GOSSE, EDMUND, LL.D. (1849).—Poet and critic. On Viol and Flute (1873), King Erik (1876), New Poems (1879), Firdausi in Exile (1885), Collected Poems (1896), Seventeenth Century Studies (1883), History of Eighteenth Century Literature (1889), Secret of Narcisse (1892), The Jacobean Poets (1894), History of Modern English Literature (1897), French Profiles (1905), Father and Son (1908), and Lives of Gray (1882), Congreve (1888), P.H. Gosse (1890), Donne (1899), Jeremy Taylor (1904), C. Patmore (1905), Sir Thomas Browne (1905), etc.
GOULD, NATHANIEL (1857).—Sporting novelist. The Double Event (1891), Running it Off (1892), Thrown Away (1894), The Miner's Cup (1896), A Gentleman Rider (1898), A Stable Mystery (1900), The Rajah's Racer (1904), A Sporting Squatter (1906), A Run of Luck (1907), etc., and many others.
GRAHAME, KENNETH.—Novelist. Pagan Papers (1893), The Golden Age (1895), Dream Days (1898), and The Headswoman (1898).
GRAND, SARAH (CLARKE).—Novelist. Singularly Deluded, Ideala, The Heavenly Twins (1893), Our Manifold Nature (1894), The Modern Man and Maid (1898), Babs the Impossible (1900), etc.
GRAVES, ALFRED PERCEVAL (1846).—Writer of Irish songs, etc. Songs of Killarney (1872), Irish Songs and Ballads (1879), Father O'Flynn and other Irish Lyrics (1889), Irish Song Book (1894), The Post Bag (1902), etc.
"GRAY, MAXWELL" (TUTTIETT).—Novelist. The Silence of Dean Maitland (1886), Reproach of Annesley (1888), An Innocent Impostor (1892), Sweethearts and Friends (1897), Four-leaved Clover (1891), The Great Refusal (1906), and several vols. of poetry, etc.
GRUNDY, SYDNEY (1848).—Dramatist. Mammon (1877), Silver Shield (1885), A White Lie (1889), A Fool's Paradise (1889), Sowing the Wind (1893), The New Woman (1894), A Marriage of Convenience (1897), The Black Tulip (1899), etc.
GUTHRIE, THOMAS ANSTEY ("F. ANSTEY") (1856).—Novelist. Vice-Versa (1882), The Giant's Robe (1883), The Black Poodle (1884), The Tinted Venus (1885), The Pariah (1889), Voces Populi, The Statement of Stella Maberley, Baboo Jabberjee, Love Among the Lions, The Travelling Companions, The Brass Bottle (1900), Salted Almonds (1906), etc.
HAGGARD, HENRY RIDER (1856).—Novelist, etc. The Witch's Head (1885), King Solomon's Mines (1886), She (1887), Jess (1887), Allan Quatermain (1887), Maiwa's Revenge (1888), Cleopatra (1889), Beatrice (1890), Nada the Lily (1892), Montezuma's Daughter (1894), Joan Haste (1895), A Farmer's Year (1899), Lysbeth (1901), Rural England (1902), The Brethren (1904), A Gardener's Year (1905), Ayesha (1905), The Poor and the Land (1905), Fair Margaret (1907), etc.
HALES, JOHN WESLEY (1836).—Scholar, co-ed. of Percy's folio MS., ed. Longer English Poems, author of Shakespeare Essays and Notes, etc.
HARDY, ERNEST GEORGE, D.Litt. (1852).—Writer on Roman History. Christianity and the Roman Government, A History of Jesus College, Studies in Roman History, ed. Plato's Republic, book i. Juvenal's Satires, etc.
HARDY, THOMAS, LL.D. (1840).—Novelist. A Short Story (1865), Desperate Remedies (1871), Under the Greenwood Tree (1872), A Pair of Blue Eyes (1872-73), Far from the Madding Crowd (1874), Hand of Ethelberta (1876), Return of the Native (1878), The Trumpet Major (1879), A Laodicean (1870-71), Two on a Tower (1882), The Mayor of Casterbridge (1884-85), The Woodlanders (1886-87), Wessex Tales (1888), A Group of Noble Dames (1891), Tess of the D'Urberville's (1891), Life's Little Ironies (1894), Jude, the Obscure (1895), The Well-Beloved (1897), Wessex Poems (1898), Poems of the Past and the Present (1901), The Dynasts (drama), part i. (1904), and part ii. (1906), Time's Laughing Stocks (1909).
HARRADEN, BEATRICE (1864).—Novelist. Ships that Pass in the Night (1893), In Varying Moods (1894), Hilda Strafford (1897), The Fowler (1899), Katharine Frensham (1903), The Scholar's Daughter (1903), also tales for children, etc.
HARRIS, FRANK (1856).—Novelist, etc. Elder Conklin, The Man William Shakespeare (1898), Montes the Matador (1900). Play: Mr. and Mrs. Daventry. Formerly editor of Saturday Review and Fortnightly Review.
HARRISON, FREDERIC, Litt.D. (1831).—Historical and miscellaneous writer. Meaning of History (1862), enlarged (1894), Order and Progress (1875), The Choice of Books (1886), Oliver Cromwell (1888), Annals of an Old Manor-house (1893), Victorian Literature (1895), Introduction to Comte's Positive Philosophy, Tennyson, Ruskin, Mill, and Others (1899), Byzantine History in the Early Middle Ages (1900), Life of Ruskin (1902), Theophano (1904), Nicephorus, a Tragedy of New Rome (1906), The Creed of a Layman (1907), etc.
HARRISON, MISS JANE ELLEN, LL.D., etc. (1850).—Writer on Greek art and religion. Myths of the Odyssey in Art and Literature (1882), Introductory Studies in Greek Art (1885), Mythology and Monuments of Ancient Athens (1890) (with Mrs. A.W. Verrall), Prolegomena to Study of Greek Religion, etc.
HARRISON, MARY ST. LEGER ("LUCAS MALET").—Novelist. Mrs. Lorimer (1882), Colonel Enderby's Wife (1885), A Counsel of Perfection (1888), The Wages of Sin (1891), The Carissima (1896), History of Sir Richard Calmady (1901), etc.
HASSALL, ARTHUR (1853).—Historian. Handbook of European History (1897), The Balance of Power (1715-89), in Periods of European History, of which he is ed. (1896), A Class Book of English History (1901), History of France (1901), The French People (1901), The Tudor Dynasty (1904), arranged Stubbs' Introductions in Rolls Series, and other works of his, author of Lives of Bolingbroke, Louis XIV., Mazarin, etc.
HAWKINS, ANTHONY HOPE ("ANTHONY HOPE") (1863).—Novelist. The Prisoner of Zenda, The God in the Car, Dolly Dialogues, Rupert of Hentzau, Tristram of Blent, The King's Mirror, The Intrusions of Peggy, Double Harness, Sophie of Kravonia, two plays, etc.
HAWTHORNE, JULIAN (1846).—Novelist, etc. Saxon Studies (1874), Archibald Malmaison (1878), Dust (1882), Fortune's Fool (1883), Fool of Nature (1897), a Life of his f., Nathaniel H., etc.
HAYES, ALFRED (1857).—Poet. Death of St. Louis (1885), The Last Crusade and other Poems (1886), The Vale of Arden (1895), etc.
HAZLITT, WILLIAM CAREW (1834).—Critic, etc. The Venetian Republic (1900), ed. Warton's History of English Poetry, Biographical Collections and Notes (8 vols. 1876-1904), ed. Letters of Charles Lamb, Memoirs of William Hazlitt, The Lambs (1897), Shakespeare, the Man and his Works, Coins of Europe (1893-97), etc.
HERFORD, CHARLES HAROLD, Litt.D. (1853).—Scholar and critical writer. Studies in the Literary Relations of England and Germany in the Sixteenth Century (1886), The Age of Wordsworth (1897), English Tales in Verse (1902), The Social History of the English Drama (1881); has done much work on Shakespeare, ed. Eversley Shakespeare (10 vols. 1899), and has made translations from Ibsen, etc.
HEWLETT, MAURICE HENRY (1861).—Poet and novelist. Earthwork out of Tuscany (1895), The Masque of Dead Florentines (1895), Songs and Meditations (1897), Pan and the Young Shepherd (1898), The Forest Lovers (1898), Little Novels of Italy (1899), The Queen's Quair (1904), The Stooping Lady (1907), etc.
HICHENS, ROBERT SMYTHE (1864).—Novelist, etc. The Green Carnation, An Imaginative Man (1895), Tongues of Conscience (1900), Prophet of Berkeley Square (1901), The Call of the Blood (1906), and various plays, etc.
HIGGINSON, THOMAS WENTWORTH (1823).—American essayist, etc. Outdoor Papers, Malbone (a romance), Army Life in a Black Regiment, Oldport Days, Young Folks' History of the United States, Common Sense about Women, Concerning all of Us, Cheerful Yesterdays (autobiography), Tales of the Enchanted Islands, etc.
HOCKING, REV. JOSEPH.—Novelist. Zillah (1892), The Birthright (1897), Esau (1904), Chariots of the Lord (1905), A Strong Man's Vow (1907), etc.
HOCKING, REV. SILAS KITTO (1850).—Novelist. Ivy (1881), Real Grit (1887), In Spite of Fate (1897), Gripped (1902), A Modern Pharisee (1907), etc.
HODGKIN, THOMAS, D.C.L., etc. (1831).—Historian. Italy and her Invaders, 8 vols. (1880-1899), Letters of Cassiodorus (1886), Dynasty of Theodosius (1889), Life of Theodoric (1891), Life of Charles the Great (Foreign Statesmen Series) (1897), etc.
HORNUNG, ERNEST WILLIAM (1866).—Novelist. A Bride from the Bush (1890), The Boss of Taroomba, The Unbidden Guest (1894), Dead Men tell no Tales (1899), The Amateur Cracksman (1899), The Black Mask, A Thief in the Night (1905), etc.
HOUSMAN, ALFRED EDWARD (1859).—Scholar, etc. A Shropshire Lad (1896), ed. Juvenal and other classics.
HOUSMAN, LAURENCE (1867).—Artist, poet, etc. The Writings of William Blake (1893), A Farm in Fairyland (1894), The House of Joy (1895), Green Arras (1896), Gods and their Makers (1897), Spikenard (1898), The Field of Clover (1898), Rue (1899), Sabrina Warham (1904), Prunella, or Love in a Dutch Garden (1906); has illustrated "Goblin Market," "The Were Wolf," "Jump to Glory Jane," etc.
HOWELLS, WILLIAM DEAN, D.Litt. (1837).—American novelist, etc. A Foregone Conclusion, A Chance Acquaintance, A Counterfeit Presentment, The Undiscovered Country, Modern Italian Poets, Indian Summer, Heroines of Fiction (1901), Miss Bellard's Inspiration (1905), Through the Eye of the Needle (1907), etc.
HUDSON, W.H. (1862).—Naturalist and traveller. The Purple Land (1885), The Naturalist in La Plata (1892), Idle Days in Patagonia (1893), British Birds (1895), Green Mansions (1904), A Crystal Age (1906), etc.
HUEFFER, FORD MADOX (1873).—Novelist, etc. The Brown Owl, The Inheritors and Romance (both with J. Conrad), The Face of the Night (1904), The Soul of London (1905), An English Girl (1907), A Call (1910), Life of Madox Brown, etc.
HUTTON, EDWARD (1875).—Writer on Italian Art, etc. Italy and the Italians (1902), The Cities of Umbria (1905), The Cities of Spain (1906), Sigismondo Malatesta (1906), Giovanni Boccaccio (1910), etc.
HUTTON, REV. WILLIAM HOLDEN, B.D. (1860).—Historian, The Misrule of Henry III., The Church of the Sixth Century, Short History of the Church in Great Britain, The English Church (1625-1714), and Lives of Simon de Montfort, Laud, Sir T. More, etc.
HYDE, DOUGLAS, LL.D.—Irish scholar. Beside the Fire, Love Songs of Connacht (1894), Three Sorrows of Story-telling (1895), Story of Early Irish Literature (1897), A Literary History of Ireland (1899), and various works in Irish; has ed. various Irish texts, and made translations into English.
JACOBS, JOSEPH (1854).—Writer on folk-lore and Jewish history. English Fairy Tales (1890), Celtic Fairy Tales (1891), Indian Fairy Tales (1892), Reynard the Fox (1895), Jews of Angevin England (1893), Sources of the History of the Jews in Spain (1895); has ed. various English classics, e.g., Caxton's "AEsop" and Howell's "Familiar Letters," and many modern works, etc.
JACOBS, WILLIAM WYMARK (1863).—Novelist. Many Cargoes (1896), The Skipper's Wooing (1897), A Master of Craft (1900), At Sunwich Port (1902), Odd Craft (1903), Dialstone Lane (1904), Short Cruises (1907). Plays (with Louis N. Parker), Beauty and the Barge, The Monkey's Paw, etc.
JAMES, HENRY (1843).—American novelist and critic. A Passionate Pilgrim (1875), The American (1877), The Europeans (1878), Daisy Miller (1878), A Bundle of Letters (1879), Washington Square (1880), The Bostonians (1886), A London Life (1889), Terminations (1896), What Maisie Knew (1897), The Two Magics (1898), The Sacred Fount (1901), The Ambassador (1903), The American Scene (1907); in criticism, French Poets and Novelists (1878), Partial Portraits, etc.
JAMES, WILLIAM, LL.D., etc. (1842).—Psychologist. Principles of Psychology (1890), Human Immortality (1897), The Varieties of Religious Experience (1902), Pragmatism (1907), and The Meaning of Truth (1909).
JEROME, JEROME KLAPKA (1860).—Novelist, playwright, etc. On the Stage and Off (1885), Idle Thoughts of an Idle Fellow (1889), Three Men in a Boat (1891), Sketches in Lavender (1897), Paul Kelver (1902), Tommy & Co. (1904). Plays, The Passing of the Third Floor Back (1907), etc.
JESSOP, REV. AUGUSTUS, D.D. (1824).—Historian. One Generation of a Norfolk House (1878), History of the Diocese of Norwich (1879), Arcady for Better or Worse (1881), The Coming of the Friars (1885), Random Roaming (1896), Before the Great Pillage (1901), ed. works by Donne, etc.
JEWETT, SARAH ORME (1849).—American novelist. Deephaven, The Country Doctor, etc.
JONES, HENRY ARTHUR (1851).—Dramatist. A Clerical Error (1879), The Silver King (1882), Saints and Sinners (1884), The Middleman (1889), The Case of Rebellious Susan (1894), The Liars (1897), The Hypocrites (1906), etc.
KIDD, BENJAMIN (1858).—Sociologist, etc. Social Evolution (1894), Principles of Western Civilisation (1902), etc.
KIPLING, RUDYARD (1865).—Novelist, etc. Departmental Ditties (1886), Plain Tales from the Hills (1887), Soldiers Three, The Light that Failed (1891), The Jungle Books (1894 and 1895), Kim (1901), Puck of Pook's Hill, etc. Also poems, Barrack-Room Ballads, The Seven Seas, and The Five Nations.
LANG, ANDREW, D.Litt., etc. (1844).—Poet, critic, and folklorist. Ballads and Lyrics of Old France (1872), Ballads in Blue China (1880), Custom and Myth (1884), Books and Bookmen (1886), Mark of Cain (1886), Myth, Ritual, and Religion (1887), "Blue," "Red," "Green," "Yellow," "Pink," and "Olive" Fairy Books (ed. 1889-1907), Sir Stafford Northcote (1890), Prince Ricardo of Pantouflia (1893), Homer and the Epic (1893), Life of J.G. Lockhart (1896), translation of Odyssey (with Prof. Butcher), and of Iliad (with Mr. Myers and Mr. W. Leaf), The Making of Religion (1898), History of Scotland from the Roman Occupation, vol. i., Prince Charles Edward (1901), The Mystery of Mary Stuart (1901), The Valet's Tragedy (1903), John Knox and the Reformation (1905), etc.
LANE-POOLE, STANLEY, Litt.D., etc. (1854).—Historian and archaeologist. Histories of the Moors in Spain (7th ed. 1904), The Mohammedan Dynasties (1893), The Mogul Emperors (1892), Art of the Saracens of Egypt (1886), The Story of Cairo, Lives of Lord Stratford de Redcliffe, E.W. Lane, Aurangzib Saladin, etc., edit. Lane's Arabic Lexicon, etc.
LAUGHTON, SIR JOHN KNOX (1830).—Writer on naval subjects, etc. Physical Geography in relation to the Prevailing Winds and Currents (1870), Studies in Naval History (1887), Nelson (English Men of Action) (1895), Nelson and his Companions in Arms (1896), Sea Fights and Adventures (1901); ed. Letters and Dispatches of Lord Nelson, From Howard to Nelson (1899), etc.
LAW, WILLIAM ARTHUR (1844).—Dramatic author. A Night Surprise (1877), Enchantment (1878), Castle Botherem (1880), Nobody's Fault (1882), A Mint of Money (1884), The Judge (1890), Country Mouse (1902), Three Blind Mice (1906), etc.
LAWLESS, THE HON. EMILY.—Novelist. Hurrish (1886), Story of Ireland (1887), Plain Frances Mowbray (1889), With Essex in Ireland (1890), A Garden Diary (1901), Book of Gilly (1906), etc.
LEAF, WALTER, Litt.D. (1852).—Scholar and translator. The Iliad of Homer translated into English Prose (with A. Lang and E. Myers) (1882), Companion to the Iliad (1892), etc.
LEE, SIDNEY, D.Litt., LL.D. (1859).—Ed. of The Dictionary of National Biography (with Sir L. Stephen), Stratford on Avon from the Earliest Times to the Death of Shakespeare (1885), Life of Shakespeare (1898), A Life of Queen Victoria (1902), Shakespeare and the Modern Stage (1906), etc. Has also ed. various English texts.
LE GALLIENNE, RICHARD (1866).—Novelist and poet. Volumes in Folio (1888), The Religion of a Literary Man (1893), Quest of the Golden Girl (1896), Romance of Zion Chapel (1898), Sleeping Beauty (1900), New Poems (1909), etc.
LILLY, WILLIAM SAMUEL (1840).—Philosopher, etc. Ancient Religion and Modern Thought (1884), Chapters in European History (1886), A Century of Revolution (1889), The Great Enigma (1893), Four English Humorists of the Nineteenth Century (1895), Renaissance Types (1901), Studies in Religion and Literature (1904).
LOCKE, WILLIAM JOHN (1863).—Novelist. At the Gate of Samaria (1895). The Demagogue and Lady Phayre (1896), A Study in Shadows (1896), The White Dove (1900), The Usurper (1901), The Beloved Vagabond (1906), etc.; also dramas, The Morals of Marcus, The Palace of Puck, Idols, etc.
LOCKYER, SIR JOSEPH NORMAN, K.C.B., F.R.S. (1836).—Astronomer. Elementary Lessons in Astronomy (1870), Studies in Spectrum Analysis (1878), Star-gazing, Past and Present (1878), Chemistry of the Sun (1887), Dawn of Astronomy (1894), The Sun's Place in Nature (1897), Stonehenge and other British Stone Monuments Astronomically Considered (1906-1907), etc.
LODGE, SIR OLIVER JOSEPH, F.R.S., LL.D. (1851).—Scientist and psychologist. Elementary Mechanics (1881), Modern Views of Electricity (1888, 1892, 1907), Signalling through Space without Wires (1894), Life and Matter: A Short Treatise on Fundamental Problems (1905), Electrons, or the Nature of Negative Electricity (1906), The Substance of Faith (1907), Man and the Universe: A Study of the Influence of Modern Discoveries on our Conception of Christianity (1908), The Ether of Space (1909), Survival of Man: A Study in Unrecognised Human Faculty (1909), etc.
LODGE, RICHARD, LL.D., etc. (1855).—Historian. Students' Modern Europe, Richelieu (Foreign Statesmen Series), The Close of the Middle Ages, etc.
LONDON, JACK (1876).—American novelist. The Son of the Wolf (1900), The God of his Fathers, Children of the Frost, People of the Abyss, Call of the Wild, Tales of the Fish Patrol (1905), The Road (1908), etc.
LOW, SIDNEY JAMES.—Journalist and miscellaneous writer. The Governance of England (1904), A Vision of India (1906), Dictionary of English History, etc.
LUCAS, EDWARD VERALL (1868).—Novelist. Ed. of Lamb, etc. The Open Road (1899), Old-fashioned Tales (1905), The Friendly Town (1905), Forgotten Tales of Long Ago (1906); ed. Works of Charles and Mary Lamb, Life of C. Lamb (1905), books for children, etc.
LYALL, SIR ALFRED COMYN, K.C.B., etc. (1835).—Poet and biographer. Verses written in India, British Dominion in India, Asiatic Studies, Lives of Warren Hastings, Lord Dufferin, etc.
M'CARTHY, JUSTIN (1830).—Novelist and historian. Novels, Miss Misanthrope, Dear Lady Disdain, Maid of Athens, Red Diamonds, Mononia, etc.; historical works, History of our Own Times, Four Georges and William IV., Modern England, Reign of Queen Anne, Lives of Sir R. Peel, Pope, etc., Reminiscences, etc.
MCCARTHY, JUSTIN HUNTLY (1860).—Novelist and dramatist. Novels, Dolly, Marjorie, Flower of France, Needles and Pins, etc.; Ireland since the Union; plays, The candidate, My Friend the Prince, If I were King, etc.
MACKAIL, JOHN WILLIAM, LL.D., etc. (1859).—Scholar, etc. Select Epigrams from the Greek Anthology (1890), Latin Literature (1895), Life of William Morris (1899), and translated Homer's Odyssey in verse.
MAHAFFY, JOHN PENTLAND, LL.D., D.C.L., etc. (1839).—Scholar and writer on philosophy. Twelve Lectures on Primitive Civilisation (1868), Prolegomena to Ancient History (1871), Kant's Critical Philosophy for English Readers (1871), History of Greek Literature (1880), Greek Life and Thought from Alexander to the Roman Conquest (1887), Empire of the Ptolemies (1896), The Silver Age of the Greek World (1906), etc.
MAHAN, ALFRED THAYER, D.C.L., LL.D. (1840).—American writer on naval history. Influence of Sea Power upon History (1890), Influence of Sea Power upon French Revolution and Empire (1892), The Interest of the United States in Sea Power (1897), Lessons of the War with Spain (1899), etc.
MALLOCK, WILLIAM HURRELL (1849).—Novelist and writer on politics, evolution, etc. The New Republic (1877), The New Paul and Virginia (1878), Studies of Contemporary Superstitions, Social Equality, Property and Progress, Classes and Masses (1896), Aristocracy and Evolution (1898), Religion as a Credible Doctrine (1902), Reconstruction of Belief (1905); novels, A Romance of the Nineteenth Century, The Old Order Changes, A Human Document, The Individualist, The Veil of the Temple.
"MATHERS, HELEN" (MRS. HENRY REEVES) (1853).—Novelist. Comin' through the Rye, Cherry Ripe, My Lady Green-sleeves, Venus Victrix, Griff of Griffiths Court, The Ferryman, etc.
MATTHEWS, JAMES BRANDER, Litt.D., D.C.L., etc. (1852).—American critic, etc. French Dramatists of the Nineteenth Century, Introduction to the Study of American Literature, Aspects of Fiction, His Father's Son, etc.
MAUGHAM, WILLIAM SOMERSET (1874).—Novelist. Liza of Lambeth (1897), The Making of a Saint (1898), The Hero (1901), Mrs. Craddock (1902), The Land of the Blessed Virgin (1905), The Bishop's Apron (1906). Plays: Lady Frederick, Mrs. Dot, Smith, etc.
MAXWELL, SIR HERBERT EUSTACE, F.R.S., LL.D., etc. (1845).—Novelist, essayist, etc. Novels, Sir Lucian Elphin (1889), The Letter of the Law (1890), A Duke of Britain (1895), Chevalier of the Splendid Crest (1905), etc.; other writings, Meridiana, Noontide Essays (1892), Scottish Land Names (1894), Afternoon Essays (1895), Rainy Days in a Library (1896), Bruce and the Struggle for Scottish Independence, Memories of the Months (4 series), Story of the Tweed (1905), Lives of W.H. Smith, Wellington, Romney, etc.
"MEADE, L.T." (MRS. TOULMIN SMITH).—Novelist. Scamp and I, A World of Girls, The Medicine Lady, Wild Kitty, Brotherhood of the Seven Kings, From the Hand of the Hunter, etc.
MEYNELL, MRS. ALICE (THOMPSON).—Poet and essayist. Preludes, The Rhythm of Life (1893), The Colour of Life (1896), The Flower of the Mind, Anthology of English Poetry (ed.), The Spirit of Place (1898), Later Poems (1901), a book on Ruskin, etc.
MITCHELL, SILAS WEIR, M.D., LL.D. (1830).—American poet, novelist, and physician. Hephzibah Guinness (1880), Roland Blake (1886), Masque and other Poems (1888), Cup of Youth (poems), Characteristics (1892), When all the Woods are Green (1894), Adventures of Francois, etc., besides various medical works.
MITFORD, BERTRAM.—Novelist. Romance of the Cape Frontier, Wind of Deadly Hollow, A Veldt Official, Ruby Sword, A Veldt Vendetta, etc.
MOLESWORTH, MRS. MARY LOUISA (STEWART) (1839).—Novelist and writer for children. Carrots, Cuckoo Clock, Herr Baby, The Boys, etc.; novels, Hathercourt Rectory, The Laurel Walk, etc.
MOORE, FRANK FRANKFORT (1855).—Novelist and dramatist. Dawn (verse), Told by the Sea, I forbid the Banns (1893), The Jessamy Bride (1897), A Damsel or Two (1902), The King's Messenger (1907), etc.; plays, A March Hare, The Queen's Room, Kitty Clive, The Food of Love (1909), etc.
MOORE, GEORGE (1857).—Novelist, playwright, and art critic. Flowers of Passion (verse) (1877), A Mummer's Wife (1884), Literature at Nurse (1885), Vain Fortune (1890), Ideals in Ireland (1891), Modern Painting (1893), Esther Waters (1894), The Bending of the Bough (play), etc.
MORLEY, JOHN, 1ST LORD MORLEY of BLACKBURN, P.C., O.M., F.R.S., etc. (1838).—Biographer and essayist. Edmund Burke (1867), Critical Miscellanies (1871-77) (two series), Voltaire (1871), Rousseau (1873), On Compromise (1874), Diderot and the Encyclopaedists (1878), Studies in Literature (1891), Oliver Cromwell (1900), Life of Gladstone (1903), etc.
MORRISON, ARTHUR (1863).—Novelist. Tales of Mean Streets (1894), Martin Hewitt (1894), A Child of the Jago (1896), The Hole in the Wall (1902), etc.
MULLINGER, JAMES BASS (1834).—Historian. Cambridge Characteristics in the Seventeenth Century (1867), The Ancient African Church (1869), The New Reformation (1875), The Schools of Charles the Great (1876), The University of Cambridge from the Earliest Times to the Accession of Charles I., Introduction to English History (with S.R. Gardiner), History of St. John's College, Cambridge (1901), etc.
MUNRO, NEIL (1864).—Novelist, etc. The Lost Pibroch (1896), John Splendid (1898), Gillian the Dreamer (1899), Doom Castle (1901), The Shoes of Fortune (1901), Children of the Tempest (1903), The Daft Days (1907), etc.
MURFREE, MARY NOAILLES ("CHARLES EGBERT CRADDOCK").—American novelist. In the Tennessee Mountains (1884), Down the Ravine (1885), The Prophet of the Great Smoky Mountains (1886), Story of Keedar Bluffs (1887), His Vanished Star (1894), The Juggler (1897), The Bushwhackers (1899), etc.
MURRAY, GEORGE GILBERT AIMEE, LL.D. (1866).—Scholar. History of Ancient Greek Literature (1897), Euripidis Fabulae adnotatione critica instructae (1901 and 1904), Euripides, Verse Translations, Rise of the Greek Epic (1907), etc.
MURRAY, SIR JAMES AUGUSTUS HENRY, LL.D., D.C.L., etc. (1837).—Philologist. Ed. of New English Dictionary, Dialect of the Southern Counties of Scotland, has ed. various works for the Early English Text Society, etc.
NICOLL, SIR WILLIAM ROBERTSON, LL.D. (1851).—Journalist, poet, and essayist, etc. Literary Anecdotes of the Nineteenth Century (1895), Songs of Rest (two series), ed. Letters on Life, The Church's One Foundation; has ed. Works of C. Bronte, Expositors' Greek Testament, etc. Editor of British Weekly.
NORRIS, WILLIAM EDWARD (1846).—Novelist. Heaps of Money (1877), Mademoiselle de Mersac, My Friend Jim, The Dancer in Yellow (1896), An Octave (1900), The Credit of the County (1902), Harry and Ursula (1907), etc.
NOYES, ALFRED (1880).—Poet, etc. The Loom of Years (1902), The Flower of Old Japan (1903), Poems (1904), The Forest of Wild Thyme (1905), Drake (an English epic) (1906), William Morris (1907), The Enchanted Island (1909).
O'GRADY, STANDISH (1846).—Writer on Irish history and literature. History of Ireland, Heroic Period, vols. i. and ii., History of Ireland, Critical and Philosophical, vol. i., The Flight of the Eagle, The Bog of Stars, Finn and his Companions, Ulrick the Ready, The Chain of Gold, The Coming of Cuculain, etc.
OKEY, THOMAS.—Writer on topography and art. Venice and its Story, Paris and its Story, Venetian Palaces and Old Venetian Folk, Translator of Dante's Purgatorio.
OMAN, CHARLES WILLIAM CHADWICK, (1860).—Historian. A History of Greece (1888), Warwick the Kingmaker (1891), Short History of the Byzantine Empire (1892), A History of Europe, 476-918 (1893), Short History of England (1895), History of the Peninsular War, vols. i. and ii., etc.
OPPENHEIM, E. PHILLIPS (1866).—Novelist. The Master Mummer, Mysterious Mr. Sabin, A Prince of Sinners, Conspirators, etc.
"ORCZY, BARONESS" (MRS. MONTAGU BARSTOW).—Novelist and playwright. The Emperor's Candlesticks, The Scarlet Pimpernel (1905), A Son of the People (1906), I will Repay (1906), etc.
OXENHAM, JOHN.—Novelist. God's Prisoner (1898), John of Gerisau (1902), White Fire (1905), Giant Circumstance, The Long Road, etc.
PATRICK, DAVID, LL.D. (1849).—Ed. of Chambers' Encyclopaedia (1888-92), Chambers' Cyclopaedia of English Literature (1901-3), and Chambers's Biographical Dictionary (with F.H. Groome) (1897).
PAIN, BARRY (1868).—Novelist, etc. In a Canadian Canoe (1891), Stories and Interludes (1892), Graeme and Cyril (1893), Kindness of the Celestial (1894), The Romantic History of Robin Hood (1898), Lindley Kays (1904), Wilhelmina in London (1906), Shadow of the Unseen (1907), etc.
PASTURE, MRS. HENRY DE LA (BONHAM).—Novelist and dramatist. The Little Squire (1894), A Toy Tragedy, Deborah of Tod's (1897), Catherine of Calais (1901), Peter's Mother (1905), The Tyrant (1909).
PAUL, HERBERT WOODFIELD (1853).—Historian and biographer. Men and Letters (1901), History of Modern England, Stray Leaves (1906), Queen Anne (1906), Lives of W.E. Gladstone, Matthew Arnold (English Men of Letters), Lord Acton, and Froude.
PEARS, SIR EDWIN (1835).—War correspondent, etc, Fall of Constantinople (1885), The Destruction of the Greek Empire (1903), etc.
PEMBERTON, MAX (1863).—Novelist. The Sea Wolves (1894), The Impregnable City (1895), Christine of the Hills (1897), Pro Patria (1901), Dr. Xavier (1903), Red Morn (1904), The Hundred Days (1905), The Fortunate Prisoner (1909), etc.
PHELPS, ELIZABETH STUART (MRS. H.D. WARD) (1844).—American novelist. The Gates Ajar (1869), Hedged In (1870), Story of Avis (1877), An Old Maid's Paradise (1879), Beyond the Gates (1883), The Madonna of the Tubs (1887), The Gates Between (1887), Struggle for Immortality (1889), Come Forth (with H.D. Ward, 1890), Avery, Trixy (1904), etc.
PHILLIPS, CLAUDE.—Writer on art. Picture Gallery of Charles I., The Earlier Work of Titian, The Later Work of Titian, Lives of Reynolds, Watteau, etc.
PHILLIPS, STEPHEN (1868).—Poet. Marpessa (1890), Eremus (1894), Christ in Hades (1896), Poems (1897), Paolo and Francesca (1899), Herod (1900), Ulysses (1902), The Sin of David (1904), Nero (1906), etc.
PHILLPOTTS, EDEN (1862).—Novelist. Down Dartmoor Way (1894), Lying Prophets (1896), Children of the Mist (1898), Sons of the Morning (1900), The River (1902), The Secret Woman (1905), The Whirlwind (1907), etc.
PINERO, SIR ARTHUR WING (1855).—Dramatist. The Magistrate, Sweet Lavender, The Profligate, The Weaker Sex, Lady Bountiful, The Second Mrs. Tanqueray, The Notorious Mrs. Ebbsmith, The Benefit of the Doubt, The Princess and the Butterfly, The Gay Lord Quex, His House in Order, Mid Channel, etc.
POLLARD, ALBERT FREDERICK, F.R.Hist.S. (1869).—Historical writer. The Jesuits in Poland (1892), England under Protector Somerset (1900), Henry VIII. (Gougiel Series, 1902), Life of Thomas Cranmer (1904), etc., and has contributed largely to The Dictionary of National Biography, and to the Cambridge Modern History, and ed. Political Pamphlets, Tudor Tracts, etc.
POLLARD, ALFRED WILLIAM (1859).—Bibliographer, etc. Books about Books (1893), Bibliographica (1894-96), Early Illustrated Books (1893), Italian Book Illustrations (1894), etc.; and has ed. English Miracle Plays (1890), Herrick, Chaucer (Globe ed.), etc.
POLLOCK, WALTER HERRIES (1850).—Poet and miscellaneous writer. The Modern French Theatre (1878), Verse, Old and New, Sealed Orders and other Poems, Lectures on French Poets, A Nine Men's Morrice, King Zub, Jane Austen, her Contemporaries and Herself, etc.
POOLE, REGINALD LANE, Ph.D. (1857).—Historical writer. History of the Huguenots of the Dispersion (1880), Illustrations of the History of Modern Thought (1884), Wycliffe and Movements for Reform (1889), Historical Atlas of Modern Europe (1897-1902), etc.
PRAED, MRS. ROSA CAROLINE MACKWORTH ("MRS. CAMPBELL PRAED") (1851).—Australian novelist. Policy and Passion (1881), Nadine (1882), The Head Station (1885), Miss Jacobsen's Chance (1887), December Roses (1893), The Insane Root, The Luck of the Leura (1907), etc.
PROTHERO, GEORGE WALTER, Litt.D., LL.D., etc. (1848).—Historian. Life and Times of Simon de Montfort (1877), Memoir of Henry Bradshaw (1889), ed. Voltaire's Louis Quatorze, Select Statutes, etc., of Elizabeth and James I., co-ed. of Cambridge Modern History, etc.
PROTHERO, ROWLAND EDMUND, M.V.O. (1852).—Biographer, etc. Life and Correspondence of Dean Stanley (1893), ed. Letters of Edward Gibbon, Letters and Journals of Lord Byron, The Psalms in Human Life, etc.
QUILLER-COUCH, ARTHUR THOMAS ("Q") (1863).—Novelist. Dead Man's Rock (1887), Troy Town (1888), The Splendid Spur (1889), The Blue Pavilions (1891), The Golden Pomp (1895), The Ship of Stars (1899), Shining Ferry (1905), finished R.L. Stevenson's St. Ives, etc.
RALEIGH, WALTER (1861).—Biographer and critic. The English Novel (1894), Robert Louis Stevenson (1895), Style (1897), books on Shakespeare, Milton, and Wordsworth, etc.
RHYS, ERNEST (1859).—Poet, novelist, etc. A London Rose (verse), The Fiddler of Carne (1896), Welsh Ballads (1898), The Whistling Maid (1900), The Man at Odds, Gwenevere (play); has ed. the Camelot Series (1886-91), Dekker's Plays in Mermaid Series, etc.
RHYS, MRS. GRACE (1865).—Novelist and essayist. Mary Dominic (1898), The Wooing of Sheila (1901), The Bride (1909), Five Beads on a String (essays) (1907), etc.
RHYS, SIR JOHN, D.Litt. (1840).—Celtic philologist. Celtic Britain (1882), Studies in the Arthurian Legend (1891), Celtic Folklore (1901), etc.
RIDGE, WILLIAM PETT.—Novelist. A Clever Wife (1895), Mord Em'ly (1898), A Son of the State (1899), Erb (1903), Mrs. Galer's Business (1905), The Wickhamses (1906), Name of Garland (1907), etc.
RILEY, JAMES WHITCOMB (1858).—American poet and humorist. The Old Swimmin' Hole (1883), Pipes o' Pan at Zekesbury (1887), Rhymes of Childhood (1889), Old-fashioned Roses (1891), Green Fields and Running Brooks (1893), A Child World (1896), While the Heart beats Young (1906), etc.
RITCHIE, MRS. ANNE ISABELLA (THACKERAY) (1837).—Novelist, etc. The Story of Elizabeth (1863), The Village on the Cliff (1865), To Esther (1869), Old Kensington (1873), Blue Beard's Keys (1874), Miss Angel (1875), Mrs. Dymond (1885), etc.
ROBERTS, CHARLES GEORGE DOUGLAS (1860).—Canadian poet and naturalist. In verse, Orion (1880), In Divers Tones (1887), Songs of the Common Day (1893), New York Nocturnes (1898), Book of the Rose (1903); prose, The Raid from Beausejour (1894), Around the Camp Fire (1896), The Forge in the Forest (1897), The Kindred of the Wild (1902), Haunters of the Silences (1907), etc.
ROBERTSON, JOHN MACKINNON (1856).—Critic, etc. Buckle and his Critics, Montaigne and Shakespeare, The Dynamics of Religion, History of Free Thought, Christianity and Mythology, Introduction to English Politics, Short History of Christianity, Essays in Ethics and Sociology, etc.
ROBINS, ELIZABETH ("C.E. RAIMOND").—American novelist and actress. New Moon (1895), Below the Salt (1896), The Open Question (1898), The Convert (1907), etc.
ROBINSON, AGNES MARY FRANCES (MME. DUCLAUX) (1857).—Poetess. A Handful of Honeysuckles (1878), The Crowned Hippolytus (1881), Arden (novel) (1883), The New Arcadia (1884), Italian Garden (songs) (1886), A Mediaeval Garland (1897), The Fields of France (1903), The End of the Middle Ages, books in French on Froissart, Renan, etc.
ROSE, JOHN HOLLAND, Litt.D. (1855).—Historical and biographical writer. A Century of Continental History, The Revolutionary and Napoleonic Era, Napoleonic Studies, Life of Napoleon I. (1902), The Development of the European Nations, 1870-1900 (1905), etc.
ROSEBERY (ARCHIBALD PHILIP PRIMROSE), 5TH EARL of, K.G., K.T., LL.D., etc. (1847).—Statesman and biographical writer. Pitt (1891), Appreciations and Addresses (1899), Sir Robert Peel (1899), Napoleon, the Last Phase (1900), and Oliver Cromwell (1900).
ROSSETTI, WILLIAM MICHAEL (1829).—Biographer, ed., etc. Translator of Dante's Hell (1865), Lives of Famous Poets (1878), Life of Keats (1887), Memoir of Dante G. Rossetti, and has ed. many poets, etc.
RUSSELL, WILLIAM CLARK (1844).—Novelist. John Holdsworth, Chief Mate (1874), A Sailor's Sweetheart (1877), An Ocean Tragedy (1881), The Convict Ship (1895), List, ye Landsmen (1897), Overdue (1903), The Yarn of Old Harbour Town (1905), etc.
SAINTSBURY, GEORGE EDWARD BATEMAN, LL.D., D.Litt., etc. (1845).—Critic and biographer. Short History of French Literature, etc. (1882), Essays in English Literature (1890), Nineteenth Century Literature (1896), A History of Criticism (1900-4), History of English Prosody, vol. i. (1906), etc., Lives of Dryden (English Men of Letters) and Sir W. Scott, etc.
SANDYS, JOHN EDWIN, Litt.D. (1844).—Scholar; joint ed. of Dictionary of Classical Mythology, Religion, etc. (1891), History of Classical Scholarship from Sixth Century, B.C., to the End of the Middle Ages (1903), History of Classical Scholarship from Revival of Learning to Present Day (1907), etc.; has produced many ed. of classics.
SAYCE, ARCHIBALD HENRY, D.Litt., LL.D., etc. (1846).—Orientalist and philologist, etc. Principles of Comparative Philology (1874), Babylonian Literature (1877), Monuments of the Hittites (1881), Ancient Empires of the East (1884), Races of the Old Testament (1891), Babylonians and Assyrians (1900), Archaeology of Cuneiform Inscriptions (1907), etc.
SEAMAN, OWEN (1861).—Parodist, etc. Oedipus and the Wreck (1888), Horace at Cambridge (1894), In Cap and Bells (1899), A Harvest of Chaff (1904), etc. Ed. of Punch since 1906.
SECCOMBE, THOMAS (1866).—Miscellaneous writer. Twelve Bad Men (1894), The Age of Johnson (1900), The Age of Shakespeare (with J.W. Allen, 1903), Bookman History of English Literature (1905-6), In Praise of Oxford, etc.; was assistant ed. of The Dictionary of National Biography.
SETON, ERNEST THOMPSON ("SETON THOMPSON") (1860).—Naturalist. Wild Animals I have Known (1898), Biography of a Grizzly, Two Little Savages, books on natural history of Manitoba, etc.
SHAW, GEORGE BERNARD (1856).—Novelist, critic, and dramatist. Novels, The Irrational Knot, Cashel Byron's Profession, etc.; Plays Pleasant and Unpleasant (1898), Three Plays for Puritans (1900), Man and Superman (1903), The Doctor's Dilemma (1906), The Devil's Disciple (1907), etc.
SHIEL, MATTHEW PHIPPS (1865).—Novelist. The Rajah's Sapphire, Shapes in the Fire, The Yellow Danger, Unto the Third Generation, etc.
SHORTER, CLEMENT KING (1858).—Journalist and biographer. Charlotte Bronte and her Circle (1896), Sixty Years of Victorian Literature (1897), Charlotte Bronte and her Sisters (1905), The Brontes and their Correspondents (1907), Life of George Borrow (1907); is ed. of the Sphere.
SHORTER, DORA SIGERSON.—Poetess. The Fairy Changeling and other Poems (1897), Ballads and Poems (1899), The Father Confessor (1900), As the Sparks Fly Upward (1904), Through Wintry Terrors (1907), etc.
SIMS, GEORGE ROBERT (1847).—Novelist and dramatist, etc. The Dagonet Ballads, Memoirs of Mary Jane, Ten Commandments, Once upon a Christmas Time (1898), Joyce Pleasantry, etc.; plays, Crutch and Tooth-pick, Mother-in-Law, The Lights o' London, Harbour Lights, etc.
SINCLAIR, MISS MAY.—Novelist, etc. Nakietas and other Poems, Audrey Craven, Two Sides of a Question, The Divine Fire, The Helpmate, etc.
SKEAT, REV. WALTER WILLIAM, Litt.D., LL.D. (1835).—Philologist and Early English scholar; has ed. Langland's Piers Plowman, The Lay of Havelock, Barbour's Bruce, and other early English texts, a complete ed. of Chaucer, 6 vols. (1894), and of many of his works separately, and is author of An Etymological Dictionary of the English Language, Principles of English Etymology, and books on the place-names of the counties of Cambridge, Huntingdon, Herts, and Bedford, etc.
SMEATON, WM. HENRY OLIPHANT, M.A. (1856).—Novelist, etc. By Adverse Winds (1895), Our Laddie (1897), Treasure Cave of the Blue Mountains (1899), A Mystery of the Pacific (1899), William Dunbar and his Times (1898), English Satires and Satirists (Warwick Library, 1899), The Medici and the Italian Renaissance (1901), and has ed. numerous English classics.
SMITH, MRS. BURNETT ("ANNIE S. SWAN").—Novelist. Aldersyde, Carlowrie, A Lost Ideal, A Divided House, Not Yet (1898), etc.
SMITH, GEORGE ADAM, D.D., LL.D. (1856).—Biblical scholar, etc. The Book of Isaiah (1888-90), Historical Geography of the Holy Land (1894), Jerusalem (1907), etc.
SMITH, GEORGE GREGORY (1865).—Critic, etc. The Days of James IV., The Transition Period (of European literature of the fifteenth century), Specimens of Middle Scots (1902), Elizabethan Critical Essays (1904), etc.
SMITH, GOLDWIN, D.C.L. (1823).—Essayist and writer on politics, etc. Three English Statesmen, Lectures on the Study of History, Rational Religion and Rationalistic Objections, The Political Destiny of Canada, Guesses at the Riddle of Existence, Revolution or Progress, etc.; books on Cowper, Miss Austen, etc.
STACPOOLE, H. DE VERE.—Novelist. Fanny Lambert, The Crimson Azaleas, The Blue Lagoon (1907), Patsy (1908), The Pools of Silence (1909).
STANNARD, MRS. ARTHUR ("JOHN STRANGE WINTER") (1856).—Novelist. Bootle's Baby, Army Society, Beautiful Jim, The Soul of the Bishop, Grip, He went for a Soldier, The Truth-tellers, A Name to Conjure With, A Blaze of Glory, Marty, Jimmy, The Ivory Box (1909), etc.
STEEL, MRS. FLORA ANNIE (WEBSTER) (1847).—Novelist. Wide-awake Stories (1884), From the Five Rivers (1893), The Potter's Thumb (1894), Tales from the Punjab (1894), Red Rowans (1895), On the Face of the Waters (1896), Voices in the Night (1900), A Sovereign Remedy (1906), etc.
STEWART, JOHN ALEXANDER, LL.D. (1846).—Scholar. The English MSS. of the Nicomachean Ethics (1882), Notes on the Nicomachean Ethics (1902), article Ethics in Encyclopaedia Britannica (1902), and The Myths of Plato (1905).
SYMONDS, MISS E.M. ("GEORGE PASTON").—Novelist, etc. A Modern Amazon (1894), A Bread and Butter Miss (1894), The Career of Candida (1896), A Fair Deceiver (1897), Little Memoirs of the Eighteenth Century (1901), Little Memoirs of the Nineteenth Century (1902), Side-Lights on the Georgian Period (1902), books on Mrs. Delaney, G. Romney, Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, etc.
SYMONS, ARTHUR (1865).—Poet and critic. An Introduction to the Study of Browning (1886), Days and Nights (1889), London Nights (1895), The Symbolist Movement in Literature (1899), Images of Good and Evil (1900), Studies in Seven Arts (1906), etc.
TEMPLE, SIR RICHARD CARNAC, C.I.E. (1850).—Orientalist, etc. Wide-awake Stories (Punjab Folk Tales) (1884), with Mrs. F.A. Steel, Legends of the Punjab (1883-90), ed. various works dealing with the religions and geography of India, etc.
THOMAS, ANNIE (MRS. PENDER CUDLIP).—Novelist. Sir Victor's Choice, Denis Doune (1862), Comrades True (1900), The Diva (1901), The Cleavers of Cleaver (1902), Social Ghosts (1903), etc.; has written over 100 novels and tales.
THOMAS, EDWARD.—Reviewer and miscellaneous writer. Book of the Open Air, Horae Solitarae, Oxford, Beautiful Wales, The Heart of England, Life and Writings of Richard Jefferies.
TOUT, THOMAS FREDERICK (1855).—Historian. Analysis of English History (1891), Edward I. (12 English Statesmen series) (1893), The Empire and the Papacy (1898), History of Great Britain (1902-6), Germany and the Empire (Cambridge Modern History), etc.
TRENCH, HERBERT (1865).—Poet, etc. Deirdre Wedded (1901), Apollo and the Seaman, The Questioners (1907), etc.
TREVELYAN, GEORGE MACAULAY (1876).—Historical writer. England in the Age of Wycliffe (1899), England under the Stuarts (1904), The Poetry and Philosophy of George Meredith (1906), Garibaldi's Defence of the Roman Republic (1907), etc.
TREVELYAN, SIR GEORGE OTTO, P.C., LL.D., etc. (1838).—Statesman, biographer, etc. The Competition Wallah (1864), Life and Letters of Lord Macaulay (1876), The Early History of C.J. Fox (1880), Interludes in Prose and Verse (1905).
TROWBRIDGE, JOHN TOWNSEND (1827).—American poet, etc. Poems, The Vagabonds, The Book of Gold, The Emigrant's Story, A Home Idyll, The Lost Earl; books for the young, The Little Master, Tide Mill, The Pocket Rifle, The Kelp Gatherers, Jack Hazard Stories, Fortunes of Toby Trafford, etc.; novels, Neighbours' Wives, Coupon Bonds, etc.
"TWAIN, MARK" (SAMUEL LANGHORNE CLEMENS), D.Litt. (1835).—American humorist. The Jumping Frog (1867), The Innocents Abroad (1869), Roughing It (1872), Sketches New and Old (1873), Adventures of Tom Sawyer (1876), A Tramp Abroad (1880), The Prince and the Pauper (1880), Life on the Mississippi (1883), Huckleberry Finn (1885), The American Claimant (1892), Tom Sawyer Abroad (1894), Christian Science (1907), etc.
TYLOR, EDWARD BURNETT, LL.D., F.R.S. (1832).—Anthropologist. Anahuac, Mexico, and the Mexicans (1859), Researches into the Early History of Mankind (1865), Primitive Culture (1871), and Anthropology (1881).
"TYNAN, KATHARINE" (MRS. TYNAN HINKSON) (1861).—Novelist and verse writer. Louise de la Valliere (1885), Shamrocks (1887), Ballads and Lyrics (1890), Cuckoo Songs (1894), A Cluster of Nuts (1894), An Isle in the Water, The Way of a Maid (1895), Miracle Plays (1896), A Lover's Breast Knot (1896), The Handsome Brandons, The Wind in the Trees (poems) (1898), The Dear Irish Girl, She Walks in Beauty (1899), Three Fair Maids (1900), That Sweet Enemy (1901), Love of Sisters (1902), A Red Red Rose (1903), Judy's Lovers (1905), A Yellow Domino (1906), For Maisie (1907), Her Mother's Daughter (1909), etc.
TYRRELL, ROBERT YELVERTON, LL.D., D.C.L. (1844).—Scholar. Has translated Acharnians of Aristophanes into English verse (1883), author of Cicero in his Letters (1896), Latin Poetry (1893), Echoes of Kottabos (with Sir E. Sullivan) (1906), has ed. various classics.
UPWARD, ALLEN (1863).—Novelist, etc. Songs in Ziklag (1888), The Prince of Balkistan (1895), A Crown of Straw (1896), Secrets of the Courts of Europe (1897), A Day's Tragedy (1897), Treason (1903), Secret History of To-day (1904), A Flash in the Pan (comedy) (1896).
VACHELL, HORACE ANNESLEY (1861).—Novelist. Romance of Judge Kitchener (1894), Quicksands of Pactolus (1896), A Drama in Sunshine (1897), The Procession of Life (1899), John Charity (1900), The Pinch of Prosperity (1903), The Hill (1905), The Face of Clay (1906), and Her Son (1907).
VAMBERY, ARMINIUS, C.V.O., etc. (1832).—Traveller, etc. Travels in Central Asia (1864), Sketches of Central Asia (1867), History of Bokhara (1873), The Coming Struggle for India (1885), Western Culture in Eastern Lands (1906), Arminius Vambery, his Life and Adventures (1883).
VIZETELLY, ERNEST ALFRED (1853).—Novelist, etc. The Scorpion (1894), A Path of Thorns (1901), The Lover's Progress (1902), has ed. most of E. Zola's works, etc.
WALFORD, MRS. LUCY BETHIA (1845).—Novelist. Mr. Smith (1874), Pauline (1877), Troublesome Daughters (1880), The Baby's Grandmother (1885), The History of a Week (1886), A Stiff-necked Generation (1888), A Sage of Sixteen (1889), The Mischief of Monica (1891), The Matchmaker (1893), Frederick (1895), The Intruders (1898), A Dream's Fulfilment (1892), The Enlightenment of Olivia (1907), etc.
WALLACE, ALFRED RUSSEL, F.R.S., LL.D., etc. (1823).—Naturalist and evolutionist. Travels on the Amazon (1853), Palm Trees of the Amazon (1853), The Malay Archipelago (1869), Natural Selection (1870), The Geographical Distribution of Animals (1876), Tropical Nature (1878), Australasia (1879), Island Life (1880), Darwinism (1889), Studies Scientific and Social (1900), Man's Place in the Universe (1903), My Life (1905), etc.
WARD, ADOLPHUS WILLIAM, Litt.D., LL.D. (1837).—Historian and critic. The House of Austria in the Thirty Years' War (1869), A History of English Dramatic Literature to the Death of Queen Anne (1875), Lives of Chaucer (1880) and Dickens (1882) (English Men of Letters Series), The Counter Reformation (1888), translated Curtius's History of Greece, ed. Pope's poetical works (Globe), Poems of John Byrom, and various other works, etc.
WARD, MRS. HUMPHREY (ARNOLD) (1851).—Novelist. Milly and Olly (1881), Miss Bretherton (1886), Robert Elsmere (1888), The History of David Grieve (1892), Marcella (1894), Sir George Tressady (1896), Helbeck of Bannisdale (1898), Lady Rose's Daughter (1903), The Marriage of William Ashe (1905) Fenwick's Career (1906); plays, Eleanor (1902), Agatha (1905), etc.
WATSON, HENRY BRERETON MARRIOTT (1863).—Novelist, etc. Lady Faintheart (1890), The Web of the Spider (1891), Diogenes of London (1893), At the First Corner (1895), The Heart of Miranda (1897), The Princess Xenia (1899), The House Divided (1901), Captain Fortune (1904), Twisted Eglantine (1905), The Privateers (1907), etc.
WATSON, WILLIAM, LL.D. (1858).—Poet. The Prince's Quest (1880), Epigrams of Art, Life and Nature (1884), Wordsworth's Grave (1890), Lachrymae Musarum (1892), Lyric Love (1892), The Eloping Angels (1893), Excursions in Criticism (1893), Odes and other Poems (1894), The Father of the Forest (1895), The Purple East (1896), The Year of Shame (1896), The Hope of the World (1897), Collected Poems (1898), Ode on the Coronation of King Edward VII. (1902), For England (1903), and New Poems (1909).
WATTS-DUNTON, THEODORE (1832).—Poet, novelist, and critic. The Coming of Love, Rhona Boswell's Story (1897), Aylwin (1898), Christmas at the Mermaid, The Renascence of Wonder (1903), ed. Borrow's Lavengro and Romany Rye; article Poetry in Encyclopaedia Britannica, and many other articles in the same.
WAUGH, ARTHUR (1866).—Critic. Alfred, Lord Tennyson, a Study (1892), Robert Browning (in Westminster Biographies), has ed. Johnson's Lives of the Poets, Dickens, Milton, Lamb, Tennyson, etc.
WEDMORE, FREDERICK (1844).—Writer on art, etc. Pastorals of France, Renunciations, English Episodes, Orgeas and Miradou, Studies in English Art, Meryon, Etching in England, Whistler's Etchings, Fine Prints, On Books and Arts, The Collapse of the Penitent (novel), etc.
WELLS, HERBERT GEORGE, B.Sc., etc. (1866).—Novelist. Select Conversations with an Uncle (1895), The Time Machine (1895), The Stolen Bacillus (1895), The Wonderful Visit, The Wheels of Chance, The Island of Dr. Moreau (1896), The Invisible Man (1897), The War of the Worlds (1898), When the Sleeper Wakes (1899), The First Men in the Moon (1901), Mankind in the Making (1903), The Food of the Gods (1904), A Modern Utopia (1905), The War in the Air (1908), Tono-Bungay, Ann Veronica (1909), etc.
WENDELL, BARRETT (1855).—American critic, etc. William Shakespeare (1894), A Literary History of America (1900), Raleigh in Guiana, etc. (1902), The Temper of the Seventeenth Century in English Literature (1904), The France of To-day (1907), etc.
WERNER, ALICE (1859).—Miscellaneous writer. A Time and Times (poems) (1886), O'Driscoll's Weird (1892), The Humour of Italy (1892), The Humour of Holland (1893), The Captain of the Locusts (1899), Chapinga's While Man (1901), Native Races of British Central Africa (1906).
WEYMAN, STANLEY JOHN (1855).—Novelist. The House of the Wolf (1890), Francis Cludde (1891), A Gentleman of France (1893), Under the Red Robe (1894), My Lady Rotha (1894), The Red Cockade (1895), The Man in Black (1896), Shrewsbury (1897), The Castle Inn (1898), Sophia (1900), The Long Night (1903), The Abbess of Vlaye (1904), Starvecrow Farm (1905), Laid up in Lavender (1907).
WHARTON, EDITH (JONES) (1862).—American novelist. The Great Inclination (1889), A Gift from the Grave, Crucial Instances (1901), The Valley of Decision (1902), Sanctuary (1903), Italian Backgrounds (1905), The House of Mirth (1905), Madame de Treymes (1907), The Fruit of the Tree (1907).
WHIBLEY, CHARLES.—Critic and reviewer. A Book of Scoundrels, Studies in Frankness, The Pageantry of Life, Thackeray (1903), William Pitt (1906).
WHISHAW, FRED.—Novelist. The Emperor's Englishman, Out of Doors in Tsarland, Boris the Bear-Hunter, The Romance of the Woods, Harold the Norseman (1896), The White Witch (1897), A Race for Life (1898), The Diamond of Evil (1902), A Splendid Impostor (1903), The Great Green God (1906), The Secret Syndicate (1907).
WHITE, WILLIAM HALE (c. 1830).—Novelist, etc. The Autobiography of Mark Rutherford (1885), Mark Rutherford's Deliverance (1885), The Revolution in Tanner's Lane (1887), Miriam's Schooling (1890), Catherine Furze (1889), Clara Hopgood (1896), translated Spinoza's Ethics, Pages from a Journal (1900).
WHITEING, RICHARD (1840).—Novelist, etc. The Democracy (1876), No. 5 John Street (1899), The Yellow Van (1903), Ring in the New (1906), All Moonshine (1907).
WHITNEY, ADELINE DUTTON (TRAIN) (1824).—American novelist. Faith Gartney's Girlhood, The Gayworthys, Hitherto, Leslie Goldthwaite, Real Folks, Homespun Yarns; poems, Pansies, Daffodils, Holy Tides, Bird Talk, etc.
WICKSTEED, REV. PHILIP HENRY (1844).—Writer on Dante, political economy, etc. Translation of the Bible for Young People (1882), Alphabet of Economic Science (1888), Henrik Ibsen (1892), Dante, Six Sermons (1895), Trans.: De Witte's Select Essays on Dante (with C.M. Laurence) (1898), Trans.: Dante's Paradiso (1899), Dante and Del Virgilio (with E.G. Gardner) (1901), Studies in Theology (with J.E. Carpenter) (1903), Further Translations of Dante's Convivio (1903), Early Lives of Dante (1904), Dante's Latin Works (1904), etc.
WIGGIN, KATE DOUGLAS (MRS. GEORGE C. RIGGS).—American novelist. Timothy's Quest, Polly Oliver's Problem, The Story of Patsy, Penelope's Experiences, Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm, Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch, etc.
WILKINS, MARY ELEANOR (MRS. C.M. FREEMAN) (1862).—American story-writer. A New England Nun, Young Lucretia, A Humble Romance, A Faraway Melody, Giles Cory, The Wind in the Rosebush, The Debtor, etc.
WINTER, WILLIAM (1836).—American critic, etc. Shakespeare's England, Grey Days and Gold, Old Shrines and Ivy Brown Heath and Blue Bells, Life and Art of Edwin Booth, The Stage Life of Mary Anderson, etc.
WRIGHT, WILLIAM ALDIS, LL.D., etc.—English scholar. Joint ed. of Globe Shakespeare and of the Cambridge Shakespeare. Bible Word-Book and many other English Classics, Letters and Literary Remains of Edward Fitzgerald (1889), The Works of Edward Fitzgerald (7 vols. 1903), etc.
YEATS, WILLIAM BUTLER (1865).—Poet. The Wanderings of Oisin (1889), The Countess Kathleen (1892), The Celtic Twilight (1893), A Book of Irish Verse (1895), Poems (1895), The Secret Rose (1897), The Wind Among the Reeds (1899), The Shadowy Waters (1900), Ideas of Good and Evil (1903), etc.
ZANGWILL, ISRAEL (1864).—Novelist. Children of the Ghetto (1892), Merely Mary Ann (1893), Ghetto Tragedies (1893), The King of Schnorrers (1894), Dreamers of the Ghetto (1898), They that Walk in Darkness (1899), The Mantle of Elijah (1900), The Grey Wig (1903), Blind Children (verse) (1903), Ghetto Comedies (1907); plays, Children of the Ghetto, The Moment of Death, The Revolted Daughter, Merely Mary Ann, The Serio-Comic Governess, etc.