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A Treatise on Anatomy, Physiology, and Hygiene (Revised Edition)
by Calvin Cutter
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Page 70, Fig. 39: Added '.' (Fig. 39. A front view of the muscles of the trunk.)

Page 70, Fig. 39: Was 'superficia' (On the left side the superficial layer is seen; on the right, the deep layer. 1, The pectoralis major muscle.)

Page 72, Fig. 41: Added '.' (Fig. 41 The first, second, and part of the third layer of muscles of the back. The first layer is shown on the right, and the second on the left side.)

Page 72, Fig. 41: Added '.' (Practical Explanation. The muscles 1, 11, 12, draw the scapula back toward the spine. The muscles 11, 12, draw the scapula upward toward the head)

Page 73, Fig. 42: Added '.' (Fig. 42. A representation of the under, or abdominal side of the diaphragm. 1, 2, 3, 4, The portion which is attached to the margin of the ribs.)

Page 74, Fig. 43: Added '.' (Fig. 43. A front view of the superficial layer of muscles of the fore-arm. 5, The flexor carpi radialis muscle.)

Page 74: Added '.' (That perform the delicate movements of the fingers? Give the use of some of the muscles represented by fig. 43. Those represented by fig. 44.)

Page 81: Added '.' (The ball and socket joints, as the shoulder, are not limited to mere flexion and extension. No joint in the system has the range of movement that is)

Page 84, Fig. 47: Added '.' (The muscles 9, fig. 46, and 6, fig. 47, bend the neck forward. The muscles 3, 4, fig. 47, elevate the head and chin.)

Page 84, Fig. 47: Added '.' (The muscles 26, 27, 28, fig. 46, bend the lower limbs on the body, at the hip. The muscle 28, fig. 46, draws one leg over the other)

Page 84, Fig. 47: Added '.' (The muscles 27, 28, fig. 47, extend the lower limbs on the body, at the hip. The muscles 29, 30, 31, fig. 46, extend the leg at the knee.)

Page 84, Fig. 47: Added ',' (The muscles 27, 28, fig. 47, extend the lower limbs on the body, at the hip. The muscles 29, 30, 31, fig. 46, extend the leg at the knee.)

Page 84, Fig. 47: Added '.' (The muscles 27, 28, fig. 47, extend the lower limbs on the body, at the hip. The muscles 29, 30, 31, fig. 46, extend the leg at the knee.)

Page 84, Fig. 47: Added '.' (The muscles 29, 30, fig. 47, bend the leg at the knee. The muscles 34, 36, fig. 46, bend the foot at the ankle, and extend the toes.)

Page 88: Added '?' (What class of pupils should have recesses most frequently? 179. What effect has continued muscular contraction?)

Page 95: Added '.' (196. Give an instance of the different effects produced by the absence and presence of the mental stimulus.)

Page 97, Fig. 49: Was '(1.' (the unnatural curved spinal column, and its relative position to the perpendicular, 1. The lower limbs are curved at the knee)

Page 98: Added comma. (In performing any labor, as in speaking, reading, singing, mowing, sewing, &c., there will be less exhaustion)

Page 100, Fig. 51: Added '.' (Fig. 51. An improper position in sitting.)

Page 104: Added ',' (210. What is said of the lateral and oblique movements of the arm, hand, and fingers in writing? How is this shown by experiment?)

Page 107, Fig. 55: Added '.' (d, e, The bicuspids. f, g, The molars, (double teeth.) h, The wisdom teeth.)

Page 108, Fig. 56: Added '.' (Fig. 56. A side view of the body and enamel of a front tooth.)

Page 108, Fig. 57: Added '.' (Fig. 57. A side view of a molar tooth. 1, The enamel. 2, The body of the tooth.)

Page 108, Fig. 57: Added '.' (1, The enamel. 2, The body of the tooth. 3, The cavity in the crown of the tooth that contains the pulp.)

Page 115, Fig. 59: Added '.' (Fig. 59. A side view of the face, oesophagus, and trachea.)

Page 118: Was 'COECUM' (249. The CAECUM is the blind pouch, or cul-de-sac, at the commencement of the large intestine. Attached to its extremity)

Page 119: Was 'coecum' (is the mucous membrane sometimes called the villous coat? 249. Describe the caecum.)

Page 119, Fig. 61: Was 'coecum' (4, The appendix vermiformis. 5, The caecum. 6, The ascending colon. 7, The transverse colon.)

Page 120: Was 'coecum' (half shorter than the intestine, and give it a sacculated appearance, which is characteristic of the caecum and colon.)

Page 127: Moved up from the following box. (What is said in regard to the bile? 266. What becomes of the chyle? Of the residuum?)

Page 128, Fig. 65: Added '.' (Fig. 65. An ideal view of the organs of digestion, opened nearly the whole length.)

Page 128, Fig. 65: Added '.' (1, The upper jaw. 2, The lower jaw. 3, The tongue. 4, The roof of the mouth. 5, The oesophagus. 6, The trachea. 7, The parotid gland.)

Page 128, Fig. 65: Added '.' (8, The sublingual gland. 9, The stomach. 10, 10, The liver. 11, The gall-cyst.)

Page 128, Fig. 65: Added ',' (16, The opening of the small intestine into the large intestine. 17, 18, 19, 20, The large intestine. 21, The spleen.)

Page 128, Fig. 65: Added '.' (16, The opening of the small intestine into the large intestine. 17, 18, 19, 20, The large intestine. 21, The spleen.)

Page 128, Fig. 65: Added '.' (21, The spleen. 22, The upper part of the spinal column.)

Page 129: Was 'prope' (The food that is well masticated, and has blended with it a proper amount of saliva, will induce a healthy action in the stomach.)

Page 129: Added '.' (will induce a healthy action in the stomach. Well-prepared chyme is the natural stimulus of the duodenum,)

Page 129: Added ',' (Well-prepared chyme is the natural stimulus of the duodenum, liver, and pancreas; pure chyle is the appropriate excitant of)

Page 131: Added '.' (another demand for food. What effect has increased exercise upon the system? 278. How are the new particles of matter supplied? What does this induce?)

Page 143: Was 'There fore' over line break. (digested becomes mixed with that last taken. Therefore the interval between each meal should be)

Page 145: Added '.' (312. Why should they not be taken cold? Show some of the effects of improper food upon the inferior animals.)

Page 153: Added '.' (327. Why does the position of a person affect digestion? 328. Into what are different kinds of aliment separated?)

Page 154: Added ',' (333. The CIRCULATORY ORGANS are the Heart, Ar'te-ries, Veins, and Cap'il-la-ries.)

Page 170, Fig. 75: Added '.' (Fig. 75. An ideal view of the circulation in the lungs and system. From the right ventricle of the heart)

Page 179: Added '.' (the proper method of arresting the flow of blood from divided arteries. 382. The second incident. 383. How should "flesh wounds" be dressed?)

Page 182: Added '.' (What other vessels perform the office of absorption? Give observation. 389. Describe the lymphatics.)

Page 186, Fig. 85: Added '.' (16, 17, 18, Of the face and neck. 19, 20, Large veins. 21, The thoracic duct. 26, The lymphatics of the heart.)

Page 189: Added '.' (matter formed in the system of the diseased person, may be more readily conveyed into their own.)

Page 191: Was 'gen eral' over line. (every trifling and temporary enlargement, or tumor, is a cancer. Their general remedy is arsenic; and happy is the unfortunate sufferer)

Page 191: Was 'suf ferer' over line. (arsenic; and happy is the unfortunate sufferer who escapes destruction in their hands, for too frequently)

Page 191: Was 'frequent ly' over line. (happy is the unfortunate sufferer who escapes destruction in their hands, for too frequently their speedy cure is death.)

Page 191: Was 'imme diately' over line. (413. In case of an accidental wound, it is best immediately to bathe the part thoroughly in pure water, and to)

Page 192: Was 'Fol li-cles' (415. The SECRETORY ORGANS are the Ex-ha'lants, Fol'li-cles, and the Glands.)

Page 192, Fig. 86: Added '.' (Fig. 86. A secretory follicle. An artery is seen, which supplies the material for its secretion. Follicles are also supplied)

Page 193: Was 'mys terious' over line. (420. SECRETION is one of the most obscure and mysterious functions of the animal economy. "It is that process)

Page 194: Was 'secre tion' over line. (420-431. Give the physiology of the secretory organs. 420. What is secretion?)

Page 202: Was 'he' (Very soon, minute vessels shoot out from the living parts into the coagulum of the blood, and immediately commence their operations)

Page 207: Added '?' (461. Mention another means by which the blood may be made impure. How remedied? 462. What is the effect of want of cleanliness upon the blood?)

Page 208, Fig. 88: Added '.' (7, The right auricle of the heart. 8, The left auricle. 9, The pulmonary artery. 10, The aorta. 11, The vena cava descendens. 12, The trachea.)

Page 208, Fig. 88: Added '.' (16, 16, The right and left lobe of the liver. 17, The gall-cyst. 18, The stomach. 26, The spleen. 19, 19, The duodenum.)

Page 208, Fig. 88: Added '.' (19, 19, The duodenum. 20, The ascending colon. 21, The transverse colon. 25, The descending colon.)

Page 211, Fig. 90: Added '.' (10, Its lower lobe. 11, The upper lobe of the right lung. 12, The middle lobe. 13, The lower lobe.)

Page 218: Was 'cavicle' (Those which are attached to the upper rib, sternum, and clavicle, contract and elevate the lower and free extremities of the ribs.)

Page 220, Fig. 96: Added '.' (5, 5, The position of the walls of the abdomen in inspiration. 6, 6, The position of the abdominal walls in expiration.)

Page 223: Was 'cabonic' (In addition, there is a small amount of vapor of water and carbonic acid. The pressure of this invisible)

Page 225, Fig. 98: Added '.' (Fig. 98. 1, A bronchial tube divided into three branches. 2, 2, 2, Air-cells. 3, Branches of the pulmonary artery, that spread over the air-cells.)

Page 226: Added 'to' (In a few hours, the blood next to the membrane will have become of a bright red color.)

Page 227: Added '.' (reviewed from figs. 96, 97, and 99, or from anatomical outline plates Nos. 5 and 7.)

Page 232: Added '.' (503. Mention some reasons why different persons do not require the same amount of air.)

Page 232: Added '.' (Give the illustration of the effects of impure air on lighted lamps.)

Page 237: Added '.' (to connect with the outer walls of the building or external air. But if pure heated air is introduced into the room, it obviates)

Page 241: Added '.' (What does fig. 100 represent? Fig. 101? Give observation 1st.)

Page 248: Added '.' (535. Mention some of the effects of mental depression upon the body. What is related by Laennec?)

Page 250: Was single-quote (Let another person press upon the projecting part of the neck, called "Adam's apple," while air is introduced into the lungs through the bellows.)

Page 263: Changed '.' to '?' (persons that have broad chests and voluminous lungs suffer less from cold than the narrow-chested with small lungs?)

Page 269: Added '.' (still broader behind, where it is connected with the thyroid cartilage. Below, it connects with the first ring of the trachea.)

Page 271: Was 'glot tis' (The aperture, or opening between these ligaments, is called the glot'tis, or chink of the glottis.)

Page 276: Added '.' (vocal organs are in action, will induce too great a flow of blood to these parts, which will be attended by subsequent debility.)

Page 289, Fig. 115: Added '.' (These ducts open into the sheath of the hair, (B.) All the figures, from 1 to 4, are magnified thirty-eight diameters.)

Page 294: Added ';' (A proper thickness of the cuticle is in this manner preserved; the faculty of sensation and that of touch are properly regulated;)

Page 326: Added '?' (What causes the edge of the nail "to grow into the flesh" of the toe? How prevented?)

Page 329: Added '.' (731. What does the term brain designate? Name them. How are they protected? Describe fig. 120.)

Page 330, Fig. 121: Added '.' (Fig. 121. A section of the skull-bones and cerebrum. 1, 1, The skull.)

Page 330, Fig. 121: Added '.' (1, 1, The skull. 2, 2, the dura mater. 3, 3, The cineritious portion of the cerebrum.)

Page 330, Fig. 121: Added '.' (3, 3, The cineritious portion of the cerebrum. 4, 4, The medullary portion. The dark points indicate the position of divided blood-vessels.)

Page 332: Added '.' (733. Describe the appearance of the brain when a horizontal section has been made. What is the gray border often called? What connects the)

Page 333, Fig. 123: Added '.' (4, 4, The optic foramen in the sphenoid bone; through which passes the second pair of nerves. 5, 5, The sphenoidal fissure.)

Page 334, Fig. 124: Added '.' (5, The corpus callosum. 6, The first pair of nerves. 7, The second pair. 8, The eye. 9, The third pair of nerves.)

Page 334: Added '.' (738. Describe the dura mater. What is its use? Explain fig. 124.)

Page 342: Added '.' (758. How many pairs of nerves issue from the spinal cord? Explain fig. 128. Fig. 129.)

Page 347: Was '13 1-2' (The heaviest brain on record was that of Cuvier, which weighed 4 pounds and 13 1/2 ounces.)

Page 365: Added '.' (what age particularly is excessive and continued mental exertion hurtful? 813. What is said of scrofulous and rickety children?)

Page 369: Added '.' (the more repose they require. The organs of the child, beside sustaining their proper functions,)

Page 385: Added '.' (868. What is the appearance of the surface of the tongue? Explain fig. 134.)

Page 387: Added '.' (papillae. 870. The fungiform papillae? What nerve ramifies in the fungiform papillae? How can these papillae, or points, be seen? 871-875. Give the physiology of the organs of taste. 871. Define taste.)

Page 394: Added '.' (892. Describe the optic nerve. 893. Describe the globe of the eye.)

Page 394: Added '.' (892. Describe the optic nerve. 893. Describe the globe of the eye.)

Page 395, Fig. 137: Added '.' (7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, The origin of several pairs of cranial nerves.)

Page 396: Added '.' (In form, it is circular, convexo-concave, and resembles a watch-glass. It is received by its edge, which is sharp and thin, within the)

Page 397, Fig. 138: Added '.' (a transverse section of the globe of the eye, seen from within. 1, The divided edge of the three coats—sclerotic)

Page 399, Fig. 139: Added '.' (The cornea (This connects with the sclerotic coat by a bevelled edge.) 3, The choroid coat. 6, 6, The iris. 7, The pupil.)

Page 401: Added ',' (906. The PROTECTING ORGANS are the Or'bits, Eyebrows, Eyelids, and Lach'ry-mal Apparatus.)

Page 401: Added '.' (covered with short, thick hairs, which form the upper boundary of the orbits. The eyebrows are so arranged)

Page 401: Added '.' (909. Describe the eyelids. What is the use of the conjunctiva? How are the white spots frequently)

Page 403: Added '.' (913. Describe the lachrymal gland. How many ducts pass from this gland, and what do they convey to the)

Footnote 22: Added '.' (The refracting character of differently-formed lenses is illustrated in the works on Natural Philosophy, to which the pupil is referred.)

Page 407, Fig. 142: Added '.' (Fig. 142. The forms of the different lenses. 1, A plane lens. 2, A globe lens. 3, A convexo-convex lens. 4, A plano-convex lens.)

Page 407, Fig. 142: Added '.' (4, A plano-convex lens. 5, A concavo-concave lens. 6, A plano-concave lens. 7, Meniscus. 8, A concavo-convex lens.)

Page 416: Changed '.' to '?' (Where is the wax of the ear secreted? 948. Describe the membrana tympani.)

Page 417: Was ', 1,' (This figure is highly magnified. 1, 1, The cochlea. 2, 3, Two channels, that wind two and a half turns around a central point)

Page 421: Was 'Eustuchian' (This is the result of the air in the middle ear escaping through the Eustachian tube, when the vibrations of the membrana tympani are violent.)

Page 422: Added '.' (969. Many of the parts just enumerated aid in hearing, but are not absolutely essential to this sense. But if the vestibule)

Page 422: Added '.' (Note. Let the anatomy and physiology of the organs of hearing be reviewed, from fig. 148, or from anatomical outline plate No. 10.)

Page 439: Added '.' (know the proper mode of procedure in such cases, in order to render immediate assistance when within his power.)

Page 441: Added '.' (1035. What is the antidote? 1036. What should immediately be done when arsenic is swallowed?)

Page 441: Changed '.' to '?' (When magnesia cannot be obtained, what will answer as a substitute? 1050. What is the antidote when ley is swallowed?)

Page 442: Changed '.' to '?' (What treatment should be adopted when an over-dose of opium or any of its preparations is taken? 1057. What is said of stramonium?)

Page 443: Added '.' (lobelia, bloodroot, tobacco, &c., is taken? 1062. Should a physician be called in all cases when poison is swallowed?)

Page 444: Added '.' (CASEINE is abundantly found in milk. When dried, it constitutes cheese. Alcohol, acids, and the stomach of any of the mammalia coagulate it; and)

Page 444: Added '.' (canal pass slowly through this portion. The rectum is named from the straight direction that it assumes in the latter part of its course.)

Page 445: Was 'a' (This is called the peristaltic, or vermicular motion. The great length of intestine in all animals, and especially in the herbivorous ones, is owing to the necessity of)

Page 448: Added '.' (and often inspiring more deeply than is common in older persons. Also, if the carbon of the food does not have a requisite supply of oxygen)

Page 451: Added '.' (AB-DUC'TOR. [L. abduco to lead away.] A muscle which moves certain parts,)

Page 452: Original looks like 'Arbor'. (AR'BOR. Ḷ A tree. Arbor vitae. The tree of life. A term applied to a part)

Page 452: Added ',' (BRE'VIS. Ḷ Brevis, short; brevior, shorter.)

Page 452: Added ']' (CAP'IL-LA-RY. [L. capillus, a hair.] Resembling a hair; small.)

Page 454: Added '.' (Having the quality of exhaling or evaporating.)

Page 457: Added '.' (MI'TRAL. [L. mitra, a mitre.] The name of the valves in the left side of)

Page 458: Added '.' (O-MEN'TUM. Ḷ The caul.)

Page 458: Added '.' (OP-PO'NENS. That which acts in opposition to something. The name of two)

Page 458: Added '.' (OX-AL'IC. Pertaining to sorrel. Oxalic acid is the acid of sorrel. It is composed of two equivalents of carbon)

Page 458: Added '.' (invisible and inodorous. One of the components of atmospheric air.)

Page 458: Added '.' (PEC'TUS. Ḷ The chest.)

Page 458: Added '.' (PEC'TO-RAL. Pertaining to the chest.)

Page 459: Added '.' (PLEX'US, [L. plecto, to weave together.] Any union of nerves, vessels, or fibres,)

Page 459: Added '.' (POS'TI-CUS. Ḷ Behind; posterior. A term applied to certain muscles.)

Page 459: Added '.' (The muscle of the forearm that moves the palm of the hand downward.)

Page 460: Added '.' (RA-DI-A'LIS. Radial; belonging to the radius.)

Page 460: Added '.' (RA'MUS. Ḷ A branch. A term applied to the projections of bones.)

Page 460: Added '.' (SEP'TUM. Ḷ A membrane that divides two cavities from each other.)

Page 462: Was 'Be longing' over line. (VIT'RE-OUS. [L. vitrum, glass.] Belonging to glass. A humor of the eye.)

Page 462: Removed comma: was 'L.,' (VO'MER. [L. a ploughshare.] One of the bones of the nose.)

Page 464: Added ',' (——, Physiology of the, 164)

Page 464: Added ',' (——, Hygiene of the, 172)

Page 464: Added ',' (——, Influence of, on the Circulation, 173)

Page 465: Added ',' (MEDIASTINUM, 211)

Page 465: Added ',' (MEDULLA OBLONGATA, 333)

Page 466: Added ',' (PRESERVATION OF HEALTH, 425)

Page 466: Substituted 'Spinal' for the repeat line. (SPINAL CORD, 36, 340)

Page 467: Added comma (Bones of the Head. 7, The sphenoid bone. 8, The frontal bone. 10, The parietal bone. 11, The os unguis. 12, The superior maxillary bone,)

Page 468: Added ',' (41, 41, The bones of the metatarsus, (middle of the foot.) 42, 42, The bones of the toes.)

Page 469: Added '.' (27, 28, Ligaments that connect the clavicle and scapula. 29, The capsular ligament of the shoulder-joint.)

Page 469: Added '.' (9, Tendon of the gluteus muscle. 35, The capsular ligament of the hip-joint.)

Page 469: Added '.' (37, The ligament that connects the tibia and fibula. 38, The interosseous ligament.)

Page 469: Added '.' (38, The interosseous ligament. 39, 40, Ligaments of the ankle-joint.)

Page 469: Added '.' (PLATE III.)

Page 469: Added '.' (Muscles of the Head and Neck. 7, The sterno-mastoideus muscle. 8, The sterno-hyoideus muscle. 9, The omo-hyoideus muscle. 10, The)

Page 469: Added '.' (16, The zygomatic muscle. 17, The depressor of the lower lip. 18, The depressor anguli oris muscle. 19, The triangular muscle of the)

Page 469: Added '.' (43, The sartorius muscle. 44, The rectus femoris muscle. 45, The vastus externus muscle. 46, The vastus internus muscle.)

Page 469: Added '.' (46, The vastus internus muscle. 47, The internal straight muscle. 48. The pectineus muscle. 49, The adductor muscle. 50, The psoas muscle.)

Page 470: Added '.' (56, 57, The gastrocnemii muscles. 58, The long flexor muscle of the great toe. 69, The short extensor muscles of the toes.)

Page 470: Added '.' (Muscles of the Lower Extremities. 29, The gluteus maximus muscle. 30, The gluteus medius muscle. 31, The biceps flexor cruris muscle.)

Page 471: Added '.' (10, The pharynx. 11, The oesophagus. 12, The upper portion of the spinal column. C, The spinal cord.)

Page 471: Added '.' (1, 1, 1, An outline of the right lung. 2, 2, 2, An outline of the left lung. 3, The larynx. 4, The trachea.)

Page 472: Added '.' (Arteries of the Neck and Head. 15, The right carotid artery. 16, The left carotid artery.)

Page 472: Added '.' (The capillary vessels of the lungs. P, P, P, The right pulmonary vein. Q, Q, The left pulmonary vein.)

Page 473: Unclear in original (10, The median nerve. G, The circumvex nerve of the shoulder.)

Page 474: Added ',' (8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, Perspiratory glands and their ducts. 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, Nerves of the)

Page 475: Added '.' (8, 8, The tympanum, (middle ear.) 4, The malleus. 5, The incus. 6, The orbicularis.)


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