'Bell-bird' — the korimako (Anthornis Melanura).
'Koromiko' — Veronica salicifolia.
'Manuka' — the tea-tree (Leptospermum scoparium and L. ericoides).
Biographical Notes
The bibliographies include books of verse only. [This information was compiled in or before 1907. — A. L.]
Adams, Arthur H. Born at Lawrence, Central Otago, New Zealand, 6th June, 1872. Both parents colonial born; father of English, mother of Irish family. Educated, High School, Christchurch, Wellington College and High School, Dunedin; thence with Scholarship to Otago University: graduated B.A. Studied law; Journalist for three years; literary secretary to Mr. J. C. Williamson for two years. Went as war-correspondent to China through Boxer campaign. Visited London, 1902. Returned to Australia, 1905. 'Maoriland, and other Verses' (Sydney, 1899). 'The Nazarene' (London, 1902).
Adams, Francis William Lauderdale. Born at Malta, 27th September, 1862; son of Prof. Leith Adams. Educated at Shrewsbury School, England. In Australia, 1884-89. Died at Margate, England, by his own hand, 4th September, 1893. 'Henry, and other Tales' (London, 1884). 'Poetical Works' (Brisbane and London, 1887). 'Songs of the Army of the Night' (Sydney, 1888; London, 1890, 1893, 1894). 'The Mass of Christ' (London, 1893). 'Tiberius, a Drama' (London, 1894).
Andersen, Johannes Carl. Born at Jutland, Denmark, 14th March, 1873; came to New Zealand with his parents, October, 1874. Educated, New Zealand public schools. Now in Government service, Christchurch. 'Songs Unsung' [Christchurch, n.d. (1903)].
Bathgate, Alexander. Born at Peebles, Scotland, 1845. Educated, local schools and Edinburgh University. Came to New Zealand, 1863. Banking for six years; Barrister and Solicitor in Dunedin, 1872 to present date. 'Far South Fancies' [London, n.d. (1889)]. 'The Legend of the Wandering Lake' [Dunedin, n.d. (1905)].
Bayldon, Arthur Albert Dawson. Born at Leeds, England, 20th March, 1865, of an old North of England family. Educated at Leeds and travelled extensively in Europe. Arrived in Queensland, 1889, and since then has travelled over a good deal of Eastern Australia. Now in Sydney, writing stories, essays, etc. 'Lays and Lyrics' (London, 1887). 'The Sphinx, and other Poems' (Hull, 1889). 'Poems' (Brisbane, 1897). 'Poems', enlarged edition [Brisbane, n.d. (1898)]. 'The Western Track, and other Verses' (Sydney, 1905).
Bracken, Thomas. Born in Ireland, 1843. Came to Victoria, 1855. Settled in New Zealand, 1869. Engaged as storekeeper, miner and journalist. Represented Dunedin in Parliament, 1881-4. Died, 16th February, 1898. 'The Haunted Vale, and other Poems' (Sandhurst, 1867). 'Behind the Tomb, and other Poems' (Melbourne, 1871). 'Flowers of the Freelands' (Melbourne, 1877). 'Lays of the Land of the Maori and The Moa' (London, 1884). 'Paddy Murphy's Annual' (Dunedin, 1886). 'A Sheaf from the Sanctum' (Dunedin, 1887). 'Musings in Maoriland' (Dunedin and Sydney, 1890). 'Lays and Lyrics' (Wellington, 1893). 'Tom Bracken's Annual' (Wellington, 1896). 'Tom Bracken's Annual', No. 2 (Dunedin, 1897). 'Not Understood, and other Poems' (Wellington, 1905, Sydney, 1906).
Brady, Edwin James. Born at Carcoar, N.S.W., 7th August, 1869, of Irish parents. Educated, public schools (N.S.W.) and Washington (D.C.), America. Engaged in farming and various other occupations in N.S.W. Editor 'Australian Workman', 1891; Editor and proprietor of 'The Grip', Grafton, N.S.W.; Editor of 'The Worker' (Sydney), 1905; now a free-lance Journalist in Sydney. 'The Ways of Many Waters' (Sydney, 1899). 'The Earthen Floor' (Grafton, 1902).
Brennan, Christopher John. Born at Sydney, 1st November, 1870, of Irish parents. Educated, St. Aloysius and St. Ignatius Coll., Sydney. Graduated M.A., Sydney University, won James King Travelling Scholarship, and spent some years in Europe. Now Assistant Librarian, Sydney Public Library. 'XXI Poems: Towards the Source' (Sydney, 1897).
Brereton, John Le Gay. Born at Sydney, 2nd September, 1871; son of the late Dr. J. Le Gay Brereton. Educated, Sydney Grammar School; graduated B.A., Sydney University. Now Assistant Librarian at the same University. 'The Song of Brotherhood, and other Verses' (London, 1896). 'Perdita' (Sydney, 1896). 'Sweetheart Mine' (Sydney, 1897). 'Sea and Sky' (Sydney, 1901). 'Oithona' (Sydney, 1902).
Browne, Thomas Alexander ("Rolf Boldrewood"). Born in London, 6th August, 1826. Son of Captain Sylvester Browne, who came to Australia with his family in 1830. Educated, W. T. Cape's School, Sydney. Became a Squatter in Port Fairy district, Victoria, at seventeen. Police Magistrate and Gold Fields Commissioner, 1870-1895. Wrote serials for 'Town and Country Journal'; "Ups and Downs" (subsequently re-named "The Squatter's Dream", London, 1879); "Robbery under Arms" (appeared in 'Sydney Mail', 1882, published in London, 1888); since then has issued seventeen other novels. Now residing in Melbourne. 'Old Melbourne Memories' (Melbourne, 1884, prose and verse).
Cambridge, Ada (Mrs. Cross). Born at St. Germains, Norfolk, England, 21st November, 1844; eldest daughter of Henry Cambridge and Thomasine, daughter of Dr. C. Emerson. Married Rev. George F. Cross, of Ely, 25th April, 1870. Arrived in Melbourne, 19th August, 1870. Commenced writing serial stories for 'Australasian', 1875; has since published a number of novels in London and given an account of her life here in "Thirty Years in Australia" (1901). 'Hymns on the Holy Communion' (London, 1866). 'The Manor House and other Poems' (London, 1875). 'Unspoken Thoughts' (London, 1887).
Carmichael, Grace Jennings (Mrs. Mullis). Born in Gippsland, Victoria, about 1867. Spent most of her early life in the bush. Went to Melbourne, entered Children's Hospital Training School and obtained certificate, 1890. Married Mr. Francis Mullis. Died, 9th February, 1904, at Leyton, near London. 'Poems' (London and Melbourne, 1895).
Castilla, Ethel. Born at Kyneton, Victoria, 19th June, 1861; daughter of Frederic Ramos de Castilla, an Englishman of Spanish descent, and May Robertson, daughter of an Edinburgh Writer to the Signet. Has lived mostly in Melbourne and contributed frequently to 'Australasian', 'Sydney Mail', etc. 'The Australian Girl, and other Verses' (Melbourne, 1900).
Clarke, Marcus Andrew Hislop. Born at Kensington, London, 24th April, 1846; son of William Hislop Clarke, Barrister. Educated, Dr. Dyne's School, Highgate. Came to Victoria, 1864. Employed as a Bank clerk for a few months, then on a station for a year. Journalist in Melbourne, 1867-71. Appointed Secretary to Trustees, Melbourne Public Library, 1871; Assistant Librarian, 1875. Married, 1869, Marian Dunn, daughter of John Dunn, Comedian. Wrote "For the Term of His Natural Life" for 'The Australian Journal', 1870, which, partly re-written, was published in London, 1874. Died, 2nd August, 1881. Verse collected and published in 'The Marcus Clarke Memorial Volume', 1884, and 'The Austral Edition of Selected Works of Marcus Clarke', 1890 (Melbourne).
Colborne-Veel, Mary Caroline (Miss). Born at Christchurch, N.Z.; daughter of Joseph Veel Colborne-Veel, M.A., Oxon., who came to New Zealand in 1857. Educated at home. Contributed frequently to Australian, English and other periodicals. 'The Fairest of the Angels, and other Verse' (London, 1894).
Currie, Archibald Ernest. Born at Christchurch, New Zealand, 1884, of British stock. Educated, Christchurch High School and Canterbury College. Graduated M.A., University of New Zealand.
Cuthbertson, James Lister. Born in Scotland, 1851. Educated, Glenalmond, and Merton College, Oxford. Graduated B.A. Arrived in Melbourne, 1874. Senior Classical Master, Geelong Grammar School, 1875-96. 'Barwon Ballads' (Melbourne, 1893).
Daley, Victor James. Born at Navan, Armagh, Ireland, 5th September, 1858; father Irish, mother of Scottish descent. Went to Plymouth, England, at fourteen, and left there in 1876 for Australia; landed in Sydney and shortly after went to Adelaide, where he worked as a clerk. Went to Melbourne and joined the Staff of 'The Carlton Advertiser'. Tramped to Queanbeyan, N.S.W., and edited a paper there for five months. Came to Sydney and wrote for Australian papers, principally 'The Bulletin'. Lived in Melbourne for a few years; then again in Sydney until his death from phthisis, 29th December, 1905. 'At Dawn and Dusk' (Sydney, 1898).
Deniehy, Daniel Henry. Born at Sydney, 18th August, 1828, of Irish parentage. Educated, M. Jonson's and W. T. Cape's schools. At fifteen wrote a novelette, "Love at First Sight", printed in 'Colonial Literary Journal', 1844. Went to England with his parents, studied in London and visited the Continent. Returned to Sydney, was articled to Nicol D. Stenhouse and eventually admitted — the first native-born solicitor on the rolls. Married Adelaide Elizabeth Hoalls, 1855. Elected to N.S.W. Parliament, 1856-9. Edited 'Southern Cross' (Sydney) 1859-60, 'Victorian' (Melbourne) 1862-4. Died at Bathurst, N.S.W., 22nd October, 1865. Some of his writings were collected and published in 'The Life and Speeches of Daniel Henry Deniehy', by Miss E. A. Martin, Melbourne (1884).
Domett, Alfred. Born at Camberwell, England, 20th May, 1811. Matriculated at Cambridge, 1829, called to the Bar, 1841, left England, 1842, for New Zealand. Was a friend of Robert Browning and inspired the latter's poem, 'Waring', which first appeared in 'Bells and Pomegranates', No. III., 1842. Became Colonial Secretary for Province of Munster, N.Z., 1848, and Premier of the Colony in 1862. Wrote "Ranolf and Amohia" in New Zealand. Returned to England, 1871. Died at Kensington, November, 1887. 'Poems' (London, 1833). 'Venice, a Poem' (London, 1839). 'Ranolf and Amohia, A South Sea Day Dream' (London, 1872, second edition, 2 vols., 1883). 'Flotsam and Jetsam' (London, 1877).
Dyson, Edward George. Born near Ballarat, Victoria, 5th March, 1865, of English parentage. Educated, public schools. Worked for some time as a miner in Victoria and Tasmania. Now a Journalist in Melbourne. 'Rhymes from the Mines, and other Lines' (Sydney, 1896).
Evans, George Essex. Born in London, 18th June, 1863; son of John Evans, Q.C., M.P., of Welsh descent. Educated at Haverford West (Wales) and St. Heliers (Channel Islands). Came to Queensland, 1881. Farming for some time. Entered Queensland Government service, 1888, and is now District Registrar at Toowoomba. Joint Editor of 'The Antipodean', 1893, 1894, and 1897. Won prize for best Ode on the Inauguration of the Commonwealth. 'The Repentance of Magdalene Despar, and other Poems' (London, 1891). 'Won by a Skirt' (Brisbane, n.d.). 'Loraine, and other Verses' (Melbourne, 1898). 'The Sword of Pain' (Toowoomba, 1905).
Farrell, John. Born at Buenos Aires (S. America), 18th December, 1851, of Irish parents. Came to Australia, 1852; spent his childhood and youth in the Victorian bush. Worked as a farmer, afterwards became a brewer in Victoria and New South Wales. Journalist from 1887, principally on the staff of 'The Daily Telegraph', Sydney, till his death in Sydney, 9th January, 1904. 'Ephemera: An Iliad of Albury' (Albury, 1878). 'Two Stories' (Melbourne, 1882). 'How He Died, and other Poems' (Sydney, 1887). 'Australia to England' (Sydney, 1897). 'My Sundowner, and other Poems' (Sydney, 1904). 'How He Died, and other Poems' (Sydney, 1905).
Foott, Mary Hannay (Mrs.). Born at Glasgow, 26th September, 1846; daughter of James Black, mother descended from literary family of Hannay. Arrived in Australia, 1853. Educated in Melbourne. Married Thomas Wade Foott, 1874, and went to live at Dundoo, Queensland. After death of her husband, 1884, was Literary Editor of 'The Queenslander' for ten years. Now a teacher at Rocklea, Queensland. 'Where the Pelican Builds, and other Poems' (Brisbane, 1885). 'Morna Lee, and other Poems' (London, 1890).
Forster, William. Born at Madras, 1818. Came to Australia, 1829. Educated, W. T. Cape's School, Sydney. Became a Squatter. Entered New South Wales Parliament, was Premier, 1860, and afterwards held portfolios in various ministries. Appointed Agent-General and went to London, 1876. Returned to New South Wales and died there, 30th October, 1882. 'The Weirwolf: a Tragedy' (London, 1876). 'The Brothers: a Drama' (London, 1877). 'Midas' (London, 1884).
Gay, William. Born at Bridge of Weir, Renfrewshire, Scotland, 1865. Arrived in New Zealand, April, 1885. Went to Melbourne, 1888. Appointed Assistant Master, Scotch College, which position he held until his health broke down. Travelled about the colony until 1892, when he became much worse and was removed to Bendigo. Bedridden for the last two years of his life. Died at Bendigo, 22nd December, 1897. 'Sonnets, and other Verses' (Melbourne, 1894). 'Sonnets' (Bendigo, 1896). 'Christ on Olympus, and other Poems' (Bendigo, 1896).
Gilmore, Mary J. (Mrs.). Born near Goulburn, New South Wales, 16th August, 1865; father — Donal Cameron — a Highlander, mother a Hawkesbury native. Educated at public schools; became a school teacher, 1881. Joined the New Australia movement and went to Paraguay, 1895. Married William Gilmore, 1897. Returned to Australia, 1902. Now resident in Casterton (Victoria).
Gordon, Adam Lindsay. Born at Fayal, Azores Islands, 1833; son of Captain Adam Durnford Gordon of Worcester (England), descendant of an old Scottish family. Went to England, 1840; entered Cheltenham College about 1844, Woolwich Military Academy 1850, and afterwards Merton College, Oxford. Arrived at Adelaide, South Australia, November, 1853, and became a mounted trooper, afterwards a horse-breaker. Married Maggie Park, October, 1862, and lived at Mt. Gambier, South Australia, for two years. Elected to South Australian Parliament, 1865; resigned November, 1866. Moved to Ballarat (Victoria), November, 1867, where he purchased a livery stable. Became celebrated as a steeplechase rider. His only child, Annie Lindsay, died in 1868, his business failed, and he had several falls while racing; his claim to the Barony of Esslemont (Scotland) was defeated; shot himself, 24th June, 1870. 'The Feud' (Mt. Gambier, 1864). 'Sea Spray and Smoke Drift' (Melbourne, 1867 and 1876). 'Ashtaroth: a Dramatic Lyric' (Melbourne, 1867 and 1877). 'Bush Ballads and Galloping Rhymes' (Melbourne, 23rd June 1870). 'Poems' (Melbourne, 1877, 1880, 1882, 1884, 1888).
Harpur, Charles. Born at Windsor, New South Wales, 1817; son of a schoolmaster. Followed various occupations, principally farming. Gold Commissioner at Araluen for eight years. Married Mary Doyle, 1850. Died 10th June, 1868, at Eurobodalla, N.S.W. 'Thoughts: A Series of Sonnets' (Sydney, 1845). 'The Bushrangers, and other Poems' (Sydney, 1853). 'A Poet's Home' (Sydney, 1862). 'The Tower of the Dream' (Sydney, 1865). 'Poems' (Melbourne, 1883).
Heney, Thomas William. Born at Sydney, November, 1862; eldest son of Thomas W. Heney, Editor and part proprietor of 'Monaro Mercury'. Educated at Cooma. Entered 'Sydney Morning Herald' office, 1878; 'Daily Telegraph', Sydney, 1884; 'Western Grazier', Wilcannia, 1886; 'Echo', 1889; 'S. M. Herald', 1891, and is now Editor of the last-named Journal. 'Fortunate Days' (Sydney, 1886). 'In Middle Harbour, and other Verse' (London, 1890).
Holdsworth, Philip Joseph. Born at Balmain, near Sydney, 12th January, 1849; father English, mother Irish. Editor Sydney 'Athenaeum', 'Illustrated Sydney News'. For many years Cashier in the Treasury, Sydney; afterwards Secretary, Forest Department, till 1892. Died 19th January, 1902. 'Station Hunting on the Warrego, and other Poems' (Sydney, 1885).
Hyland, Inez K. (Miss). Born at Portland (Victoria), 1863; daughter of T. F. Hyland and grand-daughter of Dr. Penfold, Magill (S.A.). Educated at Miss Kentish's School, Castlemaine, and by Madame Marvel. Died at Magill (S.A.), 1892. 'In Sunshine and in Shadow' (Melbourne, 1893).
Jephcott, Sydney Wheeler. Born at Colac-Colac (Victoria), 30th November, 1864, parents having lately immigrated from Warwickshire (England). Grew up in the bush and educated himself. Engaged in farming on the Upper Murray (Victoria). 'The Secrets of the South' (London, 1892).
Kelly, John Liddell. Born near Airdrie, Scotland, 19th February, 1850. Left school at eleven, self-educated afterwards. Married, 1870. Emigrated to New Zealand, 1880. Has since worked as a Journalist. Sub-editor 'Auckland Star'; Editor 'Auckland Observer'; Assistant Editor 'Lyttelton Times'; now Editor 'New Zealand Times', Wellington. 'Tahiti, the Land of Love and Beauty' (Auckland, 1885). 'Tarawera, or the Curse of Tuhoto' (Auckland, 1887). 'Zealandia's Jubilee' (Auckland, 1890). 'Heather and Fern' (Wellington, 1902).
Kendall, Henry Clarence. Born at Kermington, near Ulladulla, N.S.W., 18th April, 1841; son of Basil Kendall (born in New Zealand) and Melinda M'Nally (of Irish descent). Brought up and educated in the bush of N.S.W. coast districts. At the age of thirteen went with his uncle as a cabin boy, and spent two years cruising in the Pacific. Returned to Sydney and became a shop assistant for a time; then clerk of J. Lionel Michael, Solicitor at Grafton. After the death of Michael he obtained, through Henry Halloran, an appointment in the Government Lands Office, Sydney. Married Charlotte, daughter of Dr. Rutter, of Sydney, 1868; went to Melbourne, 1869, and engaged in journalistic work. After the death of his daughter Araluen, he returned to Sydney, 1871: went to Camden Haven in charge of Messrs. Fagan Bros.' timber-yards, and spent seven years there. Appointed by Sir Henry Parkes Superintendent of State Forests, 1881, and went to live at Cundletown (N.S.W.). Died in Sydney, 1st August, 1882. 'At Long Bay: Euroclydon' (Sydney, n.d.). 'The Glen of the White Man's Grave' (Sydney, n.d.). 'Poems and Songs' (Sydney, 1862). 'The Bronze Trumpet: a Satirical Poem' (Sydney, 1866). 'Leaves from Australian Forests' (Melbourne, 1869, 1870). 'Songs from the Mountains' (Sydney, 1880). 'Orara, a Tale' (Melbourne, 1881). 'Poems' (Melbourne, 1886, 1890, 1903).
Lawson, Henry Hertzberg. Born near Grenfell, N.S.W., 17th June, 1867; son of Peter Hertzberg Larsen, a Norwegian, and Louisa Albury, native of N.S.W. Worked with his father, who was a farmer and contractor; came to Sydney at seventeen and learned the trade of a coach-painter; commenced writing verse, 1887; was on the staff of the Queensland 'Boomerang', 1890, travelled in N.S.W., West Australia and New Zealand, engaged in various occupations; went to London, 1900. Returned to Sydney, 1903. 'Short Stories in Prose and Verse' (Sydney, 1894). 'In the Days when the World was Wide, and other Verses' (Sydney, 1896). 'Verses Popular and Humorous' (Sydney, 1900). 'Children of the Bush' (London, 1902, prose and verse). 'When I was King, and other Verses' (Sydney, 1905).
Loughran, Edward Booth. Born at Glasgow, 13th December, 1850, of Irish parents. Educated in North of Ireland. Arrived in Australia, January, 1866. Public school teacher in Queensland for several years. Became a Journalist, and was employed on 'Rockhampton Bulletin', 'Brisbane Courier', and 'Melbourne Argus'. Joined Victorian Government 'Hansard' in 1879, and in 1893 was appointed Chief of Staff. ''Neath Austral Skies' (Melbourne, 1894).
Mackay, Jessie (Miss). Born at foot of the Southern Alps, Canterbury, New Zealand, 15th December, 1864; father and mother Scottish Highlanders. Brought up on her father's station, South Canterbury. Educated, Christchurch Normal School. Public school teacher for four years; afterwards private teacher and regular contributor to 'Otago Witness' and other journals. 'The Spirit of the Rangatira, and other Ballads' (Melbourne, 1889). 'The Sitter on the Rail, and other Poems' (Christchurch, 1891).
Martin, Arthur Patchett. Born at Woolwich, England, 18th February, 1851; eldest son of an Australian pioneer colonist. Educated at Melbourne. Entered Victorian Civil Service, 1862 [sic]; helped to found and was Editor of 'Melbourne Review', 1876-1882. Went to England, 1882. Died there, 15th February, 1902. 'Random Rhymes' (Melbourne, 1876). 'Lays of To-day' (Melbourne, 1878). 'Fernshawe', sketches in prose and verse (Melbourne, 1882; London, 1885). 'The Withered Jester, and other Verses' (London, 1895).
Michael, James Lionel. Born in London, 1824; eldest son of James Walter Michael, Solicitor, and Rose Lemon-Hart. Articled to his father and became a Solicitor; was a friend of Millais and others of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood. Came to Australia, 1853; practised in Sydney, and subsequently at Grafton, Clarence River, where Kendall entered his office in 1857. Found drowned in Clarence River with a wound in his skull, 1865. 'Songs without Music' (Sydney, 1857). 'John Cumberland' [Sydney, n.d. (1860)].
Moloney, Patrick. Born at Hawthorn, Victoria, 1843. Educated, St. Patrick's College, Melbourne; graduated M.B., Melbourne University, 1867. Married Miss Quirk of Carlton (Vic.). Died at Ulverstone, Eng., September, 1904.
O'Dowd, Bernard Patrick. Born at Beaufort, Victoria, 11th April, 1866, of Irish parents. Educated in Victorian State schools. Graduated B.A., LL.B., Melbourne University. Admitted to the Bar. Now Assistant Librarian, Supreme Court, Melbourne. 'Dawnward?' (Sydney, 1903), reprinted in 'A Southern Garland' (Sydney, 1904). 'The Silent Land, and other Verses' (Melbourne, 1906).
Ogilvie, William Henry. Born near Kelso, Scotland, 21st August, 1869. Educated, Kelso High School and Fettes College, Edinburgh. Came to Australia, 1889; engaged in droving, horse-breaking and other occupations in N.S.W. bush. Returned to Scotland, 1901. Now in Iowa, U.S.A. 'Fair Girls and Gray Horses' (Sydney, 1898, second edition, 1899). 'Hearts of Gold' (Sydney, 1903).
O'Hara, John Bernard. Born at Bendigo (Victoria), 29th October, 1864, of Irish parents. Educated, Carlton College and Ormond College; graduated M.A. Melbourne University. Became Principal, South Melbourne College, 1890, which position he still occupies. 'Songs of the South' (London and Melbourne, 1891). 'Songs of the South', Second series (London, 1895). 'Lyrics of Nature' (Melbourne, 1899). 'A Book of Sonnets' (Melbourne, 1902).
O'Reilly, Dowell Phillip. Born at Sydney, 1865, son of Rev. Canon O'Reilly. Educated, Sydney Grammar School; went to Sydney University but left before completing the course. Represented Parramatta in N.S.W. Parliament, 1894-1898. Now a Master at Sydney Grammar School. 'A Fragment' (Sydney, 1884). 'Australian Poems' (Sydney, 1884). 'A Pedlar's Pack' (Sydney, 1888).
Parkes, Sir Henry. Born at Stoneleigh, Warwickshire, England, 27th May, 1815. Son of an English farmer. Self-educated. Learned trade of ivory-turner. Emigrated to Australia, 1839. Elected to old Legislative Council, 1854, and to first Parliament under responsible government, 1856. Was several times Premier and almost continuously in N.S.W. Parliament until his death at Annandale, near Sydney, on 27th April, 1896. 'Stolen Moments' (Sydney, 1842). 'Murmurs of the Stream' (Sydney, 1857). 'Studies in Rhyme' (Sydney, 1870). 'The Beauteous Terrorist, and other Poems' (Sydney, 1885). 'Fragmentary Thoughts' (Sydney, 1889). 'Sonnets, and other Verse' (London, 1895).
Paterson, Andrew Barton ("Banjo"). Born at Narrambla, near Molong (N.S.W.), 17th February, 1864; father Scottish, mother Australian. Admitted as a solicitor and practised in Sydney for some years. Went to South Africa as War Correspondent, and to China as special correspondent. Now Editor Sydney 'Evening News'. 'The Man from Snowy River, and other Verses' (Sydney, 1895, 1902). 'Rio Grande's Last Race and other Verses' (Sydney, 1902).
Quinn, Patrick Edward. Born at Sydney, N.S.W., 17th March, 1862, of Irish parents. Educated at various Sydney schools. Journalist. Member of N.S.W. Legislative Assembly for six years.
Quinn, Roderic Joseph. Born at Sydney, 26th November, 1869 (brother of P. E. Quinn). Educated in Sydney; studied law; State school teacher at Milbrulong, N.S.W. Returned to Sydney, 1890, where he now resides. 'The Hidden Tide' (Sydney, 1899). 'The Circling Hearths' (Sydney, 1901). Both reprinted in 'A Southern Garland' (Sydney, 1904).
Richardson, Robert. Born at Armidale, N.S.W., 7th January, 1850; son of John Richardson. Educated, Sydney Grammar School, graduated B.A. Sydney University. Journalist. Went to England and died there 4th October, 1901. 'Willow and Wattle' (Edinburgh, 1893).
Ross, David MacDonald. Born at Moeraki, on Otago coast, New Zealand, 1865. Parents Scottish Highlanders; who, shortly after his birth, removed to Palmerston in the Waihemo Valley, where he attended school. Engaged in farming work, shearing, etc. in various parts of New Zealand. Entered Agricultural Department, and in 1893 was appointed Stock Inspector, Waikato district, which position he still holds. 'The After Glow' [Auckland, n.d. (1904)].
Rowe, Richard P. L. Born at Doncaster, England, 9th March, 1828. Emigrated to Australia when young. Journalist. Returned to England, 1858, and subsequently published a number of works there. Died, 9th November, 1879. 'Peter 'Possums' Portfolio' (Sydney, 1858, prose and verse).
Sandes, John. Born at Cork, Ireland, 26th February, 1863; son of Rev. S. Dickson Sandes. Family left Ireland, 1872. Educated at King's College, London, Trinity College, Stratford-on-Avon, and Magdalen College, Oxford; graduated B.A., 1885. Travelled on Continent as tutor for a year. Came to Australia, 1887. Joined staff of Melbourne 'Argus', 1888, Sydney 'Daily Telegraph', 1903. 'Rhymes of the Times' (Melbourne, 1898). 'Ballads of Battle' (Melbourne, 1900).
Simpson, Martha Mildred (Miss). Born in Co. Tyrone, Ireland, 3rd May, 1869. Came to New South Wales with her father at the age of fourteen. Entered service of Department of Public Instruction, 1886, and is now in charge of Kindergarten section, Public School, Tamworth, and Lecturer on educational matters in the same district.
Sinclair, Margaret A. (Miss). Born at Auckland, N.Z., of Scottish parents. Educated at home on Thames Goldfield. Now resides in Auckland. 'The Huia's Homeland, and other Verses' (London, 1897). 'Echoing Oars, or "Waitemata", and other Verses' (Auckland, 1903).
Sladen, Douglas Brooke Wheelton. Born in London, 5th February, 1856. Educated, Cheltenham and Trinity College, Oxford; graduated B.A. Emigrated to Melbourne, 1879, graduated LL.B. at University there. Returned to England, 1884. Edited "Australian Ballads and Rhymes", "A Century of Australian Song", and "Australian Poets", 1888. 'Frithjof and Ingebjorg' (London, 1882). 'Australian Lyrics' (Melbourne, 1883; London, 1885). 'A Poetry of Exiles' (Sydney, 1883; London, 1886). Second Series (London, 1888). 'A Summer Christmas' (London, 1884). 'In Cornwall and Across the Sea' (London, 1885). 'Edward the Black Prince' (Florence, 1886; London, 1887). 'The Spanish Armada' (London, 1888).
Stephens, James Brunton. Born at Borrowstowness, near Edinburgh, 17th June, 1835. Educated, Edinburgh University. Travelling tutor, 1857-1860; teaching at Greenock till 1866. Arrived in Australia, April, 1866; tutor at station on Logan River, Queensland, and in Brisbane. Married Rosalie, daughter of T. W. Donaldson. Entered Colonial Secretary's Department, Brisbane, 1883, as correspondence clerk; subsequently appointed Under Secretary. Died 29th June, 1902. 'Convict Once' (London, 1871). 'The Godolphin Arabian' (Brisbane, 1873, 1894). 'The Black Gin, and other Poems' (Melbourne, 1873). 'Mute Discourse' (Brisbane, 1878). 'Marsupial Bill' (Brisbane, 1879). 'Miscellaneous Poems' (London and Brisbane, 1880). 'Convict Once, and other Poems' (Melbourne, 1885, 1888). 'Fayette, or Bush Revels' (Brisbane, 1892). 'Poetical Works' (Sydney, 1902).
Storrie, Agnes L. (Mrs. Kettlewell). Born near Adelaide, South Australia; now resident in Sydney. 'Poems' (Sydney, 1899).
Turner, Ethel (Mrs. H. R. Curlewis). Born at Doncaster, England, 24th January, 1872. Daughter of H. Turner, of Scottish family; mother English. Arrived in Australia, 1880. Educated, Sydney High School, where she conducted a school paper. Edited 'The Parthenon', and engaged in journalistic work for some years. Published "Seven Little Australians", 1894, and since then twelve other children's books. 'Gum Leaves' [Sydney, n.d. (1900), prose and verse].
Twisleton, Henry Lea. Born at Winskill, near Settle, Yorkshire, England, 9th November, 1847. Arrived in New Zealand, September, 1876; since then engaged in bush work and teaching. At present teacher at Te Awaite, near Picton, N.Z. 'Poems in the Craven Dialect', by T. Twisleton, with poems by H. L. Twisleton (Settle, 1876). 'Poems' (Wellington, N.Z., 1895).
Wentworth, William Charles. Born at Norfolk Island, 26th October, 1793; son of D'Arcy Wentworth, a surgeon from Dublin. Educated, Greenwich, England, and Cambridge University. Returned to Australia and took foremost part in securing a Constitution for Australia. Founder of Sydney University. Went to England, 1862. Died at Wimborne, Dorset, 20th March, 1872. 'Australasia, a Poem' (London, 1823, 1873).
Werner, Alice (Miss). Born at Trieste, Austria, 1859; mother English, father German. In the same year the family emigrated to New Zealand, and lived at Dunedin. Went with her father to Mexico in 1864, and then to London. Newnham College, 1878-80. Writing for 'The Speaker' and other papers until 1893. Went to South Africa, studying native languages. Returned to London, 1896. Now writing stories and verse. 'The King of the Silver City' (London). 'A Time and Times' (London, 1886).
Whitney, George Charles. Born at Drummoyne, near Sydney, 25th May, 1884; father Australian, mother English. Educated, Fort Street Public School and Sydney University. Graduated B.A., 1906.
Wilcox, Dora (Miss). Born at Christchurch, New Zealand, 1873; father an Englishman, mother New Zealander. Matriculated, Canterbury College. Teaching in New South Wales and New Zealand for some years. Went to Europe, and is now in London. 'Verses from Maoriland' (London, 1905).
Wilson, Mrs. James Glenny. Born (Ann Adams), at Greenvale, Victoria, 11th June, 1848; father from North of Ireland, mother member of an Aberdeenshire family. Educated at home. Married, 1874, and went to New Zealand, and has been living at Rangitikei ever since. 'Themes and Variations' (London, 1889). 'A Book of Verses' (London, 1901).
Wright, David McKee. Born in Co. Down, Ireland, 6th August, 1869; son of Rev. W. Wright, author of "The Brontes in Ireland", etc. Arrived in New Zealand, 1887. Entered Congregational Ministry, 1898. Now stationed at Nelson, N.Z. 'Aorangi, and other Verses' (1896). 'Station Ballads, and other Verses' (Dunedin, 1897). 'Wisps of Tussock' (Oamaru, 1900). 'New Zealand Chimes' (Wellington, 1900).
Some Notes on this Etext:
The poems in this etext by Gordon, Kendall, Paterson, and Lawson were compared to other texts, and it should be noted that a series of dots (. . . . .) sometimes indicates (here and elsewhere) that some lines or stanzas have been omitted. The selections from these poets indicates that Stevens was aware of their importance, but he seems to have missed the mark with regards to Paterson — and (in the original) doesn't even mention his well-known pseudonym, "Banjo". Excepting "Clancy of the Overflow", Stevens neglects Paterson's best work. There could be many reasons for this, perhaps beyond his control, ("Waltzing Matilda", for example, was not widely published until 1917), but "The Man from Snowy River" (which the movie of the same name is loosely based upon) should certainly have been included. "The Man from Ironbark", "A Bush Christening", and "Conroy's Gap" would also be good choices, and are fortunately available online in "The Man from Snowy River, and other Verses".
Other than adding "Banjo" to the lines containing Paterson's name, the only noteworthy changes made to the text were in format, including standardizing the names and titles in the table of contents with those in the text; and in the "Notes" section, where references to page numbers have been replaced with the name of the poet and poem to which the notes refer. This anthology was first published in 1907.
Accents were necessarily removed as follows:
Parkes, "The Buried Chief": Or winged chariot rolling past?
Domett, "A Maori Girl's Song": On Arapa/ I'll launch my skiff, and soon be borne away
Foott, "New Country": Conde had come with us all the way —
Evans, "A Pastoral": Darkly, like an armed host
Colborne-Veel, "Distant Authors": "Aqu/i esta encerrada el alma licenciado Pedro Garcias."
Jephcott, "A Ballad of the last King of Thule": Hy-Bra/sil, Manna/n and Eire/,
Wright, "An Old Colonist's Reverie": I sigh for the good old days in the station whare again;
Cuthbertson, "Ode to Apollo": The sweet-voiced and immortal violet-crowned Nine.