Du Barry, Madame, ill., 92, 563, 566, 588
Du Belloy, Archbishop, 697
Du Mont, 543
Du Tour, q., 707, 708
Dubard, Prof., q., 147
Dublin Philosophical Journal, per., q., 704
Ducis, 548
Duehring, Carl H., pat., 642
Dufour, Philippe Sylvestre, 34, 432, 543, 557; q. 2, 11, 13, 74, 98
Dugdale, E., 470
Dumant, Pierre Etienne Louis, q., 13
Duncan, James, q., 59
Duncombe Mfg. Co., F.A., 649
Dunham, Charles A., 508
Dunks, John, 118
Duparquet, L., pat., 469, 639
Duparquet, Huot & Moneuse Co., 639, 644
Durand, Calvin, 502
Durand, H.C., 502
Durand, H.C. & C., 502
Durand & Co., 502
Durand & Kasper, 502
Durand & Kasper Co., 485
Durant, Nicholas Felix, pat., 625, 634, 699
Durieux, Elizabeth, 178
Duryee, P.S., q., 420
Dutch (see Netherlands)
Dutch New York, Singleton, q., 105, 115, 125, 709
Duties, Export Angola, 268 Sao Paulo, 315
Duties, Import Abyssinia, 310 Belgium, removed (1904), 296 England (1692, 1732), 74 United States, 296, 468 Porto Rico requests, 472 (See also Chronology)
Dwight, H.G., q., 664-667
Dwinell, James F., 501
Dwinell & Co., 501
Dwinell, Hayward & Co., 501
Dwinell, Wright & Co., 485, 501
Dwinell-Wright Co., 501, 629
Dybowski, C., 144 Java, 216
Dybowski x excelsa, hyb., 146
Dyer & Co., 501
Dykes & Wilson, 480
Dymond & Gardes, 486
Eagle Coffee and Spice Mills, 503
Eagle Spice Co., 507
Eagle Spice Mills, 503
Eames, Wilberforce, 474
Earle, Alice Morse, q., 709
Early History of Coffee Houses in England, The, Robinson, q., 11
East Indies (c.), 350, 370-374
Eating coffee, 180, 615, 655, 693, 694
Eccles, William, 475
Eckert, q., 164
Eckhardt, pat., 167
Ecuadors (c.), 350, 367
Eddy & Co., L.B., 508
Eder, q., 179
Edmond, 102
Edtbauer, P.E. (Mrs. E.), pat., 472
Educational exhibits, 715
Edwards, Daniel, 53, 54, 459
Edwards, Hugh, 482
Edwards, J.M., 479
Edwards & Co., J.M., 479
Edwards & Maddux, 479
Edwards & Raworth, 482
Edwards, Townsend & Co., 507
Ekelund Charles, 509
Electric motors, 471, 646
Electric roasting, 386
Electric Scale Co., 471
Electric signs, 443
Elephant (grade), 258
Elers, 604, 612
Elford, chk., 83
Elford, inv., 616, 617
Elford the younger, q., 61
"Elixir of life", 174
Elkington & Co. Ltd., 637, 639, 699
Elliott, chk., 573
Ellis, Douglas, 557
Ellis, H.D., q., 602, 603, 604
Ellis Bros., 485
Elmenhorst & Co., 482
Ely & Co., D.J., 480
Ely & Co., D.J. & Z.S., 480
Emerson, E., 501
Emerson, Edward R., q., 566
Emmerich Machine Factory and Iron Foundry, pat., 638, 639
Emo, Angelo, 27
En pergamino (grade), 261
Encyclopedia, Diderot, 98
Encyclopedia Britannica, q., 11, 200, 657
Encyclopedia der Therapie, q., 185
Encyclopedia of Domestic Economy, q., 704
Encyclopedia of Practical Cookery, q., 710
Engelberg, Evaristo C., pat., 247
Engelberg, Huller Co., 247, 471
Engelhard, Albert, 505
Engelhard, Jr., Albert, 505
Engelhard, George, 505
Engelhard, R.W., 505
Engelhard, Victor H., 505
Engelhard, Jr., Victor H., 505
Engelhard & Sons, Inc., A., 505
English, Dr., q., 180
English c.-pots (1714-70), 620, 621
English Factories in India, Foster, q., 2
Ennis, Frank, 515
Ensaccador, 304
Enterprise Coffee Co., 485, 508
Enterprise Mfg. Co. of Pa., 469, 471, 639, 646
Eoff, Garrett, 612
Epicure, per., 675
Eppens, Frederick P., 482
Eppens, William H., 482
Eppens, Smith & Co., 482
Eppens, Smith & Wiemann, 482
Eppens Smith & Wiemann Co., 485, 496, 499
Eppens Smith Co., 494, 496, 499
Eppens-Smith Co., 496, 499
Erdmann, q., 163, 183
Erecta, C., hyb., 140
Esau, 13
Escoffier (chef), 678
Escott, q., 87
Esmenard, 548; q., 8
Esperanza Coffee Co., 497
Essential oil, 163, 164
Essmueller Mill Furnish'g Co., 649
Estienne, Jacques, 548
Estrado & Co., Pedro, 340
Etablissements Lauzaune (see Lauzaune)
Etherege, Sir George, 569, 570
Ethridge, Tuller & Co., 508
Etiquette Arabia, 658-663 Paris (17th century), 91 Turkey, 664-670 (See also Manners and Customs)
Etruscan Coffee Pot Co., 645
Etymology, 1, 2, 3, 27
"European fiasco" (1888), 529
Evans, pat., 158
Evans, David G., 503
Evans, Gwynne, 503
Evans, Richard, pat., 624
Evans & Co., David G., 502, 503
Evans & Walker, 508, 635
Evelyn, John, q., 2, 40
Evening World, New York, q., 553, 554
Ewe, 160
Ewell, q., 165
Ex-sailing ships, 316
Excellent Qualities of Coffee and the Art of Making It, The, Rumford, 621, 622
Excelsa, C., 142 French Indo-China, 237 Java, 217
Excelsa x liberica, hyb., 146
Excelsior Mills, 501, 502
Excelso (grade), 261
Excessive use, effect of, 179
Exchange, Foreign, 336
Exchanges, Coffee, 329-337 Amsterdam, 296, 491 Antwerp, 296, 491 Baltimore, 491 Hamburg, 296, 329, 491 Havre, 296, 329, 491 London, 296, 491 New York, 329-337, 471, 491 Change of name, 474 Clearing Ass'n, 331, 335 Contract, 321 Functions, 331-338 Incorporated (1881), 471 Initiation fee, 332 Membership, 333 Organized (1881), 528 Reincorporated (1885), 471 Rio gradings, 343 Robusta dealings prohibited, 341 Seats, Sales of, 332, 333 War-time suspension, 534-537 New Orleans, 491 Rotterdam, 296, 491 Royal (New York, 1752), 120 San Francisco, 491 Santos, 306, 308, 491 Trieste, 296, 491
Excursions through Asia-Minor, Fellows, q., 667, 668
Experimental gardens (see Gardens)
Exports, 276, 277 Abyssinia, 228, 229, 276, 284, 285 Aden (1921), 276 Africa, British East, 276, 285 Arabia, 282 Borneo, Brit. North, 276, 284 Brazil, 190, 275-277, 295 First (1770), 204 Largest (1906-07), 275 Central America, first to U.S., 469 Ceylon (1741-1900), 283 First (1721), 236 Largest (1873), 237 Colombia, 192, 276, 278 Costa Rica, 193, 276, 280 Cuba, 233, 282 Dominican Republic, 194, 233, 276, 281 Ecuador, 276, 278 Federated Malay States, 284 France (1921), 290 Germany (1920), 290 Gold Coast (1916-17), 276 Grenada (1916), 282 Guadeloupe, 234, 276, 282 Guatemala, 192, 276, 280 Guiana, 276, 279 Haiti, 194, 276, 281 Hawaii, 194, 241, 276, 284 Honduras, 276, 280 India, 276, 282 Indo-China, French, 237 Jamaica, 193, 276, 281 Java, 283, 294 Leeward Islands, 282 Mauritius, 285 Mexico, 193, 220, 276, 280, 281 Netherlands, 290 Netherlands E. Indies, 195, 276, 283, 295 New Caledonia, 243 Nicaragua, 276, 280 Nigeria, 276, 285 Nyasaland, 276, 285 Peru, 276, 278, 279 Philippines, 242, 284 Porto Rico, 194, 222, 276, 281 Portugal, 290 Producing countries (table), 276 Reunion, 276, 285 Salvador, 193, 276, 279, 280 Santos (1900-01), 472 Sarawak, 284 Sierra Leone, 285 Somali Coast (French), 276, 285 Somaliland, 276, 285 Straits Settlements, 238, 284 St. Vincent (1917), 282 Sumatra, 283 Tobago, 282 Trinidad, 282 United States, 301, 302 Venezuela. 190, 276-278
Extra (grade), 261
Extracts, Coffee, 169, 670, 712 First U.S. trade-mark, 469
Eyre, Henry, 482
Faba Arabica, Carmen, Fellon, 543
Fair-price list (Phila., 1776), 467
Fairy Cup (brand), 539
Fakr-Eddln-Aboubeckr ben Abid Iesi, 543
Fancies (Sumatra), 355
Faneuil Hall, Boston, 612
Faneuil, Peter, 612
Fantasia (grade), 261
Fantastic claims for c., 58, 433 Advertising, 439
Faris, Charles, 612
Farquhar, q., 587
Farr, James, chk., 53, 54, 62
Farrell, C.P., 508
Farrington, Campbell & Co., 508
Fat content in c., 164, 693, 715, 718, 719 Loss in roasting, 167
"Father of English C. houses," (Blount), 56
Fatigue, effect of c. on, 186
Fauldier, H., pat., 640
Faunce process, pat., 160
Faust (brand), 441, 539
Fauvel, q., 176
Fazenda (brand), 445
Fazendas (see Plantations)
Fazendeiros, 258, 303, 304
Federal Sugar Refining Co., 123, 473
Fell & Bro., C.J., 501
Fellon, 543
Fellows, q., 667
Fendler-Stueber method, 172
Fenjeyl (see Findjan)
Fenjyn (see Findjan)
Fere, q., 186
Fermentation, 254
Fermented (see Flavors)
Ferrari, Mary, chk., 118, 119
Ferris, P.J., 508
Fertilizers Ashes, 201 Chemical determination, 155, 156 Coffee pulp, 156
Fertilizing, 202 Salvador, 219
Fiber, crude, 718
Fidelity Trust Co., 112
Fielding, Henry, 80, 89, 554, 579, 580
Fielding, John, 579
Figueroa, 543
Filter bags, care of, 707, 714, 715, 717
Filter paper, 715
Filtration Definition, 698 Methods, 715, 716, 721 N.C.R.A. recommendations, 718
Filtration devices Acker's "percolator" (1905), 701 Baker's cloth (1902), 647 Beurt's pneumatic, 705 Blanke's cloth (1909), 651 Boss (1881), 645 Brain's vacuum, 705 Caseneuve's paper (1824), 623 Reversed Fr. drip (1824), 699 Double glass, 637, 701, 702 Egrot's steam cloth, 708 Evans's tin air-float, 705 Gaudet's cloth, 623, 699 Half-Minute, 645 King's, for restaurants, 651 "Percolator", 701 Kin-Hee, 646, 647 Make-Right, 651, 701 Minute, 645 Napier's vacuum, ill., 637, 699, 700 Parker's pneumatic, 705 Platow's vacuum glass, 705 Private Estate, 649, 701 Raparlier's pocket, 637 Rapid (see Rapid) Salazar's steam-pressure urn, 653 Tricolator, 445, 651, 652, 701 Tricolette, ill., 654 Tru-Bru, 651, 701 Vanderweyde's "continuous", 637 Wear's patent, 651
Filtre, Cafe, 675
Finch, William, q., 36
Findjans, 31, 36, 616, 661, 662
Findlay, Paul, q., 421
Fine; Very fine (see Grinds)
Fine Arts, C. in relation to, 587-614
Fines (England), 59
Fin-ion (see Findjans)
Finishing machinery, 396
Finjans (see Findjans)
Fink & Nasse Co., 502
Finney, Samuel, 126
First Authoritative treatise, 27 Comprenenslve treatise in German, Meisner's (1721), 46 Description in print, 26 Mention by European, 5, 541 Printed mention, 25, 45 America, 105 England, 35 As "Coffe", 36 Europe, 12 France, 31 Printed treatise, 543 Written mention in Mass. (1670), 107
Fischer, B., 497
Fischer, Benedickt, 634; biog., 497
Fischer, Emil, 160
Fischer, William H., 497
Fischer & Co., B., 443, 485, 497, 499
Fischer & Lansing, 499
Fischer & Lehmann, 499
Fischer & Thurber, 499
Fischer, Kirby & Brown, 497, 499
Fishback, F.C., 509
Fishback, Frank S., 509
Fishback, John S., 509
Fishback Co., 509
Fisher, George, 497
Fitch & Howland, 484
Fitzgerald, 584
Fitzpatrick, Austin C., 496
Fitzpatrick & Case, 499
Fitzpatrick & Co., A.C., 496, 499
Flanders, Geo. W., 482, 491
Flanders & Co., Geo. W., 482
Flannel sack used for infusion, 620
Flasks and Flagons, Saltus, q., 552
Flat (see Flavors)
Flat-bean Santos c., 260, 341, 342, 366
Flats, 1st, 2d, 3d (grades), 258
Flaubert, Gustave, 565
Flavoring, Use in, 723, 724
Flavors, 397
Fleury, pat., 640
Fleury & Barker, pat., 638
Flint, Austin B., q., 176
Flint, J.G., 485, 506
Flint, W.K., 506
Flint, Wyman, 506
Flint, W. & J.G., 506, 635
Flint Bros. & Co., 501
Flint Co., J.G., 506
Flint, Evans & Co., 502, 503, 635
Floor brokers, 336, 337
Flora de las Antillas, Tussac, q., 8
Florian, chk., 27, 28 (See Francesconi)
Flower, Henry, 126
Flugel & Popp, 502, 503
Foley, John T., 478
Folger, J.A., 514
Folger & Co., J.A., 488, 505, 506, 509
Folger, Schilling & Co., 506, 507
Folkes, Martin, 578
Folkingham, 603
Fontenelle, 94, 98, 543, 554; q., 565
Food Administration, U.S. (See Government Control)
Food and Dietetics, Hutchinson, q., 179
Food and Drugs Act, U.S., 404
Food and drugs inspection, 338
Food conservation show, 386
Food use, 136, 615, 655, 693
Food value, 174, 180, 711, 712 U.S. Army, 539
Food Values, Locke, q., 180
Foote, Samuel, 85, 89, 579, 580, 581, 584
Foote & Knevals, 485
Forbes, A.E., 503; q., 629, 631
Forbes, James H., 502, 503, 629, 635
Forbes, Robert M., 503, 510, 514
Force & Co., W.H., 482
Force & Co., W.S., 482
Force & Co., William H., 484
Formaleoni, Vincenzo, 27
Forrester, George R., 508
Forster, q., 159
Forster's Life of Goldsmith, q., 573
Forster, E.S., 508
Forsythe & Co., James, 502
Fossi & Co., 340
Foster, q., 2
Foster, A.C., 479
Fowler, John A., q., 269
Fox, 583
Francesconi, Floriono, 27
Francis, Norman, 492
Franco-American (brand), 441
Francois, Damame, 34
Frankel, E.M., 716
Frankel, F. Hulton, q., 180, 693
Franklin, Alfred, q., 7, 557
Franklin, Benjamin, 94, 98, 126, 467
Franklin, Samuel, 475
Franklin, Walter, 475
Franklin Tea Warehouse, 503
Fraser, q., 179
Fraser, David B., pat., 642, 644
Fraser Manufacturing Co., 644
Frederick the Great, 45; q. 46
Frederick William I, 45
Fredericq, q., 184
Freeman, W.G., q., 133
Freight forwarding bureau, 323
Freight rates Brazil to U.S. (1917-18), 535, 536 War-time, 338
French Color Prints of the XVIII Century, Salaman, q., 589
French Company of the Indies, 9
French Revolution, 100, 102, 293
French roast, 356, 388
Freund, 158
Fricke, E., q., 161
Frisbie & Stephens, 507
Frisi, 558
From Tree to Cup with Coffee, N.C.B.A., q., 713, 714
Fromm & Co., 482
Fruit Beverages from, 15, 694 Food use, 15, 693, 694
Fry & Co., Henry A., 501
Fryer, q., 2
Fuels, 385, 386 Coal, 620 Electricity, 647, 648 Gas, 640, 643 Natural, 642
Full city roast, 388
Full difference, 331
Fullard, William, pat., 643
Fulton Mills, 498
Funk, C., q., 180
Fustian bag used for infusion, 620
Future of coffee, 585
Futures market (New York), 329
Fuzelier, q., 594
G.G. (hall mark; see Garthorne, G.)
Gaa Paa, v., 316
Gabriel, Angel, 15, 23 Legend, 38
Gaffney, Hugh, 497, 498
Gage, H.N., 505
Gainsborough, Thomas, 84, 583
Galen, 11
Galla (see Eating coffee)
Galland, Antoine, 31, 543, 548, 557; q., 2, 12, 16, 20, 22
Gallienii, C., 147 Caffein content, 161
Galt, Herbert, pat., 652
Galuppi, 556
Gambetta, 96
Gandais, J.A., pat., 625, 699, 708
Ganse, John H., 507
Garair (Arabian bale), 266
Gardell, Theodore, 85, 584
Gardens Botanical Amsterdam, 6, 44 Arabia, royal, 34 Paris (Jardin des plantes), 6 Martinique (Jardin Desclieux), 9 Experimental Bangelan (Java), 138, 146, 345 Camayenne (Fr. Guinea), 146 Indo-China, French, 237 Java, 43, 215 Pleasure (New York), 121, 123, 124 Cherry, 124 Contoit's, 124 New York, 124 Niblo's, ill., 121, 124 Ranelagh, 124 Sans Souci, 124 Vauxhall, ill., 123, 124 Tea (London), 80, 82, 83 Adam and Eve, 83 Bagnigge Wells, 83 Bayswater, 83 Canonbury House, 83 Copenhagen House, 83 Cuper's, 82 Dog and Duck, 83 Highbury, 83 Hornsey, 83 Jews' Harp, 83 Marylebone, 82 New Spring Gardens, 82 Ranelagh, ill., 81, 82, 83 Spring Gardens, 82 Vauxhall, ill., 81, 82 White Conduit House, 83
Garrick, David, 80, 81, 85, 88, 569, 574, 579, 580, 583; q., 573
Garrick, David (Mrs.), 579
Garrick, Westphal & Co., S.B., 476
Garrison, C.H., 508
Garrondona, J.L., 340
Garth, Sir Samuel, 576, 578
Garthorne, Francis, 601
Garthorne, George, 601, 602
Garway (see Garraway)
Gas roasting, 385, 386
Gaskell, Mrs., 582
Gasser, M.H., 510, 511, 513, 514
Gastronomy as a Fine Art, Brillat-Savarin, q., 557
Gates, H., 505
Gates, John W., 519
Gates & Co., A.B., 508
Gaudet, pat., 623, 699
Gaudron, 543
Gautier, Theophile, 98, 102, 565
Gazette, London, newsp., 585
Gazette de France, per., q., 8
Gay, John, q., 575, 577
Gee, Edward, pat., 634
Geiger, Frank J., 509
Geiger-Fishback Co., 509
Geiger-Tinney Co., 508, 509
Gelabert, Jose Antonio, 9
Gemaleddin, Sheik, 16, 541
Genius fostered by c., 557
Geographical distribution, 189-195
George III, 106, 117, 583
George V, 601
George & Co., P.T., 485
Georgi, Theophilo, 45, 433
Gephart, q., 180
Gerard, (French minister), 130
German Trading Co., 527
Germicidal properties, 180
Germination, 5, 138
Gerome, Jean Leon, 591, 656
Ghiradelli & Co., D., 505
Giacomini, Luigi, pat., 648
Gibbon, Edward, 81, 583
Gilbert, Colgate, 494
Gilbert & Co. Colgate, 498
Gillet, Frere, 144
Gillett, A.B., 508
Gilles, E.J., q., 408
Gillies, James W., 495; biog., 494
Gillies, Wright, 497; biog., 494
Gillies & Bro., Wright, 494, 495, 499
Gillies & Co. Inc., E.J., 495, 499, 501
Gillies Coffee Co., 494, 495, 499
Gilman, George F., 479, 485
Gimborn, Theo. von, 638; pat., 639
Glazes and coatings, 170
Glazing Arbuckle's patent, 522 Effects, 167 Italy, 686 Machinery, 396
Glines, J.T. & N., 501
Globe Mills, 496, 497, 499, 526
Gloria, Cafe, 683
Glover, Force & Co., 482
Glyceral as sweetening, 165
Glynn, Martin J., 482
Glynn & Co., Martin J., 482
Godey's Lady's Book, per., q., 711
Goed Vrouw, v., 317
Goetzinger, M.E., q., 521
Gold and Silversmiths' Soc., 609
Golden Gate (brand), 441
Golden Sun (brand), 441
Golden Wedding (brand), 441
Golden West (brand), 441
Goldoni Carlo, 28, 555, 588; q., 556
Goldsmith, Oliver, 80, 81, 85, 88, 568, 574, 579, 582, 584 "Retaliation", 573
Goldtree, Liebes & Co., 488
Goldsworthy, William G., pat. 702
Goodhousekeeping, per., q., 175, 176, 182
Gomez, Juan Antonio, 9, 221
Gordon, Douglas, pat., 248
Gordon, Fred P., 478
Gordon, G.O., 485, 486
Gordon, John, pat., 246
Gordon & Co., Fred P., 478
Gordon & Co., Geo. O., 486
Gordon & Co., John, 246
Gorter, q., 156, 159, 160
Gothot, Ferd., 639
Gottlieb, 185
Gould (chemist), q., 167, 168
Gould, George J., 519
Gouverneur, Isaac, 475
Gouverneur, Nicholas, 475
Gourewitsch, q., 176
Gout, strange remedy for, 182
Government (brand), 434
Government control, War-time, 338, 474, 534-538
Government Monopoly Java, 213, 214 Netherlands E. Ind., 44, 283, 312
Grace & Co., W.R., 442, 482, 488, 489
Grade, Basic (N.Y. Exch.), 329, 335
Graders (N.Y. Exch.), 333
Grades, 258 Colombia, 260 Mocha, 351 New York, 329 Porto Rico, 264 Sao Paulo, 260 U.S. (prohibited), 337
Grading Brazil, 304, 306 Hand, 258 Machinery, 246-248, 258, 383 Machine (Van Gulpen's), 638 New York Exchange, 333 Santos, 304
Grafe, q., 164
Grafting (see Propagation)
Grage (see Peaberry)
Graham, q., 153
Gram, pat., 158
Grand concern of England explained, pamph., 72
Grandin, 708
Granger & Co., 508
Granger & Hodge, 508
Grant, U.S., 563
Grassy (see Flavors)
Gray, Arthur, q., 552, 553, 713
Gray, Louis R., 446
Gray, Thomas, 80
Great American Tea Co., 479, 499
Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co., 417, 479, 485, 499 Premiums, 429
Great Boom (see Booms), 528, 529
Great London Tea Co., 435
Greeks of the Present Day, About, q., 685
Green, William, 492
Green coffee marks, ill., 338, 340
Green Dragon c. urn, 613, 614
Greene, Richard A., pat., 652, 653
Greenwood, Paul, 71
Gregory, chk., 93
Grenier, Dufougeret, 9
Grever & Bro., 501
Grevy, Francois Paul Jules, 566
Griebel, q., 159
Griffiths & Co., J., 508
Grigor & Co., T.S., 508
Grinding Arabia, 658-662 Australia, 692 Greece, 685 Household England, 695, 696, 704, 705 Greece, 685 United States, 711 Steel cut, 714 New Zealand, 692
Grinding and packing, 167, 168
Grinding machinery, 400-402, 615-654 Chronology, 643-654 Commercial Burstone Mills, 637 France, 680 Greece, 685 Household, 615-620 First French patent, 625
Grinding machines Household Book's (1665), 617 Bronson's patent (1903), 647 Bruff's patent (1798), 621 Clark's hand-mill (1832), 625 Colaux's patent (1829), 625 Dearman's patent (1779), 621 Electric (first, 1897), 471 First English patent, 634 First U.S. patent, 468, 621 Herbert's patent (1848), 634 Kenrich's mill (1815), 624 Lacoux' combined roaster and grinder, 625, 627 Moore's mill (1813), 623 Morgan's glass-Jar mill, 645 Hand mills, 644, 645 N.C.R.A. Home Mill (1915), ill., 652, 714 Parker's hand mill (1832), 625 Rittenhouse's hand-mill, 627 Selden's hand-mill (1831), 625 Stillman's "mica window", 627 Stowe's hand mill, 644 Strowbridge's box mill, 644 Turkish combination, 670 Van Vliet's hand mill, 634 Webb's box mill (1878), 644 Wilson's steel mill (1818), 623 Retail Dell's store mill, 644 Morgan's patent (1919), 653 Wholesale Barbor mill, 637 Burns's granulator, 637, 652 Ideal steel-cut mill (1916), 652 Knickerbocker (1882), 645
Grinds, 401, 402 Coarse and fine compared, 167 Comparative test (1917), 716 Definitions, 714 Greek preferences, 685 Irregular (King's patent), 167, 402, 474, 716
Griswold, H.F., 502
Grocer helps, 412
Grocers Engineering and Whitmee, Ltd., 640, 641, 642
Grocers, Retail, no. in U.S., 415
Grocery stores, 422, 423 Model c. departments, 415, 418
Groff & Co., Charles R., 508
Grohens, A.P., 646, 649
Gros, 589
Gross, March & Co., 479
Grossman, George A., 506
Grossman, William, 506
Grossman & Co., William, 506
Grossman Co., Wm., 506
Groundy (see Flavors)
Growths, French preferences, 680
Gruner, Siegfried, 478
Gruner & Co., 530
Gruner & Co., S., 478
Gruppe, Charles P., 593
Guadeloupes (c.), 350, 363
Guam c., 355, 375
Guardian (Lond.), per., 80; q., 576
Guardiola, Jose, pat., 247
Guatemalas (c.), 347, 359, 360
Guildhall museum, 62, 602
Guillasse, Dr., q., 181
Guineas (c.), 353, 378
Gump Company, B.F., 474, 652
Gutteridge, Mary, chk., 108
Gutteridge, Robert chk., 108
Guy, Francis, 593
G. Washington's Prepared (brand), 538
Gwynn (architect), 584
Haas, Kalman, 482
Haas Bros, 482, 488
Haase, Heinrich, 484
Habit-forming: c. is not, 176, 186
Habitat, 133, 291
Hacendado Mex. El, q., 156
Haciendas (see Plantations)
Hackfeld & Co., Ltd., H., 488
Haddon, q., 159
Hadrot, pat., 621, 622, 699
Haebler & Co., 485
Haehnlen Bros., 508
Haeussler, August, 480
Hagar, 18
Hahnemann, Samuel, q., 175
Haimi-Harazi c., 351, 368
Haitis (c.), 350, 362
Hakimani, 17
Hakluyt Society, 1, 2
Half difference, 321
Halifax, Lord, 577
Hall, G.M., 502
Hall, I.W., q., 184
Hall, Robert (Rev.), 556
Hall & Co., Martin L., 501
Halla, Wm., 488
Halley, Dr., 582
Halligan, T.F., 513
Hallmarks, 601, 602, 607
Hals, Frans, 587
Halsey, R.T. Haines, 607, 609
Halstead, Charles, pat., 470, 644
Hamakua c., 356, 375
Hamberger-Polhemus Co., 488
Hamill, David B., 509
Hamill, Smith, 509
Hamill & Co., S., 508, 509
Hamilton Alexander, 130; duel, 123
Hamilton, Duke of, 572
Hamlin, Mary P., 130; q., 556
Hamor, W.A., pat., 406, 539
Hamsley, M.F., pat., 642
Hanauer, Herman, 482
Hanauer, Moses G., 482
Hanausek, q., 147, 159
Handbills, 432-435 First (Rosee's, 1652), 54
Handbook of Medical Science, q., 182
Handbuch der Physiologie, q., 177
Hanley, John, 480
Hanley & Co., Geo. F., 508
Hanley & Kinsella, 480
Hanley & Kinsella Coffee and Spice Co., 485, 502
Hannes, Edward, 572
Harari c., 353, 376
Harari longberry c., 353
Hard, Anson Wales, 480
Hard & Rand, 477, 480, 484 Pacific Mail strs. chartered, 486
Harding, Warren G. (Mrs.), 567
Hare, q., 183
Hargreaves, C.F., pat., 247
Harkness, q., 176
Harley, 573
Harnack, 158
Harper's Weekly, q., 16
Harriman, E.H., 519
Harrington, Elizabeth, 614
Harrington, James, 60
Harris (actor), 574
Harris, Benj., 108
Harris, Samuel L., 492
Harris, Wm. B., 390, 492, 716
Harrison, D.Y., 503, 629
Harrison, W.H., 503
Harrison & Co., W.H., 503
Harrison & Wilson, 503
Harsh Santos c., 341
Hartford Steam Coffee & Spice Mills, 508
Hartwich, q., 147
Hart & Howell, 477
Harvard University Bureau of Business Research 418, 428
Harvest time, 249, 250
Harvey, Eliab, 40
Harvey, Gideon, q., 58
Harvey, William, 40
Harwood, 581
Hassey, Cornelius, 492
Hatch & Jenks, 508
Hatches, Major, chk., 112
Hatfield c. pots, 607
Hatton, Edward, q., 54
Haulenbeek, Jr., John W., 497
Haulenbeek, Sr., John W., 497
Haulenbeek, Peter 494, 497, 499
Haulenbeek & Co., John W., 497
Haulenbeek & Mitchell, 499
Haulenbeek Roasting & Milling Co., 499
Havemeyer, Henry O., 506, 521, 523
Havemeyers, The, 470
Hawaiian c., 355, 375
Hawk, Philip B., q., 177, 182
Hawkins, Sir John, q., 579
Hawkins, Thomas, 505
Hawkins & Thornton, 505
Haworth & Dewhurst, 507
Haydon, 84, 583
Haye, de la, 31
Hayes, John (and Mrs.), 505
Hayman, 583
Hayward, George W., 508
Hayward, Martin, 501
Hayward & Co., 501
Hazlitt, Carew W., q., 28
Hazlitt, William, 557
Heading, 389
Health, Effect on, 174-188 Favorable 23, 38, 42, 72, 557, 558, 562 Unfavorable, 38, 46
Health and longevity through Rational Diet, Lorand, q., 182
Heart, Effect on, 181
Hebert, 94
Hedging, 329, 335
Heekin, Albert E., 503
Heekin, James, 503
Heekin, James J., 503
Heekin, Robert E., 503
Heekin & Co., James, 503
Heekin Co., 503
Heekin Co., James, 503, 651
Heekin Co., James J., 503
Heekin Spice Co., 503
Hekem, chk., 19
Hekteon, q., 178
Helen (of Troy), 12
Hellmann Bros. & Co., 487, 488
Hellsten, q., 186
Hemileia vastatrix (see Diseases)
Henckel, James, pat., 245
Hendershot, Peter, 508
Henneman, Karel F., pat., 639, 640
Henrici, F.H., 511
Henrion, pat., 621
Henry IV, 60
Hentz & Co., Henry, 482
Herald, New York, newsp., q., 185
Herald of Health, per., q., 181
Herbert, Luke, pat., 634
Herbert, Sir Thomas, 1, 2, 543; q., 38
Herklotz, Corn & Co., 482
Hertford, Countess of, 570
Hess, H.P., 508
Hewitt, Jr., Robert, 557
Hewitt, Jr., Robert C., 480
Hewitt, H.H., 507
Hewitt & Phyfe, 480
Hickey, 574
Hidey (see Flavors)
High roast, 388
Higgins & Co., Geo. W., 501
Hignette, pat., 640
Hildreth, A.G., 480
Hill, John (Dr.), 576, 580
Hill Bros., 471
Hill, Dwinell & Co., 501
Hill & Thornley, 501
Hillis Plantation Co., 501
Hinchman & Howard, 508
Hind, Rolph & Co., 488
Hinkle, Henry, 501
Hinz, F.W., 503
Hippocrates, 11, 12
Hire Co., Charles G., 539
Hires' Soluble (brand), 539
Hirsch, q., 186
Historia Vitae et Mortis, Bacon, q., 38, 543
History and Antiquities of the City of Boston, Drake, q., 108
History and Reminiscences of Lower Wall Street, Wakeman, 478
Historical and chronological deduction of the origin of commerce, Anderson, 72
History of Am. Manufactures, Bishop, q., 105, 115, 125
History of Literature, Routh, q., 561
History (of Phila.), Scharf & Westcott, q., 126
Hlasiwetz, q., 159, 165
Hobart Electric Mfg. Co., 646, 652
Hobart Mfg. Co., 646
Hobson-Jobson, q., 1, 2
Hoch, q., 186
Hodges, Alderman, 53, 54
Hodges, Dr., 58
Hodhat, Kadhi, q., 663
Hoepner, 472
Hoffman, Daniel H., 505
Hoffman, Lee & Co., 485
Hogarth, William, 80, 84, 576, 578, 579, 581, 583, 587, 593
Holbrook, E.F., 539
Holland (see Netherlands)
Holland, Charles H., 501
Holland Coffee Co., 497, 501
Hollingworth, H.L., q., 176, 185, 186 Caffein investigations 187, 188
Holman & Co., 509
Holmes, F.T., 471, 472, 641, 642; pat., 643
Holstad, S., 509
Holstad, S.H., 514
Holstad & Co., S., 509
Holstad & Co., S.H., 443
Home, Chamberlain, q., 563
Home Economics Laboratories, Un. of Kansas, 714
Home, Life of, Mackenzie, q., 86
Homer, 12
Homeyer, H.L., 510
Honduras c., 347, 360
Honey in c., 105
Hookah, 668
Hoole, 575
Hoopes, B.F., 508
Hoover, Herbert, 536, 537
Hope, G.W., pat., 649
Horace, 543
Horn, William L., 509
Horner & Co., Henry, 502
Horter, John, 506
Hotel Astor (brand), 441, 465
Hotels London Cecil, ill., 675 Piccadilly, 675 Richardson's, 576 Sabloniere, 583 Savoy, ill., 675, 677 Tavistock, 580 Waldorf, ill., 675 New York Ambassador, 691 Astor House, 690 City, 121 Waldorf-Astoria, 690, 691 Philadelphia Mansion House, 130
Houghton, q., 40
Houghton's collection (1698), q., 54
House-boat coffee house, 89
Howard, q., 159
Howell, James, 40; q., 58
Howell, Son & Co., B.H., 479
Howells, William Dean, q., 548, 549, 567
Howland & Aspinwall, 476
Hoyt & Co., W.M., 485, 502
Huatusco c., 345, 358
Huber & Stendel, 508
Hubner, pat., 162
Hudson, D.D., 507
Hudson, Thomas, 84, 584
Hudson & Co., H.C., 507
Hudson-Fulton celebration, 607
Hudson Mills, 497
Huestis & Hamilton, 508
Hughes, Charles E., 332
Hugo, Victor, 98, 565
Hull, John, 607
Hulling machinery, 245, 246, 247, 248, 255, 256 Bucket and beam crusher, 260 Costa Rica, 264 First U.S. patent, 245, 469 Smout's, 257
Hulls, beverage from, 655, 658, 694 (See Husks)
Hulls and pulp, beverage from, 15
Hulman, H., 508
Humboltiana, C., 147 Caffein content, 161
Hume (pseud. of Voltaire), 556
Humphrey, chk., 121
Humphreys, H.M., 482
Humphry (appr. to Bowman), 54
Hungerford, G.S., pat., 644
Hungerford, G.W., pat., 644
Hungerford Co., 644
Hunt, Leigh, 550, 557; q., 562, 578
Hunt, Mathew, 503, 631
Huntington, L.M., q., 155
Huntley Mfg. Co., 248, 472, 642, 643
Huntoon & Towner, 501
Hurd, Jacob, 612
Husks, beverage from, 26, 156, 231 (see Hulls)
Husted, Ferguson & Titus, 482
Hutchins, John, chk., 116, 117
Hutchinson, chk., 109
Hutchinson, Edward, 112
Hutchinson, Gov., 109
Hutchinson, Jonathan, q., 175, 177, 179
Hutchinson, Woods, q., 176, 177, 180
Hybrids, 138, 140, 146, 236
Hyde, chk., 122
Hyde, E.J., pat., 634
Hydrolysis, 719
Ibrik, (boiler), 31, 615, 656, 658, 668, 695, 696
Ibriq (see Ibrik)
Iced c., 724
Ichtoglan, 22
Ideals, Coffee, 585
Illustrated History of English Plate, Jackson, q., 601, 602, 603
Imbusch, J.F.W., 506
Importers Baltimore (Brazil c., 1894), 485 New Orleans (no., 1900-20), 491 New York, 475-482 Brazil c. (1894), 484 Number (1900-20), 491 Phila. (number 1900-20), 491 U.S., Brazil branches, 304 San Francisco, 487, 488 Number (1900-20), 491 (See Dealers, Wholesale)
Importing ports Amsterdam, 327 Antwerp, 327 Baltimore, 482, 484 Hamburg, 327 Havre, 327 New Orleans, 296, 482, 484 New York, 296, 476, 482, 484 Rotterdam, 327 San Francisco, 296, 482, 484
Imports Aden (for re-export), 282 Argentine (1919), 291 Australia, 239, 291 Austria-Hungary (1913-17,) 290 Ceylon, 282 Chile (1920), 291 Cuba, 281, 282, 291 Denmark (1921), 290 Fed. Malay States (1920), 284 Finland (1921), 290 France, 32, 33, 290, 291 Germany (1920), 290 Italy, 290 Martinique, 282 Netherlands, 290, 294 Early, 43, 44, 291 New Orleans, 482, 484-487 New York (1881), 528 (1900-20), 480, 484 New Zealand (1920), 291 Norway (1921), 290 Panama, 280 Portugal (1919), 290 San Francisco, 325, 482, 484, 488, 489 Spain (1920), 290 Straits Settlements (1920), 284 Sweden (1921), 290 Union of So. Africa (1920), 291 United States, 296, 299-302 Brazil c., 296, 468, 475 Early, 468, 475 First in Am. vessels, 468 Value (1919-21), 299-302 Venice, early, 27
Impotence, C. and, 23, 46, 71
Inchbald, Mrs., 578
Indiana Coffee Co., 485
Indias (c.), 351, 369
Indigena, C. (Maragogipe), 345
Indirect flame, 642, 646
Indo-China c., 352, 370, 371
Industrial exhibition (1921), 654
Influence des cafes sur les moeurs politiques, Salvandy, q., 100
Influence of Alcohol and Other Drugs on Fatigue, Rivers, q., 186
Infusion, defined, 698
Infusion devices Bencini's condenser (1838), 625 Biggin (1817), 624, 699, 710, 712 Dakin's cloth-bag, 633, 645 Denobe's pharmacological-chemical (1802), 621, 699 Donmartin's flannel sack (1763), 620, 697 Duparquet's muslin strainer, 644 Etruscan (1887-88), 645 First French (1711), 696, 697 Halstead's china-lined metal, 644 L'Aine's Diligence (1763), 620 Martelley's condenser, 624, 625 Rapid (see Rapid) Old Dominion (1856), 625, 710 Rowland's condenser (1844), 625 Triumph, 699
Ingram, Margaret A., 593
Inner-heated roasting machines, 386
Insomnia caused by c., 176
Inspector, London, per., 579
Inspectors at ports of entry Favored by N.C.R.A., 513
In-store contract, 331
Intellectual drink, The, 566
Intelligence, per., q., 59
International Coffee Congress (1902), 472
Internationalized by French, C., 585
Introduction, beverage Aleppo (1532), 19 American colonies (1668), 708 Arabia, 11, 12 Austria (1693), 49 Cairo (1510), 16 Constantinople (1517), 19, 291 Damascus (1530), 19 England (1637), 35-42 Europe (1615), 25-30 France (1644), 31-34 Germany (1670), 45-47 Italy (1615), 25, 26 London, 58 Marseilles (1644), 31, 291 Mecca (1470-1500), 16 Medina (1470-1500), 16 Netherlands (1616), 43-44 New York (1668), 115-124 North America (1660-70), 105-113 Oxford (1637), 40 Paris (1657), 31, 91 Persia, 21 Philadelphia (1682), 125-130 Venice (1615), 25, 291 Vienna (1693), 49-52
Invisible supply (N.C.R.A.), 514
Ireland, Augustus, 479
Ireland, Sam, 81, 576, 578, 593
Irregular grind, King's patent, 167, 402, 716
Irrigation Abyssinia, 197 Arabia, 197, 231 Mexico, 222
Irving, Washington, q., 317
Isenberg, Paul, 519
Ishmael, 18
Israel, Leon, 482, 532
Israel & Bros., Leon, 442, 482
Italian roast, 356, 388
Ittel, pat., 640
Jackson, Charles James, q., 600, 601, 602
Jackson, S., 486
Jackson, W.F., 485
Jackson & Co., 499
Jacob, chk., 41, 42, 53
Jacquand, 591
Jaeckle, q., 163
Jagenberg Machine Co., Inc., 472
Jalapa c., 345, 358
Jamaica c., 350, 362
James, James, chk., 127
James, Mrs., chk., 127
Jamison, Catherine Arbuckle, 524
Jamison, Robert, 524
Jamison, Wm. Arbuckle, 523, 524
Janney, Jr. & Co., B.S., 501
Jardin Desclieux, Inauguration de, q., 9 Fort de France, 9
Jardin des plantes, Paris, 6
Jardin, Edelestan, q., 2, 3, 6, 14, 16, 27, 32, 557, 565, 629, 695, 708
Jarvie, James N., 479, 523, 524
Java c., 353, 355, 373, 374
Jause, 50
Jay Cooke panic, 527
Jefferson, Thomas, 130
Jeffreys, Judge, 570
Jenkins & Bro., T.C., 507
Jennings, Constantine, chk., 61, 582 (See Constantine, George)
Jewel Tea Co., 417
Jewett & Sherman, 506
Jewett, Sherman & Co., 506
Jobson, Cirques, chk., 41
Johns, Benjamin, chk., 112
Johnson, James D., 495
Johnson, Life of, Boswell, q., 567
Johnson, Samuel, 80, 81, 88, 89, 557, 567, 568, 569, 574, 577, 583, 585; q., 561
Johnson & Co., Theo. F., 508, 635
Johnson Automatic Sealer Co., 472
Johnson-Locke Merc. Co., 488
Johnston, Herbert L., pat., 646, 652
Johnston, W.T., pat., 642
Johnston, William, 501
Johnston & Co., E., 445, 486
Johnston, Gordon & Co., 486
Joint Coffee Trade Publicity Committee, 489, 443, 445-459, 474 Booklets, 455 Brewing, 717, 718 Coffee Club, 453, 455 Information service, 453 Membership, 448 Organized (1919), 474, 514 Program, 514 Recipes, 723, 724 Scientific research, 453, 457
Jones, Dorothy, 107, 108, 467
Jones, J.F., 507
Jones, W.T., 505, 511, 513
Jones, Webster, 515
Jones & Co., S.L., 488
Jones Bros., 501
Jonson, Ben, 60
Joseph, chk., 93
Joseph Andrews, Fielding, 80
Joteyko, q., 186
Joubert, 96
Jourdain, John, q., 1, 2
Journal Am. Chem. Soc., q., 155, 160
Journal Am. Med. Ass'n, per., q., 175, 185
Journal d' Antoine Galland, q., 2
Journal of Assoc. Agric. Chem., per., q., 169
Journal of the Franklin Institute, q., 711, 712
Journal of the Gen. Assembly of the Colony of New York (1709), q., 117
Journal of Pharmachol., per., q., 184
Journal, Revett, q., 2
Journey through England, Mackay, 75
Julian, sec. to the Muses, 574
Julien (of Gobelins), 567
Jurgens, pat., 167
Kadoe c., 355, 373
Kaffa, 3
Kaffa coffee, 228, 229
Kaffee Hag Corp., 473
Kaffee-klatsch (first), 45, 433, 683
Kaffee-sieder, 50, 51
Kahoueh, 3
Kahua, 3
Kahvedjibachi, 20, 22
Kahveji, 665
Kahwa, 3
Kahwah, 15
Kahwah (coffee-room), 657, 658, 662
Kahwe, 45
Kair Bey, 17
Kaldi, 14, 15
Kaltenbach, George, 476, 529
Kant, Immanuel, 562
Kaspar, Adam J., 502
Kato, Sartori, 471, 538
Kato Coffee Co., 538
Kavah, 2
Kaveh, 1
Kaveh kanes, 17 (See also Coffee houses)
Kavveghi, 22
Kawih, 11
Keable, B.B., q., 181, 182
Keats, John, 549; q., 550
Keen, William, chk., 120
Keen's Chop House, 498
Kelly, George, 501
Kelly, H.D., pat., 472, 649
Kemble, John, 581
Kendrick, F.G., 507
Kenny, C.D., 508
Kenrich, Archibald, pat., 624
Kentucky coffee tree, 564
Kentucky Warbler, The, Allen, q., 564
Kerr, Mary Alice, 523
Khawah (see Kahwah)
Kickleburys on the Rhine, Thackeray, q., 563
Kidde, Frank, 479
Kidneys, effect on, 175, 181
Kilgour & Taylor, 503
Kimball, O.G., 527, 528
King, Dr., q., 584
King, John E., 513, 539, 701, 720; pat., 167, 474, 651; q., 168, 402, 716 (See also Irregular grind)
King, Moll, chk., 581, 587
King, Thomas, chk., 581
King, Tom, chk., 587
King Coffee Products Corp., 539
King of American breakfast table, 107
King of perfumes, 565
Kingdom's Intelligencer, London, per., q., 433, 582
Kipfel, 50
Kirby, James H., 480
Kirby & Halstead, 480
Kirby, Halstead & Chapin, 480
Kirby, Halstead & Chapin Co., 485
Kirkland, A., 480
Kirkland, W.J., 480
Kirkland & von Sacks, 480
Kirkland Bros., 478, 480
Kisher, 231, 266, 655, 658 Method of preparing, 694
Kissing the cheeks, 387
Kitchen, James, chk., 130
Kitchen Directory and American Housewife, q., 709
Kneller, Sir Godfrey, 578
Knickerbocker & Cooke, 499
Knickerbocker Mills, 496
Knickerbocker Mills Co., 496
Knight, Eberman & Co., 507
Knowles, Cloyes & Co., 502
Knowlys, Thomas John, pat., 633
Knudsen & Co., P.J., 488
Koch, q., 186
Kock, Paul de, 565
Koenig & Co., J. Henry, 503
Kohwah, 12
Kolschitzky Franz George, chk., 49, 50, 51, 590 Introduces c. to Vienna, 50 Portrait, ill., 51 Statue, ill., 50, 599 Wife (Ursula), 51
Kolster & Co., 340
Kona c., 356, 375
Kooman, G.W., pat., 649
Koran, q., 15, 20
Kosmos Line, 489
Kraepelin, q., 186
Krag-Reynolds Co., 502
Kraut, Adolph, 471
Kreiser, Alexander W., 509
Kreissel, Fillip, 538
Kroberger, Charles, 501
Kroe c., 355, 371
Krout, J.M., 503
Krull, pat., 247
Krupp A.G. Grusonwerk, Fried, 247
Kuchelmeister, F., pat., 647
Kuhlemeir, Fred J., pat., 648
Kuhlke, George F., 482
Kunhardt, Henry, 482
Kunhardt & Co., 482
Kuprili, Grand Vizier, 20, 21 49, 71, 664
Labaree & Co., J.H., 480, 482, 484
Labeling machinery, 403
Labels, law affecting, 410
Labor Angola, 268 Arabia, 266 Arbuckle business, 524, 525, 526 Brazil, 207, 260, 261, 293, 445, 530, 531 Colombia, 260 Guadeloupe, 233 Guatemala, 219 Guianas, 236 Honduras, 234 Java, 269, 271 Mexico, 263, 264 Nicaragua, 264 Netherlands E.I., 283, 293, 294 Salvador, 217 Sumatra, 269 Venezuela, 263 West Indies, 293
Lacedaemonian (see Black broth), 13
La Chaussee, 94
La Coux, Francois Rene, pat., 627
La Guaira c., 348
La Roque, Jean, 31, 32, 34, 543, 557; q., 5, 15, 33, 197, 245, 542, 565, 616, 694, 695
La Seine c.-pot, 607
Lactation, Effect on, 177, 178
Ladies Home Journal, per., 177; q., 709
Ladies Home Magazine, per., q., 709, 710
Lahey, B., 480
L'Aine, inv., 620
Lait, Cafe au, 691, 696
Lally, Albert V., q., 570
Lamb, Charles, q., 550
Lamb (Folger, Schilling & Co.), 506
Lambert, Joseph, 642, 646, 471, 472
Lambert Food & Machinery Co., 646
Lambert Machine Co., 649
Lamboray, C., 144
Lancet, per., q., 179
Landanabileo, q., 181
Landers, Frary & Clark, 472, 644, 647, 648, 649, 653, 701
Langfeld, 186
Langius, 543
Lantern Slides, 443
Lantern-shaped c.-pot, 602, 603, 604, 619
Lapicque, q., 184
Larousse, q., 91
Lascelles & Co., A.S., 482
Last-bag notice, New York, 321
Lastreto & Co., 488
Lathrop & Co., C.D., 484, 485
Laud, Archbishop, 41
Laughlin & Co., J.W., 508
Laurens, pat., 623, 694
Laurent, Emil, 144
Laurentii, C. (robusta), 142, 144
Laurentii Gillet, C., 142
Laurina, C., hyb., 138
Lauzaune, pat., 640
Lauzaune, Etablissements, 625, 646
Lavado (grade), 261
Lawrence, George W., 535, 537
Lawrence & Van Zandt, 476
Lawton, Frederick, q., 557
Lawton, William, inv., 641, 651
Lazear, Jesse, 508
Lead number, 159, 513
Leaf-blight (see Diseases)
Leaves, beverage from, 133, 694
Le Candiot, chk., 93
Le Conte, q., 178
Le Gantois, chk., 93
Le Morgan Coffee Co., 508
Le Page, Jules, pat., 474, 652
Leclerc, 96
Lee, H.H., 508
Lee & Murbach, 502
Leech, John, 582
Lefevre, 96
Legal, 96
Legendary origin (see Origin), 541
Leggett & Co., Francis H., 398, 480, 482, 494
Legislative com. on speculations, N.Y., 322
Lehmann, Julius, q., 70, 183
Lemare, 708
Lemierre, 94
Lemmon & Son, 507
Lemon in c. (Russia), 686
Lemonade venders, 670 (See also Pedling)
Lensing, J.H., 638
Leo XIII, Pope, q., 549
Leone, 579
Leopold, Emperor, 49
Lepper, q., 145
L'Estrange, 59
Lester, George C., pat., 472, 647
Lettre sur l'Origine et le Progres du Cafe, Galland, q., 12
Leven, 185
Levering, William T., 484, 485
Levering & Co., E., 484, 485, 508
Levinthal, q., 185
Levy, Florence N., q., 607
Levy & Co., M.M., 485
Lewin-Meyer Co., 488
Lewis, Charles, 503; pat., 646
Lewis, Teacle Wallace, 480
Lewis & Co., T.W., 480
Liberian c., 353, 378
Liberica, C. Allied Species, 142, 144 Botanical description, 140, 142 Colombia, 211 Dutch Guiana, 236 Federated Malay States, 238 French Indo-China, 237 Guadeloupe, 234 Java, 215, 216 Liberia, 229 Trees to acre, 230 Netherlands E.I. (1920), 283 United States imports, 341
Liberty Boys, 120
Licenses Boston Coffee-house, 108 First, Dorothy Jones, 107 England Coffee-house, 59 First royal warrant, 59 France (first, 1692), 34 Germany, 46, 293 Mecca, coffee-house, 18 Philadelphia, coffee-house, 18 United States First (1670), 467 War-time (1917-18), 338, 534 Wuerttemberg, 47
Lichty, George E., 535
Lidgerwood, John, pat., 246
Lidgerwood, Wm. Van V., pat., 246, 247
Lidgerwood Mfg. Co., Ltd., 246
Liebig, Baron von, 682, 684, 685, 687; q., 711
Liebreich, q., 185
Lievre, Frick & Co., 506
Life of Addison, Johnson, q., 561
Life of Home, Mackenzie, q., 86
Life of Johnson, Boswell, q., 567
Light roast, 356, 387, 388
Lightfoot, Alexander, chk., 120
Lilly (astrologer), 69
Limbird, John, 585
Limonaji, 670
Linn, A.R. & W.F., 508
Lins, Albuquerque, 531
Linschoten's travels, ill., 43; q., 35, 37
Lion (brand), 523
Lion's head (Button's c. house), ill., 80, 576, 593
Livre Commode (Paris, 1691), 433
Lippincott, Jesse H., 507
Lispenard, Anthony, 475
Lispenard, Leonard, 475
Literature of coffee, 541-585
Literature, Influence of c. on 552, 556 England, 60, 81 Paris, 94, 96, 98, 100, 102, 103
Littledo, L., pseud., q., 550, 551
Lives of Eminent Men, Aubrey, q., 40
Lives of the Lord Chancellors, Campbell, q., 570
Lives of the Poets, Johnson, 570
Livierato, B.A., 479
Livierato, Gregory B., 478
Livierato Freres (Bros.), 338, 478, 488
Livierato-Kidde Co., 479
Livingstons, The, 475
Lloyd, the law-student, 579; q., 584
Lloyd, Edward, chk., 85, 86
Lloyd, John C., 480
Lloyd & Co., John C., 480
Lloyd's (London), 120 Register of shipping, 85
Loading, Santos, 312, 314
Loaiza & Co., W., 488
Locke (chemist), q., 180
Locket, Mrs., chk., 570
Lockier, Dean, q., 574
Lockwood, Dr., q., 176
Lockyer, Captain, 120
Loeven & Co., E., 505
Loew, Oscar, q., 156
Logan & Strowbridge, 644
Logan & Strowbridge Iron Co., 644
London Fire (1666), 61, 62, 74, 83 (1748), ill., 76, 83
London, Paris & Am. Bank, Ltd., 488
London Pleasure Gardens of the 18th Century, The, Wroth, q., 82
Long, Mary, chk., 56
Long, William, chk., 56
Longe, W. Harry, 444
Longevity, Effect of c. on, 178
Longhi, Alessandro, 588
Longhi, Pietro, 556, 558
Lopez, Pedro, 220
Lopez & Co., P.A., 338
Lorand, q., 182
Lorimore Bros., 508
Lorraine, Prince of, 49
Lott & Low, 475
Loudon, Howard C., 495
Loudon, J. Carlyle, 495
Loudon & Johnson, 495, 499
Loudon & Son, 495
Loudon & Stellwag, 495
Louis XIII, 91
Louis XIV, 6, 33, 91, 92
Louis XV, 8, 92, 94, 563, 566
Love, N., q., 175
Low, Seth, 473
Low & Co., Adolphe, 487
Lowell, Ebenezer, 467
Lower Wall St. Bus. Men's Ass'n, 473
Lown Coffee Co., W.G., 508
Lowther, Sir James, 584
Loyal Association (London), 583
Lubricant to human machine, 585
Ludlow & Goold, 475
Ludolphus, q., 5
Lueder & Co., A., 485
Lure of coffee, 585
Lurman & Co., T.G., 484, 485
Lusk, q., 180
Luttrell, 579
Lyman, John Chester, pat., 245
Lyons, A. Neil, q., 563
Lytton, Lord, 102
Macassars (c.), 355, 374
Macaulay, Thomas B., q., 75, 77
Macedoine Poetique (1824), 548
Machinery Evolution of, 615-654 History of Manufacture, 468-474
Mackay, 75; q., 79
Mackey, William D., 477, 491
Mackey & Co., 477
Mackey & Small, 477, 480
Mackintosh, Sir James, 556
Macklin, Charles, 89, 580, 581
Maclachlan, C.H., 527
Maclaine, Jemmy, 578
Macrocarpa, C., 146
MacVeagh & Co., Franklin, 485, 502
Madagascar c., 353, 378
Madagascar, C., 146
Madagascariensis, C., 146
Maddux, H. Clay, 479, 491
Magic Cup (brand), 539
Maguire, Charles, 479
Maguire, Joseph, 497, 498
Maguire & Gillespie, 508
Mahomet (See also Mohammed), 38
Mahood, E.B., 507
Mahood, Samuel, 507
Mahood, W. James, 507
Maidi c., 351, 368
Mail-order houses, 415
Maine & Eckerenkotter, 505
Mairobert, q., 566
Maitland, Coppell & Co., 482
Maitland, Phelps & Co., 482
Makara, chk., 93
Makonnen, Ras, 310
Malabars (c.), 351, 369
Malang c., 355, 373
Malaria, Effect of c. on, 181
Maldonado & Co., 488
Maliban chk., 93
Mallet, J.W., q., 176
Malone, q., 61, 574
Man, Alexander, chk., 59, 88
Mandelsloh, Joh. A. von, q., 45
Mandheling c., 355, 371
Manet, Edouard, 103, 104
Manipulated Java, 338
Manizales c., 348, 364
Manner of Making C., Tea and Chocolate, Dufour, 543
Manners and Customs, 655-692 Abyssinia, 655 Africa, 655-657 Africa, Portuguese E., 657 Algeria, 655, 656 Arabia, 657-663 Argentina, 691 Asia, 657-663 Brazil, 691 Chile, 691 Constantinople, 19, 22, 23, 663-670 Damascus (c.-house), 668-670 England (c.-house), 60, 75-89 Egypt, 655-657 France, 33, 680-683 Germany, 683-685 Italy, 686 London (c.-house), 73 Mexico, 687 Netherlands, 686 New Orleans, 690 North America, 686-691 Norway, 686 Oriental, Early, 17, 19, 22, 23 Paraguay, 691 Paris, 91, 96, 98, 100, 102, 103, 104, 554, 683 Persia (c.-house), 22 Philadelphia (c.-house), 128 Saxony, 684 Somaliland, 655 Sweden, 686 Thuringia, 684 Turkey, 20, 27, 36, 38, 663-670 Uganda, 655 United States, 687-691 Uruguay, 691 Vienna (c.-house), 562, 671, 672 (See also Coffee-houses)
Manning, E.B., pat., 637
Manning, Bowman & Co., 649, 701
Manthey-Zorn Laboratories, 653
Mantsaka c., ill., 142
Manual of Pharmacology, Sollman, q., 182
Manufacture, U.S., 298
Many, Daniel, 507
Marac, 682
Maracaibo c., 348, 349, 365
Maragogipe c., 345, 367
Maragogipe, C., hyb., 140 India, 227
Marat, 94
Marchand, pat., 640
M'Ardell (mezzotinter), 84, 584
Marden & Folger, 506, 507
Marden & Myrick, 505
Margins, 329, 333, 335
Mariahalden, 519, 520
Marie Antoinette, 96
Marilhat, 591
Marion Harland c.-pot., 645, 699
Market names, 191 (See also Characteristics)
Marlborough, Earl of, 109
Marmontel, 98
Marquis de Someruelas, v., 468
Marshall, q., 183
Martelley, Lewis, pat., 624, 699
Martin, pat., 485, 640
Martin & Co., N., 485
Martinique c., 350, 363
Martinique, Histoire de la, Daney, q., 8
Martinique, La, Pardon, q., 8
Marvell, 60
Mary, Queen, 601
Mason, Fred, 689
Mason, L.F., 479
Mason, Marcus, pat., 246, 248, 469
Mason & Co., Marcus, 248, 469
Mason & Thompson, 476
Mason machines, 264
Masons, Grand Lodge, 110
Masons, St. Andrew's Lodge, 111
Mass. Inst. of Technology Scientific research, 453, 457, 515, 714, 717
Massieu, Abbe Gulllaume, q., 14, 544
Matagalpa c., 347, 360
Materia Medica and Pharmacology, Culbreth, q., 181
Materia Medica, Pharmacy and Therapeutics, Potter, q., 181
Materia Medica, Therapeutics and Pharmacology, Butler, q., 179
Matheson, S., 482
Matheson, Jr. & Co., S., 482
Mattari, c., 351, 368
Mattei, q., 180
Maumenet, q., 548
Mauran, C.S., 502
Mauritiana, C., 138, 146 Caffein content, 147, 161
Maury, Joseph E., 515
Maximilian Frederick, Elector, q., 47
Maxwell, q., 165
Maxwell House (brand), 441
Mayer Bros. & Co., 482
Mayflower, v., 108, 616 Mortar and pestle, ill., 105
Mayne, 585
Mayot, 96
Mazagran, Cafe, 92, 655, 682
Mazerolles, S., 591
McBride, R.P., 482, 499
McCann, Alfred W., 398, 399
McCarthy Bros., 488
McChesney & Sons, 488
McClean, Jemmy (see Maclaine)
McCord, Brady Co., 508
McCready, William, 479
McCreery, Henry F., 480
McCreery, R.W., 511; q., 427
McDonald, Duncan, 521, 522
McDonald & Arbuckle, 521
McDonald & Arbuckles, 522
McDonald & Glynn, 482
McFadden, J.M., 513
McFadden & Bro., George H., 480
McFarland, A., 508
McGarty, M.J., 399
McGill. A., q., 687
McKinnon, William, 245
McKinnon & Co., Ltd., Wm., 245
McLaughlin, Frederick, 502
McLaughlin, George D., 502
McLaughlin, William F., 502
McLaughlin & Co., W.F., 443, 502
McLaughlin & Co., W.H., 484
McMaster, John Bach, q., 468
McMullin, John, 612
McNeil & Higgins, 502
McNeil & Higgins Co., 502
McNeil, Thomas, 494
McNulty, John R., 479, 491
McNulty & Co., J.R., 479
McReynolds, Attorney General, 533
Meacock, James, pat., 245
Mead, Dr., 582
Meal Market, New York, 119
Meat-packers in c. trade, 514
Mechanic's Magazine, London, 585
Medellins (c.), 348, 364
Medical News, per., q., 183
Medical Record, per., q., 185
Medical Times, per., q., 176
Medicinal properties of c., 12, 26, 27, 38, 45, 56, 58, 71, 72, 173-188 Due to caffein content, 182
Medicine C. first used as, 693 Cafe au lait used as, 696
Meditations, Brillat-Savarin, q., 697
Medium (see Grinds)
Medium roast, 336, 388
Meehan, Charles L., 535
Meehan, P.C., 476, 477
Meehan & Co., P.C., 477
Meehan & Schramm, 477
Meidinger, q., 565
Meilhat, 594
Meisner, Leonhard Ferdinand, 46, 543
Meith, Hugo, 591
Mejia, E., 488
Melange, Cafe, 671
Melaye, S., 548
Mellon Inst. of Industrial Research, 714
Memoirs, Diderot, 98
Memoirs, Sherman, q., 563
Menado c., 355, 374
Menda & Co., 340
Mendel, q., 185
Menezes, T. Langgaard de, ill., 446
Mengai, 694
Menico, 28
Menier, 566
Menosperma, C., hyb., 138
Menown, Hugh, 631
Menown, H. & J., 502
Menown & Gregory, 631
Men's Answer to Women's Petition, The, pamph., 71
Menslichen Genussmittel, q., 147
Mental and Motor Efficiency Effect of caffein on, 186 Effect of tea on, 186
Menzel, Adolph, 591
Merchants Coffee Co. of N.O., Ltd., 505
Merchants Exchange (New York), 123
Merck & Co., 473
Mercure de France, q., 8
Meridas (c.), 349, 365
Merrill & Co., S.C., 487
Merritt & Ronaldson, 499
Merwin & Co., Geo. A., 499
Mery, C.D., 548
Messenger & Co., Thomas H., 480
Metchnikoff, q., 178
Metropolitan Mills, 494, 495
Mexicans (c.), 345, 338, 359
Meyer (chemist), 164
Meyer, B., 535
Meyer, Fred W., 502
Meyer, Robert, 510, 511, 513
Meyerheim, Paul, 591
M'Ginley, Joseph, 492
M'Gregor, Coll., 476
Michaud, I.F. and L.G., q., 8
Michelet, q., 98
Microscopy of c., 149-153 Analysis, value, 152
Microscopy of Vegetable Foods, Winton, q., 150
Midland Spice Co., 508
Milde, 591
Milds (market name), 341, 345 (See also Characteristics)
Milk in coffee, 38, 58, 399, 665 Effect of, 178 First used by Nieuhoff (1660), 696
Millar & Co., E.B., 502
Millar Spice Co., E.B., 502
Miller, Chas. A., 480
Miller, Harry, 480
Miller, Rev. James, 555; q., 554
Miller, R.O., 501, 514
Miller, Watts, 480
Miller, W.H., 488
Miller & Walbridge, 480
Miller, Smith & Co., 485
Milling (see also Cleaning), 383
Milreis, 336
Milton, John, 60; q., 549
Miner, W.H., 505
Minerva, v., 128
Minford, Thomas, 479
Minford & Co., L.W., 479, 485
Minford, Lueder & Co., 477, 479
Minford, Thompson & Co., 479
Mingo, Cirilo, pat., 471
Minkowski, 185
Minor, W.H., 485
Minott, Samuel, 609
Minute (brand), 539
Minute, Cafe a la, 708
Mirror, London, per., 585
Misbranding Condemned by N.C.R.A., 513 Rulings (U.S.), 337, 338
Mitchell, George, 478
Mitchell, William L., 478
Mitchell Bros., 478
Mixing (see Blending)
Mixtures, Strange c., 56, 57
Moat With the Crimson Stains, The, Champney, q., 563, 564
Mocengio, 27
Mocha c., 230, 351, 353, 368, 369
Mocha longberry c., 228
Mocha-seed Bourbon-Santos c., 341, 366
Mocha-seed Santos (grade), 260
Modern Italian Poets, Howells, q., 548, 549
Moegling, Carl, inv., 647
Mogeneti, C. (caffein content), 147, 161
Mohammed, 14, 15, 19, 20, 38, 54
Mohammed IV, 49, 50, 91
Mohedano, Jose Antonio, 9
Mohns-Frese Com. Co., 488
Moir, John R., 535
Mokaska Mfg. Co., 485, 508
Mokkae, C., hyb., 138
Molded beans, 170
Molke, 9
Molmenti, Pompeo, q., 27, 28
Moncrieff (dramatist), 572
Moncrieff, Alexander, chk., 572
Moneuse, Elie, pat., 469, 639
Monin, Sieur, q., 696
Monitor machines, 248
Monk, General, 59, 69
Monkey coffee, 136
Monroe, James (Pres.), 113
Monstruo (grade), 261
Montagu, Lady Mary Wortley, 573
Montague, q., 551
Monte Carmelo c., 350, 365
Montealegre & Co., 487, 488
Montesquieu, 100
Montuori, q., 176
Moore, Alexander Duncan, pat., 623
Moore, C.T., 508
Moore, Dr., q., 179
Moore & Co., Geo. A., 488
Mopsy, 579
Moreas, Jean, chk., 102
Morewood, T.C., pat., 642
Morey Mercantile Co., C.S., 508
Morgan, Charles, 644; pat., 645, 653
Morgan, Edward H., 644
Morgan Brothers, 644
Morize, pat., 623, 699, 708
Morley, W.T., 513
Morning Advertiser, Lond., newsp., 585
Morning Chronicle, London, newsp., 585
Morning Herald, Lond., newsp., 585
Morning Post, Lond., newsp., 585
Morosini, Gianfrancesco, 26
Morrison, S.B., 497
Morrison, Wm. J., 498
Morrison & Bolnest Co., 498
Morton, Robert, 69
Mosely, Dr. Benjamin, q., 2, 38
Moser (artist), 584
Mosso, Ugolino, q., 186
Most excellent virtues of the mulberry called coffee (1671), 34
Mother (grade), 258
Mother of cafes (Vienna), 50
Motion pictures, 443, 455, 514
Mott & Williams, 494
Mottant, A., 641, 645
Muddiman, 59
Mudiford, 58
Muhlberg, R. pat., 638
Muller, Frederick H., pat., 653, 702
Munden, Admiral, 86, 559
Murdock, Charles A., 506
Murdock & Co., C.A., 508
Murdock Mfg. Co., C.A., 506
Murger, Henry, 98
Murphy, Arthur, 584; q., 579
Murray, Sir James, 699; q., 1
Murray, James H., 496
Murray, Robert, 475
Murta, C., hyb. 138
Musgrave, James, 612
Music, C. in, 593-599
Music in coffee houses, 656, 666, 667, 669
Mustapha, Kara, 49, 50
Mustard in c., 58, 696
Myer, pat., 162, 473
Myers, Myer, 612
Mylne (architect), 584
Mysore c., 351, 369
Myrtle c. (Mexico), 222
Nabob (brand), 441
Nairon, Antoine Faustus, 16, 27, 543
Nakhel douin (palm), 266
Nalpasse, Valentin, q., 175, 176, 177, 179
Names for c. (English and foreign), 1, 2, 3
Names of places (see Note, p. 769)
Nancy (tea ship) v., 120
Naphew, Charles, 479
Napier, Robert, inv., 637, 699, 700
Napier & Co., 486
Napier & Sons, Robert, 699
Narcotism, Effect of c. on, 181
Narghil (palm), 266
Narghillai, 663, 664, 665, 668 (Also nargile, narguileh)
Nash Grocery Co., George, 503
Nash, Smith & Co., 502
Nash-Smith Tea & Coffee Co., 503
Nashville Coffee & Mfg. Co., 509
Nason, James H., pat., 637
Nat'l Ass'n of Retail Grocers of the U.S., 428
Nat'l Chain Store Grocers' Ass'n., 417, 418
National coffee day, 513
Nat'l C. Roasters Ass'n., 323, 439, 448, 473, 474, 509-515 Better c. making com., 713-717 Brewing recommendations, 717 Conventions, 512-515 Dues, 514 Freight forwarding bureau, 323 Home mill, 652 Industrial Expositions, 514, 515, 654 Membership, 511-514
National C. Roasters Traffic and Pure Food Ass'n., 510, 511
National Coffee Week, 439, 455, 473, 474, 514
Nat'l Packaging Machinery Co., 443, 472
Nat'l Retail Tea and Coffee Merchants' Ass'n., 417
National Review, per., q., 74
Nature, Cafe, 683
Nature of the Drink Kauhi, The, Pocoke's trans. q., 12, 38
Nature, quality and most excellent virtues of c., The (broadside), ill., 69, 70
Navarro, Francisco Xavier, 9, 225
Nave & McCord Merc. Co., 485
Nave-McCord Mfg. Co., 508
Negro plot (New York, 1737), 118
Neidlinger & Schmidt, 499
Nelson, Charles, pat., 649
Nepenthe, 12
Nervous system, Effect of c. on, 174, 175
Netherlands E. India Co., 43, 44, 283, 291, 294
Netherlands West India Co., 105
Neutral (see Flavors)
Nevers, George J., 479
Nevill, 60
Nevison, J., 631
New and curious coffee-house, etc., The, per., 45, 433
New Caledonia c., 356, 374
New Guinea c., 355, 374
New Discoveries, etc., Paschius, q., 13
New England Automatic Weighing Machine Co., 471
Newbold, William, 479
Newell, pat., 246
Newhall, H.B., 501
Newmark, H., 509
Newmark, Maurice H., 509
Newmark & Co., H., 509
Newmark & Co., M.A., 509
New Orleans Coffee Co., 485, 505
New uses for c., 457
New View of London (1708), Hatton, 54
New York Coffee and Sugar Exchange (See Exchanges) Daily Advertiser, q., 434, 468 Dock Co., 319, 532 Gazette, per., q., 118 Historical Soc., 474, 591 Hospital, 124 Journal, per. (1775) q., 115 Stock and Exchange Board, 123
News from the coffee house (broadside) q., ill., 68, 69
Newstadt, Emil, pat., 645
Niblo, William, chk., 121, 124 (See also Gardens)
Nicaraguas (c.), 347, 360, 361
Nicholson, David, 502
Niemuhr, Karstens, 543; q., 22
Nielsen, Thorlief S.B., 520
Niessen, von, pat., 158, 167
Nieuhoff, 543, 696
Niles, G.M., q., 175
Nonnenbruch, q., 185
Nordlinger, Henry, 482
Nordlinger & Co., Henry, 482
Norris, G.W., 532, 533
North, Roger, q., 72, 570
Norton, Edward, 471
Norton, Weyl & Beven, 482
Norton & Holyoke, 434
Nossack & Co., 340
Notes and Queries, per., q., 1
Nurseries, 200, 205
Nutmeg in c., 696
Nutrio Mfg. Co., 501
Nutt, Jr., F.T., 535
Oaxaca c., 345, 358
Oberholtzer, Ellis Paxson, q., 125
O'Brien, 579
O'Brien, E.H., 455, 488
O'Brien, Jonas P., 482
O'Brien, Joseph A., 482, 491
Oceana, Harrington, 60
O'Donohue, Charles A., 123
O'Donohue, John, 480, 498
O'Donohue, John B., 123, 498
O'Donohue, Joseph J., 480
O'Donohue, Peter, 480, 498
O'Donohue & Co., J.B., 485
O'Dononue & Sons, John, 480
O'Donohue & Sons, Joseph J., 477, 480
O'Donohue & Stewart, 498
O'Donohue Coffee Co., 498
O'Donohue's Sons, John, 338, 485, 498
Oelschlager (see Olearius)
Of the Excellent Qualities, etc., Rumford, q., 697, 698
Ogden & Co., George, 501
Ogilby, 571
Ohio Coffee & Spice Co., 508
Oils, Coffee, 164, 711, 712
O'Krassa, R.F.E., pat., 247, 248
Olavarria, J.D., 471
Old Dutch Mills, 482
Old Ground Coffee Works, 492
Old Judge (brand), 441
Old Homestead (brand), 441
Old Master (brand), 441
Old Reserve (brand), 441
Oldys, William, q., 53
Olearius, Adam, q., 22, 45, 543
Olendorf, Case & Gillespie, 478
Olivier, Abbe, 548
Omar, Sheik, 13, 14, 655
Opera: Le Cafe du Roi, Meilhat and Deffes, 594
Opposition Commercial England, 64, 74 Medical Cairo, 19 Germany, 46 Marseilles, 32, 33 Mecca, 17 Political Constantinople, 293 England (c. houses), 72, 293 Proclamation, Charles II, 73 Germany, 46, 47 London, 293 Religious Cairo, 19 Constantinople, 20, 21 Mecca, 17, 18 Venice, 29 (See also Controversies; Coffee-houses)
Options, 329
Orange Juice, peel, in c., 106
Ordinaries (see Taverns)
O'Reilly, Count, q., 222
Organon salutis (1657), Rumsey's, q., 56, 58
Oriental Trip, Mandelsloh, q., 45
Origin of c., 5, 11, 13-16, 541-542
Orizaba c., 345, 358
Orleans, Regent of, 96, 98
Osborn, Lewis A., 434, 469, 496, 522
Osborn's Celebrated Prepared Java (brand), 434, 469, 496, 522
Oseretzkowsky, q., 186
O'Shaughnessy, John W., 480
O'Shaughnessy & Co., John W., 480
O'Shaughnessy & Sorley, 480
Ostrander, Loomis & Co., 508
O'Sullivan, Eugene, 479
O'Sullivan, James, 479
O'Sullivan & Co., Eugene, 479
Otis, James, 110, 111
Otis, McAllister & Co., 488
Otter v., 127
Otto, Carl Alexander, pat., 640, 641
Outlandish drink, 59
Over the Black Coffee, Gray, q., 713
Overton, John B., 479
Ovington, q., 2
Oxford Coffee Club, 41
Oxford, Lord, 584
Pacific Mail Co., 489, 490
Package coffees Advantages, disadvantages, 408, 409 Deterioration, 168 Early (U.S.), 469, 470, 522 First crude (1791), 491, 492 France, 680 Great Britain, 673
Packaging economics, 410, 412
Packaging machinery, 383, 402-404 United States patents, 470
Packard & James, 494
Padang, v., 317
Padang Interior c., 355, 371
Page, Judge, q., 570
Page, Thomas, pat., 637
Painter, John (see Paynter)
Pal, q., 184
Palaces, C. (see Coffee houses)
Paladino, q., 159
Palais Royal (Paris), 96, 102
Palambang c., 355, 372
Palatability aid to digestion, 180
Palgrave, q., 658-661
Palmer, David, 480
Palmer, Harvey H., 480
Palmer & Co., H.H., 480
Palmer, Warner & Co., 508
Paludanus, Bernard Ten Broeke, q., 2, 35, 41
Pamela, Richardson, 80
Pamphlets (see Broad-sides)
Panamas (c.), 348, 361
Pan-American Congress, 472
Panics, U.S., 528-530 (See also Booms and panics)
Panter, William, pat., 245
Paradise Lost, Milton, 584
Parche, Cafe, en (Guadeloupe), 257
Parchment, 136, 138, 149, 150
Pardon, q., 8
Parent & Co., J.A., 508
Parini, Guiseppe, q., 548, 549
Park, Fellowes & Co., 508
Park & Tilford, 484, 499
Parker, Charles, inv., 469, 625
Parker, Edmund, pat., 625, 636
Parker, Gilman L., 501
Parker, John, pat., 634
Parker & Dixon, 503
Parker & Harrison, 503, 635
Parker Co., Charles, 625
Parkes, q., 704
Parkinson, John, 534; q., 41
Parlin, Charles Coolidge, 441
Parmentier, 8
Parr, 557
Parrott & Co., 487, 488
Parry (Welsh harper), 85, 584
Parry, 543; q., 36
Parson, 557
Pascal, chk., 33, 92, 94, 554, 619, 670; q., 432
Paschius, George, q., 13
Patents, U.S., 654
Patrick (lexicographer), 576
Patterson, Robert W., q., 106
Pavoni, Desiderio, pat., 649
Pawinski, q., 185
Payen, q., 694
Paynter, Jonathan, 53, 54
Peabody, B.F., 535
Peaberry, 136, 249 Botanical description, 149
Peaberries, 1st and 2d (grades), 258
Pears in c. (Russia), 686
Pearson, George, 507
Pearson, Peter, pat., 638, 640
Pechey, 543
Peck, Edwin H., 477
Peck, Walter J., 477
Peck, E.H. & W.J., 477, 484
Peck & Co., Edwin H., 477, 479
Peck & Kellum, Benj., 508
Peck, Stowe & Wilcox Co., 644
Pedling Constantinople, 21 Florence, 670 Italy, 27, 29, 670 Padua, 29 Paris, 92, 93, 94, 96 Vienna, 51
Pedrocchi, Antonio, chk., 29, 599
Peeling (see Hulling)
Pellicularia tokeroga (see Diseases)
Pemberton, John, 128, 129
Penn, John, 127, 129
Penn, Letitia, 128
Penn, William, 105, 115, 125, 126, 467
Pennsylvania Gazette, newsp., q., 126, 127
Pennsylvania Journal, newsp., 127, 128
Penny-change plan, 427
Penny Magazine, per., q., 704
Penny universities, 73
Peonage (see Labor)
Pepion, John, 508
Pepys, Samuel, q., 59, 554, 561, 574, 582
Percolator, The, per., q., 521
Percolators Acker's Mo-Kof-Fee, 645 testing-table, 649 two cylinder (1905), 645 Andrews's pumping (1841), 700 Bohemian, 654 Bouillon Muller's steam, 708 Bowman's valve-type (1876), 637 Bruning's vacuum jacket (1920), 653 Cafetiere Sene (1815), 699 Carlsbad, 654 Chamberlain's automatic, 652 De Belloy's (1800), 621, 622, 697, 708 De Santais' hydrostatic, 629 Durant's pumping, 625, 699 First French patent (1806), 699 Galt (1914), 652, 701 Gandais' pumping, 625, 699 German (plug in spout), 708 Glass "balloons", 627 Hadrot's "filter", 621, 699 Half-minute (1881), 701 Hutchinson's, 710 Jones's pumping, 704 Kellum (1906), 649 Kin-Hee (1900), 701 Laurens' pumping, 623, 699 Laurent's steam "whistling," 708 Malen's, 708 Marion Harland, 645, 696 Mo-Kof-Fee (Acker's), 645 Morize's reversible, 623, 699 Nason's fluid-joint (1865), 637 Nelson's patents (1912-13), 649 Phylax (1914), 652, 701, 702 Potsdam, 710 Preterre's vacuum (1849), 634 Pumping discussed, 714, 715 (first, 1819), 623 Rabauts reversed (1822), 699 Raparlier's glass "filter", 708 Reversible double drip, 623 Rumford's (1806-12), 621, 622, 623, 697, 698 Rumford type, 705 Russian egg-shaped, 708 Savage's patent (1906), 649 Smart's patent (1919), 653 Star (1886), 645 Sternau's patent (1904), 649 Universal (1901), 647 Vanderweyde's patent (1866), 637 Vardy's vacuum urn, 627, 699 Vassieux' glass (1842), 627, 700 Vienna, 638, 639 Viennese type, 708 Warner's patent (1906), 649
Percolation Defined, 621, 698 Discussed (Trigg), 720, 721 N.C.R.A. recommendations, 718
Percy, Reuben, pseud., 585
Percy, Sholto, pseud., 585
Perez & Sons, Juan Pablo, 340
Perfect cup of c., 721-723
Perfect Vacuum Canning Co., 471
Perfumed c., 59, 695
Pergamino, Cafe en (grade), 261
Perieri, C., 146
Persecution (see Opposition)
Persian letters, Montesquieu, q., 109
Perus (c.), 350, 367
Pests (see Diseases)
Peters, J., q., 467
Petit, q., 12
Petring, G.H., 510
Petty, Sir William, 60
Pharmaceutical Journal, per., q., 156
Pharmaceutice Rationalis, Willis, q., 58
Pharmacological-chemical brewing device, 699
Pharmacology, Cushing, q., 179
Pharmacology of c., 174-188
Phelps, Jr., Edward A., 495, 499
Philadelphia Commission of Inspection, 467
Philidor, 96, 98
Philipp, John, 591
Philippines (c.), 355, 375
Philios, Ambrose, 80, 576, 577, 578
Phillipi, Peter, 591
Phillips, Sir Richard, 578, 585
Phillips & Co., M., 488
Philology (see Etymology)
Phipps, Sir William, 111
Phipps & Co., J.L., 476, 482, 484, 486
Phoenix, John, 482
Phoenix & Co., J.W., 482
Phoenix Electrical Heating Co., 647
Phyfe, James W., 480
Phyfe & Co., Jas. W., 480
Phonetic difficulties, 1
Physique Sacree, on Histoire Naturelle de la Bible, Scheuzer, q., 13, 16
Piccander, q., 595
Picking c., 250 Colombia, 260
Pickslay, Joseph D., 477, 535
Pictures Afternoon in the court gardens, Munich, Walle's, 591 Afternoon at the coffee table, Meith's, 591 Button's coffee house, Shepherd's, ill., 593 Cafe en Asia Mineure, De Ternamine's, 591 Cafe sur un route de Syrie, Marilhat's, 591 Cafe Turc, Descamp's, 591 Coffee comes to the aid of the Muse, Ruffio's, ill., 591 Coffee house at Cairo, Gerome's, ill., 591, 656 Decorative panel for Paris House, Mazerolles', 591 Dutch coffee house of 1650, Van Ostade's, ill., 587 First coffee house in Vienna, Schams', ill., 590 Four times of the day, Hogarth's, ill., 587 French coffee house, Rowlandson's, 593 Goldoni in a Venetian cafe, Longhi's, ill., 588 Kaffeebesuch Phillipi's, ill., 591 Lion's head at Button's, Shepherd's, ill., 591 Mad dog in a coffee house, Rowlandson's, ill., 593 Manager Classen and his family, Milde's, 591 Mme. de Pompadour, Van Loo's, ill., 588 Mme. Du Barry at Versailles, Decreuse's, ill., 589, 590 Napoleon and the cure, Charlet's, ill., 593 Old woman with coffee cup, Philipp's, 591 Oriental coffee house, Meyerhelm's, 591 Parisian boulevard cafe, Menzel's, 591 Pastor Rautenberg and his Family, Milde's, 591 Petit dejeuner, Boucher's, ill., 588 Rake's progress, Hogarth's, ill., 587 Slaughter's coffee house, Shepherd's, ill., 593 Sweets shop of Josty in Berlin, Schmidt's, 591 Tom's coffee house, Shepherd's, ill., 593 Tontine coffee house, Guy's, 593 Washington's official welcome to New York, Gruppe's, ill., 593
Pictures, C. in, 587-593
Pierce, Jr., O.W., 509
Pierce, Sr., Oliver Webster, 509
Pierce & Co., O.W., 509
Piers, steel-roofed (N.O.), 325
Pilcher, q., 184
Pinzon & Co., 338
Pioneer Mills, 508
Pique, R., q., 156
Piron, 94
Pitt, William, 580
Pitt & Sons, C.F., 485
Place, E.B., 482
Place, J.K., 482
Places, names of (see Note, p. 769)
Plantation machinery, 245-248 Brazil, 207 Salvador, 217
Plantation machines Guardiola drier, 255 Planet Junior, 207
Plantation preparation, 201 Arabia, 197
Plantation processes, 245-271 Abyssinia, 268 Angola, 268 Arabia, 245, 264, 266, 268 Brazil, 258-261 Colombia, 260 Guatemala, 263 Haiti, 264 Java, 268, 269, 271 Mexico, 263 Netherlands E. Indies, 268, 269, 271 Nicaragua, 264 Porto Rico, 264 Salvador, 263 Sumatra, 268, 269 Venezuela, 261, 263
Plantations Abyssinia, yield per acre, 228 Angola Cazengo, 230 Australia, yield per acre, 239 Brazil (fazendas) Araqua, 208 Azevedo, L. de O., 208 Cafeeria Sao Paulo, 208 Capital invested, 207 do Val, F.S., 208 Dumont, ill., 205, 208, 258 Ellis, Alfredo, 208 Irmaos, Alves, 208 Oliveira, 208 Principal, 208 Ribeirao Preto, ill., 208 Sao Martinho, 208 Sao Paulo Coffee Co., 208 Schmidt, 208, 258 Ceylon, first British, (1825) 237 Colombia, 211, 212 Namay, 212 Cuba, number, 282 Guadeloupe, yield per acre, 233 Hawaii, yield per acre, 241 India Cannon's Baloor, 227 Hoskahn, 227 Mylemoney, 227 Santaverre, 227 Sumpigay Kahn, 227 Yield per acre, 227 Java Jakatra, 44 Kedawoeng estate, 6 Typical, A., 269, 271 Mexico Orduna, 220 Porto Rico Capital invested, 223 Yield per acre, 223, 225 Salvador, first (1876), 217 Sumatra Gadoeng Batoe, ill., 217 Venezuela (haciendas) Altamira, ill., 212 Carmen, ill., 213 Yield per acre, 213
Planting (see also Propagation), 200
Plants of Egypt, Alpini, 26
Plants, Roasting, ill., 379, 381, 383, 385
Platow, Moritz, pat., 627, 699
Platt, Jr., James, q., 1
Plays Autocrat of the Coffee Stall, The, Chapin, 556, 563 Beaux' Stratagem, Farquhar, q., 587, 588 Bold Stroke for a Wife, A, Centlivre, q., 554 Boston, first performed in, 111 Bottega di Caffe, La, Goldoni, 555 Cafe; ou, l'Ecossaise, Le, Voltaire, 556 Caffe, Le, Rosseau, 554, 555 Caffe di Campagna, Il, Galuppi, 556 Caffettiera da Spirito, La, 556 Coffee House, The, Rosseau, 88 Coffee House; or, Fair Fugitive, The, Voltaire, q., 556 Coffee-House Politician, The, Fielding, q., 554, 555 Devin du Village, Rousseau, 102 "English comedy," q., 61 Foire St. Germain, La, Dancourt (1696), q., 554 Hamilton, Hamlin and Arliss, q., ill., 556 Persian Wife, The, Goldoni, q., 556 Socrates, Voltaire, 556 Tarugo's Wiles; or, the Coffee House, St. Serf, q., 554
Pleasure gardens (see Gardens)
Pletzer, q., 185
Pluehart, inv., 710
Plunket (highwayman), 578
Pneumatic Scale Corp., 471, 472
Pneumatic Scale Corp., Ltd., 471
Pocoke, Edward, q., 12, 38
Pods, 329
Poemata Didascalia, d'Olivet, 543
Poems "As long as Mocha's happy tree," Pope's, q., 549 Ballad of the South Sea Scheme, Swift, q., 571 Bouquet Blanc et le Bouquet Noir, Le, Mery, 548 Cafe, Le (anon.), 548 Cafe, Le, Berchoux, 548 Caffe, Il, Barotti, 548 Cap and Bells, Keats, q., 550 Carmen Caffaeum, Massieu, q., 14, 544-547 City Mouse and Country Mouse, Prior and Montague, q., 551 Coffee, Saltus, q., 552 Coffee—a Chanson (music by Colet), ill., 594, 595 Coffee and Crumpets, "Littledo," q., 550, 551 C. Companion (from Arabic), q., 543 Coffee Slips, The, Hood, q., 550 Comus, Milton, q., 549 de Clieu, Esmenard, q., 8, 548 Floge du Cafe, L'Estienne, 548 Frugality, Pope Leo XIII, q., 549 Gilbert K. Chesterton Rises to the Toast of C., Untermeyer, q., 553 Giorno, Il, Parini, q., 548, 549 Grandeur de Dieu dans les Merveilles de la Nature, La, 548 In Praise of C. (from Arabic), q., 542 Like His Mother Used to Make, Riley, q., 552 Lines (appended to broadside) Morton, ill., 69 Lines on C. (from French), 548 Long Story, A, Gray, q., 576 Ode to Coffee, Price, q., 553 Over the Black Coffee, Gray, q., 552, 553 Pity for Poor Africans, Cowper, q., 550 Plantes, Les, Castel, q., 548 Rape of the Lock, Pope, q., 550 Recipe for Making C., Hodhat, q., 663 Royal Drummer (Paris) q., 96 Rules and orders of the C. house (broadside) q., 60, 61 Song from The Coffee House, Fielding, q., ill., 555 Three Reigns of Nature, Delille, q., 547 To the Mighty Monarch, King Kauhee, Sephton, q., 552 To the Coffee House, Altenberg, q., 549 To Pasqua Rosee, q., 54 (Unnamed), Belighi, 547 (Unnamed), Lloyd, q., 584 Verses, Maumenet, q., 548 Wealthy Shopkeeper; or, Charitable Christian, q., 572 What Every Wife Knows, Rowland, q., 553-554
Poetry, C. in, 542-554
Poffenberger, Jr., A.T., q., 723
Poison, C. a, 58, 174
Polished C., rulings (U.S.), 337, 338
Polishing machinery, 247, 248, 257
Political liberty; England's won in coffee houses, 74
Politics, C. and, 59, 62
Polli, Pietro, 558
Pollitzer, q., 176
Polstorff, K., 159, 160
Ponfold, Schuyler & Co., 482
Poore, G.W., q., 705, 707
Pop open, 389
Pope, Alexander, 78, 80, 81, 575, 576, 577, 578, 583; q., 549, 550 Life of, Carruthers, q., 549
Popularity of c. in U.S.; reasons for, 106
Portable c. making devices French (1691-1754), 618 Turkish, 615, 616, 617
Portable grinding machines, 685
Portal, Antoine, q., 58
Porthandling charges Brazil, 306, 315 New York, 323
Porthandling methods, U.S., 513
Porter, David (Capt.), 112
Porter, David D. (Admiral), 112
Porter, Horace, Gen., q., 563
Porter & Co., W.J., 480
Porto Rico Coffee Co., 488
Porto Rico Planters' Protective Ass'n, 444, 445
Porto Ricos (c.), 350, 362
Posadas, J.Z., 488
Postman, London, per., 560
Postulart, pat., 640
Pot and Kettle, The, Lally, q., 570
Potter, pat., 167
Potter, Dr., q., 181
Potter, Ellis M., 498; pat., 642
Potter & Parlin, 503
Potter Coffee Co., 498
Potter-Parlin Co., 471, 641, 642
Potter-Parlin Spice Mills, 498
Potter, Sloan, O'Donohue Co., 498
Pounding c., 697, 705
Poursine & Co., P., 486
Poursini & Co., R., 505
Powdered (see Grinds)
Power, q., 155
Power-Chestnut method, 172
Prado, Paulo da Silva, 532, 534
Praedium Rusticum, Vaniere, 543
Pratt, A.H., 502
Pratt, David S., pat., 539
Preanger c., 355, 373
Pregnancy, Effect of c. on, 177
Premium for early shipping (Santos), 314
Premium distribution, retail, 429
Premiums, 412, 413 Arbuckle, 522, 525
Prendergast Bros., 482
Prentiss & Page, 637
Prepared Coffee, 404
Prescott, Prof. S.C., 515, 714; q., 717
Preterre, Apoleoni P., pat., 634
Price, William A., q., 553
Prices Advance notice of change, 514 Beverage Constantinople, 665 London, 675, 677 (1662), 582 (1677), 73 Blends, retail, U.S. (1922), 722, 723 Green American colonies, 467, 475 Amsterdam (1810-12), 468 England (1719), 74 New York (1670), 105 (1683), 125 (1898), 471 (1903), 472 (1919), 474 Netherlands (early), 44 Netherlands E. Indies, 312 United States Early, 475 (1814), 468 (1880-93), 527, 530 (1911), 532 (1913), 538 (1921), 299, 330 War-time, 536-538 Guaranteeing, 514 Roasted New York (1791), 492 Roasting (1885), 509
Prideaux, W.F., q., 1, 2
Priest, William, 612
Primera (grade), 261
Primero (grade), 264
Prims, J.C., pat., 473, 643
Prior 89; q., 551, 575
Pritchard, George W., 480
Pritchard & Sons, Geo. W., 480
Private Estate (brand), 496
Private estates Java, 214, 215 Netherlands E. Indies, 283, 312
Probst & Co., F., 482
Proceedings, Society of Antiquaries (1889), q., 602, 603
Procope, Francois, chk., 94
Proctor, Charles E., 538
Producing countries, leading, 191
Production Abyssinia, 284 Africa, British E., 229, 285 German E. (1913), 229 Angola (1913), 229 Arabia, 282 Argentina, 279 Australia, 284 Bolivia, 279 Brazil, 273, 275, 277 (1850), 205 (1887-1902), 528-530 (1903, 1906), 472 (1906-07), 534 Santos passes Rio (1900-01), 530 Cape Verde Islands (1916), 229 Celebes, 217, 283 Ceylon, 236, 282, 283 Chile, 279 Colombia, 211, 278 Congo, Belgian, 229 Costa Rica, 225, 280 Cuba, 282 Dominican Republic, 281 Ecuador, 278 Eritrea (1918), 229 Federated Malay States, 284 Gold Coast, 285 Guadeloupe, 281, 282 Guam, 284 Guatemala, 219, 225, 280 Guiana, British and French, 279 Dutch, 236, 279 Haiti, 220, 281 Hawaii, 239, 284 Honduras, 234, 280 British, 235, 280 India, 282 Jamaica, 281 Java, 215, 283 Liberia (1917), 229 Madagascar (1918), 229 Martinique, 282 Mauritius, 285 Mexico, 280, 281 Netherlands E. Indies, 283 Nicaragua, 280 Nigeria, 285 Nyasaland, 285 Oaxaca (Mex.), 220 Panama, 235, 280 Paraguay, 236, 279 Peru, 278 Philippines, 284 Porto Rico, 281 Reunion (Bourbon), 285 Salvador, 225, 279, 280 Sierra Leone, 285 Somali Coast (French), 285 Somaliland (Fr. and It.), 229 (British), 285 St. Thomas and Princes I.'s, 229 Sumatra, 217 Uganda, 229, 285 Uruguay, 279 Venezuela, 212 World (1883-1921), 273 (1901-02), 531 (Statistical Table), 274
Production and Consumption, 273-285
Prohibition, U.S. Effect on consumption, 288, 689
Prolongation of Life, Metchnikoff, q., 178
Propagation Cuttings, 138, 200 Grafting, 200 Seeds, 138, 200 Arabia, 231
Proteins in c., 693, 718, 719 Dearth in beverage, 180
Provang, 56
Pruning, 133, 202, 203 Angola, 230
Publick Adviser, per., q., ill., 56, 432, 581
Public Ledger, London, per., 327
Publicity, National campaign, 513
Publishers' Information Bureau, 441
Puerto Cabello c., 348, 364
Puhl, John, 502
Puhl-Webb Co., 502
Pulp, uses, 136, 156
Pulping, 250, 251
Pulping machinery, 245, 246, 247, 248, 252, 254
Puna c., 356, 375
Pupke, John F., 482, 496
Pupke & Reid, 482, 496, 499, 635
Pupke, Reid & Phelps, 496
Purcell, Alexander H., 477
Purcell, Joseph, 477, 480, 535
Purcell & Co., Alex. H., 477
Purser (artist), 668
Purchas his pilgrimes, q., 36
Purchas, Samuel, 36
Purdy, L.J., 479
Pure Food and Drugs Act, 337, 338, 410, 472, 722
Purin Bodies of Food Stuffs, Hall, q., 184
Purity Dried Fruits Cleansing Co., 471
Purpurescens, C., hyb., 140
Pyriform c.-pot, 604
Pythagoras, 13
Qahvah, 2
Qahwah, 1
Quadri, Giorgio, 28
Quakers (imperfections), 329
Quarry, Col., 126
Queen Anne, 82
Queen Mary, 601
Queensberry, Duchess of, 572
Quelle, Ralph J., pat., 648
Quick roast, 387, 388
Quillou, C., 146 Java, 216
Quillouensis, C., 146
Quin, James, 580, 583
Quinby & Co., W.S., 501
Quincy, Dr., 543
Quotation relationship (table), 330
Quotations Daily, how determined, 335 Foreign, 336
Rabaut, L.B., pat., 623, 627, 699
Racine, 91, 565
Radcliffe, John, 77, 572
Rainfall requirements, 198
Raleigh, Sir Walter, 42
Rambaldi, Angelo, 558; q., 696
Rameau's Nephew, Diderot, q., 96
Ramos, Augusto, 531
Ramos, Francisco F., 534
Ramponaux, Jean, chk., 94, 96
Rand, George, 480
Randall, John, 479
Ranelagh (see Gardens)
Ransom, Amos, pat., 625
Raparlier, pat., 637
Rape of the lock, Pope, 80
Rapid-filtration devices de Mattel's patent (1920), 653 Express, 651 Italiana Sovereign, L., 651 J. & S. (Still's), 674 Victoria Arduino, La, (1909-20), 651
Rapid-infusion devices Bezzara system, 649, 651 Ideale, ill., 651 Malthey-Zorn centrif., 653, 654
Rapid-percolation device Loysel's hydrostatic, 708
Rasch, Anthony, 612
Rasis ad Almans (see Rhazes)
Rauwolf, Leonhard, 43, 45, 431, 541, 543; q., 2, 12, 25
Ray, John, 42, 543
Ray & Co., Winthrop G., 478, 479, 480
Razi, El (see Rhazes)
Ready and easy way to establish a free commonwealth, Milton, 60
Reamer, Sr., Abraham, 480
Reamer, Turner & Co., 480
Rebagging New York, 322, 338 Santos, 304, 306
Rebellious antidote (broadside), q., 58
Recipes, dessert's, etc., 723, 724
Reconditioning, 322
Recovery, v., 468
Red Can (brand), 441
Red D Line, 482
Red E (brand), 538
Red pottage, 13
Red Ribbon (brand), 441
Reed, Charles, 127
Reed, Charles B., q., 557
Reed, Nathan, pat., 245, 469
Reeve, Daniel, 482
Reeve & Van Riper, 482
Reeve, Case & Banks, 479
Re-exports London, 327 United States (1921), 299, 301, 302
Refining device Johnston's patent (1913), 652
Reichert, E.T., q., 183
Reid, Thomas, 469, 482, 494, 496, 497, 522, 526
Reid & Co., Thomas, 499
Reid, Murdoch & Fischer, 480, 502
Reiger, q., 184, 185
Reimers & Meyer, 485
Religious associations Christian, 26 Mohammedan, 15, 16, 17, 22
Remi c., 351, 368
Remington, J.R., pat., 633
Remington, Mortimer, 445
Remmer, Oscar, 502
Renan, 102
Renovating, 158
Renshaw, William, chk., 130
Rentschler, q., 161
Repassing machine, 252
Research, Scientific Brewing, comparative test, 714, 716 Dawson and Wetherill (1855), 711, 712 Grinds, comparative test, 716 University of Kansas, 714 Mass. Inst. of Technology, 515, 716-718 Mellon Institute, 539 N.C.R.A., 513-515, 539, 713-718 Prescott, 515, 714, 716-718 Robison, 715 Trigg, 539
Restaurants London A, B, C (chain), ill., 674, 677 Brit. Tea Table Ass'n., 675 Buzard's cake house, 677 Cabin, 677 Carlton, 678 Corner Houses (chain), 677 Express Dairy Co., 677 Groom's, ill., 674 Lipton's, 677 Lyons (chain), ill., 674, 675, 677 Peel's, 674 Slater's, 675, 677 Temple Bar, ill., 675 Trust-houses, Ltd., 675 Ye Mecca Co., ill., 674 New York Childs (chain), 691 Dorlon's, 690 Thompson (chain), 691
Restrepo, Dr., q., 181
Retailing, 415-429 Blending, 722 Channels of distribution, 415
Retaliation, Goldsmith, 573, 574
Reuter-Jones Mfg. Co., 649
Revere, Paul, 110, 609, 611; biog., 612, 613
Revett, William, q., 2
Revolution American, 110, 125, 128 French, 100, 102, 293
Revolution, C. and, 18, 20, 31 (See also Democracy: Politics)
Rewards, 50, 51
Reynolds, J. B, 506
Reynolds, Sir Joshua, 81, 88, 574, 580, 585
Reynolds, Hatcher & Pierce, 509
Rhazes, q., 11, 12, 25, 431, 541
Rheumatism, remedy, 182
Rhodes, Benjamin, 477
Rice, W.S., 502
Richards, Charles, 508
Richardson, Charles, 80, 576; q., 584
Richardson & Lane, 501
Richelieu, Duke of, 96, 98
Richheimer, I.D., 538, 539; pat., 651, 652; q., 715
Richter, q., 159
Ricker, Harvey, 701; pat., 645
Ridenour, Baker Gro. Co., 485
Riechelmann, q., 159
Ries, Maurice, 338
Riggs, J. H, 508
Riley, James Whitcomb, q., 552
Rinehart & Stevens, 507
Rios (c.), 341, 343, 366
Ripley, D.C., 497
Risley, Christopher, 479
Risley, Leander S., 479
Risley & Co., C., 479, 480, 528
Rittenhouse, John, pat., 627
Ritz, 678
Rivarol, 98
Rivers, 186; q., 187
Roach, Tiger, 579
Roasters Baltimore, 507, 508 Boston, 501 Chicago, 501, 502 Cleveland, 507 Detroit, 508 Louisville, 505 Milwaukee, 506 New Orleans, 505 New York (1790-94), 475, 476 (1805-1922), 492-501 Philadelphia, 501 Pittsburgh, 507 San Francisco, 505, 506 St. Louis, 502, 503 Toledo, 506, 507 Other cities, 508, 509 United States, 492-509 (See also Dealers, wholesale)
Roasting Arabia, 658-662 Australia, 692 Great Britain, 673 (18th century), 695, 696 (19th century), 704, 705, 707 France, 679 Greece, 685 Netherlands, 686 New Zealand, 692 United States, 709, 710, 712
Roasting, Chemistry of, 165-167, 388, 389
Roasting economies, 513
Roasting, Household Decline of, 635 Devices Braziers, 615 Clay dishes, 615 Corn-poppers, 635 Cylinder, 619 Earthenware, 615, 620 Extemporized, 617, 635, 695, 696 Glass flasks (Italy), 623 Iron dippers, spiders, 616 Metal plates, 615 Stirrers (spatula), 616
Roasting machinery, 381-386, 615-654 Coal, 391, 392 Development of, 629 Direct-flame, 386 French, 678-680 Glass cylinder, 646 Gas, 386, 640-643 German (1860-1897), 638, 639 Imports from Gt. Brit., 625 Indirect-flame, 642, 646 Inner-heated, 386 Retail, 420, 421 Sample (France), 679 Wholesale, Burns, J.; improvements, 634-637, 644 French patents, 639, 640 German patent, first, 683 Fullard's heated fresh air, 643 Steam-power, 631, 635
Roasting machines Household Bernard's cylinder (1841), 629 Bull's coal (1704), 620 Elford's white iron (1660), 616, 617 Gee's (1852), 634 Home (1908), 646 Hyde's combined (1862), 634 Ittel's glass sphere (1874), 640 Kuhlemann's electric, 648 Lacoux's combined, 625, 627 Lauzaune's cylinder (1829), 625 Lauzaune's "rocking" (1873), 640 Lawton's perforated, gas (1912), 641 Lawton's quick gas (1912), 651, 652 Marchand's fan roaster (1866), 640 Martin's cylinder (1860), 640 Preterre's weighing (1849), 634 Ransom's (1833), 625 Remington's wheel of buckets, 633 Savo (1917), 646 Schick's method (1812), 623 Williamson's (1820), 624 Wood's spherical (1849), 634, 710 Retail Lambert's 50-pound, 646 Lester's electric (1903), 647 Moegling's electric (1906), 647 Sales promotion value, 423 Seymour's electric (1921), 648 St. Louis, Jr., 649 Talbutt's electric (1911), 647 Uno electric (1909-20), 647, 648 Warner's mill (1905), 648 Sample roasting Burns, 642 Improved (1883), 645 Swing-gate (1900), 647 Tilting (1909), 651 Wholesale, 646 Arbuckle's first (1903), 647 Aromatic (electric power), 646 Burns Balanced-front (1908), 651 Coal, 391, 392 Direct-flame (1900), 642 First patent (1864), 634 Special gas (1897), 642 Carter Pull-out (1846), 469, 629 Combination (quick gas), 641 Comet, 638 Crawley patents, 642 Dakin (1848), 633 Delphine tubular (1870), 639 Economic, 646 Evans cylindrical (1824), 624 Faulder, 640, 673 First direct flame (U.S.), 471 Fleury gas (1880-81), 638, 640 Fraser gas (1897-98), 642 Giacomini process (1903), 648 Hamsley direct-flame (1898), 642 Henneman direct-flame (1888), 640, 642, 643 Holmes patent (1906), 643 Hungerford patent (1882), 644 Hyde combined (1862), 634 Ideal-Rapid, 639 Johnston patent (1905), 646 Jubilee (1915-19), 643, 652 Jumbo, 522, 524, 647 Knickerbocker, 638, 644 Knowlys's cylinder (1848), 633 Kuchelmeister drum, 647 Lambert indirect-flame (1901), 642, 646 Self-contained, 646 Lambert (French), 646 Magic, 646 Marchand ball (1877), 640 Meteor, 638 Moderne, 646 Monitor direct-flame, 642 Morewood sliding-burner (1901), 642, 673 Muhlberg patents (1878), 638 Otto spiral-tubular (1889), 640, 641 Page Pull-out (1868), 637, 638 Pearson patents, 638, 640 Perfekt, 639 Postulart gas (1888), 640 Potter direct-flame (1899), 642 Probat, 639 Rekord (quick gas), 641 Resson, 646 Royal (1905), 643, 646 Schmidt patent (1906), 649 Schnuck gas (1919), 653 Shortt electric (1919), 647 Sirocco, 641, 646 Thurmer quirk-gas (1891-93), 640, 641 Tornado quick-gas, 641 Tubermann (1877), 638 Tupholme direct-flame (1887), 640, 641 Typhoon, 638 Uno, 673 Van den Brouck cylinder, 646 von Gumborn gas (1892), 639 Van Gulpen (1870), 638
Roasting methods Automatic control, 166 Better C.-making com., 713, 714 Burns, Jabez; views on, 636 Butter; use in Gt. Brit., 673 Early, 694, 695 Electric, 386 Goldsworthy's process, 702 Lard; use in Gt. Brit., 673 Natural gas, 642 Quick vs. slow, 640, 641
Roasting plants France, 679 United States Arbuckle, 524, 525 First and second, 468 New York Number (1914-1919), 515, 516 Early (1790-95), 491 Number (1855-56), 496
Roasting trade France, 678, 679 Italy, 686 United States, 379-406, 491-515 Beginning of, 522 Methods and prices (1845), 635 Retail, 418 St. Louis (1857), 629-633
Roasts, 356 Brazilian preferences, 691 British preferences, 673 French preferences, 680 Greek preferences, 685 Italian preferences, 686
Roberts, Mrs., chk., 127
Robertson, Joseph C., 585
Robespierre, 94, 96, 102
Robinson Crusoe, Defoe, 80
Robinson, Dr., q., 176
Robinson, Edward Forbes, 557; q., 11, 54, 56, 59, 62, 72, 73, 107
Robinson, Tanered, 584
Robinson & Co., N., 501
Robison, Floyd W., pat., 158, 474; q., 715
Robusta, C. Botanical description, 144 Ceylon, 236 Cup-tests, 145 Guadeloupe, 234 India, 227 Indo-China, French, 237 Java, 215, 216 Netherlands E. Indies, 283 New Caledonia, 243 New York, Exchange excludes, 329, 338 Sumatra, 217 Trees; height (Java), 215 yield (Java), 216 Uganda, 353 United States, imports, 341 Varieties, 146
Robusta-achtigen (robusta-like), 216
Robusta hybrid (Ceylon), 236
Robusta x Maragogipe, hyb., 146
Rochester, Earl of, 575
Rodney, William, 126
Roe, Sir T., q., 2
Roettier, John, 62, 582
Rogers, chk., 121
Rolamb, Nicholas, q. 23
Rollins, Thornton, 485
Romance of Trade, Bourne, q., 54
Romero, q., 198
Ronan, James, 508
Roodbessige, C. (Java), 216
Roome, Luke, chk., 118
Roome, William P., 478, 498
Roome & Co., William P., 478, 498
Rooney, John, 475
Roosevelt family, 690
Ropes, Joseph, 468
Ropes, Ripley, 482
Roque, P. de la, 31, 543
Rosary, The, Barclay, q., 563
Rosebault, Charles J., q., 671
Roseburg, William, 521, 522
Rosee, Pasqua, 42, 43, 53, 54, 58, 69, 462, 543; q., 432 Handbill, ill., 459, 461
Roselius, Ludwig, pat., 162, 473
Ross, C.J., q., 230
Rossbach & Bro., 485
Rosseau, Jean Baptiste, 88, 554
Rosseter, J.H., 490
Rossi, q., 186
Rossignon, q., 707
Rossini, 103
Rota (see Clubs, C.-house)
Roth, 510
Roth Grocery Co., Adam, 485
Rothschilds, 531
Roubiliac, 84, 583, 584
Rouch, pat., 621
Roure, pat., 640
Rousseau, Baron Antoine, q., 656
Rousseau, J.J., 94, 98, 102, 566
Routh, Harold, q., 561
Rowland, pat., 625
Rowland, Helen, q., 553, 554
Rowland & Humphreys, 482
Rowland, Humphreys & Co., 480
Rowland, Terry & Humphreys, 482
Rowlandson, Thomas, 75, 593
Rowley, Levi, 494, 499
Roxbury "hourlies", 10
Royal Exchange Lloyd's, 85
Royal Exchange (London), 86
Royal Exchange (New York, 1752), 120
Royal Scarlet (brand), 441
Royal Society, 41
Royal, Thomas M., 471
Rubia Mills, 434, 496
Ruffio, P.A., 591
Ruffner, W.R., 538
Rule & Bro., Robert J., 501
Ruliff, Clark & Co., 505
Rulings (U.S.), 337, 338
Rumford, Count, inv., 557, 621, 622, 699, 704; biog., 697; q., 698
Rumsey, Walter, q., 56
Runkle & Co., J.C., 479, 482
Rupert, Prince, 69
Russell, Edward C., 495
Russell, Frank C., 478, 499
Russell, Robert, 482
Russell, Robert S., 499
Russell & Co., 482, 494, 499
Russell & Fessenden, 501
Ruth, 13
Ruth, Sylvester, 507
Rutter & Co., Thomas, 480
Ryan & Co., James, 506
Saccharin in c., 165
Saffron in c., 660
Saint-Foix, 566, 567
Saint-Victor, 102
Salaman, Malcolm C., q., 589
Salant, q., 184
Salazar, Alfredo M., pat., 653
Salazar c., 349, 365
Sales by candle, 571
Salesmanship, 407
Sales promotion Retail, 423-426 Wholesale, 412, 413
Saltero, Don, 559, 560
Saltus, Francis S., 541; q., 552
Salvadors (c.), 347, 360
Salvandy, Narcisse-Achille, q., 100
Samoa c., 355, 375
Sample distribution, 412
Samplers (N.Y. Exch.), 333
Sampling Brazil, 303, 304, 306 New York, 319, 321 San Francisco, 327 Santos, 303, 304, 306, 312, 316
Sanani c., 351, 368
Sanborn, Chas. E., 501
Sanborn, James S., 501
Sandys, Sir George, 12, 38, 543; q., 36
Sandys's Travels, q., 36
Sand, George, 565
Sanger, Abraham, 480
Sanger, Beers & Fisher, 480, 497
Sanger & Wells, 480
Santa Ana c., 350, 365
Santa Cecilia, v., 316
Santo Domingos (c.), 350, 362
Santos c., 341, 342, 366
Saportas Bros., 482
Saturday Evening Post, per., q., 177
Sauvage c., ill., 142
Savage, 578
Savage, George E., pat., 649
Savage, Richard, 570
Saxe, Marshall, 98
Saxon Coffee Co., 508
Sayre, q., 163, 164, 166, 183
Schadheli, Sheik, 13, 14
Schaefer, Henry, 478, 535
Schaefer, J.H., q., 428
Schams, Franz, 590
Schanne, Alexandre, q., 102
Scharf, q., 126
Schemsi, chk., 19, 668
Scheuzer, J.J., q., 13, 16
Schick, Anthony, pat., 623
Schierenberg, A., 535
Schilling, A., 506
Schilling & Co., A., 505, 506, 507
Schipano, Mario, 27
Schittenhelm, q., 182
Schmelzel, James H., 495
Schmidt, C., 591
Schmidt, Francisco, 208
Schmidt, Ludwig, pat., 649
Schmidt & Ziegler, 486
Schmiedeberg, Dr. Oswald, q., 185
Schnuck, Edward F., pat., 653
Schnull & Krag, 508
Schoepffwasser, Lorentz, pseud., 45
School of Oratory, Macklin's, 580
Schools, information for, 513
Schools of the wise, 19
Schotten, Christian, 503
Schotten, Hubertus, 503
Schotten, Jerome J., 503
Schotten, Julius J., 503, 510, 631
Schotten, William, 503, 629, 631, 633
Schotten & Bro., William, 503
Schotten & Co., Wm., 485, 502, 503
Schotten Coffee Co., Wm., 503
Schramm, Arnold, 477
Schramm, Inc., Arnold, 477
Schroeder, Bruno, 532, 534
Schroeder & Co., J. Henry, 532, 534
Schuler, John G., 508
Schulte, A., q., 156
Schultz & Ruckgaber, 482
Schultze, q., 165
Schumaniana, C., 146
Schumberg, q., 186
Schuerhoff, q., 185
Schurtzkwer, 185
Schwartz, Joseph M., 521
Schwartz Bros., 488
Schweitzer & Co., M., 488
Scialdi, 14
Scolfield, Henry, pat., 247
Scott, Andrew, q., 85
Scott, Edwin, 499
Scott, Sir Walter, q., 573, 574, 579
Scott, William, 479
Scott & Dash, 479
Scott & Meiser, 479
Scott & Sons, William, 479
Scott, Dash & Co., 479
Scott, Meiser & Co., 479
Scott's Sons & Co., William, 479
Scotty, C. (chef), 691
Scriba, Schroppel & Starmen, 475
Scribner's Magazine, q., 664
Scudder, Gale Gro. Co., 485
Scull, William S., 509
Scull & Co., W.S., 508
Scull Co., William S., 509
Sculpture, C. in, 599
Seal (brand), 435, 441, 465
Secchi, 558
Seelye, Frank R., 511, 513
Segundo (grade), 261, 264
Seidell, q., 160
Seifert, q., 185
Selby, Thomas, chk., 112
Selden, David, pat., 625
Seligsberg, Louis, 478
Selim I, 18, 19, 49
Selling chart, 409
Semarang c., 355, 373
Sencial, q., 156
Sene, pat., 623, 625, 699
Sense of Taste, The, Hollingworth and Poffenberger, q., 723
Separating machinery, 383
Sephton, Geoffrey, q., 552
Service, C., 31 Arabia, 658-663, 695 Artistic and historic, 599-614, 619, 620, 621 Britannia ware, etc., 619 Clay bowls, first, 616 English, c.-pots (1714-70), 620, 621 Lantern c.-pots, 602, 619 Sevres c.-pots, 607 Sheffield-plate c.-pots, 607 Silver c.-pots (18th cent.), 619 Sino-Lowestoft c.-pot, 607 London cafes and restaurants, 674 Oriental c.-pots, 619 Netherlands, 686 New York hotels, 691 Paris (Pascal's, 1672), 619 Turkish, 602, 617, 621, 695
Seven Truths to Teach the Young in Regard to Life and Sex, Abbey, q., 177
Sevres c.-pots, 607
Seymour, Mark T., pat., 648
Shade, C.-growing under, 133 Arabia, 197 Guam, 242 Guatemala, 219 Hawaii, 241 Requirements, 201
Shadli, Shaomer (see Schadheli), 2
Shami c., 351, 368
Shapleigh Coffee Co., 501
Sharki c., 351, 368
Shaw, Daniel A., 480
Shaw, John W., 492
Shaw, William, 612
Shaw's Louisiana Coffee and Spice Mills, 505
Sheaff, Henry, 475
Sheffield plate c.-pots, 607
Sheldon, Henry, 479
Sheldon & Co., Henry, 478, 479
Sheldon Banks & Co., 479
Shemsi, chk., 19, 668
Shenstone, q., 584
Shephard, Fleetwood, q., 584
Shepherd, T.H., 593
Sheppard, Alexander, 501
Sheppard & Sons, Inc., Alex., 501
Sherbet, 562 London c. houses sell, 61
Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, 80; q., 581
Sherif-Eddin-Omar-ben-Faredh, q., 543
Sherley, Sir Anthony, 35, 543
Sherman, Fred, 506
Sherman, Fred T., 477, 482
Sherman, Henry B., 506
Sherman, Lewis, 506, 514
Sherman, Jr., Lewis, 506
Sherman, Milo P., 506
Sherman, S.S., 506
Sherman, William, 506
Sherman, William H., 506
Sherman, William M., 506
Sherman, William T. (Gen.), 563
Sherman & Taylor, 477
Sherman Bros. & Co., 485, 502, 506
Shewbert, John, chk., 126
Shewbert, Mrs., chk., 126
Shields & Boucher, 507
Shihab-ad-Din manuscript, 542
Shinkle, Wilson & Kreis Co., 484, 485
Shipping Board, U.S., 338
Shipping c., 312-327 Brazil, 306 American vessels, 515 Colombia, 314, 315 Iron steamships (1868), 476 Longest voyage, 316 Santos, 312, 314 Time-table, port to port, 316
Shipping ports, principal, 191
Shope, W.C., 502
Shortt, Everett T., pat., 647
Shrinkage, 389, 391 Roasting, 388 Table (green c.), 393
Shubert (see Shewbert)
Sias, Charles D., 501
Siddons, Mrs., 569
Siegfried, John C., 506
Siegfried & Brandenstein, 505, 506
Siegman, John G., 507
Sielcken, Hermann, 473, 482, 511, 518, 519, 520, 523, 531; biog., 517, 521 Valorization, 530-534 Woolson Spice Co., 506
Sielcken, Hermann (Mrs.), 518
Sielcken-Crossman contract, 519
Sierra c., 345, 359
Signs, Coffee-house London, 602, 603 Bowman's, 54 Morat (Amurath), 62 Rosee's, 54 Soliman, 62 New York, 117, 124 King's Arms, 124
Signs, Grocers' Lowell, Ebenezer (New York), 467 Richards, Smith (New York), 124
Silver c.-pots, 619
Silver skin, 136, 138
Silversmiths, American, 609, 612
Silversmiths Society, 612
Simmonds, W. Lee, 478
Simmonds & Bayne, 478
Simmonds & Co., H., 478
Simmonds & Co., W. Lee, 478
Simmonds & Newton, 478
Simon, Jr., M., pat., 167
Simonds H., 478
Sinclair, Evans & Elliot, 508
Singleton, Esther, q., 105, 115, 709
Sinnot, J.B., 505
Sino-Lowestoft c.-pot, 607
Sion & Co., 340
Sir Antoine Shirlies Trauelles, Parry, q., ill., 38
Sirups (see Syrups)
Sizing (see Grading), 258
Skiddy, Francis, 479
Skiddy, Minford & Co., 479, 485, 530
Skinner, Cyriac, 60
"Skyscraper" coffee house, 112, 113
Slacks, 322
Slave auctions, Phila., ill., 128
Slemmons & Conkling, 508
Sloane, Sir Hans, 86, 543, 582
Sloss, Robert, q., 531
Slow roast, 387
Small, C.K., 477, 480
Small, John, 480
Small Bros. & Co., 477, 479, 480 |