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Abercrombie, Lascelles Accent Adams, F. P., free verse parody by Aesthetics, and poetry Alden, R. M. Introduction to Poetry Aldington, Richard Alexander, Hartley B. Poetry and the Individual Alliteration Andrews, C. E. Writing and Reading of Verse Angellier, Auguste Anglo-Saxon lyrical verse Aristotle Poetics definition of Tragedy Arnold, Matthew "The Strayed Reveller" Artistic imagination Artistic production the impulse to Asbury, Samuel Assonance
Babbitt, Irving New Laokoon Ballad, the Baumgarten, A. G. Beauty Beddoes, Thomas Lovell Blake, William Blunt, Wilfrid sonnet on Gibraltar Boethius De Consolatione Philosophiae Bosanquet, Bernard History of AEsthetic Bradley, A. C. Bridges, Robert Brooke, Stopford Brownell, Baker Browning, Robert The Ring and the Book Bryant, F. E. Burns, Robert Butcher, S. H. Aristotle's Theory of Poetry and Fine Art Bynner, Witter Byron "ottava rima"
Calverley, C. S. parody of Browning Campion, Thomas Carlyle, Thomas Chase, W. M. Chaucer, Geoffrey Chaucerian stanza, the Child, F. J. English and Scottish Popular Ballads Chinese lyrics Chopin, Frederic Church music Clark, A. C. Prose Rhythm in English Cleghorn, Sarah N. "Come, Captain Age" Colcord, Lincoln Coleridge, S. T. Biographia Literaria Kubla Khan Christabel Colvin, Sidney, "The Fine Arts," Content and form Coquelin, E. H. A. Corson, Hiram Counsel upon the Reading of Books Courthope, W. J., History of English Poetry Cowley, Abraham, Pindaric ode in English Cranmer-Byng, L., The Lute of Jade Creative imagination Croce, B. Croll, Morris W.
Dances and poetry Daniel, Samuel Debussy, Claude Dickens, Charles Dickinson, Emily Dolmetsch, Arnold Drama lyrical element in dramatic monologue Drinkwater, John Dryden, John Duran, Carolus
Ear, the, appeal to Eastman, Max, Enjoyment of Poetry Elizabethan lyric, the Elton, Oliver W. Emerson, R. W. Enjoyment of Verse Erskine, John Euphuism "Eye-minded" or "ear-minded,"
Fairchild, A. H. R., Making of Poetry Feeling, and imagination conveyed by words Feet, in verse Feminine rhymes Figures of speech Fine arts "form" and "signficance" in the man in Firkins, O. W. FitzGerald, Edward Fletcher, John Gould Form, in the arts Fort, Paul Free verse four types of French song in England Fromentin, E. Frost, Robert Futurist poets
Gardiner, J. H. Gates, Lewis E. Genius and inspiration Giovanitti, Arturo Gluck, C. W., opera Goethe Goodell, T. D. Gosse, Edmund, definition of the ode Graphic arts and the lyric Gray, Thomas Greek poetry Gummere, F. B., Handbook of Poetics
Hamilton, Sir W. R., quaternions Hamlet Hardy, Thomas Hawthorne, Nathaniel Wonder-Book Scarlet Letter Hearn, Lafcadio Hebrew lyric, the Hebrew poetry Henley, W. E. Herford, C. H. Hexameters English Holmes, Edmond, What is Poetry? Holmes, Justice Oliver Wendell Horace Horatian ode, English Hudson, W. H. Hugo, Victor
Images, verbal selection and control of visual auditory tactile motor Imagination, or imaginations the poet's and feeling creative and artistic poetic lyric Imagist poets Imagist verse In Memoriam stanza, the Individualism in poetry Ingersoll, Robert G. Inspiration
James, Henry James, William an illustration from Japanese lyrics Japanese prints Johnson, Samuel Jonson, Ben
Keats, John Kipling, Rudyard
La Farge, John, _Considerations on Painting_ Lamb, Charles Landor, Walter Savage Lang, Andrew Lanier, Sidney, musical theory of verse _Poem Outlines_ Latin poets Lee-Hamilton, Eugene Legouis, Emile, _Defense de la Poesie Francaise Leighton, Sir Frederick Lessing, _Laokoon_ Lewis, C. M. Lindsay, Vachel "The Congo," "Literary" language Locke, John Lockwood, Laura E. Lopere, Frederic A. Lowell, Amy Lowes, J. L. Lyric, the field of classification definitions general characteristics objects of the lyric vision imagination expression relationships and types of lyrical element in drama and narrative and graphic arts Japanese and Chinese decay and survival Hebrew Greek and Roman of Western Europe the Elizabethan the Romantic present status of objections to Macaulay, T. B. Marinetti, F. T. Marquis, Don Masculine rhymes Masefield, John Masters, Edgar Lee Matthews, Brander Meredith, George Metre, and rhythm _Midsummer Night's Dream_ Mill, John Stuart Millet, J. F. Milton, John Monroe, Harriet Moody, William Vaughn Moore, J. Robert Morris, William Moving picture Murray, Gilbert Music and poetry
Narrative poetry Neilson, W. A. Newbolt, Sir Henry Nonsense-verse
Ode, the Omond, T. S. Orpheus and Eurydice, myth of
Page, Walter H. Palgrave, F. T. "Parallelogram of Forces, The" Pattern-instinct, the Patterson, W. M., Rhythm of Prose Pattison, Mark Peacock, Thomas Love Persian carpet theory of painting Pindaric ode, English Plato Play-instinct, the Poe, Edgar Allan "Poet, the" and other men his imagination his words Poetry some potencies of nature of and aesthetics an art the province of imagist Hebrew Greek and music three main types and dances of alien races See also Lyric. Polyphonic prose Pope, Alexander Pound, Louise Prosody and enjoyment Puttenham, George, Arte of English Poesie
Racial differences Raleigh, Prof. Walter Raymond, G. L. Real effects Reed, E. B., English Lyrical Poetry Renan, Ernest Rhyme, as a form of rhythm Rhys, Ernest Rhythm, and metre nature of measurement of of prose rhyme and Ribot, Th., Essay on the Creative Imagination Ripley, W. Z. Robinson, Edwin Arlington Romantic lyric, the Royce, Josiah Ruskin, John Russell, C. E., "Swinburne and Music,"
Saintsbury, George, History of English Prose Rhythm Santayana, George Schelling, F. E. Scherer, Edmond Scott, Sir Walter Sea, a quiet, in the arts Shackford, M. H. Shakspere, William Shelley, Percy Bysshe Sherman, Stuart P. Sidney, Sir Philip Significance, in the arts Size of poetic thoughts Smith, L. W. Snell, Ada F. Sonnet, the Petrarchan Shaksperean South, Robert Space-arts Spaced prose Spectra hoax, the Spencer, Herbert Spenser, Edmund, the "poet's poet" Spenserian stanza, the Stanza Stanzaic law Stedman, E. C. Stevenson, R. L. Stewart, J. A., The Myths of Plato Story, W. W. Stress, in verse "Stressers," Subjectivity and the lyric Swinburne, A. S. Syllabic principle of versification
Taine, H. A. Tasso Taylor, Henry Osborn Teasdale, Sara Technique Tennyson, Alfred Thinking without words Thompson, Francis Thoreau, H. D. Time-arts "Timers" Tolman, A. H. Tolstoy Tone-color Tone-feeling Tynan, Katharine, "Planting Bulbs"
Verbal images Voice-waves, photographs of
Walton, Isaac Watts, G. F. Watts-Dunton, Theodore Wells, Carolyn Whistler, James Whitefield, George Whitman, Walt Whitmore, C. E. Whitney, W. D. Whittling Wilkinson, Florence, New Voices Words, the poet's how they convey feeling as current coin an imperfect medium unpoetic embodiment of poetic feeling sound-values and meaning-values Wordsworth, William Wyatt, Edith