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The triangular piece of land that was not for sale contains exactly eleven acres. Of course it is not difficult to find the answer if we follow the eccentric and tricky tracks of intricate trigonometry; or I might say that the application of a well-known formula reduces the problem to finding one-quarter of the square root of (4 x 370 x 116) -(370 + 116 - 74) squared—that is a quarter of the square root of 1936, which is one-quarter of 44, or 11 acres. But all that the reader really requires to know is the Pythagorean law on which many puzzles have been built, that in any right-angled triangle the square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides. I shall dispense with all "surds" and similar absurdities, notwithstanding the fact that the sides of our triangle are clearly incommensurate, since we cannot exactly extract the square roots of the three square areas.
In the above diagram ABC represents our triangle. ADB is a right-angled triangle, AD measuring 9 and BD measuring 17, because the square of 9 added to the square of 17 equals 370, the known area of the square on AB. Also AEC is a right-angled triangle, and the square of 5 added to the square of 7 equals 74, the square estate on A C. Similarly, CFB is a right-angled triangle, for the square of 4 added to the square of 10 equals 116, the square estate on BC. Now, although the sides of our triangular estate are incommensurate, we have in this diagram all the exact figures that we need to discover the area with precision.
The area of our triangle ADB is clearly half of 9 x 17, or 761/2 acres. The area of AEC is half of 5 x 7, or 171/2 acres; the area of CFB is half of 4 x 10, or 20 acres; and the area of the oblong EDFC is obviously 4 x 7, or 28 acres. Now, if we add together 171/2, 20, and 28 = 651/2, and deduct this sum from the area of the large triangle ADB (which we have found to be 761/2 acres), what remains must clearly be the area of ABC. That is to say, the area we want must be 761/2 - 651/2 = 11 acres exactly.
The area of the complete estate is exactly one hundred acres. To find this answer I use the following little formula,
___ /4ab - (a + b + c) squared —————————— 4
where a, b, c represent the three square areas, in any order. The expression gives the area of the triangle A. This will be found to be 9 acres. It can be easily proved that A, B, C, and D are all equal in area; so the answer is 26 + 20 + 18 + 9 + 9 + 9 + 9 = 100 acres.
Here is the proof. If every little dotted square in the diagram represents an acre, this must be a correct plan of the estate, for the squares of 5 and 1 together equal 26; the squares of 4 and 2 equal 20; and the squares of 3 and 3 added together equal 18. Now we see at once that the area of the triangle E is 21/2, F is 41/2, and G is 4. These added together make 11 acres, which we deduct from the area of the rectangle, 20 acres, and we find that the field A contains exactly 9 acres. If you want to prove that B, C, and D are equal in size to A, divide them in two by a line from the middle of the longest side to the opposite angle, and you will find that the two pieces in every case, if cut out, will exactly fit together and form A.
Or we can get our proof in a still easier way. The complete area of the squared diagram is 12 x 12 = 144 acres, and the portions 1, 2, 3, 4, not included in the estate, have the respective areas of 121/2, 171/2, 91/2, and 41/2. These added together make 44, which, deducted from 144, leaves 100 as the required area of the complete estate.
Referring to the original diagram, let AC be x, let CD be x - 9, and let EC be x - 5. Then x - 5 is a mean proportional between x - 9 and x, from which we find that x equals 25. Therefore the diameters are 50 in. and 41 in. respectively.
The answer given in all the old books is that shown in Fig. 1, where the curved wall shuts out the cottages from access to the lake. But in seeking the direction for the "shortest possible" wall most readers to-day, remembering that the shortest distance between two points is a straight line, will adopt the method shown in Fig. 2. This is certainly an improvement, yet the correct answer is really that indicated in Fig. 3. A measurement of the lines will show that there is a considerable saving of length in this wall.
This is the answer that is always given and accepted as correct: Two more hurdles would be necessary, for the pen was twenty-four by one (as in Fig. A on next page), and by moving one of the sides and placing an extra hurdle at each end (as in Fig. B) the area would be doubled. The diagrams are not to scale. Now there is no condition in the puzzle that requires the sheep-fold to be of any particular form. But even if we accept the point that the pen was twenty-four by one, the answer utterly fails, for two extra hurdles are certainly not at all necessary. For example, I arrange the fifty hurdles as in Fig. C, and as the area is increased from twenty-four "square hurdles" to 156, there is now accommodation for 650 sheep. If it be held that the area must be exactly double that of the original pen, then I construct it (as in Fig. D) with twenty-eight hurdles only, and have twenty-two in hand for other purposes on the farm. Even if it were insisted that all the original hurdles must be used, then I should construct it as in Fig. E, where I can get the area as exact as any farmer could possibly require, even if we have to allow for the fact that the sheep might not be able to graze at the extreme ends. Thus we see that, from any point of view, the accepted answer to this ancient little puzzle breaks down. And yet attention has never before been drawn to the absurdity.
A 24 24 1
B 48 2 24 C D 12 48 6 156 8 13
12 . E 13 . ' ' . . ' ' . ' . . ' 12 ' . ' 13
The puzzle was to divide the circular field into four equal parts by three walls, each wall being of exactly the same length. There are two essential difficulties in this problem. These are: (1) the thickness of the walls, and (2) the condition that these walls are three in number. As to the first point, since we are told that the walls are brick walls, we clearly cannot ignore their thickness, while we have to find a solution that will equally work, whether the walls be of a thickness of one, two, three, or more bricks.
The second point requires a little more consideration. How are we to distinguish between a wall and walls? A straight wall without any bend in it, no matter how long, cannot ever become "walls," if it is neither broken nor intersected in any way. Also our circular field is clearly enclosed by one wall. But if it had happened to be a square or a triangular enclosure, would there be respectively four and three walls or only one enclosing wall in each case? It is true that we speak of "the four walls" of a square building or garden, but this is only a conventional way of saying "the four sides." If you were speaking of the actual brickwork, you would say, "I am going to enclose this square garden with a wall." Angles clearly do not affect the question, for we may have a zigzag wall just as well as a straight one, and the Great Wall of China is a good example of a wall with plenty of angles. Now, if you look at Diagrams 1, 2, and 3, you may be puzzled to declare whether there are in each case two or four new walls; but you cannot call them three, as required in our puzzle. The intersection either affects the question or it does not affect it.
If you tie two pieces of string firmly together, or splice them in a nautical manner, they become "one piece of string." If you simply let them lie across one another or overlap, they remain "two pieces of string." It is all a question of joining and welding. It may similarly be held that if two walls be built into one another—I might almost say, if they be made homogeneous—they become one wall, in which case Diagrams 1, 2, and 3 might each be said to show one wall or two, if it be indicated that the four ends only touch, and are not really built into, the outer circular wall.
The objection to Diagram 4 is that although it shows the three required walls (assuming the ends are not built into the outer circular wall), yet it is only absolutely correct when we assume the walls to have no thickness. A brick has thickness, and therefore the fact throws the whole method out and renders it only approximately correct.
Diagram 5 shows, perhaps, the only correct and perfectly satisfactory solution. It will be noticed that, in addition to the circular wall, there are three new walls, which touch (and so enclose) but are not built into one another. This solution may be adapted to any desired thickness of wall, and its correctness as to area and length of wall space is so obvious that it is unnecessary to explain it. I will, however, just say that the semicircular piece of ground that each tenant gives to his neighbour is exactly equal to the semicircular piece that his neighbour gives to him, while any section of wall space found in one garden is precisely repeated in all the others. Of course there is an infinite number of ways in which this solution may be correctly varied.
All that Lady Belinda need do was this: She should measure from A to B, fold her tape in four and mark off the point E, which is thus one quarter of the side. Then, in the same way, mark off the point F, one-fourth of the side AD Now, if she makes EG equal to AF, and GH equal to EF, then AH is the required width for the path in order that the bed shall be exactly half the area of the garden. An exact numerical measurement can only be obtained when the sum of the squares of the two sides is a square number. Thus, if the garden measured 12 poles by 5 poles (where the squares of 12 and 5, 144 and 25, sum to 169, the square of 13), then 12 added to 5, less 13, would equal four, and a quarter of this, 1 pole, would be the width of the path.
This problem is quite simple if properly attacked. Let us suppose the triangle ABC to represent our half-acre field, and the shaded portion to be the quarter-acre over which the goat will graze when tethered to the corner C. Now, as six equal equilateral triangles placed together will form a regular hexagon, as shown, it is evident that the shaded pasture is just one-sixth of the complete area of a circle. Therefore all we require is the radius (CD) of a circle containing six quarter-acres or 11/2 acres, which is equal to 9,408,960 square inches. As we only want our answer "to the nearest inch," it is sufficiently exact for our purpose if we assume that as 1 is to 3.1416, so is the diameter of a circle to its circumference. If, therefore, we divide the last number I gave by 3.1416, and extract the square root, we find that 1,731 inches, or 48 yards 3 inches, is the required length of the tether "to the nearest inch."
Let AB in the following diagram be the given straight line. With the centres A and B and radius AB describe the two circles. Mark off DE and EF equal to AD. With the centres A and F and radius DF describe arcs intersecting at G. With the centres A and B and distance BG describe arcs GHK and N. Make HK equal to AB and HL equal to HB. Then with centres K and L and radius AB describe arcs intersecting at I. Make BM equal to BI. Finally, with the centre M and radius MB cut the line in C, and the point C is the required middle of the line AB. For greater exactitude you can mark off R from A (as you did M from B), and from R describe another arc at C. This also solves the problem, to find a point midway between two given points without the straight line.
I will put the young geometer in the way of a rigid proof. First prove that twice the square of the line AB equals the square of the distance BG, from which it follows that HABN are the four corners of a square. To prove that I is the centre of this square, draw a line from H to P through QIB and continue the arc HK to P. Then, conceiving the necessary lines to be drawn, the angle HKP, being in a semicircle, is a right angle. Let fall the perpendicular KQ, and by similar triangles, and from the fact that HKI is an isosceles triangle by the construction, it can be proved that HI is half of HB. We can similarly prove that C is the centre of the square of which AIB are three corners.
I am aware that this is not the simplest possible solution.
The first diagram is the answer that nearly every one will give to this puzzle, and at first sight it seems quite satisfactory. But consider the conditions. We have to lay "every one of the sticks on the table." Now, if a ladder be placed against a wall with only one end on the ground, it can hardly be said that it is "laid on the ground." And if we place the sticks in the above manner, it is only possible to make one end of two of them touch the table: to say that every one lies on the table would not be correct. To obtain a solution it is only necessary to have our sticks of proper dimensions. Say the long sticks are each 2 ft. in length and the short ones 1 ft. Then the sticks must be 3 in. thick, when the three equal squares may be enclosed, as shown in the second diagram. If I had said "matches" instead of "sticks," the puzzle would be impossible, because an ordinary match is about twenty-one times as long as it is broad, and the enclosed rectangles would not be squares.
I have found that a large number of people imagine that the following is a correct solution of the problem. Using the letters in the diagram below, they argue that if you make the distance BA one-third of BC, and therefore the area of the rectangle ABE equal to that of the triangular remainder, the card must hang with the long side horizontal. Readers will remember the jest of Charles II., who induced the Royal Society to meet and discuss the reason why the water in a vessel will not rise if you put a live fish in it; but in the middle of the proceedings one of the least distinguished among them quietly slipped out and made the experiment, when he found that the water did rise! If my correspondents had similarly made the experiment with a piece of cardboard, they would have found at once their error. Area is one thing, but gravitation is quite another. The fact of that triangle sticking its leg out to D has to be compensated for by additional area in the rectangle. As a matter of fact, the ratio of BA to AC is as 1 is to the square root of 3, which latter cannot be given in an exact numerical measure, but is approximately 1.732. Now let us look at the correct general solution. There are many ways of arriving at the desired result, but the one I give is, I think, the simplest for beginners.
Fix your card on a piece of paper and draw the equilateral triangle BCF, BF and CF being equal to BC. Also mark off the point G so that DG shall equal DC. Draw the line CG and produce it until it cuts the line BF in H. If we now make HA parallel to BE, then A is the point from which our cut must be made to the corner D, as indicated by the dotted line.
A curious point in connection with this problem is the fact that the position of the point A is independent of the side CD. The reason for this is more obvious in the solution I have given than in any other method that I have seen, and (although the problem may be solved with all the working on the cardboard) that is partly why I have preferred it. It will be seen at once that however much you may reduce the width of the card by bringing E nearer to B and D nearer to C, the line CG, being the diagonal of a square, will always lie in the same direction, and will cut BF in H. Finally, if you wish to get an approximate measure for the distance BA, all you have to do is to multiply the length of the card by the decimal .366. Thus, if the card were 7 inches long, we get 7 x .366 = 2.562, or a little more than 21/2 inches, for the distance from B to A.
But the real joke of the puzzle is this: We have seen that the position of the point A is independent of the width of the card, and depends entirely on the length. Now, in the illustration it will be found that both cards have the same length; consequently all the little maid had to do was to lay the clipped card on top of the other one and mark off the point A at precisely the same distance from the top left-hand corner! So, after all, Pappus' puzzle, as he presented it to his little maid, was quite an infantile problem, when he was able to show her how to perform the feat without first introducing her to the elements of statics and geometry.
Solvers of this little puzzle, I have generally found, may be roughly divided into two classes: those who get within a mile of the correct answer by means of more or less complex calculations, involving "pi," and those whose arithmetical kites fly hundreds and thousands of miles away from the truth. The comparatively easy method that I shall show does not involve any consideration of the ratio that the diameter of a circle bears to its circumference. I call it the "hat-box method."
Supposing we place our ball of wire, A, in a cylindrical hat-box, B, that exactly fits it, so that it touches the side all round and exactly touches the top and bottom, as shown in the illustration. Then, by an invariable law that should be known by everybody, that box contains exactly half as much again as the ball. Therefore, as the ball is 24 in. in diameter, a hat-box of the same circumference but two-thirds of the height (that is, 16 in. high) will have exactly the same contents as the ball.
Now let us consider that this reduced hat-box is a cylinder of metal made up of an immense number of little wire cylinders close together like the hairs in a painter's brush. By the conditions of the puzzle we are allowed to consider that there are no spaces between the wires. How many of these cylinders one one-hundredth of an inch thick are equal to the large cylinder, which is 24 in. thick? Circles are to one another as the squares of their diameters. The square of 1/100 is 1/100000, and the square of 24 is 576; therefore the large cylinder contains 5,760,000 of the little wire cylinders. But we have seen that each of these wires is 16 in. long; hence 16 x 5,760,000 = 92,160,000 inches as the complete length of the wire. Reduce this to miles, and we get 1,454 miles 2,880 ft. as the length of the wire attached to the professor's kite.
Whether a kite would fly at such a height, or support such a weight, are questions that do not enter into the problem.
Here is a general formula for solving this problem. Call the two sides of the rectangle a and b. Then
a + b - (a squared + b squared - ab)^1/2 —————————————- 6
equals the side of the little square pieces to cut away. The measurements given were 8 ft. by 3 ft., and the above rule gives 8 in. as the side of the square pieces that have to be cut away. Of course it will not always come out exact, as in this case (on account of that square root), but you can get as near as you like with decimals.
The simple rule is that the cone must be cut at one-third of its altitude.
If you mark a point A on the circumference of a wheel that runs on the surface of a level road, like an ordinary cart-wheel, the curve described by that point will be a common cycloid, as in Fig. 1. But if you mark a point B on the circumference of the flange of a locomotive-wheel, the curve will be a curtate cycloid, as in Fig. 2, terminating in nodes. Now, if we consider one of these nodes or loops, we shall see that "at any given moment" certain points at the bottom of the loop must be moving in the opposite direction to the train. As there is an infinite number of such points on the flange's circumference, there must be an infinite number of these loops being described while the train is in motion. In fact, at any given moment certain points on the flanges are always moving in a direction opposite to that in which the train is going.
In the case of the two wheels, the wheel that runs round the stationary one makes two revolutions round its own centre. As both wheels are of the same size, it is obvious that if at the start we mark a point on the circumference of the upper wheel, at the very top, this point will be in contact with the lower wheel at its lowest part when half the journey has been made. Therefore this point is again at the top of the moving wheel, and one revolution has been made. Consequently there are two such revolutions in the complete journey.
1. The easiest way is to arrange the eighteen matches as in Diagrams 1 and 2, making the length of the perpendicular AB equal to a match and a half. Then, if the matches are an inch in length, Fig. 1 contains two square inches and Fig. 2 contains six square inches—4 x 11/2. The second case (2) is a little more difficult to solve. The solution is given in Figs. 3 and 4. For the purpose of construction, place matches temporarily on the dotted lines. Then it will be seen that as 3 contains five equal equilateral triangles and 4 contains fifteen similar triangles, one figure is three times as large as the other, and exactly eighteen matches are used.
Place the twelve matches in the manner shown in the illustration, and you will have six pens of equal size.
There are various ways of building the ten castles so that they shall form five rows with four castles in every row, but the arrangement in the next column is the only one that also provides that two castles (the greatest number possible) shall not be approachable from the outside. It will be seen that you must cross the walls to reach these two.
There are several ways in which this problem might be solved were it not for the condition that as few cherries and plums as possible shall be planted on the north and east sides of the orchard. The best possible arrangement is that shown in the diagram, where the cherries, plums, and apples are indicated respectively by the letters C, P, and A. The dotted lines connect the cherries, and the other lines the plums. It will be seen that the ten cherry trees and the ten plum trees are so planted that each fruit forms five lines with four trees of its kind in line. This is the only arrangement that allows of so few as two cherries or plums being planted on the north and east outside rows.
The illustration shows the ten trees that must be left to form five rows with four trees in every row. The dots represent the positions of the trees that have been cut down.
I give two pleasing arrangements of the trees. In each case there are twelve straight rows with five trees in every row.
The answer is that there are just 2,400 different ways. Any three coins may be taken from one side to combine with one coin taken from the other side. I give four examples on this and the next page. We may thus select three from the top in ten ways and one from the bottom in five ways, making fifty. But we may also select three from the bottom and one from the top in fifty ways. We may thus select the four coins in one hundred ways, and the four removed may be arranged by permutation in twenty-four ways. Thus there are 24 x 100 = 2,400 different solutions.
As all the points and lines puzzles that I have given so far, excepting the last, are variations of the case of ten points arranged to form five lines of four, it will be well to consider this particular case generally. There are six fundamental solutions, and no more, as shown in the six diagrams. These, for the sake of convenience, I named some years ago the Star, the Dart, the Compasses, the Funnel, the Scissors, and the Nail. (See next page.) Readers will understand that any one of these forms may be distorted in an infinite number of different ways without destroying its real character.
In "The King and the Castles" we have the Star, and its solution gives the Compasses. In the "Cherries and Plums" solution we find that the Cherries represent the Funnel and the Plums the Dart. The solution of the "Plantation Puzzle" is an example of the Dart distorted. Any solution to the "Ten Coins" will represent the Scissors. Thus examples of all have been given except the Nail.
On a reduced chessboard, 7 by 7, we may place the ten pawns in just three different ways, but they must all represent the Dart. The "Plantation" shows one way, the Plums show a second way, and the reader may like to find the third way for himself. On an ordinary chessboard, 8 by 8, we can also get in a beautiful example of the Funnel—symmetrical in relation to the diagonal of the board. The smallest board that will take a Star is one 9 by 7. The Nail requires a board 11 by 7, the Scissors
11 by 9, and the Compasses 17 by 12. At least these are the best results recorded in my note-book. They may be beaten, but I do not think so. If you divide a chessboard into two parts by a diagonal zigzag line, so that the larger part contains 36 squares and the smaller part 28 squares, you can place three separate schemes on the larger part and one on the smaller part (all Darts) without their conflicting—that is, they occupy forty different squares. They can be placed in other ways without a division of the board. The smallest square board that will contain six different schemes (not fundamentally different), without any line of one scheme crossing the line of another, is 14 by 14; and the smallest board that will contain one scheme entirely enclosed within the lines of a second scheme, without any of the lines of the one, when drawn from point to point, crossing a line of the other, is 14 by 12.
If you ignore the four black pies in our illustration, the remaining twelve are in their original positions. Now remove the four detached pies to the places occupied by the black ones, and you will have your seven straight rows of four, as shown by the dotted lines.
The arrangement on the next page is the most symmetrical answer that can probably be found for twenty-one rows, which is, I believe, the greatest number of rows possible. There are several ways of doing it.
The main point is to discover the smallest possible number of Russians that there could have been. As the enemy opened fire from all directions, it is clearly necessary to find what is the smallest number of heads that could form sixteen lines with three heads in every line. Note that I say sixteen, and not thirty-two, because every line taken by a bullet may be also taken by another bullet fired in exactly the opposite direction. Now, as few as eleven points, or heads, may be arranged to form the required sixteen lines of three, but the discovery of this arrangement is a hard nut. The diagram at the foot of this page will show exactly how the thing is to be done.
If, therefore, eleven Russians were in the positions shown by the stars, and the thirty-two Turks in the positions indicated by the black dots, it will be seen, by the lines shown, that each Turk may fire exactly over the heads of three Russians. But as each bullet kills a man, it is essential that every Turk shall shoot one of his comrades and be shot by him in turn; otherwise we should have to provide extra Russians to be shot, which would be destructive of the correct solution of our problem. As the firing was simultaneous, this point presents no difficulties. The answer we thus see is that there were at least eleven Russians amongst whom there was no casualty, and that all the thirty-two Turks were shot by one another. It was not stated whether the Russians fired any shots, but it will be evident that even if they did their firing could not have been effective: for if one of their bullets killed a Turk, then we have immediately to provide another man for one of the Turkish bullets to kill; and as the Turks were known to be thirty-two in number, this would necessitate our introducing another Russian soldier and, of course, destroying the solution. I repeat that the difficulty of the puzzle consists in finding how to arrange eleven points so that they shall form sixteen lines of three. I am told that the possibility of doing this was first discovered by the Rev. Mr. Wilkinson some twenty years ago.
Move the frogs in the following order: 2, 4, 6, 5, 3, 1 (repeat these moves in the same order twice more), 2, 4, 6. This is a solution in twenty-one moves—the fewest possible.
If n, the number of frogs, be even, we require (n squared + n)/2 moves, of which (n squared - n)/2 will be leaps and n simple moves. If n be odd, we shall need ((n squared + 3n)/2) - 4 moves, of which (n squared - n)/2 will be leaps and 2n - 4 simple moves.
In the even cases write, for the moves, all the even numbers in ascending order and the odd numbers in descending order. This series must be repeated 1/2n times and followed by the even numbers in ascending order once only. Thus the solution for 14 frogs will be (2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 13, 11, 9, 7, 5, 3, 1) repeated 7 times and followed by 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14 = 105 moves.
In the odd cases, write the even numbers in ascending order and the odd numbers in descending order, repeat this series 1/2(n - 1) times, follow with the even numbers in ascending order (omitting n - 1), the odd numbers in descending order (omitting 1), and conclude with all the numbers (odd and even) in their natural order (omitting 1 and n). Thus for 11 frogs: (2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 11, 9, 7, 5, 3, 1) repeated 5 times, 2, 4, 6, 8, 11, 9, 7, 5, 3, and 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 = 73 moves.
This complete general solution is published here for the first time.
Move the counters in the following order. The moves in brackets are to be made four times in succession. 12, 1, 3, 2, 12, 11, 1, 3, 2 (5, 7, 9, 10, 8, 6, 4), 3, 2, 12, 11, 2, 1, 2. The grasshoppers will then be reversed in forty-four moves.
The general solution of this problem is very difficult. Of course it can always be solved by the method given in the solution of the last puzzle, if we have no desire to use the fewest possible moves. But to employ a full economy of moves we have two main points to consider. There are always what I call a lower movement (L) and an upper movement (U). L consists in exchanging certain of the highest numbers, such as 12, 11, 10 in our "Grasshopper Puzzle," with certain of the lower numbers, 1, 2, 3; the former moving in a clockwise direction, the latter in a non-clockwise direction. U consists in reversing the intermediate counters. In the above solution for 12, it will be seen that 12, 11, and 1, 2, 3 are engaged in the L movement, and 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 in the U movement. The L movement needs 16 moves and U 28, making together 44. We might also involve 10 in the L movement, which would result in L 23, U 21, making also together 44 moves. These I call the first and second methods. But any other scheme will entail an increase of moves. You always get these two methods (of equal economy) for odd or even counters, but the point is to determine just how many to involve in L and how many in U. Here is the solution in table form. But first note, in giving values to n, that 2, 3, and 4 counters are special cases, requiring respectively 3, 3, and 6 moves, and that 5 and 6 counters do not give a minimum solution by the second method—only by the first.
FIRST METHOD. + + -+ -+ -+ Total No. L MOVEMENT. U MOVEMENT. of + -+ -+ + + Total No. Counters. No. of No. of No. of No. of of Moves. Counters. Moves. Counters. Moves. + + -+ -+ + + -+ 4n n-1 and n 2(n-1) squared+5n-7 2n+1 2n squared+3n+1 4(n squared+n-1) 4n-2 n-1 " n 2(n-1) squared+5n-7 2n-1 2(n-1) squared+3n-2 4n squared-5 4n+1 n " n+1 2n squared+5n-2 2n 2n squared+3n-4 2(2n squared+4n-3) 4n-1 n-1 " n 2(n-1) squared+5n-7 2n 2n squared+3n-4 4n squared+4n-9 + + -+ -+ + + -+
SECOND METHOD. + -+ + -+ -+ Total No. L MOVEMENT. U MOVEMENT. of + -+ + + + Total No. Counters. No. of No. of No. of No. of of Moves. Counters. Moves. Counters. Moves. + -+ -+ + + + -+ 4n n and n 2n squared+3n-4 2n 2(n-1) squared+5n-2 4(n squared+n-1) 4n-2 n-1 " n-1 2(n-1) squared+3n-7 2n 2(n-1) squared+5n-2 4n squared-5 4n+1 n " n 2n squared+3n-4 2n+1 2n squared+5n-2 2(2n squared+4n-3) 4n-1 n " n 2n squared+3n-4 2n-1 2(n-1) squared+5n-7 4n squared+4n-9 + -+ -+ + + + -+
More generally we may say that with m counters, where m is even and greater than 4, we require (m squared + 4m - 16)/4 moves; and where m is odd and greater than 3, (m squared + 6m - 31)/4 moves. I have thus shown the reader how to find the minimum number of moves for any case, and the character and direction of the moves. I will leave him to discover for himself how the actual order of moves is to be determined. This is a hard nut, and requires careful adjustment of the L and the U movements, so that they may be mutually accommodating.
The following leaps solve the puzzle in ten moves: 2 to 1, 5 to 2, 3 to 5, 6 to 3, 7 to 6, 4 to 7, 1 to 4, 3 to 1, 6 to 3, 7 to 6.
Play the counters in the following order: K C E K W T C E H M K W T A N C E H M I K C E H M T, and there you are, at Twickenham. The position itself will always determine whether you are to make a leap or a simple move.
In solving this puzzle there were two things to be achieved: first, so to manipulate the counters that the word VICTORIA should read round the cross in the same direction, only with the V on one of the dark arms; and secondly, to perform the feat in the fewest possible moves. Now, as a matter of fact, it would be impossible to perform the first part in any way whatever if all the letters of the word were different; but as there are two I's, it can be done by making these letters change places—that is, the first I changes from the 2nd place to the 7th, and the second I from the 7th place to the 2nd. But the point I referred to, when introducing the puzzle, as a little remarkable is this: that a solution in twenty-two moves is obtainable by moving the letters in the order of the following words: "A VICTOR! A VICTOR! A VICTOR I!"
There are, however, just six solutions in eighteen moves, and the following is one of them: I (1), V, A, I (2), R, O, T, I (1), I (2), A, V, I (2), I (1), C, I (2), V, A, I (1). The first and second I in the word are distinguished by the numbers 1 and 2.
It will be noticed that in the first solution given above one of the I's never moves, though the movements of the other letters cause it to change its relative position. There is another peculiarity I may point out—that there is a solution in twenty-eight moves requiring no letter to move to the central division except the I's. I may also mention that, in each of the solutions in eighteen moves, the letters C, T, O, R move once only, while the second I always moves four times, the V always being transferred to the right arm of the cross.
This puzzle can be solved in 23 moves—the fewest possible. Move the blocks in the following order: A, B, F, E, C, A, B, F, E, C, A, B, D, H, G, A, B, D, H, G, D, E, F.
The shortest possible way is to move the articles in the following order: Piano, bookcase, wardrobe, piano, cabinet, chest of drawers, piano, wardrobe, bookcase, cabinet, wardrobe, piano, chest of drawers, wardrobe, cabinet, bookcase, piano. Thus seventeen removals are necessary. The landlady could then move chest of drawers, wardrobe, and cabinet. Mr. Dobson did not mind the wardrobe and chest of drawers changing rooms so long as he secured the piano.
The solution to the Eight Engines Puzzle is as follows: The engine that has had its fire drawn and therefore cannot move is No. 5. Move the other engines in the following order: 7, 6, 3, 7, 6, 1, 2, 4, 1, 3, 8, 1, 3, 2, 4, 3, 2, seventeen moves in all, leaving the eight engines in the required order.
There are two other slightly different solutions.
This little puzzle may be solved in as few as nine moves. Play the engines as follows: From 9 to 10, from 6 to 9, from 5 to 6, from 2 to 5, from 1 to 2, from 7 to 1, from 8 to 7, from 9 to 8, and from 10 to 9. You will then have engines A, B, and C on each of the three circles and on each of the three straight lines. This is the shortest solution that is possible.
Only six reversals are necessary. The white train (from A to D) is divided into three sections, engine and 7 wagons, 8 wagons, and 1 wagon. The black train (D to A) never uncouples anything throughout. Fig. 1 is original position with 8 and 1 uncoupled. The black train proceeds to position in Fig. 2 (no reversal). The engine and 7 proceed towards D, and black train backs, leaves 8 on loop, and takes up position in Fig. 3 (first reversal). Black train goes to position in Fig. 4 to fetch single wagon (second reversal). Black train pushes 8 off loop and leaves single wagon there, proceeding on its journey, as in Fig. 5 (third and fourth reversals). White train now backs on to loop to pick up single car and goes right away to D (fifth and sixth reversals).
The exchange of cars can be made in forty-three moves, as follows: 6-G, 2-B, 1-E, 3-H, 4-I, 3-L, 6-K, 4-G, 1-I, 2-J, 5-H, 4-A, 7-F, 8-E, 4-D, 8-C, 7-A, 8-G, 5-C, 2-B, 1-E, 8-I, 1-G, 2-J, 7-H, 1-A, 7-G, 2-B, 6-E, 3-H, 8-L, 3-I, 7-K, 3-G, 6-I, 2-J, 5-H, 3-C, 5-G, 2-B, 6-E, 5-I, 6-J. Of course, "6-G" means that the car numbered "6" moves to the point "G." There are other ways in forty-three moves.
It will be seen in the illustration how the prisoners may be arranged so as to produce as many as sixteen even rows. There are 4 such vertical rows, 4 horizontal rows, 5 diagonal rows in one direction, and 3 diagonal rows in the other direction. The arrows here show the movements of the four prisoners, and it will be seen that the infirm man in the bottom corner has not been moved.
In order to place words round the circle under the conditions, it is necessary to select words in which letters are repeated in certain relative positions. Thus, the word that solves our puzzle is "Swansea," in which the first and fifth letters are the same, and the third and seventh the same. We make out jumps as follows, taking the letters of the word in their proper order: 2-5, 7-2, 4-7, 1-4, 6-1, 3-6, 8-3. Or we could place a word like "Tarapur" (in which the second and fourth letters, and the third and seventh, are alike) with these moves: 6-1, 7-4, 2-7, 5—2, 8-5, 3-6, 8-3. But "Swansea" is the only word, apparently, that will fulfil the conditions of the puzzle.
This puzzle should be compared with Sharp's Puzzle, referred to in my solution to No. 341, "The Four Frogs." The condition "touch and jump over two" is identical with "touch and move along a line."
Here is a solution in nineteen moves; the moves enclosed in brackets count as one move only: 19-17, 16-18, (29-17, 17-19), 30-18, 27-25, (22-24, 24-26), 31-23, (4-16, 16-28), 7-9, 10-8, 12-10, 3-11, 18-6, (1-3, 3-11), (13-27, 27-25), (21-7, 7-9), (33-31, 31-23), (10-8, 8-22, 22-24, 24-26, 26-12, 12-10), 5-17. All the counters are now removed except one, which is left in the central hole. The solution needs judgment, as one is tempted to make several jumps in one move, where it would be the reverse of good play. For example, after playing the first 3-11 above, one is inclined to increase the length of the move by continuing with 11-25, 25-27, or with 11-9, 9-7.
I do not think the number of moves can be reduced.
Number the plates (1, 2, 3, 4), (5, 6, 7, 8), (9, 10, 11, 12), (13, 14, 15, 16) in successive rows from the top to the bottom. Then transfer the apple from 8 to 10 and play as follows, always removing the apple jumped over: 9-11, 1-9, 13-5, 16-8, 4-12, 12-10, 3-1, 1-9, 9-11.
This puzzle may be solved in as few as four moves, in the following manner: Move 5 over 8, 9, 3, 1. Move 7 over 4. Move 6 over 2 and 7. Move 5 over 6, and all the counters are removed except 5, which is left in the central square that it originally occupied.
Here is one of several solutions. Move 12 to 3, 7 to 4, 10 to 6, 8 to 1, 9 to 5, 11 to 2.
Number the plates from 1 to 12 in the order that the boy is seen to be going in the illustration. Starting from 1, proceed as follows, where "1 to 4" means that you take the coin from plate No. 1 and transfer it to plate No. 4: 1 to 4, 5 to 8, 9 to 12, 3 to 6, 7 to 10, 11 to 2, and complete the last revolution to 1, making three revolutions in all. Or you can proceed this way: 4 to 7, 8 to 11, 12 to 3, 2 to 5, 6 to 9, 10 to 1. It is easy to solve in four revolutions, but the solutions in three are more difficult to discover.
This is "The Riddle of the Fishpond" (No. 41, Canterbury Puzzles) in a different dress.
In order that the cat should eat every thirteenth mouse, and the white mouse last of all, it is necessary that the count should begin at the seventh mouse (calling the white one the first)—that is, at the one nearest the tip of the cat's tail. In this case it is not at all necessary to try starting at all the mice in turn until you come to the right one, for you can just start anywhere and note how far distant the last one eaten is from the starting point. You will find it to be the eighth, and therefore must start at the eighth, counting backwards from the white mouse. This is the one I have indicated.
In the case of the second puzzle, where you have to find the smallest number with which the cat may start at the white mouse and eat this one last of all, unless you have mastered the general solution of the problem, which is very difficult, there is no better course open to you than to try every number in succession until you come to one that works correctly. The smallest number is twenty-one. If you have to proceed by trial, you will shorten your labour a great deal by only counting out the remainders when the number is divided successively by 13, 12, 11, 10, etc. Thus, in the case of 21, we have the remainders 8, 9, 10, 1, 3, 5, 7, 3, 1, 1, 3, 1, 1. Note that I do not give the remainders of 7, 3, and 1 as nought, but as 7, 3, and 1. Now, count round each of these numbers in turn, and you will find that the white mouse is killed last of all. Of course, if we wanted simply any number, not the smallest, the solution is very easy, for we merely take the least common multiple of 13, 12, 11, 10, etc. down to 2. This is 360360, and you will find that the first count kills the thirteenth mouse, the next the twelfth, the next the eleventh, and so on down to the first. But the most arithmetically inclined cat could not be expected to take such a big number when a small one like twenty-one would equally serve its purpose.
In the third case, the smallest number is 100. The number 1,000 would also do, and there are just seventy-two other numbers between these that the cat might employ with equal success.
To leave the three piles at the extreme ends of the rows, the cheeses may be moved as follows—the numbers refer to the cheeses and not to their positions in the row: 7-2, 8-7, 9-8, 10-15, 6-10, 5-6, 14-16, 13-14, 12-13, 3-1, 4-3, 11-4. This is probably the easiest solution of all to find. To get three of the piles on cheeses 13, 14, and 15, play thus: 9-4, 10-9, 11-10, 6-14, 5-6, 12-15, 8-12, 7-8, 16-5, 3-13, 2-3, 1-2. To leave the piles on cheeses 3, 5, 12, and 14, play thus: 8-3, 9-14, 16-12, 1-5, 10-9, 7-10, 11-8, 2-1, 4-16, 13-2, 6-11, 15-4.
Make the following exchanges of pairs: H-K, H-E, H-C, H-A, I-L, I-F, I-D, K-L, G-J, J-A, F-K, L-E, D-K, E-F, E-D, E-B, B-K. It will be found that, although the white counters can be moved to their proper places in 11 moves, if we omit all consideration of exchanges, yet the black cannot be so moved in fewer than 17 moves. So we have to introduce waste moves with the white counters to equal the minimum required by the black. Thus fewer than 17 moves must be impossible. Some of the moves are, of course, interchangeable.
If the enemy's fleet be anchored in the formation shown in the illustration, it will be seen that as many as ten out of the sixteen ships may be blown up by discharging the torpedoes in the order indicated by the numbers and in the directions indicated by the arrows. As each torpedo in succession passes under three ships and sinks the fourth, strike out each vessel with the pencil as it is sunk.
I suggested that the reader should try this puzzle with counters, so I give my solution in that form. The silk hats are represented by black counters and the felt hats by white counters. The first row shows the hats in their original positions, and then each successive row shows how they appear after one of the five manipulations. It will thus be seen that we first move hats 2 and 3, then 7 and 8, then 4 and 5, then 10 and 11, and, finally, 1 and 2, leaving the four silk hats together, the four felt hats together, and the two vacant pegs at one end of the row. The first three pairs moved are dissimilar hats, the last two pairs being similar. There are other ways of solving the puzzle.
There are a good many different solutions to this puzzle. Any contiguous pair, except 7-8, may be moved first, and after the first move there are variations. The following solution shows the position from the start right through each successive move to the end:—
. . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 4 3 1 2 . . 5 6 7 8 4 3 1 2 7 6 5 . . 8 4 3 1 2 7 . . 5 6 8 4 . . 2 7 1 3 5 6 8 4 8 6 2 7 1 3 5 . .
Two of the pots, 13 and 19, were in their proper places. As every interchange may result in a pot being put in its place, it is clear that twenty-two interchanges will get them all in order. But this number of moves is not the fewest possible, the correct answer being seventeen. Exchange the following pairs: (3-1, 2-3), (15-4, 16-15), (17-7, 20-17), (24-10, 11-24, 12-11), (8-5, 6-8, 21-6, 23-21, 22-23, 14-22, 9-14, 18-9). When you have made the interchanges within any pair of brackets, all numbers within those brackets are in their places. There are five pairs of brackets, and 5 from 22 gives the number of changes required—17.
As the conditions are generally understood, this puzzle is incapable of solution. This can be demonstrated quite easily. So we have to look for some catch or quibble in the statement of what we are asked to do. Now if you fold the paper and then push the point of your pencil down between the fold, you can with one stroke make the two lines CD and EF in our diagram. Then start at A, and describe the line ending at B. Finally put in the last line GH, and the thing is done strictly within the conditions, since folding the paper is not actually forbidden. Of course the lines are here left unjoined for the purpose of clearness.
In the rubbing out form of the puzzle, first rub out A to B with a single finger in one stroke. Then rub out the line GH with one finger. Finally, rub out the remaining two vertical lines with two fingers at once! That is the old trick.
There are just sixteen points (all on the outside) where three roads may be said to join. These are called by mathematicians "odd nodes." There is a rule that tells us that in the case of a drawing like the present one, where there are sixteen odd nodes, it requires eight separate strokes or routes (that is, half as many as there are odd nodes) to complete it. As we have to produce as much as possible with only one of these eight strokes, it is clearly necessary to contrive that the seven strokes from odd node to odd node shall be as short as possible. Start at A and end at B, or go the reverse way.
/ - / / / B / / /^ / / / / / / / / / A / / / / / -+ -* -+ - / / / / / / / / / / D-+ * -+ -* E / / / / / / / / / / -+ -* -+ - / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / + / / / C -/
It can be done in twelve continuous strokes, thus: Start at A in the illustration, and eight strokes, forming the star, will bring you back to A; then one stroke round the circle to B, one stroke to C, one round the circle to D, and one final stroke to E—twelve in all. Of course, in practice the second circular stroke will be over the first one; it is separated in the diagram, and the points of the star not joined to the circle, to make the solution clear to the eye.
The inspector need only travel nineteen miles if he starts at B and takes the following route: BADGDEFIFCBEHKLIHGJK. Thus the only portions of line travelled over twice are the two sections D to G and F to I. Of course, the route may be varied, but it cannot be shortened.
Note that there are six towns, from which only two roads issue. Thus 1 must lie between 9 and 12 in the circular route. Mark these two roads as settled. Similarly mark 9, 5, 14, and 4, 8, 14, and 10, 6, 15, and 10, 2, 13, and 3, 7, 13. All these roads must be taken. Then you will find that he must go from 4 to 15, as 13 is closed, and that he is compelled to take 3, 11, 16, and also 16, 12. Thus, there is only one route, as follows: 1, 9, 5, 14, 8, 4, 15, 6, 10, 2, 13, 7, 3, 11, 16, 12, 1, or its reverse—reading the line the other way. Seven roads are not used.
It will be seen from the illustration (where the roads not used are omitted) that the traveller can go as far as seventy miles in fifteen turnings. The turnings are all numbered in the order in which they are taken. It will be seen that he never visits nineteen of the towns. He might visit them all in fifteen turnings, never entering any town twice, and end at the black town from which he starts (see "The Rook's Tour," No. 320), but such a tour would only take him sixty-four miles.
Though we cannot really see all the sides of the octahedron at once, we can make a projection of it that suits our purpose just as well. In the diagram the six points represent the six angles of the octahedron, and four lines proceed from every point under exactly the same conditions as the twelve edges of the solid. Therefore if we start at the point A and go over all the lines once, we must always end our route at A. And the number of different routes is just 1,488, counting the reverse way of any route as different. It would take too much space to show how I make the count. It can be done in about five minutes, but an explanation of the method is difficult. The reader is therefore asked to accept my answer as correct.
There are thirty edges, of which eighteen were visible in the original illustration, represented in the following diagram by the hexagon NAESGD. By this projection of the solid we get an imaginary view of the remaining twelve edges, and are able to see at once their direction and the twelve points at which all the edges meet. The difference in the length of the lines is of no importance; all we want is to present their direction in a graphic manner. But in case the novice should be puzzled at only finding nineteen triangles instead of the required twenty, I will point out that the apparently missing triangle is the outline HIK.
In this case there are twelve odd nodes; therefore six distinct and disconnected routes will be needful if we are not to go over any lines twice. Let us therefore find the greatest distance that we may so travel in one route.
It will be noticed that I have struck out with little cross strokes five lines or edges in the diagram. These five lines may be struck out anywhere so long as they do not join one another, and so long as one of them does not connect with N, the North Pole, from which we are to start. It will be seen that the result of striking out these five lines is that all the nodes are now even except N and S. Consequently if we begin at N and stop at S we may go over all the lines, except the five crossed out, without traversing any line twice. There are many ways of doing this. Here is one route: N to H, I, K, S, I, E, S, G, K, D, H, A, N, B, A, E, F, B, C, G, D, N, C, F, S. By thus making five of the routes as short as is possible—simply from one node to the next—we are able to get the greatest possible length for our sixth line. A greater distance in one route, without going over the same ground twice, it is not possible to get.
It is now readily seen that those five erased lines must be gone over twice, and they may be "picked up," so to speak, at any points of our route. Thus, whenever the traveller happens to be at I he can run up to A and back before proceeding on his route, or he may wait until he is at A and then run down to I and back to A. And so with the other lines that have to be traced twice. It is, therefore, clear that he can go over 25 of the lines once only (25 x 10,000 miles = 250,000 miles) and 5 of the lines twice (5 x 20,000 miles = 100,000 miles), the total, 350,000 miles, being the length of his travels and the shortest distance that is possible in visiting the whole body.
It will be noticed that I have made him end his travels at S, the South Pole, but this is not imperative. I might have made him finish at any of the other nodes, except the one from which he started. Suppose it had been required to bring him home again to N at the end of his travels. Then instead of suppressing the line AI we might leave that open and close IS. This would enable him to complete his 350,000 miles tour at A, and another 10,000 miles would take him to his own fireside. There are a great many different routes, but as the lengths of the edges are all alike, one course is as good as another. To make the complete 350,000 miles tour from N to S absolutely clear to everybody, I will give it entire: N to H, I, A, I, K, H, K, S, I, E, S, G, F, G, K, D, C, D, H, A, N, B, E, B, A, E, F, B, C, G, D, N, C, F, S—that is, thirty-five lines of 10,000 miles each.
Starting from A, the inspector need only travel 36 furlongs if he takes the following route: A to B, G, H, C, D, I, H, M, N, I, J, O, N, S, R, M, L, G, F, K, L, Q, R, S, T, O, J, E, D, C, B, A, F, K, P, Q. He thus passes between A and B twice, between C and D twice, between F and K twice, between J and O twice, and between R and S twice—five repetitions. Therefore 31 passages plus 5 repeated equal 36 furlongs. The little pitfall in this puzzle lies in the fact that we start from an even node. Otherwise we need only travel 35 furlongs.
When Mr. Maggs replied, "No way, I'm sure," he was not saying that the thing was impossible, but was really giving the actual route by which the problem can be solved. Starting from the star, if you visit the towns in the order, NO WAY, I'M SURE, you will visit every town once, and only once, and end at E. So both men were correct. This was the little joke of the puzzle, which is not by any means difficult.
There are only four different routes (or eight, if we count the reverse ways) by which the sailor can start at the island marked A, visit all the islands once, and once only, and return again to A. Here they are:—
Now, if the sailor takes the first route he will make C his 12th island (counting A as 1); by the second route he will make C his 13th island; by the third route, his 16th island; and by the fourth route, his 17th island. If he goes the reverse way, C will be respectively his 10th, 9th, 6th, and 5th island. As these are the only possible routes, it is evident that if the sailor puts off his visit to C as long as possible, he must take the last route reading from left to right. This route I show by the dark lines in the diagram, and it is the correct answer to the puzzle.
The map may be greatly simplified by the "buttons and string" method, explained in the solution to No. 341, "The Four Frogs."
The first thing to do in trying to solve a puzzle like this is to attempt to simplify it. If you look at Fig. 1, you will see that it is a simplified version of the map. Imagine the circular towns to be buttons and the railways to be connecting strings. (See solution to No. 341.) Then, it will be seen, we have simply "straightened out" the previous diagram without affecting the conditions. Now we can further simplify by converting Fig. 1 into Fig. 2, which is a portion of a chessboard. Here the directions of the railways will resemble the moves of a rook in chess—that is, we may move in any direction parallel to the sides of the diagram, but not diagonally. Therefore the first town (or square) visited must be a black one; the second must be a white; the third must be a black; and so on. Every odd square visited will thus be black and every even one white. Now, we have 23 squares to visit (an odd number), so the last square visited must be black. But Z happens to be white, so the puzzle would seem to be impossible of solution.
As we were told that the man "succeeded" in carrying put his plan, we must try to find some loophole in the conditions. He was to "enter every town once and only once," and we find no prohibition against his entering once the town A after leaving it, especially as he has never left it since he was born, and would thus be "entering" it for the first time in his life. But he must return at once from the first town he visits, and then he will have only 22 towns to visit, and as 22 is an even number, there is no reason why he should not end on the white square Z. A possible route for him is indicated by the dotted line from A to Z. This route is repeated by the dark lines in Fig. 1, and the reader will now have no difficulty in applying; it to the original map. We have thus proved that the puzzle can only be solved by a return to A immediately after leaving it.
According to the conditions, in the strict sense in which one at first understands them, there is no possible solution to this puzzle. In such a dilemma one always has to look for some verbal quibble or trick. If the owner of house A will allow the water company to run their pipe for house C through his property (and we are not bound to assume that he would object), then the difficulty is got over, as shown in our illustration. It will be seen that the dotted line from W to C passes through house A, but no pipe ever crosses another pipe.
The routes taken by the eight drivers are shown in the illustration, where the dotted line roads are omitted to make the paths clearer to the eye.
The simplest way is to write in the number of routes to all the towns in this manner. Put a 1 on all the towns in the top row and in the first column. Then the number of routes to any town will be the sum of the routes to the town immediately above and to the town immediately to the left. Thus the routes in the second row will be 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, etc., in the third row, 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21, etc.; and so on with the other rows. It will then be seen that the only town to which there are exactly 1,365 different routes is the twelfth town in the fifth row—the one immediately over the letter E. This town was therefore the cyclist's destination.
The general formula for the number of routes from one corner to the corner diagonally opposite on any such rectangular reticulated arrangement, under the conditions as to direction, is (m+n)!/m!n!, where m is the number of towns on one side, less one, and n the number on the other side, less one. Our solution involves the case where there are 12 towns by 5. Therefore m = 11 and n = 4. Then the formula gives us the answer 1,365 as above.
First of all I will ask the reader to compare the original square diagram with the circular one shown in Figs. 1, 2, and 3 below. If for the moment we ignore the shading (the purpose of which I shall proceed to explain), we find that the circular diagram in each case is merely a simplification of the original square one—that is, the roads from A lead to B, E, and M in both cases, the roads from L (London) lead to I, K, and S, and so on. The form below, being circular and symmetrical, answers my purpose better in applying a mechanical solution, and I therefore adopt it without altering in any way the conditions of the puzzle. If such a question as distances from town to town came into the problem, the new diagrams might require the addition of numbers to indicate these distances, or they might conceivably not be at all practicable.
Now, I draw the three circular diagrams, as shown, on a sheet of paper and then cut out three pieces of cardboard of the forms indicated by the shaded parts of these diagrams. It can be shown that every route, if marked out with a red pencil, will form one or other of the designs indicated by the edges of the cards, or a reflection thereof. Let us direct our attention to Fig. 1. Here the card is so placed that the star is at the town T; it therefore gives us (by following the edge of the card) one of the circular routes from London: L, S, R, T, M, A, E, P, O, J, D, C, B, G, N, Q, K, H, F, I, L. If we went the other way, we should get L, I, F, H, K, Q, etc., but these reverse routes were not to be counted. When we have written out this first route we revolve the card until the star is at M, when we get another different route, at A a third route, at E a fourth route, and at P a fifth route. We have thus obtained five different routes by revolving the card as it lies. But it is evident that if we now take up the card and replace it with the other side uppermost, we shall in the same manner get five other routes by revolution.
We therefore see how, by using the revolving card in Fig. 1, we may, without any difficulty, at once write out ten routes. And if we employ the cards in Figs. 2 and 3, we similarly obtain in each case ten other routes. These thirty routes are all that are possible. I do not give the actual proof that the three cards exhaust all the possible cases, but leave the reader to reason that out for himself. If he works out any route at haphazard, he will certainly find that it falls into one or other of the three categories.
Let us confine our attention to the L in the top left-hand corner. Suppose we go by way of the E on the right: we must then go straight on to the V, from which letter the word may be completed in four ways, for there are four E's available through which we may reach an L. There are therefore four ways of reading through the right-hand E. It is also clear that there must be the same number of ways through the E that is immediately below our starting point. That makes eight. If, however, we take the third route through the E on the diagonal, we then have the option of any one of the three V's, by means of each of which we may complete the word in four ways. We can therefore spell LEVEL in twelve ways through the diagonal E. Twelve added to eight gives twenty readings, all emanating from the L in the top left-hand corner; and as the four corners are equal, the answer must be four times twenty, or eighty different ways.
There are 252 different ways. The general formula is that, for words of n letters (not palindromes, as in the case of the next puzzle), when grouped in this manner, there are always 2^(n+1) - 4 different readings. This does not allow diagonal readings, such as you would get if you used instead such a word as DIGGING, where it would be possible to pass from one G to another G by a diagonal step.
The correct answer is 1,992 different ways. Every F is either a corner F or a side F—standing next to a corner in its own square of F's. Now, FIED may be read from a corner F in 16 ways; therefore DEIF may be read into a corner F also in 16 ways; hence DEIFIED may be read through a corner F in 16 x 16 = 256 ways. Consequently, the four corner F's give 4 x 256 = 1,024 ways. Then FIED may be read from a side F in 11 ways, and DEIFIED therefore in 121 ways. But there are eight side F's; consequently these give together 8 x 121 = 968 ways. Add 968 to 1,024 and we get the answer, 1,992.
In this form the solution will depend on whether the number of letters in the palindrome be odd or even. For example, if you apply the word NUN in precisely the same manner, you will get 64 different readings; but if you use the word NOON, you will only get 56, because you cannot use the same letter twice in immediate succession (since you must "always pass from one letter to another") or diagonal readings, and every reading must involve the use of the central N.
The reader may like to find for himself the general formula in this case, which is complex and difficult. I will merely add that for such a case as MADAM, dealt with in the same way as DEIFIED, the number of readings is 400.
THE number of readings here is 63,504, as in the case of "WAS IT A RAT I SAW" (No. 30, Canterbury Puzzles). The general formula is that for palindromic sentences containing 2n + 1 letters there are (4(2^n -1)) squared readings.
Starting from any one of the N's, there are 17 different readings of NAH, or 68 (4 times 17) for the 4 N's. Therefore there are also 68 ways of spelling HAN. If we were allowed to use the same N twice in a spelling, the answer would be 68 times 68, or 4,624 ways. But the conditions were, "always passing from one letter to another." Therefore, for every one of the 17 ways of spelling HAN with a particular N, there would be 51 ways (3 times 17) of completing the NAH, or 867 (17 times 51) ways for the complete word. Hence, as there are four N's to use in HAN, the correct solution of the puzzle is 3,468 (4 times 867) different ways.
The required proverb is, "There is many a slip 'twixt the cup and the lip." Start at the T on the outside at the bottom right-hand corner, pass to the H above it, and the rest is easy.
The problem of the Bridges may be reduced to the simple diagram shown in illustration. The point M represents the Monk, the point I the Island, and the point Y the Monastery. Now the only direct ways from M to I are by the bridges a and b; the only direct ways from I to Y are by the bridges c and d; and there is a direct way from M to Y by the bridge e. Now, what we have to do is to count all the routes that will lead from M to Y, passing over all the bridges, a, b, c, d, and e once and once only. With the simple diagram under the eye it is quite easy, without any elaborate rule, to count these routes methodically. Thus, starting from a, b, we find there are only two ways of completing the route; with a, c, there are only two routes; with a, d, only two routes; and so on. It will be found that there are sixteen such routes in all, as in the following list:—
a b e c d b c d a e a b e d c b c e a d a c d b e b d c a e a c e b d b d e a c a d e b c e c a b d a d c b e e c b a d b a e c d e d a b c b a e d c e d b a c
If the reader will transfer the letters indicating the bridges from the diagram to the corresponding bridges in the original illustration, everything will be quite obvious.
If we read the exact words of the writer in the cyclopaedia, we find that we are not told that the pens were all necessarily empty! In fact, if the reader will refer back to the illustration, he will see that one sheep is already in one of the pens. It was just at this point that the wily farmer said to me, "Now I'm going to start placing the fifteen sheep." He thereupon proceeded to drive three from his flock into the already occupied pen, and then placed four sheep in each of the other three pens. "There," says he, "you have seen me place fifteen sheep in four pens so that there shall be the same number of sheep in every pen." I was, of course, forced to admit that he was perfectly correct, according to the exact wording of the question.
On the second evening King Arthur arranged the knights and himself in the following order round the table: A, F, B, D, G, E, C. On the third evening they sat thus, A, E, B, G, C, F, D. He thus had B next but one to him on both occasions (the nearest possible), and G was the third from him at both sittings (the furthest position possible). No other way of sitting the knights would have been so satisfactory.
The men may be grouped as follows, where each line represents a day and each column a table:—
Note that in every column (except in the case of the A's) all the letters descend cyclically in the same order, B, E, G, F, up to J, which is followed by B.
In the following solution each of the eleven lines represents a sitting, each column a table, and each pair of letters a pair of partners.
It will be seen that the letters B, C, D ...L descend cyclically. The solution given above is absolutely perfect in all respects. It will be found that every player has every other player once as his partner and twice as his opponent.
Call the men A, B, D, E, and their wives a, b, d, e. Then they may play as follows without any person ever playing twice with or against any other person:—
First Court. Second Court. 1st Day A d against B e D a against E b 2nd Day A e " D b E a " B d 3rd Day A b " E d B a " D e
It will be seen that no man ever plays with or against his own wife—an ideal arrangement. If the reader wants a hard puzzle, let him try to arrange eight married couples (in four courts on seven days) under exactly similar conditions. It can be done, but I leave the reader in this case the pleasure of seeking the answer and the general solution.
The number of different ways in which eight persons, with eight hats, can each take the wrong hat, is 14,833.
Here are the successive solutions for any number of persons from one to eight:—
1 = 0 2 = 1 3 = 2 4 = 9 5 = 44 6 = 265 7 = 1,854 8 = 14,833
To get these numbers, multiply successively by 2, 3, 4, 5, etc. When the multiplier is even, add 1; when odd, deduct 1. Thus, 3 x 1 - 1 = 2; 4 x 2 + 1 = 9; 5 x 9 - 1 = 44; and so on. Or you can multiply the sum of the number of ways for n - 1 and n - 2 persons by n - 1, and so get the solution for n persons. Thus, 4(2 + 9) = 44; 5(9 + 44) = 265; and so on.
The bells should be rung as follows:—
1 2 3 4 2 1 4 3 2 4 1 3 4 2 3 1 4 3 2 1 3 4 1 2 3 1 4 2 1 3 2 4 3 1 2 4 1 3 4 2 1 4 3 2 4 1 2 3 4 2 1 3 2 4 3 1 2 3 4 1 3 2 1 4 2 3 1 4 3 2 4 1 3 4 2 1 4 3 1 2 4 1 3 2 1 4 2 3 1 2 4 3 2 1 3 4
I have constructed peals for five and six bells respectively, and a solution is possible for any number of bells under the conditions previously stated.
If there were no conditions whatever, except that the men were all to go out together, in threes, they could row in an immense number of different ways. If the reader wishes to know how many, the number is 455^7. And with the condition that no two may ever be together more than once, there are no fewer than 15,567,552,000 different solutions—that is, different ways of arranging the men. With one solution before him, the reader will realize why this must be, for although, as an example, A must go out once with B and once with C, it does not necessarily follow that he must go out with C on the same occasion that he goes with B. He might take any other letter with him on that occasion, though the fact of his taking other than B would have its effect on the arrangement of the other triplets.
Of course only a certain number of all these arrangements are available when we have that other condition of using the smallest possible number of boats. As a matter of fact we need employ only ten different boats. Here is one the arrangements:—
1 2 3 4 5 1st Day (ABC) (DBF) (GHI) (JKL) (MNO) 8 6 7 9 10 2nd Day (ADG) (BKN) (COL) (JEI) (MHF) 3 5 4 1 2 3rd Day (AJM) (BEH) (CFI) (DKO) (GNL) 7 6 8 9 1 4th Day (AEK) (CGM) (BOI) (DHL) (JNF) 4 5 3 10 2 5th Day (AHN) (CDJ) (BFL) (GEO) (MKI) 6 7 8 10 1 6th Day (AFO) (BGJ) (CKH) (DNI) (MEL) 5 4 3 9 2 7th Day (AIL) (BDM) (CEN) (GKF) (JHO)
It will be found that no two men ever go out twice together, and that no man ever goes out twice in the same boat.
This is an extension of the well-known problem of the "Fifteen Schoolgirls," by Kirkman. The original conditions were simply that fifteen girls walked out on seven days in triplets without any girl ever walking twice in a triplet with another girl. Attempts at a general solution of this puzzle had exercised the ingenuity of mathematicians since 1850, when the question was first propounded, until recently. In 1908 and the two following years I indicated (see Educational Times Reprints, Vols. XIV., XV., and XVII.) that all our trouble had arisen from a failure to discover that 15 is a special case (too small to enter into the general law for all higher numbers of girls of the form 6n+3), and showed what that general law is and how the groups should be posed for any number of girls. I gave actual arrangements for numbers that had previously baffled all attempts to manipulate, and the problem may now be considered generally solved. Readers will find an excellent full account of the puzzle in W.W. Rouse Ball's Mathematical Recreations, 5th edition.
There are, in all, sixteen balls to be broken, or sixteen places in the order of breaking. Call the four strings A, B, C, and D—order is here of no importance. The breaking of the balls on A may occupy any 4 out of these 16 places—that is, the combinations of 16 things, taken 4 together, will be
13 x 14 x 15 x 16 ————————- = 1,820 1 x 2 x 3 x 4
ways for A. In every one of these cases B may occupy any 4 out of the remaining 12 places, making
9 x 10 x 11 x 12 ————————- = 495 1 x 2 x 3 x 4
ways. Thus 1,820 x 495 = 900,900 different placings are open to A and B. But for every one of these cases C may occupy
5 x 6 x 7 x 8 ——————- = 70 1 x 2 x 3 x 4
different places; so that 900,900 x 70 = 63,063,000 different placings are open to A, B, and C. In every one of these cases, D has no choice but to take the four places that remain. Therefore the correct answer is that the balls may be broken in 63,063,000 different ways under the conditions. Readers should compare this problem with No. 345, "The Two Pawns," which they will then know how to solve for cases where there are three, four, or more pawns on the board.
The following will be found to comply with the conditions of grouping:—
The fifteen letters used are A, E, I, O, U, Y, and B, C, G, L, M, N, P, R, T. The number of words is 27, and these are all shown in the first three columns. The last word, PIU, is a musical term in common use; but although it has crept into some of our dictionaries, it is Italian, meaning "a little; slightly." The remaining twenty-six are good words. Of course a TAU-cross is a T-shaped cross, also called the cross of St. Anthony, and borne on a badge in the Bishop's Palace at Exeter. It is also a name for the toad-fish.
We thus have twenty-six good words and one doubtful, obtained under the required conditions, and I do not think it will be easy to improve on this answer. Of course we are not bound by dictionaries but by common usage. If we went by the dictionary only in a case of this kind, we should find ourselves involved in prefixes, contractions, and such absurdities as I.O.U., which Nuttall actually gives as a word.
The boys can walk out as follows:—
1st Day. 2nd Day. 3rd Day. A B C B F H F A G D E F E I A I D B G H I C G D H C E
4th Day. 5th Day. 6th Day. A D H G B I D C A B E G C F D E H B F I C H A E I G F
Every boy will then have walked by the side of every other boy once and once only.
Dealing with the problem generally, 12n+9 boys may walk out in triplets under the conditions on 9n+6 days, where n may be nought or any integer. Every possible pair will occur once. Call the number of boys m. Then every boy will pair m-1 times, of which (m-1)/4 times he will be in the middle of a triplet and (m-1)/2 times on the outside. Thus, if we refer to the solution above, we find that every boy is in the middle twice (making 4 pairs) and four times on the outside (making the remaining 4 pairs of his 8). The reader may now like to try his hand at solving the two next cases of 21 boys on 15 days, and 33 boys on 24 days. It is, perhaps, interesting to note that a school of 489 boys could thus walk out daily in one leap year, but it would take 731 girls (referred to in the solution to No. 269) to perform their particular feat by a daily walk in a year of 365 days.
The history of this problem will be found in The Canterbury Puzzles (No. 90). Since the publication of that book in 1907, so far as I know, nobody has succeeded in solving the case for that unlucky number of persons, 13, seated at a table on 66 occasions. A solution is possible for any number of persons, and I have recorded schedules for every number up to 25 persons inclusive and for 33. But as I know a good many mathematicians are still considering the case of 13, I will not at this stage rob them of the pleasure of solving it by showing the answer. But I will now display the solutions for all the cases up to 12 persons inclusive. Some of these solutions are now published for the first time, and they may afford useful clues to investigators.
The solution for the case of 3 persons seated on 1 occasion needs no remark.
A solution for the case of 4 persons on 3 occasions is as follows:—
1 2 3 4 1 3 4 2 1 4 2 3
Each line represents the order for a sitting, and the person represented by the last number in a line must, of course, be regarded as sitting next to the first person in the same line, when placed at the round table.
The case of 5 persons on 6 occasions may be solved as follows:—
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 4 5 3 1 2 5 3 4 ————- 1 3 2 5 4 1 4 2 3 5 1 5 2 4 3
The case for 6 persons on 10 occasions is solved thus:—
1 2 3 6 4 5 1 3 4 2 5 6 1 4 5 3 6 2 1 5 6 4 2 3 1 6 2 5 3 4 —————- 1 2 4 5 6 3 1 3 5 6 2 4 1 4 6 2 3 5 1 5 2 3 4 6 1 6 3 4 5 2
It will now no longer be necessary to give the solutions in full, for reasons that I will explain. It will be seen in the examples above that the 1 (and, in the case of 5 persons, also the 2) is repeated down the column. Such a number I call a "repeater." The other numbers descend in cyclical order. Thus, for 6 persons we get the cycle, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 2, and so on, in every column. So it is only necessary to give the two lines 1 2 3 6 4 5 and 1 2 4 5 6 3, and denote the cycle and repeaters, to enable any one to write out the full solution straight away. The reader may wonder why I do not start the last solution with the numbers in their natural order, 1 2 3 4 5 6. If I did so the numbers in the descending cycle would not be in their natural order, and it is more convenient to have a regular cycle than to consider the order in the first line.
The difficult case of 7 persons on 15 occasions is solved as follows, and was given by me in The Canterbury Puzzles:—
1 2 3 4 5 7 6 1 6 2 7 5 3 4 1 3 5 2 6 7 4 1 5 7 4 3 6 2 1 5 2 7 3 4 6
In this case the 1 is a repeater, and there are two separate cycles, 2, 3, 4, 2, and 5, 6, 7, 5. We thus get five groups of three lines each, for a fourth line in any group will merely repeat the first line.
A solution for 8 persons on 21 occasions is as follows:—
1 8 6 3 4 5 2 7 1 8 4 5 7 2 3 6 1 8 2 7 3 6 4 5
The 1 is here a repeater, and the cycle 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. Every one of the 3 groups will give 7 lines.
Here is my solution for 9 persons on 28 occasions:—
2 1 9 7 4 5 6 3 8 2 9 5 1 6 8 3 4 7 2 9 3 1 8 4 7 5 6 2 9 1 5 6 4 7 8 3
There are here two repeaters, 1 and 2, and the cycle is 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. We thus get 4 groups of 7 lines each.
The case of 10 persons on 36 occasions is solved as follows:—
1 10 8 3 6 5 4 7 2 9 1 10 6 5 2 9 7 4 3 8 1 10 2 9 3 8 6 5 7 4 1 10 7 4 8 3 2 9 5 6
The repeater is 1, and the cycle, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. We here have 4 groups of 9 lines each.
My solution for 11 persons on 45 occasions is as follows:—
2 11 9 4 7 6 5 1 8 3 10 2 1 11 7 6 3 10 8 5 4 9 2 11 10 3 9 4 8 5 1 7 6 2 11 5 8 1 3 10 6 7 9 4 2 11 1 10 3 4 9 6 7 5 8
There are two repeaters, 1 and 2, and the cycle is, 3, 4, 5,... 11. We thus get 5 groups of 9 lines each.
The case of 12 persons on 55 occasions is solved thus:—
1 2 3 12 4 11 5 10 6 9 7 8 1 2 4 11 6 9 8 7 10 5 12 3 1 2 5 10 8 7 11 4 3 12 6 9 1 2 6 9 10 5 3 12 7 8 11 4 1 2 7 8 12 3 6 9 11 4 5 10
Here 1 is a repeater, and the cycle is 2, 3, 4, 5,... 12. We thus get 5 groups of 11 lines each.
If we interchange cards 6 and 13 and begin our count at 14, we may take up all the twenty-one cards—that is, make twenty-one "catches"—in the following order: 6, 8, 13, 2, 10, 1, 11, 4, 14, 3, 5, 7, 21, 12, 15, 20, 9, 16, 18, 17, 19. We may also exchange 10 and 14 and start at 16, or exchange 6 and 8 and start at 19.
The six diagrams on next page show solutions for the cases where we replace 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 hurdles. The dark lines indicate the hurdles that have been replaced. There are, of course, other ways of making the removals.
There are several ways of solving the puzzle, but there is very little difference between them. The solver should, however, first of all bear in mind that in making his calculations he need only consider the four villas that stand at the corners, because the intermediate villas can never vary when the corners are known. One way is to place the numbers nought to 9 one at a time in the top left-hand corner, and then consider each case in turn.
Now, if we place 9 in the corner as shown in the Diagram A, two of the corners cannot be occupied, while the corner that is diagonally opposite may be filled by 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9 persons. We thus see that there are 10
- -+ +- - - -+ O OHO O OHO O O O OHO O H + +=+ O OHO O OHO O O O OHOHO +-+ +-- - -+ + -+ + O O O O O O O O O O O O + -+ +-- - O O O O O O OHO O O O O - - - 2 3 4
--+ +- - - O O OHO OHO O O O O O O = = === O OHO O OHOHO O OHOHO O -- + + -+ + + + O O O O O O O O O OHO O = = + +=+ +=+ + O O O O OHO O O O O O O - - -+ + - - 5 6 7 THE SIXTEEN SHEEP
solutions with a 9 in the corner. If, however, we substitute 8, the two corners in the same row and column may contain 0, 0, or 1, 1, or 0, 1, or 1, 0. In the case of B, ten different selections may be made for the fourth corner; but in each of the cases C, D, and E, only nine selections are possible, because we cannot use the 9. Therefore with 8 in the top left-hand corner there are 10 + (3 x 9) = 37 different solutions. If we then try 7 in the corner, the result will be 10 + 27 + 40, or 77 solutions. With 6 we get 10 + 27 + 40 + 49 = 126; with 5, 10 + 27 + 40 + 49 + 54 = 180; with 4, the same as with 5, + 55 = 235 ; with 3, the same as with 4, + 52 = 287; with 2, the same as with 3, + 45 = 332; with 1, the same as with 2, + 34 = 366, and with nought in the top left-hand corner the number of solutions will be found to be 10 + 27 + 40 + 49 + 54 + 55 + 52 + 45 + 34 + 19 = 385. As there is no other number to be placed in the top left-hand corner, we have now only to add these totals together thus, 10 + 37 + 77 + 126 + 180 + 235 + 287 + 332 + 366 + 385 = 2,035. We therefore find that the total number of ways in which tenants may occupy some or all of the eight villas so that there shall be always nine persons living along each side of the square is 2,035. Of course, this method must obviously cover all the reversals and reflections, since each corner in turn is occupied by every number in all possible combinations with the other two corners that are in line with it.
Here is a general formula for solving the puzzle: (n squared + 3n + 2)(n squared + 3n + 3)/6. Whatever may be the stipulated number of residents along each of the sides (which number is represented by n), the total number of different arrangements may be thus ascertained. In our particular case the number of residents was nine. Therefore (81 + 27 + 2) x (81 + 27 + 3) and the product, divided by 6, gives 2,035. If the number of residents had been 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8, the total arrangements would be 1, 7, 26, 70, 155, 301, 532, 876, or 1,365 respectively.
Let us first deal with the Greek Cross. There are just eighteen forms in which the numbers may be paired for the two arms. Here they are:—
12978 13968 14958 34956 24957 23967
23958 13769 14759 14967 24758 23768
12589 23759 13579 34567 14768 24568
14569 23569 14379 23578 14578 25368
15369 24369 23189 24378 15378 45167
24179 25169 34169 35168 34178 25178
Of course, the number in the middle is common to both arms. The first pair is the one I gave as an example. I will suppose that we have written out all these crosses, always placing the first row of a pair in the upright and the second row in the horizontal arm. Now, if we leave the central figure fixed, there are 24 ways in which the numbers in the upright may be varied, for the four counters may be changed in 1 x 2 x 3 x 4 = 24 ways. And as the four in the horizontal may also be changed in 24 ways for every arrangement on the other arm, we find that there are 24 x 24 = 576 variations for every form; therefore, as there are 18 forms, we get 18 x 576 = 10,368 ways. But this will include half the four reversals and half the four reflections that we barred, so we must divide this by 4 to obtain the correct answer to the Greek Cross, which is thus 2,592 different ways. The division is by 4 and not by 8, because we provided against half the reversals and reflections by always reserving one number for the upright and the other for the horizontal.
In the case of the Latin Cross, it is obvious that we have to deal with the same 18 forms of pairing. The total number of different ways in this case is the full number, 18 x 576. Owing to the fact that the upper and lower arms are unequal in length, permutations will repeat by reflection, but not by reversal, for we cannot reverse. Therefore this fact only entails division by 2. But in every pair we may exchange the figures in the upright with those in the horizontal (which we could not do in the case of the Greek Cross, as the arms are there all alike); consequently we must multiply by 2. This multiplication by 2 and division by 2 cancel one another. Hence 10,368 is here the correct answer.
MON. TUES. WED. - - - - - - - - - 1 2 1 1 3 1 1 4 1 - - - - - - - - - 2 2 1 1 1 1 - - - - - - - - - 1 22 1 3 19 3 4 16 4 - - - - - - - - -
THURS. FRI. SAT. - - - - - - - - - 1 5 1 2 6 2 4 4 4 - - - - - - - - - 2 2 1 1 4 4 - - - - - - - - - 4 13 4 7 6 7 4 4 4 - - - - - - - - -
Arrange the nuns from day to day as shown in the six diagrams. The smallest possible number of nuns would be thirty-two, and the arrangements on the last three days admit of variation.
This is quite easy to solve for any number of barrels—if you know how. This is the way to do it. There are five barrels in each row Multiply the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 together; and also multiply 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 together. Divide one result by the other, and we get the number of different combinations or selections of ten things taken five at a time. This is here 252. Now, if we divide this by 6 (1 more than the number in the row) we get 42, which is the correct answer to the puzzle, for there are 42 different ways of arranging the barrels. Try this method of solution in the case of six barrels, three in each row, and you will find the answer is 5 ways. If you check this by trial, you will discover the five arrangements with 123, 124, 125, 134, 135 respectively in the top row, and you will find no others.
The general solution to the problem is, in fact, this:
n C 2n ——- n + 1
where 2n equals the number of barrels. The symbol C, of course, implies that we have to find how many combinations, or selections, we can make of 2n things, taken n at a time. |
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