In each incarnation of a chain (commonly called a chain-period) the wave of divine Life moves seven times round the chain of seven planets, and each such movement is spoken of as a round. The time that the life-wave stays upon each planet is known as a world-period, and in the course of a world-period there are seven great root-races. As has been previously explained, these are subdivided into sub-races, and those again into branch-races. For convenience of reference we may state this in tabular form:
7 Branch-Races make 1 Sub-Race 7 Sub-Races make 1 Root-Race 7 Root-Races make 1 World-Period 7 World-Periods make 1 Round 7 Rounds make 1 Chain-Period 7 Chain-Periods make 1 Scheme of Evolution 10 Schemes of Evolution make 1 Our Solar System
It is clear that the fourth root-race of the fourth globe of the fourth round of a fourth chain-period would be the central point of a whole scheme of evolution, and we find ourselves at the present moment only a little past that point. The Aryan race, to which we belong, is the fifth root-race of the fourth globe, so that the actual middle point fell in the time of the last great root-race, the Atlantean. Consequently the human race as a whole is very little more than half-way through its evolution, and those few souls who are already nearing Adeptship, which is the end and crown of this evolution, are very far in advance of their fellows.
How do they come to be so far in advance? Partly and in some cases because they have worked harder, but usually because they are older egos—because they were individualized out of the animal kingdom at an earlier date, and so have had more time for the human part of their evolution.
Any given wave of life sent forth from the Deity usually spends a chain-period in each of the great kingdoms of Nature. That which in our first chain was ensouling the first elemental kingdom must have ensouled the second of those kingdoms in the second chain, in the third of them in the Moon-chain, and is now in the mineral kingdom in the fourth chain. In the future fifth chain it will ensoul the vegetable kingdom, in the sixth the animal, and in the seventh it will attain humanity.
From this it follows that we ourselves represented the mineral kingdom on the first chain, the vegetable on the second, and the animal on the lunar chain. There some of us attained our individualization, and so we were enabled to enter this Earth-chain as men. Others who were a little more backward did not succeed in attaining it, and so had to be born into this chain as animals for a while before they could reach humanity.
Not all of mankind, however, entered this chain together. When the lunar chain came to its end the humanity upon it stood at various levels. Not Adeptship, but what is now for us the fourth step on the Path, was the goal appointed for that chain. Those who had attained it (commonly called in Theosophical literature the Lords of the Moon) had, as is usual, seven choices before them as to the way in which they would serve. Only one of those choices brought them, or rather a few of them, over into this Earth-chain to act as guides and teachers to the earlier races. A considerable proportion—a vast proportion, indeed—of the Moon-men had not attained that level, and consequently had to reappear in this Earth-chain as humanity. Besides this, a great mass of the animal kingdom of the Moon-chain was surging up to the level of the individualization, and some of its members had already reached it, while many others had not. These latter needed further animal incarnations upon the Earth-chain, and for the moment may be put aside.
There were many classes even among the humanity, and the manner in which these distributed themselves over the Earth-chain needs some explanation. It is the general rule that those who have attained the highest possible in any chain on any globe, in any root-race, are not born into the beginning of the next chain, globe or race, respectively. The earlier stages are always for the backward entities, and only when they have already passed through a good deal of evolution and are beginning to approach the level of those others who had done better, do the latter descend into incarnation and join them once more. That is to say, almost the earlier half of any period of evolution, whether it be a race, a globe or a chain, seems to be devoted to bringing the backward people up to nearly the level of those who have got on better; then these latter also (who, in the meantime, have been resting in great enjoyment in the mental world) descend into incarnation along with the others, and they press on together until the end of the period.
Thus the first of the egos from the Moon who entered the Earth-chain were by no means the most advanced. Indeed they may be described as the least advanced of those who had succeeded in attaining humanity—the animal-men. Coming as they did into a chain of new globes, freshly aggregated, they had to establish the forms in all the different kingdoms of Nature. This needs to be done at the beginning of the first round in a new chain, but never after that; for though the life-wave is centred only upon one of the seven globes of a chain at any given time, yet life has not entirely departed from the other globes. At the present moment, for example, the life-wave of our chain is centred on this Earth, but on the other two physical globes of our chain, Mars and Mercury, life still exists. There is still a population, human, animal and vegetable, and consequently when the life-wave goes round again to either of those planets there will be no necessity for the creation of new forms. The old types are already there, and all that will happen will be a sudden marvellous fecundity, so that the various kingdoms will quickly increase and multiply, and make a rapidly increasing population instead of a stationary one.
It was, then, the animal-men, the lowest class of human beings of the Moon-chain, who established the forms in the first round of the Earth-chain. Pressing closely after them were the highest of the lunar animal kingdom, who were soon ready to occupy the forms which had just been made. In the second journey round the seven globes of the Earth-chain, the animal-men who had been the most backward of the lunar humanity were leaders of this terrene humanity, the highest of the moon-animals making its less developed grades. The same thing went on in the third round of the Earth-chain, more and more of the lunar animals attaining individualization and joining the human rank, until in the middle of that round on this very globe D which we call the Earth, a higher class of human beings—the Second Order of Moon-men—descended into incarnation and at once took the lead.
When we come to the fourth, our present round, we find the First Order of the Moon-men pouring in upon us—all the highest and the best of the lunar humanity who had only just fallen short of success. Some of those who had already, even on the Moon, entered upon the Path soon attained its end, became Adepts and passed away from the Earth. Some few others who had not been quite so far advanced have attained Adeptship only comparatively recently—that is, within the last few thousand years, and these are the Adepts of the present day. We, who find ourselves in the higher races of humanity now, were several stages behind Them, but the opportunity lies before us of following in Their steps if we will.
The evolution of which we have been speaking is that of the Ego himself, of what might be called the soul of man; but at the same time there has been also an evolution to the body. The forms built in the first round were very different from any of which we know anything now. Properly speaking, those which were made on our physical earth can scarcely be called forms at all, for they were constructed of etheric matter only, and resembled vague, drifting and almost shapeless clouds. In the second round they were definitely physical, but still shapeless and light enough to float about in currents of wind.
Only in the third round did they begin to bear any kind of resemblance to man as we know him today. The very methods of reproduction of those primitive forms differed from those of humanity today, and far more resembled those which we now find only in very much lower types of life. Man in those early days was androgynous, and a definite separation into sexes took place only about the middle of the third round. From that time onward until now the shape of man has been steadily evolving along definitely human lines, becoming smaller and more compact than it was, learning to stand upright instead of stooping and crawling, and generally differentiating itself from the animal forms out of which it had been evolved.
One curious break in the regularity of this evolution deserves mention. On this globe, in this fourth round, there was a departure from the straightforward scheme of evolution. This being the middle globe of a middle round, the midmost point of evolution upon it marked the last moment at which it was possible for members of what had been the lunar animal kingdom to attain individualization. Consequently a sort of strong effort was made—a special scheme was arranged to give a final chance to as many as possible. The conditions of the first and second rounds were specially reproduced in place of the first and second races—conditions of which in the earlier rounds these backward egos had not been able fully to take advantage. Now, with the additional evolution, which they had undergone during the third round, some of them were able to take such advantage, and so they rushed in at the very last moment before the door was shut, and became just human. Naturally they will not reach any high level of human development, but at least when they try again in some future chain it will be some advantage to them to have had even this slight experience of human life.
Our terrestrial evolution received a most valuable stimulus from the assistance given to us by our sister globe, Venus. Venus is at present in the fifth incarnation of its chain, and in the seventh round of that incarnation, so that its inhabitants are a whole chain-period and a half in front of us in evolution. Since, therefore, its people are so much more developed than ours, it was thought desirable that certain Adepts from the Venus evolution should be transferred to our Earth in order to assist in the specially busy time just before the closing of the door, in the middle of the fourth root-race.
These august Beings have been called the Lords of the Flame and the Children of the Fire-mist, and They have produced a wonderful effect upon our evolution. The intellect of which we are so proud is almost entirely due to Their presence, for in the natural course of events the next round, the fifth, should be that of intellectual advancement, and in this our present fourth round we should be devoting ourselves chiefly to the cultivation of the emotions. We are therefore in reality a long way in advance of the programme marked out for us; and such advance is entirely due to the assistance given by these great Lords of the Flame. Most of Them stayed with us only through that critical period of our history; a few still remain to hold the highest offices of the Great White Brotherhood until the time when men of our own evolution shall have risen to such a height as to be capable of relieving their august Visitors.
The evolution lying before us is both of the life and of the form; for in future rounds, while the egos will be steadily growing in power, wisdom and love, the physical forms also will be more beautiful and more perfect than they have ever yet been. We have in this world at the present time men at widely differing stages of evolution, and it is clear that there are vast hosts of savages who are far behind the great civilized races of the world—so far behind that it is quite impossible that they can overtake them. Later on in the course of our evolution a point will be reached at which it is no longer possible for those undeveloped souls to advance side by side with the others, so that it will be necessary that a division should be made.
The proceeding is exactly analogous to the sorting out by a schoolmaster of the boys in his class. During the school year he has to prepare his boys for a certain examination, and by perhaps the middle of that school year he knows quite well which of them will pass it. If he should have in his class some who are hopelessly behind the rest, he might reasonably say to them when the middle period was reached:
"It is quite useless for you to continue with your fellows, for the more difficult lessons which I shall now have to give will be entirely unintelligible to you. It is impossible that you can learn enough in the time to pass the examination, so that the effort would only be a useless strain for you, and meantime you would be a hindrance to the rest of the class. It is therefore far better for you to give up striving after the impossible, and to take up again the work of the lower class which you did not do perfectly, and then to offer yourselves for this examination along with next year's class, for what is now impossible for you will then be easy."
This is in effect exactly what is said at a certain stage in our future evolution, to the most backward egos. They drop out of this year's class and come along with the next one. This is the "aeonian condemnation" to which reference was made a little while ago. It is computed that about two-fifths of humanity will drop out of the class in this way, leaving the remaining three-fifths to go on with far greater rapidity to the glorious destinies which lie before them.
Chapter X
"Members of the Theosophical Society study these truths and Theosophists endeavour to live them." What manner of man then is the true Theosophist in consequence of his knowledge? What is the result in his daily life of all this study?
Finding that there is a Supreme Power who is directing the course of evolution, and that He is all-wise and all-loving, the Theosophist sees that everything which exists within this scheme must be intended to further its progress. He realizes that the scripture which tells us that all things are working together for good, is not indulging in a flight of poetic fancy or voicing a pious hope, but stating a scientific fact. The final attainment of unspeakable glory is an absolute certainty for every son of man, whatever may be his present condition; but that is by no means all. Here and at this present moment he is on his way towards the glory; and all the circumstances surrounding him are intended to help and not to hinder him, if only they are rightly understood. It is sadly true that in the world there is much of evil and of sorrow and of suffering; yet from the higher point of view the Theosophist sees that terrible though this be, it is only temporary and superficial, and is all being utilized as a factor in the progress.
When in the days of his ignorance he looked at it from its own level it was almost impossible to see this; while he looked from beneath at the under side of life, with his eyes fixed all the time upon some apparent evil, he could never gain a true grasp of its meaning. Now he raises himself above it to the higher levels of thought and consciousness, and looks down upon it with the eye of the spirit and understands it in its entirety, so he can see that in very truth all is well—not that all will be well at some remote period, but that even now at this moment, in the midst of incessant striving and apparent evil, the mighty current of evolution is still flowing, and so all is well because all is moving on in perfect order towards the final goal.
Raising his consciousness thus above the storm and stress of worldly life, he recognizes what used to seem to be evil, and notes how it is apparently pressing backwards against the great stream of progress; but he also sees that the onward sweep of the divine law of evolution bears the same relation to this superficial evil as does the tremendous torrent of Niagara to the fleckings of foam upon its surface. So while he sympathizes deeply with all who suffer, he yet realizes what will be the end of that suffering, and so for him despair or hopelessness is impossible. He applies this consideration to his own sorrows and troubles, as well as to those of the world, and therefore one great result of his Theosophy is a perfect serenity—even more than that, a perpetual cheerfulness and joy.
For him there is an utter absence of worry, because in truth there is nothing left to worry about, since he knows that all must be well. His higher Science makes him a confirmed optimist, for it shows him that whatever of evil there may be in any person or in any movement, it is of necessity temporary, because it is opposed to the resistless stream of evolution; whereas whatever is good in any person or in any movement must necessarily be persistent and useful, because it has behind it the omnipotence of that current, and therefore it must abide and it must prevail.
Yet it must not for a moment be supposed that because he is so fully assured of the final triumph of good he remains careless or unmoved by the evils which exist in the world around him. He knows that it is his duty to combat these to the utmost of his power, because in doing this he is working upon the side of the great evolutionary force, and is bringing nearer the time of its ultimate victory. None will be more active than he in labouring for the good, even though he is absolutely free from the feeling of helplessness and hopelessness which so often oppresses those who are striving to help their fellow-men.
Another most valuable result of his Theosophical study is the absence of fear. Many people are constantly anxious or worried about something or other; they are fearing lest this or that should happen to them, lest this or that combination may fail, and so all the while they are in a condition of unrest; and most serious of all for many is the fear of death. For the Theosophist the whole of this feeling is entirely swept away. He realizes the great truth of reincarnation. He knows that he has often before laid aside physical bodies, and so he sees that death is no more than sleep—that just as sleep comes in between our days of work and gives us rest and refreshment, so between these days of labour here on earth, which we call lives, there comes a long night of astral and of heavenly life to give us rest and refreshment and to help us on our way.
To the Theosophist death is simply the laying aside for a time of this robe of flesh. He knows that it is his duty to preserve the bodily vesture as long as possible, and gain through it all the experience he can; but when the time comes for him to lay it down he will do so thankfully, because he knows that the next stage will be a much pleasanter one than this. Thus he will have no fear of death, although he realizes that he must live his life to the appointed end, because he is here for the purpose of progress, and that progress is the one truly momentous matter. His whole conception of life is different; the object is not to earn so much money, not to obtain such and such a position; the one important thing is to carry out the divine plan. He knows that for this he is here, and that everything else must give way to it.
Utterly free also is he from any religious fears or worries or troubles. All such things are swept aside for him, because he sees clearly that progress towards the highest is the divine Will for us, that we cannot escape from that progress, and that whatever comes in our way and whatever happens to us is meant to help us along that line; that we ourselves are absolutely the only people who can delay our advance. No longer does he trouble and fear about himself. He simply goes on and does the duty which comes nearest in the best way that he can, confident that if he does this all will be well for him without his perpetual worrying. He is satisfied quietly to do his work and to try to help his fellows in the race, knowing that the great divine Power behind will press him onward slowly and steadily, and do for him all that can be done, so long as his face is set steadfastly in the right direction, so long as he does all that he reasonably can.
Since he knows that we are all part of one great evolution and all literally the children of one Father, he sees that the universal brotherhood of humanity is no mere poetical conception, but a definite fact; not a dream of something which is to be in the dim distance of Utopia, but a condition existing here and now. The certainty of this all-embracing fraternity gives him a wider outlook upon life and a broad impersonal point of view from which to regard everything. He realizes that the true interests of all are in fact identical, and that no man can ever make real gain for himself at the cost of loss or suffering to some one else. This is not to him an article of religious belief, but a scientific fact proved to him by his study. He sees that since humanity is literally a whole, nothing which injures one man can ever be really for the good of any other, for the harm done influences not only the doer but also those who are about him.
He knows that the only true advantage for him is that benefit which he shares with all. He sees that any advance which he is able to make in the way of spiritual progress or development is something secured not for himself alone but for others. If he gains knowledge or self-control, he assuredly acquires much for himself, yet he takes nothing away from anyone else, but on the contrary he helps and strengthens others. Cognizant as he is of the absolute spiritual unity of humanity, he knows that, even in this lower world, no true profit can be made by one man which is not made in the name of and for the sake of humanity; that one man's progress must be a lifting of the burden of all the others; that one man's advance in spiritual things means a very slight yet not imperceptible advance to humanity as a whole; that every one who bears suffering and sorrow nobly in his struggle towards the light is lifting a little of the heavy load of the sorrow and suffering of his brothers as well.
Because he recognizes this brotherhood not merely as a hope cherished by despairing men, but as a definite fact following in scientific series from all other facts; because he sees this as an absolute certainty, his attitude towards all those around him changes radically. It becomes a posture ever of helpfulness, ever of the deepest sympathy, for he sees that nothing which clashes with their higher interests can be the right thing for him to do, or can be good for him in any way.
It naturally follows that he becomes filled with the widest possible tolerance and charity. He cannot but be always tolerant, because his philosophy shows him that it matters little what a man believes, so long as he is a good man and true. Charitable also he must be, because his wider knowledge enables him to make allowances for many things which the ordinary man does not understand. The standard of the Theosophist as to right and wrong is always higher than that of the less instructed man, yet he is far gentler than the latter in his feeling towards the sinner, because he comprehends more of human nature. He realizes how the sin appeared to the sinner at the moment of its commission, and so he makes more allowances than is ever made by the man who is ignorant of all this.
He goes further than tolerance, charity, sympathy; he feels positive love towards mankind, and that leads him to adopt a position of watchful helpfulness. He feels that every contact with others is for him an opportunity, and the additional knowledge which his study has brought to him enables him to give advice or help in almost any case which comes before him. Not that he is perpetually thrusting his opinions upon other people. On the contrary, he observes that to do this is one of the commonest mistakes made by the uninstructed. He knows that argument is a foolish waste of energy, and therefore he declines to argue. If anyone desires from him explanation or advice he is more than willing to give it, yet he has no sort of wish to convert anyone else to his own way of thinking.
In every relation of life this idea of helpfulness comes into play, not only with regard to his fellowmen but also in connection with the vast animal kingdom which surrounds him. Units of this kingdom are often brought into close relation with man, and this is for him an opportunity of doing something for them. The Theosophist recognizes that these are also his brothers, even though they may be younger brothers, and that he owes a fraternal duty to them also—so to act and so to think that his relation with them shall be always for their good and never for their harm.
Pre-eminently and above all, this Theosophy is to him a doctrine of common sense. It puts before him, as far as he can at present know them, the facts about God and man and the relations between them; then he proceeds to take these facts into account and to act in relation to them with ordinary reason and common sense. He regulates his life according to the laws of evolution which it has taught him, and this gives him a totally different standpoint, and a touchstone by which to try everything—his own thoughts and feelings, and his own actions first of all, and then those things which come before him in the world outside himself.
Always he applies this criterion: Is the thing right or wrong, does it help evolution or does it hinder it? If a thought or a feeling arises within himself, he sees at once by this test whether it is one he ought to encourage. If it be for the greatest good of the greatest number then all is well; if it may hinder or cause harm to any being in its progress, then it is evil and to be avoided. Exactly the same reason holds good if he is called upon to decide with regard to anything outside himself. If from that point of view a thing be a good thing, then he can conscientiously support it; if not, then it is not for him.
For him the question of personal interest does not come into the case at all. He thinks simply of the good of evolution as a whole. This gives him a definite foothold and the clear criterion, and removes from him altogether the pain of indecision and hesitation. The Will of the Deity is man's evolution; whatever therefore helps on that evolution must be good; whatever stands in the way of it and delays it, that thing must be wrong, even though it may have on its side all the weight of public opinion and immemorial tradition.
Knowing that the true man is the ego and not the body, he sees that it is the life of the ego only which is really of moment, and that everything connected with the body must unhesitatingly be subordinated to those higher interests. He recognizes that this earth-life is given to him for the purpose of progress, and that that progress is the one important thing. The real purpose of his life is the unfoldment of his powers as an ego, the development of his character. He knows that there must be evolvement not only of the physical body but also of the mental nature, of the mind and of the spiritual perceptions. He sees that nothing short of absolute perfection is expected of him in connection with this development; that all power with regard to it is in his own hands; that he has everlasting time before him in which to attain this perfection, but that the sooner it is gained the happier and more useful will he be.
He recognizes his life as nothing but a day at school, and his physical body as a temporary vesture assumed for the purpose of learning through it. He knows at once that this purpose of learning lessons is the only one of any real importance, and that the man who allows himself to be diverted from that purpose by any consideration whatever is acting with inconceivable stupidity. To him the life devoted exclusively to physical objects, to the acquisition of wealth or fame, appears the merest child's-play—a senseless sacrifice of all that is really worth having for the sake of a few moments' gratification of the lower part of his nature. He "sets his affection on things above and not on things of the earth", not only because he sees this to be the right course of action, but because he realizes so clearly the valuelessness of these things of earth. He always tries to take the higher point of view, for he knows that the lower is utterly unreliable—that the lower desires and feelings gather round him like a dense fog, and make it impossible for him to see anything clearly from that level.
Whenever he finds a struggle going on within him he remembers that he himself is the higher, and that this which is the lower is not the real self, but merely an uncontrolled part of one of its vehicles. He knows that though he may fall a thousand times on the way towards his goal, his reason for trying to reach it remains just as strong after the thousandth fall as it was in the beginning, so that it would not only be useless but unwise and wrong to give way to despondency and hopelessness.
He begins his journey upon the road of progress at once—not only because he knows that it is far easier for him now than it will be if he leaves the effort until later, but chiefly because if he makes the endeavour now and succeeds in achieving some progress, if he rises thereby to some higher level, he is in a position to hold out a helping hand to those who have not yet reached even that step on the ladder which he has gained. In that way he takes a part, however humble it may be, in the great divine work of evolution.
He knows that he has arrived at his present position only by a slow process of growth, and so he does not expect instantaneous attainment of perfection. He sees how inevitable is the great law of cause and effect, and that when he once grasps the working of that law he can use it intelligently in regard to mental and moral development, just as in the physical world we can employ for our own assistance those laws of Nature the action of which we have learnt to understand.
Understanding what death is, he knows that there can be no need to fear it or to mourn over it, whether it comes to himself or to those whom he loves. It has come to them all often before, so there is nothing unfamiliar about it. He sees death simply as a promotion from a life which is more than half physical to one which is wholly superior, so for himself he unfeignedly welcomes it; and even when it comes to those whom he loves, he recognizes at once the advantage for them, even though he cannot but feel a pang of regret that he should be temporarily separated from them so far as the physical world is concerned. But he knows that the so-called dead are near him still, and that he has only to cast off for a time his physical body in sleep in order to stand side by side with them as before.
He sees clearly that the world is one, and that the same divine laws rule the whole of it, whether it be visible or invisible to physical sight. So he has no feeling of nervousness or strangeness in passing from one part of it to another, and no feeling of uncertainty as to what he will find on the other side of the veil. He knows that in that higher life there opens before him a splendid vista of opportunities both for acquiring fresh knowledge and for doing useful work; that life away from this dense body has a vividness and a brilliancy to which all earthly enjoyment is as nothing; and so through his clear knowledge and calm confidence the power of the endless life shines out upon all those round him.
Doubt as to his future is for him impossible, for just as by looking back on the savage he realizes that which he was in the past, so by looking to the greatest and wisest of mankind he knows what he will be in the future. He sees an unbroken chain of development, a ladder of perfection rising steadily before him, yet with human beings upon every step of it, so that he knows, that those steps are possible for him to climb. It is just because of the unchangeableness of the great law of cause and effect that he finds himself able to climb that ladder, because since the law works always in the same way, he can depend upon it and he can use it, just as he uses the laws of Nature in the physical worlds. His knowledge of this law brings to him a sense of perspective and shows him that if something comes to him, it comes because he has deserved it as a consequence of actions which he has committed, of words which he has spoken, of thought to which he has given harbour in previous days or in earlier lives. He comprehends that all affliction is of the nature of the payment of a debt, and therefore when he has to meet with the troubles of life he takes them and uses them as a lesson, because he understands why they have come and is glad of the opportunity which they give him to pay off something of his obligation.
Again, and in yet another way, does he take them as an opportunity, for he sees that there is another side to them if he meets them in the right way. He spends no time in bearing prospective burdens. When trouble comes to him he does not aggravate it by foolish repining but sets himself to endure so much of it as is inevitable, with patience and with fortitude. Not that he submits himself to it as a fatalist might, for he takes adverse circumstances as an incentive to such development as may enable him to transcend them, and thus out of long-past evil he brings forth a seed of future growth. For in the very act of paying the outstanding debt he develops qualities of courage and resolution that will stand him in good stead through all the ages that are to come.
He is distinguishable from the rest of the world by his perennial cheerfulness, his undaunted courage under difficulties, and his ready sympathy and helpfulness; yet he is at the same time emphatically a man who takes life seriously, who recognizes that there is much for everyone to do in the world, and that there is no time to waste. He knows with utter certainty that he not only makes his own destiny but also gravely affects that of others around him, and thus he perceives how weighty a responsibility attends the use of his power.
He knows that thoughts are things and that it is easily possible to do great harm or great good by their means. He knows that no man liveth to himself, for his every thought acts upon others as well; that the vibrations which he sends forth from his mind and from his mental nature are reproducing themselves in the minds and the mental natures of other men, so that he is a source either of mental health or of mental ill to all with whom he comes in contact.
This at once imposes upon him a far higher code of social ethics than that which is known to the outer world, for he knows that he must control not only his acts and his words, but also his thoughts, since they may produce effects more serious and more far-reaching than their outward expression in the physical world. He knows that even when a man is not in the least thinking of others, he yet inevitably affects them for good or for evil. In addition to this unconscious action of his thought upon others he also employs it consciously for good. He sets currents in motion to carry mental help and comfort to many a suffering friend, and in this way he finds a whole new world of usefulness opening before him.
He ranges himself ever on the side of the higher rather than the lower thought, the nobler rather than the baser. He deliberately takes the optimistic rather than the pessimistic view of everything, the helpful, rather than the cynical, because he knows that to be fundamentally the true view. By looking continually for the good in everything that he may endeavour to strengthen it, by striving always to help and never to hinder, he becomes ever of greater use to his fellow-men, and is thus in his small way a co-worker with the splendid scheme of evolution. He forgets himself utterly and lives but for the sake of others, realizing himself as a part of that scheme; he also realizes the God within him, and learns to become ever a truer expression of Him, and thus in fulfilling God's Will, he is not only blessed himself, but becomes a blessing to all.
Adept, causal body of 45-8 further evolution of 13 is on summit of human evolution 13 level of 13, 119-21 work of 119-20
Adepts, as members of Hierarchy 13 first of Earth 129 from Venus 131-2 Great Brotherhood of 12-4, 117-8, 132 many degrees of 13 men have become 13 some are Masters 14 some remain with mankind 22 some take apprentices 100
Adeptship, older egos nearing 126
AEonian condemnation 119-20, 133
AEther, breath, blown into 19 bubbles in 19-22, 23 density of 19 mean pressure of 19 of space 18 ultimate atoms formed in 19
Age or dispensation 13
Air, nature spirits of 84
Ancient Wisdom, The 1
Androgynous man 130
Angels, approach men through ceremonial 85 guardian 54 hosts of 11 Kingdom of 84 of the law of cause and effect 100
Animals, additional evolution of 131 are our younger brothers 141 distinction between man and 40 domestic 38 heads of types of 38 individualization of 38-40 man's emotions act on 38 man's thoughts act on 38 Moon-, came to Earth chain 128 Moon-, individualize 126, 131 seven types of 37, 38 souls of 33
Animal kingdom 31-2, 37, 141
Animal-men of Moon-chain 127-8
Apprentice upon probation 118
Apprentices, to Masters 14-7 accepted 118 men may become 18, 116-7 qualifications necessary for 116-8 three stages of 118
Aryan root-race 105, 125
Aspects, three, of the Logos 11 three, of man 11, 41
Astral body, after death 68-71, 73-5, 81, 86 cell-life of 65 colours of 56-8 disintegration of 86 effect of thought on 51-2 ego casts off 42, 63 ego takes an 42, 61 entity occupying 66-72 is bridge to mental body 58 man in his, during sleep 62, 71 matter of, is in constant motion 70 never fatigued 62 no separate senses in 69-70 of animal 32 of group-soul 32 permanent colours of 58 reacts on causal body 47 reacts on mental body 47 shape of 56, 61 shell around 68, 70, 78-80, 81 simile of boiling water 69-70 size of 56 temptations caused by 66-8 vibrations of 56-8, 65-7, 75-6
Astral corpse 86 counterparts 72-3, 78-80 entity 66-8 shell 68, 78-81, 86-7 shell, result of 70 vitality of 86-7
Astral globe of Earth 26-7, 71-2 globe of Moon 26-7 globes of Earth-chain 122
Astral matter, arrangement of 71-3 attracts mental matter 60 physical body attracts 60 vibrations of 24
Astral sight 68-9
Astral world, the appearance of 71, 78-83 death in 89 delights of 76-8 descent of ego to 42-3 extent of 26-7, 71 inhabitants of 83 the, is the home of emotions 71 is the home of lower thoughts 71 life period in, after death 43, 64-5, 81 man in, during sleep 62, 70 man's freedom in 73, 76 matter, simile of onion 72 nature spirits in 84 no measurement of time in 75 non-human inhabitants of 84 of Moon 27 scenery of 77, 81 second outpouring enters 30 second outpouring indrawn to 31 sections of 78-83 the sixth plane is named 23, 41 the summerland of 80 withdrawal of ego from 82
Astro-mental forms 51, 57
Atlantean root-race 105, 125
Atomic matter 25
Atoms charged with vitality of interpenetrating worlds 20-1 physical ultimate 25 ultimate 19-22
Attainment is certain for all 132
Besant, Dr. 1 author of The Ancient Wisdom 1
Birth of man, factors determining 104-5
Blavatsky, H.P. 14 author of Isis Unveiled 15 was a founder of the T.S. 14 was an apprentice to a Master 14
Bliss of the higher worlds 89-91
Books, oriental sacred 18
Brain, connection with astral body 59 connection with ego 59 connection with mental body 49 etheric part of 62
Branch-races 104-5, 125
Bridges to ego 59, 61
Brotherhood, the Great, of Adepts 12-4, 116-9, 132 entry into 119 Great White, the 12 Head of 12 Lords of the Flame hold highest office in 132 man may join in 116
Brotherhood of humanity, the universal 138-9
Bubbles in space 19-21 aggregations of 19-22, 23-4 form material of nebula 19
Casual body, the, abstract thoughts arouse 46 appearance of 45-9 bad qualities do not affect 47, 58 colours in 46-8 composition of 45 is the vehicle of ego 42 life in 95-6 mental body reacts upon 58 of Adept 45, 48 of developed man 48 of primitive man 46 of saint 48 of savage 48 only good affects 47, 58 permanent vehicle of ego 45 unselfish emotions arouse 47
Cause and effect, law of 100-7 adjustment of 101 angels connected with 101 cannot be modified 101 exactness of 100-1 explains problems of life 100-1
Cause and effect, is universal 100 simile of debts and 102-7
Cell-life of astral body 65 of mental body 65 of physical body 65
Centres of force 60
Ceremonial, angels approach men through 85
Chain, a, consists of seven rounds 124 life-wave of a 121, 123-5 lunar, the 123, 126-7 periods 125
Chains of globes 121 descent of, into matter 121-4 incarnation of 121-5
Character and simile of muscles 114 how, is formed 111-5
Chemical elements 21, 28
Children of the Fire-mist 131 (also see Lords of Flame)
Christ, the, learning the lesson of 96 spoke of the "aeonian condemnation" 119, 133
Church, the angels approach men through 85
Clairvoyant sight 46 character seen by 50 force-centres seen by 60
Colours of astral body 56-8 of causal body 46-8 of mental body 48 of thoughts 54
Consciousness, development of 45-6 of developed man 62-3 states of 64
Corpse, astral 86 physical 86 the Moon is a 123
Counterparts, astral 73-4 of globes 122
Crookes, Sir William 22
Dead, the, can be helped 77-9 can continue studies 77 can help their fellowmen 77 communicate with living 74 cravings of the 75-7 first feeling of 76 friends of, in mental world 93-4 have no measurement of time 75 in astral world 73-89 in mental world 89-95 in the three sections of astral world 74-5, 78-83 most of, are happy 76 period in astral world, 64-5, 82 period in mental world 64 relation of, to Earth 73-4 some seize other bodies 88 thought-creations of 80 what they see 73
Death, a second 63, 89 artists after 77 average men after 64-5 character not changed by 74 conditions of life after 74 cultured men after 65 etheric double at 87 happiness after 74, 76 in astral world 68, 89 lovers of music after 77 misery after 75 philanthropists after 77 primitive men after 63 sensualists after 75-6 spiritual men after 65 students of science after 77 what is 3, 63, 137, 144
Deity (see Solar Deity)
Demons, tempting 53, 67
Departments of the world 11
Devas, hosts of 11 (also see Angels)
Discrimination 118
Divine Life 29 ensouls matter 29-40 responds to vibrations 33
Divine world, extent of 26-7 first plane named 23, 41 "Door, shutting the" 131
Dreams 62
Earth, Adepts from Venus come to 131 astral globe of 26-7 -chain 121 first men of the 125-30 nature spirits of the 85 purpose of life on 142
Earth-chain, the 121 animal-men build early forms on 127-8 explained 121-4 incarnation of 122-5 Moon-animals come to 128
Education, department of 11-2
Ego, the, assumes bodies 42, 61 bridges of to physical body 58, 61 connection of, with brain 59 desire of, for vivid life 97 drops lower bodies 43 ensouls fragment of group-soul 42 fills mental images of himself 93 gains qualities 43 habitat of 94 is a part expression of Monad 61 is the manifestation of the triple Spirit in man 42 life of, in causal body 95-7 life of, in lower bodies 63-4 lives for millions of years 97 loses part of his life sometimes 86 object of descent of 45, 98 only good affects 47-8, 58, 112 origin of 39, 109 passes to mental world 85 remembers past lives 44 sheaves of 61 sight of 45 the, simile of day at school and 98 succession of personalities of 109 withdraws from astral plane 82
Elemental kingdoms, the three 29-30 seven types of each of 37
Elemental creatures 37
Elements, chemical 21, 28 proto- 21
Emotions affect life after death 64, 67-8 of the living react on the dead 74 selfish and unselfish 110 should be developed in fourth round 131 the home of the 71
Emotional world (see astral world)
Entity, astral body 66-8
Etheric, bodies of early humanity 129 bodies of nature spirits 84 matter 25
Etheric double, the 59 at death 87-8 force-centres in 60 is a bridge 59 is not a vehicle 87-8 some dead cling to 88 vitality flows through 59
Evil, is transitory 48, 58, 135-6 is utilized for progress 135 man's powers of, are restricted 102 simile of Niagara Falls, and 135
Evolution, additional, for animals 131 advanced state of 131 animal 31-40 break in regularity of 130 central point of 125, 130 early stages of, for backward entities 127 examining scenes of early 3 is the Will of the Deity 11, 142 ladder of 17 man restrains law of 105 mineral 30-1 object of human 99 of human forms 129-30 of life 28-40 other schemes of 121, 123 pressure of 99, 105 resistless stream of 136 scheme of, a 32, 122-5 summit of human 13 super-human 13, 119 Theosophy explains laws of 99 three stages of 108-9 vegetable 30-1
Eye-brows, force-centre between 60
Failure is impossible 5
Fairies (see Nature-spirits)
'Fetters' to be cast off 120
Fire-mist, Children of the 131
Fire, nature-spirits of 84 Sparks of divine 10, 41, 61
Flame, Lords of the 131
Fohat 19
Forces, the higher, Adepts' knowledge of 14
Force-centres 60
Founder of each race 11
Founders of the Theosophical Society 14
Fragment of life of the Logos 9 of group-soul 39, 42 of the Monad 61
Freemasonry, angels approach men through 85
Free-will 99
Free-will, limitation of unbounded 102-3
Genesis of Elements, The 22
Globe, astral, of Earth 27 astral of, Moon 27 mental 27
Globes, chains of 121 seven, of Earth-chain 122-3 'God is Love' 10 Word of 9 (see also Solar Deity)
Group of egos 106
Group-soul, fragment, from, is ensouled 39-42 of domestic animals 38-40 numbers of bodies attached to one 34-7 Spark hovers over 40
Group-souls 36-9 seven types of 37 simile of bucket of water and 34-6
Guardian angel 54
Head, force-centre in 60 of each race 11 of human evolution 11 of religion and education 11-2 of the White Brotherhood 14
Heart, force-centre in 60
Heaven, is a state of consciousness 64 simile of capacity of cups and 91-2 varying capacities of men in 91-2
Hell, non-existence of 64, 71, 74, 75
Hierarchy, The 5 controls the world 5, 13 Head of 14 man can join 13 Members of, watch for helpers 116-7 Human evolution, beginning of 32-8 division of races of 104-5 the central point in 118-9 the half-way point of 125 the summit of 13
Humanity, bodies of early 128-9 early, was androgynous 130 races of 11 receives help from Venus 131 service of, by thought 53-4 spiritual unity of 139
Immortal, the soul of man 8
Incarnations of Earth-chain 122-5
Individuality, a permanent 39
Individualization, is the first critical point of man's life 118 of animals 37-40 of Moon-animals 126-7, 130-1
Indo-Caucasian root-race 105
Inhabitants of finer worlds 26
Initiations, the great 118, 119-20 simile of university degrees 120
Instincts, of animals 35 of cell-life 65
Intellect is a fifth round development 131
Intelligence in man 42
Intuition in man 23, 42
Intuitional world, the 23, 42 extent of 27 Monad manifests in 42 second outpouring in 33 third outpouring descends to 39-40
Isis Unveiled 15
Jupiter, the planet 124
King of the World, The 11
Kingdom, animal 30-1, 37-9 first elemental 29 mineral 30-3, 40 of angels 84-5 of nature-spirits 84-5 second elemental 30 seven types of each 38 third elemental 30 vegetable 30-1, 38
Kingdoms of nature ensouled by life-waves 38, 126 the elemental 29-30 the seven, of nature 28, 38-9
Koilon 18
Ladder of evolution, the 17, 145 golden 96 rungs of 17
Law, the, of evolution 99, 104-5 of cause and effect 100-7
Laws, the immutable 8
Liberated man 5-6
Life, cell- 65-6 conditions of, after death 74 divine 23, 29, 121 man's continuous 63 the purpose of 98-9, 108-20
Life-waves, the 28-40 constant-successions of 32 ensoul the kingdoms of nature 33, 37 of chains 121-2, 123-5 two stages of 29
Life-wave, the, now centred on Earth 128 period of, in each kingdom 38-9
Logos, the (see Solar Deity)
Lords of the Flame, assistance given by 132 come to Earth 131 some still remain on Earth 132 of the Moon 126
'Love, God is' 10
Lunar-chain (see Moon-chain)
Man, after death 63-96 can kill out vices 110-5 conflict of interest between, and his vehicles 66 constitution of 41-62 distinction between animals and 40 during sleep 61-2, 70, 74 early, was androgynous 130 evolves through different races 104-5 exists in other worlds 2-3, 42-3 factors determining birth of 104-5 free will of 99-100, 102 has latent powers 2 has many lives 2-4, 42 has powers of evil restricted 102 has several bodies 2-3, 42 is always affecting others 138-9, 147 is a Monad 42 is a soul 2-3 is a Spark of divine Fire 41 is divine in origin 3 is his own law-giver 8 is immortal 8 is influenced by his astral body-entity 68 is not changed by death 74 is separate from animal kingdom 28 is the outcome of his past 44-5 learns to use his powers in service 108-9 liberated 5-6 makes his own destiny 147 may be apprenticed to a Master 14-5, 117 past history of 2-3 physical body of, is evolved from animal forms 130 reaps result of his action 100-1 represents mineral kingdom of first chain 126 the Triple Spirit in 41 the triumph of 96 three aspects of 11, 41-2 why, does not remember past lives 44 (also see primitive man and savages)
Mars, the planet 122, 124 life exists on 128
Master, son of a 118 the 13-7 are Adepts Who take apprentices 14 take apprentices 14-7, 117-8 the great knowledge of 14 "Their world" 15
Matter, all, is living 30, 65 astral 15, 26, 31, 43, 51, 66-7 atomic 25 different densities of 20, 25 etheric 25, 59 formation of root- 18-9 intermingling of 21 mental 23, 27, 29, 33, 42 molecules of 24-5 power of attraction of 60 root- 81
Matter, seven types of 21, 24 starry 24 sub-atomic 25 sub-divisions of 24-5 super-etheric 25 the senses respond to vibrations in 26 ultimate 18-21 vibrations of 24-6, 33, 44-7 whirling sphere of, a 19-21
Memory of nature 3 of past lives 44
Men, backward, drop out 132-3 bodies of first Earth-chain 129-30 first, of Earth-chain 126-7 Moon- 126-9
Mental, globe 26-7 globes of Earth-chain 122 images of friends 93-4 shell 53, 91 warts 49 (also see mental world)
Mental body, the, after death 90-1 bridge from, to physical body 58 cell-life of 65 composition of 48 connection of brain with 49 description of 48-9, 60-1 effect of prejudice upon 49 effect of thoughts upon 48-51 expresses concrete thoughts 48 reacts on causal body 58 shell 53, 91 sight of 50-1 striations in 49-50 the astral body reacts upon 58 the dead are unused to 90-1 the ego casts aside his 43-4, 63 the ego takes a 42-3 the memory of 44-5 thoughts shown as colours in 48-50 vibrations of 50, 53-4 warts on 49
Mental matter, globe of 26-7 the causal body is built of 45 the mind is built of 23 vibrations of 24
Mental world, average life in, after death 64-5 bliss of 90 effect of higher thought in 92-3 ego formed in higher 39 extent of 27 formation of 20-3 friends of dead in 93-4 higher 29-30, 33, 39-42 levels of 94 lower 29-30 man in, after death 63-4, 89-95 the fifth plane named 24-41 the Monad manifests in higher 42 the second outpouring descends to 29-30 wealth of 91
Mercury, the planet 122, 124 life exists on 128
Mind, the divine 91 the, of man 23 (also see mental body)
Mineral, the kingdom 30-1, 37, 108, 126 man represents, of first chain 126 seven types of 37 the first out-pouring ensouls 30
Ministers in charge of departments 11 the seven, of Solar Deity 11
Monad, the, descent of 41
Monad, origin of 41, 61
Monads, the home of human, 23, 41
Monadic world, the, extent of 27 man belongs to 41 the second plane named 23, 41-2
Mongolian root-race 105
Moon, the, astral globe of 27, 71 human goal on 126 individualization on 125 is a corpse 123 Lords of the 126
Moon-animals 126-7 individualize on Earth 128-9
Moon-chain, animal-men of 127-8 human goal on 126 men of 126 men come to Earth-chain 126-9 was the third incarnation of our chain 123
Moon-men 126-9 distribution of, on Earth-chain 126-9 first order of 129 second order of 129 some entered the Path 129
Motive, the, for self-effort 115
Nature, memory of 3 planes of 7 seven kingdoms of 28
Nature-spirits, are not individualized 84 are sometimes seen by men 84 four classes of 84 many wear etheric bodies 84 the kingdom of 84 where they exist 83-4
Nebula, cooling of 22 planets formed from 22 rings of 22 subsidiary vortices of 22 vortex of 20
Negroid, the, race 105
Neptune, the planet 124
Nerves, vitality flows along 59
Occult Chemistry 7
Occult World, The 1, 15
Occultism, how to progress in 113-7
Official, pupils of great 11 representing Solar Deity 11
Officials of the Hierarchy 13
Olcott, Colonel H.S. 14 a founder of T.S. 14
Oriental sacred books 18
Origin, divine, of man 3, 10, 39-40
Outpouring, the first 20-8 the second 28-39, 65 the third 39-40
Path, the, conditions of 15 fetters to be cast off on 119-20 fourth step on 126 Moon-men entered 129 simile of mountain 5 steeper 5, 119-20
Peers of Logos 9
Perfect men 5
Perseverance necessary for progress 113
Personality 61 the purpose of the 109
Philosophy, Theosophy is a 1
Physical body, attracts astral matter 60 cells of the 65-6 during sleep man leaves his 62, 70 early evolution of the 129-30 ego, drops his 43, 63
Physical body, ego takes a 43, 61 etheric part of 59-60 future perfection of the 132 of first round 129-30 of man is evolved from animal forms 130 requirements of the 59-60
Physical matter, subdivisions of 25 vibrations of 24, 33
Physical world, the, descent of ego to 42-3 formation of 21-3, 23-6 second outpouring enters 30-1 seven sub-divisions of 25
Pioneer, The, Mr. A.P. Sinnett, editor of 15
Planes of nature, the 7 formation of 20-1 investigation of 7 naming of 41
Planets, formation of 22 future 20 life on other 128
Planetary chains 121-33
Planetary Spirits, the seven 11 simile of ganglia and 11
Powers latent in man 2 are for use in service 109 observation of history by 3 observation of other worlds by 2-3
Prejudices shown in mental body, 49
Primitive man, causal body of 46-8 during sleep 62 life of, after death 64 result of action of 102 types of 37
Principle, undying, in man 8
Probation, apprentice upon 118 period of 118
Promptings of lower nature 66-8
Proto-elements 21
Pupils, accepted, of Master 118 of Great Officials 11 of Masters 14-7, 116-8 (see also apprentices)
Purgatory is a state of consciousness 64-5
Quotations from, a French Scientist 18 a Gnostic Philosopher 10 a Master 15 an Eastern Scripture 9 The Occult World 1
Race, Founder of each 11 Head of each 11 of life 99
Races, branch- 105, 125 man evolves through different 105 object of 105 of humanity 14 root- 105, 125-6 sub- 105, 125
Ray, the seventh 85
Record, indelible 3
Reincarnation 42-4, 97-107 desire of ego for 97 simile of days at school and 98-9 Theosophy explains 99
Religion, Adepts, Teachers of 12 department of 12 Founders of new 11
Religions, have one source 12 start with basic truths 12 the sending forth of 11
Reproduction, early methods of 130
Reynolds, Prof. O. 18-9
Right and wrong, the test of 142
Roman races, the 105
Root-matter 18
Root-races 105, 125
Round, a 125 first, differs from others 128
Rounds, conditions, of early reproduced in fourth round 130-1 human forms on first three 128-30
Saturn, rings of, simile of 22
Savages, causal bodies of 46-7, 48-9 during sleep 62 types of 37
'Saved, The' 119
Scheme of evolution, a 32, 121-2 central point of 125
School, of philosophy, there is a 1 of life, none fail in the 98
Seances 87
Secret Doctrine, The 19
Seers can use sight of the ego 46
Senses, the, of astral body 68-9 respond to vibrations of matter 26
Service, man learns to use his powers in 109 the joy of 96
Seven, 'bubbles' combine in powers of 20-1, 23 choices of Lords of the Moon 127-8 degrees of density of matter 24-5 force-centres in man's bodies 60 globes of a chain 121-2 impulses of force 19-20 incarnations of chains 121 interpenetrating worlds 20, 22 kingdoms of nature 28 life-waves 33 Ministers of Solar Deity 11 Planetary Spirits 11 sub-divisions of matter 24-5 sub-divisions of vitality 60 types of animals 37-9 types of elemental creatures 37-8 types of group-souls 37-8 types of matter 21, 24 types of men 43 types of minerals 37 types of vegetables 37
Sexes, separation of 130
Shade, the 86
Sheaves of the ego 61
Shell, of astral body 68, 78-80, 81, 86-7 of thoughts 53, 91
Sight, astral 68-9 clairvoyant 46 mental 51 of ego 46
Simile of, boiling water 69-70 brick 25 bucket of water 34-5 charged battery 53 cups of varying capacities 91-2 days at school 97-8, 143 dense fog 143 developing muscles 114 flame in a dark night 14 ganglia 11 matter diffused in water 72 Niagara Falls 135 onion 72 overtones of musical notes 58 path up mountain 5 payment of a debt 102-4 rungs of a ladder 17 Saturn's rings 22 shutting a door 131 sorting out school-boys 132 university degrees 120 vibrations of a bell 55 warts 49
Sinnett, Mr. A.P. 1, 15 author of The Occult World 1, 15 author of Esoteric Buddhism 1, 15 editor of The Pioneer 15
Sleep 61-2, 70, 87 man during 61-2, 70 the dead are met during 74
Solar Deity, the, a Being higher than 19 builds His system 9-10, 19 field of activity of 19 first Aspect of 39 fragment of Life of 9-10 future planets of 19 impulses of force of 20-1, 28 is a Trinity 11 Official representing 11 Peers of 9 Plan of 11, 13 second Aspect of 28, 32, 65 Self-limitation of 10 seven Ministers of 11 seven Planetary Spirits 11 the King of the World represents 11 third Aspect of 20-1, 28 threefold manifestation of 10
Solar plexus, force-centre, the 60
Solar System, evolutionary table of 125 formation of 18-27 inhabitants of the 85 Logos of a 9 origin of 19 ten chains of 121-3
Solar systems, countless 9
Son of Master 118
Soul, the group 33-9, 42 man is a 2, 33 of an animal 33-4 of domestic animals 37-40 of grasses 31 of insects 37 of lions 33-4 of man 8, 33, 55 of reptiles 42 of trees 31 plant- 33 World- 33
Space, between atoms 23 Fohat digs holes in 19 the aether of 18-9 worlds not separate in 2
Sparks, of divine Fire 39-40, 61 of divine Life 23, 29
Spine, force-centre at base of 60
Spirit, and matter 18 in man 23, 41 the triple, in man 41-2
Spiritual world, the extent of 26-7 is the name of third plane 23, 41 Monads descend to 41
Spleen, the, vitality flows through 60
Stream, those who have entered the 119
Sub-atomic matter 25
Sub-races of humanity 105, 125
Summerland, the, of astral world 80
Sun, vitality comes from the 60
Super-etheric matter 25
Table of evolution of Solar System 125
Teachers, authority of 16 of earlier races 126 of religion 11-2
Tempting demons 53, 67
Test, the, of right and wrong 142
Teutonic sub-race 105
Theosophy, demands no belief 6 explains reincarnation 99 explains religions 7 first popular exposition of 1 is a philosophy 1 is a religion 1, 5-7 is a science 1, 7 never converts 7 solves problems of life 4 statements of, based on observation 6 tells of past history 3 the gospel of 96 the great facts of 8 what, does for us 134-148
Theosophist, the, cheerfully faces trouble 146 conception of life of 137 does not try to convert 140 has no fear of death 137 knows the power of thought 147 relation of, to animals 141 sees purpose of life 142 test of right and wrong of 141
Thought, abstract 46 all actions spring from 116 concrete 48, 50 coupled with feeling 51 -forces after death 63 is a powerful instrument 116 necessity for clear 114 necessity for control of 116 prolonged 50 shell of 53
Thoughts, are things 147 as a power for good 55 build forms 52 distance no hindrance to 52 effect of, after death 63-4, 80 humanity helped by 54-5 meaning of colours of 46, 54-7 meaning of shapes of 54 on Theosophy 55-60 others affected by 50-51 self-centred 53-4 selfish and unselfish 110 transmission of 52
Thought-forms 50-4 are temporary entities 53 as guardian angels 54 as tempting demons 53 astro-mental 51, 57 duration of 53-4 effect on others of 51-2 move through space 51
Thought images (see Thought-forms)
Three, Aspects of the Logos 10-1 aspects of man 41 critical points in man's evolution 117-9 elemental kingdoms 28-9 great truths 8 in One 10 outpourings 28-39 Persons 10 stages of apprenticeship 118 stages of evolution 108-9
Throat, the force-centre in 60
Time, no measure of, in astral world 75
Trinity of Solar Logos 10
Triple Spirit in man 41-2
Triumph, the, of man 96
Trust begets trust 111
Truth, one in diverse forms 12 the, is obtainable 12
Truths, basic, of religions 12-3 the three great 8
Types of, animals 37-8 elemental creatures 37 group-souls 37 life 37 matter 21 men 37-9 minerals 37 reptiles 37 vegetables 38
Ultimate atoms 19 physical atoms 25 root-matter 18
Ultra-violet light 26-44
Unity, the, of humanity 138-9 what tends to 109
Universe, the, beginning of 18
Universes, innumerable 9
Universal brotherhood of humanity, the 138
Uranium 22
Uranus, the planet 124
Vegetable, the, kingdom 30-1, 37-8 seven types of 37
Vehicles, man's conflict of interest with his 66-9
Venus, the planet 124 Adepts from, come to Earth 131 stage of evolution of 131
Vibrations, of astral body 56-7, 65-6, 75-6 of mental body 44 of thought-forms 53, 55
Vibrations, in matter 24, 33, 59 causal body affected by 47-9 ego responds to 45 life learns to generate 33 octaves of 24 the senses respond to 25-6
Vices, belong to the vehicles 112 how to kill out 110-5
Vitality, circulates along the nerves 59 of astral corpse 86 sub-division of 59-60 what it is 59
Vortices, force-centres appear as 60 in matter 20 in nebular 19-22
Vulcan, the planet, was seen by Herschel 124
Warts on mental body 49
Water, nature-spirits of 84
Waves, life- (see life-waves)
Wealth of the heaven world 91
Whirling sphere of matter 19-21 vortex in 20
Will, the divine 6, 11 evolution is 11, 120 fulfilment of 118
Wisdom, Masters of the (see Masters)
Word of God, the 9
World, departments of the 11 King of this 11 -period 124
Worlds, bliss of the higher 89-90 inhabitants of finer 25-6 man exists in several 2-3 of different densities 3 seven interpenetrating 20, 23-4