Transcriber's Note: The letter 'a' with a macron accent is indicated as a.
Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1868, by WILLIAM T. ADAMS, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the District of Massachusetts
STEREOTYPED BY W. F. BROWN & CO., No. 15 Cornhill, Boston
This work, as its title indicates, is intended for the use of Advanced Classes,—for scholars who are, to some extent, familiar with the principles of pronunciation and syllabication. It is not intended to supersede the ordinary Spelling-Book, but rather to follow it, as a practical application of the pupil's knowledge, not only in spelling, but in dividing and pronouncing the more difficult words in common use.
It is believed that, for Advanced Classes, the plan adopted in this book, of presenting the words without indicating the pronunciation or syllabication, will be found to possess some decided advantages; for the pupil, as in the study of Arithmetic and the Languages, is thereby thrown upon his own resources. This method will certainly test his knowledge, while the dictionary will always be available to supply deficiencies.
The words have been arranged in lessons of thirty each, and numbered for convenience of reference. All classification has been carefully avoided, so that the initial letter, the terminational syllable, or the silent letters shall not be indicated by the preceding word.
It is suggested that, in written lessons, the words be arranged in lines, instead of columns, in order to afford the scholar an occasional exercise in practical syllabication.
Boston, Jan. 9, 1868
1. flageolet 2. dactyl 3. irony 4. hoopoe 5. blasphemous 6. abatable 7. nausea 8. secede 9. elite 10. psalmody 11. subtile 12. cabalistic 13. secession 14. topsy-turvy 15. flagrancy 16. mushroom 17. superficies 18. caustic 19. passable 20. rappee 21. hysterics 22. irradiate 23. abbey 24. asphyxia 25. ellipse 26. italicize 27. daffodil 28. monetary 29. fogy 30. hungrily
1. elixir 2. mustache 3. acknowledgment 4. seniority 5. boa-constrictor 6. quinine 7. sensibility 8. sensational 9. caboose 10. foible 11. iterate 12. daguerrotype 13. penetrable 14. cauterize 15. nauseous 16. banana 17. ellipsis 18. ignominy 19. acoustics 20. dahlia 21. flamingo 22. casuistry 23. horde 24. abbreviate 25. elliptical 26. irrational 27. moneyed 28. casualty 29. secrecy 30. psalter
1. abdominal 2. beau 3. itinerant 4. boatswain 5. succedaneum 6. cabriolet 7. elongation 8. volatile 9. iambic 10. pseudonyme 11. dairy 12. mongrel 13. juvenile 14. sententious 15. atomic 16. hurricane 17. elocution 18. foliaceous 19. cavalcade 20. acquiescence 21. itinerary 22. Jezebel 23. secretion 24. cavalier 25. pyre 26. zigzag 27. dalliance 28. movable 29. movement 30. bivouac
1. cache 2. acquirement 3. bobolink 4. whinnying 5. ignore 6. musketeer 7. Kremlin 8. pyrometer 9. bandanna 10. elopement 11. flagitious 12. horizon 13. aberration 14. catacombs 15. whippoorwill 16. musician 17. peroration 18. quinsy 19. secrete 20. elucidate 21. superfluity 22. sectarian 23. transmitted 24. transmuted 25. cacao 26. succinct 27. iambus 28. catalepsy 29. quintal 30. Bedouins
1. flatulence 2. damageable 3. juxtaposition 4. abeyance 5. elves 6. acquittal 7. fomentation 8. hurtle 9. cavilling 10. bodice 11. jib 12. nautical 13. eludible 14. phantasmagoria 15. zinc 16. labelled 17. rappel 18. sentient 19. cacique 20. rarefy 21. rarity 22. tornadoes 23. ceiling 24. iguana 25. navigable 26. forage 27. sentinel 28. ventricle 29. blackguard 30. elysium
1. abhorrence 2. jacconet 3. monochromatic 4. passover 5. Boeotian 6. pshaw 7. secular 8. flaxy 9. cactus 10. emancipate 11. ibex 12. dandelion 13. justification 14. monopolize 15. catarrh 16. aborigines 17. whirligig 18. superintendent 19. torpedoes 20. pastel 21. atonement 22. foraging 23. celebrity 24. husky 25. emanation 26. adipocere 27. jockey 28. dandruff 29. mucilage 30. penguin
1. bohea 2. pyrotechnic 3. separable 4. daub 5. emasculate 6. cadaverous 7. succory 8. Iliad 9. labial 10. celerity 11. mucus, n. 12. mucous, a. 13. penitential 14. banditti 15. adjacent 16. forbearance 17. forcible 18. hornblende 19. abridgment 20. catastrophe 21. gabion 22. jackal 23. muskmelon 24. perpendicular 25. securely 26. debasement 27. supernumerary 28. embalm 29. sepoy 30. forebode
1. ibidem 2. caduceus 3. abscission 4. embellish 5. katydid 6. debauchee 7. quintessence 8. perplexity 9. mussel 10. g+a+elic 11. befitting 12. hyacinth 13. embarrass 14. adjournment 15. jocose 16. celestial 17. garrison 18. frivolity 19. navy 20. navvy 21. boisterous 22. phantom 23. separately 24. succotash 25. freckle 26. debilitate 27. adjutant 28. embarkation 29. laborer 30. illegible
1. vicarious 2. caesura 3. blamable 4. Nazarene 5. pharisee 6. garrulous 7. embezzle 8. horoscope 9. catchup 10. absence 11. debonair 12. jacketed 13. boll 14. monosyllable 15. pathetic 16. foregoing 17. psychology 18. sedative 19. cafe 20. emblematical 21. pathology 22. Mussulman 23. catechise 24. gaff 25. zodiacal 26. debris 27. atrocity 28. kaleidoscope 29. abstemious 30. foreigner
1. debut 2. hybrid 3. admiralty 4. celestine 5. joggle 6. pennant 7. emblazon 8. mucilaginous 9. supersede 10. friseur 11. python 12. transparency 13. caique 14. Septuagint 15. embodiment 16. pennyroyal 17. Celtic 18. neap-tide 19. gasconade 20. succulent 21. illiberal 22. banian 23. decade 24. laboratory 25. sediment 26. adolescence 27. frolicsome 28. horrible 29. emboguing 30. abstrusely
1. musquash 2. catechism 3. plausible 4. quittance 5. bolster 6. forensic 7. decalogue 8. sedentary 9. caisson 10. perseverance 11. monotheism 12. Icarian 13. supersedure 14. sepulchral 15. behavior 16. gainsaid 17. whetstone 18. keelhaul 19. academician 20. embracement 21. adscititious 22. hydra 23. embowelling 24. gaseous 25. deceased 26. diseased 27. joinery 28. monomania 29. cement 30. pharisaic
1. frontier 2. raspberry 3. sepulchre 4. bomb 5. pharmaceutic 6. decennial 7. embrasure 8. caitiff 9. illicit 10. gasometer 11. muddied 12. deceptibility 13. labyrinth 14. blanc-mange 15. adulation 16. embrocation 17. forerunner 18. hors de combat 19. accelerate 20. jaguar 21. categorical 22. mutineer 23. patois 24. garish 25. ratable 26. sequester 27. emersion 28. sudorific 29. transportable 30. ratafia
1. forestall 2. monotony 3. bombardment 4. iceberg 5. patriarch 6. cajolery 7. keelson 8. atrophy 9. gala-day 10. accentuation 11. deciduous 12. advancement 13. frontlet 14. embryo 15. hydraulics 16. cenotaph 17. jointure 18. Neapolitan 19. gastric 20. pentateuch 21. decimate 22. recommend 23. shallop 24. superstitious 25. recompense 26. emetic 27. zoology 28. muezzin 29. illimitable 30. lacerate
1. Pentecost 2. calabash 3. banqueting 4. advertise 5. gastritis 6. emeute 7. declamation 8. foretelling 9. hortatory 10. catering 11. acceptable 12. jalap 13. regatta 14. persimmon 15. Galatians 16. myriad 17. sequestration 18. suet 19. bombastic 20. declension 21. regicide 22. calaboose 23. emissary 24. forfeiture 25. personify 26. kennelling 27. caterwaul 28. behoove 29. Icelandic 30. accessary
1. eminence 2. hydrocephalus 3. fructification 4. censer 5. censor 6. adze 7. joist 8. declination 9. neat's-foot 10. gastronomy 11. shamming 12. pharmacy 13. bombazine 14. renovate 15. pharynx 16. caterpillar 17. frugality 18. lachrymose 19. calcareous 20. whiskey 21. aegis 22. emission 23. gauge 24. illision 25. declivity 26. emmet 27. formality 28. cathedral 29. horticulture 30. accessible
1. decrement 2. jam 3. galiot 4. moralist 5. patrician 6. renunciation 7. boneset 8. seraglio 9. formidable 10. supervise 11. attenuate 12. empanel 13. calcine 14. ichneumon 15. morass 16. ratios 17. galleon 18. phoenix 19. kernel 20. acclamation 21. emollient 22. emolument 23. census 24. fruition 25. aerial 26. hydrogen 27. decrepit 28. jonquil 29. gauntlet 30. mulatto
1. peppery 2. rattan 3. bonfire 4. shampooing 5. dedicatory 6. frustration 7. pickerel 8. calendar 9. baptistery 10. illiterate 11. mulch 12. lackey 13. emphasize 14. +a+erolite 15. gavel 16. empiric 17. formulary 18. illness 19. catholicism 20. acclimation 21. gallery 22. jamb 23. belladonna 24. myrmidon 25. deducible 26. perspicacity 27. reconciliation 28. fortuitous 29. seraph 30. viceroy
1. suffice 2. bonito 3. recondite 4. pittance 5. calender 6. myrrh 7. kerosene 8. empyrean 9. accommodate 10. impression 11. fugacious 12. +a+eronaut 13. journalize 14. centaur 15. whizzing 16. gazette 17. defalcation 18. pheasant 19. empiricist 20. shampooes 21. belles-lettres 22. nebula 23. plenipotentiary 24. nebulae 25. defamation 26. impassable 27. impassible 28. license 29. affiliation 30. laconic
1. calipers 2. fugue 3. gallinaceous 4. emulation 5. catholicity 6. defendable 7. emulgent 8. caudal 9. fulcrum 10. incestuous 11. accompaniment 12. journeying 13. bon-mot 14. moresque 15. gallinipper 16. phenomenon 17. ratiocination 18. defensible 19. supinely 20. truncated 21. fulfil 22. ventriloquist 23. caliph 24. morocco 25. philanthropy 26. attrition 27. galloon 28. lacquer 29. impressment 30. accomplice
1. fossil 2. centipede 3. emulsive 4. caudle 5. deference 6. illogical 7. affirmative 8. janitor 9. bonneted 10. gazetteer 11. mulct 12. picnic 13. reconnoissance 14. deficiency 15. sufficient 16. picturesque 17. calisthenics 18. Janizary 19. fossilized 20. muleteer 21. baptizable 22. gearing 23. agglomerate 24. enamour 25. inchoate 26. encircling 27. foundery 28. centralize 29. illuminate 30. accordion
1. myrtle 2. galloping 3. pitying 4. book-keeper 5. deflection 6. rational 7. caul 8. fragile 9. supplant 10. calker 11. mysterious 12. transposition 13. encore 14. pitied 15. imprimis 16. khan 17. cauliflower 18. aureola 19. gallows 20. accoutre 21. degeneracy 22. fulminate 23. encomium 24. impeachment 25. centrifugal 26. aggrandize 27. joust 28. gee (to the right) 29. necessarily 30. plenteous
1. deglutition 2. reconnoitre 3. pleonasm 4. boomerang 5. fulness 6. necessity 7. lacteal 8. calla-lily 9. deify 10. encouragement 11. barbecue 12. centripetal 13. incidence 14. gelatine 15. aide-de-camp 16. calliope 17. encyclopaedia 18. fragilely 19. delectable 20. illusion 21. galoche 22. accretion 23. japanning 24. boreal 25. frangibility 26. morphine 27. philippic 28. rattling 29. galvanize 30. philology
1. auricular 2. delegate 3. endemic 4. casual 5. causal 6. frankincense 7. improbable 8. acerbity 9. kidnap 10. gamboge 11. fumigate 12. delicious 13. impede 14. endue 15. alabaster 16. Gemini 17. zoophyte 18. borough 19. mulish 20. fundamental 21. piebald 22. rectangular 23. callous 24. gendarme 25. sheathe 26. energetic 27. piecemeal 28. cephalic 29. lager-beer 30. barilla
1. fungi 2. alchemist 3. delineate 4. impromptu 5. genealogy 6. fraternize 7. delinquent 8. incipient 9. gambol 10. energize 11. achromatic 12. jargonelle 13. mysticism 14. pivot 15. botanist 16. fraudulence 17. ravelling 18. suffocate 19. calumet 20. seraphim 21. truncheon 22. veracious 23. deliquesce 24. suffragan 25. causality 26. placable 27. kidnapper 28. belvedere 29. gambrel 30. engorge
1. enfilade 2. funnel 3. illustrious 4. delirium 5. generic 6. alcoholic 7. jubilant 8. necrology 9. plethora 10. botanize 11. furlough 12. rectifying 13. chameleon 14. engineer 15. supplement 16. deleterious 17. transubstantiation 18. incision 19. supplementary 20. pleurisy 21. cerate 22. lamely 23. Benedict 24. generalize 25. engrossment 26. frenzy 27. cereal 28. enigma 29. en masse 30. imageable
1. camelopard 2. impel 3. genet 4. amphitheatre 5. jubilee 6. neighed 7. bowlder 8. pigeon 9. rectilineal 10. shechinah 11. demeanor 12. furze 13. neophyte 14. chargeable 15. sycophancy 16. pilaster 17. enrolment 18. lamprey 19. incitement 20. geniality 21. en route 22. friar 23. cerement 24. imagery 25. antarctic 26. demigod 27. goal 28. gaol 29. jasper 30. obnoxious
1. campaign 2. bourgeois 3. fricassee 4. oboe 5. ensemble 6. placard 7. realization 8. demise 9. serenade 10. ceremonial 11. supposititious 12. placid 13. gape 14. kilderkin 15. improvident 16. fascine 17. ensconce 18. impenetrability 19. charge d'affaires 20. applicability 21. judgment 22. demijohn 23. genii 24. obloquy 25. pliers 26. recuperate 27. syllabication 28. bourn 29. sheik 30. furtively
1. obscenity 2. trapezium 3. campanologist 4. plugging 5. democracy 6. landau 7. charioteer 8. genteelly 9. inclemency 10. entablature 11. entailment 12. frieze 13. certificate 14. imaginary 15. demoiselle 16. gardener 17. bourse 18. alibi 19. jaundice 20. enterprise 21. nectarine 22. frigate 23. philter 24. camphor 25. really 26. realize 27. suppurate 28. demoniacal 29. garget 30. impugn
1. trapezoid 2. cerulean 3. nefarious 4. phlebotomize 5. kiln 6. fusee 7. impenitent 8. charlatan 9. judicature 10. demolition 11. gentian 12. bovine 13. nephew 14. anagram 15. pillaging 16. Canaanite 17. fusibility 18. severity 19. enthronement 20. recusant 21. syllogism 22. demoralize 23. try-sail 24. gentility 25. trysting 26. shekel 27. wholesale 28. charlotte-russe 29. nepotism 30. inclinable
1. cervical 2. enticement 3. demulcent 4. frigidity 5. imbecile 6. bowling 7. antecedent 8. geographical 9. javelin 10. obscurity 11. cancelling 12. plagiarism 13. frippery 14. redeemable 15. plumbago 16. serge 17. entomology 18. supremacy 19. chastisable 20. travelled 21. pillory 22. denunciation 23. obsequies 24. impulsion 25. Gordian 26. imperative 27. chasseur 28. entombment 29. demy 30. fustian
1. garlic 2. Brahmin 3. candescence 4. apposite 5. girandole 6. judiciary 7. futile 8. obsequious 9. dentifrice 10. plumb 11. sherbet 12. entree 13. sylvan 14. plaguing 15. languid 16. obsolete 17. cessation 18. gravy 19. garlicky 20. incognito 21. enumerate 22. cession 23. session 24. geology 25. imbecility 26. deodorize 27. alignement 28. jealousy 29. zouave 30. brazier
1. phlegm 2. Candlemas 3. reasonably 4. envelop, v. 5. envelope, n. 6. gorge 7. impunity 8. check-rein 9. negligence 10. dependence 11. rebuffed 12. shillalah 13. phlegmatic 14. kirtle 15. auscultation 16. gist 17. imperceptible 18. chateau 19. enunciate 20. anachronism 21. depletion 22. juggler 23. plaguy 24. breathe 25. Nereids 26. plumber 27. redolent 28. cannibalism 29. sergeant 30. surfeited
1. deponent 2. enveloping 3. nether 4. incoherent 5. cesspool 6. reenact 7. greasiness 8. pimento 9. barytone 10. languor 11. depot 12. chagrin 13. imbroglio 14. antediluvial 15. environ 16. jejune 17. geomancy 18. occident 19. brevet 20. rebellion 21. cannonade 22. tubercle 23. sheriff 24. symbol 25. tubercular 26. depositary 27. recapitulate 28. occult 29. chalcedony 30. authenticity
1. epaulet 2. plaice 3. kitchen 4. impurity 5. gorgeous 6. imperial 7. depreciate 8. aeolian 9. chemical 10. appraisement 11. jugular 12. occiput 13. glacier 14. reducible 15. surgeon 16. breviary 17. treasonable 18. oceanic 19. sermonize 20. canonical 21. ephemeral 22. reengage 23. depredate 24. vicinage 25. plummet 26. Laodicean 27. cherubim 28. greenness 29. barometer 30. incommode
1. ephod 2. brevier 3. imitable 4. deprivation 5. alimony 6. chalice 7. jelly 8. ochre 9. phlox 10. recede 11. geometry 12. symbolic 13. imputable 14. serous 15. treacle 16. canonize 17. epicene 18. symmetry 19. deputize 20. receivable 21. chalybeate 22. neutrality 23. phonography 24. knack 25. gorget 26. epic 27. derangement 28. imperious 29. brigantine 30. analogy
1. juice 2. octagonal 3. chestnut 4. reechoes 5. serrated 6. glacis 7. pimpernel 8. incomparable 9. shiny 10. cantata 11. Epicurean 12. surmise 13. dereliction 14. refinement 15. surname 16. chevron 17. Nicene 18. gregarious 19. pinafore 20. lapidary 21. geometrician 22. derisive 23. immaculate 24. brilliancy 25. anterior 26. jeopardy 27. negotiate 28. challengeable 29. plaid 30. epidemic
1. receipt 2. shoddy 3. cantos 4. symbolize 5. tubular 6. derogate 7. receptacle 8. sympathy 9. gormand 10. inability 11. octillion 12. chamberlain 13. plainness 14. jeopardize 15. epiglottis 16. epidermis 17. impertinence 18. derivative 19. gladiator 20. briny 21. appreciable 22. juicy 23. neuralgia 24. cheveril 25. plurality 26. reference 27. surmountable 28. literally 29. surplice 30. refitting
1. epigastric 2. canvas 3. canvass 4. plutonic 5. dervis 6. ocular 7. Gregorian 8. juncture 9. chibouque 10. incompatible 11. derrick 12. epigram 13. chamfer 14. immanence 15. geoponics 16. aliquot 17. caoutchouc 18. knapsack 19. nicety 20. phosphate 21. Rechabite 22. sympathize 23. grenade 24. serviceable 25. britannia 26. treatise 27. inaccurate 28. nickel 29. descant 30. knavery
1. epilepsy 2. champagne 3. champaign 4. gormandize 5. benedicite 6. gladiolus 7. chicanery 8. imperturbable 9. analysis 10. larboard 11. descendible 12. niche 13. pincers 14. reflex 15. capacitate 16. symphony 17. verbatim 18. brochure 19. shoeing 20. tuition 21. vituperation 22. nictitate 23. symptomatic 24. incompetence 25. benefice 26. trepanned 27. vicissitude 28. surrogate 29. epilogue 30. larceny
1. episcopacy 2. chamois 3. immaterial 4. gerfalcon 5. anthracite 6. describable 7. jerkin 8. oculist 9. plaintiff 10. plaintive 11. bronze 12. recipe 13. servile 14. cap-a-pie 15. surreptitious 16. tumefy 17. reciprocal 18. Odyssey 19. chimpanzee 20. kneading 21. autopsy 22. gossamer 23. inadequate 24. desecration 25. epitaph 26. episode 27. glandulous 28. apprentice 29. chimera 30. impervious
1. junior 2. descension 3. odoriferous 4. bruit 5. pneumatics 6. refractorily 7. caparison 8. shote 9. synagogue 10. epistolary 11. surtout 12. descry 13. oesophagus 14. refragable 15. china-aster 16. largess 17. bronchial 18. barony 19. incompletely 20. grenadier 21. desiccation 22. epithalamium 23. immeasurable 24. bryonia 25. germane 26. alkaline 27. chancel 28. Jesuit 29. nightingale 30. reciprocity
1. servilely 2. capillary 3. synchronism 4. epitome 5. nitre 6. inamorata 7. phosphorus, n. 8. phosphorous, a. 9. chanticleer 10. recognition 11. trepidation 12. gossiping 13. knick-knack 14. auxiliary 15. designation 16. impetus 17. desideratum 18. glebe 19. analytical 20. buccaneer 21. epithet 22. chintz 23. juniper 24. nitrate 25. pinnace 26. refrangible 27. incomprehensibility 28. shotting 29. surveillance 30. nitrogen
1. epitomize 2. capitulation 3. barouche 4. despatch 5. refugee 6. tunnelling 7. chiropodist 8. verbena 9. larghetto 10. gray 11. epoch 12. immemorial 13. changeable 14. germ 15. antechamber 16. desperado 17. jet-d'eau 18. buckram 19. offering 20. pneumonia 21. recitative 22. syncope 23. capricious 24. officially 25. plait 26. suspicion 27. Gothamite 28. desuetude 29. recognize 30. equable
1. poesy 2. chaos 3. benefiting 4. inanimate 5. glimpse 6. desquamation 7. implacable 8. approximate 9. chirography 10. epsom-salts 11. junketing 12. officered 13. refrigerator 14. bucolic 15. pinnacle 16. settee 17. capsize 18. susceptible 19. officiate 20. larva 21. syndic 22. trestle 23. desultory 24. refulgency 25. shovelful 26. equalling 27. benzole 28. chirrup 29. incongruous 30. wholly
1. immerse 2. chapeau 3. germinate 4. detergent 5. allegation 6. captious 7. jettison 8. equality 9. nocturnal 10. photography 11. avalanche 12. recognizance 13. equanimity 14. shovelling 15. inanition 16. synecdoche 17. Buddhist 18. nomadic 19. gesticulate 20. regime 21. tupelo 22. characterize 23. phraseology 24. detestable 25. knotty 26. deterioration 27. gloaming 28. implement 29. chirurgeon 30. antimony
1. equalize 2. juntos 3. capuchin 4. noisy 5. pinnated 6. regalia 7. anarchy 8. seven-night 9. suspicious 10. detonating 11. barrenness 12. inconsolable 13. noiseless 14. buffalo 15. reparation 16. triennial 17. pioneer 18. chisel 19. larvae 20. globule 21. equanimity 22. immersion 23. gothic 24. chivalry 25. anticipation 26. jeu d'esprit 27. detour 28. longe 29. officious 30. recollect
1. caravansary 2. planning 3. shrapnel 4. regiment 5. inanity 6. whooping-cough 7. offsetting 8. bulletin 9. gouging 10. planetary 11. equestrian 12. knowledge 13. characteristic 14. avaricious 15. detrimental 16. grievance 17. equatorial 18. aquafortis 19. cinnamon 20. jurisprudence 21. implicate 22. mademoiselle 23. offset 24. detraction 25. poignancy 26. regally 27. synod 28. repartee 29. poisonous 30. equalization
1. equerry 2. inconstancy 3. Madonna 4. bullion 5. oleaginous 6. griffin 7. deuce 8. basalt 9. laryngeal 10. chiselling 11. gesture 12. chloride 13. immigrant 14. bunion 15. allegory 16. devastation 17. jeweller 18. lurid 19. carbonaceous 20. nomenclature 21. phrenology 22. regurgitate 23. severely 24. equidistant 25. sustenance 26. inaudible 27. luscious 28. chloroform 29. phthisic 30. device
1. equilateral 2. nonchalance 3. knurly 4. gourd 5. bequeath 6. implicitly 7. anathema 8. cinque 9. glorification 10. bureau 11. juryman 12. madrigal 13. develop 14. equinoctial 15. oleander 16. pippin 17. carbuncle 18. repelling 19. shrievalty 20. synonyme 21. incontinence 22. bergamot 23. magazine 24. cipher 25. pique 26. reimburse 27. grimalkin 28. nondescript 29. devoir 30. equipage
1. chocolate 2. equilibrium 3. gewgaw 4. imminence 5. burgher 6. antipodes 7. jewelry 8. devolvement 9. lustreless 10. olfactory 11. carcass 12. planisphere 13. rehearsal 14. turbaned 15. diabolical 16. inaugurate 17. luxuriance 18. average 19. cholera 20. oligarchy 21. reindeer 22. gouty 23. plantain 24. equivalent 25. kraken 26. glossary 27. Circean 28. implied 29. aqueduct 30. dexterity
1. justiciary 2. triglyph 3. burlesque 4. equinox 5. magi 6. polacca 7. cardiac 8. repetition 9. suzerain 10. equipoise 11. repletion 12. diachylon 13. lyceum 14. basement 15. polarity 16. circuitous 17. olio 18. lascivious 19. incontrovertible 20. grindstone 21. diadem 22. ghastliness 23. chord 24. equivocate 25. immobility 26. careen 27. allopathic 28. lassitude 29. eradicate 30. magician
1. nonillion 2. ghostly 3. phylactery 4. reiterate 5. dialectic 6. avoirdupois 7. Inca 8. synonymous 9. Christendom 10. erasable 11. lying 12. notable 13. trigonometry 14. physician 15. liege 16. glottis 17. importable 18. circumambient 19. anatomical 20. legitimate 21. diagonal 22. erase 23. lye 24. nonpareil 25. caricature 26. magistracy 27. piquet 28. turbine 29. reportorial 30. swathe
1. piratical 2. erectile 3. glue 4. inconvenient 5. circumference 6. noticing 7. basilicon 8. magna charta 9. dialogue 10. loadstone 11. immolation 12. graciously 13. chorister 14. antiquarian 15. lasso 16. diametrical 17. Olympian 18. relative 19. sewer 20. carnivorous 21. synopsis 22. erelong 23. plantigrade 24. turbot 25. relaxation 26. diaphragm 27. plateau 28. lymphatic 29. chromatic 30. omnific
1. erroneous 2. lien 3. gradually 4. beryl 5. incandescence 6. ermine 7. grizzly 8. circumcise 9. aquiline 10. importunity 11. leguminous 12. diapason 13. magnanimity 14. omelet 15. polarization 16. carolling 17. reprehend 18. shrimp 19. errata 20. Swedenborgian 21. Trinitarian 22. diarrhoea 23. magnate 24. polemic 25. circumstantial 26. omnipotent 27. requisition 28. incorporate 29. loath 30. besotted
1. erudition 2. chrome 3. ghoul 4. diatribe 5. immortalize 6. allspice 7. carotid 8. wilful 9. noticeable 10. giaour 11. physiognomy 12. lathe 13. reliable 14. eruption 15. novelist 16. chronicle 17. sexagesimal 18. synoptical 19. awning 20. turbulency 21. relievable 22. dictatorial 23. physiology 24. lieutenant 25. incantation 26. dicky 27. gluten 28. circumvallation 29. ancestry 30. eructation
1. impossible 2. carouse 3. leisure 4. magnesia 5. notoriety 6. pirouette 7. rescind 8. dictionary 9. erysipelas 10. windlass 11. shrivelled 12. circus 13. swivel 14. basilisk 15. residuary 16. glutinous 17. gluttonous 18. piscatory 19. incorrect 20. loathe 21. escalade 22. immovable 23. chronology 24. antique 25. grammarian 26. didactic 27. lath 28. magnetic 29. carrageen 30. omnipresence
1. platina 2. bestiality 3. lyrical 4. relic 5. chrysalis 6. omnivorous 7. sextant 8. escheat 9. reluctancy 10. grampus 11. platitude 12. diaeresis 13. macaroni 14. lieu 15. incapacitate 16. impostor 17. groin 18. cirrus 19. escarpment 20. arabesque 21. diary 22. leisurely 23. magnificence 24. carrion 25. omniscient 26. policy 27. reservoir 28. syntactical 29. eschew 30. macadamize
1. dietary 2. on-dit 3. resin 4. cisalpine 5. politely 6. incorrigible 7. macaroon 8. escorting 9. loathsome 10. grommet 11. escritoire 12. immunity 13. churl 14. alluvial 15. gibberish 16. carronade 17. latitudinarian 18. maguey 19. novitiate 20. pianist 21. differential 22. resonant 23. sibilant 24. groschen 25. swop 26. chyle 27. now-a-days 28. esculent 29. macaw 30. incarcerate
1. gibbet 2. tripartite 3. pibroch 4. diffusible 5. ligament 6. Escurial 7. impotent 8. citadel 9. anchorite 10. grandee 11. lemma 12. carte-blanche 13. mahogany 14. noxious 15. pistachio 16. diffidence 17. remediable 18. sextillion 19. synthesis 20. tureen 21. escutcheon 22. nucleus 23. citation 24. Mahometan 25. sibyl 26. victimize 27. incredible 28. digestible 29. pistareen 30. lobelia
1. digital 2. grandeur 3. impalpably 4. espalier 5. antithesis 6. lattice 7. cartel 8. maccoboy 9. onslaught 10. platonic 11. incendiary 12. sycamine 13. Macedonian 14. respiration 15. triphthong 16. chyme 17. oolong 18. verd-antique 19. esplanade 20. gibbeted 21. sycamore 22. dilapidation 23. sibylline 24. plausible 25. ligneous 26. impracticable 27. especially 28. arbiter 29. digression 30. grotesque
1. lemonade 2. mailable 3. onyx 4. cartilaginous 5. politician 6. sextuple 7. remediless 8. espionage 9. synthetic 10. incredulity 11. macerate 12. citrate 13. oozy 14. turkeys 15. espousal 16. respite 17. gnash 18. pollack 19. locate 20. dilemma 21. diligence 22. essayist 23. cicatrice 24. grandiloquence 25. impanel 26. almond 27. cartoon 28. laudable 29. maintenance 30. nuisance
1. maize 2. pica 3. reminiscence 4. shah 5. syringa 6. cicatrize 7. numismatic 8. trisyllable 9. essential 10. victualler 11. gibbous 12. picaroon 13. dimension 14. lignum-vitae 15. incense 16. grottos 17. imprecation 18. civilian 19. anaconda 20. essence 21. dilution 22. lengthily 23. cartouch 24. Machiavelian 25. nullification 26. pistole 27. sycophant 28. machination 29. responsible 30. Sicilian
1. aesthetics 2. nuncio 3. tumeric 4. civilization 5. verdigris 6. pistil 7. loch 8. diminish 9. increment 10. gneiss 11. granite 12. impanelling 13. cigar 14. etherization 15. aorta 16. diocesan 17. laundry 18. machinery 19. cartridge 20. opaque 21. plebeian 22. remissible 23. shalloon 24. incentive 25. syringe 26. trituration 27. mackintosh 28. cicerone 29. operate 30. ethnography
1. gibe 2. victuals 3. diploma 4. pleasurable 5. lily 6. diorama 7. impregn 8. arborescent 9. clandestine 10. groundsel 11. lenient 12. ethics 13. mackerel 14. opacity 15. casern 16. polyanthus 17. turmoil 18. incubation 19. restitution 20. sickle 21. diphthong 22. malapert 23. etiquette 24. operating 25. remittance 26. remittent 27. clairvoyant 28. vying 29. poltroon 30. locomotion
1. diphtheria 2. ciliary 3. granivorous 4. Etruscan 5. aloes 6. impartial 7. laureate 8. casque 9. mesdames 10. incur 11. nuptial 12. withhold 13. picayune 14. resume 15. cymbal 16. reveille 17. nutritious 18. sidereal 19. systematic 20. etymology 21. triumvir 22. pickaninny 23. inflection 24. limited 25. incessant 26. group 27. impregnable 28. clangor 29. anacreontic 30. disaster
1. eucharist 2. lens 3. cassava 4. Madeira 5. individuality 6. nunnery 7. pitapat 8. incubus 9. oaths 10. resurrection 11. sirocco 12. clarinet 13. malediction 14. tapioca 15. turquoise 16. piteous 17. eulogium 18. lodgement 19. innuendoes 20. disbursement 21. apathy 22. incurable 23. cimeter 24. laurel 25. euphony 26. manna 27. gigantic 28. ophthalmia 29. discernible 30. Pleiades
1. cassia 2. mania 3. opium 4. abasement 5. removable 6. siege 7. systematize 8. trivial 9. Cimmerian 10. resuscitate 11. plenary 12. granulate 13. limn 14. inflexible 15. eureka 16. indoctrinate 17. gnomon 18. wiry 19. archaeology 20. eulogize 21. leonine 22. malefactor 23. discharging 24. opiate 25. acidity 26. polygamy 27. sirup 28. cassimere 29. opodeldoc 30. remunerate
1. malefeasance 2. tapis 3. retaliatory 4. clavicle 5. euroclydon 6. polyglot 7. logarithm 8. disciple 9. inoculate 10. grouse 11. European 12. alpaca 13. cinchona 14. incursion 15. lavender 16. disciplinarian 17. maleformation 18. obduracy 19. cassowary 20. polypus 21. sierra 22. gillyflower 23. manoeuvring 24. rencounter 25. tabernacle 26. disclaimer 27. malice 28. evacuation 29. rendition 30. polysyllable
1. obelisk 2. cincture 3. witticism 4. graphic 5. influential 6. anecdote 7. disclosure 8. Euterpean 9. clayey 10. leopard 11. indorse 12. manoeuvre 13. obeisance 14. caste 15. Portuguese 16. gnostics 17. sizable 18. euthanasy 19. retch 20. tarantula 21. turreted 22. discomfiture 23. manor 24. possession 25. troche 26. reticence 27. obesity 28. logical 29. clepsydra 30. inodorous
1. gimbals 2. clergyman 3. aperture 4. evanescent 5. indebted 6. laxity 7. malicious 8. castellan 9. opossum 10. precursor 11. siesta 12. disconnect 13. rendezvous 14. tablature 15. attache 16. malign 17. tutelary 18. evangelical 19. predatory 20. renegade 21. opportune 22. climacteric 23. lineament 24. graphite 25. influenza 26. archetype 27. gnu 28. indorsable 29. codicil 30. leper
1. discommode 2. mansuetude 3. opponent 4. primitive 5. skeleton 6. woad 7. retention 8. tariff 9. evangelize 10. reticule 11. disconcert 12. mantel 13. primogeniture 14. compelling 15. opposite 16. loiter 17. inquiry 18. collateral 19. guana 20. guano 21. eviction 22. amalgamate 23. compendium 24. indecent 25. layman 26. climatology 27. mall 28. gimlet 29. obligatory 30. Penrhyn
1. polytechnic 2. renewable 3. competency 4. sieve 5. tableau 6. eviscerate 7. malmsey 8. clique 9. maltese 10. obliquity 11. grasshopper 12. polytheism 13. lingual 14. information 15. discus, n. 16. discous, a. 17. evincible 18. competitor 19. anemometer 20. indubitable 21. leprosy 22. colleague 23. malleable 24. goblin 25. gobelin 26. oblique 27. posterity 28. discriminate 29. retiracy 30. skewer
1. manumitting 2. complacency 3. tartar 4. ewe 5. oblivion 6. trombone 7. collegian 8. posthumous 9. longevity 10. inquisition 11. clyster 12. exacerbate 13. aphorism 14. indecisive 15. complaisance 16. lazaretto 17. ginning 18. maraschino 19. discrepancy 20. optician 21. predecessor 22. rennet 23. coadjutor 24. sigil 25. table d'hote 26. guarantee 27. retrievable 28. exaggerate 29. marauder 30. predicament
1. optimist 2. complement 3. mameluke 4. Linnaean 5. infringement 6. gratefully 7. archipelago 8. collision 9. inducement 10. exaction 11. lethargy 12. discursive 13. complementary 14. complimentary 15. maltreat 16. opprobrious 17. prismatic 18. retribution 19. discretionary 20. skilful 21. tasselled 22. colloquy 23. twelfth 24. retrocession 25. volcanoes 26. privilege 27. optional 28. marchioness 29. exaltation 30. loquacious
1. discussion 2. amaranthine 3. complexion 4. indeclinable 5. exemplary 6. lazzaroni 7. mamma 8. coagulation 9. oracle 10. gingham 11. pomatum 12. retrograde 13. excavator 14. signature 15. mammalia 16. disembogue 17. tabooing 18. troubadour 19. compliance 20. orally 21. pomegranate 22. linseed 23. coalesce 24. infusion 25. gratuitous 26. Anglican 27. exasperate 28. Lethean 29. disease 30. induction
1. complicity 2. marigold 3. oracular 4. collusion 5. gondola 6. postilion 7. compliment 8. ribbon 9. marital 10. skirmish 11. tattoo 12. twinge 13. disembowel 14. orang-outang 15. postponement 16. colocynth 17. insatiable 18. guardian 19. losable 20. exceeding 21. apocalypse 22. coalition 23. indecorous 24. excel 25. league 26. mammoth 27. disfranchise 28. pacha 29. gingle 30. prediction
1. revealing 2. compositor 3. manacle 4. pacification 5. significant 6. tabouret 7. coax 8. trousers 9. revelling 10. excerpt 11. preferable 12. linsey-woolsey 13. disgraceful 14. infusible 15. gravelly 16. indurate 17. cologne 18. lettuce 19. gong 20. architecture 21. disgorge 22. maritime 23. panacea 24. excellence 25. probability 26. skiver 27. concatenation 28. marjoram 29. ricochet 30. tautog
1. pancreas 2. twinging 3. concealing 4. guava 5. probity 6. woful 7. excessively 8. colonelcy 9. lottery 10. inscription 11. giraffe 12. amateur 13. conceit 14. indefatigable 15. cobalt 16. leaguing 17. manageable 18. exchangeable 19. oratorical 20. pommel 21. revenue 22. disguise 23. silesia 24. taxable 25. trousseau 26. excise 27. pommelling 28. manikin 29. cochineal 30. gravitate
1. orchestra 2. conceive 3. infusoria 4. liquefy 5. liquidate 6. colonnade 7. industrial 8. gooseberry 9. animalcule 10. dishevel 11. levee 12. exchequer 13. marketing 14. oratorio 15. concentric 16. postscript 17. sclerotic 18. tacit 19. louis d'or 20. tympanum 21. vigil 22. colored 23. marline 24. posy 25. ricochetting 26. upholsterer 27. excision 28. orchis 29. gubernatorial 30. inscrutable
1. disenthrall 2. apogee 3. conception 4. gudgeon 5. indefeasible 6. cockatrice 7. leanness 8. mandamus 9. excitable 10. pacifier 11. prejudice 12. concession 13. ridicule 14. silica 15. hauteur 16. taciturnity 17. typhoon 18. cocoanut 19. prejudicial 20. paean 21. exclusion 22. mandarin 23. lovable 24. disk 25. ingenious 26. habeas corpus 27. archives 28. colosseum 29. inebriate 30. disjunctive
1. levelling 2. marmalade 3. conch 4. pandemonium 5. proboscis 6. exclamation 7. reverberate 8. skull 9. scull 10. taxidermist 11. herbarium 12. procedure 13. proceeding 14. dislodgement 15. panegyric 16. mandolin 17. columbine 18. righteous 19. insectile 20. excommunicate 21. excoriate 22. cocoon 23. ambassador 24. guerdon 25. indefensible 26. dismally 27. leash 28. comeliness 29. ordeal 30. pomology
1. reverential 2. conciliate 3. manes 4. silicious 5. conchology 6. excrescence 7. tactician 8. reversion 9. coerce 10. organize 11. pomposity 12. havoc 13. litany 14. disparity 15. ingenuous 16. habiliment 17. ineffable 18. coma 19. leviathan 20. excrement 21. anker 22. dismission 23. marquee 24. marque 25. potash 26. concisely 27. ordinance 28. ordnance 29. rigid 30. disparagement
1. mangel-wurzel 2. paganize 3. concoction 4. rimmed 5. potato 6. combustible 7. lozenges 8. Herculean 9. insensible 10. excruciating 11. indefinite 12. coefficient 13. apologetical 14. excursion 15. haversack 16. leaven 17. dispelling 18. manhaden 19. peony 20. prelacy 21. concomitance 22. reversible 23. sillabub 24. guerilla 25. maniacal 26. teachable 27. coercion 28. reverie 29. preliminary 30. pannier
1. execrable 2. manifestoes 3. literally 4. displaceable 5. woollen 6. herbivorous 7. arenaceous 8. combatant 9. inefficient 10. excusable 11. concrete 12. Levitical 13. marquis 14. panelling 15. rigmarole 16. dispensary 17. slaty 18. taffrail 19. hacienda 20. marriageable 21. executor 22. teapoy 23. rioting 24. concupiscence 25. typhus 26. process 27. dispersion 28. inseparable 29. maroon 30. marroon
1. guidable 2. cogitation 3. exegesis 4. ambitious 5. disposable 6. indelible 7. ledger 8. concurrent 9. manipulate 10. orgeat 11. pongee 12. revetement 13. similarity 14. condenser 15. manitou 16. exemption 17. talcose 18. disputation 19. revivify 20. oriel 21. cognomen 22. pontiff 23. literati 24. ingredient 25. hawser 26. potency 27. exemplify 28. comestible 29. annalist 30. hackmatack
1. deposition 2. inertia 3. levying 4. marrowfat 5. orgies 6. risible 7. condescension 8. sleazy 9. tease 10. exequatur 11. marshalling 12. riveted 13. condiment 14. potentially 15. disquisition 16. orient 17. comfiture 18. lucidity 19. hereditament 20. insertion 21. exegetical 22. apologue 23. cognizance 24. indemnify 25. guildhall 26. leeward 27. martello 28. dissection 29. paging 30. premier
1. exercise 2. revivalist 3. simile 4. condolence 5. meretricious 6. revocation 7. talented 8. condonation 9. pageant 10. premonitory 11. lithe 12. disseminate 13. inhabitants 14. hazard 15. cohesible 16. Areopagus 17. inestimable 18. cometary 19. lexicographer 20. meanness 21. disseize 22. panorama 23. procession 24. teasel 25. exfoliation 26. ritual 27. sleighing 28. hackneyed 29. worshipper 30. militia
1. hereditary 2. robin 3. conducible 4. pansy 5. proclamation 6. dissenter 7. lucifer 8. commemoration 9. insidious 10. exhalation 11. guillotine 12. coif 13. ambrosial 14. indenture 15. exhaustible 16. legacy 17. marten 18. martin 19. conductible 20. orifice 21. pontifical 22. rhapsody 23. simplicity 24. dissension 25. talismans 26. hazel-nut 27. martial 28. exhilaration 29. rhetorician 30. pontoon
1. dissertation 2. originally 3. conduit 4. lithograph 5. inhalation 6. halberd 7. anneal 8. confectionery 9. inevitable 10. lexicon 11. dissenting 12. measles 13. oriflamme 14. commensurate 15. pot-pourri 16. technical 17. exhibition 18. rodomontade 19. sleight 20. typify 21. confederacy 22. mechanical 23. technology 24. heresy 25. exhortation 26. oriole 27. pottery 28. roguery 29. lucrative 30. insignia
1. guinea 2. coincidence 3. apoplexy 4. independent 5. dissipation 6. legation 7. meridian 8. conference 9. pagoda 10. preparatory 11. exhumation 12. rhetoric 13. simplify 14. talkative 15. confesser 16. confessor 17. meriting 18. hearken 19. exile 20. pailfuls 21. prerogative 22. colation 23. collation 24. inherent 25. dissuade 26. argillaceous 27. dissolution 28. inexorable 29. commentary 30. halberdier
1. exigency 2. libeller 3. millennium 4. confidant 5. confidante 6. pantomime 7. proclivity 8. roebuck 9. sluice 10. dissonant 11. rheum 12. millinery 13. confidential 14. prodigal 15. Exodus 16. papacy 17. insignificant 18. commiserate 19. lucubration 20. heretical 21. dissyllable 22. guitar 23. ambrotype 24. indestructible 25. confinable 26. confinement 27. legendary 28. ornamenting 29. popinjay 30. exonerate
1. roguish 2. simulate 3. talmud 4. confiscation 5. martingale 6. urbanity 7. distain 8. yacht 9. sniveller 10. inheritance 11. ornithology 12. colic 13. typography 14. poplar 15. liturgy 16. halcyon 17. inextricable 18. distaff 19. liberality 20. medal 21. exorbitant 22. annexation 23. ornate 24. conflagration 25. snath 26. rheumatism 27. rhubarb 28. poudrette 29. sincerely 30. Teutonic
1. medallion 2. battalion 3. hermaphrodite 4. poultice 5. distasteful 6. orotund 7. ludicrous 8. exordium 9. insipid 10. commotion 11. gullibility 12. apostasy 13. collapse 14. indices 15. legerdemain 16. distention 17. merriment 18. painim 19. conformity 20. Presbyterian 21. simultaneous 22. romancer 23. tamarind 24. Ursuline 25. sobriety 26. mesmerism 27. prescience 28. paladin 29. distil 30. dissimilar
1. inhibition 2. confusable 3. livelihood 4. ycleped 5. expansion 6. distich 7. halibut 8. congealable 9. argonaut 10. infallible 11. exotic 12. librarian 13. milliner 14. papillary 15. teetotaler 16. congener 17. prodigious 18. tyrannic 19. rhino 20. expansible 21. sinecure 22. millionnaire 23. distillation 24. usquebaugh 25. lugubrious 26. producible 27. compatible 28. pappoose 29. hermetical 30. insinuate
1. distillery 2. gum-arabic 3. ameliorate 4. congeries 5. indexical 6. legging 7. expatiate 8. martyred 9. celery 10. orphaned 11. populace 12. rondeau 13. sobriquet 14. tambour 15. conglomerate 16. tyrannize 17. extinction 18. usually 19. distraction 20. orthoepy 21. porcelain 22. inhumation 23. marvellous 24. hebdomadal 25. liverwort 26. halyards 27. anniversary 28. distinction 29. infanticide 30. expatriate
1. license 2. congressional 3. mediaeval 4. orrery 5. practicable 6. rhinoceros 7. sinewy 8. cellarage 9. ogee 10. tegument 11. insoluble 12. rhomboid 13. congreve 14. orthography 15. practising 16. expectancy 17. medicament 18. heroic 19. lullaby 20. distraint 21. diurnal 22. gunnery 23. apostrophe 24. crease 25. indicative 26. legible 27. mesne 28. extirpate 29. palanquin 30. prescription
1. sociable 2. congruity 3. rhododendron 4. tandem 5. soi-disant 6. presidential 7. conic 8. palatial 9. expedite 10. hebraism 11. divergence 12. messieurs 13. credential 14. livre 15. inimical 16. expectorant 17. hallelujah 18. divan 19. arguable 20. crystallization 21. infantile 22. licentiate 23. yeast 24. parabola 25. extol 26. proffering 27. ropy 28. singing 29. diverse 30. divers
1. proficiency 2. conjecture 3. parachute 4. rosary 5. minaret 6. extortion 7. lumbago 8. heroism 9. insolvency 10. conjugal 11. indictment 12. diversion 13. amenable 14. expedient 15. legibility 16. credible 17. maskinonge 18. oscillate 19. gunny 20. porcine 21. roseate 22. sinister 23. conjunction 24. porphyry 25. tangential 26. siphon 27. divestible 28. osnaburg 29. ribald 30. masquerade
1. lizard 2. conjure 3. inimitable 4. expedition 5. hecatomb 6. annihilate 7. extractible 8. infatuate 9. crystallotype 10. licorice 11. medicine 12. divertisement 13. osier 14. halloo 15. connascent 16. pragmatical 17. rhymic 18. soiree 19. heron 20. prairie 21. telescope 22. rosemary 23. solace 24. cuckoo 25. medicinal 26. osprey 27. extradition 28. inspiration 29. roster 30. divination
1. gunwale 2. creosote 3. apothecary 4. indictable 5. divisible 6. legislature 7. metallic 8. connection 9. palatinate 10. prestige 11. expel 12. rhythm 13. sinuous 14. hectic 15. pretence 16. tangible 17. connivance 18. palette 19. siren 20. tyranny 21. divorce 22. metalline 23. llama 24. iniquitous 25. expense 26. divinize 27. arid 28. cucumber 29. hallucination 30. extraordinary
1. infectious 2. lief 3. conquerable 4. mineralogy 5. paradigm 6. profited 7. sojourner 8. rosette 9. tellurian 10. profligacy 11. consanguinity 12. usurious 13. solder 14. docility 15. paradisiacal 16. install 17. miniature 18. extravagance 19. lunacy 20. hesitancy 21. cretaceous 22. amerce 23. expiate 24. indigence 25. massacre 26. documentary 27. osseous 28. porpoise 29. gusset 30. rosy
1. sirloin 2. conscience 3. tannin 4. tyro 5. usurpation 6. solemnize 7. extricate 8. mastic 9. ostensible 10. consecrate 11. porringer 12. rouge 13. dogma 14. initial 15. hegira 16. annotation 17. cudgel 18. infer 19. doggerel 20. mediocre 21. conservatism 22. ossification 23. extravasation 24. prebend 25. halo 26. sacrilege 27. crevasse 28. solecism 29. temerity 30. expiatory
1. soubrette 2. consequential 3. mediocrity 4. ostentatious 5. installation 6. precarious 7. ubiquity 8. dogmatist 9. Sadducee 10. heterodox 11. dolorous 12. gustatory 13. apothegm 14. consignee 15. indigenous 16. explanatory 17. metallurgy 18. palette-knife 19. cuirass 20. pretension 21. pretentious 22. roue 23. solely 24. tansy 25. consistory 26. solicit 27. usury 28. tantalize 29. expletive 30. initiate
1. dominie 2. metamorphose 3. palfrey 4. heifer 5. rouge-et-noir 6. hames 7. inference 8. crevice 9. aristocracy 10. domicile 11. extrinsic 12. minie-ball 13. cuirassier 14. paradox 15. progenitor 16. sacristy 17. sortie 18. conscientious 19. tenable 20. ukase 21. souchong 22. domineer 23. programme 24. tenacious 25. consols 26. saffron 27 instalment 28. minion 29. exuberance 30. paraffine
1. explicate 2. amethyst 3. conspicuous 4. gusto 5. dominical 6. indigestible 7. masticate 8. crewel 9. ostracism 10. portable 11. rouleau 12. solidity 13. tantamount 14. conspiracy 15. utilitarian 16. explicit 17. soliloquize 18. donjon 19. dungeon 20. portcullis 21. roulette 22. culinary 23. mastiff 24. injudicious 25. height 26. infidelity 27. crinoline 28. medley 29. dominos 30. handicraft
1. annual 2. constable 3. ostracize 4. exudation 5. preceding 6. sagacious 7. sour-crout 8. pre-ce'dent 9. pre'ce-dent 10. tenacity 11. constituency 12. spacious 13. ulceration 14. eyelid 15. otter 16. instantaneous 17. donkey 18. sagacity 19. meerschaum 20. hexagon 21. gutta-percha 22. colander 23. exploding 24. apotheosis 25. donna 26. donor 27. indirect 28. metaphor 29. crisis 30. paling
1. preterite 2. roundelay 3. soliloquy 4. tendril 5. constabulary 6. pretor 7. inky 8. palisade 9. exploring 10. solstice 11. routine 12. dormitory 13. metaphysical 14. criterion 15. heinous 16. arithmetician 17. Doric 18. handsomely 19. construe 20. infinite 21. eyry 22. ministerial 23. cultivator 24. prohibitory 25. sagamore 26. dormer 27. sovereignty 28. consul 29. tetrarch 30. luminary
1. projectile 2. instigation 3. spaniel 4. consummate 5. parallel 6. salable 7. fabricate 8. hexameter 9. cumin 10. minnow 11. guttural 12. doublet 13. amicable 14. indispensable 15. consumption 16. mastodon 17. ottar 18. exportable 19. porte-monnaie 20. solstitial 21. criticise 22. tenement 23. Utopian 24. volition 25. doubtful 26. solvable 27. tenets 28. contagious 29. aught 30. ought
1. matadore 2. expose 3. heirloom 4. critique 5. inly 6. harangue 7. facade 8. infinitesimal 9. contemporary 10. annunciation 11. melancholy 12. doubloon 13. ottoman 14. spasmodical 15. cupidity 16. theatrical 17. ultimatum 18. prevaricate 19. vigilance 20. uvula 21. contemptible 22. specialty 23. theodolite 24. weevilly 25. douche 26. ousted 27. mellifluous 28. institution 29. cupola 30. hiatus
1. douse 2. gybe 3. apparatus 4. contentious 5. indisputable 6. expressible 7. mete 8. palladium 9. crochet 10. solubility 11. tennis 12. prolific 13. ultramarine 14. voltigeur 15. contestable 16. vivacity 17. heliotrope 18. sombrero 19. exscind 20. pallet 21. tensile 22. crocodile 23. meteorology 24. dowager 25. innate 26. aromatic 27. Curacoa 28. haranguing 29. infirmity 30. dovetail
1. facial 2. contiguity 3. minstrelsy 4. paralleled 5. spatula 6. theologian 7. vaccinate 8. vignette 9. weird 10. ultramontane 11. contingency 12. specification 13. theoretical 14. factitious 15. paralysis 16. minute 17. curfew 18. hibernation 19. instrumental 20. dowlas 21. gymnasium 22. doziness 23. ammonia 24. continuity 25. indissolubly 26. expulsion 27. methodically 28. palliating 29. crosier 30. portentous
1. route 2. contraband 3. outrageous 4. somerset 5. helix 6. expunge 7. somnolency 8. tentacle 9. vaccine 10. cross-jack 11. mathematics 12. rowelling 13. dragoman 14. portfolio 15. innocency 16. drachm 17. drachma 18. harass 19. anointment 20. contractile 21. inflammable 22. facile 23. miracle 24. curmudgeon 25. outlying 26. precession 27. salad 28. contra-dance 29. specimen 30. therapeutics
1. outstripped 2. contralto 3. hibiscus 4. facility 5. salary 6. draughtsman 7. melodious 8. currency 9. insulate 10. precinct 11. dreadnaught 12. gymnast 13. crosswise 14. indistinct 15. expurgate 16. material 17. contrariety 18. paralytic 19. apparel 20. preventable 21. rowel 22. somnambulist 23. contravention 24. tepid 25. sphericity 26. exquisitely 27. pallid 28. umbrageous 29. driveller 30. rubicund
1. preventive 2. crotchet 3. metonymy 4. hellebore 5. innovation 6. fac-simile 7. melodeon 8. curriculum 9. harbinger 10. salamander 11. dredging 12. inflammation 13. contrition 14. vacillate 15. arquebuse 16. prolixity 17. spermaceti 18. thermometer 19. volubility 20. controversial 21. paramount 22. factious 23. sonata 24. umbrella 25. drollery 26. saleratus 27. insuperable 28. prologue 29. currier 30. mirage
1. dromedary 2. exsiccation 3. ammunition 4. contusion 5. insurance 6. gymnote 7. matin 8. croup 9. ovarious 10. porticos 11. rubric 12. conundrum 13. spheroid 14. tergiversation 15. extant 16. vacuity 17. drosky 18. mattress 19. insurgent 20. crucible 21. overrun 22. spicy 23. ruminant 24. portmanteau 25. helmeted 26. faculty 27. anomaly 28. cursory 29. intestate 30. dropsy
1. hardihood 2. melodrama 3. convalescence 4. overrate 5. precipitate 6. salient 7. coquetted 8. sonnet 9. thesaurus 10. unbiassed 11. drowsy 12. soot 13. intestine 14. fagot 15. melon 16. curtailing 17. salmagundi 18. hickory 19. overseer 20. precision 21. gypsum 22. crucifixion 23. extemporaneous 24. apparition 25. druidical 26. insurrection 27. metre 28. cruse 29. palmetto 30. primacy
1. metrical 2. rudimentary 3. coquetry 4. sphinx 5. termagant 6. extemporise 7. spigot 8. ruta-baga 9. convenient 10. primer 11. hemisphere 12. palmistry 13. dualism 14. duellist 15. integer 16. arrack 17. drier 18. fakir 19. harlequin 20. curvilinear 21. misanthrope 22. promenade 23. inthrall 24. parapet 25. sonorous 26. thibet-cloth 27. cushion 28. saliva 29. vacuum 30. soothe
1. miscellaneous 2. conventicle 3. satisfy 4. Promethean 5. falcon 6. paraphernalia 7. hidalgo 8. dubious 9. inthralment 10. coral 11. convention 12. gypsy 13. amphibious 14. ducat 15. integral 16. mat'-rice 17. crustaceous 18. overture 19. portraiture 20. extensible 21. retina 22. spikenard 23. terminus 24. convergence 25. unctuous 26. spiritualize 27. sabbatarian 28. promiscuous 29. dudgeon 30. owing
1. fallacious 2. crypt 3. gyration 4. matricide 5. integrity 6. coralliform 7. intimacy 8. ductile 9. harmonica 10. custodian 11. membraneous 12. oviparous 13. extenuate 14. precocious 15. anonymous 16. saltatory 17. sophism 18. harmonize 19. thieving 20. vagabond 21. underpinning 22. salutary 23. duenna 24. sophomore 25. oxalic 26. fallacy 27. ptarmigan 28. intimidate 29. cutaneous 30. mementos
1. hemlock 2. crystal 3. integument 4. dugong 5. appendage 6. metronome 7. coralline 8. palpable 9. falchion 10. primeval 11. repertory 12. spinach 13. terrace 14. conversant 15. metropolitan 16. fallible 17. vagary 18. dulcimer 19. sabre-tache 20. spleeny 21. crystalline 22. palsy 23. quadrangular 24. intellectual 25. hemorrhage 26. felicity 27. prominence 28. cuticle 29. hideous 30. dulcamara
1. intonate 2. arraignment 3. miscellany 4. cordelier 5. parasite 6. salubrity 7. sophistry 8. thinning 9. feline 10. mischievous 11. conversely 12. soporific 13. undiluted 14. dulse 15. salutatory 16. intractable 17. quoin 18. cycle 19. parasol 20. hierarchy 21. cyclopaedia 22. gyratory 23. felon 24. arterial 25. intelligence 26. saline 27. matriculate 28. ox-eyed 29. promissory 30. sac
1. splenetic 2. cordiality 3. mattock 4. terra-cotta 5. falsify 6. spontaneity 7. valedictory 8. conversion 9. promontory 10. valenciennes 11. sacerdotal 12. hemstitch 13. oxygen 14. duodecimal 15. intelligible 16. axiom 17. cygnet 18. falsetto 19. hartbeest 20. dutiable 21. memoir 22. oxide 23. publicity 24. in transitu 25. yeomanry 26. sopsavine 27. thole-pin 28. undulatory 29. vilified 30. sorghum
1. felucca 2. cordon 3. menacing 4. puerile 5. duodenum 6. samphire 7. intrepidity 8. oxygenated 9. convertible 10. hieroglyphic 11. faltering 12. gyroscope 13. intendant 14. mezzotint 15. cylinder 16. paltry 17. basin 18. quadrate 19. saccharine 20. duplicate 21. sponginess 22. terrapin 23. unequalled 24. valerian 25. corduroy 26. spontaneous 27. sachem 28. familiarity 29. mica 30. quadrennial
1. pamphlet 2. convexity 3. henbane 4. duress 5. intensively 6. harslet 7. intricacy 8. feminine 9. miscreant 10. parcel 11. cordwainer 12. quoit 13. bevy 14. Samaritan 15. sorcery 16. duplicity 17. valentia 18. Thompsonian 19. unicorn 20. sorrel 21. conveyancer 22. misdemeanor 23. sanctimonious 24. femoral 25. intrigue 26. parcelled 27. cynic 28. quondam 29. hilarity 30. duteous
1. fanatical 2. gyve 3. coriander 4. artesian 5. intercalation 6. maudlin 7. dying 8. dyeing 9. paregoric 10. pronunciation 11. sacrament 12. sporadic 13. conviction 14. propagate 15. terraqueous 16. uniformity 17. fennel 18. maugre 19. heptarchy 20. volunteered 21. dynamics 22. parsley 23. sacrificial 24. cynosure 25. intercede 26. intriguing 27. dynasty 28. patrimony 29. hassock 30. fencible
1. menagerie 2. bassoon 3. pugilist 4. Corinthian 5. sandwich 6. springe 7. fanatic 8. thorax 9. valet 10. convivial 11. pugnacious 12. stinginess 13. mendacious 14. voracious 15. Hindostanee 16. vizier 17. dysentery 18. patrolling 19. sang-froid 20. intrinsic 21. intercessor 22. cypress 23. perambulate 24. fandango 25. grazier 26. Michaelmas 27. dyspepsy 28. quadrilateral 29. axletree 30. sacrifice
1. spurious 2. terrestrial 3. carnelian 4. squalid 5. sanguinary 6. quadrille 7. fantasia 8. coolly 9. cooly 10. microscope 11. perceivable 12. earache 13. heraldry 14. interdict 15. cyst 16. introversion 17. hauberk 18. hosiery 19. perspiration 20. ferocity 21. cornice 22. misnomer 23. quorum 24. sangaree 25. bewray 26. stipendiary 27. thoracic 28. unique 29. corolla 30. stipulate
1. villany 2. ferret 3. quota 4. savant 5. cooperate 6. misogamist 7. hippodrome 8. persuasion 9. ear-ring 10. intrusion 11. ferruginous 12. geyser 13. artificiality 14. interfere 15. corollary 16. mausoleum 17. parleyed 18. propeller 19. earthy 20. sanguine 21. squirrel 22. coot 23. terrier 24. fertilization 25. valet de chambre 26. easement 27. maxillary 28. sanhedrim 29. czar 30. herbaceous
1. parleying 2. propensity 3. farcical 4. stalactite 5. interlocutory 6. bateau 7. fantoccini 8. mendicity 9. hautboy 10. patronize 11. coronal 12. intuition 13. puissant 14. easel 15. Saviour 16. stirrup 17. thorough-bass 18. vinaigrette 19. copal 20. univalve 21. Wesleyan 22. mensuration 23. valetudinarian 24. easiness 25. stomacher 26. scalloped 27. pulleys 28. hippopotamus 29. inundation 30. pavilion
1. farina 2. ebony 3. hirsute 4. azure 5. interminable 6. coronet 7. mignonette 8. perceptible 9. quadrillion 10. sanguineous 11. stadtholder 12. thoroughwort 13. copeck 14. Universalist 15. vedette 16. migratory 17. farinaceous 18. sanitary 19. stanza 20. czarina 21. quadroon 22. intermission 23. eccaleobion 24. percolate 25. hydrometer 26. scabbard 27. eau de cologne 28. hosanna 29. inure 30. fervency
1. bibliography 2. misprision 3. persuasible 4. corporal 5. corporeal 6. quotidian 7. stoic 8. terrific 9. valiantly 10. ebullition 11. missal 12. violoncello 13. copious 14. scalpel 15. stomachic 16. inutility 17. quotient 18. ichnology 19. pertinacity 20. fete 21. farrago 22. intermittent 23. eccentric 24. mazarine 25. ascendency 26. parliament 27. sapient 28. historiography 29. prophecy, n. 30. prophesy, v.
1. mazard 2. starboard 3. corps 4. territorial 5. yew-tree 6. pulverize 7. wainscoting 8. copperas 9. vandalism 10. interpolate 11. sapphire 12. tersely 13. fetichism 14. parochial 15. hydropathy 16. peaceable 17. in vacuo 18. fetich 19. mercenary 20. bacchanalian 21. hose 22. hoes 23. pulmonary 24. scaly 25. farrier 26. Stonehenge 27. merchandise 28. thraldom 29. verification 30. icicle
1. quadruple 2. corps diplomatique 3. stationary 4. stationery 5. invalid 6. scarcity 7. copy 8. threshold 9. peasantry 10. ichthyology 11. fasces 12. interposition 13. mileage 14. corpulency 15. pedestal 16. indelibly 17. saponaceous 18. histrionic 19. quadruped 20. starveling 21. eccentricity 22. veritable 23. whey 24. viragoes 25. fascination 26. militant 27. stony 28. echo 29. rabbinical 30. tertian
1. copyright 2. Saracen 3. peregrination 4. hoax 5. interregnum 6. hydrophobia 7. biennial 8. invalidate 9. corpuscle 10. missionary 11. fetid 12. ecclesiastic 13. perturbation 14. rabbet 15. scandalize 16. coquet, v. 17. coquette, n. 18. stone-marten 19. vanilla 20. walrus 21. feud 22. mistletoe 23. stencil 24. hydrostatics 25. vermicelli 26. invariable 27. throstle 28. eclaircissement 29. scarlatina 30. peruke
1. eclat 2. hobgoblin 3. fastidious 4. interrogatory 5. coquettish 6. meagre 7. Asiaticism 8. parole 9. prophylactic 10. corral 11. sarcenet 12. statistics 13. tertiary 14. fatalism 15. mitre 16. varicose 17. eclipse 18. paroxysm 19. propitiate 20. sardine 21. testaceous 22. virulency 23. statuary 24. hyena 25. interrupt 26. hospitality 27. eclectic 28. mercurial 29. feudal 30. bachelor
1. invasion 2. peccadillo 3. correlative 4. puma 5. scathed 6. stenography 7. thyme 8. baubee 9. vermifuge 10. mullein 11. correspondent 12. pectoral 13. pumice 14. feverfew 15. scenic 16. tic-douloureux 17. ecliptic 18. invective 19. strategy 20. iconography 21. eclogue 22. hoiden 23. intersect 24. fatigue 25. military 26. peremptory 27. coquetry 28. quahaug 29. sarcophagus 30. statistician
1. bifurcation 2. tessellated 3. corrigible 4. variegate 5. hygiene 6. morsel 7. fatiguing 8. perennial 9. qualified 10. sardonic 11. varioloid 12. economize 13. testamentary 14. statuette 15. intersperse 16. corroborate 17. inveigh 18. hospitaller 19. mitigate 20. fiat 21. perversion 22. raccoon 23. economy 24. scenery 25. stratagem 26. tiara 27. vermilion 28. iconoclast 29. strategist 30. waltzing
1. myth 2. counterpoise 3. pestiferous 4. icy 5. raciness 6. fibrous 7. sceptre 8. economist 9. inveigle 10. ticketed 11. holiday 12. edacity 13. askew 14. interstice 15. corrodible 16. inverse 17. mnemonics 18. faucet 19. parquet 20. proprietary 21. satanic 22. ecstasy 23. statute 24. testimonial 25. steelyard 26. mobilization 27. eddying 28. satiate 29. fealty 30. hymeneal
1. propugn 2. counterpane 3. parricide 4. invertible 5. intervene 6. hospodar 7. eddy 8. badinage 9. irreconcilable 10. invention 11. corrugate 12. mortgage 13. pecuniary 14. fictitious 15. puncheon 16. schedule 17. strata 18. countervail 19. tiffany 20. vermin 21. mortise 22. strychnine 23. virus 24. edible 25. schismatic 26. inventory 27. punctilious 28. ideality 29. fidget 30. pedagogue
1. feasible 2. bawble 3. corruptible 4. investigate 5. multifarious 6. holily 7. perfectible 8. qualmish 9. satellite 10. edifice 11. stearine 12. countrified 13. satire 14. satyr 15. tetanus 16. vassal 17. febrifuge 18. mobocracy 19. stellar 20. tete-a-tete 21. hyperbole 22. quandary 23. perigee 24. educator 25. inveterate 26. irredeemable 27. pestilential 28. fiduciary 29. mythology 30. bight
1. hostilely 2. corsair 3. radius 4. schemer 5. edification 6. schist 7. coup de main 8. stringent 9. tilbury 10. irrefragable 11. vernacular 12. waived 13. fief 14. mosaic 15. stucco 16. tillage 17. identical 18. radiuses 19. eel 20. pestle 21. effeminate 22. invidious 23. February 24. nadir 25. cortege 26. asparagus 27. parsimonious 28. hollyhock 29. propulsion 30. satirize
1. moidore 2. stentorian 3. coup de soleil 4. timidity 5. vegetable 6. vise 7. efficacious 8. prorogue 9. tortoise 10. feign 11. saturate 12. stereotype 13. parley 14. hymnology 15. invigorate 16. irrefutable 17. mohair 18. effervesce 19. pedantry 20. fiend 21. purchasable 22. hostler 23. cortes 24. bagatelle 25. schistous 26. stultify 27. mosque 28. torpidity 29. versatility 30. irregularly
1. tortuous 2. coup d'etat 3. purlieu 4. wantonness 5. fiery 6. scholastic 7. stupefying 8. idealize 9. efficiency 10. pedestrian 11. holocaust 12. feint 13. invincible 14. perihelion 15. coruscation 16. quarantine 17. satrap 18. stereoscope 19. bayonet 20. multiplicity 21. tingeing 22. effigy 23. vegetarian 24. tiny 25. tinny 26. coupe 27. visage 28. sterility 29. effluence 30. figurant
1. quarrelling 2. inviolable 3. naive 4. periodical 5. hyperborean 6. hostelry 7. naiad 8. efflorescent 9. figment 10. irrelevant 11. corvette 12. petal 13. bigoted 14. Saturnalia 15. ragout 16. flea 17. stupefaction 18. Torricellian 19. irremediable 20. versification 21. coupon 22. tippet 23. warily 24. toucan 25. stupidity 26. schooner 27. schnapps 28. raid 29. idiocy 30. petard
1. figurative 2. holster 3. assassination 4. coryza 5. moiety 6. invisible 7. effrontery 8. parsnip 9. prosaic 10. saturnine 11. stethoscope 12. tirade 13. vehemency 14. courageous 15. viscid 16. moire-antique 17. stigmatize 18. titular 19. filaceous 20. sausage 21. invitation 22. protege 23. hypercritical 24. parterre 25. effulgence 26. pedigree 27. flexible 28. bagnio 29. mosquito 30. hotel-dieu
1. irreparable 2. cosey 3. purport 4. sciatica 5. efflux 6. sturgeon 7. tourbillion 8. vertebra 9. warrantable 10. courant 11. styptic 12. mosquitoes 13. tourniquet 14. vocalization 15. flexile 16. scintillation 17. pursuivant 18. irresistible 19. pedler 20. idiom 21. homageable 22. aegis 23. bayou 24. municipal 25. invocation 26. peripatetic 27. filament 28. quarried 29. saucily 30. stickleback
1. titillate 2. cosily 3. vehicle 4. egregious 5. viscount 6. munificent 7. courier 8. savanna 9. stiletto 10. toadyism 11. hyphen 12. quartette 13. filial 14. periphery 15. invoice 16. houdah 17. egotism 18. irrevocable 19. naivete 20. biliary 21. petit 22. flimsy 23. raillery 24. scientific 25. styling 26. towelling 27. effusion 28. tournament 29. vertebrae 30. wassail
1. nankeen 2. cosine 3. sciolist 4. suavity 5. irrigation 6. raiment 7. petition 8. idiosyncrasy 9. flirtation 10. courteous 11. assimilate 12. egress 13. involuntary 14. filibuster 15. molar 16. partial 17. homeliness 18. prototype 19. cosmetic 20. scion 21. subaltern 22. tobacconist 23. velocipede 24. wheyey 25. Egyptian 26. motley 27. toilet 28. sublimate 29. filigree 30. scissors
1. proverbial 2. courtesy 3. involution 4. partiality 5. hypochondriac 6. peevish 7. flippant 8. bailiff 9. muriate 10. irritability 11. hough 12. purveyor 13. seditious 14. cosmography 15. suffusion 16. traceable 17. eightieth 18. vertical 19. wasteful 20. visibility 21. murrain 22. covenant 23. suicide 24. tractable 25. irritate 26. seigneurial 27. wharfinger 28. floe 29. pusillanimity 30. idiotic
1. fillet 2. homicide 3. bazaar 4. cosmopolite 5. involvement 6. naphtha 7. perishable 8. either 9. ether 10. quassia 11. scirrhus 12. subjugate 13. tocsin 14. filly 15. venality 16. covetous 17. sublunary 18. tomahawk 19. vendible 20. sconce 21. hypocrite 22. quay 23. invulnerable 24. peristaltic 25. ejaculate 26. petrel 27. houri 28. irruption 29. florescence 30. billiards
1. seethe 2. cosmos 3. suggestion 4. trachea 5. rallying 6. vertigo 7. wherry 8. visite 9. narcissus 10. vesicle 11. traducible 12. cowardice 13. suitable 14. seignior 15. floriculture 16. isinglass 17. rancho 18. putrefaction 19. petrifaction 20. idolatrous 21. homily 22. eke 23. filtrate 24. inwreathe 25. Cossack 26. molecule 27. participate 28. assuage 29. providentially 30. scorbutic
1. mollify 2. submissive 3. cow-herd 4. tomalley 5. veneering 6. finale 7. hypocrisy 8. tompion 9. elasticity 10. scourge 11. subordinate 12. iodine 13. provincial 14. partisan 15. flotilla 16. Islamism 17. housewife 18. elaborate 19. mottoes 20. pelisse 21. cosset 22. pustule 23. balk 24. seigniory 25. florin 26. sulphate 27. moult 28. trafficking 29. vestibule 30. wavy
1. islander 2. cowlick 3. tragedy 4. elation 5. seize 6. sulphuric 7. financial 8. ejection 9. pellucid 10. idolize 11. hominy 12. elbow 13. bdellium 14. iolite 15. costumer 16. muscadine 17. peristyle 18. financier 19. querulous 20. scorpion 21. eider 22. muscatel 23. submitted 24. tomatoes 25. Venetian 26. tonic 27. subpoena 28. coxcomb 29. electrician 30. scrivener
1. questionable 2. hypothecate 3. perjury 4. finesse 5. Ionian 6. petroleum 7. eking 8. bismuth 9. housing 10. cotillon 11. islet 12. fluctuate 13. narcotic 14. rancid 15. florid 16. narrative 17. seizable 18. sulphur 19. cozen 20. cousin 21. sumach 22. tragacanth 23. veterinary 24. tragedian 25. electricity 26. selvage 27. isolated 28. idyl 29. rancorous 30. pettifogger
1. electrotype 2. asthma 3. finical 4. ipecacuanha 5. couchant 6. mollusk 7. partition 8. homoeopathy 9. proximate 10. scrofula 11. cradling 12. subpoenaed 13. tonnage 14. venison 15. tonsorial 16. finite 17. moulten 18. visor 19. eleemosynary 20. sculpin 21. subsidize 22. isothermal 23. prudential 24. partridge 25. hypothenuse 26. isosceles 27. fluency 28. balsam 29. pemmican 30. huckleberry
1. mountaineer 2. putrescence 3. cougar 4. semiannual 5. electuary 6. sumptuary 7. trammelled 8. vetoes 9. cranberry 10. weapon 11. vociferate 12. fluidity 13. mountebank 14. transcendental 15. seminary 16. igneous 17. superb 18. puzzling 19. Eleusinian 20. penance 21. beach 22. elegancy 23. homogeneous 24. irascible 25. fiscal 26. muscle 27. permanency 28. quiescent 29. elegiac 30. scullion
1. colter 2. subsidiary 3. hypothesis 4. tonsil 5. venom 6. vitiate 7. craniology 8. muscovado 9. tontine 10. substantial 11. scurrility 12. fissure 13. quieting 14. permeate 15. iridescent 16. Huguenot 17. issue 18. flurry 19. narwhal 20. bissextile 21. elegy 22. pettitoes 23. semibreve 24. rapacious 25. superannuated 26. vexatious 27. ignis-fatuus 28. tranquillity 29. weasel 30. transferred
1. councillor 2. counsellor 3. nasal 4. supercilious 5. Isthmian 6. senatorial 7. rapacity 8. flustrated 9. pewter 10. elephantine 11. potato 12. elevator 13. homologous 14. asylum 15. cranium 16. iridium 17. monarchical 18. prunello 19. scurrilous 20. fistula 21. subterfuge 22. topaz 23. hyson 24. permitting 25. venous 26. elide 27. vitreous 28. topography 29. whimsey 30. monastery
1. zephyr 2. subtle 3. subtile 4. permissible 5. iris 6. penchant 7. elicit 8. humidity 9. isthmus 10. crazy 11. baluster 12. mousing 13. fluxion 14. pyramidal 15. seneschal 16. castile-soap 17. supererogation 18. vicarage 19. phalanx 20. transient 21. viaduct 22. flaccid 23. weevil 24. eligible 25. mousseline-de-laine 26. translucent 27. Italian 28. senility 29. superficial 30. ignitible
1. Zendavesta 2. eliminate 3. beatific 4. ironical 5. causeway 6. muscovy 7. paschal 8. flagellate 9. quietus 10. scythe 11. humorous 12. subterranean 13. topical 14. caster 15. castor 16. rapine 17. transition 18. hyssop 19. museum 20. ventilator 21. elision 22. Wednesday 23. vitriol 24. pencilling 25. ignition 26. italic 27. naturalize 28. senile 29. superfice 30. bituminous
1. adherent 2. emaciate 3. catalogue 4. flaunt 5. horizontal 6. Jacobin 7. gayety 8. galaxy 9. enamelling 10. impediment 11. camelia 12. algebraical 13. jasmine 14. deluge 15. gamut 16. necromancy 17. philopena 18. boudoir 19. ravine 20. seraphine 21. frequency 22. trunnion 23. cerebellum 24. impropriety 25. ennui 26. nectar 27. suppliant 28. demesne 29. philosopher 30. gangrene
1. kidneys 2. ennoble 3. furniture 4. charade 5. demarcation 6. debarkation 7. enthusiasm 8. larynx 9. groats 10. glycerine 11. gnome 12. grovelling 13. inquisitorial 14. disintegrate 15. lubricate 16. ex parte 17. heterogeneous 18. facetious 19. hiccough 20. ferule 21. ferrule 22. effluvia 23. pelican 24. flue 25. phaeton 26. irrecoverable 27. irascibility 28. abatement 29. labelling 30. onerous
1. labyrinthine 2. iridescence 3. abbe 4. magpie 5. irrepealable 6. nascent 7. abdicate 8. Jah 9. risibility 10. kangaroo 11. abstinence 12. nasturtium 13. Javanese 14. management 15. abetted 16. piano-forte 17. kill-deer 18. mandrake 19. ability 20. nautilus 21. Jesuitical 22. abyss 23. neuralgia 24. lactometer 25. Abyssinian 26. volante 27. kedge 28. triplicate 29. piazza 30. abolition