[Let Will call for dances, one after another.
WILL. Come, damsel, in good faith, and let me have you in, Let him practise in dancing all things to make himself breathless.[415]
RECREATION. Enough at once, now leave, and let us part.
WIT. This exercise hath done me good, even to the very heart. Let us be bold with you more acquaintance to take, And dance a round yet once more for my sake, Enough is enough; farewell, and at your need Use my acquaintance, if it may stand you in stead. Right worthy damsels both, I know you seek no gains In recompense of this desert your undeserved pains. But look what other thing my service may devise, To show my thankful heart in any enterprise. Be ye as bold therewith, as I am bold on you, And thus with hearty thanks I take my leave as now.
RECREATION. Farewell, friend Wit, and since you are relieved, Think not upon your foil, whereat you were so griev'd, But take your heart to you, and give attempt once more: I warrant you to speed much better than before.
WIT. One dance for thee and me; my boy, come on.
WILL. Dance you, sir, if you please, and I will look upon.
WIT. This gear doth make me sweat, and breathe apace.
IDLENESS. Sir, ease yourself awhile; here is a resting-place.
WIT. Home, Will, and make my bed, for I will take a nap.
IGNORANCE. Sure, and it please your mastership, here in my dame's lap.
IDLENESS singeth.
Come, come, lie down, and thou shall see, None like to me to entertain Thy bones and thee oppressed with pain. Come, come, and ease thee in my lap, And if it please thee, take a nap; A nap, that shall delight thee so, That fancies all will thee forego. By musing still, what canst thou find, But wants of will and restless mind? A mind that mars and mangles all, And breedeth jars to work thy fall! Come, gentle Wit, I thee require, And thou shalt hit thy chief desire: Thy chief desire, thy hoped prey; First ease thee here, and then away.
WIT. [Falls down into her lap. My bones are stiff, and I am wearied sore, And still me-think I faint and feeble more and more; Wake me again in time, for I have things to do, And as you will me for mine ease, I do assent thereto.
IDLENESS. [Lulls him. Welcome, with all my heart: sir boy, hold here this fan, And softly cool his face; sleep soundly, gentleman. This char is char'd[416] well now, Ignorance, my son, Thou seest all this, how featly[417] it is done; But wot'st thou why?
IGNORANCE. Nay, bumfay,[418] mother, not I. Well, I wot 'tis a gay worched trick and trim: Chould rejouce my heart to chance coots[419] with him.
IDLENESS. Dost thou remember how many I have served in the like sort?
IGNORANCE. It doth my heart good to think on this sport.
IDLENESS. Wilt thou see this proper fellow served so?
IGNORANCE. Chould give tway pence to see it and tway pence mo.
IDLENESS. Come off, then, let me see thee in his doublet and his[420] hose.
IGNORANCE. You shall see a tall fellow, mother, I suppose.
IDLENESS. Help off with this sleeve softly for fear of waking, We shall leave the gentleman in a pretty taking. Give me thy coat, hold this in thy hand: This fellow would be married to Science, I understand. But, ere we leave him, tell me another tale! Now let us make him look somewhat stale. There lie, and there be: the proverb is verified, I am neither idle, nor yet well-occupied.
IGNORANCE. Mother, must I have his coat? now, mother, I must. Chalt be a lively lad with hey tisty-tust.
IDLENESS. Sleep sound, and have no care to occupy thy head, As near unto thy body now, as if thou had'st been dead. For Idleness hath won, and wholly thee possess'd, And utterly disabled thee from having thy request. Come on with me, my son, let us go couch again, And let this lusty ruffling Wit here like a fool remain.
WIT. Up and to go, why sleep I here so sound? How falls it out that I am left upon the naked ground? God grant that all be well, whilst I lay dreaming here: Me-thinks all is not as it was, nor as I would it were. And yet I wot not why, but so my fancies gives me, That some one thing or other in my tire[421] that grieves me, They are but fancies, let them go: to Science now will I; My suit and business yet once again to labour and apply.
[Enter Science and Reason.
SCIENCE. What is become, trow ye, of Wit, our spouse that would be?
REASON. Daughter, I fear all is not as it should be.
WIT. Yes, yes, have ye no doubt, all is and shall be well.
REASON. What one art thou? thereof how canst thou tell?
WIT. Reason, most noble sir, and you, my lady dear: How have you done in all this time, since first I saw you here?
SCIENCE. The fool is mad, I ween; stand back, and touch me not.
WIT. You speak not as you think, or have you me forgot?
SCIENCE. I never saw thee in my life until this time, I wot; Thou art some mad-brain or some fool, or some disguised sot.[422]
WIT. God's fish-hooks?[423] and know you not me?
SCIENCE. I had been well at ease indeed to be acquainted with thee!
WIT. Hop haliday![424] marry, this is pretty cheer, I have lost myself, I cannot tell where! An old-said saw it is, and too true, I find, Soon hot, soon cold: out of sight, out of mind. What, madam, what meaneth this sudden change? What means this scornful look, this countenance so strange? Is it[425] your fashion so to use your lovers at the first: Or have all women this delight to scold and to be curs'd?
REASON. Good fellow, whence art thou? what is thy name?
WIT. I ween ye are disposed to make at me some game. I am the son of lady Nature; my name is Wit.
REASON. Thou shalt say so long enough, ere we believe it.
SCIENCE. Thou Wit? nay, thou art some mad-brain out of thy wit.
WIT. Unto yourselves this trial I remit. Look on me better, and mark my person well.
SCIENCE. Thy look is like to one, that came out of hell.
REASON. If thou be Wit, let see, what tokens thou canst tell. How cam'st thou first acquainted here? what said we? How did we like thy suit, what entertainment made we?
WIT. What tokens?
SCIENCE. Yea, what tokens? speak, and let us know.
WIT. Tokens good store I can rehearse a-row: First, as I was advised by my mother Nature, My lackey Will presented you with my picture.
SCIENCE. Stay there, now look, how these two faces agree!
WIT. This is the very same that you received from me.
SCIENCE. From thee? why look, they are no more like, Than chalk to cheese, than black to white.
REASON. To put thee out of doubt, if thou think we say not true, It were good for thee in a glass thy face to view.
WIT. Well-remembered, and a glass I have indeed, Which glass you gave me to use at need.
REASON. Hast thou the glass, which I to Wit did give?
WIT. I have it in my purse, and will keep it, while I live.
REASON. This makes[426] me muse how should he come thereby?
WIT. Sir, muse no more, for it is even I, To whom you gave the glass, and here it is.
REASON. We are content thou try thy case by this.
WIT. [Looking in the glass. Either my glass is wonderfully spotted, Or else my face is wonderfully blotted. This is not my coat; why, where had I this weed? By the mass, I look like a very fool indeed. O haps of haps, O rueful chance to me! O Idleness, woe-worth the time, that I was ruled by thee! Why did I lay my head within thy lap to rest? Why was I not advis'd by her, that wish'd and will'd[427] me best? O ten times treble[428] blessed wights, whose corps in grave do lie: That are not driven to behold these wretched cares which I[429]! On me you[430] furies all, on me, have poured out your spite, Come now and slay me at the last, and rid my sorrows quite. What coast shall me receive? where shall I show my head? The world will say this same is he that, if he list, had sped. This same is he, that took an enterprise in hand; This same is he that scarce one blow his enemy did withstand. This same is he, that fought and fell in open field: This same is he that in the song of Idleness did yield. This same is he that was in way to win the game: To join himself whereby he should have won immortal fame; And now is wrapp'd in woe, and buried in despair. O happy case for thee, if death would rid thee quite of care!
REASON. Shame.
SHAME. Who calls for Shame?
REASON. Here is a merchant,[431] Shame, for thee to tame.
SHAME. A shame come to you all, for I am almost lame With trudging up and down to them that lose their game.
REASON. And here is one, whom thou must rightly blame, That hath preferr'd his folly to his fame.
SHAME. Who? this good fellow? what call you his name?
REASON. Wit, that on wooing to lady Science came.
SHAME. Come aloft, child, let me see, what friscols you can fet;[432]
REASON. [If] he hath deserved it, let him be well-bet.
WIT. O, spare me with the whip, and sle me with thy knife: Ten thousand times more dear to me were present death than life.
SHAME. Nay, nay, my friend, thou shalt not die as yet.
REASON. Remember in what case dame Nature left thee, Wit; And how thou hast abus'd the same— Thou hast deceived all our hope, as all the world may see.
SHAME. A shame Come to it!—
REASON. Remember, what fair words and promises thou diddest make, That for my daughter's love no pains thou wouldest forsake. Remember in what sort we had a care of thee: Thou hast deceived all our hope, as all the world may see.
SHAME. A shame come to it.
REASON. Remember, how Instruction should have been followed still, And how thou wouldest be ruled by none but by Will How Idleness hath crept, and reigneth in thy breast, How Ignorance her son hath wholly thee possess'd.
SHAME. A shame come to it.
WIT. O woful wretch, to whom shall I complain? What salve may serve to salve my sore, or to redress my pain?
REASON. Nay, I can tell thee more: remember, how Thou was subdued of Tediousness right now. Remember with what crakes thou went unto his den, Against the good advice and counsel of thy men, What Recreation did for thee in these thy rueful haps, And how the second time thou fell into the lap.[433]
SHAME. A shame come to thee!
WIT. O, let me breathe a while, and hold thy heavy hand, My grievous faults with Shame enough I understand. Take ruth and pity on my plaint, or else I am forlorn; Let not the world continue thus in laughing me to scorn. Madam, if I be he, to whom you once were bent, With whom to spend your time sometime you were content: If any hope be left, if any recompense Be able to recover this forepassed negligence, O, help me now poor wretch in this most heavy plight, And furnish me yet once again with Tediousness to fight.
SCIENCE. Father, be good to these young tender years, See, how he doth bewail his folly past with tears!
REASON. Hold, slave, take thou his coat for thy labour, We are content, at her request, to take you to our favour. Come in, and dwell with us, till time shall serve: And from Instructionś rule look that thou never swerve. Within we shall provide to set you up once more, This scourge hath taught you, what default was in you heretofore.
WILL. Once in my life I have an odd half-hour to spare, To ease myself of all my travail and my care. I stood not still so long this twenty days, I ween, But ever more sent forth on messages I have been. Such trudging and such toil, by the mass, was never seen; My body is worn out, and spent with labour clean. And this it is that makes me look so lean. That lets my growth, and makes me seem a squall;[434] What then, although my stature be not tall, Yet I am as proper as you, so neat and cleanly, And have my joints at commandment full of activity. What should a servant do with all this flesh and bones, That, makes them run with leaden heels, and stir themself like stones? Give me a proper squire much after my pitch, And mark how he from place to place will squich;[435] Fair or foul, thick or thin, mire or dusty; Cloud or rain, light or dark, clear or misty: Ride or run, to or fro, bad or good: A neat little fellow on his business will scud. These great lubbers[436] are neither active nor wise, That feed till they sleep, and sleep out their eyes. So heavy, so dull, so untoward in their doing, That it is a good sight to see them leave working. But all this while, while I stand prating here, I see not my master; I left him snorting here.
SCIENCE. Mine own dear Wit, the hope of mine avail, My care, my comfort, my treasure and my trust, Take heart of grace our enemy to assail, Lay up these things, which you have heard discuss'd; So doing, undoubtingly you cannot fail To win the field, to 'scape all these unhappy shewers;[437] To glad your friends, to cause your foes to wail; To match with us, and then the gain is yours. Here in this closet ourself will sit and see Your manly feats and your success in fight: Strike home courageously for you and me; Learn where and how to fend, and how to smite. In any wise, be ruled by these three; They shall direct both you and Will aright. Farewell, and let our loving counsel be At every hand before you in your fight.
WIT. Here in my sight, good madam, sit and view: That, when I list, I may look upon you. This face, this noble face, this lively hue, Shall harden me, shall make our enemy rue. O faithful mates, that have this care of me, How shall I ever recompense your pains with gold or fee? Come now, and, as you please, enjoin me how to do it, And you shall see me prest and serviceable to it.
WILL. Why, master, whither [a]way? what haste? am I no body?
INSTRUCTION. What, Will, we may not miss thee for no money.
WIT. Welcome, good Will, and do as thou art bid; This day or never must Tediousness be rid.
WILL. God speed us well, I will make one at all assays.
INSTRUCTION. Thou shalt watch to take him at certain bays, Come not in the throng, but save thyself always. You twain on either side first with your sword and buckler; After the first conflict, fight with your sword and daggers; You, sir, with a javelin and your target in your hand, See how ye can his deadly strokes withstand. Keep at the foin;[438] come not within his reach, Until you see, what good advantage you may catch. Then hardily leave him not, till time you strike him dead, And, of all other parts, especially save your head.
WIT. Is this all, for I would fain have done?
WILL. I would we were at it, I care not how soon.
INSTRUCTION. Now, when ye please; I have no more to tell, But heartily to pray for you, and wish you well.
WIT. I thank you; go thou, and bid the battle, Will.
WILL. Come out, thou monster fell, that hast desire to spill The knot and linked love of Science and of Wit, Come, try the quarrel in the field, and fight with us a fit.
TEDIOUSNESS. A doughty dust[439] these four boys will do: I will eat them by morsels, two and two! Thou fightest for a wife! a rod, a rod! Had I wist this, I would have laid on load, And beat thy brain and this my club together, And made thee safe enough for returning hither.
WILL. A foul whoreson! what a sturdy thief it is! But we will pelt thee, knave, until for woe thou piss.
TEDIOUSNESS. Let me come to that elf.
WIT. Nay, nay, thou shalt have work enough to save thyself.
INSTRUCTION. Take breath, and change your weapons; play the men.
TEDIOUSNESS. Somewhat it was that made thee come again. Thou stickest somewhat better to thy tackling, I see, But what, no force; ye are but Jack-Sprat to me.
WIT. Have hold, here is a morsel for thee to eat. [Strikes.
STUDY, INSTRUCTION. Here is a pelt to make your knave's heart fret.
DILIGENCE. There is a blow able to fell a hog.
WIT. And here is a foin behind for a mad dog!
[Let Will trip you[440] down.
Hold, hold, hold, the lubber is down!
WILL. Strike off his head, while I hold him by the crown.
WIT. Thou monstrous wretch, thou mortal foe to me and mine, Which evermore at my good luck and fortune did'st repine, Take here thy just desert and payment for thy hire. Thy head this day shall me prefer unto my heart's desire.
INSTRUCTION. O noble Wit, the praise, the game is thine.
STUDY. Hove up his head upon your spear, lo, here a joyful sign!
O valiant knight, O conquest full of praise!
WILL. O bliss[441] of God to see these happy days!
WIT. You, you, my faithful squires, deserve no less, Whose tried trust, well-known to me in my distress. And certain hope of your fix'd faith and fast good-will, Made me attempt this famous fact, most needful to fulfil: To you I yield great thanks, to me redounds the gain, Now home apace, and ring it out, that Tediousness is slain. Say all at once, Tediousness is slain.
SCIENCE. I hear and see the joyful news, wherein I take delight, That Tediousness, our mortal foe, is overcome in fight: I see the sign of victory, the sign of manliness: The heap of happy haps: the joy that tongue cannot express. Our[442] welcome fame from day to day for ever shall arise.
WIT. Avaunt, ye griping cares, and lodge no more in me, For you have lost, and I have won continual joys and fee. Now let me freely touch, and freely you embrace, And let my friends with open mouth proclaim my blissful case.
SCIENCE. The world shall know, doubt not, and shall blow out your fame, Then true report shall send abroad your everlasting name. Now let our parents dear be certified of this, So that our marriage may forthwith proceed, as meet it is. Come after me, all five, and I will lead you in.
WIT. My pain is pass'd, my gladness to begin, My task is done, my heart is set at rest; My foe subdued, my lady's love possess'd. I thank my friends, whose help I had[443] at need, And thus you see, how Wit and Science are agreed, We twain henceforth one soul in bodies twain must dwell: Rejoice, I pray you all with me, my friends, and fare ye well.
[1] The "Interlude of Youth." From the rare black-letter edition, printed by Waley about the year 1554. Edited by James Orchard Halliwell, Esq. ... Brixton Hill, 1849, 4to. 75 copies privately printed.
[2] Apparently of an otherwise undescribed edition. See Hazlitt's "Handbook," p. 464.
[3] Part asunder.
[4] hearte, Waley's ed.
[5] [Waley's and Copland's eds., fair.]
[6] Hinder.
[7] Regret.
[8] A line, rhyming with this, seems to have dropped out.
[9] Solve.
[10] [Old copies, Sir.]
[11] [Old copies, i-wis.]
[12] See Hazlitt's "Popular Poetry," iv., 239.
[13] Found.
[14] [Vele's ed. nilet.]
[15] [Intended as a sneer at Charity's pious sentiments. Sir John is the common term in old plays, and literature generally, for a parson.]
[16] Cool.
[17] [Trumpington is in Essex, a county proverbial, rightly or wrongly, for the stupidity of its inhabitants.]
[18] [Equivalent to calling him a churl. See Hazlitt's "Proverbs," 1869, pp. 315-316 and 489; and Halliwell's "Dictionary," v. Hogsnorton. But in none of the instances cited there do we find Trumpington mentioned.]
[19] See "Popular Antiquities of Great Britain," ii. 286.
[20] "Popular Antiquities of Great Britain," ii. 315.
[21] Should we not read Hey-go-bet?
[22] See Hazlitt's "Popular Poetry," iii. 73-4.
[23] Post and pair.
[24] [We do not find this mentioned elsewhere. The same remark applies to aums-ace.]
[25] [Halliwell, in his "Dict." v. Pink, says:—"A game, the same as post and pair." Surely this is not so. It seems rather to be used, here at least, in the sense of gamble. But pink, after all, may signify something very different, viz., lechery.]
[26] The target or butts.
[27] [Copland's ed. books.]
[28] [This line is omitted in Waley's ed.]
[29] [The colophon of Waley's ed. is: Imprinted at London by John Waley, dwellyng in foster lane.]
[30] [The colophon of Vele's ed. is at the end infra.]
[31] [Afterwards parted with to Dr Dibdin. A second copy is in the Bodleian.]
[32] [An error. No edition by Pinson is known, or is likely to have ever existed. The impression referred to is Copland's. See Hazlitt's "Handbook," p. 649-50.]
[33] Gen. viii.; Jer. xvii.; Eccles. xxx.
[34] And, Copland's edition.
[35] Forsakyn, Copland's edition.
[36] Consolaion, Vele's edition.
[37] Arbour, Copland's edition.
[38] Aslope, Copland's edition.
[39] Surel i-pight, Copland's edition.
[40] Care.
[41] Brake, Copland's edition.
[42] Touch.
[43] Ye, Copland's edition.
[44] Appetyte, Vele's edition.
[45] The word fitte sometimes signified a part or division of a song; but in its original acceptation a poetic strain, verse, or poem: from being applied to music, the word was easily transferred to dancing, as in the above passages. See Dr. Percy's "Relics of Anc. Eng. Poetry," vol. ii., p. 297 [edit. 1765].—Hawkins.
[46] Compacions, Copland's edition.
[47] My, Copland's edition.
[48] Thus.
[49] Wyse, Vele's edition.
[50] For infecte, Copland's edition.
[51] Teachings.
[52] That, omitted in Copland's edition.
[53] You, omitted in Copland's edition.
[54] Infinitie, Vele's edition.
[55] The, Copland's edition.
[56] Way, Copland's edition.
[57] Both the copies read God.
[58] New, Copland's edition.
[59] Thus, Copland's edition; but the sense is the same.
[60] Accorde, Copland's edition.
[61] The, Copland's edition.
[62] Be, Copland's edition.
[63] The which, omitted in Copland's edition.
[64] Is, omitted, Copland's edition.
[65] God, Vele's edition.
[66] Pervarce, Copland's edition.
[67] One, Copland's edition.
[68] They, Copland's edition.
[69] To, Copland's edition.
[70] Chap. Math., Copland's edition.
[71] Which, Vele's edition.
[72] Not, omitted in Vele's edition.
[73] To reward, Vele's edition.
[74] Leadete, Copland's edition.
[75] Borught, Copland's edition.
[76] His, Copland's edition.
[77] Exit, omitted in Copland's edition.
[78] Copland's edit, taste.
[79] A, Copland's edition.
[80] Abstinate, Copland's edition.
[81] Hole, Copland's edition.
[82] Begone, Copland's edition.
[83] That, Copland's edition.
[84] Craft, Vele's edition.
[85] My, Copland's edition.
[86] Exit omitted in Copland's edition.
[87] Abhominable. So the word is constantly spelt. It is worth remarking, in order to fix the adjustment of a passage in Shakespeare's "Love's Labour's Lost," A. 4, S. I: This is abhominable which he would call abominable. Capell's edition, nearly agreeable to the quartos, or, this is abominable which we would call abhominable. So Theobald and Hanmer, according to the folios. The two great and learned editors, Warburton and Johnson, read vice versa: This is abominable which he would call abhominable, which destroys the poet's humour, such as it is, who is laughing at such fanatical phantasms and rackers of orthography as affect to speak fine.—Hawkins.
[88] Thus.
[89] Called, Copland's edition.
[90] Here in this tide omitted, Copland's edition.
[91] Some, Copland's edition.
[92] Canseth, Copland's edition.
[93] Thus.
[94] You, omitted in Copland's edition.
[95] Greatly.
[96] As for al those fylthe doinges, Copland's edition.
[97] Shakespeare puts these words, with great humour, into the mouth of Dogberry, in "Much Ado about Nothing," A. 3, S. 8. Though the quartos and folios concur in this reading, the moderns uniformly read, He's a good man. N.B.—The old reading is restored by Mr Capell.
The author seems here to ridicule the blasphemous questions discussed by the schoolmen among the Papists in his time, as, Whether the Pope be God or man, or a mean betwixt both? &c. See Archbishop Whitgift's "Sermon before Queen Elizabeth." 1574. Sig. B 2.—Hawkins. [In Germany they have a similar saying at present, and it seems to be used in this sense: God is a good person, he lets things take their course.]
[98] Portous, the ancient name for a Breviary. Blount. Here it signifies the Bible.—Hawkins.
[99] You omitted, Copland's edition.
[100] Thynge, Copland's edition.
[101] Thought, Copland's edition.
[102] Where, Vele's edition.
[103] Wil, Copland's edition.
[104] The foole presumptious, Copland's edition.
[105] I wote wote where, Copland's edition.
[106] Would, Copland's edition.
[107] Fare, Copland's edition.
[108] Beare, Copland's edition.
[109] Jybben, Vele's edition.
[110] This passage will receive illustration from the following quotation out of Bishop Latimer's Sermon, preached before King Edward the Sixth, about the year 1550: "A good fellow on a tyme bad another of hys frendes to a breakefast, and sayed, Yf you wyl come, you shal be welcome; but I tell you afore hande, you shal haue but sclender fare, one dysh and that is al. What is that, said he? A puddynge and nothynge els. Mary, sayed he, you cannot please me better; of all meates that is for myne owne toth: you may draw me round about the town with a pudding." Sig. G. vii.—Hawkins.
[111] Thys, Copland's edition.
[112] Wylt, Vele's edition.
[113] Dogs, Copland's edition.
[114] This mode of expression occurs in Shakespeare's "Midsummer Night's Dream," A. 3, S. 3, needlessly altered by some to, I shall desire of you more acquaintance.—Hawkins.
[115] Original, wyl.
[116] Query, defines.
[117] Wer ysought, Copland's edition.
[118] To omitted. Copland's edition.
[119] A, Copland's edition.
[120] A omitted, Copland's edition.
[121] For us omitted, Copland's edition.
[122] She thinketh danger, Copland's edition.
[123] These two lines I have given to Juventus against the authority of the copies.—Hawkins.
[124] The entrance of Abhominable Living is not marked in the copies.— Hawkins.
[125] Opned, Copland's edition.
[126] [This is not marked in the copies.]
[127] Thyng, Copland's edition.
[128] Iou, Copland's edition.
[129] Both the copies concur in this reading.—Hawkins. [A common corruption of the Divine name.]
[130] Horson, Copland's edition.
[131] Lile, Vele's edition.
[132] Take, Copland's edition.
[133] Thou, Copland's edition.
[134] Afsleight, Copland's edition.
[135] This and the following line is given to Juventus in Copland's edition.—Hawkins.
[136] It were no daly, Copland's edition.
[137] Badi, Copland's edition.
[138] Mouth, Copland's edition.
[139] Of omitted, Copland's edition.
[140] Thys, Copland's edition.
[141] And testament omitted, Copland's edition.
[142] Profession, Copland's edition.
[143] Now omitted, Copland's edition.
[144] Both the copies read professour.—Hawkins.
[145] Congregation omitted, Copland's edition.
[146] Abhord utterly, Copland's edition.
[147] Wicked, Copland's edition.
[148] Juventus, coming in and hearing imperfectly the words sin and vice, very naturally mistakes them for terms used at dice: we may presume, therefore, that the genuine reading should be cinque and sice.—Hawkins.
[149] Cyce, Copland's edition.
[150] Not omitted, Copland's edition.
[151] [An indelicate figure, which occurs in jest-books and other early literature.]
[152] Shyfe, Copland's edition.
[153] Trape, Copland's edition.
[154] Thus.
[155] Complaye, Copland's edition.
[156] Our, Copland's edition.
[157] Veter, Copland's edition.
[158] Plasphemyng, Copland's edition.
[159] Trrible, Copland's edition.
[160] His, Vele's edition.
[161] Fair, Copland's ed.
[162] This, Vele's edition.
[163] Austine, Copland's edition.
[164] As, Copland's edition.
[165] Returned, Vele's edition.
[166] Borde, Vele's edition.
[167] Mr Garrick's copy is imperfect, and ends at this mark.—Hawkins.
[168] Mot, Vele's edition.
[169] The following lines being torn are filled up by conjecture with the words printed in italics.—Hawkins.
[170] Square.
[171] Edward VI.
[172] Is, Vele's edition.
[173] [The colophon of Vele's edition is: "Finis, quod R. Wever. Imprinted at London in Paules churche yeard, by Abraham Vele, at the sygne of the Lambe." Of Copland's edition, besides the Garrick copy, there is a second, formerly Heber's, in the Devonshire collection.]
[174] "Four Old Plays," 1848, 9-12.
[175] [Mr Child printed moull.]
[176] A fanciful name. See Halliwell's Dict., v. Bonegrace.
[177] Old copy, bysye.
[178] Disconcerted, put out in my plans. See Halliwell, v. aray.
[179] Original reads that.
[180] Original has swet lookes. Compare the "Pardoner and the Friar" (i. 281)—
"Or by Jis I'sh lug thee by the sweet ears,"
and a passage in the present piece—
"I have forgotten with tousing by the hair."
[181] Original reads yet.
[182] Original has boons. The sense appears to be that "Jack Juggler" will, by killing Careaway, leave him to the mercy of the Virgin.
[183] i.e., Nearer.
[184] Finger-bones.
[185] i.e., On.
[186] Blow.
[187] Should do better.
[188] i.e., Noddy.
[189] Original reads, vpo=n cai.
[190] Original reads, I thou hast.
[191] Original reads, pilorye peepours.
[192] [A common abbreviation, leaving its substantive to be supplied at pleasure.]
[193] [Perhaps in our modern sense of to walk into.]
[194] Prove.
[195] [Orig. kyrie.]
[196] Nearer.
[197] Original reads, beat me.
[198] [A term of contempt, perhaps of no very definite or clear signification; but it does not seem to be glossed.]
[199] Original has haue.
[200] Thus.
[201] i.e., JACK JUGGLER.
[202] Move.
[203] [A line seems to have dropped out here.]
[204] [Original reads have by therefore.]
[205] [Beat his head against a post.]
[206] Verily.
[207] Spring.
[208] Calicow or Calicut, i.e., Calcutta.
[209] Shut.
[210] Original has I.
[211] [The colophon is: Imprinted at London in Lothbury by me Wyllyam Copland. The only copy known, formerly Inglis's and Heber's, is now in the Devonshire collection.
The piece is undated, but it was licensed for the press in 1562-3.]
[212] Nursled.
[213] [Pets. See Halliwell's "Dictionary," v. Tiddle.]
[214] [I do not find this word in any other glossaries; but it occurs again below.]
[215] Old copy, Kynge.
[216] Trudging.
[217] Thirst.
[218] So in old copy, which is perhaps right. To-to, as an intensitive, is a common form.
[219] Are jealous of them.
[220] Barnabas.
[221] Old copy, Gupliade.
[222] This word, as a verb, has occurred above. It is evidently used in a bad sense, to signify an idle, loafing person.
[223] Mistress.
[224] Old copy, an.
[225] Old copy, a leaven.
[226] Altogether.
[227] i.e., Do ye nick a cast! See Halliwell, v. Nick, No. 6.
[228] i.e., By God's wounds, a common phrase.
[229] Care.
[230] A term of contempt. A skinflint, a curmudgeon.
[231] Pet, spoil.
[232] Old copy, no.
[233] Old copy, your.
[234] Old copy, you.
[235] Old copy, siker, i.e., certainly, securely.
[236] Old copy, whaler.
[237] Old copy, or.
[238] Jury. Compare Hazlitt's "Popular Poetry," ii. 149.
[239] Here probably the word means literally briber; but bribour also means a thief. See Way's edition of the "Promptorium," p. 50, and Halliwell in v. Brybe and brybour.
[240] Old copy, intided.
[241] In the old copy, this and the following line are transposed, and some of the speeches are wrongly addressed.
[242] Old copy, in.
[243] Old copy, none.
[244] Old copy, hanged.
[245] Old copy, neder.
[246] Old copy, ever.
[247] Swoon.
[248] See Hazlitt's "Popular Poetry," iv. 239. The term goldylocks, curiously enough, seems to have been in early use in a contemptuous or bad sense.
[249] Old copy, bid.
[250] Old copy, exhorting.
[251] Old copy, yea.
[252] Old copy, is.
[253] Old copy, cam me mery?
[254] This marginal note has partly been cut off by the binder:—
resyng, answer- ing other t always staff, , ysing to other.
[255] Reprove.
[256] The colophon is: Imprinted at London, in Paules Churche yearde at the Sygne of the Swane by John Kyng.
[257] From the time he calls.
[258] A young deer. "Tegge or pricket, saillant"—Palsgrave's Eclaircissement, 1530 (edit. 1852, p. 279).
[259] Jerks with the whip.
[260] Old copy, wourne.
[261] i.e., Mankind, masculine, furious.
[262] Stranger. A more usual form is fremed.
[263] The meaning seems to be obvious enough; but the word is not to be found in our glossaries.
[264] Halliwell mentions this word; but none of his interpretations suits the present context.
[265] Old copy, stomachere.
[266] Defile.
[267] Abided.
[268] Old copy, even.
[269] Old copy, as.
[270] Old copy, once.
[271] Referring to the speech below. In the old copy this direction is printed in the margin, and such is, no doubt, its most suitable position.
[272] Old copy, once our. Perhaps we ought to read sour.
[273] Staffing or forcing, the same kind of thing as we now know under the name of forced meat.
[274] Old copy, Mido.
[275] Servant.
[276] Jolly, Fr. joli.
[277] Forestalled.
[278] Wretches.
[279] Lose no time.
[280] Late.
[281] To have on the petticoat is a phrase of very unusual occurrence, of which the sense may, without much difficulty or risk of error, be collected from the context.
[282] Ragan and the others must be supposed to be at the back of the stage, out of Esau's sight; but they come forward severally, and plead for themselves.
[283] Run.
[284] i.e., Old witch. But compare Halliwell, v. Mab.
[285] Old copy, Rebecca.
[286] A word of contempt often used in our old comedies, as we now employ chap.
[287] In the old copy this line is improperly given to Isaac.
[288] The new guise is a term often met with in old plays, but the application of it here is not very clear, although the meaning of the writer—in a way that he (Jacob) little expected—is sufficiently intelligible.
[289] In the old copy this word is improperly placed opposite the line, That all quarrel, &c.
[290] Understanding.
[291] [The interlude of "The Disobedient Child," edited by J.O. Halliwell. Percy Society, 1848.]
[292] [But see Cooper's "Cambridge Athenae," i., 554.]
[293] [The Bridgewater copy of the original edition was most obligingly collated for the present writer by Mr Alexander Smith, of Glasgow. It affords numerous corrections of the Percy Society's text.]
[294] [The full title is: A pretie and mery new Enterlude, called The Disobedient Child, compiled by Thomas Ingelend, late Student in Cambridge. Imprinted at London, in Flete strete, beneath the Conduit, by Thomas Colwell. 4 deg..]
[295] These first eight lines are also found in the interlude introduced into the play of Sir Thomas More, printed by the Shakespeare Society, p. 60.—Halliwell.
[296] Without shame—shameless.
[297] Immediately. See "Othello," Act. iv. sc. 3.
[298] That is, according to my judgment. See "Lear," Act i. sc. 4.— Halliwell.
[299] To split, or burst. Generally spelt rive.
[300] Both tender and delicate. [Here, as pointed out in a note to Heywood's "Four P.P." supra, the word nice is to be pronounced nich.]
[301] Beaten.
[302] [Query same as spwyn, to burst or break out. See Way's edit, of the "Promptorium," v. Spwyn.]
[303] Compare "Troilus and Cressida," i. 2.
[304] Burial. From the Latin.
[305] i.e., By.
[306] [Original reads trembled.]
[307] [This account, if founded on fact, is a curious illustration of the scholastic discipline of that period. We know that Udall the dramatist was remarkable for his severity to his pupils at Eton.]
[308] Impress. Compare "Much Ado about Nothing," iv. 1.—Halliwell.
[309] [Query, the schoolmaster, so called from inflicting on the pupil with a cane cuts on the hand.]
[310] Bet. See "Taming of the Shrew"—
"Now, by Saint Jamy, I hold you a penny."—Halliwell.
[311] Jakes. Compare "Lear," ii. 2.—Halliwell.
[312] [Detail, or circumlocution.]
[313] At once.
[314] Compare "Comedy of Errors," Act ii, sc. 1.—Halliwell.
[315] Blamed, scolded. See "Merry Wives of Windsor," i. 4. The older meaning of the term is ruined, but Elizabethan writers generally employ it in the sense here mentioned.—Halliwell. [I do not agree. The older sense is, I think, the only one admissible; yet, Nares cites a passage from Shakespeare which may shake this position. See v. Shend, No. 1, second quotation.]
[316] Compare the "Midsummer Night's Dream," ii, 1.—Halliwell.
[317] "Bring oil to fire" (King Lear, ii. 2). Compare also "All's Well that ends Well," v. 3.—Halliwell.
[318] "My tricksy spirit" (Tempest, v. 1).—Halliwell.
[319] "Smell of calumny" (Measure for Measure, ii. 4).—Halliwell.
[320] Often used formerly for county.—Halliwell.
[321] Voice.
[322] In the daytime.—Halliwell. [Simply o' days, as printed here.]
[323] The simpleton. See 1, "Henry VI."—Halliwell.
[324] A common phrase, equivalent to, it were a good thing. See "Much Ado about Nothing," ii. 3.—Halliwell. [Not a good thing, but a charity.]
[325] "What, sweeting, all amort" (Taming of the Shrew).—Halliwell.
[326] Altogether, entirely.
[327] Rabbit. A term of endearment.
[328] My lady so fair in countenance. The expression is common in our early romances.—Halliwell.
[329] If.
[330] "Twelve years since" (Tempest).—Halliwell.
[331] A provincialism.—Halliwell. [Rather, perhaps, a Cockneyism.]
[332] A term of contempt for a fool. See "Much Ado about Nothing," iii. 3.—Halliwell.
[333] "At a pin's fee" (Hamlet).—Halliwell.
[334] Anger. "And that which spites me more than all these wants" (Taming of the Shrew).—Halliwell.
[335] To look sad. This term is often incorrectly explained. "Fye, how impatience lowreth in your face" (Com. Err.), i.e., makes your face look sad, opposed to the "merry look."—Halliwell. [Lour is simply a contracted form of lower.]
[336] Care.
[337] Compare "Merchant of Venice," iii. 4.—Halliwell.
[338] Not a term of reproach.—Compare "1 Henry VI."—Halliwell.
[339] Compare "Taming of the Shrew," ii. 1.—Halliwell.
[340] Never in the original copy.—Halliwell.
[341] Compare "The Merchant of Venice," i. 3.—Halliwell.
[342] Drunkards.
[343] "Upstart unthrifts" (Richard II.)—Halliwell.
[344] Compare "Taming of the Shrew," i. 2: "O this woodcock, what an ass it is!"—Halliwell.
[345] [Rather, perhaps, dulsum, i.e., sweet.]
[346] This confirms in some measure a reading in the "Taming of the Shrew"—"Or so devote to Aristotle's Ethics."—Halliwell. [See Dyce's 2d edit. iii. 114, and the note.]
[347] "Begnaw with the bots" (Taming of the Shrew).—Halliwell.
[348] Owing to whom.
[349] Caraway comfits. See "2 Henry IV." and the blunders of the commentators corrected in my "Dictionary of Archaisms," p. 231.— Halliwell.
[350] Compare "Troilus and Cressida," ii. 2.—Halliwell.
[351] "Good wits will be jangling" (Love's Labour's Lost).— Halliwell.
[352] A dagger. See "Hamlet," iii. 1.—Halliwell.
[353] Cared.
[354] [A rather common phrase. See Hazlitt's "Proverbs," 1869, p. 205.]
[355] Care.
[356] [Nearer.]
[357] Necessary, fit.
[358] Business.
[359] _Fool. "Folte, _stolidus_" (_Vocab. MS_.)—_Halliwell_.
[360] Foolish—"Our peevish opposition" (Hamlet).—Halliwell.
[361] Compare "Taming of the Shrew," iv. 2.—Halliwell.
[362] [A-going, bound.]
[363] A common phrase. See "Two Gentlemen of Verona," ii. 3.— Halliwell.
[364] Compare the song in "Hamlet," iv. 5.—Halliwell.
[365] [Orig. has flying and fiend.]
[366] Bad. "This is a noughty night" (Lear).—Halliwell.
[367] The devil was generally attended by the Vice, but he is here introduced by himself, and the exact meaning of his part in this plot is somewhat a mystery.—Halliwell.
[368] Tricks. See "King Lear."—Halliwell.
[369] Company.
[370] Haste. Lat.
[371] Every one.
[372] Grief. "My endless dolou" (Two Gentlemen of Verona).— Halliwell.
[373] Compare "Taming of the Shrew," i. 2.—Halliwell.
[374] [Catch me gone from home.]
[375] Fool.—See "Comedy of Errors, iii. 1."—Halliwell.
[376] The person who spoke the Epilogue (Lat).
[377] Indulgence.
[378] Clever.—See "Taming of the Shrew."—Halliwell.
[379] With care or sorrow.
[380] Levity.—Cf. "Taming of Shrew," iv. 2—Halliwell.
[381] Scarce.
[382] Worldly.
[383] Old copy, when.
[384] Old copy, gain.
[385] Old copy, clitter (for clatter), which the compositor's eye most have caught from the next line. So is agreeable to the metre and the sense.
[386] Old copy, at that.
[387] Old copy, in laps.
[388] Old copy, doth.
[389] Old copy, kind.
[390] Old copy, sendeth.
[391] Old copy, force.
[392] Peeping.
[393] Rival.
[394] Old copy, wit's.
[395] Old copy, our.
[396] Old copy, Reason.
[397] i.e., Take away from me.
[398] Old copy, It.
[399] Old copy, this.
[400] Old copy, Amity.
[401] Old copy, grief.
[402] Prize.
[403] Pretend.
[404] Old copy, heare.
[405] Old copy, trade.
[406] Bonds.
[407] A proverbial expression not found in the collections. It may signify the hangman's cord.
[408] Old copy, desire.
[409] Old copy, breeds.
[410] Old copy, and return.
[411] Old copy, by.
[412] Old copy, Will.
[413] Old copy, In.
[414] Old copy, This gentle news of good Will are. The gentlewomen referred to are Recreation and Idleness.
[415] A line seems to have dropped out here.
[416] i.e., That business is despatched. See Hazlitt's "Proverbs," 1869, p. 352.
[417] Old copy, fitly.
[418] By my faith.
[419] i.e., "It would rejoice my heart to change coats with him."
[420] Old copy, thy—thy; but Ignorance is to change clothes with Wit, while the latter sleeps in the lap of Idleness.
[421] Old copy, is my tryer. He has indistinct misgivings that his clothes are not all right.
[422] Old copy, scot.
[423] Old copy, fish-hosts.
[424] A colloquialism, of which the exact import must be matter of guess. Old copy, Hope haliday. Perhaps a corruption of upon my haliday.
[425] Old copy, It is.
[426] Old copy, These marks.
[427] Old copy, will.
[428] Old copy, troble.
[429] Old copy, die. The same appears to be, "That are not driven to behold those wretched cares, which I am driven, &c."
[430] Old copy, your.
[431] Fellow. The word is frequently used, as we now use the word chap, which is in fact the same, being an abbreviation of chapman.
[432] Fet (or feat) seeing to be here employed in the sense of play or perform. Friscols has occurred before in this play.
[433] So old copy; but perhaps we ought to read this hap in the line preceding.
[434] See Halliwell's Dict, in v.
[435] Squich, a word of most uncommon occurrence and of dubious meaning. From the immediate context we should infer that it signified skip, move lightly and quickly.
[436] Old copy, labores.
[437] Query, examples.
[438] Push, i.e., do not close.
[439] Old copy, durte (dirt); We still say, to make a dust.
[440] A direction to Tediousness, that he is to be tripped up by Will.
[441] Old copy, blest.
[442] Old copy, O.
[443] Old copy, have.