Dance, George 334 De Brosse, Salomon 318, 319 De Fabris, 261 De Key, Lieven 336 De Keyser, Hendrik 336 Della Porta, Giacomo 292, 299, 300 Della Robbia, Luca 281 De l'Orme, Philibert 316, 317 Dperthes, 373 Derrand, Franois 319 Desiderio da Settignano, 281 De Tessin, Nicodemus 337 De Vriendt (or Floris), Cornelius 334, 335 Diego de Silo, 348 Domenico di Cortona, 316 Donatello, 275 Dosio, Giovanni Antonio 291 Duban, Flix 364 Duc, 364, 365 Du Cerceau, Jean Batiste 318
Edington, 226 Emerson, William 382 Enrique de Egaz, 349 Erwin von Steinbach, 241
Fain, Pierre 310 Federighi, Antonio 282 Ferstel, H. von 375 Fiesole, Mino da 281 Filarete, Antonio 283 Flitcroft, 333 Floris (De Vriendt), Cornelius 334, 335 Fontaine, 362 Fontana, Domenico 295, 299, 300, 304 Fra Giocondo, 286 Fra Ristoro, 256 Fra Sisto, 256 Fuga, Ferdinando 305
Gabriel, Jacques Ange 324, 367 Gabriele d'Agnolo, 287 Gaddi, Taddeo 263 Gadyer, Pierre 315 Galilei, Alessandro 305 Garnier, Charles 372 Gerhardt von Riel, 243 Giacomo di Pietrasanta, 286 Gibbs, James 332, 333, 356, 385 Giocondo, Fra 286 Giotto di Bondone, 258, 263, 272 Giuliano da Majano, 286, 287 Giulio Romano, 289, 292 Goujon, Jean 316, 321 Gumiel, Pedro 349
Hallet, Stephen (tienne) 389 Hansen, Theophil 360 Have, Theodore 327 Hawksmoor, 332 Hendrik de Keyser, 336 Henri de Narbonne, 249 Henry of Gmnd, 255 Herrera, Francisco 352 Herrera, Juan d' 348, 350, 351 Hitorff, J. J. 364, 372 Hoban, Thomas 390 Holbein, Hans 327 Hbsch, Heinrich 375, 376 Hunt, Richard M. 393
Ictinus, 62, 63, 65 Isodorus of Miletus, 127 Ivara, Ferdinando 352, 365
Jacobus of Meruan, 255 Jansen, Bernard 327 Jefferson, Thomas 390 John, Master 243 John of Padua, 328 Jones, Inigo 328, 332, 333 Juan Battista, 351 Junckher of Cologne, 241
Kearsley, Dr. 386 Kent, 333 Klenze, Leo von 359, 360, 367
Labrouste, Henri 364 Lassus, J. B. A. 371 Latrobe, Benjamin H. 389 Laurana, Francesco 310 Laurana, Luciano 287 Le Breton, Gilles 313 Lefuel, Hector 372 Lemercier, Jacques 312, 319, 322 Le Nepveu, Pierre 314 Lescot, Pierre 316, 321 Le Vau (or Levau) 320 Lieven de Key, 336 Ligorio, Pirro 293 Lippi, Annibale 293 Lira, Valentino di 343 Lombardi, Antonio 284 Lombardi, Martino 284 Lombardi, Moro 284 Lombardi, Pietro 284 Lombardi, Tullio 284, 293 Longhena, Baldassare 304 Lorenzo, Bernardo di 282 Louis, Victor 362 Luca della Robbia, 281 Lunghi, Martino (the elder) 304, 305
Machuca, 351 Maderna, Carlo 295, 303 Majano, Benedetto da 280, 281 Majano, Giuliano da 286, 287 Mansart, Franois 322 Mansart, Jules Hardouin 320, 321, 322 Marchionne, 305 Marini, Giovanni 339 Martino, Pietro di 287 Matthew of Arras, 243 Meo del Caprino, 286 Meruan, Jacobus of 255 Mtzeau, 318 Michelozzi, Michelozzo 279, 283 Mino da Fiesole, 281 Mnesicles, 65 Mullet, A. B. 392
Narbonne, Henri de 249 Nnot, Henri P. 374
Ohlmller, 375
Palladio, Andrea 299, 301, 319, 328, 350 Percier, Charles 362 Perrault, Claude 320 Peruzzi, Baldassare 289, 291, 292, 294 Phidias, 62 Philibert de l'Orme, 316, 317 Pietrasanta, Giacomo di 286 Pintelli, Baccio 286 Pisano, Giovanni 260 Pisano, Niccolo 272 Polaert, 382 Poyet, 363 Pugin, A. Welby 378 Pythius, 71
Raphael Sanzio, 289, 290, 291, 292, 293 Renwick, James 391, 392 Revett, Nicholas 355, 358 Richardson, Henry H. 393, 394 Rickman, Thomas 378 Riel, Gerhardt von 243 Ristoro, Fra 256 Rizzio, Antonio 284 Romano, Giulio 289, 292 Rossellini, Bernardo 286 Ruiz, Fernando 352
Salvi, Niccola 305 Sammichele, Michele 293, 299, 300, 329 San Gallo, Antonio da (the Elder) 294 San Gallo, Antonio da (the Younger) 289, 291, 294 San Gallo, Giuliano da 278, 291, 292, 294 Sansovino, Giacopo Tatti 289, 293, 299, 300, 304 Satyrus, 71 Scamozzi, Vincenzo 299, 339 Schinkel, Friedrich 358, 360, 376 Schmidt, F. 378 Scott (General) 382 Scott, Sir Gilbert 380 Semper, Ottfried 376 Sens, William of 219 Servandoni, 323 Settignano, Desiderio da 281 Shaw, Norman 382 Siccardsburg, 376 Smirke, Robert 356 Smithson, Robert 328 Soane, Sir John 356 Soufflot, J. J. 362 Steinbach, Erwin von 241 Stella, Paolo della 339 Stern, Raphael 305, 365 Street, George Edmund 380 Stuart, James 355, 358 Stuhler, 359
Talenti, Francesco Di 259, 263 Talenti, Simone di 266 Taylor, Robert 334 Tessin, Nicodemus de 337 Thomson, Alexander 357 Thornton, 389 Thorpe, John 328 Titz, 376 Torregiano, 327 Trevigi, 327
Upjohn, Richard 392
Val Del Vira, 348 Valentino di Lira, 343 Van Aken, 343 Van Brugh, Sir John 332 Van Noort, William 336 Van Noye, Sebastian 336 Van Vitelli, 304 Vasari, Giorgio 162 Viart, Charles 311 Viel, 372 Vignola, Giacomo Barozzi da 289, 292, 296, 299, 300, 301 Vignon, Pierre 362 Viollet-le-Duc, Eugene Emmanuel 370, 371 Vischer, Kaspar 343 Vischer, Peter 347 Visconti, Louis T. J. 371, 372 Vitoni, Ventura 293 Vitruvius, 56, 71, 77 Von der Null, 376
Wallot, Paul 377 Wallot, Jean 333 Walter, Thomas Ustick 391 Waterhouse, Alfred 381 Webb, Aston 382 Wilkins, 357 William of Sens, 219 William of Wykeham, 222, 226 Wood, 333 Wren, Sir Christopher 329, 331, 332, 356, 385
Ziebland, 375
The buildings are arranged according to location. Those which appear only in the lists of monuments at the ends of chapters are omitted. Numerals in parentheses refer to illustrations.
ABAYAGIRI. Tope, 403 ABBEVILLE. St. Wulfrand, 209, 213 ABU-SEIR. Stepped pyramid, 9 ABYDOS. Columns, 12. Temple, 19, 21. Tombs, 11 (5) ADDEH. Grotto-temple, 22 MILIA. Churches in, 157, 262 AGRA, 149. Pearl Mosque, 148. Taj Mahal, 148 (86) AGRIGENTUM. Temple of Zeus, 56, 61 (33) AHMEDABAD, 148 AIX-LA-CHAPELLE. Minster (palatine Chapel), 172. Palace of Charlemagne, 176 AIZANOI. Temple of Zeus, 67. Theatre, 70 AJMIR, 148 AJUNTA. Brahman Chaityas, 404; viharas, 405 ALBANO. Tomb, 89 ALBANY. All Saints' Cathedral, 394. Capitol, 391 ALBY Cathedral, 185, 205, 206, 212, 249 (123) ALCALA DE HEARES, 352. Archepiscopal Palace, 350. College, 349 ALCANTARA. Bridge, 108 ALENON Cathedral, 209, 213 ALEXANDRIA TROAS. Palstra, 71. ALLAHABAD. Akbar's Palace, 148 ALTENBURG Cathedral, 242. Town hall, 344 AMADA. Columns, 12 AMBOISE Castle, 310 AMIENS Cathedral, 189, 197, 201, 203, 205, 206, 219, 232 (122); west front of, 207, 208, 212, 227 AMRAVATI. Topes, 403 AMSTERDAM. Bourse (Exchange) Hanse House, Town hall, 336 ANCY LE FRANC. Chteau, 317 ANET. Chteau, 317 ANGERS. Cathedral S. Maurice, 200. Hospital, 214 ANGORA (Ancyra), 118 ANGOULME Cathedral, 164 ANI, 134 ANNAPOLIS. Harwood and Hammond Houses, 386 ANTIOCH, 115 ANTIPHELLUS. Theatre, 70. Tombs, 72 ANTWERP Cathedral, 190, 246, 247. Town Hall, 334, 336 AQUITANIA. Churches of, 164, 167, 168, 179, 373 ARANJUEZ. Palace, 352 AREZZO Cathedral, 257. Sta. Maria della Pieve, 159 ARGOS. Gates, 45 ARIZONA. Spanish churches in, 388 ARLES. St. Trophime, 165 ASCHAFFENBURG. Church, 243 ASHEVILLE. Biltmore House, 399 ASIA MINOR, 53, 55, 58, 62, 66, 122 ASPENDUS. Theatre, 70 ASSISI. Church of St. Francis (S.Francesco), 255, 256, 258 ASSOS, 55. Public cquare, 69. Temple, 61 ASTI. Church, 256 ASTORGA. Rood-screen, 352 ATHENS. Academy, 365. Acropolis, 65, 69. Agora Gate, 68. Cathedral, 134. Choragic Monument of Lysicrates, 66 (30, 38). Erechtheum, 64 (35, 36). Museum, 365. Odeion of Regilla (of Herodes Atticus), 68, 69,70. Parthenon, 56, 58, 63, 64, 131, 359 (Frontispiece, 31 d, 34). Propyla, 58, 65, 69, 358 (37). Stoa of Attalus, 67. Temple of Nike Apteros, 64, 65. Temple of Olympian Zeus, 68 (39). Theatre of Dionysus, 69, 70. Theseum (Temple of Theseus or Heracles), 62. Tower of Winds (Clepsydra of Cyrrhestes), 53,67. University, 365 ATTICA, 50, 55 AUGSBURG. Town hall, 344 AUSTRIA, 330 AUTUN Cathedral, 166, 167 AUVERGNE. Churches, 204 AUXERRE Cathedral, 197, 201 AVIGNON. Notre Dame Des Doms, 165 AVILA. S. Vincente, 180, 247; Tombs in, 352 AZAY-LE-RIDEAU. Chteau, 316
BAALBEC (Heliopolis), 83. Circular Temple, 94. Temple of Sun, 92 BAB-EL-MOLOUK, 14 BAGDAD. Tombs, etc., 145, 146 BAGH. Viharas, Great Vihara, 405 BAILLUR. Temples, 409, 410 BAMBERG. Church, 243 BARCELONA. Cathedral, 189, 249. Sta. Maria del Pi, 249 BAROLLI. Hindu Temple, 409 BASLE. Spahlenthor, 246 BASS (Phigala). Temple of Apollo Epicurius, 65 BATALHA. Church, mausoleum, 251 BAVARIA, 342 BAYEUX Cathedral, 197, 205 BAYONNE Cathedral, 197 BEAUGENCY. Town hall, 316 BEAUMESNIL. Chteau, 319 BEAUNE. Hospital, 214 BEAUVAIS Cathedral, 189, 197, 211, 219; chapels, 205; size, 206, 211, 212, 243 BEIT-EL-WALI. Rock-cut Temple, 22 BELEM. Church, 251, 352. Cloister, tower, 352 BELGIUM, 334. BENARES. Hindu Temples, 408, 409 BENI HASSAN. Columns, 11, 24, 50. Speos Artemidos, 22. Tombs, 11 (6, 7) BERGAMO. Town Hall, 266 BERLIN. Bauschule, 376. Brandenburg Gate, 358. Old Museum, 359 (200). New Museum, 359. Parliament House, 377. Theatres, 360, 376 BETHLEHEM. Church of the Nativity, 115 BHAJA. Chaityas, 404 BHILSA. Topes, 403 BHUWANESWAR. Hindu temples, 408 BIDAR, 146 BIJAPUR. Tomb of Mahmud, 148, 153 (85). Jumma Musjid, 148. Mogul architecture, 149 BILTMORE House, 399 BINDRABUN. Ruined temple, 408 BIRS NIMROUD. Stepped pyramid, 31 BLENHEIM House, 332 (188) BLOIS. Chteau of, 216, 310, 313 (175, 176) BOHEMIA, 338 BOLOGNA, 157. Brick houses, 266. Campo Santo, 382. Frati di S. Spirito, 279. Local style, 283. Pal. Bevilacqua, Pal. Fava, 283. Palazzo Communale (town Hall), 266. Renaissance churches in, 277, 293. S. Francesco, 256, 263. S. Petronio, 257, 258, 259, 263. Sta. Maria dei Servi, 263 BONN. Minster, 174. Baptistery, 175 BORDEAUX. Cathedral, spires, 209. Grand Thatre, 362 BOSTON. Ames Building, 397. Custom House, 390. Faneuil Hall, 388. Fine Arts Museum, 394. Hancock House, 387. Old State House, 388. Old South Church, 386. Public Library, 399. State House, 390. Trinity Church, 394 (222) BOURGES Cathedral, 189, 197, 199, 202, 249; chapels, 205; size, 206; portals, 208. House of Jacques Coeur, 215 (127) BOURNAZEL. Chteau, 315 BOWDEN PARK, 357 BOZRAH Cathedral, 117 (70) BRANDENBURG. St. Catherine, St. Godehard, 244 BREMEN. Town hall, 246, 344 BRESCIA. Sta. Maria dei Miracoli, 287 BRIEG. Piastenschloss, 343 BRISTOL Cathedral, piers, 178 BRUGES. Ancien Greffe, 334. Cloth hall, 247. Ste. Anne, 334. Town hall, 247 BRUNSWICK. Burg Dankwargerode, 176. Town hall, 246 BRUSA, 150 BRUSSELS. Bourse, 382. Cathedral (ste. Gudule), 246. Pal. de Justice, 382. Renaissance Houses, 335 (190). Town Hall, 247 BUBASTIS. Temple, 13 BUDA-PESTH. Synagogue, 378 BUDDH GAYA. Tope or stupa, 404 BUFFALO. Guaranty Building, 397 BULACH. Basilica, 375 BURGUNDY. Cathedrals in, 197 BURGHLEY House, 328 (184) BURY. Chteau, 315 BURGOS Cathedral, 248, 249, 251 (145) BYZANTIUM, 92; See Constantinople
CAEN. Churches, 167, 178; St. tienne (Abbaye aux Hommes) and Ste. Trinit (Abbaye aux Dames), 168; St. Pierre, 312. Htel D'coville, 316 CAHORS Cathedral, 164 CAIRO. Karafah (Tombs of Khalfs), 137, 138, 139. Mohammedan monuments (list), 136, 153. Mosque of Amrou, 136; of Ibn Touloun, 136; of Barkouk, 137; of Kalaoun, 137; of Sultan Hassan, 137, 138 (80); of El Muayyad, 137; of Kad Bey, 137 (81) CALIFORNIA. Spanish missions and churches, 388 CAMBODIA. Temple of Nakhon Wat, 413 CAMBRAY Cathedral, 197 CAMBRIDGE. Caius College, Gate of Honor, 328. Fitzwilliam Museum, 356. King's College Chapel, 223, 227, 234. Trinity College Library, 332 CAMBRIDGE (Mass.). Craigie (Longfellow) House, 387 (219) CANTERBURY Cathedral, 219; central tower of, 228; chapels, 231; transepts, 232; minor works in, 234 CAPRAROLA. Palace of, 300 CAPUA. Amphitheatre, 103 CARIA, 71; see Halicamassus CARINTHIA, 338, 339 CARLTON House, 357 CARTER'S GROVE, 386 CASERTA. Royal Palace, 304 CASTLE HOWARD, 332 CRISY-LA-FORT. Church, 178 CEYLON. Topes, 403 CHAISE-DIEU. Cloister, 213 CHLONS (Chlons-sur-Marne) Cathedral, 205 CHALVAU. Chteau, 314 CHAMBORD. Chteau, 314 (177, 178) CHANTILLY. "Petit Chteau," 317 CHARLESTON. St. Michael's, 385 CHARLOTTEVILLE. University of Virginia, 390 CHARLTON Hall, 328 CHARLTON-ON-OXMORE. Plate tracery (110) CHARTRES Cathedral, 197, 201, 203; chapels of, 205; size of, 206; W. front, 207; transept porches, 208; spires, 209; capital from (126 C). hospital, 214 CHEMNITZ Cathedral, 245 CHENONCEAUX. Chteau, 316, 317 CHIARAVALLE. Certosa, 255 CHICAGO. Auditorium Theatre, 399. Columbian Exposition, 393, 399. Masonic Building, 396. Fisher Building, Schiller Building, 397 CHICHESTER Cathedral, spire, 229 CHIHUAHUA. Church, 352 CHILLAMBARAM. Dravidian Temple, Mantapa of Parvati, 411 CHISWICK. Villa, 328, 329 CHITTORE. Hindu temples, 409. Palace, 409. Towers, 407, 408 (227) CLERMONT (Clermont-Ferrand) Cathedral, 197; chapels of, 205, 212. Notre-Dame-du-Port, 165, 204 (96, 97) CLUNY. Abbey Church, 166. Houses at, 214. Htel de (at Paris), 216 COBLENTZ. Church of St. Castor, 237 COIMBRA. Sta. Cruz, 352 COLESHILL. House, 329 COLOGNE. Apostles' Church, 174, 243 (101). Cathedral, 189, 192, 205, 243, 249; vaulting of, 239; spires, 240, 241; plan, 189, 205, 242 (141). Church of St. Mary-in-the-Capitol, 174. Great St. Martin's, 174, 243. Romanesque Houses, Etc., 176 COMO. Town hall (broletto), 266 COMPOSTELLA. St. Iago, 180 CONJEVERAM. Dravidian temple, 411 CONSTANTINE. Amphitheatre, 92 CONSTANTINOPLE, 120. Byzantine monuments (list), 134. Church of Hagia Sophia (Santa Sophia, Divine Wisdom), 111, 123, 124, 127-131, 132, 133, 150, 151 (72, 75, 76, 77). Church of the Apostles, 132. Early Christian monuments (list), 119. Fountains, Fountain of Ahmet III., 152, 153. Mosque of Ahmet II. (Ahmediyeh), 151 (88); of Mehmet II., 150, 151 (87); of Osman III. (Nouri Osman), 151; of Soliman (Suleimaniyeh), 151 (89); of Yeni Djami, 151. Palaces, 153. St. Bacchus, 127. St. John Studius (Emir Akhor mosque), 118. St. Sergius, 117, 127 (74). Tchinli Kiosque (Imperial Museum), 153; sarcophagi in, 66. Tombs, 152. Turkish mosques, 150 COPENHAGEN. Exchange, Fredericksborg, 336 CORDOVA, 141; Great Mosque, 142, 143 (83) CORINTH. Temple of Zeus, 60 COUTANCES Cathedral, 197; chapels of, 205; spires, 209 CRACOW Castle, 338. Chapel of Jagellons, 338 CREMONA. Town hall, 266 CTESIPHON. Tk-kesra, 145
DAMASCUS, Mosque of El-wald, 136 DANTZIC. Town hall, 344 DASHOUR. Pyramid, 9 DEIR-EL-BAHARI. Tomb-temple of Hatasu, 15, 21 DEIR-EL-MEDINEH. Temple of Hathor, 19 DELHI. Jaina Temples, 407. Jumma Musjid, 148. Mogul Architecture of, 149. Palace of Shah Jehan, 148. Pathan arches, Etc., 148 DELOS. Gates, 45; Portico of Philip, 67 DENDERAH. Temple of Hathor, 17. Group of Temples, 22, 24. Hathoric columns, 24 DETROIT. Majestic Building, 397 DIEPPE. Church of St. Jacques, 213 DIJON. St. Michel, 312 DOL Cathedral, east end, 205 DRESDEN. Castle, Georgenflgel, 342. Church of St. Mary (Marienkirche) 346 (194). Theatre, 376 (213). Zwinger Palace, 346 (193) DRGELTE. Circular church, 175 DURHAM Cathedral, 177, 178, 220, 221 (102); central tower of, 228; Chapel of Nine Altars, 232
EARL'S BARTON. Tower, 176 ECOUEN. Chteau, 316 EDFOU. Great Temple, 16, 17, 22 (9, 10, 14). Peripteral Temple, 22 EDINBURGH. High School, Royal Institution, 357 EGYPT. Early Christian buildings in, 118 ELEPHANTINE. Temple of Amenophis III., 22 EL KAB. Temple of Amenophis III.; 18 ELEUSIS. Propyla, 69 ELLORA. Chaityas, 404. Dravidian Kylas, 413 ELNE. Cloister, 170, 213 ELY Cathedral, 220; choir vault, 222; octagon, 224, 330; clearstory, 225; towers, 228; interior, 229; size, 232; Lady Chapel, 234 EPHESUS. Temple of Artemis (Artemisium),66; Ionic Order, 53. Palstra, 71 ERECH, 31 ESCURIAL. Monastery, 351 ESNEH. Hathoric columns, 25. Temple, 23. ESSEN. Nun's choir, 172 ESSLINGEN. Church spire, 240 ETCHMIADZIN. Byzantine monuments, 134 EVREUX Cathedral, 197 EXETER Cathedral, 221 (129) EZRA. Church of St. George, 117
FERAIG. Rock-cut Temple, 22 FERRARA Cathedral, 261, 304. Churches, 277, 293. Palaces Scrofa, Roverella, 283 FIROUZABAD. Sassanian Buildings, 144 FLORENCE. Baptistery, 162. Bartolini, Guadagni, Larderel, Pandolfini, Serristori palaces, 291. Campanile, 263, 264 (147 a). Cathedral (Duomo, Santa Maria del Fiore), 257, 258, 263; faade, 261; marble incrustation, 263; dome, 273-275 (147, 148, 159, 160). Church of San Miniato, 115, 161, 162; of Or San Michele, 264. Gondi Palace, 291. Loggia dei Lanzi, 266. Loggia di San Paolo, 281. Minor works, 287. Ospedale degli Innocenti, 281. Palazzo Vecchio, 265. Pitti Palace, 280, 300, 319. Riccardi Palace, 279, 280, 281, 290 (162). Rucellai Palace, 280, 282. Santa Croce, 258; Pazzi Chapel of, 276; pulpit in, 281; Marsupini tomb, 281. San Lorenzo, 276. San Spirito, 276 (161), Santa Maria Novella, 256, 258; faade, 277; fountain in sacristy of, 281. Strozzi Palace, 280, 290 (163) FLUSHING. Town hall (Htel de Ville), 335 FONTAINEBLEAU. Palace, 313, 318 FONTEVRAULT. Abbey, 164 FONTFROIDE. Cloister, 213 FRANCE. Romanesque monuments (list), 170, 171; Gothic monuments (list), 216, 217; Renaissance monuments (list), 324, 325 FRANKFORT. Salt House, 346 FREIBURG Cathedral, 239, 242, 243; Spire, 240 FREIBERG IM ERZGEBIRGE. Golden portal, 242 FRITZLAR. Church, 243 FULDA. Monastery, 172, 173, 175 FURNESS. Abbey, pointed arches, 219 FUTTEHPORE SIKHRI. Mosque of Akbar, 148
GANDHARA. Monasteries, 404 GAILLON. Chteau, 310 GELNHAUSEN. Abbey Church, 243. Castle ruins, 176 GENOA. Campo Santo, 382. Cathedral, west front, 261. PALACES:—Balbi, Brignole, Cambiasi, Doria-tursi (municipio), Durazzo (reale), Pallavicini, University, 302. Sta. Maria Di Carignano, 299 GERMANY. Medival, 172. Romanesque monuments (list), 180. Gothic monuments (list), 252. Renaissance monuments (list), 353 GERNRODE. Romanesque church, 173 GERONA Cathedral, 185, 249, 250 GHENT (Gand). Cloth hall, 247 GHERF HOSSEIN. Rock-cut temple, 22 GHERTASHI (Kardassy). Temple, 23 GHIZEH. Pyramids, 4; Pyramid of Cheops, 7 (1, 2); of Chephren, 8; of Mycerinus, 8. Sphinx, Sphinx temple, 10 (3, 4) GIRNAR. Jaina temples, 407. Temple of Neminatha, 407 GLASGOW. Churches in Greek style, 357 GLOUCESTER Cathedral, 178, 220, 222; cloisters, 222; east window, 227; central tower, 228; Lady Chapel, 234 GOSLAR. Palace of Henry III., 176 GOURNAH. Columns, 24. Temple, 21 GRAN. Cruciform Chapel, 338 GRANADA, 141. Alhambra, 142, 143, 144, 351 (84). Cathedral, 348, 350; minor works in, 352. Palace of Charles V., 352 (197) GRANGE House, 357 GREAT BRITAIN. Gothic monuments (list), 235, 236. Norman monuments (list), 181. Renaissance monuments (list), 337 GUADALAJARA. Infantado, 350 GUJERAT, 146 GWALIOR. Jaina Temples, 407. Palace, 409. Teli-ka-mandir, 409
HADDON Hall, 326 HAGUE, THE. Town hall, 336 HMELSCHENBURG Castle, 343 (191) HALBERSTADT Cathedral, 244. Town hall, 245 HALICARNASSUS. Mausoleum, 4, 53, 71, 72 (41) HAMONCONDAH. Temple, 410 HAMPTON Court, 326, 332 HARTFORD. State Capitol, 393 HAURAN. Roman works in, 92; domestic buildings, 118 HARDWICKE Hall, 328 HATFIELD House, 328 HECKLINGEN. Romanesque church, 173 HEIDELBERG Castle, 343 (192). Ritter House, 346 HEILSBERG Castle, 245 HELDBURG Castle, 342 HENGREAVE Hall, 326 HERCULANUM, 86. Amphitheatre, 92. Houses, 107. Theatre, (61) HEREFORD Cathedral, 220 HIERAPOLIS. Early Christian buildings in, 118 HILDESHEIM. Kaiserhaus, 346. Renaissance houses, 345. St. Godehard, 173. Town hall, 245. Wedekindsches Haus, 346 HOLLAND House, 328 HOWARD Castle, 332 HULLABD. Temples, 409; double temple, 410 (228); Kat Iswara, 410
IFFLEY. Church, 179 (104) INDIA, 146-149. Moslem monuments (list), 154. Non-moslem monuments (list), 415 INNSBRCK, Schloss Ambras, 339 IPSAMBOUL. (Abou Simbel). Grotto temples, 21, 22 (13) IRELAND. Celtic Towers, 176 ISPAHAN. Meidan (Meidan-Shah), Mesjid-Shah, Bazaar, Medress, 146 ISSOIRE. Church of St. Paul, 165, 204 ITALY. Early Christian monuments (list), 119; Romanesque monuments (list), 170; Gothic monuments (list), 268-269; Renaissance monuments (list), 306-307
JAEN Cathedral, 348, 350 JAMALGIRI. Monastery, 405 JERUSALEM. Church of the Ascension, 115. Early Christian churches, 111. Herod's temple, 41, 83. Mosque of Omar (Dome of the Rock, Kubbet-es-sakhrah), 116, 136. Octagonal church on temple site, 115, 116. Tombs of the Kings, Etc., 39. Tomb of Absalom, of Hezekiah, Golden Gate, Solomon's temple,40. Wall of Lamentations, 41. Zerubbabel's temple, 41 JAUNPORE, 146
KALABSH. Columns, 12. Temple, 23 KALB LOUZEH. Church, 117 (69) KALBURGAH, 146 KANARUK. Hindu temples, 408 KANTONNUGGUR. Hindu temple, 408 KARDASSY (Ghertashi). Temple, 23 KARLI. Chaityas, 404 KARLSTEIN Castle, 245 KARNAK, 50. Great Temple (of Amen Ra) and Hypostyle Hall, xxiii., 17, 18, 19, 24, 36 (11, 12). Ancient temple, 13. Temple of Khonsu, 16, 20 KASCHAU Cathedral, 245 KASR. Mound, 31 KEDDLESTONE Hall, 334 KELAT SEMAN. Church of St. Simeon Stylites, 117 KHAJURAHO. Jaina temples, 407. Kandarya Mahadeo, 408 KHORSABAD. Palace of Sargon, 31, 32 (18). City Gate, 32, 33, (19) KIRKSTALL Abbey, pointed arches, 219 KNIGSBERG. Church At, 244 KOYUNJIK. Palaces of Sennacherib and Assur-bani-pal, 31 KUTTENBERG. Church of St. Barbara, 239, 240
LAACH. Abbey of, 174 LABYRINTH (of Moeris or Fayoum in Egypt), 26 LA MUETTE. Chteau, 314 LANDSHUT. Residenz, 342. St. Martin's, 240, 244 LANGRES Cathedral, 167 LAON Cathedral, 197, 205, 206, 210; porches, 208 LA ROCHEFOUCAULD. Chteau, 315 LAVAL Cathedral (La Trinit), 201 LE MANS Cathedral, 197, 200, 205, 206 (118); tomb in, 310 LEON. Cathedral, 189, 249. Panteon of S. Isidore, 179, 180 LE PUY (Puy-en-Vlay). Church, 204; cloister of same, 213 LEIPZIG. Frstenhaus, 346 LEMGO. Town hall, 344 LEYDEN. Town hall, 336 LICHFIELD Cathedral, 225, 229 (135); west front, 228 (134); spire, 229 LIGE. Archbishop's Palace, 334. Church of St. Jacques, 247 LIMBURG-ON-THE-HARDT. Church, 193 LIMBURG-ON-LAHN. Abbey Church, 174. Cathedral of St. George, 239 (139) LIMOGES Cathedral, 197, 205, 212 LINCOLN Cathedral, 219, 225, 229, 232; west front, 227; central tower, 228; chapter-house, 223 LISBON, 352 LISIEUX Cathedral, 197 LIVERPOOL. St. George's Hall, 358 (199) LOIRE VALLEY. Churches of, 165 LOMBARDY. Romanesque Monuments In, 157 LONDON. Albert Memorial, 380. Albert Memorial Hall, 382. Bank of England, 334, 356. British Museum, 356 (198); Elgin marbles in, 57; mausoleum fragments in, 71. Cathedral (St. Paul's), 329-331 (186, 187). Chapel Royal (Banqueting Hall, Whitehall), 329 (185). CHURCHES:— Bow Church, 332; St. George's, Bloomsbury, 333; St. Martin's-in-the-Fields, 333 (189); St. Mary's, Woolnoth, 332; St. Pancras's, 357; St. Paul's Cathedral, 329-331 (186, 187); St. Paul's, Covent Garden, 329; St. Stephen's, Walbrook, 331; St. Stephen's Chapel, Westminster, 234; Temple Church, pointed arches in, 219; Westminster Abbey, 220 (137); Henry VII.'s chapel in same, 192, 223, 227, 229, 234 (136). Greenwich Hospital, 332. Mansion House, 334. Natural History Museum, South Kensington, 381 (216). New Law Courts, 380. Newgate Prison, 334. Parliament Houses, 234, 380 (215). Somerset House, 329, 333. South Kensington Museum, new building, 382. University, 357. Westminster Abbey, see above. Westminster Hall, 233. Whitehall Palace, 329; Banqueting Hall (Chapel Royal) in same, 329 (185) LONGLEAT House, 328 LOUVAIN Cathedral, 246, 247. Cloth hall, 247. Town hall, 248 (144) LBECK. City Gates, 246. St. Mary's, 242, 244. St. Catharine's, 244. Town hall, 246 LUCCA. Campanile, 264. Cathedral (S. Martino), 161, 257, 258, 260 (149); tempietto in same, 281; tomb of P. di Noceto in same, 281 (164). S.Frediano, S. Michele, 161. Minor works, 282, 283. Palazzo Pretorio, Pal. Bernardini, 283 LUPIANA Monastery, 350 LUXOR, 50. Temple, 19, 20. Osirid Piers, 24 LUZ. Church at, 352 LYCIA. Tombs, 37, 39, 52
MADRID. First Palace, 350. New Palace, 352 MADRID, Chteau de (at Boulogne), 314 MADURA. Choultrie of Tirumalla Nayak, 411. Great Temple, corridors, 411. Palace, 413 MAFRA. Palace, 353 MAGDEBURG Cathedral, 189, 242, 243 MAHRISCH TRBAU. Castle portal, 338 MAISONS. Chteau, 322 MALAGA. Alcazar, 142, 143. Cathedral, 348 MALINES (Mechlin). Cathedral of St. Rombaut, 246, 247. Cloth hall, 247. Htel du Saumon, 324 MANCHESTER. Assize Courts, 380 (216) MANIKYALA. Tope, 403 MANRESA. Collegiate Church, 249 MANTINA. Theatre, 69 MANTUA. Campanile, 264. Church of S. Andrea, 279. Early Renaissance palaces, 283. Palazzo del T, 289 MARBURG. St. Elizabeth, 240, 242 (140) MARIENBURG Castle, Great Hall, 245 MARIENWERDER. Castle, 245 MARSEILLES. Chapel of St. Lazare, 310. Fountain of Longchamps, 372 (211) MASHITA. Palace of Chosroes, 145 MASSACHUSETTS. Country house in (225) MAULBRONN. Monastery, 176 MAYENCE Cathedral, 174 MEAUX Cathedral, 212 MECCA. Kaabah, 136 MEDINA DE RIO SECO. Rood-screen, 352 MEDINET ABOU. Osirid piers, 24 (15). Pavilion of Rameses III., 26. Peripteral temple, 22. Tomb-temple of Rameses III., 15, 21 MEISSEN. Albrechtsburg, 245 MERO. Pyramids, 9 METZ Cathedral, 244 MEYDOUM. Stepped Pyramid, 9 MILAN, 157. Arcade, 382. Cathedral, 243, 255, 257, 260, 261, 262, 263, 264. Domical churches, 278. Ospedale Maggiore, 283. S. Ambrogio, 158, 159 (90). S. Eustorgio, Portinari Chapel in, 283. S. Satiro, sacristy of, 289. Sta. Maria delle Grazie, 278, 289 MILETUS. Temple of Apollo Didymus, 53, 66 (28, 29) MINDEN Cathedral, 244 MOERIS. Labyrinth of, 26 MOISSAC. Cloister, 170, 213 MONREALE. Churches, cathedral, 162 MONS. Cathedral, St. Wandru, 246, 247 MONTEPULCIANO. Church of S. Biagio, 294 MONTMAJOUR. Cloister, 170, 213 MONT ST. MICHEL. Abbey, 167, 168, 213, 214; cloister of same, 213 MORET. House of Francis I., 316 MOSCOW. The Kremlin, 366 MOSUL, 33 MOUNT ABU. Jaina temples, Temple of Vimalah Sah, 405, 406 (226) MOUNT ATHOS. Monastery, 134 MUGHEIR. Temple of Sin Or Hurki, 30 MUJELIBEH. Mound, 31 MUKTESWARA. Hindu temples, 409 MLHAUSEN. Town Hall, 344 MUNICH, 366. Auekirche, 375. Basilica, 375. Cathedral, 240, 242. Glyptothek, 359. Ludwigskirche, 375. Propyla, 360 (201). Ruhmeshalle, 359. St. Michael's, 344. MNSTER. Church at, 243. Town hall, 245 MNZENBERG. Castle ruins, 176 MYCEN. Fortifications, 44 (23). Lion Gate, 44 (22). Tholos of Atreus, 45, 46, 148 (24, 25). Tombs, 4 MYLASSA. Tomb, 72 MYRA. Theatre, 69. Tombs, 72
NAKHON WAT, Temple of, 413 NAKSH-I-ROUSTAM (persepolis), 36. Tomb of Darius, 37 NANCY. Ducal Palace, 216, 311 NANKIN. Porcelain Tower, 414 NAPLES. Arcade, 382. Arch of Alphonso, 287. Church of Ges Nuovo, 304; of S. Francesco di Paola, 305, 365; of S. Lorenzo, 263; of S. Severo (173). Minor works, 281, 282. Pal. Gravina, Porta Capuana, 287. Royal Museum, 304. Royal Palace, 304, 305. Theatre of S. Carlo, 305, 365 NARBONNE Cathedral, 197, 205, 211 NASSICK. Chaityas, 404 NAUKRATIS, 44 NAUMBURG. Church At, 243 NETHERLANDS, 146. Gothic monuments (list), 252-253 NEUWEILER. Church of St. Peter And St. Paul, 243 NEVERS. St. tienne, 165 NEW MEXICO. Spanish churches, 388 NEWPORT. Town hall, 388. Trinity Church, 386 NEW YORK. American Surety Building, Broadway Chambers, 397. Casino, 399. Cathedral of St. John the Divine, 399; of St. Patrick, 375, 391. Century Club, 399. City Hall, 389. Custom House, 390 (221). Grace Church, 392. Huntington house, 399. Madison Square Garden, Metropolitan Club, 399. St. Paul's, 386. Sub-Treasury, 390. Times Building, (224). Trinity Church, 392. Vanderbilt and Villard houses, 399 NMES. Amphitheatre, 92. Maison Carre, 93, 94 NIMROUD. Palaces of Assur-nazir-pal and Shalmaneser, 31, 32 NINEVEH, 31 NIPPUR (Niffer). Ruins of, 29, 31 NORMANDY. Romanesque churches in, 167, 177; cathedrals in, 197, 213 NORTH GERMANY. Brick churches in, 244 NORTH WOBURN. Rumford House, 387 NORWICH Cathedral, 177, 178, 220 NOYON Cathedral, 197, 200, 203, 205, 246 NUBIA. Early Christian buildings, 118 NUREMBERG, 238. Churches of St. Sebald, St. Lorenz, 245. Funk, Hirschvogel, and Keller houses, 346. Renaissance houses, 345. Town hall, 344. Shrine of St. Sebald, 347
OLYMPIA. Altis, Echo Hall, 69. Heraion, 50, 62. Temples, 55; sculptures from, 57. Temple of Zeus, 62 OPPENHEIM. St. Catharine's, 239, 242, 244 OUDEYPORE. Hindu temples, palace, 409 ORANGE. Theatre, 101 ORCHOMENOS. Ceiling, 47 ORLANS. Houses, 316. Town hall (htel de ville), 311 ORVIETO Cathedral, 257, 259, 261; faade of same, 260 OSNABRCK. Church at, 243 OTTMARSHEIM. Church at, 172 OUDENRDE. Town hall, 247 OURSCAMP. Hospital, 214 OXFORD. All Souls' College, 333. Cathedral (Christ Church), 220, 222. Christ Church Hall, 233, 234. Merton College Chapel, 234. Radcliffe Library, 333. Sheldonian Theatre, 332
PADERBORN. Town hall, 344 PADUA. Arena chapel, 258. Palazzo del Consiglio, 287 PSTUM. Basilica, 69. Temples, 61 PAILLY. Chteau, 317 PALERMO. Churches of Eremitani, La Martorana, 162 PALMYRA, 83. Temple of the Sun, 92. Ceiling panels (50 a) PARASNATHA. Jaina temples, 407 PARIS. Arch of Triumph of the Carrousel, 362, 363; of l'toile, 362, 363 (204). Bourse (Exchange), 363. Cathedral (Notre Dame), 189, 197-202, 249 (116, 117, 124); rose windows, 203, 212; chapels, 205; size, 206, 232; west front, 207, 227 (124); capital from (126 b); early carving (114). CHURCHES:— Chapel and Dome of the Invalides, 321 (182); Madeleine, 362, 363 (205); Panthon, 361, 362 (202, 203); Sacr-Coeur at Montmartre, 373; Sainte Chapelle, 185, 203, 224 (106, 121); capital from same (126 a); Sorbonne, 319; St. Augustin, 371; Ste. Clothilde, 371, 375; St. tienne-du-Mont, St. Eustache, 312; St. Jean de Belleville, 371; St. Merri, St. Svrin, 213; St. Paul-St. Louis, 319; St. Sulpice, 323, 361 (183); St. Vincent-de-Paul, 364; Val-de-Grce, 322. Collge Chaptal, 371. Colonnades of the Garde-Meuble, 361, 367. Column of July (Colonne Juillet), 365. Corps Lgislatif (Palais Bourbon), 363. cole des Beaux-Arts, 355, 370, 392, 393; library of same, 364; door (206). cole de Mdecine, new buildings, 374. Exhibition buildings, 374. FOUNTAINS:—of Cuvier, Molire, St. Michel, 372. Halles Centrales, 371. Htel-de-Ville (town hall), 316; new building, 373. HTELS:— Carnavalet (de Ligeris), 316; de Cluny, 216; des Invalides, 321. House of FrancisI. (Maison Franois I.), 316. Library of the Beaux-Arts, 364; of Ste. Genvive, 365. Louvre (see palaces). Museum (Muse) Gallira (212). Opera House (Nouvel Opra), 372 (210). PALACES:— Palais Bourbon (Corps Lgislatif), 363; Palais de l'Industrie, 364; Pal. de Justice, 364; Louvre and Tuileries, 215, 315-319, 321, 362, 371, 372 (179, 208, 209); Luxemburg Palace, 318 (180). PLACES (Squares):— de la Concorde, 324; Royale, 319; Vendme, 322. Railway stations (du Nord, de l'Est, d'Orlans), 372. Sorbonne, new academic buildings, 374. PAULINZELLE. Romanesque church, 173 PAVIA, 157. Certosa, 255, 262, 263, 278, 283, 284 (152, 153). Church of S. Michele, 159. Domical churches, 278 PEKIN. Summer pavilion, Temple of Great Dragon, 414 PERGAMON (Pergamus). Altar of Eumenes II.,67. Christian buildings, 118 PERIGUEUX. St. Front, 164 (94, 95) PEROOR. Temple, 411 PERSEPOLIS, 145. Columns, 37, 38 (21). Hall of Xerxes, 36, 37. Palaces, 35, 69 PERSIA. Moslem architecture, 145, 146 (list 154). Sassanian buildings, 144, 145 PERUGIA. Oratory of San Bernardino, 279. Town hall (Pal. Communale), 266. Roman Gates, 88 PETERBOROUGH Cathedral, 178, 220; retro-choir, 222; west front, 227 PHIGALA (Bass). Gate, 45. Sculptures from, 57. Temple of Apollo Epicurius, 65 PHILADELPHIA. Christ Church, 386 (218). Girard College, 390, 391. Independence Hall, 388. Marine Exchange, Mint, 390. Municipal Building, 391 PHIL. Great Temple, 22. Peripteral temple, 22 PIACENZA, 157. Campanile, 159 (91). Cathedral (91). Town hall, 266 PIASTENSCHLOSS at Brieg, 343 PIENZA. Palazzo Piccolomini, etc., 282 PIERREFONDS. Chteau, 371 PISA. Churches in, 115, 261; minor works in, 282; early Renaissance in, 282-283. Baptistery, 160 (92). Cathedral (Duomo), 159, 160, 276 (92, 93). Leaning Tower, 160 (92). Sta. Maria della Spina, 264 PISTOIA. Campanile, 264. Churches, 161, 261. Podest, Palazzo Communale, 266. Sta. Maria dell' Umilt, 293 PITTSBURGH. Carnegie Building, 397. Carnegie Library, 399. County Buildings, 394 PLAGNITZ. Castle, 343 PLASSENBURG. Castle, 343 POITIERS Cathedral, 197, 201, 205 POLA. Amphitheatre, 92, 102 POMPEII. Amphitheatre, 92. Baths, 86. Houses, 72, 107, 108; House of Pansa (65). Theatre, 101. Tombs, 105 PONT DU GARD. Bridge, 108 PORTSMOUTH. Sherburne House, 387 PORTUGAL, 352. Gothic monuments (list), 253 POTSDAM. St. Nicholas Church, 359 PRAGUE. Belvedere, 339. Cathedral, 239, 242, 244. Palace on Hradschin, Schloss Stern, Waldstein palace, 339 PRATO. Churches in, 161, 293. Madonna delle Carceri, 278 PRENTZLAU. Church, 244 PRIENE. Ionic order, 53; Propyla, 69 PROVENCE, 164. PROVINS. Houses at, 214 PURI. Temples, 408. Temple of Juggant, 409 PURUDKUL. Rock-cut raths, 413
RAMESSEUM (Thebes). Tomb-temple of Rameses II., 15, 21, 24 (8) RAMISSERAM. Temple, corridors, 411 RATISBON (Regensburg) Cathedral, 239, 241, 244. Town hall, 245. Walhalla, 359 RAVENNA, 114. Baptistery of St. John, 119. Byzantine monuments (list), 134. Cathedral, 304. Early Christian monuments (list), 119. S.Apollinare Nuovo, S. Apollinare in Classe, 114. S. Vitale, 117, 122, 127, 172 (73) REGGIO. Amphitheatre, 92 REIMS Cathedral, 189, 197, 201, 202, 203, 205; size, 206; west front, 207, 213, 227; towers, 209; portals, 208, 210 RIMINI. S. Francesco, 277 ROCHESTER Cathedral, 220 RODEZ Cathedral, 197, 212 ROME. Ancient monuments, (list) 108, 109. Amphitheatre of Statilius Taurus, 102. ARCHES:— in general, 77, 103; of Constantine, 80, 103 (63); of Septimius Severus, 103; of Titus, 92, 103; of Trajan, 97, 103. BASILICAS:— in general, 97, 98; Basilica milia, 98; of Constantine, xxiii, 80, 82, 98, 99 (50 b, 58, 59); Julian Basilica, 98; Sempronian, 98; Ulpian, 97, 98 (57). (For Early Christian Basilicas, see Churches.) BATHS (Therm):— in general, 71, 92,99; of Agrippa, 91, 100; of Caracalla, 87, 92 (60); of Diocletian, 92, 100, 101; of Titus, 86, 91, 100, 105. Campanile of Campidoglio (Capitol), 305. Capitol, 91; palaces on, 299. CHURCHES:— in general, 293; Church of Ges, 299; Sistine Chapel of Vatican, 286, 289; Sta. Agnese (basilica), 112 (modern church), 303; S. Agostino, 286; S. Clemente, 114; Sta. Costanza, 111 (66); St. John Lateran, 113, 251, 304, 305; cloister of same, 281; S. Lorenzo, 112; S.Lorenzo in Miranda, 93; Sta. Maria degli Angeli, 101; Sta. Maria Maggiore, 113, 305; Chapel of Sixtus V. in same, 299; Sta. Maria del Popolo, 286, 287; Chigi Chapel in same, 293; Sta. Maria della Vittoria, 303; Sta. Maria sopra Minerva, 256; St. Paul-beyond-the-Walls, 113, 281 (67, 68); St. Peter's, original basilica, 113; existing church of, 274, 286, 289, 290, 294-296, 299, 321 (169, 170, 171); colonnade of same, 295, 303, 367; sacristy of same, 305; S. Pietro in Montorio, Tempietto in court of, 209. CIRCUSES:— Maximus, 103; of Caligula and Nero, 103, 113. Cloaca Maxima, 81, 90. Colosseum (Flavian amphitheatre) 91, 92, 102 (45, 62). COLUMNS:—103; of Marcus Aurelius, 104; of Trajan, 97, 104. Early Christian monuments, 111; (list), 118, 119. FORA:— in general, 97; of Augustus, 91, 97; of Julius, Nerva, Vespasian, 97; Forum Romanum (Magnum), 97, 98; Forum of Trajan, 97, 98 (57). Fountain of Trevi, 305. HOUSES:— in general, 105, 106, 108; of Vestals (Atrium Vest), 94, 106; of Livia, 107. Lateran, carved ornament from Museum of (49); palace of, 300. Mausoleum of Augustus, of Hadrian, 104. Minor Works in Rome, 287. Monument to Victor Emmanuel, 382. National Museum, 382. PALACES (Ancient):— of Csars on Palatine Hill, 86, 91, 105; of Nero (Golden House), 91, 92, 100, 105; Septizonium, 105. PALACES (Renaissance):— Altemps, 292; Barberini, 304, 305; Borghese, 304; Braschi, 305; of Capitol, 299; Cancelleria, 290, 291; Corsini, 305; Farnese, 292 (167, 168); Farnesina, 291; Giraud, 290, 291 (166); Lante, 292; Massimi, Palma, 291; Quirinal, 300; Sacchetti, 291; Vatican, Belvedere, greater and lesser court, Court of S.Damaso, Loggie, 209, 291; Braccio Nuovo, 305, 365; Casino del Papa in gardens, 293; papal residence, 300; Scala Reggia, 305; palazzo di Venezia, 286. Pantheon of Agrippa, 82, 91, 94-96, 100, 118, 122, 127, 365 (54, 55, 56). Pons lius (Ponte S. Angelo), 108. Porta Maggiore, 108. Portico of Octavia, 91. TEMPLES:— Of Castor and Pollux (Dioscuri), 84, 91, 94 (44); of Concord, 94; of Faustina, 93; of Fortuna Virilis, 89, 90, 93; of Hercules or Vesta, 90; of Julius, 94; of Jupiter Capitolinus, 68, 89, 91; of Jupiter Stator, so called (see Temple of Castor and Pollux); of Jupiter Tonans, 91; of Mars Ultor, 91; of Minerva Medica, 127; of Peace, 98; of Trajan, 97; of Venus and Rome, 94 (53); of Vesta, in Forum, 94; of Vesta, so called, or Hercules, 90. THEATRES:— Of Marcellus, 91, 101 (42); of Mummius, of Pompey, 101. TOMBS:—86, 104; of Caius Cestius, of Cecilia Metella, 104; of Helena, 118 ROSENBORG Castle, 336 ROSHEIM. Church faade, 175 ROTHENBURG. Town hall, 344 ROUEN, 310. Cathedral, 192, 197, 201, 202, 205; size of, 206; west front, 207; rose windows, 212. Htel Bourgtheroude, 316. Palais de Justice, 214. St. Maclou, 209. St. Ouen, 212, 213, 375; rose window from (112) ROUHEIHA. Early Christian church, 117 ROYAL DOMAIN, 166, 167, 197 RUANWALLI. Topes, 403 RUSSIA, 367. Byzantine monuments (list), 134
SADRI. Temple, 406 SAKKARAH. Pyramid, 9 SALAMANCA. Casa de las Conchas, 349. Cathedral (old), 180, 248; (new), 250, 348. Monastery of S. Girolamo, 348. S. Domingo, 348. University, 349; portal of (195) SALISBURY Cathedral, 219, 223, 225, 229, 232 (128); west front, 228; spire, 228, 229. Market cross, 234 SALONICA. Church of St. George, 118. Other monuments (list), 134 SALSETTE. Viharas, 405 SALZBURG. Church of St. Francis, 242 SAMOS. Gate, 45 SANCHI. Brahman temple, 404. Tope, 403 SAN ILDEFONSO. Royal Palace, 352 SABAGOSSA. Casa de Zaporta, 350 (196) SAXONY, 173 SCHALABURG. Castle, 339 SCHLETTSTADT Cathedral, 239 SCHLOSS HMELSCHENBURG, 343 (191) SCHLOSS PORZIA at Spital, 338 SCHLOSS STERN at Prague, 339 SCHWARZ-RHEINDORF. Church, 174 SCHWEINFRTH. Town hall, 344 SCINDE, 146 SECUNDRA. Tomb of Akbar, 148 SEDINGA. Hathoric columns, 24 SEZ Cathedral, 197 SEGOVIA Cathedral, 190, 249, 348. Church of S. Millan, of Templars, 180 SELINUS. Temples, 49; northern temple, 60; Temple of Zeus, 61 SEMNEH. Pavilion, 26 SENLIS Cathedral, 197, 200, 209 SENS. Archbishop's palace, 317. Cathedral, 203, 219 SERBISTAN. Sassanian buildings, 144 SEVILLE. Alcazar, 142, 143. Casa de Pilato (House of Pilate), 142, 350. Cathedral, 244, 250, 257, 351. Giralda, 142, 143, 352 SHEEPREE. Pathan arches, 148 SIENNA. Brick houses, 266. Campanile, 264. Cathedral (Duomo), 257, 259, 263 (150); west front, 260 (151). Loggia del Papa, 282. Minor works, 282. PALACES:— Del Governo, Piccolomini, Spannocchi, 282; Palazzo Pubblico, 266. Renaissance churches, 293. S. Giovanni in Fonte, 260 SILSILEH. Grotto temple, 22 SOISSONS Cathedral, 197, 200, 203, 205, 243 SOMNATH. Jaina temple, 407 SOMNATHPUR. Chalukyan temples, 409, 410 SOUTHWELL Minster, carving from, (115) SPAIN, 347. Gothic monuments (list), 253. Romanesque churches, 179-180 SPALATO. Palace of Diocletian, 92, 106, 113 (64) SPITAL. Schloss Porzia, 338 SPIRES (Speyer) Cathedral, 174 (100) ST. ALBAN'S Abbey, tombs, etc., in, 234 ST. AUGUSTINE. Fort Marion (S. Marco), 388. Ponce de Leon Hotel, 399. Roman Catholic cathedral, 388. ST. BENOT-SUR-LOIRE. Antechurch, 177 ST. DENIS. Abbey, 197, 198, 200, 202, 203 (120); tomb of Louis XII. in, 316; of Francis I., 317 ST. GERMAIN-EN-LAYE. Chteau, 313; Royal chapel in, 204 ST. GILLES. Church, 165 ST. LOUIS. Union Trust Bdg., 397 ST. PAUL. State Capitol, 400 ST. PETERSBURG, 366, 367. Admiralty, 367. Cathedral of St. Isaac, 367 (207). CHURCHES:— of the Citadel, of the Greek Rite, 366; of Our Lady of Kazan, 367. New Museum, Palace of Grand Duke Michael, 367. Smolnoy Monastery, 366. ST. RMY. Tombs, 105 STABI, 92 STOCKHOLM. Palace, 337 STRASBURG Cathedral, 243; spire of, 238, 240, 241, 243. University Buildings, 376 STUTTGART. Old Castle, 343. Technical School, 376 STYRIA, 339 SULLY. Chteau, 317 SULTANIYEH. Tomb, 145 SUNIUM. Propyla, 69 SUSA, 145. Palaces, 35 SYRACUSE. Theatre, 70 SYRIA, 122; early Christian churches in, 115, 116, 117; (list), 119
TABRIZ. Ruined Mosque, 145 TAFKHAH. Early Christian Church, 117 TAKHT-I-BAHI. Monastery, 405 TNGERMNDE. Church, 244 TANJORE. Great temple, 412. Palace, 413. Shrine of Soubramanya, 412 (229) TARPUTRY. Gopura, 411 TEHERAN, 146 TEL-EL-AMARNA, 27 TEWKESBURY Abbey, 222 (130) THEBES. Amenopheum, 15. Ramesseum, 15 (8) THORICUS. Gate, 45; Stoa Diple, 69 TINNEVELLY. Dravidian temples, 411 TIRUVALUR. Dravidian temples, 411 TIRYNS, 44 TIVOLI. Circular temple, 90, 356 (52). VILLAS:— D'Este, 293; of Hadrian, 87, 106 TOKIO. Great Palace, 415 TOLEDO. Archbishop's Palace, 360. Cathedral, 189, 248, 348. Gate of S. Martino, 350. Hospital of Sta. Cruz, 349. S. Juan de los Reyes, 251 TONNERRE. Hospital, 214 TORGAU. Hartenfels Castle, 342 TORO. Collegiate church, 180 TOULOUSE Cathedral, 212. Church of St. Sernin, 204. Houses, 317 TOURNAY Cathedral, 190, 197, 205, 209; rood-screen in, 335 TOURS, 310. Cathedral, 197, 205, 209; towers of, 312; tomb of children of Charles VIII. in, 310, 342 TRAUSNITZ Castle, 342 TREVES (Trier). Cathedral, 174. Frauenkirche (Liebfrauenkirche, Church of Our Lady), 189, 242, 243 (142) TROYES Cathedral, 197, 201, 205; size, 206; west portals, 209. St. Urbain, 212 TUCSON. Church, 352 TUPARAMAYA. Topes, 403 TURIN. Church of La Superga, 365 TURKEY, 149. Monuments (list), 154 TUSCULUM. Amphitheatre, 92 TYROL, 338, 339
UDAIPUR (near Bhilsa). Hindu temples, 409 ULM Cathedral, 238, 239, 241, 243; spire, 241 UR, 30 URBINO. Ducal palace, 287 UTRECHT Cathedral, 244
VALENCIA Cathedral, 249 VALLADOLID. Cathedral, 350. S. Gregorio, portal (146) VELLORE. Gopura, 411 VENDME Cathedral, portal, 209 VENETIA, 157, 262, 305 VENICE, 300. Campaniles of St. Mark, of S. Giorgio Maggiore, 305. CHURCHES:— Frari (S. M. Gloriosa dei Frari), 256; Redentore, 299; S. Giobbe, 284; S. Giorgio dei Grechi, 293; S. Giorgio Maggiore, 299, 305; SS. Giovanni e Paolo, 256; Sta. Maria Formosa, 293; S. M. dei Miracoli, 283; S. M. della Salute, 304, (174); St. Mark's, 132, 164 (78, 79); Library of same (Royal Palace), 301 (172); S. Salvatore, 293; S. Zaccaria, 284. Doge's Palace, 267, 284 (157). Minor works, 287. PALACES:—267, 283, 284; C d'Oro, Cavalli, Contarini-Fasan, 268; Cornaro (Corner de C Grande) 301; Dario, 285; Ducale (Doge's Palace), 267, 284 (157); Foscari, 268; Grimani, 300; Pesaro, 304; Pisani, 268; Rezzonico, 304; Vendramini (Vendramin-Calergi), 284, 285 (165); Zorzi, capital, 275 (158) VERCELLI. S. Andrea, 256, 263 VERNEUIL. Chteau, 317 VERONA, 157. Amphitheatre, 92, 102. Campanile, 264. Church of Sta. Anastasia, 256, 258; of S. Zeno, 159, 175. PALACES:—283; Bevilacqua, Canossa, 300; del Consiglio, 286; Pompeii, Verzi, 300. Tombs of Scaligers, 264 VERSAILLES Palace, 320 VZLAY. Abbey, 166, 198, 203 VICENZA, 300, 301. Basilica, 301. PALACES:—283; Barbarano, Chieregati, Tiene, Valmarano, 301; Villa Capra, 301, 328 VIENNA, 347. Arsenal at Wiener Neustadt, 338. Burgtheater, 376. Cathedral (St. Stephen), 239, 240, 241; spire of, 240, 241. Church of St. Charles Borromeo, 358. Imperial Palace, portal, 339. Museums, 378. Opera House, 376. Parliament House, or Reichsrathsgebude, 360, 378. Residence-block (Maria-Theresienhof), 378 (214). Sta. Maria in Gestade, 245. Town hall, University, 378. Votiv Kirche, 375 VIJAYANAGAR. Palace, 413 VINCENNES. Royal chapel, 204 VITERBO. Houses, 267. Town hall (Palazzo Communale), 266. Villa Lante, 293 VOLTERRA (Volaterr). Gate, 88
WALTHAM. Abbey, 178. Eleanor's Cross, 234 WARFIELD. St. Michael's, window (111) WARKAH (Erech). Palace terraces, 31 WARTBURG Castle, 176 WASHINGTON. Capitol, 389, 391 (220). Congressional Library, 399. Patent Office, 390. State, Army, and Navy Building, 392. White House, 390 WELLS Cathedral, 222, 225, 232; west front, 228; chapter house of, 223 (131) WESTMINSTER. See LONDON WESTONZOYLAND. Ceiling of St. Mary's (138) WESTOVER House, 386 WIENER-NEUSTADT. See VIENNA WILLIAMSBURG. Town hall, 385 WILTON House, 329 WINCHESTER Cathedral, 178, 220, 222, 226, 229 (103); tombs, etc., in, 234 WINDSOR. St. George's Chapel, 223, 227, 234 WISMAR. Castle (Frstenhof), 343. City Gates, 246 WOBURN. Public Library (223) WOLLATON Hall, 328 WOLFENBTTEL. Marienkirche, 345 WOLTERTON Castle, 326 WORANGUL. Kurti Stambha, 410 WORCESTER Cathedral, 232 WORMS. Minster (cathedral), 174 (99) WRZBURG. University Church, 345
XANTEN. Church, 242 XANTHUS. Nereid monument, 71
YORK Cathedral, 192, 225, 226; west front, 227; tower, 228; minor works in, 234 YPRES. Cloth hall, 247
ZURICH. Polytechnic School, 376 ZWETTL Cathedral, 242
* * * * * * * * *
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Missing or invisible punctuation has been silently supplied, as have missing umlauts and line-end hyphens; errors of this type were assumed to be mechanical, introduced either in printing or scanning. Conversely, "Bauschule" (Berlin) was consistently misprinted as "Bauschle".
Hyphenization of some words was inconsistent: zigzag and zig-zag, semicircular and semi-circular, staircase and stair-case. The plural of "portico" is regularly "porticos", rarely "porticoes". Both occurrences of "mantelpiece" are at line-break; the hyphen was omitted based on usage in the 8th edition.
Alphabetization in the Index is as printed.
In the line "a species of rudimentary arch of [A]-shape (Fig.2)", the symbol shown here as [A] was printed as something like a Greek lambda.
The architect Robert Adam is consistently called "Adams"; the error was corrected in the 8th edition. The name form "Michael Angelo" is standard for the time. Columbia College changed its name to Columbia University in 1896, presumably after the book's original preface (dated January 20, 1896) was written. The French palace is variously Luxembourg and Luxemburg.
Spelling of place names was unchanged except when there was an unambiguous error. For details, see below.
Chapter VII: the choragus Lysicrates [choraegus] Chapter VIII: (long miscalled the temple of Jupiter Stator) [Jupitor] Chapter IX: Adams, Ruins of the Palace of Spalato. [Spalatro] —, Monuments: [FORA] Trajan (by Apollodorus of Damascus, 117 A.D.) [closing ) missing] Chapter XII: the time of Haroun Ar Rashid (786) [spelling unchanged] Chapter XIII, Monuments: [FRANCE, 11th century] Mont St. Michel, 1020 (the latter altered in 12th and 16th centuries) [closing ) missing] Chapter XIV: Northern Italy, with which the Hohenstauffen emperors [spelling unchanged] Chapter XVII: Such vaults are called lierne or star vaults. [Figure caption has "net or lierne"] [Monuments] All Soul's College [apostrophe in original] Chapter XX: Cinquecento to the sixteenth century [cenury] Chapter XXI: but following its pernicious example [pernicous] —, Monuments: Chapel of S.Lorenzo, new sacristy of same [sacristry] P.Giugni, 1560-8. [text has "P. Giugni, -1560." Correction was taken from 8th edition] Chapter XXIII: St. Paul's ranks among the five or six greatest [five of six] Chapter XXVI: Sammelmappe hervorragenden Concurrenz-Entwurfen. [Sammel mappe]
Appendix B: the brick tower on the Piazza dell' Erbe [dell 'Erbe] Appendix D: the chief marks of the Art Nouveau [Noveau]
Glossary: QUATREFOIL, with four leaves or foils [QUARTREFOIL]
Index: BERLIN Old Museum, 359 (200). New Museum, 359. [alphabetized as shown; body text has "Museum" and "New Museum"] DURHAM Cathedral, 177, 178, 220, 221 (102) [116] PARIS. ... Cathedral ... early carving (114) [122] TAFKHAH. Early Christian Church [Christain] WORMS. Minster (cathedral), 174 (99) [112]
A few words in Chapters VI and VII were printed with "ae" instead of the expected "". They have been regularized for this e-text.
From Olympia, gina, and Phigaleia [Aegina] Selinus, Agrigentum, Pstum [Paestum] Castor and Pollux, Demeter, sculapius [Aesculapius]
The form "Herculanum" (for Herculanum) was used consistently. The English city is Peterboro' (with apostrophe) in its first few appearances, and then changes to Peterborough for the remainder of the book. The Italian city was conventionally spelled "Sienna" (with two n's) in English.
Many names, especially non-European ones, differ significantly from their modern form. Some of the following are conjectural.
Near East:
Ipsamboul: Abu Simbel Bozrah: probably modern Bouseira, Jordan (not "Bosrah", modern Basra)
Greater India (including modern Pakistan and Bangladesh)
Tope: the form "stupa" is more common Indian desert: Thar desert
Baillur: Belur Chillambaram: probably Chidambaram; the author's sources seem to have had trouble with "l" in South Indian names Conjeveram: Kanchipuram Futtehpore Sikhri: Fatehpur Sikri Hullabid: Halebid Jaunpore: Janpur Jugganat: the name of the deity is Jagannath; the English name-form led to the word "juggernaut" Kantonnuggur: Kantanagar Oudeypore: the author seems not to have realized that this is the same place as Udaipur, cited with that spelling in the same paragraph Scinde: Sind Shepree: could not be identified. The author's source is probably James Ferguson, who describes it as "near Gualior" (Gwalior) Tanjore: Thanjavur Worangul: Varangal
Nakhon Wat: better known as Angkor Wat