American Men of Action
by Burton E. Stevenson
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"You may fire when ready, Gridley," he said, quietly.

Ready! Surely that was satire on Dewey's part, for just one second later the bridge under his feet leaped like a springboard as the great gun beneath it gave the signal. Scarcely had the shell left the muzzle when an answering roar came from the other ships. The battle had begun, the Spanish ships were riddled with a shower of bursting shells, their crews cut to pieces, and the ships themselves set on fire. The guns of the American squadron roared with clocklike regularity, while the firing from the Spanish ships steadily decreased. Two hours of this work, and the smoke hung so heavy over the water that it was difficult to distinguish the enemy's ships.

"What time is it, Rees?" asked Dewey, of his executive officer.

"Seven forty-five, sir."

"Breakfast time," said Dewey, with a queer smile. "Run up the signals, 'Cease firing,' and 'Follow me.'"

Again it was a lesson from Farragut, and Dewey, steaming back down the harbor, signalled "Let the men go to breakfast." His captains, coming aboard the Olympia, gave a series of reports unique in naval history. Not a man had been killed, not a gun disabled, not a ship seriously injured. Three hours were devoted to cooling off and cleaning the guns, getting up more ammunition, and breakfast was leisurely eaten.

Meanwhile, across the bay, on the riddled and sinking Spanish ships the wildest confusion reigned. At eleven o'clock, the American fleet was seen again approaching, and a few minutes later, that terrible storm of fire recommenced. There was practically no reply. Three of the Spanish ships were on fire, and their magazines exploded one after another with a mighty roar; a broadside from the Baltimore sank a fourth; a shell from the Raleigh exploded the magazine of a fifth, and so, one by one, the Spanish ships were blown to pieces, until not one remained. An hour later, the shore batteries had been silenced, and Dewey hoisted the signal, "Cease firing."

So ended the greatest naval battle since Trafalgar—a battle which riveted the attention of the world, and brought home to Europe a realization of the fact that here was a new world-power to be reckoned with. With six ships, carrying 1,668 men and fifty-three guns, Dewey had destroyed the Spanish squadron of nine ships, carrying 1,875 men and forty-two guns; not an American had been killed, and only six wounded, while the Spanish loss was 618 killed and wounded; and not an American vessel had been injured. And, in addition to destroying the Spanish fleet, a series of powerful shore batteries had been silenced, and the way prepared for the American occupation of the Philippines. Dewey's place as one of the great commanders of history was secure.

News of the victory created the wildest excitement and enthusiasm in the United States. Dewey became a popular hero, and when he returned from the Philippines, was welcomed with triumphal honors, which recalled the great days of the Roman empire. He was commissioned admiral of the navy, a rank which had been created for Farragut, and which has been held by only two men besides him.

Another great American naval victory marked the brief war with Spain—the destruction of Admiral Cervera's powerful fleet as it tried to escape from the harbor of Santiago, Cuba, on the third day of July, 1898—a victory which made the Independence Day which followed one long to be remembered in the United States. There, as at Manila, the entire Spanish fleet was destroyed, without a single American vessel being seriously injured, and with a loss of only one killed and one wounded on the American side. But the victory at Santiago was the victory of no one man. The ranking officer, William Thomas Sampson, was miles away when the engagement began. The next in rank, Winfield Scott Schley, so conducted himself that he was brought before a court of inquiry. The battle was really fought and won by the commanders of the various ships—Robley D. Evans, John W. Philip, Charles E. Clark, Henry C. Taylor, Richard Wainwright—by the very simple procedure of getting as close to the enemy as they could, and hammering him as hard as their guns would let them. One and all, they behaved with the utmost gallantry. But most remarkable of all in the history of the navy from first to last has been the superb work of the "men behind the guns," whose marksmanship has been the despair and envy of the world.


JONES, JOHN PAUL. Born at Kirkbean, Kirkcudbrightshire, Scotland, July 6, 1747; settled in Virginia, 1773; appointed first lieutenant in American navy, 1775; commanded Ranger and cruised in the Irish sea, 1777-78; sailed from France in Bon Homme Richard, August 14, 1779; fought Serapis, September 23, 1779; resigned from American service, entered the French and later the Russian navy, served under Potemkin in the Black Sea with rank of rear-admiral; returned to Paris, 1790; died there, July 18, 1792.

BIDDLE, NICHOLAS. Born at Philadelphia, September 10, 1750; captain in American navy, 1775; appointed to command the Randolph, June 6, 1776; killed when ship blew up in fight with Yarmouth, March 7, 1778.

PORTER, DAVID. Born at Boston, February 1, 1780; entered navy, 1798; served in Tripolitan war, 1801-03; commander of the Essex in war of 1812; defeated and taken prisoner in Valparaiso harbor, March 28, 1814; resigned, 1826; commander of Mexican naval forces, 1826-29; United States minister to Turkey, 1831-43; died at Pera, Constantinople, March 3, 1843.

HULL, ISAAC. Born at Derby, Connecticut, March 9, 1773; entered navy, 1798; served in war with Tripoli, 1801-03; sailed from Boston in command of the Constitution, August 2, 1812; defeated Guerriere, August 19, 1812; remained in navy till end of life; died at Philadelphia, February 13, 1843.

DECATUR, STEPHEN. Born at Sinnepuxent, Maryland, January 5, 1779; entered navy, 1798; burned frigate Philadelphia in harbor of Tripoli, February 16, 1804; commanded frigate United States in war of 1812; captured British frigate, Macedonian, October 25, 1812; captured by British fleet, January 15, 1815; killed in a duel with James Barron, near Bladensburg, Maryland, March 22, 1820.

BAINBRIDGE, WILLIAM. Born at Princeton, New Jersey, May 7, 1774; lieutenant-commandant in quasi-naval-war with France, 1798; commanded Philadelphia in Tripolitan war; captured by Tripolitans, November 1, 1804; commander of Constitution in war of 1812; captured British frigate Java, December 29, 1812; served in navy till death at Philadelphia, July 28, 1833.

LAWRENCE, JAMES. Born at Burlington, New Jersey, October 1, 1781; entered navy, 1798; served in Tripolitan war, 1801-03; sailed from Boston in the Chesapeake, and defeated by British frigate Shannon, June 1, 1813; died at sea from wound received in battle, June 6, 1813.

PREBLE, EDWARD. Born at Falmouth (now Portland), Maine, August 15, 1761; served as midshipman during Revolution; commissioned lieutenant, February 9, 1798; captain, May 15, 1799; commanded squadron operating against Barbary States, 18O3-O4; died at Portland, Maine, August 25, 1807.

STEWART, CHARLES. Born at Philadelphia, July 28, 1778; lieutenant in United States navy, March 9, 1798; served in war with Tripoli; captain, April 22, 1806; commanded Constitution, 1813-14, capturing many prizes; remained in navy till death, rising to rank of rear-admiral; died at Bordentown, New Jersey, November 6, 1869.

BLAKELEY, JOHNSTON. Born near Seaford, County Down, Ireland, October, 1781; brought to America, 1783; entered navy as midshipman, February 5, 1800; lieutenant, February 10, 1807; master commander, July 24, 1813; sailed from Portsmouth, New Hampshire, in the Wasp, May 1, 1814; captured Reindeer, sunk Avon, captured Atalanta; the Wasp was spoken by a Swedish ship, October 9, 1814, and never seen again.

MACDONOUGH, THOMAS. Born in Newcastle County, Delaware, December 23, 1783; entered the navy as midshipman, 1800; served in war against Tripoli; lieutenant, 1807; master commander, 1813; defeated British squadron under Downie on Lake Champlain, September 11, 1814; died at sea, November 16, 1825.

PERRY, OLIVER HAZARD. Born in South Kingston, Rhode Island, August 23, 1785; entered navy as midshipman, April 7, 1799; served in war with Tripoli; lieutenant, 1807; ordered to Lake Erie, February 17, 1813; reached Erie, March 27, 1813; defeated British fleet, September 10, 1813; assisted in defense of Baltimore, 1814; commanded Java and John Adams; died at Port Spain, Island of Trinidad, August 23, 1819.

PERRY, MATTHEW CALBRAITH. Born at Newport, Rhode Island, April 10, 1794; entered navy as midshipman, 1809; lieutenant, February 27, 1813; saw distinguished service in many ships and many waters; master-commandant, January 7, 1833; captain, March 15, 1837; commodore, June 12, 1841; commanded fleet at capture of Vera Cruz, 1844; organized and commanded expedition to Japan, delivering President's letter to the Mikado, July 14, 1853, and signing treaty, March 31, 1854; died in New York City, March 4, 1858.

FARRAGUT, DAVID GLASGOW. Born at Campbell's Station, Tennessee, July 5, 1801; adopted by David Porter and given commission as midshipman, 1810; served under Porter in the Essex, 1813-14; lieutenant, 1821; commander, 1841; captain, 1855; appointed commander of squadron to reduce New Orleans, January, 1862; passed the forts below New Orleans on the night of April 23-24, 1862; compelled surrender of city, April 25, 1862; passed batteries at Vicksburg, June 28, 1862; rear-admiral, July 16, 1862; fought battle of Mobile Bay, August 5, 1864; vice-admiral, 1864; admiral, 1866; died at Portsmouth, New Hampshire, August 14, 1870.

CRAVEN, TUNIS AUGUSTUS MACDONOUGH. Born at Portsmouth, Hew Hampshire, January 11, 1813; entered navy as midshipman, 1829; served in various ships and in coast survey; commander, April, 1861; given command of monitor Tecumseh, with post of honor in battle of Mobile Bay, August 5, 1864; struck torpedo and sank almost instantly, carrying down Craven and almost everyone else on board.

SEMMES, RAPHAEL. Born in Charles County, Maryland, September 27, 1809; midshipman in navy, 1826; lieutenant, 1837; at siege of Vera Cruz, 1847; commander in Confederate navy, April 4, 1861; took command of Alabama, August, 1863; Alabama destroyed by Kearsarge, June 19, 1864; guarded water approaches to Richmond, 1865; after war, engaged in practice of law until his death at Mobile, Alabama, August 30, 1877.

WINSLOW, JOHN ANCRUM. Born at Wilmington, North Carolina, November 19, 1811; entered navy as midshipman, 1827; lieutenant, 1839; commander, 1855; captain, 1862; commanded Kearsarge on special service in pursuit of Alabama, 1863-64; sank Alabama, June 19, 1864; rear-admiral, 1870; died at Boston, Massachusetts, September 29, 1873.

BUCHANAN, FRANKLIN. Born at Baltimore, Maryland, September 17, 1800; entered navy as midshipman, 1815; lieutenant, 1825; master-commandant, 1841; organized naval academy at Annapolis, 1845; at siege of Vera Cruz, 1847; commanded flagship in Perry's Japan expedition, 1852; captain, 1855; commandant Washington navy yard, 1859; entered Confederate service, September, 1861; commanded Merrimac in Hampton Roads and Tennessee in Mobile Bay; died in Talbot County, Maryland, May 11, 1874.

WORDEN, JOHN LORIMER. Born in Westchester County, New York, March 12, 1818; entered navy, 1840; lieutenant, 1846; taken prisoner while returning North from Fort Pickens, 1861; released after seven months' captivity, and appointed to the Monitor; met Merrimac in Hampton Roads, March 9, 1862; received thanks of Congress and commissioned commander, July, 1862; captain, February, 1863; commodore, 1868; superintendent of naval academy, 1870-74; rear-admiral, 1872; retired, 1886; died at Washington, October 18, 1897.

DEWEY, GEORGE. Born at Montpelier, Vermont, December 26, 1837; entered naval academy, 1854; graduated, 1858; with Farragut on Mississippi, 1862; commander, 1872; captain, 1884; commodore, 1896; fought battle of Manila Bay, May 1, 1898; thanked by Congress and promoted rear-admiral, 1898; admiral, 1899.

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Adams, John, 84, 89-92, 124, 174, 175, 177, 208, 263.

Adams, John Quincy, 98-100, 109, 110, 125, 186.

Adams, Samuel, 84, 175-178, 179, 208-209, 263.

Allen, Eliza, 240-241.

Allen, Ethan, 270.

Anderson, Robert, 191.

Arnold, Benedict, 267-271, 276, 277, 311-312, 313.

Arthur, Chester Alan, 153, 166-167.

Astor, John Jacob, 250.

Atkinson, Henry, 303.

Austin, Moses, 243.

Bainbridge, William, 334, 337-340, 342, 343, 378.

Banks, Nathaniel P., 301.

Barnes, James, 22.

Barron, James, 337.

Beauregard, Pierre, 304-305, 306, 317-318.

Bee, Bernard E., 299, 300.

Benton, Jesse, 104.

Benton, Thomas Hart, 191, 211.

Berkeley, Lord, 62.

Biddle, Nicholas, 322, 328, 377.

Blaine, James G., 151, 152, 153, 155, 186, 205-207, 213.

Blakeley, Johnston, 342, 344-345, 379.

Boggs, Charles Stuart, 370.

Boone, Daniel, 215-221, 222, 223, 225, 226, 234, 258.

Boone, Squire, 219.

Booth, John Wilkes, 141-142, 164.

Bowie, James, 18, 246-250, 260.

Braddock, Edward, 82, 123, 267, 273, 275, 311.

Bradford, William, 21, 54-57, 74.

Bragg, Braxton, 308.

Breckenridge, John C., 138.

Broke, Philip, 341.

Brooks, Preston, 212.

Brown, John, 122, 295, 316.

Bryan, William Jennings, 160-161.

Buchanan, Franklin, 356, 363-366, 381.

Buchanan, James, 113, 121-123, 127-128, 191, 257.

Buell, Don Carlos, 293.

Burgoyne, John, 267-269, 270, 275, 311, 313, 325.

Burnside, Ambrose E., 285, 297, 314-315.

Burr, Aaron, 179-183, 205, 209-210, 245.

Butler, Benjamin, 355.

Butler, Simon; see Kenton, Simon.

Byllinge, Edward, 62.

Cabot, John, 36-37, 40, 70.

Cabot, Sebastian, 36-37, 70.

Calhoun, John Caldwell, 21, 111, 115, 184-190, 201, 211.

Carson, Kit, 265.

Carteret, Sir George, 62.

Cartier, Jacques, 39, 49, 72.

Carver, Jonathan, 55.

Cass, Lewis, 118, 191, 211.

Catlin, George, 251.

Champlain, Samuel, 49-51, 73.

Chase, Salmon Portland, 200, 212.

Clark, Charles E., 376.

Clark, George Rogers, 223, 225-232, 234, 235, 258.

Clark, William, 235-237, 250, 259.

Clay, Henry, 22, 99, 109, 114, 115, 116, 117, 184-190, 205, 206, 210.

Cleveland, Grover, 154-159, 160, 164, 167.

Columbus, Bartholomew, 26, 29.

Columbus, Christopher, 16, 17, 19, 20, 25-36, 54, 69-70.

Columbus, Diego, 29.

Conkling, Roscoe, 205-206.

Cornwallis, Charles, 85, 124, 272, 278, 311, 313, 328.

Coronado, Francisco Vasquez de, 39, 72.

Craven, Tunis Augustus Macdonough, 18, 360-361, 380.

Crockett, David, 18, 246-250, 256, 260.

Cushing, William B., 370.

Custer, George A., 309.

Custis, Mrs. Martha, 82, 123.

Custis, Mary Randolph, 295.

Custis, Washington Parke, 295.

Cutler, Manasseh, 233.

Davis, Jefferson, 139, 201-204, 213, 280, 303, 305, 306.

Decatur, Stephen, 332-337, 339, 341, 377-378.

Delaware, Thomas West, Lord, 48.

De Leon, Juan Ponce, 38, 39, 71.

Dewey, George, 370-376, 381.

Dinwiddie, Robert, 80, 81.

Douglas, Stephen A., 133-136, 138, 164, 191-193, 211.

Drake, Sir Francis, 38-39, 72.

Early, Jubal Anderson, 291.

Edwards, Jonathan, 180.

Ericsson, John, 367.

Evans, Robley D., 376.

Everett, Edward, 193-194, 211-212.

Fairfax, Thomas, Lord, 78.

Fairfax, William, 78.

Fannin, James W., 243.

Farragut, David Glasgow, 15, 17, 22, 330, 351-360, 366, 370, 371-372, 373, 374, 376, 380, 381.

Ferdinand of Aragon, 29, 31, 35.

Fillmore, Millard, 119, 127.

Fiske, John, 21, 22.

Ford, Paul Leicester, 21.

Franklin, Benjamin, 15, 21, 169-174, 207, 208, 325.

Franklin, William Buel, 301.

Fremont, John C., 122, 198, 250, 251, 255-257, 261.

Gage, Thomas, 175.

Garfield, James Abram, 114, 152-153, 166, 206.

Gates, Horatio, 267-269, 271, 272, 311, 312, 313.

Gilbert, Sir Humphrey, 42.

Gorman, Arthur P., 157.

Grant, Ulysses Simpson, 22, 141, 148-150, 152, 153, 165-166, 206, 280, 285, 286-288, 289, 290, 292, 293, 298, 303, 304, 306, 308, 310, 316, 317.

Greeley, Horace, 139.

Greene, Nathanael, 267, 272, 273, 276, 311, 312.

Gridley, Charles Vernon, 373.

Guiteau, Charles J., 152-153, 166.

Hale, Nathan, 18.

Hamilton, Alexander, 21, 89, 91, 96, 179-183, 205, 209.

Hamilton, Henry, 229.

Hancock, John, 175-178, 209, 322, 323.

Hancock, Winfield Scott, 293.

Hanks, Nancy, 129-130.

Hanna, Mark, 161.

Harding, Chester, 221.

Harrison, Benjamin, 157, 159-160, 167, 207.

Harrison, William Henry, 114-115, 126, 148, 159, 186, 224, 350.

Hay, John, 207.

Hayes, Rutherford Birchard, 114, 151-152, 166, 201, 206.

Hayne, Robert Young, 187, 188, 189.

Heath, William, 266.

Henderson, Richard, 218, 226.

Henry, Patrick, 132, 178-179, 209, 226, 227.

Heriot, Robert, 348.

Herkimer, Nicholas, 267.

Hill, A.P., 299, 308.

Hood, John Bell, 293, 316.

Hooker, Joseph, 280, 285-286, 287, 297, 301, 315.

Hopkins, Ezekial, 323.

Houston, Felix, 317.

Houston, Sam, 116, 238-246, 248, 259-260.

Howard, Oliver Otis, 302.

Hubbard, Elbert, 22.

Hudson, Henry, 39-40, 59, 72-73.

Hulburt, Archer Butler, 22.

Hull, Isaac, 330-332, 340, 341, 377.

Hull, William, 191, 330.

Ingersoll, Robert G., 206.

Isabella of Castile, 29, 30, 31, 35.

Jackson, Andrew, 15, 21, 99, 101-113, 114, 121, 122, 125-126, 148, 156, 163, 164, 186, 189, 190, 191, 239, 240, 241, 242, 244, 245, 246, 247, 279, 280, 281, 329, 352.

Jackson, Thomas Jonathan, 22, 287, 290, 297, 299-302, 307, 308, 311, 317.

James, Reuben, 335-336.

Jay, John, 208.

Jefferson, Thomas, 13, 21, 89, 90, 91, 92-95, 96, 98, 124, 155, 174, 178, 181, 227, 235, 236, 259, 276, 323.

John II., King of Portugal, 28.

Johnson, Andrew, 143-148, 165, 196, 197, 199, 203, 212.

Johnston, Albert Sidney, 280, 302-304, 311, 317, 318.

Johnston, Joseph E., 289-290, 296, 305-306, 308, 315, 318, 319.

Joliet, Louis, 52, 73-74.

Jones, John Paul, 320-328, 329, 344, 377.

Jones, William, 321.

Jones, William Paul, 321.

Kearny, Stephen Watts, 257.

Kenton, Simon, 221-225, 228, 234, 258.

Kilpatrick, Hugh Judson, 293.

King, Rufus, 97.

La Salle, Robert Cavalier, 51-54, 73, 79.

Lawrence, James, 18, 340-342, 347, 378.

Lee, Charles, 266.

Lee, "Light Horse Harry," 272-274, 294, 311, 313.

Lee, Robert Edward, 22, 141, 148, 149, 203, 274, 280, 283, 284, 285, 286, 289, 292, 294-299, 301, 302, 305, 306, 307, 308, 310, 315, 316-317.

Lewis, Meriwether, 235-237, 250, 259.

Lincoln, Abraham, 15, 16, 19, 21, 113, 129-143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 152, 164-165, 192, 193, 198-199, 200, 257, 289.

Lincoln, Thomas, 129-131.

Lodge, Henry Cabot, 21.

Longstreet, James, 306-307, 318.

Lovejoy, Amos, 253.

Lowell, James Russell, 143.

Lummis, Charles F., 21.

McCardle, Eliza, 144-145.

Maclay, Edward Stanton, 22.

McClellan, George B., 282-286, 287, 296, 297, 301, 305, 307, 314, 318.

Macdonough, Thomas, 342, 345-346, 379.

McDowell, Irwin, 301, 305.

McKinley, William, 159, 161-163, 167, 168.

McPherson, James Birdseye, 293.

Madison, James, 95-97, 125, 340.

Magellan, Ferdinand, 38, 71.

Magruder, John Bankhead, 308.

Mansfield, Joseph King Fenno, 301.

Marchena, Juan Perez de, 30.

Marion, Francis, 272-273, 311, 312.

Marquette, Jacques, 52, 74.

Marshall, Humphrey, 166.

Marshall, James Wilson, 255.

Marshall, John, 183-184, 210.

Meade, George G., 280, 286, 293.

Milam, Benjamin R., 243.

Miles, Nelson A., 309-310, 319.

Minuit, Peter, 59.

Monroe, James, 89, 97-98, 125, 158, 189, 201, 211.

Montgomery, Richard, 266.

Moody, William, 251.

Morris, Robert, 174.

Newport, Christopher, 43, 44, 46.

Nicolet, Jean, 51, 73.

Oglethorpe, James, 66-69, 75.

Ortiz, Juan, 45.

Pakenham, Edward Michael, 106, 107, 108.

Parker, Theodore, 23.

Parkman, Francis, 20, 21.

Paul, John, 321.

Paul, John; see Jones, John Paul.

Paul, William, 321.

Pearson, Richard, 320, 326, 327.

Pemberton, John Clifford, 308.

Penn, William, 21, 62-66, 74.

Perry, Matthew Calbraith, 350-351, 364, 379, 381.

Perry, Oliver Hazard, 346-350, 379.

Philip, John W., 376.

Philip, King, 41.

Pierce, Benjamin, 119.

Pierce, Franklin Scott, 114, 119-121, 127, 200, 280, 282.

Pike, Zebulon, 237, 259.

Pocahontas, 45, 46.

Polk, James Knox, 114, 116-117, 126-127, 281.

Pomeroy, Seth, 266.

Pope, John, 293, 297, 301, 307.

Porter, David, 352.

Porter, David, jr., 329-330, 345, 352-353, 377, 380.

Porter, David Dixon, 370.

Powhatan, The, 41, 45.

Preble, Edward, 333, 334, 339, 342-343, 378.

Putnam, Elizabeth, 263.

Putnam, Israel, 232, 263-266, 311.

Putnam, Joseph, 263.

Putnam, Rufus, 232-234, 258-259.

Raleigh, Sir Walter, 42-43.

Reed, Deborah, 171-172.

Revere, Paul, 175.

Rolfe, John, 46.

Roosevelt, Theodore, 162-163, 167-168.

Root, Elihu, 207.

Rosecrans, William Starke, 293.

Rusk, Thomas Jefferson, 244, 245.

St. Clair, Arthur, 233, 274-276, 313.

St. Leger, Barry, 270.

Saltonstall, Dudley, 323.

Sampson, William Thomas, 376.

Santa Anna, 127, 243, 244, 245, 248, 249, 281.

Santangel, Luis de, 30, 31.

Schley, Winfield Scott, 376.

Schuyler, Philip John, 267, 311.

Scott, Winfield, 119, 120, 188, 245, 280-282, 292, 295, 305, 310, 314.

Scudder, Horace E., 21.

Semmes, Raphael, 361-363, 380.

Seward, William H., 137, 194-200, 212.

Shaw, Robert Gould, 18.

Sheridan, Philip Henry, 287, 290-292, 293, 294, 307, 308, 311, 315-316.

Sherman, John, 152, 199, 200-201, 212-213.

Sherman, William Tecumseh, 280, 287-290, 292, 293, 304, 305, 306, 308, 309, 315, 316, 318, 319.

Skelton, Martha, 93.

Smith, John, 21, 43-49, 73, 76.

Soto, Hernando de, 39, 45, 72.

Spalding, H.H., 251.

Spencer, Joseph, 266.

Stark, John, 267.

Stephens, Alexander H., 201-205, 213.

Stevens, Thaddeus, 147, 194-200, 201, 212.

Stewart, Charles, 342, 343, 378.

Stuart, J.E.B., 296, 307-308, 318-319.

Stuyvesant, Peter, 21, 60-62, 74.

Sullivan, John, 266.

Sumner, Charles, 194-200, 212.

Sumner, Edwin Vose, 293, 301.

Sumter, Thomas, 102, 272-273, 312.

Sutter, John Augustus, 250, 254-256, 260-261.

Taft, William Howard, 163, 168.

Tarleton, Guy, 272, 312.

Taylor, Henry C., 376.

Taylor, Zachary, 22, 114, 118-119, 120, 127, 148, 202, 280, 281.

Tecumseh, 115.

Thomas, George H., 280, 292-293, 316.

Thomas, John, 266.

Tilden, Samuel J., 151.

Todd, Dolly Payne, 96.

Todd, Mary, 132.

Toscanelli, Paolo del Pozzo, 27, 32.

Travis, William Barrett, 18, 243, 246-250, 260.

Tyler, John, 115-116, 126, 211.

Van Buren, Martin, 113-114, 115, 118, 126, 191.

Veach, William, 221.

Vespucci, Amerigo, 37, 71.

Wainwright, Richard, 376.

Ward, Artemus, 266.

Washington, Augustine, 76, 77, 78.

Washington, George, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 21, 22, 76-89, 90, 92, 93, 97, 123-124, 129, 137, 150, 164, 174, 175, 177, 180, 181, 183, 194, 209, 262, 266, 269, 271, 272, 274, 275, 276, 277, 278, 279, 282, 295, 310, 312.

Washington, Lawrence, 76, 78, 79, 83.

Wayne, Anthony, 224, 234, 258, 259, 276-279, 313-314.

Webster, Daniel, 21, 110, 184-190, 193, 194, 198, 210.

Welles, Gideon, 364.

Wesley, Charles, 68.

Wheeler, Joseph, 309, 319.

Whitfield, George, 69.

Whitman, Marcus, 117, 250-254, 260.

Whittier, John G., 257.

Williams, Roger, 57-59, 74.

Wilson, Woodrow, 21.

Winslow, John Ancrum, 361-363, 380-381.

Wooster, David, 266.

Worden, John Lorimer, 367-370, 381.

York, Duke of, 61, 62, 63, 64.

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