THE CRUISE OF THE 'GOLDEN FLEECE.' A Story of Adventure in the Days of Philip and Mary. By SARDIUS HANCOCK. With coloured frontispiece and eight other illustrations by J. FINNEMORE, R.I. Large crown 8vo, cloth gilt, 3s. 6d.
This is a stirring story of the days of Queen Mary, and is full of exciting adventure. It opens with the ill-fated expedition led by Sir Thomas Wyatt. Philip St. Ledger, one of Wyatt's followers, falls in love with Barbara Lillingworth, and is shipped on board the 'Golden Fleece' by his rival, to get him out of the way. Then follow many adventures in the West Indies, where the rivals meet. There are battles at sea and on the land, both in the West Indies and in the Netherlands, where Philip's rival tries to effect his death and ruin, finally invoking the aid of the Inquisition.
* * * * *
The Boy's Library of Adventure & Heroism.
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A vigorous and vivid story of boy life in a London slum. The young hero will win the sympathy and regard of every reader. His courage, his love for his mother and sister, his faithfulness to his trust, make the story of his family fortunes irresistibly attractive to boy readers.
The School Guardian says: 'An excellent prize-book for boys, and one which they would thoroughly enjoy.'
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The doings of Charlie Winter, expelled from college for misconduct, form a story abounding in adventure. Ashamed to return home, he enlists and is sent to South Africa, and is taken prisoner at an early stage. Escaping from Pretoria, he takes part in many battles and forms a member of the Ladysmith relief force. Warned by his early fall, he redeems his character and wins the Victoria Cross.
The Yorkshire Post says: 'It is a rattling good story, which will appeal strongly to boys.'
The English Churchman says: 'The story is full of interest for boys.'
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Boys who love stories of plucky deeds will find 'With Rifle and Kukri' altogether to their taste. The heroic deeds called forth by England's 'little wars' along the Indian frontier—the dashing exploits of the Gurkhas and others of our native allies—the coolness with which the handful of Englishmen in India met the outbreak of the Great Mutiny—all these are narrated in stirring language by an author whose local knowledge is extensive and exact.
* * * * *
The Boy's Library of Adventure & Heroism.
MELTONIANS ALL! By F. COWLEY WHITEHOUSE. With three coloured illustrations by J. FINNEMORE, R.I. Large crown 8vo, cloth gilt, 3s. 6d.
A capital boy's book, giving a stirring account of life in a great public school. All three heroes of the tale are very attractive to the reader, while the touch of tragedy describing the noble self-sacrifice of one of them further deepens the interest of this lively story.
The Daily Mail says: 'A thoroughly healthy school story, which touches neither too lightly nor too heavily upon the responsibilities of boyhood.'
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This is a story of the days of Napoleon, and his threatened invasion of England. Two boys are kidnapped and carried to France, from where, after many adventures, they escape and return to England, bringing with them a lady and her daughter, who had been ruined by the Revolution. It is especially suited for Boy Scouts.
* * * * *
The name of Talbot Baines Reed will always be associated with fascinating, healthy stories for boys, dealing with public school life, and early business careers. No writer has been able more skilfully to give his characters a real personality, or to portray more faithfully their failures, sharp struggles and final successes.
With Seven Full-page and Sixteen other Illustrations in the Text. Large crown 8vo, cloth gilt, 3s. 6d.
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With Seven Full-page Illustrations by Alfred Pearse. Large crown 8vo, cloth gilt, 3s. 6d.
A splendid story of school life. The rollicking fun of the juniors, the rivalry among the seniors, the school elections, the football match, are told in such a forcible manner that the tale will prove a source of delight to all boys—young and old.
With Seven Full-page and Eight other Illustrations in the Text. Large crown 8vo, cloth gilt, 3s. 6d.
A lively story, abounding in stirring incident and in humorous descriptions. A thoroughly healthy tale to place in the hands of a boy. It ought to become popular both as a gift and prize book.
With Seven Full-page Illustrations by ALFRED PEARSE. Large crown 8vo, cloth gilt, 3s. 6d.
The story of a big ungainly youth who seemed fated to be misunderstood and to be made the butt of his comrades. His trials at school, and as a tutor, and the unsympathetic treatment by his guardian are delightfully told.
* * * * *
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The Guardian says:—"Mr. Talbot Baines Reed knows how to tell a story, and he does himself justice in 'Roger Ingleton, Minor,' in which he makes an excellent book out of the return of a long-lost half-brother who had gone out alone into the world, many years previously, after a bitter quarrel with his father. The discovery of the missing brother is not accomplished without many exciting incidents, out of which Mr. Reed weaves his plot."
The Aberdeen Free Press says:—"This story has a modern atmosphere. The plot is very skilfully constructed and the interest is maintained up to the last page."
SIR LUDAR: A Story of the Days of the Great Queen Bess.
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The Aberdeen Free Press says:—"This is a stirring tale of adventure with plenty of fighting."
PARKHURST BOYS, and other Stories of School Life.
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In this volume are brought together a large number of the miscellaneous stories written from time to time for the Boy's Own Paper by Talbot Baines Reed. The collection is prefaced by an appreciation of Mr. Reed as boy and man, and it contains some of his best work and his brightest wit. There are seven sketches of life at Parkhurst School; eleven character delineations of "Boys we have known"—such as "The Bully," "The Sneak"; twelve representations of "Boys of English History"; and seven other short stories of boy life and interest.
* * * * *
The Boy's Own Series.
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The School Guardian says: 'A very readable tale with plenty of "go" in it.'
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This book will be read with eager interest and profit by all boys and girls. The author has produced quite a number of beautiful characters, and some the reverse of beautiful. Lancelot is undoubtedly the hero, and a splendid one, too, but there are several heroines who run him close in the race of unselfishness and purity of character. Boys will vote the book 'jolly' and 'stunning,' and unconsciously they will have themselves imbibed a wholesome draught from a carefully written and good story.
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A breezy boy's book of adventures in the North Sea. It will be sure to interest lads who are leaving school, and are wondering what the future holds in store for them. Honesty, bravery, and a readiness to seize opportunities for advancement are upheld in this well-written story.
The British Weekly says: 'The book is full of adventure, and is most readable.'
The Liverpool Daily Post says: 'A story of adventure on sea and land, which boys will read with avidity, for Jack, among other things, had to find the way out of a very awkward predicament.'
* * * * *
The Boy's Own Series.
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The hero of Dr. Gordon Stables' new work is a London boy about whose origin there is a mystery, which is skilfully dealt with and satisfactorily solved. A story of the sea, which the author's many admirers will be eager to read.
The Record says: 'It is a bright and breezy volume, and will please boys immensely.'
The Schoolmaster says: 'This is a good rattling story of a street arab who has a series of interesting and exciting adventures.'
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The Examiner says: 'Allan Adair, the only son of his widowed mother, distinguishes himself as a lad in helping to save a vessel in distress, and in return is offered a berth by the owners in one of their ships. Of course he accepts, and a life of world-wide travel and incident is the result. Among many exciting episodes may be mentioned shooting "rattlers" in the Sierras, encounters with narwhals and bears in the Arctic regions, a hairbreadth escape on the terrible ice-river of Spitzbergen, and adventures among the savages of Patagonia.'
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'Gallant Sir John' is a stirring, exciting tale of the days when Henry V. was gaining successive victories in France. At the same time Wyckliffe's Bible was being circulated by the Lollards, who were being hounded to exile, outlawry and death by the priests of Rome. Once begun this story will hold the reader to the end, for he will be taken into the very heart of those troublous times, and will witness many a thrilling scene.
* * * * *
THE SHELL-HUNTERS: Their Wild Adventures by Land and Sea.
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This is one of Dr. Gordon Stables' stories of adventure. A middle-aged man and a couple of boys make a voyage of discovery in the South Seas. The tale is full of exciting incidents and hairbreadth escapes so dear to the heart of all boys; and it has the advantage of being cleverly illustrated by ALFRED PEARSE.
HAROLD, THE BOY EARL. A Story of Old England.
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ILDERIM, THE AFGHAN. A Tale of the Indian Border.
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The Guardian says:—"The pictures of the South Sea Islanders are evidently drawn from life, and the accounts of the kidnappers, both cannibal and slave-hunting, are well told and full of grim interest."
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* * * * *
UNTRUE TO HIS TRUST; or, Plotters and Patriots.
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The Sheffield Independent says:—"A piece of masterly historical painting."
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The Glasgow Herald says:—"Possesses all the qualities which young readers for whom it is intended can best appreciate. These are narrow escapes and strange experiences, and adventures full of excitement both on land and sea. The volume has some exciting illustrations."
The English Churchman says:—"A good story of adventure."
The Liverpool Courier says:—"This is a stirring tale of an adventurous voyage in which exciting incidents follow one another in rapid succession."
DUCK-LAKE. Stories of the Canadian Backwoods.
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The Sheffield Daily Independent says:—"It is a spirited story of the Canadian backwoods, in three sections. The characters include Canadian settlers and North American Indians. A number of well-drawn illustrations assist the young reader to realise the physical type of the people who move in the story."
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* * * * *
THE SETTLERS OF KAROSSA CREEK, and Other Stories of Australian Bush Life.
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"The Settlers of Karossa Creek" is a rattling yarn which proves conclusively that the right hand of Louis Becke has not lost its cunning. It is a book that all healthy-minded boys will revel in, full of stirring adventures relating to the bush life of Australia and the islands of the Pacific. "The Settlers of Karossa Creek" will stir the blood of every lad and stimulate the impulses to patience, endurance, brave daring, and true knightliness. The health-giving fragrance of the sea and the free, glad, open life of new lands are in it from first page to last.
By J. MACDONALD OXLEY, B.A., author of "North Overland with Franklin," "Archie Mackenzie." Illustrated. Large crown 8vo, cloth gilt, 2s. 6d.
Mr. Macdonald Oxley, who knows so well how to tell a story of adventure and peril—here takes his young heroes out to India and the Far East, with a learned Professor whose duty it is to obtain specimens of beasts and birds. Their ramblings and the Professor's tasks bring them into a succession of highly critical situations, in which their lives are often in extreme peril. The qualities of self-control, manliness and courage are in constant demand. Boys and girls—more especially those with a taste for travel and natural history—should find the book "irresistible."
By E. C. KENYON. With Four Illustrations. Large crown 8vo, cloth gilt, 2s. 6d.
A story of adventure during the great Civil War, when King Charles I. and his Parliament resorted to the arbitrament of the sword to decide who should have the mastery. The hero is a Roundhead, and the heroine is a charming young person, whose hand a hard-hearted guardian seeks to dispose of in a manner to which her heart consents not. The author is not carried into any excess of partisanship, though his sympathies are obvious, and we can confidently recommend the story as a very good specimen of grand historical romance. The air resounds to the clashing of swords—so to say—but the love element occupies the place of supreme interest throughout, and will hold the interest of the reader without fail.
* * * * *
THROUGH FIRE and THROUGH WATER. A Story of Adventure and Peril.
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The School Guardian says:—"To boys who like plenty in their books and that of a decidedly stirring order, 'Through Fire and Through Water' may be highly commended. Jack Smith's ambition to be a sailor and how it was finally gratified notwithstanding the obstacles that intervene, his capture by Algerian pirates, and his subsequent rescue.... The story never flags for a moment; it goes with a swing from start to finish."
The Story of Chalmers' Adventurous Life told for Boys.
TAMATE: The Life and Adventures of a Christian Hero.
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The Christian Leader says:—"The story of the great New Guinea missionary and explorer cannot be told too often. Here it is told to boys, and it will be strange indeed if it does not at once prove a real success. James Chalmers was as brave a man as ever lived. His exploits and hairbreadth escapes were legion, and it is practically a series of these that are narrated in the present volume, with all the rapidity and spirit that the boyish temper loves. The writer has to some extent made use of the materials already drawn up for his biography, but he has had access also to letters and diaries hitherto unpublished, and from these vivid pages we gain a clearer idea than ever of his hero. A lion-hearted soul! The boy reader will find him irresistible."
CONDEMNED TO THE GALLEYS. The Adventures of a French Protestant.
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The Expository Times says:—"Let the boy who wants authentic history and excitement combined read 'Condemned to the Galleys,' by Jean Marteilhe."
The Northern Whig says:—"It is a most interesting and reliable work, giving a story which reads like the most fascinating fiction, but is really the genuine history of the sufferings and adventures of a young Protestant."
* * * * *
Every Boy's Bookshelf.
A New Series of Eighteenpenny Stories for Boys, full of stirring adventure. Each with two illustrations in colours and coloured medallion on cover. Large crown 8vo, cloth gilt, 1s. 6d.
SKYLARK: His Deeds and Adventures. By M. GENESTE. With two coloured illustrations by W. E. WIGFULL. Crown 8vo, cloth gilt, 1s. 6d.
Skylark, so named from his propensity for 'larking' and practical joking, is not only a favourite at school on account of his sunny disposition, but a real influence for good because of the uniform 'straightness' of his conduct. His adventures include a fire at the school, in which he nearly perishes, and being kidnapped and carried off to France, having stumbled on evidence tending to identify the authors of a burglary. Altogether the book is full of incident.
CAVE PERILOUS: A Tale of the Bread Riots. By L. T. MEADE. With two coloured illustrations. Crown 8vo, cloth gilt, 1s. 6d.
A very brightly written tale, full of incident and adventure, of English life nearly a century ago.
The Scotsman says: 'A spirited and interesting tale of adventure in which a boy and girl, shut up in a wild cave, but sustained by a sturdy piety, contrive not only to extricate themselves, but to discover and recover a lost parent who had been kidnapped. It is written with a catching vivacity, and is sure to be a favourite with young readers.'
THE TURQUOISE RING. By IDA LEMON. With two coloured illustrations. Crown 8vo, cloth gilt, 1s. 6d.
A brightly written story that will hold the boy reader's attention all through. It is full of incident, and is told with the author's well-known skill.
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A book that will delight both old and new schoolfellows. A number of old schoolfellows find themselves established not far from each other, and form a society for relating their own adventures and the adventures of schoolmates known to them. The stories are capitally told, and in the Captain's Story, the Lawyer's Story, the Doctor's Story, &c., &c., we are given striking examples of what the boy may become if he starts with the right motives. Also several disastrous failures give necessary warnings against laxity of conduct and morals.