In the red and brown iron ores and ochres ferric iron is present; in chalybite the iron is in the ferrous state; and in magnetite it is present in both forms. Traces of iron in the ferrous state may be found (even in the presence of much ferric iron) by either of the following tests:—
1. Ferricyanide of potassium gives a blue precipitate or green coloration; with ferric salts a brown colour only is produced.
2. A solution of permanganate of potassium is decolorised by a ferrous salt, but not by a ferric one.
Traces of ferric iron can be detected (even in the presence of much ferrous iron) by the following tests:—
(1) By the brown or yellow colour of the solution, especially when hot.
(2) By giving a pink or red coloration with sulphocyanide of potassium.
Substances containing oxide of iron yield the whole of the iron as metal when fused at a high temperature with charcoal and suitable fluxes. The metal, however, will contain varying proportions of carbon and other impurities, and its weight can only afford a rough knowledge of the proportion of the metal in the ore. There are two or three methods of dry assay for iron, but they are not only inexact, but more troublesome than the wet methods, and need not be further considered. Chalybite and the hydrated oxides dissolve very readily in hydrochloric acid; hmatite and magnetite dissolve with rather more difficulty. Iron itself, when soft, is easily soluble in dilute hydrochloric, or sulphuric, acid. Pyrites, mispickel, &c., are insoluble in hydrochloric acid, but they are readily attacked by nitric acid. Certain minerals, such as chrome iron ore, titaniferous iron ore, and some silicates containing iron, remain in the residue insoluble in acids. Some of these yield their iron when attacked with strong sulphuric acid, or when fused with the acid sulphate of potash. Generally, however, it is better in such stubborn cases to fuse with carbonate of soda, and then attack the "melt" with hydrochloric acid.
When nitric acid, or the fusion method, has been used, the metal will be in solution in the ferric state, no matter in what condition it existed in the ore. But with dilute hydrochloric or sulphuric acid it will retain its former degree of oxidation. Hydrochloric acid, for example, with chalybite (ferrous carbonate) will give a solution of ferrous chloride; with hmatite (ferric oxide) it will yield ferric chloride; and with magnetite (ferrous and ferric oxides) a mixture of ferrous and ferric chlorides. Metallic iron yields solutions of ferrous salts. It is convenient to speak of the iron in a ferrous salt as ferrous iron, and when in the ferric state as ferric iron. Frequently it is required to determine how much of the iron exists in an ore in each condition. In such cases it is necessary to keep off the air whilst dissolving; the operation should, therefore, be performed in an atmosphere of carbonic acid.
Separation.—The separation of the iron from the other substances is as follows:—Silica is removed by evaporating the acid solution, and taking up with acid, as described under Silica; the whole of the iron will be in solution. The metals of Groups I. and II. are removed by passing sulphuretted hydrogen, and at the same time the iron will be reduced to the ferrous state. The solution should be filtered into a 16 oz. flask, boiled to get rid of the gas, and treated (whilst boiling) with a few drops of nitric acid, in order to convert the whole of the iron into the ferric state. When this condition is arrived at, an additional drop of nitric acid causes no dark coloration. The boiling must be continued to remove nitrous fumes. Next add caustic soda solution until the colour of the solution changes from yellow to red. The solution must be free from a precipitate; if the soda be incautiously added a permanent precipitate will be formed, in which case it must be redissolved with hydrochloric acid, and soda again, but more cautiously, added. After cooling, a solution of sodium acetate is added until the colour of the solution is no longer darkened. The solution, diluted to two-thirds of the flaskful with water, is heated to boiling. Long-continued boiling must be avoided. The precipitate is filtered quickly through a large filter, and washed with hot water containing a little acetate of soda.
The precipitate will contain all the iron and may also contain alumina, chromium, titanium, as well as phosphoric, and, perhaps, arsenic acids.[64]
Dissolve the precipitate off the filter with dilute sulphuric acid, avoiding excess, add tartaric acid and then ammonia in excess. Pass sulphuretted hydrogen, warm, and allow the precipitate to settle. Filter and wash with water containing a little ammonic sulphide.
Dissolve the precipitate in dilute hydrochloric acid; peroxidise with a few drops of nitric acid and boil, dilute to about 200 c.c., add ammonia (with constant stirring) till the liquid smells of it, and heat to boiling. Wash as much as possible by decantation with hot water. Transfer to the filter, and wash till the filtrate gives no indication of soluble salts coming through. The filtrate must be colourless and clear. The wet precipitate is very bulky, of a dark-brown colour and readily soluble in dilute acids, but insoluble in ammonia and dilute alkalies. When thrown down from a solution containing other metals it is very apt to carry portions of these with it, even when they are by themselves very soluble in ammoniacal solutions. It must be dried and ignited, the filter paper being burnt separately and its ash added. When further ignition ceases to cause a loss of weight, the residue is ferric oxide (Fe{2}O{3}), which contains 70 per cent. of iron. The weight of iron therefore can be calculated by multiplying the weight of oxide obtained by 0.7.
The presence of ammonic chloride causes loss of iron during the ignition, and organic matter causes an apparent loss by reducing the iron to a lower state of oxidation. When the iron in the solution much exceeds 0.2 gram the volumetric determination is generally adopted, as the bulkiness of the precipitate of ferric hydrate makes the gravimetric method very inconvenient.
As already explained these are based on the measurement of the volume of a reagent required to bring the whole of the iron from the ferrous to the ferric state (oxidation), or from the ferric to the ferrous (reduction). Ferrous compounds are converted into ferric by the action of an oxidising agent in the presence of an acid. Either permanganate or bichromate of potash is generally used for this purpose.[65]
Ferric compounds are reduced to ferrous by the action of:—
(1) Stannous chloride; (2) Sulphuretted hydrogen; (3) Sodium sulphite; or (4) Zinc.[66]
The processes, then, may be divided into two kinds, one based on oxidation and the other on reduction. In each case the titration must be preceded by an exact preparation of the solution to be assayed in order that the iron may be in the right state of oxidation.
These consist of three operations:—
(1) Solution of the ore; (2) Reduction of the iron to the ferrous state; and (3) Titration.
Solution.—The only point to be noticed concerning the first operation (in addition to those already mentioned) is that nitric acid must be absent. If nitric acid has been used, evaporate to dryness, of course without previous dilution; add hydrochloric or sulphuric acid, and boil for five or ten minutes. Dilute with water to about 100 c.c., and warm until solution is complete.
The reduction is performed by either of the following methods:—
1. With Stannous Chloride.—Fill a burette with a solution of stannous chloride,[67] and cautiously run the liquid into the hot assay solution (in which the iron is present as chloride) until the colour is discharged. A large excess of the stannous chloride must be avoided. Then add 5 c.c. of a 2-1/2 per cent. solution of mercuric chloride, this will cause a white precipitate (or a grey one if too large an excess of the stannous chloride has been added). Boil till the solution clears, cool, dilute, and titrate.
2. With Sulphuretted Hydrogen.—Cool the solution and pass through it a current of washed sulphuretted hydrogen till the liquid smells strongly of the gas after withdrawal and shaking. A white precipitate of sulphur will be formed, this will not interfere with the subsequent titration provided it is precipitated in the cold. If, however, the precipitate is coloured (showing the presence of the second group metals), or if the precipitation has been carried out in a hot solution, it should be filtered off. Boil the solution until the sulphuretted hydrogen is driven off; this may be tested by holding a strip of filter paper dipped in lead acetate solution in the steam issuing from the flask. The presence of sulphuretted hydrogen should be looked for rather than its absence. It is well to continue the boiling for a few minutes after the gas has been driven off. Cool and titrate.
3. With Sodium Sulphite.—Add ammonia (a few drops at a time) until the precipitate first formed redissolves with difficulty. If a permanent precipitate is formed, redissolve with a few drops of acid. To the warm solution add from 2 to 3 grams of sodium sulphite crystals. The solution will become strongly coloured, but the colour will fade away on standing for a few minutes in a warm place. When the colour is quite removed, add 20 c.c. of dilute sulphuric acid, and boil until the steam is quite free from the odour of sulphurous acid. Cool and titrate.
4. With Zinc.—Add about 10 grams of granulated zinc; if the hydrogen comes off violently add water; if, on the other hand, the action is very slow, add sufficient dilute sulphuric acid to keep up a brisk effervescence. The reduction is hastened by warming, and is complete when the solution is quite colourless and a drop of the liquid tested with sulphocyanate of potassium gives no reaction for ferric iron. Filter through "glass wool" or quick filtering paper. The zinc should be still giving off gas rapidly, indicating a freely acid solution; if not, acid must be added. Wash with water rendered acid. Cool and titrate.
With regard to the relative advantages of the different methods they may be roughly summed up as follows:—The stannous chloride method has the advantage of immediately reducing the ferric iron whether in hot or cold solution and under varied conditions in regard to acidity, but has the disadvantage of similarly reducing salts of copper and antimony, which, in a subsequent titration, count as iron. Moreover, there is no convenient method of eliminating any large excess of the reagent that may have been used; and, consequently, it either leaves too much to the judgment of the operator, or entails as much care as a titration. Students generally get good results by this method.
The sulphuretted hydrogen method also has the advantage of quick reduction under varying conditions, and the further one of adding nothing objectionable to the solution; in fact it removes certain impurities. The disadvantages are the necessity for boiling off the excess of the gas, and of filtering off the precipitated sulphur, although this last is not necessary if precipitated cold. The tendency with students is to get high results. The sodium sulphite method has the advantages of being clean and neat, and of requiring no nitration. On the other hand it requires practice in obtaining the best conditions for complete reduction; and, as with sulphuretted hydrogen, there is the necessity for boiling off the gas, while there is no simple and delicate test for the residual sulphurous acid. In addition, if an excess of sodium sulphite has been used and enough acid not subsequently added, the excess will count as iron. Students generally get low results by this method.
The advantages of the zinc method are, that it is easily worked and that the excess of zinc is readily removed by simply filtering. The disadvantages are the slowness[68] with which the last portions of ferric iron are reduced, the danger of loss by effervescence, the precipitation of basic salts, and, perhaps, of iron, and the loading of the solution with salts of zinc, which in the titration with bichromate have a prejudicial effect. The tendency in the hands of students is to get variable results, sometimes low and sometimes high.
Generally speaking, the sulphuretted hydrogen and sodium sulphite methods are to be preferred. Carefully worked each method will yield good results.
The titration may be done with a standard solution of (1) permanganate of potash, or (2) bichromate of potash.
1. With Permanganate of Potash.—Prepare a standard solution by dissolving 2.82 grams of the salt and diluting to one litre. The strength of this should be 100 c.c. = 0.5 gram of iron, but it varies slightly, and should be determined (and afterwards checked every two or three weeks) by weighing up 0.2 gram of iron wire, dissolving in 10 c.c. of dilute sulphuric acid, diluting to about 100 c.c., and titrating.
The standard solution must be put in a burette with a glass stopcock, as it attacks india-rubber. The assay should be contained in a pint flask, and be cooled before titrating. The standard solution must be run in until a pinkish tinge permeates the whole solution; this must be taken as the finishing point. When certain interfering bodies are present this colour quickly fades, but the fading must be ignored. With pure solutions the colour is fairly permanent, and a single drop of the potassium permanganate solution is sufficient to determine the finishing point.
2. With Bichromate of Potash.—Prepare a standard solution by dissolving 4.39 grams of the powdered and dried salt in water, and diluting to 1 litre. This solution is permanent, its strength is determined by dissolving 0.2 gram of iron wire in 10 c.c. of dilute sulphuric acid, diluting to about a quarter of a litre, and titrating.
Also prepare a test solution by dissolving 0.1 gram of ferricyanide of potassium in 100 c.c. of water. This solution does not keep well and must be freshly prepared.
An ordinary burette is used. The assay is best contained in a glazed earthenware dish, and may be titrated hot or cold. To determine the finishing point, place a series of drops of the ferricyanide solution on a dry white glazed plate. The drops should be of about the same size and be placed in lines at fairly equal distances. The bichromate is run in, in a steady stream, the assay solution being continuously stirred until the reaction is sensibly slackened. Then bring a drop of the assay with the stirrer in contact with one of the test drops on the plate. The standard can be safely run in 1 c.c. at a time, so long as the test drop shows signs of a precipitate. When only a coloration is produced run in cautiously a few drops at a time so long as two drops of the assay gives with the test a colour which is even faintly greener than two drops of the assay solution placed alongside. The finishing point is decided and practically permanent, although it demands a little practice to recognise it. The titration with permanganate of potassium has the advantage of a more distinct finishing point and easier mode of working; its application, however, is somewhat limited by the disturbing effects of hydrochloric acid. The bichromate method has the advantage of a standard solution which does not alter in strength, and the further one of being but little affected by altering conditions of assay. Hydrochloric acid has practically no effect on it. Both methods give accurate results and are good examples of volumetric methods.
The following results illustrate the extent to which the methods may be relied on; and the influence which the various conditions of experiment have on the assay.
Solutions of ferrous sulphate and of ferrous chloride were made containing 0.5 gram of iron in each 100 c.c., thus corresponding to the standard solutions of permanganate and bichromate of potassium. These last were prepared in the way already described. The solution of ferrous sulphate was made by dissolving 5.01 grams of iron wire in 100 c.c. of dilute sulphuric acid and diluting to 1 litre. A similar solution may be made by dissolving 24.82 grams of pure ferrous sulphate crystals in water, adding 100 c.c. of dilute sulphuric acid, and diluting to 1 litre.
Rate of Oxidation by Exposure to Air.—This is an important consideration, and if the rate were at all rapid would have a serious influence on the manner of working, since exclusion of air in the various operations would be troublesome. 20 c.c. of the solution of ferrous sulphate were taken in each experiment, acidified with 10 c.c. of dilute sulphuric acid, and diluted to 100 c.c. The solution was exposed, cold, in an open beaker for varying lengths of time, and titrated with permanganate of potassium.
Time exposed 1 hour 1 day 2 days 3 days c.c. required 19.2 19.1 19.0 19.0
These results show that the atmospheric oxidation in cold solutions is unimportant. With boiling solutions the results are somewhat different; a solution which at the outset required 20 c.c. of permanganate of potassium, after boiling for an hour in an open beaker (without any precautions to prevent oxidation), water being added from time to time to replace that lost by evaporation, required 19.2 c.c. If the solution be evaporated to dryness the oxidising power of concentrated sulphuric acid comes into play, so that very little ferrous iron will be left. A solution evaporated in this way required only 2.2 c.c. of permanganate of potassium.
Effect of Varying Temperature.—In these experiments the bulk was in each case 100 c.c., and 10 c.c. of dilute sulphuric acid were present. The permanganate required by
1 c.c. of ferrous sulphate was, at 15 1.0 c.c., and at 70 1.1 c.c. 10 " " " 9.7 " 9.8 " 100 " " " 97.7 " 96.8 "
The lower result with the 100 c.c. may be due to oxidation from exposure.
Effect of Varying Bulk.—The following experiments show that considerable variations in bulk have no practical effect. In each case 20 c.c. of ferrous sulphate solution and 10 c.c. of dilute acid were used.
Bulk of assay 30 c.c. 100 c.c. 500 c.c. 1000 c.c. Permanganate required 20.0 " 20.0 " 20.2 " 20.5 "
Effect of Free Sulphuric Acid.—Free acid is necessary for these assays; if there is an insufficiency, the assay solution, instead of immediately decolorising the permanganate, assumes a brown colour. The addition of 10 c.c. of dilute sulphuric acid suffices to meet requirements and keep the assay clear throughout. The following experiments show that a considerable excess of acid may be used without in the least affecting the results. In each case 20 c.c. of ferrous sulphate were used.
Dilute sulphuric acid 1.0 c.c. 5.0 c.c. 10.0 c.c. 20.0 c.c. 50.0 c.c. 100.0 c.c. Permanganate required 19.3 " 19.3 " 19.3 " 19.3 " 19.3 " 19.3 "
Effect of Foreign Salts.—When the assay has been reduced with zinc varying quantities of salts of this metal pass into solution, the amount depending on the quantity of acid and iron present. Salts of sodium or ammonium may similarly be introduced. It is essential to know by experiment that these salts do not exert any effect on the titration. The following series of experiments show that as much as 50 grams of zinc sulphate may be present without interfering.
Zinc sulphate present 0 gram 1 gram 10 grams 50 grams Permanganate required 19.3 c.c. 19.3 c.c. 19.3 c.c. 19.3 c.c.
Magnesium, sodium, and ammonium salts, are equally without effect.
Ammonic sulphate present 0 gram 1 gram 10 grams Permanganate required 19.3 c.c. 19.2 c.c. 19.3 c.c.
Sodic sulphate present 0 gram 1 gram 10 grams Permanganate required 19.3 c.c. 19.3 c.c. 19.3 c.c.
Magnesic sulphate present 0 gram 1 gram 10 grams Permanganate required 19.3 c.c. 19.3 c.c. 19.3 c.c.
Effect of Varying Amounts of Iron.—It is important to know within what limits the quantity of iron in an assay may safely vary from that used in standardising. In the following experiments the conditions as to bulk, acidity, and mode of working were the same as before:—
Ferrous sulphate solution taken 1 c.c. 10 c.c. 20 c.c. 50 c.c. 100 c.c. Permanganate required 1.0 " 9.7 " 19.6 " 48.9 " 97.7 "
The ferrous sulphate solution is here a little weaker than that of the permanganate of potassium, but the results show that the permanganate required is proportional to the iron present.
Titrations in Hydrochloric Solutions.—These are less satisfactory than those in sulphuric solutions, since an excess of hydrochloric acid decomposes permanganate of potassium, evolving chlorine, and since the finishing point is indicated, not by the persistence of the pink colour of the permanganate, but by a brown coloration probably due to perchloride of manganese. Nevertheless, if the solution contains only from 5 to 10 per cent. of free hydrochloric acid (sp. g. 1.16) the results are the same as those obtained in a sulphuric acid solution. Equal weights (0.1 gram) of the same iron wire required exactly the same quantity of the permanganate of potassium solution (20 c.c.) whether the iron was dissolved in dilute sulphuric or dilute hydrochloric acid. The following series of experiments are on the same plan as those given above with sulphuric acid solutions. A solution of ferrous chloride was made by dissolving 5.01 grams of iron wire in 50 c.c. of dilute hydrochloric acid and diluting to 1 litre. The dilute hydrochloric acid was made by mixing equal volumes of the acid (sp. g. 1.16) and water.
Rate of Atmospheric Oxidation.—20 c.c. of the ferrous chloride solution were acidified with 10 c.c. of the dilute hydrochloric acid and diluted to 100 c.c. This solution was exposed cold in open beakers.
Time exposed — 1 hour 1 day 2 days 3 days Permanganate required 19.6 c.c. 19.6 c.c. 19.5 c.c. 19.4 c.c. 19.5 c.c.
Similar solutions boiled required, before boiling, 20 c.c.; after boiling for one hour, replacing the water as it evaporated, 19.3 c.c.; and after evaporation to a paste and redissolving, 17.0 c.c.
Effect of Varying Temperature.—Solutions similar to the last were titrated and gave the following results:—
Temperature 15 30 50 70 Permanganate required 19.8 c.c. 19.6 c.c. 19.5 c.c. 19.4 c.c.
Effect of Varying Bulk.—As before, 20 c.c. of the iron solution, and 10 c.c. of the dilute acid were diluted to the required volumes and titrated.
Bulk 30 c.c. 100 c.c. 500 c.c. 1000 c.c. Permanganate required 20.4 " 20.3 " 20.8 " 21.5 "
The variation due to difference in bulk here, although only equal to an excess of 0.7 milligram of iron for each 100 c.c. of dilution, are about three times as great as those observed in a sulphuric acid solution.
Effect of Free Hydrochloric Acid.—In these experiments 20 c.c. of the ferrous chloride solution were used with varying quantities of acid, the bulk of the assay in each case being 100 c.c.
Dilute acid present 5 c.c. 10 c.c. 50 c.c. 100 c.c. Permanganate required 20.2 " 20.2 " 20.5 " 21.0 "
The last had a very indistinct finishing point, the brown coloration being very evanescent. The effect of the acid is modified by the presence of alkaline and other sulphates, but not by sulphuric acid. Repeating the last experiment we got—
Without further addition 21.0 c.c. With 100 c.c. of dilute sulphuric acid 22.0 " " 10 grams ammonic sulphate 20.5 " " 10 " sodic sulphate 20.0 " " 10 " magnesium sulphate 20.4 " " 10 " manganese sulphate 20.2 "
The results with these salts, in counteracting the interference of the acid, however, were not a complete success, since the end-reactions were all indistinct, with the exception, perhaps, of that with the manganese sulphate.
Effect of Varying Amounts of Iron.—In these experiments the bulk of the assay was 100 c.c., and 10 c.c. of acid were present.
Ferrous chloride used 1 c.c. 10 c.c. 20 c.c. 50 c.c. 100 c.c. Permanganate required 1.1 " 10.3 " 20.3 " 50.4 " 100.1 "
In making himself familiar with the permanganate of potassium titration, the student should practise by working out a series of experiments similar to the above, varying his conditions one at a time so as to be certain of the cause of any variation in his results. He may then proceed to experiment on the various methods of reduction.
A solution of ferric chloride is made by dissolving 5.01 grams of iron wire in 50 c.c. of hydrochloric acid (sp. g. 1.16), and running from a burette nitric acid diluted with an equal volume of water into the boiling iron solution, until the liquid changes from a black to a reddish-yellow. About 4.5 c.c. of the nitric acid will be required, and the finishing point is marked by a brisk effervescence. The solution of iron should be contained in an evaporating dish, and boiled briskly, with constant stirring. There should be no excess of nitric acid. Boil down to about half its bulk; then cool, and dilute to one litre with water. Twenty c.c. of this solution diluted to 100 c.c. with water, and acidified with 10 c.c. of dilute hydrochloric acid, should not decolorise any of the permanganate of potassium solution; this shows the absence of ferrous salts. And 20 c.c. of the same solution, boiled with 20 c.c. of the ferrous sulphate solution, should not decrease the quantity of "permanganate" required for the titration of the ferrous sulphate added. In a series of experiments on the various methods of reduction, the following results were got. The modes of working were those already described.
(1) With Stannous Chloride.—Twenty c.c. of the ferric chloride solution required, after reduction with stannous chloride, 20 c.c. of "permanganate." Fifty c.c. of a solution of ferrous chloride, which required on titration 49.8 c.c. of "permanganate," required for re-titration (after subsequent reduction with stannous chloride) 50 c.c. of the permanganate solution.
(2) With Sulphuretted Hydrogen.—Two experiments with this gas, using in each 20 c.c. of the ferric chloride solution, and 10 c.c. of hydrochloric acid, required (after reduction) 20.2 c.c. and 20.1 c.c. of "permanganate." Repeating the experiments by passing the gas through a nearly boiling solution, but in other respects working in the same way, 21.3 c.c. and 21.6 c.c. of the permanganate solution were required. The sulphur was not filtered off in any of these. In another experiment, in which 50 c.c. of the ferrous sulphate solution were titrated with "permanganate," 48 c.c. of the latter were required. The titrated solution was next reduced with sulphuretted hydrogen, brought to the same bulk as before, and again titrated; 47.9 c.c. of the permanganate of potassium solution were required.
(3) With Sodium Sulphite.—Twenty c.c. of the ferric chloride solution, reduced with sodium sulphite, required 19.9 c.c. of "permanganate." In one experiment 50 c.c. of the ferrous sulphate solution were titrated with "permanganate"; 49.3 c.c. of the last-mentioned solution were required. The titrated solution was reduced with sodium sulphite, and again titrated; it required 49.2 c.c. of the permanganate of potassium solution.
(4) With Zinc.—Twenty c.c. of the ferric chloride solution, reduced with zinc and titrated, required 20.8 c.c. of "permanganate." Fifty c.c. of a solution of ferrous sulphate which required 49.7 c.c. of "permanganate," required for re-titration, after reduction with zinc, 49.7 c.c.
The student should next practise the titration with bichromate, which is more especially valuable in the estimation of hydrochloric acid solutions. The following experiments are on the same plan as those already given. In each experiment (except when otherwise stated) there were present 20 c.c. of the ferrous chloride solution, and 10 c.c. of dilute hydrochloric acid, and the bulk was 300 c.c.
Effect of Varying Temperature.—The quantities of the bichromate of potassium solution required were as follows:—
Temperature 15 30 70 100 Bichromate required 20.2 c.c. 20.3 c.c. 20.3 c.c. 20.4 c.c.
Effect of Varying Bulk.—
Bulk 50 c.c. 100 c.c. 200 c.c. 500 c.c. 1000 c.c. Bichromate required 20.4 " 20.4 " 20.4 " 20.5 " 20.8 "
Effect of Varying Acid.—In these, variable quantities of dilute hydrochloric acid were used.
Acid present 10 c.c. 50 c.c. 100 c.c. Bichromate required 20.3 " 20.3 " 20.2 "
Effect of Foreign Salts.—The effect of the addition of 10 grams of crystallized zinc sulphate was to decrease the quantity of "bichromate" required from 20.3 c.c. to 20.1 c.c., but the colour produced with the test-drop was very slight at 18.5 c.c., and with incautious work the finishing point might have been taken anywhere between these extremes. Zinc should not be used as a reducing agent preliminary to a "bichromate" titration. Ten grams of ammonic sulphate had the effect of rendering the finishing point faint for about 0.5 c.c. before the titration was finished, but there was no doubt about the finishing point when allowed to stand for a minute. The student should note that a titration is not completed if a colour is developed on standing for five or ten minutes. Ten grams of sodic sulphate had no effect; 20.3 c.c. were required.
Effect of Varying Iron.—The results are proportional, as will be seen from the following details:—
Ferrous chloride present 1.0 c.c. 10.0 c.c. 20.0 c.c. 50.0 c.c. 100.0 c.c. Bichromate required 1.0 " 10.2 " 20.3 " 51.0 " 102.3 "
The student may now apply these titrations to actual assays of minerals. The following examples will illustrate the mode of working and of calculating the results:—
Determination of Iron in Chalybite.—Weigh up 1 gram of the dry powdered ore, and dissolve in 10 c.c. of dilute sulphuric acid and an equal volume of water with the aid of heat. Avoid evaporating to dryness. Dilute and titrate. The result will give the percentage of iron existing in the ore in the ferrous state. Some ferric iron may be present. If it is wished to determine this also, add (in dissolving another portion) 10 c.c. of dilute hydrochloric acid to the sulphuric acid already ordered, and reduce the resulting solution before titrating. By dissolving and titrating (without previous reduction) one has a measure of the ferrous iron present; by dissolving, reducing, and then titrating, one can measure the total iron; and as the iron exists in only two conditions, the total iron, less the ferrous iron, is the measure of the ferric iron.
Determination of Iron in Brown or Red Ores or Magnetite.—Weigh up 0.5 gram of the ore (powdered and dried at 100 C.), and dissolve in from 10 to 20 c.c. of strong hydrochloric acid, boiling until all is dissolved, or until no coloured particles are left. Dilute, reduce, and titrate.
Determination of Iron in Pyrites.—Weigh up 1 gram of the dry powdered ore, and place in a beaker. Cover with 10 c.c. of strong sulphuric acid, mix well by shaking, and place on the hot plate without further handling for an hour or so until the action has ceased. Allow to cool, and dilute to 100 c.c. Warm until solution is complete. Reduce and titrate.
Determination of Iron in Substances Insoluble in Acids.—Weigh up 1 gram of the ore, mix with 5 or 6 grams of carbonate of soda and 0.5 gram of nitre by rubbing in a small mortar, and transfer to a platinum crucible. Clean out the mortar by rubbing up another gram or so of soda, and add this to the contents of the crucible as a cover. Fuse till tranquil. Cool. Extract with water. If the ore carries much silica, evaporate to dryness with hydrochloric acid to separate it. Re-dissolve in hydrochloric acid, and separate the iron by precipitating with ammonia and filtering. If only a small quantity of silica is present, the aqueous extract of the "melt" must be filtered, and the insoluble residue washed and dissolved in dilute hydrochloric acid. Reduce and titrate.
A convenient method of at once separating iron from a solution and reducing it, is to add ammonia, pass sulphuretted hydrogen through it, filter, and dissolve the precipitate in dilute sulphuric acid. The solution, when boiled free from sulphuretted hydrogen, is ready for titrating.
The colour imparted to hot hydrochloric acid solutions by a trace of a ferric compound is so strong, and the reducing action of stannous chloride is so rapid, that a method of titration is based upon the quantity of a standard solution of stannous chloride required to completely decolorise a solution containing ferric iron. This method is more especially adapted for the assay of liquors containing much ferric iron and of those oxidised ores which are completely soluble in hydrochloric acid. It must be remembered, however, that it only measures the ferric iron present, and when (as is generally the case) the total iron is wanted, it is well to calcine the weighed portion of ore previous to solution in order to get the whole of the iron into the higher state of oxidation, since many ores which are generally supposed to contain only ferric iron carry a considerable percentage of ferrous.
The stannous chloride solution is made by dissolving 20 grams of the commercial salt (SnCl{2}.2H{2}O) in 100 c.c. of water with the help of 20 c.c. of dilute hydrochloric acid, and diluting to a litre. The solution may be slightly opalescent, but should show no signs of a precipitate. The strength of this is about equivalent to 1 gram of iron for each 100 c.c. of the solution, but it is apt to lessen on standing, taking up oxygen from the air, forming stannic chloride. A larger proportion of hydrochloric acid than is ordered above would remove the opalescence, but at the same time increase this tendency to atmospheric oxidation, as the following experiments show. The stannous chloride solution (20 c.c.) was mixed with varying amounts of strong hydrochloric acid (sp. g. 1.16), diluted to 100 c.c., and exposed in open beakers for varying lengths of time; and the residual stannous chloride measured by titration with permanganate. The quantities required were as follows:—
Time Exposed. 50 per cent. Acid. 10 per cent. Acid. 1 per cent. Acid. 1 hour 33.2 c.c. 34.4 c.c. 34.5 c.c. 1 day 5.0 " 24.0 " 27.6 " 2 days 3.0 " 14.5 " 21.3 "
These indicate very clearly the increased susceptibility to oxidation in strongly acid solutions.
A standard solution of ferric chloride is prepared in the same manner as that described under the experiments on the methods of reduction; but it should be of twice the strength, so that 100 c.c. may contain 1 gram of iron. This solution is used for standardising the stannous chloride when required; and must be carefully prepared; and tested for the presence of nitric acid.
The titration is more limited in its application than either of the oxidising processes because of the restrictions as to bulk, quality and quantity of free acid present, and other conditions of the solution to be assayed. The following experiments show the conditions necessary for a successful titration.
Effect of Varying Temperature.—Twenty c.c. of ferric chloride solution with 20 c.c. of strong hydrochloric acid, diluted to 50 c.c., gave the following results when titrated:—
Temperature 15 30 70 100 Stannous chloride required 22.8 c.c. 22.0 c.c. 22.1 c.c. 22.0 c.c.
The finishing point, however, is more distinct the hotter the solution; so that it is best in all cases to run the standard into the boiling solution.
Effect of Varying Bulk.—Solutions containing the same quantity of iron and acid as the last, but diluted to various bulks, and titrated while boiling, gave the following results:—
Bulk 30 c.c. 100 c.c. 500 c.c. Stannous chloride required 21.5 " 21.7 " 24.3 "
Effect of Varying Quantities of Hydrochloric Acid.—In these experiments the bulk before titration was 50 c.c. except in the last, in which it was 70 c.c. With less than 5 c.c. of strong hydrochloric acid the finishing point is indistinct and prolonged.
Strong hydrochloric acid present 5 c.c. 10 c.c. 20 c.c. 30 c.c. 50 c.c. Stannous chloride required 21.1 " 21.1 " 21.2 " 21.8 " 22.2 "
Effect of Free Sulphuric Acid.—In these experiments 20 c.c. of hydrochloric acid were present, and the bulk was 50 c.c.
Strong sulphuric acid present — c.c. 3 c.c. 5 c.c. 10 c.c. Stannous chloride required 21.6 " 22.3 " 22.9 " 23.1 "
This interference of strong sulphuric acid may be completely counteracted by somewhat modifying the mode of working. Another experiment, like the last of this series, required 21.6 c.c.
Effect of Foreign Salts.—Experiments in which 10 grams of various salts were added showed them to be without effect. The results were as follows:—
Salt present — AmCl Am_{2}SO_{4} MgCl_{2} Stannous chloride required 21.6 c.c. 21.6 c.c. 21.6 c.c. 21.6 c.c.
Salt present CaCl{2} FeCl{2} Al{2}Cl{6} Stannous chloride required 21.8 c.c. 21.6 c.c. 21.6 c.c.
Effect of Varying Iron.—Titrating a solution (with 20 c.c. of hydrochloric acid) measuring 50 c.c., and kept boiling, the quantity of stannous chloride solution required is practically proportional to the iron present.
Ferric chloride added 1 c.c. 10 c.c. 20 c.c. 50 c.c. 100 c.c. Stannous chloride required 1.1 " 10.5 " 20.6 " 51.4 " 102.6 "
The student, having practised some of the above experiments, may proceed to the assay of an iron ore.
Determination of Iron in Brown Iron Ore.—Weigh up 1 gram of the dried and powdered ore, calcine in the cover of a platinum crucible, and dissolve up in an evaporating dish[69] with 20 c.c. of strong hydrochloric acid. When solution is complete, dilute to 50 c.c. after replacing any acid that may have been evaporated. Boil, and run in the stannous chloride solution until the colour is faintly yellow; boil again, and continue the addition of the stannous chloride solution, stirring continuously until the solution appears colourless. Note the quantity of the stannous chloride solution required. Suppose this to be 59 c.c. Take 60 c.c. of the standard ferric chloride solution, add 20 c.c. of hydrochloric acid, boil and titrate in the same way as before. Suppose this to require 61 c.c. Then as 61 is equivalent to 60 of the iron solution, 59 is equivalent to 58.13.[70] This gives the percentage. It is not necessary to standardise the stannous chloride solution in this way with each sample assayed, the ratio 61: 60 would serve for a whole batch of samples; but the standardising should be repeated at least once each day.
This method is valuable for the determination of small quantities of iron present as impurities in other metals or ores. It is based on the red coloration developed by the action of potassic sulphocyanate on acid solutions of ferric salts.
Standard Ferric Chloride Solution.—Take 1 c.c. of the ferric chloride solution used for standardising the stannous chloride solution, add 2 c.c. of dilute hydrochloric acid, and dilute to 1 litre with water. 1 c.c. = 0.01 milligram.
Solution of Potassic Sulphocyanate.—Dissolve 60 grams of the salt in water, and dilute to a litre. It should be colourless. Use 10 c.c. for each test.
The quantity of the substance to be weighed for the assay should not contain more than a milligram of iron; consequently, if the ore contain more than 0.1 per cent. of that metal, less than a gram of it must be taken.
The method is as follows:—Weigh up 1 gram of the substance and dissolve in a suitable acid; dilute; and add permanganate of potash solution until tinted. Boil for some time and dilute to 100 c.c. Take a couple of Nessler tubes, holding over 100 c.c., but marked at 50 c.c.; label them "1" and "2"; and into each put 10 c.c. of the potassic sulphocyanate solution and 2 c.c. of dilute hydrochloric acid. The solutions should be colourless. To "1" add 10 c.c. of the assay solution, and dilute to the 50 c.c. mark. To the other add water, but only to within 5 or 10 c.c. of this mark. Now run in the standard ferric chloride solution from a small burette, 1 c.c. at a time, stirring after each addition till the colour is nearly equal to that of the assay (No. 1). At this stage bring the solution to the same level by diluting, and make a further addition of the standard ferric chloride solution till the colours correspond. The amount of iron will be the same in each tube; that in the standard may be known by reading off the volume from the burette and multiplying by 0.01 milligram.
If the 10 c.c. of the assay solution gave a colour requiring more than 5 or 6 c.c. of the standard ferric chloride solution, repeat the determination, taking a smaller proportion.
The effect of varying conditions on the assay will be seen from the following experiments:—
Effect of Varying Temperature.—The effect of increase of temperature is to lessen the colour; in fact, by boiling, the colour can be entirely removed. All assays are best carried out in the cold.
1 c.c. at 15 would only show the colour of 0.75 c.c. at 45 2 " " " " 1.75 " 5 " " " " 4.0 "
Effect of Time.—The effect of increase of time is to increase the colour, as will be seen from the following experiments:—
2 c.c. on standing 10 minutes became equal to 2.25 c.c. 2 " 20 " " " 2.75 " 2 " 40 " " " 3.00 "
Effect of Free Acid.—If no acid at all be present, the sulphocyanate of potassium solution removes the colour it first produces, so that a certain amount of acid is necessary to develop the colour. The use of a large excess has a tendency to increase the colour produced.
5 c.c. nitric acid (sp. g. 1.4) read 3.7 c.c. instead of 2 c.c. with the dilute acid.
5 c.c. sulphuric acid (sp. g. 1.32) read 2.2 c.c. instead of 2 c.c. with the dilute acid.
5 c.c. hydrochloric acid (sp. g. 1.16) read 2.5 c.c. instead of 2 c.c. with the dilute acid.
Effect of Foreign Metals.—Lead, mercury, cadmium, bismuth, arsenic, tin, antimony, nickel, cobalt, manganese, aluminium, zinc, strontium, barium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, or potassium, when separately present in quantities of from 100 to 200 times the weight of iron present, do not interfere if they have previously been brought to their highest oxidised condition by boiling with nitric acid or by treating with permanganate. Arsenic and phosphoric acids interfere unless an excess of free hydrochloric or other acid is present. Oxalic acid (but not tartaric acid) in minute quantities destroys the colour. Nitrous acid strikes a red colour with the sulphocyanate of potassium; consequently, when nitric acid has been used in excess, high results may be obtained. Copper and some other metals interfere, so that in most cases it is advisable to concentrate the iron before estimating it. A blank experiment should always be made with the reagents used in order to determine the iron, if any, introduced during the solution, &c., of the substance assayed.
Determination of Iron in Metallic Copper.—This may be most conveniently done during the estimation of the arsenic. The small quantity of white flocculent precipitate which may be observed in the acetic acid solution before titrating, contains the whole of the iron as ferric arsenate. It should be filtered off, dissolved in 10 c.c. of dilute hydrochloric acid, and diluted to 100 c.c.; 10 c.c. of this may be taken for the estimation. For example: 10 grams of copper were taken, and the iron estimated; 3.0 c.c. of standard ferric chloride solution were used, equivalent to 0.03 milligram of iron; this multiplied by 10 (because only 1/10th of the sample was taken) gives 0.3 milligram as the iron in 10 grams of copper. This equals 0.003 per cent.
In a series of experiments with this method working on 10-gram lots of copper, to which known quantities of iron had been added, the following were the results:—
Iron present 0.015% 0.070% 0.100% 0.495% Iron found 0.015" 0.061" 0.087" 0.522"
When no arsenic is present in the copper, the iron can be separated by fractionally precipitating with sodic carbonate, dissolving in ammonia, and filtering off the ferric hydrate. Coppers generally carry more iron the less arsenic they contain.
Determination of Iron in Metallic Zinc.—Dissolve 1 gram of zinc in 10 c.c. of dilute hydrochloric acid, adding a drop or two of nitric acid towards the end to effect complete solution. Boil, dilute, and tint with the permanganate of potassium solution; boil till colourless, and dilute to 100 c.c. Take 10 c.c. for the determination. Make a blank experiment by boiling 10 c.c. of dilute hydrochloric acid with a drop or two of nitric acid; add a similar quantity of the permanganate of potassium solution, boiling, &c., as before. The quantity of iron in zinc varies from less than 0.005 to more than 2.0 per cent. When 1 gram is taken and worked as above, each c.c. of ferric chloride solution required indicates 0.01 per cent. of iron.
Determination of Iron in Metallic Tin.—Cover 1 gram of tin with 5 c.c. of hydrochloric acid, add 1 c.c. of nitric acid, and evaporate to dryness. Take up with 2 c.c. of dilute hydrochloric acid, add 10 c.c. of the potassic sulphocyanate solution, and make up to 50 c.c. Probably the colour developed will be brown instead of red owing to the presence of copper; in this case, add to the standard as much copper as the assay is known to contain (which must have previously been determined; see Copper); the titration is then carried out in the usual way.
Or the iron may be separated from the copper in the tin by the following process:—Dissolve 5 grams of metal in 30 c.c. of hydrochloric acid and 5 c.c. of nitric acid, and evaporate to dryness. Take up with 5 c.c. of dilute hydrochloric acid, add 10 grams of potash dissolved in 30 c.c. of water, and warm till the tin is dissolved. Pass sulphuretted hydrogen, boil, cool, and filter. The iron and copper will be in the precipitate. They are separated in the ordinary manner.
1. Calculate from the following determinations the percentages of ferrous, ferric, and total iron in the sample of ore used.
1 gram of ore dissolved and titrated required 26.7 c.c. of bichromate of potassium solution.
1 gram of ore dissolved, reduced, and titrated required 43.5 c.c. of bichromate of potassium solution.
Standard = 1.014.
2. One gram of an ore contained 0.307 gram of ferrous iron and 0.655 gram of total iron. The iron existing as oxide, what are the percentages of ferrous oxide (FeO) and ferric oxide (Fe{2}O{3}) in the ore?
3. One gram of brown iron ore dissolved in hydrochloric acid required 59.2 c.c. of stannous chloride (standard = 0.930). Another gram dissolved in acid and titrated with "permanganate" required 8.2 c.c. (standard = 0.4951). Calculate the percentages of ferrous, ferric, and total iron.
4. Another gram of the same ore, roasted, dissolved and titrated with stannous chloride, required 63.5 c.c. To what extent does this result confirm the others?
5. Two grams of a metal were dissolved and diluted to 100 c.c. Five c.c. were taken for a colorimetric determination, and required 4.5 c.c. of the standard ferric chloride solution. What is the percentage of iron in the metal?
Nickel and cobalt are closely related in their chemical properties, and may best be considered together. Nickel is the commoner of the two, and is met with in commerce alloyed with copper and zinc as German silver; as also in the coinage of the United States and on the Continent. It is used for plating polished iron and steel goods, forming a coating little liable to rust and taking a good polish. The ores of nickel are not very common. Kupfernickel and chloanthite are arsenides of nickel with, generally, more or less iron and cobalt. Noumeite and garnierite are hydrated silicates of nickel and magnesia. The chief sources of nickel are these silicates, which are found in large quantity in New Caledonia; and a pyrites found in Norway, containing three or four per cent. of the metal. In smaller quantities it is more widely distributed, being frequently met with in copper ores; consequently, commercial copper is rarely free from it.
Nickel is readily soluble in moderately concentrated nitric acid. Its salts are mostly green, and soluble in excess of ammonia, forming blue solutions; in these respects it resembles copper. The acid solutions, however, are not precipitated by sulphuretted hydrogen, although in alkaline solutions a black sulphide is formed which is insoluble in dilute hydrochloric acid. If the sulphide is formed in a solution containing much free ammonia, the precipitation is incomplete, some sulphide remaining in the solution and colouring it dark brown. These reactions serve to distinguish and separate nickel from other metals, except cobalt. If the separated sulphide be heated in a borax bead, the colour obtained will be a sherry brown in the outer flame, and grey or colourless in the inner flame if nickel only is present. In the presence of cobalt these colours are masked by the intense and characteristic blue yielded in both flames by that metal.
The dry assay of nickel (cobalt being at the same time determined) is based on the formation of a speise which will carry the cobalt, nickel, copper, and some of the iron of the ore in combination with arsenic. A speise of this kind, fused and exposed at a red heat to air, first loses arsenide of iron by oxidation. It is only when the iron has been oxidised that the arsenide of cobalt begins to be attacked; and when the removal of the cobalt is complete, the nickel commences to pass into the slag, the copper being left till last. The changes are rendered evident by fusion in contact with borax. The process is as follows:—Weigh up 5 grams of the ore, and calcine thoroughly on a roasting dish in the muffle. Rub up with some anthracite, and re-roast. Mix intimately with from 3 to 5 grams of metallic arsenic, and heat in a small covered clay crucible at dull redness in a muffle until no more fumes of arsenic come off (about 15 minutes). Take out the crucible, and inject a mixture of 20 grams of carbonate of soda, 5 grams of flour, and 2 grams of fused borax. Place in the wind furnace, and raise the temperature gradually until the charge is in a state of tranquil fusion. Pour; when cold, detach the button of speise, and weigh.
Weigh out carefully a portion of about 1 gram of it. Place a shallow clay dish in the muffle, and heat it to bright redness; then add about 1.5 gram of borax glass wrapped in a piece of tissue paper; when this has fused, drop the piece of speise into it. Close the muffle until the speise has melted, which should be almost at once. The arsenide of iron will oxidise first, and when this has ceased the surface of the button brightens. Remove it from the muffle, and quench in water as soon as the button has solidified. The borax should be coloured slightly blue. Weigh: the loss is the arsenide of iron. Repeat the operation with the weighed button on another dish, using rather less borax. Continue the scorification until a film, green when cold, floating on the surface of the button shows that the nickel is beginning to oxidise. Cool, separate, and weigh the button as before. The loss is the arsenide of cobalt.
If copper is absent, the speise is now arsenide of nickel.
The weight of nickel corresponding to the arsenide got is calculated by multiplying by 0.607; and, similarly, the weight of the cobalt is ascertained by multiplying the loss in the last scorification by 0.615.[71] It must be remembered that the nickel and cobalt so obtained are derived from a fraction only of the speise yielded by the ore taken, so that the results must be multiplied by the weight of the whole of the speise, and divided by the weight of the fragment used in the determination. As an example, suppose 5 grams of ore gave 3.3 grams of speise, and 1.1 gram of this gave 0.8 gram of nickel arsenide. Then—
0.80.607 = 0.4856 gram of nickel 0.48563.3/1.1 = 1.456 gram of nickel
And this being obtained from 5 grams of ore is equivalent to 29.12 per cent.
When copper is also present, weigh up accurately about 0.5 gram of gold, and place it on the scorifier with the button of nickel and copper arsenide, using borax as before. Scorify until the button shows the bluish-green colour of a fused gold-copper alloy. Then cool, and weigh the button of copper and gold. The increase in weight of the gold button gives the copper as metal. The weight of the copper multiplied by 1.395 is the weight of the copper arsenide (Cu_{3}As) present. The difference will be the nickel arsenide.
The student should enter the weighings in his book as follows:
Ore taken — grams Speise got — "
Speise taken — grams Arsenides of cobalt, nickel, and copper — " " nickel and copper — " Gold added — " Gold and copper got — " Showing Cobalt — per cent. Nickel — " Copper — "
Solution and Separation.—Two or three grams of a rich ore, or 5 to 10 grams if poor, are taken for the assay. If much arsenic is present (as is usually the case), the ore must be calcined before attacking with acids. Transfer to a flask; and boil, first with hydrochloric acid until the oxides are dissolved, and then with the help of nitric acid, until nothing metalliferous is left. Dilute, nearly neutralise with soda, and separate the iron as basic acetate,[72] as described in page 233. Through the filtrate pass sulphuretted hydrogen till saturated. Allow to settle (best overnight), filter, and wash. Transfer the precipitate to a beaker, and dissolve in nitric acid. Dilute with water, pass sulphuretted hydrogen, and filter off the precipitate, if any. Boil off the gas, add ammonia until a precipitate is formed, and then acidify somewhat strongly with acetic acid. Pass sulphuretted hydrogen in a slow stream until any white precipitate of zinc sulphide, there may be, begins to darken. Filter; to the filtrate add ammonia, and pass sulphuretted hydrogen. The precipitate will contain the nickel and cobalt as sulphides.
Where small quantities of nickel and cobalt are present, and an approximate determination is sufficient, they can be concentrated as follows:—Remove the copper, &c., by passing sulphuretted hydrogen through the acid solution and filtering; add ammonia to the filtrate, and again pass sulphuretted hydrogen; then heat nearly to boiling, and filter. Dissolve the precipitate off the filter with dilute hydrochloric acid; the residue will contain nearly all the nickel and cobalt as sulphides.
Separation of Nickel and Cobalt.—Dissolve the sulphides separated as above in nitric acid; render alkaline with a solution of potash, then acidify with acetic acid; add a concentrated solution of nitrite of potash. The liquid after this addition must have an acid reaction. Allow to stand for 24 hours in a warm place. Filter off the yellow precipitate of nitrite of potash and cobalt, and wash with a 10 per cent. solution of acetate of potash. The cobalt is determined in the precipitate in the way described under Cobalt. The nickel is separated from the solution by boiling with sodic hydrate, filtering, and dissolving the precipitate in nitric acid. The solution will contain the nickel.
The solution, which contains the nickel free from other metals, is heated, and a solution of sodic hydrate added in slight excess. The precipitate is filtered off, washed with boiling water, dried, ignited at a red heat, and weighed when cold. The ignited substance is nickel oxide (NiO), and contains 78.67 per cent. of nickel. The oxide is a green powder, readily and completely soluble in hydrochloric acid, and without action on litmus paper. It is very easily reduced by ignition in hydrogen to metallic nickel.
Nickel is also determined by electrolysis, as follows:—The nitric acid solution is rendered strongly ammoniacal, and placed under the electrolytic apparatus used for the copper assay. Three cells (fig. 56), however, must be used, coupled up for intensity, that is, with the zinc of one connected with the copper of the next. The electrolysis is allowed to go on overnight, and in the morning the nickel will be deposited as a bright and coherent film. A portion of the solution is drawn off with a pipette; if it smells of ammonia, has no blue colour, and gives no precipitate with ammonic sulphide, the separation is complete. Wash the cylinder containing the deposited metal, first with water and then with alcohol, as in the copper assay. Dry in the water oven, and weigh. The increase in weight is metallic nickel.
As an example:—There was taken 1 gram of a nickel alloy used for coinage. It was dissolved in 10 c.c. of nitric acid, and diluted to 100 c.c. with water. The copper was then precipitated by electrolysis. It weighed 0.734 gram. The solution, after electrolysis, was treated with sulphuretted hydrogen, and the remaining copper was thrown down as sulphide, and estimated colorimetrically. This amounted to 3-1/2 milligrams. The filtrate was evaporated, treated with ammonia, warmed, and filtered. The ferric hydrate was dissolved in dilute acid, and reprecipitated, dried, ignited, and weighed. Its weight was 0.0310 gram. The two filtrates were mixed, and reduced in bulk to about 50 c.c.; a considerable excess of ammonia was added, and the nickel precipitated by electrolysis. It weighed 0.2434 gram. These quantities are equivalent to:
Copper 73.75 per cent. Nickel 24.34 " Iron 2.17 " ——— 100.26
An alkaline solution of potassium cyanide, to which a little potassium iodide has been added, can be assayed for its strength in cyanide by titrating with a standard solution of silver nitrate. Nickel interferes with this assay, doing the work of its equivalent of silver; and the quantity of nickel present can be calculated from the amount of its interference in the titration. A volumetric assay for nickel is based on this. It has the disadvantage of all indirect titrations in that it requires two standard solutions. On the other hand it gives good results even under unfavourable conditions, and is applicable in the presence of much zinc. Small quantities of cobalt will count as so much nickel, but larger quantities make the assay unworkable. Some of the other metals—lead for example—have no appreciable effect; but practically the solution demands a preliminary treatment which would result in their removal. Nevertheless it is a very satisfactory method and makes the determination of nickel quick and comparatively easy in most cases.
The standard solution of silver nitrate is made by dissolving 14.48 grams of recrystallised silver nitrate in distilled water and diluting to 1 litre: 100 c.c. of this solution are equivalent to 0.25 gram of nickel.[73]
The standard solution of potassium cyanide should be made so as to be exactly equal to the silver nitrate solution. This can be done as follows: Weigh up 12 grams of good potassium cyanide (95 per cent.), dissolve in water, add 50 c.c. of a 10 per cent. solution of sodium hydrate and dilute to 1 litre. Fill one burette with this and another with the solution of silver nitrate. Run 50 c.c. of the cyanide into a flask; add a few drops of potassium iodide solution and titrate with the standard silver nitrate until there is a distinct permanent yellowish turbidity. The titration is more fully described under Cyanide, p. 165. The cyanide solution will be found rather stronger than the silver nitrate; dilute it so as to get the two solutions of equal value. For example, 51.3 c.c. of silver nitrate may have been required: then add 1.3 c.c. of water to each 50 c.c. of the cyanide solution remaining. If the full 950 c.c. are available, then add to them 24.7 c.c. of water. After mixing, take another 50 c.c. and titrate with the silver nitrate; the two solutions should now be exactly equal. The cyanide solution, being strongly alkaline with soda, keeps very well; but its strength should be checked from time to time by titrating with silver nitrate; should there be any slight inequality in the strengths of the two solutions it is easily allowed for in the calculations.
The titration.—The solution, containing not much more than 0.1 gram of nickel, and free from the interfering metals, must be cooled. It is next neutralised and then made strongly alkaline with a solution of soda (NaHO); an excess of 20 or 30 c.c. suffices. This will produce a precipitate. The cyanide solution is now run in from a burette until the solution clears, after which an excess of about 20 c.c. is added. It is well to use some round number of c.c. to simplify the calculation. Add a few drops of potassium iodide solution, and run in the standard solution of silver nitrate from a burette. This should be done a little at a time, though somewhat rapidly, and with constant shaking, till a permanent yellow precipitate appears. If the addition of the cyanide did not result in a perfectly clear solution, this is because something besides nickel is present. The residue may be filtered off, though with a little practice the finishing-point may be detected with certainty in the presence of a small precipitate. If the student has the slightest doubt about a finish he should run in another 5 c.c. of the cyanide and again finish with silver nitrate. The second result will be the same as the first. For example, if 40 c.c. of cyanide and 30 c.c. of silver nitrate were required at the first titration, then the 45 c.c. of cyanide in the second titration will require 35 c.c. of silver nitrate. The difference between the quantities of the two solutions used in each case will be 10 c.c. It is this difference in the readings of the two burettes which measures the quantity of nickel present. Each c.c. of the difference is equal to .0025 gram of nickel. But if the cyanide solution is not exactly equal in strength to the silver nitrate, the quantity of cyanide used should be calculated to its equivalent in silver nitrate before making the subtraction.
The following experimental results illustrate the accuracy of the assay and the effect upon it of varying conditions. A solution containing 1 gram of nickel sulphate (NiSO{4}.6H{2}O) in 100 c.c. was used. By a separate assay the sulphate was found to contain 22.25 per cent. of nickel. For the sake of simplicity the results of the experiments are stated in weights of nickel in grams.
Effect of varying excess of Cyanide Solution.—In each experiment there was 20 c.c. of the nickel solution, equal to .0445 gram of nickel. There were also 10 c.c. of soda solution, 3 or 4 drops of potassium iodide and sufficient water to bring the bulk to 100 c.c. before titrating.
Cyanide in excess 6 c.c. 4 c.c. 8 c.c. 12 c.c. 25 c.c. Nickel found .0434 .0436 .0440 .0442 .0444
Although the difference between the highest and lowest of these results is only 1 milligram, their meaning is quite obvious. The excess of cyanide should not be less than 20 c.c.
Effect of varying the quantity of Soda.—There were two series of experiments, one with 2 c.c. of nickel solution (= .0044 gram of nickel), the other with 20 c.c. The conditions were as before, except that the quantity of soda was varied.
Soda added 5 c.c. 15 c.c. 30 c.c. Nickel found, 1st series .0037 .0042 .0045 " " 2nd series .0444 .0444 .0442
These show that the presence of much soda, though it has only a small effect, is beneficial rather than otherwise. Ammonia has a bad effect, if present in anything like the same quantities.
Effect of varying the Nickel.—In experiments with 10, 20, and 40 c.c. of the nickel solution, the results were:—
Nickel present .0222 .0445 .0890 Nickel found .0220 .0442 .0884
Effect of Zinc.—In these experiments 20 c.c. of nickel solution (= .0445 gram of nickel), 10 c.c. of soda, 6 drops of potassium iodide and water to 100 c.c. were used. The excess of cyanide was purposely kept at from 10 to 15 c.c., which is hardly sufficient.
Zinc added 0 .25 gram. .5 gram. Nickel found .0442 .0440 .0407
On increasing the excess of cyanide to over 20 c.c. and doubling the quantity of soda, the experiment with 0.5 gram of zinc gave 0.441 gram of nickel. Hence the titration is satisfactory in the presence of zinc provided that not fewer than 20 or 30 c.c. of soda are used, and that the excess of cyanide is such that not fewer than 20 or 30 c.c. of silver nitrate are required in the titration. Moreover, these precautions should be taken whether zinc is present or not.
Effect of other Metals.—If metals of the first and second groups are present they should be removed by passing sulphuretted hydrogen and filtering. If iron is present it must be removed, since ferrous salts use up much cyanide, forming ferrocyanides, and ferric salts yield ferric hydrate, which obscures the end reaction. Hence the sulphuretted hydrogen must be boiled off and the iron removed as basic ferric acetate by the method described on p. 233. If the precipitate is bulky it should be dissolved in a little dilute acid, neutralised and again precipitated as basic acetate. The nickel will be in the two filtrates. In the absence of manganese and cobalt the titration may be made without further separation.
Manganese does not directly interfere, but the precipitated hydrate, which rapidly darkens through atmospheric oxidation, obscures the end reaction. It may be removed by passing sulphuretted hydrogen through the filtrate from the acetate separation: sulphides of nickel, cobalt and zinc will be precipitated, whilst manganese remains in solution: the addition of more sodium acetate may assist the precipitation. The precipitate must be filtered off and dissolved in nitric acid: the solution should be evaporated to dryness. The filtrate may retain a little nickel; if so, add ammonia till alkaline, then acidify with acetic acid and again filter; any small precipitate obtained here should be added to that first obtained.
It is only when cobalt is present that any further separation is required. Cobalt hydrate takes up oxygen from the air, and on adding potassium cyanide some may refuse to dissolve; and the solution itself acquires a brown colour, which becomes deeper on standing. At this stage the cobalt is easily separated. The solution containing the nickel and cobalt with no great excess of acid, is made alkaline by adding 20 c.c. of soda exactly as in preparing for a titration. So, too, the solution of cyanide is added so as to have an excess of 20 or 30 c.c.; the solution may have a brown colour, but if it is not quite clear it must be filtered. Then warm (boiling is not needed) and add from 50 to 100 c.c. of bromine water. This throws down all the nickel as black peroxide in a condition easy to filter. Filter it off and wash with water. The precipitate can be dissolved off the filter with the greatest ease by a little warm sulphurous acid. The filtrate and washings, boiled till free from sulphurous acid, yield the nickel as sulphate in a clean condition.
Determination of Nickel in Nickel Sulphate Crystals.—Take 0.5 gram of the salt, dissolve in 50 c.c. of water and add 25 c.c. of solution of soda. Run in from a burette, say, 60 c.c. "cyanide." Add a few drops of potassium iodide and titrate back with "silver nitrate." Suppose 15.5 c.c. of the latter is required. Then 15.5 c.c. subtracted from 60 c.c. leaves 44.5 c.c., and since 100 c.c. = 0.25 gram of nickel, 44.5 c.c. will equal 0.11125 gram of nickel. This in 0.5 gram of the salt equals 22.25 per cent.
Determination of Nickel in German Silver.—Weigh up 0.5 gram of the alloy, and dissolve in a dish with 5 or 10 c.c. of dilute nitric acid. Add 5 c.c. of dilute sulphuric acid and evaporate till all the nitric acid is removed. Cool, take up with 50 c.c. of water, and when dissolved pass sulphuretted hydrogen through the solution. Filter off the precipitate and wash with water containing sulphuretted hydrogen and dilute sulphuric acid. Boil down the filtrate and washings to get rid of the excess of the gas; add some nitric acid and continue the boiling. Cool, neutralise the excess of acid with soda, add 1 gram of sodium acetate and boil. Filter off the precipitate which contains the iron. The filtrate, cooled and rendered alkaline with soda, is ready for the titration.
Occurs less abundantly than nickel. Its chief ores are smaltite and cobaltite, which are arsenides of cobalt, with more or less iron, nickel, and copper. It also occurs as arseniate in erythrine, and as oxide in asbolan or earthy cobalt, which is essentially a wad carrying cobalt.
It is mainly used in the manufacture of smalts for imparting a blue colour to glass and enamels. The oxide of cobalt forms coloured compounds with many other metallic oxides. With oxide of zinc it forms "Rinman's green"; with aluminia, a blue; with magnesia, a pink. This property is taken advantage of in the detection of substances before the blow-pipe.
The compounds of cobalt in most of their properties closely resemble those of nickel, and the remarks as to solution and separation given for the latter metal apply here. Solutions of cobalt are pink, whilst those of nickel are green.
The detection of cobalt, even in very small quantity, is rendered easy by the strong blue colour which it gives to the borax bead, both in the oxidising and in the reducing flame. It is concentrated from the ore in the same way as nickel, and should be separated from that metal by means of potassic nitrite in the way described. The dry assay of cobalt has been given under Nickel.
The yellow precipitate from the potassium nitrite, after being washed with the acetate of potash, is washed with alcohol, dried, transferred to a weighed porcelain crucible, and cautiously ignited with an excess of strong sulphuric acid. The heat must not be sufficient to decompose the sulphate of cobalt, which decomposition is indicated by a blackening of the substance at the edges. The salt bears a low red heat without breaking up. If blackening has occurred, moisten with sulphuric acid, and ignite again. Cool and weigh. The substance is a mixture of the sulphates of cobalt and potash (2CoSO_{4} + 3K_{2}SO_{4}), and contains 14.17 per cent. of cobalt.
Cobalt is also gravimetrically determined, like nickel, by electrolysis, or by precipitation with sodic hydrate. In the latter case, the ignited oxide will be somewhat uncertain in composition, owing to its containing an excess of oxygen. Consequently, it is better to reduce it by igniting at a red heat in a current of hydrogen and to weigh it as metallic cobalt.
1. In the dry assay of an ore containing cobalt, nickel, and copper, the following results were obtained. Calculate the percentages. Ore taken, 5 grams. Speise formed, 0.99 gram. Speise taken. 0.99 gram. Arsenides of cobalt, nickel, and copper got, 0.75 gram. Arsenide of nickel and copper got, 0.54 gram. Gold added, 0.5 gram. Gold and copper got, 0.61 gram.
2. Calculate the percentage composition of the following compounds: Co_{2}As, Ni_{2}As, and Cu_{2}As.
3. A sample of mispickel contains 7 per cent. cobalt. What weight of the mixed sulphates of potash and cobalt will be obtained in a gravimetric determination on 1 gram of the ore?
4. 0.3157 gram of metal was deposited by the electrolysis of a nickel and cobalt solution. On dissolving in nitric acid and determining the cobalt 0.2563 gram of potassium and cobalt sulphates were got. Find the weights of cobalt and nickel present in the deposit.
5. What should be the percentage composition of pure cobaltite, its formula being CoAsS?
Zinc occurs in nature most commonly as sulphide (blende); it also occurs as carbonate (calamine) and silicate (smithsonite). Each of these is sufficiently abundant to be a source of the metal.
The metal is known in commerce as "spelter" when in ingots, and as sheet zinc when rolled. It is chiefly used in the form of alloys with copper, which are known as brasses. It is also used in the form of a thin film, to protect iron goods from rusting—galvanised iron.
Ores of zinc, more especially blende, are met with in most lead, copper, gold, and silver mines, in larger or small quantities scattered through the lodes. Those ores which generally come under the notice of the assayer are fairly rich in zinc; but alloys and metallurgical products contain it in very varying proportions.
Zinc itself is readily soluble in dilute acids; any residue which is left after boiling with dilute hydrochloric or sulphuric acid consists simply of the impurities of the metal; this is generally lead.
All zinc compounds are either soluble in, or are decomposed by, boiling with acids, the zinc going into solution. Zinc forms only one series of salts, and these are colourless. Their chief characteristic is solubility in an alkaline solution, from which sulphuretted hydrogen produces a white precipitate of zinc sulphide. Zinc is detected by dissolving the substance in hydrochloric or nitric acid, boiling, and adding sodic hydrate in excess, filtering, and adding ammonic sulphide to the filtrate. The precipitate contains the zinc, which can be dissolved out by boiling with dilute sulphuric acid, and detected by the formation of a white precipitate on the addition of potassic ferrocyanide.
The dry assay of zinc can only be made indirectly, and is unsatisfactory. Zinc is volatile, and at the temperature of its reduction is a gas. It is impracticable to condense the vapour so as to weigh the metal, consequently its amount is determined by loss. The following method gives approximate results: Take 10 grams of the dried and powdered ore and roast, first at a low temperature and afterwards at a higher one, with the help of carbonate of ammonia to decompose the sulphates formed; cool and weigh. The metals will be present as oxides. Mix with 2 grams of powdered charcoal and charge into a black-lead crucible heated to whiteness, cover loosely, and leave in the furnace for about a quarter of an hour. Uncover and calcine the residue, cool and weigh. The loss in weight multiplied by 8.03 gives the percentage of zinc in the ore.
Solution and separation may be effected as follows: Treat 1 or 3 grams of the substance with 10 or 30 c.c. of hydrochloric acid or aqua regia; evaporate to dryness; take up with 10 c.c. of hydrochloric acid and dilute to 100 c.c.; heat nearly to boiling; saturate with sulphuretted hydrogen; filter, and wash with water acidulated with hydrochloric acid. Boil off the sulphuretted hydrogen and peroxidise with a few drops of nitric acid. Cool; add caustic soda till nearly, but not quite, neutralised, and separate the iron as basic acetate by the method described under Iron. To the filtrate add ammonia till alkaline, and pass sulphuretted hydrogen. Allow to settle and decant on to a filter. Dissolve off the precipitate from the filter with hot dilute hydrochloric acid. The solution will contain the zinc, together with any manganese the ore contained, and, perhaps, traces of nickel and cobalt. If the zinc is to be determined volumetrically, and manganese is present, this latter is separated with carbonate of ammonia, as described further on; but if a gravimetric method is used, and only small quantities of manganese are present, it is better to proceed as if it were absent, and to subsequently determine its amount, which should be deducted.
The solution containing the zinc is contained in an evaporating dish, and freed from sulphuretted hydrogen by boiling, and, if necessary, from an excess of acid by evaporation. The evaporating dish must be a large one. Cautiously add sodium carbonate to the hot, moderately dilute solution, until the liquid is distinctly alkaline, and boil. Allow the precipitate to settle, decant on to a filter, and wash with hot water. Dry, transfer to a porcelain crucible (cleaning the paper as much as possible), add the ash, ignite, and weigh. The substance weighed is oxide of zinc, which contains 80.26 per cent. of the metal. It is a white powder, becoming yellow when heated. It must not show an alkaline reaction when moistened. If it contains manganese this metal will be present as sesquioxide (Mn{2}O{3}). Its amount can be determined by dissolving in dilute acid and boiling with an excess of sodic hydrate. The oxide of manganese will be precipitated, and can be ignited and weighed. Its weight multiplied by 1.035 must be deducted from the weight of oxide of zinc previously obtained. The results yielded by the gravimetric determination are likely to be high, since the basic carbonate of zinc frequently carries down with it more or less soda which is difficult to wash off.
This method is based on the facts that zinc salts in an acid solution decompose potassium ferrocyanide, forming a white insoluble zinc compound; and that an excess of the ferrocyanide can be detected by the brown coloration it strikes with uranium acetate. The method resembles in its working the bichromate iron assay. The standard solution of potassium ferrocyanide is run into a hot hydrochloric acid solution of the zinc until a drop of the latter brought in contact with a drop of the indicator (uranium acetate) on a white plate strikes a brown colour. The quantity of zinc in the solution must be approximately known; run in a little less of the ferrocyanide than is expected will be necessary; test a drop or two of the assay, and then run in, one or two c.c. at a time, until the brown colour is obtained. Add 5 c.c. of a standard zinc solution, equivalent in strength to the standard "ferrocyanide," re-titrate, and finish off cautiously. Of course 5 c.c. must be deducted from the reading on the burette. The precipitate of zinc ferrocyanide formed in the assay solution is white; but if traces of iron are present, it becomes bluish. If the quantity of ferrocyanide required is known within a few c.c., the finishing point is exactly determined in the first titration without any addition of the standard zinc solution. Unfortunately this titration serves simply to replace the gravimetric determination, and does not, as many volumetric processes do, lessen the necessity for a complete separation of any other metals which are present. Most metals give precipitates with ferrocyanide of potassium in acid solutions. If the conditions are held to, the titration is a fairly good one, and differences in the results of an assay will be due to error in the separation. Ferric hydrate precipitated in a fairly strong solution of zinc will carry with it perceptible quantities of that metal. Similarly, large quantities of copper precipitated as sulphide by means of sulphuretted hydrogen will carry zinc with it, except under certain nicely drawn conditions. When much copper is present it is best separated in a nitric acid solution by electrolysis. The titration of the zinc takes less time, and, with ordinary working, is more trustworthy than the gravimetric method.
_The standard ferrocyanide solution_ is made by dissolving 43.2 grams of potassium ferrocyanide (K_{4}FeCy_{6}.3H_{2}O) in water, and diluting to a litre. One hundred c.c. are equal to 1 gram of zinc.
The standard zinc solution is made by dissolving 10 grams of pure zinc in 50 c.c. of hydrochloric acid and 100 or 200 c.c. of water, and diluting to 1 litre, or by dissolving 44.15 grams of zinc sulphate (ZnSO{4}.7H{2}O) in water with 30 c.c. of hydrochloric acid, and diluting to 1 litre. One hundred c.c. will contain 1 gram of zinc.
The uranium acetate solution is made by dissolving 0.2 gram of the salt in 100 c.c. of water.
To standardise the "ferrocyanide" measure off 50 c.c. of the standard zinc solution into a 10 oz. beaker, dilute to 100 c.c., and heat to about 50 C. (not to boiling). Run in 47 or 48 c.c. of the "ferrocyanide" solution from an ordinary burette, and finish off cautiously. Fifty divided by the quantity of "ferrocyanide" solution required gives the standard.
In assaying ores, &c., take such quantity as shall contain from 0.1 to 1 gram of zinc, separate the zinc as sulphide, as already directed. Dissolve the sulphide off the filter with hot dilute hydrochloric acid, which is best done by a stream from a wash bottle. Evaporate the filtrate to a paste, add 5 c.c. of dilute hydrochloric acid, dilute to 100 c.c. or 150 c.c., heat to about 50 C., and titrate. Manganese, if present, counts as so much zinc, and must be specially separated, since it is not removed by the method already given. The following method will effect its removal. To the hydrochloric acid solution of the zinc and manganese add sodium acetate in large excess and pass sulphuretted hydrogen freely. Allow to settle, filter off the zinc sulphide and wash with sulphuretted hydrogen water. The precipitate, freed from manganese, is then dissolved in hydrochloric acid and titrated.
The following experiments show the effect of variation in the conditions of the assay:—
Effect of Varying Temperature.—Using 20 c.c. of the standard zinc solution, 5 c.c. of dilute hydrochloric acid, and diluting to 100 c.c.
Temperature 15 C. 30 C. 70 C. 100 C. "Ferrocyanide" required 20.6 c.c. 20.3 c.c. 20.3 c.c. 20.3 c.c.
The solution can be heated to boiling before titrating without interfering with the result; but it is more convenient to work with the solution at about 50 C. Cold solutions must not be used.
Effect of Varying Bulk.—These were all titrated at about 50 C., and were like the last, but with varying bulk.
Bulk 25.0 c.c. 50.0 c.c. 100.0 c.c. 200.0 c.c. "Ferrocyanide" required 20.2 " 20.4 " 20.3 " 20.4 "
Any ordinary variation in bulk has no effect.
Effect of Varying Hydrochloric Acid.— With 100 c.c. bulk and varying dilute hydrochloric acid the results were:—
Acid added 0.0 c.c. 1.0 c.c. 5.0 c.c. 10.0 c.c. 20.0 c.c. "Ferrocyanide" required 24.4 " 20.2 " 20.3 " 20.3 " 20.7 "
Effect of Foreign Salts.—The experiments were carried out under the same conditions as the others. Five grams each of the following salts were added:—
Salt added { Ammonic Ammonic Sodium Sodium { chloride. sulphate. chloride. sulphate. "Ferrocyanide" required 20.3 c.c. 20.5 c.c. 20.6 c.c. 20.4 c.c.
Salt added { Potassium Magnesium Nil. { Nitrate. sulphate. "Ferrocyanide" required 20.2 c.c. 20.4 c.c. 20.4 c.c.
In a series of experiments in which foreign metals were present to the extent of 0.050 gram in each, with 20 c.c. of zinc solution and 5 c.c. of dilute hydrochloric acid, those in which copper sulphate, ferrous sulphate, and ferric chloride were used, gave (as might be expected) so strongly coloured precipitates that the end reaction could not be recognised. The other results were:—
"Ferrocyanide" required. With nothing added. 20.3 c.c. " 0.050 gram lead (as chloride) 20.9 " " 0.050 " manganese (as sulphate) 25.5 " " 0.050 " cadmium (as sulphate) 23.5 " " 0.050 " nickel (as sulphate) 26.2 "
Effect of Varying Zinc.—These were titrated under the usual conditions, and gave the following results:—
Zinc added 1.0 c.c. 10.0 c.c. 20.0 c.c. 50.0 c.c. 100.0 c.c. "Ferrocyanide" required 1.1 " 10.2 " 20.3 " 50.6 " 101.0 "
Determination of Zinc in a Sample of Brass.—Take the solution from which the copper has been separated by electrolysis and pass sulphuretted hydrogen until the remaining traces of copper and the lead are precipitated, filter, boil the solution free from sulphuretted hydrogen, put in a piece of litmus paper, and add sodic hydrate solution in slight excess; add 10 c.c. of dilute hydrochloric acid (which should render the solution acid and clear); warm, and titrate.
A sample of 0.5 gram of brass treated in this manner required 16.4 c.c. of "ferrocyanide" (standard 100 c.c. = 0.9909 zinc), which equals 0.1625 gram of zinc or 32.5 per cent.
Determination of Zinc in Blende.—Dissolve 1 gram of the dried and powdered sample in 25 c.c. of nitric acid with the help of two or three grams of potassium chlorate dissolved in the acid. Evaporate to complete dryness, taking care to avoid spirting. Add 7 grams of powdered ammonium chloride, 15 c.c. of strong ammonia and 25 c.c. of boiling water; boil for one minute and see that the residue is all softened. Filter through a small filter, and wash thoroughly with small quantities of a hot one per cent. solution of ammonium chloride. Add 25 c.c. of hydrochloric acid to the filtrate. Place in the solution some clean lead foil, say 10 or 20 square inches. Boil gently until the solution has been colourless for three or four minutes. Filter, wash with a little hot water; and titrate with standard ferrocyanide.
Determination of Zinc in Silver Precipitate.—This precipitate contains lead sulphate, silver, copper, iron, zinc, lime, &c. Weigh up 5 grams of the sample, and extract with 30 c.c. of dilute sulphuric acid with the aid of heat. Separate the copper with sulphuretted hydrogen, peroxidise the iron with a drop or two of nitric acid, and separate as acetate. Render the filtrate ammoniacal, pass sulphuretted hydrogen; warm, and filter. Dissolve the precipitated zinc sulphide in dilute hydrochloric acid, evaporate, dilute, and titrate. Silver precipitates carry about 2.5 per cent. of zinc.
Metallic zinc is readily soluble in dilute hydrochloric or sulphuric acid, hydrogen being at the same time evolved.[74] The volume of the hydrogen evolved is obviously a measure of the amount of zinc present in the metallic state. The speed with which the reaction goes on (even in the cold) and the insolubility of hydrogen renders this method of assay a convenient one. It is especially applicable to the determination of the proportion of zinc in zinc dust. The apparatus described in the chapter on gasometric method is used. The method of working is as follows: Fill the two burettes with cold water to a little above the zero mark, place in the bottle about 0.25 gram of the substance to be determined, and in the inner phial or test tube 5 c.c. of dilute sulphuric acid; cork the apparatus tightly and allow to stand for a few minutes; then bring the water to the same level in the two burettes by running out through the clip at the bottom. Read off the level of the liquid in the graduated burette. Turn the bottle over sufficiently to spill the acid over the zinc, and then run water out of the apparatus so as to keep the liquid in the two burettes at the same level, taking care not to run it out more quickly than the hydrogen is being generated. When the volume of gas ceases to increase, read off the level of the liquid, deduct the reading which was started with; the difference gives the volume of hydrogen evolved. At the same time read off the volume of air in the "volume corrector," which must be fixed alongside the gas burettes. Make the correction. For example: A piece of zinc weighing 0.2835 gram was found to give 99.9 c.c. of gas at a time when the corrector read 104 c.c.[75] Then the corrected volume is
104 : 100 :: 99.9 : x. x = 96.0 c.c.
100 c.c. of hydrogen at 0 C. and 760 mm. is equivalent to 0.2912 gram of zinc; therefore the quantity of zinc found is
100 : 96 :: 0.2912 : x. x = 0.2795 gram of zinc.
This being contained in 0.2835 gram of metal is equivalent to 98.5 per cent.
As an example of a determination in which reducing the volume of liberated hydrogen to 0 C. and 760 mm. is avoided, the following may be taken:—
0.2315 gram of pure zinc gave 82.1 c.c. of gas; and the volume of air in the corrector was 103.6 c.c.
0.2835 gram of the assay gave 99.9 c.c. of gas; and the volume of air in the corrector was 104.0 c.c.;
104 : 103.6 :: 99.9 : x. x = 99.5 c.c.
This is the volume of gas got in the assay if measured under the same conditions as the standard,
82.1 : 99.5 :: 0.2315 : x. x = 0.2806.
Then 0.2835 : 0.2806 :: 100: x. x = 98.9 per cent.
As these assays can be made quickly, it is well for the sake of greater accuracy to make them in duplicate, and to take the mean of the readings. One set of standardisings will do for any number of assays. The student must carefully avoid unnecessary handling of the bottle in which the zinc is dissolved.
Colorimetric Method.—Zinc salts being colourless, there is no colorimetric determination.
Take 20 grams of zinc, and dissolve them in dilute nitric acid; boil, allow to settle; filter; wash, dry; ignite the precipitate, if any, and weigh as oxide of tin. Examine this for arsenic.
Lead.—Add ammonia and carbonate of ammonia to the liquid, and boil, filter off the precipitate, wash with hot water. Digest the precipitate with dilute sulphuric acid; filter, wash, and weigh the sulphate of lead.
Iron.—To the filtrate from the sulphate of lead add ammonia, and pass sulphuretted hydrogen; digest, and filter. (Save the filtrate.) Dissolve the precipitate in hydrochloric acid, oxidise with nitric acid, and precipitate with ammonia. Wash, ignite, and weigh as ferric oxide. Calculate to iron.
Arsenic.—To the filtrate from the sulphide of iron add hydrochloric acid in slight excess; filter off, and wash the precipitate. Rinse it back into the beaker, dissolve in nitric acid, filter from the sulphur, and add ammonia, in excess, and magnesia mixture. Filter off the ammonic-magnesic arsenate, and wash with dilute ammonia. Dry, ignite with nitric acid, and weigh as magnesic pyrarsenate. Calculate to arsenic, and add to that found with the tin.
Copper.—To the filtrate from the ammonia and ammonic carbonate add sulphuric acid in small excess, and pass sulphuretted hydrogen. Allow to settle, filter, and wash. Rinse the precipitate into a beaker, boil with dilute sulphuric acid, and filter. (Save the filtrate.) Dry, burn the paper with the precipitate, treat with a drop or two of nitric acid, ignite, and weigh as copper oxide. Calculate to copper.
Cadmium.—To the filtrate from the sulphide of copper add ammonia, so as to nearly neutralise the excess of acid, and pass sulphuretted hydrogen. Collect and weigh the precipitate as cadmium sulphide, as described under Cadmium.
1. What weight of hydrogen will be evolved in dissolving 1 gram of zinc in dilute sulphuric acid?
2. How many c.c. would this quantity of hydrogen measure at 0 C. and 760 m.m.? (1 litre weighs 0.0896 gram).
3. 0.23 gram of zinc are found to give 77.9 c.c. of hydrogen. In another experiment under the same conditions 80.2 c.c. are got. What weight of zinc was used for the second experiment?
4. A sample of blende is found to contain 55 per cent. of zinc. What percentage of zinc sulphide did the sample contain?
5. How much metallic lead would be precipitated from a solution of lead acetate by 1 gram of zinc?
Cadmium occurs in nature as cadmium sulphide in greenockite, CdS, which is very rare. It is widely diffused in calamine, blende, and other zinc ores, forming, in some cases, as much as 2 or 3 per cent. of the ore. Oxide of cadmium forms the "brown blaze" of the zinc smelters.
Sulphide of cadmium is used as a pigment (cadmium yellow); and the metal and some of its salts are useful reagents.
The salts of cadmium closely resemble those of zinc. The hydrate, however, is insoluble in excess of potash, and the sulphide is insoluble in dilute acids. It forms only one series of salts.
Cadmium is detected by giving with sulphuretted hydrogen in solutions, not too strongly acid, a yellow precipitate, which is insoluble in solutions of the alkalies, alkaline sulphides, or cyanide of potassium.
Solution and Separation.—Substances containing cadmium are soluble in acids. The solution is evaporated to dryness (to render any silica that may be present insoluble) and taken up with 10 c.c. of dilute hydrochloric acid. Dilute to 100 c.c., and pass sulphuretted hydrogen. Filter, digest the precipitate with soda, wash, and boil with dilute sulphuric acid. Filter; the filtrate contains the cadmium and, possibly, a small quantity of zinc, from which it is best separated by reprecipitating with sulphuretted hydrogen.
The solution containing the cadmium freed from the other metals is precipitated with sulphuretted hydrogen in a moderately-acid solution. The precipitate is collected on a weighed filter, and washed, first with an acid solution of sulphuretted hydrogen, and afterwards with water. It is dried at 100 C. and weighed. If free sulphur is suspected to be present, extract with bisulphide of carbon, and again weigh. The residue is cadmium sulphide, which contains 77.78 per cent. of cadmium. It is a yellow powder insoluble in solutions of the alkalies, alkaline sulphides, or cyanide of potassium. It dissolves readily in acid. It cannot be ignited in a current of hydrogen without loss.
The solution containing the cadmium is concentrated by evaporation, and mixed with an excess of oxalic acid and alcohol. The precipitate is filtered, washed with alcohol, dissolved in hot hydrochloric acid, and titrated with permanganate of potassium.
[64] When chromium is present some of the iron may escape precipitation but it can be recovered from the solution by means of ammonic sulphide.
(1) 10FeSO_{4} + 2KMnO_{4} + 8H_{2}SO_{4} = 5Fe_{2}(SO_{4})_{3} + 2MnSO_{4} + K_{2}SO_{4} + 8H_{2}O.
(2) 6FeCl_{2} + K_{2}Cr_{2}O_{7} + 14HCl = 3Fe_{2}Cl_{6} + Cr_{2}Cl_{6} + 2KCl + 7H_{2}O.
[66] (1) Fe_{2}Cl_{6} + SnCl_{2} = 2FeCl_{2} + SnCl_{4}. (2) Fe_{2}Cl_{6} + SH_{2} = 2FeCl_{2} + 2HCl + S. (3) Fe_{2}Cl_{6} + Na_{2}SO_{3} + H_{2}O = 2FeCl_{2} + Na_{2}SO_{4} + 2HCl. (4) Fe_{2}Cl_{6} + Zn = 2FeCl_{2} + ZnCl_{2}.
[67] 20 grams of stannous chloride and 20 c.c. of dilute hydrochloric acid are diluted to one litre.
[68] The maximum reducing effect of zinc is obtained by exposing as large a surface as possible of the metal in a hot concentrated solution containing but little free acid (Thorpe).
[69] About 5 inches in diameter.
[70] 61: 60:: 59: 58.13.
The iron in the ore is, then, the same in amount as that in 58.13 c.c. of the ferric chloride solution; and since 100 c.c. of the latter contain 1 gram of iron, 58.13 c.c. of the same contains 0.5813 gram of iron; and, further, if 1 gram of ore carries this amount of iron, 100 grams of ore will obviously give 58.13 grams of iron.
[71] These compounds are Ni{2}As and Co{2}As.
[72] With large quantities of iron the ferric precipitate should be re-dissolved and re-precipitated. The filtrate must be added to the original filtrate.
[73] 4KCy + NiSO_{4} = K_{2}NiCy_{4} + K_{2}SO_{4} 2KCy + AgNO_{3} = KAgCy_{2} + KNO_{3} .'. 2AgNO_{3} = Ni
[74] Zn + H{2}SO{4} = H{2} + ZnSO{4}.
[75] These 104 c.c. are equivalent to 100 c.c. of dry air at 0 C. and 760 mm.
Tin occurs in nature as cassiterite (containing from 90 to 95 per cent. of oxide of tin), which mineral is the source from which the whole of the tin of commerce is derived. Tin also occurs as sulphide combined with sulphides of copper and iron in the mineral stannine or bell-metal ore. It is a constituent of certain rare minerals, such as tantalite.
The methods of assaying tin in actual use are remarkable when compared with those of other metals. The more strictly chemical methods are rendered troublesome by the oxide being insoluble in acids, resembling in this respect the gangue with which it is associated. Moreover, it is not readily decomposed by fusion with alkalies. The oxide has first to be reduced to metal before the tin can be dissolved. The reduction may be performed by fusing with potassic cyanide, by heating to moderate redness in a current of hydrogen or coal gas, or by heating to a higher temperature with carbon. The reduced metal is only slowly dissolved by hydrochloric acid, and although it is readily soluble in aqua regia, the solution cannot be evaporated or freed from the excess of acids, by boiling, without loss of tin, because of the volatility of stannic chloride. There has long been a difficulty in getting a quick wet method.
The process of assaying tin ores adopted in the mines of Cornwall is a mechanical one known as "vanning," the object of which is to find the percentage of "black tin," which, it is well to remember, is not pure cassiterite, much less pure oxide of tin. Tin ore, as taken from the lode, contains from 2 to 5 per cent. of cassiterite, and is mainly made up of quartz, felspar, chlorite, schorl, and other stony minerals, together with more or less mispickel, iron and copper pyrites, oxide of iron, and wolfram. The cassiterite has a specific gravity (6.4 to 7.1) considerably higher than that of the vein-stuff (2.5 to 3.0), and is concentrated by a series of washings till it is free from the lighter material. Those minerals which have a specific gravity approaching that of the cassiterite are not completely removed. The mispickel and copper and iron pyrites are converted into oxides by roasting, and are in great part removed by a subsequent washing. The concentrated product is known as "black tin," and in this condition is sold to the smelter. The chief foreign matters in the black tin are silica, oxides of iron and copper, and wolfram, with traces of manganese and niobic acid; and in certain stream ores there may be as much as 6 or 7 per cent. of titaniferous iron. The black tin from the mines contains from 5 to 12 per cent. of water, and is sold and assayed wet. A series of typical samples of black tin ranged as follows:—
- - Source of Material. Percentage of Metal Specific Gravity. in Dry Ore. - - Good mine ore 72.0 6.39 Inferior do. 71.5 6.64 Titaniferous stream ore 67.0 6.39 Mine ore with wolfram 64.5 6.67 Ore from stream works 58.5 5.99 - - |