Lion column, the, 54, 79.
Lions, 25, 73, 166, 261. a census of, 73.
Lippi, Filippino, picture by, 94.
Loafers, 30.
Loggetta, the, 42, 80, 85.
Lombardi, the, 122, 225, 257, 261, 279, 284.
Longhena, Baldassarre, his works, 95, 96, 103, 114, 115, 116, 149.
Longhi, Pietro, his career, 187. pictures by, 75, 116, 125, 187.
Lotto, picture by, 194.
Malamocco, 59, 307, 308.
Malibran Theatre, 106.
Manin, Daniele, his tomb, 11. his career, 12, 103. his statue, 13, 73. his portrait, 77.
Mansueti, his "Santa Croce" picture, 180.
Mantegna, his "S. Sebastian," 124. his "S. George," 190.
Marcello, Jacopo, his tomb, 251.
Mark, S., his body brought to Venice, 8, 60. miracles of, 171, 172. legend of, 177.
Mark's, S., history, 6, 7. the facade, 6, 7, 10. the mosaics, 8, 9, 17-21, 24-26, 29. external carvings, 9. north facade and piazzetta, 10, 11, 14. the golden horses, 10, 21,57. the atrium, 17. the interior, 22. a procession, 23. chapel of S. Isidoro, 25. Cappella dei Mascoli, 25. the Pala d'Oro, 26. the High Altar, 26. the Treasuries, 27. the Baptistery, 28. Dandolo's tomb, 28. Zeno chapel, 29.
Markets, 228.
Mary, S., of Egypt, the story of, 234.
Matteo Lambertini, Michele di, picture by, 170.
Merceria, the, 218.
Merceria, clock, 218. giants, 218, 219.
Michele, S., island of, 103.
Mocenigo, Lazzaro, 77.
Molo, the, 87.
Montalba, Clara, her Venetian pictures, 273, 307.
Moore, Thomas, and Byron, 130.
Moore, Thomas, in Venice, 128.
Mor, picture by, 173.
Moretti, Sig., 86.
Moretto, picture by, 125.
Motor boats, 92.
Munaretti, Cav., 86.
Murano, the way to, 151, 157. glass-making at, 152. the early art of, 152. its churches, 154.
Museo, Civico, 46, 59, 115, 116.
Music, in Venice, 31, 35, 106, 196.
Musset, Alfred de, in Venice, 207.
Napoleon in Venice, 11, 12, 21, 110.
Nicholson, W., picture by, 114.
Orefice, Pellegrino, 122.
Othello, 284.
Padua, 2, 297.
Painters, foreign, pictures of Venice by, 273.
Painting, its coming to Venice, 191.
Pala d'Oro, 57.
Palaces, present condition of, 33. coloured posts of, 94. on visiting, 111.
Palaces: Albrizzi, 112, 132, 139. Angaran, 110. Avogadro, 112. Balbi, 110. Balbi-Valier, 98. Barbarigo, 97, 123, 147. Barbarigo della Terrazza, 111. Barbaro, 123, 146, 147. Sargent's interior of, 146. Barozzi Wedmann, 149. Battagia, 115. Bembo, 127. Benzon, 128, 132. Byron at, 132, 139. Bernardo, 111. Boldu, 123. Bonhomo, 123. Brandolin, 114. Brandolin-Rota, 98, 101. Businello, 112. Ca d'Oro, 124. Camerlenghi, 73, 227. Capello, 111. Ca Ruzzini, 126. Casa Falier, 104. Casa Petrarca, 112. Cavalli, 146. Civran, 110, 126. Coccina-Tiepolo, 111. Coletti, 123. Contarini, 99, 115, 121, 128, 286. Contarini Fasan, 148. Contarini degli Scrigni, 99. Contarini del Zaffo, 98. Corner, 129. Corner della Ca Grande, 147. Corner della Regina, 114. Curti, 128. Dandolo, 110. Dario, 97. Dolfin, 99. Dona, 111, 113, 280. Emo, 123. Erizzo, 123. Falier, 144. W.D. Howells at, 144. Farsetti,127. Fini, 148. Flangini, 119. Fontana, 123. Foscari, 104, 109, 125. Foscarini, 115. Gazzoni, 128. Giovanelli, 118, 123, 281, 287. Giustinian Lolin, 146. Giustiniani, 100, 104, 110, 149. Grassi, 143. Grimani, 110, 123, 128. Gritti, 121, 148. Gussoni, 123. Labia, 120. Lezze, 123. Lion, 126. Lobbia, 121. Loredan, 98, 99, 127. Malipiero, 143, 280. Mandelli 121. Manfrini, 290. Mangilli Valmarana, 126. Manin, 127. Manolesso-Ferro, 148. Manzoni, 101. Marcello, 122. Martinengo, 96, 121, 122, 128. Mengaldo, 112. Miani, 123. Michiel, 149. Michiel, da Brusa, 126. Michiel, dalle Colonne, 125. Mocenigo, 126, 129, 143. Byron at, 134, 139. Mocenigo Gambara, 99. Molin, 123. Moro-Lin, 143. Morosini, 114, 167. Mosto, da, 126. Mula, 97. Nani, 7, 104. Papadopoli, 111. Paradiso, 98. Perducci, 126. Pesaro, 114, 115, 125. Piovene, 123. Pisani, 167. Pisani Moretta, 111. Querini, 99, 111, 121. Querini Stampalia, 280. Rampinelli, 112. Rezzonico, 98, 99, 102, 103. Sagredo, 125. Swift, 148. Tiepolo, 111, 149. Tornielli, 128. Tron, 115, 128. Valaresso, 149. Valmarana, 128. Van Axel, 285. Vendramin, 111. Vendramin Calergi, 122. Venier, 97. Volkoff, 97.
Palestrina, 307.
Palladio, Andrea, his career, 198. works of, 214.
Palma, pictures by, 177, 280.
Palma, the younger, pictures by, 61, 178.
Pennell, Joseph, pictures by, 114.
Pesaro, Jacopo, 249. his tomb, 250.
Petrarch on Andrea Dandolo, 28.
Piazza di S. Marco, 31. the pigeons, 36, 76. buildings in, 37. floor pattern, 44. in 1496, 179.
Piazzetta, the, 78.
Picture cleaning, the need of, 210, 244, 282.
Pictures, Venetian, in London, 168, 273.
Pictures of Venice by foreign painters, 273.
Pietra del Bando, the, 15.
Pigeons, 36, 76.
Piombo, Sebastian del, picture by, 221, 224.
Pisani, Vittorio, 77.
Polo, Marco, 77.
Ponte di Paglia, 256.
Ponte della Veneta Marina, 263.
Ponte dell'Erbe, 285.
Ponte del Diavolo, 285.
Ponte Rialto, 112, 180, 226.
Ponte S. Polo, 286.
Popilia, 308.
Pordenone, pictures by, 128, 165, 229.
Porphyry, 97.
Poveglia, 308.
Prison, the, 206.
Querini statue, 264.
Rain, 23.
Rampino, the, 89.
Raphael, drawings by, 173.
Red hair, 34, 167.
Regattas, 203.
Regnier, Henri de, 97.
Restaurants, 39, 40.
Rialto, 59. see Ponte Rialto.
Ribera, picture by, 173.
Richardson, Mrs., on the doges, 60.
Ricketts, Charles, on Titian, 121. on Giorgione, 291, 296.
Ridotto, the, 162.
Rizzo, Antonio, work of, 74.
Robbia, Delia, ceiling by, 284.
Roberts, David, visits Ruskin, 148.
Robinson, Cayley, picture by, 114.
Rocco, S., the story of, 242.
Rodin, works by, 114.
Romanino, his "Deposition," 173.
Rossellino, Antonio, sculpture by, 284.
Royal Palace, the, 37, 149.
Rubens, tapestry by, 125.
Ruskin, John, on S. Mark's, 26. his St. Mark's Rest, 28, 117. on Venice, 69, 72. on the Ponte Rialto, 113. on a Carpaccio, 117. at the Palazzo Swift, 147. at Murano, 156. his Stones of Venice, 156, 233, 271. on Torcello, 160. on Carpaccio, 184-186. his Fors Clavigera, 185, 271. on the Giudecca, 204. on Tintoretto, 233, 237. on the Venetians, 271. his Zattere home, 271. on S. Maria dei Miracoli, 279.
Rustico of Torcello, 8.
Sacristans, 42, 198, 209, 210, 216, 220, 224, 225, 252, 279, 283, 295, 296.
Salizzada S. Moise, 162.
Sammichele, Michele, architect, 128.
Sand, George, in Venice, 207.
Sansovino, Jacopo, his career, 81. his tomb, 95.
Sansovino, his works, 74, 80, 123, 127, 147, 219, 220, 252.
Santa Croce miracles, 179-180.
Sant'Elena, island of, 265.
Sargent, J.S., his interior of the Pal. Barbaro, 146. his Venetian pictures, 273.
Sarpi, Paolo, 77.
Sarri, G., his guide to Venice, 4, 134.
Sarto, Andrea del, 81.
Savelli, Paolo, 251.
Schiavone, picture by, 277.
Scuola dei Morti, 119.
Scuola di S. Giovanni Evangelistica, 179.
Scuola di S. Marco, 238, 261. and Tintoretto's "Miracle," 171.
Scuola di S. Rocco, 231. Tintoretto's "Crucifixion," 177. the carvings, 243.
Scuola Merletti, Burano, 158.
Seagulls, 101.
Seminario Patriarcale, 94.
Seminario della Salute, 84.
Shelley, visits Byron, 139. rides on the Lido, 139. on Venice, 140, 141. on gondolas, 141.
Shelley, Mrs., at Venice, 141.
Shelley, Clara, her death, 141.
Shops and shopkeepers, 38, 218, 227.
Spirito, S., island of, 309.
Statues: Colleoni, 21, 151, 255, 262, 273. Garibaldi, 264. Giorgione, 295. Manin, 13. Querini, 264. Tommaseo, 166. Wagner, 264.
Steamers in Venice, 92.
Stones of Venice, The, 156, 233, 271.
Symonds, J.A., on a Tiepolo, 120, 225.
Tagliapietra, Contessa, 97.
Taglioni in Venice, 124, 146.
Tedeschi, Fondaco dei, 126, 227, 239, 246.
Tennyson, 77.
Theodore, S., column, 78, 79. the story of, 79. his ashes, 219.
Tiepolo, Gianbattista, his career, 188. his portrait, 77. pictures by, 48, 112, 116, 118, 119, 120, 187, 225, 244, 252, 277.
Tintoretto, pictures by, 8, 38, 48, 49, 50, 51, 121, 123, 172, 176, 177, 193, 194, 198, 199, 203, 231, 274, 277, 281, 283. his house, 39, 282. his "Bacchus and Ariadne," 48, 65, 241, 288. his "Paradiso," 52, 54. his portrait, 77. his "Marriage in Cana," 95, his "Miracle," 170, 171, 238, 241. his "Crucifixion," 177, 236. his S. Rocco pictures, 231-37. his realism, 233. his career, 237. his children, 240. on Titian, 240. caricatured, 243. his "Presentation," 282. his tomb, 283.
Tintoretto, Domenico, pictures by, 52, 128, 237, 284.
Titian, pictures by, 48, 51, 62, 76, 96, 111, 121, 127, 171, 193, 219, 220, 229, 235, 259, 276, 284. his portrait, 77. his autograph, 84. his "Bacchus and Ariadne," 169. his "Assumption," 170. his last picture, 178. his "Presentation," 194. Tintoretto on, 240. his career, 246. his tomb, 246. his house, 247. his "Pesaro Madonna," 249. and Giorgione, 294.
Tommaseo, Niccolo, 13, 77. his statue, 166.
Torcello, 155, 159.
Tourists, 32.
Town Hall, 127.
Tura, Cosimo, picture by, 190.
Turchi, Fondaco dei, 115.
Turner, J.M.W., his "San Benedetto," 202. his Venetian pictures, 272, 273.
Ursula, S., the story of, 181.
Van Dyck, in Venice, 244.
Vendramin, Andrea, and the Holy Cross, 180.
Venetian architects, 93. bead-workers, 202. ceilings, 194. children, 26, 39,120, 227, 245. custodians, 52, 60, 85. fireworks, 197. food, 40. funerals, 208. gardens, 97, 143, 202, 215. girls, 33, 34. glass, 152. lace, 158. life, 281. painting, 291. pictures in London, 187, 188, 189, 192, 207. red hair, 34, 167. regattas, 203. school of painting, 191. women, 34.
Venetians and regattas, 203. Ruskin on, 271. in S. Mark's Square, 32. their self-satisfaction, 48.
Venice: the Austrian occupation of, 12, 13, 106, 162. artists in, 14, 272, 276, 306. being lost in, 218. Berri, Duchesse de, in, 122. Bonington in, 272. its book-shops, 229. Browning in, 98, 99, 100, 274. on, 275. Mrs. on, 100. Byron in, 112, 128, 129. on, 63. its by-ways, 284. its cafes, 34, 38. its chimneys, 96, 97, 285. a city of the poor, 33. its concerts, 195. Fenimore Cooper in, 127. Dickens, Charles, on, 5. Duse, Eleanora, in, 97. the first sight of, 3. its fish, 40, 229. the French occupation of, 137. its fruit, 40. Germans in, 268. Goethe in, 106. gramophones in, 196. Henry III of France in, 109. honeymooners in, 32, 195. house moving in, 274. houses, desirable, 96, 204, 205. Howells, W.D., in, 104, 144, 221. on, 204, 264. James, G.P.R., in, 152. Jews in, 227. Joseph II, Emperor, in, 103, 115. Layard, Sir H., in, 111. Lewis, "Monk," in, 136. Lions of, 25, 73, 166, 261. Moore, Thomas, in, 128. Motor-boats in, 92. music in, 31, 35, 106, 196. Napoleon in, 11, 12, 21, 110. pictures of, by foreign painters, 273. Pius X, Pope, in, 231. rain in, 23. its republicanism, 32. its restaurants, 39, 40. Roberts, David, in, 148. its roofs, 44. Ruskin in, 92, 93, 147, 272. on, 69, 72. the sacristans of, 42, 198, 209, 210, 216, 220, 224, 225, 252, 279, 283, 295, 296. Seagulls in, 101. Shelley in, 139. on, 140, 141. its shops and shopkeepers, 38, 218, 227. its steamers, 92. tourists in, 32. Turner in, 272. its unfailing beauty, 3. Van Dyck in, 244. Wagner in, 104, 122. walking in, 217. the wells of, 75. where to live in, 204.
Venice on Foot, 218, 285.
Venturi, Sig. Lionello, his Giorgione e Giorgionismo, 291.
Veronese, Paul, his "Rape of Europa," 49. pictures by, 49, 50, 53, 172, 176, 194, 215, 275. his portrait, 77. his "House of Darius," 111, 169. his "Jesus in the House of Levi," 174. his examination, 174. his life, 275. his tomb, 275.
Verrocchio, Andrea, work by, 256, 277.
Via Vittorio Emmanuele, 226.
Vicentino, Andrea, picture by, 61.
Vinci, Leonardo da, works by, 94, 173, 277. and Giorgione, 293. death notices, 278.
Vittoria, Alessandro, his grave, 208.
Vittorio Emmanuele, monument to, 14.
Vivarini, the, pictures by, 116, 152, 156, 190, 203, 210, 251, 261.
Wagner in Venice, 104, 122. his statue, 264.
Walton, E.A., picture by, 114.
Whistler, J.M., his Venetian pictures, 114, 202, 273.
Whitman, Walt, 77.
Woods, Henry, his Venetian pictures, 273.
Yriarte, his La Vie, etc., 147.
Zattere, the, 271. Browning at, 98, 274. a house on, 205.
Zecca, the, 80, 84.
Zeno, Carlo, 77, 260.
Zeno, Cardinal, 29.
Ziem, his Venice pictures, 273.
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