St. Patrick, 120. Hy-Nials, contention between the, 223 palace of, 224 the northern, 192 divided into two clans, 204.
Idols, worship of, 88. Immoralities of the reformed clergy, 404. Imperial standard, 639. Inchiquin, 488 massacre at Cashel by, 496. Innocent I., 100. Innocent X., 490. Insult to the Irish peeresses, 608. Insurrection in Wexford, 626. in Ulster, 629. Ireland, climate of, 80, colonization of, 57. article on, in Rees' Cyclopaedia, 67. last colonization of, 75. ancient laws of, 144. antiquarian remains in, 153. first mill in, 165. fauna and flora of, 253. literary ladies in, 374. persecutions in, 388. Ireland, ecclesiastical property forfeited in, 403. plantations attempted in, 429, 432. social life in, seventeenth century, 529. before the Union, and after, 637. early geographical account of, 72. early social account of, 73. Bede's account of, 79. the Romans feared to invade, 95. Saxon invasion of, 185. first Danish invasion of, 188 second invasion, 224. the circuit of, 197. Murtough's circuit of, 224. Spenser's account of, 439. division of, by the Firbolg chiefs, 60. receives the faith generously, 111. given the name of Hibernia, 70. the first writer who names, 71. called Iernis, 71. Ireton's cruelties and miserable death, 507. Irish genealogies, their rise, 85. keen, 141. painters, 608. musicians, 608. MSS., 45. authors, 608. actors, 608. missionaries, 173. missionary saints, 178. poetry, 180. poets, 605. bishops at the Council of Lateran, 289. war-cries forbidden, 383. pedigrees, their importance, 81. people transplanted as slaves to Barbadoes, 514. chronology compared with Roman, 81. schools and scholars, 183. alphabet, 152. butter and cheese, 246. fireplace, 247. clothing, 250. priests, their devotion to the people, 587. communications with Rome, 490. old, the, and the new English, 491. priests, their peculiar position, 586. history, materials for, 39. martyr, the first, 125. saints, 167. religious, 221. Irish king sent to the Isle of Man, 225. Rinuccini's account of the, 491. Catholic landowners, injustice towards, 509. Brigade, formation of, 574. Irishmen, celebrated, of the eighteenth century, 592, Iron Duke, 639. Island Magee, massacre of, 481. Ita, St. 169.
Jackson, Rev. William, his miserable death, 616. James I., his reign, 463. James II., his reign, 555 arrival in Ireland, 557. Japhet, Milesians descended from, 84. Jerome's, St., statement on Ireland, 74. John of the Shamrocks, 434. John, Prince, receives title of King of Ireland, 287 his visit to Ireland, 292 second visit to Ireland, 302 succeeds to the English crown, 296 starves a bishop to death, 301 letter of Innocent III. to, 295 death, 304. Josephus, 68. Judgment of a king, 103.
Kadlubeck, historian of Poland, 48. Keating, the historian, 531. on Erinn, 43n. quotations from, on the division of Ireland, 60. on descent from the Scythians, 68. on the battle of Bealagh Mughna, 193. books referred to by, 45. on colour, as a distinction of rank, 89n. on battle of Dundalk, 203. burial-place, 532. inscription in honour of, 533. Kennedy, Prince of Munster, 202. Kildare, Earl of, and Henry VII., 384. accused of treason, 384. last Catholic Earl of, 387. letter of, 388. Kildare, Monastery of, 132. Kilian, St., 177. Kincora, Brian's "Happy Family" at, 209 destruction of, 226. Knights of the Royal Branch, 125. Kunrann the poet, 187.
Lacy, De, made Viceroy of Ireland, 289 endeavours to become King of Ireland, 291 cruel death, 293 family become extinct, 311. Lady physicians, 66. Laeghaire, King, holds a pagan festival, 119 receives St. Patrick at Tara, 120 his oath, 129 his death, 129 his burial, 129n. Lammas-day, 164. Landing of the Picts, 79. of Partholan, 58. of Ceasair, 57. Lanfranc, Archbishop of Canterbury, 228. Langton, Stephen, Archbishop of Canterbury, 301. Language of ancient Erinn, 147 writing in pre-Christian Erinn, 148 Ogham writing, 150. Laws, the Brehon code of, 144 its peculiarities, 145. of the Innocents, 172. of succession, 146. of ancient Erinn, 144. Leix, St. Patrick's visit to, 124 cruelties of the deputy of, 417. Lewis, Sir G.C., 85n. Lhind, quotations from, 95n. Lia Fail, 76 or Stone of Destiny, 165 mention of, 165. Life, social, previous to the English invasion, 237. Limerick, siege of, by Ireton. 506 by William of Orange, 566 by Ginkell, 571. Linen trade, 251, 540. Literary ladies in Ireland, 374 Literary men of the seventeenth century, 531. Livin, St., 178. Londres, Henry de, made Governor of Ireland, 306 surnamed Scorch Villain, 306. Louvain collection, 46 friars, 52. Loyola, St. Ignatius, 120n. Lucas, his life, 607.
Macaille, St., 131. MacArt's, Cormac, Saltair. 40 his reign, 103 his death, 105. Macaulay, Lays of Ancient Rome, 247n. Maccallin, St., 221. MacCarthy, King of Desmond, 229. MacCarthy More murdered at Tralee, 357. MacCullinan, Cormac, priest and king, 192 his reign, 193 his death, 193n. MacCumhaill, Finn, 105 his courtship with the Princess Ailbhe, 105. MacFirbis, quotations from, 54, 58 his book on pedigrees, 85 his pedigrees of the ancient Irish and Anglo-Norman families, 50 murdered, 51. MacGilluire, Coarb of St. Patrick, 315. MacLiag, the poet, 210n. MacMurrough, Dermod, King of Leinster, 233 attends synod at Mellifont, 234 his interview with Henry II., 258 Henry grants him letters-patent, 259 his death, 266. MacMurrough, Art, 367 his death, 370. MacNally, advocate of the United Irishmen, 618. Macutenius on St. Patrick's Canons, 118. Maelmuire, "servant of Mary," 227n. Maelruain, St., of Tallaght, 179. Magna Charta, 305. Magog and his colony, 68 his descendants, 84. Magrath, Miler, the apostate, 78. Mahoun, brother to Brian, 204 is murdered, 206. Mailduf, St., 178. Malachy, St., 229 visits Rome, 231 death of, 231. Malachy II., 198 exploits against the Danes, 208 wins his "collar of gold," 208 Brian deposes, 209 his death, 218. Manners and Customs of Ancient Greece, 141. Marco Polo, 46. Marisco, De, his treachery, 311 his death, 312. Mary, Queen, 410. Massacre of a prelate, priest, and friars, 402 of a bishop, 466 at Wexford-bridge, 628 at Cashel, 496 at Wexford, 503 of three priests, 445 of three Franciscans, 453 at Drogheda, 501 at Mullamast, 438 at Fort del Ore, 444 at Scullabogue House, 627. Mellifont, Abbey of, 231 Synod at, 231 founded, 317. Meloughlin, King of Meath, 191. Metalogicus, the, of John of Salisbury, 275n. Milcho, St. Patrick's master in captivity, 116. Milesian genealogies, 84, 88. Milesians, landing of the, 75 they conquer, 77. Milford Haven, 292. Milidh, fleet of the sons of, entrance into Ireland, 75. Mississippi Scheme, 584. Mochta, St., 151. Moira, Lord, exposes the cruelty of the yeomanry, 619. Moling, St., 109. Monastery of Kildare, St. Brigid's, 132. Kilcrea, 321. of Bobbio, 176. of Timoleague, 321, of Tallaght, 179. of St. Columbkille, 293. of Cluain Eidhneach, 179. of Donegal, 321 desolation and plunder of, 189. of Clonbroney, 188n. of St. Columba, 230, 234. of Ibrach (Ivragh), Kerry, 230. of Lismore, 226. of St. Kevin, 235. of Dunbrody, 289. of St. Peter's of Lemene, near Chambery, 381. of Clonfert, 170. of Mellifont, 234. of Clonmacnois, 221. Irrelagh (Muckross), 322. Clonmel, 322. Drogheda, 322. Cill-Achaidh, 374. Montgomery, 584. Montmarisco, 237 becomes a monk, 289 Monroe, 493. Monroe, Henry, 629. Moore, his History, 37 his partiality for Malachy, 209 on religion, 111 his life, 605. Morann the good, and his collar of gold, 97. MSS. preserved in Trinity College, 44. of ancient Irish history, 39n. Celtic, preserved in Belgium, 45. Continental, 45n. in British Museum, 46. Stowe collection of, 45n. MSS., Latin, 46. Loftus, 415. Burgundian, 46. legendary and historical, of Irish history, 39. Muckross Abbey, 322. Muircheartach, first Christian king of Ireland, 131. Muircheartach, his circuit of Ireland, 197 killed by Blacaire, 197. Murphy, Father, killed, 628. Murrough's game of chess, 211. Murtough of the Leathern Cloaks, 196.
Neamhnach, the well, 164. Napier's, Lady, letter respecting the tenantry of Duke of Leinster, 623. Nathi, King, 116. National joy at the restoration of Catholic worship, 464. Nemedh, arrival of, 59. Nemenians, emigration of, 60, 62. Nemthur, St. Patrick's birthplace, 110. Nennius, 69. Nesta, her beauty and infamy, 259. Nestor, 48. Netterville, John, Archbishop of Armagh, 318. Newspapers in seventeenth century, 545. Newtownbutler, engagement at, 595. Nial of the Nine Hostages, 106. Nial Black Knee, 194. Nicholas, St., College of, 51. Niebuhr, his theory of history, 82. on the story of Tarpeia, 82n. on learning by verse, 86. Noah, genealogies from, 58. Normans, their arrival in Ireland, 257. their luxurious habits, 272. Cambrensis' account of them, 277. the, ridicule the Irish nobles, 293. feuds of the, in Ireland, 300. their treachery, 311. Viceroys, 285. Nuada of the Silver Hand, 61 his privy council, 64. Numa Pompilius, 89.
O'Brien, Turlough, Monarch of Ireland, 222 his death, 223. O'Brien, Donnell, King of Thomond, 271. O'Briens, from whom descended, 84. O'Clery, Michael, one of the Four Masters, 52 his literary labours and piety, 54 his first work, Trias Thaumaturgas, 52 rewrote the Book of Invasions, 54 patronized by Fearghal O'Gara, 53. O'Connell, Daniel, in the House of Parliament, 647 obtains Catholic Emancipation, 647 represented Ireland, 641 his life, 642 his maiden speech, 643 Doneraile Conspiracy, 643. O'Curry, when Moore visited, 37 his opinion of early Irish civilization, 104 his labours, 38 on Erinn, 48n on Keating's statement of Irish descent, 68 on Cormac's writings, 104n on the Bachall Isu, 115 on Brehon Laws, 145 on Irish saints, 178 on musical instruments, 250 on Irish martyrs, 416. O'Connor, Hugh, 308. Felim, 309, 313. of Offaly, 339. Roderic, 235. expelled from Offaly, 408 returns to Ireland, 411. Margaret, a literary lady, 374. Nuala, 321 establishes the monastery of Franciscans at Donegal, 321 her death, 322. Arthur, 624. O'Connor Faly, Margaret, visits England, 411. O'Daly, the poet, 303. O'Donnell, Hugh, entertainment of, at Windsor, 387. O'Donnell, Hugh Roe, his treacherous capture, 447 leaves Ireland, 459. O'Donnell More, died at Assaroe, 313. O'Donovan, Dr., quotations from, on Brehon laws, 144. Odran, St., 147. O'Duffy, Catholicus, 304. O'Duffy, Donnell, 233. O'Flaherty, his Chronology, 81. Ogham writing, 149. Oghma, Danann prince, invented the writing called Ogham Craove, 76. Ogygia of the Greeks, 72. Ogygia, account in, of ancient writings, 148n. O'Hagan, the Abbot Imar, 229. O'Hartigan, Kenneth, 221. O'Hurly, Dr., 453. Ollamh Fodhla, 89. Ollamh, office and qualifications of a, 83, 86. O'Loughlin, Donnell, 226. O'Loughlins of Tyrone, 231. O'More, Rory Oge, 437 Roger, 480. O'Neill, Donough, 207 O'Neill, Shane, 409 feared by the English, 418 attempts to poison him, 419 Lord Chancellor Cusack persuades him to forget the poisoning, 420 he is killed treacherously, 422. O'Neill, Hugh, marriage of, 450 his insurrection, 454 defeats Bagnal, 455 his interview with Essex, 456 attempts to assassinate him, 458 his power decreases, 461 plot to entrap him, 468 his flight and death in Rome, 469. O'Neill, Sir Phelim, 480 marches against Monroe, 493. O'Neill, Owen Roe, 480. O'Neill, Hugh Boy, slain in 1283, 332. O'Neill, Donnell, 198, Ormonde, the Duke of. 483 his intrigues, 492. Orpheus, first writer who mention Ireland, 71. Orr, Mr., his trial and death, 620. O'Toole, St. Laurence, Archbishop of Dublin, 234 his genealogy, 235 Abbot of St. Kevin's monastery, at Glendalough, 235 his patriotism, 267 his journey to France, 290 sent as ambassador to Henry II., 281 his death, 290. Oirdnidhe, Hugh, the legislator, 179.
Palatines, the, 580. Palladius, St., mission of, 109. Palliums, 231. Partholan, landing of, 58. Partholyan, English traditions of, 71. Patrick, St., his birthplace, 112 visits Tara, 120 his successful preaching, 123 relic of his hand, 134 his copy of the Gospels, 134 his burial-place, 133 devotion of his servant, 125 his death, 126 his vision, 113 his prayer for Ireland, 135 destruction of the idols, 121 his Hymn, 120 his captivity, 113. Peep-o'-Day Boys and Defenders, 613. Pelasgian remains, 158. Pembroke, Earl of, plots against, 311. Penal Laws, enactment of, 576. Perrot, Sir John, 417. Petrie, Dr., quotations from, on Brehon laws, 115. Petty, Sir William, 541. Philosophical Society, the Dublin, 546. Phoenician colonization of Spain, 70 circumnavigation of Africa, 69. Physicians, establishment of their college in Dublin, 543 Picts, landing of the, 79. Pitt, William, 613. Plantation of Connaught, 510 of Ulster, 469. Plowden's account of the atrocities of the military, 602. Plunkett, Dr., his trial and execution, 528. Plunkett, Lord, in parliament, 640. Poyning's Parliament, 379 law, and its effects, 382. Presentation Order, 593n. Priests, cruel massacre of, 496 their efforts to save Protestants, 483. Protestant Church, state of, 425.
Quipus used as a register by the Indians, 150.
Raith Beothaigh (Rath Beagh), an ancient burial-place, 78. Raleigh, Sir Walter, 439. Rath at Leighlin, 200 of the Synods, 165. Reformation, attempts to introduce the, 415. Reformed clergy, preaching of, 405. Religious houses and their founders, 316. Remonstrance to the Holy See, 341. Reports on the state of Ireland, 648 Richard I., accession of, 294. Richard II., visits Ireland, 365. Rinuccini, 489n lands at Kenmare, 490 reception in Kilkenny, 491 returns to Italy, 497. Rock of Cashel, 193. Rodanus, St., 162. Romantic Tales, 91. Rose Tavern, 544. Rotundo built, 638. Round Tower controversy, 153. Rowan, A. Hamilton, 615 Rufus, William, boast of, 257.
Sacramental test, 579. Saltair of Temair, 41. na-Rann, 41. of Cashel, 44. of Cormac, 41. San Jose, arrival of, 443. Saviour's, St., Dublin, 318. Schomberg's camp, disease in, 560. Scots, 69. Scraball, 164. Scythian colonists, 68 Irish claim descent from, 65. Seanchaidhe, poet, 83n. Seanchus Mor, language of, 145 translator of, 145. Sedulus, St., 178. Segetius, priest, 115. Senchan Torpeist, 40. Severe winters and pestilences in Ireland, 223. Sheehy, Father Nicholas, judicial murder of, 589. Sheridan, his life, 608. Shrines of the three saints, 133. Sidney's official account of Ireland, 423 his interview with Granuaile, 434. Silken Thomas, his rebellion, 391 his execution, 392. Silver shields, 89. Simnel crowned in Dublin, 380. Simon, Rabbi, 68. Sitric arrival of, 195 treachery of, 201. Smith, Adam, on Ireland, 603. Smithfield, origin of the name, 241n. South Sea Bubble, 581. Spenser's Castle, 423 grandson, 513 description of Irish misery, 439. Sreng, warrior, 62. Statements in our annals confirmed by a Jewish writer, 68. Statute of Kilkenny and its effects, 359. Stierman, 48. Sterne, Dr., 544. Strafford, Earl of, 77. Strongbow, Earl of Clare, arrives in Ireland, 263 genealogy, 263 marriage of, and Eva, 264 proclaims himself king of Leinster, 266 returns to England. 268 death of, 282 his seal, 284. Succession, law of, 146. Superstitions, Irish, 142. Swan, Major, 624. Swift, Dean, 581 his writings, 581 his life, 607. Swords and chariots of ancient Ireland, 167.
Tacitus, 95. Tain bo Chuailgne, the expedition of, 92 the story of, 93. Talbot, Archbishop, 525. Tanaiste, 147. Tandy, Napper, 612. Tara, account of ancient, 163 site of, 41 cursing of, 162. Taverns and coffee-houses, 544. Theatre, the first, in Dublin, 547. Thomas, St., of Canterbury, 266. Thompson, Charles, Secretary of Congress, 601. Threnodia Hiberno-Catholica, 511. Tighernach's Annals, 49 uses the dominical letter, 49 mentions the lunar cycle, 49 quotes historical writers, 49 his home, 48. Tighearnmas, 88. Timoleague, Monastery of, 321. Tithes introduced into Ireland, 232. Tom the Devil, 622. Tone, Theobald Wolfe, 614. Tradition, its use in history, 40. Trias Thaumaturgas, 52. Trinity College, foundation of, 462. Tuatha De Dananns, fifth taking of Ireland by, 61 their skill as artificers, 61 battles of, 62, 75 dynasty passed away, 76. Tuathal, reign of, 98. Tuite, Richard (the great baron), 333. Turgesius the Dane, 189. Tussach, St, 126.
Ugaine Mor, reign of, 90. Ultan, St., 171. Union, the, 632. United Irishmen, the, 618. Usher, Archbishop, 534 his indifference about orders, 536 on St. Patrick's Canons, 117 as an historian, 534. Usher's Island, 318n.
Veto, the, 643. Victorious, 113n. Vinegar Hill, the battle of, 627. Volunteers, the, 591. Virgilius, St., 178. Vivian, Cardinal, 286 entombs the relics of the three saints anew, 294.
Warbeck's plot, 381. Ware, 415. Ward, Father, 52. Waterford rugs, 539. Wellesley, Chief Secretary, 640. Wesley, John, his remark about Moira House, 318n. Wheat planted early, 243. White and Black Gentiles, 191. Whiteboys, the, 584. Wilde, Sir W., 79n. Wives purchased in Erinn, 43 exchanged, 229. Words and Places, 58n. Wood's halfpence, 581. Wren, veneration for the, 140.
Yeomanry, fearful cruelties of the, 630. York, house of, 371 Duke of, made Viceroy, 375. Yorkists, popularity in Ireland, 376. insurrection of the, 378. Youghal, foundation of Convent of, 318 College of, 378 burned down, 443. Young's remedy for Irish disaffection, 585.