Mr Cowen thus makes the concurrence of his friends before hand a condition precedent;—but the meeting disregard it—reject the condition, and gravely resolve to accept a resignation, which had not yet been tendered to them. Such is the rickety production which came straggling before the public in search of the Secretary, who had refused it the sanction of his name. In order to remedy this evil, and "throw it into form" as the citizen would say, his name gives place to that of Thompson and Stillwell, who it is agreed are larger men than the Secretary,[10] and must therefore carry greater weight. Even the certificate which follows, signed by nearly the whole of the meeting, after going on to say that Mr. Cowen openly and publicly resigned, immediately defeats itself by referring back to, and adopting the statement drawn up by Thompson as a candid, fair and faithful statement of facts;—and it is evident that such part of the certificate as overshoots the premises upon which it is professedly founded, must mean nothing more than to give a construction advocated by the Citizen, and which they esteem so necessary for their defence. The certificate of Peters, Stewart and How, shew the miserable shifts to which the Citizen and his friends were driven in order to bear themselves out in their conduct. They are perhaps excusable so long as they keep to the question of construction; but when they tax the zeal of their friends with certificates and declarations so far beyond what they themselves are willing to say—nay, which actually contradict the certificates and declarations that precede them, one is almost induced to overlook the difficulties of their defence, and to suspect the moral honesty—not of these men; but of those who have drawn them into this singular situation.
After all this round of certifying and reasoning, the shoe still continues to pinch, and the first Judge again appears before the public to help the defect. Altho' he signed Thompson's statement in which he is careful to make use of the language employed by it, and the epithet personal when he speaks of Mr. Cowen's language, yet when he afterwards hears of a distinction between personally and absolutely he seems almost struck dumb with astonishment, and says he had never heard of the distinction before. Now altho' the public will make all rational allowance for the judge's want of distinction where Mr. Thompson is concerned, yet I suspect they could hardly account for his present lack of apprehension, unless he took that statement upon tick, and signed without reading it.
Still despairing of any thing like a defence upon this ground, the Citizen at length, p. 24, dismisses his whole train of statements, certificates and letters, & undertakes very learnedly and elaborately to refine upon the distinction; and insists that if a man expresses his personal wish to resign, it is to all intents and purposes a resignation, and that no other was ever heard of; as if it was impossible to consult the opinions of others, and make a general resignation depend upon their consent. All that it seems necessary in that case, is for the McBain meeting to resolve to accept what they thus are pleased to call a resignation, and nominate another candidate. And this it seems accords with the sense of all the world on the subject, both federal and republican. Thus the world are at length after a lapse of ages, furnished with an easy recipe for a resignation—a sort of panacea to correct all the sores of the body politic and produce a "speedy composure of the public mind" "Tereatis Risum Amici;" and call no one a political quack playing off his whimsical nostrums upon the people, whose mental repose lies so near his heart. If the meeting are told that they shall be responsible if they act on a declaration thus limited, keep it out of view as much as possible, or say as the citizen does, p. 40, that it was only something like that or out of season, or some such thing. If a committee of three are chosen to publish the proceedings and two of them write a farrago of nonsense which puts the whole together by the ears, in order to decide the quarrel and "speedily compose the public mind," let them raffle upon the question, and to see that every thing is fair, appoint the First Judge to hold the hat. Ancient history tells us of more important controversies than this, decided in the same way;
Old Hector was a wary chap, At pitch and chuck and hustle-cap, An old Scotch bonnet quickly takes, In which he three brass farthings shakes; Then turn'd his head without deceit,
To shew them that he scorn'd to cheat; And cries aloud, here goes, my boy, 'Tis heads for Greece and tails for Troy; Then turns the cap: great Troy prevails, Two farthings out of three were tails.
But it is time to lift the curtain, and attend more minutely to the chief jugglers who figure behind it. The Sheriff and others, who sign the McBain certificate, alledge that Mr. Cowen (according to their construction) not only resigned his nomination but did so without any previous request (as they perceived) It would seem from this, that these men were kept as a sort of puppets to dance in accordance with the wires which actuated them, from behind the scene; being thus, according to their own account, strangers to the pressing request made to Mr. Cowen, and the arguments by which it was enforced. They are excluded the main performance and reserved for the farce—probably for the wisest of reasons, as there are certain important parts which would be ruined in vulgar hands. It is time that these men should perceive, if they have not yet learned one important fact among others, which their famous masters, Thompson and Child, have thus hypocritically concealed throughout. For this purpose I give the following extract of a letter from Judge Child, written on the subject of that meeting, the day after it took place, dated at Greenfield, April 19, 1815:
"We accordingly met, and had a free candid and friendly consultation with Mr. Cowen; and when he came to hear the communication from Esquire Cowles, Ketchum and Gardner, on the subject of Mr. Young's conduct and usefulness in the Legislature;—and taking into consideration all the circumstances, he cheerfully declared that, in his judgement, it was best for him to resign being a candidate; and use his influence for the election of Mr. Young;—but that he really desired an opportunity of consulting those friends who had exerted themselves to procure his nomination, that were not present. It was stated to him that they lived or at least some of them, at such a distance, that it would be very difficult to give seasonable information to the county of his resignation in favor of Mr Young, should it be put bye till Thursday or Friday as he requested;—and that the same reasons[11] which convinced him that it would be proper for him to resign, would satisfy them on the subject. Mr. Cowen still tho't it would be the best way to proceed and the most gratifying to his feelings, to take time to consult his friends."
Thus you see Mr. Cowen was requested to resign, and the arguments in favor of that resignation founded upon the famous certificate, dated Albany, April 17, 1815, published Ante, page 4—a statement jesuitically calculated to shew that the zeal of his friends had, by perverting the conversation of Ketchum &c. aided in procuring his nomination. And when he expresses a desire to consult his friends; an answer is ready, emanating from the same false and deceptive source. Thus are the most shameful arts employed to destroy his confidence in those friends, and induce in him a reluctance under all the circumstances (as the first judge expresses it) against being a candidate—You thus see their rotten certificate made the foundation for the rise—progress and result of that meeting. Thus does the charge of DUPLICITY, FRAUD and FALSEHOOD recoil upon the heads of those arch-certifiers, or the men employed in obtaining and giving currency to their shameful communication.
It then in fact ceases to be a question what was said or done by that meeting, or any member of it. For according to every principle of reasoning, divine or human; if the whole was grounded on fraud, the whole was a nullity, and possessed no moral force. "If" says the book, "Mr. Cowen's nomination was procured by fraud, it cannot be called a nomination; and may be departed from with impunity." It turning out on investigation, that his nomination was a perfectly fair one, and his pretended resignation founded on the grossest duplicity;—whether it was conditional or absolute, whether it was personal or general, it is void, and unworthy the name of a resignation. Eternal justice disavows it; Political justice disowns it; and common sense condemns the perversion. The nomination of Mr. Young, by a meeting thus packed for the purpose, by a few of his friends, was not only void for that reason, but it had its origin in the same duplicity, and was therefore equally void with every thing founded upon it.
Were Young's colleagues correctly informed, as to the manner their conversations were spoken of? or were they deceived by Kasson and Thompson when they called for their certificates at Albany? If the latter, they had near one year before giving their second certificate, to correct the error. Why have they always shrunk from investigation? Why in their second certificate, contradict the first? Why after having near a year to prepare it, does their second certificate contradict itself? As they now stand, they present a more shocking caricature of folly and inconsistency, than ever figured before the public. They have burst the bands of political faith—They have melted the cement of affection, and driven to a returnless distance, the best and dearest of friends. No man knew what to say or think of what they said or certified—Individual ruin is threatened, and the destruction of a free press aimed at; while in the political atmosphere all is uproar, disorder and confusion.
—Alas.—"That men, Clothed with a little brief authority, Should play such antic tricks before high heaven, As make the angels weep!"
With these men however I have now done—But let their Pander beware; let him pause and reflect, ere it be too late—"Already are the sluices of public indignation opened upon him—Already is he drifted along on the surface of the stream, the object of CONTAGION and ABOMINATION"—AN ELECTOR. MAY 1816.
* * * * *
NOTE: The public will duly appreciate the reasons for postponing the publication of the foregoing till after Election. The writer hopes he has avoided the example of the Citizen, by not descending to the retreats of private character.—Even the author of the book has not been named. The character given of that author, ante page 30 in note, is not intended to apply to any one named in that pamphlet.—Indeed I hope for the honor of human nature, that however strange and inconsistently some of these men have acted who have in that production given their names to the public, yet that none of them are so far gone as to prostitute themselves to the vile purpose of writing such a work as that in which their names are interlarded.
[1] Several hundred of these certificates were a day or two after the McBain Meeting, struck off at the FEDERAL Printing' Office in this Village, and circulated thro' the County during the election.
[2] It will be recollected that the writer of this letter is the famous conversation-monger, who together with his brother James Mott, are made the instruments of proving duplicity in Mr. Cowen. John R. Mott pretends that as early as the 1st of March, Mr. Cowen told him that Palmer and Bunce were opposed to Young, &c and yet on the 6th day of April following, he very gravely informs Mr. Cowen by letter, of the very facts which he says Mr. Cowen had told him before. This is the man too who tells so much about private conversation, and Mr. Cowen's hesitating to tell him names; and enjoining him to secresy, and who so very spunkily says that he called Gen. Dunning "a fool." Mr. Cowen must, I think, feel himself greatly indebted to these brother certifiers for their honor and patriotism. This too is the man, who sometime before wrote a fawning letter, asking Mr. Cowen to give him an office (Assistant Assessor of the U.S.) which he had at his disposal; to which Mr. Cowen readily acceded, and afterwards on another written request, conferred the same office on his brother certifier James Mott. [The inhabitants of Halfmoon, will furnish ample credentials, for their extraordinary attention and correctness in the execution of their offices, One of these men shortly before the election was appointed deputy to the Sheriff: He suddenly veers about and becomes a convert to court doctrine, and evinces his zeal in the new cause he had espoused, by his anathemas against his former friends.] These brothers in blood, in politics and in virtue, generously avail themselves of the advantages afforded them by official intercourse with Mr. Cowen on business, and then patriotically tender the fruits of their rotten-hearted labor to "the citizen" and his friends as proofs of duplicity.
[3] This was on the first day of the Polls—but it seems by Mr. Bennet's certificate, that as soon as the election was over, Thompson flung off the mask, and exhibited his cloven foot without reserve.
[4] Altho' it is a fact well known that this meeting was projected by, and the canting pretences which bro't it together and sent forth the strange account which it gives of itself, originated with two or three "demagogues," yet it is a subject of real regret that a few honest men have suffered themselves to be duped by their shameful artifices. It commenced with Mr. Thompson of Milton, who during the summer past has been very industrious in serving up and peddling little doses of slander against Mr. Baldwin, Mr. Bunce, and others. This man has been a real political scold, ever since he found himself capable of throwing a little confusion into the ranks of the county; He is the first male Xantippe who has reduced the doctrine of scolding to a system, and certified it in a book. Of such characters there is little hopes:
"Destroy his web and sophistry in vain, The creature's at his dirty work again."
[5] Altho' no man more sincerely rejoices in the charitable donations of the people of Saratoga, for the relief of our brethren at Sacket's Harbor, than the writer of these remarks, yet he cannot avoid joining in the general disgust at the vanity of Judge Child, in trying to elicit public applause for himself. The judge cannot bear to hide his charming light under a bushel. Instead of not suffering one hand to know what the other is doing, he is not content with its being published in a book, but advertises his charity in a newspaper as a man would one of his stray cattle. From his liberal conduct to the Editor of the Journal and others, he is perhaps excusable in calling his charity about him as soon as possible, even if he offers a considerable reward for it in the next advertisement which he puts into his darling paper.
[6] By a new species of logic adopted by the author of the Book, a man is accounted honorable and virtuous by the square foot of carcase. Ergo, "a little man" in stature, comprehends all that is hypocritical and wicked. The great man, James Merrill, who is the subject of this note, by the above rule is of course, the most honorable, best informed and religious man of the whole group, who embellish the fair pages of that "book." It is proper that the public should know a little of his debut and denoument as a political character.
His first notorious feat was performed in his first and last appearance as a member of assembly, where his colleague by a friendly rap on the knuckle convinced him that he was endeavoring to read off a federal vote for a council of appointment, which a federal member had assured him was more legible than the one prepared for him.
The second time as a quid of the Burr stamp, and willing to spend 500 dollars rather than the republican candidate should succeed.
The third time in a new character; with his name blazoned in large capitals in recommendation of S. Van Rensselaer for governor, in opposition to Daniel D. Tompkins in 1813.
The fourth time in 1815, as the sub agent and director of the McBain meeting; still ready with 100 dollars, to divide the ticket with the federalists rather than the regular nomination should succeed and Mr. Young not be elected; swearing he had not before taken hold since his friend Burr went down.
On the first day of election he is a flaming democrat.
On the second day, at the opening of the polls, he makes public proclamation "for all those who did not intend to vote for Mr Young to come forward and state their reasons, and they should be heard; and that now he had no objections that three federalists should be elected."
On the third day of the election, "it depended on a word, and the types of the republican printer would be scattered." A true sample of "the mild spirit of Christian humility" Vid. book.
[7] This circumstance would not have been mentioned had not the CITIZEN boasted of the same office confering great honor on one of his disciples.
[8] In treating of the productions of an author, it is customary to give some account of his character, pursuits, &c. &c. This is usually done by way of introduction or appendix. I beg leave in this instance to deviate from the regular method, and present him in the more appropriate station of a Nota Bene.
The author of that pamphlet is a lawyer in practice and a moralist by profession; by the former, he has acquired great booty; by the latter a —— and what is peculiar to himself (and all 'peculiar' men have their peculiarities) he never suffers his profession to interfere with his practice; and yet in money concerns, he has been known to handle both, with great adroitness. In his practice his fellow townsmen are "pine plains men," in his profession "a contemptible rabble;" and truly so, for the former tell him "the farm you live on was once the soil of a revolutionary soldier." This is truly saucey, for he acquired it by his practice. The latter tell him, "you sued us for small sums due the estate of a relative; you made us ten times more costs than the demands—you took advantage of a then existing law, to oppress us; you feasted on our misfortunes, and rioted on our distresses; till an ugly law extended relief to the 'rabble'."
One of these men living in an adjoining town, tells him, "I once owned two farms; I own no farms now—They are swallowed up in 'morality.'" It is not yet ascertained, whether his rate of 40 per cent interest, is regulated by his practice or his profession. It certainly cannot be, as has been supposed, in proportion to the wants of the distressed. I am inclined to think his morality often runs ahead of his practice, in this case.
A good reputation is not common to all men. Our author has practically demonstrated the truth of this position, and conclusively shewn, that the needy have an absolute right to filch a supply from their neighbor; and has exhibited such powerful proofs in support of his claims, that he has actually obtained more than a quantum sufficit, and conferred the surplus on some of his needy friends.
The misfortunes of his neighbor, forms the chief round in his ladder to eminence; it rests on the sanctuary of domestic afflictions, and is supported by the tears of the widow and the orphan. Lo! Avarice claims him for her own—Billingsgate yields her choicest flowers—Envy entwines the glowing wreath—and malice triumphantly crowns him "lord of the ascendant."
[9] The certificates of these men interlard several points of conversation as minute as the souls which gave operation to their memory; and which appear to be designed to answer no other purpose, than to shew the extraordinary strength and accuracy of intellect by which they are characterized. Their fixed attention to such matters may serve as some excuse for the manner in which they executed their offices of U.S. assessors. But I have had occasion to note these gentlemen once before.
[10] The Citizen is perhaps correct when he calls Mr. Palmer a little man, and Judges of his own favorites by the quantity of matter instead of mind;—Like the Italian Farmer in estimating the qualities of a grave animal no less famous for strength and dullness than for the length of his ears.
[11] It seems that an effort was afterwards made to convince their friends, by publishing several hundreds of the famous communication from Young's colleagues, notwithstanding an express stipulation to the contrary.