Between these Singhas and the territory of Kangra, the hills are occupied by the petty state of Kottahar, which, as I have mentioned, was subdued by the chiefs of Kangra; but Mahipat, its owner, having joined Amar Singha, was by him replaced in his patrimony, which he retains. Although small, Kottahar is a fine country, and produces 50,000 or 60,000 rupees a year. Raypur, the capital, contains between 200 and 300 houses.
West from Kottahar is the lordship of Yasawal, to which belong part of the hills, and part of the valley or Dun. For its size, it is exceedingly rich, as it produces about 200,000 rupees a-year. It belongs to Amed Singha, a pure Rajput, who is squeezed sometimes by Sangsar and sometimes by Ranjit, and is compelled to follow them in war. He resides at Rajgar or Rajpur, which is by nature strong, and contains about 2000 houses. It is colder than Nadaun. The chief possesses on the plain a fort called Setabgar.
West from Yasawal is the chief of Datarpur, who has also some territory in the valley and some on the hills. These may annually produce 40,000 rupees.
West from Datarpur is such another lordship, called Siva, the revenue of which may be 25,000 rupees a-year. Like the chief of Datarpur, the lord of Siva is squeezed by both Sangsar and Ranjit.
On the hills between these two petty chiefs and Kangra is Gular, whose chief is of the same family with Sangsar, but he pays tribute to Ranjit. His country is very productive, and pays about 250,000 rupees a-year. Haripur, his capital, contains from 1000 to 1500 houses, which are reckoned very well built.
West from Gular and Siva is Nurpur, the Raja of which possesses part of the hills, part of the Dun or valley, and part of the great Indian plain. What he has on the latter is called Pathankot, from the name of his tribe, for he is a Pathaniya Rajput, not a Pathan Muhammedan. Dalel Singha, the last chief, survived his son, and was succeeded by his grandson, Vir Singha, who married a daughter of Sangsar. His revenue may be 250,000 rupees a-year. Nurpur, the capital, contains about 2500 houses, among whom are some settlers from Kasmira, who have fifty looms employed in weaving shawls.
North from Nurpur is an extensive dominion, situated on both sides of the Rawi, and called Chamba. A long ridge of mountains, the summits of which are covered with perpetual snow, separates from the great ridge of Emodus, near the source of the Bepasa, or Bayas, and, running to the south-east, passes near Kangra, then crosses the Rawi, and finally bends to the north-west, towards Kasmira. This ridge, called Pariyat, in general forms the south-east boundary of Chamba; but, on its south side, the chief possesses a territory called Rillu. This was invaded by Sangsar, and Ray Singha, the chief of Chamba, was killed in its defence. The territory was restored to Iswari, the son of Ray, on condition of his paying annually 17,000 mans of rice. This tribute was transferred to Ranjit, along with the fortress of Kangra.
The parts of Chamba beyond the Pariyat mountains are very cold, and have several communications with Thibet, but Hariballabh knows that part by report alone.
Separated, in general, by the Pariyat mountains from Chamba, is the country of Kullu, watered in the centre by the Bayas, called Bepasa in the Sangskrita, but its territory extends to the Satadru of the sacred language, which, in the dialect of men, is called Satarudra. Kullu is extensive, but cold, mountainous, and barren, producing, however, many sheep. The grains which grow there are mostly phaphar, chuya, and uya. The chuya, from the description given, would seem to be the Holcus sorghum, although the coldness of the situation renders this doubtful. There is a very good communication between Kullu and Thibet; and the intercourse has been so free, that all alliances with the chief, although admitted to be a pure Rajput, are scouted by the purer inhabitants of the southern mountains. His name is Ratra Singha, the son of Pritama.
South from Kullu is Mundi, a smaller but better country, which possesses a mine of iron, and another of culinary salt, the latter of which is valuable. So far as I can understand the description, it is a rock salt, very full of impurities, so that one-half is lost in the processes of lixiviation and evaporation, which are requisite to fit it for use. The two mines produce annually a revenue of 150,000 rupees, and the lands produce as much. The present chief, named Iswari Sen, is a pure Rajput. Mundi, his capital, contains about 1000 houses, all of stone. Kamalgar, towards the southern frontier, is reckoned a very strong place, situated on a great hill.
Sukhet is a narrow territory, hemmed in between Mundi and the Satadru, which separates both from the dominions of Gorkha. The Raja Prakas Sen is related to the chiefs of Mundi, and Sangsar has married his sister. The country produces about 100,000 rupees a-year, but has no mines. Sukhet, the capital, may contain 500 houses. The Raja possesses a fort called Dahar, which defends him from the attacks of Kahalur.
{7} Asiatick Researches, Vol. II. p. 307.
{10} Nepaul, p. 150.
{11} Kirkpatricks Nepaul, pp. 159, 162, and 163.
{17} Nepaul, p. 193, 196.
{21a} Nepaul, p. 185.
{21b} Nepaul, p. 184, 185.
{25} Nepaul, pp. 184 and 281.
{26a} Nepaul, pp. 249252.
{26b} Nepaul, p. 123.
{29} Nepaul, pp. 149, 150.
{30} Nepaul, pp. 183, 184.
{41a} Nepaul p. 158.
{41b} Nepaul p. 159.
{43} Nepaul, p. 186.
{46} Nepaul, p. 265.
{49} Vol. 1. p. 311.
{50a} Nepaul, p. 265.
{50b} Ib. p. 22149.
{51} Nepaul, p. 186.
{52} Nepaul, p. 180.
{55} Nepaul, pp. 249252.
{59} Nepaul, p. 148.
{67a} Saul, Kirkpatricks Nepaul, pp. 17 and 35, Shoræa robusta, Roxb.
{67b} Sissoo, Kirkpatricks Nepaul, pp. 17 and 35.
{67c} Sulla, Surreen dhool, and Dboobke, Kirkpatricks Nepaul, pp. 33 and 43.
{70} Nepaul, p. 171.
{74} Kohrya, Kirkpatrick, p. 94.
{78a} Nepaul, p. 177.
{78b} Nepaul, p. 177.
{83a} Phulaced, Kirkpatricks Nepaul, p. 79, Bhang, id. p. 81.
{83b} Kirkpatricks Nepaul, p. 81.
{83c} Chillownia, Kirkpatricks Nepaul, p. 79.
{84a} Nepaul, p. 79.
{84b} Vol. VII. p. 63.
{85a} Nepaul, p. 79.
{85b} Nepaul, p. 90.
{85c} Nepaul, p. 76.
{85d} Nepaul, p. 81.
{85e} Nepaul, p. 81.
{88a} Nepaul, p. 282.
{88b} (From the Errata to this volume.) The map intended to have been placed here, when this was printed, has been judged unnecessary, and the capital letters, denoting the different peaks alluded to, have been placed in the general map.
{90} Nepaul, p. 58.
{91} Asiatick Researches, Volume XI. p. 444.
{92a} Asiatick Researches, Volume XI. p. 443.
{92b} P. 445.
{93} Nepaul, p. 133.
{95a} Moonal, Kirkpatricks Nepaul, p. 131.
{95b} Damphia, Kirkpatricks Nepaul, p. 131.
{95c} Nepaul, p. 131.
{101} Nepaul, p. 196.
{104} Nepaul, p. 204.
{107} Nepaul, p. 201.
{110} Nepaul, p. 124.
{111} Nepaul, p. 102.
{112} Nepaul, p. 214.
{154} Nepaul, p. 42.
{168a} See his Account, p. 40.
{168b} Nepaul, p. 13.
{169} Nepaul, p. 41.
{184} Nepaul, p. 85.
{187a} Nepaul, p. 256, etc.
{187b} Nepaul, p. 169.
{187c} Nepaul, p. 255.
{188a} Page 169.
{188b} Page 256.
{189a} P. 148.
{189b} P. 265.
{189c} See his Treatise on the Languages of Eastern India, in the 10th volume of the Asiatick Researches.
{190} P. 148.
{191} Page 268.
{193} Nepaul, page 119.
{194} Page 115.
{195} Kheero, Kirk.
{197} Nepaul, p. 22.
{198a} Nepaul, page 14.
{198b} Nepaul, page 30.
{204} Nepaul, p. 66.
{206} Nepaul, p. 170.
{208} Nepaul, p. 147, &c.
{209} Nepaul, p. 183.
{210} Kirkpatricks Nepaul, p. 191.
{211} Nepaul, p. 188192.
{214a} Nepaul, p. 134.
{214b} Embassy to Thibet, p. 302.
{215} Nepaul, p. 217.
{216} Nepaul, p. 95.
{222} Nepaul, p. 98.
{230} Nepaul, p. 181.
{231a} Nepaul, p. 94.
{231b} Nepaul, p. 142, 143.
{238} Nepaul, p. 284.
{242} Nepaul, p. 290.
{244} Nepaul, p. 123.
{245} Page 270.
{248a} Nepaul, Appendix, No. 1. by Mr Duncan.
{248b} Embassy to Thibet, p. 437.
{250} Nepaul, p. 120.
{273} Nepaul, p. 287.
{274} Nepaul, p. 289.
{276} Nepaul, p. 288.
{279} Nepaul, p. 283.
{280} Nepaul, p. 297.
{284} Nepaul, p. 292.
{285} Chowri, Kirkpatricks Nepaul, p. 133.
Day. PLACES. Lat. N. Fahrenheits Thermometer. Barometer. Winds by the Compass. Noon. 3 Hrs. 9 Hrs. 16 Hrs. Noon. 3 Hrs. 9 Hrs. 16 Hrs. Noon. 3 Hours. 9 Hours. 16 Hours. 1 Ghorasan 26°50 76 79 61 54 29.58 29.32 29.51 29.48 S. 1 S. 1 W. 1 E. 1 2 76 77 62 53 29.62 29.56 29.57 29.57 S. 1 W. 1 W. 1 W. 1 3 72 76 62 55 29.67 29.60 29.59 29.58 S. 1 W. 1 W. 1 E. 1 4 73 77 63 58 29.72 29.65 29.64 29.64 SE. 1 W. ½ W. 1 E. 1 5 73 77 63 58 29.70 29.63 29.59 29.58 E. 1 E. 1 N. 1 E. 1 6 75 78 62 58 29.65 29.57 29.58 29.57 S. 2 E. 1 E. 1 E. 1 7 77 80 66 60 29.66 29.59 29.59 29.59 S. 1 SW. 1 E. 1 E. 1 8 77 80 66 61 29.65 29.61 29.59 29.58 SW. ½ SW. 1 E. 1 N. 1 9 79 82 71 68 29.67 29.64 29.63 29.62 E. 1 WSW. 1 E. 1 10 76 83 69 63 29.65 29.63 29.63 29.60 NE. ½ SW. ½ NE. ½ 11 83 86 69 61 29.69 29.63 29.63 29.59 NW. 1 W. 2 W. 1 12 80 86 71½ 65½ 29.71 29.65 29.69 29.67 E. 1 W. 1 0 E. 1 13 81 87 71 65 29.69 29.65 29.69 29.67 E. 1 E. 2 NE. 1 14 79 84 68 59 29.77 29.71 29.69 29.67 NW. by N. 1 N. by W. 1 NW. by N. 1 15 79 88 66 59 29.76 29.69 29.68 29.63 SW. 1 W. 2 W. 1 16 81 88 70½ 63½ 29.68 29.60 29.57 29.54 W. 2 W. 3 W. 1 17 77 83 68 57 29.63 29.57 29.58 29.61 W. 3 W. 2 W. 1 18 80 83 65½ 58½ 29.71 29.67 29.64 29.64 E. by S. 1 E. by S. 1 E. ½ 19 Kachruya 26°53 69 66½ 59½ 54 29.73 29.57 29.64 29.63 E. 1 E. 2 E. 1 20 77 80 69 59 29.72 29.65 29.64 29.60 E. 1 E. by N. 1 E. 1 21 80 84 67 55 29.64 29.55 29.53 29.48 W. 1 W. by N. 2 0 22 79 81 66 53 29.56 29.49 29.51 29.49 SW. 1 W. 1 0 23 78 79 65½ 62 29.57 29.50 29.48 29.44 N. 1 SW. 1 0 24 70 71 65½ 62 29.56 29.54 29.52 29.50 E. 1 E. 1 E. 1 25 75 77 65 56 29.58 29.49 29.50 29.49 SW. 1 SW. 2 0 26 78 79 67 62 29.54 29.51 29.49 29.53 W. 1 W. 2 0 27 74 78 62 58 29.65 29.61 29.68 29.64 E. 1 SE. 1 E. 2 28 73 76 60 59 29.68 29.59 29.62 29.36 W. 2 W. 1 0 Particular average, 76.68 80.02 64.87 50.06 29.6586 29.6092 29.5893 29.5807 General average, 70.155 29.60945
Day. 1 Moderate dew. Few or no Atmosphere clouds. hazy. 2 Id A few id Wind in the clouds. forenoon, E. 3. 3 Id id id id 4 Id No clouds. id id 5 Id id id Wind in the forenoon, 2. 6 Id A few id id clouds. 7 Id id id id 8 Id id id A few drops of rain in the morning. 9 Id More id id clouds. 10 Id Thick Atmosphere hazy. clouds in the afternoon. Clear in the morning. 11 Id A few Atmosphere clouds. hazy. 12 Id id id A few drops of rain at night. 13 Id Many Atmosphere clouds. less hazy. 14 Id id id 15 Id A few Atmosphere clouds. clear in the forenoon. 16 Id Few or no Atmosphere clouds. hazy. 17 Little dew. id id 18 Id Many id clouds. 19 Heavy dew. Cloudy Clear afternoon, atmosphere with rain in morning. at 3 oclock. 20 Id Few or no Atmosphere clouds. hazy. 21 Id Some id clouds. 22 Id id id Morning foggy. 23 Little dew. A cloudy Atmosphere morning, hazy. with a few drops of rain. 24 Heavy rain from 14 to 16 hours, with little wind from the NW. accompanied by moderate thunder. 25 Foggy morning. Atmosphere clear. 26 Clouds and Heavy rain sunshine. with thunder from the NW. between 15 and 18 hours. 27 Id id at 9 hours. 28 Id Heavy dew. id Atmosphere hazy.
N.B.In the columns of the winds 0 marks a calm, 1 denotes slight breezes, 2 moderate breezes, and 3 strong winds.
Day. PLACES. Lat. N. Fahrenheits Thermometer. Barometer. Winds. Noon. 3 Hrs. 9 Hrs. 16 Hrs. Noon. 3 Hours. 9 Hours. 16 Hours. Noon. 3 Hours. 9 Hours. 1 Kachruya 26° 53 77 80 68 59 29.70 29.64 29.64 29.58 E. 1 SW. 1 0 2 79 81 68 57 29.61 29.54 29.51 29.51 E. 1 W. 1 0 3 79 81 67 58 29.63 29.56 29.54 29.51 S. 1 S. 1 0 4 78 81 69 57 29.63 29.56 29.55 29.49 N. 1 N. 1 E. 1 5 78 83 70 62 29.60 29.53 29.54 29.52 E. 1 E. 1 0 6 84 86 70 65 29.63 29.59 29.54 29.57 E. 1 E. ½ 0 7 80 82 72 64 29.64 29.55 29.55 29.58 SW. 1 W. 1 E. ½ 8 80 84 68 59 29.64 29.54 29.52 29.51 W. 1 W. 2 0 9 82 85 73 59 29.52 29.41 29.46 29.42 NW. 1 N. 2 W. 2 10 82 86 70 56 29.51 29.45 29.48 29.50 W. 3 W. 3 W. 1 11 83 87 70 58 29.57 29.47 29.47 29.50 W. NW. 2 W. NW. 2 E. 1 12 82 86 70 63 29.60 29.52 29.52 29.50 E. 2 E. 1 0 13 84 88 70 64 29.57 29 50 29.48 29.46 S. 1 SW. 1 0 14 Bhagawanpur 26° 55 86 91 72 62 29.55 29.44 29.48 29.44 W. 1 W. 3 0 15 84 89 71 59 29.56 29.51 29.51 29.48 W. 1 0 0 16 86 90 69 59 29.60 29.52 29.51 29.48 W. 1 W. 1 0 17 Kachruya 26° 53 84 90 78 62 29.56 29.48 29.48 29.48 W. 1 W. 1 0 18 Ghorasan 26° 50 88 89 69 60 29.56 29.52 29.55 29.54 W. 3 W. 2 0 19 86 91 74 60 29.56 29.53 29.55 29.54 W. 2 W. 1 0 20 86½ 91 76 64 29.65 29.60 29.58 29.57 W. 1 0 W. 1 21 86 90 72 68 29.66 29.58 29.56 29.54 W. 2 W. 1 0 22 84 89 75 68 29.57 29.49 29.44 29.43 E. by S. 3 E. by S. 2 E. 1 23 83 86 73 70 29.46 29.38 36.38 29.38 E. 2 E. 2 E. 3 24 78 84 73 67 29.43 29.39 29.41 29.39 E. 3 E. 1 E. 1 25 Norkatiya 26° 50 29.42 29.42 E. 3 E. 2 26 86 87 83 71 29.45 29.40 29.41 29.38 E. 2 0 0 27 Dhonhara 26° 55 84 88 78 70 29.42 29.37 29.42 29.42 E. 2 E. 1 0 28 Jukiyari 26° 59 86 90 75 70 29.48 29.44 29.42 29.41 E. 2 0 0 29 Gar Pasara 27° 8 86 91 78 68 29.41 29.30 29.32 29.29 E. 1 W. 3 30 Bichhakor 27° 16 87 72 69 28.68 28.67 28.64 0 31 Hethaura 27° 26 73 67 28.38 28.31 E. 1 0 Particular average on the plain, 82.91111 86.64 72.18 62.82 29.565 29.49 29.49 29.477 Id for two last days, 90½ 76½ 69 29.37 29.37 29.35 Particular average among the hills, 87 72½ 68 28.68 28.525 28.475 Particular average of the month, 82.9 86.8 72.11 65.41 29.565 29.08 28.93 28.98 General average, 76.42 29.124
Day. 1 Heavy dews. Clouds and sunshine. Atmosphere hazy, so that the hills are not visible. 2 Id id id 3 Id id id 4 Id id Atmosphere less hazy than usual. Thunder and a little rain at 22 hours. 5 No dew. Fewer clouds than Atmosphere usual. hazy. 6 Clouds and sunshine. From 11 to 13 hours a strong wind at NW. with much thunder and a little rain. 7 Id Heavy clouds about 9. Atmosphere less hazy, so that the hills were visible. 8 Id Little dew id 9 Id id Atmosphere continued clear till the morning, afterwards hazy. 10 Id Moderate dew. Atmosphere hazy. 11 Id id id 12 Id id id 13 Id id id 14 Id id id 15 Id Little dew. Atmosphere hazy. 16 Id Moderate dew. id 17 Id id id 18 Id id id 19 Id id id 20 Id Little dew. id A few drops of rain at 16 hours. 21 Id id id 22 Id id id A few drops of rain at 5 hours. 23 Id id Sky clouded in the morning, but the atmosphere less hazy. 24 Id id id 25 Id No dew. Atmosphere hazy. Thermometer broken. 26 Id id id New Thermometer. 27 Id id id 28 Id A little dew. id 29 Id No dew. id 30 Id id id 31 Id id id
Day. PLACES. Lat. N. Fahrenheits Thermometer. Barometer. Winds. Noon. 3 Hrs. 9 Hrs. 16 Hrs. Noon. 3 Hours. 9 Hours. 16 Hours. Noon. 3 Hours. 9 Hours. Sunrise. 1 Hethaura 27° 26 80 69 60 28.56 28.49 28.43 28.42 E. 1 E. 1 E. 1 E. 1 2 80 85 73 63 28.46 28.36 28.32 28.29 E. 1 E. 1 0 E. 1 3 81 86 74 63 28.37 28.31 28.30 28.27 S. by W. 1 S.S.W. 1 N. 1 N. 2 4 78 86 74 68 28.27 28.21 28.18 28.18 E. 1 S. 1 N.W. 1 N.E. 1 5 81 81 76 63 28.24 28.16 28.22 28.19 0 0 N. 1 E. ½ 6 82 85 73 64 28.27 28.22 28.26 28.21 0 S. 1 N.N.E. ½ S.W. 1
19 Kathmandu 27° 41 79 81 67 59 25.38 25.29 25.29 25.28 S.W. 1 S.W. 2 S.W. 1 20 83 82 63 25.35 25.39 25.45 S.W. by W. S.W. by W. 1 1 21 81 83 69 59 25.44 25.44 25.44 25.44 22 83 83 75 64 25.47 25.47 25.47 25.47 W. 1 W. 1 0 N.N.W. 1 23 75 80 73 64 25.47 25.41 25.47 25.50 N.W. 1 W. 1 0 0 24 78 82 72 58 25.49 25.46 25.52 25.42 S. 1 S.W. 1 0 25 73 79 71 57 25.44 25.39 25.41 25.41 W. ½ W. ½ 0 0 26 74 80 72 64 25.47 25.44 25.49 25.54 W. 1 W. 1 0 0 27 77 79 72 62 25.52 25.44 25.49 25.48 W. 1 W. 1 28 75 62 25.50 25.44 E. 1 29 79 82 74 60 25.46 25.37 25.47 25.44 W. 1 W. 1 W. 1 W. 1 30 76 82 70 61 25.46 25.43 25.51 25.41 0 W. 1 Average of the first 6 days below 80.4 83.8 73.1 63.5 28.3616 28.2916 28.285 28.26 the hills, General average below the hills, 75.2 29 29.955 Average of the last 12 days above 77.75 81.18 70.72 60.9 25.4541 25.4118 25.4555 25.439 the hills, General average above the hills, 72.63 25.44
Day. 1 Heavy dews, clouds, and sunshine. Atmosphere thick and hazy. 2 Little dew. id id 3 Id id id 4 Id id id 5 Id id id. A few drops of rain at 3 hours. 6 Id id id The mercury fell entirely below the scale, nor had I any convenience, during the journey to Kathmandu, to cut down the case of the barometer, nor to register the observations of the thermometer and winds. 19 Clouds and sunshine. Little dew. Some showers on the hills. 20 Id At 7 hours a Atmosphere heavy shower of hazy. hail. 21 Id Much dew. Atmosphere hazy. 22 Id id id 23 Id id id 24 Id id id. Thunder and rain at 7 hours. 25 Id id id 26 Id id id 27 Id id id. Thunder and some rain in the evening. 28 Id id id 29 Id id id Thunder, with a threatening of rain in the evening. 30 Id id id id
Day. PLACES Lat. N. Fahrenheits Thermometer. Barometer. Winds. Noon. 3 Hrs. 9 Hrs. 16 Hrs. Noon. 3 Hours. 9 Hours. 16 Hours. Noon. 3 Hours. 9 Hours. Sunrise. 1 Kathmandu. 27° 41 76 83 74 63 25.47 25.45 25.49 25.49 W. 1 0 0 W. 1 2 81 82 75 61 25.52 25.47 25.51 25.55 W.S.W. 1 S. 1 0 N. 1 3 80 83 74 64 25.53 25.53 25.48 25.51 W. 2 S.W. 2 W. 1 4 78 75 70 23.57 25.57 25.57 W. 2 W. 3 W. 3 0 5 76 82 72 61 25.52 25.43 25.56 25.51 W. 1 W. 2 0 0 6 76 69 25.49 25.47 W. 1 W. 2 0 7 71 75 67 64 25.48 25.43 25.46 25.46 0 N. 1 8 72 74 69 64 25.54 25.52 25.52 25.54 N. 1 N. 2 0 N. 1 9 76 78 66 60 25.54 25.51 25.62 25.59 S.W. by W. N. 3 E. 1 0 1 10 73 80 73 65 25.58 25.51 25.54 25.53 W. 1 W. 2 W. 1 N. 1 11 78 82 75 64 25.56 25.50 25.54 25.53 N. 1 W. 2 0 W. 1 12 69 76 71 63 25.56 25.50 25.51 25.51 W. 1 S.W. by S. W. 1 0 1 13 73 75 70 66 25.55 25.51 25.53 25.49 W. 1 S.E. 1 0 W. 1 14 75 79 66 62 25.57 25.47 25.51 25.52 W. 1 S.W. 1 0 0 15 69 68 61 25.53 25.44 25.45 W. 1 W. 1 W. 1 W. 1 16 73 77 65 60 25.44 25.36 25.36 25.36 S.W. 1 S.W. by W. 0 W. 1 1 17 72 71 66 60 25.51 25.34 25.38 25.41 W. 1 W.N.W. 1 S.W. 1 N.W. by W. 1 18 74 75 69 61 25.43 25.36 25.39 25.40 W.S.W. 1 W.S.W. 2 W. 1 19 79 75 64 25.40 25.37 25.41 W.N.W. 1 W.S.W. 1 0 S.W. by W. 1 20 78 83 72 65 25.47 25.42 25.45 25.43 W. 1 N.W. by W. 0 S.W. by W. 2 1 21 76 80 72 67 25.48 25.42 25.38 25.42 W.S.W. 1 S.W. 2 0 S.E. 1 22 80 78 73 66 25.42 25.36 25.31 25.34 S.E. 1 S.E. 2 W. 1 W.N.W. 1 23 80 73 64 25.29 25.33 25.31 N.N.W. 1 N.N.W. 2 0 W. 1 24 81 82 74 66 25.33 25.26 25.26 25.29 W. 1 W. 2 0 S.W. by W. 1 25 79 82 75 66 25.29 25.25 25.25 25.30 S.W. by W. S.W. by W. W. 1 W.S.W. 1 1 2 26 78 81 64 25.30 25.24 25.24 25.28 S.W. 1 S.W. 2 W. 1 0 27 80 85 74 68 25.34 25.28 25.28 25.28 S.W. by W. S.W. by W. 0 S.W. by W. 1 1 1 28 80 83 73 66 25.32 25.25 25.25 25.32 W. 1 S.W. by W. W. 1 S.W. by W. 2 1 29 75 80 72 67 25.34 25.33 25.33 25.37 W.S.W. 1 S.W. by W. W. 1 S.W. 1 1 30 74 64 25.31 25.32 31 80 81 74 66 25.37 25.39 25.31 25.33 S.W. 1 S.W. 2 0 0 Particular average, 76 78.96 71.62 64.66 25.4652 25.4038 25.418 25.4306 General average, 72.81 25.4044
Day. 1 Moderate dews. Atmosphere Clouds and hazy. sunshine. 2 Id id id Thunder in the evening. 3 Id id id 4 Id id id 5 Id Atmosphere Heavy rain clear in in the the evening. morning. 6 Atmosphere Heavy rain hazy. at night. 7 Atmosphere The hills as usual covered with clouds, clear. and partially visible. 8 Id Clouds and Heavy dews. sunshine. 9 Atmosphere id Thunder in hazy. the evening to the S.E. 10 Id id Moderate dew. 11 Atmosphere Clouds with Thunder and clear. occasional rain at sunshine. night. 12 Atmosphere Clouds and Moderate hazy. sunshine. dews. 13 Id id id Thunder in the evening. 14 Id id Much rain in the afternoon. 15 Considerable rain in the afternoon. A thick fog in the morning. 16 Id Morning clear. 17 A little rain id Heavy dew. in the afternoon. 18 19 Atmosphere Clouds and Heavy dew. clear. sunshine. 20 Id id id. 21 Id id Heavy rain from 14 to 16 hours. 22 Id id Dew. 23 Id id id. 24 Hazy. id A little rain at 10 hours. 25 Id id 26 Id id 27 Clear. id 28 Cloudy. Slight showers all night. 29 Clouds and Atmosphere sunshine. clear. 30 Id id A little rain in the afternoon. 31 Id id
Day. PLACES. Lat. N. Fahrenheits Thermometer. Barometer. Winds by the Compass. Noon. 3 Hrs. 9 Hrs. Dawn. Noon. 3 Hours. 9 Hours. Dawn of Day. Noon. 3 Hours. 9 Hours. Sunrise. 1 Kathmandu 27° 41 80 85 76 65 25.34 25 37 25.36 25.35 WNW. 1 S W. by W. 0 W. ½ S. 1 3 2 81 84 76 66 25.35 25.30 23.24 25.30 WSW. 1 WSW. 2 0 W. 1 3 80 84 75 66 25.35 25.31 25.33 25.34 WSW. 2 SW. by S. 3 4 79 86 74 70 25.31 25.29 25.33 25 31 5 79 72 68 25.40 25.38 25.41 0 SW. by W. 1 6 77 80 69 25.39 25.39 25.41 NW. by W. NW. 1 W. 1 WSW. 1 1 7 76 81 76 71 25.43 25.38 25.38 25.37 W. 1 W. 1 8 77 81 73 68 25.39 25.34 25.37 25.42 0 SE. 1 9 77 82 73 70 25.37 25.37 25.35 25.31 SE. 1 SE. by S. SW. 1 S. 1 1 10 79 83 73 70 25.31 25.23 25.23 25.20 S. 1 SE. 1 W. 1 SW. by W. 1 11 78 73 68 25.22 25.12 25.12 SW. by W. W. 1 0 SW. 1 1 12 76 75 70 68 23.10 23.08 25.06 25.05 S. 1 S. 1 0 W. 1 13 73 76 70 68 25.08 25.00 25.01 25.07 W. 1 W. 1 0 SE. by S. 1 14 73 74 69 68 25.03 25.02 25.11 25.10 SE. by S. SE. by S. 0 W. 1 1 1 15 76 72 69 67 25.10 25.06 25.06 25.11 S. 1 S. 1 SW. by W. SW. by W. 1 1 16 78 78 71 70 25.08 25.08 25.07 25.07 W. 1 W. 1 0 SW. 1 17 80 80 74 70 25.11 25.06 25.03 25.07 SW. 1 SW. 2 0 SW. by W. 1 18 81 77 70 68 25.07 25.04 23.05 24.95 SW. 1 SW. 1 0 SE. by S. 1 19 79 75 72 69 25.06 25.09 25.13 25.06 S. 1 S. 1 W. 1 S. 1 20 79 78 71 68 23.13 25.10 25.20 25.27 S. by W. 1 S. by W. 1 0 W. 1 21 76 79 73 69 25.09 25.18 25.21 25.18 W. 1 W. 1 0 SW. 1 22 76 74 70 68 25.17 25.15 25.14 25.11 S. 1 S. 1 0 SW. 1 23 75 72 70 69 25.17 25.20 25.14 25.08 W. 1 SW. by W. 0 E. 1 1 24 74 76 69 67 25.14 25.16 25.17 25.14 E. 1 S. by E. 1 0 SE. 1 25 74 70 68 25.17 25.22 25.14 SE. 1 SE. 1 0 SE. by S. 1 26 78 77 72 68 25.24 25.17 25.19 25.16 SE. 1 E. by S. 1 0 0 27 78 77 73 70 23.23 25.21 25.18 25.15 0 SE. 2 0 W. 1 28 78 79 75 70 25.17 25.13 25.14 25.17 E. 1 W. 2 W. 1 SW. by W. 1 29 78 80 74 70 25.15 25.13 25.12 25.12 W. 1 W. 2 W. 1 0 30 79 77 72 70 25.15 25.17 25.11 25.12 0 0 0 0 Average at each hour, 77.46 78.59 72.27 68.73 25.206 25.191 25.181 25.188 General average, 74.26 25.195
Day. 1 Atmosphere Clouds and Thunder in hazy. sunshine. the afternoon. 2 Id id 3 Id id 4 Id id 5 Id id Slight showers in the night. 6 Id id A very little rain at noon. 7 Id id A very little rain at night. 8 Id id Showers all day at intervals. 9 Id id Very slight showers. 10 Id id Much rain all night. 11 Atmosphere Mountains Id. Capt. clear. covered Knoxs bar. with ¼ inch clouds. higher than mine. 12 Id id Much rain. Clouds and sunshine. 13 Id id id Cloudy. 14 Id id id id 15 Id id id Sunshine in the forenoon. 16 Id id Little rain. Cloudy and sunshine. 17 Id id id id 18 Id id A good deal Cloudy. of rain. 19 Id id Rain in the Clear afternoon. morning. 20 Id id Much rain. Cloudy and sunshine. 21 Id id Some rain. id 22 Id id Much rain in the afternoon. 23 Id id Much rain. Cloudy. 24 Id id id id 25 Id id id Clear forenoon. Emodus visible. 26 Id id Much rain in the evening. 27 Id id Heavy showers. 28 Id id Very little Clouds and rain. sunshine. 29 Id id id id 30 Id id id id
Day. PLACE. Lat. N. Fahrenheits Thermometer. Barometer. Pluviometer Inches. Winds. Noon. 3 Hrs. 9 Hrs. Dawn. Noon. 3 Hours. 9 Hours. Dawn. Noon. 3 Hours. 9 Hours. Sunrise. 1 Kathmandu 27° 41 79 80 72 70 25.20 25.18 25.22 25.26 0 0 0 E. ½ 2 76 80 71 70 25.24 25.24 25.24 25.24 SE. 1 SE. 1 0 0 3 76 70 69 25.16 25.16 25.14 SE. by E. 1 S. by E. 1 0 0 4 80 78 72 69 25.17 25.14 25.13 25.13 0 W. by S. 1 0 NW. ½ 5 76 78 74 68 25.12 25.12 25.16 25.17 0.12 NW. ½ W. ½ 0 0 6 79 78 72 69 25.18 25.16 25.21 25.23 0.11 SW. ½ SW. 1 0 E. ½ 7 78 80 75 70 25.16 25.18 25 19 25.16 0.00 E. ½ 0 0 0 8 82 83 74 70 25.23 25.19 25.23 25.23 0.00 W. ½ W. ½ W. 1 0 9 79 80 73 70 25.24 25.16 25.16 25.16 0.72 W. 1 W. ½ 0 0 10 80 76 74 71 25.16 25.13 25.17 25.08 0.62 W. ½ W. 1 0 E. ½ 11 78 81 74 70 25.10 25.09 25.13 25.13 0.04 S. 1 W. 1 0 S. ½ 12 79 75 73 70 25.14 25.16 25.10 25.10 0.84 S. 1 SE. ½ 0 W. 1 13 80 80 74 70 25.11 25.08 25.08 25.10 0.28 W. 1 W. 1 0 W. ½ 14 78 81 77 71 25.08 25.07 25.05 25.06 0.42 W. 1 W. 1 0 W. 1 15 79 84 77 70 25.07 25.05 25.08 25.05 1.75 W. 1 E. ½ 0 W. ½ 16 76 80 70 25.14 25.12 25.17 0.10 E. ½ E. ½ 0 W. 1 17 82 80 73 72 25.18 25.15 25.15 25.17 0.37 W. 1 N. 2 0 0 18 77 72 72 25.22 25.15 25.14 0.00 S. ½ 0 0 0 19 81 81 73 70 25.16 25.11 25.15 25.14 0.00 W. 1 W. 1 0 0 20 82 84 77 72 25.08 25.05 25.07 25.15 0.37 S. 1 S. 2 0 W. ½ 21 81 76 68 25.10 25.15 25.21 0.12 W. ½ W. 1 0 0 22 78 78 72 71 25.16 25.13 25.16 25.12 0.11 W. 1 W. 2 0 W. ½ 23 79 81 75 71 25.11 25.04 25.08 25.10 0.73 SW. 1 W. 2 24 80 84 77 70 25.12 25.14 25.16 25.12 0.00 0 0 25 80 80 25.13 25.09 0.25 W. 1 W. 1 0 0 26 75 74 72 70 25.15 25.09 25.15 25.10 0.06 W. 1 W. 1 0 W. 1 27 76 80 72 70 25.12 25.10 25.08 25.10 0.00 W. 1 NW. 2 0 0 28 80 80 73 70 25.04 25.09 25.08 25.07 0.62 W. 1 W. 1 W. 1 SW. 1 29 74 78 73 71 25.07 25.05 25.05 25.05 0.70 W. 2 W. 2 0 0 30 75 74 70 25.05 25.00 25.06 25,05 0.00 0 W. 1 0 0 31 76 72 70 25.10 25.13 25.10 0.00 SW. 1 W. 1 0 W. 1 Average, 78.5 80 73.55 70.13 25.1376 25.1131 25.1355 25.1343 8.32 in 27 days; of which 1.14 inches fell in the day time, and 7.18 in the night time. General average, 75.54 25.13
During the whole of this month the atmosphere in the valley was clear, with a sky in general, when not raining, partly clouded, and partly admitting of sunshine. The clouds generally hung in patches upon the lower hills, and entirely hid the snowy mountains. I have marked every day that Emodus was visible. The pluviometer was erected on the 5th. My barometer stood a quarter of an inch lower than Captain Knoxs.
Day. 1 Showers. 2 Much rain in the afternoon. 3 Showers. Cloudy 4 Id id 5 Id id 6 Emodus visible. 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Emodus visible. 16 17 18 19 20 Emodus visible. 21 Id 22 Id 23 24 25 26 Emodus visible. 27 Thunder about 3. A waterspout seen. 28 Thunder about 4. 29 30 31
Day. PLACE. Lat. N. Fahrenheits Thermometer. Barometer. Pluviometer inches. Winds. Noon. 3 Hrs. 9 Hrs. Dawn. Noon. 3 Hrs. 9 Hrs. Dawn. Noon. 3 Hours. 9 Hours. Sunrise. 1 Kathmandu 27°41 80 79 71 70 25.12 25.08 25.06 25.18 0.36 S. 1 0 0 2 76 74 70 68 0.46 SW. 1 SW. 3 W. 1 W. ½ 3 75 74 71 69 24.96 24.92 24.92 24.93 0.23 0 0 0 W. 1 4 72 72 70 69 24.94 24.90 24.92 24.93 0.09 W. 1 W. 2 0 0 5 74 74 70 68 24.94 24.94 24.96 24.94 0.91 W. 2 W. 1 0 W. 2 6 71 73 70 68 24.99 24.94 24.94 24.94 0.46 W. 1 W. 1 W. 1 W. 1 7 74 76 74 71 24.92 24.86 24.86 24.77 0.00 W. 2 W. 2 0 SW. 1 8 73 75 72 70 24.90 24.87 24.92 24.88 0.00 W. by S. 1 W. 1 0 0 9 71 74 73 70 24.94 24.87 24.91 24.94 0.26 SW. 1 WSW. 1 10 74 78 74 72 24.94 24.89 24.89 24.89 0.15 0 W. 1 11 74 73 72 70 24.94 24.92 24.90 24.90 0.30 SE. by S. 1 W. 1 W. 1 SW. 1 12 76 72 70 24.94 24.94 24.95 0.00 W. 1 W. 1 0 0 13 77 76 73 69 24.97 24.95 24.97 24.97 0.32 E. 1 E. by S. 1 E. 1 E. 1 14 74 73 68 69 24.97 24.94 25.02 25.01 1.95 SE. 1 SE. 1 0 E. 1 15 74 76 72 68 25.01 24.96 25.00 24.92 0.46 WSW. 1 WSW. 1 0 W. 1 16 74 74 70 67 25.05 25.02 25.08 25.14 1.80 W. 1 W. 1 0 NW. by W. 1 17 75 74 72 68 25.14 25.12 25.14 25.14 0.00 NW. by W. 1 WNW. 1 0 S. 1 18 74 76 72 70 25.12 25.08 25.03 25.04 0.00 SE. by S. 2 S. by W. 2 0 S. by W. 1 19 74 73 72 68 25.03 24.99 24.99 24.94 1.15 SW. by S. 2 W. by S. 1 W. 1 0 20 70 70 70 67 24.94 24.92 24.92 24.84 0.55 0 W. 1 W. by S. 1 0 21 72 71 69 69 24.92 24.89 24.93 24.93 0.92 E. 1 E. 1 0 0 22 70 70 70 67 24.94 24.94 24.95 25.01 0.05 E. 1 W. 1 W. ½ 23 72 76 72 69 25.01 24.98 24.98 24.97 0.00 W. ½ W. 1 24 75 77 73 70 24.95 24.89 24.93 24.89 0.00 N W. 1 NW. by N. 1 E. 1 0 25 77 79 73 72 24.89 24.89 24.90 24.90 0.03 SW. by W. 1 W. 1 E. ½ 0 26 73 71 69 68 25.00 24.98 24.98 25.05 0.00 WSW. 1 S. 1 0 0 27 73 78 25.01 24.97 0.00 SW. by S. 1 SW. by S. 1 W. ½ W. ½ 28 76 72 70 25.00 24.92 24.93 0.35 SW. by S. 1 S. 2 E. ½ W. ½ 29 76 78 74 72 24.96 24.92 24.96 24.97 0.05 S. 1 S. 1 0 0 30 77 76 69 68 24.99 24.93 24.94 24.99 0.32 S. 1 S. by E. 1 E. ½ W. 1 31 74 78 74 69 24.98 24.92 24.94 24.97 0.17 W. 1 S. ½ W. 1 Particular average, 74.13 77.71 71.414 69.166 24.98 24.94 24.96 24.96 10.34 of which 4.57 fell at night. General average, 72.35 24.96
During the whole of this month, the atmosphere in the valley was clear, and when not raining, the sky was in part clear, and in part covered with clouds. These generally hung in patches on the lower hills, and entirely hid the snowy mountains. I have marked every day on which these were visible. The barometer was emptied, and new filled on the 2d, and stood afterwards a little lower, some air having probably got in, when we removed from Sambhu. A correction of 0.06 may be allowed in the intermediate time.
Day. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Cloudy all day. 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Thunder in the afternoon. Emodus visible. 26 27 28 29 30 31 Thunder in the afternoon. Emodus visible.
Day. PLACES. Lat. N. Fahrenheits Thermometer. Barometer. Pluviometer Inches. Winds. Noon. 3 Hrs. 9 Hrs. Dawn. Noon. 3 Hrs. 9 Hrs. Dawn. Noon. 3 Hours. 9 Hours. Sunrise. 1 Kathmandu 27° 41 74 76 72 70 24.94 24.91 24.92 24.93 0.00 W.S.W. 1 W.S.W. 1 0 0 2 75 76 71 69 24.91 24.92 24.92 24.96 0.12 W.N.W. ½ W.N.W. 1 E. ½ W. by S. 1 3 73 76 24.96 24.94 0.82 W. ½ S. ½ W. ½ 0 4 74 70 25.04 25.04 0.57 W. 1 W.S.W. ½ S. ½ 0 5 77 76 73 68 25.00 24.94 24.95 24.97 0.13 S.E. ½ 0 0 0 6 74 74 75 70 24.98 24.95 24.93 24.96 0.00 0 S.W. ½ W. ½ S.W. by S. ½ 7 74 75 72 67 24.97 24.95 24.98 24.96 0.00 W.S.W. ½ S.W. 1 0 E.S.E. ½ 8 75 77 72 70 25.03 25.01 25.05 25.03 0.00 E.S.E. 1 E.S.E. 1 0 W. ½ 9 75 75 73 70 25.05 25.03 25.11 25.07 0.00 W. 1 W. 1 0 W. ½ 10 74 78 74 71 25.08 25.04 25.07 25.04 0.00 W. ½ S.W. ½ 0 S.W. ½ 11 77 78 73 70 25.03 25.01 25.04 25.05 0.09 S.W. 1 S.W. 1 12 76 77 74 70 25.06 24.98 24.97 24.96 0.25 W. ½ W. ½ 0 S.W. 1 13 74 77 72 70 25.01 24.97 24.99 25.03 0.25 S.W. 1 S.W. 1 0 0 14 73 75 70 68 25.01 24.97 25.00 25.00 0.02 W. ½ W. ½ 0 0 15 71 73 70 68 25.04 25.00 25.01 25.02 0.71 0 0 0 S.W. ½ 16 74 76 72 68 25.03 24.98 25.06 25.01 0.04 S.W. ½ S.W. 1 W. ½ W. ½ 17 72 74 70 68 25.06 25.01 25.04 25.02 0.30 N.W. 1 N.W. 1 S.W. ½ S.W. by W. 1 18 70 70 68 66 25.07 25.01 25.03 25.03 0.06 N.W. 1 N.W. 1 N.E. ½ E. ½ 19 70 72 68 66 25.05 25.04 25.07 25.04 1.46 S.E. ½ S.E. 1 0 S.W. ½ 20 72 74 69 65 25.03 25.00 25.01 25.05 0.30 S.W. ½ S.W. ½ 0 0 21 74 74 70 67 25.06 24.97 25.07 25.04 0.00 S.W. 1 S.W. by W. 1 N.W. ½ N.W. 1 22 72 74 69 65 25.05 25.02 25.05 25.05 0.00 W. 1 W. 1 W. ½ W.S.W. ½ 23 73 75 71 75 25.07 25.04 25.07 25.08 0.03 W. 1 S.W. 2 0 0 24 71 73 70 67 25.11 25.07 25.09 25.07 0.11 E. ½ E. ½ 0 N.W. 1 25 70 72 69 66 25.08 25.04 25.06 25.03 0.12 N.W. 1 N.W. 1 0 E. 3 26 67 68 66 63 25.12 25.06 25.09 25.11 0.39 E. 3 E. 2 E. ½ W. 1 27 69 74 70 67 25.12 25.08 25.10 25.10 0.00 W. 1 S.W. 2 W. ½ S.W. 1 28 72 76 65 25.14 25.10 25.14 0.00 S.W. 2 S.W. 2 0 N.W. 1 29 71 74 66 25.20 25.12 25.16 0.05 S.W. 1 S.W. 1 0 S.W. 1 30 73 74 69 66 25.14 25.10 25.11 25.09 0.11 S.W. 1 S.W. by S. ½ W. ½ S.W. 1 Particular average, 72.82 74.58 70.98 67.96 25.05 25.01 25.03 25.03 5.54 Total. General average, 71.585 25.03
During this month the clouds hung upon the hills, and in general hid the snowy mountains entirely. The atmosphere in the valley generally clear, with sunshine at times, interrupted by large clouds.
Day. 1 2 3 4 Much thunder at night. 5 6 7 Fog in the morning. Thunder in the afternoon. 8 9 10 11 Thunder at night. 12 13 14 Thunder at night. 15 16 17 18 19 Thick fog in the morning. Thunder in the evening. 20 21 22 23 A foggy morning. 24 25 26 A foggy morning. Emodus visible for an instant. 27 28 29 30 Emodus visible in the evening.
Day. PLACE. Lat. N. Fahrenheits Thermometer. Barometer. Pluviometer Inches. Winds. Noon. 3 Hrs. 9 Hrs. Dawn. Noon. 3 Hrs. 9 Hrs. Dawn. Noon. 3 Hours. 9 Hours. 19 Hours. 1 Kathmandu 27° 41 73 76 71 65 25.12 25.09 25.05 25.08 0.00 SW. 2 SW. 2 SW. by S. ½ W. by S. 1 2 73 75 65 64 25.04 25.04 25.07 25.09 0.00 SW. 2 S.W. by S. 0 0 2 3 69 72 69 64 25.11 25.07 25.08 25.13 0.97 SW. 1 SW. 2 0 W. ½ 4 70 74 68 62 25.13 25.08 25.14 25.14 0.00 SW. by S. 1 SW. by S. 1 W. ½ W. by S. 1 5 70 72 66 62 25.17 25.11 25.19 25.20 0.00 SW. by W. 2 SW. by S. 3 SW. ½ 0 6 72 75 69 66 25.19 25.15 25.19 25.17 0.97 WSW. 2 SW. by W. 2 0 E. ½ 7 72 70 68 66 25.14 25.08 25.10 25.10 0.44 WSW. 1 SW. 1 E. ½ E. 1 8 64 65 65 64 25.17 25.12 25.14 25.19 0.95 E. 1 E. 1 0 E. 1 9 68 70 67 66 25.21 25.14 25.14 25.22 W. 1 W. 2 0 W. by S. 1 10 71 70 67 61 25.17 25.15 25.19 25.22 None during remainder of W. by S. 2 W. by S. 3 W. ½ SW. 1 the month. 11 69 72 68 62 25.16 25.14 25.15 25.17 SW. 2 W. by S. 3 0 SW. 1 12 71 73 68 65 25.15 25.10 25.13 25.17 0 W. 2 13 69 73 68 62 25.17 25.14 25.16 25.16 W. 2 W. 3 W. ½ SE. 1 14 68 65 59 25.18 25.16 25.23 SE. 2 W. 2 E. 1 SE. 1 15 68 70 63 57 25.19 25.13 25.19 25.23 SE. by E. 2 SE. by S. 2 16 65 68 63 60 25 26 25.17 25.26 25.34 17 65 69 65 60 25.29 25.24 25.27 25.34 0 SW. by S. 1 18 66 69 63 61 25.28 25.23 25.23 25.24 SW. by S. 2 S.W. by S. W. ½ SW. by S. 1 2 19 67 69 66 59 25.28 25.24 25.26 25.31 NW. by N. 2 NW. by W. 3 SE. ½ SE. by E. 2 20 66 74 65 59 25.24 25.19 25.22 25.28 SW. 2 SW. 2 0 SE. by S. 1 21 68 64 59 25.23 25.25 25.29 SE. by S. 1 SW. by S. 1 SW. ½ 0 22 65 68 64 59 25.26 25.21 25.19 25.26 WSW. 1 WSW. 1 0 0 23 65 68 64 57 25.22 25.18 25.17 25.27 WSW. 1 W. by S. 2 24 65 68 63 57 25.23 25.19 25.19 25.29 25 68 63 59 25.20 25.20 25.27 0 0 26 65 66 63 58 25.23 25.18 25.25 25.27 NW. by N. 1 NNW. 1 27 68 66 62 56 25.25 25.19 25.23 25.27 0 SE. by S. ½ 28 62 65 60 57 25.24 25.19 25.23 25.28 NE. by E. ½ NW. 2 W. by N. ½ SW. by W. 1 29 63 61 58 25 26 25.22 25.28 SW. by W. 1 SW. by W. 1 WSW. ½ SE. by E. ½ 30 64 66 62 58 25.23 25.19 25.24 25.26 WSW. 1 WSW. 2 0 SW. by W. ½ 31 62 64 62 57 25.23 25.17 25.19 25.27 SW. by W. 1 W. 2 0 W. 1 Particular average, 67.4 72.25 64.55 60.32 25.20 25.16 25.32 25.22 3.33 Total. General average, 66.13 25.22
Except during the fogs, the atmosphere in the valley was clear throughout this month. The sky was scattered with large clouds, which at times rested on the faces of the hills. The thermometer was hung up in an open room. When exposed to the open air at dawn, it sunk from 4 to 6 degrees lower than when in the room at noon in the open air, but, well shaded, it rose about 2 degrees higher than in the room.
Day. 1 A little thunder. 2 Emodus visible for a little in the evening. 3 4 Thick fog in the morning. 5 Id Emodus visible in the forenoon. 6 Id Thunder in the evening. 7 Much thunder at night. 8 Emodus visible in the morning. 9 Id 10 Id and evening. 11 Thick fog in the morning. 12 Id 13 14 Fog after sunrise. 15 Id Emodus visible in the morning. 16 No fog. 17 Id 18 Id Emodus visible in the morning. 19 Fog after sunrise. 20 Thick fog in the morning. 21 Id Emodus very clear. 22 Id Id 23 Little fog. Id 24 Foggy morning. Id 25 Id Id 26 Little fog. 27 Id Id 28 Id Id 29 Id Id 30 Id Id 31 Considerable fog. Id
Day. PLACES. Lat. N. Fahrenheits Thermometer. Barometer. Pluviometer Inches. Winds. Noon. 3 Hrs. 9 Hrs. Dawn. Noon. 3 Hrs. 9 Hrs. Dawn. Noon. 3 Hours. 9 Hours. 19 Hours. 1 Kathmandu 27° 41 62 65 61 57 25.18 25.15 25.16 25.23 0.00 W. 1 W. 1 0 NE. by E. ½ 2 63 65 62 57 25.20 25.18 25.22 25.29 0.00 WNW. 1 WNW. 1 0 0 3 64 65 63 60 25.26 25.19 25.24 25.27 0.00 W. by NW. 1 W. by N. 1 W. ½ W. 1 4 64 66 63 57 25.25 25.22 25.28 25.34 0.00 W. by S. 1 W. by N. 1 0 0 5 63 63 57 25.33 25.33 25.40 0.00 WNW. 1 WNW. 2 WSW. ½ 0 6 64 65 62 56 25.33 25.27 25.33 25.35 0.00 W. 1 W. 1 0 0 7 62 65 62 56 25.33 25.25 25.27 25.32 0.00 NW. by W. 1 NW. 2 8 62 64 62 57 25.30 25.24 25.26 25.30 0.04 9 61 61 57 25.30 25.34 25.37 0.04 W. by N. ½ W. by N. ½ 10 62 65 61 56 25.33 25.25 23.27 25.30 NW. 1 NW. 1 0 0 11 61 64 61 56 25.29 25.24 25.26 25.37 None during remainder of W. by S. 1 WNW. 1 W. ½ 0 the month 12 62 63 61 55 25.34 25.28 23.31 25.40 0 W. ½ 13 61 64 60 54 25.34 25.28 23.34 25.45 W. ½ W. ½ 14 60 63 61 54 25.37 25.31 25.31 25.37 W. by S. 2 W. by S. 2 0 0 15 60 62 60 54 25.34 25.29 25.27 25.37 W. 1 W. 2 W. ½ W. ½ 16 60 62 59 53 25.36 25.26 25.32 25.40 SW. by W. 1 SW. 2 0 0 17 59 62 60 53 25.37 25.28 25.34 25.13 SW. 1 W. 1 WNW. ½ WNW. ½ 18 60 63 59 53 25.30 25.25 25.27 25.31 NW. by W. 1 NW. by W. 1 0 0 19 60 62 58 53 25.27 25.23 25.25 25.26 N. by W. 1 NW. by W. 1 0 E. ½ 20 56 60 57 50 25.30 25.24 25.28 25.35 W. 1 W. 2 W. ½ W. 1 21 55 59 56 51 25.33 25.26 25.32 25.38 NW. by W. 1 WNW. 1 0 W. ½ 22 55 58 55 52 25.36 25.26 25.32 25.38 NW. 1 NW. ½ E. ½ E. ½ 23 56 58 56 52 25.32 25.26 25.25 25.26 NE. ½ NE. by E. 1 0 E. ½ 24 57 57 55 51 25.30 25.26 25.28 25.35 E. ½ W. ½ 0 NE. ½ 25 55 55 50 25.30 25.27 25.37 0 WNW. 2 0 E. ½ 26 55 60 56 50 25.34 25.24 25.29 25.35 E. ½ W. 1 27 59 57 52 25.26 25.33 25.37 28 70 70 58 51 25.35 25.24 23.30 25.31 29 72 57 54 25.20 25.25 25.25 0 0 30 72 70 58 50 25.22 25.17 25.22 25.27 NW. 1 NW. 2 0 E. ½ Particular average, 60.75 61. 59.24 53.93 25.31 25.24 25.28 25.34 0.08 Total General average, 58.73 25.29
The thermometer continued in the room, and six degrees must be subtracted from that here given, to get the heat of the external air in the morning. Throughout the month, except in the foggy mornings, the atmosphere was clear, with a sky containing many clouds.
Day. 1 Foggy morning. Emodus clear. 2 Little fog. Emodus clouded. 3 Id id 4 Thick fog. Emodus clear. 5 Little fog. id 6 Id Emodus clouded. 7 Id id 8 Much fog. id 9 Id Emodus clear. 10 Id id 11 Id id 12 Id id 13 Id id 14 Id id 15 Little fog. Emodus clouded. 16 Id id 17 Much fog. id 18 Id id 19 Id id 20 Id Emodus clear. 21 Little fog. id 22 Id id 23 Id Emodus clouded. 24 Some fog. id 25 Much fog. id 26 Id id 27 Little fog. id 28 Id id 29 Id id 30 Some fog. id
Day. PLACE. Lat. N. Fahrenheits Thermometer. Barometer. Pluviometer Inches. Winds. Noon. 3 Hrs. 9 Hrs. Dawn. Noon. 3 Hrs. 9 Hrs. Dawn. Noon. 3 Hours. 9 Hours. 19 Hours. 1 Kathmandu 27°41 70 68 54 50 25.23 25.18 25.27 No rain during this month. NW. by W. 1 NW. by W. 1 0 E. ½ 2 59 62 57 50 25.23 25.19 25.26 25.32 W. ½ W. 1 0 0 3 57 61 56 48 25.28 25.25 25.29 25.38 NW. by N. ½ NW. by N. ½ E. 1 W. ½ 4 56 61 55 47 25.35 25.22 25.33 25.39 W. ½ W. 1 0 E. 1 5 60 55 46 25.28 25.26 25.31 NW. 1 NW. by W. 2 E. ½ 0 6 54 59 53 49 25.25 25.20 25.24 25.28 W. ½ W. 2 0 0 7 55 57 54 50 25.24 25.19 25.23 25.29 NW. by W. ½ W. 2 0 0 8 54 56 53 46 25.25 25.17 25.32 25.28 0 0 W. ½ W. ½ 9 53 58 50 41 25.28 25.24 25.28 25.37 NW. by W. 1 NW. by W. 1 0 0 10 53 57 50 42 25.28 25.21 25.32 25.36 W. 1 W. 2 W. ½ W. ½ 11 51 55 50 41 25.31 25.21 25.30 25.36 WNW. 1 WNW. 1 SW. ½ SW. ½ 12 50 54 50 41 25.27 25.22 25.21 25.30 W. 1 W. 1 0 0 13 51 57 50 41 25.23 25.47 25.22 25.33 SW. 1 SW. 2 0 0 14 51 57 49 41 25.25 25.22 25.27 25.30 0 W. 2 0 0 15 50 56 50 42 25.24 25.17 25.24 25.33 W. 1 W. 3 0 E. ½ 16 50 54 49 41 25.29 25.24 25.28 25.38 W. 1 W. 2 W. ½ W. ½ 17 50 55 48 41 25.32 25.26 25.37 25.46 NW. by N. 1 NW. by N. 2 0 0 18 52 57 49 44 25.38 25.33 25.40 25.46 W. ½ W. 1 0 0 19 51 50 45 25.41 25.37 25.44 W. ½ W. 2 0 0 20 53 56 53 43 25.37 25.31 25.38 25.46 W. ½ W. 1 0 E. ½ 21 53 57 51 43 25.44 25.36 25.39 25.46 W. ½ W. 1 0 NE. ½ 22 52 56 50 42 25.40 25.28 25.34 25.38 W. 1 W. 2 0 W. 1 23 50 57 49 41 25.38 25.27 25.36 25.39 W. 1 W. 3 0 0 24 55 50 41 25.25 25.34 25.47 W. 1 W. 2 0 0 25 51 57 49 41 25.39 25.32 25.42 25.47 W. 1 W. 2 0 0 26 52 57 49 40 25.41 25.32 25.42 25.40 SW. 1 SW. 2 27 51 58 51 41 25.38 25.26 25.32 25.39 28 51 57 51 45 25.33 25.26 25.29 25.26 29 52 55 50 49 25 27 25.20 25.26 25.30 30 54 57 52 47 25.26 25.21 25.27 25.34 0 0 31 50 52 46 25.28 25.26 25.33 W. 2 W. 0 0 Particular average, 52.91 57.79 51.39 44.03 25.31 25.24 25.31 25.36 General average, 51.53 25.30
The thermometer continued in the house in a room without a fire. Atmosphere as in the preceding month.
Day. 1 Little fog. Emodus clouded. 2 Id id 3 Id id 4 Much fog. Emodus at times visible. 5 Id Emodus clear. 6 Id id 7 Little fog. Emodus clouded. 8 Id id 9 Much fog. id 10 Id Emodus clear. Hoar frost. Thermometer at dawn in the open air 31½°. 11 Id id No frost. 12 Little fog. id Hoar frost. Ther. exposed 33°. A fall of snow on the mountain above Nayakot. 13 Id id id id 31½° 14 Much fog. id id 15 Id id id 16 Id id A little hoar frost. 17 Id id id 18 Id id No frost. 19 Little fog. Cloudy. id 20 Much fog. id id 21 Id Emodus clear id 22 Id id id 23 Little fog. id Hoar frost. 24 Id id id 25 Some fog. id id 26 Id id id 27 Id id No frost. 28 Id Emodus clouded. id Thermometer at dawn exposed 44°. 29 Id id id 30 Id id id 31
Day. PLACE. Lat. N. Fahrenheits Thermometer. Barometer. Pluviometer Inches. Winds. Noon. 3 Hrs. 9 Hrs. Dawn. Noon. 3 Hrs. 9 Hrs. Dawn. Noon. 3 Hours. 9 Hours. 19 Hours. 1 Kathmandu 27° 41 56 49 32 25.21 25.27 25.29 No rain during this W. 2 W. 3 0 E. ½ month but on the 24th day. 2 49 49 38 25.28 25.35 25.45 SW. by W. 1 SW. by W. 2 0 0 3 50 55 50 38 25.35 25.26 25.33 25.41 W. 1 W. 1 0 0 4 51 55 51 35 25.35 25.26 25.30 25.36 NW. 1 NW. 1 0 0 5 52 55 51 34 25.31 25.25 25.27 25.33 W. 1 W. 1 0 0 6 50 55 50 38 25.27 25.18 25.27 25.25 W. 1 W. 2 0 0 7 50 56 51 38 25.22 25.16 25.18 25.22 NW. 1 NW. 1 0 0 8 55 58 52 42 25.24 25.15 25.24 25.32 0 0 0 0 9 51 57 52 42 25.31 25.23 25.31 25.34 W. 1 W. 3 0 0 10 51 58 51 36 25.35 25.26 25.32 25.42 N. by W. 1 NNW. 3 0 0 11 52 56 51 33 25.27 25.22 25.31 25.44 W. 2 W. 3 0 0 12 50 55 50 31 25.47 25.41 25.46 25.49 W. 1 W. 2 0 0 13 49 56 49 33 25.33 25.40 25.46 SW. by W. 1 SW. by W. 2 0 0 14 50 56 51 32 25.43 25.34 25.42 25.52 W. 2 W. 3 0 E. ½ 15 50 54 50 35 25.45 25.41 25.49 25.52 W. 1 SW. by W. 2 0 0 16 49 55 49 36 25.47 25.48 25.43 25.43 0 NW. 1 0 0 17 50 53 48 35 25.39 25.44 25.40 25.39 0 NW. 1 0 0 18 50 52 51 35 25.34 25.28 25.30 25.39 W. 1 W. 4 0 E. ½ 19 50 56 50 36 25.35 25.27 25.33 25.39 W. 1 W. 2 0 0 20 56 51 35 25.27 25.29 25.42 0 W. 1 0 0 21 51 55 51 38 25.38 25.33 25.29 25.42 NW. by W. 1 N. by W 2 0 0 22 51 57 52 36 25.36 25.30 25.31 25.35 W. 2 W. 3 0 23 51 55 53 45 25.33 25.28 25.27 25.27 0 0 24 51 51 50 40 25.28 25.23 25.24 25.25 0.44 W. 1 NW. 1 0 E. ½ 25 51 53 50 42 25.21 25.18 25.16 25.24 E. 1 W. 1 0 SW. 1 26 51 55 50 40 25.25 25.25 25.31 25.34 SW. by S. 3 0 0 27 52 54 52 42 25.31 25.25 25.29 25.30 W. 1 W. 1 W. 1 SE. by E. 1 28 52 55 51 40 25.30 25.24 25.28 25.33 W. 1 NW. 1 0 E. ½ 29 52 55 53 39 25.35 25.27 25.30 25.38 E. 1 NW. 1 0 SE. ½ 30 52 57 52 25.32 25.25 25.27 25.28 W. 1 W. 3 0 0 31 59 54 40 25.25 25.23 25.23 25.28 W. 1 W. 2 0 E. ½ Particular average, 50.8 55.3 50.8 37.2 25.328 25.274 25.31 25.364 0.44 Total. General average, 48.1 25.32
The thermometer was exposed every morning till quite cooled. At other times it was kept in a cool open room. Sky and atmosphere as in the preceding months.
Day. 1 Thick fog in the Emodus clouded. Hoar frost. morning. 2 Id id No frost. 3 Id id id 4 Little fog. id id 5 Foggy morning. Emodus clear. A little frost. 6 Id Emodus hazy, No frost. but visible at times. 7 Id id id 8 Id id id 9 Id id id 10 Clear morning. id Slight hoar frost. 11 Foggy morning. id Hoar frost. 12 Little fog. id id 13 Id id id 14 Foggy morning. id id 15 Id id No frost. 16 Clear Morning. id id 17 Foggy morning. id id 18 Id id id 19 Id id id 20 Id id id 21 Id id id 22 Id id id 23 Clear morning. id id Day clouded. 24 Snow on the tops of Shivapuri and Chandungiri. Hills clouded. 25 Snow gone. No fog. Emodus clouded. 26 Little fog. Emodus visible, but clouded in most parts. 27 Id Emodus clouded. 28 Foggy morning. id 29 Id Emodus clear. 30 Id Emodus clouded. 31 Id id
Day. PLACE. Lat. N. Fahrenheits Thermometer. Barometer. Pluviometer Inches. Winds. Noon. 3 Hrs. 9 Hrs. Dawn. Noon. 3 Hrs. 9 Hrs. Dawn. Noon. 3 Hours. 9 Hours. 19 Hours. 1 Kathmandu 27° 41 59 49 35 25.21 25.21 25.25 0 W. 1 W. 3 0 E. ½ 2 53 57 54 39 25.26 25.20 25.27 25.30 0 W. 1 SW. 3 0 0 3 53 57 52 32 25.29 25.22 25.24 25.28 0 W. 1 W. 2 0 0 4 51 56 52 34 25.21 25.18 25.23 25.27 0 0 W. 2 0 0 5 52 57 52 37 25.25 25.19 25.23 25.35 0 NW. 1 W. 3 0 E. ½ 6 52 57 52 37 25.28 25.23 25.26 23.33 0 0 SW. by W. 1 E. ½ 0 7 52 58 51 40 25.29 25.22 25.24 25.31 0 W. 1 W. 2 0 0 8 51 53 51 39 25.31 25.26 25.24 25.28 0 0 W. 2 0 0 9 51 55 53 39 25.26 25.23 25.21 25.24 0 0 W. 2 0 0 10 58 51 33 25.20 25.19 25.27 0 W. 1 W. 3 11 52 57 53 41 25.27 25.22 25.26 25.34 0 E. 1 E. 2 12 56 54 25.34 25.28 25.34 0 W. 1 W. 4 0 0 13 60 63 58 39 25.31 25.23 25.27 25.27 0 W. 2 W. 4 W. ½ W. 1 14 65 58 52 25.22 25.24 25.23 0 W. 2 W. 4 0 E. 1 15 56 57 55 50 25.21 25.21 25.24 25.22 0.54 W. 2 W. 2 0 E. 1 16 55 57 55 45 25.22 25.22 25.24 25.21 0.10 W. 1 W. 1 0 0 17 58 55 45 25.19 25.21 25.22 0 W. 1 W. 2 0 0 18 55 60 55 34 25.22 25.15 25.18 25.21 0 W. 1 W. 1 0 0 19 54 58 55 41 25.21 25.15 25.18 25.19 0 W. 1 W. 2 0 0 20 55 55 53 36 25.19 25.15 25.18 25.24 0 W. 1 W. 1 0 0 21 54 59 54 44 25.23 25.19 25.25 25.29 0 W. 1 W. 1 0 0 22 59 56 43 25.20 25.26 25.28 0 W. 1 W. 2 0 0 23 57 60 58 48 25.29 25.22 25.28 25.28 0 W. 1 SW. by W. 3 0 W. 1 24 59 63 59 44 25.28 25.24 25.29 25.36 0 W. 1 SW. by W. 3 E. ½ 0 25 58 64 59 44 25.33 25.23 25.33 25.31 0 W. 1 W. 2 E. ½ 0 26 61 61 57 47 25.33 25.26 25.34 25.37 1.15 W. 1 W. 3 E. ½ E. ½ 27 52 52 50 41 25.44 25.32 25.34 25.31 0 E. 1 E. 2 0 0 28 53 58 56 44 25.32 25.26 25.28 25.25 0 W. 1 W. 2 0 0 Particular average, 52.70 58.26 54.18 41.22 25.28 25.21 25.25 25.26 1.79 Total. General average, 51.58 25.25
Sky and atmosphere as in the three preceding months. Thermometer exposed in the morning.
Day. 1 Thick fog in the Emodus clouded. morning. 2 Id id 3 No fog. id Hard frost in the morning. 4 Little fog. id Frosty morning. 5 Much fog. id No frost. 6 Some fog. id 7 Thick fog. id 8 Some fog. id 9 Thick fog. id 10 No fog. Emodus visible Hoar frost. in the morning. 11 Id id 12 Id Emodus clear at sunrise. 13 Id id 14 Id Emodus entirely No snow on the hid. hills of Nepal. 15 Id id 16 Little fog. id 17 Id Emodus at times visible. 18 Id Emodus clear. Hoar frost. 19 Id Emodus clear in the afternoon. 20 Id Emodus clear in the morning. 21 Id Emodus entirely hid. 22 Id id 23 Id id 24 Much fog. id 25 Little fog. Emodus clear at times. 26 Hail in the afternoon. Much snow at night on Chandungiri, etc. 27 Thick fog in the Emodus clouded. morning. 28 Id id
N.B. The thermometer on the 6th was immersed into the spring below Hilchuck, and stood at 65°. In the open air, it had been previously at 52°.
Day. PLACES, Lat. N. Fahrenheits Thermometer. Barometer. Pluviometer Inches. Winds. Noon. 3 Hrs. 9 Hrs. Dawn. Noon. 3 Hrs. 9 Hrs. Dawn. Noon. 3 Hours. 9 Hours. 19 Hours. 1 Suburbs of 27° 41 54 56 54 40 25.39 25.22 25.21 25.15 0 W. 1 W. 1 0 0 2 Kathmandu 61 55 38 25.04 25.04 25.04 0 WNW. 1 WNW. 1 0 0 3 55 60 56 43 25.05 25.02 25.08 25.11 0 W. 1 W. 2 0 0 4 57 64 59 44 25.19 25.12 25.13 25.16 0 W. 1 W. 2 0 0 5 58 64 57 44 25.14 25.11 25.11 25.18 0 W. 1 W. 3 0 0 6 60 63 56 35 25.21 25.19 25.17 24.24 0 W. 2 W. 2 0 NW. by W. 1 7 57 64 58 38 25.24 25.19 25.21 25.25 0 W. 1 W. 2 0 0 8 59 68 58 42 25.26 25.18 25.20 25.29 0 W. 2 W. 3 0 0 9 58 63 60 40 25.33 25.26 25.28 25.35 0 NW. by W. 2 NW. by W. 3 0 E. 1 10 65 69 61 40 25.37 25.31 25.36 25.3 0 NW. by W. 2 NW. by W. 3 0 E. ½ 11 62 67 60 37 25.27 25.22 25.23 25.23 0 W. 2 W. 3 0 0 12 61 68 63 42 25.29 25.22 25.25 25.25 0 E. 2 W. 4 0 E. ½ 13 62 67 63 44 25.26 25.19 25.20 25.23 0 W. 1 W. 3 0 0 14 62 67 63 45 25.24 25.21 25.20 25.24 0 W. 1 W. 2 0 E. ½ 15 63 66 62 44 25.27 25.25 25.27 25.28 0 SW. by W. 1 SW. by W. 2 0 0 16 63 69 64 49 25.24 25.19 25.20 25.22 0 W. 1 W. 2 0 0 Particular average, 59.70 64.75 59.3 41.5 25.25 25.1825 25.1962 25.2231 General average, 56.2 25.21
Day. 1 Thick fog. Emodus clouded. Valley clear. 2 3 No fog. Emodus clear. In the morning a little hoar-frost on the straw, but none on grass. 4 Some fog. Emodus clouded. 5 Much fog. id 6 Id Emodus clear in the forenoon. 7 No fog. Hoar-frost. Emodus clear. 8 Id Emodus clear. 9 Id Emodus clouded. 10 Id Emodus at times visible. 11 Id id 12 Id id 13 A little fog. Emodus clouded. 14 Id id 15 No fog. id 16 Id id
Time of Observation 26th October 1802 at 3 hours P.M. Name of the Mountain A C D E F K L Dhaya-bung M Double Altitude as taken in the Mercury 4°.16.00 5.37.30 6.47.30 6.03.25 6.18.45 10.09.15 10.10.00 9.07.30 Double Altitude as corrected for the error in Sextant = 118 4°.14.42 5.36.12 6.46.12 6.02.07 6.17.27 10.07.57 10.08.42 9.06.12 Angle of Altitude 2°.07.21 2.48.06 3.23.06 3.01.03 3.08.43 5.03.58 5.04.21 4.33.06 Allowance for Terrestrial Refraction = 1/12 distance 5.39 4.55 3.41 2.44 3.15 2.10 2.44 1.55 Angle at the Station corrected for Terrestrial Refraction 2°.01.42 2.43.11 3.19.25 2.58.21 3.05.28 5.01.48 5.01.37 4.31.13 Angle at the Mountains top 87°.58.18 87.16.49 86.40.35 87.01.39 86.54.32 84.58.12 84.58.23 85.28.47 Base or distance (Miles & Furlongs) 78. - 68. 3 51. - 40. - 45. 2 30. 2 40. 7 26. - Height by Trigonometry (Feet & Decimals) 14,548.8 17,016.6 15,637.2 10,966.8 12,830.7 13,941.6 18,900 10,890.1 Additional Height for the Earths Curvature (Feet & Decimals) 4,050 3,098 1,727 1,062.4 1,345.5 607.59 1,060.32 448.86 Height of the Mountain above the Station (Feet & Decimals) 19,634.8 20,114.6 17,364.2 12,029.2 14,176.2 14,549.19 19,960.32 11,346.97 Thermometer 63° Barometer (Inches & Decimals) 25.18
No correction for the state of the air has been attempted.
ABORIGINES, page 9, 23, 24, 25, 287, 305
Acham, a lordship, 280
Achar, a priest of the sect of Siva among the Newars, 29, 30
Adhikar, see Negi
Adhiyar, people cultivating for a (half) share of the crop, 149
Adultery subject to fine, 161
Agalmatolite, 79
Agam Singha, hereditary chief of the Kirata tribe, 2, 54, 133, 140
Aggregate rocks, including granite, etc. 66, 76, 82, 203
Agnidanda, a family of Brahmans, 103
Agriculture, general state of, 64, 68, 73, 217, 221, 274,
275, 282, 298, 305, 312
See also for a detail, Cattle, Crops, Gardens, Grains, Implements,
Labourers, Pasture, Produce, Rent, Tenures, Vegetables for the kitchen.
Ahira or Cowherd, a dynasty, see Gupt
Ahir, a tribe or cast, 297
Air, temperature of, see Weather: degree of salubrity, see Ayul,
and pages 65, 69, 71
Ajil Sen, a powerful chief, 129, 130
Alamnagar, a stronghold in Kangra, 311
Alangchang, a mart, 157
Ale, a tribe, 279
Alluvial matter, 80, 205
Almora, a principality and town, the former most commonly called
Kumau, see also 112, 287, 293, 297, 298
Alpine region, 75, 87, etc.
Amaranthus, a species called Anardana or Phaphar, 275, 284, 315
Amar Singha Karyi, or Bara Amar Sigha, a chief of Gorkha, 19, 112,
259, 260, 300, 304, 307, 311, 312
Amar Singha Thapa, a general of Gorkha, father of Bhim Sen, 112, 176,
178, 179, 261, 266, 296, 299
Ambar Sen, first Raja of Palpa and Butaul, 170
Ammonite, a petrifaction, see Salagram
Ana, a money of account, 214
Anirudha, grandson of the god Krishna, 206
Anirudha, a chief of Kangra, 311
Antimony, the mineral, 78
Aniwar, a tribe of military Brahmans, 48, 164, 169
Architecture, 38, 210
Argha, a lordship, 172, 173, 238, 239, 263
Aristocracy or nobility, 108, 110, 255, 257
Arjal, a family of Brahmans, 103
Arki, one of the twelve lordships, and a town and military station, 306
Arms, military, 111, 112, 116 148, 246
Army, see Arms, Company, Military
Arsenic the mineral, 79
Artificers, 233
Arun river, 89, 91, 166
Asanti, Raja of Karuvirpur, leader of a Hindu colony, 12, 287, 293
Ashruffy, a coin, 214
Asoph ud Doulah, the Nawab Vazir, 173, 174
Astrology, or Jyotish, 251
Athabhai, see League
Ayul, an unhealthy air, 65, 194, 196, 199, 200
BADRINATH, a temple, 301, 302
Baglungchaur, a town, 274
Bahadur Sahi, regent of Gorkha, 173, 174, 247-250, 271, 277,
281, 299
Baisi Raja, or twenty-two lordships, a part of the dominions of
Gorkha, 268, 270, 276, 278, 279
Bala, a cast of Newars, 87
Balihang, a lordship, 171, 172, 264, 280
Balance of power, 283
Bandar, a small district, 172
Bandari, a collector of revenue, 113, 114
Bangra or Baryeau, called Bahauras and Bhauras by Colonel Kirkpatrick, priests
of the Bouddha sect among the Newars, 29, 31, 219
Bangphi, a lordship, 270, 276, 280
Bangsi Raja, a Hindu chief, subject to the Company, 268
Baragarhi, a town and district, 167, 168
Barahat, a territory, 299
Barakadwar, a mart, 265
Barapul, a weight, 216
Bara Thakurai, or twelve lordships, a territory
subject to Gorkha, 303, 304, 306, 307
Barley or Hordeum sativum, 226, 274, 282, 284, 298
Barometer, the instrument, its height, see Meteorological Tables at the
end, and page 200
Baropathi, a territory, 293
Baryeau, see Bangra
Basnat, a tribe, 18, 28
Batar, a tribe, 164
Bayas river, see Bepasa
Baz Bahadur, a chief of Kumau, 293
Bear, the wild beast, 68
Belahari, a territory, 293
Belka, a lordship, 129
Bell metal, 232
Belortag, a mountain, 94
Beni means the junction of two rivers
Beniji or Benishahar, the town of Malebum, which, with Dhorali, the chiefs
residence, formed the capital of that lordship, 271, 274
Bepasa or Bayas river, 315
Bera river, 195
Bera, a vegetable, see Solanum Melongena
Berberis, called Chootraphul, 85
Besar, a lordship, 307
Besariya, a lordship, 299
Beyas, a passage between the Snowy Mountains, 298
Bhairopati, a medicinal herb, 97
Bhajji, one of the twelve lordships, 306
Bhar, see Bhawar
Bharadar, the great council of state, and supreme court of justice, 103,
Bhat, a cast of Newars, 34
Bhat, a cast of Kasiyas, 305
Bhatgang, a principality, and its capital town, 209, 210, 211
Bhawani, see Devi and Tulasi
Bhawar or Bhar, a tribe, 47, 128, 164
Bhemagarhi, a town, 161
Bhimphedi, a station, 200
Bhim Sen, son of Pandu, first Hindu colonist, 9, 25, 167
Bhim Sen, a chief of Gorkha, 19, 108, 112, 176, 258,
260-262, 277
Bhingri, a lordship, 239, 268, 270
Bhitari Tarayi, a territory, 278
Bhomor, a lordship, 313
Bhot or Bhotan, the country occupied by Bhotiyas, including what
Europeans call Bhotan and Thibet, 55-60, 90, 243
Bhotan, formerly Madra and Sailya, see these words, Deva Dharma Raja, and
page 8
Bhotiyas, Hindus, so called from living near the frontier, 24, 215 see
also Kath Bhotiyas, and Seyena Bhotiyas
Bhotiyas, a nation occupying Bhot, 25, 50-60, 118, 158, 165,
194, 242, 243, 248, 287, 288, 293, 307
Bhurjapatra, ) a medicinal herb, 97
Bhuryapatra, )
Bhutkes, ) a medicinal plant, 86, 98
Bhutkesar, )
Bichari, a judge, 102, 105, 150
Bichhakor, a custom-house, 196
Bidur Sahi, a chief of Gorkha, 261
Biga, a measure of land, 153, 154, 216
Bihadani, a duty on marriages, 161
Bikh, ) a medicinal herb, 98, 99
Bikhma, )
Bilasi, a mart, 124
Bilaspur, Easter, see Dalu Dailek
Bilaspur, Wester, a lordship, 303, 304
Bilaspur, a town in Kahalur, 313
Binayak, first Raja of Butaul, 132, 170
Binayakpur, see Butaul
Birch tree, 83, 97
Birds, kinds of, 67, 95
Birkot, a lordship, 238, 239, 241
Birtha, a kind of melk land, 219
Bish ) a medicinal herb, 98, 99
Bishma, )
Bishtako, a tribe, 18, 28
Bist, see Karyi
Bisuli, a weight, 216
Bitalpa, a person holding land by a certain kind of tenure, 107, 219
Bitrawati river, 194
Bombax heptaphyllum or Simul tree, 63
Borax the drug, 214
Borbhakan, one of the twelve lordships, 306
Bos Bubalus, see Buffalo
Bos grunniens or cattle, the tails of which are called Chamari, Changwari,
Chaungri, or Chauri, with different breeds of the same species,
called Lulu and Jhogo, 76, 93, 217, 285
Bos Taurus, see Neat cattle
Bouddha, sect of, see Buddhas, and pages 10, 25, 30, 32, 40,
189, 208, 209
Bouddhama, a temple, 209, 211
Brahma, a deity, 32
Brahma, a sect and tribe, 189, 279
Introduction into Nepal, etc. 10, 25, 305
Manners, 16
Privileges, 104, 179, 219, 234, 251
Number, 242, 244, 252, 265, 266, 267, 269,
275, 277, 279, 281, 282, 286, 297
Military, 48
Of Mithila, 46
Brahmaputra river, 91, 214
Brahma Sahi, a chief of Gorkha, 254, 255, 261, 298, 301
Brahmutra or Brehmoter, lands held by a peculiar tenure, 219
Brass, the metal, 232
Breccia, a rock, 66
Brehmoter, see Brahmutra
Brick, 39, 233
Bridges, see Sangga and Ihola
Brim, a medicinal herb, 100
Brittiya, a person holding a kind of landed estate, 107, 219
Buddha, a deity or lawgiver of the Bouddha sect, 25, 29, 32, 56,
57, 190, 206
Budhkarna, a chief of the Kiratas, 140
Buffalo or Bos Bubalus, a kind of cattle, 76, 217
Bukhshi, a high military officer, 115
Burmah, a nation, 189
Burmah dynasty, see Varma
Burning rock, 312, see also Spring burning
Butaul or Binayakpur, a town and lordship, 132, 170, 180, 265,
274, 277
CALTHA, a kind of plant, 99
Cannabis sativa, Charas, Gangja, Hemp, Ieea, or Subje, a plant,
226, 231
Capitation tax, see Rajangka and Sayer
Cardamon, a seed, 74
Casts, a hereditary division of professions, 16, etc. 30, etc.
234, 242, 265, 266, 267, 268, 274, 275,
277, 278, 279, 281, 282, 286, 297
Catechu, see Khayer and Mimosa
Cattle, see Bos grunniens, Buffalo, Goat, Horse, Neat, Sheep, Swine
Cedrella, a kind of tree called Tungd or Toon, 67
Chakor, ) a bird, see Perdix rufa
Chakuri )
Chakran, lands granted in fee for service, see Feodal
Cham, a lordship, 280
Chamari, see Bos grunniens
Chamba, a lordship, 315
Chamkal, a cast of Newars, 37
Champa, a tree, see Michelia
Champaranya, a lordship, often called Rajapur, or Rajpur, from its
capital, see Rajapur
Champawati, a town, see Kumau
Chana, a grain, see Cicer arietinum
Chancelor, a high law officer, see Dharmadikar
Chandangiri mountain, 204, 205
Chandi, a territory in Garhawal, 299, 301
Chandpur, a town and lordship, 298
Chandel Rajputs, a tribe, 268, 269, 307, 310
Changgu Narayan, a temple, 219
Changiya, a fortress, 157
Changra, see Goat
Changwari, see Bos grunniens
Charas see Cannabis
Charity lands or Khairat zemin, see Melk
Chariyagarhi, a fortress, 165
Chaturbhuja Raja of Yumila, 15
Chaubisi, Chaubisiya, or twenty-four Rajas, a portion of the Gorkha
territory, 145, 237, 268, 269, 270, 276, 278
Chaudanda, a town, 151
Chaudandi Raja, 146, 165
Chaudas, a territory, 294
Chaudhuri, an officer of government, 102, 105, 150, 152
Chauhan or Sisaudhiya tribe of Rajputs, 129, 130, 240, 297
Chaungri ) see Bos grunniens
Chaury, )
Chautariya or Choutra, called Hitan in Yumila, chief officer of
state, 107, 108, 147, 255, 260, 261, 262, 287
Chayenpur, a province or large district, and its capital, 156
Chayenpur, a town on the San Kosi, 168
Chesnut tree, 83, 217
Chhawa Raja, the title among the Bengalese for the heir-apparent of
Sikim, 120
Chhinachhin, a town, 283, 285
Chhipi, a cast of Newars, 37
Chilli, a lordship and town, 279
China and Chinese empire called Hung (Hun) by the Gorkhalese,
51, 122, 176, 248, 272, 288, 289, 298,
299; commerce with, 212
Chirata, a kind of Gentiana used in medicine, 85
Chiriyaghat hills and defile, 197
Chiriyamahal, a duty on birds, 68, 153, 163
Chisapani, a fortress, 168, 199, 201
Chitaur, colony from, 12, 15, 18, 20, 128, 129, 130,
178, 184, 240, 297
Chitlong, a town, 204
Chootraphul, see Berberis
Choutra, see Chautariya
Christians, 38
Chronology of the Hindus, 188
Chunra, 20
Chuya, a grain, perhaps the Holcus Sorghum, 315
Cicer arietinum, or Chana, a grain, 284
Cinnabar, a mineral, see Mercury
Civil power subordinate to the military, 109, see Establishment
Clay, 81, 83
Climate healthiness, see Air, Ayul ; influence on the human
appearance or colour, 60; state of, or weather, see Register at
the end, and Weather
Clothing, see Dress
Coins, 154, 214, 215
Colebrooke, Colonel, 3
Colebrooke, H. T. Esq. 3
Collector of revenue, see Bandari
Colonies of Hindus, see Asanti, Bhim Sen, Chitaur, Thor Chandra
Colour of men, 60
Commerce, state of, see Custom-houses, Porterage, and
pages 104, 212, 243
Exports and imports, 124, 126, 157, 212, 284
Company, English East India, 143, 176, 177, 291
Company of troops, its establishment, 110, etc.
Convolvulus Batatas, Sakarkandh, or sweet potatoe, 230
Copper, the metal, 76, 203, 242, 264, 267, 269,
272, 275, 297, 301, 306
Copper manufacture, 232, 233
Corporal punishments, 103, 104
Corundum, a stone, 79, 267
Cotton, 64, 68, 74, 232
Cotton manufacture, 232
Court of the Raja, see Rajdani
Courts of justice, see Law
Crawford, Colonel Charles, his maps and drawings, 3, etc.
Crops of cultivated lands, 217, 222, etc.; see Produce, Grains
Crystal rock, 94, 195, 272, 301
Cuckoo, the bird, 203
Cucumber, the fruit, 229
Cultivation, extent of, see Agriculture
Cultivation by clearing forests, 68
Cultivation by the hoe, 274, 275
Custom-houses, Golas, or Marts, 125, 126, 150, 152, 153,
156, 157, 161, 163, 164, 165, 168, 180, 218,
242, 265
Cynosurus, or Eleusine Corocanus, Maruya, or Pangdu Kodo, a grain,
226, 275
Cypressus, a tree, 97
DAHAR, a fortress, 316
Daibyghaut, see Devighat
Dalbergia, a tree called Sisau, 67
Dalka, a town, 167
Dalu Basandra, burning springs, 281
Dalu Dailek, or Bilaspur, a lordship, 279, 280, 281
Dama, a coin and money, 214, 215
Damai, a cast, 20
Dami, a priest of the Magar tribe, 26
Damodar kund, a place in Thibet, 273
Damodar Pangre, an officer of Gorkha, 173, 175, 176, 248,
252, 254, 255, 257-259, 269, 296
Danakoti, a town, 274
Dang, a lordship and town, 238, 239, 277, 278, 288
Danpur, a territory, 293
Daphne, a tree called Siedburrooa, 85, 236
Darjiling, a fortress in Sikim, 119, 127, 157
Darogha, a judge, 102, 114
Darwe, a tribe, 279
Datarpur, a lordship, 314
Debt, recovery of, 104
Degarchi, a town of Thibet, residence of the Tishu Lama, see
Tishu, and pages 57, 212, 213
Desa, in Hindu geography, denotes the 56 divisions of their
country Bharatkhanda, 192
Desali, or Kamin, an officer of government, 102, 105, 113
Deva Dharma Raja, title of the prince of Bhotan, 56, 119, 120,
121, 122
Devatas, deities of an inferior rank, 32
Devi, Bhawani, Guhyiswari, Mahamaia, Parwati, Sakti, or Tulasi, a
goddess, spouse of Siva, 193, 204, 310, 312
Devighat, or, according to Colonel Kirkpatrick, Daibyghaut, a
town and place of pilgrimage, 193
Devikot mountain, 205
Dewan, chief minister of finance, 2, 148, 149, 150
Dewapatun, a town, 209, 212
Dewghat, a town and place of pilgrimage, 185
Dhaka, a town in Bengal, 212
Dhama, the holy land of Nepal, 192
Dhana, gifts for the remission of sins, 219
Dhangphiya, a bird, see Phasianus
Dharma, a territory and passage among the snowy mountains, 276,
280, 293, 298
DharmAdikar, or Chancelor, a high officer of law, 102, 103,
105, 114
Dharma Prakas, chief of Sirmaur, 304
Dharmapur, one of the twelve lordships, 306
Dharni, a weight, 216
Dhayabung, a town, 194
Dherna, a manner of recovering debt, 104
Dhewar, a tribe, 21
Dhimsa, a village, 194
Dhor, a lordship, 238, 239, 241
Dhoral, the castle of the chiefs of Malebum, 271
Dhui, a tribe of Newars, 36
Dhunchi, a village, 194
Dhupi, a tree, see Juniperus
Dhurkot, a lordship, 238, 240, 263, 266
Dilli, Mogul kings of, 299, 301, 303, 311, 312
Dimali, a tribe, see Mech
Dimali, a mart, see Siumali
Dimba Ray, chief of Malebum, 270
Dinajpur, a district, formerly Matsya, 7
Dip Chandra, a chief of Kumau, 294
Dipal, a town, 282
Diseases, 71
Ditha, a minister of justice, 105
Dolichos Mungo, Muk and Mugy May, or Mung, a grain, 227
Dolichos Soia, Gya, Bhotmas, or Musa, 228
Domestics, 234
Dress or clothing, 232
Drugs, 74, 85, 285
Duck, a bird, 223
Dudhkunda, a mart in Thibet, 166
Duhaldes account of China, 289
Dun, a large valley in the hilly region, 68, 313
Dun, a territory in Garhawal, 299, 301, 303
Dun, a territory west from the Satrudra, 313
Dungoda, a mineral concretion, 81
Durbar, a term adopted from the Muhammedans for the Rajas
court, 108 ; see Rajdani
Duti, a lordship, 279, 282, 287, 292, 293
Duties on adultery, see Adultery
on birds, see Chiriyamabal
on boats, 163
on catechu, see Khayersal
on concubines, see Sagora
on goods imported, see Custom-house
on marriage, see Bihadani
on timber, see Kathmahal
Duyariya, chief and magistrate of a small extent of
territory, 149, 150
ELEPHANT, 63, 66, 218
Eleusine, a grain, see Cynosurus
Emodus mountain, see Himaliya
Ervum Lens, Mosu, or Mosuri, a grain, 228, 284
Erythrina monosperma, or Palas tree, 63
Establishment of civil government, 149, etc. 155, 162
Establishment, military, see Military Estates, landed, management of, 220
Europeans, 246, 300
FAGARA, a kind called Tinmue or Taizbul, 84
Fairs or Melas at Devighat, 193,
at Dudhkunda, 165,
at Kalesi, 165,
at Nilkantha, 194,
at Rerighat, 180
Fallow in agriculture, 231
Farms and gardens cultivated on the Rajas account, 217
Farmers who rent land to cultivate, 220
Farmers of rents and duties, 162, 163
Fenugreek, a pot herb, 229
Feodal tenure, or lands held in fee for service, called Chakran and
Jaygir by the natives; see Jaygir, and pages 107, 150,
156, 163, 164, 212, 218
Fevers, 71
Fines imposed as a punishment or expiation, 103
Fines as a source of revenue, 103, 161, 164, 218
Fir tree, see Pinus picea
Fish, 65
Fluxes, 71
Food, 236
Forests, 64, 196, 197, 198, 200, 202, 217, 218
Foujdar, the military chief of a district or Taluk, 114
Fouzdar, the chief officer of revenue in a district or Taluk, 105, 150,
152, 155, 161
Fox, 63
Fruit, 73, 230
Fuel, 225
Futeh Sa, a chief of Garhawal, 299
GAJAL, a lordship, 276, 280
Gajarkot, a lordship, 171, 184, 238, 239
Galkot, a lordship and town, perhaps the Ghoorikote of
Kirkpatrick, 238, 239, 269, 275
Gandaki, Kali, Krishna, Narayani, or Salagrami river, 79, 91, 181,
272, 273
Gandharbha Sen, Raja of Palpa, 171
Gandhauk, capital of the part of Sikim remaining independent, 122
Gandi river, 244
Gang or Gram, a small division of territory, a village, a
manor, 102, 113, 150, 155
Gangaye, a tribe, 156, 164
Ganges river sources, or Ganggotri, 3, 301, 302
Ganggoli, a town, 297
Ganggotri, see Ganges
Gangja, see Cannabis
Gar, see Garhawal
Garahang, a lordship, 238, 239, 241
Gardens, kitchen, 230, see also Fruit
Garhawal or Gar, a principality, often called Srinagar from its modern
capital, 248, 283, 295, 298-302, 303
Garhi, a district or considerable portion of territory, 150
Garlic, the root, 228, 229
Gar Pasara, a fortress, 168, 196
Gar Samaran, a ruined city, once the capital of Mithila or
Tirahut, 45, 49, 129, 188, 190, 191
Gautama, a deity of the Buddhas, 57
Gautamiya, a tribe, 270, 271
Gelpo, title of the chief of Sikim, 118
Gengdi, a town, 241
Gentiana, called Chirata, 85
Ghaman, chief of Kangra, 310
Gharti, a tribe, 18, 19, 28, 279
Ghiring, a lordship, 171, 184, 238, 239
Ghosts, worship of, 26
Ghowasin, a lordship, 310
Ginger root, 75, 229, 306
Giuseppe, Father, his account of Nepal, 7
Goat, common, 76, 217
Goat producing the shawl-wool or Changra, and its wool, 76, 93, 217
Gods of the Hindus, 288 ; see also Brahma, Devi, Gautama, Gorakhanath,
Kangkali, Salagram, Siva, Tulasi, Temples, Vishnu
Goitre or swelled throat, 72, 87
Gola, see Custom-house
Gold, 76, 93, 272, 289, 298
Gomashtah, an officer of revenue, 103
Gootum, a lordship, 280
Gopal dynasty, or second family of Cowherd kings in
Nepal, 188, 191, see Gupt
Gorakhanath, tutelar deity of the reigning family, 210, 211 244
Gorakhpur district, once subject to Tirahut, 129
Gorayit, a messenger employed in the police and revenue departments, 155
Gordonia, a tree, 83
Gorkha, a lordship, 238, 242, 243
Gorkha Rajas extraction and genealogy, 26, 52, 240, 243, 262,
policy, 64, 120, 172, 174, 175, 178, 179, 180,
239, 249, 278, 284, 300
present power, 7, 117, etc.
conquest of the Baisi and Chaubisi Rajas, 145, 173, 248,
269, 271
conquest of Butaul, etc. 177
conquest of Chaudandi, 146
conquest of Garhawal and the countries to the west of the
Ganges, 259, 299, 304, 307, 311
conquest of Khidim, 171
conquest of Kumau, 174, 296,
conquest of Makwanpur, 144, etc.
conquest of Morang, 140, etc.
conquest of Nepal, 145, 192, 245
conquest of Palpa, 177, 261,
conquest of Sikim, 120, etc. 248
conquest of Yumila, 250, 287
Gosaignsthan, one of the chief peaks of Emodus 194
Got, a cast of Newars, 34
Gotoo, a cast of Newars, 37
Government, 101, etc. 287
Govindapur, a town, 313
Grains, see Amaranthus, Barley, Cynosurus, Dolichos, Ervum, Holcus,
Paspalum, Phaseolus, Pisura, Rice, Sesamum, Uya, Wheat, Produce
Gram, see Gang
Granite, see Aggregate rocks
Guhyiswari, an idol and temple of Devi, 208
Gular, a lordship, 312, 314
Gulmi, a lordship and town, 171, 173, 174, 238, 239,
251, 263
Gunpowder, 164
Gupt or Ahira, that is, the (1st) cow-herd dynasty in Nepal 188,
189, 190, 191, see Gopal
Guru, the spiritual guide of a Hindu, 211, 255
Gurung, a people, 25, 27, 28, 242, 274, 275, 287
HAKUYA, a preparation of rice, 224
Hamo, see Sesamum
Hang, chief of the Kirata nation, 133, 146
Hang, chief of the Lapcha nation, 118, 121
Hanur, a lordship, 304, 307
Harbhang Rajas, a dynasty governing the Kiratas, 132
Hare the animal, 68
Hariballabh, his information concerning the countries west from the
Kali river, 5
Hariharpur, a fortress, 168, 197
Haripur, capital of Gular, 314
Hari Singha, Raja of Mithila and Garsamaran, 190, 191
Harsha Deva, a turbulent Brahman, 295, 296, 299, 311
Hasthadal, a chief of Gorkha, 261
Hatiya, a mart, 157, 159
Hatuya, a fortress, 165
Hawoo tribe, 25
Hedang, a town, 157, 158, 165
Heir apparent, 107
Hemp, see Cannabis
Hethaura, an important station, 198
Hial, a cast of Newars, 36
Hilly country or region, 66, 125, 168, 197, 199, 200
Himachul, ) Also called Humla, the Emodus
Himadri, ) of the ancients, 28, 62,
Himaleh, ) 88-93, 124, 159, 164 242,
Himalichul, ) 243, 284, 288, 298, 301,
Himaliya, ) 315
Hindus of the mountains, called Parbatiyas or Highlanders, Colonies, see
Colony, and 9, etc. 23, 28, 165, 286, 287,
291, 302, 305
Conversion, 98
Intolerance, 23, 37, 293, 297, 302, 312, 315
Manners, 21, 204, 208, 247
Hindustan, 91
Hindoo Coosh mountain, 92
Hingwalka bara Saral, see Yew tree
Hingwalka chhota Saral, see Pinus picea
Hitan, see Chautariya
Hodoya Bikh or Bish, a drug, 99
Hoe, the implement, 221
Hog deer, 68
Hog wild, 68
Holcus Sorghum, Kaungni, Muccai, or Muruli, a grain, 227, 231,
see Chuya
Holly tree, 83
Hornbeam tree, 83
Hornstone rock, 66
Horse, 76, 217, 284
Houses, kind, 38, etc. 210, 241, 242, 263, 265,
266, 267, 268, 275, 277, 278, 281,
297, 313
Number, see Population
Taxed, 154, 162, 217
Humla, see Himaliya
Hung, see China.
ICHHANG LIMA, a part of the snowy mountains, see Himaliya
Ika, see Sinapis
Implements of agriculture, 221, 226
Indus river, 91, 289
Information, sources of, 1, etc.
Inhabitants, 9, etc. see Aborigines, Population
Intoxication, 22, 25, 26, 35, 38, 55, 224, 226, see
also Cannabis
Iron, blue earthy ore, a mineral, 81
Iron manufacture, 232
Iron mines, 76, 77, 264, 265, 266, 269, 272,
275, 278, 297, 306, 316
Irrigation, as a manure, 195, 203, 223
Ischæmum, called Sabe, a grass used for ropes, 64
Isma, a lordship, 238, 239, 263, 267
Izaradar or Renter, an officer of revenue, 105
JACKAL, the wild beast, 68
Jagajit, a chief of the Pangre family, 296, 299
Jagannath, an idols temple, 209
Jagat Chandra, a chief of Kumau, 294
Jagat Gar, a fortress, 303
Jagat Prakas, chief of Sirmaur, 303
Jahari lordship, 270, 276, 280
Jainti, a drug, 86
Jajarkot, lordship and town, 270, 276, 280, 283, 284, 286
Janaka Rajas, ancient chiefs of Mithila, 45, 161
Janaka Pur, their capital, 45, 161
Jar or Jariya tribe, 25, 28, 270, 291, 297
Jarapani, a mart, 277
Jat, a tribe, 297, 312
Jatamangsi, a drug, 97
Jausi, a tribe of illegitimate Brahmans, 17, 178, 275, 277,
279, 281, 282
Jausi, a tribe of Newars, 33
Jayadeva, see Jaydeva
Jaya Kirti, chief of Garhawal, 295
Jaya Krishna, a turbulent Brahman, 294
Jaya Singhapur, a town, 310
Jaydeva or Jayadeva, a Brahman of note, 291, 294
Jaygir, land held by feodal tenure for the performance of
service, 107 155, 156, 164, 169, 212, 298,
299, 301, 303, see Feodal
Jaysalmer, a lordship in the Rajput country, 302
Jajurbedi Brahmans, a sect, 17
Jeea, see Cannabis
Jethabura, a chief officer of government, 107
Jhausi, a town on the Ganges, 291
Jhogo, see Bos grunniens
Jhola, a bridge made of rattan ropes, 27
Jhula, a drug, see Lichen
Jimri, see Rapti river
Jopu, a cast of Newars, 34
Joyar, a territory and passage among the snowy mountains, 293, 298
Jumnemundru, a tree, see Leontice
Juniperus, called Dhupi, a tree, 96
Juniperus, called Thumuriya Dhupi, a tree, 96
Jury, or Pangchayit, 102, 114
Jyotish, see Astrology
Jwalamukhi, a town, temple, and burning rock, 312
KAHALUR, a lordship, 307, 312, 316
Kaigo, a pulse, see Pisum
Kailasa mountain, 90, 288
Kajy, an officer, see Karyi
Kakun, a grain, see Panicum italicum
Kalagong lordship, 280
Kalamakwani family, 263
Kalap gram, a cave famous in legend, 302
Kali river, there are two of this name, see Gandaki, and 282
Kaliya, see Secretary
Kalsi, a town, 303, 306
Kamalgar, a fortress, 316
Kamal Lochan his maps, 4
Kami, a tribe, 20
Kamm, an inferior officer of government, see Desali
Kamiya Brahmans 17
Kamrup, the district of Ranggapur and the adjacent part of Asam, 7,
119, 156
Kanak Nidhi Tiwari, his account and map of the Khas country, 4, 291
Kanet, a tribe, 305
Kangkali, a deity, 48
Kangkari, a fruit, 229
Kangra, a lordship, temple, and town, 304, 305, 309-312, 313
Kanguni, a grain, see Panicum italicum
Kankayi river, 124, 159
Kanungo, register in a Subahs office, 155
Karanali, Salasu, Sarayu, or Sonabhadra river, 5, 91, 289
Karara river, 197
Karki, tribe, 18, 28
Karmi, cast, 20, 36
Karna Prakas, chief of Sirmaur, 304, 305
Karphul tree, see Myrica
Karuvirpur, a principality and town, 12, 129, 291, 292,
293, 298
Karyi, Kazi, or, according to Kirkpatrick, Kajy, in Yumila called
Bist, 102, 107, 108, 147, 259 287
Kasachiet, a town, 209
Kasai, a cast of Newars, 37
Kasipur, a territory, 293
Kaski, a lordship, 27, 238, 239, 242
Kasmir, a country, 212
Kasuliya, a cast of Newars, 37
Katauch Rajputs, 310
Katha, a measure of land, 216
Kath Bhotiya, a dynasty of princes from Thibet, called also Burmahs or
Varmas, 59, 189, 190, 191, 209
Kath Mahal, duties on timber, 153, 155 163
Kathmandu ) modern name of the capital of Nepal, and a
Kathmaro ) principality, 209, 210, 211, 212
Kausiki river, see Kosi
Kawa karpola mountain, part of Himaliya, 124
Kazi, see Karyi
Kedarnath, a temple, 302
Kengothal, one of the twelve lordships, 306
Kerao, a grain, see Pisum
Kerung, or Kheero, a town and district of Thibet, 195, 272
Khachi, a lordship, 171, 173, 238, 239, 263, 265
Khaira, a tree, see Mimosa
Khanal, a family of Brahmans, 103
Khari, space between two rivers, 150
Kharka, tribe, 18, 28
Khas, the country between Nepal and the Kali river, with its
aboriginal inhabitants, 4, 8, 18, 19, 23,
28, 281, 305
Khas, or Khasiya, a mixed breed between Hindu colonists and
aborigines, 19, 156, 160, 164, 169, 178, 242,
244, 265, 266, 268, 270, 275, 277, 279,
282, 286
Khasant, part of the lordship of Malebum, 275
Khasant, another name for Saliyana
Khasbasha, language of the mountain Hindus, 16, 287
Khasiya, see Khas
Khatang, a district, 164, 166
Khati, a tribe, 287
Khatri, see Kahatri
Khawa, a cast or tribe, 20
Khayersal, duties on Catechu, 67, 153, 154, 155, 163
Kheero, see Kerung
Khet, or field, a measure of land, 216
Khidim, a small territory, 171, 181
Khor, a mart, 265
Khukri, a large knife or dagger, 111
Khungri, a lordship, 239, 268, 270
Khurchah, arbitrary exactions, under pretence of defraying expense,
105, 154
Khurdar, see Secretary
Khuzanchee, or treasurer, a chief officer of the Rajas household. 108
Kichak, a dynasty, see Kirata
Kichak, a people, see Kirata
Kichak jhar, a ruin, 152
King, see Raja
King supreme, 283
Kirata, or Kichak, a nation, 2, 7, 25, 53, 128, 132,
148, 160
Kirata, or Kichak, dynasty in Nepal, 132, 189, 191
Kirkpatrick, Colonel, his account of Nepal, 5, 217
Kirti Prakas, chief of Sirmaur, 302
Kirtipur, a town, 158, 205, 209, 211
Koch, or Rajhungzi, a tribe, 119, 125, 156
Kodo, a grain of two kinds, Pangdu and Sana, 226, 227
Kohrya, land, 231
Koncha, a kind of turf, 81, 223
Kosar, a cast of Newars, 37
Kosi, or Kausiki, river, 166, 195
Kothar, one of the twelve lordships, 306
Kotta, a fortress, 311, 312
Kottahar, a lordship, 310, 313
Kotwal, a beadle or messenger, 150
Kow, a cast of Newars, 37
Krishna river, see Gandaki
Kritimohun, a chief of Gorkha, 254
Kshatri, Kshatriya, or Khatri, a cast, 18, 52, 275
Kshir kangkri, a drug, 86
Kuchar, a part of Bhotan or Thibet, south from the highest
Himaliya mountains, 90
Kullu, a lordship, 315
Kumarsen, one of the twelve lordships, 306
Kumau or Almora, a principality and town, called also
Champawati and Kurmachul, 12, 13 174, 261, 291-298
Kumbi, a fortress, 168
Kuppardar or storekeeper, 108
Kurarbas, a fortress, 168
Kurin Namki, chief of Sikim, 121
Kuriya, see Farmers who rent land
Kurmachul, see Kumau
Kurthi, a pulse, 282
Kutki, a drug, 100
Kutti, a province and town of Thibet, 121, 212
LABOUR, agricultural, 233, 234
Labour, rate of, 233
Ladak, a town in Thibet, 212, 289
Lahaur, (vulgo Lahore,) king or chief of, see Ranjit Singha, and 313
Lahuri Nepal, 202, 203, 204
Lalita Patun, a town and principality, 204, 209, 210, 211
Lalit Sa, chief of Garhawal, 295, 299, 303
Lal Singha, chief of Kumau, 295
Lama, an incarnation of a Buddha, and a priest of that sect in
Thibet, 1, 25, 27, 52-57, 158, 287
Lama dangra, a chain of mountains, 167, 200
Lama, residing at Lassa, 10, 56, 58
Lama Tishu, see Tishu
Lamja, a mart, 165
Lamjun, a lordship, 238, 239, 243
Land measures, 153
Land rent, see Rent of land
Land, value by sale, 220
Langna, narrow vallies among the Alpine mountains, 28
Language of the Gods, that is, according to the Hindus, Sangskritta, 292
Language of men, that is, spoken language, 292
Gurung, 29
Jariya, 28
Khas or Parbatiya, 16
Kirata, 54
Limbu, 54
Magar, 26
Murmi, 52
Newar, 50
Parbutiya, see Khas
Lapcha, a people, 25, 55, 118
Lassa, a country in Thibet, 10, 56, 212, 213, see Lama
Laurel, ) called Sinkauli, Sinkauri, and Tejpat, 83, 84
Laurus, )
Law, courts of, 102, etc. 114, 150, 155, 212
Laws, 101, etc. 150, see also Torture, Corporal punishment, Process,
Fine, Prayaschitta, Panchayit, Police
Lead, the metal, 76, 78, 297
League for defence, called Athabhai, 239
League for defence, called Satbhai, 239
Leontice, a tree called Jumne Mundroo, 85
Leprosy, 72
Liberty, 108
Lichens, a drug called Jhul, 87
Limbu, a people, 25, 54, 118, 160, 164
Limestone, 66, 82
Limi, a town, 241
Lodi, a tribe, 297
Lohangga, founder of a dynasty, and its history, 132, 134, etc.
146, etc.
Lordships Twelve, a territory subject to Gorkha, see Bara Thakurai
Lulu, see Bos grunniens
MADARMALI, the common silver coin 215
Madder Indian, see Manjit
Madra, an ancient name for Bhotan, derived from a prince by
whom that country called properly Sailya, was governed, 8
Magar, (Mungur of Kirkpatrick,) a people, 25, 28, 156, 160,
164, 169, 171, 178, 240, 244, 264, 291, 297
Mahadatta, Raja of Palpa, 170, 172, 250, 268
Mahalok, one of the twelve lordships, 306
Maha Maia, see Devi
Mahamandal, a peak of Himaliya, containing mines, 195
Mahatari, a district, 135, 160, 162, 168
Mahato, a petty officer, 102, see Mokkuddum
Mahes, a river, 193
Mahes Domohana, a town, 193
Mahipat Sa, chief of Garhawal, 298
Maingmo or Meyangma, part of the Himaliya mountains, 89, 158, 160
Maize, a grain, 284, 312
Majhi, a tribe, 18, 21, 28, 279
Majhoya, a mart, 124
Makunda Sen, son of Rudra, Raja of Palpa, 131, 170
Makunda Sen, son of Udyata, Raja of Palpa, 170, etc. 245,
264, 268
Makwani, ) a principality and district, 130, 132, 133,
Makwanpur, ) 144, 164, 167, 195, etc.
Makwanpur, a fortress, 168, 198
Mal family, chiefs of the Newar tribe, 29, 52, 187, 191
Mal family, chiefs of Malebum, 271
Malaneta, a lordship, 276, 280
Malay, a nation, 52
Malayagiri, a tree, 84
Malebamba, ) called also Parbat, a lordship, 28, 238, 239, 245, Malebum, )269, 275, see Mal
Malebum, a town, see Beni shahar
Malibang, a lordship, 269
Mana, a measure of grain, 216
Manal, a bird, see Meleagris
Manasa Sarawar, ) a lake, 90, 288
Manasarawar, )
Mandhata, Raja of Vijayapur, and his descendants, 139, etc.
Manik, Raja of Makwanpur, and his descendants, 144
Manjit or Indian madder, 74
Manners, dissoluteness, 72, 204
Manu, a passage among the snowy mountains, 301
Manufactures, 232, see also Bell metal, Brass, Cotton, Iron,
Mint, Paper, Woollen
Manure, in agriculture, 223
Manuriya Rajputs, a tribe, 293
Maps, by Colonel Crawford, 3
Maps, by various natives, 2, 3, 4, 5, 124, 160
Marichangdi river, 244, 246
Markets, 152, 161, 164, 168, 220
Marts, for trade, see Custom-houses
Maruya, a grain, see Cynosurus
Mas, May, or Mung, several kinds of pulse, see Dolichos and Phaseolus
Masha, a weight, 290
Mastang, a lordship in Thibet, 272, 273, 283
Matagari, a town, 281
Materia Medics of India, 100
Mataya, an ancient kingdom, now the district of Dinajpur, 7, 119
Matsyendranath, a deity, and his temple, 32, 211
May, a pulse, see Mas
Measures, 153, 154, 216
Mech or Dimali, a tribe, 119, 125, 156
Meleagris Satyra or Manal, a bird, 95, 285
Melk or charity land, or Khairat zemin, land held in perpetuity, which
does not pay rent to the prince, 149, 179, 212, 218,
see also Bitalpa and Brittiya
Menjoo Dev, a deity, (probably Manyu, son of Brahma,) 206
Mercury, the metal, 78, 264, 272
Meyangma, see Maingmo
Mica, a mineral, 94, 195, 272
Michelia or Champa, a tree, 83, 217
Military establishment or army, 110, 115, 148, 149, 246,
262, 298, 306, see Seapoy, Telangga
Military rank, higher than civil, 109
Military tenure, see Feodal
Mill water for grain, 221
Mimosa, called Khaira, 67
Minerals, 66, 76, 195, see Mines
Mines, see Copper, Corundum, Crystal, Gold, Iron, Lead, Mercury,
Mica, Salt, Sulphur, Zinc, also 76, 154, 156, 164,
166, 169, 181, 184, 195, 218, 264, 275,
277, 306
Mint at Almora, 293, at Kathmandu, 213, 293
Mirgu, part of the snowy mountains, 89, 158, 159
Mitha, a root, 99
Mithila or Tirahut, an ancient kingdom, 156, 191
Mohan Singha, a chief of Kumau, 294
Mohur, a coin, 214, 215
Mohurer, register in the Fouzdars office, 155
Mokuddum, a petty officer, called also Mahato, Pradhan, and
Umra, 102, 113, 150, 153, 155
Money of accounts, 214, see Coin
Money, rent, 220
Moon, family of, 291
Morang, a lordship and district, 138, 151, etc.
Mosu, ) a pulse, see Ervum Lens
Mosuri, )
Mountainous region, 69, 87, 168, 202
Muhammedans, see Musulman
Mujumdar, an officer of accounts, 102
Mukhola, salt mine, 286
Muktanath, hot springs, a place of pilgrimage, 79, 272
Mundi, a lordship and town, 304, 318
Mung a pulse, see Mas
Mungur a people, see Magar
Munsiyari, a territory, 293
Munsuf of Bahadurgunj, his information, 2
Muri, a measure of grain, 216
Murmi, a people, 25, 52, 59, 169
Musa, a fruit tree, called Plantain by the English, 230
Musa, a kind of pulse, see Dolichos
Music, 37 111
Musikot, two lordships, 238, 239, 263, 266, 270,
276, 280
Musk, a drug, and the animal producing it, 94
Mustard, see Sinapis
Musulmans, properly Moslemin or Muhammedan, 38
Myrica, called Karphul, a tree, 85
NADAUN, a town, 311, 312, 314
Nahan, a town, 302, 306
Nagarjun, a mountain, 205
Nag Bamba Mal, chief of Malebum, 270, 271
Nai, a cast, 20
Nalagar, a town, 308
Nanakamata, a territory, 293
Nandapur Tisuti, a lordship, 129
Narabhupal or Nribhupal, Raja of Gorkha, 244, 262
Naragarhi a town, 161
Narayan Das, a chief of Morang, 2
Narayani river, see Gandaki
Nau, a cast of Newars, 36
Nawab Singha, chief of Dang, 278
Nawab Vazir, Muhammedan Prince of Oude or Ayodhya, 277, 278, 301
Nawalpur, a town, 183
Nayakot, a lordship, and its capital, 238, 239, 241
Nayakot, a town of Nepal Proper, 194
Neat cattle, including oxen, (Bos taurus,) 76, 217
Neb, an inferior minister of a prince, 2, 147
Negi or Adhikar, an inferior officer of government, 114
Nepal Proper, conquest by the Gorkhalese, 7
Definition, 7, 164, 167, 186 192
Description, 3, 80, 88, 205, etc,
History, 187, etc,
Name, 187, 192
Originally a lake, 206
Newar, a people 25, 29, etc, 48, 50, 59, 190, 191
210, 225 229, 269
Nilkantha or Bara Nilkantha, a place of pilgrimage among the snow,
192, 194
Nirbikhi, ) a root, 99
Nirbishi, )
Nitre or saltpetre, 164
Niyam Muni, (Nymuni of Kirkpatrick,) first king of Nepal, 187, 190
Nobility, see Aristocracy
Nribhupal, see Narabhupal
Nuggerkotie, tribe, 25
Nurpur, a lordship and town, 303, 314
Nymuni, see Niyam Muni,
OAK TREES, 83, 202, 217
Oaths, 103
Orange, a fruit, 73, 230
Ordeal, trial by, 103, 104
Oriswa, a country, 46
Ox, see Neat cattle,
PADAM CHHAL, a medicinal herb,100
Pagan, Mr, his accounts of the country, 2
Paisah, a copper coin and money, 214, 215
Palaces, 210
Palas tree, see Erythrina
Pali, a district and town, 293, 297
Paliya, a people, 119
Palpa, a principality, 131, 170, etc, 238, 239, 245,
247, 251, 258
Pamar or Pangwar, a tribe, 240, 298
Panauni, river, 202
Panar river, 298
Pangchayit, a kind of jury, 102, 114
Pangdu Kodo, a grain, see Cynosurus
Pangre, a family of Brahmans, 103
Pangre, a noble family of Gorkha, 110, 254, 259, see also
Damodar, Jagajit, and Ranjit
Pangtha, a family of Brahmans, 103
Pangwar, see Pamar
Panicum colonum, Tangri, or Kakun, a grain, 231
Panicum italicum, Kanguni, or Sami, a grain, 231, 275
Paper manufacture, 232
Papti, a part of the snowy mountains, 159
Parakeet, 67, 68
Parakrama, a turbulent chief, 295, 300
Parbat, a lordship, see Malebum
Parbatiya Basha or Khas Basha, the language spoken by the
Parbatiya Hindus, 16
Parbatiya Hindu, a Hindu of the mountains, 11, 16, 210, 212
Pariyat mountains, 315
Parwati, see Devi
Pasara, a district, 168
Paspalum, called Sana Kodo, a grain, 227, 284
Pasture, 64, 75, 90, 204, 217, 288, 297
Pasupatinath, a temple of Siva, 208, 212, 219
Pathaniya, a tribe of Rajputs, 314
Pathankot, a territory, 314
Pathi, a measure of grain, 216
Pati or squad, a subdivision of a company of regular troops, 111
Patna, a city of Behar, 195, 212
Patwari, the clerk or register of a village, 155
Pauriyal, a tribe, 18
Pea, see Pisum
Peach tree, 73
Peasantry, 169
Perdix rufa, Chakor or Chakuri, a bird, 95, 235
Pergunah, a district or division of territory, 114, 150, 152, |