p. 257: Here I use work done by David Chan.
p. 258: I use here the research of J. J. L. Duyvendak; the reasons for the end of such enterprises, as given here, may not exhaust the problem. It may not be without relevance that Cheng came from a Muslim family. His father was a pilgrim (Bull. Chin. Studies, vol. 3, pp. 131-70). Further research is desirable.—Concerning folk-tales, I use my own research. The main Buddhist tales are the Jataka stories. They are still used by Burmese Buddhists in the same context.
p. 260: The Oirat (Uyrat, Ojrot, Oeloet) were a confederation of four tribal groups: Khosud, Dzungar, Doerbet and Turgut.
p. 261: I regard this analysis of Ming political history as unsatisfactory, but to my knowledge no large-scale analysis has been made.—For Wang Yang-ming I use mainly my own research.
p. 262: For the coastal salt-merchants I used Lo Hsiang-lin's work.
p. 263: On the rifles I used P. Pelliot. There is a large literature on the use of explosives and the invention of cannons, especially L. C. Goodrich and Feng Chia-sheng in Isis, vol. 36, 1946 and 39, 1948; also G. Sarton, Li Ch'iao-p'ing, J. Prusek, J. Needham, and M. Ishida; a comparative, general study is by K. Huuri, Studia Orientalia vol. 9, 1941.—For the earliest contacts of Wang with Portuguese, I used Chang Wei-hua's monograph.—While there is no satisfactory, comprehensive study in English on Wang, for Lu Hsiang-shan the book by Huang Siu-ch'i, Lu Hsiang-shan, a Twelfth-century Chinese Idealist Philosopher, New Haven 1944, can be used.
p. 264: For Tao-yen, I used work done by David Chan.—Large parts of the Yung-lo ta-tien are now lost (Kuo Po-kung, Yuean T'ung-li studied this problem).
p. 265: Yen-ta's Mongol name is Altan Qan (died 1582), leader of the Tuemet. He is also responsible for the re-introduction of Lamaism into Mongolia (1574).—For the border trade I used Hou Jen-chih; for the Shansi bankers Ch'en Ch'i-t'ien and P. Maybon. For the beginnings of the Manchu see Fr. Michael, The Origins of Manchu Rule in China, Baltimore 1942.
p. 266: M. Ricci's diary (Matthew Ricci, China in the Sixteenth Century, The Journals of M. Ricci, transl. by L. J. Gallagher, New York 1953) gives much insight into the life of Chinese officials in this period. Recently, J. Needham has tried to show that Ricci and his followers did not bring much which was not already known in China, but that they actually attempted to prevent the Chinese from learning about the Copernican theory.
p. 267: For Coxinga I used M. Eder's study.—The Szechwan rebellion was led by Chang Hsien-chung (1606-1647); I used work done by James B. Parsons. Cheng T'ien-t'ing, Sun Yueh and others have recently published the important documents concerning all late Ming peasant rebellions.—For the Tung-lin academy see Ch. O. Hucker in J. K. Fairbank, Chinese Thought and Institutions, Chicago 1957. A different interpretation is indicated by Shang Yueeh in Li-shih yen-chiu 1955, No. 3.
p. 268: Work on the "academies" (shu-yuean) in the earlier time is done by Ho Yu-shen.
p. 273-4: Based upon my own, as yet unfinished research.
p. 274: The population of 1953 as given here, includes Chinese outside of mainland China. The population of mainland China was 582.6 millions. If the rate of increase of about 2 per cent per year has remained the same, the population of mainland China in 1960 may be close to 680 million. In general see P. T. Ho. Studies on the Population of China, 1368-1953, Cambridge, Mass., 1960.
p. 276: Based upon my own research.—A different view of the development of Chinese industry is found in Norman Jacobs, Modern Capitalism and Eastern Asia, Hong Kong 1958. Jacobs attempted a comparison of China with Japan and with Europe. Different again is Marion Levy and Shih Kuo-heng, The Rise of the Modern Chinese Business Class, New York 1949. Both books are influenced by the sociological theories of T. Parsons.
p. 277: The Dzungars (Dsunghar; Chun-ko-erh) are one of the four Oeloet (Oirat) groups. I am here using studies by E. Haenisch and W. Fuchs.
p. 278: Tibetan-Chinese relations have been studied by L. Petech, China and Tibet in the Early 18th Century, Leiden 1950. A collection of data is found in M. W. Fisher and L. E. Rose, England, India, Nepal, Tibet, China, 1765-1958, Berkeley 1959. For diplomatic relations and tributary systems of this period, I referred to J. K. Fairbank and Teng Ssu-yue.
p. 279: For Ku Yen-wu, I used the work by H. Wilhelm.—A man who deserves special mention in this period is the scholar Huang Tsung-hsi (1610-1695) as the first Chinese who discussed the possibility of a non-monarchic form of government in his treatise of 1662. For him see Lin Mou-sheng, Men and Ideas, New York 1942, and especially W. T. de Bary in J. K. Fairbank, Chinese Thought and Institutions, Chicago 1957.
p. 280-1: On Liang see now J. R. Levenson, Liang Ch'i-ch'ao and the Mind of Modern China, London 1959.
p. 282: It should also be pointed out that the Yung-cheng emperor was personally more inclined towards Lamaism.—The Kalmuks are largely identical with the above-mentioned Oeloet.
p. 286: The existence of hong is known since 1686, see P'eng Tse-i and Wang Chu-an's recent studies. For details on foreign trade see H. B. Morse, The Chronicles of the East India Company Trading to China 1635-1834, Oxford 1926, 4 vols., and J. K. Fairbank, Trade and Diplomacy on the China Coast. The Opening of the Treaty Ports, 1842-1854, Cambridge, Mass., 1953, 2 vols.—For Lin I used G. W. Overdijkink's study.
p. 287: On customs read St. F. Wright, Hart and the Chinese Customs, Belfast 1950.
p. 288: For early industry see A. Feuerwerker, China's Early Industrialization: Sheng Hsuan-huai (1844-1916), Cambridge, Mass., 1958.
p. 289: The Chinese source materials for the Mohammedan revolts have recently been published, but an analysis of the importance of the revolts still remains to be done.—On T'ai-p'ing much has been published, especially in the last years in China, so that all documents are now available. I used among other studies, details brought out by Lo Hsiang-lin and Jen Yu-wen.
p. 291: For Tseng Kuo-fan see W. J. Hail, Tseng Kuo-fan and the T'ai-p'ing Rebellion, Hew Haven 1927, but new research on him is about to be published.—The Nien-fei had some connection with the White Lotos, and were known since 1814, see Chiang Siang-tseh, The Nien Rebellion, Seattle 1954.
p. 292: Little is known about Salars, Dungans and Yakub Beg's rebellion, mainly because relevant Turkish sources have not yet been studied. On Salars see L. Schram, The Monguors of Kansu, Philadelphia 1954, p. 23 and P. Pelliot; on Dungans see I. Grebe.
p. 293: On Tso Tsung-t'ang see G. Ch'en, Tso Tung T'ang, Pioneer Promotor of the Modern Dockyard and Woollen Mill in China, Peking 1938, and Yenching Journal of Soc. Studies, vol. 1.
p. 294: For the T'ung-chih period, see now Mary C. Wright, The Last Stand of Chinese Conservativism. The T'ung-chih Restoration, 1862-1874, Stanford 1957.
p. 295: Ryukyu is Chinese: Liu-ch'iu; Okinawa is one of the islands of this group.—Formosa is Chinese: T'ai-wan (Taiwan). Korea is Chinese: Chao-hsien, Japanese: Chosen.
p. 297: M. C. Wright has shown the advisers around the ruler before the Empress Dowager realized the severity of the situation.—Much research is under way to study the beginning of industrialization of Japan, and my opinions have changed greatly, due to the research done by Japanese scholars and such Western scholars as H. Rosovsky and Th. Smith. The eminent role of the lower aristocracy has been established. Similar research for China has not even seriously started. My remarks are entirely preliminary.
p. 298: For K'ang Yo-wei, I use work done by O. Franke and others. See M. E. Cameron, The Reform Movement in China, 1898-1921, Stanford 1921. The best bibliography for this period is J. K. Fairbank and Liu Kwang-ching, Modern China: A Bibliographical Guide to Chinese Works, 1898-1937, Cambridge, Mass., 1950. The political history of the time, as seen by a Chinese scholar, is found in Li Chien-nung, The Political History of China 1840-1928, Princeton 1956.—For the social history of this period see Chang Chung-li, The Chinese Gentry, Seattle 1955.—For the history of Tzu Hsi Bland-Backhouse, China under the Empress Dowager, Peking 1939 (Third ed.) is antiquated, but still used For some of K'ang Yo-wei's ideas, see now K'ang Yo-wei: Ta T'ung Shu. The One World Philosophy of K'ang Yu Wei, London 1957.
Chapter Eleven
p. 305: I rely here partly upon W. Franke's recent studies. For Sun Yat-sen (Sun I-hsien; also called Sun Chung-shan) see P. Linebarger, Sun Yat-sen and the Chinese Republic, Cambridge, Mass., 1925 and his later The Political Doctrines of Sun Yat-sen, Baltimore 1937.—Independently, Atatuerk in Turkey developed a similar theory of the growth of democracy.
p. 306: On student activities see Kiang Wen-han, The Ideological Background of the Chinese Student Movement, New York 1948.
p. 307: On Hu Shih see his own The Chinese Renaissance, Chicago 1934 and J. de Francis, Nationalism and Language Reform in China, Princeton 1950.
p. 310: The declaration of Independence of Mongolia had its basis in the early treaty of the Mongols with the Manchus (1636): "In case the Tai Ch'ing Dynasty falls, you will exist according to previous basic laws" (R. J. Miller, Monasteries and Culture Change in Inner Mongolia, Wiesbaden 1959, p. 4).
p. 315: For the military activities see F. F. Liu, A Military History of Modern China, 1924-1949, Princeton 1956. A marxist analysis of the 1927 events is Manabendra Nath Roy, Revolution and Counter-Revolution in China, Calcutta 1946; the relevant documents are translated in C. Brandt, B. Schwartz, J. K. Fairbank, A Documentary History of Chinese Communism, Cambridge, Mass., 1952.
Chapter Twelve
For Mao Tse-tung, see B. Schwartz, Chinese Communism and the Rise of Mao, second ed., Cambridge, Mass., 1958. For Mao's early years; see J. E. Rue, Mao Tse-tung in Opposition, 1927-1935, Stanford 1966. For the civil war, see L. M. Chassin, The Communist Conquest of China: A History of the Civil War, 1945-1949, Cambridge, Mass., 1965. For brief information on communist society, see Franz Schurmann and Orville Schell, The China Reader, vol. 3, Communist China, New York 1967. For problems of organization, see Franz Schurmann, Ideology and Organization in Communist China, Berkeley 1966. For cultural and political problems, see Ho Ping-ti, China in Crisis, vol. 1, China's Heritage and the Communist Political System, Chicago 1968. For a sympathetic view of rural life in communist China, see J. Myrdal, Report from a Chinese Village, New York 1965; for Taiwanese village life, see Bernard Gallin, Hsin Hsing, Taiwan: A Chinese Village in Change, Berkeley 1966.
Abahai, ruler, 269
Abdication, 92-3, 182, 227, 302
Aborigines, 323
Absolutism, 196, 208, 210, 232 ff., 247 (see Despotism, Dictator, Emperor, Monarchy)
Academia Sinica, 307
Academies, 221, 255, 267-8, 272
Administration, 64, 82-4, 138 ff, 142, 144, 154, 170, 173-4, 210; provincial, 85 (see Army, Feudalism, Bureaucracy)
Adobe (Mud bricks), 16, 19, 32
Adoptions, 204
Afghanistan, 146-7
Africa, 201, 259
Agriculture, development, 54, 198 ff., 249-50, 275; Origin of, 10, 11; of Shang, 21; shifting (denshiring), 32 (see Wheat, Millet, Rice, Plough, Irrigation, Manure, Canals, Fallow)
An Ti, ruler of Han, 92
Ainu, tribes, 9
Ala-shan mountain range, 88
Alchemy, 49, 104 (see) Elixir
Alexander the Great, 146-7
America, 276, 300 (see) United States
Amithabha, god, 188
Amur, river, 278
An Chi-yeh, rebel, 293
An Lu-shan, rebel, 184 ff., 189, 195
Analphabetism, 65
Anarchists, 47
Ancestor, cult, 24, 32
Aniko, sculptor, 243
Animal style, 17
Annam (Vietnam), 97, 160, 209, 219, 234, 258, 265, 295, 330
Anyang (Yin-ch'ue), 19, 22
Arabia, 258; Arabs, 104, 178, 183, 185, 266
Architecture, 147, 256
Aristocracy, 25, 26, 36, 122, 195 (see Nobility, Feudalism)
Army, cost of, 211; organization of, 24, 118, 174, 236; size of, 53; Tibetan, 127 (see War, Militia, tu-tu, pu-ch'ue)
Art, Buddhist, 146-7 (see Animal style, Architecture, Pottery, Painting, Sculpture, Wood-cut)
Arthashastra, book, attributed to Kautilya, 59
Artisans, 19, 26, 31, 33, 56, 79; Organizations of, 58 (see Guilds, Craftsmen)
Assimilation, 144, 152, 166, 244 (see Colonization)
Astronomy, 266
Austroasiats, 10, 12
Austronesians, 12
Avars, tribe, 140 (see Juan-juan)
Axes, prehistoric, 10
Axis, policy, 51
Babylon, 65
Baghdad, city, 201
Balasagun, city, 224
Ballads, 133
Banks, 265, 305
Banner organization, 268, 291
Barbarians (Foreigners), 109, 122, 246, 278
Bastards, 41
Bath, 217
Beg, title, 289
Beggar, 239
Bengal, 250, 283
Boat festival, 23
Bokhara (Bukhara), city, 46
Bon, religion, 242
Bondsmen, 31, 117, 143 (see pu-ch'ue, Serfs, Feudalism)
Book, printing, 201; B burning, 66
Boettger, inventor, 256
Boxer rebellion, 299
Boycott, 314
Brahmans, Indian caste, 34, 106
Brain drain, 326
Bronze, 17, 20, 22, 29, 33, 40, 106, 180-1 (see Metal, Copper)
Brothel (Tea-house), 163, 217
Buddha, 46; Buddhism, 20, 106, 108-9, 125, 127, 133 ff., 145 ff., 150, 161, 164, 168, 178, 179 ff., 188, 217, 218, 236, 257, 259, 266, 306 (see Ch'an, Vinaya, Sects, Amithabha, Maitreya, Hinayana, Mahayana, Monasteries, Church, Pagoda, Monks, Lamaism)
Budget, 168, 175, 209, 210, 215, 261 (see Treasury, Inflation, Deflation)
Bullfights, 182
Bureaucracy, 24, 33, 63, 72; religious B, 25 (see Administration; Army)
Burgher (liang-min), 143, 183, 216
Burma, 12, 146, 234, 248, 265, 269, 283, 318, 319, 322, 329, 330
Businessmen, 64 (see Merchants, Trade)
Byzantium, 177
Calcutta, city, 283
Caliph (Khaliph), 185
Cambodia, 234, 295
Canals, 170, 246; Imperial C, 168, 235-6 (see Irrigation)
Cannons, 232, 263
Canton (Kuang-chou), city, 67, 77, 89, 97, 159, 190, 209, 237, 262, 266, 286, 287, 308, 309, 312, 314
Capital of Empire, 144 (see Ch'ang-an, Si-an, Lo-yang, etc.)
Capitalism, 180-1, 212, 297, 303 (see Investments, Banks, Money, Economy, etc.)
Capitulations (privileges of foreign nations), 273, 287, 290, 312, 316
Caravans, 86, 98, 121, 129, 181 (see Silk road, Trade)
Carpet, 243
Castes, 106 (see Brahmans)
Castiglione, G., painter, 281
Cattle, breeding, 155
Cavalry, 53 (see Horse)
Cave temples, 146-7 (see Lung-men, Yuen-kang, Tun-huang)
Censorate, 84
Censorship, 254
Census, 143 (see Population)
Central Asia, 25, 87-88, 90, 113, 119, 135, 169, 179, 209, 259, 277, 330 (see Turkestan, Sinkiang, Tarim, City States)
Champa, State, 249
Ch'an (Zen), meditative Buddhism, 164, 175, 218, 263
Chan-kuo Period (Contending States), 51 ff.
Chancellor, 82
Ch'ang-an, capital of China, 123, 127, 129, 167, 172, 176, 184, 185, 190, 207 (see Sian)
Chang Ch'ien, ambassador, 88
Chang Chue-chan, teacher, 265
Chang Hsien-chung, rebel, 268, 271
Chang Hsueeh-liang, war lord, 316
Chang Ling, popular leader, 101, 136, 147, 264
Chang Ti, ruler, 99
Chang Tsai, philosopher, 218
Chang Tso-lin, war lord, 312, 316
Chao, state, 53, 63; Earlier Chao, 124; Later Chao, 124
Chao K'uang-yin (T'ai Tsu), ruler, 208, 209
Chao Meng-fu, painter, 243
Charters, 30
Chefoo Convention, 295
Ch'en, dynasty, 162 ff.
Ch'en Pa-hsien, ruler, 162
Ch'en Tu-hsiu, intellectual, 307, 320
Ch'eng Hao, philosopher, 219
Cheng Ho, navy commander, 258
Ch'eng I, philosopher, 219
Cheng-i-chiao, religion, 263-4
Ch'eng Ti, ruler of Han, 92; ruler of Chin, 156
Ch'eng Tsu, ruler of Manchu, 257
Ch'eng-tu, city, 110, 120
Ch'i, state, 40; short dynasty, 190, 225; Northern Ch'i, 148 ff., 149, 150 ff., 161, 162, 168
Ch'i-fu, clan, 129 ff.
Chi-nan, city, 55
Ch'i-tan (see Kitan)
Ch'i Wan-nien, leader, 118
Chia, clan, 120
Chia-ch'ing, period, 285
Chia Ssu-tao, politician, 228
Ch'iang, tribes, 21, 118 (see Tanguts)
Chiang Kai-shek, president, 264, 311, 314, 315, 316, 317, 318, 321, 322, 324, 326
Ch'ien-lung, period, 272, 282, 284, 285
ch'ien-min (commoners), 143
Chin, dynasty, 229 ff. (see Juchen); dynasty, 114, 115 ff.; Eastern Chin dynasty, 152 ff., 155 ff.; Later Chin dynasty, 139
Ch'in, state, 36; Ch'in, dynasty, 53, 59, 60, 62 ff., 80; Earlier Ch'in dynasty, 126, 157; Later Ch'in dynasty, 129, 139, 159; Western Ch'in dynasty, 129, 140
Ch'in K'ui, politician, 226
Chinese, origin of, 2, 8 ff.
Ching Fang, scholar, 255
Ching-te (-chen), city, 201, 256
ching-t'ien system, 33
Ching Tsung, Manchu ruler, 260
Ch'in Ying, painter, 255
Chou, dynasty, 29 f., 76; short Chou dynasty, 180; Later Chou dynasty, 206; Northern Chou dynasty, 148, 149, 150 ff., 169, 172
Chou En-lai, politician, 320
Chou-k'ou-tien, archaeological site, 8
Chou-kung (Duke of Chou), 33, 93 Chou-li, book, 33
Chou Tun-i, philosopher, 218
Christianity, 179, 266, 282, 290 (see Nestorians, Jesuits, Missionaries)
Chronology, 7, 335
Ch'u, state, 38, 199 ff., 205
Chu Ch'uean-chung, general and ruler, 190, 191, 203, 204
Chu Hsi, philosopher, 219, 263, 279
Chu-ko Liang, general, 111
Chu Te general, 321
Chu Tsai-yue, scholar, 255
Chu Yuean-chang (T'ai Tsu), ruler, 239 ff., 243 ff., 246, 247, 256, 257
chuang, 181, 212-13, 345 (see Manors, Estates)
Chuang Tzu;, philosopher, 47-8, 50
Chuen-ch'en, ruler, 88
Ch'un-ch'iu, book, 43, 80
chuen-t'ien system (land equalization system), 142-3, 173, 187
chuen-tzue (gentleman), 42, 44
Chung-ch'ang T'ung, philosopher, 50
Chungking (Ch'ung-ch'ing), city, 38, 110, 318
Church, Buddhistic, 146, 147, 188, 218; Taoistic, 136, 147 (see Chang Ling)
Cities, 36, 37; spread and growth of cities, 31, 55-6, 175, 229, 250-1, 252; origin of cities, 19; twin cities, 33 (see City states, Ch'ang-an, Sian, Lo-yang, Hankow, etc.)
City States (of Central Asia), 97, 132, 177
Clans, 31, 196
Classes, social classes, 79, 143-4, 207, 216 (see Castes, ch'ien-min, liang-min, Gentry, etc.)
Climate, changes, 9
Cliques, 91, 160, 197, 257, 261
Cloisonne, 256
Cobalt, 221, 256
Coins, 78, 94, 116, 199, 209 (see Money)
Colonialism, 278, 283, 329 (see Imperialism)
Colonization, 97, 102, 111, 116, 153, 209, 248 ff. (see Migration, Assimilation)
Colour prints, 256
Communes, 331
Communism, 314, 320 ff. (see Marxism, Socialism, Soviets)
Concubines, 100, 227
Confessions, 102
Confucian ritual, 78-9; Confucianism, 93, 136, 145, 150, 163-4, 168, 175, 183-4, 188, 306; Confucian literature, 78; false Confucian literature, 93-4; Confucians, 40 ff., 134 (see Neo-Confucianism)
Conquests, 122, 270 (see War, Colonialism)
Conservatism, 219
Constitution, 311
Contending States, 40 ff.
Co-operatives, 319
Copper, 17, 211 (see Bronze, Metal)
Corruption, 51, 200
Corvee (forced labour), 82, 173, 187, 196, 238 (see Labour)
Cotton, 250
Courtesans, 182 (see Brothel)
Coxinga, rebel, 267, 271
Craftsmen, 26, 105, 183, 197, 216, 247-8 (see Artisans)
Credits, 215
Criminals, 146, 218, 248
Crop rotation, 249
Dalai Lama, religious ruler of Tibet, 278, 310
Dance, 105
Deflation, 215
Deities, 23 (see Tien, Shang Ti, Maitreya, Amithabha, etc.)
Delft, city, 256
Demands, the twenty-one, 311, 313
Democracy, 305, 301
Denshiring, 12
Despotism, 81, 196 (see Absolutism)
Dewey, J., educator, 307
Dialects, 64-5 (see Language)
Dialecticians, 59
Dictators, 38, 47 (see Despotism)
Dictionaries, 65
Diploma, for monks, 208
Diplomacy, 223, 226
Disarmament, 115, 120
Discriminatory laws, 189, 233 ff., 270 (see Double Standard)
Dog, 54
Dorgon, prince, 269
Double standard, legal, 80
Drama, 242, 255, 280
Dress, changes, 53
Dungan, tribes, 292
Dynastic histories (see History), 2
Dzungars, people, 277
Eclipses, 43
Economy, 53 ff., 94 ff., 100, 109, 112-13, 142 ff.; Money economy, 198; Natural economy, 107-8, 116 (see Agriculture, Nomadism, Industry, Denshiring, Money, Trade, etc.)
Education, 73, 103, 201, 306, 326, 327 (see Schools, Universities, Academies, Script, Examination system, etc.)
Elements, the five, 60
Elephants, 26
Elite, 73, 74, 196, 218 (see Intellectuals, Students, Gentry)
Elixir, 187 (see Alchemy)
Emperor, position of, 81, 92, 210, 304; Emperor and church, 218 (see Despotism, King, Absolutism, Monarchy, etc.)
Empress (see Lue, Wu, Wei, Tzu Hsi)
Encyclopaedias, 219, 264, 279
England, 265, 283, 285 (see Great Britain)
Ephtalites, tribe, 150
Epics, 133
Equalization Office, 91, 94 (see chuen-t'ien)
Erotic literature, 254
Estates (chuang,) 154, 175, 181, 212, 236
Ethics, 45 (see Confucianism)
Eunuchs, 91, 100, 191, 253, 259-60, 261, 267, 272
Europe, 143, 212; Europeans, 209, 233, 237, 246, 263, 272, 297, 299
Examination system, 74, 78, 85-6, 91, 175, 197, 216, 252-3, 259, 280; Examinations for Buddhists, 207
Fables, 259
Factories, 250, 251
Fallow system, 54, 249
Falsifications, 93 (see Confucianism)
Family structure, 24, 29, 31, 42, 54, 138-9, 196, 332; Family ethics, 58; Family planning, 331
Fan Chung-yen, politician, 212, 213
Fascism, 264
Federations, tribal, 117
Felt, 33
Feng Kuo-chang, politician, 312
Feng Meng-lung, writer, 254, 255
Feng Tao, politician, 201
Feng Yue-hsiang, war lord, 312, 315
Ferghana, city, 88
Fertility cults, 23; differential fertility, 73
Fertilizer, 54
Feudalism, 24, 29, 30 ff., 37, 38, 40, 42, 44, 45, 85; end of feudalism, 51, 59, 62-3; late feudalism, 71-2, 77 ff.; new feudalism, 81; nomadic feudalism, 76, 131 (see Serfs, Aristocracy, Fiefs, Bondsmen, etc.)
Fiefs, 30, 54, 78, 82
Finances, 209 (see Budget, Inflation, Money, Coins)
Fire-arms (see Rifles, Cannons)
Fishing, 94
Folk-tales, 254, 258
Food habits, 54-5, 155
Foreign relations, 84 (see Diplomacy, Treaty, Tribute, War)
Forests, 26
Formosa (T'aiwan), 152, 267, 276, 277, 295, 296, 323 ff.
France, 287, 295, 296, 313, 317
Frontier, concept of, 38
Frugality, 58
Fu Chien, ruler, 126 ff., 130, 131, 136, 139, 157-8
Fu-lan-chi (Franks), 263
Fu-lin, Manchu ruler, 269
Fu-yue, country, 141
Fukien, province, 167, 228, 237, 248, 249, 250, 251, 276
Galdan, leader, 277
Gandhara, country, 146
Gardens, 154
Geisha (see Courtesans), 217
Genealogy, 52, 167, 196
Genghiz Khan, ruler, 225, 230, 241
Gentry (Upper class), 44, 78, 80, 101, 108, 133, 138, 143, 144, 166, 173, 174, 196, 197, 203, 209, 210, 214, 236, 239, 252 ff., 257, 268, 272, 297, 303-4, 307; colonial gentry, 163; definition of gentry, 72; gentry state, 71 ff., southern gentry, 153
Germany, 296, 311, 312, 317
Goek Turks, 149 ff.
Governors, role of, 184 ff.
Grain (see Millet, Rice, Wheat)
Granaries, 216, 290
Great Britain, 285, 293, 294, 295, 310 (see England)
Great Leap Forward, 331
Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, 333
Great Wall, 57
Greeks, 59, 60
Guilds, 58, 197
Hakka, ethnic group, 228, 289, 323
Hami, city state, 245
Han, dynasty, 71 ff., 122; Later Han dynasty, 206
Han Fei Tzu, philosopher, 59
Han T'o-wei, politician, 226-7
Han Yue, philosopher, 182, 217, 218
Hankow (Han-k'ou), city, 38, 156, 162, 251, 290, 314
Hangchow (Hang-chou), city, 38, 225, 228
Heaven, 42, 81 (see Shang Ti, T'ien)
Hermits, 46 ff. (see Monks, Sages)
Hinayana, religion, 135
Historians, 2
Histories, dynastic, 2, 242; falsification of histories, 43, 52, 93; Historiography, 43, 103-4 Hitler, Adolf, dictator, 317, 319
Hittites, ethnic group, 25
Ho Ch'eng-t'ien, scholar, 255
Ho-lien P'o-p'o, ruler, 139, 140, 159, 225
Ho Ti, Han ruler, 99
hong, association, 286
Hong Kong, colony, 286, 319, 325
Hopei, province, 296
Horse, 11, 90, 186, 223, 237; horse chariot, 25; horse riding, 53; horse trade, 63
Hospitals, 216
Hou Ching, ruler, 161-2
Houses, 19, 33 (see Adobe)
Hsi-hsia, kingdom, 214, 221, 223, 224 ff., 231
Hsi-k'ang, Tibet, 310
Hsia, dynasty, 17-18, 21, 25; Hunnic Hsia dynasty, 139 (see Hsi-hsia)
Hsia-hou, clan, 113
Hsia Kui, painter, 221
Hsiao Tao-ch'eng, general, 160
Hsiao Wu Ti, Chin ruler, 158
Hsieh, clan, 157
Hsieh Hsuean, general, 128
Hsien-feng, period, 294
Hsien-pi, tribal federation, 98, 102, 114, 116, 117, 119, 120, 121, 123, 126, 127, 128 ff., 130, 131, 132, 136, 137, 138, 140, 148, 169
Hsien Ti, Han ruler, 100
Hsien-yuen, tribes, 21
Hsin, dynasty, 92
Hsin-an merchants, 251, 263
Hsin Ch'ing-nien, journal, 307
Hsiung-nu, tribal federation, 67 ff., 75 ff., 81, 86 ff., 90, 95, 96, 97 ff., 102, 108, 113, 114, 116, 117, 118, 224, 226 (see Huns)
Hsue Shih-ch'ang, president, 312
Hsuean-te, period, 259
Hsuean-tsang, Buddhist, 181
Hsuean Tsung, T'ang ruler, 181; Manchu ruler, 259, 288
Hsuean-t'ung, period, 300
Hsuen Tzu, philosopher, 57-8
Hu, name of tribes, 118 (see Huns)
Hu Han-min, politician, 314-15
Hu Shih, scholar and politician, 307, 320
Hu Wei-yung, politician, 257
Huai-nan Tzu, philosopher, 50, 104
Huai, Ti, Chin ruler, 123, 124
Huan Hsuean, general, 158, 159
Huan Wen, general, 157-8
Huang Ch'ao, leader of rebellion, 189 ff., 195, 203
Huang Ti, ruler, 52
Huang Tsung-hsi, philosopher, 247, 352
Hui-chou merchants, 251, 254
hui-kuan, association, 197
Hui Ti, Chin ruler, 120; Manchu ruler, 257
Hui Tsung, Sung ruler, 221
Hui Tzu, philosopher, 59
Human sacrifice, 19, 23
Hung Hsiu-ch'uean, leader of rebellion, 289 ff.
Huns, 57, 118, 119, 120, 121, 124, 125, 126, 127, 130, 131, 136, 139, 140, 147, 148, 151, 278 (see Hu, Hsiung-nu)
Hunting, 25-6
Hutuktu, religious ruler, 310
Hydraulic society, 56
i-chuang, clan manors, 213
Ili, river, 282 ff., 293, 330
Imperialism, 76, 265, 285 ff., 294, 295, 329 (see Colonialism)
India, 20, 26, 34, 45, 60, 89, 106, 111, 118, 125, 134-5, 145, 146, 164, 181, 182, 198, 243, 265, 287, 288, 310, 329 (see Brahmans, Bengal, Gandhara, Calcutta, Buddhism)
Indo-China, 234, 258 (see Cambodia, Annam, Laos).
Indo-Europeans, language group, 15, 25, 29, 150 (see Yueeh-chih, Tocharians, Hittites)
Indonesia, 10, 201, 209, 319 (see Java)
Industries, 198, 214, 250 ff.; Industrialization, 275, 325-26, 327-28, 331-32; Industrial society, 212 (see Factories)
Inflation, 20, 211, 215, 237
Inheritance, laws of, 24, 54
Intellectuals, 300, 309 (see Elite, Students)
Investments, 198, 212, 212-14
Iran (Persia), 60, 61, 234
Iron, 40, 55, 96, 198; Cast iron, 56; Iron money, 202 (see Steel)
Irrigation, 56, 62
Islam, 179, 183, 202-3 (see Muslims)
Istanbul (Constantinople), 256, 259, 293
Italy, 317
Japan, 9, 10, 26, 44, 88, 106, 112, 114, 126, 144, 145, 170, 178, 179, 181, 196, 201, 234, 245-6, 254, 256, 258, 263, 264, 265, 275, 294 ff., 297, 298, 300, 308, 309, 311, 312, 313, 314, 316, 317 ff., 322, 323, 324, 325 (see Meiji, Tada, Tanaka)
Java, 234
Jedzgerd, ruler, 178
Jehol, province, 11, 287 Jen Tsung, Manchu ruler, 285
Jesuits, 266, 278
Jews, 179
Ju (scribes), 34, 41
Ju-chen (Chin Dynasty, Jurchen), 221-2, 223, 225, 226, 227, 229 ff, 244, 265
Juan-juan, tribal federation, 114, 140, 149
Jurchen (see Ju-chen)
K'ai-feng, city (see Yeh, Pien-liang), 203, 230
Kalmuk, Mongol tribes, 282, 283, 284 (see Oeloet)
Kang-hsi, period, 272, 277, 279
K'ang Yo-wei, politician and scholar, 298-99
Kansu, province, 12, 14, 86, 87, 121, 124, 125, 129, 131, 132, 139, 140, 142, 159, 163, 225, 292, 293, 324 (see Tun-huang)
Kao-ch'ang, city state, 177
Kao, clan, 148
Kao-li, state, 126, 141, 222 (see Korea)
Kao Ming, writer, 242
Kao Tsu, Han ruler, 71, 77
Kao Tsung, T'ang ruler, 179, 180
Kao Yang, ruler, 148
Kapok, textile fibre, 250
Kara Kitai, tribal federation, 223-4
Kashgar, city, 99, 282, 292
Kazak, tribal federation, 282, 283
Khalif (see Caliph), 293
Khamba, Tibetans, 310
Khan, Central Asian title, 149, 169, 176, 177, 186
Khocho, city, 177
Khotan, city, 99, 135, 174
King, position of, 24, 34, 42, 43; first kings, 19; religious character of kingship, 37 (see Yao, Shun, Hsia dynasty, Emperor, Wang, Prince)
Kitan (Ch'i-tan), tribal federation, 184, 186, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 221, 222 ff., 229, 241 (see Liao dynasty)
Ko-shu Han, general, 184-5
Korea, 9, 88-89, 112, 126, 169 ff., 178, 181, 201, 219, 222, 265, 268, 295, 296, 324, 329 (see Kao-li, Pai-chi, Sin-lo)
K'ou Ch'ien-chih, Taoist, 147
Kowloon, city, 287
Ku Yen-wu, geographer, 279
Kuan Han-ch'ing, writer, 242
Kuang-hsue, period, 295 ff.
Kuang-wu Ti, Han ruler, 96 ff.
Kub(i)lai Khan, Mongol ruler, 234, 241
Kung-sun Lung, philosopher, 59
K'ung Tzu (Confucius), 40 ff.
Kuo-min-tang (KMT), party, 313, 321, 323, 324, 325
Kuo Wei, ruler, 206
Kuo Tzu-hsing, rebel leader, 239
Kuo Tzu-i, loyal general, 184, 186
Kyakhta (Kiachta), city, 278
Labour, forced, 235, 237 (see Corvee); Labour laws, 198; Labour shortage, 251
Lacquer, 256
Lamaism, religion, 242-3
Land ownership, 31, 32, 54 (see Property); Land reform, 94, 142-3, 172-3, 229, 290, 315, 325, 330 (see chuen-t'ien, ching-t'ien)
Landlords, 54, 55, 154, 155, 198, 212, 213, 236-7, 251; temples as landlords, 134
Language, 36, 46; dialects, 64-5, 167; Language reform, 307-8, 324
Lang Shih-ning, painter, 281
La Tzu, philosopher, 45 ff., 101, 136
Laos, country, 12
Law codes, 56, 66, 80, 81-2, 93 (see Li K'ui, Property law, Inheritance, Legalists)
Leadership, 73-4
League of Nations, 316
Leibniz, philosopher, 281
Legalists (fa-chia), 47, 63, 65, 66, 80, 81
Legitimacy of rule, 44, 111 (see Abdication)
Lenin, V., 320, 333
Lhasa, city, 278, 329
Li An-shih, economist, 142
Li Chung-yen, governor, 315
Li Hung-chang, politician, 291, 296, 297
Li K'o-yung, ruler, 190, 191, 203, 204
Li Kuang-li, general, 88
Li K'ui, law-maker, 56, 80
Li Li-san, politician, 320
Li Lin-fu, politician, 184
Li Lung-mien, painter, 220
Li Shih-min (see T'ai Tsung), T'ang ruler, 170, 172, 178
Li Ssu, politician, 66
Li Ta-chao, librarian, 320
Li T'ai-po, poet, 182
Li Tzu-ch'eng, rebel, 268, 269, 271
Li Yu, writer, 280
Li Yu-chen, writer, 280
Li Yuean, ruler, 172
Li Yuean-hung, politician, 301, 302, 312
Liang dynasty, Earlier, 124, 130; Later Liang, 130, 150, 162, 191, 203 ff., 207; Northern Liang, 130 ff., 132, 133, 140; Southern Liang, 132; Western Liang, 131, 140
Liang Ch'i-ch'ao, journalist, 280-1
liang-min (burghers), 143
Liao, tribes, 12; Liao dynasty (see Kitan), 203, 208, 222 ff.; Western Liao dynasty, 224
Liao-chai chih-i, short-story collection, 280
Libraries, 66, 201-2
Lin-chin, city, 55
Lin-ch'uan, city, 263
Lin Shu, translator, 280
Lin Tse-hsue, politician, 286
Literati, 73 (see Scholars, Confucianists)
Literature, 66, 103 ff., 182 ff., 220, 253 ff. (see pien-wen, pi-chi, Poetry, Drama, Novels, Epics, Theatre, ballads, Folk-tales, Fables, History, Confucians, Writers, Scholars, Scribes)
Literary revolution, 307, 320
Liu Chi, Han ruler, 68, 71 ff.
Liu Chih-yuean, ruler, 206
Liu Chin, eunuch, 261
Liu Hsiu (see Kuang-wu Ti), Han ruler, 96
Liu Lao-chih, general, 158
liu-min (vagrants), 198
Liu Pang (see Liu Chi)
Liu Pei, general and ruler, 100, 101, 102
Liu Shao-ch'i, political leader, 333
Liu Sung, rebel, 284
Liu Tsung-yuean, writer, 182
Liu Ts'ung, ruler, 123, 124
Liu Yao, ruler, 124
Liu Yue, general, 158, 159; emperor, 225
Liu Yuean, sculptor, 243; emperor, 119, 122, 123, 124, 126, 127, 131, 137, 139
Lo Kuan-chung, writer, 254
Loans, to farmers, 94; foreign, 288
Loess, soil formation, 9
Logic, 46
Long March, 321
Lorcha War, 287, 291
Loyang (Lo-yang), capital of China, 32, 33, 36, 37, 55, 97, 113, 122, 127, 142, 144, 145, 148, 149, 150, 160, 168, 176, 180, 184, 185, 215
Lu, state, 41, 43
Lue, empress, 77 ff.
Lu Hsiang-shan, philosopher, 263
Lu Hsuen, writer, 320
Lue Kuang, ruler, 130
Lue Pu, general, 100
Lue Pu-wei, politician, 63, 103
Lun, prince, 120
Lun-heng, book, 104
Lung-men, place, 150
Lung-shan, excavation site, 14, 15 ff., 19
Lytton Commission, 316
Ma Yin, ruler, 199-200
Ma Yuean, general, 97; painter, 221
Macchiavellism, 60, 164, 263-4
Macao, Portuguese colony, 227, 266, 286
Mahayana, Buddhist sect, 135, 145
Maitreya, Buddhist deity, 147, 189 (see Messianic movements)
Malacca, state, 263
Malaria, 249
Managers, 212-13
Manchu, tribal federation and dynasty, 76, 232, 265, 267, 270 ff., 301, 312, 329, 330
Manchuria, 9, 11, 14, 111, 114, 137, 222, 246, 275, 277, 296, 311, 316, 317
Manichaeism, Iranian religion, 46, 179, 187
Manors (chuang, see Estates), 154
Mao Tun, Hsiung-nu ruler, 75, 76, 119, 122, 139, 170
Mao Tse-tung, party leader, 320, 321, 333
Marco Polo, businessman, 238, 317
Market, 56; Market control, 85
Marriage systems, 73-5, 167, 196, 332
Marxism, 304, 306, 322, 331, 333; Marxist theory of history, 75 (see Materialism, Communism, Lenin, Mao Tse-tung)
Materialism, 58, 164
Mathematics, 61
Matrilinear societies, 24
Mazdaism, Iranian religion, 101, 179, 187, 342
May Fourth Movement, 307, 320
Medicine, 219; Medical doctors, 144, 216-17
Meditation (see Ch'an)
Megalithic culture, 20
Meiji, Japanese ruler, 294
Melanesia, 10
Mencius (Meng Tzu), philosopher, 57
Merchants, 31, 55, 56, 62, 63, 65, 79, 90-1, 104-5, 134, 160, 163, 179, 189, 198, 200, 201, 202, 212, 215-16, 247-8, 251, 276-7, 297; foreign merchants, 190, 234, 237, 281-2 (see Trade, Salt, Caravans, Businessmen)
Messianic movements, 61, 147
Metal, 15, 20 (see Bronze, Copper, Iron)
Mi Fei, painter, 220
Middle Class, 195, 254, 297, 304, 309, 310, 314 (see Burgher, Merchant, Craftsmen, Artisans)
Middle East (see Near East)
Migrations, 54, 116, 120 ff., 130, 142, 152 ff., 228, 237, 248, 275-6, 294; forced migrations, 54, 167 (see Colonization, Assimilation, Settlement)
Militarism, 63
Militia, 174, 215, 291
Millet, 11, 21, 32
Mills, 181, 213
Min, state in Fukien, 205
Ming dynasty, 243 ff.
Ming Jui, general, 283
Min Ti, Chin ruler, 123
Ming Ti, Han ruler, 99; Wei ruler, 114; Later T'ang ruler, 204
Minorate, 24
Missionaries, Christian, 266, 281, 287, 289 (see Jesuits)
Mo Ti, philosopher, 58
Modernization, 296-7
Mohammedan rebellions, 292 ff. (see Muslim)
Mon-Khmer tribes, 10
Monarchy, 47, 247, 281 (see King, Emperor, Absolutism, Despotism)
Monasteries, Buddhist, 144, 207, 236; economic importance, 125, 134, 180-1, 187 ff.
Money, 20, 55, 180-1; Money economy, 56, 58, 107-8; Origin of money, 40; paper money, 202, 211, 347 (see Coins, Paper, Silver)
Mongolia, 8, 9, 11, 98, 283, 317
Mongols, tribes, tribal federation, dynasty, 17, 40, 53, 57, 76, 102, 114, 117, 119, 120, 137, 140, 175, 220, 225, 227, 228, 230 ff., 232 ff., 240, 243, 244, 257, 259, 264, 266, 268, 270, 277, 281, 284, 291, 329, 330 (see Yuean dynasty, Kalmuk, Tuemet, Oirat, Oeloet, Naiman, Turgut, Timur, Genghiz, Kublai)
Monks, Buddhist, 134, 146, 164, 188, 207, 218, 239, 246, 253-4
Monopolies, 85, 91, 200, 215
Mound-dwellers, 16
Mu-jung, tribes, 119, 126, 128-9
Mu Ti, East Chin ruler, 157
Mu Tsung, Manchu ruler, 294
Mulberries, 143
Munda tribes, 10
Music, 163, 182-3, 255 (see Theatre, Dance, Geisha)
Muslims, 179, 233, 278, 289; Muslim rebellions, 289, 292 ff. (see Islam, Mohammedans)
Mysticism, 46
Naiman, Mongol tribe, 233
Nan-chao, state, 171
Nan-yang, city, 96
Nanking (Nan-ching), capital of China, 38, 121, 156, 162, 225, 228, 235, 246, 250, 254, 257, 262, 263, 266, 270, 286, 287, 290, 291, 302, 315, 316, 318; Nanking regime, 314 ff.
Nationalism, 76, 131, 233, 284-5 (see Kuo-min-tang)
Nature, 46; Nature philosophers, 60
Navy, 258
Near East, 16, 81, 106, 109, 111, 140, 146, 221, 238 (see Arabs, Iran, etc.)
Neo-Confucianism, 218 ff., 263
Neolithicum, 9
Nepal, 243, 283
Nerchinsk, place, 278
Nestorian Christianity, 187
Ni Tsan, painter, 243
Nien Fei, rebels, 291-2
Niu Seng-yu, politician, 188
Nobility, 31, 80, 124, 131, 138; Nomadic nobility, 76 (see Aristocracy)
Nomadism, 10, 40, 67, 222-3; Economy of nomads, 35-6, 137; Nomadic society structure, 75
Novels, 254 ff., 280
Oil, 294
Oirat, Mongol tribes, 260
Okinawa (see Ryukyu)
Oeloet, Mongol tribes, 277
Opera, 242, 255-6
Opium, 276, 286; Opium War, 286
Oracle bones, 22, 24
Ordos, area, 9, 17, 20, 67, 86, 125, 129, 133, 148, 170, 225
Orenburg, city, 282
Organizations, 58 (see hui-kuan Guilds, hong, Secret Societies)
Orphanages, 218
Ottoman (Turkish) Empire, 293
Ou-yang Hsiu, writer, 254
Outer Mongolia, 310-11, 330
Pagoda, 243
Pai-chi (Paikche), state in Korea, 141
Pai-lien-hui (see White Lotos) 239
Painting, 56, 105, 183, 220 ff., 243, 255, 281
Palaeolithicum, 8 ff.
Pan Ch'ao, general, 99, 100
pao-chia, security system, 173
Paper, 105, 183, 251; Paper money, 202, 228, 237 (see Money)
Parliament, 300-1
Party (see Kuo-min-tang, Communists)
Pearl Harbour, 319
Peasant rebellions, 238 ff. (see Rebellions)
Peking, city, 169, 184, 197, 207, 208, 221, 223, 235, 239, 246, 256, 257, 262, 264, 265, 266, 268, 269, 272, 278, 283, 287, 290, 291, 297, 299, 305, 307, 308, 309, 311, 312, 313, 318; Peking Man, 8
Pensions, 217, 247
People's Democracy, 294
Persecution, religious, 147, 188, 207
Persia (Iran), 256, 258, 259; Persian language, 234
Peruz, ruler, 178
Philippines, state, 295, 323, 325
Philosophy, 44, 217 ff., 263 ff. (see Confucius, Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu, Huai-nan Tzu, Hsuen Tzu, Mencius, Hui Tzu, Mo Ti, Kung-sun Lung, Shang Tzu, Han Fei Tzu, Tsou Yen, Legalists, Chung-ch'ang, T'ung, Yuean Chi, Liu Ling, Chu Hsi, Ch'eng Hao, Lu Hsiang-shan, Wang Yang-ming, etc.)
pi-chi, literary form, 220
pieh-yeh (see Manor), 154
Pien-liang, city (see K'ai-feng), 230
pien-wen, literary form, 253
Pig, 54, 199
Pilgrims, 245
P'ing-ch'eng, city, 122
Pirates, 245, 263
Plantation economy, 154
Plough, 54
Po Chue-i, poet, 182, 220
Po-hai, state, 171, 222, 229
Poetry, 48, 163, 175, 182 ff., 227, 241, 255; Court Poetry, 105; Northern Poetry, 133
Poets, 219 ff. (see T'ao Ch'ien, Po Chue-i, Li T'ai-po, Tu Fu, etc.)
Politicians, migratory, 52
Pontic migration, 16
Population changes, 21, 55, 62, 78, 108, 236, 238, 273-4; Population decrease, 107 (see Census, Fertility)
Porcelain, 20, 183, 201, 221, 251, 256, 281
Port Arthur, city, 296
Portsmouth, treaty, 296
Portuguese 262, 263 (see Fu-lan-chi, Macao)
Potter, 32; Pottery, 14, 15 ff., 20; black pottery, 16 (see Porcelain)
Price controls, 212
Priests, 24, 34 (see Shamans, Ju, Monks)
Primogeniture, 54
Princes, 115, 120, 123
Printing, 201-2 (see Colour, Book)
Privileges of gentry, 173
Proletariate, 305, 320 (see Labour)
Propaganda, 93
Property relations, 31, 54, 196 (see Laws, Inheritance, Primogeniture)
Protectorate, 82
Provinces, administration, 85
pu-ch'ue, bondsmen, 143, 174
Pu-ku Huai-en, general, 185, 186
P'u Sung-lin, writer, 280
P'u Yi, Manchu ruler, 300, 312
Puppet plays, 255
Railways, 301, 324; Manchurian Railway, 296
Rebellions, 95-6, 156, 158, 184 ff., 189 ff., 238 ff., 261 ff., 267 ff., 284, 289 ff., 291 ff., 299, 301 (see Peasants, Secret Societies, Revolutions)
Red Eyebrows, peasant movement, 95 ff.
Red Guards, 333
Reforms, 298, 299; Reform of language, 307-9 (see Land reform)
Regents, 89
Religion, 8, 22-4, 37, 42, 44, 48, 135-6; popular religion, 101 (see Bon, Shintoism, Persecution, Sacrifice, Ancestor cult, Fertility cults, Deities, Temples, Monasteries, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Mazdaism, Manichaeism, Messianic religions, Secret societies, Soul, Shamanism, State religion)
Republic, 303 ff.
Revolutions, 244; legitimization of revolution, 57 (see Rebellions)
Ricci, Matteo, missionary, 266
Rice, 12, 155, 219, 235, 249
Rifles, 263
Ritualism, 34, 42
Roads, 30, 56, 65
Roman Empire, 31, 51, 107, 144, 210
Roosevelt, F.D., president, 322
Russia, 246, 259, 278, 282, 283, 284, 293, 294, 296, 298, 300, 310, 311, 313-14, 315, 317, 320, 321, 322, 323, 328-29, 330, 333, 334 (see Soviet Republics)
Ryukyu (Liu-ch'iu), islands, 295
Sacrifices, 19, 23, 26
Sages, 47
Sakhalin (Karafuto), island, 295, 296
Salar, ethnic group, 292
Salary, 213, 227
Salt, 40; Salt merchants, 189, 238, 248-9, 262; Salt trade, 200-1
Samarkand, city, 45, 183, 241
San-min chu-i, book, 305
Sang Hung-yang, economist, 91
Sassanids, Iranian dynasty, 178
Scholars (Ju), 34, 41, 52, 59, 60, 100 (see Literati, Scribes, Intellectuals, Confucianists)
Schools, 79, 196, 324-25 (see Education)
Science, 60-1, 104-5, 219, 281 (see Mathematics, Astronomy, Nature)
Scribes, 34
Script, Chinese, 22, 29, 65, 225, 308
Sculpture, 19-20, 106, 147, 183, 243; Buddhist sculptures, 146
se-mu (auxiliary troops), 233
Seal, imperial, 92-3
Secret societies, 61, 95 ff., 289 (see Red Eyebrows, Yellow Turbans, White Lotos, Boxer, Rebellions)
Sects, 135; Buddhist sects, 188
Seng-ko-lin-ch'in, general, 291
Serfs, 21, 26, 31, 32, 33, 53-4, 72, 143, 197, 216 (see Slaves, Servants, Bondsmen)
Servants, 32
Settlement, of foreigners, 177; military, 248 (see Colonization)
Sha-t'o, tribal federation, 187, 190, 203, 204, 206, 207, 222, 230
Shadow theatre, 255
Shahruk, ruler, 258
Shamans, 160, 184; Shamanism, 34, 242, 135 ff., 146
Shan tribes of South East Asia, 12
Shan-hai-ching, book, 103
Shan-yue, title of nomadic ruler, 88, 89, 90, 95, 103, 119, 125, 151
Shang dynasty, 19 ff., 41
Shang Ti, deity, 23, 24, 25
Shang Tzu, philosopher (Shang Yang), 59
Shanghai, city 246, 250, 287, 288, 301, 305, 308, 314-15, 316, 318
Shao Yung, philosopher, 220
Sheep, 54, 118
Shen Nung, mythical figure, 52
Shen Tsung, Sung ruler, 196; Manchu ruler, 265, 267
Sheng Tsu, Manchu ruler, 272
Shih-chi, book, 103
Shih Ching-t'ang, ruler, 204, 222
Shih Ch'ung, writer, 49
Shih Heng, soldier, 260
Shih Hu, ruler, 125 ff.
Shih Huang-ti, ruler, 63 ff., 78
Shih Lo, ruler, 123, 124, 125, 126
Shih-pi, ruler, 170
Shih Ssu-ming, 185
Shih Tsung, Manchu ruler, 264, 282
Shih-wei, Mongol tribes, 141
Shintoism, Japanese religion, 44
Ships, 168 (see Navy)
Short stories, 255
Shoulder axes, 10
Shu (Szechwan), area and/or state, 219
Shu-Han dynasty, 108, 110, 111, 115
Shun, dynasty, 268; mythical ruler, 17
Shun-chih, reign period, 270
Sian (Hsi-an, Ch'ang-an), city, 31, 33, 35, 97
Siao Ho (Hsiao Ho), jurist, 80
Silk, 20-1, 56, 90-1, 105, 116, 143, 185, 186, 209, 214, 276, 289, 303; Silk road, 86
Silver, 211, 251-2, 276
Sin-lo (Hsin-lo, Silla), state of Korea, 141
Sinanthropos, 8
Sinkiang (Hsin-Chiang, Turkestan), 14, 248, 294, 329, 330
Slash and burn agriculture (denshiring), 12
Slaves, 26, 32, 79, 94, 123, 137-8, 143; Slave society, 26; Temple slaves, 146
Social mobility, 73-4, 196, 197, 218-19; Social structure of tribes, 117
Socialism, 93 ff., 291 (see Marxism, Communism)
Sogdiana, country in Central Asia, 45, 60, 134-5, 163, 174, 184
Soul, concept of soul, 32
South-East Asia, 9, 10, 14, 198, 201 250, 275, 324 (see Burma, Champa, Cambodia, Annam, Laos, Vietnam, Tonking, Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand, Mon-Khmer)
Soviet Republics, 294, 312, 328 (see Russia)
Speculations, financial, 227
Ssu-ma, clan, 113-14
Ssu-ma Ch'ien, historian, 103-4
Ssu-ma Kuang, historian, 220
Ssu-ma Yen, ruler, 114, 115
Standardization, 64 ff.
States, territorial and national, 37, 51; State religion, 145-6, 180
Statistics, 83 (see Population)
Steel, 56, 198
Steppe, 9
Stone age, 8 ff.
Stratification, social, 29 (see Classes, Social mobility)
Strikes, 198
Students, 304-5, 306, 320
Su Chuen, rebel, 156
Su Tsung, T'ang ruler, 185
Su Tung-p'o, poet, 219
su-wang (uncrowned king), 43
Sui, dynasty, 151
Sun Ts'e, ruler, 100, 101 Sun Yat-sen (Sun I-hsien), revolutionary leader, president, 280, 299, 300, 302, 305, 309, 311, 312, 313, 315, 318, 321
Sung, dynasty, 207, 208 ff., 238; Liu-Sung dynasty, 159 ff.
Szechwan (Ssu-ch'uan), province, 101, 139, 156, 157, 159, 185, 190, 199, 200, 202, 207, 214, 215, 219, 262, 301 (see Shu)
Ta-tan (Tatars), tribal federation, 233
Tada, Japanese militarist, 295
Tai, tribes, 17, 19, 21, 111, 152 (see Thailand)
Tai Chen, philosopher, 279
Tai Ch'ing dynasty (Manchu), 267
T'ai P'ing, state, 274, 289 ff., 333
T'ai Tsu, Sung ruler, 209; Manchu ruler, 257
T'ai Tsung, T'ang ruler 174, 178 (see Li Shih-min)
Taiwan (T'ai-wan, see Formosa), 323 ff, 334
T'an-yao, priest, 146
Tanaka, Japanese militarist, 295
T'ang, dynasty, 83-4, 144, 147, 172 ff.; Later T'ang dynasty, 204 ff.
T'ang Hsien-tsu, writer, 255
T'ang Yin, painter, 255
Tanguts, Tibetan tribal federation and/or state, 99, 102, 118, 224-5, 233 (see Ch'iang)
Tao, philosophical term, 42, 46, 47
Tao-kuang, reign period, 285 ff., 288
Tao-te-ching, book, 46
T'ao-t'ieh, mythical emblem, 22
Tao-yen, monk, 264
Taoism, religion, 101-2, 133, 136, 150, 183, 188, 236, 266; Taoists, 46, 61, 104, 241, 263-4 (see Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu, Chang Ling, etc.)
Tarim basin, 89, 179
Tatars (Ta-tan) Mongolian tribal federation, 190, 230, 233
Taxation, 33, 55, 65, 78, 143, 154, 173, 175, 178, 210, 211, 212, 213, 247, 252; Tax collectors, 55, 74, 116; Tax evasion, 214, 226, 246; Tax exemptions, 188, 213, 236; Taxes for monks, 208; Tax reform, 187
Te Tsung, Manchu ruler, 295, 299
Tea, 276; Tea trade, 200; Tea house (see Brothel), 182
Teachers, 74 (see Schools)
Technology, 219
Tell, archaeological term, 16
Temples, 101, 183 (see Monasteries)
Tengri khan, ruler, 186
Textile industry, 198 (see Silk, Cotton)
Thailand, state, 12, 248, 265 (see Tai tribes)
Theatre, 182-3, 242 (see Shadow, Puppet, Opera)
Throne, accession to, 150 (see Abdication, Legitimacy)
Ti, Tibetan tribes, 21, 118
Tibet, 12, 15, 19, 29, 30, 35, 102, 110, 116, 118-19, 120, 121, 126, 127, 130, 131, 132, 135, 139, 145, 169, 174, 177, 179, 181, 186, 187, 200, 224-5, 242, 273, 278, 283, 284, 293, 310, 329 (see Ch'iang, Ti, T'u-fan, T'u-yue-hun, Lhasa Tanguts)
T'ien, deity, 32
Tientsin (T'ien-chin), city, 287, 290, 299
Timur, ruler, 258
Tin, 17
Ting-ling, tribal federation, 89, 102
T'o-pa (see Toba)
T'o-t'o, writer, 241-2
Toba, Turkish tribal federation, 76, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 123, 126, 127, 132, 136 ff., 159, 160, 161, 168, 169, 172, 173, 174, 177, 214, 222, 224
Tocharians, Central Asian ethnic group, 150
Tokto (see T'o-t'o)
Toeloes, Turkish tribal group, 169, 178, 185
Tombs, 19, 34
Tonking, state, 10, 54, 295, 330
Tortoise, 22, 47-8
Totalitarianism, 80 (see Dictatorship, Fascism, Communism)
Tou Ku, general, 99
T'ou-man, ruler, 67
Towns (see City)
Trade, 88-9, 90, 99, 127; barter trade, 57; international trade, 60, 62, 86, 127-8, 139, 178, 179, 198, 209, 223, 245, 258, 264-5, 276, 286 (see Merchants, Commerce, Caravans, Silk road)
Translations, 135, 182, 280, 307
Transportation, 56, 168, 235, 247, 283 (see Roads, Canals, Ships, Post, Caravans, Horses)
Travels of emperors, 66
Treasury, 84, 206
Treaty, international, 77, 226, 278, 286, 290-1, 293, 295, 296
Tribal organization, 76, 223, 224 (see Banner, Army, Nomads)
Tribes, disappearance of, 133, 151-2; social organization, 117; military organization, 149
Tribute (kung), 33, 88, 209, 214, 226, 230, 248
tsa-hu, social class, 144
Tsai T'ien, prince, 295
Ts'ai Yuean-p'ei, scholar, 307
Ts'ao Chih, poet, 48
Ts'ao Hsueeh-ch'in, writer, 280
Ts'ao K'un, politician, 312
Ts'ao P'ei, ruler, 102, 109, 113
Ts'ao Ts'ao, general, 100, 101, 102
Tsewang Rabdan, general, 277
Tseng Kuo-fan, general, 291
Tso Tsung-t'ang, general, 293
Tsou Yen, philosopher, 60-1
Ts'ui, clan, 113, 147, 181
T'u-chueeh, Goek Turk tribes, 149 (see Turks)
Tu Fu, poet, 182
T'u-fan, Tibetan tribal group, 171, 177, 205
Tu-ku, Turkish tribe, 124, 151
T'u-shu chi-ch'eng, encyclopaedia, 279
tu-tu, title, 174
T'u-yue-hun, Tibetan tribal federation, 130, 141, 169, 177
Tuan Ch'i-jui, president, 312
Tuemet, Mongol tribal group, 265
Tung Ch'i-ch'ang, painter, 255
T'ung-chien kang-mu, historical encyclopaedia, 43
T'ung-chih, reign period, 294
Tung Chung-shu, thinker, 80, 104
Tung Fu-hsiang, politician, 298
Tung-lin academy, 267
Tungus tribes, 11, 19, 117, 222, 229, 265 (see Ju-chen, Po-hai, Manchu)
Tunhuang (Tun-huang), city, 85, 324
Turfan, city state, 245
Turgut, Mongol tribal federation, 283
Turkestan, 45, 60, 62, 85, 86 ff., 88, 95, 97, 99, 113, 114, 125, 127, 130, 132, 134, 135, 139, 141, 142, 146, 147, 159, 163, 176, 177, 178, 187, 220, 224, 241, 245, 259, 273, 277, 278, 282, 289, 293, 294 (see Central Asia, Tarim, Turfan, Sinkiang, Khotan, Ferghana, Samarkand, Khotcho, Tocharians, Yueeh-chih, Sogdians, etc.)
Turkey, 259
Turks, 11, 15, 17, 25, 29, 30, 32, 35, 53, 57, 108, 109, 117, 119, 122, 127, 133, 135, 137, 140, 146 ff., 149 ff., 169 ff., 174, 176 ff., 179, 180, 181, 184, 185, 203, 206, 230, 282, 294, 329 (see Goek Turks, T'u-chueeh, Toba, Toeloes, Ting-ling, Uighur, Sha-t'o, etc.)
Tzu Hsi, empress, 294 ff., 296 ff.
Uighurs, Turkish federation, 171, 174, 176, 177, 178, 181, 185, 186 ff., 190, 233, 234, 278
United States, 287, 304, 309, 313, 322, 342 (see America)
Ungern-Sternberg, general, 311
Urbanization, 31, 250 (see City)
Urga, city, 310
University, 304-5, 306, 307, 318, 320
Usury, 94
Vagrants (liu-min), 198, 213
Vietnam, 330, 334 (see Annam)
Village, 23; Village commons, 94, 154
Vinaya Buddhism, 188
Voltaire, writer, 242
Walls, 57; Great Wall, 57, 67, 256
Wan-li, reign period, 265, 266
Wang (king), 38
Wang An-shih, statesman, 215 ff., 217-18, 254
Wang Chen, eunuch, 260
Wang Ching-wei, collaborator, 315, 318
Wang Ch'ung, philosopher 104-5
Wang Hsien-chih, peasant leader, 189-90
Wang Kung, general, 158
Wang Mang, ruler, 92 ff., 97, 100, 101
Wang Shih-chen, writer, 255
Wang Shih-fu, writer, 242
Wang Tao-k'un, writer, 254
Wang Tun, rebel, 156-7
Wang Yang-ming, general and philosopher, 261 ff.
War, 82; size of wars, 21, 53; War-chariot, 25, 29, 30, 53; cost of wars, 90; War lords, 309 ff.; Warrior-nomads, 36 (see Army, World War, Opium War, Lorcha War, Fire-Arms)
Washington, conference, 313
Wei, dynasty, 102, 113 ff.; small state, 40; empress, 180
Wei Chung-hsien, eunuch, 267-8
Wei T'o, ruler in South China, 77
Welfare state, 215 ff.
Well-field system (ching-t'ien), 33
Wen Ti, Han ruler, 78, 79, 80, 81, 86; Wei ruler 113; Toba ruler, 144; Sui ruler, 167 ff.
Wen Tsung, Manchu ruler, 294
Whampoa, military academy, 314
Wheat, 11, 21, 32
White Lotos sect (Pai-lien), 239, 267, 284-5
Wholesalers, 200
Wine, 21
Wood-cut, 251, 256 (see Colour print)
Wool, 21, 33, 286 (see Felt)
World Wars, 295, 310, 311, 312, 317
Women rights, 280, 332
Writing, invention, 18, 22 (see Script)
Wu, empress, 179 ff.; state, 38, 111-12, 115, 121
Wu-ch'ang, city, 301 (see Hankow)
Wu Ching-tzu, writer, 280
Wu-huan, tribal federation, 98, 102, 114
Wu P'ei-fu, war lord, 312
Wu San-Kui, general, 269, 271, 272, 277
Wu Shih-fan, ruler, 271
Wu-sun, tribal group, 89
Wu Tai (Five Dynasties period), 199 ff.
Wu Tao-tzu, painter, 183
Wu(Ti), Han ruler, 86, 89, 91; Chin ruler, 115; Liang ruler, 161, 164
Wu Tsung, Manchu ruler, 261, 264
Wu Wang, Chou ruler, 30
wu-wei, philosophical term, 47
Yakub beg, ruler, 293
Yamato, part of Japan, 112
Yang, clan, 119, 120
Yang Chien, ruler, 151, 163, 166 ff. (see Wen Ti)
Yang (Kui-fei), concubine, 184
Yang-shao, archaeological site, 12 ff., 29
Yang Ti, Sui ruler, 168, 178
Yao, mythical ruler, 17; tribes in South China, 12, 16, 19, 21, 111, 152
Yarkand, city in Turkestan, 97, 98, 282
Yeh (K'ai-feng), city, 125, 148
Yeh-ta (see Ephtalites)
Yehe-Nara, tribe, 294
Yellow Turbans, secret society, 101, 158
Yeh-lue Ch'u-ts'ai, politician, 241
Yen, state, 114; dynasty, 112; Earlier Yen dynasty, 126, 127; Later Yen dynasty 127, 128 ff.; Western Yen dynasty, 129
Yen-an, city, 321-2
Yen Fu, translator, 280
Yen Hsi-shan, war lord, 315
Yen-ta (Altan), ruler, 264-5
Yen-t'ieh-lun (Discourses on Salt and Iron), book, 91
Yin Chung-k'an, general, 158
Yin-ch'ue, city, 21
Yin and Yang, philosophical terms, 60
Ying Tsung, Manchu ruler, 259, 260
Yo Fei, general, 226
Yue Liang, general, 156, 157
Yue-wen, tribal group, 119, 148, 169, 172
Yuean Chen, 182
Yuean Chi, philosopher, 50
Yuean Mei, writer, 280
Yuean Shao, general, 100
Yuean Shih-k'ai, general and president, 298, 299, 300, 301, 302, 309, 310, 311, 312
Yuean Ti, Han ruler, 92; Chin ruler, 152, 156
Yueeh, tribal group and area, 12, 16, 38, 77, 152
Yueeh-chih, Indo-European-speaking ethnic group, 75, 88, 118, 150
Yuen-kang, caves, 146-7, 344
Yuennan, (Yuen-nan), province, 10, 89, 97, 110, 248, 258, 275, 292
Yung-cheng, reign period, 278, 282
Yung-lo, reign period, 257, 264
Zen Buddhism (see Ch'an), 164
Zoroaster, founder of religion, 342
Transcriber's Notes
Most typos/misspellings were left as in the original text. In some obvious cases they are noted here. There are cases of American and UK English. There are cases of unusual hyphenation. There are more than one spelling of Chinese proper nouns. There are cases, like Marxism, which are not capitalized. There are cases of double words, like 'had had'. These are correctly used.
Additionally, the author has spelled the following words inconsistently. Those have not been changed, but are listed here:
Northwestern Southwards Programme re-introduced practise Lotos Ju-Chen cooperate life-time man-power favor advise
Page 25. (conceived as a kind of celestrial court) This should be celestial court.
Page 25. (the middle of the second millenium B.C.). Normally 'millenium' is spelled 'millennium', with a double n.
Page 26. (they re-settled the captured). Normally 're-settled' is spelled without a hyphen.
Page 80. ("Collected Statues of the Manchu Dynasty") This is likely a typo for "Collected Statutes of the Manchu Dynasty".
Page 197. (allowed to enter the state examina) This may be a typo for state examinations.
Page 209. (accounted for 25 per cent cent) I removed the duplicate cent.
Page 255. ("The Peony Pavillion") Pavillion/Pavilion is spelled with one 'l' in other places thoughout this work.
Page 264. (Ling's church Taosim.) This may be Taoism, but I left as was printed.
Page 275. (could allevitate the pressure) Alleviate was probably meant.
Page 278. (particulary in regard) Typo for particularly.
Pages 335 and 336. The spelling of J. G. Andersoon/Andersson is not consistent. Johan Gunnar Andersson appears to be associated with studies of China.
Page 342. The name W. Eichhorn is apparently misspelled here as Eichhron.
Page 323. Equipped is spelled equiped.
Page 337. (and when it florished,) Typo for flourished.
Index and page 60. Machiavellism/Machiavellian is spelled with 2 'c's. Machiavelism is more common as Machiavellianism.