60. The old proverb. Perhaps this is the earliest occurrence of it in this form in print.
61. Disfigured, spoiled.
62. Acquaintance.
63. List.
64. Compassionate.
65. See "Popular Antiquities of Great Britain," 1870, iii. 319, 320.
66. Checked.
67. Old copy, Then. Perhaps we should read, Then when a common expression.
68. So the old copy, but perhaps we ought to read pining.
69. Patient, invalid.
70. A proverbial expression.
71. The colophon is: "Johes rastell me imprimi fecit. Cum privilegio regali." Beneath is the printer's device.
72. It is now known that at least four editions of this moral play were printed, two by Richard Pynson, and two by John Skot. See Hazlitt's "Handbook," p. 463-4, where all will be found described.
73. Afterwards sold with others to Dibdin for 500 guineas, and advertised in the Lincoln Nosegay, 1814.
74. For the present edition the two impressions by Pynson, unknown to Hawkins, and one of those issued by Skot about 1530, have been collated. Hawkins was not aware that Skot printed the piece more than once. The imperfect copy by Pynson, in the British Museum, restores not only words, but portions of lines dropped in Skot's two issues, and has been of the greatest value on this occasion. But, on the other hand, both Pynson's editions, so far as they respectively go, exhibit misreadings, which are set right in Skot's.
75. Skot's other edition, wonderous.
76. The Second Person of the Trinity seems here to be meant.—Percy. [In this opinion it is hardly easy to concur. It appears to have been the Godhead whom the writer intended to personify, and although he makes the speaker refer to his Passion and Redemption, it is evidently only in a delegated sense; for Death refers to him spiritually as the Almighty.]
77. Appaireth the same as impaireth, grows worse, degenerate, &c.
78. Skot's other edition, used by Hawkins, reads, Have I do we.
79. Acquaintance.
80. Been begotten.
81. Adonai, one of the names of God; it is the plural of Adoni, which signifies Lord.
82. The copy of Pynson's edition in the British Museum begins abruptly at this line, sign. B. recto, and is complete thenceforward to the end.
83. The old proverb. This is perhaps the earliest instance of its use in print.
84. So Skot's other edition, and Pynson's in British Museum. Hawkins printed For wete you well will.
85. The other edition by Skot reads will not, according to Hawkins.
86. Entice.
87. The earliest instance in print, perhaps, of this proverb being used.
88. i.e. Weened.
89. Hawkins printed what.
90. i.e., Thanked be God my Creator.
91. Information, knowledge.
92. Hawkins printed voice voider.
93. Skot's other edition, from hell and from the fire.
94. Health.
95. Are called.
96. Five Wits, i.e., the Five Senses. These are frequently exhibited as five distinct personages upon the Spanish stage. See Riccoboni, p. 98; but our moralist has represented them all by one character. In Shakespeare's "King Lear," the Madman says, "Bless thy Five Wits!" meaning the Five Senses.—Percy.
97. Praise.
98. This portion has been collated with the Douce fragment printed by Pynson ("Shakespeare Society's Papers," iii. 149), as well as with the other impression by Pynson in the British Museum.
99. Clear, free.
100. Out of the peril or danger of anything, equal to out of its control or cognizance.
101. Unction.
102. Hand.
103. Edits, Those.
104. Older, chief. Hawkins omitted the word Christ.
105. The proverb. This is the earliest use of it which has occurred.
106. Thrust.
107. Every each one.
108. The colophon in one of Skot's editions is at the end; in his other there is only his mark. But see Hazlitt's "Handbook," p. 463-4.
109. The only one known. There is a later edition in the Bodleian, printed by John Waley, and also apparently unique.
110. [This is an odd remark, the woodcuts being all common cuts of the time, turned to an extraordinary variety of uses. They are very ineffectively given by Hawkins, whoever his masterly hand may have been.]
111. Holt sometimes signifies a wood, grove, or forest: so Chaucer:—
"When Zephyrus eke, with his sweet breath Inspired hath, in every holt and heath The tender croppis;"
it sometimes signifies a hill: so in the old Scotish song of "Robin and Makin"—
"Makyne went home blyth anneuche, Attour the holttis hair." —Henryson's Works, by Laing, p. 7. 112. Wilderness.
113. Property or money.
114. Thrive.
115. Apparently the prison cell, divided into two parts, so as to hold two persons.
116. Prisoners in chains.
117. An allusion I do not understand.
118. i.e., steal. So Shakespeare:—
[Nim. The good humour is to steal at a minim's rest. Pist. Convey, the wise it call: steal? foh; a fico for the phrase. —Merry Wives of Windsor.
i. 3, Dyce's second edition, i. 353.]
119. [A proverb. See Hazlitt's "English Proverbs," 1869, p. 395.]
120. Lying or falsehood.
121. Heel.
122. Apulia.
123. Arragon.
124. The Cape of Good Hope.
125. Newfoundland.
126. Genoa.
127. See "Halliwell'a Dictionary," in v. The exact origin and meaning of the word, which seems to be a mere fantastic phrase, is apparently unknown.
128. Egypt.
129. Shaped, contrived.
130. Original reads said.
131. Favour or favouritism.
132. Pledge.
133. At nale, at the alehouse. So Chaucer in the "Frere's Tale":—
"And thay were glad to fille wel his purs, And make him grete festis atte nale." —Bell's Chaucer, ii. 91.
134. i.e., The dagger.
135. Old copy, hyz.
136. Original, away.
137. Compare "A Treatise of a Galaunt," printed about this time, and reprinted in "Hazlitt's Popular Poetry," iii. 151 et seq.; also the ballad called "The Manner of the World Now-a-days," in Collier's "Old Ballads," 1840.
138. Original reads with.
139. Adultery.
140. Since.
141. Perhaps Freewill was intended to speak incorrect French.
142. Soiled.
143. A proverb.
144. A medicinal gum.
145. Quick brimstone, gunpowder.
146. Cast.
147. Proof.
148. Advise.
149. Encourage.
150. Shut.
151. A play on the similarity of the words Latin and Latten.
152. Fetters.
153. A celebrated place for foot-pads.
154. This word, in its present sense, shoals, seems to be unglossed.
155. i.e., Haunt Shooter's Hill in the chance of meeting with prey.
156. Constable.
157. Heel.
158. Error, misdoings.
159. According to your bidding.
160. Sobriety of conduct.
161. i.e., How light my heart is.
162. Doxy.
163. Comrade, friend.
164. Ale-stake, a maypole, a sign before an alehouse. Chaucer, in "The Pardoner's Prologue," calls it ale-stake—
"But first, quod he, here at this ale-stake I wil both drynke and byten on a cake." —Bell's Chaucer, iii. 68.
165. Query, an euphemism for theft.
166. Nearest.
167. The colophon is: Enprynted by me Wynken de Worde.
168. Mr Child, in "Four Old Plays," Cambridge, U.S., 1848.
169. Old copy reads shepe.
170. Owneth.
171. Mistrust.
172. Guerdon, recompense.
173. Health, in a spiritual sense.
174. These were what were called friars-limiters.
175. At the charge of the place.
176. By Jesus, I'll pull thee by the sweet ears.
177. The pardoner quotes a proverb.
178. See a long note in Nare's, edition 1859, in v. The sense is really equivalent to our modern rigmarolle.
179. Original has eyoteles.
180. Treat.
181. Always, continually.
182. The colophon is: Imprinted by Wyllyam Rastell the v. day of Apryll the yere of our lorde M.CCCCC.XXXIII. Cum priuilegio. The only copy known, formerly Heber's, is now in the library of the Duke of Devonshire.
183. Another work must in future be added to the list of Wynkyn de Worde's pieces, although only a fragment of it was very recently discovered by Mr Rodd, of Newport Street. It is the last leaf of a tract, the running title of which is "Ragmannes Rolle," and it purports to be a collection of the names and qualities of good and bad women in alternate stanzas. The meaning of "Ragman's Roll" may be seen in Todd's "Johnson's Dictionary," vide "Rigmarolle;" but in the following Envoy, Wynkyn de Worde speaks of "King Ragman," a new personage in history. It is inserted only as a literary curiosity.
"Explicit Ragmannes rolle. "Lenvoy of the prynter. "Go lytyl rolle, where thou arte bought or solde, Amonge fayre women behaue the manerly: Without rewarde of any fee or golde, Saye as it is, touchynge trouthe hardely: And yf that they do blame thee wrongfully, Excuse thy prynter, and thy selfe also, Layenge the faute on kynge Ragman holly Whiche dyde the make many yeres ago. Finis. —nprynted at London, in the Fletestrete, at the ——e of the Sonne, by Wynkyn de Worde."
The words "Enprynted" and "Signe," have been partly torn away, with the corner of the leaf. See the poem printed from a MS. in Hazlitt's "Popular Poetry," i. 68-78, and compare "Towneley Mysteries," p. 311.
184. This interlude has now been again collated with the Dublin copy, and a certain number of inaccuracies removed.
185. Bonerly or bonairely, i.q., debonaire.
186. See Halliwell's Dictionary, in v. This word is very common, yet its precise meaning rather obscure. It is used where its import is equivalent to folks.
187. Storlde in old copy.
188. See Halliwell in v.
189. Distribute.
190. Seat, throne.
191. Move.
192. Kept, supported.
193. Divide in two.
194. Vague, loose.
195. Young.
196. By an error of the press this word is printed "wyghtly" in the original.
197. In a row.
198. Make mouths.
199. Tell a falsehood.
200. See "Popular Antiquities of Great Britain," ii. 305.
201. Air or bar.
202. List.
203. To take hire.
204. Hence it is evident that the audience was to suppose seven years to elapse during the speaking of this soliloquy. The progress of time is elsewhere sufficiently marked.
205. Fellow; here, of course, a mate or mistress.
206. Promised, pret. of Behete.
207. Mightily.
208. Hold thee ready; be forward.
209. Watch.
210. Wait on.
211. Where.
212. Placed.
213. Done.
214. Time, occasion.
215. i.e., St. Thomas a. Becket, at Canterbury.
216. Original reads right of.
217. Hende, Sax.: civil, courteous.
218. Do in the original.
219. Original has ladies brightest.
220. Countenance, more literally, colour, complexion; the more correct orthography seems to blea—yellow. Some have rudde in the same sense.
221. Samoa.
222. Original has Ynde the loys.
223. Tene, Sax,: grieve.
224. See Nares, edit. 1859, p. 111.
225. Man.
226. Mated, matched.
227. Made lame.
228. Dream or muse under the branch of a tree.
229. For necessary.
230. This term used to be applied indifferently to both sexes.
231. Taken.
232. Belongeth.
233. i.e., Lout, or bow.
234. See Hazlitt's "Popular Poetry," i. 264, et seq.
235. Straw.
236. Lend, lean.
237. King seems a misprint here; perhaps kind or mind ought to be substituted.
238. Less.
239. If.
240. Fear.
241. Friar.
242. i.e., Thrive.
243. Fonge, Sax, take. It is here used in the sense of depart.
244. Promise.
245. Orig. reads all.
246. Certainly, securely.
247. Market.
248. i.e., Out or off.
249. Blessed, in a bad sense.
250. Thrift.
251. Or meinie, alluding to the audience.
252. Plead.
253. Ministereth.
254. A proverbial expression of contempt.
255. Same.
256. i.e., Covenant or agreement.
257. Probably the earliest mention of this proverb.
258. Generally bankers, but perhaps here merely city-men.
259. A game at dice.
260. Infere, i.e., in company.
261. List, like.
262. Seek.
263. Original has creature.
264. i.e., Together.
265. Borwe, Sax., is pledge or security, and to borrow is to secure.
266. Unto.
267. A symbol of submission or agreement.
268. Usually spelt route, from the Fr., to roar or snore.
269. Stagger.
270. Fetched.
271. The word fro or from in original is too much, and has been inserted by error: the sense is, "And to all folks he called me shame."
272. Orig. has So.
273. Or creed.
274. Was called.
275. The colophon is: Here endeth the Interlude of Mundus & Infans. Imprynted at London in Fletestrete at the sygne of ye Sonne by me Wynkin de worde. The yere of our Lorde M.CCCCC. and xxij. The xvij. daye of July.
276. The greater part of this quotation is torn off in the only copy known with certainty to exist, as well as the date and printer's name, if any were ever appended.—Collier.
277. It is said by Mr Wallis, in "The Natural History and Antiquities of Northumberland," 4to, vol. ii. p. 390, that John Bale lived and studied at the Abbey of Hulme in that county, of which society he was a member. [See Cooper's "Athenae," i. 225.]
278. Mr A. Chalmers, in his "Biographical Dictionary," says that Bale was of Jesus College, Cambridge.—Collier.
279. The writer of art. Bale in the "Biographia Britannica" hath fallen into a mistake, asserting him to have been of St John's College, Oxford. Bale's own words are these: "In omni literarum barbarie ac mentis coecitate illic et Cantabrigiae pervagabar, nullum habens tutorem aut Mecaenatem; donec, lucente Dei verbo, ecclesiae revocari coepissent ad verae theologiae purissimos fontes." Dr. Berkenhout hath adopted the same error.—Reed.
280. See his "Vocacyon."
281. Mr A. Chalmers gives the date of Bale's consecration, February 2, 1553, and not the 20th of March. The former is correct.—Collier.
282. Five centuries of writers seem to have been printed at Wesel in 1549, under the following title: "Illustrium Majoris Britaniae Scriptorum, hoc est Angliae, Cambriae, et Scotiae, Summarium." The most complete and enlarged edition was printed at Basil by Oporinus in 1559.— Collier.
283. Not including his "King Johan," printed by Collier, 1838. Of these and his other works, see a very copious list in Cooper's "Athenae," i. 227-30. See also Hazlitt's "Handbook," v. Bale. The list given in the former edition of Dodsley was so imperfect and unsatisfactory as not to appear worth retention.
284. But in Dodsley's own edition, 1744, occurs the following interesting notice omitted in that of 1825: "This antient piece I found in the Harleian Collection of Old Plays, consisting of between 600 and 700, which are now in my possession." Very probably, Garrick was partly indebted to Dodsley for his dramatic rarities.
285. It will be seen that the design of the author necessarily divided itself into seven ages or periods, for the seven promises by the Creator to Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, Esaias, and John the Baptist.— Collier.
286. This list of characters is not in the old copy, but was made out from the mention of persons in the progress of the piece.—Collier.
287. The old copy from which this dramatic piece was first reprinted by Dodsley, and subsequently by Mr Reed, having been damaged, and a part of the leaf lost, it was not possible to ascertain exactly the last word of this line: it was therefore supplied by conjecture, and not very happily: the line has till now stood—
"Without whose knowledge no man to the truth can come."
But the form of the stanza, and the rhyme in the next line, shows decidedly that this is wrong. In Davenport's "City Night Cap," Act 3, we meet with a not very dissimilar use of the word fall.
"I have made a modest choice of you, grave sir, To be my ghostly father; and to you I fall for absolution."
288. The commencement of this Act is not marked in the original, although notice is given of its conclusion.—Collier.
289. This scriptural expression occurs very frequently in our ancient dramatic writers—
"Never this heart shall have the thoughtful dread To die the death that, by your grace's doom, By just desert shall be pronounc'd to me." —Ferrex and Porrex, A. 4, S. 2.
"Either to die the death, or to abjure For ever the society of men." —Midsummer Night's Dream, A. 1, S. 1.
"Or else he must not only die the death, But thy unkindness shall his death draw out To lingering sufferance." —Measure for Measure, A. 2, S. 4. See Dr Johnson and Mr Steevens's notes on the two latter passages.
"Wert thou my bosom-love, thou dyst the death; Best ease for madness is the loss of breath." —Machin's Dumb Knight, A. 2.
290. Stir. Glossary to Mandevile's Voyage, 1725. It is a very common form.
291. Acknowledge.
292. Original has trade.
293. Chaucer, in his "Canterbury Tales," l. 509, describing the Parson, says—
"He set not his benefice to hire, And laft his sheep accombred in the mire," &c.
Dr Morrell spells the word accumbrit, and explains it in this manner— "Accumbrit may be interpreted to wallow, to lie down, qu. accumbere." But Chaucer sometimes uses it in another sense—
"That they were acombrit in their own distreyt." —Merchant's Second Tale, 2910.
i.e., They were encumbered, brought into great straights. A vet. Gall. Combre or Comble.
"Trough wine and women there was both accombred." —Pierce Plowman's Vision.
None of these explanations exactly agrees with the text. Bishop Bale certainly means, agreeably to the passage in the Bible to which he alludes, to destroy or overwhelm.
294. Achab in original, and Latimer in his First Sermon before King Edward VI., calls him Hachab.
295. In the former edition this and the next five lines were given to Pater Coelestis.
296. Dip.
297. i.e., Asketh, inquireth. So, in Henryson's "Testament of Creside"—
"Quha had bene thair, and lyking for to heir His facound toung and termis exquisite, Of Rhetorick the prettick he micht leir, In breif sermone are pregnant sentence wryte, Befoir Cupide veiling his cap alyte, Speiris the caus of that vocatioun? And he anone schew his intentioun." —Laing's Edit., 1865, p. 84.
Again, Douglas's "Virgil," B. iii. p. 72—
"The seik ground deny is frute and fudis, My fader exhortis us turn againe our studis To Delos, and Apollois ansure spere, Be seiking him of succours us to lere."
Again, B. v. p. 140—
"Ane uthir mache to him was socht and sperit."
298. The colophon is: Thus endeth thys Tragedy or enterlude, manyfestynge the chefe promyses of God unto Man by all ages in the olde lawe, from the fall of Adam to the incarnacyon of the Lorde Jesus Christ. Compyled by Johan Bayle, Anno Domini 1538.
299. Wood, in his "Athenae Oxonienses," vol. 1, p. 149, positively fixes his birth at this place. Other writers have made him a native of North Mims in Hertfordshire, but apparently without any authority. [See Warton's "H.E.P.," edit. 1871, i. 80.] Bale, who lived nearest to the author's time, calls him Civis Londinensis; which words, though they do not absolutely prove that he was born in London, yet surely are sufficient in a matter of this uncertainty to warrant any one to conclude that he was a native of that city, as no circumstance appears to induce a belief that he acquired the title of Citizen of London otherwise than by birth.
300. Peacham's "Compleat Gentleman," 4to, 1627, p. 95.
301. Gabriel Harvey's "MS. Note to Speght's Chaucer," as quoted in Mr Steevens's "Shakspeare," vol. 5.
302. T. Bastard, in his "Chrestoleros, Seven Bookes of Epigrams," 1598, has the following, addressed Ad Johannem Dauis, in which he speaks of Heywood and his reputation in this department—
"Yf witt may make a Poet, as I gesse, Heywood with auncient Poets may I compare. But thou in word and deed hast made him lesse In his owne witt, hauing yet learning spare The goate doth hunt the grasse, the wolfe the goat The lyon hunts the wolfe by proofe we see; Heywood sang others downe, but thy sweete note, Dauis, hath sang him downe, and I would thee. Then be not mou'de, nor count it such a sinn, To will in thee what thou hast done in him."
The subsequent Ad Lectorem is to the same effect—
"Reader, if Heywood liued now againe, Whome time of life, hath not of praise bereaued; If he would write, I could expresse his vaine: Thus would he write, or else I am deceiued."
Sir J. Harington quotes one of Heywood's Epigrams in the Notes to B. 38 of his Translation of "Orlando Furioso;" and Thomas Wilson, in his "Rhetorique," 1553, speaks of Heywood's "Proverbs," adding that his "paynes in that behalfe are worthye of immortall prayse." In Barnaby Googe's "Husbandry," "our English Martiall, John Heywood," is quoted regarding Essex Cheese. It would not be difficult to add several other authors who quote or applaud him.—Collier.
303. "Athen. Oxon.," vol. 1, p. 149.
304. "But to step backe to my teske (though everie place I step to, yeeldes me sweeter discourse) what thinke you by Haywood, that scaped hanging with his mirth; the king being graciously and (as I thinke) truly perswaded, that a man that wrate so pleasant and harmlesse verses, could not have any harm full conceit against his proceedings, and so by the honest motion of a gentleman of his chamber saved him from the jerke of the six-string'd whip." (Harington's "Metamorphosis of Ajax," 1596, p. 25).
305. "Athen. Oxon.," vol. 1, p. 149.
306. The subsequent anecdote is given by Puttenham in his "Arte of English Poesie," 1589, p. 230:—
"The like hapned on a time at the Duke of Northumberlandes bourd, where merry John Heywood was allowed to sit at the tables end. The Duke had a very noble and honorable mynde alwayes to pay his debts well, and when he lacked money would not stick to sell the greatest part of his plate; so had he done few dayes before. Heywood being loth to call for his drinke so oft as he was dry, turned his eye toward the cupbord and sayd, 'I finde great misse of your graces standing cups.' The Duke thinking he had spoken it of some knowledge that his plate was lately sold, said somewhat sharply, 'Why, sir, will not those cuppes serve as good a man as your selfe?' Heywood readily replied, 'Yes, if it please your grace; but I would haue one of them stand still at myne elbow, full of drinke, that I might not be driven to trouble your men so often to call for it.' This pleasant and speedy reuers of the former wordes holpe all the matter againe, whereupon the Duke became very pleasaunt, and dranke a bolle of wine to Heywood, and bid a cup should alwayes be standing by him."
This story, in itself of very little worth, serves to show the sort of terms Heywood was upon with the nobility of his time.—Collier.
307. The editor of the last edition of the "Biographical Dictionary" asserts, but without citing his particular authority for the fact, that "after many peregrinations, he died at Naples, January the 9th, 1598."— Collier.
308. [In the former edition of this work there was a note stating that he had been preceded by Palsgrave in his "Acolastus." But "Acolastus" was merely a translation by Palsgrave from the Latin of Fullonius, performed in 1529 in Holland. The English was not printed till 1540.]
309. MSS. Notes on Langbaine.
310. [Here followed, in the former editions, an elaborate list, full of errors, of Heywood's writings, for which see Hazlitt's "Handbook," in v. Dyce (Middleton's Works, ii., 277) thought there was no ground for assigning to him No. 4 of Hazlitt.]
311. [They appear to have been first published in 1546.]
312. "Worthies," p. 221.
313. [Hazlitt's "Handbook," 1867, p. 269.]
314. Although more pains than usual were bestowed on the collation of this piece, yet, as it was printed originally by Dodsley from the most corrupt of the old copies, many of the errors and a few interpolations were allowed by the subsequent editor to remain. The orthography also, professed to be observed, was very frequently abandoned.—Collier.
315. "The difference between a pilgrim and a palmer was thus: The pilgrim had some home or dwelling-place; but the palmer had none. The pilgrim travelled to some certain designed place or places; but the palmer to all. The pilgrim went at his own charges; but the palmer professed wilful poverty, and went upon alms. The pilgrim might give over his profession and return home; but the palmer must be constant till he had obtained the palm, that is, victory over all spiritual enemies, and life by death, and thence his name Palmer, or else from a staff, or boughs of palm, which he always carried along with him" (Staveley's "Romish Horseleech," 1769, p. 93).
316. The first edition gives this line:
"My rewdnes sheweth me no so homely,"
and that of 1569 has it:
"My rudenes sheweth me not so homely."
The negative certainly seems to have been inserted by mistake.— Collier.
317. Sue now, edition 1569.
318. You, edit. 1569.
319. Hath, 1st edit.
320. Far and faire, edit. 1569.
321. Jerusalem, edit. 1569.
322. I have, edit. 1569.
323. Mandevile thus mentions these places:—"And toward the Est syde, with oute the walles of the cytee (i.e., Jerusalem) is the vale of Josaphathe, that touchethe to the walles, as thoughe it were a large Dyche. And anen that vale of Josaphathe out of the cytee, is the Chirche of Seynt Stevene, where he was stoned to dethe" ["Voiage and Travaile," 8vo, 1839, p. 80.] "And above the Vale is the Mount of Olyvete, and it is cleped so; for the plentee of Olyves, that growen there. That mount is more highe than the Cytee of Jerusalem is; and therfore may men upon that mount, see manye of the Stretes of the Cytee. And betwene that Mount and the Cytee, is not but the vale of Josaphathe, that is not fulle large. And fro that Mount, steighe oure Lord Jesu Crist to Hevene, upon Ascencioun-day: and it there schewethe the schapp of his left Foot in the Ston" (Ibid. p. 96).
In Borde's "Introduction of Knowledge," 1542, Sign. N 3, that writer, who had been on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem, says:—"And that there is a great confluence of pylgrims to the holy Sepulchre, and to many holy places, I will wyshe somewhat that I doo know, and haue sene in the place. Who so ever that dothe pretende to go to Jerusalem, let him prepare himselfe to set forth of England after Ester vii. or viii. dayes," &c. He then directs the route a traveller ought to take, and adds, "when you come to Ierusalem, the friers which be called cordaline, they be of saynct Fraunces order, they wyl receaue you with devocion & brynge you to the sepulcre: the holy sepulcre is wythin the church, and so is the mount of Calvery, where Iesu Chryst did suffer his passions. The churche is round lyke a temple, it is more larger than anye temple that I haue sene amonges the Iues. The sepulcre is grated rounde about wyth yrone, that no man shall graet or pycke out any stones. The sepulcre is lyke a lytle house, the which by masons was dydged out of a rocke of stone. There maye stonde wythin the sepulcre a x. or a xii. parsons, but few or none dothe go into the sepulcre, except they be singulerly beloued, & than they go in by night wyth great feare and reuerence." [Furnivall's edit. pp. 219, 220.]
324. Would, edit. 1569.
325. Answered to the stages between London and Rome, or Holy Land, of which there is a map in a MS. of Math. Paris Roy. Libr. 14 C. VII. and Benet. Coll. c. ix. and PI. VII. "Brit. Topog." vol. i. p. 85. G. [A poem, called "Stacyons of Rome," has been printed in the Early English Text, Society's Series, by Mr Furnivall.]
In Borde's "Introduction" (before quoted) it is said, "And forasmuch as ther be many that hath wrytten of the Holy Lande of the stacyons & of the Iurney or way, I doo passe ouer to speake forther of this matter," &c. [Edit, ut supra.]
326. Rhodes, an island to which the Knights Hospitallers, now Knights of Malta, retired, on being driven out of Jerusalem.
327. Probably Emaus, near Jerusalem.
328. [Respecting St Uncumber, see "Popular Antiquities of Great Britain," ii., 136.]
Mr Steevens, in a letter to the printer of the Saint James's Chronicle, points out the following mention of Saint Tronion, in Geffrey Fenton's "Tragical Discourses," 4to, 1567, fo. 114 b: "He returned in haste to his lodgynge, where he attended the approche of his hower of appointment wyth no lesse devocion than the Papistes in France performe their ydolatrous pilgrimage to the ydoll, Saynt Tronyon, upon the mount Avyon, besides Roan."—Reed.
This worthy is also noticed in the following terms in "Apius and Virginia," 1575, Sign. E 2:—
"Nay, softe, my maisters, by saincte Thomas of Trunions, I am not disposed to buy of your onions."—Collier.
329. Saint Botulph is said to have been born in Cornwall, and was eminent for working miracles about the time of Lucius. He was buried at Boston, in Lincolnshire.
330. "Within the parish of Bacwell, in Derbyshyre, is a Chappel (somtyme dedicated to St Anne), in a place called Bucston, wheare is a hoate Bathe, of suche like Qualitie as those mentioned in Bathe be. Hyther they weare wont to run on pilgrimage, ascribinge to St Anne miraculously, that Thinge which is in that and sondrye other Waters naturrally" ("Lambarde's Dictionarium," p. 48). Drayton says—
"I can again produce those wondrous wells Of Bucston, as I have, that most delicious fount Which men the second Bath of England do account, Which in the primer reigns, when first this well began To have her virtues known, unto the blest St Anne, Was consecrated then." —Poly-Olbion, Song xxvi.
331. Saw, 2d edition.
332. "And so passe men be this Ermonie, and entren the see of Persie. Fro that Cytee of Artyroun go men to an Hille Sabissocolle. And there besyde is another Hille, that men clepen Ararathe: but the Jewes clepen it Taneez; where Noes Schipp rested, and it is upon that Montayne: and men may seen it a ferr in cleer Wedre; and that montayne is wel a 7 Myle highe. And sum men seyn, that thei han seen and touched the Schipp; and put here fyngres in the parties, where the Feend went out, whan that Noe seyde Benedicite. But they that seyn suche wordes, seyn here wille: fora man may not gon up the Montayne, for great plentee of Snow, that is alle weys on that Montayne: nouther Somer ne Wynter; so that no man may gon up there, ne nevere man dide, sithe the tyme of Noe, saf a Monk that, be the grace of God broughte on of the plankes doun; that it is in the Mynstre, at the foot of the Montayne" [Maundevile's "Voiage and Travaile," 1839, p. 148.]
333. Formerly belonging to the priory of Bermondsey. See Stow's "Survey."
334. The famous holy Cross of Waltham, which tradition says was discovered in the following manner: A carpenter, in the reign of Canute, living at Lutegaresbyry, had a vision in the night of Christ crucified, by whom he was commanded to go to the parish priest and direct him to walk, accompanied with his parishioners, in solemn procession to the top of an adjoining hill, where on digging they would find a cross, the very sign of Christ's passion. The man neglecting to perform the orders of the image was visited by it a second time, and his hands were then griped in such a manner that the marks remained some time after. He then acquainted the priest, and, as they were ordered, they proceeded to the place pointed out, where they discovered a great marble, having in it of black flint the image of the crucifix. They then informed the lord of the manor of the transaction, and he immediately resolved to send the cross first to Canterbury, and afterwards to Reading; but on attempting to draw it to these places, although with the force of twelve red oxen, and as many white kine, it was found impracticable, and he was obliged to desist. He then determined to fix it at Waltham, and immediately the wain began to move thither of itself. In the way many persons were healed of disorders, and the relick soon became much resorted to by the pilgrims on account of the miracles performed by it (Lambarde's "Dictionarium," 1730, p. 431).
335. "Walsingham, in Norfolk, where was anciently an image of the Virgin Mary, famous over all Europe for the numerous pilgrimages made to it, and the great riches it possessed. Erasmus has given a very exact and humorous description of the superstitions practised there in his time. See his Account of the VIRGO PARATHALASSIA, in his Colloquy entitled, 'PEREGRINATIO RELIGIONIS ERGO.' He tells us the rich offerings in silver, gold, and precious stones, that were there shown him, were incredible: there being scarce a person of any note in England, but what some time or other paid a visit, or sent a present, to our LADY OF WALSINGHAM. At the dissolution of the monasteries, in 1538, this splendid image, with another from Ipswich, was carried to Chelsea, and there burnt in the presence of commissioners." See Percy's "Relics of Ancient Poetry," vol. ii. p. 79.
In his ["Vision concerning Pierce Plowman," W. Langland] says—
"Heremites on an heep, wyth hoked staues, Wenten to Walsyngham, and here wenches after. Grete lobyes and longe, that loth were to swynke, Clotheden hem in copis to ben knowen from othere, And shopen hem heremites; here ese to haue."
Edit. [Skeat, 1869, p. 3.] See also Weever's "Funeral Monuments," p. 131.
336. Hearne, in his Glossary to "Peter Langtoft," p. 544, under the word cross observes that, although the cross and the rood are commonly taken for the same, yet the rood properly signified formerly the image of Christ on the cross, so as to represent both the cross and the figure of our blessed Saviour as he suffered upon it. The roods that were in churches and chapels were placed in shrines, that were styled Rood-lofts. "Rood-loft (saith Blount), a shrine, whereon was placed the cross of Christ. The rood was an image of Christ on the cross, made generally of wood, and erected in a loft for that purpose, just over the passage out of the church into the chancel." But rood-loft sometimes also signifies a shrine, on which was placed the image or relics of a saint, because generally a crucifix, or a cross, used likewise to attend such image or relics.
337. Dagenham, in Essex.
338. Saint Cornelys, according to the "Legenda Aurea," succeeded Fabyan in the Papacy, and was beheaded in the reign of Decian, for refusing to sacrifice in the Temple of Mars. There was a fraternity in his honour at Westminster. See their pardon, "Brit. Top.," I. 772.
339. Weever, in his "Funeral Monuments," p. 172, observes that "the Italians, yea, those that dwell neare Rome, will mocke and scoffe at our English (and other) pilgrims that go to Rome to see the Pope's holinesse and St Peter's chaire, and yet they themselves will runne to see the reliques of Saint Iames of Compostella in the kingdom of Galicia in Spaine, which is above twelve hundred English miles." See also Dr Geddes's "Tracts."
340. Saint Wenefrid's well, near Holywell, in the county of Flint, is a spring which rises at the foot of a steep hill out of a rock, and is formed into a beautiful polygonal well, covered with a rich arch supported by pillars; the roof exquisitely carved in stone; over the fountain is the legend of St Wenefrid on a pendent projection, with the arms of England at the bottom. Numbers of fine ribs secure the arch, whose intersections are coupled with some sculpture. To this place the resort of pilgrims was formerly very great; and, though considerably diminished, there are still to be seen in the summer a few in the water, in deep devotion, up to their chins for hours, sending up their prayers, or performing a number of evolutions round the polygonal well; or threading the arch between well and well a prescribed number of times. The legend of St Wenefrid is well known. Those who desire more information on this subject may be referred to "The Legenda Aurea," Bishop Fleetwood's Works, or Mr Pennant's "Tour in Wales," p. 28.
341. Or Botolph's town, in Lincolnshire, where St Botolph was buried—
"Delicious Wytham leads to holy Botolph's town." —Poly-Olbion, Song xxv.
342. "Is named of Kinge Edmunde, whom the comon Chronicles call St Edmund, or Edmund the Martyr; for Bury is but to say a Court or Palace. It was first a Colledge of Priests, founded by Athelstane the kinge of Ingland, to the Honour and Memorye of Edmund that was slayne at Hoxton (then called Eylesdund [or Eglesdon], as Leland thinketh), whose Bones he removed thyther. The hole hystorie of this matter is so enterlaced with miracles, that Polydor himselfe (who beleaved them better then I) began to delye with it; sayinge, that Monkes weare much delighted with them" (Lambarde's "Dictionarium," p. 35).
343. This place, which was much frequented by pilgrims, was situate on a lake called Logh Derg, in the Southern part of the county of Donegal, near the borders of Tyrone and Fermanagh. It was surrounded with wild and barren mountains, and was almost inaccessible by horsemen even in summer time, on account of great bogs, rocks, and precipices which environed it. The popular tradition concerning it is as ridiculous as is to be found in any legend of the Romish Martyrology. After continuing in great credit many years, it began to decline; and in the 13th of Henry the Seventh was demolished with great solemnity, on St Patrick's Day, by the Pope's express order. It, however, afterwards came into reputation again, insomuch that, by an order of the Privy Council, dated 13th of September 1632, it was a second time destroyed. From this period, as pilgrimages grew less in fashion, it will appear extraordinary that the place should be a third time restored to its original state, and as much visited as in any former period. In this condition it continued until the second year of Queen Anne, when an Act of the Irish Parliament declared, that all meetings and assemblies there should be adjudged riots and unlawful assemblies, and inflicted a penalty upon every person meeting or assembling contrary to the Statute. The ceremonies to be performed by the pilgrims are very exactly set forth in Richardson's "Great Folly, Superstition, and Idolatry of Pilgrimages in Ireland, especially of that to St Patrick's Purgatory," Dublin, 8vo. 1727.
Enough hath been already said on the subject of "Saint Patrick's Purgatory," I shall therefore only add, that it is often mentioned in Froissard's "Chronicle," and that Sir James Melvil, who visited it in 1545, describes it as looking "like an old coal-pit, which had taken fire, by reason of the smoke that came out of the hole" (Melvil's "Memoirs," p. 9., edit. 1683).
It is mentioned in Erasmus's "Praise of Folie," 1549, Sign. A: "Whereas before ye satte all heavie and glommyng, as if ye had come lately from Troponius cave, or Saint Pattrickes purgatorie."
344. Within three miles of St Alban's. "At this place," says Norden, "were founde the reliques of Amphiball, who is saide to be the instructour and convertour of Alban from Paganisme, of whose reliques such was the regard that the abbottes of the monasterie of Alban had, that they should be devoutly preserved, that a decree was made by Thomas then abbott, that a pryor and three munckes should be appointed to this holie function, whose allowance in those dayes amounted yearely to 20 pound, or upwardes, as much as three hundred pound in this age" ("Description of Hartfordshire." p. 22).
See also Weever's "Funeral Monuments," p. 585. Dr Middleton, in his "Letter from Home," says: "Bishop Usher has proved that this saint never existed, and that we owe the honour of his saintship to a mistaken passage in the Legend of St Alban, where the Amphibolus there mentioned is nothing more than a cloak."
345. The abbey of Hales, in Gloucestershire, was founded by Richard, King of the Romans, brother to Henry the Third. This precious relic, which was commonly called the blood of Hailes, was brought out of Germany by Richard's son Edmund, who bestowed a third part of it upon his father's abbey of Hales, and some time after gave the other two parts to an abbey of his own foundation at Ashridge, near Berkamstead. It was given out, and believed to have this property, that, if a man was in mortal sin, and not absolved, he could not see it; otherwise, he might see it very well: therefore, every man that came to see this miracle, this most precious blood, confessed himself first to one of the priests there; and then, offering something at the altar, was directed to a chapel, where the miracle was shown; the priest who confessed him, in the meantime, retiring to the back part of the said chapel, and putting forth a little cabinet or vessel of crystal, which being thick on the one side, that nothing could be seen through it, but on the other side thin and transparent, they used diversely, as their interests required. On the dissolution of the abbey, it was discovered to be nothing more than honey clarified and coloured with saffron, "an unctowse gumme coloured, which in the glasse apperyd to be a glisterynge red resemblyng partlie the color of blood, and owte of the glasse apparaunte glystering yelow colour like amber or basse gold" (Certificate of visitors, printed at end of Hearne's Benedictus Abbas, II. 751).
346. i.e., Saint David. Drayton, in his "Poly-Olbion," Song xxiv., says—
"Whose Cambro Britons so their saints as duly brought, T' advance the Christian faith, effectually that wrought; Their David (one deriv'd of th' royal British blood), Who 'against Pelagius' false and damn'd opinions stood; And turn'd Menenia's name to David's sacred see. The patron of the Welsh deserving well to be."
See an account of him in an extract from Bale, in Godwin "de Praesulibus Angliae," p. 573, edit. 1743. He is said to have been bishop 65 years, and to have lived 146. He died, according to some accounts, in the year 546, according to others, in the year 542. His shrine, I am informed, remains in the wall of his cathedral in Pembrokeshire.
347. St Denis, the patron of France, is said to have been the disciple of St Paul, and the first who preached the gospel to the French. The legend concerning him affirms that, after he was beheaded near Paris, he walked four miles with his head in his hands. His body was said to be entombed very magnificently at the abbey of St Denis, to which the pilgrims used to resort.
348. At the Church of St Mark, in Venice, they pretend to have the body of that evangelist, which was brought thither by certain merchants from Alexandria, in Egypt, in the year 810. Coryat says, that the treasure of this church was of that inestimable value, that it was thought no treasure whatsoever in any other place in Christendom might compare with it, neither that of St Denis in France, nor St Peter's in Rome, nor that of Madonna de Loretto in Italy, nor that of Toledo in Spain, nor any other. See Coryat's "Crudities," p. 214, and "The Commonwealth and Government of Venice," by Contareno, translated by Lewes Lewkenor, Esq., 1599, p. 165.
349. Who this John Shorn was, I can give no account. In the preface to "The Accedence of Armorie," 4to, 1562, a story is told of one who had been called to worship in a city within Middlesex, and who being desired by a herald to show his coat (i.e., of arms), "called unto his mayd, commanding her to fetch his coat, which, being brought, was of cloth garded with a burgunian gard of bare velvet, well bawdefied on the halfe placard, and squallotted in the fore quarters. Lo, quoth the man to the heraught, here it is, if ye will buy it, ye shall have time of payment, as first to pay halfe in hand, and the rest by and by. And with much boste he said, he ware not the same since he came last from Sir John Shorne," &c.
350. Catwade Bridge is in Samford Hundred, in the county of Suffolk, where there may have been a famous chapel and rood.—G.
351. Herry edit. 1569.
352. "In September, the same yeare (says Weever), viz., an. 30 Hen. 8, by the speciall motion of great Cromwell, all the notable images, vnto the which were made any especiall pilgrimages and offerings, as the images of our Lady of Walsingham, Ipswich, Worcester, the Lady of Wilsdon, the rood of grace of our Ladie of Boxley, and the image of the rood of Saint Saviour at Bermondsey, with all the rest, were brought vp to London, and burnt at Chelsey, at the commandement of the foresaid Cromwell, all the Iewels and other rich offerings to these, and to the shrines (which were all likewise taken away, or beaten to peeces) of other Saints throughout both England and Wales were brought into the King's Treasurie" (Edit. 1631, p. 111).
353. The church dedicated to Saint Mary at Southwell, in Nottinghamshire.
354. In the county of Kent, near Greenwich.
355. In Finsbury Hundred, Middlesex, the chapel dedicated to St Mary. See above, note 1.
356. "Muswell Hill, called also Pinsenall Hill: there was a chapple sometime bearing the name of our ladie of Muswell: where now Alderman Roe hath erected a proper house, the place taketh name of the well and of the hill, Mousewellhill; for there is on the hill a spring of faire water, which is now within the compass of the house. There was sometime an image of the ladie of Muswell, whereunto was a continuall resort, in the way of pylgrimage, growing, as is (though as I take it fabulouslie) reported in regard of a great cure which was performed by this water, upon a king of Scots, who being strangely diseased was, by some devine intelligence, advised to take the water of a well in England, called Muswell, which after long scrutation and inquisition, this well was found and performed the cure" (Norden's "Speculum Britanniae," p. 36, edit. 1723). I am informed that the mosaic pavement and other ruins of this well and its chapel were to be seen about twenty-five years ago [Edit. 1780].
357. This was probably Richard Fitz[-Neale,] bishop of London, and treasurer of England, in the time of Henry the Second. His shrine was, as Weever observes, p. 714, in St Paul's Church; and as he contributed largely to the building of the church, he conjectures it to have been erected there on that account. Drayton, however, in his "Poly-Olbion," Song xxiv., speaks of others of that name, as
"Richard, the dear son to Lothar king of Kent, When he his happy days religiously had spent; And feeling the approach of his declining age, Desirous to see Rome in holy pilgrimage; Into thy country come, at Lucca left his life, Whose miracles there done, yet to this day are rife."
"So countries more remote with ours we aid acquaint, As Richard for the fame his holiness had won, And for the wondrous things that through his prayers were done; From this his native home into Calabria call'd, And of St Andrew's there the bishop was installed; For whom she hath profess'd much reverence to this land."
"So other southern sees, here either less or more. Have likewise had their saints— —we have of Chichester Saint Richard, and with him St Gilbert, which do stand Inroll'd amongst the rest of this our mitred band."
358. Saint Roke, or Roch, was born at Montpelier, in France; and died in prison at Angleria, in the province of Lombardy, where a large church was built in honour of him. See "Legenda Aurea," p. 238.
359. Stephanus' "World of Wonders," 1607, translated by R.C., p. 316.— O[ctavius] G[ilchrist].
360. Obtaye, 1st edit. 361. Assuredly, 2d edit.
362. Thy, 1st edit.
363. Pardoner. "Pardoners were certaine fellowes that caried about the Pope's Indulgences, and sold them to such as would buy them; against whom Luther, by Sleydans report, incensed the people of Germany in his time, exhorting them ne merces tam viles tanti emerent" (Cowell's "Interpreter," 1607, Sign. A A A 2).
364. You, edit. 1569.
365. Yet welcome, 1st edit.
366. For, 1st edit.
367. Paynes, 2d edit.
368. Ere, edit. 1569.
369. My, edit. 1569.
370. You, edit. 1569.
371. Nother, 1st edit.
372 Running, 1st edit.—Dodsley. This is a mistake, the first edition reading ronnying, which is the old spelling of running. Another error was committed in printing it hitherto "running to Rome," the correct reading being "ronnying at Rome."—Collier.
373. Scofte, 1st. edit.
374. Kepe, 1st edit.
375. This, edit 1569.
376. You come late, 1st edit.
377. Sonyng, 1st edit.
378. Ye, 1st edit. 379. Ye, 1st edit.
380. Ye, 1st edit.
381. Hath, 1st edit.
382. Ye, 1st edit.
383. Be, 1st edit.
384. Cheap, as Dr Johnson observes, is market, and good cheap therefore is bon marche. The expression is very frequent in ancient writers, as in Churchyard's "Worthiness of Wales," Evans's edition, 1776, p. 3—
"Victuals good cheap in most part of Wales."
Lyly's "Euphues," 1579, p. 8, "Seeing thou wilt not buy counsel at the first hande good cheape, thou shalt buye repentaunce at second-hande at such an vnreasonable rate that thou wilt cursse thy hard penyworth, and ban thy harde heart." Decker's "Lanthorne and Candlelight," H 4, "He buyes other men's cunning good cheap in London, and sels it deare in the countrey." See other instances in Mr Steevens's note on "First Part of King Henry IV.," A. 3, S. 3.
385. Leste, 1st edit.; least, edit. 1569. And as least is probably the reading the author intended, and is supported by both the old copies, it is restored; the Pardoner means in the smallest quarter of the Palmer's voyage.—Collier.
386. _As, 1st edit.
387. Bryngeth, 1st edit.
388. Dyd, 1st edit.
389. We will, edit. 1569.
390. Or, 1st edit.
391. Hinderance.
392. They rob, edit. 1569.
393. Hostely, 1st edit.
394. Master, achieve.
395. To be woe is often used by old writers to signify to be sorry. So Shakspeare's "Tempest," A. 5, S. 1—
"_I am woe for't, Sir."
Chaucer's "Court of Love"— "I wolde be wo, That I presume to her is writin so."
See Mr Steevens's note on Shakspeare, vol. 1, p. 106.
396. That, edit. 1569.
397 From state of grace, 1st edit.
398. Then. Mr Dodsley read and.
399. You, edit. 1569.
400. Every tryfull, 1st edit.
401. Chefe, 1st edit.
402. Thinks, edit. 1569.
403. There, edit. 1569.
404. Where, 1st edit.
405. Unknotted, edit. 1569.
406. Lace, 1st edit. Lasses = leshes, or laces.
407. Needles, thread, thimbles, and such other knacks, edit. 1569.
408. i.e., Cyprus; thin stuff of which women's veils were made. So in Shakspeare's "Winter's Tale," A. 4, S. 3—
"Lawn as white as driven snow, Cyprus black as any crow."
Again, in "Twelfth Night"—
"A cyprus, not a bosom Hides my poor heart."—S.
409. i.e., Rollers in which infants were swathed. So, in "Timon of Athens"—
"Had thou, like us, from thy first swath," &c.—S.
410 Uprising, edit. 1569. 411. Frontal, Fr., a frontlet, or forehead band.—Cotgrave. A frontlet is mentioned as part of a woman's dress in Lyly's "Midas," 1592: "Hoods, frontlets, wires, cauls, curling-irons, periwigs, bodkins, fillets, hair laces, ribbons, rolls, knotstrings, glasses," &c. See also Mr Steevens's note on "King Lear," A. 1, S. 4.
412. Ruffs or bands for women. See Glossary to Douglas's "Translation of Virgil."
413. Little bodkins or puncheons.—Cotgrave, voce pinconnet.
414. It, edit. 1569.
415. Prycke, 1st edit. 416. They be, edit. 1569.
417. Wood signifies mad, furious, or violent. So, in Aseham's "Toxophilus" [1545, repr. Arber, p. 56], "Howe will you thinke that such furiousness, with woode countenaunce and brenning eyes, with staringe and bragging, with heart redie to leape out of the belly for swelling, can be expressed ye tenth part to the vttermost" (Churchyard's "Worthiness of Wales," p. 103, Evans's edit., 1776).
"It flowes with winde, although no rayne there bee. And swelles like sea, with waves and foming flood: A wonder sure to see this river Dee, With winde alone, to wax so wild and wood, Make such a sturre, as water would be mad, And shewe such life, as though some spreete it had."
418. Swere, edit. 1569.
419. Wyl, edit. 1569. Neither edition reads wyl, nor wil, but wolde.—Collier.
420. The oldest copy has it "as nyche as ye wyll," and the edition of 1569, "as nie as ye wilt;" perhaps the meaning is "as much as you will."—Collier. [More probably nice, which word seems to have borne a somewhat different pronunciation formerly. Compare a passage in Ingelend's "Disobedient Child"—
"Even as to a greate man, wealthy and ryche, Service and bondage is a harde thynge, So to a boye, both dayntie and nyce,"
where nyce must be pronounced nyche, though not so spelled.]
421. Fall, 1st edit.
422. Pay down.
423. Ready; pret, Fr. So in "Caesar and Pompey," 1607:
"What must be; Caesar's prest for all."
See a note on "The Merchant of Venice," A. 1, S. 1.—S. Again Churchyard's "Challenge," 1593, p. 80—
"Then shall my mouth, my muse, my pen, and all, Be prest to serve at each good subject's call." Cynthia's "Revels," A. 5, S. 4—
"I am prest for the encounter."
424. The reckoning. See Mr Steevens's note to "The First Part of King Henry IV.," A. 5, S. 3.
Again, in Churchyard's "Worthiness of Wales"—
"Behold besides, a further thing to note, The best cheap cheare they have that may be found; The shot is great when each man pais his groate, If all alike the reckoning runneth round."
425. The third edition reads swynking. See note 26 to "Gammer Qurton's Needle," vol. ii.
426. In Sir John Hawkins's "History of Musick," vol. iii., p. 466, a passage, in Tusser's "Five Hundred Points of Husbandry," 1580, is cited, in which this line occurs—
"The better brest, the lesser rest;"
upon which he makes this observation: "In singing the Bound is originally produced by the action of the lungs, which are so essential an organ in this respect, that to have a good breast was formerly a common periphrasis to denote a good singer. The Italians make use of the terms Voce di Petto and Voce di Testa to signify two kinds of voice, of which the first is the best. In Shakespeare's 'Twelfth Night,' after the clown is asked to sing, Sir Andrew Aguecheek says—
'By my troth, the fool hath an excellent breast'
And in the statutes of Stoke College, in Suffolk, founded by Parker, Archbishop of Canterbury, is a provision in these words: 'Of which said queristers, after their breasts are changed (i.e., their voices broke), we will the most apt of wit and capacity be holpen with exhibitions of forty shillings,'" &c.
See also the notes of Mr Warton and Mr Steevens to "Twelfth Night," A. 2, S. 3.
Again, in Middleton's "More Dissemblers besides Women," A. 1, S. 3 (Dyce's edit, iii., 575), Dondolo, after a song by his page, says, "Oh rich, ravishing, rare, and inticing. Well, go thy ways, for as sweet a brested page as ever lay at his master's feet in a truckle-bed." And in the same writer's "Women beware Women," A. 3, S. 2—
Duke. "Yea the voice too, sir?" Fab. "Ay, and a sweet breast too, my lord, I hope, Or I have cast away my money wisely." —Dyce's edit, iv., 583.
Yet in the very next line of the text the Pedlar seems to take a distinction between the breast and the voice, which induces the Apothecary to observe—
"That answere sheweth you a ryght syngynge man."—Collier.
427. Wyt, 1st edit.
428. Wyll, 1st edit.
429. See note 48 to "Gammer Gurton's Needle."
430. Not and, 1st edit.
431. Hitherto misprinted— "Upon these workes our mater grewe."—Collier.
432. His, edit. 1569.
433. For, edit. 1569.
434. So, edit. 1569
435. May, edit. 1569.
436. Wake, 1st edit.
437. It is very, edit. 1569.
438. Added in edit. 1569.
439. The first edition reads—
"And if he lyste to take me so."
which is altered in the edit, of 1569, to ye, and it is probably right.—Collier.
440. Should go on pilgrimage, edit. 1569.
441. Original reads debite.
442. Howe, 1st edit.
443. Were we as, edit. 1569.
444. First edition reads—
"For bothe you twayne shall wait on me. What chaunce is this, that suche an elfe Commaunded two knaves be besyde himselfe."
Both editions have it so, and the alteration was made by Dodsley, and followed by Reed, although it is by no means necessary to the due understanding of the passage.—Collier.
445. Thynge decayed, 1st edit.
446. Holly, 1st edit., holy, edit. 1569.
447. i.e., One magisterium; a chymical term expressive of the highest powers of transmutation, and sometimes used for any masterly performance.—S.
Mastery seems here used in the sense of mystery or trade, which is derived from the French mestier, and that perhaps from magisterium. See Warton's "Hist. Engl. Poetry," III. xxxvii.—Collier. [But see edit. 1871, i., 263.]
448. Both the old copies agree in reading—
"Yet in lyenge, I can some skyll,"
which has hitherto been altered to
"Yet in lyenge I can boste some skyll,"
a word having been foisted in as if the former editors were not aware that "I can some skyll," was a phrase of the time and perfectly intelligible.—Collier.
449. Not, 1st edit.
450. Beholde, edit. 1569.
451. May here, 1st edit., may lie, edit. 1569.
452. Sirs, edit. 1569.
453. As well as, 1st edit.
454. Hope, 1st edit.
455. Hope, 1st edit.
456. The word it is omitted in the first edition, but it is necessary for the rhyme.—Collier.
457. To be rulde, edit. 1569.
458. Here are, edit. 1569.
459. Are, edit. 1569.
460. May, edit. 1569.
461. All hallowes is All Saints. Mr Steevens, in his note on the "First Part of King Henry IV.," A.1, S.2, remarks on the absurdity of appropriating a word formed to express a community of saints to a particular one of the number.
462. He shall be ryd of the toth ake, 1st edit.
463. Other, 1st edit.
464. Muche, 1st edit.
465. Freend, edit. 1569.
466. This, edit. 1569.
467. These seven sleepers are said to have lived at Ephesus in the time of the Emperor Decian. Being commanded to sacrifice according to the Pagan manner, they fled to a cave in Mount Ceylon, where they fell asleep, and continued in that state 372 years, as is asserted by some, though according to others only 208 years. They awoke in the reign of one Emperor Theodosian who, being informed of this extraordinary event, came from Constantinople to see them, and to satisfy himself of the truth of the relation. Having communicated to him the several circumstances of their case, they all, as the "Legenda Aurea" expresses it, "enclyned theyr hedes to th' erth, and rendred their spyrites at the commaundement of our Lorde Jesu Cryst, and soo deyed." See "Legenda Aurea," 196.
468. Thys, 1st edit.
469. To, 1st edit.
470. Yet, edit. 1569.
471. Can, 1st edit.
472. See note 34 to "Gammer Gurton's Needle."
473. Sooner.
474. See, edit. 1569.
475. Hyre me is reward me, and afterwards we meet with this line—
"But answered you, and geven you hyring."—Collier.
[But the word in the two passages appears to be identical in the old orthography only. In the latter, cited by Mr Collier, it may mean hearing, but here it is seemingly hire, i.e., give me my hire or reward.]
476. Theriaca, a remedy against poison—Blount. The word triacle is also not unfrequently used for a balsam, or indeed any kind of infallible or powerful medicine.—Collier.
477. In, 1st edit.
478. An addition. The word so is no addition, but is found in both the old copies.—Collier.
479. I should suppose we ought to read sheet-anchor. The sheet-anchor is the largest belonging to a ship, and is the last refuge of mariners; for when that fails to take hold of the ground, the vessel is left at the mercy of the storm. The sheet-anchor was called by the ancients anchora sacra; and by the French maitresse ancre.—S.
480. Ointment, edit. 1569.
481. Will, edit. 1569.
482. Are, edit. 1569.
483. Are, edit. 1569.
484. Unto, edit. 1569.
485. And, 1st edit.
486. You are, edit. 1569.
487. Your mastership.—S.
488. True, 1st edit.
489. Ere, edit. 1569; or, 1st 4to.
490. For no lie, edit 1569.
491. Our, 1st edit.
492. One, edit. 1569.
493. Your, 1st edit.
494. First edition reads—
"And that we both my lye so witnes, That twayne of us thre in one agree."
495. Neither.
496. Unlike, 1st edit.
497. From, 1st edit.
498. So, edit. 1569.
499. Should, 1st edit.
500. Payne, 1st edit.
501. The allusion is to gunnery. Thampion (tampon, Fr., a bung, cork, or plug of wood) is now written tampion, and signifies the stopper with which the mouths of cannon are closed up, to prevent the admission of rain, or sea water, whereby their charges might be rendered incapable of service. A tewel (tuyau, or tuyal, Fr.) is a pipe; and is here used (for the sake of continuing the metaphor) for bore or calibre. Moxon, in his "Mechanick Exercises," defines the tewel to be that pipe in a smith's forge into which the nose of the bellows is introduced; and in a MS. fragment, said to be written by Sir Francis Drake, concerning the stores of one of the ships under his command, the word tewel is applied to a gun.—S.
In Lambarde's "Dictionarium," p. 129, it is said: "It happened in the Reigne of Quene Marye, that the master of a Shippe passinge by while the Court lay theare, and meaninge (as the maner is) with Sayle and Shot to honor the Place, unadvisedly gave Fyre to a Piece charged with a Stone instede of a Tampion, which lightinge on the Quenes house ranne throughe a Chamber, and did no further Harme."
Our antiquary writes like one unacquainted with his subject; no man, I believe, ever talked of charging a gun with a tampion; neither would the said tampion (consisting of a piece of hard oak) have done much less mischief than a stone, if pointed from the Thames at the Queen's Palace at Greenwich.—S.
502. Addition in the 2d edit.
503. A piece of ordnance.—S.
504. The Regent was one of the largest ships of war in the time of King Henry the Eighth. In the fourth year of his reign, Sir Thomas Knevet, master of the horse, and Sir John Carew, of Devonshire, were appointed captains of her, and in company with several others she was sent to fight the French fleet near Brest haven. An action accordingly ensued, and the Regent grappled with a French carrick, which would have been taken, had not a gunner on board the vessel, to prevent her falling into the hands of the English, set fire to the powder-room. This communicating the flames to both ships, they shared the same fate together, being both burnt. On the part of the French 900 men were lost; and on that of the English more than 700 (See Hall's "Chronicle," 1548, fol. 21).
505. On thys castell lyght, 1st edit.
506. This, edit. 1569. 507. Our, 1st edit.
508. The edit. of 1569 has this line—
"And done more cures ghostely."—Collier.
509. [Mr Child observes: "The Pardoner's descent into hell, in the 'Four P.P.,' is one of the most capital passages in our comic poetry" ("Four Old Plays," 1848, xxvi.)]
510. A beck, among other significations, has that of a salutation with the head. So, in Shakespeare's "Timon of Athens"—
"A serving of becks, and jutting out of bums."—S.
511. Thys, 1st edit.
512. "Before the suppression of the monasteries, this city (i.e., Coventry) was very famous for the pageants that were played therein upon Corpus Christi day (this is one of their ancient faires), which occasioning very great confluence of people thither from far and near, was no small benefit thereto; which pageants being acted with mighty state and reverence by the friers of this house, had theaters for the several scenes very large and high, placed upon wheels, and drawn to all the eminent parts of the city, for the better advantage of spectators, and contained the story of the New Testament, composed in old English rithme, as appeareth by an ancient MS. entitled 'Ludus Corporis Christi,' or 'Ludus Coventriae,' in Bibl. Cotton, (sub Effigie Vesp. D. 9)" (Dugdale's "Warwickshire," p. 116). [See the "Coventry Mysteries," edited by Halliwell, 1841.]
513. Addition in the 2d edit.
514. Maist, edit. 1569.
515. Mr Dodsley has write.
516. His, 1st edit.
517. For playne, 1st edit.
518. Cure, edit. 1569.—Collier. [The former editor printed cuer.]
519. Sweet or fresh-made, from the old word sote.
520. See note 3 to "The Ordinary."
521. Frendes, 1st edit.
522. First edition reads, "Dyd laugh full well together lyke frendes."
523. First edition reads, "Then to Lucyfer low as I coude."
524. [Featured.]
525. Deliver, edit. 1569.
526. Wil, edit. 1569.
527. So 1st edit., and properly, the meaning being that the Pardoner is ready to requite part of this favour whenever it shall be the devil's pleasure.—Collier_.
528. Nowe, 1st edit.
529. Horyson, 1st edit.
530. The, edit. 1569.
531. Dayes, 1st edit.
532. Wunderous, edit. 1569.
533. Founde, 1st edit.
534. Parell, 1st edit.
535. Parellous, 1st edit.
536. I suppose wrabbed to be a word coined for the sake of rhyme.—S. [But see Nares, 1859, in v., where it is said: "Probably for rabid, but so written for the sake of looking to the eye more like a rhyme to crabbed."]
537. Thus, edit. 1569.
538. Of, edit. 1569.
539. Maryed, 1st edit. It will be observed that there is no rhyme to the line—
"And oft with them have long tyme taried,"
and it is probable that a line has here dropped out ending with maryed, which is the word in the oldest of the three editions.—Collier.
540. i.e., Fetch'd. The word is used by Tusser, Spenser, and Shakespeare.—S.
541. i.e., Five knaves and two more there, iii.
542. Overcome. See note 1 on "God's Promises." So Eleanor, in the "Second Part of King Henry VI.," A. 1, S. 3, says—
"I'd set my ten commandments in your face"
Ten Commandments seem to have been cant terms for the nails of the hands. See also Mr Steevens's note on the above passage.
543. Gentleman, 1st edit.
544. One, 1st edit.
545. You may, 1st edit. 1569.
546. Mad, furious.
547. Addition in the third edition.
548. I, 1st edit.
549. Addition in the third edition.
550. Rather, edit. 1569.
551. i.e., One who struts or agitates his body in a pompous manner. So, in Shakespeare's "Twelfth Night"—
"How he jets under his advanced plumes."—S.
552. Make, edit. 1569.
553. I believe we should read affin'd, i.e. joined by affinity to each other. So in "Othello":
"If partially affin'd or leagued in office."—S.
It probably means assigned to the Palmer to wait on him, which was part of the agreement, before the contention began.—Collier.
554. Beste, 1st edit.
555. First edition reads—
"And I lykewyse, I make God a vowe."
556. Cheefest, edit. 1569.
557. This, edit. 1569.
558. Shewell, 1st edit.
559. On, edit. 1569.
560. Other, 1st edit.
561. Plenteously, edit. 1569.
562. Perhaps by parels is meant pareilles, Fr., i.e., things similar, or parels. Or it may be only a corruption of perils.—S.
563. Are, edit. 1569.
564. Nother, 1st edit.
565. Take, edit. 1569.
566. Escapte, edit. 1569.
567. [The colophon of the first edition is: "Imprynted at London in Fletestrete at the sygne of the George, by Wyllyam Myddylton." For the particulars of the other two editions, that by Copland being unknown to the former editors, see Hazlitt's "Handbook," p. 269.]
568. Two Interludes: Jack Juggler and Thersites. Edited by Joseph Haslewood, 4to, 1820.
569. At Lee Priory, the seat of Sir Egerton Brydges. Sir Egerton Brydges subsequently decided on selling the entire collection, though entailed, and it was disposed of by Mr. Sotheby, April 12, 1826. In the auction catalogue it is described as "a small but high interesting collection of the Rarest Old Plays in the English Drama." There were, in fact, only 142 lots, of which Jack Juggler and Thersites were 141 and 142, and "The Taming of a Shrew," 1594, No. 109. Mr. Inglis seems to have been the purchaser of all three.
570. "Four Old Plays," 1848, xv.
571. Shoulder.
572. Dastards.
573. Run.
574. Ilva in orig.
575. A sort of helmet.
576. Original has bere, i.e., bear.
577. See Way's edit, of the "Promptorium" v. Crykke.
578. Sheep.
579. A corrupt form of the name of an old romance, printed by Ritson, and in the original French by Hippeau.
580. Hedges.
581. Short.
582. A curious phrase, not met with elsewhere.
583. i.e., Apart or separate.
584. Readiness.
585. Thirteen.
586. This appears to be an allusion to a song beginning with these words.
587. Sung.
588. Spend. For the mere sake of the rhyme.
589. Rend.
590. The error or transposition is perhaps intentional.
591. An error, perhaps equally designed. It was Diomedes, to whom the mythology ascribed this practice.
592. Original has thus.
593. Boast.
594. This incident was improved upon in the modern nursery-rhyme of the four-and-twenty tailors and the snail.
595. Original has the, perhaps we should read thou.
596. Have been lost.
597. Hindereth, troubleth.
598. Fair, impartial
599. Meaning.
600. See "Promptorium," edit. Way, v. Gromaly, and Halliwell's "Dict." v. Gromyl.
601. This and some of the other names appear to be fanciful. Forsan, however, Compton.
602. For these, and so a few lines below.
603. Jawbone.
604. Bittern.
605. Baker.
606. Shovel. See Halliwell's "Dict." v. Peel, No. 6.
607. Ham.
608. Ahasuerus.
609. Thropton.
610. Dimsdale, which name is borne by two places, one in Durham, the other in Yorkshire.
611. Original has hartelye.
612. Knees.
613. Jane Seymour and Prince Edward, afterwards Edward VI. This fixes the date of the play, though not necessarily of its publication, at least approximately.