President-elect. His trying position during interregnum; his election the signal for secession; damaged by persistent opposition of New York "Tribune"; his opinion of the proposed constitutional amendment to guarantee slavery; declared elected by electoral count; alleged plot to assassinate; maintains silence during winter; privately expresses dislike of compromise; declares against interfering with slavery; pronounces for coercing seceded States; his journey to Washington; warned of plot against; speeches in Pennsylvania; induced to avoid danger; accused of cowardice; his own opinion as to plot; question of his real danger; visited by Peace Congress; impresses visitors by his appearance; inauguration of; his address; states intention to enforce laws; repeats opposition to extension only of slavery; his previous denunciations remembered by South; shows statesmanship in emphasizing Union.
President—First Term. Appears tranquil after entering office; not over-confident, but resolved on doing his duty; disheartened by lack of support at North; not trusted by leaders of Republican party; feels isolation; his cabinet; seeks representatives of all views; prefers individual strength to unity in cabinet; criticised by radical Republicans; has difficulties in satisfying Cameron; dissuades Seward from refusing to join cabinet; his statement of purpose to Virginia commissioners; annoys South by failing to notice it; irritates Northern extremists; asks opinion of Scott as to relieving Sumter; asks advice of cabinet; promises South to take no action without warning; again asks cabinet; forms plan to relieve Fort Pickens; spoils plan to relieve Sumter by sending Powhatan to Pensacola; announces intention to provision Sumter; admits blame for failure; question of his fault in delaying to relieve fort; issues proclamation calling for volunteers for three months; his purpose; expects Northerners to equal Southerners as fighters; calls Congress for special session; wishes to gain Kentucky; dreads effect of Baltimore riot on Border States; offers to send troops around Baltimore; soothes Maryland; cut off from North for a week; tries in vain to prevent Virginia from seceding; tries to secure Lee; successful in his policy for retaining Kentucky in Union; unable to reach North Carolina, Tennessee, or Arkansas; tries to aid Missouri loyalists; confident in efficiency of North; his capacities unknown to people; question of his "inspiration"; his masterfulness not realized; question as to his relations with advisers; obliged to restrain Chase and Seward; his relations with Chase; receives Seward's "Thoughts"; his reply to Seward; realizes his own responsibility and accepts it; receives absurd advice; proclaims blockade of Southern ports; advised to "close" ports; sees necessity of admitting war; decides to act efficiently without regard to Constitution; instructs Scott to watch Maryland legislature; issues order to arrest Maryland secessionists; orders Scott to suspend writ of habeas corpus; denounced by Taney; issues proclamation authorizing further suspension; states his argument to Congress; calls for more volunteers; takes pains with message which he sends to Congress; on neutrality of Kentucky; on blockade; on secession; appeals for ample means to end war; appoints McClellan to command Army of Potomac; avoids connection with Ball's Bluff affair; appoints McClellan to succeed Scott; sees that popular demand for action must be followed; puzzled by McClellan's refusal to move; forced to bear military responsibility; his freedom from self-seeking; urges McClellan to advance; discouraged by McClellan's illness, consults McDowell and Franklin; consults McClellan; exasperates McClellan by his action; appoints Stanton to succeed Cameron; his lack of personal feeling against Stanton; his patience toward Stanton; his letter to Halleck; wishes a direct attack; accused by McClellan's friends of meddling; decides to force action; issues General War Order No.; its purpose political rather than military; orders McClellan to move South; asks McClellan to justify his plan; calls council of generals; accepts McClellan's plan; insists on preservation of capital; political reasons for his anxiety to hold Washington; reasons why his plan should have been adopted; never convinced of superiority of McClellan's scheme; issues General War Order to secure Washington; unmoved by abuse of McClellan's enemies; relieves McClellan of general command; forced by Congress to divide Army of Potomac into corps; appreciates importance of Western operations; urges on Western generals; unable to supply troops; appoints Fremont to command Department of West; tries to guide Fremont; appealed to by Mrs. Fremont; removes Fremont, his reasons; sees military importance of Cumberland Gap; urges construction of a railroad there; urges Buell on; annoyed by Buell's refusal to move; death of his son; discusses plan to capture New Orleans; suddenly obliged to consider foreign affairs; his corrections on Seward's instructions to Adams; his statement of foreign relations in message of December, 1861; avoids either timidity or defiance; objects from beginning to seizure of Mason and Slidell; proposes to arbitrate the matter; thinks England's claim just; wisdom of his course in surrendering the envoys; unable to prevent slavery from entering into war, see vol. ii.; disapproves of Fremont's order freeing slaves of rebels; by rescinding it, makes an enemy of Fremont; revokes order of Hunter freeing slaves; takes responsibility of matter upon himself; prevents Cameron from urging arming of negroes; advises recognition of Hayti and Liberia; in message suggests compensated emancipation and colonization; approves bill abolishing slavery, with compensation, in District; signs bill prohibiting return of fugitive slaves; signs bill abolishing slavery in United States Territories; signs bill to emancipate slaves of rebels; slow to execute bill to enlist slaves; finally recognizes value of black troops; his conciliatory policy not followed by Congress; his reasons for advocating compensated emancipation; hopes to induce Border States to emancipate voluntarily; sends special message urging gradual emancipation; practically warns Border State men; denounced by both sides; tries in vain to persuade Border State representatives; his plans repudiated; repeats appeal in proclamation; his scheme impracticable, but magnanimous; sees future better than others; refrains from filling vacancies on Supreme Bench with Northern men; agrees to McClellan's peninsular campaign; still worried over safety of capital; neglects to demand any specific force to protect it; forced to detach troops from McClellan to reinforce Fremont; nearly orders McClellan to attack; his plan better than McClellan's; orders McDowell to return to Washington; alarmed at condition of defenses of capital; question of his error in retaining McDowell; shows apparent vacillation; explains situation in letter to McClellan; urges him to strike; annoyed by politicians; tries to forward troops; orders McDowell to join McClellan without uncovering capital; criticised by McClellan; refuses to let McDowell move in time; sends McDowell to rescue Banks; loses his head; insists on McDowell's movement; his blunder a fatal one; not a quick thinker; ruins McClellan's campaign; begins to lose patience with McClellan's inaction; appoints Halleck commander-in-chief; his constancy in support of McClellan; does not sacrifice McClellan as scapegoat; visits Harrison's Landing; avoids any partisanship in whole affair; appears better than McClellan in campaign; yet makes bad blunders; stands alone in failure; remains silent; allows Halleck a free hand; his reasons for appointing Halleck and Pope; decides to reappoint McClellan; shows sound judgment; places everything in McClellan's hands; indignant at slight results from Antietam; urges McClellan to pursue; his order ignored by McClellan; writes McClellan a blunt letter insinuating sluggishness or cowardice; replaces McClellan by Burnside; his extreme reticence as to his motives; attacked by Copperheads; criticised by defenders of the Constitution; harassed by extreme Abolitionists; denounced for not issuing a proclamation of emancipation; his reasons for refusing; explains his attitude as President toward slavery; struggles to hold Border States; general dissatisfaction with, in 1862; held inefficient by Chase; and by Congressmen; but believed in by people; addressed by Greeley with "Prayer of 20,000,000"; his reply to Greeley; his reply to Abolitionist clergymen; points out folly of a mere proclamation; thinks silently for himself under floods of advice; writes draft of Emancipation Proclamation; questions expediency of issuing; reads proclamation to cabinet; adopts Seward's suggestion to postpone until a victory; issues preliminary proclamation after Antietam; takes entire responsibility; not influenced by meeting of governors; fails to appease extremists; supported by party; thinks an earlier proclamation would not have been sustained; warned that he will cause loss of fall elections; always willing to trust people on a moral question; supported by Border States in election; renews proposals for compensated emancipation; favors it as a peaceful measure; his argument; fails to persuade Missouri to accept plan; issues definite proclamation; his remark on signing; tries to stimulate enlistment of blacks; threatens retaliation for Southern excesses; shows signs of care and fatigue; never asks for sympathy; slow to displace McClellan until sure of a better man; doubtful as to Burnside's plan of attack; refuses to accept Burnside's resignation after Fredericksburg; declines to ratify Burnside's dismissals; his letter to Hooker; suggestions to Hooker after Chancellorsville; opposes plan to dash at Richmond; directs Hooker to obey Halleck; appoints Meade to succeed Hooker; urges Meade to attack Lee after Gettysburg; angry at Meade's failure; his letter to Meade; annoyed by Democratic proposals for peace; refuses to receive Stephens.; annoyed by inaction of Rosecrans; urged to remove Grant; refuses to disturb him; his letter to Grant after Vicksburg; wishes Rosecrans to unite with Burnside; tries to encourage Rosecrans after Chickamauga; sends aid to Rosecrans; replaces him by Thomas and puts Grant in command in West; wishes Meade to attack in Virginia; refuses to interfere in finances; his attitude in Alabama affair; refuses foreign arbitration; asked by radicals to dismiss Seward; secures resignations of Chase and Seward, and then urges them to resume duties; his wisdom in avoiding a rupture; asks opinion of cabinet on admission of West Virginia; his reasons for signing bill; not alarmed by Copperhead societies; his relation to Vallandigham case; supports Burnside; sends Vallandigham within Confederate lines; replies to addresses condemning martial law; obliged to begin draft; insists upon its execution; his letter to Illinois Union Convention; shows necessity of war; impossibility of compromise; justifies emancipation; points to successes; really controls government autocratically; able to, because supported by people; gains military experience; has measure of generals; henceforward supervises rather than specifically orders; begged by Chandler to disregard conservatives; prepares address for Gettysburg; the address; his theory of "reconstruction"; recognizes a state government of Virginia; appoints military governors for conquered States; urges them to organize state governments; wishes only Union men to act; wishes bona fide elections; instructs new State organizers to recognize emancipation; fails to prevent quarrels; issues amnesty proclamation; proposes reconstruction by one tenth of voters; at first generally applauded; later opposed by Congress; on negro suffrage; doubts power of Congress over slavery in States; refuses to sign reconstruction bill; denounced by radicals; defends his course; his conference with Sherman, Grant, and Porter; wishes to let Davis escape; his authority appealed to by Sherman later; question of practicability of his plan; its generosity and humanity.
Reelection. Opposition to his reelection in Republican party; exasperates Congressmen by his independence; not disquieted by Chase's candidacy; desires reelection; trusts in popular support; letter of Pomeroy against; refuses Chase's resignation; renominated by Ohio and Rhode Island Republicans; opposition to, collapses; relations with Chase strained; accepts Chase's resignation; nominates as successor, Tod, who declines; forces Fessenden to accept Treasury; angers Missourians by refusing to remove Schofield; denounced by them and by Phillips; gradually wins support of Abolitionists; witty remark on Fremont's nomination; remark on Grant's candidacy; generally supported by local party organizations; the "people's candidate"; refuses to interfere actively to secure renomination; desires admission of delegates from South; nominated; question of his having dictated nomination of Johnson; accepts nomination; feels need of some military success; assailed by Greeley; embarrassed by Greeley's dealings with Confederate emissaries; authorizes Greeley to confer; charged by Greeley with failure; asked if he intends to insist on abolition; for political reasons, does not reply; renews call for soldiers; waits for military success; appoints Grant lieutenant-general; agrees not to interfere with Grant; wishes Grant success; astonished by a civil reply; under fire during Early's attack on Washington; discredited by fact of Washington's being still in danger; thanks Sherman for victory of Atlanta; rewards Sheridan for defeating Early; his election secured by these successes; urged by radicals to remove Blair; refuses at first, later does so; refuses to interfere in campaign; refuses to postpone call for more troops; refutes campaign slanders; prepares for defeat; re-elected easily; his remarks on election; refuses to intervene to secure counting of electoral votes of Border States; signs bill rejecting elections in Southern States, his reasons; shows magnanimity in appointing Chase chief justice; refuses to try to hasten matters; refuses to negotiate with Davis; permits Blair to see Davis; sends Seward to confer with Southern peace commissioners; later himself confers with them; insists on complete submission; other positions; recognizes decline of Confederacy; wishes to hasten peace by offer of money compensation and an amnesty proclamation; his scheme disapproved by cabinet; his second inaugural address.
Second Term. Possibly thinks Emancipation Proclamation unconstitutional; on its practical results; unable to touch institution of slavery; wishes a constitutional amendment; wishes it mentioned in Republican platform; on impossibility of renewing slavery; led to make war on slavery by situation; sees necessity of its abolition to secure results of war; unable to treat with seceded States; renews appeal for Constitutional amendment in 1864; exerts influence with Congressmen; congratulates crowd on passage of amendment; his responsibility in last weeks of war; forbids Grant to treat with Lee on political matters; conference with Grant, Sherman, and Porter; enters Petersburg; visits Richmond; speech on returning to White House; his disgust with office-seekers; superstitious concerning assassination; receives threats, but ignores them; persuaded to accept a guard; his remarks; refuses to consider Americans as his enemies; visits theatre, is assassinated; effect of his death upon history; general view of his character.
Personal Characteristics. General view, see vol. ii.; unfriendly views, see vol. i., see vol. ii.; abstemiousness, see vol. i.; ambition, see vol. i., see vol. ii.; business inefficiency, see vol. i., see vol. ii.; coarseness, see vol. i.; coolness, see vol. i., see vol. ii.; courage, see vol. i., see vol. ii.; development through life, see vol. i.; education, see vol. i.; eloquence, see vol. i., see vol. ii.; far-sightedness, see vol. i., see vol. ii.; honesty, see vol. i., see vol. ii.; humor, see vol. i., see vol. ii.; kindliness, see vol. i., see vol. ii.; legal ability, see vol. i.; loyalty, see vol. i., see vol. ii.; magnanimity, see vol. i., see vol. ii.; masterfulness, see vol. i., see vol. ii.; melancholy, see vol. i., see vol. ii.; military ability, see vol. i., see vol. ii.; modesty, see vol. i., see vol. ii.; morbidness, see vol. i.; patience, see vol. i., see vol. ii.; physical strength, see vol. i.; popular insight, see vol. i., see vol. ii.; reticence, see vol. i., see vol. ii.; shrewdness, see vol. i., see vol. ii.; superstition, see vol. ii.; tenacity, see vol. i., see vol. ii.; unselfishness, see vol. i., see vol. ii.; women, relations with, see vol. i.
Political Opinions. Blockade, see vol. i.; Border State policy, see vol. i., see vol. ii.; Compromise of 1850, see vol. i.; Constitution, see vol. i., see vol. ii.; Copperheads, see vol. ii.; disunion, see vol. i., see vol. ii.; draft, see vol. ii.; Dred Scott case, see vol. i.; emancipation, see vol. i., see vol. ii.; England, see vol. i., see vol. ii.; finance, see vol. i., see vol. ii.; habeas corpus, suspension of, see vol. i.; "house divided against itself", see vol. i.; internal improvements, see vol. i.; Kansas-Nebraska Bill, see vol. i.; Mexican war, see vol. i.; military events of war of Rebellion, see vol. ii.; negro soldiers, see vol. ii.; negro suffrage, see vol. ii.; office-seekers, see vol. ii.; party management, see vol. i., see vol. ii.; peace, terms of, see vol. ii.; reconstruction, see vol. ii.; slavery, see vol. i., see vol. ii.; Southern policy, see vol. i.; States' rights, see vol. i.; suffrage, see vol. i.; Trent affair, see vol. i.; war, purpose of, see vol. ii.; Wilmot Proviso, see vol. i.
Lincoln, Abraham, grandfather of Lincoln, emigrates to Kentucky, see vol. i.; his marriage; shot by Indians.
Lincoln, John, son of Mordecai, inherits property in New Jersey, see vol. i.; moves to Virginia; his descendants.
Lincoln, Mordecai, son of Samuel, lives in Scituate, Mass., see vol. i.; his descendants.
Lincoln, Mordecai, son of Mordecai, moves to Pennsylvania, see vol. i.; his property.
Lincoln, Mordecai, son of Abraham, saves life of Thomas Lincoln, see vol. i.
Lincoln, Samuel, ancestor of Lincoln, emigrates to New England, see vol. i.
Lincoln, Solomon, establishes Lincoln's pedigree, see vol. i.
Lincoln, Thomas, father of Abraham, see vol. i.; life saved from Indians; denies Puritan or Quaker ancestry; his parentage of Abraham denied; marries Nancy Hanks; his children; moves from Kentucky to Indiana; marries again; moves to Illinois; later relations with Abraham; his manner of fighting.
Logan, Stephen T., partnership with, and influence upon, Lincoln, see vol. i.; leader of Illinois bar; agrees with Lincoln to receive election to House in turn; defeated for Congress; manages Lincoln's candidacy in Republican Convention of 1860.
Longstreet, General James, sent to reinforce Jackson, see vol. ii.; enters Pennsylvania; sent to reinforce Bragg; at battle of Chickamauga; sent to crush Burnside; retreats from Sherman.
Louisiana, not ready for secession, see vol. i.; but prepared to resist coercion; plan of Lincoln to reconstruct, see vol. ii.
Lovejoy, Elijah P., killed at Alton, see vol. i.
Lovejoy, Owen, tries to commit Lincoln to joining Abolitionists, see vol. i.; prevents Lincoln's election as senator; in House in 1861; his rage after Trent affair; supports Lincoln in 1864, see vol. ii.
Lyons, Lord, suggested by Hicks as arbitrator between North and South, see vol. i.; instructed to insist on instant reply in Trent affair; confers with Seward.
McCall, General George A., favors McClellan's plan of campaign, see vol. i.; his division sent to aid McClellan, see vol. ii.
McClellan, George B., given command of Army of Potomac, see vol. i.; his record prior to 1861; his organizing ability; promoted to succeed Scott; his arrogance and contempt for civilians; causes discontent by inactivity; considers army unfit to move; unwilling from temperament to take any risks; fails to appreciate political situation; overestimates preparations of Confederates; overestimates Confederate numbers; wishes to end war by a crushing campaign; ignores Lincoln's suggestion to move; falls ill; hearing of conferences, becomes well and makes appearance; snubs McDowell and Chase; objects to a direct attack on Confederates; his plan; his opponents become a recognized faction; his scheme repudiated by Lincoln; protests and explains views; liberality of Lincoln towards; thinks politicians plot to destroy him; his plan accepted by Lincoln; discussion of its merit; makes mistake in insisting on his plan against Lincoln's wish; hampered by Lincoln's detaching men to protect Washington; discredited by Johnston's evacuation of Manassas; denounced Committee on Conduct of War; begins advance; annoyed at being relieved from general command; exasperated at action of Lincoln in forming corps and appointing commanders; authorizes Halleck to arrest Grant; approves Buell's plan; his career compared with Halleck's; promises to put down any slave insurrection, see vol. ii.; in spite of evacuation of Manassas, insists on Peninsular campaign; approved by corps commanders; estimate of forces needed to defend Washington; fears no danger from Manassas; protests against removal of Blenker's brigade; begins campaign at Fortress Monroe; besieges Yorktown; sneers at Lincoln's suggestion of storming it; his excuses always good; exasperated at retention of McDowell before Washington; question of his responsibility; not really trusted by Lincoln; still outnumbers enemy; letter of Lincoln to, answering his complaints; takes Yorktown; advances slowly; predicts Confederate evacuation of Norfolk; continues advance; forbidden to use McDowell so as to uncover Washington; protests; follows Lincoln's plan and extends right wing to meet McDowell; informed by Lincoln of withdrawal of McDowell to pursue Jackson; attacked by Johnston and Jackson; refuses to move for two weeks; wears out Lincoln's patience by delay; retorts sharply to suggestions; retreats to James River; writes bitter letter to Stanton; proves his incapacity to attack; wishes to resume offensive by James River; his prestige ruined at Washington; his recall demanded by Pope and Halleck; supported by Lincoln in spite of attacks; finally ordered to retreat; discussion of his conduct; beloved by army; predicts defeat of Pope; accused of failing to support Pope; exchanges telegrams with Halleck; his aid asked by Halleck after Pope's defeat; kept inactive during Pope's campaign; appointed by Lincoln, in spite of protests, to command in Washington; his fitness to reorganize army; describes steps taken to put him in command; cautious attitude toward Lee; at Antietam; welcomed by troops; fails to use advantages; urged by Lincoln to pursue; disappoints country by inaction; ordered by Lincoln to advance; letter of Lincoln to; fails to move; relieved from command; conduct of Lincoln towards; praised by conservative Democrats; endangers of emancipation; nominated for President; repudiates peace plank; his election hoped for by South.
McClernand, General John A., letter of Lincoln to, on difficulties of equipping armies, see vol. i.
McClure, A.K., on influence of New York "Tribune", see vol. ii.
McDougall, James A., in Congress in 1861, see vol. i.
McDowell, General Irwin, commands Federal army, see vol. i.; obliged to attack; at battle of Bull Run; summoned by Lincoln to consultation; does not tell McClellan; describes McClellan's appearance at conference; favors Lincoln's plan of campaign; appointed to command a corps; on force necessary to defend Washington, see vol. ii.; his corps retained at Washington; reasons of Lincoln for retaining; again ordered to support McClellan; ordered not to uncover Washington; prevented from advancing by Lincoln's superstition; ordered to turn and pursue Jackson; protests vigorously; obliged to abandon McClellan; foretells that Jackson will escape.
McLean, John, candidate for Republican nomination in 1860, see vol. i.
Magruder, General J.B., confronts McClellan at Yorktown, see vol. ii.; evacuates Yorktown.
Maine, Democratic gains in, during 1862, see vol. ii.
Mallory, S.R., in Confederate cabinet, see vol. i.
Malvern Hill, battle of, see vol. ii.
Maryland, passage of troops through, see vol. i.; effect of Baltimore conflict upon; danger of its secession; determines to stand neutral; importance of its action; furnishes South with troops; military arrests in, to prevent secession; Lee's invasion of, see vol. ii.
Mason, James M., captured by Wilkes, see vol. i.; imprisoned in Port Warren; surrendered.
Massachusetts, prepared for war by Governor Andrew, see vol. i.; sends troops to front.
Matteson, Governor Joel A., Democratic candidate for Senator in Illinois, see vol. i.
Maynard, Horace, in House in 1861, see vol. i.; approves Lincoln's emancipation scheme, see vol. ii.
Meade, General George G., on McClellan's organizing ability, see vol. i.; replaces Burnside in command, see vol. ii.; question of his powers; at Gettysburg; fails to attack; irritation of Lincoln with; offers to resign; urged in vain by Lincoln to attack; "campaign in mud"; enters Petersburg; at Appomattox.
Meigs, General Montgomery C., at Lincoln's council of war in January, 1862, see vol. i.
Memminger, C.G., in Confederate cabinet, see vol. i.
Mercer, Captain, Samuel, superseded by Porter under Lincoln's orders, see vol. i.
Mercier, M. Henri, letter of Greeley to, see vol. ii.
Merryman, John, arrested in Maryland, see vol. i.; attempt of Taney to liberate.
Mexican war, denounced by Whigs, see vol. i.; character of.
Mexico, driven into war, see vol. i.; abolishes slavery.
Michigan, Republican losses in election of 1862, see vol. ii.
Miles, Colonel Dixon S., at Harper's Ferry, see vol. ii.
Miller, Mrs. Nancy, bargains with Lincoln to make a pair of trousers, see vol. i.
Mississippi, not ready to secede, see vol. i.; secedes; sends commissioner to persuade North Carolina.
Missouri, refuses to furnish Lincoln with troops, see vol. i.; Unionist and Southern elements in; civil war in; refuses to secede; Fremont's career in; saved from South by General Curtis; refuses compensated emancipation, see vol. ii.; factional quarrels in; declares for Fremont against Lincoln; delegates from, in Republican Convention.
Missouri Compromise, its sacred character, see vol. i.; its extension demanded in 1850; questioned by South; repealed.
Morgan, Edwin D., urged by Lincoln to put emancipation plank in Republican platform, see vol. ii.
Morton, Governor Oliver P., harassed by Copperheads, see vol. ii.; tries to alarm Lincoln.
Mudd, Samuel, accomplice of Booth, tried and condemned, see vol. ii.
Naglee, General Henry M., favors McClellan's plan of campaign, see vol. i.
Napoleon I., Lincoln contrasted with, see vol. ii.
Napoleon III., agrees with Earl Russell to recognize belligerency of South, see vol. i.; offers mediation, see vol. ii.; his course suggested by Greeley.
Negroes, equality of, Lincoln's feeling toward, see vol. i.
Nesmith, James W., in Senate in 1861, see vol. i.
New England, speeches of Lincoln in, see vol. i.
New Jersey, carried by Democrats in 1862, see vol. ii.
New Mexico, plan of South to occupy as slave territory, see vol. i.; urged by Taylor to ask for admission as a State; organized as a Territory.
New York, Lincoln's speech in, see vol. i.; secession threatened in; carried by Democrats in 1862, see vol. ii.; tries to evade draft; draft riots in.
North, surpasses South in development, see vol. i.; begins to oppose spread of slavery; denounces Kansas-Nebraska Act; anti-Southern feeling in; enraged at Dred Scott decision; annoyed at both Secessionists and Abolitionists; effect of Lincoln's "House divided" speech upon; effect of Lincoln's speeches in; its attitude toward slavery the real cause of secession; carried by Republicans in 1860; its condition between Lincoln's election and his inauguration; panic in, during 1860; urged to let South secede in peace; proposals in, to compromise with South; led by Lincoln to oppose South on grounds of union, not slavery; irritated at inaction of Lincoln; effect of capture of Fort Sumter upon; rushes to arms; compared with South infighting qualities; responds to Lincoln's call for troops; military enthusiasm; doubtful as to Lincoln's ability; wishes to crush South without delay; forces McDowell to advance; enlightened by Bull Run; impatient with slowness of McClellan to advance; expects sympathy of England; annoyed at recognition of Southern belligerency by England; rejoices at capture of Mason and Slidell; its hatred of England; unity of, in 1861, see vol. ii.; inevitably led to break on slavery question; depressed by Peninsular campaign; opponents of the war in; public men of, condemn Lincoln; popular opinion supports him; effect of Emancipation Proclamation upon; forced by Lincoln to choose between emancipation and failure of war; depressed after Chancellorsville; discouraged by European offers of mediation; adjusts itself to war; waning patriotism in; tries to evade draft; draft riots in; bounty-jumping in; Republican gains in; really under Lincoln's dictatorship; relieved from gloom by successes of 1864; rejoicings in 1865.
North Carolina, not at first in favor of secession, see vol. i.; ready to oppose coercion; urged by Mississippi to secede; refuses to furnish Lincoln troops; finally secedes;
Offut, Denton, sends Lincoln to New Orleans with a cargo, see vol. i.; makes Lincoln manager of a store; brags of Lincoln's abilities; fails and moves away.
Oglesby, Governor R.J., presides over Illinois Republican Convention, see vol. i.
Ohio, campaign of 1858 in, see vol. i.; carried by Democrats in 1862, see vol. ii.; career of Vallandigham in; reply of Lincoln to Democrats of; election of 1863 in; renominates Lincoln in 1864.
O'Laughlin, Michael, accomplice of Booth, tried and condemned, see vol. ii.
Ordinance of 1787, its adoption and effect, see vol. i.
Owens, Mary, rejects Lincoln, see vol. i.
Pain, John, Lincoln's only hearer at "mass meeting" to organize Republican party, see vol. i.
Palmerston, Lord, drafts British ultimatum in Mason and Slidell case, see vol. i.; shows it to Queen.
Paris, Comte de, on condition of Union army in 1861, see vol. i.; on McDowell's advance from Washington to aid McClellan, see vol. ii.
Patterson, General Robert, commands force in Pennsylvania, see vol. i.; fails to watch Johnston.
Payne, Lewis, accomplice of Booth, tried and hanged, see vol. ii.
Peace Congress, its composition and action, see vol. i.; repudiated by South.
Pea Ridge, battle of, see vol. i.
Pemberton, General John C., surrenders Vicksburg, see vol. ii.
Pendleton, George H., in House in 1861, see vol. i.
Pennsylvania, carried by Democrats in 1862, see vol. ii.; regained by Republicans; renominates Lincoln.
Penrose, Captain——, on Lincoln's rashness in entering Richmond, see vol. ii.
Perryville, battle of, see vol. ii.
Peters,——, refuses to trust a Republican, see vol. i.
Phillips, Wendell, remark on nomination of Lincoln, see vol. i.; denounces Lincoln; welcomes secession; upholds right of South to secede; opposes Lincoln's renomination, see vol. ii.
Pickens, Fort, relief of, in 1861, see vol. i.
Pickens, Governor F.W., sends commissioners to Buchanan regarding dissolution of Union by South Carolina, see vol. i.
Pierce, Franklin, elected President, see vol. i.; defeated for renomination.
Pierpoint, Francis H., recognized as governor of Virginia, see vol. ii.
Pillow, Fort, massacre at, see vol. ii.
Pillow, General Gideon J., runs away from Fort Donelson, see vol. i.
Pinkerton, Allan, discovers plot to assassinate Lincoln, see vol. i.
Plug Uglies, feared in 1861, see vol. i.; mob Massachusetts troops.
Polk, James K., carries Illinois in 1844, see vol. i.; brings on Mexican war; his policy attacked by Lincoln's "Spot Resolutions"; asks for two millions to buy territory.
Pomeroy, Samuel C., senator from Kansas, see vol. i.; an enemy of Lincoln, see vol. ii.; urges Chase's friends to organize to oppose Lincoln's renomination.
Pope, General John, recommended by Halleck for promotion, see vol. i.; prevented by Halleck from fighting; urges recall of McClellan from Peninsula, see vol. ii.; his military abilities; commands Army of Virginia; shows arrogance and lack of tact; fails to cut off Jackson from Lee; insists on fighting; beaten at Bull Run; discredited.
Popular sovereignty, doctrine of, in Compromise of 1850, see vol. i.; used by Douglas to justify repeal of Missouri Compromise; theory of, destroyed by Dred Scott decision; attempt of Douglas to reconcile, with Dred Scott case.
Porter, General Andrew, favors McClellan's plan of campaign, see vol. i.
Porter, David D., takes Powhatan under Lincoln's orders, see vol. i.; refuses to obey Seward's order; aids Grant at Vicksburg, see vol. ii.; confers with Lincoln; upholds Sherman in referring to Lincoln as authorizing Johnston's terms of surrender.
Porter, General Fitz-John, favors McClellan's plan of campaign, see vol. i.; sent to meet McDowell, see vol. ii.
Powell, L.W., denounces Lincoln's emancipation scheme, see vol. ii.
Rathbone, Major Henry R., at Lincoln's assassination, see vol. ii.
Raymond, Henry J., warns Lincoln of danger done to Republican party by emancipation policy, see vol. ii.; reply of Lincoln to.
Reagan, J.H., in Confederate cabinet, see vol. i.
Reconstruction, constitutional theory of, see vol. ii.; begun by appointment of military governors; Lincoln's plan for; blocked by refusal of Congress to receive representatives; usually associated with new constitutions; method laid down in amnesty proclamation; difficulties in way of; extremist proposals concerning; Reconstruction bill passed; bill for, vetoed by Lincoln; later statements of Lincoln concerning; involved in Sherman's terms of surrender given to Johnston; Lincoln's scheme discussed; problem of, in 1865; intention of Lincoln to keep, in his own control.
Republican party, its origin, see vol. i.; in campaign of 1856; organized in Illinois; defined by Lincoln; its programme put forth by Lincoln; in Illinois, nominates Lincoln for presidency; convention of, in 1860; candidates before; balloting, in convention; nominates Lincoln; chooses Lincoln because available; its campaign methods; denounced by Abolitionists; elects Lincoln; its moral attitude toward slavery the real cause of secession; its legal position on slavery; its leaders distrust Lincoln; dissatisfied with Lincoln's cabinet; dissatisfied with Lincoln's emancipation policy, see vol. ii.; torn by factions; Abolitionist members of, denounce Lincoln; leaders of, condemn Lincoln; majority of, continues to support him; influence of Greeley upon; upholds Emancipation Proclamation; loses in congressional elections of 1862; radical wing of, demands dismissal of Seward; regains ground in 1863; extreme faction of, still distrusts Lincoln and Seward; members of, denounce Lincoln for vetoing reconstruction bill; movement in, to nominate Chase; movement in, to nominate Fremont; masses of, adhere to Lincoln; fails to postpone nominating convention; nominates Lincoln; nominates Johnson for Vice-President; receives reluctant support of radicals; damaged by Greeley's denunciations of Lincoln; dreads defeat in summer of 1864; damaged by draft; radical element of, forces dismissal of Blair; conduct of campaign by; gains election in 1864; makes thirteenth amendment a plank in platform; radical members of, rejoice at accession of Johnson after murder of Lincoln.
Reynolds, Governor, calls for volunteers in Black Hawk war, see vol. i.
Rhode Island, renominates Lincoln, see vol. ii.
Richardson, W.A., remark on congressional interference with armies, see vol. i.
Rives, W.C., remark of Lincoln to, on coercion, see vol. i.
Rosecrans, General William S., succeeds Buell, see vol. ii.; disapproves Halleck's plan to invade East Tennessee; fights battle of Stone's River; reluctant to advance; drives Bragg out of Tennessee; refuses to move; finally advances to Chattanooga; defeated at Chickamauga; unnerved after Chickamauga; cheered by Lincoln; besieged in Chattanooga; relieved by Grant.
Russell, Earl, his prejudices in favor of South, see vol. i.; recognizes belligerency of South, see vol. i.; revises Palmerston's dispatch in Trent affair; condemns Emancipation Proclamation, see vol. ii.; calls Alabama affair a scandal.
Rutledge, Ann, love affair of Lincoln with, see vol. i.
Saulsbury, Willard, in Senate in 1861, see vol. i.
Saxton, General Rufus, permitted to raise negro troops, see vol. ii.
Schofield, General John M., treats with Johnston, see vol. ii.; his removal from Missouri refused by Lincoln.
Schurz, General Carl, refused permission by Lincoln to leave army to support his canvass, see vol. ii.
Scott, Winfield, in Mexican war, see vol. i.; supported by Lincoln for President; suggests division of country into four parts; his help expected by Secessionists; advises reinforcement of Southern garrisons; threatens Southerners with violence; warns Lincoln of plot to murder; his military preparations; thinks Sumter must be abandoned; assembles troops at Washington; wishes to induce Lee to command Northern army; instructed to watch Maryland legislature; authorized to suspend writ of habeas corpus; has difficulties with McClellan; retires.
Seaton, William W., promises to help Lincoln's emancipation bill, see vol. i.
Secession, mention of, avoided by Douglas and Lincoln, see vol. i.; question of its justification in 1860; process of, in 1860-61; discussed by Buchanan; admitted by Northern leaders; threatened by New York Democrats; Lincoln's view of; Southern theory of; its success makes union, not slavery, the issue at stake; renewed by Border States; recognized as not the ultimate cause of war, see vol. ii.; again asserted by Lincoln to be cause of war.
Sedgwick, General John, beaten at Chancellorsville, see vol. ii.
Semmes, Captain Raphael, his career with the Alabama, see vol. ii.
Senate of United States, proposes "Union-saving devices", see vol. i.; defeats Crittenden compromise; rejects plan of Peace Congress; leaders of, in 1861; passes thirteenth amendment, see vol. ii.
Seward, Frederick, warns Lincoln of plot in 1861, see vol. i.
Seward, W.H., appeals to higher law, see vol. i.; candidate for Republican nomination to presidency; opposed by Greeley; methods of his supporters; considered too radical; defeated by a combination; deserves the nomination; adopts conciliatory attitude in 1860; sends son to warn Lincoln; meets Lincoln at Washington; his theory of irrepressible conflict; wishes to submit to South; secretary of state; tries to withdraw consent; attempt of Davis to involve, in discussion with Confederate commissioners; refuses to receive them; announces that Sumter will be evacuated; reproached by commissioners; opposes reinforcing Sumter; authorized to inform Confederates that Lincoln will not act without warning; makes mistake in order concerning Powhatan; said to have led Lincoln to sign papers without understanding contents; made to feel subordination by Lincoln; submits thoughts for President's consideration; wishes foreign war; offers to direct the government; reasons for his actions; repressed by Lincoln; advises against a paper blockade; wishes to maintain friendly relations with England; angered at Russell's conduct; writes menacing instructions to Adams; his attitude in Mason and Slidell affair; drafts reply to England's ultimatum; disavows Wilkes's act and surrenders envoys; advises Lincoln to withhold Emancipation Proclamation until after a victory, see vol. ii.; suggests promise to maintain freedom of slaves; dealings with England; rejects offer of French mediation; denounced by radicals; plan to force his resignation; offers resignation; withdraws it at Lincoln's request; on Copperhead societies; denounced by Chandler; on bad terms with Blair; his remarks used against Lincoln; sent by Lincoln to confer with Confederate peace commission, his instructions; shown Lincoln's dispatch to Grant; attempt to assassinate.
Seymour, Horatio, elected governor of New York, see vol. ii.; denounces tyranny of Lincoln; tries to prevent draft; asks Lincoln to delay enforcement until Supreme Court gives judgment; inefficient at time of draft riots.
Shackford, Samuel, investigates Lincoln's ancestry, see vol. i.
Shellabarger, Samuel, in House in 1861, see vol. i.
Shepley, Governor G.F., remark of Lincoln to, see vol. ii.
Sheridan, General Philip H., at battle of Chattanooga, see vol. ii.; his campaign against Early; plans to cut off Lee; wins Five Forks; at Appomattox.
Sherman, John, in Senate in 1861, see vol. i.
Sherman, General W.T., unappreciated by Halleck, see vol. i.; authorized by Cameron to use slaves, see vol. ii.; assaults Vicksburg; pursues Johnston; sent to reinforce Rosecrans; storms Missionary Ridge; relieves Burnside; confers with Lincoln; his terms to Johnston in 1865 involve political reconstruction; his terms annulled by Stanton; shows resentment toward Stanton; makes terms with Johnston; refers to Lincoln as authority; his terms disapproved by Grant; appointed to command in West; drives Johnston southward; defeats Hood at Atlanta; thanked by Lincoln; marches to the sea; marches north through Carolinas; ready to join Grant.
Shields, General James A., paper duel of Lincoln with, see vol. i.; loses reelection to Senate; his force joined to McDowell's, see vol. ii.
Shipley, Mary, ancestor of Lincoln, see vol. i.
Short, James, lends Lincoln money, see vol. i.
Sickles, Daniel E., threatens secession of New York city, see vol. i.
Sigel, General Franz, replaces Fremont, see vol. ii.
Slavery, its entrance into politics described, see vol. i.; compromises concerning, in Constitution; settled by Missouri Compromise; attitude of South toward; necessity of extending area of, in order to preserve; Lincoln's description of struggle over; attitude of Lincoln toward; moral condemnation of, by North, the real cause of secession; wisdom of Lincoln in passing over, as cause of war; forced to front as real cause of war, see vol. ii.; comes into question through action of Federal generals; attempts of Fremont and Hunter to abolish, revoked by Lincoln; acts of Congress affecting; Emancipation Proclamation against; regard for, hinders War Democrats from supporting Lincoln; not touched as an institution by Emancipation Proclamation; necessity of a constitutional amendment to abolish; desire of Copperheads to reestablish.
Slaves, during Civil War, called "contraband" by Butler, see vol. ii.; escape to Northern armies; declared free by Fremont; this declaration revoked by Lincoln; declared free by Hunter; inconsistent attitude of generals toward; proposal of Cameron to arm, cancelled by Lincoln; protected from return to owners by Congress; armed; not paid equally with whites until 1864; armed in 1863; threatened with death by South.
Slidell, John, seized by Wilkes, see vol. i.; imprisoned in Fort Warren; released.
Smith, Caleb B., delivers votes to Lincoln in convention of 1860, see vol. i.; secretary of interior; opposes relieving Sumter.
Smith, General C.W., praised by Halleck, see vol. i.
Smith, General W.F., favors McClellan's plan of campaign, see vol. i.
Smoot, Coleman, lends Lincoln money, see vol. i.
South, its early sectionalism, see vol. i.; demands political equality with North; its inferior development; gains by annexation of Texas; enraged at organization of California as a free State; threatens disunion; demands Fugitive Slave Law; asserts doctrine of non-intervention in Territories; not satisfied with Compromise of 1850; fails to secure Kansas; applauds Brooks for his assault on Sunnier; enraged at Douglas's opposition to Lecompton Constitution.; reads Douglas out of party; its policy described by Lincoln; fairness of Lincoln toward; demands that North cease to call slavery wrong; question of its justification in seceding; its delegates disrupt Democratic party; scatters vote in 1860; process of secession in; agitation of dis-unionists in; State loyalty in; justified by Greeley and others; threatens North; repudiates Peace Congress; its leaders in Congress remain to hamper government; forms Confederacy; expects Scott to aid; wishes to seize Washington; impressed by Lincoln's inaugural; its real grievance the refusal of North to admit validity of slavery; its doctrine of secession; "Union men" in; makes secession, not slavery, the ground of war; irritated at failure of secession to affect North; purpose of Lincoln to put in the wrong; rejoices over capture of Sumter; compared with North in fighting qualities; elated over Bull Bun; its strength overestimated by McClellan; expects aid from Northern sympathizers; hopes of aid from England disappointed; after Chancellorsville, wishes to invade North and conquer a peace, see vol. ii.; welcomes Vallandigham; economically exhausted in 1863; reconstruction in; applauds McClellan; evidently exhausted in 1864; hopes of Lincoln to make its surrender easy.
South Carolina, desires secession, see vol. i.; suggests it to other States; secedes; sends commissioners to treat for division of property with United States; refusal of Buchanan to receive; refuses to participate in Peace Congress; besieges Fort Sumter.
Spangler, Edward, aids Booth to escape, see vol. ii.; tried by court martial; condemned.
Speed, Joshua, letter of Lincoln to, on slavery, see vol. i.; goes with Lincoln to Kentucky.
Spottsylvania, battle of, see vol. ii.
Sprague, Governor William, of Rhode Island, see vol. ii.
Stanton, Edwin M., attorney-general under Buchanan, see vol. i.; joins Black in forcing Buchanan to alter reply to South Carolina Commissioners; share in Stone's punishment; appointed secretary of war; his previous insulting attitude toward Lincoln; discussion of his qualities, good and bad; an efficient secretary; sneers at generals who favor McClellan's plans; shows incompetence in organizing army; praises Wilkes for capturing Mason and Slidell; communicates Lincoln's approval to McClellan, see vol. ii.; loses head during Jackson's raid; bitter letter of McClellan to; becomes McClellan's merciless enemy; tries to prevent reappointment of McClellan; wishes to take troops from Meade for Rosecrans; repudiates Sherman's terms with Johnston; insults Sherman; his relations with Grant; at time of Early's attack on Washington; on bad terms with Blair; persuades Lincoln to use an escort; plan to assassinate.
Stephens, Alexander H., in Congress with Lincoln, see vol. i.; on reasons for Georgia's secession; opposes secession; elected Vice-President of Confederate States; denies plot to seize Washington; letter of Lincoln to; wishes to treat for peace with Lincoln, see vol. ii.; his attempt foiled by Lincoln; admits desire to place Lincoln in false position; nominated by Davis on peace commission.
Stevens, Thaddeus, leader of House in 1861, see vol. i.; denounces Lincoln's emancipation scheme, see vol. ii.; considers Constitution destroyed; on admission of West Virginia; on unpopularity of Lincoln in Congress; admits Lincoln to be better than McClellan.
Stone, General Charles P., commands at Ball's Bluff, see vol. i.; his punishment.
Stuart, John T., law partnership of Lincoln with, see vol. i.
Stuart, General J.E.B., rides around Federal army, see vol. ii.; repeats feat after Antietam.
Sumner, Charles, assaulted by Brooks, see vol. i.; in Senate in 1861.
Sumner, General Edwin V., objects to Lincoln's trying to avoid murder plot, on ground of cowardice, see vol. i.; opposes plan of Peninsular campaign; appointed corps commander; on force necessary to protect Washington, see vol. ii.
Sumter, Fort, question of its retention in 1861, see vol. i.
Supreme Court, left to determine status of slavery in Territories, see vol. i.; in Dred Scott case; in Merryman case; reluctance of Lincoln to fill, exclusively with Northern men, see vol. ii.; Chase appointed chief justice of.
Surratt, John H., escapes punishment for complicity in assassination plot, see vol. ii.
Surratt, Mary E., accomplice of Booth, tried and executed, see vol. ii.
Swinton, William, on McClellan's self-sufficiency, see vol. i.; on campaign of 1862; on extraordinary powers given Meade, see vol. ii.
Tanet, Roger B., his opinion in Dred Scott case discussed, see vol. i.; administers inaugural oath to Lincoln; attempts to liberate Merryman by habeas corpus; denounces Lincoln's action as unconstitutional; succeeded by Chase, see vol. ii.
Tatnall, Captain Josiah, destroys Merrimac, see vol. ii.
Taylor, Dick, amusingly tricked by Lincoln, see vol. i.
Taylor, General Zachary, his victories in Mexican war, see vol. i.; supported by Lincoln for President; urges New Mexico to apply for admission as a State.
Tennessee, refuses to furnish Lincoln with troops, see vol. i.; at first opposed to secession; eastern counties of, Unionist; forced to secede; desire of Lincoln to save eastern counties of; prevented from Northern interference by Kentucky's "neutrality"; seized by South; plan of Halleck to invade, see vol. ii.; eastern counties freed from Confederates; plan of Lincoln to reconstruct; chooses presidential electors.
Texas, its rebellion and annexation, see vol. i.; claims New Mexico; compensated; secedes.
Thomas, General George H., considers Washington insufficiently protected, see vol. ii.; at Chickamauga; replaces Rosecrans; prepares to hold Chattanooga; defeats Hood at Nashville, see vol. ii.
Thomas, Philip F., succeeds Cobb in Buchanan's cabinet, see vol. i.; resigns from Treasury Department.
Thompson, Jacob, in Buchanan's cabinet, see vol. i.; acts as Mississippi commissioner to persuade Georgia to secede; claims Buchanan's approval; resigns.
Thompson, Colonel Samuel, in Black Hawk war, see vol. i.
Tod, David, declines offer of Treasury Department, see vol. ii.
Todd, Mary, her character, see vol. i.; morbid courtship of, by Lincoln; marries Lincoln; her married life with Lincoln; involves Lincoln in quarrel with Shields.
Toombs, Robert, in Congress with Lincoln, see vol. i.; works for secession in 1860; declares himself a rebel in the Senate; secretary of state under Jefferson Davis.
Toucey, Isaac, in Buchanan's cabinet, see vol. i.
"Tribune," New York; See Greeley, Horace.
Trumbull, Lyman, leader of Illinois bar, see vol. i.; elected senator from Illinois through Lincoln's influence; said to have bargained with Lincoln; in Senate in 1861; introduces bill to confiscate slaves of rebels, see vol. ii.
Tucker, John, prepares for transportation of Army of Potomac to Fortress Monroe, see vol. ii.
Utah, organized as a Territory, see vol. i.
Vallandigham, Clement L., in House in 1861, see vol. i.; his speeches in 1863, see vol. ii.; tried and condemned for treason; imprisoned in Fort Warren; sent by Lincoln to Confederate lines; goes to Canada, nominated for governor in Ohio; opinion of Lincoln on; defeated; forces peace plank into National Democratic platform.
Vicksburg, siege of, see vol. ii.
Virginia, at first opposed to secession, see vol. i.; carried by Secessionists; makes military league with Confederate States; becomes member of Confederacy; northwestern counties of, secede from; comment of Lincoln on; nominal State government of, see vol. ii.
Voorhees, Daniel W., in House in 1861, see vol. i.
Wade, Benjamin F., in Senate in 1861, see vol. i.; thinks country ruined in 1862, see vol. ii.; issues address denouncing Lincoln for veto of reconstruction bill; obliged to support Lincoln rather than McClellan.
Wadsworth, General James S., commands forces to protect Washington, see vol. ii.; considers troops insufficient.
Walker, L.P., in Confederate cabinet, see vol. i.
Walworth, Chancellor R.H., denounces coercion, see vol. i.
War of Rebellion, first call for volunteers, see vol. i.; protection of Washington; passage of Massachusetts troops through Baltimore; proclamation of blockade; naval situation; second call for volunteers, army increased; military episodes of 1861; campaign of Bull Run; character and organization of Northern armies; McClellan commander-in-chief; civilian officers in; attempt to force McClellan to advance; administration of War Department by Stanton; Lincoln's plan for; debate as to plan of Virginia campaign; General War Order No. I; adoption of McClellan's plan; discussion of McClellan's and Lincoln's plans; evacuation of Manassas; removal of McClellan from chief command; creation of army corps; character of Western military operations; Northern successes along the coast; campaign in Missouri and Arkansas; operations in Kentucky; campaign of Forts Henry and Donelson; capture of New Madrid and Island No.; career of the ram Merrimac; battle of Merrimac and Monitor; capture of New Orleans; battle of Memphis; cruise of Farragut on Mississippi; Halleck commander in West; advance of Grant and Buell on Corinth; battle of Shiloh; Halleck's advance on Corinth; part played in war by politics; question of protection of Washington, see vol. ii.; reinforcement of Fremont; Peninsular campaign; transportation to Fortress Monroe; Yorktown; retention of McDowell before Washington; advance of McClellan; Jackson's raid on Harper's Ferry; McDowell ordered to pursue Jackson; criticism of Lincoln's orders; Seven Pines and Fair Oaks; halt and retreat of McClellan; Malvern Hill; retreat continued; discussion of campaign; Halleck commander-in-chief; abandonment of campaign; Army of Virginia formed under Pope; Pope's campaign in Virginia; Cedar Mountain; second battle of Bull Run; quarrels between officers; reinstatement of McClellan; reorganization of army; Lee's campaign in Maryland; Antietam; McClellan fails to pursue Lee; Lincoln's proposals; McClellan superseded by Burnside; Fredericksburg campaign; quarrels in army; Burnside succeeded by Hooker; Chancellorsville campaign; failure of Hooker to fight Lee in detail; Lee's invasion of Pennsylvania; Hooker replaced by Meade; battle of Gettysburg; failure of Meade to pursue Lee; Bragg's invasion of Kentucky; battle of Perryville; Buell replaced by Rosecrans; battle of Stone's River; Rosecrans drives Bragg out of Tennessee; siege and capture of Vicksburg; fall of Port Hudson; Rosecrans' Chattanooga campaign; battle of Chickamauga; siege of Chattanooga; Rosecrans replaced by Thomas, Grant given command of West; battle of Chattanooga; liberation of East Tennessee; Meade's campaign in mud; steps leading to draft; diminishing influence of politicians in; Grant made lieutenant-general; new plan of campaign; Grant's Virginia campaign; battle of Wilderness; battle at Spottsylvania; battle of Cold Harbor; Butler "bottled up"; Early's raid against Washington; Sherman's Atlanta campaign; capture of Mobile; Sheridan's Valley campaign; Sherman's march to the sea; Thomas's destruction of Hood's army; sinking of the Alabama and of the Albemarle; decay of Confederate army in 1865; siege of Petersburg; march of Sherman through Carolinas; Bentonsville; attempts of Lee to escape; Five Forks; abandonment of Petersburg and Richmond; flight of Lee to Southwest; Appomattox; surrender of Lee; surrender of Johnston.
Washburne, Elihu B., letters of Lincoln to, on senatorial election of 1855, see vol. i.; on compromise in 1861; meets Lincoln at Washington; in House in 1861.
Washington, George, futility of attempt to compare Lincoln with, see vol. ii.
Webb, General A.S., on effects of politics in Virginia campaigns, see vol. i.; on the consequences of Lincoln's relation to McClellan, see vol. ii.; on McClellan's change of base.
Webster, Daniel, his 7th of March speech, see vol. i.
Weed, Thurlow, advocates revision of Constitution in 1860, see vol. i.
Weitzel, General Godfrey, enters Richmond, see vol. ii.
Welles, Gideon, secretary of navy, see vol. i.; opposes relieving Sumter; changes opinion; not told by Lincoln of plan to relieve Pensacola; learns that Lincoln has spoiled his plan to relieve Sumter; wishes Lincoln to close Southern ports by proclamation; disapproves of Lincoln's scheme of amnesty, see vol. ii.
West, social characteristics of frontier life in, see vol. i.; democracy in; vagrants in; violence and barbarity of; manners and customs; grows in civilization; economic conditions of; frontier law and politics; popular eloquence in; its ignorance of foreign countries.
West Virginia, origin of, see vol. i.; campaign of McClellan in; forms a state Constitution, see vol. ii.; question of its admission; its vote counted in 1864.
Whigs, character of, in Illinois, see vol. i.; support Lincoln for speaker; fail to carry Illinois in 1840; and in 1844; elect Lincoln to Congress; oppose Mexican war; elect Taylor; defeated in 1852; join Know-Nothings in 1856.
White, Hugh L., supported by Lincoln in 1836, see vol. i.
Whiteside, General Samuel, in Black Hawk war, see vol. i.
Wigfall, Lewis T., jeers at North in 1860, see vol. i.
Wilderness, battle of, see vol. ii.
Wilkes, Captain Charles, seizes Mason and Slidell, see vol. i.; applauded in North; condemned by Lincoln.
Wilmot, David, in Congress with Lincoln, see vol. i.; in Senate in 1861.
Wilson, Henry, hopes that Douglas will become Republican in 1858, see vol. i.; in Senate in 1861; introduces bill to emancipate slaves in District, see vol. ii.; on negro troops; admits small number of radical emancipationists; denounces Blair to Lincoln.
Winthrop, Robert C., chosen speaker of House, see vol. i.
Wisconsin, admitted as free State to balance Texas, see vol. i.; Democratic gains in, see vol. ii.
Wood, Fernando, advocates secession of New York City, see vol. i.; wishes Lincoln to compromise, see vol. ii.
Wool, General John E., commands at Fortress Monroe, see vol. ii.
Yorktown, siege of, see vol. ii.
Yulee, David L., remains in Senate in 1861 to embarrass government, see vol. i.