Mr. Murray received a communication (December 16, 1841), from Mr. John Sterling, Carlyle's friend, with whom he had had transactions on his own account. "Not," he said, "respecting his own literary affairs, but those of a friend." The friend was Mr. John Stuart Mill, son of the historian of British India. He had completed his work on Logic, of which Mr. Sterling had the highest opinion. He said it had been the "labour of many years of a singularly subtle, patient, and comprehensive mind. It will be our chief speculative monument of this age." Mr. Mill himself addressed Mr. Murray, first on December 20, 1841, while he was preparing the work for the press, and again in January and February, 1842, when he had forwarded the MS. to the publisher, and requested his decision. We find, however, that Mr. Murray was very ill at the time; that he could not give the necessary attention to the subject; and that the MS. was eventually returned.
When Copyright became the subject of legislation in 1843, Mr. Murray received a letter from Mr. Gladstone.
Mr. Gladstone to John Murray.
WHITEHALL, February 6, 1843.
I beg leave to thank you for the information contained in and accompanying your note which reached me on Saturday. The view with which the clauses relating to copyright in the Customs Act were framed was that those interested in the exclusion of pirated works would take care to supply the Board of Customs from time to time with lists of all works under copyright which were at all likely to be reprinted abroad, and that this would render the law upon the whole much more operative and more fair than an enormous catalogue of all the works entitled to the privilege, of which it would be found very difficult for the officers at the ports to manage the use.
Directions in conformity with the Acts of last Session will be sent to the Colonies.
But I cannot omit to state that I learn from your note with great satisfaction, that steps are to be taken here to back the recent proceedings of the Legislature. I must not hesitate to express my conviction that what Parliament has done will be fruitless, unless the law be seconded by the adoption of such modes of publication, as will allow the public here and in the colonies to obtain possession of new and popular English works at moderate prices. If it be practicable for authors and publishers to make such arrangements, I should hope to see a great extension of our book trade, as well as much advantage to literature, from the measures that have now been taken and from those which I trust we shall be enabled to take in completion of them; but unless the proceedings of the trade itself adapt and adjust themselves to the altered circumstances, I can feel no doubt that we shall relapse into or towards the old state of things; the law will be first evaded and then relaxed.
I am, my dear Sir,
Faithfully yours,
Here it is fitting that a few paragraphs should be devoted to the closing years of Robert Southey, who for so many years had been the friend and coadjutor of the publisher of the Quarterly.
Between 1808 and 1838, Southey had written ninety-four articles for the Quarterly; the last was upon his friend Thomas Telford, the engineer, who left him a legacy. He had been returned Member of Parliament for Downton (before the Reform Bill passed), but refused the honour—a curious episode not often remembered in the career of this distinguished man of letters. When about fifty-five years old, his only certain source of income was from his pension, from which he received L145, and from his laureateship, which was L90. But the larger portion of these sums went in payment for his life insurance, so that not more than L100 could be calculated on as available. His works were not always profitable. In one year he only received L26 for twenty-one of his books, published by Longman.
Murray gave him L1,000 for the copyright of the "Peninsular War"; but his "Book of the Church" and his "Vindiciae" produced nothing.
Southey's chief means of support was the payments (generally L100 for each article) which he received for his contributions to the Quarterly; but while recognizing this, as he could not fail to do, as well as Murray's general kindness towards him, he occasionally allowed a vein of discontent to show itself even in his acknowledgment of favours received.
In 1835 Southey received a pension of L300 from the Government of Sir Robert Peel. He was offered a Baronetcy at the same time, but he declined it, as his circumstances did not permit him to accept the honour.
Mr. Southey to John Murray.
June 17, 1835.
"What Sir Robert Peel has done for me will enable me, when my present engagements are completed, to employ the remainder of my life upon those works for which inclination, peculiar circumstances, and long preparation, have best qualified me. They are "The History of Portugal," "The History of the Monastic Orders," and "The History of English Literature," from the time when Wharton breaks off. The possibility of accomplishing three such works at my age could not be dreamt of, if I had not made very considerable progress with one, and no little, though not in such regular order, with the others."
Shortly after his second marriage, Southey's intellect began to fail him, and he soon sank into a state of mental imbecility. He would wander about his library, take down a book, look into it, and then put it back again, but was incapable of work. When Mr. Murray sent him the octavo edition of the "Peninsular War," his wife answered:
Mrs. Southey to John Murray.
GRETA HALL, May 15, 1840.
If the word pleasure were not become to me as a dead letter, I should tell you with how much I took possession of your kind gift. But I may tell you truly that it gratified, and more than gratified me, by giving pleasure to my dear husband, as a token of your regard for him, so testified towards myself. The time is not far passed when we should have rejoiced together like children over such an acquisition.
Yours very truly and thankfully,
May 23, 1840.
Very cordially I return your friendly salutations, feeling, as I do, that every manifestation of kindness for my husband's sake is more precious to me than any I could receive for my own exclusively. Two-and-twenty years ago, when he wished to put into your hands, as publisher, a first attempt of mine, of which he thought better than it deserved, he little thought in that so doing he was endeavouring to forward the interests of his future wife; of her for whom it was appointed (a sad but honoured lot) to be the companion of his later days, over which it has pleased God to cast the "shadow before" of that "night in which no man can work." But twelve short months ago he was cheerfully anticipating (in the bright buoyancy of his happy nature) a far other companionship for the short remainder of our earthly sojourn; never forgetting, however, that ours must be short at the longest, and that "in the midst of life we are in death." He desires me to thank you for your kind expressions towards him, and to be most kindly remembered to you. Your intimation of the favourable progress of his 8vo "Book of the Church" gave him pleasure, and he thanks you for so promptly attending to his wishes about a neatly bound set of his "Peninsular War." Accept my assurances of regard, and believe me to be, dear Sir,
Yours very truly,
On September 17, 1840, Mr. Murray sent to Mr. Southey a draft for L259, being the balance for his "Book of the Church," and informed him that he would be pleased to know that another edition was called for. Mrs. Southey replied:
Mrs. Southey to John Murray.
"He made no remark on your request to be favoured with any suggestions he might have to offer. My sad persuasion is that Robert Southey's works have received their last revision and correction from his mind and pen."
GRETA HALL, October 5, 1840.
I will not let another post go out, without conveying to you my thanks for your very kind letter last night received. It will gratify you to know that its contents (the copy of the critique included), aroused and fixed Mr. Southey's attention more than anything that has occurred for months past—gratifying him, I believe, far more than anything more immediately concerning himself could have done. "Tell Murray," he said, "I am very much obliged to him." It is long since he has sent a message to friend or relation.
Now let me say for myself that I am very thankful to you—very thankful to my indulgent reviewer—and that if I could yet feel interest about anything of my own writing, I should be pleased and encouraged by his encomium—as well as grateful for it. But if it did not sound thanklessly, I should say, "too late—too late—it comes too late!" and that bitter feeling came upon me so suddenly, as my eyes fell upon the passage in question, that they overflowed with tears before it was finished.
But he did take interest in it, at least for a few moments, and so it was not quite too late; and (doing as I know he would have me), I shall act upon your most kind and friendly advice, and transmit it to Blackwood, who will, I doubt not, be willingly guided by it.
It was one of my husband's pleasant visions before our marriage, and his favourite prospect, to publish a volume of poetry conjointly with me, not weighing the disproportion of talent.
I must tell you that immediately on receiving the Review, I should have written to express my sense of your kindness, and of the flattering nature of the critique; but happening to tell Miss Southey and her brother that you had sent it me, as I believed, as an obliging personal attention, they assured me I was mistaken, and that the numbers were only intended for "their set." Fearing, therefore, to arrogate to myself more than was designed for me, I kept silence; and now expose my simplicity rather than leave myself open to the imputation of unthankfulness. Mr. Southey desires to be very kindly remembered to you, and I am, my dear Sir,
Very thankfully and truly yours, Car. Southey.
P.S.—I had almost forgotten to thank you for so kindly offering to send the Review to any friends of mine, I may wish to gratify. I will accept the proffered favour, and ask you to send one addressed to Miss Burnard, Shirley, Southampton, Hants. The other members of my family and most of my friends take the Q.R., or are sure of seeing it. This last number is an excellent one.
Southey died on March 21, 1843. The old circle of friends was being sadly diminished. "Disease and death," his old friend Thomas Mitchell, one of the survivors of the early contributors to the Quarterly, wrote to Murray, "seem to be making no small havoc among our literary men—Maginn, Cunningham, Basil Hall, and poor Southey, worst of all. Lockhart's letters of late have made me very uneasy, too, about him. Has he yet returned from Scotland, and is he at all improved?" Only a few months later Mr. Murray himself was to be called away from the scene of his life's activity. In the autumn of 1842 his health had already begun to fail rapidly, and he had found it necessary to live much out of London, and to try various watering-places; but although he rallied at times sufficiently to return to his business for short periods, he never recovered, and passed away in sleep on June 27, 1843, at the age of sixty-five.
In considering the career of John Murray, the reader can hardly fail to be struck with the remarkable manner in which his personal qualities appeared to correspond with the circumstances out of which he built his fortunes.
When he entered his profession, the standard of conduct in every department of life connected with the publishing trade was determined by aristocratic ideas. The unwritten laws which regulated the practice of bookselling in the eighteenth century were derived from the Stationers' Company. Founded as it had been on the joint principles of commercial monopoly and State control, this famous organization had long lost its old vitality. But it had bequeathed to the bookselling community a large portion of its original spirit, both in the practice of cooperative publication which produced the "Trade Books," so common in the last century, and in that deep-rooted belief in the perpetuity of copyright, which only received its death-blow from the celebrated judgment of the House of Lords in the case of Donaldson v. Becket in 1774. Narrow and exclusive as they may have been in their relation to the public interest, there can be no doubt that these traditions helped to constitute, in the dealings of the booksellers among themselves, a standard of honour which put a certain curb on the pursuit of private gain. It was this feeling which provoked such intense indignation in the trade against the publishers who took advantage of their strict legal rights to invade what was generally regarded as the property of their brethren; while the sense of what was due to the credit, as well as to the interest, of a great organized body, made the associated booksellers zealous in the promotion of all enterprises likely to add to the fame of English literature.
Again, there was something, in the best sense of the word, aristocratic in the position of literature itself. Patronage, indeed, had declined. The patron of the early days of the century, who, like Halifax, sought in the Universities or in the London Coffee-houses for literary talent to strengthen the ranks of political party, had disappeared, together with the later and inferior order of patron, who, after the manner of Bubb Dodington, nattered his social pride by maintaining a retinue of poetical clients at his country seat. The nobility themselves, absorbed in politics or pleasure, cared far less for letters than their fathers in the reigns of Anne and the first two Georges. Hence, as Johnson said, the bookseller had become the Maecenas of the age; but not the bookseller of Grub Street. To be a man of letters was no longer a reproach. Johnson himself had been rewarded with a literary pension, and the names of almost all the distinguished scholars of the latter part of the eighteenth century—Warburton, the two Wartons, Lowth, Burke, Hume, Gibbon, Robertson—belong to men who either by birth or merit were in a position which rendered them independent of literature as a source of livelihood. The author influenced the public rather than the public the author, while the part of the bookseller was restricted to introducing and distributing to society the works which the scholar had designed.
Naturally enough, from such conditions arose a highly aristocratic standard of taste. The centre of literary judgment passed from the half-democratic society of the Coffee-house to the dining-room of scholars like Cambridge or Beauclerk; and opinion, formed from the brilliant conversation at such gatherings as the Literary Club; afterwards circulated among the public either in the treatises of individual critics, or in the pages of the two leading Monthly Reviews. The society from which it proceeded, though not in the strict sense of the word fashionable, was eminently refined and widely representative; it included the politician, the clergyman, the artist, the connoisseur, and was permeated with the necessary leaven of feminine intuition, ranging from the observation of Miss Burney or the vivacity of Mrs. Thrale, to the stately morality of Mrs. Montagu and Mrs. Hannah More.
On the other hand, the whole period of Murray's life as a publisher, extending, to speak broadly, from the first French Revolution to almost the eve of the French Revolution of 1848, was characterized in a marked degree by the advance of Democracy. In all directions there was an uprising of the spirit of individual liberty against the prescriptions of established authority. In Politics the tendency is apparent in the progress of the Reform movement. In Commerce it was marked by the inauguration of the Free Trade movement. In Literature it made itself felt in the great outburst of poetry at the beginning of the century, and in the assertion of the superiority of individual genius to the traditional laws of form.
The effect produced by the working of the democratic spirit within the aristocratic constitution of society and taste may without exaggeration be described as prodigious. At first sight, indeed, there seems to be a certain abruptness in the transition from the highly organized society represented in Boswell's "Life of Johnson," to the philosophical retirement of Wordsworth and Coleridge. It is only when we look beneath the surface that we see the old traditions still upheld by a small class of Conservative writers, including Campbell, Rogers, and Crabbe, and, as far as style is concerned, by some of the romantic innovators, Byron, Scott, and Moore. But, generally speaking, the age succeeding the first French Revolution exhibits the triumph of individualism. Society itself is penetrated by new ideas; literature becomes fashionable; men of position are no longer ashamed to be known as authors, nor women of distinction afraid to welcome men of letters in their drawing-rooms. On all sides the excitement and curiosity of the times is reflected in the demand for poems, novels, essays, travels, and every kind of imaginative production, under the name of belles lettres.
A certain romantic spirit of enterprise shows itself in Murray's character at the very outset of his career. Tied to a partner of a petty and timorous disposition, he seizes an early opportunity to rid himself of the incubus. With youthful ardour he begs of a veteran author to be allowed the privilege of publishing, as his first undertaking, a work which he himself genuinely admired. He refuses to be bound by mere trading calculations. "The business of a publishing bookseller," he writes to a correspondent, "is not in his shop, or even in his connections, but in his brains." In all his professional conduct a largeness of view is apparent. A new conception of the scope of his trade seems early to have risen in his mind, and he was perhaps the first member of the Stationers' craft to separate the business of bookselling from that of publishing. When Constable in Edinburgh sent him "a miscellaneous order of books from London," he replied: "Country orders are a branch of business which I have ever totally declined as incompatible with my more serious plans as a publisher."
With ideas of this kind, it may readily be imagined that Murray was not what is usually called "a good man of business," a fact of which he was well aware, as the following incident, which occurred in his later years, amusingly indicates.
The head of one of the larger firms with which he dealt came in person to Albemarle Street to receive payment of his account. This was duly handed to him in bills, which, by some carelessness, he lost on his way home, He thereupon wrote to Mr. Murray, requesting him to advertise in his own name for the lost property. Murray's reply was as follows:
TWICKENHAM, October 26, 1841.
I am exceedingly sorry for the vexatious, though, I hope, only temporary loss which you have met with; but I have so little character for being a man of business, that if the bills were advertised in my name it would be publicly confirming the suspicion—but in your own name, it will be only considered as a very extraordinary circumstance, and I therefore give my impartial opinion in favour of the latter mode. Remaining, my dear——-,
Most truly yours,
The possession of ordinary commercial shrewdness, however, was by no means the quality most essential for successful publishing at the beginning of the nineteenth century. Both Constable and Ballantyne were men of great cleverness and aptitude for business; but, wanting certain higher endowments, they were unable to resist the whirl of excitement accompanying an unprecedented measure of financial success. Their ruin was as rapid as their rise. To Murray, on the other hand, perhaps their inferior in the average arts of calculation, a vigorous native sense, tempering a genuine enthusiasm for what was excellent in literature, gave precisely that mixture of dash and steadiness which was needed to satisfy the complicated requirements of the public taste.
A high sense of rectitude is apparent in all his business transactions; and Charles Knight did him no more than justice in saying that he had "left an example of talent and honourable conduct which would long be a model for those who aim at distinction in the profession." He would have nothing to do with what was poor and shabby. When it was suggested to him, as a young publisher, that his former partner was ready to bear part of the risk in a contemplated undertaking, he refused to associate his fortunes with a man who conducted his business on methods that he did not approve. "I cannot allow my name to stand with his, because he undersells all other publishers at the regular and advertised prices." Boundless as was his admiration for the genius of Scott and Byron, he abandoned one of the most cherished objects of his ambition-to be the publisher of new works by the author of "Waverley"—rather than involve himself further in transactions which he foresaw must lead to discredit and disaster; and, at the risk of a quarrel, strove to recall Byron to the ways of sound literature, when through his wayward genius he seemed to be drifting into an unworthy course.
In the same way, when the disagreement between the firms of Constable and Longmans seemed likely to turn to his own advantage, instead of making haste to seize the golden opportunity, he exerted himself to effect a reconciliation between the disputants, by pointing out what he considered the just and reasonable view of their mutual interests. The letters which, on this occasion, he addressed respectively to Mr. A.G. Hunter, to the Constables, and to the Longmans, are models of good sense and manly rectitude. Nor was his conduct to Constable, after the downfall of the latter, less worthy of admiration. Deeply as Constable had injured him by the reckless conduct of his business, Murray not only retained no ill-feeling against him, but, anxious simply to help a brother in misfortune, resigned in his favour, in a manner full of the most delicate consideration, his own claim to a valuable copyright. The same warmth of heart and disinterested friendship appears in his efforts to re-establish the affairs of the Robinsons after the failure of that firm. Yet, remarkable as he was for his loyalty to his comrades, he was no less distinguished by his spirit and independence. No man without a very high sense of justice and self-respect could have conducted a correspondence on a matter of business in terms of such dignified propriety as Murray employed in addressing Benjamin Disraeli after the collapse of the Representative. It is indeed a proof of power to appreciate character, remarkable in so young a man, that Disraeli should, after all that had passed between them, have approached Murray in his capacity of publisher with complete confidence. He knew that he was dealing with a man at once shrewd and magnanimous, and he gave him credit for understanding how to estimate his professional interest apart from his sense of private injury.
Perhaps his most distinguishing characteristic as a publisher was his unfeigned love of literature for its own sake. His almost romantic admiration for genius and its productions raised him above the atmosphere of petty calculation. Not unfrequently it of course led him into commercial mistakes, and in his purchase of Crabbe's "Tales" he found to his cost that his enthusiastic appreciation of that author's works and the magnificence of his dealings with him were not the measure of the public taste. Yet disappointments of this kind in no way embittered his temper, or affected the liberality with which he treated writers like Washington Irving, of whose powers he had himself once formed a high conception. The mere love of money indeed was never an absorbing motive in Murray's commercial career, otherwise it is certain that his course in the suppression of Byron's Memoirs would have been something very different to that which he actually pursued. On the perfect letter which he wrote to Scott, presenting him with his fourth share in "Marmion," the best comment is the equally admirable letter in which Scott returned his thanks. The grandeur—for that seems the appropriate word—of his dealings with men of high genius, is seen in his payments to Byron, while his confidence in the solid value of literary excellence appears from the fact that, when the Quarterly was not paying its expenses, he gave Southey for his "Life of Nelson" double the usual rate of remuneration. No doubt his lavish generosity was politic as well as splendid. This, and the prestige which he obtained as Byron's publisher, naturally drew to him all that was vigorous and original in the intellect of the day, so that there was a general desire among young authors to be introduced to the public under his auspices. The relations between author and publisher which had prevailed in the eighteenth century were, in his case, curiously inverted, and, in the place of a solitary scholar like Johnson, surrounded by an association of booksellers, the drawing-room of Murray now presented the remarkable spectacle of a single publisher acting as the centre of attraction to a host of distinguished writers.
In Murray the spirit of the eighteenth century seemed to meet and harmonize with the spirit of the nineteenth. Enthusiasm, daring, originality, and freedom from conventionality made him eminently a man of his time, and, in a certain sense, he did as much as any of his contemporaries to swell that movement in his profession towards complete individual liberty which had been growing almost from the foundation of the Stationers' Company. On the other hand, in his temper, taste, and general principles, he reflected the best and most ancient traditions of his craft. Had his life been prolonged, he would have witnessed the disappearance in the trade of many institutions which he reverenced and always sought to develop. Some of them, indeed, vanished in his own life-time. The old association of booksellers, with its accompaniment of trade-books, dwindled with the growth of the spirit of competition and the greater facility of communication, so that, long before his death, the co-operation between the booksellers of London and Edinburgh was no more than a memory. Another institution which had his warm support was the Sale dinner, but this too has all but succumbed, of recent years, to the existing tendency for new and more rapid methods of conducting business. The object of the Sale dinner was to induce the great distributing houses and the retail booksellers to speculate, and buy an increased supply of books on special terms. Speculation has now almost ceased in consequence of the enormous number of books published, which makes it difficult for a bookseller to keep a large stock of any single work, and renders the life of a new book so precarious that the demand for it may at any moment come to a sudden stop.
The country booksellers—a class in which Murray was always deeply interested—are dying out. Profits on books being cut down to a minimum, these tradesmen find it almost impossible to live by the sale of books alone, and are forced to couple this with some other kind of business.
The apparent risk involved in Murray's extraordinary spirit of adventure was in reality diminished by the many checks which in his day operated on competition, and by the high prices then paid for ordinary books. Men were at that time in the habit of forming large private libraries, and furnishing them with the sumptuous editions of travels and books of costly engraving issued from Murray's press. The taste of the time has changed. Collections of books have been superseded, as a fashion, by collections of pictures, and the circulating library encourages the habit of reading books without buying them. Cheap bookselling, the characteristic of the age, has been promoted by the removal of the tax on paper, and by the fact that paper can now be manufactured out of refuse at a very low cost. This cheapness, the ideal condition for which Charles Knight sighed, has been accompanied by a distinct deterioration in the taste and industry of the general reader. The multiplication of reviews, magazines, manuals, and abstracts has impaired the love of, and perhaps the capacity for, study, research, and scholarship on which the general quality of literature must depend. Books, and even knowledge, like other commodities, may, in proportion to the ease with which they are obtained, lose at once both their external value and their intrinsic merit.
Murray's professional success is sufficient evidence of the extent of his intellectual powers. The foregoing Memoir has confined itself almost exclusively to an account of his life as a publisher, and it has been left to the reader's imagination to divine from a few glimpses how much of this success was due to force of character and a rare combination of personal qualities. A few concluding words on this point may not be inappropriate.
Quick-tempered and impulsive, he was at the same time warm-hearted and generous to a fault, while a genuine sense of humour, which constantly shows itself in his letters, saved him many a time from those troubles into which the hasty often fall. "I wish," wrote George Borrow, within a short time of the publisher's death, "that all the world were as gay as he."
He was in some respects indolent, and not infrequently caused serious misunderstandings by his neglect to answer letters; but when he did apply himself to work, he achieved results more solid than most of his compeers. He had, moreover, a wonderful power of attraction, and both in his conversation and correspondence possessed a gift of felicitous expression which rarely failed to arouse a sympathetic response in those whom he addressed. Throughout "the trade" he was beloved, and he rarely lost a friend among those who had come within his personal influence.
He was eager to look for, and quick to discern, any promise of talent in the young. "Every one," he would say, "has a book in him, or her, if one only knew how to extract it," and many was the time that he lent a helping hand to those who were first entering on a literary career.
To his remarkable powers as a host, the many descriptions of his dinner parties which have been preserved amply testify; he was more than a mere entertainer, and took the utmost pains so to combine and to place his guests as best to promote sympathetic conversation and the general harmony of the gathering. Among the noted wits and talkers, moreover, who assembled round his table he was fully able to hold his own in conversation and in repartee.
On one occasion Lady Bell was present at one of these parties, and wrote: "The talk was of wit, and Moore gave specimens. Charles thought that our host Murray said the best things that brilliant night."
Many of the friends whose names are most conspicuous in these pages had passed away before him, but of those who remained there was scarcely one whose letters do not testify to the general affection with which he was regarded. We give here one or two extracts from letters received during his last illness.
Thomas Mitchell wrote to Mr. Murray's son:
"Give my most affectionate remembrances to your father. More than once I should have sunk under the ills of life but for his kind support and countenance, and so I believe would many others say besides myself. Be his maladies small or great, assure him that he has the earnest sympathies of one who well knows and appreciates his sterling merits."
Sir Francis Palgrave, who had known Mr. Murray during the whole course of his career, wrote to him affectionately of "the friendship and goodwill which," said he, "you have borne towards me during a period of more than half my life. I am sure," he added, "as we grow older we find day by day the impossibility of finding any equivalent for old friends." Sharon Turner also, the historian, was most cordial in his letters.
"Our old friends," he said, "are dropping off so often that it becomes more and more pleasing to know that some still survive whom we esteem and by whom we are not forgotten.... Certainly we can look back on each other now for forty years, and I can do so as to you with great pleasure and satisfaction, when, besides the grounds of private satisfaction and esteem, I think of the many works of great benefit to society which you have been instrumental in publishing, and in some instances of suggesting and causing. You have thus made your life serviceable to the world as well as honourable to yourself.... You are frequently in my recollections, and always with those feelings which accompanied our intercourse in our days of health and activity. May every blessing accompany you and yours, both here and hereafter."
It was not only in England that his loss was felt, for the news of his death called forth many tokens of respect and regard from beyond the seas, and we will close these remarks with two typical extracts from the letters of American correspondents.
To Mr. Murray's son, Dr. Robinson of New York summed up his qualities in these words:
"I have deeply sympathised with the bereaved family at the tidings of the decease of one of whom I have heard and read from childhood, and to whose kindness and friendship I had recently been myself so much indebted. He has indeed left you a rich inheritance, not only by his successful example in business and a wide circle of friends, but also in that good name which is better than all riches. He lived in a fortunate period—his own name is inseparably connected with one of the brightest eras of English literature—one, too, which, if not created, was yet developed and fostered by his unparalleled enterprise and princely liberality. I counted it a high privilege to be connected with him as a publisher, and shall rejoice in continuing the connection with his son and successor."
Mrs. L.H. Sigourney wrote from Hartford, Connecticut, U.S.:
"Your father's death is a loss which is mourned on this side of the Atlantic. His powerful agency on the patronage of a correct literature, which he was so well qualified to appreciate, has rendered him a benefactor in that realm of intellect which binds men together in all ages, however dissevered by political creed or local prejudice. His urbanity to strangers is treasured with gratitude in many hearts. To me his personal kindness was so great that I deeply regretted not having formed his acquaintance until just on the eve of my leaving London. But his parting gifts are among the chief ornaments of my library, and his last letter, preserved as a sacred autograph, expresses the kindness of a friend of long standing, and promises another 'more at length,' which, unfortunately, I had never the happiness of receiving."
Abercorn, Marq. and Marchioness of, Allegra, death of; buried at Harrow, Athenaeum Club, Austen, Miss Jane, "Northanger Abbey,"; Novels published by Murray, Austria, Empress of,
Baillie, Miss Joanna, Ballantyne & Co. (John & James), bill transactions with Murray; partnership with Scott; proposed edition of "British Novelists,"; Works of De Foe; James B. meets Murray at Boroughbridge; appointed Edinburgh agents for Q.R.; views on Q.R.; close alliance with Murray; financial difficulties; breach with Murray; failure of Edinburgh Ann. Reg.; "Waverley,"; "Lord of the Isles,"; "Don Roderick,"; Scott's proposed letters from the Continent; proposal to Murray and Blackwood about Scott's works; in debt to Scott; "Tales of my Landlord," "The Black Dwarf,"; bankruptcy; death of John Ballantyne, Barker, Miss, Barrow, Sir John, induced by Canning to write for Q. R.; visit to Gifford; consulted by Murray about voyages or travels; nicknamed "Chronometer" by B. Disraeli, Bartholdy, Baron, Barton, Bernard, Basevi, junr., George, Bastard, Capt., Beattie, Dr., Bedford, Grosvenor, Bell, Lady, Bell & Bradfute, Bellenden, Mary, Belzoni, Giovanni, Berry, Miss, edits "Horace Walpole's Reminiscences," Blackwood, William, appointed Murray's Agent for Scotland; visits Murray; intimacy with Murray; early career; threatens Constable with proceedings for printing Byron's "Poems,"; refuses to sell "Don Juan,"; alliance and correspondence with Murray; Ballantyne's proposals about Scott's works; Blackwood's Magazine started; Murray's remonstrance about the personality of articles; Hazlitts libel action; interested with Murray in various works, Blackwood's Magazine started (first called Edinburgh Magazine); article attacking Byron; "Ancient Chaldee MS.,"; "The Cockney School of Poetry,"; personality of articles,; "Hypocrisy Unveiled," etc.; Murray retires from—Cadell and Davies appointed London Agents for, Blessington, Countess of, "Conversations with Lord Byron," Blewitt, Octavian, Borrow, George, his youth; capacity for learning languages; appointed Agent to the Bible Society—Russia, Norway, Turkey and Spain, his translation of the Bible; called Lavengro, his splendid physique, "Gypsies of Spain," "The Bible in Spain," as a horse-breaker, remarks on Allan Cunningham's death, asked to become a member of the Royal Institution, "Boswell's Johnson," Croker's edition of, Bray, Mrs., Brockedon, William, his portrait of the Countess Guiccioli, his help in Murray's Handbooks, Brougham, Lord, his article in Ed. Rev. on Dr. Young's theory of light, Chairman of the Society for the diffusion of Useful Knowledge, Broughton, Lord, see Hobhouse. Buccleuch, Duke of, his present of a farm to James Hogg, Butler, Charles, "Books on the R. Cath. Church," Burney, Dr., Buxton, Thos. Powell, "Slave Trade and its Remedy," Byron, Lord, first association and meeting with Murray, "Childe Harold," presented to Prince Regent, friendship with Scott, "Giaour," "Bride of Abydos," "Corsair," "Ode to Napoleon," "Lara," marriage, meets Scott at Murray's house, remarks on Battle of Waterloo, portrait by Phillips, kindness to Maturin, dealings with Murray, residence in Piccadilly, pecuniary embarrassments, Murray's generous offer, Murray's remonstrance, "Siege of Corinth" and "Parisina," separation from wife, sale of effects, "Sketch from Private Life," leaves England, "Childe Harold" and "Prisoner of Chillon," remarks on Scott's Review of "Childe Harold," Canto III., "Manfred," attack of fever at Venice, "Childe Harold," Canto IV., visit from Hobhouse, his bust by Thorwaldsen, correspondence with Murray in 1817 to 1822, "Beppo," Frere's "Whistlecraft," at Venice, opinion of Southey, "Don Juan," Cantos I. and II.; Murray's suggestions as to, hatred of Romilly, "Letter of Julia," "Mazeppa," "Ode to Venice," Copyright of "Don Juan," Countess Guiccioli: proposal to visit S. America, "Don Juan," Cantos III. and IV., "Don Juan," Canto V., Murray's refusal to publish further Cantos of "Don Juan," "My boy Hobby O!" Hobhouse's anger, Whig Club at Cambridge, pamphlet on "Bowles' strictures," "Sardanapalus," "The Two Foscari," "Cain, a Mystery," injunction in case of "Cain," death and burial of Allegra, illness, and last letter to Murray, adopts Hato or Hatagee, the Suliotes incident, death: Murray's application for his burial in Westminster Abbey refused, Memoirs and Moore, destruction of Memoirs, agreement between Moore and Murray, Moore undertakes to write "Life," Murray's negotiations with Moore as to "Life," agreement as to "Life," Vol. I. of "Life" published, Vol. II., Murray's proposed edition of his works, Thorwaldsen's statue refused by Dean of Westminster, attempt to alter Dean's decision; the statue placed in library of Trinity College, Cambridge, Byron, Lady, her offer to Murray for redemption of Byron's Memoirs,
Cadell & Davies, appointed London Agents for Blackwood's Magazine, Callcott, Lady, see Graham, Mrs. Campbell, Thomas, "Pleasures o Hope," "Hohenlinden," "The Exile of Erin," "Ye Mariners of England," "Battle of the Baltic," "Lochiel's Warning"; correspondence with Scott; intimacy with Murray; proposed "Selection from British Poets"; "Gertrude of Wyoming"; Lectures on Poetry; "Now Barabbas was a Publisher"; his opinion of Mrs. Hemans's "Records of Woman," Canning, George, starts Anti-Jacobin; assists in starting Quarterly Review; article in Q.R. on "Austrian State Papers"; on Spain; views on the Royal Society of Literature; opinion of "Waverley"; letters from Gifford; called "X." by Benjamin Disraeli, Canning, Stratford, "The Miniature"; connection with Q.R.; introduces Gifford to Murray; his mission to Constantinople, Carlyle, Thomas, recommended to Murray by Lord Jeffrey; correspondence with Murray about "Sartor Resartus"; "Sartor Resartus" declined by other publishers; returns to Craigenputtock; "Sartor Resartus" published in Fraser's Magazine, and, through Emerson's influence, in United States, Cawthorn, publisher of "English Bards and Scotch Reviewers," Cervetto, Chantrey, Sir F., calls Murray "a brother Cyclops," note Chesterfield, Lord, Cleghorn, James, Editor of Blackwood's Magazine, Colburn, the publisher, "Vivian Grey"; declines "Sartor Resartus," Coleridge, John Taylor; appointed Editor to Quarterly Review; wishes to resign editorship, Coleridge, Samuel Taylor; correspondence with Murray; Goethe's "Faust"; "Wallenstein"; "The Friend"; "Remorse," "Glycine," "Christabel," "Christmas Tale," "Zapolya"; opinion of Frere, Colman's Comedy, "John Bull," Colquhoun, Rt. Hon. J.C. (Lord Advocate), Colquhoun, John, "The Moor and the Loch"; correspondence with Murray; dissatisfaction with Blackwood; visit to London and interview with Murray, Constable, Archibald (Constable & Co.); Farmer's Magazine, Scots Magazine, Edinburgh Review; his partner, A.G. Hunter; appointed Murray's agent; "Sir Tristram" and "Lay of the Last Minstrel"; breach with Longman; injunction as to Edin. Rev. obtained by Longman; letter from Jeffrey; Murray's remonstrances as to drawing bills; establishes London House; breach with Murray; final breach with Murray; fresh alliance with Scott; Campbell's "Selections from the British Poets"; Poems by Byron on his Domestic Circumstances; Mrs. Markham's "History of England"; bankruptcy; renews friendship with Murray; death, Cooper, James Fenimore, Coplestone, Copyright Bill, the, Mr. Gladstone's remarks on, Coxe, Archdeacon, Crabbe, "Tales of the Hall," and other poems, Creech and Elliot Croker, Crofton Croker, John Wilson, visit to Prince Regent, portrait by Eddis, "Stories for Children on Hist. of England", on "Don Juan" and Byron, takes charge of Q.R. during Gifford's illness, views on the Monthly Register, edits Lady Hervey's Letters, opinion of the Waldegrave and Walpole Memoirs, edits the Suffolk Papers, edits Mrs. Delany's Letters, Lockhart's opinion of him, "Boswell's Johnson", opinion of Moore's "Life of Byron", Moore's "Life of Lord Fitzgerald" Cumberland, Richard, "John de Lancaster" Cumming, Thomas Cunningham, Allan, "Paul Jones: a Romance", his death, "Memoirs of Sir D. Wilkie", Lockhart's article in Q.R. on the "Memoirs" Cunningham, Rev. J.W., and the burial of Allegra at Harrow Cuthill
Dacre, Lady (Mrs. Wilmot) Dagley (the engraver) Dallas, Mr. Davies, Annie, Gifford's housekeeper Davy, Sir Humphry, "Salmonia, or Days of Fly-Fishing" D'Haussez, Baron Delany, Mrs. De Quincy De Stael, Madame, ordered to quit Paris, a frequenter of Murray's drawing-room Disraeli, Benjamin, "Aylmer Papillon," "History of Paul Jones", correspondence with Murray, pamphlets on Mining Speculations, connection with Messrs. Powles, partner with Murray and Powles in Representative, letters to Murray on the Representative negotiations, description of York Cathedral, visits Lockhart, interview with Scott at Chiefswood, second visit to Scotland, and exertions on behalf of Representative drops his connection with Representative, "Vivian Grey" and "Contarini Fleming", renewal of correspondence with Murray, travels in Spain, etc., Radical candidate for Wycombe, attended by Tita (Byron's Gondolier), "Gallomania", publishes reply to criticisms on "Gallomania" D'Israeli, Isaac, "Curiosities of Literature", friendship with Murray, "Flim-Flams", birth of his son Benjamin, Murray's marriage-settlement, Trustee, advice about Q.R., "Calamities of Authors", "Character of James I.", impromptu on Belzoni, meets Washington Irving at Murray's, consulted by Murray as to Representative, proposed pamphlet on his misunderstanding with Murray D'Oyley, Rev. Dr. Dudley, Lord, his "Letters"
Eastlake, Sir Charles L., "Translation of Memoirs of the Carbonari", Mrs. Graham's interest in Eaton, Mrs. Ebrington, Lord Edinburgh Annual Register Edinburgh Magazine and Review Edinburgh Review started, published by Murray, its great success, injunction obtained by Longman, Jeffrey, editor of, articles on "Marmion", on "Don Cevallos on the Occupation of Spain" Eldon, Lord, on copyright of "Cain" Elliot, Miss; marries John Murray II. Elliot, Charles Ellis, George; letters from Scott; friendship with Scott; contributes to Q.R.; constant critic of the Q. R.; article on Spain; on ponderous articles in Q.R.; advice as to punctuality in issuing Q. R. Ellis, Sir Henry, "Embassy to China" Emerson, friendship with Carlyle Erskine, William Everett, A.H.
Faber, Rev. G.S. Falconer, William, "The Shipwreck"; lost at sea "Family Library," works comprising Fazakerly's interview with Napoleon Ferriar, Dr., on "Apparitions" Field, Barron Ford's "Dramatic Works" Ford, Richard, "Handbook to Spain"; opinion of Borrow Foscolo, Ugo Fraser, Rev. Alexander Fraser, Mr., offers L150 for "Sartor Resartus" Frere, John Hookham; Coleridge's opinion of; his marriage; "Whistle-craft" Froissart
Galignani Garden, Mrs., "Memorials of James Hogg" Gifford, William, introduced to Murray; accepts editorship of Q. R.; advice from Scott on Q. R.; Southey and the Q. R.; unpunctuality as editor; at Ryde; George Canning and the Q. R.; Southey's "Life of Nelson"; Miss A.T. Palmer's bribe; disagreement with Murray; wages war with Edin. Rev.; relations with Murray; opinion of Pillans; bad health; Murray's present; opinion of W.S. Landor; review of Ford's "Dramatic Works"; on Charles Lamb—his deep grief; opinion of "Childe Harold"; illness and death of his housekeeper; opinion of Southey; memorial to his housekeeper; libellous attack on him; opinion of Miss Austen's novels; of Maturin; illness at Dover; Murray gives him a carriage; Byron's "unlordly scrape"; edition of "Ben Jonson"; illness; Croker akes charge of Q. R.; opinion of Milman's "Fall of Jerusalem"; letter to George Canning; resigns editorship; declines Oxford degree; his death and burial in Westminster Abbey; will; character; love for children; venomous attack upon him Gladstone, Rt. Hon. W.E., Tory member for Newark; proposal to Murray about "Church and State"; visit to Holland; "Church and State" published, and "Church Principles"; letter to Murray on Copyright Bill Gleig, Rev. George Glenbervie, Lord Gooch, Dr., anecdote of Lord Nelson Gordon, General Sir Robert Graham, Mrs. (Lady Callcott); intimacy with Murray Grahame's "British Georgies" Grant, Sir Robert; his articles in Q.R. on "Character of the late C.J. Fox" Greenfield Guiccioli, Countess; Murray's kindness to; Brockedon's portrait of Gurney, Joseph Gurwood, Col., editor of Wellington "Despatches"
Haber, Baron de Hall, Capt. Basil Hall, Sir James, Hall, S.C., Hallam, Henry, friendship with Murray, "Middle Ages," "Constitutional History," Hamilton, Walter, "East India Gazetteer," "Description of Hindostan and Adjacent Countries," Hamilton, Sir William, "Handbooks," Murray's, Hanson, Mr. (Byron's solicitor), Hastings, Warren, Hato, or Hatagee, Greek child adopted by Byron, Hay, R.W., Hazlitt, William, his libellous pamphlet on Gifford, action for libel against Blackwood and Murray, Heber, Bishop (Rev. Reginald), Heber, Richard, Hemans, Mrs., "Records of Woman," Herschell, Sir John, on Dr. Young's theory of light, Hervey, Lady, "Letters, etc.," Highley, Samuel, Hoare, Prince, "Epochs of the Arts," Hobhouse, John Cam (Lord Broughton), "Journey through Albania, etc., with Lord Byron," "Last Reign of Napoleon," visits Byron at Venice, his inscription for Thorwaldsen's bust of Byron, on Byron's intention to visit S. America, imprisoned for breach of privilege, "My boy Hobby O!"—his account of the Whig Club at Cambridge, Byron's executor, anxiety about a complete edition of Byron's Works, Hodgson, Rev. Francis, Hogg, James, "Ettrick Shepherd," "The Queen's Wake," "The Pilgrims of the Sun," correspondence with Murray, Duke of Buccleuch gives him a farm, supposed to be author of "Tales of my Landlord," contributor to Blackwood's Magazine, said to be author of the "Chaldee Manuscript," helped by Scott and Murray, "Jacobite Relics of Scotland," Holland, Lord, "Life of Lope de Vega and Inez de Castro," on Napoleon's treatment at St. Helena, opinion of "Tales of my Landlord," proposals to Murray about the Waldegrave and Walpole Memoirs, Holland, Rev. W. (Canon of Chichester), Hope, Thomas, "Anastasius, or Memoirs of a Modern Greek, etc.," Hoppner, Mr., Horton, Sir Robert Wilmot, letter from Murray with particulars of the destruction of Byron's Memoirs, Howard, Mrs., Hume, Joseph, Hunt, John, Hunt, Leigh, joint Editor of the Examiner, in gaol for libelling Prince Regent, correspondence with Murray about "Story of Rimini," "Recollections of Lord Byron and some of his Contemporaries," Hunter, Alexander G., Hunter, Charles, Hurst, Rohinson & Co.,
Inchbald, Mrs., Ireland, Dr. John (Dean of Westminster), proposed burial of Byron in the Abbey, Gifford's executor, Byron's statue, Irving, Peter, Irving, Washington, account of a dinner at Murray's, "Sketch Book," "Bracebridge Hall," letter from Murray as to Representative,
Jameson, Mrs., "Guide to the Picture Galleries of London," Jeffrey, Francis, Editor of Edinburgh Review, opinion of Wordsworth, Southey, and Coleridge, Southey's opinion of him, "Don Cevallos on the Occupation of Spain," party politics in Ed. Rev., recommends Carlyle to Murray, his interview with Murray, Jerdan, William his erroneous account in Literary Gazette of destruction of Byron's Memoirs, on Gifford,
Kean, Charles, in "Bertram," in "Manuel," Keats' "Endymion" reviewed in Q.R., Kerr, William, Kerr, Robert, Kinnaird, Honble. Douglas, and "Childe Harold," letter to Murray, Kinneir, Macdonald, "Persia," Kingsburg, Miss Harriet (Mrs. Maturin), Knight, Charles, "Library of Entertaining Knowledge," remarks on Murray's honourable conduct, Knight, H. Gally,
Lamb, Lady Caroline, "Glenarvon," opinion of Byron's works, correspondence with Murray, "Penruddock," "Ada Reis," Lamb, Charles, Lamb, Honble. George, Lamb, Honble. William (Lord Melbourne), Lamennais' "Paroles d'un Croyant," Landor, W.S., "Remarks upon C.J. Fox's Memoirs," Lauderdale, Lord, Lavater on Physiognomy, Leigh, Honble. Augusta, her wish that Byron's Memoirs should be destroyed, Levinge, Godfrey, Leyden's "Africa," Lieven, Prince, Lindo, Mr. and Mrs., Llandaff, Bishop of, "Lord Dudley's Letters," Lockhart, John, the "Littlejohn," to whom Scott's "Tales of a Grandfather" were addressed, Lockhart, John Gibson, contributor to Blackwood's Magazine, article on "The Cockney School of Poetry," challenges the anonymous author of "Hypocrisy Unveiled, etc.," called "M." by B. Disraeli, at Chiefswood, B. Disraeli's visit, editorship of Representative offered to him, Scott's opinion of him, 261, 273 accepts editorship of Q.R., his success as Editor of Q.R., relations with Murray, opinion of Wordsworth's poems, visit to Brighton with Scott, interview with Duke of Wellington, at Abbotsford, Scott's death: writes his "Life," remarks on Croker's edition of "Boswell's Johnson," on Taylor's "Isaac Comnenus," "Life of Napoleon," opinion of early part of Moore's "Life of Byron," opinion of "Contarini Fleming," article on Borrow's "Bible in Spain," on Wilkie, his illness, Longman & Co., breach with Constable, Murray's intervention, injunction as to Edin. Rev., accept L1,000 for claim on Edin. Rev., Coleridge's "Wallenstein," offer to Campbell, Crabbe's poems declined, advertise an edition of Mrs. Rundell's "Domestic Cookery," injunction granted to Murray, refuse to publish "Sartor Resartus," Longman, Thos., on the danger of reading in bed, Lyndhurst, Lord, Lyttelton, Lord, "Dialogues of the Dead," "History of King Henry II.,"
Maas, of Coblentz, Macaulay, Lord, his articles in Edin. Rev., on Crokers's "Boswell's Johnson," Gladstone's "Church and State," Macirone, Col. Mackay, the actor Mackintosh, Sir James Macleod, John, "Voyage of H.M.S. Alceste to Loochoo" Macready, W.C. Maginn, Dr. Magnus, Samuel, his testimonial to Dean Milman Mahon, Lord (Earl Stanhope) Malcolm, Sir John "Sketch of the Sikhs" Malthus, "Rent," "Corn-Laws," "Essay on Population" Markham, Mrs., "History of England" Mason, Rev. William (T. Gray's executor) controversy with Murray Maturin, Rev. Chas. Robert his early life and marriage; "The Fatal Revenge," "The Wild Irish Boy," "The Milesian Chief," "Bertram" "Bertram" at Drury Lane "Manuel" his death Maule, William Mavrocordato, Prince Mawman, Joseph Medwin, Capt. Thomas, "Conversations of Lord Byron" Melbourne, Lord (see Lamb) Memoires pour servir Milbanke, Miss Mill, James, "History of British India" Mill, John Stuart Miller, John Miller, Robert Miller, William, of Albemarle Street Mills, James Milman, Dean (Rev. H.H.) "Fall of Jerusalem" one of Murray's Historians "History of Christianity" "History of the Jews" received with disapprobation; his remarks on Sharon Turner's Expostulation; testimonial from the Jews opinion of "Contarini Fleming" Mirza, Abul Hassan, impressions of English Society Mitchell, Thomas impressions of Ugo Foscolo opinion of Murray Mitford, "History of Greece" Monthly Register Moore, Thomas opinion of "The Corsair" presented with Byron's Memoirs offers them to Longman accepted by Murray their destruction reconciled to Murray and undertakes "Life of Byron" his views on Cookery Books and on Mrs. Rundell's "Domestic Cookery" agreement with Murray as to "Life of Byron," receives L3,000 from Murray for "Life" Lockhart's opinion of the "Life" Vol. I. of "Life" published Vol. II. of "Life" published; Mrs. Somerville's opinion of it "Thoughts on Editors" Murray's proposal as to a complete edition of Byron's works Morgan, Lady Morier, James, "Hajji Baba" Morritt, of Rokeby Park Murat, King of Naples Murray, Sir George Murray, Joe (Byron's Steward) Murray I., John. 1745-68—His birth and early years 1768—Marriage and retirement from Royal Marines offers partnership to W. Falconer purchases W. Sandby's business early publications 1769-70—Support from Sir R. Gordon and his old comrades money difficulties agents in Ireland and Scotland 1771—Defence of Sir R. Gordon 1777-78—Second marriage controversy with Rev. W. Mason 1782-93—Paralytic stroke his son's education and character Dr. Johnson's funeral illness and death Murray II., John called by Lord Byron "The Anax of Publishers," nicknamed "The Emperor of the West," 1778-92—Birth, at Edinburgh High School, at school at Margate, at school at Gosport, sight of one eye destroyed, 1793—At school at Kennington, 1795—Enters his father's business firm of Murray & Highley, 1802—Dissolves partnership with Highley and starts business alone, 1803—Offers to publish Colman's Comedy "John Bull," money difficulties, military duties, friendship with Isaac D'Israeli, Isaac D'Israeli's "Narrative Poems," business transactions with Constable, appoints Constable his agent in Edinburgh; pushes sale of Edinburgh Review, 1804—Birth of Benjamin Disraeli, takes Charles Hunter as apprentice, 1805—Isaac D'Israeli's letters to him, attempts to reconcile Constable and Longman, expedition to Edinburgh, attachment to Miss Elliot, 1806—The "Miniature" and Stratford Canning, introduced to George Canning, close attention to business, visits Edinburgh, engagement to Miss Elliot, financial position, appointed publisher of Edinburgh Review, Campbell's proposed Magazine and "Selection from British Poets," 1807—Marries Miss Elliot, I. D'Israeli one of his Trustees, friendship with Sharon Turner, injunction in the matter of the Edinburgh Review, remonstrates with Constable about drawing bills, breach with Constable, bill transactions with Ballantyne, writes to George Canning proposing a new Review, 1808—"Marmion" and friendship with Scott, proposed edition of the "British Novelists," De Foe's works, introduced to Gifford by Stratford Canning, visits Scott at Ashestiel, correspondence about Quarterly Review, Gifford accepts editorship, Missionary Reports and Southey's article in Q.R., article on Spain for Q.R. by Canning, Gifford, and Ellis, correspondence with Mrs. Inchbald, 1809—Meets Ballantyne at Boroughbridge, appoints Ballantyne Edinburgh publisher of Q.R., Scott's Life of Swift, Q.R., No. 1 published, urges Scott to visit London, letter to Stratford Canning, exertions to procure contributors, Mrs. Rundell's "Domestic Cookery," close alliance with Ballantyne, Grahame's "British Georgies" and Scott's "English Ministrelsy," financial difficulties with Ballantyne, letter from Campbell on "Selection from British Poets," Campbell's Gertrude of "Wyoming," 1810—Breach with Ballantyne, appoints W. Blackwood his agent in Scotland, Southey's "Life of Nelson," money difficulties—Ballantyne's bills, transfers printing business, Constable's bills, decrease in circulation of Q.R., 1811—Relations with Gifford, improvement of Q.R., generosity to Gifford, origin of his connection with Byron, "Childe Harold," 1812—Ballantyne's bills again, purchases stock of Miller, of Albemarle Street, removes to Albemarle Street, Constable's bills, final breach with Constable, complete success of Q.R. refuses "The Rejected Addresses," 1813—"The Giaour," and "The Bride of Abydos," Sir J. Malcolm, I. D'Israeli's "Calamities of Authors," Scott's bill transactions, Mme. de Stael at Albemarle Street, other books published by him during the year, 1814—"The Corsair," "Ode to Napoleon," "Lara and Jacqueline," Mrs. Murray's visit to Leith, letters to Mrs. Murray, visit from Blackwood, dines with I. D'Israeli, education of his son John, visit to D'Israeli at Brighton, description of Newstead Abbey, Byron's skull-cup, trip to Edinburgh, alliance with Blackwood, visit to Abbotsford, shares in Scott's "Don Roderick," correspondence with Coleridge, 1815—Drawing-room in Albemarle Street, Mme. de Stael, first meeting of Scott and Byron, Napoleon's escape from Elba, sends first news of Battle of Waterloo to Blackwood, literary parties, portraits of distinguished men, trip to Paris, Scott's proposed letters from the Continent, Napoleon's personal correspondence with crowned heads, etc., of Europe, publishes Miss Austen's "Emma," begins to publish Malthus' works, correspondence with Leigh Hunt as to the "Story of Rimini," correspondence with James Hogg, dealings with Byron, his liberal offer to Byron, "Siege of Corinth" and "Parisina," remonstrates with Byron, correspondence with Blackwood, other books published by him during the year, 1816—Kindness to Rev. C.R. Maturin, Coleridge's "Glycine: a Song," "Remorse," "Zapolya," "Christabel," and "Christmas Tale," correspondence with Leigh Hunt, Gifford's illness, gives Gifford a carriage, entrusted with sale of Byron's books and furniture, buys some of Byron's books, the large screen (now at Albemarle Street), and silver cup, Byron's "Sketch from Private Life," Byron leaves England, "Childe Harold" and "The Prisoner of Chillon," letter to Byron on the "Monody on Sheridan," "Tales of my Landlord," correspondence with Lady Byron and Lady C. Lamb, Ballantyne's proposal about Scott's works, his assistance to Hogg, other books published by him during the year, 1817—Correspondence with Coleridge, Scott's review of "Childe Harold," Canto III., letters from Lady C. Lamb, "Manfred," "Manuscrit venu de Ste. Helene," "Childe Harold," Canto IV., Captain Basil Hall's "Fragments of Voyages and Travels," correspondence with Lady Abercorn, Giovanni Belzoni, Washington Irving at Albemarle Street, other books published by him during the year, 1818—"Beppo," visit to Scott, "Don Juan," Canto I., takes share in Blackwood's Magazine, remonstrances with Blackwood on the personality of the Magazine Articles, the anonymous pamphlet "Hypocrisy Unveiled," assailed by a pamphlet, entitled "A Letter to Mr. John Murray of Albemarle Street, etc.," Hazlitt's libel action, correspondence with Scott, friendship with Hallam—publishes "Middle Ages," the proposed Monthly Register, Crabbe's "Tales of the Hall," and other poems, Rev. H.H. Milman 1819—Campbell's "Selections from British Poets," suggestions to Byron about "Don Juan," Canto II., "Mazeppa" and "The Ode to Venice," Blackwood refuses to sell "Don Juan," copyright of "Don Juan" infringed—injunction applied for and granted; retires from Blackwood's Magazine, transfers his Scottish Agency to Oliver and Boyd, Thomas Hope's "Anastasius," threatened by Colonel Macirone with libel action, verdict in his favour, buys house at Wimbledon, literary levees at Albemarle Street, his acquaintance with Ugo Foscolo 1820—"Don Juan, Cantos III. and IV.," Hobhouse's anger—the "My boy Hobby O!" incident, Milman's "Fall of Jerusalem," B. Disraeli first mentioned, Washington Irving's "Sketch-Book," other books published by him during the year 1821—Cantos III., IV., and V. of "Don Juan," refuses to publish further cantos of "Don Juan," Byron's pamphlet on Bowles, "Sardanapalus," "The Two Foscari," "Cain, a Mystery," present with Scott at Coronation of George IV., injunction in case of "Cain," accepts Byron's "Memoirs," Mrs. Graham's letter to him about Sir Charles Eastlake, pirated copies of Byron's works in America and France, injunction obtained restraining sale by Longman of Mrs. Rundell's "Domestic Cookery," 1822—Death of Allegra, Milman's "Fall of Jerusalem," intimacy with Milman, "Bracebridge Hall," declines James Fenimore Cooper's novels, Ugo Foscolo 1823—Giflord's serious illness—difficulty in choosing new Editor for the Q.R., other books published by him during the year 1824—Closing incidents of friendship with Byron, Byron's last letter and illness, Byron's death, correspondence with Dr. Ireland (Dean of Westminster) about Byron's burial in Westminster Abbey, destruction of Byron's Memoirs, Moore undertakes "Life of Byron," Mrs. Markham's "History of England," a crisis in the Q.R., John Taylor Coleridge appointed Editor of Q.R.; correspondence with B. Disraeli about "Aylmer Papillon" 1825—Agreement and arrangements regarding proposed morning paper, Representative, letters from B. Disraeli as to Representative, I. D'Israeli's views on the Representative, offers editorship of Representative to Lockhart; Scott's opinion of the scheme, secures foreign correspondents for Representative, bears the whole expense, appoints Lockhart Editor of Q.R. on Coleridge's resignation, letters to him from Scott on Lockhart's fitness for the Q.R. editorship, letters from Lockhart, Hallam's "Constitutional History," renews friendship with Constable after fifteen years' interval, other books published by him during the year, 1826—Representative started—its utter failure, health breaks down, commercial crisis and failure of large publishing houses, Constable & Co., Ballantyne & Co., Hurst, Robinson & Co., and others, helps London publishers in their difficulties, Representative ceases to exist after career of six months, misunderstanding with I. D'Israeli, intimacy with Lockhart, Wordsworth's proposal to him, 1827—Letter from his son describing Scott's acknowledgement of the authorship of "Waverley Novels" at the Theatrical Fund dinner in Edinburgh, Henry Taylor's "Isaac Comnenus," buys all Byron's works, 1828—Offers Scott L1,250 for copyright of "History of Scotland," "Tales of a Grandfather," Napier's "History of Peninsular War," the "Wellington Despatches," "Library of Entertaining Knowledge," negotiations with Moore as to "Life of Byron," 1829—Resigns his share in "Marmion" to Scott, Croker's edition of "Boswell's Johnson," "The Family Library," 1830—Milman's "History of the Jews," Moore's "Life of Byron," Vol. I., renewal of correspondence with B. Disraeli and negotiations with him as to "Contarini Fleming: a Psychological Biography," 1831—Moore's "Life of Byron," Vol. II., Moore's "Thoughts on Editors," Thomas Carlyle recommended to him by Lord Jeffrey, "Sartor Resartus"—which he ultimately declines to publish, 1832—Complete edition of Byron's works, correspondence with Benjamin Disraeli about "Gallomania," 1834—Dean of Westminster refuses his request that Thorwaldsen's statue of Byron should be placed in Westminster Abbey, 1836—The first Handbook to the Continent (Holland, Belgium, and North Germany), published, 1837—Letter to Morning Chronicle on Napier's "History of the Peninsular War," 1838—Mr. Gladstone's "Church and State," T. Powell Buxton's "Slave Trade and its Remedy," Handbook to Switzerland, 1839—Handbook to Norway, Sweden, and Denmark, 1840—Mrs. Jameson and her "Guide to the Picture Galleries of London," Handbook to the East, George Borrow, Borrow's "Gypsies of Spain," Southey's death, 1841—Bishop of Llandaff and "Lord Dudley's Letters," correspondence with John Colquhoun on "The Moor and the Loch," 1842—Handbook to Italy, letters from George Borrow, "The Bible in Spain" published, Horace Horace Twiss's "Life of Lord Eldon," his illness, 1843—In constant communication with Sir Robert Peel, many of whose speeches, etc., he published, Richard Ford's Handbook of Spain, Mr. Gladstone on the Copyright Bill, his failing health and death, his dinner-parties an institution, tokens of respect from all parts—extracts from letters of sympathy from the Americans, Dr. Robinson and Mrs. L.H. Sigourney, Murray, III., John, a reader for the press at six years old, recollections of Scott and Byron at Albemarle Street, present at the destruction of Byron's Memoirs, letter from R.W. Hay on the anonymous attack on Gifford's memory, present at the Theatrical Fund Dinner in Edinburgh when Scott declared himself the author of the "Waverley Novels," the originator and author of the "Guides," extract from his article in Murray's Magazine on the "Handbooks,"
Napier, Macvey, Napier, Col. W., "History of the Peninsular War," at Strathfieldsaye with Duke of Wellington, negotiations with Murray, Napoleon Buonaparte, escapes from Elba, private correspondence with crowned heads, etc., of Europe declined by Murray, Nelson, Lord, anecdote of, Newton (the artist), Nugent's "Memorials of Hampden,"
Oliver & Boyd, Orloff, Count, Ouseley, Sir Gore, Owen, Robert, his "New View of Society,"
Paget, Lieut. Henry (Murray's stepfather), Palgrave, Sir Francis, Murray's Guide to Northern Italy, on Murray's friendship, Palmer, Miss Alicia T., Parish, H., Paul, Emperor, proposal to assist Napoleon in turning English out of India, Paxton, Dr. G.A., Peel, Sir Robert, on Byron, publishes his speeches, etc., Perry, James, Independent Gazette, Phillips, Sir Richard, 17 "Waverley" offered to, 97 Phillips, Thomas, his portraits, Phillpotts, Rev. Dr. Henry (Bishop of Exeter), Pillans, Mr., Pindar, Peter, Pitcairn's "Criminal Trials of Scotland," Polidori, Dr., Powles, J.D., Pringle, Thomas, Editor of Blackwood's Magazine, Proctor, John,
Quarterly Review, proposals by Murray to Canning, to Scott, Gifford accepts editorship, letters from Scott, his advice to Gifford, general arrangements, launched, first number appears, first edition exhausted, its unpunctual appearance, Southey a constant contributor to, its prosperity, Sir J. Barrow's connection with, Croker takes charge of it during Gifford's illness, Gifford's illness and resignation, crisis—only two numbers in 1824, J.T. Coleridge appointed Editor, Coleridge resigns, Lockhart appointed Editor,
Ramsay & Co., George, Regent, Prince, Representative, The, Murray's daily newspaper; its projection, first appearance and complete failure, ceases to exist, Roberts, Rev. Dr. Robinson, Dr. Robinson, H. Crabb Rogers, Samuel, on Q.R. opinion of "Childe Harold" "Jacqueline" on Crabbe's poems Romilly, Sir S. Royal Society of Literature Rundell, Mrs., "Domestic Cookery" history of the book and injunction obtained by Murray Russell, Lord John, "Memoirs, Journals, and Correspondence of T. Moore" "The Affairs of Europe"
Sandby, William Scott, Sir Walter "Sir Tristram," and "Lay of the Last Minstrel" "Marmion" "Border Minstrelsy" partnership with Ballantyne proposed edition of "British Novelists" asks Southey to contribute to Edin. Rev. severs his connection with Constable and Edin. Rev. visit from Murray correspondence with Murray about Q.R. letter to George Ellis on Murray, etc. views as to management of Q.R. advice to Gifford friendship with George Ellis "Life of Swift" a principal contributor to first number of Q.R. proposed "Secret History of the Court of James I." "Portcullis Copies" "English Minstrelsy" "Lady of the Lake" Prince Regent's opinion of his poems, etc. opinion of "Calamities of Authors" new edition of "Lord Somers's Tracts" Ballantyne's recklessness at Abbotsford fresh alliance with Constable his writing-desk; "Waverley" (Great Unknown) "The Lord of the Isles" additions to Abbotsford "Don Roderick" meets Byron at Murray's house portrait by Newton trip to Belgium proposed letters from the Continent visit from Murray opinion of "Cain" "Tales of my Landlord," "The Black Dwarf" cicerone to George IV. in Edinburgh serious illness assists Hogg "Heart of Midlothian," "Rob Roy" assists Washington Irving nicknamed "The Chevalier" by B. Disraeli bankruptcy of his publishers on Lockhart's fitness for the Q.R. editorship at Brighton with Lockhart; illness of his grandson "Littlejohn" "History of Scotland" Cadell appointed his publisher; purchases, jointly with Cadell, all principal copyrights of his works Murray's transfer of his share of "Marmion" last letter to Murray rapid decline death account of his acknowledgment of the authorship of "Waverley Novels" at the Theatrical Fund dinner opinion of "Murray, the Emperor of the West" advises Lockhart to undertake "Life of Napoleon" opinion of Moore's "Life of Byron" some of the articles he wrote for Q.R.: Carr's "Tour in Scotland"; "Curse of Kehama" "Daemonology"; Miss Austen's "Emma" "Culloden Papers"; Campbell's "Gertrude of Wyoming"; "Childe Harold" Canto III.; "Tales of my Grandfather"; "Lord Orford's Letters"; "Pepys' Memoirs"; "Works of John Home," "Planting Waste Lands," "Plantation and Landscape Gardening," Sir Humphry Davy's "Salmonia"; "Hajji Baba," "Ancient History of Scotland," Southey's "Life of John Bunyan" Pitcairn's "Criminal Trials of Scotland" Scott, Thomas reported to be author of "Tales of my Landlord" Senior, Nassau, Sewell, Rev. W., his articles in Q.R. on Gladstone's "Church and State," Shadwell, Vice-Chancellor, on copyright of "Don Juan," on copyright of "Cain," Sharpe, Charles K., Sheffield, Lord, Shelley, Mrs., opinion of Croker's "Boswell's Johnson," on Moore's "Life of Byron," Shelley's "Revolt of Islam," Southey's attack on, Sigourney, Mrs. L.H., on Murray's death, Smart, Theophilus, Smith, Horace and James, "Rejected Addresses," Smith, Sydney, "Visitation Sermon," Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge, Somerville, Mrs., her portrait, opinion of Moore's "Life of Byron," Somerville, Dr., Sotheby, Wm., Soult, Marshal, Southey, Robert Jeffrey's boast about his "Excursion," asked by Scott to write for Edin. Rev., opinion of Jeffrey, asked to contribute to the Q.R., "Life of Nelson," "Madoc," "Thalaba," and "Curse of Kehama," constant contributor to Q.R., his income diminished by failure of Edinburgh Annual Register, opinion of "Calamities of Authors," intention about his own Memoirs, portrait by Phillips, asks Murray to employ Coleridge to translate Goethe's "Faust," "Wat Tyler" ruled by Chancellor to be seditious, "History of Peninsular War," extracts from his letters to Murray, "Book of the Church," literary work, advice as to Gifford's successor, "Life of John Bunyan," returned M.P. for Downton, his Q.R. articles his chief means of support, receives pension from Government, his intellect failing, his death, had written ninety-four articles for Q.R., some of which are: "Missionary Enterprise," "Life of Nelson," "Life and Achievements of Lord Wellington," "Parliamentary Reform," "Thomas Telford," Southey, Mrs. (Southey's second wife), on her husband's state, Spanish Colonies, emancipation of, effect on English money market, Stael, Madame de, see De Stael. Starke, Mrs., Stationers' Co. in 18th century, Sterling, John, opinion of Mill's "Logic," Stothard, Charles, Suffolk, Countess of, "The Suffolk Papers," Suliotes, the,
Taylor, Henry, "Isaac Comnenus," proposes to divide loss on his drama with Murray, "Philip van Artevelde," Talfourd, Serjeant, Teignmouth, Lord, Thackeray, W.M., his opinion of the "Suffolk Papers," Thomson, Dr. Thomas, article on Kidd's "Outlines of Mineralogy," Thorwaldsen's bust of Byron, statue of Byron, Ticknor, George, impressions of Gifford, Tita (Byron's Gondolier), Tomline, Bishop, "Life of William Pitt," Townsend, Dr. George, "Trade Books" of 18th century, Turner, Dawson, Turner, Sharon, retained by Longman, Murray's staunch friend, criticises Q.R. No. 1, on "Austrian State Papers," opinion of Byron's "Sketch from Private Life," copyright of "Don Juan," poems declined by Murray, advice on Macirone's libel suit, an injunction in the case of Mrs. Rundell's "Domestic Cookery," consulted by Isaac D'Israeli as to pamphlet on quarrel with Murray, expostulates with Murray about Milman's "History of Jews," expression of his affection for Murray, Turner, Mrs. Sharon, Twiss, Horace, "Life of the Earl of Eldon," Tyndale, Tytler's "History of Scotland,"
Underwood, T. and G.,
Van Zuylen, Baron, Vere, Lady, Volunteers, Review of, in Hyde Park—Murray an Ensign in 3rd Regiment of Royal London Volunteers,
Waldegrave Memoirs, Waldie, Miss Jane (Mrs. Eaton), "Letters from Italy," Walker, C.E., "Wallace: a Historical Tragedy," Walpole Memoirs, Walpole, Rev. R., Walpole's "Castle of Otranto," Weber, Henry, Scott's amanuensis, "Tales of the East," Wellington, Duke of, witness in Macirone's libel suit, interest in the Q.R., connection with Napier's "History of Peninsular War," "Despatches," Whistlecraft, by J.H. Frere, Whitaker, Rev. John, White, Rev. J. Blanco, Wilkie, Sir David, his journey to the East; paints the Sultan at Constantinople, death off Gibraltar; Turner's picture of his funeral at sea, Wilmot, Mrs. see Dacre, Lady. Wilson, John (Christopher North) connection with Blackwood's Magazine, article on "Childe Harold," Canto IV., a principal writer in Blackwood's Magazine, challenges anonymous author of "Hypocrisy Unveiled, etc.," "An Hour's Tete-a-Tete with the Public" in Blackwood's Magazine, Wool, Rev. J., "Life of Joseph Wharton," Wordsworth, William, Wright, Mr., his connection with the Representative,
Young, Dr. Thomas, his theory of light.