Gwelwlas, a. pale blue
Gwely, n. a bed, a couch; a plat; a tribe
Gwelyd, n. an opening; a wound
Gwelydd, n. a bed; stock of a family
Gwelyddu, v. to take response
Gwelyddyd, n. a repository
Gwelyf, n. a couch, or a bed
Gwelyfod, n. a lying in
Gwelyfodi, v. to lie in
Gwelyg, n. a wine press
Gwelygordd, n. a kindred
Gwelyo, v. to put in bed; to bed
Gwelyod, n. a laying-in
Gwelyog, a. bedded, having a bed; hereditary
Gwell, a. better
Gwella, v. to better, to mend
Gwellad, n. a bettering
Gwelladwy, a. improveable
Gwellaif, n. shears, scissors
Gwellau, v. to better, to improve
Gwelleifiad, cutting with shears
Gwelleifio, v. to cut with shears
Gwelliad, n. a bettering
Gwelliannu, to better, to mend
Gwelliant, n. amendment
Gwellig, a. improving, mending
Gwellineb, a. improvement
Gwelling, n. a benediction
Gwellt, n. grass; sward; straw
Gwelltiad, n. a turning to straw
Gwelltio, v. to turn to straw
Gwelltog, a. grassy, having straw
Gwelltorio, v. to cover with grass
Gwelltyn, n. grass blade, straw
Gwellwell, adv. better and better
Gwellyniad, n. an improving
Gwellynio, v. to improve
Gwemp, a. fair, gay or splendid
Gwempl, n. a wimple, a veil
Gwen, n. a smile, a simper
Gwen, n. a fair one, a beauty
Gwenan, n. a blister on the skin
Gwenci, n. stout, fitch, weazle
Gwendid, n. weakness, frailty
Gwendydd, n. morning star
Gwener, n. what yields bliss: Venus, Dydd Gwener, Friday
Gwenfa, n. a curd of a bridle
Gwenhwys, n. men of Gwent
Gweniaeth, n. flattery
Gwenieithiad, n. a flattering
Gwenieithio, v. to flatter
Gwenieithus, a. apt to flatter
Gwenith, n. wheat
Gwenithen, n. a grain of wheat
Gwenithfaen, n. granite
Gwennol, n. a swallow; a shuttle
Gweno, n. the evening star
Gwenol, a. smiling, pleasing
Gwent, n. a fair or open region. A name for a part of Monmouthshire
Gwentas, n. a high shoe
Gwenu, v. to smile, simper
Gwenwisg, n. a surplice
Gwenwyn, n. venom, poison
Gwenwynad, n. a poisoning
Gwenwyndra, n. poisonousness; fretfulness
Gwenwynig, a. poisonous
Gwenwynllyd, a. poisonous; fretful
Gwenwyno, v. to poison
Gwenwynol, a. poisonous
Gwenyd, n. felicity; bliss
Gwenydiad, n. a making happy
Gwenyddiad, n. felicity
Gwenyddol, a. felicitous; amusing
Gwenyn, n. the bees
Gwenynen, n. a single bee
Gwenynlle, n. a place for bees
Gwenynllestr, n. a bee hive
Gwenynog, a. abounding with bees
Gweol, a. relating to weaving
Gwep, n. a visage, a phiz
Gwepa, n. the visage or look
Gwepio, v. to make a long face
Gwer, n. tallow, or suet
Gwerchyr, n. a cover, a lid
Gwerchyriad, n. a covering
Gwerchyrio, v. to cover with a lid
Gwerdd, a. green, verdant
Gwerddon, n. a green spot
Gweren, n. a cake of tallow
Gwerin, n. the multitude: a. vulgar, or universal
Gwerinad, n. a becoming general
Gweriniaeth, n. democracy
Gweriniaethol, a. democratic
Gwerino, v. to spread out
Gwerinol, a. universal; vulgar
Gwerinos, n. the rabble, mob
Gwerlas, n. a green meadow
Gwerlin, n. pure, descent
Gwern, n. a swamp; a mead; alder
Gwernen, n. an alder tree
Gwerol, a. tallowy; like suet
Gwers, n. a verse, a lesson
Gwersa, v. to tattle, to gossip
Gwersig, n. a short lesson
Gwersyll, n. encampment
Gwersyllfa, n. site of a camp
Gwersylliad, n. an encamp
Gwersyllu, v. to encamp
Gwerth, n. value, price; sale
Gwerthadwy, a. salable, vendable
Gwerthefin, a. sovereign
Gwerthfawr, valuable, precious
Gwerthfawredd, n. preciousness
Gwerthiad, n. a selling, vending
Gwerthiant, n. price; vendition
Gwerthiog, a. precious, valuable
Gwerthu, v. to sell, to traffic
Gwerthyd, n. a spindle, axis
Gwerthydaid, n. a spindle-ful
Gwerthydu, v. to put on a spindle
Gwerthyr, n. a fortification
Gweru, v. to generate tallow
Gweryd, n. sward; moss
Gwerydiad, n. a swarding
Gwerydre, n. cultivated land; an inhabited region
Gwerydu, v. to sward; to grow moss; to til
Gwerydwedd, n. the face of the earth
Gwerydd, n. a spring; a youth
Gweryddol, a. tending to spring
Gweryddu, v. to spring; to wanton
Gweryn, n. a worm, a bot
Gweryriad, n. a neighing
Gweryru, v. to neigh
Gwes, n. what is moving
Gwesgrydd, n. circumrotation
Gwesgryn, n. agitation
Gwesgrynu, to cause agitation
Gwesod, n. departure
Gwest, n. a visit
Gwesta, v. to go visiting
Gwestai, n. a visitor, a guest
Gwesteiad, n. a visiting about
Gwesteiaeth, n. act of visiting
Gwestfa, n. lodging
Gwestfil, n. a prowling animal
Gwestiad, n. a visiting
Gwestifiant, n. a visitor, a guest
Gwestle, n. a place of entertainment
Gwestledd, n. tumultuous state
Gwestliad, n. a making a riot
Gwestlog, riotous, tumultuous
Gwestlu, v. to raise a tumult
Gwestu, v. to lodge; to entertain
Gwestwng, n. a going down
Gwestyngu, v. to decline
Gwestl, n. hurly-burly, riot
Gwestr, n. a hitch, a noose
Gwesu, v. to depart, to go out
Gwesyn, n. a youth; a page
Gwesyndod, n. servility
Gweu, v. to weave; to knit
Gweuad, n. weaving; knitting
Gweud, v. to say, to speak
Gweuol, a. weaving; knitting
Gweunblu, n. meadow-down
Gweundir, n. meadow-land
Gweurydd, n. a slave
Gwew, n. purgency; a smart
Gwewyr, n. pain, anguish
Gwewyrlys, n. anise-seed
Gweydd, n. a weaver; loom
Gweyddes, n. a female weaver
Gweyadiaeth, n. weaver's trade
Gwg, n. a frown; glance
Gwi, n. a sudden emotion
Gwial, Gwiail, n. rods, twigs
Gwiala, v. to gather twigs
Gwialen, n. a rod; a perch
Gwialenaid, n. length of a rod
Gwialenffust, n. a flail-yard
Gwialenod, n. stroke of a rod
Gwialenodio, to beat with a rod
Gwialffust, n. a flail rod
Gwib, n. a serpentine course, a range; a drive
Gwibad, n. a ranging about
Gwiban, n. any sort of fly
Gwibed, n. flies, gnats
Gwibedyn, n. a fly
Gwiber, n. a serpent; a viper
Gwibfa, n. a wandering course
Gwibiad, n. stroller, vagrant
Gwibio, v. to rove, to gad
Gwibiol, a. erratic, wandering
Gwiblad, n. a flying about
Gwibli, n. gadding, vagrance
Gwiblo, v. to fly or gad about
Gwiblu, n. band of vagrants
Gwibwrn, n. a whirling eddy
Gwica, v. to hawk or cry about
Gwicawr, n. a hawker
Gwiced, n. a wicket, a gate
Gwich, n. a crash; a squeak
Gwichad, n. a squeaking
Gwichell, n. creaker, squeaker
Gwichiad, Gwichiedyn, n. a periwinkle, or sea snail
Gwichian, v. to keep squeaking or squealing
Gwichydd, n. a stoat
Gwichio, v. to creak
Gwichydd, n. a stoat
Gwichyll, n. a stoat
Gwichyn, n. a stoat
Gwid, n. a quick whirl
Gwidd, a. dried, withered
Gwiddan, n. a hag; a witch
Gwiddiant, n. a withering
Gwiddon, rotted particles; mites
Gwiddoni, v. to dry rot; to breed mites
Gwiddonog, a. having mites
Gwif, n. a lever, a crow-bar
Gwifrwym, n. a fulcrum
Gwig, n. a nook, a cove
Gwigfa, n. a cove, a retreat
Gwing, n. a wriggle, a wince
Gwinged, n. wriggling; wantonness
Gwingiad, n. a wriggling
Gwingo, v. to wriggle; to wince
Gwingog, Gwingol, adj. wriggling; winking
Gwingwr, n. struggler; wincer
Gwil, n. a shunning; a watch
Gwilfrai, n. a badger
Gwilff, n. an epithet for a mare
Gwilhersu, v. to romp about
Gwilhobain, v. to be galloping
Gwiliad, n. a taking care
Gwiliadwraeth, n. a bewaring
Gwilied, v. to take care, to guard
Gwilio, v. to take care
Gwilog, a. full of starts; a mare
Gwilri, n. a wanton squeal
Gwilrin, n. a squeal of ecstacy
Gwilwst, n. an epithet for a mare
Gwill, n. strayer, vagabond
Gwilliad, n. vagrant; lurker
Gwilliades, n. female stroller
Gwin, n. wine
Gwina, v. to tipple wine
Gwinaeth, n. a vintage
Gwinaethu, v. to gather the vintage
Gwinau, a. bay, auburn
Gwinc, n. the chaffinch
Gwinegr, n. vinegar
Gwineuo, v. to turn to a bay colour
Gwingafn, n. a wine-press
Gwinien, n. a vine-tree, wine
Gwiniolen, n. a maple-tree
Gwiniolwydd, n. maple-trees
Gwinllan, n. a vine-yard
Gwinol, a. of wine, vinous
Gwinrawn, n. vine grapes
Gwinsang, Gwinwasg, n. a wine-press
Gwinwr, Gwinydd, n. a vintner
Gwinwryf, n. a wine-press
Gwinwydd, n. vines
Gwinwydden, n. a vine
Gwipai, n. a sparrow-hawk
Gwir, n. ether; purity; truth; a. pure; right, true
Gwirawd, n. spirituous liquor
Gwiredd, n. verity, truth
Gwireddiad, n. a verifying
Gwireddol, a. veritable
Gwireddu, v. to verify
Gwirf, n. alcohol
Gwirfodd, n. good will
Gwirfoddol, a. voluntary
Gwirfoddoldeb, n. voluntariness
Gwiriad, n. a verifying
Gwiriadwy, a. verifiable
Gwiriant, n. a verification
Gwiriedigaeth, n. verification
Gwiriedigaethu, v. to verify
Gwirin, a. of pure or true nature
Gwirineb, n. verity, truth
Gwirio, v. to verify, to assert
Gwiriol, a. verifying; positive
Gwirion, a. truly right; innocent; ignorant: n. innocence; ignorance
Gwirionedd, n. verity, truth
Gwirioneddiad, n. verification
Gwirioneddu, v. to verify
Gwirioneddus, a. verifying
Gwirioni, v. to become an innocent or idiot, to grow foolish
Gwirioniad, n. an innocent
Gwirodi, v. to serve spirits
Gwirodol, a. spiritous
Gwirota, v. to tipple liquors
Gwirotai, n. a dram-drinker
Gwisg, n. a garment, dress
Gwisgad, a dressing; a wearing
Gwisgiad, n. a dressing
Gwisgiadu, v. to apparel
Gwisgo, v. to dress, to put on
Gwisgogaeth, n. apparel
Gwiw, a. apt; fit, meet, worthy
Gwiwdeb, n. fitness; worthiness
Gwiwdod, n. fitness; worthiness
Gwiwell, n. a widgeon, a female salmon
Gwiwer, n. a squirrel
Gwiwsain, n. a euphony
Gwiwydd, n. poplar trees
Gwlad, n. a country
Gwladaidd, a. country-like
Gwladeiddiad, n. rustication
Gwladeiddio, v. to rusticate
Gwladeiddrwydd, n. rusticity
Gwladgar, a. patriotic
Gwladogi, v. rusticate
Gwladol, a. of a country
Gwladwch, n. a common weal
Gwladwr, n. a countryman
Gwladwriaeth, n. a government
Gwladychiad, n. a governing
Gwladychu, v. to reign
Gwlaidd, a. mild
Gwlan, n. wool
Gwlana, v. to gather wool
Gwlanblu, n. down, hairs
Gwlanen, n. a flannel
Gwlaniach, n. downy hairs
Gwlanog, a. having wool
Gwlaw, n. rain
Gwlawiad, n. a raining
Gwlawio, v. to rain
Gwlawiog, a. of rain, rainy
Gwlawiol, a. relating to rain
Gwlawlyd, a. apt to rain, rainy
Gwledig, a. of a country
Gwledigo, v. to rusticate
Gwledwch, a. dominion
Gwledd, n. a banquet, a feast
Gwledda, v. to carouse
Gwleddiad, n. a carousing
Gwleddog, a. having a feast
Gwleddol, a. festival, festive
Gwleiddiad, n. a carousing
Gwlf, n. a channel, notch
Gwlith, n. dew
Gwlithen, n. dewsnail
Gwlithfalwen, n. a dewsnail
Gwlithiad, n. a falling of dew
Gwlitho, v. to cast a dew
Gwlithog, a. having dew, dewy
Gwlithwlaw, n. small rain
Gwlithyn, n. a dewdrop
Gwlw, n. a channel, notch
Gwlib, n. liquid, moisture
Gwlyb, a. liquid, wet, moist
Gwlybad, n. humefaction
Gwlybaniaeth, n. humidity
Gwlybau, v. to humectate
Gwlyblad, n. humectation
Gwlybu, v. to make wet
Gwlybwr, n. a liquid
Gwlybyrog, a. humid, rainy
Gwlych, n. moisture
Gwlychiad, n. a wetting
Gwlydd, n. stems of plants: a. mild, tender, soft
Gwlyddad, n. mollifying
Gwlyddau, v. to mollify
Gwlyddiad, n. a mollifying
Gwn, n. a charger, a bowl
Gwn, v. I know
Gwn, n. gown, loose robe
Gwna, v. make, do, execute
Gwnedd, n. a state of toiling
Gwnelyd, v. to make, to do
Gwneuthur, v. to do, to execute; to make, to perform
Gwneuthuriad, n. a making
Gwneyd, v. to do, to perform
Gwni, n. a stitch, a sewing
Gwniad, n. a sewing
Gwniadur, n. a thimble
Gwniadydd, n. a stitcher
Gwniadyddes, n. a seamstress
Gwniedyddiaeth, n. the business of a seamstress
Gwnio, v. to sew, to stitch
Gwo, a. prefix, used for Go
Gwp, n. head and neck of a bird
Gwr, n. a man, a person, a husband
Gwra, v. to take a husband
Gwrab, n. a monkey, an ape
Gwrach, n. a hag, an old woman, a witch
Gwrachan, n. a little creature
Gwrachanes, a little old woman
Gwrachastell, n. off-board of a plough
Gwracheiddio, v. to grow haggish
Gwrachell, n. a puny dwarf
Gwrachen, n. a crabbed dwarf
Gwrachiaidd, a. like an old hag
Gwrachio, v. to become a hag, to grow decrepit
Gwradwydd, n. reproach, scandal
Gwradwyddiad, n. a scandalizing
Gwradwyddo, v. to scandalize, to disgrace
Gwradwyddus, a. scandalous
Gwradd, n. a quantity
Gwraddiad, n. an aggregation
Gwraddu, v. to aggregate, to heap
Gwrag, n. what curves off; a bracer
Gwragen, n. a rib of a tilt, or basket
Gwrageniad, n. a ribbing; a bracing
Gwragenu, v. to rib; to curve
Gwraich, n. a sparkle
Gwraid, n. what is ardent
Gwraidd, gwreiddion, n. a root
Gwraig, n. a woman; wife
Gwraint, n. worms in the skin; tetters
Gwrandawiad, n. a listening
Gwrandawus, n. attentive
Gwrando, n. a listening: v. to listen, to hearken
Gwrau, v. to become manly
Gwrcath, n. a he cat
Gwrcatha, v. to caterwaul
Gwrcathiant, n. a caterwauling
Gwrch, n. what is upon
Gwrda, n. a man of note
Gwrdaaeth, n. manliness
Gwrdd, a. stout; ardent, vehement
Gwrddiad, n. a rendering ardent
Gwrddu, v. to render ardent
Gwrddyn, n. a dart; a javelin
Gwrechyn, n. a crabbed fellow
Gwregys, n. a girdle; a zone
Gwregysiad, n. a girdling
Gwregysol, a. having a girdle
Gwregysu, v. to girdle, to gird
Gwreng, n. plebian; yeoman
Gwrengaidd, a. plebian, boorish
Gwrengyn, n. a surly clown
Gwreica, n. wedding a wife: v. to take a wife
Gwreicdra, n. fondness of women, adultery
Gwreichion, n. sparks
Gwreichionen, n. a spark
Gwreichioni, v. to sparkle
Gwreichioniad, n. scintillation, a sparkling
Gwreichionog, a full of sparks
Gwreichionol, a sparkling
Gwreiddiad, n. a rooting
Gwreiddio, v. to root, to originate
Gwreiddiog, a. having roots, rooted
Gwreiddiol, a. radical; rooted
Gwreiddioldeb, n. radicalness
Gweiddrudd, n. the madder
Gwreiddyn, n. a root
Gwreigdda, n. good-woman
Gwreigen, n. a little woman
Gwreigeddos, n. gossips
Gwreigiaidd, a. female; matronly
Gwreigieiddo, v. to become effeminate, womanish or tender
Gwreigiog, a. having a wife
Gwreigiol, a. feminine
Gwreignith, n. a little woman
Gwreindod, n. virility
Gwreinen, n. a ringworm
Gwreinyn, n. a ringworm
Gwres, n. heat, warmth
Gwresiad, n. a rendering hot
Gwresog, a. warm, fervent
Gwresogi, v. to become hot
Gwresol, a. of a heating quality
Gwresu, v. to fill with heat
Gwrferch, n. a virago
Gwrhewcri, n. jocularity
Gwrhewcrus, a. full of jokes
Gwrhewg, a extremely playful
Gwrhyd, n. a fathom
Gwrhydri, n. heroism, bravery
Gwrhydu, v. to fathom
Gwriaeth, n. man's estate
Gwrial, n. a combating: v. to play the man
Gwrid, n. a blush; a flush
Gwridgoch, n. florid, ruddy
Gwridiad, n. a blushing
Gwrido, v. to blush
Gwridog, a. having a blush
Gwridogi, v. to become ruddy
Gwring, n. snap; crackle
Gwringain, to snap; to crackle
Gwringell, n. a snap; a slice
Gwringelliad, n. a snapping
Gwringellu, v. to snap; to slice
Gwriog, a. having a husband
Gwriogaeth, n. homage
Gwriogaethu, v. to do homage
Gwrith, n. what is apparent
Gwrm, n. a dusky hue, a dun
Gwrmder, n. duskiness
Gwrmlas, n. sea-green
Gwrmu, v. to make dusky
Gwrn, n. a cone; an urn; a vessel tapering upwards
Gwrnerth, n. the speedwell
Gwrol, a. manly; valiant
Gwrolaeth, n. manhood
Gwroldeb, n. manliness
Gwrolfryd, n. magnanimity
Gwrolgamp, n. a manly feat
Gwroli, v. to become manly
Gwron, n. a worthy, a hero
Gwrryw, n. a male kind
Gwrtaeth, n. what improves, manure
Gwrteithiad, n. a manuring
Gwrteithio, v. to manure
Gwrteithiol, a meliorating
Gwrth, n. opposition, contrast; prep. against, opposite to
Gwrthachos, n. contrary cause
Gwrthachwyn, n. counter complaint
Gwrthadrodd, a counter recital
Gwrthaddysg, n. heresy
Gwrthagwedd, n. counter form
Gwrthaing, n. a wedge
Gwrthair, n. antiphrasis
Gwrthalw, n. a recal
Gwrthallu, n. opposing power
Gwrthamcan, n. counter project
Gwrthanfon, n. a sending adversely
Gwrthanian, n. contrary nature
Gwrthannog, n. dehortation
Gwrthansawdd, contrary quality
Gwrtharddelw, n. counter claim
Gwrtharfod, n. counter stroke
Gwrtharwain, n. a leading back
Gwrthateb, n. replication
Gwrthattal, n. counter stop
Gwrthawel, n. adverse gale
Gwrthban, n. a blanket
Gwythbanu, v. to double mill
Gwrthben, n. counter head: rivet
Gwrthblaid, n. adverse party
Gwrthblyg, n. duplicate
Gwrthbrawf, n. refutation
Gwrthbryn, n. counter buying
Gwrthbwys, n. counterpoise
Gwrthbwyth, n. retaliation
Gwrthchwyth, n. counter blast
Gwrthdafl, n. counter throw
Gwrthdaith, n. counter march
Gwrthdal, n. counter payment
Gwrthdaro, n. a repulse
Gwrthdir, n. abutting land
Gwrthdor, n. refraction
Gwrthdrafod, n. contravention
Gwrthdramwy, n. retrogradation
Gwrthdrig, n. counter residence
Gwrthdrin, n. contravention
Gwrthdro, n. a turn back
Gwrthdroedion, n. antipodes
Gwrthwng, n. a contrary oath, a counter swearing
Gwrthdwyth, a springing back; elasticity
Gwrthdynu, v. to pull adversely
Gwrthdyst, n. counter evidence
Gwrthdywyn, reflection of light
Gwrthddadl, n. a controversy
Gwrthddadleuwr, n. a controvertist
Gwrthddangos, n. contra-indication
Gwrthddal, n. a with-holding
Gwrthddrych, n. an object
Gwrthddysg, n. a heresy
Gwrthddywedyd, v. to contradict
Gwrthddywediad, contradiction
Gwrtheb, n. an objection
Gwrthedrych, n. retrospect
Gwrthegni, n. a reaction
Gwrtheiriad, n. antiphrasis
Gwrthenwad, n. antinomasia
Gwrthergyd, n. a repulse
Gwrthern, n. a relation in the eventh degree of affinity
Gwrthfach, n. beard of a dart
Gwrthfaru, n. adverse judgment
Gwrthfechni, n. counter security
Gwrthfeiad, n. recrimination
Gwrthfin, n. a counter edge
Gwrthfodd, n. displeasure
Gwrthfrad, n. a counter plot
Gwrthfur, n. contramure
Gwrthfwriad, n. a casting back
Gwrthgas, a. perverse, forward
Gwrthgefn, n. a support
Gwrthgerdd, n. retrograde course
Gwrthgerydd, n. recrimination
Gwrthgil, n. a receding, a revolt
Gwrthgiliwr, n. a back-slider, a seceder, an apostate
Gwrthgis, n. retort, a rebuff
Gwrthglawdd, n. contravalation
Gwrthgloch, n. a resounding, an echo
Gwrthgred, n. a counter belief
Gwrthgri, n. a counter clamour
Gwrthgrist, n. an antichrist
Gwrthgrych, a. cross-grained
Gwrthgur, n. a counter stroke
Gwrthgwymp, n. apostacy, a falling away
Gwrthgwyn, n. a counter complaint
Gwrthgyfarch, n. a rencounter
Gwrthgyfer, n. a contrast
Gwrthgyfle, n. a counter position
Gwrthgyfnewid, n. a counter change
Gwrthgyngor, n. dehortation
Gwrthgyhudded, recrimination
Gwrthgylch, n. a counter circle
Gwrthgynllwyn, n. a counter plot
Gwrthgynal, n. a counter support
Gwrth-hawl, holion, n. counter plea
Gwrth-hoel, n. a plug; rivet
Gwrthiad, n. an opposing
Gwrthiaith, n. a contradiction
Gwrthias, n. a counter shock
Gwrthio, v. to oppose
Gwrthladd, n. resistance
Gwrthlais, n. counter sound
Gwrthlam, n. a counter step
Gwrthlef, n. a cry against
Gwrthlewyrch, n. reflected light
Gwrthlif, n. counter current
Gwrthlun, n. an antitype
Gwrthlys, n. repugnance
Gwrthlyw, n. a counter guide
Gwrthnaid, n. a leap backwards
Gwrthnaws, n. an antipathy
Gwrthnerth, n. a counter power
Gwrthneu, n. an objection
Gwrthnewid, n. counter change
Gwrthnod, n. a counter mark
Gwrthnysig, a. refractory
Gwrtho, v. to withstand
Gwrthod, v. to refuse, to reject; n. refusal, rejection
Gwrthodiad, n. a rejection
Gwrthol, a. adverse, contrary
Gwrtholwg, n. a retrospect
Gwrtholygu, v. to take a retrospect, to look contrarily
Gwrthosod, v. to place in opposition
Gwrthosodiad, n. a placing in opposition, opposition
Gwrthran, n. a counter share
Gwrthred, n. a recurrence
Gwrthreithiad, n. antinomian
Gwrthres, n. an adverse row
Gwrthrif, n. a counter reckoning
Gwrthrimyn, n. a pair of pincers
Gwrthrith, n. reflected object
Gwrthrod, n. a hostile army; a counter-wheel
Gwrthrodiad, n. retrocession
Gwrthrodd, n. a counter gift
Gwrthrwyf, n. counter impulsion
Gwrthrwym, n. a counter bond
Gwrthryd, n. an adverse course
Gwrthryfel, n. a rebellion
Gwrthryfela, v. to rebel
Gwrthryfelgar, a. rebellious
Gwrthryfelgarwch, n. rebelliousness
Gwrthryfelwr, n. a rebel
Gwrthrym, n. contrary; energy
Gwrthryn, n. oppugnancy
Gwrthryw, n. a contrary kind
Gwrthsaf, n. opposition
Gwrthsain, n. counter sound
Gwrthsefyll, v. to withstand
Gwrthsyniad, n. counter design
Gwrthun, a. ugly, unseemly, ill-favoured
Gwrthyni, n. deformity, ugliness
Gwrthwad, n. a counter denial
Gwrthwaith, n. a retroaction
Gwrthwal, n. a contramure
Gwrthwon, n. contravention
Gwrthwe, n. a lining
Gwrthwead, a counter weaving
Gwrthwediad, n. contradiction
Gwrthwedd, n. a contrast
Gwrthwenwyn, n. a counterpoison; an antidote
Gwrthwyneb, n. contrariety; nausea
Gwrthwynebadwy, a. that may be opposed, resistible
Gwrthwynebiad, a. opposition, confrontation
Gwrthwynebrwydd, opposedness
Gwrthwynebu, v. to resist, to oppose; to confront
Gwrthwynebus, a. tending to turn against, disgusting
Gwrthwynebwr, n. an opposer, an adversary
Gwrthwynt, n. an adverse wind
Gwrthymchwel, n. a reverting or coming back
Gwrthymdrech, n. oppugnancy
Gwrthymdro, n. self-inversion
Gwrthymdyniad, n. a contending against
Gwrthymddangos, n. counter appearance
Gwrthymddwyn, contrary inference
Gwrthymegniad, n. a self-exertion against
Gwrthymgyrch, n. counter repetition
Gwrthymladd, n. oppugnancy
Gwrthyni, n. counter energy
Gwrthysgrif, n. a rescript
Gwrwst, n. to cramp
Gwrych, n. a hedge-row; bristles
Gwrychell, n. a thicket, a brake
Gwrychiad, n. a bristling up
Gwrychu, v: to make a hedgerow; to bristle
Gwrychyn, n. hedge-row, bristle
Gwryd, n. manliness
Gwryd, n. a chain
Gwryd, n. a wreath
Gwryddiad, n. a wreathing
Gwryddu, v. to wreath
Gwryf, n. a spring: a press
Gwryfiad, n. a pressing
Gwryfio, v. to press
Gwryfiwr, n. pressman
Gwryg, n. energy, vigour
Gwrygiad, n. invigoration
Gwrygiant, n. vigour
Gwrygio, v. to grow vigorous
Gwrygiol, a. invigorating
Gwrym, n. seam; wheal
Gwrymiad, n. the act of making a seam
Gwrymio, v. to seam
Gwrymseirch, n. harness
Gwrys, n. ardency, violence
Gwrysedd, n. fervidity, violence
Gwrysen, n. a gooseberry
Gwrysg, n. boughs, branches
Gwrysgen, n. bough, branch
Gwrysgiad, n. a putting out boughs
Gwrysgio, v. to put out boughs
Gwrysiad, n. ardent, striving
Gwrysio, v. to strive ardently
Gwryswydden, a. gooseberry bush
Gwst, n. humour; a malady
Gwstog, a. distempered, diseased
Gwstu, v. to grow diseased
Gwth, n. a push, a thrust
Gwthgar, a. apt to push
Gwthiad, n. a pushing
Gwthio, v. to push, to thrust
Gwthiol, a. pushing, thrusting
Gwthrym, n. impulsive force
Gwthwynt, n. a squall
Gwull, n. flowerets, flowers
Gwullio, v. to bloom, to blossom
Gwy, n. fluid, liquid, water
Gwyach, n. water-fowl; grebe
Gwyal, n. a goal; the temple
Gwyalen, n. goal, mark
Gwyar, n. gore
Gwybed, n. gnats, flies
Gwybedydd, n. one who knows, a Gnostic
Gwybod, n. knowledge, science: v. to know, to perceive
Gwybodaeth, n. knowledge
Gwybodol, a. knowing
Gwybodus, a. knowing
Gwybren, n. ether; the sky
Gwybro, v. to grow subtile
Gwybrol, a. ethereal, aerial
Gwybyddiad, n. a being conscious; one who is conscicious
Gwybyddiaeth, n. consciousness, knowledge
Gwybyddol, a. conscious
Gwybyddu, v. to be conscious
Gwybyddus, a. acquainted
Gwych, a gallant, brave; gaudy
Gwychder, n. gallantry, pomp
Gwychi, n. wax
Gwychlais, n. a squeaking voice
Gwychr, a. valiant, brave
Gwychu, v. to make gallant
Gwychydd, n. a hero, worthy
Gwyd, n. passion, vice
Gwydio, v. to become vicious
Gwydiol, a. vicious, wicked
Gwydn, a. tough, tenacious, viscid
Gwydnau, v. to become tough
Gwydnedd, n. toughness, tenacity
Gwydr, n. glass; green
Gwydraid, n. a glass-ful
Gwydraidd, a. vitreous, glassy
Gwydrin, a. vitreous
Gwydro, v. to do with glass
Gwydrogi, v. to turn to glass
Gwydrol, a. vitreous, glassy
Gwydroli, v. to vitrify
Gwydrwr, n. a glazier
Gwydryn, n. a drinking glass
Gwydus, a. of a stubborn bent
Gwydd, presence; also cognition
Gwydd, n. trees; frame of wood
Gwydd, n. a goose
Gwydd, a. overgrown; wild
Gwyddan, n. a sylvan, a satyr
Gwyddanes, n. a wood nymph
Gwyddbwyll, n. game of chess
Gwyddel, n. a sylvan state; a Gwyddelian, or Irishman
Gwgddeli, n. brakes, bushes
Gwyddelig, a. sylvan: savage
Gwydden, n. a standing tree
Gwydderbyn, prep. in front of
Gwyddfa, n. a tumulous, a tomb
Gwyddfaol, a. monumental
Gwyddfarch, n. an epithet for a ship
Gwyddfid, n. the woodbine
Gwyddfil, n. a wild animal
Gwyddfoch, n. wild swine
Gwyddfochyn, n. a wild boar
Gwyddgi, n. a wild dog
Gwyddhwch, n. a wild sow
Gwyddi, n. a quickset hedge
Gwyddiant, science, knowledge
Gwyddif, n. a hedging-bill
Gwydding, n. a quickset hedge
Gwyddlan, n. plantation of trees
Gwyddle, n. a woody place
Gwyddlwdn, n. a wild beast
Gwyddlwyn, n. the pimpernel
Gwyddor, n. a rudiment
Gwyddon, n. philosopher
Gwyddoni, v. to philosophize
Gwyddonol, a. philosophical
Gwyddol, a. scientific
Gwyddori, v. to form a rudiment
Gwyddorol, a. rudimental
Gwyddwal, n. a thicket
Gwyddwig, n. a woody fastness
Gwyddwydd, n. the honey suckle
Gwyf, n. what extends
Gwyfen, n. a moth, a worm
Gwyfenog, a. having moths
Gwyfo, v. to run out or flat
Gwyfon, n. raspberries
Gwyfr, n. a wire
Gwyfyn, n. a moth, a worm
Gwyg, n. what is flaccid
Gwygbys, n. a chit-peas
Gwyglyd, flaccid; void of energy
Gwygyl, a. flaccid; sultry
Gwyl, n. a sight, show, festival; a. modest, bashful
Gwylad, n. a beholding
Gwylaeth, n. the lettuce
Gwylan, n. a gull, a sea mew
Gwylar, n. the coral
Gwylch, n. semblance
Gwylchiad, n. a seeming
Gwylchu, v. to seem
Gwylder, n. bashfulness
Gwyled, v. to behold, to see
Gwylaed, n. bashfulness
Gwylfa, n. a watching place
Gwylfan, n. a sentry place
Gwyliad, n. vision: watching
Gwyliadur, n. a sentinel
Gwyliadwr, Gwyliwr, Gwylydd, n. a watchman
Gwyliadwraeth, n. the office or duty of a watchman; a watch
Gwyliadwrus, a. watchful
Gwylied, Gwylio, v. to watch
Gwyliedydd, n. a sentinel
Gwylmabsant, n. a parish wake
Gwylmabsanta, v. to keep wakes
Gwylnos, n. a wake night
Gwylnosi, v. to keep vigils
Gwylo, v. to be bashful; to weep
Gwylog, n. the guillemot
Gwylys, n. the licorice plant
Gwyll, a. gloom, darkness
Gwyll, a. gloomy, dark, dusky
Gwylledd, n. gloom
Gwyllion, n. shades; goblins
Gwyllt, n. a wild, wilderness
Gwyllt, n. wild, savage, rapid. Dafaden, wyllt a cancer
Gwylltfil, n. a wild animal
Gwylltiad, n. a making wild
Gwylltineb, n. wildness; rage
Gwylltio, v. to make wild; to rage
Gwyllyn, n. culture; aration
Gwyllyniad, n. a culturing
Gwyllynio, v. to culture
Gwyllys, n. the will; desire
Gwyllysgar, a. willing; tractable
Gwyllysiad, n. a willing
Gywyllysio, v. to will; to desire
Gwlylysyiol, a. willing, desirous
Gwyllysu, v. to will; to desire
Gwymon, n. sea weed
Gwymp, a. smart, trim; fair
Gwympedd, n. smartness
Gwyn, n. white; what is fair: a. white; fair; blessed
Gwyn, n. rage, smart; lust
Gwynad, n. a whitening
Gwynad, n. a smarting
Gwynaeth, n. felicity; bliss
Gwynaf, n. a fretful state
Gwynafiad, n. a being froward
Gwynafog, a. peevish; vicious
Gwynafu, v. to act frowardly
Gwynaint, n. the highest heaven, the empyrean
Gwynau, v. to become white
Gwynblwm, n. white lead
Gwynder, Gwyndra, n. whiteness
Gwyndod, n. felicity, blist
Gwyndro, n. stupor; numbness
Gwyndwn, n. lay land; lay hay
Gwynddas, a. peevish, fretful
Gwynddasu, v. to act peevishly
Gwyneb, n. a face, a visage
Gwynebedd, n. superficies
Gwynebiad, n. a facing
Gwynebol, a. facing, fronting
Gwynebu, v. to face, to front
Gwynebwarth, n. shame of face, a fine so called
Gwyneg, a throb; a spasm; rheumatism
Gwynegiad, n. a throbbing
Gwynegol, a. throbbing; spasmodic
Gwynegu, v. to throb; to ache
Gwyneithiad, n. a consecrating
Gwyneithu, v. to consecrate
Gwynfryd, n. a happy mind
Gwynfyd, n. felicity, happiness
Gwynfydedig, a. blessed, happy
Gwynfydiad, n. a becoming fanatic
Gwynfydu, v. to become frantic; to become fanatic
Gwyngalch, a. being white-washed
Gwyngalchiad, n. a whitewashing
Gwyngalchu, v. to whitewash
Gwyniad, n. a whiting, a making white; whiting, (a fish)
Gwyniaeth, n. a blessed state
Gwynias, a. of glowing heat
Gwyniasu, v. to make red hot
Gwyniedyn, n. a whiting
Gwyning, n. the sap of timber
Gwynio, v. to throb; to lust
Gwynlas, a pale blue, whitish blue, sky-coloured
Gwynnaeth, n. flatulency
Gwynod, n. hasty pudding
Gwynog, a. passionate, full of rage
Gwynon, n. dry sticks for fuel
Gwynrew, n. numbness by cold
Gwynt, n. wind, breath
Gwynthollt, n. a wind-crack
Gwyntiad, n. ventilation
Gwyntio, v. to blow
Gwyntog, a. windy, full of wind
Gwyntyll, n. a ventilator
Gwyntylliad, n. a ventilating
Gwyntyllio, v. to ventilate
Gwynu, v. to whiten, to bleach
Gwynwg, n. whiteness
Gwynwy, n. white of egg
Gwynwydd, n. the willows
Gwynygiad, n. a glittering
Gwyr, n. pure element; ether, freshness; a green tinge: a. fresh, vigorous, verdant
Gwyr, a. oblique, sloping
Gwyr, Gwyra, a. pure; fresh; lively
Gwyrad, n. a making awry
Gwyraeth, n. sublimation
Gwyrain, n. barnacles; v. to sublimate
Gwyran, n. coarse rushy grass
Gwyrch, n. an overtopping
Gwyrdra, n. freshness
Gwyrdro, n. perversion
Gwyrdroi, v. to pervert
Gwyrdynu, v. to draw obliquely
Gwyrdd, a. green
Gwyrddedd, n. greenness
Gwyrddfaen, n. an emerald
Gwyrddiad, n. a making green
Gwyrddlas, a. greenish blue
Gwyrddon, n. a verdant plat
Gwyrddu, v. to make green
Gwyredd, Gwyrddni, obliquity; wryness; bias
Gwyreiniad, n. sublimation
Gwyreinio, v. to sublimate
Gwyreinig, a. luxuriant; lively
Gwyrf, a. pure, fresh, not salt
Gwyrfedd, pureness, freshness
Gwyrfiad, n. a freshening
Gwyrfio, v. to freshen
Gwyrgam, a. obliquely crooked
Gwyrgamu, v. to turn awry
Gwyriaws, n. a privet
Gwyrin, a. of a fresh nature; chaste
Gwyrlen, n. a garland
Gwyrni, n. bots or wornils, maggots in cows; wryness
Gwyro, v. to swerve, to deviate
Gwyrol, a. slanting, inclining
Gwyrth, n. virtue; a miracle
Gwyrthiad, n. a giving virtue
Gwyrthio, v. to confer virtue
Gwyrthiol, virtuous; miraculous
Gwyrthioldeb, n. virtuousness, miraculousness
Gwyrtos, n. ignoble persons
Gwyrydd, what is pure or chaste
Gwyryf, n. a virgin, a maid
Gwyryf, a. fresh, pure untainted
Gwyryfdod, n. virginity, chastity
Gwyryfiad, n. a making fresh
Gwyryfol, a. virginal, maiden
Gwyryfu, v. to make fresh
Gwyryng, n. maggots
Gwys, n. people, a peopled region
Gwys, n. a profundity: a. deep
Gwys, n. a summons
Gwysedig, a. being summoned
Gwysg, n. gravity; a stream: a. precipitate, headlong
Gwysgi, n. tendency to a level
Gwysgiad, n. a precipitating
Gwysgio, v. to precipitate
Gwysgiol, a. precipitant
Gwysgion, n. pottage, porridge
Gwysgiad, n. a summoning
Gwysgod, n. precipitation
Gwysigen, n. a blister, a bladder
Gwysio, v. to summon
Gwysiol, a. summoning
Gwyslythyr, n. writ of citation
Gwyso, v. to summon, to cite
Gwyst, n. what is shrunk or low
Gwystl, n. a pledge; a hostage
Gwystle, n. a pledging
Gwystledigaeth, the act of pledging
Gwystleidiaeth, n. a pledging; a mortgaging
Gwystliad, n. a pledging
Gwystlo, v. to pledge, to pawn
Gwystlwr, n. a pawner
Gwystno, v. to wither
Gwystyn, a. withered, dried
Gwyth, n. a channel; a drain; a view
Gwythad, n. irritation, chafing
Gwythaint, n. bird of wrath
Gwythen, n. a duct, a vein
Gwythenog, a. having veins
Gwythenol, a. venal, of veins
Gwythien, a vein, a blood-vessel
Gwythig, a. infuriate, wrathful
Gwythlon, a. wrathful, furious
Gwytho, v. to irritate
Gwythod, n. irritation
Gwythog, a. wrathful, angry
Gwythol, a. wrathful, raging
Gythred, n. channel of a stream
Gythreden, n. a rivulet
Gwythwr, n. an angry man
Gwyw, withered, faded; feeble
Gwywder, n. faded state
Gwywel, n. withered vegetation
Gwywiad, n. a withering
Gwywo, v. to wither, to fade
Gwywol, a tending to wither
Gybain, v. to wail, to moan
Gyda, prep. mutation of CYDA; with; in contact with
Gyferbyn, prep. over against
Gygiad, a glancing; a frowning, a looking grimly
Gygol, a. glancing; frowning
Gygu, v. to glance; to frown
Gygus, a. frowning; grim, glum
Gylf, Gylfant, a bill, or a beak
Gylfgragen, n. a scollop-shell
Gylfin, n. a bill, or beak
Gylfinbraff, n. the cross-beak
Gylfin-gam, a. hook-beaked
Gylfinhir, q. the curlew
Gylfog, a. having a beak
Gylyf, n. sickle, reaping-hook
Gyllyngdod, n. remission
Gyllyngiad, n. a loosening
Gyllyngu, v. to loosen, to relax
Gynaid, n. a cup-ful
Gynell, n. a close gown
Gynnau, adv. a little while ago
Gynog, a. wearing a gown
Gynt, adv. formerly of yore
Gynydd, n. a gunner
Gyr, n. a drive; an impulse; an onset, a drove
Gyrddu, v. to act vehemently
Gyrddwynt, n. a hurricane
Gyrfa, n. a drive, a course
Gyrfarch, n. a race-horse
Gyrferth, n. a breathing out
Gyrferthu, v. to breath out
Gyrfeydd, n. driver; racer
Gyriad, n. a driving; a racing
Gyriedydd, Gyrwr, driver, racer
Gyrn, a. imperious; supreme
Gyrod, n. a driving; impulsion
Gyrol, a. driving; impulsive
Gyrthiad, n. touching; dashing
Gyrthio, v. to touch; to push
Gyrthiol, a. coming in contact
Gyru, v. to drive, to race; to send, to convey
Gyrwynt, n. a tornado
Gyrhynt, n. a current
Gysb, n. staggers; black beetle
Gyst, a. humid, moist, damp
Gystwng, n. act of lowering
Gystyngu, v. to lower, to abase
Gyth, n. a murmur
Gythiad, n. a murmuring
Gythol, murmuring, grumbling
Gythu, v. to murmur, to grumble
Ha, n. scorn disdain, hate: a. scornful proud: intej. ha! hey day! hey! well
Hab, n. chance, luck, fortune
Hab, interj. ha! hey'd! well!
Hac, n. cut, notch, hack
Haciad, n. a hacking
Hacio, v. to hack, to cut
Hacrad, Hacriad, n. a making ugly
Hacrau, v. to make ugly
Hacrwydd, n. unsightliness
Hacru, v. to render unsightly
Had, n. aptness to renew; seed; a. easily yielding; pliant
Hadadfer, n. harvest season
Haclaidd, a. like seed, seedy
Haden, n. a single seed
Hadiad, n. semination
Hadlaidd, n. somewhat corrupt
Hadledd, n. rottenness, corruption
Hadlestr, n. a seed-vessel
Hadliad, n. a decaying
Hadlif, n. gonorrhoea
Hadlog, a. corrupted, decayed
Hadlu, v. to decay, to corrupt
Hadlyd, a. rotten, corrupted
Hadog, a. having seed, seedy
Hadogol, a semnifical
Hadol, a. seminal, of seed
Hadolaeth, n. seminality
Hados, n. small seeds
Hadred, n. gonorrhoea
Hadu, v. to seed, to run to seed
Hadwr, n. a seedsman, a sower
Hadyd, n. seed corn
Haddef, n. a dwelling, a house
Haddefu, v. to inhabit
Haddfa, n. a dwelling, abode
Haech, n. a skirt; a hem
Haedd, n. a reach; merit
Haeddad, n. an attaining
Haeddol, Haeddiannol, a. meritorious
Haeddedigaeth, n. desert, merit
Haeddedigol, a. meritorious
Haeddel, n. a plough handle
Haeddiad, n. a meriting
Haeddiant, n. attainment; merit
Haeddu, v. to reach; to merit
Hael, n. a liberal one: a. generous, liberal
Haelder, Haelioni, n. liberality
Haeledd, n. munificence
Haeliad, n. a becoming liberal
Haelionus, a. apt to be liberal
Haelu, v. to become liberal
Haen, n. stratum, layer
Haeniad, n. a placing in layers
Haenu, v. to put in layers
Haer, n. positively: a. positive; stubborn
Haeriad, n. a being positive
Haeriant, n. an affirmation
Haerllug, a. importunate
Haerllugo, v. to urge obstinately
Haerol, a. affirmative
Haeru, v. to affirm, to insist
Haf, n. fullness; summer
Hafaidd, a. like summer
Hafal, a. like; equal
Hafarch, a. listless; restive
Hafdy, n. a summer-house
Hafiad, n. a becoming summer
Hafin, n. summer season
Haflug, n. abundance: a. uberous
Hafn, n. a haven, a port, a harbour, a safe station for ships
Hafnai, n. a slattern, slut
Hafnen, n. a slattern, a trollop
Hafnol, a. slatternly, sluttish
Hafod, n. a summer dwelling; a dairy
Hafodi, v. to reside in a summer dwelling
Hafodwr, n. a dairyman
Hafog, n. waste, havoc; a. abundant, common
Hafogi, v. to commit havoc
Hafol, a. summer; festival
Hafota, v. to pass a summer
Hafotty, n. a dairy-house
Hafr, n. a slatern; gaot
Hafrog, a. slatternly; a trollop
Hafren, n. a trollop, a strumpet
Hafru, v. to render sluggish
Hafu, v. to become summer
Haff, n. a snatch, a catch
Haffiad, n. a snatching
Hafio, v. to snatch, to seize
Hagen, conj. yet, nevertheless
Hagen, ad. yet, after all, still
Hagr, a. ugly, unseemly
Hagrau, v. to make ugly; to become ugly
Hagriad, n. a rendering ugly
Hagrwch, n. ugliness
Haha, expressive of surprise
Hai, n. excitation; haste
Hai, v. hei, quick, make haste
Haiach, n. instant, moment
Haiach, adv. instantly; almost
Haiachen, n. instant, moment
Haiachen, adv. instantaneously
Haiarn, n. iron
Haiarndde, a. teeming with iron
Haiarnddu, n. iron black
Haiarniad, n. a doing with iron
Haiarnllyd, a. ferruginous
Haiarnol, a. of iron quality
Haiarnu, v. to do with iron
Haiarnwaith, n. ironmongery
Haiarnwedd, n. iron hue
Haiarnwr, n. ironmonger
Haib, n. superabundance
Haid, n. swarm, throng
Haidd, n. barley
Haif, n. overwhelming
Haig, n. a shoal
Haihow, interj. heigh oh! alas!
Haihwchw, interj. hallo, murder!
Hail, n. ratio; bounty; service
Hain, n. what spreads through
Haint, n. what is prevalent, an infection, disease, sickness. Haint y nodau, the plague
Hair, a. tedious, dilatory, long
Hais, n. what is full of points
Haith, n. aptness to reach
Hal, n. essential salt, a salt marsh
Hal, v. saline, salt; alkaline
Halaeth, n. saturation; fullness
Haledig, a. impregnated
Halent, n. plenum: saturation
Halen, n. salt, Crwth halen, a salt box, salt cellar
Halenai, n. a salt-cellar
Halenaidd, a. of a salt quality
Halenog, a. abounding in salt
Haleniad, n. a turning to salt
Halenu, v. to turn to salt
Halenwr, n. a salt merchant
Haliad, n. impregnation
Haliw, n. saliva, spittle
Haliwiad, n. salivation
Haliwio, v. to salivate
Halog, a. saturated with salt, contaminated; polluted
Halogedig, a. contaminated
Halogedigaeth, n. contamination
Halogi, v. to defile; to corrupt
Halogiad, n. a defiling
Haloglw, n. a profane oath
Halogrwydd, n. pollution
Halogwr, n. a defiler
Hallt, a. salt, saline; severe
Halltaidd, a. somewhat salt
Halltedd, n. saltness, salineness
Halltiad, n. a salting
Halltni, n. saltness
Halltol, a. of a saline tendency
Halltu, v. to salt, to make salt
Halltwr, n. salter
Ham, n. cause, circumstance
Hambwyll, n. reflection
Hambwylliad, n. consideration, reflection
Hambwyllo, v. to consider, to reflect
Hamdden, n. leisure, respite
Hamddeniad, n. a taking respite
Hamddenol, a. being at leisure
Hamddenu, v. to make respite
Han, n. what proceeds from; a. produced; separated: prep. from, out of
Hanaeth, n. procedure
Hanawdd, n. derivation
Hanbwyll, n. consideration
Hanbwylliad, n. a considering
Hanbwyllo, v. to consider
Hanbwyllog, a. considerate
Handden, a. being attractive
Handdeniad, n. an attraction
Handdenol, a. attractive
Handdenu, to derive attraction
Handdyfod, v. to be, to become
Hanedig, a. derived, descended
Hanedigaeth, n. derivation
Hanes, n. relation, history
Hanesai, n. historiographer
Hanesgerdd, n. an epic poem
Hanesiad, n. a narration
Hanesiaeth, n. a narration
Hanesol, a. historical
Hanesu, v. to narrate
Haneswr, Hanesydd, a historian
Hanesyddiaeth, n. historiography; history in the abstract
Hanesyn, n. an anecdote
Hanfod, n. existence, being: v. to become existent; to proceed; to exist
Hanfodiad, n. an existing
Hanfodol, a. existent; essential
Hanfodoldeb, n. hypostasis
Hanfodoli, v. to become existent
Haniad, n. a proceeding
Hanner, n. a moiety: a. half
Hannerog, n. moiety: a half share or part; a flitch
Hannergrwn, n. a hemisphere
Hannergylch, n. a semicircle
Hanneriad, n. a halving
Hannerob, n. a flitch of bacon
Hannerog, a. having a moiety
Hannerol, a. relating to half
Hannersain, n. a semitone
Hanneru, v. to half
Hanred, parting off; recession
Hanredoli, v. to render separate
Hanredoliaeth, a separate state
Hanredu, v. to separate
Hanu, v. to proceed, to be derived
Hap, n. luck, chance, fortune
Hapiad, n. a happening
Hapio, v. to happen
Hapiol, a. happening, eventual
Hapus, a. fortunate, happy
Hapusrwydd, n. happiness
Har, n. aptness to over-top
Hardd, a. towering; handsome
Harddedd, n. handsomeness
Harddiad, n. a rendering handsome
Harddiant, n. a rendering comely
Harddineb, n. handsomeness
Harddu, v. to adorn
Harddwch, n. handsomeness
Haredd, n. calmness; peace
Hariad, n. an appeasing
Hariannu, v. to render calm
Hariant, n. quietness
Harl, n. a jangling, a wrangling
Harlach, n. a jangling
Harlu, v. to jangle, to wrangle
Harnais, n. harness
Harneisiad, n. a harnessing
Harneisio, v. to harness
Hatriad, n. a covering
Hatru, v. to cover, to dress
Hau, v. to strew over, to sow
Haul, n. the sun
Hauwr, n. a sower
Haw, n. what is full; an ass
Hawcaid, n. a hod-ful
Hawd, n. a whisk, a sweep
Hawdd, a. feasible, easy, facile
Hawddammawr, n. a welcome
Hawddammori, v. to welcome
Hawddammoriad, n. a welcoming
Hawddfryd, n. ease of mind
Hawddfyd, n. happiness
Hawddgar, a. amiable; lovely
Hawddgarwch, n. amiableness
Hawddineb, n. a facility, easiness
Hawes, n. a female ass
Hawg, n. fullness; perfection; space; while; an age; a hod
Hawg, ad. a while, for sometime
Hawiad, n. a becoming full; a ripening; a becoming inactive
Hawl, n. a demand; a claim
Hawlblaid, n. a plaintiff
Hawlfainc, n. a tribunal
Hawlwr, n. a claimant
Hawn, a. eager; brisk; active
Hawni, n. eagerness; alacrity; flue: v. to run over slighthy
Hawniad, n. a doing over slightly
Hawnid, n. eagerness; briskness; liveliness
Hawnt, n. alacrity; liveliness
Hawntiad, n. an encouraging
Hawntio, v. to encourage
Hawntus, a. full of alacrity
Hawr, n. a spread
Hawriad, n. a spreading out
Hawru, v. to spread, to dilate
Haws, n. ease; more feasible
Hawsder, Hawsdra, n. feasibleness
He, n. a going: a. adventurous, daring,
Head, n. a sowing; a scattering, dissemination
Heawd, n. a spreading; a drifting
Heb, n. a pass utterance: prep. without, void of: adv. without; beside, by
Hebgor, n. a being dispensed: v. to put aside, to dispense
Hebgoradwy, a. dispensable
Hebgori, v. to dispense with
Hebgoriad, n. a dispensing with a dispensation
Hebiad, an uttering, utterance
Heblaw, prep. beside: adv. besides
Heboca, v. to hunt with a hawk
Hebog, n. a hawk, a falcon
Heboglys, n. a hawkweed
Hebogydd, n. a hawker
Hebogyddiaeth, n. hawking
Hebogyn, n. a single hawk
Hebol, a. uttering, oral
Hebraeg, n. Hebrew tongue
Hebred, n. external coarse; state of evil, or transmigration
Hebrediad, n. a traversing of the evil circle
Hebredu, v. to go in the evil circle, to transmigrate
Hwbrwng, n. a mission, a sending: v. to go on with, to send
Hebryngiad, n. a sending
Hebryngol, a. missive, sending
Hebryngu, v. to go on with
Hebryngydd, n. a conductor
Hebu, v. to utter, to speak
Heciad, n. a hopping
Hecian, v. to halt, to hop, to limp
Hecyn, n. a small notch
Hecynu, v. to make a notch
Hed, n. a flight; also a hat
Hedeg, n. a flying: v. to fly
Hedegog, a. having flight, flying, soaring; lofty; aspiring
Hedegol, a. volant, flying
Hedfan, v. to fly
Hediant, n. the act of flying
Hedin, a. flying, volant, volatile
Hediniad, n. volatilization
Hedion, n. light corn; chaff
Hedlam, n. a flying skip
Hednaid, n. a flying leap
Hedwr, Hedydd, n. one that flies; a lark
Hedyn, n. a single seed
Hedd, n. tranquility
Heddaberth, n. peace-offering
Heddgeidwad, n. a constable, a police officer
Heddiad, n. a tranquilizing
Heddog, a. tranquil, calm
Heddswyddog, n. peace officer
Heddu, v. to tranquilize
Heddus, a. pacific, tranquil
Hedduso, v. to make pacific
Heddwch, n. peace, quietness
Heddy, n. this day, the present day: adv. on this day
Heddychiad, n. a pacification
Heddychiadoi, a. pacificatory
Heddychiadu, v. to render pacific
Heddychlon, peaceful, peaceable
Heddychlondeb, n. peacefulness
Heddychloni, v. to make peaceful
Heddychod, n. a pacification
Heddychol, a. peaceable
Heddycholdeb, n. peaceablenes
Heddychu, to pacify, to appease
Heddychus, a. peaceable, pacific
Heddychwr, n. a peacemaker
Heddygu, v. to pacify, to appease
Heddyngnad, n. a justice of the peace
Hefal, n. like, similar
Hefeiliad, n. a making similar
Hefelig, a. having similitude
Hefelychiad, n. a likening
Hefelychu, v. to imitate
Hefelydd, what is like; a. equal
Hefelyddiad, n. an imitating
Hefelyddu, v. to imitate
Hefin, a. relating to summer
Hefrin, a. spreading; incompact
Hefyd, conj. in addition; also, likewise
Hefys, n. a smack, a shift
Hegab, n. a grasshopper
Hegl, n. a limb, a shank
Heglog, a. having limbs
Heiad, n. an impelling
Heibio, adv. by, beside, aside
Heidiad, n. a swarming
Heidio, v. to swarm, to throng
Heidiog, a. having swarms
Heidiol, a. swarming, flocking
Heidden, n. a grain of barley
Heiddiad, n. acquisition; merit
Heiddio, v. to obtain; to merit
Heiddiol, a. meritorious
Heiddyd, n. attainment, merit
Heigiad, n. a yielding in shoals
Heigio, v. to yield abundantly
Heigiol, a. yielding in shoals
Heilgorn, n. drinking-horn
Heiliad, a dealing out, a serving
Heilin, a. bounteous, generous
Heilio, v. to deal out, to serve
Heilydd, n. one who serves
Heilyddiaeth, Heilyniaeth, n. the office of a waiter
Heilyn, n. a waiter
Heini, n. vivacity: a. brisk
Heiniad, n. a making active
Heiniar, n. a crop, produce
Heinif, a. lively, cheerful, brisk
Heinio, v. to pervade; to make all alive: to swarm
Heiniog, a. being pervaded, teeming, swarming
Heintol, a. pervasive; teeming
Heintddwyn, a. pestiferous
Heintfan, n. a plague spot
Heintfanol, a. petechial
Heintiad, a. causing contagion
Heintio, v. to cause contagion
Heintiog, a. contagious
Heintiol, a. contagious, epidemic
Heintnod, n. a pestilence
Heintnodol, a. pestilential
Heintus, a. pestilential
Heinydd, n. seat of life
Heislan, n. a hatchel, an instrument to beat flax
Heislaniad, n. a hatchelling
Heislanu, v. to hatchel flax
Heistain, n. what whets scythes
Heisyllt, n. a flax hatchel
Heisylltiad, n. a hatchelling
Heistyllu, v. to hatchel flax
Hel, n. a holme; a dale
Hel, n. a gathering, an aggregate: v. to gather, to hunt
Hela, v. to gather, to hunt
Helaeth, a. ample, extensive
Helaethder, n. spaciousness
Helaethiad, n. amplification
Helaethiant, n. amplitude
Helaethrwydd, n. ampleness; abundance, an ample stock
Helaethu, v. to enlarge, to amplify
Helaethwr, n. an amplifier
Helbul, n. perplexity, trouble
Helbulo, v. to be full of care
Helbulus, a. full of perplexity
Helciad, n. a prying narrowly
Helcu, v. to pry carefully
Heldrin, n. business; bustle
Heledd, n. a place to make salt
Helfa, n. an aggregate; a hunt
Helffon, n. a hunting pole
Helgaeth, n. grime; soot
Helgi, n. a hunting dog
Helgig, n. venison
Helgorn, n. a hunting horn
Helgyd, v. to pry carefully
Helhynt, n. chase, course
Heli, n. brine, salt water
Heliad, n. a gathering, a collecting; a hunting: a making of brine
Heliedig, a. gathered; hunted
Helio, v. to season with brine
Helm, n. a stack, a rick
Helmiad, n. a forming a rick
Helmu, v. to form a rick
Helw, n. possession
Helwi, v. to have possession
Helwr, Heliwr, n. a gatherer; a hunter; a venator
Helwriaeth, n. huntmanship
Hely, n. a gathering; a hunt: v. to gather; to hunt
Helyddiaeth, n. the chase
Helyg, n. willows, the salix
Helygen, n. a willow tree
Helyglys, n. a willow herb
Helynt, n. course; business
Helyntio, v. to go on a course
Helyth, n. a family stock
Hell, a. ugly, unsightly
Helltni, n. saltness, brininess
Hem, n. a hem, a border
Hemiad, n. a hemming
Hemio, v. to hem, to border
Hen, n. age, antiquity; a. old
Henad, n. a becoming old
Henadur, Henaduriad, n. elder
Henaduriaeth, n. eldership
Henaf, a. most ancient, oldest
Henafiad, a. an ancestor
Henafiaeth, n. an ancestry
Henaint, n. an old age
Hendad, n. a grandfather
Hendaid, n. a great grandfather
Hender, n. antiquity, age
Hendref, established habitation
Henddyn, n. an aged person
Heneiddiad, n. a growing old
Heneiddio, v. to grow old
Heneiddrwydd, n. agedness
Henfab, n. old bachelor
Henfam, n. grandmother
Henferch, n. an old maid
Henfon, n. a breeding cow
Hengof, n. an old tradition
Henllydan, n. the plantain
Hennain, a great grandmother
Heno, n. this night: adv. to night
Henoed, n. decline of age
Henu, v. to grow old or aged
Henur, n. an elder, an ancient
Henuriad, n. an elder
Henw, n. a name, appellative
Henwad, a naming, appellation
Henwadol, a. nominative
Henwedigaeth, n. nomination
Henwedigol, a. nominate
Henwi, to name, to nominate
Henwol, a. nominal titular
Henwr, n. an old man
Henwrach, n. an old woman
Heol, n. a course, a road, a street, Heol, y gwynt, the milky way
Heolan, n. a lane, an alley
Heor, n. an anchor
Heori, v. to anchor
Hep-hun, n. a slumber
Hep-huniad, n. a slumbering
Hep-huno, v. to slumber
Hep-hynt, n. a whim, reverse
Hepiad, n. a nodding
Hepian, n. a nod; a slumber: v. to keep nodding
Hepio, v. to nod; to slumber
Heples, n. fervent, leaven
Hepwedd, n. an attribute
Her, n. a push; a challenge
Herc, n. a reach out; a jerk
Herciad, n. a reaching, a jerking
Hercian, v. to keep jerking
Herciant, n. a reaching out
Hercu, v. to reach, to fetch
Hercyn, n. a reach out; a jerk
Hergod, n. a push, a thrust
Hergwd, n. a push, a shove
Hergyd, n. a quick push
Hcrgydiad, n. a shoving away
Hergydio, v. to shove away
Heri, n. a jerk; a limp
Heriad, n. a defying
Herlawd, n. a tall stripling
Herlod, n. defiance, challenge
Harlodes, n. a hoiden; a damsel
Herlotyn, n. a mere stripling
Herodr, n. an ambassador
Herodraeth, n. an embassy
Hers, n. a sharp push; a flout
Hersu, n. a scouting, a flouting
Hersiad, a scouting, a flouting, a packing off
Hersio, v. to scout, to pack off
Herw, n. a flight; a scouting
Herwa, v. to scout, to hurry
Herwad, n. a scouting, prowling
Herwm, n. gloss of leather
Herwr, n. a scout, a prowler
Herwriaeth, n. vagrancy
Herwth, n. the rectum
Herwydd, prep. because
Hesg, n. sedges, rushes
Hesgen, n. a sedge, a rush
Hesglif, n. a whipsaw
Hesgyn, n. a sieve, a riddle
Hesor, n. a hassock, a pad
Hesp, a. dried up, dry, barren
Hespin, n. a yearling ewe
Hespinhwch, n. a young sow
Hespwrn, n. a young sheep
Hestawr, n. two-bushel
Hestoraid, n. full of two bushels
Het, n. a hat; a garland
Hetiwr, n. a hatter
Hetys, n. a short space, instant
Heuad, n. a sowing, semination
Heuddedig, a. attained; deserved
Heuddiad, n. a reaching; a meriting
Heuddu, v. to attain; to merit
Heulen, n. a partial sunshine
Heuliad, n. a sunning
Heuliadu, v. to give a sunning
Heulo, v. to shine as the sun
Heulod, n. the sun's shining
Heulog, a. sunny, sunshiny
Heulor, n. a half door
Heulorsaf, n. a solstice
Heulrod, n. a parasol; a cap
Heulwen, n. the sunshine
Heulyd, n. sunshine, sun-heat
Heuriad, n. an asserting
Heuriannu, v. to vindicate
Heuriant, n. a vindication
Heuro, v. to assert, to affirm
Heurol, a. assertive, positive
Heusawr, n. a herdsman
Heuslan, n. the sheep-lice
Heuso, v. to protect
Heusori, v. to tend herds
Hew, n. a call of defiance
Hewcri, Hewgrach, n. pertness
Hewiad, n. a hectoring
Hewrach, n. a squabble
Hewydd, n. passion: zeal
Hewydus, a. passionate; zealous
Hewydd, n. maturity
Hewyn, n. what is mature
Hi, n. a female: pron. she, her
Hic, n. a snap; a trick
Hiced, n. a trick, cheat
Hicell, n. a long handled bill
Hicio, v. to snap; to trick
Hid, a. aptness to run through
Hidl, a. distilling; shedding: n. a strainer, a colander
Hidlaid, a. distilling, dropping; n. a distilling, a dropping
Hidlion, n. droppings
Hidlo, v. to distil, to run
Hif, n. a skin, a surface
Hifiad, n. the peeling of the skin
Hifio, v. to peel off the skin
Hifyn, n. the strip of skin
Hiff, n. a flake; a drift
Hiffiad, n. a flaking; a drifting
Hiffiant, n. a drift; a foam
Hiffio, v. to cast flakes; to drift
Hifl, n. a gush, a spirt
Hifflaid, Hifflo, to gush, to spirt
Hiffliad, n. a spirting
Hiffyn, n. a flake; a drift
Hil, n. a fragment; emanation; produce; issue; progency
Hilen, n. a bearing female
Hiliad, n. a producing, a generating
Hiliant, n. issue, progenry
Hilig, a. procreate: n. an issue
Hilio, v. to yield, to bring forth, to produce
Hiogaeth, n. offspring, issue
Hiliogi, v. to render prolific
Hilus, a. being in particles
Hilyn, n. a particle, emanation
Hin, n. weather; temperature
Hindda, n. fair weather
Hinio, v. to change the weather
Hiniog, n. a door-frame; a sill
Hinon, n. serene weather
Hinoni, v. to become serene
Hip, n. a sudden tap
Hipiad, n. a tapping, a tipping
Hipio, v. to tap, to tip
Hir, a. long; tedious; dilatory
Hiraeth, n. longing; regret
Hiraethiad, n. a longing
Hiraethlon, a. full of regret
Hiraethog, a. longing
Hiraethol, a. longing; regretting
Hiraethu, v. to long; to regret
Hiraethus, a. longing; regretting
Hirau, v. to lengthen
Hirbell, a. very far, distant
Hirbwyll, n. deliberate caution
Hirchwedl, n. a long story
Hirder, n. length; longitude
Hirdrig, a. of long tarrying
Hirddydd, n. a long day
Hireinios, n. a long life
Hirfod, n. a long abiding
Hirfryd, a. of even mind
Hirglust, a. long eared
Hirglwyf, n. long-sickness
Hirglyw, a. being long eared
Hirgrwn, n. a cylinder: a cylinderical
Hirgul, a. long and narrow
Hirgwyn, n. a long complaint
Hirgylch, n. an ellipse
Hirhoedl, n. longevity
Hirhoedlog, a. long-lived
Hiriad, n. a lengthening
Hirian, n. a tall lank person
Hiriannu, v. to prolong
Hiriant, n. length, delay
Hirio, v. to lengthen
Hirlidio, v. to bear anger long
Hirnos, n. a long night
Hirnych, n. long affliction
Hiroddef, n. longsuffering
Hiroed, n. long waiting
Hirwlydd, n. the maidenhair
Hirtrwm, n. a fribble
Hityn, n. a ragamuffin
Hithau, pron. she also, her also
Ho, n. an exclamation; a call: interj. hallo! oh!
Hob, n. a swelling out; a swine; a measure of capacity
Hobelu, v. to hop, to hobble
Hobyn, n. a deal at cards
Hoc, n. a scythe to cut brambles
Hoced, n. a cheat, deceit, juggle
Hocedu, v. to cheat, to trick
Hocedwr, n. a cheater, one who plays tricks
Hocrell, n. a girl, a wench
Hocys, n. mallows, or althaea
Hoch, n. a hawking of phlegm
Hochi, v. to throw up phlegm
Hodi, n. wild shrubs, brakes: v. to shoot, to ear
Hodiad, n. a shooting; earing
Hoddiad, n. a facilitating
Hoddio, v. to facilitate
Hoe, n. aptness; respite; rest
Hoeanu, v. to take respite
Hoed, n. delay; regret
Hoeden, n. a flirt, a coquette
Hoedl, n. duration of life
Hoedli, v. to lead a life
Hoedlog, a. having life, lived
Hoel, n. a nail, a spike
Hoelen, n. a single nail
Hoeliad, n. a nailing
Hoeliedig, a. fastened by nailing
Hoelio, v. to nail, to drive nail
Hoeliwr, n. a nailer
Hoen, n. good plight; liveliness, hue, complexion
Hoeni, v. to grow blithe
Hoenus, a. blithesome, joyous
Hoenwedd, n. a blithe aspect
Hoenyn, n. a hair; a gin; a slip
Hoenynu, v. to set a springe
Hoetian, v. to suspend; to dandle
Hoeth, a. exposed, naked
Hoew, a. alert, uprightly, lively
Hoewal, n. the play of water around anything, a whirl
Hoewal, a. whirling, eddying
Hoewalu, v. to form eddies
Hoewan, a. sprightly; volatile
Hoewder, n. sprightliness
Hoewgall, a. quick witted
Hoewgred, a. of ready belief
Hoewi, v. to become sprightly
Hoewrym, a. of quick energy
Hoewserch, n. lively affection
Hof, n. what hangs or hovers
Hofiad, a hovering, fluctuation
Hofian, v. to hover, to fluctuate
Hofio, v. to hover, to suspend
Hoff, a. love, belowed, lovely
Hoffaidd, a. tending to be lovely
Hoffaint, n. fondness; delight; love
Hoffder, n. fondness, delight
Hoffdyn, n. a cuckhold
Hoffi, v. to delight in, to love
Hog, n. a sharpening, a whet
Hogal, n. a whetstone; a strop
Hogalen, n. a whetstone
Hogen, n. a girl, a damsel
Hogenig, n. a little damsel
Hogfaen, n. a hone, whetstone
Hogi, v. to sharpen, to whet
Hogiad, n. a sharpening
Hogl, Hogldy, n. a hovel, a shed
Hoglanc, n. a stripling
Hogyn, n. a stripling, a lad
Hong, n. a hang, a dangle
Hongian, v. to hang, to dangle
Hoi, n. a call of attention
Hoiad, n. a calling attention
Hoian, v. to call attention
Hol, n. a fetch, a bringing to; v. to fetch, to go for
Holadwy, a. cognisable
Holawd, n. cognisance
Holedig, a. questioned
Holedigaeth, n. examination
Holedigoi, a. interrogative
Holfainc, n. a tribunal
Holgar, a. inquisitive
Holi, v. to question, to inquire
Holiad, n. interrogation
Holiadol, a. catachetical
Holiant, n. cognisance
Holiedydd, Holwr, n. an interrogator
Holio, v. to separate
Holp, n. a holp-hole, a loop
Holl, a. all, every one
Hollallu, n. all power
Hollalluog, a. omnipotent
Hollalluogrwydd, omnipotence
Hollboeth, n. a holocaust
Hollddoeth, a. allwise
Hollfyd, n. the universe
Hollgyfoethog, a. all-powerful, possessing all things
Hollol, a. total, whole, entire
Holliach, a. perfectly well
Hollryw, a. omnigenous
Hollt, n. a slit, a cleft, a fissure
Hollti, v. to slit, to cleave
Holltiad, n. a slitting, a cleaving, a rifting, a spliting
Holltog, a. full of slits or rifts
Hollwybodaeth, n. omniscience
Hollwybodol, a. omniscient
Hollwybodus, a. omniscient
Hollwydd, n. omnipresence
Hollwyddol, a. omnipresent
Hollwyddoldeb, n. omnipresence
Hon, a. [feminine of HWN] this
Hona, a. [feminine of HWNA] that
Hwnacw, a. [feminine of HWN ACW] that, at a distance
Honaid, a. evident, well-known
Honc, n. a shake, a wagging
Honcen, n. a waddling female
Honciad, n. a waggling
Honcian, v. to wagger, to stagger, to totter
Honcio, v. to shake, to wag
Honcu, v. to shake, to wag
Honedig, a. manifested, evident
Honfas, n. a chopping knife
Honffest, n. a tunic, a vest
Honi, v. to manifest; to proclaim; to object; to insist
Honiad, n. manifestation; an objecting; an insisting
Honianol, a. affirmative
Honiant, n. affirmation
Hono, a. [feminine of HWN] that, absent
Honof, honot, hono, honi, honom, honoch, honynt, see OHONOF
Honod, n. an affirmation
Honol, a. positive, affirmative
Honos, n. a gawky; the ling
Honsel, n. a handsel
Honw, n. what is full of motion
Honyma, [feminine] this, which is here
Honyna, [feminine] that which is there
Hopran, n. a mill hopper
Hopranu, v. to hop in a hopper
Hor, n. rotundity; swine lice
Horen, n. a fat lazy one
Horgest, n. a fat paunch
Hort, n. a reproach, calumny
Hortiad, n. a reproaching
Hortio, v. to reproach
Hortiol, a. reproaching
Horth, n. what is spread over
Horyn, n. a lazy lump
Hos, Hosan, n. a hose, a stocking
Hosanwr, n. a hosier
Hotan, n. a hood, a cap
Hotyn, n. what covers as a cap
How, interj. heigh! ho! alas
Hoyw, a. alert, sprightly, gay
Hu, n. what is apt to pervade: a. apt to pervade; bold
Huad, n. what cents; a hound
Huadgu, n. a hound dog
Huail, n. a vicegerent
Hual, n. a fetter, a gyve
Hualiad, n. a fettering
Hualog, a. having fetters
Hualu, v. to fetter, to shackle
Huan, n. Phoebus, the sun
Huano, a. harmonic; poetical
Huarwar, a. soothing; calm
Huawdl, a. eloquent
Huawdledd, n. eloquence
Hucan, n. a cob, a sea fowl
Huch, n. a thin skin, a film
Huchen, n. a film, a pellicle
Huchiad, n. a skinning over
Huchio, v. to skin over
Hud, n. an illusion, a charm
Hudo, v. to allure, to beguile
Hudol, a. alluring, enticing
Hudedd, n. allurement
Hudiad, n. an alluring
Hudoldeb, n. illusiveness
Hudoles, n. a deceiver
Hudoli, v. to render illusive
Hudoliaeth, n. allurement
Hudoliaethu, v. to use deception
Hudwalch, n. a lure bird
Hudwg, n. a bugbear
Hudwy, n. a phantom
Hudd, n. a covert, a shade: a dusky, dark, gloomy
Huddo, v. to cover, to shade
Huddol, a. covering, shading
Huddedig, a. covered, shaded
Huddiad, n. a covering
Huddiannu, v. to overspread
Huddiant, n. a shading over
Huddig, a. tending to be dusky
Huddwg, n. what is dusky
Huddygl, n. soot, reek
Huddyglyd, a. fuliginious, sooty
Huenig, a. encircling
Huenyd, n. what encircles
Hufen, n. what mantles; cream
Hufenaidd, a. like cream
Hufeniad, n. a forming cream
Hufenu, v. to gather cream
Hufiad, n. a mantling over
Hufio, v. to mantle over
Hufyll, a. humble, submissive
Hufylldod, a. humility
Hug, n. a loose coat or gown
Hugan, n. a loose coat
Hugwd, n. a sceptre
Hul, n. a cover, a coverlet
Huliad, n. a decking
Hulio, v. to spread over
Huliwr, n. a decker
Hulier, n. a cover, a lid
Huling, n. a coverlet, a rug
Hult, n. a dolt, a moper
Hulyn, n. a coverlet, a quilt
Hum, n. a bat, a racket
Human, n. a tennis ball
Humog, n. a bat, a racket
Hun, n. a nap, a slumber
Hun, n. one'self
Hunan, n. self
Hunanaeth, n. self; egotism
Hunananog, v. to self-excite
Hunander, n. selfishness
Hunandwyll, n. self-deception
Hunandyb, n. self-conceit
Hunandyst, n. self evidence
Hunanddoeth, a. self-wise
Hunanedd, n. selfishness
Hunanfarn, n. self-condemnation
Hunanfawl, n. self-applause
Hunanfod, n. self-existence
Hunanfodd, n. self-pleasure
Hunanfudd, n. self-interest
Hunan-gar, a. selfish
Hunan-gariad, n. self-love
Hunan-gyfiawn, self-righteous
Hunanhanfod, n. self-existence
Hunanhyder, n. self confidence
Hunaniad, a becoming selfish
Hunaniaeth, n. identity
Hunanladd, n. self-murder
Hunanles, n. self-interest
Hunanol, a. relating to self
Hananoldeb, n. selfishness
Hunanrediad, n. self-motion
Hunanrith, n. self-evidence
Hunanryw, n. homogeny, a. homogenous
Hunansaf, n. self-standing
Hunansymud, n. self-motion
Hunanu, v. to egotise
Hunanymmod, n. self-motion
Hunanymwad, n. self-denial
Hunanysol, a. self-devouring
Hundy, n. dormitory
Hunddwyn, a. sleep-depriving
Hunedd, n. somnolence
Hunell, n. a short sleep, a nap
Hunfa, n. a dormitory
Hun-glwyf, n. a legarthy
Hunllef, n. the nightmare
Huno, v. to sleep, to slumber
Hunog, a. sleepy, drowsy
Hunyn, n. a nap, a doze
Huon, n. epithet for the Deity
Hupynt, n. a brunt; a shock; a push; a metre so called
Hur, n. wages, hire
Huren, n. a prostitute, a slut
Hurio, v. to hire
Huriwr, n. a hirer
Hurt, n. a block: a. stupid
Hurtan, n. a blockhead
Hurtiad, n. a stupifying
Hurtio, v. to stupify
Hurtiol, a. stupefactive
Hurtyn, n. a blockhead
Hurtr, n. a boarded floor
Hurth, n. a block, a dolt
Hurthgen, n. a blockhead
Hurthiad, n. a stupifying
Hurthio, v. to stupify
Hust, n. a buzzing noise
Hustiad, n. a making a buzz
Husting, n. a buzz, a whisper
Husting, v. to buzz, to whisper
Hutan, n. an oaf; the dotterel
Hutyn, n. a stupid fellow
Huw, n. a lullaby, a lulla
Huysgain, a. apt to scatter
Huysgwn, a. apt to ascend
Huysgwr, a. aptly energetic
Hw, n. a hoot, a halloo
Hwa, v. to hoot, to halloo
Hwala, n. a halloo, a cry
Hwau, n. a hooter; an owl
Hwb, n. a push; an effort; a lift
Hwbach, n. a quick effort
Hwbiad, n. a pushing forward
Hwbian, v. to be pushing on
Hwca, what is hooked: a. hooking
Hwch, n. a push, a thrust: a show
Hwchw, a shout, a cry, a scream
Hwd, n. a take off or away
Hwda, n. a take off, a taking: v. imper. take, accept
Hwdan, n. a reach to take
Hwdwg, n. a bugbear, a bug
Hwdwl, n. what is stark mad
Hwf, n. a hood, a cowl
Hwfan, n. a rising over
Hwfanu, v. to rise over
Hwg, n. a hook, a bend
Hwgwd, n. a dunce, a dolt
Hwhw, n. hooting of an owl
Hwi, v. to hallow
Hwm, n. what is apt to sink
Hwman, n. wavering motion
Hwna, a. that
Hwnacw, a. that, yonder, or at a distance
Hwnt, a. outward; foreign; other, contrary
Hwnt, adv. at a distance, yonder, beyond; away, aside
Hwntiau, v. to vibrate; to waggle
Hwnw, a. that; absent
Hwynyma, a. [masculine] this, which is her
Hwnyna, a. that, which is here
Hwp, n. an effort, a pull, a push
Hwpiad, n. a tugging, a pushing
Hwpio, v. to pull, to tug, to push
Hwpiol, a. tugging, lugging
Hwr, n. a taking off, a taking
Hwra, v. to accept, to take
Hwrdd, a push, a thrust; a butt; an onset; a ram
Hwre, v. take, accept
Hwrwg, n. a lump, a hunch
Hws, n. a covering, a housing
Hwsiad, n. a putting on a cover
Hwsmon, n. a husbandman
Hwsmonaeth, husbandry tillage
Hwstr, a froward; morose
Hwstredd, n. frowardness
Hwswr, n. a house-wife
Hwt, n. a taking off: v. off, away
Hwta, n. a taking off, a taking
Hwtio, v. to push off; to hoot
Hwy, pron. they, them
Hwy, a. long; tedious; longer
Hwyad, n. a lengthening
Hwyad, n. a duck
Hwyaden, n. a duck
Hwyau, v. to lengthen
Hwyddell, n. a female salmon
Hwyedig, a. lengthened
Hwyedydd, n. a young bird
Hwyfell, n. a female salmon
Hwyl, n. a course; plight, state, or condition; a sail
Hwylbren, n. a sail yard; a mast
Hwylfa, n. a course; a lane
Hwyliad, n. a driving; a butting; a progression; a sailing
Hwylio, v. to set in course; to butt; to prepare; to sail
Hwyliog, a. having course; being under sail
Hwylus, a. orderly, prosperous
Hwyluso, v. to facilitate
Hwylusdod, n. facility
Hwyn, n. a long hair; a gin
Hwynaw, v. to lay a springe
Hwynt, pron. they, them
Hwynthwy, pron. they themselves
Hwyr, n. lateness; the evening; a. slow, tedious; late
Hwyraad, n. a growing late
Hwyrach, a. slower; later: ad. peradventure
Hwyrau, v. to become late
Hwyrder, n. latenesss
Hwyrdrwm, a. sluggish, drowsy
Hwyrddig, a. slow to anger
Hwyrddysg, a. slow to learn
Hwyredd, n. lateness, tardiness
Hwyrfryd, a. of slow disposition
Hwyrfrydig, a. slowly disposed
Hwyrol, a. relating to evening
Hwyrweddawg, a. forbearing
Hwys, n. draught; load
Hwysaw, v. to heap together
Hwysg, n. a sweep; ravage
Hwysgaw, v. to sweep away
Hwysgiad, n. devastation
Hwyst, n. dart, glance
Hwythau, pro. they likewise
Hy, n. aptitude to proceed: a. apt; bold; audacious
Hyadlais, a. apt to resound
Hyall, a. possible, effectible
Hyalledd, n. possibility
Hyar, a. apt to resound; vocal
Hyawdledd, n. eloquence
Hyawdl, a. eloquent, fluent
Hyb, n. a getting forward; a recovery
Hyball, a. fallible, defectible
Hyballedd, n. fallibility
Hybar, a. apt to provide
Hybarch, a. reverend, revered
Hybarchedd, n. venerableness
Hybarth, a. divisible
Hybarthedd, n. divisibility
Hybawl, a recovering; saving
Hybechrwydd, n. aptness to sin
Hybell, a. far ranging; distant
Hybiad, n. a recovering
Hyblaid, n. apt to take a part
Hybleth, a. apt to weave
Hyblyg, a. easily doubted; also flexible
Hyblygedd, n. flexibility
Hyboen, a. susceptible of pain
Hyboeth, a. easily heated
Hyborth, a. easily supported
Hybrawf, a. demonstrable
Hybryn, a. easily bought
Hybu, v. to get foremost; to recover
Hybwyll, a. discreet, rational
Hybwylledd, n. deliberation
Hybwys, a. aptly pressing
Hybwysedd, n. ponderousness
Hychan, n. a little sow
Hychgryg, n. quinsy
Hychiad, n. a thrusting
Hychian, v. to grunt
Hychiaw, v. to push, to thrust
Hychig, n. little or young sow
Hychwant, a. aptly lusting
Hychwardd, a. aptly laughing
Hychwil, a. apt to pry about
Hychwyth, a. apt to blow
Hyd, n. length; continuity; while: prep. to, unto, as far as: ad. till; to the place that; while; along, ever
Hydaith, a. apt to travel
Hydal, a. apt to pay, payable
Hydardd, a. apt to break out
Hydarf, a. easily scared
Hydarth, a. aptly exhaling
Hydaw, a. apt to be silent
Hydawdd, a. apt to melt
Hydedd, n. longitude
Hyder, n. trust, confidence
Hyderiad, n. a confiding
Hyderu, v. to rely, to confide
Hyderus, a. confident
Hydgyllen, the brisket
Hydiad, n. a lengthening
Hydor, a. aptly breaking
Hydraeth, a. aptly reciting
Hydraidd, a. penetrable
Hydrais, a. apt to oppress
Hydranc, a. apt to perish
Hydras, a. of notable kindred
Hydraul, a. easily consumed
Hydraw, a. easily instructed
Hydred, n. longitude
Hydredawl, a. longitudinal
Hydref, n. autumn; October
Hydrefn, a. well-ordered
Hydreiddrwydd, n. penetrability
Hydreigledd, a. aptness to roll
Hydrwst, a. apt to be noisy
Hydwf, a. luxuriant, thriving
Hydwyll, a. easily deceived
Hydwyth, a. elastic, nimble
Hydyn, a. tractable
Hydd, n. stag, deer
Hyddadl, a. disputable
Hyddail, a. apt to bear leaves
Hyddawn, a. liberal
Hyddes, n. a bind, red deer
Hyddestyl, a. apt to be nice
Hyddewis, a. aptly selecting
Hyddfref, a. rutting of deer
Hyddgant, n. stag
Hyddgen, n. skin of a stag
Hyddgi, n. buck-hound
Hyddig, a. irritable, iracible
Hyddoeth, a. apt to be wise
Hyddof, a. tamable
Hyddring, a. easily climbed
Hyddrwg, a. apt to be bad
Hyddwyn, a. easily carried
Hyddysg, a. well-versed, docile
Hyddysgedd, n. aptness to learn
Hyddysgu, v. to learn quickly
Hyddysgwr, quick learner
Hyedd, n. boldness
Hyf, a. bold, paring, confident
Hyfaad, n. a becoming bold
Hyfaeth, a. nourishable
Hyfagl, a. apt to entangle
Hyfai, a. culpable; faulty
Hyfarn, judicable; censorious
Hyfau, v. to become bold
Hyfawl, a. laudable
Hyfdra, n. boldness
Hyfed, a. ready for reaping
Hyfedr, a. skilful, expert
Hyfedredd, n. skilfulness
Hyferw, a. easily boiled
Hyfeth, a. fallible
Hyfoes, a. of easy manners
Hyfraw, a. being, easily awed
Hyfriw, a. apt to be broken
Hyfrwd, a. being easily heated
Hyfryd, a. cheerful, delightful
Hyfrydedd, n. delightfulness
Hyfrydu, v. to make cheerful
Hyfrydwch, n. delightfulness
Hyfrys, a. apt to be hasty
Hyfyr, n. a gelt goat
Hyff, n. a drive; a drift
Hyffagl, a. apt to flame
Hyffawd, a. aptly prospering
Hyffiad, n. a forcing on
Hyffiaw, v. to drift
Hyfflam, a. apt to flame
Hyffo, a. capable of retreating
Hyffordd, a. apt to make way
Hyfforddi, v. to direct
Hyfforddiad, n. a forwarding
Hyfforddiant, n. direction
Hyfforddus, a. dexterous
Hygael, a. obtainable
Hygant, n. community
Hygar, a. lovely, amiable
Hygardd, a. reproachable
Hygarth, a. easily cleansed out
Hygas, a. hateful
Hyged, a. liberal
Hygel, a. easily hidden
Hyglod, a. susceptible of praise
Hyglust, a. of ready ear
Hyglwyf, a. ready wounded
Hyglyw, a. audible
Hygoel, a. credible, credulous
Hygof, a. easily remembered
Hygoll, a. easily lost
Hygosb, a. punishable
Hygred, a. credible
Hygryn, a. easily shaken
Hygwsg, a. easily sleeping
Hygylch, a. apt to surround
Hygyrch, a. approachable
Hyladd, a. easily cut off
Hylafar, a. ready of speech
Hylam, a. of nimble step
Hylaw, a. handy, dexterous
Hylawn, a. apt to be full
Hyled, a. aptly spreading
Hylef, a. ready voice
Hyles, a. apt to benefit
Hylid, a. apt to be angry
Hylithredd, a. aptness to glide
Hylon, a. apt to be cheerful
Hylwgr, a. corruptible
Hylwydd, a. fortunate
Hylwyddo, v. to prosper
Hyll, a. gloomy; wild; ugly
Hylldra, a. ugliness
Hylldrem, n. grim aspect
Hylldremiad, n. wildly look
Hylldremwr, n. grim looker
Hylliad, n. a dismaying
Hyllu, v. to make ugly
Hyn, pron. this, this thing
Hyn, a. elder, older, senior
Hynacw, pr. that is at a distance
Hyna, that there; that much
Hynaf, n. ancestor; elder
Hynafedd, n. seniority
Hynafiad, n. ancestor
Hynafiaeth, n. antiquity
Hynafiaethydd, n. antiquary
Hynaws, a. kind, good-natured
Hynawsedd, n. good-nature
Hynod, a. remarkable, notable
Hwnodiad, n. a making notable
Hynodiaeth, n. notable action
Hynodol, a. notable
Hynodrwydd, n. notableness
Hynoeth, a. apt to make naked
Hynt, n. course, journey, freak
Hyntiad, n. a going off abruptly
Hyny, pron. that
Hynyma, pron. this thing here
Hynyna, pron. that thing there
Hyr, n. shock, snarl
Hyran, a. aptly parted, divisible
Hyranedd, n. divisibility
Hyrdd, n. shock; a. eager
Hyrddawd, n. impulsion, push
Hyrddawl, a. impulsive
Hyrddiad, n. a pushing
Hyrddiant, n. impulsation
Hyrddu, v. to push, to impel, to butt; to make assault
Hyrddwynt, n. hurricane
Hyrddyn, n. the mullet, a fish
Hyred, a. apt to run
Hyrif, a. easily numbered
Hyrn, n. a hough, holme
Hyrwym, a. easily binding
Hyrwysg, a. of a free career
Hys, n. snarl or knarl
Hysathr, a. easily trodden
Hysbys, a. evident, manifest
Hysbysai, n. index
Hysbysiad, n. advertisement; a declaration
Hysbysrwydd, n. manifestation, notice
Hysbysu, n. to advertise, to inform, to acquaint
Hysbyswr, n. one who makes evident, advertiser
Hysgyr, n. stave; splinter
Hysiad, n. snarling, setting on
Hysian, v. to snarl, to set on
Hysigl, a. easily shaking
Hyson, apt to make noise; noisy
Hysp, a. dry, dried up; barren
Hyspu, v. to render dry
Hyspyddiad, n. an exhausting
Hyspyddu, v. to exhaust
Hytrach, a. more forward
Hytynt, n. a course, a journey
Hywad, a. deniable
Hywain, a. aptly ministering
Hywaith, a. ready at work
Hywall, a. apt to fail, fallible
Hywan, a. penetrable
Hywar, a. manageable
Hywedd, a. conformable
Hyweddiad, n. a conforming
Hyweddiant, n. tractableness
Hyweddu, v. to render tractable
Hywel, a. conspicuous, evident
Hywell, a. being remediable
Hywen, a. easily smiling
Hywerth, a. vendible, saleable
Hywir, a. apt to be true
Hywiw, a. apt to be excellent
Hywredd, n. manliness
Hywyl, a. easily perceived
Hywyn, a. aptly impassioned
Hywys, a. convenable
Hywystl, a. easily pledged
I, prep. to; into; towards, for I, pron. I, me, for emphasis
Ia, n. that is slippery; ice
Iach, a. sound, whole, healthy
Iachaad, n. a healing
Iachaedigaeth, the act of healing
Iachaol, a. of healing quality
Iachau, v. to cure, to heal
Iachawdwr, n. a saviour
Iachawdwriaeth, n. salvation
Iachus, a. healthy; wholesome
Iachuso, v. to render wholesome
Iachusol, of a healthy condition
Iachusrwydd, n. healthiness
Iad, n. side of the head, pate
Iaedd, n. icy state, iciness
Iaen, n. a sheet of ice
Iain, a. icy, or very cold
Iaith, n. language, speech
Ial, n. open space or region: a. clear, open, or fair
Ialain, a. of pure quality
Ialant, n. clearness, lustre
Ialedd, n. clearness, fineness
Ialen, n. a sapling; a rod
Iangedd, n. rudeness; rusticity
Iangu, v. to become rude
Iangwr, n. a rude one, a boor
Iar, n. that stretches over; a shoulder; the female of birds, a hen
Iar, prep. from off, off, from
Iarc, n. that stretches over
Iarcw, n. that directs, a pilot
Iardy, n. a barton, a hen coop
Iarhyd, n. a shoulder-piece
Iarll, n. an earl; a lord
Iarllaeth, n. an earldom
Iarlles, n. an earl's lady
Iarth, n. a long rod; a goad
Ias, n. what pervades; mature, disposition; a shock; a shiver
Iasaidd, a. of pervading tendency
Iasawl, a. apt to shock
Iasedd, n. pervading tendency
Iasiad, n. a giving a shock; pervasion
Iasu, v. to pervade with a quality
Iau, n. that is moving; the lungs: junior; a yoke; Jove
Dydd Iau, Thursday: a inceptive of progress; junior
Iawg, n. that is keen or ardent
Iawl, n. the act of glorifying
Iawn, n. right; satisfaction; a right, equitible; just; ad. rightly, or very
Iawnawl, a. of a right tendency
Iawnbwyll, n. right reason
Iawnder, n. rightness; equity
Iawndda, a. rightly good
Iawnedd, a. rectitude
Iawni, v. to render right
Iawniad, n. a righting
Iawnles, n. right advantage
Iawnran, n. right share
Iawnred, n. right course
Iawnryw, n. right kind
Iawnwedd, n. right aspect
Iawnymgais, n. right pursuit
Iawnysgrif, n. orthography
Ib, n. aptness to run out
Ic, n. that is pointed or accute
Ich, n. screak, squeal
Ichiad, n. a screaking
Id, n. that is drawn out; a point; pronominal agent
Idiaw, v. to acuminate
Idd, n. that is sharp: prep. to, towards; for; into
Iddas, a. pungent; subtile
Iddwf, n. St. Anthony's fire
Ie, ad. it is so; yes, yea
Iechyd, n. health, sanity
Iechydol, a. salutary, healthful
Iachawdwriaeth, n. salvation
Ieithgarwch, n. philology
Ieithiad, n. phraseology
Ieithiadur, n. grammar
Ieithio, v. to form a phrase
Ieithiog, a. having language
Ieithogi, v. to form a phrase
Ieithol, a. relating to speech
Ieithydd, n. linguist
Ieithyddiacth, n. philology
Ieithyddu, v. to form speech
Ieithyddwr, n. linguist
Ierthi, n. driving-rod; goad
Iesin, a. radiant, glorious; fair
Iesinaw, v. to radiate; to be fair, to render fair
Iesinder, n. radiancy
Iesu, n. Jesus
Iet, n. a country gate
Ieuad, n. a joining, a yoking
Ieuaf, a. youngest
Ieuanc, n. youth; a. young
Ieuant, n. infant, youth
Ieuangaidd, a. somewhat young
Ieuenctyd, n. youth, minority
Ieugen, n. ferret
Ieuo, v. to couple, to yoke
Ieuol, a. being joined or yoked
Iewin, a. clamorous, noisy
Iewidd, n. yoke, collar
If, n. that is impelled or cast
Iff, n. that is forcibly ejected
Ig, n. a vexing; hickup; sob
Igiad, n. a sighing or sobbing
Igian, v. to be sobbing
Il, n. that is in motion, ferment
Iliad, n. fermentation
Iliaw, v. to ferment, to work
Ilir, n. butterfly
Ill, n. an augment, a particle: pron. their, they, used with two and three: Ill dau, ill dri
Im, n. that is extreme
Imp, n. a scion, or a shoot
Impiad, n. a germinating
Impio, v. to germinate; to graft
Impiol, a. germinating, shooting
Impog, n. osculation, or kiss
Impyn, n. a scion, a shoot
In, n. that is pervading
Indeg, n. sublimate; raving mad
Insel, n. a mark; seal, signet
Inseiliad, n. a marking; a sealing
Inseilio, v. to mark; to seal
Ing, n. a strait, a difficulty; a. straight, confined
Ingaidd, a. somewhat strait or narrow
Ingder, n. straitness
Ingol, n. tending to straiten
Io, interj. well-a-day, lack-a-day
Ioed, n. time past; ever
Iolad, n. a worshipping
Iolaeth, n. adoration, worship
Iolaethu, v. to adore
Iolawr, n. an adorer
Iolch, n. an act of devotion
Ioli, v. to praise; to worship
Ion, n. a first cause; the Lord
Ionawr, n. January
Ior, n. the eternal; the Lord
Iorn, n. a burst, a thrust
Iornad, n. a bursting through
Iorni, v. to burst through
Iorthawl, a. incessant; diligent
Iorthi, v. to be continual
Iorthyn, n. assiduity
Ir, n. that is pure; that is fresh; a. juicy; green; raw
Iraad, n. a growing juicy
Irad, n. pungency, rage: a. pungent; grievous; rueful
Iradedd, n. grievousness
Iradrwydd, n. grievousness
Iradu, v. to render afflicting
Iradus, a. rueful, afflicting
Irai, n. a sharp point; a goad
Iraid, n. grease
Iraidd, a. juicy; sappy; fresh
Irain, a. full of juice; luxuriant
Irau, v. to grow juicy
Irdanc, n. stupor, amazement
Irdangawl, a. stupifying, amazing, causing a stupor
Irdangiad, n. a stupifying
Irdawd, n. succulency; freshness, or rawness
Irdra, n. juiciness, freshness
Ireidiad, n. an anointing, or greasing
Ireidlyd, a. of a greasy quality
Ireidd-dra, n. sappiness
Ireiddiad, n. a becoming juicy or fresh
Ireiddio, v. to become juicy
Ireiddlyd, a. of a juicy quality
Iriad, n. a growing fresh
Irlas, a. of a fresh verdancy
Irlasu, v. to become verdant
Irlesni, n. a fresh verdancy
Iro, v. to anoint, to grease
Irwedd, n. green appearance
Irwellt, n. fresh or green grass
Irwr, n. an anointer
Is, n. the state of going down: a. low; under; interior: prep. below, under
Isaad, n. a rendering low
Isaf, a. lowest
Isafiad, n. an inferior
Isathro, n. an under master
Isau, v. to lower, to abase
Isder, n. lowness; meanness
Isel, a. low, base; humble
Iselaad, n. a making low
Iselaidd, a. low or humble
Iselau, v. to make low
Iselder, n. lowness; humility
Iseldrem, n. a low look
Iselfryd, a. humble-minded
Iselfrydedd, n. humility
Iselgreg, a. softly rumbling
Iselgyngian, v. to make a low noise
Iseliad, n. a lowering
Iselni, n. lowness, abjectness
Iselradd, n. a low degree
Iselraith, n. a petty jury
Iselreithiwr, n. a petty juryman
Iselu, v. to abase, to depress
Isg, n. that is on the surface
Isgal, n. froth, scum
Isgell, n. broth, soup, pottage
Isgwympiedydd, n. sublapsarian
Islaw, prep. underhand, below
Islinellu, v. to underscore
Isloerawl, a. sublunary
Isod, prep. below, beneath, under: ad. in a lower place
Isradd, n. an inferior degree
Israddol, a. of an inferior degree
Isweithio, v. to underwork
Iswerth, n. an undersale
Iswerthu, v. to undersell
It, pronominal agent, it
Ith, n. a particle, a grain; corn
Iuddew, n. man of Judea, Jew
Iuddewaidd, a. juidaical, jewish
Iuddewes, n. a Jewess
Iuddewiaeth, n. Judaism
Iuddewig, a. pertaining to Jews
Iw, n. that extreme
Iwbwb, n. a hollo, a cry
Iwerddon, n. Ireland, Erin
Iwin, n. a frantic one: a outrageous, frantic
Iwrch, n. a roebuck
Iwrth, prep. by, in opposition
Iyrchaidd, a like the roebuck
Iyrchell, n. a young roe
Iyrches, n. a roe, deer
Iyrchw, n. the roebuck
Lamp, n. a lamp
Laru, v. to satiate
Larwm, n. an alarm
Lassog, n. gizzard of a bird; a kidney
Lefain, n. leaven
Lefeinllyd, a. leavened
Lefeinio, v. to leaven; to inbrue; to infect
Lefiathan, n. leviathan; a water animal
Lindys, n. a caterpillar
Lol, n. noise
Lolio, v. to babble
Lon, n. a lane; a narrow way between two hedges
Lwfer, n. a chimney
Lwfio, v. to allow
Lwlen, n. a kidney
Lwmp, n. a lump, a. box, or buffer
Lla, n. that breaks out, that is light
Llab, n. a flag; a slip; a stripe
Llabed, n. a label; a flab
Llabi, n. stripling; a looby
Llabiad, n. a slapping
Llabiaidd, a. like a looby
Llabies, n. a strapping wench
Llabio, v. to slap, to strap
Llabwst, n. a lank gawky
Llabyddio, v. to kill with stones
Llac, n. slack; quicksand: a. loose, lax, slack
Llaca, n. mire, mud, slop
Llacaad, n. a slackening
Llacaawl, a. relaxing, drooping
Llacau, v. to slacken; to relax
Llacawd, n. a slack state
Llaciad, n. a slakening
Llaciaw, v. to slaken, to relax
Llaciawl, a. slakening
Llacrwydd, n. slackness, laxity, relaxed state
Llach, n. a ray; a slap
Llachar, a. gleaming
Llachau, n. gleams
Llachbren, n. a cudgel
Llachdwm, n. a tub
Llachffon, n. cudgel
Llachiad, n. a slapping
Llachiaw, v. to slap, to cudgel
Llachiwr, n. cudgeller
Lladaeth, n. conferring a favour
Lladawl, a. gracious
Lladin, n. the Latin language
Lladiniaeth, n. latinity
Lladiniaw, v. to latinize
Lladinydd, n. latinist
Lladmerydd, n. an interpreter, a translator
Lladrad, n. theft or stealth
Lladradaidd, a. thievish, privat
Lladrata, v. to steal
Lladrataeth, n. act of thieving
Lladratiad, n. a thieving
Lladrates, Lladrones, n. female stealer
Lladratwr, n. stealer, thief
Lladron, n. thieves, robbers
Ladronaidd, a. thievish
Lladroni, v. to become thieves
Lladu, v. to confer a favour
Lladyr, n. that is without value
Lladd, n. a cut off; a killing: v. to kill, to cut off
Lladdadwy, a. that may be cut off or killed
Lladdedig, a. killed, cut off
Lladdedigaeth, n. a killing
Lladdfa, n. a slaughter
Lladdiad, n. a killing
Lladdwr, n. a killer, a slayer
Laddwriaeth, n. butchery
Llae, n. an expanse, a spread
Llaer, n. a rippling; a reflux
Llaeru, v. to ebb
Llaes, a. loose, lax, trailing low
Llaesbais, n. loose trailing coat
Llaesder, n. laxness; a trailing
Llaesiad, n. a rendering trailing, a drooping
Llaesu, v. to slacken, to trail
Llaeth, n. milk.—Llaeth enwyn, butter-milk
Llaetha, v. to collect milk
Llaethdwn, n. a lay land
Llaethedd, n. lactescene
Llaethfwyd, n. a milk diet
Llaethiad, n. turning to milk
Llaethlo, n. a suckling calf
Llaethlyd, a. milky
Llaethog, a. abounding in milk
Llaethogrwydd, n. milkiness
Llaethol, lacteal, milky
Llaethon, n. the soft roe of fish
Llaethu, v. to turn to milk
Llaethysgall, n. sow thistle
Llaf, n. that extends out
Llafan, n. that bears impression
Llafanad, n. intellect, sense
Llafanawg, n. the livewort
Llafanawl, a. intellectual
Llafar, n. utterance, speech: a. vocal; loquacious
Llafarai, n. vocal, vowel
Llafarawd, n. pronunciation
Llafarawl, a. enunciative
Llafaredigaeth, n. pronunciation
Llafariad, n. pronunciation
Llafarlais, n. a clear tone
Llafaru, v. to pronounce to speak
Llafarus, a. apt to be vocal
Llafarwch, n. loquacity
Llafarwedd, n. mode of speaking
Llafarwr, n. an enunciator; a speaker, a preacher
Llafas, n. the act of daring
Llafasawl, a. daring
Llafasu, v. to dare, to presume
Llafaswr, n. a presumer
Llafn, n. a blade; a flake
Llafnawr, n. blade spears
Llafnes, n. a strapping girl
Llafniad, n. a blading
Llafnu, v. to blade, to flake
Llafon, n. a lamina, a flake
Llafren, n. a large buttocked one, a squabby woman
Llafrwyn, n. the bulrushes
Llafu, v. to spread out; to breech
Llafur, n. labour; tillage
Llafuriaeth, n. a labouring
Llafurio, v. to labour, to toil
Llafurus, a. laborous, toilsome
Llafurwriaeth, n. husbandry
Llafyr, n. a spread; the breech
Llag, n. that is slack: a. slack
Llagad, n. a plash full of rushes
Llai, n. mud; raven gray: a. small; also smaller: ad. in a smaller degree
Llaib, n. a sup, or a lap
Llaid, n. clay; mire
Llaidd, n. that is mild: a mild
Llaif, n. a shear, or a shave
Llaig, n. a bubble on water
Llain, n. a blade; a long slip
Llaing, n. that closes; a clasp
Llair, n. that droops; satiety
Llais, n. a voice; a sound
Llaith, n. humid state: a. moist, pliant
Llall, n. the other: ad. other
Llam, n. stride, a step; a hap
Llamawg, a. having a stride
Llamawl, a. striding; stepping
Llamdwyad, n. a conveying
Llamdwyaw, v. to convey
Llamfa, n. stepping place
Llamfforch, n. a stile
Llamiad, n. a striding
Llamidydd, n. vaulter; porpoise
Llamidyddiaeth, n. a tumbling
Llamogan, n. a stile
Llamre, n. a skip; a bounce
Llamsach, n. a caper
Llamu, v. to stride; to step
Llamwr, n. one who strides
Llan, n. area; yard; a church
Llanastr, n. a strewed place
Llanastrawl, a. strewing
Llanastriad, n. a strewing
Llanc, n. a youth, a youngster
Llances, n. a young woman
Llancesig, n. a tiny girl
Llandref, n. a church village
Llaned, a. of a clear surface
Llanedd, n. smoothness
Llanerch, n. a clear area, a clear patch; a glade
Llanerchu, v. to lay in patches
Llant, n. an enclosed plat
Llanw, n. fulness, influx
Llanwed, n. an influx, a tide
Llar, n. that spreads, that is soft
Llariaidd, a. mild, meek, gentle
Llariain, a. full of mildness
Llarieiddiad, n. a growing mild
Llarieddio, v. to meliorate
Llarp, n. a shred, a clout
Llarpiad, n. a tearing to rags
Llarpio, v. to tear, to rend
Llarpiog, a. tattered, ragged
Llaru, v. to satiate, to cloy
Llerwch, n. mildness
Llary, n. a placid one: a. placid, gentle, meek
Llaryaw, v. to render mild
Llarychu, v. to soften
Llaryedd, n. mildness, suavity
Llaryeiddio, v. to grow mild
Llas, n. incrustation; blue
Llasar, n. enamel: a. blue
Llasarn, n. a pavement: a flooring of stones
Llasarniad, n. a paving
Llasarnu, v. to pave, to floor
Llasarnwr, n. a pavier
Llasog, n. a streamer
Llast, n. a receptable, a vessel
Llaswy, n. a bluish tint
Llaswyr, n. aerial freshness
Llatai, n. a love messenger
Llatcawd, n. a shallow bowl
Llateies, n. love messenger
Llatwn, n. latten; brass
Llath, n. a rod, a staff; a yard
Llathenaid, n. a yard length
Llathen, n. a rod, a yard
Llathlud, n. seduction
Llathludo, v. to seduce
Llathr, a. glossy, glittering
Llathraid, a. glittering; polished
Llathrawl, a. glittering, glaring
Llathreiddiaw, v. to make glittering, or glossy
Llathriad, n. a glittering
Llathru, v. to make glossy, to polish, to glitter
Llathrudd, n. stupration
Llathruddaw, v. to stuprate
Llathruddiad, n. struprating
Llathryd, n. violence, a rape
Llathrydaw, n. to violate
Llathrydd, n. a polisher
Llau, v. to lay open; to slay: n. creepers, or lice
Llaw, n. a hand
Llawaeth, n. act of handing
Llawagawr, n. the culerage
Llawaid, n. a handful
Llawarwain, n. manuduction
Llawban, n. felt, felt cloth
Llawborth, n. hand feeding
Llawciad, n. a gulping
Llawciaw, v. to gulp, to gorge
Llawch, n. protection, guard
Llawchwith, a. left handed
Llawd, n. that shoots out; a lad, a. tending forward; craving, lewd
Llawdaro, n. hot-cockles
Llawdlws, a. neat-handed
Llawdr, n. trowsers, breeches
Llawdryfer, n. hand harpoon
Llawdywys, n. manuduction
Llawdd, n. pleasure, delight: a. delectable, solacing
Llawddawg, a. yielding pleasure
Llawddeau, a. right-handed
Llawddewiniaeth, chiromancy
Llawddu, v. to delight: to soot
Llawegen, n. a gauntlet
Llawen, a. merry, joyful, glad
Llawenad, n. a gladdening
Llawenau, v. to gladden
Llawenchwedl, n. joyful news
Llawenwch, n. merriment
Llawenychawl, a. gladdening
Llawenychiad, n. a rejoicing
Llawenychu, v. to rejoice
Llawenydd, n. gladness, mirth
Llawer, n. a great many; a diversity; a great deal: a. many, much; several
Llawes, n. outskirt; a sleeve
Llawesan, n. a kind of play
Llawesgud, a. ready-handed
Llawesob, a. having outskirts
Llaweth, n. a handful, a gripe
Llawf, n. palm of the hand
Llawfaeth, a. fed by the hand
Llawfeddyg, n. surgeon
Llawfoled, n. handkerchief
Llawforwyn, n. a handmaid
Llawfrenin, n. the play of question and command |