Thunderstorms are rare, and no hurricane has ever been known there. The rainfall of California is about twenty inches, and the rainy days number about sixty in the year, or about half the number of rainy days experienced in the Atlantic States or Central Europe.
Amongst the fruits grown in abundance are the orange, grape, peach, apricot, plum, cherry, apple, nectarine, fig, lemon, lime, olive, date, and all the berries of value.
Besides the immense growth of choice and luscious Fruits, for which California is famous all over the globe, it claims to have the largest milk, butter, and cheese dairies in the world. It is also renowned for its mineral riches, its immense mercantile business, its manufacturing industries, its production of wool, its gigantic timber, its wealth of beauty in flowers, its fast horses, its grand scenery, embracing lofty mountains, deep valleys, expansive fertile plains, and all the variations of a beautiful country, with many rivers, and a magnificent sea coast, whilst the "coast range" and the slopes of the "Sierra" offer to the sportsman such game in abundance as grizzly and cinnamon bears and Californian lions. There are also deer, hare, rabbit, quail, large flocks of wild ducks and geese, and the rivers afford such fish as salmon and trout, and the deep sea splendid fishing.
San Francisco has been called "a city of 100 hills." It has a population of nearly 300,000 inhabitants, amongst whom are no less than 50 millionaires. Its harbour is known all over the globe as the "Golden Gate," and it has answered well to its name, for an entrance to its vast resources has made the fortune of multitudes of people, and many going there now are laying the foundations for future wealth.
The lands of California have the two essentials for successful culture—a rich soil and genial climate, with plenty of sun, yet never too hot and never too cold for out-door work, and most of its domestic animals are never housed, and require no food but wild herbage.
Our lands at Merced, in California, offer to gentlemen wishing to make a first or a fresh start in life a really good opportunity. It is difficult to conceive how men with energy, enterprise, and a little capital, can be content to sit in an office in foggy, blocked-up London, "quill driving" from year's end to year's end, when a prospect is afforded them, such as we now offer, of establishing a pleasant home in a luxurious land, with a sunny, genial climate, and within about a fortnight's travel of England, and where they would have the liberty of being their own masters, and lay the foundation of a future competency.
As the currency in California is dollars, not pounds, we must ask our readers to accustom themselves to dollars. A dollar is 100 cents, and, roughly speaking, a cent is equivalent to a halfpenny, so that a dollar would be worth, of our money, four shillings and twopence. Its value, however, varies a few cents according to the place where it is exchanged. Bank of England notes or pounds are never worth less than four shillings and twopence, i.e., 480 cents or halfpennies, which, of course, is four dollars and 80 cents, there being 100 cents in a dollar. The decimal currency is extremely simple when once understood. Never less than 4.80 is given for an English pound, but sometimes 4.82 and 4.85 is obtained.
The lands I have for sale are situate in the County of Merced, in California, about 150 miles by rail from the City of San Francisco, They are designated "British Colony," and at the nearest point are just one mile from the boundary of the town of Merced, and two miles from the railway station, hotel, shops, etc. Merced town is lighted by gas and electricity, has water laid on, telephones, telegraphs, Court House, Episcopal Church, Presbyterian Church, Cumberland Presbyterian Church, Methodist Church, South Methodist Church, Baptist Church, and Catholic Church, two schools, shops of various kinds; two railroads, the main one running up to San Francisco, and down to Los Angeles and on to New Orleans, etc., and the other, a branch line to Stockton, Sacramento, etc. Merced is 175 feet above the level of the sea; it is a pleasant little town, affords some congenial society, and I firmly believe will, before many years have passed, become an important centre, because my clients have brought water from the Merced River more than twenty miles off, by a system of canals, and have formed a reservoir of 640 acres in extent, with an average depth of 30 feet, and thus have given facilities for irrigating the country round the town. It is certain to become a great Fruit-growing district, as its soil is so fully adapted for the purpose. It is much nearer to San Francisco than Los Angeles, and is nearer also than Fresno and other districts which have already made themselves a name for Fruit culture.
The country around Merced has a natural fall, and is drained by many creeks, which are dry in summer, but contain more or less water in winter.
Merced is situated in the celebrated San Joaquin Valley (pronounced San Wharkeen), which is an immense level of fertile land, the soil generally being of a rich sandy loam, but in some districts, such as that I am now offering for sale, of a deep rich black loam of a highly productive nature, in fact, it is the decomposed vegetation and alluvial deposits of past ages, than which nothing could be more fertile. We have good evidence that the land is especially suited for the production of prunes, apricots, pears, peaches, olives, plums, small Fruit, such as strawberries, blackberries, sweet and common potatoes, garden stuff, and alfalfa. Alfalfa (or lucerne) is a great crop in America in places where there are no old meadow lands for the cows. The land is, of course, suited for all cereal crops, too. All the Fruits named can be dried in the sun without artificial heat.
The lands are about 160 to 165 feet above the level of the sea, and, in common with all the country round, they command a view on the one side of the grand snow-capped Sierra Nevada Mountains, and on the other of the mountains known as the Coast Range. Immense flocks of wild geese and ducks (principally geese), are often on the land. There are also "rabbits" on the land (so called), but they more resemble hares in their size and habits and run.
There are some excellent Fruit orchards and gardens at Merced. In the grounds around the Court House are some very fine orange trees, full of fruit, and also in the gardens of private residents. One gentleman kindly sent a bough of oranges, and other gentlemen sent other Fruits, which may be seen at our offices. At the Buhach Colony, near the town of Merced, are extensive orchards of Californian Fruits. Mr. Atwater's gardens and orchard, a few miles from the town, are worth inspection. He has two magnificent olive trees, nine or ten years' old, which bear heavy crops, and which are used for the production of olive oil; his vineyard and orange orchard, his lemon and persimmon trees, all look very prosperous. He would gladly show any settler how he has cultivated them. He has a corn and stock farm, and has only gradually cultivated these Fruits, which occupy some eleven acres.
The prices of the land for sale are 75, and 100, and 150 dollars per acre, according to position. Two-thirds of the purchase-money may remain on mortgage as long as the interest is paid at 8 per cent, per annum, which is the lowest interest payable in California. The mortgagor is liable to the Government for the taxes, which amount to 1-1/2 to 2 per cent, per annum, so that he would really only receive 6 to 6-1/2 per cent, interest. All mortgages are publicly recorded, and so the property is vested in the mortgagor till he is paid off, and when that is done it also is publicly recorded. These taxes embrace all known to us in England as rates and taxes, except a road tax of 2 dollars a head per annum, chargeable to every male over twenty-one years of age. This tax may be paid for in labour on the road if desired. A free conveyance will be given, but the cost of recording the transaction in the county office (there is no stamp duty), about 1-1/2 dollars, must be paid by the purchaser. The recording of a mortgage would probably be 3-1/4 dollars because it is longer. The record is a public acknowledgment of the title of the owner to the land made in the county books.
Foreigners can hold freehold property in California, but they have no right to vote—indeed, they would have no right to vote until they had resided five years in the country, and had become naturalized; then a resident has before him the possibility of becoming Governor of the State to which he belongs, or, indeed, Secretary of the Interior, which corresponds with the position of the Premier in England.
According to the American surveys the country is arranged in squares, as shown on all the maps. A "section" is a square mile, or 640 acres. A "township" is 36 sections, i.e., six miles on each of its four sides.
A quarter section is 160 acres, and the lands are so arranged that a roadway is reserved around each quarter section 60 feet wide, and the land for such roadway is taken from each side, so that each owner has to contribute 30 feet to such road, and, of course, he has the benefit of the frontage to it. A 20 acre lot would be an eighth of a quarter section. On some of the lots for sale at "British Colony," are one or two houses and some buildings. These may be purchased thus: One house and buildings, 1,000 dollars; another house and buildings, 1,000 dollars; another house and buildings (N.E.), 600 dollars; but if one purchaser bought four lots of 20 acres, each adjoining so that one house and buildings should come near the centre, then such house and buildings would be given in.
Few settlers would have the requisite special knowledge of Fruit culture without some instruction, and, therefore, the owners of the land have engaged the services of Professor Eisen, at a fixed salary, so that all settlers on their lands may have the benefit of the Professor's instruction, free of charge. Professor Eisen is well known as a specialist in horticulture in California. He has just published a book on the raisin industry in California, which may be seen at our offices. The culture of grapes for raisins, and plums for prunes, would be remarkably successful on the lands for sale.
Wholesale buyers come round the country to buy the Fruit crops while on the trees. An enormous trade is done in America in canned Fruits; the hotels, steamers, railway cars, and private families use them largely at all meals, and America itself seems to be a sufficient market for ages to come for all the Fruit and vegetables its State of California can produce.
How to start with a capital of 20,000 dols.
dols. 80 acres of land, 12,000 dols., half cost 6,000 Trees, such as orange, olive, fruit, etc. 2,000 House and barn 2,500 Horses 400 Cow 50 Poultry 25 Furniture, etc. 600 Waggon, tools, etc. 400 Labour, per year, 3 men, etc., for, 3 years, including living 4,000 Interest on 6,000 dols. at 8%—480 dols. per year, 3 years 1,440 ——— dols. 17,415
Leaving a balance of 2,585 dols. for first payment of land, or for other improvements and unforeseen expenses.
Profit the fourth year should be about 4,000 to 5000 dols. at the lowest.
How to start with a capital of 10,000 dols., i.e., say L2,000.
dols. dols.
40 acres of land .. .. .. .. 6,000 House and barn .. .. .. .. 1,200 Well and pump .. .. .. .. 100 Horses .. .. .. .. 200 Waggon and tools .. .. .. .. 350 Furniture, etc .. .. .. .. 500 Cow .. .. .. .. 50 Trees, etc. .. .. .. .. 1,200 Seed, etc. .. .. .. .. 100 .. .. .. .. —— 9,700 Living one year, etc.; incidentals .. 300 .. .. .. .. ——- dols. 10,000
dols. dols. First year.—Land between the trees, cultivated in potatoes, vegetables, etc. .. .. .. .. 500 Poultry, eggs, etc. .. .. .. .. 150 —- 650
(Eggs and poultry pay for groceries. Many families are doing this now.)
dols. dols.
Second year.—The same as above .. 650
Third year.—The same as above .. 650 Yield from Fruit, 10 dols. per acre .. 400 —— 1,050
Fourth year.—The same from poultry, etc. 650 From Fruit trees, 50 dols. per acre .. 2,000 —— 2,650
Fifth year.—The orchard is now in good bearing, and should pay from 100 to 250 dols. per acre; say the lowest .. 4,000
(No time to attend to any but Fruit trees unless a man is employed, so only the return of Fruit trees is given).
Sixth year.—The orchard now pays, if properly attended to, from 150 to 350 dols. per acre; say the lowest .. 6,000
Seventh year.—The orchard pays, if properly cared for, from 200 to 450 dols. per acre; say the lowest .. 8,000
This clear after expenses have been deducted. The farmer can take care of 20 acres himself, with occasional help. With 40 acres he requires one man more, his son or hired help.
The first three years he will only make his living ordinarily so; after that time he will make money. Poultry, and vegetables should, during the first year pay for all expenses at least, and in many instances leave a large surplus. All this depends upon the capacity of the settler. With good land such as this 100 dollars or more could be made from vegetables the first season by a capable and experienced man. At least it has been done repeatedly.
If poultry is properly cared for, a family will make its living by selling eggs and chickens until the trees come in bearing.
How to start with a capital of 8,000 dols., i.e., say L1,600.
Land, 40 acres, 6,000 dols., half cost.. .. 3,000 House and barn .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,500 Horses .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 200 Cows and chickens .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 75 Waggon and tools .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 200 Sundries, tools, etc. .. .. .. .. .. .. 400 Trees, etc. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,200 Well and pump .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 100 Or windmill and tank .. .. .. .. .. .. 250 Interest on 3,000 dols. at 8 % for three years .. 780 Sundries for living, etc. .. .. .. .. .. 295 ——- dols. 8,000
The fourth and fifth years there should be a gross profit of at least 2,650 dols. a year, enough to pay for the balance due on land.
How to start with, a capital of 5,000 dols., i.e., say L1,000.
dols. Land, 20 acres, 3,000 dols., half cost .. .. 1,500 House and barn, etc. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,000 Trees .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 600 Horses .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 200 Cow .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 50 Household furniture .. .. .. .. .. .. 100 Waggon and tools .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 200 Well and pump .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 100
(If tank and windmill required, from 250 dols. upwards extra).
Seed, etc. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 50 Sundry expenses and chickens .. .. .. .. 300 Interest for three years on balance of land at 8% .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 360 Capital on hand to pay for part of the land.. 840 ——- dols. 5,300
What some people have started with, and come out all right.
dols. dols. Land, 3,000 dols., cash, balance credit 1000 House and barn 500 Horses 150 Cow 50 Poultry 25 _ 225
Provisions, sundries, etc 100 Furniture and tools 150 Sundry expenses 100 Waggon and horses 150 dols. 2,225
But ordinarily, this is too little, as the planting of the land cannot be proceeded with at once, and work must be procured among the neighbours, etc.
The estimates, were furnished us by Professor Eisen, who remarked that, probably, in giving estimates all persons would vary somewhat, but these, and other estimates which he gave, are really more than estimates, because they are the actual results of past experiences.
Received January 20th, 1891.
Professor Eisen writes:—"I am of opinion that these lands (British Colony, Merced) are amongst the very best in the State for raisins; still, as I explained to you, I do not advise any one to put his whole interest in the raisin industry, as the market for this Fruit is limited. For other dried fruit, especially for prunes (French plums), apricots, peaches, and nectarines, the market is practically unlimited, and as our population increases yearly 1,500,000 people, it will be seen that our markets must extend as well, even after we have driven all foreign Fruits out of our home markets. As regards the adaptability of the land of British Colony for various Fruits, I can say that they are especially adapted to the prune (French plums) and peaches for drying and canning, olives for olive oil and pickling; also for oranges. You can see how the orange thrives in the city of Merced and surroundings, or in localities exactly like those of British Colony lands, and there can be no doubt that oranges and lemons will prove very profitable in British Colony. Olives will especially do well there. The British Colony lands I consider as exceptionally rich and fertile, and there are few, if any, equal to them in this State or anywhere else."
The prices in California of young Fruit trees for planting, for the season 1890-91, are given as follows:—
Prunes (like French plums) 25 to 30 per 100
Plums and other prunes 15 "
Apricots 20 "
Peaches, from 15 to 17.50 "
Olives (layers) 20 "
Olives, grafted 40 to 60 "
Pears 18 "
Oranges, best kinds 70 to 100 "
Shade trees 50 "
Grape-vines (raisins) 12 "
Persimmons 15 "
Walnuts, from 15 to 35 "
The Fruit trees enumerated above would begin to bear the second year, but only the fourth year would they bear any considerable amount; the fifth and sixth years they would come into good bearing, and should then yield a profit of, say, from 100 to 350 dollars per acre. At seven years the orchard should be in full bearing, and never yield less than 150, and, possibly, 450 dollars per acre. Instances have been known when prunes, peaches, and pears have produced from 750 to 1,500 dollars per acre clear profit.
The position of a settler, then, is that for the first three years he cannot depend upon his crop of Fruit to maintain him, but must either have sufficient capital to support him during that time, or else earn his living in some other way. To be idle, and live on capital, would not, of course, suit any man who meant to succeed, and therefore he would fill up his time in cultivating garden and poultry produce, for which there is always a demand, or in getting some occasional employment.
At Merced railway station is a very large hotel, and the cost of board and lodging for emigrants is only 25 dollars, i.e., say, L5 per month; to usual visitors it is 60 dollars a month.
The Pacific Rural Press, referring to the raisin vineyards in the San Joaquin Valley, California, states:—
"What is especially interesting to the home-seeker in connection with this information, is the fact that everyone of these vineyardists is prosperous. No other horticultural industry is so profitable as the culture of the raisin grape, in no other is the work so pleasant, and no other yields a return so quickly."
An acre of Muscat vines in full bearing will yield from two to three tons of grapes on good heavy soil. At 5-1/2 cents a pound in the sweat-box, this means from 225 to 325 dollars per acre, gross. Numerous instances are known, however, where the yield of an acre of Muscats amounted to as much as 450 dollars, this being the result of careful cultivation and favourable circumstances. Some grapes are borne on the vines when they are one-year old, while two-year old's have been known to bear a crop. At three years the vines pay the expenses and interest on the money invested, and at four years from planting they bring the first large paying crop.
The Merced Argus says of raisin culture:—
"One of the great charms of raisin culture is the extreme simplicity of its operations. WHAT CAN BE MORE SIMPLE than to pick a bunch of Muscat grapes from the vine, and lay it on the ground. In six days the bunch of grapes, without being meanwhile touched, has assumed the appearance of a bunch of raisins, and has flattened out as if it had been pressed. It is then carefully turned over, so as to expose the underside to the direct action of the sun. In eight days more it is a perfect bunch of raisins, and no act of man can improve it even in appearance. All the operations of fancy packing are so simple, that a child may learn them in a day. A single acre of raisin vines in a Merced Colony lot means handfuls of bright, golden double eagles to the bright-eyed children of the Merced farmer in the near future.
Harper's Magazine for January, 1891, contains an article on California, which all persons interested in that State would do well to read. I extract a few statements:—
"A piece of land at Riverside, below the flow of water, was worth 300 dollars an acre. Contiguous to it was another piece not irrigated, which would not sell for 50 dollars an acre. By bringing water to it, it would quickly sell for 300 dollars, thus adding 250 dollars to its value. As the estimate at River side is that one inch of water will irrigate five acres of Fruit land, five times 250 dollars would be 1,250 dollars per inch, at which price water for irrigation has actually been sold at Riverside.
"The standard of measurement of water in Southern California is the miner's inch under four inches pressure, or the amount that will flow through an inch-square opening under a pressure of four inches measured from the surface of the water in the conduit to the centre of the opening through which it flows. This is nine gallons a minute, or, as it is figured, 1,728 cubic feet or 12,960 gallons in 24 hours, and 1/50 of a cubic foot a second. This flow would cover 10 acres about 18 inches deep in a year; that is, it would give the land the equivalent of 18 inches of rain, distributed exactly when and where it was needed, none being wasted, and more serviceable than 50 inches of rainfall as it generally comes. This, with the natural rainfall, is sufficient for citrous Fruits and for corn and alfalfa, in soil not too sandy, and it is too much for grapes and all deciduous fruits.
"But irrigation, in order to be successful, must be intelligently applied. In unskilful hands it may work more damage than benefit. Mr. Theodore S. Van Dyke, who may always be quoted with confidence, says that the ground should never he flooded; that water must not touch the plant or tree, or come near enough to make the soil bake around it; and that it should be let in in small streams for two or three days, and not in large streams for a few hours.
"The growth of the olive is to be, it seems to me, one of the leading and most permanent industries of Southern California. It will give us, what it is nearly impossible to buy now, pure olive oil, in place of the cotton seed and lard mixture in general use. It is a most wholesome and palatable article of food. Those whose chief experience of the olive is the large, coarse, and not agreeable Spanish variety, used only as an appetizer, know little of the value of the best varieties as food, nutritious as meat, and always delicious. Good bread and a dish of pickled olives make an excellent meal. A mature olive grove in good bearing is a fortune. I feel sure that within 25 years this will be one of the most profitable industries of California, and that the demand for pure oil and edible fruit in the United States will drive out the adulterated and inferior present commercial products."
There are now at Merced special openings for a nurseryman and a dairyman; the latter would be by growing alfalfa (lucerne) and raising poultry for at present the Merced people often have to get poultry and eggs from San Francisco, 150 miles off.
A settler might make a really good return out of potatoes while his Fruit trees are maturing, which is a food more in use in America than in England. Potatoes are not only served at luncheon and dinner, but also at breakfast everywhere, and, if every settler planted his land with potatoes, there would be no fear of overstocking the market.
Mr. Eisen states that potatoes yield from 50 to 400 sacks to the acre, and sell at prices varying from 90 cents to 2 dollars per sack. If only 50 sacks were grown to the acre, it would show a scarce year, when prices would range higher, but the crop is never a failure in California. Two crops can be grown in a year; the first crop is planted at the end of February, if warm, or else in March, or indeed any time till the middle of May, and dug three months after; the second crop is planted in August or September, and dug three months after.
To put in the potatoes a settler would need the help of a labourer, to whom he would have to give one dollar per day and his board, or, if the labourer be a Chinaman, one dollar and a quarter per day without his board. If the potatoes occupied ten acres, and they produced say 200 sacks to the acre, and fetched 1 dollar per sack, that would yield 2,000 dollars, or for the two crops 4,000 dollars, or, say, L800. This sounds a large sum, but the land is exceedingly rich, as may be seen from the samples I have brought back, and large results may be expected from it if properly worked, for, of course, in any undertaking the result depends upon the way it is worked.
The following paragraph is from an important paper or periodical of 20 pages, known as the Pacific Rural Press, of December 13th, 1890, and although the crop it mentions was not grown in California, it shows at least what can be done on good ground:—
"Nearly 1,000 bushels of potatoes, or, to be exact, 974 bushels and 48 pounds, have been grown on one acre of land in Johnson County, Wyoming, the past season. This crop wins the first prize of several hundred dollars offered by the American Agriculturist for the largest yield of potatoes on one exact acre. It was grown on virgin soil without manure or fertilizer, but the land was rich in potash, and the copious irrigation was of water also rich in saline material. There were 22,800 hills on one acre, and 1,560 pounds of sets, containing one, two, and three eyes, were planted of the early Vermont and Manhattan varieties. The profit on the crop on this first prize acre was 714 dollars, exclusive of 500 dollars in prizes."
Thus, this one acre would have produced L142 worth of potatoes. I do not mention it as an example of what a settler may or may not do at Merced, but as the land at Merced which I am offering for sale is of the richest quality, rich results may certainly be expected.
per lb.
Beef (to boil), 8 to 10 cents Beef (steak), 10 cents Beef (shoulder), 10 cents Beef (choice), 12-1/2 cents Beef (porterhouse and tenderloin), 15 cents Veal, 10 to 15 cents Mutton, 10 to 12-1/2 cents Pork, 10 to 12-1/2 cents Sausages, 12-1/ to 15 cents Corned beef, 8 to 10 cents Bacon, 12-1/2 cents Hams, 15 cents Tongues, 10 cents Flour, 4-1/2 to 5 dollars for a barrel weighing 200 lbs. Tea, 25 cents to 1 dollar Coffee, 24 to 45 cents Candles, 15 to 20 cents Chocolate, 25 cents Cod fish, 10 cents Corn meal, 3 to 4 cents Cocoa, 50 to 60 cents Cracker biscuits, 8 to 10 cents Graham flour, 3 to 5 cents Macaroni, 15 cents Oatmeal, 5 cents Rolled oats, 6 cents Rice, 5-1/2 to 8 cents Salt, 1 to 2 cents Soda, 4 cents Starch, 10 cents Sugar, 7 to 8 cents Sugar (house), 6-1/2 to 7-1/2 cents Butter, 25 to 40 cents Eggs, 15 to 40 cents per dozen, according to season Coal oil, 1.40 per 5-gallon can.
One of my clients recently visited England with his family, and says that one can live cheaper at Merced than in England.
The cost of a twelve-roomed house is 3,000 to 4,000 dollars, according to finish, i.e., from L600 to L800. Most of the houses are built of wood, and such a house could be built in twenty to thirty days, if necessary.
Stabling for two horses, with room for buggy, wagon, harness, and hay, would cost 250 dollars or L50.
A ten-roomed house would cost from 2,500 to 3,500 dollars, according to finish.
An eight-roomed house would cost from 2,000 to 2,500 dollars.
A six roomed house would cost about 2,000 dollars.
A four-roomed house would cost about 1,200 dollars.
Live poultry cost about 6 dollars per dozen.
Cows, 25 to 50 dollars each. Horses, 75 to 150 dollars each. Sheep, 3 to 4 dollars each.
Cultivators cost from 7 to 15 dollars each. Ploughs and harrows about the same price. A riding cultivator, 45 to 50 dollars. Pruning shears, 3 dollars.
Day labour costs 1 dollar per day and board; but, in harvest time, 1-1/2 dollar per day and board.
Carpenters, 2-1/2 dollars per day, sometimes with and sometimes without board.
Fencing costs 500 dollars (i.e., L100) a mile. To fence a 20-acre lot would cost 350 dollars (i.e., L70); but if the eight forming the quarter section joined together, it would cost each about 130 dollars (i.e., L26). The fence would be a 6-inch board at bottom, then 30 inches of wire netting to keep out rabbits, then another 6-inch board and a barbed wire at top.
Firewood costs 6 to 7 dollars a cord of hard wood, or 5 to 6 dollars of willow wood; a cord of wood is 4-ft. by 4-ft. by 8-ft.
All kinds of clothing are dear. A good suit would cost L7 to L8, or, if ready made, L5. Settlers should therefore take with them plenty of clothes, sufficient, say, to last for five years, including boots, blankets, linen, etc.; also bric-a-brac, and anything to add cheerfulness and refinement to the home, but they should not take furniture nor animals. Guns they might take, but not tools nor implements.
Steamships run from Liverpool and Southampton at the following rates:—
1.—Cunard Company's Line. Liverpool to New York. During the summer months—
1st class. 2nd class. 3rd class.
From L12 12s. to L26 5s. L7 L4.
During the winter months—
1st class. 2nd class. 3rd class.
L10 10s. to L25 L7 L4.
The third-class passengers are provided with a free ticket from London to Liverpool.
2.—Inman Line. Liverpool to New York—
First class fares from L10 10s. to L25. Second class fares from L6 10s. to L7 7s. Third class fares L4.
The third class includes a free ticket from London to Liverpool.
3.—The "White Star" Line. Liverpool to New York
1st class. 2nd class. 3rd class. Summer season—L15 to L28 L7 to L9 L4.
Winter season—L10 10s. to L18 L6 10s. to L8 L4.
The third class passengers are provided with a free ticket from London to Liverpool, and free tickets, if required, from New York to Boston or Philadelphia.
4.—North German Lloyd Company. Southampton to New York— First class, L14 to L23. Second class, L10.
5.—The American Line. Liverpool to New York— Second class, L6. Third class, L3 16s.
Steamers leave Southampton, Liverpool, Glasgow, and Queenstown, thus being convenient respectively for passengers from the north or south of England, from Scotland, or from Ireland.
Steamers run from this country to New York, Philadelphia, Boston, or Baltimore, but New York is the best port for Merced.
Copy of Letter from the Southern Pacific Railroad Company.
"Our fares from New York to Merced, via New Orleans, are:—1st class, unlimited, L19 19s. 0d.; limited, L18 4s. 7d.; 2nd class, L12 8s. 4d.; 3rd class, L12 2s. 9d., all rail; L11 1s. 11d. by steamer to New Orleans, and thence rail, food, and sleeping berth on steamer included. The charges for sleeping car berths are:—1st class, 22 dollars; 2nd class from New Orleans, 3 dollars. There are no 2nd class sleepers to New Orleans, except on the fortnightly excursion trains from Cincinnati, leaving that city January 7th and 21st, February 4th and 18th; March 4th and 18th; April 8th and 22nd, etc. The charge from Cincinnati is 4 dollars 50 cents. Third class passengers can travel in 2nd class sleepers upon payment of the usual charge. The fares from New Orleans to principal Californian points, including Merced, are:—1st class, unlimited, L14. 1s. 3d.; 2nd class, L8. 17s. 1d.; 3rd class, none. Sleeping cars—1st class, 13 dollars; 2nd class, 3 dollars.
Tickets may be obtained through Messrs, DOWSETT and Co., 3, Lincoln's Inn Fields, London, direct from Liverpool to California, or any other State en route.
Having fitted up a portion of one of my offices with all the requisites for carrying out quantitative analyses of surface soils, I requested Professor Lobley, F.G.S., etc., to analyse the four samples of soils which I brought with me from Merced.
A general analysis of four samples of soil from Merced, California, has given the following results:—
Organic matter (Humus) 5.5 Soluble inorganic matter 11.75 Insoluble silica and silicates 82.75 ———— 100.00
Organic matter (Humus) 4.25 Soluble inorganic matter 14.45 Insoluble silica and silicates 81.30 ———— 100.00
Organic matter (Humus) 5.25 Soluble inorganic matter 16.75 Insoluble silica and silicates 78.00 ———— 100.00
Organic matter (Humus) 3.5 Soluble inorganic matter 12.0 Insoluble silica and silicates 84.5 ———— 100.00
The organic matter is available for plant growth.
The inorganic matter, soluble in dilute hydrochloric acid, is (with the exception of the alumina it may contain) composed of fertilising material. The substances found in the soluble inorganic matter of soils are lime, magnesia, alumina, silica, phosphoric acid, oxide of iron, oxide of manganese, potash and soda. The insoluble mineral matter is nearly all silica. There is very little clayey matter in any of the soils—not more than about five per cent. All the soils are remarkably free from stones or pebbles, or even coarse sand.
From the above it will be seen that these soils, while possessing a large amount of matter available for plant growth, are exceedingly friable, and would be very easily worked. They would absorb heat quickly, and from their porosity would require little drainage, and so would be both warm and dry soils, and form fertile land suitable for almost all kinds of agricultural and horticultural produce.
My clients, the owners of the land called "British Colony," at Merced, are well-known persons—well-known as men of great wealth, and as gentlemen of undoubted integrity, the Hon. Charles Crocker and Mr. C.H. Huffman, whose enterprises in railway, canal, and other public works, have been of gigantic proportions.
I have every confidence myself in dealing with these gentlemen, and I submit that my friends, clients, and the general public, who may be willing to take up any of this "British Colony" land at Merced, may have full confidence, too, that they will at least be treated justly, and more than that is not expected from strangers in business; but I believe that I might add they would be treated liberally if necessity arose, and I have ground for this statement from what I have heard of their treatment of other persons who have settled in one of their other "Colonies."
I have for sale besides the estate designated "British Colony," a tract of land belonging to a well-known merchant in the City of London, who has owned it for 13 years. It comprises 5,084 acres, and has a registered Government title. Price 30 dollars per acre, and 7 years' credit would be given if 20 per cent. is paid down. Part of it is well suited for Fruit growing, but as yet the water from the canals belonging to my other clients has not been taken to it. It has, however, some creeks upon it, but they are frequently dry. The land is of a rolling prairie character, and is now let at a nominal rent of 25 cents per acre for sheep farming. The soil is varied; some of it is a good loam, some of a clayey nature, and some stony; there is a shepherd's house, with barn and yard. The taxes upon it are about 15 to 20 cents per acre. One half of the land would be sold separately, but it must be the half farthest from the side where the canals are. The situation is an attractive one as the undulations really form the first foothills of the Sierra Nevada Mountains, of which there is a grand view. This land is well worth buying, as when water is obtained, the price will then be increased to that asked for other irrigated Fruit lands.
A plan may be seen at my offices, 3, Lincoln's Inn Fields, London.
* * * * *
Printed by Vincent Brooks, Day & Son, Gate Street, Lincoln's Inn Fields.
_Messrs. Dowsett & Co. have applications for Landed Estates, Country Houses, Town Houses, Farms, Villa Farms, Building Lands, Cheap Sections of Land for the People, Ground Rents, Colonial Lands, and General Land and House Investments.
Messrs. Dowsett & Co, invite owners wishing to sell, and who have not yet employed an Agent, to employ them: they do not appreciate instructions which are sent to several Agents, but they are prepared to give careful, intelligent, personal attention to the Sale of Property which is placed in their hands. They prefer giving personal attention to a few properties rather than having on their books a mass of particulars of which they have no personal knowledge, and which are to be found in many Agents' lists.
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Owners of Property may obtain a printed statement of charges for Valuing, or for Selling by Auction, or privately, all kinds of Real and Personal Estate, Furniture Live and Dead Stock, Stocks-in-Trade, Timber, Growing Crops, etc.
Messrs. Dowsett & Co. are prepared to make Geological Reports of Soils and Minerals, and give Quantitative Analyses of Soils. They are assisted, when special needs require, by experts in Agricultural and Architectural Science, and also in every branch of professional and commercial enterprise.
Messrs. Dowsett & Co., undertake any branch of these varied services in London or any part of England, Scotland, Ireland, the Colonies, America, or other Countries, and personally visit other countries on agreed terms.
Messrs. Dowsett & Co, Auctioneers, Surveyors, Valuers, Estate Agents, etc., 3, Lincoln's Inn Fields, London._
Country Houses, Town Houses, Landed Estates, Farms, Building Lands, Ground Rents, and Investments generally in Lands and Houses, See "The Land Roll," which for one penny may be obtained of Messrs, Dowsett & Co., 3, Lincoln's Inn Fields, London.