WHETSTONE, GEORGE (1544?-1587?).—Dramatist, one of the early, roistering playwrights who frequented the Court of Elizabeth, later served as a soldier in the Low Countries, accompanied Sir Humphrey Gilbert's expedition to Newfoundland in 1578, and was at the Battle of Zutphen in 1586. He was a trenchant critic of the contemporary drama, contending for greater reality and rationality. His play, Promos and Cassandra, translated from Cinthio's Hecatomithi, was used by Shakespeare in Measure for Measure.
WHEWELL, WILLIAM (1794-1866).—Philosopher, theologian and mathematician, s. of a joiner at Lancaster, where he was b., ed. at Camb., where he had a brilliant career. He became Prof. of Mineralogy at Camb. 1828, of Moral Theology 1838, was Master of Trinity from 1841 until his death, and he held the office of Vice-Chancellor of the Univ. in 1843 and 1856. W. was remarkable as the possessor of an encyclopaedic fund of knowledge, perhaps unprecedented, and he was the author of a number of works of great importance on a variety of subjects. Among the chief of these may be mentioned his Bridgewater Treatise on Astronomy and General Physics considered with Reference to Natural Theology (1833), History of the Inductive Sciences (1837), The Philosophy of the Inductive Sciences (1840), Essay on Plurality of Worlds (anonymously), Elements of Morality (1845), History of Moral Philosophy in England (1852), and Platonic Dialogues. In addition to these he wrote innumerable articles, reviews, and scientific papers. It was as a co-ordinator of knowledge and the researches of others that W. excelled; he was little of an original observer or discoverer. He is described as a large, strong, erect man with a red face and a loud voice, and he was an overwhelming and somewhat arrogant talker.
WHICHCOTE, BENJAMIN (1609-1683).—Divine, belonged to a good Shropshire family, and was at Camb., where he became Provost of King's Coll., of which office he was deprived at the Restoration. He was of liberal views, and is reckoned among the Camb. Platonists, over whom he exercised great influence. His works consist of Discourses and Moral and Religious Aphorisms. In 1668 he was presented to the living of St. Lawrence, Jewry, London, which he held until his death.
WHIPPLE, EDWIN PERCY (1819-1886).—Essayist and critic, b. in Massachusetts, was a brilliant and discriminating critic. His works include Character and Characteristic Men, Literature and Life, Success and its Conditions, Literature of the Age of Elizabeth, Literature and Politics, etc.
WHISTON, WILLIAM (1667-1752).—Theologian, and man of science, b. at Norton, Leicestershire, and ed. at Camb., where he succeeded Newton as Lucasian Prof. of Mathematics, was a prominent advocate of the Newtonian system, and wrote a Theory of the Earth against the views of Thomas Burnet (q.v.). He also wrote several theological works, Primitive Christianity Revived and the Primitive New Testament. The Arian views promulgated in the former led to his expulsion from the Univ. His best known work was his translation of Josephus. He was a kindly and honest, but eccentric and impracticable man, and an insatiable controversialist.
WHITE, GILBERT (1720-1793).—Naturalist, b. at Selborne, Hants, and ed. along with the Wartons (q.v.) at their father's school at Basingstoke, and thereafter at Oxf., entered the Church, and after holding various curacies settled, in 1755, at Selborne. He became the friend and correspondent of Pennant the naturalist (q.v.), and other men of science, and pub. in the form of letters the work which has made him immortal, The Natural History and Antiquities of Selborne (1789). He was never m., but was in love with the well-known bluestocking Hester Mulso, afterwards Mrs. Chapone, who rejected him. He had four brothers, all more or less addicted to the study of natural history.
WHITE, HENRY KIRKE (1785-1806).—Poet, s. of a butcher at Nottingham. At first assisting his f., next a stocking weaver, he was afterwards placed in the office of an attorney. Some contributions to a newspaper introduced him to the notice of Capel Lofft, a patron of promising youths, by whose help he brought out a vol. of poems, which fell into the hands of Southey, who wrote to him. Thereafter friends raised a fund to send him to Camb., where he gave brilliant promise. Overwork, however, undermined a constitution originally delicate, and he d. at 21. Southey wrote a short memoir of him with some additional poems. His chief poem was the Christiad, a fragment. His best known production is the hymn, "Much in sorrow, oft in Woe."
WHITE, JOSEPH BLANCO (1775-1841).—Poet, s. of a merchant, an Irish Roman Catholic resident at Seville, where he was b., became a priest, but lost his religious faith and came to England, where he conducted a Spanish newspaper having for its main object the fanning of the flame of Spanish patriotism against the French invasion, which was subsidised by the English Government. He again embraced Christianity, and entered the Church of England, but latterly became a Unitarian. He wrote, among other works, Internal Evidences against Catholicism (1825), and Second Travels of an Irish Gentleman in search of a Religion, in answer to T. Moore's work, Travels, etc. His most permanent contribution to literature, however, is his single sonnet on "Night", which Coleridge considered "the finest and most grandly conceived" in our language.
WHITE, RICHARD GRANT (1822-1885).—Shakespearian scholar, b. in New York State, was long Chief of the Revenue Marine Bureau, and was one of the most acute students and critics of Shakespeare, of whose works he pub. two ed., the first in 1865, and the second (the Riverside) in 1883. He also wrote Words and their Uses, Memoirs of Shakespeare, Studies in Shakespeare, The New Gospel of Peace (a satire), The Fate of Mansfield Humphreys (novel), etc.
WHITEHEAD, CHARLES (1804-1862).—Poet, novelist, and dramatist; is specially remembered for three works, all of which met with popular favour: The Solitary (1831), a poem, The Autobiography of Jack Ketch (1834), a novel, and The Cavalier (1836), a play in blank verse. He recommended Dickens for the writing of the letterpress for R. Seymour's drawings, which ultimately developed into The Pickwick Papers.
WHITEHEAD, WILLIAM (1715-1785).—Poet, s. of a baker at Camb., and ed. at Winchester School and Camb., became tutor in the family of the Earl of Jersey, and retained the favour of the family through life. In 1757 he succeeded Colley Cibber as Poet Laureate. He wrote plays of only moderate quality, including The Roman Father and Creusa, tragedies, and The School for Lovers, a comedy; also poems, The Enthusiast and Variety. His official productions as Laureate were severely attacked, which drew from him in reply A Charge to the Poets.
WHITMAN, WALTER or WALT (1819-1892).—Poet, was b. at Huntingdon, Long Island, New York. His mother was of Dutch descent, and the farm on which he was b. had been in the possession of his father's family since the early settlement. His first education was received at Brooklyn, to which his f. had removed while W. was a young child. At 13 he was in a printing office, at 17 he was teaching and writing for the newspapers, and at 21 was editing one. The next dozen years were passed in desultory work as a printer with occasional literary excursions, but apparently mainly in "loafing" and observing his fellow-creatures. It was not till 1855 that his first really characteristic work, Leaves of Grass, appeared. This first ed. contained only 12 poems. Notwithstanding its startling departures from conventionality both in form and substance it was well received by the leading literary reviews and, with certain reserves to be expected, it was welcomed by Emerson. It did not, however, achieve general acceptance, and was received with strong and not unnatural protest in many quarters. When a later ed. was called for Emerson unsuccessfully endeavoured to persuade the author to suppress the more objectionable parts. On the outbreak of the Civil War W. volunteered as a nurse for the wounded, and rendered much useful service. The results of his experiences and observations were given in verse in Drum Taps and The Wound Dresser, and in prose in Specimen Days. From these scenes he was removed by his appointment to a Government clerkship, from which, however, he was soon dismissed on the ground of having written books of an immoral tendency. This action of the authorities led to a somewhat warm controversy, and after a short interval W. received another Government appointment, which he held until 1873, when he had a paralytic seizure, which rendered his retirement necessary. Other works besides those mentioned are Two Rivulets and Democratic Vistas. In his later years he retired to Camden, New Jersey, where he d. W. is the most unconventional of writers. Revolt against all convention was in fact his self-proclaimed mission. In his versification he discards rhyme almost entirely, and metre as generally understood. And in his treatment of certain passions and appetites, and of unadulterated human nature, he is at war with what he considered the conventions of an effeminate society, in which, however, he adopts a mode of utterance which many people consider equally objectionable, overlooking, as he does, the existence through all the processes of nature of a principle of reserve and concealment. Amid much that is prosaic and rhetorical, however, it remains true that there is real poetic insight and an intense and singularly fresh sense of nature in the best of his writings.
Works, 12 vols., with Life. See Stedman's Poets of America. Monographs by Symonds, Clarke, and Salter.
WHITNEY, WILLIAM DWIGHT (1827-1894).—Philologist, b. at Northampton, Mass., was Prof. of Sanskrit, etc., at Yale, and chief ed. of the Century Dictionary. Among his books are Darwinism and Language and The Life and Growth of Language.
WHITTIER, JOHN GREENLEAF (1807-1892).—Poet, was b. at Haverhill, Massachusetts, of a Quaker family. In early life he worked on a farm. His later years were occupied partly in journalism, partly in farming, and he seems also to have done a good deal of local political work. He began to write verse at a very early age, and continued to do so until almost his latest days. He was always a champion of the anti-slavery cause, and by his writings both as journalist and poet, did much to stimulate national feeling in the direction of freedom. Among his poetical works are Voices of Freedom (1836), Songs of Labour (1851), Home Ballads (1859), In War Time (1863), Snow Bound (1866), The Tent on the Beach (1867), Ballads of New England (1870), The Pennsylvania Pilgrim (1874). W. had true feeling and was animated by high ideals. Influenced in early life by the poems of Burns, he became a poet of nature, with which his early upbringing brought him into close and sympathetic contact; he was also a poet of faith and the ideal life and of liberty. He, however, lacked concentration and intensity, and his want of early education made him often loose in expression and faulty in form; and probably a comparatively small portion of what he wrote will live.
WHYTE-MELVILLE, GEORGE JOHN (1821-1878).—Novelist, s. of a country gentleman of Fife, ed. at Eton, entered the army, and saw service in the Crimea, retiring in 1859 as Major. Thereafter he devoted himself to field sports, in which he was an acknowledged authority, and to literature. He wrote a number of novels, mainly founded on sporting subjects, though a few were historical. They include Kate Coventry, The Queen's Maries, The Gladiators, and Satanella. He also wrote Songs and Verses and The True Cross, a religious poem. He d. from an accident in the hunting-field.
WICLIF, or WYCLIF, JOHN (1320?-1384).—Theologian and translator of the Bible, b. near Richmond, Yorkshire, studied at Balliol Coll., Oxf., of which he became in 1361 master, and taking orders, became Vicar of Fillingham, Lincolnshire, when he resigned his mastership, and in 1361 Prebendary of Westbury. By this time he had written a treatise on logic, and had won some position as a man of learning. In 1372 he took the degree of Doctor of Theology, and became Canon of Lincoln, and in 1374 was sent to Bruges as one of a commission to treat with Papal delegates as to certain ecclesiastical matters in dispute, and in the same year he became Rector of Lutterworth, where he remained until his death. His liberal and patriotic views on the questions in dispute between England and the Pope gained for him the favour of John of Gaunt and Lord Percy, who accompanied him when, in 1377, he was summoned before the ecclesiastical authorities at St. Paul's. The Court was broken up by an inroad of the London mob, and no sentence was passed upon him. Another trial at Lambeth in the next year was equally inconclusive. By this time W. had taken up a position definitely antagonistic to the Papal system. He organised his institution of poor preachers, and initiated his great enterprise of translating the Scriptures into English. His own share of the work was the Gospels, probably the whole of the New Testament and possibly part of the Old. The whole work was ed. by John Purvey, an Oxf. friend, who had joined him at Lutterworth, the work being completed by 1400. In 1380 W. openly rejected the doctrine of transubstantiation, and was forbidden to teach at Oxf., where he had obtained great influence. In 1382 a Court was convened by the Archbishop of Canterbury, which passed sentence of condemnation upon his views. It says much for the position which he had attained, and for the power of his supporters, that he was permitted to depart from Oxf. and retire to Lutterworth, where, worn out by his labours and anxieties, he d. of a paralytic seizure on the last day of 1384. His enemies, baffled in their designs against him while living, consoled themselves by disinterring his bones in 1428 and throwing them into the river Swift, of which Thomas Fuller (q.v.) has said, "Thus this brook has conveyed his ashes into Avon, Avon into Severn, Severn into the Narrow Seas, they into the main ocean, and thus the ashes of Wicliffe are the emblem of his doctrine, which now is dispersed all the world over." The works of W. were chiefly controversial or theological and, as literature, have no great importance, but his translation of the Bible had indirectly a great influence not only by tending to fix the language, but in a far greater degree by furthering the moral and intellectual emancipation on which true literature is essentially founded.
WILBERFORCE, WILLIAM (1759-1833).—Philanthropist and religious writer, s. of a merchant, was b. at Hull, ed. at Camb., entered Parliament as member for his native town, became the intimate friend of Pitt, and was the leader of the crusade against the slave-trade and slavery. His chief literary work was his Practical View of Christianity, which had remarkable popularity and influence, but he wrote continually and with effect on the religious and philanthropic objects to which he had devoted his life.
WILCOX, CARLES (1794-1827).—Poet, b. at Newport, N.H., was a Congregationalist minister. He wrote a poem, The Age of Benevolence, which was left unfinished, and which bears manifest traces of the influence of Cowper.
WILDE, OSCAR O'FLAHERTY (1856-1900).—Poet and dramatist, s. of Sir William W., the eminent surgeon, was b. at Dublin, and ed. there at Trinity Coll. and at Oxf. He was one of the founders of the modern cult of the aesthetic. Among his writings are Poems (1881), The Picture of Dorian Gray, a novel, and several plays, including Lady Windermere's Fan, A Woman of no Importance, and The Importance of being Earnest. He was convicted of a serious offence, and after his release from prison went abroad and d. at Paris. Coll. ed. of his works, 12 vols., 1909.
WILKES, JOHN (1727-1797).—Politician, s. of a distiller in London, was ed. at Leyden. Witty, resourceful, but unprincipled and profligate, he became from circumstances the representative and champion of important political principles, including that of free representation in Parliament. His writings have nothing of the brilliance and point of his social exhibitions, but his paper, The North Briton, and especially the famous "No. 45," in which he charged George III. with uttering a falsehood in his speech from the throne, caused so much excitement, and led to such important results that they give him a place in literature. He also wrote a highly offensive Essay on Woman. W. was expelled from the House of Commons and outlawed, but such was the strength of the cause which he championed that, notwithstanding the worthlessness of his character, his right to sit in the House was ultimately admitted in 1774, and he continued to sit until 1790. He was also Lord Mayor of London.
WILKIE, WILLIAM (1721-1772).—Poet, b.. in Linlithgowshire, s. of a farmer, and ed. at Edin., he entered the Church, and became minister of Ratho, Midlothian, in 1756, and Prof. of Natural Philosophy at St. Andrews in 1759. In 1757 he pub. the Epigoniad, dealing with the Epigoni, sons of the seven heroes who fought against Thebes. He also wrote Moral Fables in Verse.
WILKINS, JOHN (1614-1672).—Mathematician and divine, s. of a goldsmith in Oxf., but b. at Daventry and ed. at Oxf., entered the Church, held many preferments, and became Bishop of Chester. He m. a sister of Oliver Cromwell, and being of an easy temper and somewhat accommodating principles, he passed through troublous times and many changes with a minimum of hardship. He was one of the band of learned men whom Charles II. incorporated as the Royal Society. Among his writings are The Discovery of a World in the Moon, Mathematical Magic, and An Essay towards ... a Philosophical Language.
WILKINSON, SIR JOHN GARDNER (1797-1875).—Egyptologist, s. of a Westmoreland clergyman, studied at Oxf. In 1821 he went to Egypt, and remained there and in Nubia exploring, surveying, and studying the hieroglyphical inscriptions, on which he made himself one of the great authorities. He pub. two important works, of great literary as well as scholarly merit, Materia Hieroglyphica (1828) and Manners and Customs of the Ancient Egyptians (6 vols., 1837-41). He wrote various books of travel, and was knighted in 1839.
WILLIAM of MALMESBURY (fl. 12th cent.).—Historian, was an inmate of the great monastery at Malmesbury. His name is said to have been Somerset, and he was Norman by one parent and English by the other. The date of his birth is unknown, that of his death has sometimes been fixed as 1142 on the ground that his latest work stops abruptly in that year. His history, written in Latin, falls into two parts, Gesta Regum Anglorum (Acts of the Kings of the English), in five books, bringing the narrative down from the arrival of the Saxons to 1120, and Historia Novella (Modern History), carrying it on to 1142. The work is characterised by a love of truth, much more critical faculty in sifting evidence than was then common, and considerable attention to literary form. It is dedicated to Robert, Earl of Gloucester, the champion of Queen Matilda. Other works by W. are De Gestis Pontificum Anglorum, Lives of the English Bishops, and a history of the Monastery of Glastonbury.
WILLIAM of NEWBURGH, or NEWBURY (1136-1198?).—Historian, belonged to the monastery of Newburgh in Yorkshire. His own name is said to have been Little. His work, Historia Rerum Anglicarum (History of English affairs), is written in good Latin, and has some of the same qualities as that of William of Malmesbury (q.v.). He rejects the legend of the Trojan descent of the early Britons, and animadverts severely on what he calls "the impudent and impertinent lies" of Geoffrey of Monmouth (q.v.). His record of contemporary events is careful.
WILLIAMS, SIR CHARLES HANBURY (1708-1759).—Diplomatist and satirist, s. of John Hanbury, a Welsh ironmaster, assumed the name of Williams on succeeding to an estate, entered Parliament as a supporter of Walpole, held many diplomatic posts, and was a brilliant wit with a great contemporary reputation for lively and biting satires and lampoons.
WILLIS, BROWNE (1682-1760).—Antiquary, ed. at Westminster and Oxf., entered the Inner Temple 1700, sat in the House of Commons 1705-8. He wrote History of the Counties, Cities, and Boroughs of England and Wales (1715), Notitia Parliamentaria, etc.
WILLIS, NATHANIEL PARKER (1806-1867).—Poet, b. at Portland, and ed. at Yale, was mainly a journalist, and conducted various magazines, including the American Monthly; but he also wrote short poems, many of which were popular, of which perhaps the best is "Unseen Spirits," stories, and works of a more or less fugitive character, with such titles as Pencillings by the Way (1835), Inklings of Adventure, Letters from under a Bridge (1839), People I have Met, The Rag-Tag, The Slingsby Papers, etc., some of which were originally contributed to his magazines. He travelled a good deal in Europe, and was attached for a time to the American Embassy in Paris. He was a favourite in society, and enjoyed a wide popularity in uncritical circles, but is now distinctly a spent force.
WILLS, JAMES (1790-1868).—Poet and miscellaneous writer, younger s. of a Roscommon squire, was ed. at Trinity Coll., Dublin, and studied law in the Middle Temple. Deprived, however, of the fortune destined for him and the means of pursuing a legal career by the extravagance of his elder brother, he entered the Church, and also wrote largely in Blackwood's Magazine and other periodicals. In 1831 he pub. The Disembodied and other Poems; The Philosophy of Unbelief (1835) attracted much attention. His largest work was Lives of Illustrious and Distinguished Irishmen, and his latest publication The Idolatress (1868). In all his writings W. gave evidence of a powerful personality. His poems are spirited, and in some cases show considerable dramatic qualities.
WILLS, WILLIAM GORMAN (1828-1891).—Dramatist, s. of above, b. in Dublin. After writing a novel, Old Times, in an Irish magazine, he went to London, and for some time wrote for periodicals without any very marked success. He found his true vein in the drama, and produced over 30 plays, many of which, including Medea in Corinth, Eugene Aram, Jane Shore, Buckingham, and Olivia, had great success. Besides these he wrote a poem, Melchior, in blank verse, and many songs. He was also an accomplished artist.
WILSON, ALEXANDER (1766-1813).—Poet and ornithologist, b. at Paisley, where he worked as a weaver, afterwards becoming a pedlar. He pub. some poems, of which the best is Watty and Maggie, and in 1794 went to America, where he worked as a pedlar and teacher. His skill in depicting birds led to his becoming an enthusiastic ornithologist, and he induced the publisher of Rees's Cyclopaedia, on which he had been employed, to undertake an American ornithology to be written and illustrated by him. Some vols. of the work were completed when, worn out by the labour and exposure entailed by his journeys in search of specimens, he succumbed to a fever. Two additional vols. appeared posthumously. The work, both from a literary and artistic point of view, is of high merit. He also pub. in America another poem, The Foresters.
WILSON, SIR DANIEL (1816-1892).—Archaeologist and miscellaneous writer, b. and ed. in Edin., and after acting as sec. of the Society of Antiquaries there, went to Toronto as Prof. of History and English Literature. He was the author of Memorials of Edinburgh in the Olden Time, The Archeology and Pre-historic Annals of Scotland (1851), Civilisation in the Old and the New World, a study on "Chatterton," and Caliban, the Missing Link, etc.
WILSON, JOHN ("CHRISTOPHER NORTH") (1785-1854).—Poet, essayist, and miscellaneous writer, s. of a wealthy manufacturer in Paisley, where he was b., was ed. at Glas. and Oxf. At the latter he not only displayed great intellectual endowments, but distinguished himself as an athlete. Having succeeded to a fortune of L50,000 he purchased the small estate of Elleray in the Lake District, where he enjoyed the friendship of Wordsworth, Southey, Coleridge, and De Quincey. In 1812 he pub. The Isle of Palms, followed four years later by The City of the Plague, which gained for him a recognised place in literature, though they did not show his most characteristic gifts, and are now almost unread. About this time he lost a large portion of his fortune, had to give up continuous residence at Elleray, came to Edinburgh, and was called to the Scottish Bar, but never practised. The starting of Blackwood's Magazine brought him his opportunity, and to the end of his life his connection with it gave him his main employment and chief fame. In 1820 he became Prof. of Moral Philosophy in the Univ. of Edin. where, though not much of a philosopher in the technical sense, he exercised a highly stimulating influence upon his students by his eloquence and the general vigour of his intellect. The peculiar powers of W., his wealth of ideas, felicity of expression, humour, and animal spirits, found their full development in the famous Noctes Ambrosianae, a medley of criticism on literature, politics, philosophy, topics of the day and what not. Lights and Shadows of Scottish Life and The Trials of Margaret Lyndsay are contributions to fiction in which there is an occasional tendency to run pathos into rather mawkish sentimentality. In 1851 W. received a Government pension of L300. The following year a paralytic seizure led to his resignation of his professorial chair, and he d. in 1854. He was a man of magnificent physique, of shining rather than profound intellectual powers, and of generous character, though as a critic his strong feelings and prejudices occasionally made him unfair and even savage.
WILSON, JOHN (1804-1875).—Missionary and orientalist, b. at Lauder, Berwickshire, and ed. at Edin. for the ministry of the Church of Scotland, went in 1828 to India as a missionary, where, besides his immediate duties, he became a leader in all social reform, such as the abolition of the slave-trade and suttee, and also one of the greatest authorities on the subject of caste, and a trusted adviser of successive Governors-General in regard to all questions affecting the natives. He was in addition a profound Oriental scholar as to languages, history, and religion. He was D.D., F.R.S., and Vice-Chancellor of Bombay Univ. Among his works are The Parsi Religion (1812), The Lands of the Bible (1847), India Three Thousand Years Ago, and Memoirs of the Cave Temples of India.
WILSON, THOMAS (1525?-1581).—Scholar and statesman, b. in Lincolnshire, was at Camb., and held various high positions under Queen Elizabeth. He was the author of The Rule of Reason containing the Arte of Logique (1551), and The Arte of Rhetorique (1553), and made translations from Demosthenes. He endeavoured to maintain the purity of the language against the importation of foreign words.
WINGATE, DAVID, (1828-1892).—Poet, was employed in the coal-pits near Hamilton from the time he was 9. He pub. Poems and Songs (1862), which was favourably received, and followed by Annie Weir (1866). After this he studied at the Glasgow School of Mines, became a colliery manager, and devoted his increased leisure to study and further literary work. Lily Neil appeared in 1879, followed by Poems and Songs (1883), and Selected Poems (1890). W. was a man of independent character. He was twice m., his second wife being a descendant of Burns.
WINTHROP, THEODORE (1828-1861).—Novelist, b. at New Haven, Conn., descended through his f. from Governor W., and through his mother from Jonathan Edwards, ed. at Yale, travelled in Great Britain and on the Continent, and far and wide in his own country. After contributing to periodicals short sketches and stories, which attracted little attention, he enlisted in the Federal Army, in 1861, and was killed in the Battle of Great Bethel. His novels, for which he had failed to find a publisher, appeared posthumously—John Brent, founded on his experiences in the far West, Edwin Brothertoft, a story of the Revolution War, and Cecil Dreeme. Other works were The Canoe and Saddle, and Life in the Open Air. Though somewhat spasmodic and crude, his novels had freshness, originality, and power, and with longer life and greater concentration he might have risen high.
WITHER, GEORGE (1588-1667).—Poet, b. near Alton, Hampshire, was at Oxf. for a short time, and then studied law at Lincoln's Inn. In 1613 he pub. a bold and pungent satire, Abuses Stript and Whipt, with the result that he was imprisoned for some months in the Marshalsea. While there he wrote The Shepheard's Hunting, a pastoral. Wither's Motto, Nec Habeo, nec Careo, nec Curo (I have not, want not, care not) was written in 1618, and in 1622 he coll. his poems as Juvenilia. The same year he pub. a long poem, Faire Virtue, the Mistress of Philarete, in which appears the famous lyric, "Shall I wasting in despair." Though generally acting with the Puritans he took arms with Charles I. against the Scotch in 1639; but on the outbreak of the Civil War he was on the popular side, and raised a troop of horse. He was taken prisoner by the Royalists, and is said to have owed his life to the intercession of a fellow-poet, Sir John Denham. After the establishment of the Commonwealth he was considerably enriched out of sequestrated estates and other spoils of the defeated party; but on the Restoration was obliged to surrender his gains, was impeached, and committed to the Tower. In his later years he wrote many religious poems and hymns, coll. as Hallelujah. Before his death his poems were already forgotten, and he was referred to by Pope in The Dunciad as "the wretched Withers". He was, however, disinterred by Southey, Lamb, and others, who drew attention to his poetical merits, and he has now an established place among English poets, to which his freshness, fancy, and delicacy of taste well entitle him.
WODROW, ROBERT (1679-1734).—Church historian, s. of James W., Prof. of Divinity in Glasgow. Having completed his literary and theological education there, he entered the ministry of the Church of Scotland, and was ordained to the parish of Eastwood, Renfrewshire. Here he carried on the great work of his life, his History of the Sufferings of the Church of Scotland 1660 to 1688. W. wrote when the memory of the persecutions was still fresh, and his work is naturally not free from partisan feeling and credulity. It is, however, thoroughly honest in intention, and is a work of genuine research, and of high value for the period with which it deals. It was pub. in two folio vols. in 1721 and 1722. W. made large collections for other works which, however, were not pub. in his lifetime. The Lives of the Scottish Reformers and Most Eminent Ministers and Analecta, or a History of Remarkable Providences, were printed for the Maitland Club, and 3 vols. of his correspondence in 1841 for the Wodrow Society. The Analecta is a most curious miscellany showing a strong appetite for the marvellous combined with a hesitating doubt in regard to some of the more exacting narratives.
WOLCOT, JOHN (1738-1819).—Satirist, b. near Kingsbridge, Devonshire, was ed. by an uncle, and studied medicine. In 1767 he went as physician to Sir William Trelawny, Governor of Jamaica, and whom he induced to present him to a Church in the island then vacant, and was ordained in 1769. Sir William dying in 1772, W. came home and, abandoning the Church, resumed his medical character, and settled in practice at Truro, where he discovered the talents of Opie the painter, and assisted him. In 1780 he went to London, and commenced writing satires. The first objects of his attentions were the members of the Royal Academy, and these attempts being well received, he soon began to fly at higher game, the King and Queen being the most frequent marks for his satirical shafts. In 1786 appeared The Lousiad, a Heroi-Comic Poem, taking its name from a legend that on the King's dinner plate there had appeared a certain insect not usually found in such exalted quarters. Other objects of his attack were Boswell, the biographer of Johnson, and Bruce, the Abyssinian traveller. W., who wrote under the nom-de-guerre of "Peter Pindar," had a remarkable vein of humour and wit, which, while intensely comic to persons not involved, stung its subjects to the quick. He had likewise strong intelligence, and a power of coining effective phrases. In other kinds of composition, as in some ballads which he wrote, an unexpected touch of gentleness and even tenderness appears. Among these are The Beggar Man and Lord Gregory. Much that he wrote has now lost all interest owing to the circumstances referred to being forgotten, but enough still retains its peculiar relish to account for his contemporary reputation.
WOLFE, CHARLES (1791-1823).—Poet, s. of a landed gentleman in Kildare, was b. in Dublin, where he completed his ed. at Trinity Coll., having previously been at Winchester. He took orders, and was Rector of Donoughmere, but his health failed, and he d. of consumption at 32. He is remembered for one short, but universally known and admired poem, The Burial of Sir John Moore, which first appeared anonymously in the Newry Telegraph in 1817.
WOOD, or A WOOD, ANTHONY (1632-1695).—Antiquary, was b. at Oxf., where he was ed. and spent most of his life. His antiquarian enthusiasm was awakened by the collections of Leland, and he early began to visit and study the antiquities of his native county. This with history, heraldry, genealogies, and music occupied his whole time. By 1669 he had written his History and Antiquities of the University of Oxford, which was translated into Latin not to his satisfaction by the Univ. authorities, and he wrote a fresh English copy which was printed in 1786. His great work was Athenae Oxonienses; an exact History of all the Writers and Bishops who have had their Education in the University of Oxford, to which are added the Fasti or Annals of the said University (1691-92). For an alleged libel on the Earl of Clarendon in that work the author was expelled in 1694. He also wrote The Ancient and Present State of the City of Oxford, and Modius Salium, a Collection of Pieces of Humour, generally of an ill-natured cast.
WOOD, MRS. ELLEN (PRICE) (1814-1887).—Novelist, writing as "Mrs. Henry Wood," was b. at Worcester. She wrote over 30 novels, many of which, especially East Lynne, had remarkable popularity. Though the stories are generally interesting, they have no distinction of style. Among the best known are Danesbury House, Oswald Cray, Mrs. Halliburton's Troubles, The Channings, Lord Oakburn's Daughters, and The Shadow of Ashlydyat. Mrs. W. was for some years proprietor and ed. of the Argosy.
WOOD, JOHN GEORGE (1827-1889).—Writer on natural history, s. of a surgeon, b. in London, and ed. at home and at Oxf., where he worked for some time in the anatomical museum. He took orders, and among other benefices which he held was for a time chaplain to St. Bartholomew's Hospital. He was a very prolific writer on natural history, though rather as a populariser than as a scientific investigator, and was in this way very successful. Among his numerous works may be mentioned Illustrated Natural History (1853), Animal Traits and Characteristics (1860), Common Objects of the Sea Shore (1857), Out of Doors (1874), Field Naturalist's Handbook (with T. Wood) (1879-80), books on gymnastics, sport, etc., and an ed. of White's Selborne.
WOOLMAN, JOHN (1720-1772).—Quaker diarist, b. at Burlington, New Jersey, began life as a farm labourer, and then became a clerk in a store. He underwent deep religious impressions, and the latter part of his life was devoted to itinerant preaching and doing whatever good came to his hand. To support himself he worked as a tailor. He was one of the first to witness against the evils of slavery, on which he wrote a tract, Some Considerations on the Keeping of Negroes (1753). His Journal "reveals his life and character with rare fidelity" and, though little known compared with some similar works, gained the admiration of, among other writers, Charles Lamb, who says, "Get the writings of John Woolman by heart." In 1772 he went to England, where he d. of smallpox in the same year.
WOOLNER, THOMAS (1826-1892).—Sculptor and poet, b. at Hadleigh, attained a high reputation as a sculptor. He belonged to the pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood, and contributed poems to their magazine, the Germ. He wrote several vols. of poetry, including My Beautiful Lady (1863), Pygmalion, Silenus, Tiresias, and Nelly Dale. He had a true poetic gift, though better known by his portrait busts.
WORDSWORTH, CHRISTOPHER (1774-1846).—Biographer, etc., was a younger brother of the poet, ed. at Camb., took orders, and became Chaplain to the House of Commons, and Master of Trinity Coll., Camb. 1820-41. He was also Vice-Chancellor of the Univ. 1820-21 and 1826-27. He pub. Ecclesiastical Biography (1810), and Who wrote Eikon Basilike? in which he argued for the authorship of Charles I.
WORDSWORTH, CHRISTOPHER (1807-1885).—S. of above, ed. at Camb., took orders and became a Canon of Westminster 1844, and Bishop of Lincoln 1868. He travelled in Greece, and discovered the site of Dodona. His writings include in theology a commentary on the Bible (1856-70), Church History to A.D. 451 (1881-83), and in other fields, Athens and Attica (1836), and Theocritus (1844).
WORDSWORTH, DOROTHY (1771-1855).—Diarist, etc., was the only sister of the poet, and his lifelong and sympathetic companion, and endowed in no small degree with the same love of and insight into nature as is evidenced by her Journals. Many of her brother's poems were suggested by scenes and incidents recorded by her, of which that on Daffodils beginning "I wandered lonely as a cloud" is a notable example.
WORDSWORTH, WILLIAM (1770-1850).—Poet, s. of John W., attorney and agent to the 1st Lord Lonsdale, was b. at Cockermouth. His boyhood was full of adventure among the hills, and he says of himself that he showed "a stiff, moody, and violent temper." He lost his mother when he was 8, and his f. in 1783 when he was 13. The latter, prematurely cut off, left little for the support of his family of four sons and a dau., Dorothy (afterwards the worthy companion of her illustrious brother), except a claim for L5000 against Lord Lonsdale, which his lordship contested, and which was not settled until his death. With the help, however, of uncles, the family were well ed. and started in life. William received his earlier education at Penrith and Hawkshead in Lancashire; and in 1787 went to St. John's Coll., Camb., where he graduated B.A. in 1791. In the preceding year, 1790, he had taken a walking tour on the Continent, visiting France in the first flush of the Revolution with which, at that stage, he was, like many of the best younger minds of the time, in enthusiastic sympathy. So much was this the case that he nearly involved himself with the Girondists to an extent which might have cost him his life. His funds, however, gave out, and he returned to England shortly before his friends fell under the guillotine. His uncles were desirous that he should enter the Church, but to this he was unconquerably averse; and indeed his marked indisposition to adopt any regular employment led to their taking not unnatural offence. In 1793 his first publication—Descriptive Sketches of a Pedestrian Tour in the Alps, and The Evening Walk—appeared, but attracted little attention. The beginning of his friendship with Coleridge in 1795 tended to confirm him in his resolution to devote himself to poetry; and a legacy of L900 from a friend put it in his power to do so by making him for a time independent of other employment. He settled with his sister at Racedown, Dorsetshire, and shortly afterwards removed to Alfoxden, in the Quantock Hills, to be near Coleridge, who was then living at Nether Stowey in the same neighbourhood. One result of the intimacy thus established was the planning of a joint work, Lyrical Ballads, to which Coleridge contributed The Ancient Mariner, and W., among other pieces, Tintern Abbey. The first ed. of the work appeared in 1798. With the profits of this he went, accompanied by his sister and Coleridge, to Germany, where he lived chiefly at Goslar, and where he began the Prelude, a poem descriptive of the development of his own mind. After over a year's absence W. returned and settled with Dorothy at Grasmere. In 1800 the second ed. of Lyrical Ballads, containing W.'s contributions alone, with several additions, appeared. In the same year Lord Lonsdale d., and his successor settled the claims already referred to with interest, and the share of the brother and sister enabled them to live in the frugal and simple manner which suited them. Two years later W.'s circumstances enabled him to marry his cousin, Mary Hutchinson, to whom he had been long attached. In 1804 he made a tour in Scotland, and began his friendship with Scott. The year 1807 saw the publication of Poems in Two Volumes, which contains much of his best work, including the "Ode to Duty," "Intimations of Immortality," "Yarrow Unvisited," and the "Solitary Reaper." In 1813 he migrated to Rydal Mount, his home for the rest of his life; and in the same year he received, through the influence of Lord Lonsdale, the appointment of Distributor of Stamps for Westmoreland, with a salary of L400. The next year he made another Scottish tour, when he wrote Yarrow Visited, and he also pub. The Excursion, "being a portion of The Recluse, a Poem." W. had now come to his own, and was regarded by the great majority of the lovers of poetry as, notwithstanding certain limitations and flaws, a truly great and original poet. The rest of his life has few events beyond the publication of his remaining works (which, however, did not materially advance his fame), and tokens of the growing honour in which he was held. The White Doe of Rylstone appeared in 1815, in which year also he made a collection of his poems; Peter Bell and The Waggoner in 1819; The River Duddon and Memorials of a Tour on the Continent in 1820; Ecclesiastical Sonnets 1822; and Yarrow Revisited in 1835. In 1831 he paid his last visit to Scott; in 1838 he received the degree of D.C.L. from Durham, and in 1839 the same from Oxf. Three years later he resigned his office of Distributor of Stamps in favour of his s., and received a civil list pension of L300. The following year, 1843, he succeeded Southey as Poet Laureate. His long, tranquil, and fruitful life ended in 1850. He lies buried in the churchyard of Grasmere. After his death the Prelude, finished in 1805, was pub. It had been kept back because the great projected poem of which it was to have been the preface, and of which The Excursion is a part, was never completed.
The work of W. is singularly unequal. When at his best, as in the "Intimations of Immortality," "Laodamia," some passages in The Excursion, and some of his short pieces, and especially his sonnets, he rises to heights of noble inspiration and splendour of language rarely equalled by any of our poets. But it required his poetic fire to be at fusing point to enable him to burst through his natural tendency to prolixity and even dulness. His extraordinary lack of humour and the, perhaps consequent, imperfect power of self-criticism by which it was accompanied, together with the theory of poetic theme and diction with which he hampered himself, led him into a frequent choice of trivial subjects and childish language which excited not unjust ridicule, and long delayed the general recognition of his genius. He has a marvellous felicity of phrase, an unrivalled power of describing natural appearances and effects, and the most ennobling views of life and duty. But his great distinguishing characteristic is his sense of the mystic relations between man and nature. His influence on contemporary and succeeding thought and literature has been profound and lasting. It should be added that W., like Milton, with whom he had many points in common, was the master of a noble and expressive prose style.
SUMMARY.—B. 1770, ed. at Camb., sympathiser with French Revolution in earlier stages, first publication Tour in the Alps and Evening Walk 1793, became acquainted with Coleridge 1795, pub. with him Lyrical Ballads 1798, visits Germany and begins Prelude, returns to England and settles at Grasmere, pub. second ed. of Lyrical Ballads, entirely his own, 1800, m. Mary Hutchinson 1802, visits Scotland 1804 and becomes acquainted with Scott, pub. Poems in Two Volumes 1807, goes to Rydal Mount 1813, appointed Distributor of Stamps, revisits Scotland, writes Yarrow Visited and pub. The Excursion 1814, White Doe and coll. works 1815, Waggoner, Ecclesiastical Sonnets, etc., 1819-35, pensioned 1842, Poet Laureate 1843, d. 1850.
There are numerous good ed. of the poems, including his own by Moxon (1836, 1845, and 1850), and those by Knight (1882-86), Morley (1888), Dowden (1893), Smith (1908). Another by Knight in 16 vols. includes the prose writings and the Journal by Dorothy (1896-97). Lives by Christopher Wordsworth (1857), Myers (1880), and others. See also criticism by W. Raleign (1903).
WOTTON, SIR HENRY (1568-1639).—Diplomatist and poet, s. of a Kentish gentleman, was b. at Boughton Park, near Maidstone, and ed. at Winchester and Oxf. After spending 7 years on the Continent, he entered the Middle Temple. In 1595 he became sec. to the Earl of Essex, who employed him abroad, and while at Venice he wrote The State of Christendom or a Most Exact and Curious Discovery of many Secret Passages and Hidden Mysteries of the Times, which was not, however, printed until 1657. Afterwards he held various diplomatic appointments, but Court favour latterly failed him and he was recalled from Venice and made Provost of Eton in 1624, to qualify himself for which he took deacon's orders. Among his other works were Elements of Architecture (1624) and A Survey of Education. His writings in prose and verse were pub. in 1651 as Reliquiae Wottonianae. His poems include two which are familiar to all readers of Elizabethan verse, The Character of a Happy Life, "How happy is he born and taught," and On his Mistress, the Queen of Bohemia, beginning "Ye meaner Beauties of the Night." He was the originator of many witty sayings, which have come down.
WRAXALL, SIR NATHANIEL WILLIAM (1751-1831).—Historical writer, b. at Bristol, was for a few years in the service of the East India Company, and thereafter employed on diplomatic missions, and sat for some years in the House of Commons. In addition to a book of travels and some historical works relating to the French and other foreign Courts, he wrote Historical Memories of my own Time 1772-84, pub. in 1815. The work was severely criticised by both political parties, and in particular by Macaulay; but W. made a reply which was considered to be on the whole successful. A continuation bringing the narrative down to 1790 was pub. in 1836. The Memoirs are valuable for the light they throw on the period, and especially for the portraits of public men which they give.
WRIGHT, THOMAS (1810-1877).—Antiquary, b. near Ludlow, of Quaker parentage, was ed. at Camb. His first work was a History of Essex (1831-36). In 1836 he went to London, and adopted literature as a profession, devoting himself specially to archaeology, history, and biography. He held office in various societies such as the "Camden," "Percy," and "Shakespeare," and ed. many works for them. In all he was the author of over 80 publications, of which some of the chief are The Celt, the Roman, and the Saxon, Biographia Britannica Literaria, Queen Elizabeth and her Times, and History of Domestic Manners and Sentiments in England during the Middle Ages. He was superintendent of the excavation of the Roman city at Wroxeter in 1859.
WYATT, SIR THOMAS (1503-1542).—Poet, s. of Sir Henry W., a servant of Henry VII., and ed. at St. John's Coll., Camb., came to Court and was frequently employed by Henry VIII. on diplomatic missions. He is said to have been an admirer of Anne Boleyn before her marriage, and on her disgrace was thrown into the Tower for a short time. In 1537 he was knighted, and two years later was against his will sent on a mission to the Emperor Charles V. On the death in 1540 of Thomas Cromwell, to whose party he belonged, W. was accused of misdemeanours during his embassy and again imprisoned in the Tower, where he wrote a defence which resulted in his release. In 1542 he was sent to meet the Spanish Ambassador at Falmouth, and conduct him to London, but on the way caught a chill, of which he d. W. shares with the Earl of Surrey (q.v.) the honour of being the first real successor of Chaucer, and also of introducing the sonnet into England. In addition to his sonnets, which are in a more correct form than those of Surrey, W. wrote many beautiful lyrics; in fact he may be regarded as the reviver of the lyrical spirit in English poetry which, making its appearance in the 13th century, had fallen into abeyance. In the anthology known as Tottel's Miscellany, first pub. in 1557, 96 pieces by W. appear along with 40 by Surrey, and others by different hands. W. has less smoothness and sweetness than Surrey, but his form of the sonnet was much more difficult as well as more correct than that invented by the latter, and afterwards adopted by Shakespeare, and his lyrical gift is more marked.
WYCHERLEY, WILLIAM (1640?-1716).—Dramatist, was b. at Clive, near Shrewsbury, where his f. had an estate. He was at the Inner Temple in 1659, and at Oxf. in 1660. Part of his youth had been spent in France, where he became a Roman Catholic, but at the Restoration he returned to Protestantism. He wrote four comedies, Love in a Wood, The Gentleman Dancing Master, The Country Wife, and The Plain Dealer, all produced in the reign of Charles II., and nothing of consequence afterwards, a vol. of poems doing little to add to his reputation. About 1679 he m. the widowed Countess of Drogheda, who d. in 1681, and he entered into a second marriage eleven days before his death. In his later years he formed a friendship with Pope, then a boy of 16. W. was one of the founders of the Comedy of Manners. The merit of his plays lies in smart and witty dialogue rather than in construction. The Plain Dealer, his best, is founded upon Moliere's Misanthrope. His plays are notoriously coarse.
WYNTOUN, ANDREW of (1350?-1420?).—Chronicler, was a canon of St. Andrews, who became Prior of St. Serf's island in Loch Leven. His work, entitled The Orygynale Cronykil, begins with the creation of angels and men and comes down to 1406. It is poetic in form though rarely so in substance, and is of considerable historical value in its later parts and as regards the see of St. Andrews.
YALDEN, THOMAS (1670-1736).—Poet, s. of an exciseman at Oxf., and ed. at Magdalen Coll., entered the Church, in which he obtained various preferments. He was the author of a considerable number of poems, including a Hymn to Darkness, Pindaric Odes, and translations from the classics.
YATES, EDMUND (1831-1894).—Novelist and dramatist, b. at Edin., held for some years an appointment in the General Post Office. He did much journalistic work, mainly as a dramatic writer, and wrote many dramatic pieces and some novels, including Running the Gauntlet and The Black Sheep. He was perhaps best known as ed. of The World society journal.
YONGE, CHARLOTTE MARY (1823-1901).—Novelist, only dau. of a landed gentleman of Hampshire, was b. near Winchester, and in her girlhood came under the influence of Keble, who was a near neighbour. She began writing in 1848, and pub. during her long life about 100 works, chiefly novels, interesting and well-written, with a High Church tendency. Among the best known are The Heir of Redclyffe, Heartsease, and The Daisy Chain. She also wrote Cameos from English History, and Lives of Bishop Patteson and Hannah More. The profits of her works were devoted to religious objects.
YOUNG, ARTHUR (1741-1820).—Writer on agriculture, was b. in London, the s. of a Suffolk clergyman. In his early years he farmed, making many experiments, which though they did not bring him financial success, gave him knowledge and experience, afterwards turned to useful account. Various publications had made his name known, and in 1777 he became agent to Lord Kingsborough on his Irish estates. In 1780 he pub. his Tour in Ireland, and four years later started the Annals of Agriculture, 47 vols. of which appeared. His famous tours in France were made 1787-90, the results of his observations being pub. in Travels in France (1792). He was in 1793 appointed sec. to the newly founded Board of Agriculture, and pub. many additional works on the subject. He is justly regarded as the father of modern agriculture, in which, as in all subjects affecting the public welfare, he maintained an active interest until his death. In his later years he was blind.
YOUNG, EDWARD (1683-1765).—Poet, s. of the Rector of Upham, Hampshire, where he was b. After being at Winchester School and Oxf. he accompanied the Duke of Wharton to Ireland. Y., who had always a keen eye towards preferment, and the cult of those who had the dispensing of it, began his poetical career in 1713 with An Epistle to Lord Lansdowne. Equally characteristic was the publication in the same year of two poems, The Last Day and The Force of Religion. The following year he produced an elegy On the Death of Queen Anne, which brought him into notice. Turning next to the drama he produced Busiris in 1719, and The Revenge in 1721. His next work was a collection of 7 satires, The Love of Fame, the Universal Passion. In 1727 he entered the Church, and was appointed one of the Royal Chaplains, and Rector of Welwyn, Herts, in 1730. Next year he m. Lady Elizabeth Lee, the widowed dau. of the Earl of Lichfield, to whom, as well as to her dau. by her former marriage, he was warmly attached. Both d., and sad and lonely the poet began his masterpiece, The Complaint, or Night Thoughts (1742-44), which had immediate and great popularity, and which still maintains its place as a classic. In 1753 he brought out his last drama, The Brothers, and in 1761 he received his last piece of preferment, that of Clerk to the Closet to the Princess Dowager of Wales. Four years later, in 1765, he d. The poems of Y., though in style artificial and sometimes forced, abound in passages of passion and power which sometimes reach the sublime. But the feelings and sentiments which he expresses with so much force as a poet form an unpleasantly harsh contrast with the worldliness and tuft-hunting of his life.
The number of writers included in this Appendix, and their bibliographies, are necessarily limited, but it is hoped that despite the difficulties of selection the list will be found fairly representative.
ABBOTT, REV. EDWIN ABBOTT, D.D. (1838).—Writer on Biblical and literary subjects. Shakespearian Grammar (1870), ed. of Bacon's Essays (1876), Bacon and Essex (1877), Francis Bacon ... his Life and Works (1885), Flatland, a Romance of Many Dimensions (1884), St. Thomas of Canterbury (1898), Paradosis (1904), Johannine Vocabulary (1905), Silanus the Christian (1906), etc.
ALLEN, JAMES LANE (1849).—American novelist. A Kentucky Cardinal, The Choir Invisible, A Summer in Arcady, Blue Grass Region of Kentucky, The Increasing Purpose, Aftermath, part ii. of A Kentucky Cardinal, The Mettle of the Pasture, The Reign of Law.
ANSON, SIR WILLIAM REYNELL, BART., D.C.L. (1843).—Legaland constitutional writer, etc., Law and Custom of the Constitution, ed. Memoirs of the third Duke of Grafton, etc.
ARBER, EDWARD, D.Litt.—Literary antiquary. Has issued many reprints of rare books. English Reprints, English Scholars' Library, ed. An English Garner (1880-83), British Anthologies (1899-1901), A Christian Library (1907).
ARCHER, WILLIAM (1856).—Writer on the drama and translator of Ibsen; ed. Ibsen's Prose Dramas, 5 vols., Collected Works of Ibsen, 11 vols., translated with his brother, Major Chas. A., Ibsen's Peer Gynt, Life of Macready, Masks or Faces, Study and Stage, Real Conversations (1904), etc.
ARNIM, COUNTESS VON (BEAUCHAMP).—Elizabeth and her German Garden, A Solitary Summer, The April Baby's Book of Tunes, The Benefactress, Elizabeth's Adventures in Ruegen, Fraulein Schmidt and Mr. Anstruther.
ASHTON, JOHN (1834).—Literary antiquary, etc. History of Chap-books of Eighteenth Century (1882), Humour, Wit, and Satire of Seventeenth Century (ed. 1883), Adventures and Discoveries of Capt. John Smith (1884), Romances of Chivalry (1886), Social England under the Regency (1890), etc.
AUSTIN, ALFRED (1835).—Poet Laureate 1896. The Human Tragedy, Lyrical Poems, Narrative Poems, Fortunatus the Pessimist, Alfred the Great, Flodden Field: a Tragedy (1903), etc. Prose works include The Garden that I Love, In Veronica's Garden, Lamia's Winter Quarters, Sacred and Profane Love (1908).
AVEBURY, JOHN LUBBOCK, 1ST LORD, P.C., D.C.L., etc. (1834).—Miscellaneous writer. Use of Life, Beauties of Nature, Pleasures of Life (two parts), British Wild Flowers considered in relation to Insects, Ants, Bees, and Wasps, The Origin of Civilisation, and many other works on Natural History, Sociology, and Economics.
BAGOT, RICHARD (1860).—Novelist. A Roman Mystery (1899), Casting of Nets (1901), Donna Diana (1903), Temptation (1907), etc.
BALFOUR, RIGHT HON. ARTHUR JAMES, P.C., LL.D., D.C.L., etc. (1848).—Statesman and philosophic writer. A Defence of Philosophic Doubt (1879), Essays and Addresses (1893), The Foundations of Belief (1895), Reflections suggested by the New Theory of Matter (1904).
BALL, SIR ROBERT STAWELL, LL.D., F.R.S. (1840).—Scientific writer. The Story of the Heavens (1885), Starland (1889), The Story of the Sun (1893), The Earth's Beginning (1901), etc.
BARING-GOULD, SABINE (1834).—Novelist and folk-lorist, etc. Iceland, its Scenes and Sagas (1862), Curious Myths of the Middle Ages (1866), Origin and Development of Religious Belief (1869-70), Lives of the Saints (1872-77). Novels, Mehalah (1880), Richard Cable (1888), The Pennycomequicks (1889), Domitia (1898), Pabo the Priest (1899), Crock of Gold (1899), Nebo the Nailer (1902), Devonshire Characters (1908), etc.; also books on Folk-lore.
BARRIE, JAMES MATTHEW, LL.D. (1860).—Novelist and dramatist. Auld Licht Idylls, When a Man's Single (1888), A Window in Thrums (1889), My Lady Nicotine (1890), The Little Minister (1891), Sentimental Tommy, Margaret Ogilvy (1896), The Little White Bird (1902), Peter Pan (1906), etc. Dramatic works include The Professor's Love Story, The Little Minister, The Wedding Guest (1900), The Admirable Crichton (1903), Peter Pan (1904), What Every Woman Knows (1908).
BARRY, REV. WILLIAM (FRANCIS), D.D. (1849).—Novelist, etc. The New Antigone (1887), Two Standards (1898), Arden Massiter (1900), The Wizard's Knot (1901), The Dayspring (1903), etc.
BATTERSBY, HARRY FRANCIS PREVOST ("FRANCIS PREVOST").—Poet, novelist, and war correspondent. Poems, Melilot (1886), Fires of Greenwood (1887). Novels, Rust of Gold (1895), The Avenging Hour (1896), False Dawn (1897), The Plague of the Heart (1902), etc.; joint translator of Tolstoi's Christ's Christianity and What to Do. Plays, The Way of War (1902), and Voice of Duty (1904).
BAX, ERNEST BELFORT (1854).—Writer on philosophy and socialism. Kant's Prolegomena with Biography and Introduction (1882), Handbook to the History of Philosophy (1884), Religion of Socialism (1886), Ethics of Socialism (1889), The Problem of Reality (1893), Socialism, its Growth and Outcome (with W. Morris) (1894), The Roots of Reality (1907), etc.
BEAZLEY, CHARLES RAYMOND, F.R.G.S. (1868).—Historical geographer, James of Aragon (1870), Henry the Navigator (1895), Dawn of Modern Geography, 3 vols. (1897-1906), etc.
BECKE, GEORGE LOUIS (1848).—Novelist. By Reef and Palm (1890), A First Fleet Family (1896), Pacific Tales (1897), Tom Wallis (1900), Yorke, the Adventurer (1901), Chinkie's Flat (1903), etc.; and with W. Jeffery, His Native Wife (1896), The Mutineer, Admiral Phillip (1899), The Tapu of Benderah, etc.
BEECHING, REV. HENRY CHARLES, D.Litt. (1859).—Miscellaneous writer. In a Garden and other Poems (1895), Pages from a Private Diary (1898), various vols. of sermons, etc., including Seven Sermons to Schoolboys (1894), The Grace of Episcopacy (1906); has ed. A Paradise of English Poetry (1892), Lyra Sacra (1894), and various English classics, etc.
BEERBOHM, MAX (1872).—Essayist and dramatic critic, The Works of Max Beerbohm, The Happy Hypocrite, Caricatures of Twenty-five Gentlemen, More (1898), Yet Again (1909), etc.
BEESLY, EDWARD SPENCER (1831).—Writer on history and philosophy. Catiline, Clodius, and Tiberius (1878), Queen Elizabeth (1892), has translated various works of Aug. Comte, etc.
BELL, HENRY THOMAS MACKENZIE (1856).—Poet and critic. Spring's Immortality and other Poems, Christina Rossetti, Pictures of Travel and other Poems (1898), Collected Poems (1901).
BELLOC, HILAIRE (1870).—Miscellaneous writer. The Bad Child's Book of Beasts (1896), More Beasts for Worse Children (1897), The Moral Alphabet, Danton (1899), Lambkin's Remains (1900), Robespierre (1901), Caliban's Guide to Letters (1903), Mr. Burden (1904), Esto Perpetua (1906), The Historic Thames (1907), The Path to Rome, etc.
BENNETT, ENOCH ARNOLD (1867).—Novelist, etc. A Man from the North (1898), Polite Farces (1899), Anna of the Five Towns (1902), A Great Man (1904), The Grim Smile of the Five Towns (1907), Buried Alive (1908), Old Wives' Tale (1908), etc.
BENSON, ARTHUR CHRISTOPHER (1862).—Poet, biographer and miscellaneous writer. Poems (1893), Lyrics (1895), The Professor and other Poems (1900), The House of Quiet (1903), Peace and other Poems (1905), From a College Window (1906), Beside Still Waters (1907), books on Tennyson, Rossetti, E. Fitzgerald, Walter Pater, etc.
BENSON, EDWARD FREDERIC (1867).—Novelist. Dodo (1893), Rubicon (1894), Judgment Books (1895), The Babe B.A. (1897), Vintage (1898), Scarlet and Hyssop (1902), Image in the Sand (1905). Plays, Aunt Jeannie (1902), House of Defence (1907), etc.
BERDOE, EDWARD (1836).—Writer on Browning, etc. Browning's Message to his Time (1890), Browning Cyclopaedia (1891), Biographical and Historical Notes to Browning's Complete Works (1894), Browning and the Christian Faith (1896), A Browning Primer (1904), and various books on medicine, etc.
BERENSON, BERNHARD (1865).—Writer on art. Venetian Painters of the Renaissance (1894), Lorenzo Lotto, an Essay on Constructive Art Criticism (1895), Florentine Painters of the Renaissance (1896), Central Italian Painters of the Renaissance (1897), Study and Criticism of Italian Art (1901), North Italian Painters of the Renaissance, A Sienese Painter of the Franciscan Legend (1910), etc.
BESANT, MRS. ANNIE (1847).—Theosophist. Re-incarnation (1892), Death and After (1893), Karma (1895), The Self and its Sheaths (1895), Ancient Wisdom (1897), Dharma (1899), Esoteric Christianity (1901), Pedigree of Man (1903), Wisdom of the Upanishats (1906), etc.
BINYON, LAURENCE (1869).—Poet and art critic. Lyric Poems (1894), London Visions, Book I. (1895), Book II. (1898), The Praise of Life (1896), Porphyrion and other Poems (1898), Odes (1900), Penthesilea (1905), Paris and AEnone (1906), etc.
BIRRELL, AUGUSTINE, M.P., LL.D. (1850).—Essayist, etc. Obiter Dicta (1884), Res Judicatae (1892), Men, Women, and Books (1894), Collected Essays (1900), Miscellanies (1901). Books on Charlotte Bronte, Hazlitt, etc. Ed. Boswell's Johnson (1907).
BLAIKIE, JOHN ARTHUR (1849).—Poet and journalist. Madrigals, Songs, and Sonnets (1870), Love's Victory (1890), and A Sextet of Singers (1895).
BLAND, MRS. HUBERT ["E. NESBIT"] (1858).—Poet and novelist. Lays and Legends (1886), second series (1892), A Pomander of Verse (1895), In Homespun (1896), Secret of Kyriels (1898), Book of Dragons (1900), Five Children and It (1902), The Phoenix and the Carpet (1904), The Railway Children (1906), Salome and the Head (1908), etc.
BLOUNDELLE-BURTON, JOHN EDWARD (1850).—Novelist. Silent Shore (1886), Desert Ship (1890), Denounced (1896), A Bitter Heritage (1899), A Branded Name (1903), A Woman from the Sea (1907), and Last of her Race (1908), etc.
BLUNT, WILFRID SCAWEN (1840).—Poet, etc. Love Sonnets of Proteus (1880), Future of Islam (1882), The Wind and the Whirlwind (1883), Esther (1892), The Stealing of the Mare (1892), Seven Golden Odes of Pagan Arabia (1903), Secret History of the English Occupation of Egypt (1907), etc.
BOAS, FREDERICK S. (1862).—Scholar. Shakespeare and his Predecessors (1896), ed. works of T. Kyd, and of Giles and Phineas Fletcher, etc.
BODLEY, JOHN EDWARD COURTENAY, D.C.L. (1853).—Historian. France, vol. i. The Revolution and Modern France, vol. ii. The Parliamentary System, The Coronation of Edward VII. (1903), The Church in France (1906), etc.
BOURDILLON, F.W. (1852).—Poet, etc. Among the Flowers (1878), Sursum Corda (1893), Nephele (1896), etc.
BRADDON, MARY ELIZABETH (1837).—Novelist. Lady Audley's Secret, Aurora Floyd (1862), Henry Dunbar (1864), Only a Clod (1865), The Lady's Mile (1866), Dead Sea Fruit (1869), Robert Ainsleigh (1872), Hostages to Fortune (1875), Vixen (1870), Wyllard's Weird (1886), Rough Justice (1898), His Darling Sin (1895), The White House (1906), and many others.
BRADLEY, ANDREW CECIL, L.L.D., Litt.D., etc.—Critic. A Commentary on Tennyson's In Memoriam (1901), Shakespearian Tragedy (1904), Oxford Lectures on Poetry (1909).
BRADLEY, FRANCIS HERBERT (1846).—Philosopher. The Presuppositions of Critical History (1874), Ethical Studies (1876), The Principles of Logic (1883), and Appearance and Reality (1893).
BRIDGES, ROBERT (1844).—Poet. Essay on Milton's Prosody, Critical Essay on Keats. Poems, The Growth of Love, Prometheus the Firegiver, Eros and Psyche. Plays, Nero, Ulysses, Christian Captives, Achilles in Scyros, Feast of Bacchus, etc.
BROOKE, REV. STOPFORD AUGUSTUS, LL.D. (1832).—Writer on English literature and theology, etc. Theology of the English Poets (1874), Primer of English Literature (1876), Riquet of the Tuft (1880), (drama), Unity of God and Man (1886), Poems (1888), History of Early English Literature (1892), History of English Literature (1894), and Gospel of Joy (1898).
BROUGHTON, RHODA (1840).—Novelist. Cometh up as a Flower (1867), Not Wisely but too Well (1867), Red as a Rose is She (1870), Goodbye, Sweetheart, Goodbye (1872), Dr. Cupid (1886), Scylla or Charybdis? (1895), Dear Faustina (1897), The Game and the Candle (1899), Foes in Law (1901), etc.
BROWN, PETER HUME, LL.D. (1850).—Historian. George Buchanan, Humanist and Reformer (1890), Early Travellers in Scotland (1891), Scotland before 1700 (1893), John Knox, a Biography (1895), History of Scotland (1898-1909), etc.
BROWNE, THOMAS ALEXANDER (1826).—Australian novelist. Robbery under Arms (1888), The Miner's Right (1890), A Sydney-side Saxon (1891), A Modern Buccaneer (1894), The Squatter's Dream, The Crooked Stick, Old Melbourne Memories (1895), A Canvas Town Romance (1898), Babes in the Bush (1900), A Tale of the Golden West (1906), etc.
BROWNING, OSCAR (1837).—Historian, etc. Modern England (1879), Modern France (1880), England and Napoleon in 1803 (1887), History of England, in four vols. (1890), True Stories from English History (1886), Guelphs and Ghibellines (1894), Wars of the Nineteenth Century (1899), History of Europe 1814-1843 (1901), and also Lives of George Eliot, Dante, Goethe, Bartolommeo Colleoni, and Napoleon.
BRYCE, RIGHT HON. JAMES, P.C., D.C.L., etc. (1838).—Historical and political writer, etc. The Holy Roman Empire (1862), Transcaucasia and Ararat (1877), The American Commonwealth (1888), Studies in History and Jurisprudence (1901), Studies in Contemporary Biography (1903), etc.
BUCHAN, JOHN (1875).—Novelist, etc. Musa Piscatrix (1896), Scholar-Gipsies (1896), John Burnet of Barns (1898), The Watcher by the Threshold (1902), and A Lodge in the Wilderness (1906).
BUDGE, ERNEST A. WALLIS, Litt.D., etc.—Orientalist, etc. Has produced ed. of numerous Assyrian and Egyptian texts. The Dwellers on the Nile (1885), Excavations at Aswan (1888), Festival Songs of Isis and Nephthys, etc. (1891), Book of the Dead (1895), The Laughable Stories of Bar-Hebraeus (1896), A History of Egypt, etc. (1902), The Gods of Egypt (1903), The Egyptian Sudan (1907), etc.
BULLEN, ARTHUR HENRY (1857).—Ed. of Old English writers. Ed. Works of John Day, dramatist (1881), Collection of Old English Plays (1882-84), Selections from Poems of Michael Drayton (1883), ed. Works of Marlowe, Middleton, Marston, Peele, Campion, Lyrics from the Song Books of Elizabethan Age (1886), England's Helicon (1887), works of Thos. Traherne, W. Strode, etc.
BULLEN, FRANK THOMAS (1857).—Writer of nautical romances. The Cruise of the Cachalot, Idylls of the Sea, With Christ at Sea, A Whaleman's Wife, Sea Wrack, Sea Puritans, A Son of the Sea, Frank Brown, etc.
BURNAND, SIR FRANCIS COWLEY (1836).—Humorist and dramatist, ed. of Punch (1880-1906), to which he contributed Mokeanna, Strapmore, Happy Thoughts, etc. Has written over 120 plays, including Black-eyed Susan, The Colonel, Contrabandista, His Majesty, etc.
BURNETT, MRS. FRANCES HODGSON (1849).—Novelist and dramatist. That Lass o' Lowrie's (1877), Haworths (1879), A Fair Barbarian (1881), Through One Administration (1883), Little Lord Fauntleroy (1886), A Lady of Quality (1896), Making of a Marchioness (1901), etc. Plays, Phyllis, The Showman's Daughter, Esmeralda, Little Lord Fauntleroy, etc.
BURY, JOHN B., LL.D., etc. (1861).—Historian. History of the Later Roman Empire from Arcadius to Irene (1889), History of Greece to Death of Alexander the Great (1900), Life of St. Patrick (1905); has ed. Pindar's Nemean Odes and Isthmian Odes, Gibbon's Decline and Fall, and part of E.A. Freeman's works.
BUTCHER, SAMUEL HENRY, LL.D., etc. (1850).—Scholar. Prose Translation of the Odyssey (1879), with A. Lang, Some Aspects of the Greek Genius (1891-1904), Aristotle's Theory of Poetry, (1895, 1903). etc.
BUTLER, SIR WILLIAM FRANCIS, G.C.B. (1838).—Traveller and biographer. The Great Lone Land (1872), The Wild North Land (1873), The Campaign of the Cataracts (1887), From Naboth's Vineyard (1907), Lives of Gen. Gordon, Sir. C. Napier, Sir G.P. Colley, etc.
CABLE, GEORGE WASHINGTON (1844).—American novelist. Old Creole Days (1879), The Grandissimes (1880), Madame Delphine (1881), Dr. Sevier (1884), John March (1884), The Cavalier (1901), Bylow Hill (1902), etc.
CAINE, HALL (1853).—Novelist.—Shadow of a Crime (1885), Son of Hagar (1886), The Deemster (1887), The Bondman (1890), The Scapegoat (1891), The Manxman (1894), The Christian (1897), The Eternal City (1901), The Prodigal Son (1904), several of which have been dramatised. Has also written books on Rossetti and Coleridge.
CAMBRIDGE, ADA (MRS. CROSS) (1844).—Australian novelist. A Marked Man (1891), The Three Miss Kings (1891), A Little Minx (1893), Fidelis (1895), Materfamilias (1898), The Devastators (1901), A Happy Marriage (1906), The Eternal Feminine (1907), etc.
CAMPBELL, WILFRED, LL.D. (1861).—Poet. Lake Lyrics (1889), Dread Voyage Poems (1893), Mordred and Hildebrand Tragedies (1895), Beyond the Hills of Dream (1899), Ian of the Orcades (1906) (novel), etc.
CASTLE, EGERTON (1858).—Novelist. Consequences (1891), The Light of Scarthey (1895), The Jerningham Letters (1896), The Pride of Jennico (1898), Desperate Remedies (play), Young April (1899), The Secret Orchard (1899), Incomparable Bellairs (1904), Wroth (1908) (with Agnes Castle), etc.
CHAMBERS, ROBERT WILLIAM (1865).—American novelist. In the Quarter (1895), The Red Republic (1896), Lorraine, The Cambric Mask, The Maids of Paradise (1903), A Young Man in a Hurry (1906), The Fighting Chance (1907), etc.
CHESTERTON, GILBERT KEITH (1874).—Essayist, etc. The Wild Knight, Greybeards at Play, Twelve Types, The Napoleon of Notting Hill (1904), Club of Queer Trades (1905), Heretics (1905), All Things Considered (1908), books on R. Browning, Dickens, G.F. Watts, G.B. Shaw, etc.
CHOLMONDELEY, MARY.—Novelist. Diana Tempest, Red Pottage, Moth and Rust (1902), Prisoners (1906), etc.
CHURCHILL, WINSTON (1871).—American novelist. The Celebrity, Richard Carvel (1899), The Crisis (1901), The Crossing (1903), Coniston (1906), Mr. Crewe's Career (1908).
CLIFFORD, MRS. W.K. (LANE).—Novelist, etc. Mrs. Keith's Crime (1885), Love Letters of a Worldly Woman (1891), Aunt Anne (1893), A Woman Alone (1901), The Modern Way (1906), etc., and various plays.
CLODD, EDWARD (1840).—Scientific writer, etc. The Childhood of the World (1872), The Childhood of Religions (1875), Myths and Dreams (1885), Story of Primitive Man (1895), Primer of Evolution (1895), Animism (1906), etc.
COLERIDGE, CHRISTABEL ROSE (1843).—Novelist. Lady Betty (1869), The Face of Carlyon (1875), An English Squire (1881), A Near Relation (1886), Waynflete (1893), The Winds of Cathrigg (1901), etc.
COLVIN, SIDNEY, D.Litt. (1845).—Writer on art, etc. A Florentine Picture-Chronicle (1898), Early Engraving and Engravers in England (1906), Lives of Keats, Landor; ed. Letters of Keats and R.L. Stevenson, and the Edinburgh ed. of the latter's works, etc.
"CONNOR, RALPH" (Rev. C.W. GORDON) (1860).—Novelist, etc. The Sky Pilot, The Man from Glengarry, The Doctor of Crow's Nest, etc.
CONRAD, JOSEPH.—Novelist. Almayer's Folly (1895), An Outcast of the Islands (1896), Tales of Unrest (1898), Lord Jim (1900), Typhoon (1903), Nostromo (1904), The Mirror of the Sea (1906), The Secret Agent (1907).
CORELLI, MARIE (1864).—Novelist. A Romance of Two Worlds (1886), Vendetta (1886), Thelma (1887), Soul of Lilith (1892), Sorrows of Satan (1895), Mighty Atom (1896), Murder of Delicia (1896), Ziska (1897), The Master Christian (1900), God's Good Man (1904), The Treasure of Heaven (1906), Holy Orders (1908).
COTES, MRS. EVERARD (DUNCAN) (1861).—Novelist. A Social Departure (1890), American Girl in London (1891), The Simple Adventures of a Mem Sahib, Story of Sunny Sahib, His Honour and a Lady, Pool in the Desert (1903), Set in Authority (1906), etc.
COURTHOPE, WILLIAM JOHN, C.B., LL.D., etc. (1842).—Critic, biographer, etc. Ludibria Lunae (1869), Paradise of Birds (1870), History of English Poetry (vol. vi. 1910), and Lives of Addison and Pope.
COURTNEY, Wm. LEONARD, LL.D. (1850).—Critic, etc. Studies New and Old (1888), Dramas and Diversions (1900), The Literary Man's Bible (1909), etc.
CROCKETT, SAMUEL RUTHERFORD (1860).—Novelist and poet. The Stickit Minister (1893), The Raiders (1894), Lilac Sunbonnet (1894), Bog, Myrtle, and Peat (1895), Men of the Moss Hags (1895), Grey Man (1896), Standard Bearer (1898), Joan of the Sword Hand (1900), Love Idylls (1901), Me and Myn (1907), Bloom of the Heather (1908).
CROMMELIN, MAY DE LA CHEROIS.—Novelist. Queenie, My Love She's but a Lassie, Orange Lily, For the Sake of the Family, Crimson Lilies, I Little Knew, etc.
CUNNINGHAM, WILLIAM, D.D. (1849).—Economist, etc. Growth of English Industry and Commerce, Western Civilisation, Modern Civilisation, Use and Abuse of Money, Path Towards Knowledge, Rise and Decline of Free Trade, etc.
CUNNINGHAME-GRAHAM, ROBERT BONTINE (1852).—Traveller, essayist, etc. Father Archangel of Scotland (1896), with Mrs. C.-G. Aurora la Cugini, Mogreb el Acksa, Journey in Morocco (1898), Thirteen Stories (1900), A Vanished Arcadia (1901), Life of Hernando de Soto (1903), etc.
DAVIS, RICHARD HARDING (1864).—American novelist, etc. Soldiers of Fortune, The Princess Aline, In the Fog, Captain Macklin, Real Soldiers of Fortune (1906), also books on his adventures in Venezuela, Cuba, South Africa, etc.
DE MORGAN, WILLIAM FREND (1839).—Novelist. Joseph Vance: An Ill-written Autobiography (1906), Alice-for-short: A Dichronism (1907), Somehow Good (1908), It Never can Happen Again (1909).
DICKINSON, GOLDSWORTHY LOWES.—Historical writer. Revolution and Reaction in Modern France, The Development of Parliament in the Nineteenth Century, The Greek View of Life, The Meaning of Good, Letters of John Chinaman, A Modern Symposium, Justice and Liberty (1909), etc.
DILKE, SIR CHARLES WENTWORTH, BART., P.C., LL.D., etc. (1843).—Political writer. Greater Britain (1868), The Fall of Prince Floristan of Monaco, Problems of Greater Britain (1890), etc.
DOBSON, HENRY AUSTIN, LL.D. (1840).—Poet and biographer. Poems, Vignettes in Rhyme (1873), Proverbs in Porcelain (1877), Old World Idylls (1883), At the Sign of the Lyre (1885). Prose, Thomas Bewick and his Pupils (1884), Eighteenth Century Vignettes (3 series, 1892, 1894, and 1896), Lives of Fielding (1883), Steele (1886), Goldsmith (1888), H. Walpole (1890), Hogarth (1891), Richardson (1892), etc. Ed. Diaries of Madame D'Arblay, J. Evelyn, etc.
DOUGHTY, ARTHUR.—Historical and miscellaneous writer. Life and Works of Tennyson (1893), Song Story of Francesca and Beatrice (1896), The Siege of Quebec and Battle of the Plains of Abraham (6 vols. 1901-2), The Fortress of Quebec (1904), etc.
DOUGHTY, CHARLES MONTAGUE.—Traveller and poet. Wanderings in Arabia (1908) (new ed. abridged from Arabia Deserta), The Dawn in Britain, Adam Cast Forth (1906), The Cliffs (1909).
DOUGLAS, SIR GEORGE BRISBANE SCOTT, BART. (1856).—Poet and miscellaneous writer. Poems (1880), The Fireside Tragedy (1896), New Border Tales (1892), Poems of a Country Gentleman (1897), History of Border Counties, Lives of James Hogg and General Wauchope, etc.
DOUGLAS, JAMES (1869).—The Man in the Pulpit (1905), The Unpardonable Sin (1907), Theodore Watts-Dunton.
DOWDEN, EDWARD, LL.D., D.C.L. (1843).—Literary critic, etc. Shakespeare, his Mind and Art (1875), Shakespeare Primer (1877), Studies in Literature (1878), The French Revolution and English Literature (1897), A History of French Literature (1897), books on Shelley, Browning, Montaigne; ed. Shakespeare's Sonnets, The Passionate Pilgrim (1883), the Correspondence of Henry Taylor, Works of Shelley, Wordsworth, etc.
DOYLE, SIR ARTHUR CONAN, LL.D. (1859).—Novelist. A Study in Scarlet (1887), Micah Clarke (1888), The Sign of Four (1889), White Company (1890), Firm of Girdlestone (1890), Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (1891), Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes (1893), Exploits of Brigadier Gerard (1896), Uncle Bernac (1897), Sir Nigel (1906), etc.
DUDENEY, MRS. HENRY (WHIFFIN) (1866).—Novelist. A Man with a Maid (1897), Folly Corner, Men of Marlowe's, Robin Brilliant, Wise Words, The Orchard Thief (1907), etc.
EDWARDS, MATILDA BETHAM.—Novelist, etc. The White House by the Sea, Dr. Jacob, John and I, The Sylvesters, France of To-day, The Golden Bee (ballads) (1896), Anglo-French Reminiscences (1899), A Suffolk Courtship (1900), and Home Life in France (1905).
EDWARDS, OWEN MORGAN (1858).—Writer on Welsh history and literature. Story of Wales (1902), and several books (Tro yn yr Eidal, etc.) in Welsh, and has ed. various Welsh texts, etc.
ELLIS, ROBINSON (1834).—Scholar. The Poems and Fragments of Catullus in the Metres of the Original (1871), A Commentary on Catullus (1876), The Ibis of Ovid, etc. (1881), The Fables of Avianus (1887), Noctes Manilianae (1891), many separate lectures on classical subjects, etc.
ELTON, OLIVER (1861).—Critical writer, etc. The Augustan Ages (Periods of European Literature) (1890), Michael Drayton (1906); has ed. some of Milton's poems and translated Mythical Books of Saxo Grammaticus' Historia Danica.
ESLER, MRS. ERMINDA (RENTOUL).—Novelist. The Way of Transgressors (1890), The Way they loved at Grimpat (1894), 'Mid Green Pastures (1895), Youth at the Prow (1898), Awakening of Helena Thorpe (1901), The Trackless Way (1904), etc.
EVERETT-GREEN, Miss EVELYN (1856).—Novelist, etc. Last of the Dacres (1886), Dare Lorimer's Heritage (1892), French and English (1898), Heir of Hascombe Hall (1899), Dufferin's Keep (1905), etc.
"FIELD, MICHAEL".—Poet (pen-name adopted by two ladies, understood to be Miss Bradley and Miss Cooper). Callirrhoe (1884), Brutus Ultor (1887), Fair Rosamund (1884), The Father's Tragedy (1885), Stephania (1892), Canute the Great (1887), Anna Ruina (1899), Julia Danna (1903), and Wild Honey (1908).
FINDLATER, JANE HELEN.—Novelist. Green Graves of Balgowrie, A Daughter of Strife, Rachel, Tales that are Told (with Mary Findlater), Story of a Mother, Stones from a Glass House, The Affair at the Inn (with K.D. Wiggin), The Ladder to the Stars (1906), etc.
FISHER, HERBERT ALBERT LAURENS (1865).—Historian. The Mediaeval Empire (1898), Studies in Napoleonic Statesmanship (1903), A Political History of England (1906), etc.
FISON, LORIMER, D.D. (1832).—Anthropologist. Kamilaroi and Kurnai, Group Marriage and Marriage by Elopement (with A.W. Hewitt), Land Tenure in Fiji, Tales from Old Fiji, etc.
FITZMAURICE-KELLY, JAMES (1858).—Writer on Spanish literature. Life of Cervantes (1892), History of Spanish Literature (1898), Lope de Vega and the Spanish Drama (1902), Cervantes in England (1905), ed. complete Works of Cervantes, etc.
FLEMING, DAVID HAY, LL.D. (1849).—Historian and antiquary. Charters of St. Andrews (1883), Martyrs and Confessors of St. Andrews (1887), Scotland after the Union of the Crowns (1890), Mary Queen of Scots (1897), Scottish History and Life (3 sections, 1902), Story of the Scottish Covenants.
FLINT, ROBERT, D.D., LL.D. (1838).—Writer on philosophy, sociology, and theology. Philosophy of History in Europe (1874), Theism (1877), Anti-Theistic Theories (1879), Historical Philosophy in France (1894), Socialism (1894), Agnosticism (1903), etc.
FORMAN, HARRY BUXTON, C.B. (1842).—Biographer, etc. Our Living Poets (1871), ed. Works of Shelley (1876-80), Letters of John Keats to Fanny Brawne (1878), Poetical Works of John Keats, and books on E.B. Browning, W. Morris, etc.
FOWLER, ELLEN THORNEYCROFT (MRS. FELKIN).—Novelist, etc. Concerning Isabel Carnaby (1898), A Double Thread (1899), The Farringdons (1900), Fuel of Fire (1902), and with A.L. Felkin, Kate of Kate Hall (1904), In Subjection (1906), also some books of verse, etc.
FOX, JOHN (1863).—American novelist. A Cumberland Vendetta, The Kentuckians, Blue Grass, Little Shepherd of Kingdom Come, etc.
FRASER, ALEXANDER CAMPBELL, LL.D., D.C.L. (1819).—Philosopher. Essays in Philosophy (1846-56), Collected Works of Bishop Berkeley, annotated (1871), Life and Letters of Berkeley (1871), Locke's Essay on the Human Understanding with Prolegomena, etc. (1894), Philosophy of Theism (1898), Biographia Philosophica (1904), etc.
FRAZER, JAMES GEORGE, LL.D., D.C.L., (1854).—Writer on comparative religion, etc. Totemism (1887), The Golden Bough (1890), Lectures on the Early History of the Kingship (1905), Adonis, Attis, Osiris, Studies in the History of Oriental Religion (1906), Questions on the Customs, Beliefs, and Languages of Savages (1907), etc.
FURNESS, HORACE HOWARD, Ph.D., LL.D. (1833).—Shakespearian scholar. Variorum ed. of Shakespeare (1871).
FURNIVALL, FREDERICK JAMES, Ph.D., D.Litt., (1825).—Scholar. Has ed. many publications in connection with the Early English Text, Chaucer, Ballad, New Shakespeare, and similar Societies, of several of which he was the founder.
GAIRDNER, JAMES, C.B., LL.D. (1828).—Historian. Ed. in Rolls Series Memorials of Henry VII., Letters and Papers of the Reigns of Richard III. and Henry VII., Calendar of Henry VIII., vols. v. to xx., ed. the Paston Letters (1900), and various vols. for the Camden Society, author of England in the Early Chroniclers of Europe Series, a Life of Richard III., The English Church in the Sixteenth Century to the Death of Mary (1902), etc.
GALSWORTHY, JOHN (1867).—Novelist and playwright. Novels: Jocelyn (1898), Villa Rubein (1900), The Island Pharisees (1904), The Man of Property (1906), The Country House (1907), A Commentary (1908), Fraternity (1909). Plays: The Silver Box (1906), Joy (1907), and Strife (1909), Justice (1910).
GALTON, SIR FRANCIS, F.R.S., D.C.L. (1822).—Traveller and anthropologist. Tropical South Africa (1853), Hereditary Genius (1869), English Men of Science, their Nature and Nurture (1874), Human Faculty (1883), Natural Inheritance (1889), Finger Prints (1893), Noteworthy Families (with E. Schuster) (1906), etc.
GARDNER, EDMUND GARRATT (1869).—Miscellaneous writer. Dante's Ten Heavens (1898), Story of Florence (1900), Dukes and Ports in Ferrara (1904), The King of Court Poets (1906), Saint Catherine of Siena (1907), Lyrical Poetry of Dante Alighieri (1910), etc.
GARDNER, ERNEST ARTHUR (1862).—Writer on Greek antiquities. Chapter on Inscriptions in Naukratis I. (1886), Naukratis II. (1888), Handbook of Greek Sculpture (1896-97), A Companion to Greek Studies (1905), etc.
GARDNER, PERCY, Litt.D., LL.D. (1846).—Writer on Greek art, etc. Part ed. of the British Museum Coin Catalogues (1873-86), The Parthian Coinage (1877), Samos and Samian Coinage (1882), The Types of Greek Coins (1883), New Chapters in Greek History (1892), Sculptured Tombs of Hellas (1896), Historic View of the New Testament (1901). etc.
GARNETT, CONSTANCE (1862).—Translator of Novels and Tales of Turgenev (1895-99), etc.
GARNETT, EDWARD (1868).—Dramatic critic, etc. An Imaged World (1894), The Breaking Point (a censored play, 1907).
GASQUET, RIGHT REV. FRANCIS AIDAN, D.D. (1846).—Historical writer. Henry VIII. and the English Monasteries (1888-89), Edward VI. and the Book of Common Prayer (1890), The Great Pestilence (1893), Sketch of Monastic Constitutional History (1896), Short History of the Catholic Church in England (1903), Lord Acton and his Circle, Parish Life in Mediaeval England (1906), etc.
GIBERNE, AGNES.—Novelist and scientific writer. Tales, Conlyng Castle, Life Tangles, Roy, Stories of the Abbey Precincts, Rowena (1906), Astronomy, Sun, Moon, and Stars, Starry Skies, The World's Foundations, Radiant Suns, etc.
GILBERT, SIR WILLIAM SCHWENK (1836).—Dramatist and humorist. The Palace of Truth (1870), Pygmalion and Galatea (1871), Trial by Jury (1878), Pinafore, Pirates of Penzance, Patience, Iolanthe, The Mikado, Yeomen of the Guard, Bab Ballads.
GOLLANCZ, ISRAEL, Litt.D. (1864).—Scholar. Ed. Cynewulf's Christ (1892), Exeter Book of Anglo-Saxon Poetry (Early English Text Society), and ed. Temple Shakespeare (1894-96).
GORDON-STABLES, WILLIAM (1840).—Novelist and writer of boys' books. Has written 136 books, including Cruise of the "Snowbird," Every Inch a Sailor, Our Humble Friends and Fellow-Mortals, Pirates' Gold, Frank Hardinge, The Rose o' Allandale, etc. |