The American Missionary
AUGUST, 1896
VOL. L. No. 8.
Bible House, Ninth St. and Fourth Ave., New York.
Price, 50 Cents a Year in advance.
Entered at the Post Office at New York, N.Y., as second-class mail matter.
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American Missionary Association.
Honorary Secretary and Editor.
REV. M.E. STRIEBY, D.D., Bible House, N.Y.
Corresponding Secretaries.
Rev. A.F. BEARD, D.D. Rev. F.P. WOODBURY, D.D., Bible House, N.Y. Rev. C.J. RYDER, D.D., Bible House, N.Y.
Recording Secretary.
Rev. M.E. STRIEBY, D.D., Bible House, N.Y.
H.W. HUBBARD, Esq., Bible House, N.Y.
Executive Committee.
CHARLES L. MEAD, Chairman. CHARLES A. HULL, Secretary.
For Three Years.
For Two Years.
For One Year.
District Secretaries.
Rev. GEO. H. GUTTERSON, 21 Cong'l House, Boston, Mass. Rev. Jos. E. ROY, D.D., 153 La Salle Street, Chicago, Ill.
Secretary of Woman's Bureau.
Miss D.E. EMERSON, Bible House, N.Y.
Relating to the work of the Association may be addressed to the Corresponding Secretaries; letters for "THE AMERICAN MISSIONARY," to the Editor, at the New York Office; letters relating to the finances, to the Treasurer; letters relating to woman's work, to the Secretary of the Woman's Bureau.
In drafts, checks, registered letters, or post-office orders, may be sent to H.W. Hubbard, Treasurer, Bible House, New York; or, when more convenient, to either of the Branch Offices, 21 Congregational House, Boston, Mass., or 153 La Salle Street, Chicago, Ill. A payment of thirty dollars constitutes a Life Member.
NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS.—The date on the "address label" indicates the time to which the subscription is paid. Changes are made in date on label to the 10th of each month. If payment of subscription be made afterward the change on the label will appear a month later. Please send early notice of change in post-office address, giving the former address and the new address, in order that our periodicals and occasional papers may be correctly mailed.
"I give and bequeath the sum of —— dollars to the 'American Missionary Association,' incorporated by act of the Legislature of the State of New York." The will should be attested by three witnesses.
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VOL. L. AUGUST, 1896. No. 8.
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The Jubilee Year Fund.
Extract from the appeal of the Executive Committee of the American Missionary Association:
Fifty Dollars a Share.
It is proposed to raise during the next six months a special Jubilee Year Fund of $100,000 in shares of $50 each, with the hope and expectation that these shares will be taken by the friends of missions without lessening those regular contributions which must be depended upon to sustain the current work.
FORM OF A PLEDGE. Share, $50. $100,000. THE JUBILEE YEAR FUND OF THE AMERICAN MISSIONARY ASSOCIATION. I hereby take .... shares (Fifty Dollars each) in the Jubilee Year Fund of the American Missionary Association, to be paid before the close of the fiscal year, Sept. 30, 1896. Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P.O. Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Our readers will notice that our jubilee share list is increasing in numbers. We have reason to be grateful to God in that he has moved the hearts of so many and led them to help our Lord's needy ones. We would that those who have responded to our appeals could see the things that we see, and hear the things which we hear. We have nothing but gratitude for the fact that in this time of financial distress and uncertainty, when money is so hard to get, the cause which we bring to the Christian love and patriotism of good people is not losing, but gaining in their sympathies and help. This trying year—trying to so many, therefore trying to us—brings a jubilee thanksgiving to us, in that we are not sinking deeper into the horrible pit and miry clay of debt, but are little by little being pulled out of the slough. We know not how long the pull may be, but if those who love the Lord Jesus Christ will pull all together we shall not fail, and we need not be discouraged. Our feet will get upon a rock and our goings be established; for which we pray.
The Home Mission Monthly of the American Baptist Home Mission Society, in an article upon "Leaders," agrees with us in saying: "A different style of men is needed as leaders of the colored people to-day from that of those who aspired to leadership twenty-five years ago; the race has made great progress; there are multitudes now of Negro men and women who have had the advantages of the common schools, many who have a college education, and some who have university culture; to wisely influence them in their thought and action is more difficult than to control the masses of the illiterate and untrained. It is especially worthy of consideration that among the Negroes of the South to-day are some men of power and of education who are leaders; but whose leadership, unfortunately, is in the wrong direction. This renders it all the more urgent that the Mission Society and kindred organizations should seek to supply them with a class of leaders who, by reason of their godly character, their knowledge, their training, their consecration, will be able to counteract the evil influences now at work, and to lead their people into paths of righteousness.
"The Mission Society does not attempt to provide a college education for the multitudes of Negroes; even this would be a task beyond its resources. What it does aim to do is simply to secure, if possible, the education of a comparatively few young men and young women, who shall become leaders among their people; men and women who by their knowledge, training, culture, power, will be able to organize and direct the energies of the masses of the people. Leaders are needed, and these should be thoroughly competent for leadership; it is a hard task to influence successfully the development of a race of eight million people, and those who attempt the work require natural qualities of a high order and also unusual attainments."
What is to prevent these people who have been enfranchised from becoming the prey of demagogues and designing men who wish to use them for unchristian purposes and in unchristian ways, unless they have large minded, thoroughly educated leaders with knowledge of history and of life who can lead their own people in the ways of righteousness? Events now transpiring give significance to this question.
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The University of Pennsylvania has conferred the degree of Doctor of Philosophy on Mr. Lewis B. Moore, who graduated from Fisk University a few years ago. We listened to his "graduating address" at the close of his college years at Fisk, whence he went to Philadelphia to take charge of a branch of the Y.M.C.A. While attending to the laborious duties of this position he has, during four years of earnest, patient, and thorough study, earned his degree of Ph.D. in Greek and Latin and Ethics, in one of the severest graduate schools in the country. Dr. Moore is one of "our boys"; and there are many of them who are preparing themselves, by their vision of a larger life and their attainment of larger possessions, to be wise leaders among their people. Dr. Moore is now an instructor in Howard University, Washington, D.C.
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There are those who object to the constitutional rights of the Negro, and some who object to his Christian privileges, lest his recognition as a man shall lead to "social equality," whatever this may mean. The following from a leading Negro paper, i.e., edited by a Negro for a Negro constituency, is a testimony as to what is and what is not the Negro's idea of "recognition":
"That the Negroes in recognizing constitutional rights are at the same time seeking an arbitrary social equality with any other race is erroneous. From the time of emancipation, the colored people have had no disposition to force a social alliance with the whites. The colored citizens have all their civil and political rights, and these rights they demand. When honored colored men or women enter a first-class hotel or restaurant, or seek a decent stateroom on a steamer, they do not enter these places because they are seeking social contact with the whites, but because they demand their just privileges for their personal protection and comfort."
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Of the illustrious ones who laid the foundations for the liberation of the slave, the name of Harriet Beecher Stowe leads all the rest.
What America's greatest woman did towards making freedom possible, our devoted and consecrated women teachers have been carrying out these thirty years to the full Christian conclusion. Those who read the records of the closing days of our schools in this present August number of THE MISSIONARY will be reminded how these faithful teachers are still engaged completing the unfinished work of their greater sister.
Next to "Uncle Tom's Cabin," perhaps the book which has the truest stamp of the genius of Mrs. Stowe is her "Old Town Folks." In her incomparable description of "School Days in Cloudland," in which she shows how her sympathies went out to the people of every nation and tongue who are oppressed, she compares the influences of education in New England with a country without schoolhouses, saying: "Look at Spain at this hour and look back at New England at the time of which I write, and compare the Spanish peasantry with the yeomen of New England. If Spain had had not a single cathedral, if her Murillos had all been sunk in the sea, and if she had had, for a hundred years past, a set of schoolmasters and ministers working together as I have described Mr. Avery and Mr. Rossiter as working, would not Spain be infinitely better off for this life at least? That is the point that I humbly present to the consideration of the public."
This point which Mrs. Stowe presents to the consideration of the public, is the one to which her younger sisters are faithfully directing their faith and their works among a people who up to Mrs. Stowe's day never saw a schoolhouse.
We make our tribute to the gracious memory of her whose words went out into all the world and extended to the ends of the earth: and we ask remembrance of those who under the same inspiration are living among the children of these liberated ones and are taking with them the love and wisdom of Him who was "anointed to preach the gospel to the poor, the recovery of sight to the blind, and to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord."
We are sometimes asked how this work of education, which Mrs. Stowe did more than any other person to inaugurate, is regarded by the intelligent white people of the South. We can gladly say that we have too much recognition and appreciation of our work among good people of the South to be otherwise than thankful for it, and for the fact that these good people are increasing every year in numbers and in readiness to encourage us. We have never united in more earnest prayers for our work, and for those who carry it on, even in our annual meetings than in our worship in the South with many Southern pastors, and nowhere have we heard more appreciative words respecting our work than from good people of the South who have acquainted themselves with what we are doing and how we are doing it. That multitudes are still unable to see and unready to prophesy does not count. The day of appreciative recognition has not fully come, but it has dawned, and will come by and by.
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We have asked the pastors of some of our churches to give to us sketches of the histories of those churches—their location, pastors and membership, the condition of their members financially and otherwise, how many have homes of their own, and what are their employments. The details are truthful and are of value as showing the people in their church, home, and business life.
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By Mrs. Ella Gill Sedgwick.
Deer Lodge, on the Cumberland Plateau in east Tennessee, is delightfully located. The adjacent country is highly picturesque—rocky cliffs, deep ravines, winding wooded streams, giving beauty to the landscape. To the eastward, stretching far in undulating lines, are the mountains, seen through a purple mist of great beauty. We often repeat the words, "As the mountains are round about Jerusalem, so the Lord is round about his people." We are nearly 2,000 feet above the level of the sea, so the air is pure and healthful. A spicy fragrance fills the air, blown down from the pines that crown the hills.
Deer Lodge has been settled mostly by Northern people. In a religious point of view we are divided into Congregationalists, Methodists, and Baptists, with a few Episcopalians. There is only one church building, however, the Congregationalists'. This is a beautiful little edifice worthy of the growing importance of this interesting field on the Cumberland Plateau. The church has a choice location on Ross Avenue.
On April 13, 1889, the corner-stone was laid, and on August 4 of the same year the church was dedicated. The church has good officers and earnest working members. The present membership is forty-one. No hostility is shown toward our church by the members of other churches, but all are united and recognize in every one who loves the Master a fellow-worker in the vineyard of Christ.
The present pastor, Rev. G. Lusty, during his residence among us has endeared himself to all. A promising work is being done in the Sabbath-school, and we believe that from it constantly go forth many little rills of influence that are entering the homes and bringing the people a higher and purer life. The Christian Endeavor society is doing a good work among the young people. The prayer-meetings held on Thursday evenings are well attended. The growth of the church has not been rapid, but is steady, and during its history has enjoyed some revivals of religion.
Under the direction of the pastor's loyal wife the young people have been gathered into a sewing-school at her home every Saturday afternoon, and everything is done to encourage the little fingers in their attempts to guide the needle; and we feel that here, too, is a work being done that will bring forth fruit in the homes.
The barrels of supplies, sent to us by friends in other States, have enabled us to assist many needy ones. While packing these missionary boxes, if you could only see "the other end of the line" you would feel rewarded for your gifts. The kindness done for Christ's sake will not be forgotten.
The country around Deer Lodge is sparsely settled. One can travel miles without meeting any one. The people are somewhere—where, we are unable to tell; yet when they have an opportunity to hear preaching you will always find many people gathered in the schoolhouse where the "meeting" is to be held. In traveling through the surrounding country you will see many rough log houses, with only one room and often without windows, two doors opposite each other, one door always kept open winter and summer. A huge fire-place is in one end of the room. If you would have a view of humanity in its simplicity, visit one of these mountain homes. You will find everything of the most primitive kind. The hum of the spinning-wheel and the heavy thud of the loom will greet your ears. In one room you will very often see several beds, while the rest of the furniture will consist of a few wooden chairs, a table and perhaps a cupboard, and into this one room will be gathered the whole family, the women with old shawls over their heads, sitting by the fire chewing tobacco, or with the invariable snuff-stick in their mouth. But everywhere you will be treated with kindness and invariable civility. "Come and see us," they say; "we are mighty poor folks, but we will do the best we can." These mountaineers take life in a slow and easy way; you cannot make them "step to Yankee time."
Last Sabbath we attended one of the afternoon services. Our road passed for several miles through a lovely forest, with its soft shadows and calm repose. The only sound to break the stillness was the song of the birds. After a while we heard ringing out through the pine woods the echo of gospel hymns. Following the sound, and wending our way a little farther through the woods, in a quiet glen we came to the school house where the services were to be held. Here we found an earnest, attentive audience. In one place an outdoor meeting was held. It was a rare, perfect day. The people came in twos and threes, finding places wherever they could. One could almost fancy that other scene of centuries ago, beneath the blue skies of Palestine, where, when the multitude were gathered upon the mountain, the Master "opened His mouth and taught them."
Among these mountaineers are young men and women eager in their desire for knowledge, and anxious for an opportunity to learn of a better way of life. We believe that to the question, "What of the night?" the answer can be given, "The morning cometh."
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By Miss Alice M. Garsden.
I cannot promise you a sketch of our commencement abounding in local color, for, if one were afflicted with color-blindness, he would probably be unable to discover many points of difference between commencement at Fisk and the same exercises at an Eastern college of about the same size.
As a mere reprint of the programs of the various anniversary exercises, which continued for three or four days, would occupy more space than is allowed for this article, it is evident that many things of interest must be crowded out.
The Department of Music gave a characteristic performance. Every selection on the program was well rendered. No music but the best is ever studied at Fisk, and the productions of the great composers are not only well played, but also well appreciated by our students.
The exhibition given by the Gymnastic Department showed that Fisk has athletes as well as musicians. The young men went through a series of feats which showed both agility and strength. If they fail in the work of life, it will not be for lack of hard, well-trained muscles. This department has been under the direction of a student for the past two years.
Rev. Ira Landrith, D.D., of Nashville, preached the annual "missionary sermon." Dr. Landrith possesses true Southern eloquence, and was listened to with marked attention. During the year he has, on several occasions, expressed himself as heartily in sympathy with our work. Such friendliness on the part of an influential Southerner is pleasant to note.
Dr. Beard, our secretary, preached the "baccalaureate sermon." He presented in a very vivid manner the blessings to be won by those who conquer the hindrances of life. He showed how the law of struggle is the law of strength and of possession. The duty and necessity of overcoming evil, as well as the rewards, were illustrated and urged.
The various alumni associations are now endeavoring to raise a fund of one thousand dollars for the university. They are faithful to their alma mater.
The graduating exercises of the Normal Department were largely attended, and the thirteen young women of the class would have been listened to on any Northern commencement platform with earnest and thoughtful attention. President Cravath's address to them was on "The New Woman." "The educated young colored woman of to-day," he said, "is, in a peculiar sense, the new woman of her race." He contrasted the opportunities of the young women before him with those which their mothers had, and besought them to consider their peculiar responsibilities linked with their opportunities.
For the regular college graduation exercises every seat in the spacious chapel was filled. Plants and wild-flowers had been used to decorate the platform, while large flags were artistically draped on either side. The class, numbering fifteen, occupied the front seats. President Cravath, Dr. Beard, and other guests were on the platform. The orations were, without exception, highly creditable. The speakers chose subjects of current interest instead of recounting the exploits of the ancient Greeks and Romans or making Napoleon fight his battles over again for us. They bore the marks of thoughtful and accurate study. After the conferring of the degrees, the audience rose while the Mozart Society rendered the Hallelujah Chorus. What a debt of gratitude we owe to Handel for giving us that Chorus! General Fisk used to say that there were glories and hallelujahs and amens enough in it to make several rousing Methodist camp-meetings.
After the commencement exercises a collation was served to which all the alumni and the parents of the students present were invited. After the refreshments the speeches followed. These were not of the time-honored sort. Fathers and mothers rose and told of the struggles they had made to get their boy or girl through school. Many were the expressions of gladness and of hope, and when President Cravath announced that the school year was ended, all of those who had taught felt rewarded for the toils and anxieties of a fruitful college year.
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By Prof. J.H. Ewell, D.D.
The American Missionary Association was obliged to reduce the appropriation for our work by one-fourth this year. This has occasioned so much extra work, care, and anxiety, but the good hand of our Heavenly Father has been upon us, and the teachers have increased their hours in the classroom, and kind friends and churches have lent a helping hand. Grateful mention should be made of large assistance from the First Congregational Church, of Washington, and of aid from young churches with heavy burdens upon them. One devoted and steadfast friend who gave according to her power, yea, gave beyond her power; whose means were small, but whose charities were large, because she spent so little upon herself, Miss Mary F. Andrews, of Millbury, has been called home during the year. Who will take her place? I wish there were space to speak of all who have co-operated with us by giving. Almost every gift has some association that has made it specially cheering.
Our Anniversary Exercises received the heartiest commendation. The class numbered eight more than four years previously. We are greatly encouraged by the good work that our graduates are doing. May the Lord reward all of our beloved supporters! We always pray for them and for the Association, and for all our varied workers under its auspices, and we ask especially that all who are interested in our work will pray for us that Charles Wesley's petition may be fulfilled in us,
"Write Thy new name upon my heart, Thy best new name of Love."
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By Rev. A.W. Curtis.
Lincoln Academy is beautiful for situation, in the midst of groves of young pine, on a considerable plateau sloping southward, overlooking the valley of a little creek with the grand old mountain towering above them on the farther side. A quiet restful spot removed from the temptations of town life, four miles from the village station; just the place for the great family home school which I found on this occasion, Wednesday night, busy as bees preparing for the great event of the year. The boys had put up a brush arbor in the grove near by, and provided plenty of plank seats beneath.
We had a rousing Christian Endeavor meeting that night, the last of the session. All of the students belong to the Senior or Junior branch, and with the schedule topic, "The Widening of Christ's Kingdom," brought home and made personal, "What can I do to extend Christ's Kingdom during this vacation?" Many very practical talks were given, and many pledges of best endeavor to this end in the home life or where they were expecting to teach through the summer. Strange noises were heard during the night, which the morning light explained by the covered wagons, prairie schooners we would call them at the West, which had come in and camped out near the spring. As the hour approached a perfect string of nondescript vehicles bringing the whole family, and many others on muleback or on foot, came pouring in from near and far, until by 10 A.M. nearly one thousand people had gathered in and around the arbor; some of them coming from thirty to fifty miles overland.
"Old Glory" had been floating from the flagstaff above the central school building all the morning, and now the scholars, neatly dressed, came marching up the hill and crowded the platform to sing their welcome song. Prayer was offered by one of the first graduates, now a minister. Then the principal, and lady general, gave out the orders for the day in such a womanly and winning way as showed her fully mistress of the situation.
"No smoking anywhere on the school-grounds; no changing of seats during any exercise; no selling of liquors or even ice cream, lemonade, or other refreshments—not because these latter were not good in themselves, but because of the temptation to spend money which they could not afford in these hard times, and while complaining that they could not raise money for the schooling of their children, they must not spend their nickels in such ways. Take care of their nickels and they would soon count up to dollars."
Several hucksters and peddlers, who had come with their wares, the principal succeeded in driving off, and in a region where whisky has flowed freely and smoking is almost their vital breath, she that day had an orderly assemblage of nearly a thousand, on uncomfortable seats, quiet and interested for four and a half hours without any intermission!
It was a very carefully prepared program; speeches, essays, recitals, dialogues, and such splendid singing as only these trained voices of colored students can give. It was no easy matter to speak so as to be heard by such a crowd in the open air, but every girl as well as boy succeeded admirably, and all showed most careful training and drill. The themes chosen were very practical and fitted to the occasion.
Tobacco got rough and fearless handling, and liquor-drinking was rebuked in almost every conceivable way and rubbed in repeatedly. The old and the modern ways of teaching were compared and illustrated; indeed, every recitation was evidently selected with reference to its moral effect.
Certainly these huge commencement gatherings are themselves educators for the fathers and mothers and kinsfolk of these young people, whom they are proud to see doing so well. The words of all the songs were thoroughly learned, so they will do service in many another gathering wherever these students may be. It was the writer's privilege to give the commencement address on "Making the best use of life as God's plan for our highest good."
Thursday night we held a parting communion service with the Congregational Church, which is mainly composed of students. The maps shown me and many of their examination papers were exceptionally good. Last winter mumps and measles successively swept through the school, and at one time made the home almost a hospital, but the brave teachers went through all, kept up recitations with the well ones, and nursed the sick and brought them all safely through without the expense of a doctor. Now all were well and evidently thriving on good food, though it is marvel to me how good board can be afforded with tuition, and all expenses covered for $4.50 per month, and yet work be furnished to most of them for one-third of that, bringing the cash outlay to ten cents a day! but they do it, and a happier household I have never seen than those who gather at Lincoln Academy.
A white man with whom I was talking at the station said, "Those lady teachers are doing a great work for this whole region."
So the leaven works.
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By Miss Amelia Merriam.
The fact that with the graduation of the class of '96 our school would complete its first decade, added interest to the occasion.
One member of the class has been in the school from its organization. In the class history she gave quite a vivid description of those trying days when the building at Quitman, Ga., where the school was first gathered, was burned to the ground, as the result of hostile feeling on the part of the citizens of the place. Certainly there has been progress toward a just appreciation of the work of the American Missionary Association in the communities where its work has been done, as seen in the kindly feeling toward the school manifested in various ways by the people of Thomasville.
Of the six graduates, five are young women; three of these begin their work of teaching in country schools immediately. One, the valedictorian of the class, has already written something in regard to her surroundings. At the place, which is the best in the neighborhood, where she was to board—if the word may be used in connection with such a state of things—she writes that there is almost nothing in the way of necessities for decent living. There is not a lamp in the house; not even a tallow candle, the room in which the family eat and sleep being lighted only by building a fire upon the hearth. Of such an article as a towel they apparently do not know the use; and the one basin in which she washed her hands serves for various other domestic purposes. Almost the only household appliances are two ovens, as they are called—two flat-bottomed, shallow iron kettles, with iron covers, and legs a few inches long. Under these kettles, out of doors, the fire is made, and coals put upon the flat covers. In this way the hoe-cake is baked in one, while the bacon is fried in the other. These two viands, with an occasional mess of greens or potatoes, constitute the bill of fare month in and month out. No wonder the poor girl lost her appetite. She was supplied from the Home with what she needed to make herself comfortable in the one very small room which she is fortunate enough to have to herself.
It is from country places like these that we wish to bring scholars into the school. The truth is that the young people in these communities are too ignorant to have any desire for anything different from what they now have. Here is an almost limitless home missionary field, to be worked by the graduates of our schools. These teachers are good object-lessons, showing what an education, including a knowledge of homemaking, as well as what is learned from books, can do for boys and girls like themselves.
We rejoice in the fact that when the school closed, all of the girls in the Hall were professedly disciples of Christ, and will, we believe, go back to their homes to be better daughters and more helpful members of the communities so much in need of the influences which we trust they will exert.
Five of our scholars connected themselves with our church at the last communion service.
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By Rev. E.W. Hollies.
The closing exercises at Saluda Seminary took place on Friday evening, May 1. Visitors overflowed the schoolrooms before the appointed hour. After the introductory march had been rendered by one of the music pupils on the beautiful Estey piano which adorned the platform, there was not a standing place left for seeing nor hearing. The young people kept everybody interested and pleased for three hours, by readings, recitations, instrumental music, and songs. "The Delsarte Children," a drill by eight little girls, whose motions were accompanied with strains of music, was prettily and accurately presented, and was much appreciated.
A cantata, "THE VOICES OF NATURE," was presented by the Juniors, and was an interesting and pleasing feature of the evening, and showed that careful instruction had been given by the teacher of music. Two well prepared essays were read by their authors; one for, and the other against, "Woman Suffrage."
The "SALUDA HERALD," a paper of thirty-two pages, published by the pupils of the school, was read by four of its editors. This paper contained many good things in the form of prose, poems, puns, and puzzles. It abounded in wit and good humor. Its production was a credit to the young people and added much to the enjoyment of the visitors; and it was also unmistakable evidence that the young people attending this school are taught to think and to write their thoughts with grammatical accuracy, and also to give intelligent vocal expression to the same. Saluda is highly favored in having this excellent school within its borders.
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By Prof. A.T. Burnell.
The year 1895-6 will be long remembered by all connected with Burrell School, Selma, Ala., for the widespread religious interest gathering in nearly half of those attending in March; for the continued increase of enrolment, especially in the grammar and normal grades; and the closing of this year will be remembered as a great and successful financial endeavor, which netted for the school fifty dollars—"one jubilee share." It is to be said that Selma is a generous town, when entertainments come as at this season for the colored schools here. Burrell presented one for the primaries, in which an entire grade appeared upon the stage, some children impersonating trees planted by other children and growing as by magic, while still others played "hide and seek" about the trees or built nests therein.
On the second programme, intermingled with the usual dialogues and "speeches" so loudly demanded by all pupils, there were the essays of three who had completed the tenth grade, and some excellent music, with shadow pictures, etc.
But the chief interest centered in the drama, that brought a crowded house on Wednesday evening, and was repeated the next week.
Public examinations were held for three days, beginning Friday the 22d, when a good number of friends visited the different rooms, noted the work of the pupils, and shared with the teachers the quizzing of the pupils, who seemed to enjoy their part. Not the least interesting because thoroughly practical was the display of garments, stitching and mending in the sewing-room; and, in the blacksmith and the carpenter shops, articles manufactured by the boys. The school ground gives evidence of workmen—attending to fences, repairs on buildings, a shop, and two pump-shelters erected.
The catalogue just issued lists 287 students, a gain of twenty-four per cent. in two years; gives a history of Burrell from its start in 1869, and among former students names all the lady teachers of the city school, besides five on other faculties in Selma.
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By Mrs. Ellen R. Dorsett.
Skyland Institute at Blowing Rock, N.C., has during the year continually had in mind the saying, "Children should be seen and not heard," and so has not lifted up her voice to report her work. But the child is now six years old, is growing in beauty and strength, and needs some attention.
The year has been one of good things. Our pupils have been of a better class than in previous years, and better adapted to go out and teach. Our attendance has been more regular, our tuition has been paid as a rule, and, although epidemics have prevailed all about us, we have lived under the banner of the ninety-first Psalm and "no evil has befallen us."
Our closing exercises consisted of reports from our different organizations by a representative from each; class histories, and an industrial exhibit on Tuesday afternoon, June 2. The following morning Rev. J.L. Murphy gave us an address on the topic, "Wanted—A Man." It was able, interesting, and inspiring. Mr. Murphy has for several years been president of a girls' college in Hickory, N.C., and we were fortunate in securing his services.
We have more applications for places in our home and school next year than we have places, and just as soon as that debt is paid, the North will hear a lusty cry from this child for room, more room.
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By Rev. T.S. Inborden.
The Joseph K. Brick Agricultural, Industrial and Normal School, located at Enfield, N.C., celebrated its first anniversary May 29. It was a noteworthy occasion for many who had not before visited the old plantation under the new regime.
The exercises began at eight o'clock p.m., but as early as three o'clock the people began to gather. They came on foot, in ox carts, wagons and on bicycles. They were plain farmers, young teachers, politicians and merchants. All were enthusiastic in their interest in the school. The exercises were full of interest and the outlook for another year never seemed brighter. Another year, God willing, we will show a great advance.
* * * * *
By Mrs. H.I. Miller.
Our school closed its doors on the night of the 26th of May. All went away saying "It was the best commencement Lincoln has ever had." I heartily endorse the opinion. There were seven graduates—six young men and one young woman. There were six orations, and all were so good that a higher institution might well be proud of them. At our Social meeting on the morning of the 26th, we had pleasant talks and addresses, after which the industrial work, papers on nursing and examination papers were exhibited. There were dresses, aprons, undergarments, sets of button-holes, quilts, skirts, cushions, specimens of darning and patching, and various fancy articles, some of them exceedingly well done. We also had delicate work from the kindergarten and primary rooms; paper folding and card sewing, showing great neatness of little fingers.
Among other papers of interest were those from the general history class. Each pupil selected some country or character for review, and so our work extended from old China and Egypt to modern Africa. One young man writing on the last named country was induced to give the article to the State through the newspapers and it has been published.
Some of our young people are teaching, and others are at other work. There are very few summer schools here now, and those opened are only for primary grades.
The Lincoln school is reaping honors at Tougaloo University. Two scholarships this year were won by two of our ex-graduates, and this gives Lincoln the honor of five such prizes won in that institution.
We shall greatly rejoice when the pulpits and places of great responsibility are filled with intelligent leaders. We cannot but feel amused, yet distressed, at the mis-read Scriptures. One brother in his morning lesson from the pulpit said: "Brothers, we should be of the same mind—one body and mind, for it says here, 'the twins shall be one flesh.'" A young man came to us, and asked help in writing his sermons. He had no Bible; I urged his purchasing one, as he could read. One day he came and said his text was the 14th of John. I inquired the passage. "Oh," he said, "I takes the whole chapter, and so I don' have to say much." It surely was the best way for his audience.
Our class motto was "The Future needs us," and I trust all the class will fully realize how much they are needed.
* * * * *
There is an old colored man in Wilkes county who has never had his membership changed from the white people's church at Independence. He belonged to it when a slave and has held on to it. He attends services regularly and does not intrude upon the congregation, but sits quietly on the steps and listens to the sermon.—Atlanta Constitution.
* * * * *
By a Teacher. Andersonville, Ga.
A woman came in this evening to sell strawberries which were neatly covered with a bit of white cloth. She looked around our sitting-room and shook her turbaned head, saying, "I sure would be afraid to live in this house." "Why," I asked, curious to know what fearful thing she saw in her glance. "Oh, it's so big, and has so many rooms." Our cozy home, so snug, with not an inch of unused room, that we call our "Bird's Nest!" Alas for the people that do not feel at home save in a one-roomed cabin, and do not feel the necessity of work unless they are hungry. I long so, sometimes, for something that will make this people hungry and thirsty for better things, that will make them dissatisfied with the things that content them now. The longing is sure to come, if we can have patience to wait.
A woman a short distance away lives in a house whose roof lets in the water in streams during a heavy rain. She called on us in the spring so hoarse that she could hardly speak. A few questions brought out the trouble, and revealed the fact that she owned a pile of lumber near by. I asked her why they did not repair it. She thought it too old, and the reason she gave for not building a new one was that she was waiting for her "old man" to begin. I found that her daughter was teaching school in the country, and had $25 already due her that she could use for the work. I told her to have one room put up at once, and build others as she had money. She thought a little, then said, "Tell me all about it, and I'll do just as you say." Now the room is nearly finished (not ceiled or plastered, for such extras are almost unknown), and a prouder woman would be hard to find. All are not so willing to be taught, but I rejoice over every improvement.
* * * * *
By Miss Edith Leonard.
The last busy days of the school year are over. We have gathered the first fruits of our work; we hope there will be a greater harvest in years to come.
At the communion service, on June 7, three of our pupils were received into the church. The next Thursday came the evening of declamations, recitations, and music, for which the pupils had been preparing. During the last four weeks it was a common thing to find a boy declaiming to an imaginary audience in the schoolroom, or to find a girl reciting in some secluded spot in the yard, or on the hills in the pasture. In most schools that is nothing worthy of remark, but to us it shows that the young people are beginning to feel that their success depends on their own efforts.
When the evening came we had an enjoyable entertainment. The house was decorated with the tall, graceful stems of the Solomon's Seal, and the platform had a rug and potted plants upon it, and our two beautiful flags draped behind it.
Among the recitations, "Betty, the Bound Girl," and "The Peril of a Passenger Train," were well rendered. Lowell's "A Day in June" was given with a pleasant voice and manner that fitted the poem. There was an organ solo, an organ duet, and a sprightly little song by a quartet, "All Among the Barley." Among the best things were part of an address by Channing on "Distinction of Mind and Material Forms," and one by Mitchell on "The First View of the Heavens." The thoughts were noble and nobly expressed, and the young men delivered them with thoughtfulness and appreciation, which made us glad, especially as these addresses were their own choice.
Immediately after these exercises we all adjourned to the dining room to see what the girls had done in their little missionary society. Here was a table gay with pretty articles they had made. Among them were a nice comfortable, some embroidered doilies, chair pillows, handkerchief cases, and other things. Most of them were quickly sold. There was also ice-cream and cake for sale. The girls took about seventeen dollars by their fair, and the proceeds are to go to the A.M.A.
The next day was the last. We planned to have an exhibition of school and industrial work during the forenoon, and parade of cadets in the afternoon. And, in order to give the pupils a little uplift of enthusiasm in a good cause, we arranged to have a Christian Endeavor rally of societies from five neighboring towns, and also to invite the members of two Sunday-schools that are bravely "lifting the gospel banner," each in a scattered community near by, where there is no church.
The people began to arrive about half-past ten. One party came in a large farm wagon made gay with flags.
We hastened to take them about. In the blacksmith shop, two young men who had been in school only a year, were making some steel nut-crackers. A table covered with hooks, bolts, chains, towels, ice-picks, etc., represented the work done during the year. In the printing office, the boys were turning the press, and printing our Indian paper. The carpenter-shop exhibit contained some neat boxes, tables, and cabinets, and here some small boys were at work making joints. In the cooking school, the girls were making biscuits, coffee, and corn-bread, while the table was covered with nice loaves of bread, cake, rolls, and cookies, made the day before. Here, also, the girls' sewing was displayed. There was a neat set of doll's clothing, a doll's mattress, pillows, sheets, and pillow-cases, a number of boys' shirts ready for use in the school, beside other clothing for the girls.
The primary schoolroom contained clay animals, weaving and sewing done by the kindergarten class, and some neat language and number work by the older pupils. The other schoolrooms also had illustrated language work, examination papers, maps on paper and in sand, and a collection of botanical specimens.
About seventy-five visitors came from neighboring towns. They enjoyed looking at the school work, and they enjoyed their lunch under the trees, and the marching and drilling of the boys with their wooden guns.
But the best thing in the day was the meeting in the afternoon. Our Christian Endeavor guests, with the school and some of the agency people and neighboring Indians, filled the chapel full. Several of the societies had pretty banners, and it was inspiring to see them come marching in. The meeting was just a warm-hearted Christian Endeavor meeting. Each society responded by a verse of Scripture recited in concert, or a song, or by the words of some member chosen to represent them. There was also time for volunteer prayers and testimonies, and a number of songs. We were all glad to be there—glad to belong to a great army of Christian workers—and we believe our boys and girls will not forget it, but that the thoughts of that hour will help to make them strong.
After these guests went home, there yet remained the principal's reception in the evening, where the school gathered with our Agency and Indian friends, to talk a little while and say goodbye. There was one delightful little surprise when Dr. Riggs called up thirteen of the Indian girls and gave to each, as a reward for faithful, successful work in bread-making, a copy of a cook-book to take home with her. The pupils enjoyed all these last days, but especially the Christian Endeavor rally, and we shall remember this year's close as our Christian Endeavor commencement.
* * * * *
The following letter was written by a young man who was converted in our Chinese school in Salt Lake City. It is a notification to his teacher of his arrival in China. It is interesting as a suggestion of the far-reaching influences of our Chinese work:
HONG KONG, China, April 5, 1896.
I have arrived here on Sunday 5th of this month, and was very fine trip. This ship is very swistest [sic], because it is large and strong.
I throught [sic] I am going to study on my journey, but I have not study any at all. Because I was seasick most every day when I started from San Francisco to Hong Kong.
I have always remember your kindness and never forget. I hope you are all well and God would bless you.
I will write to you sometimes when I get home.
I have been see Mr. Gee Gam and asked for Rev. Mr. Pond, and he said Mr. Pond did not come and so I did not see him before I got on ship. Goodbye, Yours friend, HARRY FORNEY. Excuse for my writing.
* * * * *
Jubilee Year Fund, Additional Shares.
Mrs. J.B. BITTINGER and Miss LUCY BITTINGER, Sewickley, Pa. E.W. PEIRCE and H.F. GOFFE, in memory of E.W. GOFFE, Millbury, Mass. EAST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, Ware, Mass. FROM A FRIEND, Santa Barbara, Cal. Miss MARY P. LORD, Wellesley, Mass. A FRIEND, New Haven, Vt. MERRILL E. GATES, LL.D., Amherst, Mass. Mrs. MARY C. GATES, Amherst, Mass. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, Auburndale, Mass., ad'l. LADIES OF FIRST CHURCH, Woburn, Mass., two shares. Misses M.E. and F.G. THAYER, Boston, Mass., two shares. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY SOCIETY, Barre, Mass. SECOND CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, Dorchester, Mass. FACULTY AND STUDENTS OF MT. HOLYOKE COLLEGE, So. Hadley, Mass. W.H. RICHARDSON, W. Springfield, Mass. Two S.S. CLASSES and Mr. C.S. TOLMAN, of Rollstone Congregational Church, Fitchburg, Mass. CHURCH MEMBER, Plainville, Conn. Mr. and Mrs. M.W. SKINNER, in memory of Rev. AUSTIN WILLEY, Northfield, Minn. Mrs. DWIGHT R. TYLER, of First Congregational Church, Griswold, Conn. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, Middletown, Conn. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, Janesville, Wis. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, Bozrah, Conn. FIRST CHURCH WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION, Akron, O. Mrs. HULDAH I. GAGE, Providence, R.I. J.L.A., Crow Agency, Mont. A FRIEND, Newton Highlands, Mass. OLD SOUTH CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, Hallowell, Me. Mrs. P.A. CASE, Kenduskeag, Me. IN MEMORIAM OF Z.W., St. Johnsbury, Vt. The LADIES' BENEFICENT SOCIETY and the Y.L. AUXILIARY OF CENTRAL CHURCH, Fall River, Mass. Mrs. ANSON PHELPS STOKES, Lenox, Mass. Mrs. GEO. WESTINGHOUSE, Lenox, Mass. GEO. HIGGINSON, Lenox, Mass. WM. H. STRONG, Detroit, Mich. BARAK MAXWELL, Wells, Me. UNION SERVICE, New Britain, Conn. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL S.S., Germantown, Pa. CLASS OF YOUNG GIRLS, S.S., Franklin Street. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, Manchester, N.H. B.B. BROWN, Prospect, Conn. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, South Norwalk, Conn., three shares. Rev. W.H. THRALL, in memory of Mrs. W.H. THRALL, Huron, S. Dak. Miss M.H. MILLIARD, Manchester, Conn. Mrs. ANN V. BAILEY, Beverly, Mass. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, Beloit, Wis., ad'l. Mrs. M.C. TOWN, Elgin, Ill. Miss CLARA I. SAGE, Guilford, Conn., two shares. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, Colorado Springs, Col. ABBOTT ACADEMY, Andover, Mass. Mrs. E.B. RIPLEY, Saratoga Springs, N.Y. CENT. UNION OF FIRST CHURCH, Concord, N.H. FRIEND IN FIRST CHURCH, Concord, N.H. Mrs. MARY K. GANNETT, Tamworth, N.H., two shares. WOMAN'S CONGREGATIONAL HOME MISSIONARY UNION AUXILIARY, Kensington, Conn.
Previously reported, 179 Subscriptions reported above, 59 —- Total number of shares reported, 238
Subscriptions for Jubilee Shares may be sent to H.W. Hubbard, Treasurer, Bible House, New York, or to either of the Branch Offices, 21 Congregational House, Boston, or 153 La Salle Street, Chicago, Ill.
* * * * *
MAINE. WOMAN'S AID TO A.M.A. State Committee—Mrs. Ida Vose Woodbury, Woodfords; Mrs. A.T. Burbank, Yarmouth; Mrs. Helen Quimby, Bangor.
NEW HAMPSHIRE. FEMALE CENT INSTITUTION AND HOME MISS. UNION. President—Mrs. Cyrus Sargeant, Plymouth. Secretary—Mrs. N.W. Nims, 16 Rumford St., Concord. Treasurer—Miss Annie A. McFarland. Concord.
VERMONT. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION. President—Mrs. W.J. Van Patten, 386 Pearl St., Burlington. Secretary—Mrs. M.K. Paine, Windsor. Treasurer—Mrs. Wm. P. Fairbanks, St. Johnsbury.
MASS. AND R.I. [1]WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY ASSOCIATION. President—Mrs. C.L. Goodell, 9 Massachusetts Ave., Boston, Mass. Secretary—Miss Louise A. Kellogg, 32 Congregational House, Boston. Treasurer—Miss Annie C. Bridgman, 32 Congregational House, Boston.
[Footnote 1: While the W.H.M.A appears in this list as a State body for Mass. and R.I., it has certain auxiliaries elsewhere.]
CONNECTICUT. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION. President—Miss Ellen R. Camp, 9 Camp St., New Britain. Secretary—Mrs. C.T. Millard, 36 Lewis St., Hartford. Treasurer—Mrs. W.W. Jacobs, 19 Spring St., Hartford.
NEW YORK. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION. President—Mrs. Wm. Kincaid, 483 Green Ave., Brooklyn. Secretary—Mrs. Wm. Spalding, 511 Orange St., Syracuse. Treasurer—Mrs. J.J. Pearsall, 230 Macon St., Brooklyn.
NEW JERSEY. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION OF THE N.J. ASSOCIATION. President—Mrs. A.H. Bradford, Montclair. Secretary—Mrs. R.J. Hegeman, 32 Forest Street, Montclair. Treasurer—Mrs. J.H. Dennison, 150 Belleville Ave., Newark.
PENNSYLVANIA. WOMAN'S MISSIONARY UNION. President—Mrs. J.W. Thomas, Lansford. Secretary—Mrs. C.F. Yennie, Ridgway. Treasurer—Mrs. T.W. Jones, 511 Woodland Terrace, Philadelphia.
OHIO. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION. President—Mrs. Sydney Strong, Lane Seminary Grounds, Cincinnati. Secretary—Mrs. J.W. Moore, 836 Hough Ave., Cleveland. Treasurer—Mrs. G.B. Brown, 2116 Warren St., Toledo.
INDIANA. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION. President—Mrs. W.A. Bell, 223 Broadway, Indianapolis. Treasurer—Mrs. A.H. Ball, Dewhurst.
ILLINOIS. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION. President—Mrs. Isaac Claflin, Lombard. Secretary—Mrs. C.H. Tamtor, 151 Washington St., Chicago. Treasurer—Mrs. L.A. Field, Wilmette.
MISSOURI. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION. President—Mrs. Henry Hopkins, 916 Holmes Street, Kansas City. Secretary—Mrs. E.C. Ellis, 2456 Tracy Ave., Kansas City. Treasurer—Mrs. K.L. Mills, 1526 Wabash Ave., Kansas City.
IOWA. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION. President—Mrs. T.O. Douglass, Grinnell. Secretary—Mrs. H.H. Robbins, Grinnell. Treasurer—Miss Belle L. Bentley, 300 Court Ave., Des Moines.
MICHIGAN. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION. President—Mrs. J.M. Powell, 76 Jefferson Ave., Grand Rapids. Secretary—Mrs. C.C. Denison, 179 Lyon St., Grand Rapids. Treasurer—Mrs. E.F. Grabill, Greenville.
WISCONSIN. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION. President—Mrs. E.G. Updike, Madison. Secretary—Mrs. A.O. Wright, Madison. Treasurer—Mrs. C.M. Blackman, Whitewater.
MINNESOTA. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION. President—Miss Katherine W. Nichols, 230 East Ninth Street, St, Paul. Secretary—Mrs. A.P. Lyon, 910 Sixth Ave. S., Minneapolis. Treasurer—Mrs. M.W. Skinner, Northfield.
NORTH DAKOTA. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION. President—Mrs. W.H. Boals, Fargo. Secretary—Miss Silas Daggett, Harwood. Treasurer—Mrs. J.M. Fisher, Fargo.
SOUTH DAKOTA. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION. President—Mrs. C.E. Corry, Columbia. Secretary—Mrs. B.H. Bunt, Huron. Treasurer—Mrs. F.M. Wilcox, Huron.
BLACK HILLS, SOUTH DAKOTA. WOMAN'S MISSIONARY UNION. President—Mrs. J.B. Gossage, Rapid City. Secretary—Mrs. H.H. Gilchrist, Hot Springs. Treasurer—Miss Grace Lyman, Hot Springs.
NEBRASKA. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION. President—Mrs. D.B. Perry, Crete. Secretary—Mrs. H. Bross, 2904 Second Street, Lincoln. Treasurer—Mrs. James W. Dawes, Crete.
KANSAS. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION. President—Mrs. F.E. Storrs, Topeka. Secretary—Mrs. George L. Epps, Topeka. Treasurer—Mrs. E.C. Read, Parsons.
COLORADO. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION. President—Mrs. E.R. Drake, 2739 Lafayette Street, Denver. Secretary—Mrs. Chas Westley, Box 508, Denver. Treasurer—Mrs. B.C. Valantine, Highlands.
WYOMING. WOMAN'S MISSIONARY UNION. President—Mrs. P.F. Powelson, Cheyenne. Secretary—Mrs. J.A. Riner, Cheyenne. Treasurer—Mrs. H.N. Smith, Rock Springs.
MONTANA. WOMAN'S MISSIONARY UNION. President—Mrs. O.C. Clark, Missoula. Secretary—Mrs. W.S. Bell, 410 Dearborn Ave., Helena. Treasurer—Mrs. Herbert E. Jones, Livingston.
IDAHO. WOMAN'S MISSIONARY UNION. President—Mrs. R.B. Wright, Boise. Secretary—Mrs. E.A. Paddock, Weiser. Treasurer—Mrs. D.L. Travis, Pocatello.
WASHINGTON. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION. President—Mrs. A.J. Bailey, 1614 Second Ave., Seattle. Secretary—Mrs. W.C. Wheeler, 424 South K Street, Tacoma. Treasurer—Mrs. J.W. George, 620 Fourth Street, Seattle.
OREGON. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION. President—Mrs. F. Eggert, The Hill, Portland. Secretary—Mrs. George Brownell, Oregon City. Treasurer—Mrs. W.D. Palmer, 546 Third Street, Portland.
CALIFORNIA. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY SOCIETY. President—Mrs. E.S. Williams, 572 12th Street, Oakland. Secretary—Mrs. L.M. Howard, 911 Grove Street, Oakland. Treasurer—Mrs. J.M. Haven, 1329 Harrison Street, Oakland.
SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION. President—Mrs. Warren F. Day, 253 S. Hope St., Los Angeles. Secretary—Mrs. W.J. Washburn, 1900 Pasadena Ave., Los Angeles. Treasurer—Mrs. Mary M. Smith, Public Library, Riverside.
NEVADA. WOMAN'S MISSIONARY UNION. President—Mrs. L.J. Flint, Reno. Secretary—Miss Margaret N. Magill, Reno. Treasurer—Miss Mary Clow, Reno.
UTAH (Including Southern Idaho). WOMAN'S MISSIONARY UNION. President—Mrs. Clarence T. Brown, Salt Lake City, Utah. Secretary—Mrs. W.S. Hawkes, 135 Sixth Street, E., Salt Lake City, Utah. Treasurer—Mrs. Dana W. Bartlett, Salt Lake City, Utah. Secretary for Idaho—Mrs. Oscar Sonnenkalb, Pocatello, Idaho.
NEW MEXICO. WOMAN'S MISSIONARY UNION. President—Mrs. C.E. Window, Albuquerque. Secretary—Mrs. E.W. Lewis, 301 So. Edith Street, Albuquerque. Treasurer—Mrs. W.A. McClosky, Albuquerque.
OKLAHOMA. WOMAN'S MISSIONARY UNION. President—Mrs. J.H. Parker, Kingfisher. Secretary—Mrs. L.E. Kimball, Guthrie. Treasurer—Mrs. L.S. Childs, Choctaw City.
INDIAN TERRITORY. WOMAN'S MISSIONARY UNION. President—Mrs. John McCarthy, Vinita. Secretary—Mrs. Fayette Hurt, Vinita. Treasurer—Mrs. R.M. Swain, Vinita.
NORTH CAROLINA. WOMAN'S MISSIONARY UNION. President—Mrs. S.S. Sevier, McLeansville. Secretary and Treasurer—Miss A.E. Farrington, Oaks.
GEORGIA. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION. President—Mrs. H.B. Wey, 253 Forest Avenue, Atlanta. Secretary—Mrs. H.A. Kellam, Atlanta. Treasurer—Miss Virginia Holmes, Barnesville.
FLORIDA. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION. President—Mrs. S.F. Gale, Jacksonville. Secretary—Mrs. Nathan Barrows, Winter Park. Treasurer—Mrs. W.D. Brown, Interlachen.
ALABAMA. WOMAN'S MISSIONARY UNION. President—Mrs. M.A. Dillard, Selma. Secretary—Mrs. J.S. Jackson, Montgomery. Treasurer—Mrs. E.C. Silsby, Talladega.
TENNESSEE, KENTUCKY AND ARKANSAS. WOMAN'S MISSIONARY UNION OF THE TENNESSEE ASSOCIATION. President—Mrs. G.W. Moore, Box 8, Fisk Univ., Nashville. Secretary—Miss Mary L. Corpier, Florence, Ala. Treasurer—Mrs. J.E. Moreland, 216 N. McNairy Street, Nashville.
MISSISSIPPI. WOMAN'S MISSIONARY UNION. President—Mrs. C.L. Harris, 1421 31st Avenue, Meridian. Secretary—Mrs. Edith M. Hall, Tougaloo Univ., Tougaloo. Treasurer—Mrs. L.H. Turner, 3012 12th Street, Meridian.
LOUISIANA. WOMAN'S MISSIONARY UNION. President—Mrs. C.M. Crawford, Hammond. Secretary—Mrs. Matilda Cabrere, New Orleans. Treasurer—Mrs. L. St.J. Hitchcock, Straight Univ., New Orleans.
TEXAS. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION. President—Mrs. J.M. Wendelkin, Dallas. Secretary—Mrs. H. Burt, Lock Box 563, Dallas. Treasurer—Mrs. C.I. Scofield, Dallas.
* * * * *
THE DANIEL HAND FUND For the Education of Colored People.
Income for June ...$255.74
Previously acknowledged ...47,307.35
MAINE, $989.63.
Alfred. Cong. Ch. ...4.72
Bar Mills. Cong. Ch. ...5.00
Belfast. First Cong. Ch., Y.P.S.C.E., by Harold T. Sibley, Treas. ...10.00
Castine. Misses Richardson and Miss Russell, for Student Aid, McIntosh, Ga. ...4.00
Cornish. Y.P.S.C.E., by Rev. J.B. Saer ...8.16
Cumberland Centre. Cong. Ch., for Freight, 2.50; Helping Hand Soc., 1, for Student Aid, McIntosh, Ga. ...3.50
Ellsworth, Cong. Ch., Mrs. Phelps's S.S. Class ...15.79
Fort Farfield. L.M. Soc., by Mrs. A.S. Knight, Lincoln Memorial Offering ...6.00
Gardiner. First Cong. Ch. ...13.93
Hallowell. Old South Cong. Ch., for Share Jubilee Fund ...50.00
Mechanic Falls. Y.P.S.C.E. of Cong. Ch. ...2.00
Parsonsfield. Daniel Smith (50 of which for Share Jubilee Fund) ...56.53
Portland. "Sunbeam Club." 10; St. Lawrence St. Cong. Ch., S.S. Infant Class, 5, for Wilmington, N.C. ...15.00
Portland. "A Friend," for Chinese Women in California, by Rev. J.G. Wilson ...2.00
Portland. High St. Ch., Bbl. C. for Andersonville, Ga.
Pownal. "A few Friends," to const. JOSEPH LORING L.M. ...47.00
South Paris. First Cong. Ch., Rally Coll. ...23.87
Turner. Cong. Ch. ...7.00
Waterford. First Cong. Ch. ...14.00
Waterville. First Cong. Ch. and Soc., 37.05; Cong. Y.P.S.C.E., 10 ...47.05
Westbrook. King's Messengers, Bbl. C. for Skyland Inst., N.C.
Yarmouth. "Friends," by Rev. B.P. Snow, for Student Aid, Pleasant Hill, Tenn. ...10.00
Maine Woman's Aid to A.M.A., by Mrs. Ida V. Woodbury, Treas.:
Alfred ...6.50
Amherst and Aurora ...2.00
Andover ...5.00
Bangor. First Ch., 14.75; Central. Ch., 12.50; Hammond St., 7.75 ... 35.00
Belfast ...17.00
Bethel ...20.58
Bluehill ...3.00
Brewer. First Ch. ...18.00
Brunswick ...61.75
Buxton. "In memory of Mrs. Jane Wentworth Patten," for Mountain Work ...5.00
Calais ...25.00
Castine ...9.00
Deer Isle ...8.71
Dennysville ...5.00
Dennysville. Dea. P.E. Vose, 5; Mrs. P.E. Vose, 1 ...6.00
Dixmont ...1.00
Farmington ...15.00
East Orrington. Y.L. Mission Band ...4.15
Ellsworth ...28.10
Ellsworth Falls ...2.00
Freedom ...2.25
Hampden ...21.00
Hampden. Bbl. C., Val. 15, for Grand View, Tenn.
Hancock. Conference Coll. ...3.13
Harrison ...1.25
Jackson ...4.00
Jonesboro ...1.65
Kenduskeag. Mrs. P.A. Case, for Share Jubilee Fund ...50.00
Kennebunk ...17.50
Lebanon ...8.50
Limerick ...10.00
Machias. Adl. ...0.50
New Gloucester ...13.00
North Ellsworth ...4.50
Norridgewock ...7.00
Orland ...8.56
Orono ...1.00
Oxford ...2.00
Rumford ...0.50
Saco. To const. MISS CARRO H. GOODALE L.M. ...56.00
Sandy Point ...6.00
Searsport. First Ch. ...25.15
Searsport. Second Ch. ...8.75
South Freeport ...62.10
South Paris. Cong. Ch. ...9.00
South Paris. Y.P.S.C.E. ...5.00
South West Harbor ...2.50
Steuben ...4.00
Sumner ...2.55
Tremont ...1.00
West Brooksville ...2.50
Woodfords. Bal. to const. MRS. CHARLES H. BLAKE L.M. ...25.40
——— 644.08
Atkinson. Cong. Ch., for debt ...12.00
Concord. Granite Mission Band, for Wilmington, N.C. ...10.00
Durham. W.M. Soc., by Miss C.E. Buzzell, Treas. ...10.00
Franklin. Cong. Ch. Y.P.S.C.E. ...4.70
Henniker. Cong. Ch. ...38.75
Hollis. Cong. Ch. and Soc. adl. ...1.00
Keene. First Cong. Soc., for Share Jubilee Fund ...50.00
Kingston. C.E. Soc. of Cong. Ch. ...10.00
Lisbon. Mrs. A. Betsey Taft, for the Debt ...5.00
Manchester. First Cong. Ch. and Soc. ...22.58
Pembroke. Mrs. Mary W. Thompson, for Share Jubilee Fund ...50.00
Pembroke. "In memory of a precious Mother by her Daughters" ...35.00
Plymouth. Cong. Ch. and Soc. ...41.50
Winchester. Cong. Ch. ...7.55
Winchester. S.S. Class Cong. Ch., for Grand View, Tenn. ...5.50
New Hampshire Female Cent. Inst. and Home M. Union, by Miss Annie A. McFarland, Treas.:
Tamworth. "A Friend," for Share Jubilee Fund and to const. GRACE RICHARDSON L.M. ...50.00
Tilton and Northfield. Aux. ...5.00
——— 55.00
——— $358.58
Manchester. Estate of Chester B. Southworth, by Mrs. Hattie I. Southworth, Executrix ...247.81
——— $606.39
VERMONT, $863.84.
Brattleboro. Cong. Ch., for Fisk U. ...10.00
Cornwall. Cong. Ch. ...20.78
Hartford. Cong. Ch., for Share Jubilee Fund ...50.00
Manchester. Cong. Ch. Y.P.S.E., adl., for Knox Inst., Athens, Ga. ...15.00
New Haven. "A Friend," for Share Jubilee Fund ...50.00
New Haven. Cong. Ch. ...14.47
North Pomfret. Cong. Soc. ...5.00
Pittsford. Cong. Ch. ...22.00
Randolph. Y.P.S.C.E., for Straight U. ...10.00
Saint Johnsbury. W.M. Union ...3.50
Waitsfield. Mrs. S.P. Prindle ...2.00
West Barnet. Y.P.S.C.W., by Marion Bole, Treas. ...7.00
West Rutland. Cong. Ch. ...12.00
Wilmington. Cong. Ch. ...4.85
Woman's Home Missionary Union of Vermont, by Mrs. Rebecca P. Fairbanks, Treasurer:
Barre. Jun. C.E. Soc., for Indian Schp ...10.00
Barton. W.H.M.S. ...15.50
Barton. Jun. C.E.S., 5; Children's M. Soc., adl., 52c., for Indian Schp ...5.52
Barton Landing. Jun. C.E., for Indian Schp ...5.00
Bellows Falls. Jun. C.E. ...10.00
Bennington, North. Y.P.S.C.E. ...5.00
Brattleboro, West. Jun. C.E. ...3.00
Brookfield. W.H.M.S. ...10.25
Burlington. First Ch. Jun. C.E.S., for Indian Schp ...25.00
Burlington. First Ch. Y.L.M.S. ...6.49
Cambridgeport. W.H.M.S. ...1.00
Charleston, West. Jun. C.E.S., for Indian Schp ...2.00
Coventry. W.H.M.S., for McIntosh, Ga. ...20.00
Enosburgh. W.H.M.S. ...7.80
Fairlee. Ladies, for McIntosh, Ga. ...20.00
Fairlee. Jun. C.E.S., for Indian Schp ...3.00
Glover, West. W.H.M.S. ...11.25
Guildhall. W.H.M.S. ...5.00
Greensboro. W.H.M.S. ...6.00
Hyde Park, North. Jun. C.E., for Indian Schp ...1.00
Johnson. W.H.M.S. ...14.00
Lyndon. Jun. C.E.S., for Indian Schp ...3.00
McIndoe's Falls. W.H.M.S. ...5.50
Milton. W.H.M.S. ...1.00
Newbury. W.H.M.S. ...16.00
Newbury. Jun. C.E.S., for Indian Schp ...5.00
Newfane. Jun. C.E.S. ...1.25
Norwich. Jun. C.E.S. ...3.64
Newbury, West. W.H.M.S. ...6.00
Orwell. Jun. C.E., for Indian Schp ...7.00
Peacham. W.H.M.S., for McIntosh, Ga. ...15.00
Pittsford. W.H.M.S. ...40.00
Putney. Jun. C.E., for Indian Schp ...2.00
Randolph. W.H.M.S. ...15.25
Rutland. W.H.M.S., for Mountain Work ...25.00
Rutland, West. Jun. C.E.S., for Indian Schp ...5.00
Richmond. Primary S.S. Class, for Indian Schp ...3.00
Saint Albans. Jun. C.E., for Indian Schp ...5.00
Saint Johnsbury. North Ch. W.H.M.S., by Mrs. Horace Fairbanks, for McIntosh, Ga. ...20.00
Saint Johnsbury. North Ch., W.H.M.S. ...74.52
Saint Johnsbury. So. Ch. Jun. C.E.S. ...5.00
Saxton's River. Ladies' Benev. Soc. ...6.00
Sheldon. W.H.M.S. ...7.00
Sheldon. Mrs. Jennison's S.S. Class, for Indian Schp ...5.00
Shoreham. W.H.M.S. ...6.00
Springfield. W.H.M.S. ...15.00
Stowe. Primary S.S. Class, for Indian Schp ...5.26
Waitsfield. Home Circle, for McIntosh, Ga. ...10.00
Wells River. Jun. C.E.S. ...10.00
Weybridge. Ladies' Aid Soc., for McIntosh, Ga. ...8.00
Williamstown. W.H.M.S. ...5.00
Woman's Home Missionary Union, by Finance Com. ...110.11
——— 637.21
Abington. Y.P.S.C.E., First Cong. Ch. ...10.00
Amesbury. Main St. Cong. Ch. and Soc. ...6.68
Amesbury, B. Washington, Coll., for Gloucester Sch., Cappahosic, Va. ...5.00
Andover. Chapel Ch. and Cong. ...80.00
Andover. Y.P.S.C.E., of South Ch., for School, Grand View, Tenn. ...25.00
Ashburnham. M. Wetherbee ...2.00
Ashland. Cong. Ch. and Soc. ...20.00
Athol. Amos Blanchard ...10.00
Athol Centre. Y.P.S.C.E., of Cong. Ch., Jubilee Offering ...18.00
Auburndale. Cong. Ch, for Share Jubilee Fund ...50.00
Boston, Misses M.E. and F.G. Thayer, for Two Shares Jubilee Fund ...100.00
Mrs. J.N. Fiske, 50; Miss E.S. Fiske, 50, for Marshallville, Ga ...100.00
Ladies' Aux., Old South Ch., for Schp., Pleasant Hill, Tenn. ...75.00
Ladies' Aux. and Young Ladies of Old South Ch., for Student Aid, Pleasant Hill, Tenn. ...26.00
Sab. Sch. Old South Ch., for Fisk U. ...25.00
Mrs. J.H. Wolcott, 25; Mrs. Rodgers Wolcott, 10, for Hospital, Fort Yates, N.D. ...35.00
C.P. Hutchins ...30.00
"A Friend," for Debt ...20.00
"X" ...5.00
Dorchester. Second Cong. Ch., for Share Jubilee Fund ...50.00
Pilgrim Ch. ...46.13
Jamaica Plain. Central Cong. Ch. ...142.11
Roxbury, Walnut Ave. Cong. Ch. ...60.75
Mrs. S.E. Parker, Bbl.C.; 1, for Freight to Marshallville, Ga. ...1.00
Mrs. L. Whitcomb, Pkg. for the Home, Thomasville, Ga.
——— 715.99
Brockton. John W. Hunt ...1.00
Buckland. Cong. Ch., 22.97; Mrs. E.D. Bement, 5 ...27.97
Cambridgeport. Wood Memorial, Y.P.S.C.E., for Central Ch., New Orleans, La. ...3.00
Chelsea. First Cong. Ch., Y.P.S.C.E. ...10.00
Chelsea. Women Workers, Central Ch., for Fort Yates Hospital, N.D. ...10.00
Clinton. Cong Ch. ...53.90
Danvers Center. First Cong. Ch. ...43.47
Douglass. Jun. C.E. Soc. by Myra A. Proctor, Supt., for Evarts, Ky. ...9.00
Edgartown. Cong. Ch. ...8.24
Fall River. Y.P.S.C.E., of Central Ch., for Student Aid, Fisk U. ...25.00
Fitchburg. Rollstone Ch., Two Classes in Sab. Sch., 31; C.S. Tolman, 19, for Share Jubilee Fund ...50.00
Fitchburg. Mrs. Sidney Bishop, for Library, Tougaloo U. ...5.00
Foxboro. Tracy Y.P.S.C.E., of Bethany Cong. Ch. ...12.00
Framingham. "A Friend," for Indian Schp. ...17.50
Gilbertville. Women's Miss'y Soc., by Mrs. Susan E. Goodfield, for Alaska M. ...5.10
Gloucester. Sab. Sch., Trinity Ch., for S.S. work, McIntosh, Ga. ...15.00
Great Barrington. First Cong. Ch. ...26.40
Groton. "A Friend," to const. MRS. WILLIAM S. PALMER L.M. ...100.00
Hadley. First Cong. Ch. ...5.76
Hamilton. Mrs. Enoch F. Knowlton, for Alaska M. ...2.00
Haverhill. North Ch., Bethany Ass'n., for Share Jubilee Fund ...50.00
Haverhill. "A Friend," for Indian M. ...25.00
Holbrook. Winthrop Cong. Ch. (150 of which for Student Aid, Santee Indian Sch., Neb.) ...175.00
Holyoke. "I'll Try Mission Band," of Second Cong. Ch., for Indian M. ...6.50
Holyoke. Ladies' Benev. Soc., for Wilmington, N.C. ...3.00
Housatonic. Cong. Ch. and Soc. ...29.04
Housatonic. Sab. Sch. Cong. Ch., for Dorchester Academy, McIntosh, Ga. ...20.00
Hudson. Y.P.S.C.E. of Cong. Ch. ...5.00
Hyannis. Cong. Ch. ...2.00
Ipswich. South Cong. Ch. ...45.00
Lawrence. South Cong. Ch. ...8.65
Lawrence. Y.L. Mission Band, for Student Aid, Santee Indian Sch., Neb. ...5.00
Lowell. High St. Cong. Ch. ...154.26
Malden. Miss Annie McDonald, Coll., 7.90; S. James, 2, for Gloucester Sch., Cappahosic, Va. ...9.90
Malden. Miss M.F. Aiken, for Share Jubilee Fund, in part ...10.00
Marlboro. Union Ch. Girls' Missionary Club, for Indian M., Fort Berthold, N.D. ...25.00
Maynard. Cong. Ch., for Pleasant Hill, Tenn. ...25.00
Medway. Village Cong. Ch. (50 of which for Share Jubilee Fund) ...75.00
Melrose Highlands. Cong. Ch., for Jubilee Offering ...10.00
Middleboro. Sab. Sch. Central Cong. Ch. ...6.81
Millbury. "In memory of E.W. Goffe," for Share Jubilee Fund ...50.00
Millbury. First Cong. Ch., to const. DR. A.G. HUNT L.M. ...42.60
Neponset. Miss S.J. Elder, for the Debt ...10.00
Newton Center. Y.P.S.C.E. ...5.00
Newton Highlands "A Friend," for Share Jubilee Fund ...50.00
North Amherst. F.S. Cooley, 5; Miss N.D. Cooley, 2; Mrs. G.S. Fisher, 6; Miss M.E. Harrington, 2; Mrs. Stevens, 1, for Student Aid, King's Mountain, N.C. ...16.00
Northampton. First Ch., 249.92; Edwards Ch. Benev. Soc., 226.07 ...475.99
Northampton. Mrs. F.A. Clark, 10; Mrs. F.A. Kneeland, 5, for Lexington, Ky. ...15.00
North Billerica. Mrs. E.R. Gould ...12.00
Northboro. Cong. Ch. (5 of which from Sab. Sch.) ...18.75
North Carver. Y.P.S.C.E. Cong. Ch., for Student Aid, Enfield, N.C., 8.33; Cong. Ch., adl., 1. ...9.33
Northfield. Northfield Seminary Y.W.C.A., 15, for Mountain Work, and 10, for Indian M. by Augusta McGuffin, Treas. ...25.00
Peabody. South Cong. Ch., 100; South Cong. Ch. Y.P.S.C.E., 10 ...110.00
Pepperell. Cong. Ch. ...31.13
Pittsfield. South Cong. Ch. ...12.87
Plympton. Y.P.S.C.E. ...1.75
Salem. Tabernacle Ch. S.S., adl., Lincoln Day Offering ...20.00
Scotland. Cong. Soc. ...5.25
Somerville. Highland Cong. Ch., 16.75; Winter Hill Cong. Ch., adl., 2 ...18.75
South Hadley. Faculty and Students of Mt. Holyoke College, 100, for Indian Schp., 51 for Share Jubilee Fund ...151.00
Southfield. Cong. Ch. ...4.00
South Framingham. Sab. Sch. Grace Cong. Ch., for Mountain Work ...10.89
South Weymouth. Old South Cong. Ch. ...10.00
Springfield. South Cong. Ch., 90; North Cong. Ch., 67.06; Hope Ch., 27.35 ...184.41
Springfield. "King's Daughters of Ruth," 6; Miss F.A. Harrison, 50c., for Gloucester Sch., Cappahosic, Va. ...6.50
Sterling. Cong. Y.P.S.C.E., by Miss Mabel L. Kingsbury ...5.00
Stockbridge. Miss Alice Byington, 150; Miss Adele Brewer, 2, for Hospital, Fort Yates, N.D. ...152.00
Stockbridge. Miss Virginia Butler, for Gloucester Sch., Cappahosic, Va. ...50.00
Stoneham. "Sunshine Circle," by Carrie B. Worthen, for McIntosh, Ga. ...10.00
Wakefield. By Mrs. A.C. Braxton, for Gloucester Sch., Cappahosic, Va. ...25.00
Wakefield. Cong. Ch., for Alaska M., by W.P. Preston, Treas. ...5.00
Ware. East Cong. Ch. (50 of which for Share Jubilee Fund) to const. EVERETT HOEHLER, ETHEL CONEY, MISS ADELE COVILL, and HATTIE G. MONCK L.M's ...316.35
Ware. "French Canadian" ...2.00
Warren. "M.A.B." ...10.00
Watertown. Ladies' Sew. Circle of Philips Cong. Ch., Jubilee Offering ...25.00
Wellesley. Cong. Ch. ...95.71
Wellesley. Miss Mary P. Lord, for Share Jubilee Fund ...50.00
Wellesley. Wellesley College, Y.W.C.A., for Hospital, Fort Yates, N.D. ...20.00
Wenham. Cong. Ch. ...13.62
Westboro. Cong. Ch., Y.P.S.C.E., 4; "A Friend," for Student Aid, 5, for Allen Sch., Thomasville, Ga. ...9.00
West Newton. Second Cong. Soc. ...218.03
West Somerville. Woman's H.M. Soc., Jubilee Offering ...5.00
West Medford. Sab. Sch. Cong. Ch. ...14.57
West Springfield. W.H. Richardson, for Share Jubilee Fund ...50.00
Whitman. Cong. Ch. ...37.00
Wilbraham. "A Friend" ...36.00
Williamstown. Rev. John H. Denison, for Share Jubilee Fund ...50.00
Winchester. First Cong. Ch. ...25.00
Woods Holl. Cong. Ch. ...3.60
Worcester. Mrs. Abby B. Smith, for Share Jubilee Fund ...50.00
Worcester. Old South Ch., 89; Plymouth Cong. Ch., 40.78; Park Cong. Ch., 8.50 ...138.28
Woman's Home Missionary Association of Mass. and R.I., Miss Annie C. Bridgman, Treas.:
For Salaries ...340.00
Barre. H.M. Soc., for Share Jubilee Fund (in part) ...33.00
Foxboro. Ladies' Aux., for Chinese M. ...10.00
Roxbury. Y.P.S.C.E. of Walnut Av. Ch., for Share Jubilee Fund ...50.00
Roxbury. Sab. Sch Primary Dept. Immanuel Ch., for Indian M. ...7.52
Woburn. Ladies' First Cong. Ch., for Two Shares Jubilee Fund ...100.00
Woburn. Ladies' First Cong. Ch. ...10.00
——— 550.52
RHODE ISLAND, $109.21.
Narragansett Pier. M.H. Giddings ...3.00
Newport. Mrs. E.D.W. Thayer ...45.00
Newport. Miss Ida Madison, for Gloucester Sch., Cappahosic, Va. ...5.00
Providence. Mrs. Huldah I. Gage, for Share Jubilee Fund ...50.00
Providence. Y.P.S.C.E. North Cong. Ch. ...1.21
Woonsocket. Mrs. L.E. Taylor, Bbl. C., etc., for Wilmington, N.C. ——-. "A Friend" ...5.00
CONNECTICUT, $2,044.52.
Berlin. T.M. Warren, for Moorhead, Miss. ...2.00
Branford. Mrs. Highmore, 10; Mrs. Dean, 1; Jubilee Offering ...11.00
Bridgeport. Second Cong. Ch., 1; Geo. W. Fairchild, 1 ...12.00
Bristol. G.L. Goodrich, 25; Mrs. C.B. Norton, 5; W.H. Nettleton, 5; "A Friend," 5; Mrs. M.B. Brownell, 1; Miss M. Jennie Atwood, 1; N.L. Brewster, 1 ...43.00
Chester. Cong. Ch., S.S. Class of Dea. E.C. Hungerford, for Share Jubilee Fund ...50.00
Colchester. Cong. Ch., C.E. Soc. ...3.00
Columbia. Cong. Ch. ...34.43
Cornwall Hollow. C.E. Soc., by Clara B. Sedgwick, for Student Aid, Pleasant Hill, Tenn. ...3.00
Danielsonville. Westfield Cong. Ch. ...25.66
Darien. Cong. Y.P.S.C.E., for Thomasville, Ga. ...10.00
East Hartford. South Cong. Ch. ...10.27
East Haven. Cong. Ch., L.H.M. Soc., Pkg. Bedding for Thomasville, Ga.
Fairfield. Cong. Ch. (75 of which Jubilee Offering), to const. J. ELTING DEVO, L.G. SMITH, MRS. HENRY S. BURR, and MRS. JOSEPH H. STURGES L.M's ...138.61
Farmington. Cong. Ch., Circle of the King's Daughters, for Central Ch., New Orleans, La. ...10.00
Gilead. Cong. Ch. ...24.00
Goshen. Cong. Ch. ...35.21
Griswold. First Cong. Ch., Mrs. Dwight R. Tyler, for Share Jubilee Fund ...50.00
Hartford. Students' Association Hartford Seminary, 18.30; Asylum Hill Cong. Ch., Mrs. H.A. Stillman, 5; Rev. J.A.R. Rogers, 1 ...24.30
Harwinton. Cong. Ch. ...9.78
Harwinton. Mrs. Milo Watson ...5.00
Ivoryton. Mrs. A.H. Snow, for Mountain Work ...20.00
Kensington. Mrs. Edward Cowles ...2.00
Litchfield. First Cong. Ch. ...72.00
Manchester. Second Cong. Ch. ...50.64
Middletown. First Ch., toward Share Jubilee Fund ...27.21
Middletown. South Cong. Ch., W.W. Wilcox, Jubilee Offering ...15.00
New Britain. Lucy J. Pease, for Share Jubilee Fund ...50.00
New Britain. Sab. Sch. South Ch., for Alaska M. ...22.85
New Haven. Dwight Place Ch. ...113.39
New Haven. Mrs. Henry Farnam, for Share Jubilee Fund ...50.00
New Haven. Mrs. S.C. Colburn ...1.00
New London. Sab. Sch. First Ch. of Christ, for Library, Tougaloo U. ...9.94
Norfolk. Cong. Ch. ...47.51
Norwich. "In memory of S.P.C." ...25.00
Old Saybrook. Cong. Ch. ...25.91
Putnam. Second Cong. Ch. ...27.34
Scotland. Y.P.S.C.E., by F.E. Allen ...4.00
Seymour. Y.P.S.C.E., for Marshallville, Ga. ...30.00
Southbury. First Cong. Ch. ...12.00
Southington. Sab. Sch. First Cong. Ch. ...22.16
Stamford. Cong. Ch. Y.P.S.C.E., Chas. A. Berry, Treas. ...15.48
Terryville. Mission Band, Pkg. C. for Tougaloo, Miss.
Thomaston. First Cong. Ch. ...7.22
Thompsonville. Dennis Pease, for Indian M., North Dakota ...100.00
Wallingford. Cong. Ch. ...28.50
Waterbury. Union Meeting, Second Cong. Ch. (50 of which for Share Jubilee Fund) ...62.90
Waterbury. Woman's Benevolent Soc. of Second Cong. Ch., by Lucy H. Wilcox, Treas., for Share Jubilee Fund ...50.00
Wauregan. Cong. Ch. and Soc. ...17.00
Westville. Cong. Ch. ...12.90
Windham. Rev. Frederick Means, 5; Miss Baker, 2; Chas. Abbe, 1 ...8.00
——— $1,431.21
Avon. Estate of Sarepta Andrews, by William H. Andrews ...50.00
Brooklyn. Estate of Mary E. Ensworth, by P.B. Sibley, Executor ...150.00
Jewett City. Estate of H.L. Johnson, by H.L. Johnson, Executor ...413.31
——— $2,044.52
NEW YORK, $1,600.63.
Binghamton. First Cong. Ch. Bible Sch., for Fisk U. ...25.00
Brooklyn. "A Friend," for Share Jubilee Fund ...50.00
Brooklyn. George H. Shirley, for Orange Park, Fla. ...10.00
Brooklyn. Miss M.D. Halliday, Bbl. C., for Enfield, N.C.
Brooklyn. Mrs. Spelman, Bbl. C., for Wilmington, N.C.
Corona. Rev. W.J. Peck, Pkg. Literature for Beach Institute
East Oxford. Y.P.S.C.E., 75c.; Three Members of the Cent-a-Week Band for Missions, 1.56, by Loyal I. Dodge, Ch. M.C. ...2.51
Fairport. Cong. Ch. ...17.43
Groton. S.A. Barrows ...25.00
Ithaca. Cong. Ch. Y.P.S.C.E., for Central Ch., New Orleans, La. ...15.00
Lima. Wm. H. Day, 1; Miss C.M. Janes, 1, Jubilee Offering ...2.00
Lysander. Jun. C.E. Soc., by Rev. J.L. Keedy ...2.00
Massena. Cong. Ch. ...13.10
Middletown. Marion E. Hulbert, for Tougaloo U. ...1.00
Mount Sinai. Y.P.S.C.E. of Cong Ch. ...2.00
New York. "Friends" ...1,000.00
New York. Rev. M.E. Strieby, D.D., for Two Shares Jubilee Fund ...100.00
New York. Pilgrim Cong. Ch., 35; Forest Av. Cong. Ch., 25.85; Whatsoever Circle of K.D. of Forest Av. Cong. Ch., 10. ...70.85
New York. Mrs. Mary Billings, for Jonesboro, Tenn. ...35.00
New York. "The Virginia Lend-a-Hand Club," for Gloucester Sch., Cappahosic, Va. ...20.00
New York. Chas. L. Mead, for Fisk U. ...15.00
Paris. Cong. Ch. ...5.25
Patchogue. "A Friend" ...5.20
Perry Center, Ladies' Benevolent Soc., Bbl C., and freight, 1.25, for Tougaloo, Miss. ...1.25
Port Chester. First Cong. Ch. ...3.20
Portland. Mr. and Mrs. J.S. Coon ...30.00
Poughkeepsie. A.E. Cleveland, for Gloucester Sch., Cappahosic, Va. ...20.00
Spencerport. Cong. Ch., Y.P.S.C.E., for Central Ch., New Orleans, La. ...8.00
Syracuse. Charles A. Beach, for Share Jubilee Fund ...50.00
Walworth. Mrs. J.C. Cobb, for Indian M. ...5.00
Warsaw. Sab. Sch. Cong. Ch. ...15.74
Woodhaven. First Cong. Ch. ...16.60
Woman's Home Missionary Union of N.Y., by Mrs. J.J. Pearsall, Treas.:
Brooklyn. Lewis Av. C.E., for Salary, and to const. MISS ANNA WHITLOCK L.M. ...30.00
New York. Broadway Tab. S.W.W. ...4.50
——— 34.50
NEW JERSEY, $190.12.
Bound Brook. Cong. Ch. ...48.99
Chatham. Stanley Cong. Sab. Sch., for Cal. Chinese M. ...5.00
East Orange. Trinity Cong. Ch. "Pilgrim Band," for Central Ch., New Orleans, La. ...10.00
East Orange. Willing Workers, for Athens Ala. ...6.00
Elizabeth. First Cong. Ch. ...8.00
Montclair. Misses Ryerson, Bbl. C. for Skyland Inst., N.C.
Upper Montclair. Christian Union Cong. Ch. ...36.67
Woodbridge. First Cong. Ch., Jun. Y.P.S.C.E., for Central Ch., New Orleans, La. ...5.00
Westfield. Ministering Children's League, by C. Taggart, 20. For Indian Schp.; 15, for Children's Missionary ...35.00
Woman's Home Missionary Union of the N.J. Ass'n., Mrs. J.H. Denison, Treas.:
Bound Brook, N.J. Cong. Ch. W.H.M.S. ...17.00
Washington, D.C. Mt. Pleasant Cong. Ch. Jr. C.E. Soc., for McIntosh, Ga. ...10.00
Philadelphia, Pa. Central Cong. Ch., W.H.M. Soc. ...8.46
——— 35.46
Allegheny. Sidney M. Youngs ...5.00
Bryn Mawr. Stokes Smith and Other Friends, for Gloucester Sch., Cappahosic, Va. ...28.00
Meadville. Park Av. Cong. Ch. (5.78 Lincoln Mem. Day Offering) ...14.63
Philadelphia. Central Cong. Ch. ...338.92
Philadelphia. R.S. Jackson, 2.70; Miss M. Elsey, 2; F.V. Vann, 1; W.H. Washington, 1.20, for Gloucester Sch., Cappahosic, Va. ...6.90
Sewickley. Mrs. J.B. Bittinger and Miss Lucy Bittinger, for Share Jubilee Fund ...50.00
OHIO, $1,591.67.
Cincinnati. Columbus Cong. Ch. ...7.25
Cleveland. Lake View Ch., Ladies' Jubilee Offering ...5.50
Cleveland. Mrs. F.W. Low (2.50 of which for Mountain Work) ...10.00
Cleveland. Mrs. A.J. Smith, for Moorhead, Miss., freight, 1.80; Lake View Cong. Ch., Ladies, for Jubilee Offering, adl., 1; Hough Ave. Cong. Ch., Pkg. Lit., for Pleasant Hill, Tenn. ...2.80
Conneaut. Sab. Sch. Cong. Ch. ...10.00
Elyria. Cong. Ch. (1.50 of which from Boys' Mission Club) ...43.64
Gallia Co. Siloam Ch. ...2.35
Gomer. Cong. Ch., by Henry Williams, Treas. ...29.00
Marion. Mrs. Mary B. Vose, for Wilmington, N.C. ...1.00
New Lyme Station. Aaron J. Holman, deceased ...1,200.00
Painesville. Cong. Ch., S.S. Classes of Mr. Childs and Miss Cummings, for Straight U. ...6.00
Tallmadge. "Cheerful Workers," for Indian M. ...5.00
Toledo. Central Cong. Ch. ...9.57
Ohio Woman's Home Missionary Union, by Mrs. G.B. Brown, Treas.:
Akron. First, for Share Jubilee Fund and to const. MRS. CHARLES LYMAN L.M. ...50.00
Akron. West, W.M.S., for Salary ...4.00
Alexis. "Willing Workers," for Debt ...5.00
Cincinnati. Vine, W.H.M.S., for Share Jubilee Fund ...50.00
Cleveland. First, W.H.M.S., 25; Euclid Ave. L.H.M.S., 10; Hough Ave. W.H.M.S., 3.25, for Salaries ...38.25
Cleveland. East Mad. Ave. Jun. C.E., 3; Hough Ave. L.M.S., 5; for Salaries ...8.00
Cuyahoga Falls. W.M.S., for Salary ...3.06
Elyria. W.H.M.S., for Salaries ...40.00
Lodi. W.H.M.S., for Salary ...4.00
Lorain. Y.P.S.C.E., for Salary ...2.00
Lyme. W.H.M.S., for Salary ...3.25
Mount Vernon. Coral Workers, for Salary ...5.00
Norwalk. Y.P.S.C.E., for Salary ...4.00
Oberlin. First, L.A.S., for Salary ...15.00
Rootstown. W.H.M.S., for Salaries ...10.00
Tallmadge. Y.L.M.S., for Salary ...10.00
West Williamsfield. W.H.M.S., for Salary ...8.00
——— 259.56
INDIANA, $5.00.
Dunkirk. Plymouth Willing Workers, by Jennie Moreland, Jubilee Offering ...5.00
ILLINOIS, $842.23.
Abingdon. Mrs. M.C. Harris ...6.25
Blue Island. Jun. C.E. Soc., for Student Aid, Skyland Inst. ...4.00
Bunker Hill. Cong. Ch. and Sab. Sch., 27; Cong. Ch. Y.P.S.C.E., 2.50 ...29.50
Chicago. First Cong. Ch., for Two Shares Jubilee Fund ...100.00
Chicago. South Cong. Ch., 34.80; Mrs. T.H. Tuthill, 1 ...35.80
Cobden. Union Cong. Ch. ...5.00
Des Plaines. Y.P.S.C.E. ...2.78
Earlville. "J.A.D." ...25.00
Elmwood. Cong. Ch. ...14.56
Evanston. First Cong. Ch. ...43.00
Geneseo. Cong. Ch., for Share Jubilee Fund ...50.00
Geneseo. Mrs. A.E. Steel ...10.00
Hamilton. Mrs. H.D. Grubb ...2.00
Hinsdale. Mrs. M.S. Holcomb ...20.00
Lawn Ridge. Cong. Ch. ...10.75
Moline. Alfred Williams, for Orange Park, Fla. ...25.00
Morrison. William Wallace ...5.00
Oak Park. Cong. Ch., for Three Shares Jubilee Fund ...153.64
Oneida. Cong. Ch., 12.95; Sab. Sch. Cong. Ch., 1.63 ...14.58
Ottawa. T.D. Catlin, for Share Jubilee Fund ...50.00
Ottawa. Cong. Ch., 26.59; Mrs. Ruth Bascom, 10 ...36.59
Peoria. Primary Class First Ch., for Student Aid, Fisk U. ...12.00
Rockford. Mrs. M.H. Penfield and Miss M.F. Penfield, for Fisk U. ...15.00
Seward. Sab. Sch., by R.S. Neely ...0.87
Sterling. Cong. Ch., 14; Mrs. M.E. McKinney, 10 ...24.00
Sycamore. First Cong. Ch, 47.04; Mrs. Sturtevant, 2; Miss S.L. West, for Jubilee Offering, 2 ...51.04
Woman's Home Missionary Union of Illinois, Mrs. L.A. Field, Treas.:
Chicago. California Av. W.M.S. ...4.00
Evanston. W.M.S. ...8.74
Granville. W.M.S., Jubilee Offering ...13.00
Millburn. W.M.S. ...28.00
Morgan Park. W.M.S. ...9.00
Oak Park. W.M.S. ...14.20
Oneida. W.M.S. ...3.93
Ravenswood. W.M.S. ...15.00
——— 95.87
MICHIGAN, $337.75.
Adrian. Miss Julia A. Condict ...2.00
Agricultural College. R.C.K. ...1.00
Alamo. Julius Hackley ...40.00
Almond. Cong. Ch. ...10.00
Almont. Gertrude O. Coddington ...2.00
Benzonia. Young People of Cong. Ch., by Miss Bessie Pettitt, for Lexington, Ky. ...2.50
Blissfield. J.E. Soc., Box Papers for Athens, Ala.
Bridgman. Cong. Ch. ...2.66
Coldwater. Sarah A. Dunn ...5.00
Detroit. Wood Av. Cong. Ch., for Grand View, Tenn. ...58.47
Detroit. Bryant Walker, for Gloucester Sch., Cappahosic, Va. ...5.00
Eaton Rapids. Y.P.S.C.E., for Student Aid, Lexington, Ky. ...10.00
Frankfort. "A Friend," for Joppa, Ala. ...5.00
Kenton. Cong. Ch. ...3.27
Leland. Dea. John Porter and Wife, for Debt ...10.00
Muskegon. Cong. Ch., Ladies, Bbl. C., for Wilmington, N.C.
Northport. William Gill ...20.00
Olivet. Y.W.C.A., for Student Aid, Lexington, Ky. ...4.00
Red Jacket. Miss'y Soc., for Athens, Ala. ...20.00
Trout Creek. Cong. Ch. ...1.00
Woman's Home Missionary Union of Michigan, Mrs. E.F. Grabill, Treas.:
Chelsea. W.H.M.S., for Salary ...10.20
Detroit. First Ch., W.A., for Salary ...70.00
Grand Blanc. W.M.S., for Student Aid, Indian Sch., Santee, Neb. ...8.00
Leslie. First Ch., W.M.S., for Salary ...0.15
Olivet. L.B.S., for Salary ...10.00
——— 98.35
——— $302.75
Benzonia. Estate of Dea. Amasa Waters by L.B. Judson, Administrator ...35.00
——— $337.75
IOWA, $831.78.
Atlantic. Cong. Ch., for Debt ...35.00
Avoca. Ger. Cong. Sab. Sch. ...2.00
Blencoe. C.E., by Nannie McIntyre ...1.00
Creston. Cong. Ch. L.H.M. Circle, for Fisk U. ...40.00
Cromwell. Woman's Miss. Soc., by Edith Alvord, for Savannah, Ga. ...5.00
Doon. Cong. Ch. ...3.27
Dubuque. Cong. Ch., 43.17; Sab. Sch. First Cong. Ch., 4.13 ...47.30
Franklin. D.P. McConaughey ...1.00
Grinnell. Cong. Ch., Y.P.S.C.E. ...1.00
Hawarden. Cong. Ch. ...20.36
Ionia. Senior C.E. Soc., 4; Junior C.E. Soc., for Beach Inst. ...9.00
Iowa City. Cong. Ch. ...87.54
Mason City. Cong. Ch., for Book Cases, 20; for Student Aid, 4.50, Thomasville, Ga. ...24.50
Muscatine. Pilgrim Cong. Ch. ...10.00
Nashua. Cong. Ch., for Beach Inst. ...1.50
Reinbeck. Cong. Ch. ...5.37
Shell Rock. Sab. Sch., by S.W. Remington ...1.00
Stuart. Cong. Ch. ...16.44
Woman's Home Missionary Union of Iowa, Miss Belle L. Bentley, Treas.:
Charles City. L.M.S. ...3.00
Clinton. Mrs. V.H. Mullett ...1.50
Des Moines. Pilgrim Ch., W.M.S. (5 of which for Chinese M.) ...10.00
Old Man's Creek. W.H. & F.M.S. ...1.00
Wayne. Mission Band ...5.00
———- 20.50
———- $331.78
Dubuque. Estate of Dr. Benjamin McCluer, by D.E. Lyon, Executor ...500.00
——— $831.78
WISCONSIN, $616.17.
Beloit. First Cong. Ch. (of which Rev. George R. Leavitt, D.D., 50, and First Cong. Ch., 50, for 2 Shares Jubilee Fund) ...134.11
Beloit. Second Cong. Ch. ...14.32
Boscobel. Cong. Ch. ...8.50
Clinton. Cong. Ch. ...5.90
Columbus. Mrs. C.E. Chadbourn, for Share Jubilee Fund, 50; Rev. H.J. Ferris, for Share Jubilee Fund, 50 ...100.00
Columbus. Cong. Ch. ...41.00
Delavan. Cong. Ch. ...11.82
Fort Atkinson. Joseph F. Morrison ...2.00
Fox Lake. Cong. Ch. ...10.00
Hartford. Cong. Ch., to const. MRS. MARY E. FORBES L.M. ...56.00
Hillsboro. Cong. Ch. ...2.00
Janesville. First Cong. Ch., for Share Jubilee Fund ...50.00
Leeds Center. Cong. Ch. ...4.50
Milwaukee. Grand Ave. Cong. Ch., for Share Jubilee Fund ...69.93
Milwaukee. Plymouth Cong. Ch., at Jubilee Memorial Service ...22.10
Milwaukee. Pilgrim Cong. Ch., 34; Miss'y Soc of Downer and Milwaukee College, by Mabel Hopkins, Sec., 5.65; North Side Ch., 2.34; Hanover St. Ch., "Friend," 1 ...42.99
Prentice. Sab. Sch. Cong Ch. ...2.50
Ripon. Mrs. C.H. Upham, for Dodge Hall, Pleasant Hill, Tenn. ...10.00
Rosendale. W.H.M.S., for Jubilee Fund ...5.00
Stevens Point. Children of Frame Mem. Presb. Ch., for Joppa, Ala. ...10.00
Sumpter. Y.L.C.E., 2 Boxes Reading Matter for Meridian, Miss.
Woman's Home Missionary Union of Wisconsin, Mrs. C.M. Blackman, Treas.:
Beloit. First, W.H.M.U. ...1.00
Brandon. W.H.M.U., for Mountain Work ...5.00
Plattville. W.H.M.U. ...0.50
Wauwatosa. W.H.M.U. ...2.00
Whitewater. Y.P.S.C.E. ...5.00
——— 13.50
MINNESOTA, $761.71.
Brainerd. C.E. Soc., by Leila P. Johnson, Pres. ...5.06
Crookston. First Cong. Ch. ...2.75
Faribault. Cong. Ch., Bbl. C. for Skyland Inst., N.C.
Groveland. Cong. Ch. ...3.00
Lake Park. Ladies' Aid Soc., by Miss Ella E. Higby. Treas. ...5.00
Litchfield, Bbl. C. for Meridian, Miss.
Minneapolis. Rev. and Mrs. Henry L. Chase, 100; "A Friend," 400, for King's Mountain, N.C. ...500.00
Minneapolis. Plymouth Ch., 39.37; Wm. H. Norris, 15 ...54.37
Minneapolis. Cong. Ch., for Fort Yates, N.D. ...2.15
Moorhead. Ladies' Union of First Cong. Ch., for Woman's Work ...3.62
Saint Paul. Pacific Cong. Ch. ...5.97
Woman's Home Missionary Union of Minnesota, by Mrs. M.W. Skinner, Treas.:
Minneapolis. Park, 13.08; Lyndale, 13.23; Lora Hollister, 5; Plymouth, 4.50 ...35.81
Minneapolis. Plymouth, 15.09; Vine, 8 ...23.09
Minneapolis. Maple Hill, Jr. C.E.S., 8; Beth Fay. 2.28, for Student Aid, Warner Inst. ...10.28
New Richland ...3.00
Northfield. Mr. and Mrs. M.W. Skinner, in Memory of Rev. Austin Willey, for Share Jubilee Fund ...50.00
Northfield ...40.00
Saint Paul. Plymouth C.E. Soc., for Central Ch., New Orleans, La. ...25.00
Sauk Centre ...2.11
West Dora ...0.50
——— 189.79
Less Expenses ...10.00
——— 175.79
KANSAS, $1.50.
Topeka. First Cong. Ch. ...1.50
MISSOURI, $48.44.
Cole Camp. First Cong. Ch. ...4.40
Holden. Mrs. S.E. Hawes ...2.00
Kansas City. Plymouth Cong. Ch. ...2.86
Missouri Woman's Home Missionary Union, by Mrs. K.L. Mills, Treas.:
Aurora. Cong. Ch., L.H.M.S. ...2.00
Meadville. Cong. Ch., L.H.M.S. ...1.50
Saint Louis. Pilgrim Cong. Ch., L.H.M.S. ...25.00
Saint Louis. Third Ch., L.H.M.S. ...4.20
Webster Groves. Cong. Ch., L.H.M.S. ...8.55
——— 41.25
Less Expenses ...2.07
——— 39.18
NEBRASKA, $44.03.
Aten. Cong. Ch. ...4.40
Beatrice. First Cong Ch., 14.71; Mrs. D.B. Hotchkiss, 10 ...24.71
Crete. F.E. Craig ...5.00
Lincoln. Cong. Ch. ...9.92
Caledonia. Caledonia C.E., by Vic Sargeant, Treas. ...3.00
Eldridge. Cong. Ch. ...1.00
Jamestown. Cong. Ch. ...6.00
Woyansport. John Cooper ...25.00
Oahe. Council of Indian Missionaries ...27.00
Oahe. "A Friend," Jubilee Offering ...10.00
COLORADO, $3.30.
White Water. Union Cong. Ch. ...3.30
MONTANA, $55.00.
——- "J.L.A.," for Share Jubilee Fund ...50.00
Woman's Missionary Union of Montana, Mrs. H.E. Jones, Treas.: Helena. L.M. Soc. ...5.00
WYOMING, $50.00.
Wyoming Woman's Missionary Union, Mrs. H.N. Smith, Treas.:
Cheyenne. W.M. Soc., by Mrs. F.H. Cutler, for Share Jubilee Fund ...50.00
ARKANSAS, $1.50.
Rogers. First Cong. Ch., 75c; C.E. of Cong. Ch., 75c ...1.50
NEW MEXICO, $1.50.
Woman's Missionary Union of New Mexico, by Mrs. W.A. McClaskey, Treas.: Albuquerque. Aux. ...1.50
CALIFORNIA, $1,431.95.
Santa Barbara. "A Friend," for Share Jubilee Fund ...50.00
San Francisco. Receipts of the California Chinese Mission, William Johnstone Treas. (See items below) ...1,361.45
Snelling. Stewart Steele, for Student Aid, Lexington, Ky. ...8.00
Pomona. "A Friend" ...12.50
OREGON, $5.58.
Forest Grove. First Cong. Ch. ...5.58
VIRGINIA, $826.00.
Cappahosic. The Educational Club, for Gloucester Sch., Cappahosic, Va. ...820.00
Gloucester. Mrs. C. Anderson, 1.50; Miss R. Scott, 1.50; N.B. Jones, 1; S.A. Robinson, 1, for Gloucester Sch., Cappahosic, Va. ...5.00
King and Queen. O. Harris, for Gloucester Sch., Cappahosic, Va. ...1.00
MARYLAND, $2.00.
Baltimore. Mrs. P.H. Taylor, for Gloucester Sch., Cappahosic, Va. ...2.00
KENTUCKY, $29.00.
Campton. Bethel Cong. Ch., Jubilee Offering ...5.00
Covington. Lawrence St. Welsh Cong. Ch. Y.P.S.C.E. ...5.00
Newport. York St. Cong. Ch. Sab. Sch., for Campton, Ky. ...11.00
Pioneer. Cong. Ch. ...3.00
Williamsburg. Rev. Samuel Sutton ...5.00
TENNESSEE $241.95.
Bon Air. Cong. Ch. ...3.00
Knoxville. Slater School, Jubilee Bell Bank, by Miss Ida F. Hubbard ...16.55 |