But there was more taking place upon those waters than Clif was cognizant of, and peril came from an unlooked-for source.
His decision to send up the warning signal had been quickly formed after his first discovery of the strange vessel. He had seen at a glance that it was not a warship, but a merchant steamer. It was moving slowly, and apparently seeking, as much as possible, the concealment afforded by the shadow of the coast. Every feature about it showed that it was trying to quietly steal out past the blockading vessels.
Clif had not delayed, but on the impulse of the moment had sent up the signal rockets while he was yet between the ship and the shore. But a few steady strokes would carry him beyond the enemy and toward the flagship, he thought.
But to his surprise he noticed, on glancing over his shoulder as he drew nearer the vessel, that the latter was moving slower than before and in fact had just stopped.
This was puzzling to him, for now, if at any time, the boat should be showing its utmost speed. Those on board must surely know from the signals that they had been discovered and that pursuit would instantly follow.
A few words will explain the situation to the reader. The vessel was, as Clif suspected, endeavoring to steal out past the American ships, which were known to be in the vicinity. But a short time before Clif had left the shore for the second time, the blockade runner had slowed down, and a boat, manned by half a dozen sailors, had been sent ashore. An officer in the Spanish army, with important dispatches, was to be taken aboard at a point not far from where Clif had landed.
The work of the Spanish boat's crew had been expeditiously performed, and when Clif sent up his signal, they were returning to the ship. Unnoticed by Clif in his excitement at the time, they were close to one side of his boat at that fateful moment.
A pistol shot suddenly ringing out in the air and a bullet flying not far from his head apprised the cadet of danger from that quarter. The Spaniards, as was natural for them to be, were aroused to a high pitch of excitement against the youth whose vigilance promised to set all their plans at naught.
With a hoarse yell of rage they tugged at the oars and their boat fairly leaped through the water after the intrepid young cadet.
Clif saw the movement, and redoubled his efforts at the oars. It was a race for his life—one against seven!
With frantic energy he tugged at the oars, and his boat shot forward with encouraging speed. At that moment the searchlight on the flagship sent its rays across the waters in answer to the signal, and a dazzling stream of light played upon the scene.
It brought in clear relief the form of the waiting steamer, and the two boats racing so desperately near at hand.
What a thrilling scene it must have been to the officers on the bridge of the flagship as with glass in hand they watched the exciting race. But it was not given to them long to note the cadet's desperate struggle for freedom, or to marvel at his great endurance.
The race was a short one, and the result a foregone conclusion. There was no hope of Clif's escaping from the pursuing boat, with its crew of fresh and eager oarsmen. The latter closed in upon him with a leap and a bound, and soon were within oar's length of him.
He recognized the uselessness of trying to escape from them, but was determined not to surrender without a struggle even in the face of great numbers.
He dropped his oars and sprang to his feet, facing his enemies. He drew his revolver, but before he could use it one of the Spanish sailors, who had risen in the boat, knocked it from his grasp with his oar.
The boats were now side by side, almost touching, and the dark hulk of the steamer was not many feet away.
From the latter arose aloud cheer as they saw that Clif had been disarmed, and above the noise Clif could hear a few words of command from the Spanish army officer who sat in the stern of the boat at his side. It was to the sailor who had sprung up to attack Clif.
"Don't shoot!" he said. "Take him alive!"
Clif had seized an oar when his revolver fell with a splash into the water, and there was no doubt that he intended using it.
But two can play at that game, and the Spanish sailor, forbidden to shoot, attacked Clif furiously with the oar, which he still held in his hand.
Clif dodged, but as he did so another sailor aimed a blow at his head. The aim was good.
A sharp pain shot through the young cadet's head, he reeled and all became dark before him. With a faint moan he fell senseless into the bottom of his boat.
The contest had been short, and well it was for the Spaniards that such was the case. Already the flickering of the searchlight told that the flagship was hurrying to the scene.
The Spaniards realized the importance of quick action. They had, on the impulse of the moment, retaliated upon Clif because it could take but a few minutes and because they felt that the chase would end not far from their waiting vessel.
They congratulated themselves that it had, indeed, brought them almost to the ship's side, and now they lost no time in getting themselves and their prisoner aboard. Willing hands assisted from above.
A couple of strokes of the oars had brought them to the ship's side, with Clif's boat in tow. In obedience to a command, Clif's boat with its unconscious burden was raised bodily to the deck. The captain thought he could use it in his business.
A moment later the Spaniards with the army officer reached the deck, and the ship's captain signaled to go ahead.
All now was excitement on board the Spaniard. Beyond securely fastening the arms and legs of their unconscious captive where he lay, they paid but little attention to Clif. They were all too wrapped up in thoughts of escape from the cruiser whose piercing searchlight was streaming upon them.
Among the crew there was, here and there, a murmur against the delay that had been caused by stopping to take on the army officer, and with this was coupled a note of resentment against the young cadet whose appearance on the scene promised to spoil all their plans.
But the captain's orders were carried out promptly, the more so as their own safety depended upon it.
They were not without hope of making good their escape in the end, for they knew what speed their craft was capable of. It was a fast boat, and the throbbing of the engines told that she was being urged to her full speed.
Amid intense excitement of crew and officers, the wild dash for freedom and safety had begun.
Through all this confusion and flurry the cadet whose prompt signaling had occasioned it lay helpless and unconscious. The steady thump of the machinery below, which was steadily carrying him further and further from his friends, made no impression upon his ears, nor was his mind aroused by the excitement of the chase or the hope of rescue.
But the race had not been long under way before he began to show signs of returning consciousness. He stirred uneasily in the bottom of the boat where he lay, attempting to move his pinioned limbs; then a long-drawn breath, and he opened his eyes slowly.
The noise from shipboard fell upon his ears, and the sounds confused him. His surroundings puzzled him and his mind at first could not grasp the situation. Where was he?
Then with a rush of recollection came the remembrance of the attack upon him in the open boat. His enemies had triumphed, he thought, and left him a helpless victim to drift about upon the open sea. But whence those sounds?
He painfully raised himself to a sitting posture and looked out. To his astonishment, he found himself and boat upon the deck of a swiftly moving steamer.
Then he saw it all, and realized what had happened. He caught a glimpse of the rays of the searchlight that still streamed across the water, and a moment after heard the boom of a cannon out at sea.
"The New York!" he exclaimed. "She is in pursuit! But she's too far away, and can never catch this fast boat. The only chance of her stopping it is with one of her big guns."
And then, involuntarily, he shuddered as he thought that, bound and helpless, he would share the fate of the Spanish crew if a shot from the flagship should penetrate the ship's side and send it to the bottom!
He moved a little toward the stern of his boat, as best he could, to get a better view of the light that showed the approaching flagship. As he did so he struck a round, hard object that lay behind him.
"The unexploded shell!" he exclaimed, as he recognized what it was. "I still have that with me, at any rate!"
And then he began to tug at the ropes that bound his arms in a frantic effort to loosen them.
The rapid throb of the engines below and another boom of cannon from out to sea told that the chase was becoming a hot one.
The excitement among the crew of the Spanish steamer was intense as they watched the light from the flagship and noted the course of the projectiles that came toward them. For this reason they had not observed Clif's movements, and gave themselves no concern about him.
Whatever may have been his intended course of action, he was at last compelled to abandon it.
Strain and tug as he would at the cords that bound his arms, they remained intact, nor could his ingenuity devise any way of releasing himself from their hold. Though hastily tied, the knots had been put there to stay, and Clif at last realized that it was a hopeless task to try to undo them.
But though he could not free his arms and legs, he could use his eyes, and the scene was one thrilling enough to rivet his attention.
The fast moving steamer, urged to its utmost speed, the exclamations of hope and fear among its crew, the more majestically moving flagship whose deficiencies of speed were more than atoned for by the range of her guns, suggested possibilities to one in Clif's position that might well set one's heart to beating wildly.
If the steamer should escape by reason of superior speed, it would bring joy to the crew, but disaster to Clif, their helpless prisoner. If, on the other hand, a shot from the flagship should sink the Spanish boat, Clif perforce would share death with them. Little wonder that brave as he was, he struggled anxiously to free his arms and legs from their bonds.
"The New York can never catch us," he exclaimed, when he had settled down to watching the flagship as best he could. "She is too far away, and this boat is too fast."
There was little need of the searchlight now, as dawn was approaching. The forms of the ships could be distinguished in the uncertain light without its aid.
Clif had been watching the flagship which was astern, but now, looking forward, he saw a beam of light in that direction. It was several miles out to sea, and shot across their path.
"That must be the Wilmington," he exclaimed, cheered by a suddenly revived hope. "She can cut across our path, and all may yet be well."
He looked back at the flagship and saw the red and the blue signal lights flashing their message to the ship ahead which was, as Clif surmised, the Wilmington. They also carried a message to Clif, nor was their meaning lost upon the Spanish crew.
"They have signaled the Wilmington to intercept her," exclaimed Clif. "But it will be a close race."
He heard the signal from the excited captain of the Spanish boat for more speed, and the throbbing of the machinery told that they were endeavoring in the engine rooms to carry out the order. It seemed as if the engines were already doing their utmost, but Clif could notice a slight increase in the headway they were making.
It was a fast boat and no mistake, Clif thought, as he anxiously strained his eyes to see what the Wilmington was doing.
Answering signals told that she had received the order from the flagship, and that those orders would be obeyed. Clif fervently hoped that she would be successful. He hated to think of the possibility of a hostile ship succeeding in running the blockade, and now this patriotic impulse was heightened by the fact that he was a helpless prisoner on board the very boat that promised to accomplish that feat.
For, as he watched the race, there was a growing conviction in Clif's mind that the Wilmington was so far out to sea that she could not hope to stop the Spanish steamer except by the power of her guns. And a hole in the side of the enemy's vessel, however desirable under ordinary circumstances, did not coincide with his hopes or ideas on this occasion. He had no desire to share a watery grave with his captors.
The two boats were heading for the same point, the Wilmington seeking to block the path the other was following. One of her guns spoke out, but the shot fell short. She was not in range.
Faster went the Spanish boat, and nearer to the objective point raced the two vessels.
Clif breathlessly watched the pursuing craft whose success meant so much to him. Could she win?
The Spaniards shared his excitement, and watched their opponent with fully as much eagerness. At last they broke out into a cheer.
Clif was not slow to understand its import. The Spanish boat was making really a phenomenal run, and had reached a point where it was evident that if they maintained their speed they would soon be past the dangerous line. That once reached they could show the Yankee boat a clean pair of heels.
Clif's spirits fell when he realized that the Spaniards had good cause for their jubilation. There was no doubt now that the steamer could pass the danger line and then away.
The Wilmington, too, seemed to realize that there was no hope of catching up with the other vessel, for now the cannon boomed out in rapid succession. They were rapidly drawing nearer and within range.
A shot swept across the Spaniard's bows, but on she went. Then another struck the bridge upon which the captain stood glass in hand, and he had a narrow escape from flying splinters. But the goal was too near for them to stop, and he signaled for more steam.
Clif could not but admire this officer's pluck. Under other circumstances, he would have said that the Spaniard deserved to win.
The vessel seemed to struggle to do what was demanded of her, and sped on. Another shot from the Wilmington rattled across her bows, but the crew answered with a cheer. Five minutes more and they would be round the point and then——
What would happen then was never to be known. Suddenly a loud explosion was heard from below, and the whole frame of the steamer shook from end to end. Men rushed on deck in a panic, and wildly proclaimed the cause.
A steam pipe, urged beyond its strength, had exploded, carrying destruction with it. The race was lost, and the captain promptly hauled down his flag.
But as he did so, he gave orders to steer toward the land, and the steamer came to a standstill not far from the shore.
The Spanish army officer carrying the dispatches entered a boat that was quickly lowered and when the prize crew from the Wilmington boarded the steamer he was safe upon land and his escape was assured.
When the officer in charge of the prize crew had finished the formalities, Clif attracted his attention. The cadet had apparently been forgotten by his captors in the excitement of the chase and the calamity that had come upon them. The American officer was astonished beyond measure to find one wearing the familiar uniform in such a plight on that boat.
"Why, Mr. Faraday," he exclaimed upon learning Clif's identity, and having released him from his bonds, "we were not aware that they had an American on board as a prisoner."
"I thought not, from the way you were firing at us," said Clif, with a smile. "I thought more than once that you would send this particular American to the bottom along with the shipload of the enemy. You were firing too accurately to suit me this time."
"Well, the American boys do come pretty near hitting what they aim at," responded the officer, evidently pleased at the compliment to their marksmanship. "But I am curious to know how it has happened that we find you here."
Clif then briefly told of the adventures that followed his finding of the unexploded shell, which he picked up from its lodgment in the boat and held in his hand.
"So you have risked your life for that piece of steel!" exclaimed the officer. "What can have been your purpose in that?"
"Does it not strike you, sir, that there is something peculiar about it?" asked Clif, as the other examined it.
"Yes," replied the officer, "it is decidedly out of date, and might be interesting as a relic, but not of sufficient importance to risk one's life for."
"I had an idea that there was a mystery about it that was well worth solving," replied Clif. "And with your permission, sir, I will put the matter to a test."
"As you like," responded the officer, with the air of a man who is indulging some childish fancy.
Clif was not slow to take advantage of the permission granted, and carried the shell to a table that stood upon the after deck, the officer meantime paying no further attention to him, but attending to some further detail of transfer.
Clif had procured a fuse and inserted it into the shell and was upon the point of lighting it when the officer appeared.
"Stop, sir!" he commanded. "Would you blow us all to destruction?"
Others standing near made a move as if to stop Clif, but it was too late. The fuse was burning rapidly.
With a cry of alarm and amazement, the officers, American as well as Spanish, sprang to one side and dodged in great fright.
But Clif calmly stood by, his arms folded and a confident smile playing about his lips.
He was putting his theory to the test.
Mingled with evident fright and alarm there was upon the face of each a look of incredulity at rashness of the cadet. Had his adventures and narrow escapes turned his brain, and were they now at the mercy of a maniac? was in the minds of all.
They had not long to wait. The fuse burned rapidly and spluttered to the end, and as they all involuntarily ducked their heads at the impending explosion, a peculiar thing happened.
When the fire from the fuse reached the shell there was a sharp clicking sound, and those who were looking at the shell saw it suddenly open like a book, and from its hollow interior fell a roll of paper upon the table.
This Clif seized and waved over his head in triumph.
"Hurrah!" he cried. "It is as I suspected. Secret dispatches from the enemy that are worth all they have cost!"
The officers were struck dumb with amazement, and stood and stared at the smiling young man as though they could not believe their eyes. But after a time they crowded around him and examined the shell curiously, and then the papers that Clif held in his hand.
The papers were evidently written in Spanish, and though the American officers could not read them, they now had conceived sufficient confidence in Clif to believe that they were indeed of importance.
The shell, whose quest had caused Clif so much peril and danger, was a curious affair. It had been cunningly contrived for the purpose it had so admirably fulfilled. Though very much in appearance like the old-fashioned round shells, it was in two parts, ingeniously hinged so that when closed it required very close scrutiny to detect the seam.
It was hollow, and consequently light in weight. This fact had first arrested Clif's attention and had set his thoughts to work upon the mystery that was connected with it. In the opening where the fuse was inserted there was a concealed mechanism so arranged that it might not be detected or opened with the finger, but would readily give way to the force of a slight explosion in that small cavity. If it should fall into strange hands, unfamiliar with its design, it was meant to defy all efforts at opening it.
Clif was the recipient of many expressions of praise from the American officers upon his ingenuity in fathoming the secret that was so cunningly devised, and they questioned him at length.
"That is indeed wonderful," said the superior officer. "But how did you ever guess the purpose for which it was intended or the method of opening it?"
Clif then explained the circumstances connected with its appearance at his feet among the trees where he was awaiting the Cuban courier.
"I thought it was strange that a ship being pursued should fire a shell at the land instead of at its enemy," he said, "and when I picked it up I was struck with its peculiarities, but my examination was interrupted by the arrival of the Spanish soldiers. We were kept busy for a while pursuing them, and did not have much time to pursue this mystery."
The officer smiled knowingly at this, for he had gathered enough from Clif's previous narrative to know that the little band of sailors had done great feats that night.
"The shell not exploding," continued Clif, "led me to think that perhaps it was not intended to explode just then and when I saw that the Spanish soldiers seemed to be hunting for something there, I jumped to the conclusion that it was this identical piece of steel they were after. That explained their presence there and their peculiar behavior. And what could the Spaniards want with that shell if it did not contain something of value to them and of greater value to the American cause?"
"You reasoned well," exclaimed the officer, "and so you decided to risk going back for it, and your ideas have come out triumphant through the test. But, young man, don't try any more experiments like that when I'm around."
They all laughed heartily at this sally, at which Clif joined in.
"But it was decidedly a peculiar way to send dispatches," continued the officer, "and it would seem as though it was uncertain and unnecessary as well."
"There seemed to me to be a good reason for it, sir," said Clif. "I figured that that boat had been sent to deliver the dispatches, with instructions that if they were pursued to fire the shell at a point agreed upon, and then make their escape. They were pursued, and did fire toward shore, and the soldiers in waiting evidently saw the flash, and knew about where to hunt for it. I think, sir, that when these papers are examined it will be found that they contain information that the Spanish army ashore wants the worst way."
This proved to be the case. Clif was given custody of the peculiar shell and the papers it had contained, and after a little delay was taken in the boat to the Wilmington.
Signals were exchanged between this vessel and the flagship, and in due time Clif was rowed to the latter and ordered to report to the rear admiral.
He turned the shell and its contents over to that officer with an explanation of all that had taken place.
"I see that you had good cause for desiring to go back to find this shell," said the rear admiral when Clif had finished. "We have learned from the prisoner whom you secured after a struggle in your boat, that they had stolen your boat to facilitate the transfer of some papers. They were late and missed seeing the boat that fired this shell. Now that you have secured these papers I will call your knowledge of Spanish into requisition and allow you to transcribe these for me."
And this Clif did; and when he had completed the task it was found that the most important work he had done that night, was in securing that shell and unraveling its mystery.
As he issued from the admiral's room Cadet Wells, one of Clif's best friends, approached him.
"Faraday, old fellow," he said, "I've got news that will interest you."
"I'm listening."
"It's about that exception among Spaniards, the lieutenant who helped you and Miss Stuart escape."
"Ah! what of him?" asked Clif, eagerly.
"You know he left us on a Spanish boat that brought you over under a flag of truce. Well, we couldn't touch that boat then, of course, but yesterday she ventured too far out, and the New York sunk her. We saved all her crew and from one of them I learned what became of Hernandez. It seems he sought a lonely part of the boat while she was on the way from us to the shore, and knelt to pray. An officer of the boat saw him thus and withdrew. A moment later all hands were startled by a pistol shot. Hurrying below they found Lieutenant Hernandez prone on the deck, a calm smile on his face, a bullet in his brain."
Faraday was deeply affected.
"And thus," he said gravely, "perished one of Spain's real heroes."
[Transcriber's Note: In the original edition, the following advertisements appeared at the beginning of the book, before the title page.]
This is an ideal line for boys of all ages. It contains juvenile masterpieces by the most popular writers of interesting fiction for boys. Among these may be mentioned the works of Burt L. Standish, detailing the adventures of Frank Merriwell, the hero, of whom every American boy has read with admiration. Frank is a truly representative American lad, full of character and a strong determination to do right at any cost. Then, there are the works of Horatio Alger, Jr., whose keen insight into the minds of the boys of our country has enabled him to write a series of the most interesting tales ever published. This line also contains some of the best works of Oliver Optic, another author whose entire life was devoted to writing books that would tend to interest and elevate our boys.
To be Published During April
357—Jack Harkaway Among the Pirates By Bracebridge Hemyng 356—Frank Merriwell's Baseball Victories By Burt L. Standish 355—Tracked Through the Wilds By Edward S. Ellis 354—A Thoroughly Good Story By Horatio Alger, Jr. 353—A Prisoner of Morro By Ensign Clark Fitch, U. S. N.
To be Published During March
352—Frank Merriwell's Double Shot By Burt L. Standish 351—The Boys of Grand Pre School By James De Mille 350—A Thoroughly Good Story By Horatio Alger, Jr. 349—The Two Scouts By Edward S. Ellis
To be Published During February
348—Frank Merriwell's Duel By Burt L. Standish 347—Jack Harkaway Afloat and Ashore By Bracebridge Hemyng 346—A Thoroughly Good Story By Horatio Alger, Jr. 345—The B. O. W. C. By James De Mille
To be Published During January
344—Frank Merriwell on the Boulevards By Burt L. Standish 343—Among the Redskins By Edward S. Ellis 342—A Thoroughly Good Story By Horatio Alger, Jr. 341—The Fighting Squadron By Ensign Clark Fitch, U. S. N. 340—Frank Merriwell in England By Burt L. Standish
* * * * *
339—In School and Out By Oliver Optic 338—A Cousin's Conspiracy By Horatio Alger, Jr. 337—Jack Harkaway After Schooldays By Bracebridge Hemyng 336—Frank Merriwell's Great Scheme By Burt L. Standish 335—The Haunted Hunter By Edward S. Ellis 334—Tony, the Tramp By Horatio Alger, Jr. 333—Rich and Humble By Oliver Optic 332—Frank Merriwell's Stage Hit By Burt L. Standish 331—The Hidden City By Walter MacDougall 330—Bob Burton By Horatio Alger, Jr. 329—Masterman Ready By Capt. Marryat 328—Frank Merriwell's Prosperity By Burt L. Standish 327—Jack Harkaway's Friends By Bracebridge Hemyng 326—The Tin Box By Horatio Alger, Jr. 325—The Young Franc-Tireurs By G. A. Henty 324—Frank Merriwell's New Comedian By Burt L. Standish 323—The Sheik's White Slave By Raymond Raife 322—Helping Himself By Horatio Alger, Jr. 321—Snarleyyow, The Dog Fiend By Capt. Marryat 320—Frank Merriwell's Fortune By Burt L. Standish 319—By Right of Conquest By G. A. Henty 318—Jed, the Poorhouse Boy By Horatio Alger, Jr. 317—Jack Harkaway's Schooldays By Bracebridge Hemyng 316—Frank Merriwell's Problem By Burt L. Standish 315—The Diamond Seeker of Brazil By Leon Lewis 314—Andy Gordon By Horatio Alger, Jr. 313—The Phantom Ship By Capt. Marryat 312—Frank Merriwell's College Chums By Burt L. Standish 311—Whistler By Walter Aimwell 310—Making His Way By Horatio Alger, Jr. 309—Three Years at Wolverton By A Wolvertonian 308—Frank Merriwell's Fame By Burt L. Standish 307—The Boy Crusoes By Jeffreys Taylor 306—Chester Rand By Horatio Alger, Jr. 305—Japhet in Search of a Father By Capt. Marryat 304—Frank Merriwell's Own Company By Burt L. Standish 303—The Prairie By J. Fenimore Cooper 302—The Young Salesman By Horatio Alger, Jr. 301—A Battle and a Boy By Blanche Willis Howard 300—Frank Merriwell on the Road By Burt L. Standish 299—Mart Satterlee Among the Indians By William O. Stoddard 298—Andy Grant's Pluck By Horatio Alger, Jr. 297—Newton Forster By Capt. Marryat 296—Frank Merriwell's Protege By Burt L. Standish 295—Cris Rock By Capt. Mayne Reid 294—Sam's Chance By Horatio Alger, Jr. 293—My Plucky Boy Tom By Edward S. Ellis 292—Frank Merriwell's Hard Luck By Burt L. Standish 291—By Pike and Dyke By G. A. Henty 290—Shifting For Himself By Horatio Alger, Jr. 289—The Pirate and the Three Cutters By Capt. Marryat 288—Frank Merriwell's Opportunity By Burt L. Standish 287—Kit Carson's Last Trail By Leon Lewis 286—Jack's Ward By Horatio Alger, Jr. 285—Jack Darcy, the All Around Athlete By Edward S. Ellis 284—Frank Merriwell's First Job By Burt L. Standish 283—Wild Adventures Round the Pole By Gordon Stables 282—Herbert Carter's Legacy By Horatio Alger, Jr. 281—Rattlin, the Reefer By Capt. Marryat 280—Frank Merriwell's Struggle By Burt L. Standish 279—Mark Dale's Stage Venture By Arthur M. Winfield 278—In Times of Peril By G. A. Henty 277—In a New World By Horatio Alger, Jr. 276—Frank Merriwell in Maine By Burt L. Standish 275—The King of the Island By Henry Harrison Lewis 274—Beach Boy Joe By Lieut. James K. Orton 273—Jacob Faithful By Capt. Marryat 184—Frank Merriwell's Trip West By Burt L. Standish 183—The Diamond Hunters By James Grant 182—The Camp in the Snow By William Murray Graydon 181—Brave and Bold By Horatio Alger, Jr. 180—One of the 28th By G. A. Henty 178—Frank Merriwell's Foes By Burt L. Standish 177—The White Elephant By William Dalton 176—By England's Aid By G. A. Henty 175—Strive and Succeed By Horatio Alger, Jr. 173—Life at Sea By Gordon Stables 172—The Young Midshipman By G. A. Henty 171—Erling the Bold By R. M. Ballantyne 170—Strong and Steady By Horatio Alger, Jr. 169—Peter, the Whaler By W. H. G. Kingston 168—Among Malay Pirates By G. A. Henty 167—Frank Merriwell's Chums By Burt L. Standish 166—Try and Trust By Horatio Alger, Jr. 165—The Secret Chart By Lieut. James K. Orton 164—The Cornet of Horse By G. A. Henty 163—Slow and Sure By Horatio Alger, Jr. 162—The Pioneers By J. F. Cooper 161—Reuben Green's Adventures at Yale By James Otis 160—Little by Little By Oliver Optic 159—Phil, the Fiddler By Horatio Alger, Jr. 158—With Lee in Virginia By G. A. Henty 157—Randy, the Pilot By Lieut. Lionel Lounsberry 156—The Pathfinder By J. F. Cooper 155—The Young Voyagers By Capt. Mayne Reid 154—Paul, the Peddler By Horatio Alger, Jr. 153—Bonnie Prince Charlie By G. A. Henty 152—The Last of the Mohicans By J. Fenimore Cooper 151—The Flag of Distress By Capt. Mayne Reid 150—Frank Merriwell's School Days By Burt L. Standish 149—With Wolfe in Canada By G. A. Henty 148—The Deerslayer By J. F. Cooper 147—The Cliff Climbers By Capt. Mayne Reid 146—Uncle Nat By A. Oldfellow 145—Friends Though Divided By G. A. Henty 144—The Boy Tar By Capt. Mayne Reid 143—Hendricks, the Hunter By W. H. G. Kingston 142—The Young Explorer By Gordon Stables 141—The Ocean Waifs By Capt. Mayne Reid 140—The Young Buglers By G. A. Henty 139—Shore and Ocean By W. H. G. Kingston 138—Striving for Fortune By Horatio Alger, Jr. 137—The Bush Boys By Capt. Mayne Reid 136—From Pole to Pole By Gordon Stables 135—Dick Cheveley By W. H. G. Kingston 134—Orange and Green By G. A. Henty 133—The Young Yagers By Capt. Mayne Reid 132—The Adventures of Rob Roy By James Grant 131—The Boy Slaves By Capt. Mayne Reid 130—From Canal Boy to President By Horatio Alger, Jr. 129—Ran Away to Sea By Capt. Mayne Reid 128—For Name and Fame By G. A. Henty 127—The Forest Exiles By Capt. Mayne Reid 126—From Powder Monkey to Admiral By W. H. G. Kingston 125—The Plant Hunters By Capt. Mayne Reid 124—St. George for England By G. A. Henty 123—The Giraffe Hunters By Capt. Mayne Reid 122—Tom Brace By Horatio Alger, Jr. 121—Peter Trawl By W. H. G. Kingston 120—In the Wilds of New Mexico By G. Manville Fenn 119—A Final Reckoning By G. A. Henty 118—Ned Newton By Horatio Alger, Jr. 117—James Braithwaite, The Supercargo By W. H. G. Kingston 116—Happy-Go-Lucky Jack By Frank H. Converse 115—Adventures of a Young Athlete By Matthew White, Jr. 114—The Old Man of the Mountains By George H. Coomer 113—The Bravest of the Brave By G. A. Henty 112—20,000 Leagues Under the Sea By Jules Verne 111—The Midshipman, Marmaduke Merry By W. H. G. Kingston 110—Around the World in Eighty Days By Jules Verne 109—A Dash to the Pole By Herbert D. Ward 108—Texar's Revenge By Jules Verne 107—Van; or, In Search of an Unknown Race By Frank H. Converse 106—The Boy Knight By George A. Henty 105—The Young Actor By Gayle Winterton 104—Heir to a Million By Frank H. Converse 103—The Adventures of Rex Staunton By Mary A. Denison 102—Clearing His Name By Matthew White, Jr. 101—The Lone Ranch By Capt. Mayne Reid 100—Maori and Settler By George A. Henty 99—The Cruise of the Restless; or, On Inland Waterways By James Otis 98—The Grand Chaco By George Manville Fenn 97—The Giant Islanders By Brooks McCormick 96—An Unprovoked Mutiny By James Otis 95—By Sheer Pluck By G. A. Henty 94—Oscar; or, The Boy Who Had His Own Way By Walter Aimwell 93—A New York Boy By Horatio Alger, Jr. 92—Spectre Gold By Headon Hill 91—The Crusoes of Guiana By Louis Boussenard 90—Out on the Pampas By G. A. Henty 89—Clinton; or, Boy Life in the Country By Walter Aimwell 88—My Mysterious Fortune By Matthew White, Jr. 87—The Five Hundred Dollar Check By Horatio Alger, Jr. 86—Catmur's Cave By Richard Dowling 85—Facing Death By G. A. Henty 84—The Butcher of Cawnpore By William Murray Graydon 83—The Tiger Prince By William Dalton 82—The Young Editor By Matthew White, Jr. 81—Arthur Helmuth, of the H. & N. C. Railway By Edward S. Ellis 80—Afloat in the Forest By Capt. Mayne Reid 79—The Rival Battalions By Brooks McCormick 78—Both Sides of the Continent By Horatio Alger, Jr. 77—Perils of the Jungle By Edward S. Ellis 76—The War Tiger; or, The Conquest of China By William Dalton 75—Boys in the Forecastle By George H. Coomer 74—The Dingo Boys By George Manville Fenn 73—The Wolf Boy of China By William Dalton 72—The Way to Success; or, Tom Randall By Alfred Oldfellow 71—Mark Seaworth's Voyage on the Indian Ocean By William H. G. Kingston 70—The New and Amusing History of Sandford and Merton By F. C. Burnand 69—Pirate Island By Harry Collingwood 68—Smuggler's Cave By Annie Ashmore 67—Tom Brown's School Days By Thomas Hughes 66—A Young Vagabond By Z. R. Bennett 65—That Treasure By Frank H. Converse 64—The Tour of a Private Car By Matthew White, Jr. 63—In the Sunk Lands By Walter F. Bruns 62—How He Won By Brooks McCormick 61—The Erie Train Boy By Horatio Alger, Jr. 60—The Mountain Cave By George H. Coomer 59—The Rajah's Fortress By William Murray Graydon 58—Gilbert, The Trapper By Capt. C. B. Ashley 57—The Gold of Flat Top Mountain By Frank H. Converse 56—Nature's Young Noblemen By Brooks McCormick 55—A Voyage to the Gold Coast By Frank H. Converse 54—Joe Nichols; or, Difficulties Overcome By Alfred Oldfellow 53—The Adventures of a New York Telegraph Boy By Horatio Alger, Jr. 52—From Farm Boy to Senator By Horatio Alger, Jr. 51—Tom Tracy By Horatio Alger, Jr. 50—Dean Dunham By Horatio Alger, Jr. 49—The Mystery of a Diamond By Frank H. Converse 48—Luke Bennett's Hide-Out By Capt. C. B. Ashley, U.S. Scout 47—Eric Dane By Matthew White, Jr. 46—Poor and Proud By Oliver Optic 45—Jack Wheeler; A Western Story By Capt. David Southwick 44—The Golden Magnet By George Manville Fenn 43—In Southern Seas By Frank H. Converse 42—The Young Acrobat By Horatio Alger, Jr. 41—Check 2134 By Edward S. Ellis 40—Canoe and Campfire By St. George Rathborne 39—With Boer and Britisher in the Transvaal By William Murray Graydon 38—Gay Dashleigh's Academy Days By Arthur Sewall 37—Commodore Junk By George Manville Fenn 36—In Barracks and Wigwam By William Murray Graydon 35—In the Reign of Terror By G. A. Henty 34—The Adventures of Mr. Verdant Green By Cuthbert Bede, B. A. 33—Jud and Joe, Printers and Publishers By Gilbert Patten 32—The Curse of Carnes' Hold By G. A. Henty 31—The Cruise of the Snow Bird By Gordon Stables 30—Peter Simple By Captain Marryat 29—True to the Old Flag By G. A. Henty 28—The Boy Boomers By Gilbert Patten 27—Centre-Board Jim By Lieut. Lionel Lounsberry 26—The Cryptogram By William Murray Graydon 25—Through the Fray By G. A. Henty 24—The Boy From the West By Gilbert Patten 23—The Dragon and the Raven By G. A. Henty 22—From Lake to Wilderness By William Murray Graydon 21—Won at West Point By Lieut. Lionel Lounsberry 20—Wheeling for Fortune By James Otis 19—Jack Archer By G. A. Henty 18—The Silver Ship By Leon Lewis 17—Ensign Merrill By Lieut. Lionel Lounsberry 16—The White King of Africa By William Murray Graydon 15—Midshipman Merrill By Lieut. Lionel Lounsberry 14—The Young Colonists By G. A. Henty 13—Up the Ladder By Lieut. Murray 12—Don Kirk's Mine By Gilbert Patten 11—From Tent to White House By Edward S. Ellis 10—Don Kirk, the Boy Cattle King By Gilbert Patten 9—Try Again By Oliver Optic 8—Kit Carey's Protege By Lieut. Lionel Lounsberry 7—Chased Through Norway By James Otis 6—Captain Carey of the Gallant Seventh By Lieut. Lionel Lounsberry 5—Now or Never By Oliver Optic 4—Lieutenant Carey's Luck By Lieut. Lionel Lounsberry 3—All Aboard By Oliver Optic 2—Cadet Kit Carey By Lieut. Lionel Lounsberry 1—The Boat Club By Oliver Optic
We called this new line of high-class copyrighted stories of adventure for boys by this name because we felt assured that it was "bound to win" its way into the heart of every true American lad. The stories are exceptionally bright, clean and interesting. The writers had the interest of our boys at heart when they wrote the stories, and have not failed to show what a pure-minded lad with courage and mettle can do. Remember, that these stories are copyrighted and cannot be had in any other series. We give herewith a list of those already published and those scheduled for publication.
To be Published During May
167—On Government Service By Fred Thorpe
To be Published During April
166—Ben Bolton, Mascot By Weldon J. Cobb 165—On a Phantom Trail By Harrie Irving Hancock 164—The Outcast Prince By John De Morgan 163—Grit and Wit By Fred Thorpe
To be Published During March
162—The Submarine Pirate By Cornelius Shea 161—Bob, the Acrobat By Harrie Irving Hancock 160—Rob Rollalong at Sea By Bracebridge Hemyng 159—Under the World By John De Morgan 158—Smart Alec By Weldon J. Cobb
To be Published During February
157—From Footlights to Riches By Fred Thorpe 156—Among the Nomads By John H. Whitson 155—For Fun and Fortune By Cornelius Shea 154—The Meanest Boy Alive By Harrie Irving Hancock
To be Published During January
153—Rob Rollalong, Runaway By Bracebridge Hemyng 152—An Indian Hero By John De Morgan 151—The Fourteenth Boy By Weldon J. Cobb 150—The Young Snake Charmer By Fred Thorpe 149—Right on Top By Cornelius Shea 148—Fighting the Cowards By Harrie Irving Hancock 147—Through Air to Fame By John H. Whitson 146—With the Kidnapers By John De Morgan 145—Adventures in Other Worlds By Weldon J. Cobb 144—A Bid for Fortune By Fred Thorpe 143—Archie Atwood, Champion By Cornelius Shea 142—In the Path of Duty By Harrie Irving Hancock 141—Out For Fun By Bracebridge Hemyng 140—The Young Coast Guard By John De Morgan 139—A Million a Minute By Weldon J. Cobb 138—Through the Earth By Fred Thorpe 137—The Boy King Maker By Harrie Irving Hancock 136—Spider and Stump By Bracebridge Hemyng 135—The Creature of the Pines By John De Morgan 134—In the Volcano's Mouth By Frank Sheridan 133—Muscles of Steel By Weldon J. Cobb 132—Home Base By Bracebridge Hemyng 131—The Jewel of Florida By Cornelius Shea 130—The Boys' Revolt By Harrie Irving Hancock 129—The Mystic Isle By Fred Thorpe 128—With the Mad Mullah By Weldon J. Cobb 127—A Humble Hero By John De Morgan 126—For Big Money By Fred Thorpe 125—Too Fast to Last By Bracebridge Hemyng 124—Caught in a Trap By Harrie Irving Hancock 123—The Tattooed Boy By Weldon J. Cobb 122—The Young Horseman By Herbert Bellwood 121—Sam Sawbones By Bracebridge Hemyng 120—On His Mettle By Fred Thorpe 119—Compound Interest By Harrie Irving Hancock 118—Runaway and Rover By Weldon J. Cobb 117—Larry O'Keefe By Bracebridge Hemyng 116—The Boy Crusaders By John De Morgan 115—Double Quick Dan By Fred Thorpe 114—Money to Spend By Harrie Irving Hancock 113—Billy Barlow By Bracebridge Hemyng 112—A Battle with Fate By Weldon J. Cobb 111—Gypsy Joe By John De Morgan 110—Barred Out By Fred Thorpe 109—Will Wilding By Bracebridge Hemyng 108—Frank Bolton's Chase By Harrie Irving Hancock 107—Lucky-Stone Dick By Weldon J. Cobb 106—Tom Scott, the American Robinson Crusoe By Frank Sheridan 105—Fatherless Bob at Sea By Bracebridge Hemyng 104—Fatherless Bob By Bracebridge Hemyng 103—Hank the Hustler By Fred Thorpe 102—Dick Stanhope Afloat By Harrie Irving Hancock 101—The Golden Harpoon By Weldon J. Cobb 100—Mischievous Matt's Pranks By Bracebridge Hemyng 99—Mischievous Matt By Bracebridge Hemyng 98—Bert Chipley By John De Morgan 97—Down-East Dave By Fred Thorpe 96—The Young Diplomat By Harrie Irving Hancock 95—The Fool of the Family By Bracebridge Hemyng 94—Slam, Bang & Co. By Weldon J. Cobb 93—On the Road By Stanley Norris 92—The Blood-Red Hand By John De Morgan 91—The Diamond King By Cornelius Shea 90—The Double-Faced Mystery By Fred Thorpe 89—The Young Theatrical Manager By Stanley Norris 88—The Young West-Pointer By Harrie Irving Hancock 87—Held for Ransom By Weldon J. Cobb 86—Boot-Black Bob By John De Morgan 85—Engineer Tom By Cornelius Shea 84—The Mascot of Hoodooville By Fred Thorpe 83—Walter Blackshaw By Frank Sheridan 82—The Young Showman's Foes By Stanley Norris 81—On the Wing By Weldon J. Cobb 80—Yankee Grit By John De Morgan 79—Bicycle and Gun By Cornelius Shea 78—The Backwoods Boy By Horatio Alger, Jr. 77—Ahead of the Show By Fred Thorpe 76—Merle Merton By Frank Sheridan 75—The Three Hills of Gold By Harrie Irving Hancock 74—A Barrel of Money By Weldon J. Cobb 73—Lucky Thirteen By John De Morgan 72—Two Ragged Heroes By Earnest A. Young 71—A Slave for a Year By Fred Thorpe 70—In the Woods By Frank Sheridan 69—The Prince of Grit By Harrie Irving Hancock 68—The Golden Pirate By Weldon J. Cobb 67—Winning His Way By John De Morgan 66—Boats, Bats and Bicycles By Ernest A. Young 65—Rob, The Hoodoo By Fred Thorpe 64—Railroad Ralph By Engineer James Fisk 63—Comrades Under Castro By Victor St. Clair 62—Life-Line Larry By Frank Sheridan 61—Track and Trestle By Ernest A. Young 60—The Phantom Boy By Weldon J. Cobb 59—Simple Simon By Herbert Bellwood 58—Cast Away in the Jungle By Victor St. Clair 57—In Unknown Worlds By John De Morgan 56—The Round-the-World Boys By Fred Thorpe 55—Bert Fairfax By Frank Sheridan 54—Pranks and Perils By Ernest A. Young 53—Up to Date By Weldon J. Cobb 52—Bicycle Ben By Herbert Bellwood 51—Lost in the Ice By John De Morgan 50—Fighting for a Name By Fred Thorpe 49—Lionel's Pluck By Frank Sheridan 48—The Mud River Boys By Ernest A. Young 47—Partners Three By Weldon J. Cobb 46—Rivals of the Pines By Herbert Bellwood 45—Always on Duty By John De Morgan 44—Walt, the Wonder-Worker By Fred Thorpe 43—Through Flame to Fame By Frank Sheridan 42—A Toss-Up for Luck By Ernest A. Young 41—The Jay from Maine By Herbert Bellwood 40—For Home and Honor By Victor St. Clair 39—A Bee Line to Fortune By John De Morgan 37—Never Give Up By Fred Thorpe 36—Vernon Craig By Frank Sheridan 35—The Young Showman's Triumph By Stanley Norris 34—The Roustabout Boys By Herbert Bellwood 33—The Young Showman's Pluck By Stanley Norris 32—Napoleon's Double By John De Morgan 31—The Young Showman's Rivals By Stanley Norris 30—Jack, the Pride of the Nine By Frank Sheridan 29—Phil the Showman By Stanley Norris 28—Bob Porter at Lakeview Academy By Walter Morris 27—Zig-Zag, the Boy Conjurer By Victor St. Clair 26—The Young Hannibal By Matt Royal 25—Git Up and Git By Fred Thorpe 24—School Life at Grand Court By Frank Sheridan 23—From Port to Port By Ensign Clarke Fitch, U. S. N. 22—The Rival Nines By Walt Winton 21—The Young Journalist By Harrie Irving Hancock 20—John Smith of Michigan By Herbert Bellwood 18—Cruise of the Training Ship By Ensign Clarke Fitch, U. S. N. 17—Chris, the Comedian By Fred Thorpe 16—Lion-Hearted Jack By Frank Sheridan 15—The Rivals of Riverwood By Herbert Bellwood 14—His One Ambition By Harrie Irving Hancock 13—A Strange Cruise By Ensign Clarke Filch, U. S. N. 12—Dick Derby's Double By Fred Thorpe 11—The House of Mystery By Matt Royal 9—From Switch to Lever By Victor St. Clair 8—Clif, the Naval Cadet By Ensign Clarke Fitch, U. S. N. 7—The Boy in Black By Fred Thorpe 6—The Crimson "Q" By William G. Patten 5—The Balas Ruby By Capt. Geoffrey Hale 3—Bound for Annapolis By Ensign Clarke Fitch, U. S. N. 2—Blind Luck By Fred Thorpe 1—The Boy Argus By William G. Patten
This line contains, exclusively, the exciting adventures of Jack Harkaway, now for the first time offered to our boys in low-priced edition.
Bracebridge Hemyng, the author, has established an enviable reputation. No better stories of adventure in school and out, on land and sea, have ever been written. The boy reader at once feels a most lively interest in Jack's welfare and desires to follow him through all the adventures that he experienced.
The following is a list of the titles now ready and those scheduled for early publication.
34—Young Jack Harkaway on the Isle of Palms By Bracebridge Hemyng 33—Young Jack Harkaway In Search of His Father By Bracebridge Hemyng 32—Young Jack Harkaway at Mole's Academy By Bracebridge Hemyng 31—Jack Harkaway in the Toils By Bracebridge Hemyng 30—Jack Harkaway in the Black Hills By Bracebridge Hemyng 29—Jack Harkaway's Cadet Days By Bracebridge Hemyng 28—Jack Harkaway Among the Indians By Bracebridge Hemyng 27—Jack Harkaway Out West By Bracebridge Hemyng 26—Jack Harkaway Among the Counterfeiters By Bracebridge Hemyng 25—Jack Harkaway in New York By Bracebridge Hemyng 24—Jack Harkaway's Battle With the Turks By Bracebridge Hemyng 23—Jack Harkaway's Duel By Bracebridge Hemyng 22—Jack Harkaway's Confidence By Bracebridge Hemyng 21—Jack Harkaway and the Bushrangers By Bracebridge Hemyng 20—Jack Harkaway in Australia By Bracebridge Hemyng 19—Jack Harkaway's Resolve By Bracebridge Hemyng 18—Jack Harkaway's Pluck By Bracebridge Hemyng 17—Jack Harkaway in Greece By Bracebridge Hemyng 16—Jack Harkaway and the Red Dragon By Bracebridge Hemyng 15—Jack Harkaway in China By Bracebridge Hemyng 14—Jack Harkaway's Perils By Bracebridge Hemyng 13—Jack Harkaway in America By Bracebridge Hemyng 12—Jack Harkaway Around the World By Bracebridge Hemyng 11—Jack Harkaway's Return By Bracebridge Hemyng 10—Jack Harkaway's Capture By Bracebridge Hemyng 9—Jack Harkaway Among the Brigands By Bracebridge Hemyng 8—Jack Harkaway's Triumphs By Bracebridge Hemyng 7—Jack Harkaway's Struggles By Bracebridge Hemyng 6—Jack Harkaway at Oxford By Bracebridge Hemyng 5—Jack Harkaway Among the Pirates By Bracebridge Hemyng 4—Jack Harkaway Afloat and Ashore By Bracebridge Hemyng 3—Jack Harkaway After School Days By Bracebridge Hemyng 2—Jack Harkaway's Friends By Bracebridge Hemyng 1—Jack Harkaway's School Days By Bracebridge Hemyng
* * * * *
Transcriber's note:
The following typographical errors in the original edition have been corrected.
In Chapter I, "he fond eating" was changed to "he found eating".
In Chapter II, "It's to far west" was changed to "It's too far west"; "line of smoke wihch" was changed to "line of smoke which"; a missing quotation mark was inserted before "and it's black, with a red top"; and "Clif studied the cost" was changed to "Clif studied the coast".
In Chapter III, a missing parenthesis was inserted after "some two hundred six-pounder cartridges".
In Chapter IV, "the forward companionway he met" was changed to "the forward companionway where he met".
In Chapter VII, "signifiance in an instant" was changed to "significance in an instant".
In Chapter IX, "'We won't try to go far,' Cilf said" was changed to "'We won't try to go far,' Clif said"; and "a moment iater came" was changed to "a moment later came".
In Chapter X, "might none be" was changed to "might not be".
In Chapter XI, "They'll head us of!" was changed to "They'll head us off!"; and a missing quotation mark was inserted before "and you will be treated as such."
In Chapter XII, "clinch his fist and skake it" was changed to "clinch his fist and shake it".
In Chapter XIII, "would afll to his lot" was changed to "would fall to his lot".
In Chapter XIV, a missing quotation mark was inserted before "so you are interested in her".
In Chapter XV, "facd a dozen rifles" was changed to "faced a dozen rifles".
In Chapter XVI, "would make hasste" was changed to "would make haste".
In Chapter XXI, "The vesesl was not coming" was changed to "The vessel was not coming"; and "A couple of Spanish saliors" was changed to "A couple of Spanish sailors".
In Chapter XXII, "beside out boat" was changed to "beside our boat".
In Chapter XXIV, "repled the courier" was changed to "replied the courier".
In Chapter XXV, a missing quotation mark was inserted before "They must have followed the courier"
In Chapter XXVI, "a doen men to oppose their forces" was changed to "a dozen men to oppose their forces"; and a missing quotation mark was inserted after "these dispatches are yet to be delivered."
In Chapter XXVII, "to make assurance doubly sre" was changed to "to make assurance doubly sre".
In Chapter XXX, "he grasped his revolver in readness" was changed to "he grasped his revolver in readness".
In Chapter XXXII, "the captain promply hauled down his flag" was changed to "the captain promptly hauled down his flag"; and "some futher detail of transfer" was changed to "some further detail of transfer".
Also, the table of contents has been created for this electronic edition. It was not present in the original work.