153, 161, 162, 182
Phakali, a passage among the snowy mountains between Bhotan
and Thibet, 127
Phakphok, part of the Himaliya mountains, 159
Phala, a mart, 166
Phalabam or New Dang, a town, 278
Phaphar, a grain, see Amaranthus
Phaseolus calcaratus, Roxb. Lata Rato and Ruta Mas or
Hayngu May, a grain, 227
Phaseolus Minimoo Roxb. Urid, and Kala Mas or May,
a grain, 227, 232, 284
Phaseolus ocultatus Roxb. Seta Mas, or Chika May, a grain, 227
Phaseolus racemosus Roxb. Lal Mung or Hayngu May, a grain, 227
Phasianus Impeyanus or Dhangphiya, a bird, 95, 285
Pilgrimage, 152, 161, 185, 192, 301, 302
Pine apple, 73, 230
Pine trees, 202, 217, see also Pinus
Pinus longifolia, Salla or long-leafed pine, a tree, 67, 197
Pinus strobus, or Weymouth pine, a tree, 83
Pinus picea, common spruce fir, or Hingwalka chhota Saral, 83, 96
Pisum arvense, Pea, Kerao, or Kaigo, 228, 284
Piuthana, a lordship, 231, 238, 268
Plain region subject to Nepal, see Tariyani
Plants, spontaneous, 63, 67, 83, 200
Pluviometer, see Register of the Weather at the end
Poin, a lordship, 238, 239, 269
Poison root, 55, 99
Pokang, a mart, 158, 159
Pokhara, a town and mart, 242
Police, 102, etc, 149, 212
Policy, see Gorkha
Population, 209, 242, 266, 267, 268, 269, 274,
275, 279, 297
Portaw, a province of Thibet, 121
Porters and porterage, 233
Potatoe, common, see Solanum
Potatoe, sweet, see Convolvulus
Pradhan, a petty officer, see Mokuddum
Pradipa Sa, a chief of Garhawal, 299, 310
Pradyumna Sa, a chief of Garhawal, 295, 299, 300
Praja, see Farmer who rents land to cultivate
Pratap Chandra, chief of Kumau, 296
Prati Nidhi Tiwari, his account of the Khas country, 4, 291
Prayag, five places of worship at the junctions of the principal
branches of the Ganges, 302
Prayaschitta, an expiation or fine, 21, 103
Presents, a source of revenue, 106, 154
Prithwi Narayan, king of Gorkha, 141, 144, 171, 192, 211,
213, 214, 245, 262, 277
Prithwi Pal, Raja of Palpa, 174, 260
Process in law, 102
Produce of an acre, see Crops, and 216, 225
Prostitution, 235
Pujari, a priest who conducts the ceremonies of worship, 211, 219
Pulihu mountain, 205
Pun, a tribe, 279
Punishments, see Corporal, Fine, Prayaschitta
Puria, a tribe of Newars, 37
Purubi Brahmans, 17
Putaul, a tribe of Newars, 36
QUEEN, Rani, Maha Rani, or virgin spouse of a Raja, 105, 211, 212,
224, 235
Queen of Rana Bahadur, regent of Gorkha, 175, 212, 251,
252-258, 261, 264
Queen of Singha Pratap, regent of Gurkha, see Rajendra Lakshmi
Queen regent, concubine of Rana Bahadur, 251, 252-257
Rahal, a tribe, 287
Raja, the king, his authority and establishment, 102, 105, 147,
165, 219
Raja, a chief, often very petty, 261, 298
Rajangka, a kind of capitation or income tax, 106, 154, 156,
164, 169
Rajbungsi, a tribe, see Koch
Rajdani, the court of the king, 108
Rajendra Lakshmi, regent of Gorkha, 247
Rajgar or ) a town, capital of Yasawal, 314
Rajpur, )
Rajpur or Champaranya, a lordship, 129, 131, 170, 172
Rajput, a tribe, see Chandel, Chauhan, Gautamiya, Katauch, Manuriya,
Pathaniya, Raythaur, Samal, Shalivahana, Suryabangsi, also
15, 18, 19, 156, 160, 164, 169, 253,
266, 267, 269, 286, 297
Rama, ancestor of the Rajpur family, 170
Ramagar, a town in Hanur, 308
Ramajai Batacharji, his collections for the materials of this work, 1
Ramnagar, a district, 182
Rampur, chief town of Besar, 307
Rana or Thakur, a title inferior to Raja, a lord, 303, 313
Rana, a tribe, 18, 19
Rana Bahadur or Swamiji, king and regent of Gorkha, 174, 175,
213, 216, 247, 250-253, 258-261, 262, 264,
287, 300
Ranadhwar, a chief of Gorkha, 262
Ranajor, an officer of Gurkha, 305
Ranggapur, a district of Bengal, part of the ancient kingdom of
Kamrup, 7
Rani, see Queen
Ranigar, a territory, 299
Ranjit Pangre, an officer of Nepal, 216
Ranjit Singha, the Sikh chieftain of Lahaur, 259, 305, 311,
312, 313, 314, 315
Rape seed, see Sinapis
Rapti or Jimri river, 268
Raputi river, 198, 199
Ratna Sen, Raja of Palpa, 177
Ravan Hrad lake, 288
Rawa, a fortress, 165
Rayapur, a lordship, 304, 305
Rayapur, a town, capital of Kottahar, 314
Raythaur, a family, chiefs of Jaysalmer and Sirmaur, 302
Reeds, 64
Register, an office in several courts, see Kanungo, Mohurir,
Patwari, Suduriya
Reher, a territory, 293
Rent of arable land, 153, 161, 162, 211, 218, 220,
of houses, see House
of pasture, 153, 155, 162, 217
Rerighat, a town, 180, 264
Revenue, see Customs, Duties, Farms, Fines, Law courts of, Mines,
Mint, Presents, Rajangku, Rent, Sayer, and also 105, 106,
112, 115, 149, 150, 153, 154, 156, 161,
164, 169, 211, 242, 243, 265, 267, 275,
277, 279, 293, 298, 301, 305, 307, 311
313, 314, 316
Rhinoceros, 63
Rhododendrum, a tree, 97
Rice, 63, 65, 73, 74, 82, 217, 222, 265,
267, 282, 284, 297, 301, 305, 312,
see also Hakuya, Takmaro
Rillu, a territory, 315
Rising, a lordship, 171, 182, 184, 238, 239
Riti, a passage among the snowy mountains, 298, 301
Rivers in general, 65, 66, 89, 91, 195
Roads and routes in general, 180, 181, 220, 233,
265, 274, 280, 285, 286
Routes by Bareh from Kathmandu to the Low Country, 198
from Chatra on the Kosi to Nepal valley, 166
from Dudhkunda to Lengleng, 165
by Dudhkunda from the Kosi to Thibet, 165
from Dewghat to Nilkantha, 192-195
from the Gandaki to Nepal Proper, 183
by Gar Pasara from Kathmandu to the Low Country, 195
from Halesi to Lamja, 165
from Hethaura to the Low Country, 182
from Kathmandu to the Low Country by Gar Pasara, 195,
by Bareh, 198
from the Kosi to Thibet by Lamja, 165,
by Dudhkunda, ib.
from Lamja to Halesi, 165
from Lengleng to Dudhkunda, 165
from the Low Country to Hethaura, 182,
to Kathmandu by Bareh, 198,
by Gar Pasara, 195, to Siklik, 243
from Nepal valley to Chatra on the Kosi, 166,
to Sivapur on the Gandaki, 193
from Nilkantha to Dewghat, 192-195,
to Sivapur on the Gandaki, 193
from Pokang to Vijaypur, 157
from Siklik to the Low Country, 243
from Sivapur on the Gandaki to Nepal valley, 183,
to Nilkantha and Thibet, 193
from Thibet to Chatra on the Kosi by Lamja, 165,
by Dudhkunda, 165,
to Sivapur on the Gandaki, 193
from Vijaypur to Pokang, 157
Roalpa, lordship, 280
Rohani, a tribe, 287
Rohuttut, a district, 168
Routes, see Roads
Rudra Chandra, a chief of Kumau, 292
Rudrapur, a fortress and territory, 293
Rudravir, a chief of Gorkha, 261
Rugun, a lordship, 270, 276, 280
Rup Chiring, a chief of Sikim, 119
Rupee, properly Rupiya, a coin, 154, 215,
That of Calcutta worth nearly 25 pence at the mint price,
Rupini, a land measure, 216
Rupiya, see Rupee
SA, SAHA, or SAHI, a surname among the Rajputs of the Gorkha,
Garhawal, Kalamakwani, and Shalivabana tribes, 262,
263, 282
Sabe, a kind of grass, see Ischĉmum
Sabna, a territory, 293
Sacrifice, 236
Sacrifice, human, 35, 211, see also Samadi
Sadhu Ram Upadhyaya, his account and map of the Khas country, 4, 173
Sagora, a duty on each contract with a concubine, 161
Saha, ) see Sa
Sahi, )
Sailya, a country, see Madra
Sakarkandh, see Convolvulus
Sakhuya, a tree, see Shorĉa
Sakti, see Devi
Sakya, a teacher or prophet of the sect of Buddha, 10, 27, 29,
32, 56-58 190, 191
Sal tree, see Shorĉa
Salagram, a stone worshipped by the Hindus, 79, 273
Salagrami, a river, see Gandaki
Salasu river, see Karanali,
Salim, a cast of Newars, 36
Saliyana, a lordship, town, and government, 261, 270, 277,
278, 280
Salpa pahar, part of the Himaliya mountains, 160
Salt, culinary, 93, 214, 286, 301, 316
Sama, a grain, see Panicum
Samadi, the custom of burying alive, 138, 152
Samal, a tribe, 270, 278, 279
Samar Bahadur, his account of the Khas country, 4, 173
Samaran, see Gar Samaran
Sambhu, see Swayambhu
Sambhunath, see Swayambhunath
Samrigarhi, a fortress, 151
Sand, 80, 82
Sanders, red, or Lal Chandan, a tree, 85
Sandstone, 82
Sangga, a kind of wooden bridge, 274
Sanghu, a town, 209, 212
Sangkhasur, original lord of Nepal, 207
Sangsar Chandra, chief of Kangra, 303, 304, 310, 311, 314,
315, 316
Sankara Acharya, sect of, 30
Sankosi river, 166
Sanpati, a medicinal plant, 97
Saptari, a district, 135, 160, 168
Sarayu, a river, see Karanali
Sarisha, a grain, see Sinapis
Sarki, a cast, 18
Satadru river, see Satrudra
Satahung, a lordship, 238, 239, 241
Satatala, a territory, 276, 279, 280
Satbhai, see League
Satrudra, Satadru, or Sutluj river, 91, 288, 307, 315
Satya Raja, a dynasty governing the Kiratas, together with
their residence, 133, 152
Sayer, or direct taxes, 153, 154, 156, 161, 162
Sayn, the name given by the Newars to the people of Thibet, etc, 56
Scorpion, the insect, 196
Seapoy, properly Sipahi, in Nepal applied to irregular armed
men employed in the police and revenue, 106
Secretary, Kaliya, or Khurdar, 107, 108
Ser, a weight, that of Kathmandu weighing about 11,664 grains, that
of Calcutta about 14,360, page 216
Serdar or Sirdar, one of the Baradar, or chief officers of government,
107, 257
Serdar, a very high military rank, 109, 151, 165
Serdar, a military officer among the Kiratas, 148, 149
Sesamum, Hamo, or Til, a seed used for oil, 228, 282
Seshant, a division of Malebum, 274
Seshant or Siklik, a mart and passage through the Himaliya mountains, 243
Setigangga, a river, 244, 282
Shalivahana Raja, and his descendants, the Shalivahana Rajputs,
12, 282, 287
Shawl goat, its wool, and shawls, 315, see also Goat
Sheep, tame, 75, 214, 217, 274, 298, 301, 307
Sheep, wild, called Argali, 94
Sher Bahadur, a chief of Gorkha, 254, 260
Shivapuri or Siwapuri, a mountain, 205
Shops, 166
Shorĉa robusta, Sal, or Sakhuya tree, 67, 198
Sial, a cast of Newars, 36
Sidhi Pratap, chief of Gulmi, 265
Siedburrooa, see Daphne
Sikh, a religious sect, 313, see also Ranjit Singha
Sikim, a principality, 1, 118, 119, 124, 126, 127,
140, 156, 157
Siklik, a mart, see Seshant
Silajit, a mineral, 80
Sili, a tribe, 18
Siling, see Sining
Silkauli, see Laurus
Silver, 76, see also Coin
Simul tree, see Bombax
Sinapis ramosa Roxb. or Ika, a grain, 228
Sinapis, called Sarisha or Turi, a kind of mustard or rape, 228
Sinduli, a fortress, 168, 199
Singgiya Bikh or Bish, 86, 98
Singha, a division of the Sikh sect, 313, see also Ranjit Singha
Singha Pratap, king of Gorkha, 171, 196, 246, 247
Sining or Siling, a town in China, 212
Sinkauri tree, see Laurus
Siragar, a territory, 293
Sirdar, see Serdar
Sirmaur, a lordship, 302-307,
Sirnet, a family or Rajputs, 269
Sisau, a tree, see Dalbergia
Sisaudhiya, a tribe of Rajputs, see Chauhan
Sitakund, a burning spring near Chitagang, 273
Siumali or Dimali, a mart, 125
Siva, a deity, 32, 193, 208, 285, 302, 310, see also
Kedarnath, Nilkantha, and Pasupatinath
Siva, sect of, or Sivamarga, which worships Siva as the chief
deity, 29, 30
Siva, a lordship, 314
Siva Chandra, a chief of Kumau, 296
Siva Marga, see Siva
Siva Saha, chief of Gulmi, 264
Siwapuri or Shivapuri mountain, 205
Siwaraj, a territory, 268, 269
Siyena Bhotiya, a people, see Murmi
Slavery, 37, 234
Small-pox, 25
Smilax, a plant, 98
Smith, Mr, gave me information, 2
Snow, 69, 88, 89, 90, 234 see also Himaliya
Sobhan Sahi, chief of Yumila, 287
Solanum melongena, or Bera, a vegetable, 229
Solanum tuberosum, or common potatoe, 229
Sonabhadra river, see Karanali
Songat, a cast of Newars, 36
Sor, a territory, 292
Sorahbag, a ruin, 152
Spikenard, 98
Springs, burning, 194, 272, 281 ; see Burning rock
Springs, heat of, 197, 200, 203, 204, 205
Springs, warm, 194, 301
Subje, see Cannabis
Srinagar, present capital of Garhawal, often used for the whole
principality, 299, 301
Srishtas, a cast of Newars, 33
Strata of minerals, 66
Subah, governor of a large district, zila, or province 104, 105,
109, 110, 149, 151, 154, 155, 160, 164,
167, 179, 183
Subahdar, a military officer, 110
Sri Krishna Sahi, a chief of Gorkha, 254, 262
Suduriya, a register of lands, 150
Sudarsan Sa, heir of Garhawal, 301
Sugar and sugar-cane, 228, 284, 312
Sujanpur, a town, 310, 312
Sukhet, a lordship and town, 316
Suki, a coin, 215
Sulphur, 78, 94, 272
Superstition, 33, 208
Survey of Nepal, in 1792, by Ranjit Pangre, 216
Suryabangsi, a tribe of Rajputs, 287
Susarma, an ancient chief of Kangra, 309
Sutluj river, see Satrudra
Swayambhu, or Sambhu, the Supreme being among the Bouddhas of
Nepal, 32, 208
Swayambhunath, or Sambhunath, a temple of Swayambhu, 208, 211
Swine, 76
Syamphelang, part of the Himaliya mountains, 160
Syphilis, the disease, 71
TADI, or TAZI, a river, 193
Taizbul, a tree, see Fagara
Takam, a town, 270
Taklakhar, or Taolakhar Bhotiya, a lordship, 288
Taklakot, a town, 288
Taksal, a mart, 306
Takmaro, a kind of rice, 88
Talc, a mineral, 79, 94
Taluk, a division of territory subordinate to a zila, 114, 152
Tamlingtar, a town, 158
Tamra khani, a village, 203
Tanahung,a lordship, 132, 145, 181, 238, 239
Tangni, a grain, see Panicum colonum
Tansen, a town and great military station, 179
Taolakhar, see Taklakhar
Tapoban, a hot spring, 301
Tarai, ) or Hetoni, the low country, subject to Gorkha, 60, etc.,
Tariyani, ) 65, 125, 150, 168, 169
Tarki, a lordship, 238, 239, 240, 269
Taxes, direct, 153; see Sayer, also Revenue
Tazi river, see Tadi
Tejpat, a tree, see Laurus
Telangga, the regular soldiers, 110
Temperature, see Weather, and also Springs, and 69, 70, 197
Temples, 40, 208, 209, 210, 211, 219, 285, 286,
302, 311
Tenures of land, see Adhiyar, Feodal, Jaygir, Melk, Praja, Zemindar,
and also 107, 112, 114, 149, 163, 164,
Tepai, a cast of Newars, 37
Terraces used in agriculture, 223
Thakakuti, a town, 273
Thakur, a title, see Rana
Thankot, a town, 204, 209
Thapa, a tribe, 18, 19, 28
Tharu, a tribe, 164, 169
Thermometer, see Register of the Weather at the end
Thibet, a country of great extent, north from India, see Degarchi,
Kerung, Kutti, Ladak, Lassa, Mastang, Tishu Lama, and also 51,
52, 56, 89, 90, 91, 92, 121, 122, 123,
127, 156, 157, 164, 165, 180, 190, 191,
212, 289, 298, 301, 307, 315
Thor Chandra, a chief of Kumau, 12, 291
Thumuriya Dhupi, a tree, see Juniperus
Tibri, a fort and temple, 286
Tiger, 63
Tika, a mark of royalty placed on the forehead, 283
Tikayit Chandra, chief of Kangra, 310
Til, a grain, see Sesamum
Tilpur, a district, 170, 172
Timber, duties on, see Kathmahal
Timber, kinds, 63, 67, 83, 84, 217
Timmi, a town, 167, 209
Tinmue, a tree, see Fagara
Tirahut, a principality, 45, 129 ; see also Mithila
Tishu Lama, a supposed incarnation of God, spiritual guide of the
Chinese emperor, 57, 248
Tista river, 127
Titi Piralu, a drug, 86
Tiurar Singha, a military officer of Gorkha, 120
Tobacco, 20
Toon, a tree, see Cedrella
Torture in criminal proceedings, 103, 257
Towns in general, 39
Transplanting rice, a festivity, 224
Travelling, 233
Trisulgangga river, 193, 244
Tufa calcareous, 66
Tula Sen, first Raja of Makwanpur, 130
Tulasi Bhawani, tutelar deity of Nepal, 210
Tulasipur, a territory, 278
Tungd, a tree, see Cedrella
Turi, a grain, see Sinapis
Turmeric, a root, 306
Tutenague, see Zinc
Twelve chiefs, a district subject to Gorkha, see Bara Thakurai
Twenty-four Rajas, a territory subject to Gorkha, see Chaubisi Raja
Twenty-two Rajas, a territory subject to Gorkha, see Baisi Raja
UDA, a cast of Newars, 34
Umra, a petty officer, see Mokuddum
Upadhyaya Brahmans, 17
Upendra Sa, chief of Garhawal, 299
Urid, a pulse, see Phaseolus
Uya, a kind of rice, see Rice
Uya, a grain, perhaps rye, 88, 274, 284, 315
VAGMATI river, 205, 207, 208
Vairagi, a kind of religious mendicant, 246
Valeriana, an herb, 97
Vallies, see Nepal and Lahuri Nepal, and also 68, 69, 80,
87, 198, 274, 282, 284, 288, 313
Varaha Chhatra, or Kshetra, a place of worship, and its Mahanta or
Priest, 134, 136, 137, 151
Varma, or Burmah, dynasty, 189, 190, 191
Vazir, a high officer of government, 102, 115
Vedas, doctrine of, 30, 208, 301
Vegetables for the kitchen, 228, 229
Vegetable productions, see Plants
Vijayapur, a town, capital of Morang, 133, 137, etc, 151
Vines, grape, 73
Vishnu, a deity, 32, 281, 302, 310
Visi, a measure of land, 112
Viswanath, a noble family, 110, 154
WAGES, 233
Walnut tree, 83
War, 300
Water-spouts, 70
Weather, see Register at the end, Climate, Springs, temperature of,
and also 64, 71, 89, 196, 199, 203, 205,
242, 277, 284, 301, 307, 313, 314, 315
Weavers, 232
Webb, Mr, his survey, 4
Weights, 215, 290
Wheat, 226, 282, 297, 301, 305
Wool, 76, 307; see also Shawl
Woollen manufacture, 232
Women, condition of, 103
YAMAPATRI, a kind of melk land, 219
Yasawal, a lordship, 314
Yew tree, or Hingwalka bara Saral, 217
Yogimara, a town and military station, 183, 184, 193
Yuddha Vikram Sahi, king of Gorkha, 174, 251, 255, 260-262
Yumila, a principality, 15, 129, 174, 237, 239, 240,
250, 276, 280, 282, 293, 294, 298
ZEDOARY, a root, 99
Zemindar, a person holding land for rent, 112, 115, 149
Zemindar, a person managing the revenue of one or more landed
estates, (Pergunahs,) 152, 292, 296
Zila, a considerable territory managed by a Subah, 151, 161,
162, 168
Zinc, Dasta, or Tutenague, a metal, 76, 195, 264, 272
Which it is hoped the Reader will correct, and in some part excuse, as, owing to the Authors residing at a distance from the Printer, the proof-sheets were once only revised, and this has been found totally inadequate to avoid numerous errors in printing so many foreign names.
Page Line 8 13 for Kasiyas read Khasiyas 11 8 for Vyas read Vayasa 29 17 & 18 for Lalita, Patan read Lalita-Patan 30 26 for Shivamarg read Sivamarg 46 19 for Laksham read Lakshman 25 for Samaram read Samaran 55 11 between and and from insert east 56 29 for Budha read Buddhas 67 10 for Khoira read Khaira 79 21 for Muktinath read Muktanath 88 23 The map intended to have been placed here, when this was printed, has been judged unnecessary, and the capital letters, denoting the different peaks alluded to, have been placed in the general map. 90 10 between there and two insert are 91 11 & 24 for Karnali read Karanali, and for Manasarovara read Mansarawar 98 25 for Bikk read Bikh 102 12 for Mukudum read Mokuddum 115 16 for expence read expense 129 26 for Salgrami read Salagrami 144 22 for Kemkarna read Hemcarna 153 28 & 31 for bigah read biga 157 11 & 13 for Pakang read Pokang 160 30 for Kotang read Khatang 162 9 for bigah read biga 163 10 for kshatra read kshetra 165 6 & 12 for Kalesi read Halesi 170 2 & 17 for Mukunda read Makunda 171 3 for Rama read Rana 7 & 22 for Kachi read Khachi 173 5 for so read to 10 for Bakadur read Bahadur 24 for Kachi read Khachi 174 22 for Yudda read Yuddha 190 13 for Letehmi read Letchmi 191 4 for Buddha read Bouddha 193 9 for Bhenhongga read Bhenjhongga 195 23 for is read are 198 5 for and read which 199 26 for Chispani read Chisapani 28 for Kethaura read Hetaura 207 13 for Anirudhra read Anirudha 209 23 for Timi read Timmi 212 5 for Guhyeswari read Guhyiswari 17 & 28 for shal read shawl 19 for Digarche read Degarche 213 2 216 7 for Pathil read Pathi 27 for Katahs read Kathas 217 23 for shal read shawl 218 20 for feu read fee 219 3 for Baras read Bangras 12 for Pasupanath read Pasupatinath 232 21 for shals read shawls 233 8 for Hethama read Hethaura 239 27 for Kachi read Khachi 246 6 for Marchangdi read Marichangdi 248 16 for Digarchi read Degarchi 249 17 261 30 for Kasthadal read Hasthadal 262 1 268 9 for Khungni read Khungri 270 9 for Jahuri, Baphi read Jahari, Bangphi 273 17 for Saligrami read Salagrami 274 19 for frot read fort 279 19 for Tishta read Tista 22 for Banghpi read Bangphi 280 1 for Beesci read Baessi 5 for Rugum read Rugun 288 21 for Mansarowar read Manasarawar 31 for Satudra read Satadru 32 for Satluj read Sutluj 292 14 for Kunungoe read Kanungo 300 9 for Thapa read Karyi 305 16 for Karets read Kanets 311 14 for Anirudra read Anirudha
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[Picture: View of Himaliya Mountains Part 1]
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[Picture: View of Himaliya Mountains Part 2]
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[Picture: View of Himaliya Mountains Part 3]
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[Picture: View of Himaliya Mountains Part 4]
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[Picture: View of Himaliya Mountains Part 5]