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WORLD'S drink. Review of Reviews, 1909, XXXIX: 109-110.
ABD-AL-KADIR, ANSARI DJEZERI HANBALI. Des preuves les plus fortes en faveur de la legitimite de l'usage du cafe, in chrestomathie arabe, par Sylvestre de Sacy. Paris, 1806.
BAROTTI, L. Il caffe (poem). Esprit des Journaux, 1681, 110-120.
BLONDEAU. Etrennes litteraires aux grands hommes ou l'empire du cafe, poeme en 10 chants. Paris, date unknown.
—— L'empire du cafe et le rapport de son influence sur l'esprit les moeurs et l'economie animale, poeme en 4 chants. Paris, 1824.
BOUQUET blanc et le bouquet noir, Le, poisie en 4 chants. 60 pp.
BRADY. CYRUS TOWNSEND. A corner in coffee. New York, 1904.
CAFFEE die schonste Panacee, in einem Lobgedicht ueber die wunder baie Heikraft des nectarischen Caffeetranks. 1775. 23 pp.
CHARACTER of a coffee house, with the symptoms of a town-wit. London, 1673; in Harleian Miscellany, VI: 429.
CHARACTER of coffee and coffee houses. Hazlitt's Handbook to Popular Literature, 1661.
COFFEE and crumpets; a poem. Frasers' Magazine, XV: 316.
COFFEE houses vindicated: in answer to the late published character of a coffee house. London, 1675; also in Harleian Miscellany, VI: 433.
COFFEE scuffle; occasioned by a contest between a learned knight and a pitifull pedagogue, with the character of a coffee house. Printed and are to be sold at the Salmon coffee house, neer the stocks market, (London), 1662. Verses by Woolnoth or Sir J. Langham and Evans, a school-master.
DE GOURCUFF, O. Le cafe, epitre attribue a Senece. Nantes, 1888. 19 pp.
DE MERY, C. Le cafe, poeme: accompagne de documents historiques sur le cafe, sur son origine, sur son commerce et sur les peuples d'Orient qui font specialement usage du cafe. Rennes, 1837. 204 pp.
D'ISRAELI, ISAAC. Curiosities of literature. London, 1824. Contains article on, Introduction of tea, coffee and chocolate, in which the following items are mentioned: (1) An Arabic and English pamphlet on The nature of the drink, kouhi or coffee, pub. at Oxford, 1569; (2) A cup of coffee, or coffee in its colours, a satirical poem (quoted), 1663; (3) A broadside against coffee or the marriage of the Turk (quoted), 1672; (4) The women's petition against coffee, 1674.
DRUMONT, E. Les cafes et les restaurants d'autrefois. Magasin Litteraire, X: 264.
EXCELLENT virtue of that sober drink coffee, The. Popular ballad of the 17th century. Broadsheet.
GEYER, E.E. An potus cafe dicti vestigia in Hebraeos sacrae scripturae codice reperiantur? Dissertation. Wittebergiae, 1740.
GOLDONI, CARLO. La bottega di caffe. Venice, 1750.
LAGUERRE, J.N. Essai sur le cafe. Paris, 1818.
LE PAGE, AUG. Les cafes politiques et litteraires de Paris. 1874.
MASSIEU, G. Carmen caffaeum. Paris, 1740.
MELAYE, S. Eloge du cafe. (A song.) Paris, 1852. 4 pp.
MILLER, JAMES. The coffee-house. A dramatick piece. London, 1737. 38 pp.
POEM in Latin, A, on coffee; is found in the Abbe Olivier's, Collection of modern Latin poets; and in, Etrennes a tous les amateurs du cafe, Paris, 1790, in which a French translation is printed facing the Latin text; also Il caffe, in Poemetti Italiana, vol. 3, 1797.
REBELLIOUS antidote: or a dialogue between coffee and tea: verse, 1685.
ROSSEAU, J.B. Le caffe, comedie. 1695. 56 pp.
SCHOTEL, G.D.J. Letterkundige bijdragen tot de geschiedenis van den tabak, de koffij en de thee. 's Gravenhage, 1848. 215 pp.
ST. SERFE, THOMAS. Taruga's wiles, or the coffee house; a comedy. London, 1668.
SMYTH, PHILIP. The coffee house; a characteristic poem. London, 1795.
STEELE, SIR RICHARD. On characters in coffee houses. Spectator, No. 49.
VOLTAIRE, F.M.A. DE. The coffee-house; or, Fair fugitive. A comedy. London, 1760.
WARD, EDWARD. The humours of a coffee house. London, 1714.
ABORN, EDWARD. Better coffee making. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1912, Supplement to No. 6, XXIII: 49-52; 1913, XXV: 568-574; 1919, XXIX: 553-556.
—— Better coffee for the army. The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1918, XXXV: 622-624.
—— On boiling coffee. The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1919, XXXVI: 48-49.
—— Coffee-making developments. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1914, XXVII: 550-556.
—— On coffee grinding and brewing. Yesterday, today and tomorrow in better coffee making. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1916, XXXI: 570-576.
BACON, RAYMOND F. Efficiency of coffee-making devices. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1915, XXIX: 427-429.
BEST method of making coffee. Journal of Home Economics, 1914, VI: 480-481.
BONNETTE. Preparation du cafe en campagne, filtre "en rognon" adapte a une marmite de campement. Revue d'Hygiene, 1911, XXXIII: 459-462. Also, in Spanish, Revista de Sanidad militar, 1911, ser. 3, I: 427-429.
BOYES, E. How to obtain an ideal cup of coffee; its cost and value. London, 1898. 16 pp.
BROADBENT, HUMPHREY. The domestick coffee man, shewing the true way of preparing and making chocolate, coffee and tea. London, 1722.
COFFEE making questionnaire. The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1917, XXXII: 31-34.
DUFOUR, PHILIPPE SYLVESTRE. Translation by John Chamberlayne. The manner of making coffee, tea, and chocolate. As it is used in most parts of Europe, Asia, Africa and Spanish America. Newly done out of French and Spanish. London, 1685. 116 pp.
ELLIS, H.D. Notes on the earliest form of coffee-pot. Preceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of London, 1899, ser. 2, XVII: 390-394.
FOREST, L. L'art de faire le cafe du cuit a l'ancienne. Paris.
FRANKEL, E.M. Coffee making comparisons. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1917, XXXII: 336-337.
FRANKEL, F. HULTON. Value of coffee brews. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1917, XXXIII: 238.
GENTIL, A.A.P. Dissertation sur le cafe et sur les moyens propres a prevenir les effets qui resultant de sa preparation, communement vicieuse, et en rendre la boisson plus agreable et plus salubre. Paris, 1797.
GIRAUD, A. Cafes de Paris, procedes uniques pour la preparation du cafe, glorias, grogs a l'americaine. Paris, 1853. 75 pp.
HARRIS, WILLIAM B. Coffee making comparisons. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1917, XXXII: 336-337.
How to make a cup of coffee. Godey's Lady's Book, LXIII: 107. Also, Sharpe's London Magazine, XLIV: 259.
MASSON, Abbe. Le cafe, ses proprietes, maniere nouvelles de la preparer. Epernay, 1885. 24 pp.
MASSON, P. Le parfait limonadier, ou la maniere de preparer le the, lecaffe, le chocolat. Paris, 1705.
MEITZKY, J.H. De vario coffeae potum parandi modo. Wittebergiae, 1782.
T., C. DE. Cafe francais: recette economique. Paris, 1824.
WILHELM, R.C. "Drip" method the best. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1916, XXXI: 338-339.
WILLCOX, O.W. About coffee-making methods. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1913, XXV: 618-620.
WOODRUFF, SYBIL. Standard strength in coffee brews. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1916, XXXI: 133-137.
WORLD'S largest coffee brewery. The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1919, XXXVI: 230-233.
DANNEMILLER, A.J. Coffee coating upheld. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1914, XXVII: 556-557.
HARRIS, WILLIAM B. Green and roast coffees, the adulteration and misbranding thereof. American Grocer, Nov. 19, 1913: 19-20.
KRZIZAN, R. Ueber Eiweiss-Kaffeeglasur. Zeitschrift fuer Nahrungs- und Genussmittel, 1906, XII: 213-216.
SCHAER, E. Notizen ueber die Firnisierung von Kaffeebohnen. Zeitschrift fuer Untersuchung der Nahrungs- und Genussmittel, 1906, XII: 60.
WILLCOX, O.W. Concerning glazed coffees. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1914, XXVI: 340-341.
CULTURED coffee activities. The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1921, XLI: 456-458.
GIRAUD, A. Le cafe perfectionne. Paris, 1846.
HARRIS, WILLIAM B. Making coffee for the consumer. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1914, XXVI: 335-338.
HOW soluble coffee is made. The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1921, XLI: 162-166.
PREPARATION of coffee for use. Penny Magazine, III: 228.
WALKER, J. Handbook of coffee pulpers and pulping. Kandy, Ceylon, 1894: 36 pp.
DANIELS, CLINTON K. Daniels' golden coffee. 1882, 3 pp.
DETOXICATION of coffee. Scientific American, Mar. 27, 1915, CXII: 292.
NON-TOXIC coffee and tea. Scientific American, Nov. 13, 1909, CI: 346.
WIMMER, K. Caffeinless coffee. Scientific American, Apr. 11, 1908, XCVIII: 258.
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ACH, F.J. Roasting costs and accounting. The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1912, XXIII: 133.
BRAND, CARL W. Increased packing costs. The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1916, XXXI: 567-570.
BURNS, A. LINCOLN. Factory efficiency. The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1912, XXIII: 30-33.
DAUSSE. Manuel de l'amateur du cafe, ou l'art de torrefier les cafes convenablement, base sur l'analyse chemique. Paris, 1846.
ELECTRIC coffee roasting in Germany. Electrical World, 1906, XLVIII: 117-178.
EVOLUTION of the coffee roaster. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1910, XVIII: 390-392.
GILLIES, EDWIN J. Getting a roasting profit. The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1912, XXIII: 65-68.
HOLSTAD, S.H. Keeping tab on costs. The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1912, XXIII: 68-70.
KING, JOHN E. Grinding and packing coffee. The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1917, XXXIII: 552-555.
KNOWLTON, H.S. Power installation of a coffee-roasting and spice-grinding plant. Electrical World, 1905, XLV: 678-681.
MCGARTY, M.J. Scientific coffee roasting. The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1916, XXXI: 336-337.
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WILHELM, R.C. The color of the roast. The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1916, XXXI: 428-429.
WRIGHT, GEORGE S. Automatic weighing tests. The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1915, XXIX: 568-570.
ZINSMEISTER, LEE G. Roasting economies. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1914, XXVII: 558-561; 1915, XXIX: 545-550.
BARBIER. Le cafe comme desinfectant. Journal de Medecine et Pharmacie de l'Algerie, 1881, VI: 315-318.
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HEIM, L. Ueber den antiseptischen Werth des geroesteten Kaffees. Muenchener medicinische Wochenschrift, 1886, XXXIV: 293-312.
OPPLER. Der Kaffee als Antisepticum. Deutsche militaeraerztliche Zeitschrift, 1885, XIV: 567-577.
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CARON, D.A. Coffee and milk as a diet. Journal of Franklin Institute, LXIV: 349.
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DUSART, O. Etude critique sur l'action physiologique et therapeutique des medicaments dits antideperditeurs: cafe, coca, etc. Tribune medicale, 1874, VII: 197-200.
ENGLISH, W. Reply to objections against the use of tea and coffee. Lancet, 1833-4, II: 75.
GOLINER. Ueber unschaedlichen Kaffeegenuss. Frauenarzt, 1906, XXI: 205.
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HAMILTON, W. On the medical properties of the coffee arabica. Pharmaceutical Journal, 1851, X: 450-454.
HOLLAND, J.W. Coffee as a preventive for malarial diseases. Louisville Medical News, 1876, I: 63-65.
HORNEMANN, E. Kaffe-Sporgsmaalet. (Hygienic value of coffee.) Hygieniske Meddelelser, Kjbenhavn, 1864. IV: pt. 3, 286-310.
MEDICINAL properties of the husk of the coffee bean. Scientific American Supplement, Mar. 7, 1903, LV: 22-123.
ON the medical properties of coffea arabica. Pharmaceutical Journal, X: 450-454.
PAUL, J. On coffee, its medical, disinfecting, and dietetic properties. New Jersey Medical Reporter, 1851-2, V: 265, 297.
ROQUES, J. Note sur les proprietes medicales du cafe. Bulletin general de Therapeutique, 1835, VIII: 289-294.
"S. CULAPIUS." The healthfulness of coffee. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1913, XXV: 27-28, 129-130, 239-240, 345-346, 449-450; 1914, XXVI: 137-138.
SQUIBB. Tea and coffee as therapeutic substitutes for coca and guarana. Ephemeris of Materia Medica, 1884, II: 637-647.
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WEITENWEBER, W.R. Diaetetischmedicinische Wuerdigung des Caffees. Oesterreichische medicinische Wochenschrift, 1845, pp. 1551, 1583.
—— Therapeutische Abhandlung ueber den Caffee. Medicinische Jahrbuecher des kaiserl. koenigl. oesterreichischen Staates. 1846. LVIII: 1, 139.
ALCOTT, WILLIAM ALEXANDER. Tea and coffee: their physical, intellectual, and moral effects on the human system, rev. ed. Manchester, 1877. 31 pp. Also in German, Berlin, 1869.
BOEHMER, G.R. Pr.... inessentiae coffeae in novellis publicis nuper commendatae virtutem inquirit. Wittebergae, 1782.
BOMBY, R. Le cafeisme. Paris, 1905.
BONA, G. DALLA. Dell' uso e dell' abuso del caffe, dissertazione storico-fisico-medica. Verona, 1751.
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BRAEUNINGER, J.M. De potus caffe usu et abusu. Erfordiae, 1725.
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BUC'HOZ, P.J. Dissertation sur l'utilite et les bons et mauvaises effets du tabac, du cafe, du cacao et du the. Paris, 1775.
CALKINS, A. Opium and opium appetite, with notices of alcoholic beverages, Cannabis indica, tobacco and coca, and tea and coffee, in their hygienic aspects and pathologic relations. New York, 1871.
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CROTHERS, T.D. (Effects of the coffee habit.) In his, Morphinism and narcomanias from other drugs. 1902, pp. 303-305.
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GLEDITSCH, J.G. De potus cofe abusu catalogum morborum augente. Lipsiae, 1744.
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HUSS, M. Om kaffe, dess bruk och missbruk; en folkskrift. Stockholm, 1865.
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KLAMANN, CARL, publisher. Der Kaffee in seiner heutigen Bedeutung als Nahrungs- und Genussmittel. Hamburg, 1882. 48 pp.
KNOLL, J.C.G. Lettre a un ami sur les operations du caffe. Quedlinbourg, 1752.
LAVEDAN, ANTONIO. Tratado de los usos, abusos propriedades y virtudes del tabaco, cafe, te y chocolate. Madrid, 1796. 237 pp.
LEMARE-PIQUET, DE HONFLEUR. Etudes experimentales de medecin, contenant des observations sur l'action dynamique du cafe. Paris, 1864.
LINNE, CARL VON. Dissertatio medica, in qua potus coffeae, leviter adumbratur. Upsaliae, 1761. 18 pp.
LORAND, ARNOLD. Coffee. In his, Health through rational diet. Philadelphia, 1913. pp. 309-313. Excerpts reprinted in, Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1913, XXIV: 24-26.
—— On other stimulants—tea, coffee, cocoa, tobacco: their merits and disadvantages. In his, Old age deferred, Philadelphia, 1910. pp. 362-367. Excerpts reprinted in, Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1911, XX: 188-190.
MAPPUS, M. De potu cafe. Argentorati, 1693.
MARCHAND, N.L. Recherches organographiques et organogeniques sur le coffea arabica. L. Paris, 1864. 48 pp.
MASSON, V.P. De l'usage et de l'abus du the et du cafe. Paris, 1848.
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MOSELEY, B.M. A treatise concerning the properties and effects of coffee. London, 1785. 69 pp.
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OTTLEBEN, F.B. De potus ex coffeae seminibus parati noxio effectu. Helmstadii, 1870.
PLAZ, A.G. De potus cofe abusu catalogum morborum augente. Lipsiae, 1763. Also, in his, De jucundis morborum causis, Lipsiae, 1754. pp. 20-54.
POORE, G.V. Coffee and tea. London, 1883. 44 pp.
PROZOROVSKI, I.D. Vliyanie kofe i niekotorikh yevo surrogatov na bolieznetvorniye nizshie organizmi. (The effect of coffee and of some of its substitutes upon pathogenic organisms.) St. Petersburg, 1895.
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RIANT, AIME. Le cafe, le chocolat, le the. Paris, 1875. 160 pp.
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SABARTHEZ, H. Etude physiologique du cafe. Paris, 1870.
SAINT-ARROMAN, A. De l'action du cafe, du the, et du chocolat sur la sante, et de leur influence sur l'intelligence et le moral de l'homme. Bruxelles, 1845. Also in English, Philadelphia, 1846. 90 pp.
SALEEBY, C.W. Tea, coffee, cocoa and tobacco. In his, Health, strength and happiness, New York, 1908. pp. 190-208. Reprinted in, Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1908, XV: 299-301
—— Worry, drugs and drink. In his, Worry: the disease of the age, New York, 1907. pp. 93-110. Excerpts reprinted in, Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1911, XX: 190-192.
SAMUEL, H. De usu et abusu potus coffee. Duisburgh ad Rhenum, 1747.
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ABD-AL-KADIR ANSARI DJEZERI HANBALI. Auszug aus dem Werke: Deutliche Darstellung ueber den erlaubten Gebrauch des Kaffee's; aus dem Arabischen von Sontheimer. Wissenschaftliche Annalen der gesammten Heilkunde, 1834, XXIX: 129-160.
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AMORY, ROBERT. Coffee as a beverage: its use and abuse. Boston Medical and Surgical Journal, 1909, CLX: 611-613. Also, Journal of Inebriety, 1910, XXXII: 23-27; Scientific American Supplement, Jan. 1910, LXIX: 26-27.
BALLAND, A. Les cafes. Annales d'Hygiene, 1904, 4 ser., II: 497-532.
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BRAM, I. The truth about coffee drinking. Medical Summary, 1913, XXXV: 168-173.
BRIDGE, N. Coffee-drinking as a frequent cause of disease. Association of American Physicians, Transactions, 1893, VIII: 281-288.
CABANES. Une legende sur le cafe. Journal de Medecin de Paris, 1892, 2 ser., IV: 511. Also, translated, Cincinnati Lancet-Clinic, 1893, n. s. XXX: 13-17.
CHARANNE, H. Coffee. Journal of the Medical Society of New Jersey, 1911-2, VIII: 19-22.
CHEEVER, D.W. Properties of coffee. Atlantic Monthly, III: 35.
COLE, J. On the deleterious effects produced by drinking tea and coffee in excessive quantities. Lancet, 1832-3, II: 274-478.
COLETTI, F. Sull'azione del caffe. Gazzetta medica italiana, provincie venete, 1862, V: 424, 429, 440, 458; 1863, VI: 20.
COMBEMALE F. Quelques reflexions a propos d'un cas de cafeisme chronique. Bulletin de la Societe centrale de Medecine du Nord, 1900, 2 ser., IV: 77-87. Also, L'Echo medical du Nord, 1900, IV: 97-100.
COMMAILLE, A. Etude sur le cafe. Moniteur scientifique, 1876, 3 ser., VI: 779-785.
COUGHLIN, R.E. Use and abuse of coffee. New York Medical Journal, 1911, XCIV: 283-285.
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CRETAL, M. Un cas de cafeisme chronique. Bulletin de la Societe centrale de Medecine du Nord, 1901, 2 ser., V: 165-167. Also, L'Echo medical du Nord, 1901, V: 318.
CURSCHMANN, H. Ein Fall von Kaffee-intoxication. Deutsche Klinik, 1873, XXV: 377-380.
DANIEL, M. Die Schaedlichkeit des Kaffees. Leipziger medizinische Monatsschrift, 1907, XVI; 38-40.
DA SILVA, P.J. O cafe e a saude publica. Correiro (O) medico de Lisboa, 1873-4, III: 282; 1874-5, IV: 27, 206.
DORVAULT. Note pharmacologique sur le cafe et la cafeine. Bulletin general de Therapeutique, 1850, XXXVIII: 498-502.
DUPOUY. De l'influence du cafe au point de vue social et hygienique. Medecin, 1878, IV: no. 44, 1.
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FORT, J.A. Des effets physiologiques du cafe; d'apres des experiences faites sur l'auteur. Bulletin general de Therapeutique, 1883, CIV: 550-554. Also, Comptes rendus de l'Academie des Sciences, 1883, XCVI: 793-796.
FRANKEL, F. HULTON. Coffee truly a food. The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1917, XXXII: 142.
GASPARIN. Sur le regime alimentaire des mineurs belges; influence remarquable du cafe. Bulletin general de Therapeutique, 1850, XXXVIII: 380-383. Also, Comptes rendus de l'Academie des Sciences, 1850, XXX: 397-403.
GILLES DE LA TOURETTE, and GASNE. Sur l'intoxication chronique par le cafe. Bulletin et Memoires de la Societe medicale des Hopitaux, 1895, 3 ser., XII: 558-566.
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LIEBIG, J. VON. Coffee. Pharmaceutical Journal, 1886, II. pt. 7, 412, 416. Also, in German, Zeitschrift fuer gerichtliche Medicin, 1867, III: 78, 88.
LLOYD, JOHN URI. Concerning coffee. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1913, XXV: 555-560.
LOVE, I.N. Coffee; its use and abuse. Journal of the American Medical Association, 1891, XVI: 219-221.
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—— Some facts and fallacies about coffee. Gulf States Journal of Medicine and Surgery, 1910, XVI: 352-357.
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RICHARDSON, H. The coffee habit. Dietetic and Hygienic Gazette, 1906, XXII: 385-389.
ROCH, M. La cafeisme chronique. Archives des Maladies du Coeur, 1916. IX: 19-33. Also, Revue medicale de la Suisse Romande, 1914, XXXIV: 217-219.
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SCHUeRHOFF. Ist der maasvolle Gebrauch von Alkohol, Kaffee, Tabac usw. dem Menschen schaedlich? Deutsch-Amerikanische Apotheker-Zeitung, 1911-2, XXXII: 4.
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USE of coffee as a beverage. Harper's Weekly, Jan. 21, 1911, LV: 26.
VIAUD. Le vertige stomacal et le cafeisme. Tribune medicale, 2 ser., XXIX: 928-930.
WALLACE. On the decrease in use of coffee as a beverage. Analyst, 1884, IX: 42-44. Also, Polyclinic, 1883-4, I: 169.
WESSELHOEFT, W. On the effects of coffee and their remedy. Journal of Inebriety, 1909, XXXI: 176-182. Also, Boston Medical and Surgical Journal, 1909, CLX: 608-611.
WILEY, HARVEY W. Our national beverages. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1912, XXII, Supplement to no. 6, 33-38.
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WILHITE, P.A. Coffee and its effects. Transactions of the South Carolina Medical Association, 1882, XXXII: 83-86.
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BERTRAND, GABRIEL. Sur les cafes sans cafeine. Comptes rendus de l'Academie des Sciences, 1905. CXLI: 209-211. Also, Bulletin des Sciences Pharmacologiques, 1905, XII: 152.
BORDET, M. Sur un cafe rendu inoffensif par la decafeination. Bulletin general de Therapeutique, 1910, CLIX: 770-773.
CHASSEVANT, ALLYRE. Emploi du cafe decafeine en therapeutique. Bulletin general de Therapeutique, 1912, CLXIV: 860-864.
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HARNACK, E. Ueber den coffeinfreien Kaffee Deutsche medizinische Wochenschrift, 1908, XXXIV: 1943-1946; 1909, XXXV: 254.
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SCHLESINGER, E. Zur Gesichte des coffeinfreien Kaffees. Deutsche medizinische Wochenschrift, 1908, XXXIV: 2228.
WIMMER, K. Ueber coffeinfreien Kaffee, ein neues Genussmittel. Verhandlung der Gesellschaft deutscher Naturforscher und Aerzte, 1909, pt. 2, 111-118.
COFFEE-CHEWING habit. Current Literature, 1903, XXXIV: 496.
BUTLER, GEORGE F. (Caffein). In his, Materia Medica, therapeutics and pharmacology. 5th ed., 1906. pp. 256-259.
HARE, H. AMORY. Physiological action of caffein. In his, Practical therapeutics. 13th ed., 1909, p. 142.
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HUCHARD, HENRY. De la cafeine dans les affections du coeur. O. Bois, 1882.
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KUNKEL, A.J. Handbuch der Toxikologie. Jena, 1899. 2 v. See index: Coffein, Kaffee.
LEBLOND. Etude physiologique et therapeutique de la cafeine. Paris, 1883. 173 pp.
LEWIN, L. (Caffein poisoning.) In his, Traite de toxicologie, 1903, pp. 690-692.
MEYER, HANS H. and GOTTLIEB, R. Pharmacology, clinical and experimental, tr. by John T. Halsey. Philadelphia and London, 1914. 604 pp. See index: Caffeine.
PARISOT, E. Etude physiologique de l'action de la cafeine. Paris, 1890. 112 pp.
POTTER, S.O.L. Caffeina, caffeine. Physiological action. Therapeutics. In his, Therapeutics, materia medica and pharmacy, 4th ed. 1912. pp. 186-192.
RIVERS, W.H.R. The influence of alcohol and other drugs on fatigue. II. Caffeine. London, 1908. pp. 22-50, 127-130.
SCHUTZKWER, NACHUM. Das Coffein und sein Verhalten im Thierkoerper. Inaugural dissertation, Koenigsberg, 1882. 25 pp. Also, Schmidt's Jahrbuecher, 1883, CXCVIII: 232-233.
VOIT, CARL. Untersuchung ueber die Wirkung des Kaffee's auf den thierischen Organismus. In his, Untersuchung ueber den Einfluss des Kochsalzes, des Kaffee's und der Muskelbewegungen, Muenchen, 1860. pp. 67-147.
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WILHELM, F. Ist das Coffeon an der Kaffeewirkung beteiligt? Wuerzburg, 1895.
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—— Ueber das Verhalten des Coffeins und des Theobromins im Organismus. Archiv fuer experimentelle Pathologie und Pharmakologie, 1895, XXXV: 449-466.
ALBERS, J.F.H. Ueber die eigenthuemliche Wirkung des Theinum und Coffeinum citricum auf den thierischen Koerper. Deutsche Klinik, 1852, IV: 577-579.
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BUSQUET, H. and TIFFENEAU, M. Du role de la cafeine dans l'action cardiaque du cafe. Comptes rendus de l'Academie des Sciences, 1912, CLV: 362-365.
COGSWELL, CHARLES. On the local action of poisons. Lancet, 1852, No. 2: 488-491.
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FRANKEL, F. HULTON. Caffein as a body warmer. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1916, XXXI: 354-355.
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PARDI. Ricerche intormo alla funzione spermato-genetica negli animali avvelenati con caffe. Lo Sperimentale, LXV: 17-34.
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PILCHER, J.D. Alcohol and caffeine: a study of antagonism and synergism. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1911, III: 267-298.
REICHERT, E.T. The action of caffein on tissue metamorphosis and heat phenomena. New York Medical Journal, 1890, LI: 456-459.
—— The empyreumatic oil of coffee, or caffeone. Medical News, 1890, LVI: 476-478.
RIBAUT, H. Influence de la cafeine sur la production de chaleur chez l'animal. Comptes rendus de la Societe de Biologie, 1901, LIII (2. ser., III): 295-296.
RIEGEL, F. Ueber die therapeutische Verwendung der Caffein-praeparate. Wiener medizinische Blaetter, 1884, VII: 615-619. Also, Berlin klinische Wochenschrift, 1884, XXI: 289.
RUGH, J.T. Profound toxic effects from the drinking of large amounts of strong coffee. Proceedings of the Philadelphia County Medical Society, 1896, XVII: 195. Also, Medical and Surgical Reporter, 1896, LXXV: 549; Quarterly Journal of Inebriety, 1897, XIX: 62-64.
SALANT, WILLIAM, and RIEGER, J.B. Elimination and toxicity of caffein in nephrectomized rabbits. U.S. Dept. of Agriculture. Bureau of Chemistry. Bulletin, 1913, CLXVI.
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STENSTROeM, THOR. Ueber die Coffeinhyperglykaemie. Biochemische Zeitschrift, 1913, XLIX: 225-231.
STERRETT, R.M. Coffee; a drug. Chicago Medical Times, Jan. 1910, XLIII.
THE TRUE "poison in the coffee cup." Medical Record, 1885, XXVII: 191.
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WAENTIG, PERCY. Ueber den Gehalt des Kaffeegetraenkes an Koffein und die Verfahren zu seiner Ermittelung. Arbeiten a. d. kaiserl. Gesundheitsamte, 1906, XXIII: 315-332.
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WEISMANN. Ein Fall von schweren Vergiftungs erscheinungen durch einmaligen unmaessigen Genuss von Kaffee. Zeitschrift fuer Bahn- und Bahnkassenaerzte, 1906, I: 806.
ZENETZ. Dangers of caffeine. Pharmaceutical Journal, 1900, 4th ser., X: 333.
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SQUIBB. Fluid extract of green coffee. Ephemeris of materia medica, 1884, II: 616-619.
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BURMANN, J. Recherches chimiques et physiologiques sur les principes nocifs du cafe torrefie. Bulletin general de Therapeutique, 1913, CLXVI: 379-400.
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JACKSON, S. On the influence upon health of the introduction of tea and coffee in large proportion into the dietary of children and the labouring classes. American Medical Association. Transactions, 1848, II: 635-644. Also, American Journal of Medical Science, 1849, n.s. XVIII: 79-86.
TAYLOR, C.K. Effects of coffee drinking on children. Psychological Clinic, 1912-13, VI: 56-58.
WILLIAMS, T.A. A case of psychasthenia in a child aged two years, due to coffee drinking. Archives of Pediatrics, 1910, XXVII: 778-782. Also, Pacific Medical Journal, 1911, LIV: 221-225.
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BESSER. Die harnsaeurevermehrende Wirkung des Kaffees und der Methylxanthin beim Normalen und Gichtkranken. Therapie der Gegenwart, 1909, n.s. XI: 321-327.
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DUMONT, A. Experiences relative a l'influence du cafe sur l'excretion de l'uree urinaire. Revue medicale, 1888, VII: 257-260.
FAUVEL. Action du chocolat et du cafe sur l'excretion urique. Comptes rendus de la Societe de Biologie, 1908, LXIV: 854-856.
—— Influence du chocolat et du cafe sur l'acide urique. Comptes rendus de l'Academie des Sciences, 1906, CXLII: 1428-1430; 1909, CXLVIII: 1541-1544.
FUBINI, S., and OTTOLENGHI. Influenza della caffeina e dell' infuso caffe sulla quantita giornaliera di urea emessa dall' uomo colle urine. Giornale della reale Accademia di Medicina di l'Orino, 1882, ser. 3, XXX: 570-574.
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