Fferadwy, a. congealable
Fferod, n. congealation; numbness
Fferder, n. congealedness
Fferdd, a. solid; firm; thick
Fferedig, a. congealed, fixed
Fferedigaeth, n. congealment
Fferiad, n. congelation
Fferis, n. steel; a fire steel
Fferllyd, a. congealing; chilling
Ffern, n. the ankle bone
Fferu, v. to concrete; to freeze
Fferyll, n. chymist; metalurgist
Fferylliad, n. a chymist
Fferyllaeth, n. chymistry
Fferyllt, n. metalist; artisan
Fferylltaeth, n. mechanical art
Fferylltiad, n. a metalist
Ffes, n. subtilty; knowledge
Ffesawd, n. craft, subtilty
Ffesawl, a. of a subtle nature
Ffesig, a. clever, cunning
Ffest, a. fast, speedy, quick
Ffestin, a. of active nature
Ffestiniad, n. hastening
Ffestinio, v. to festinate, to hasten
Ffesu, v. to make haste
Ffesu, v. to penetrate, to ken
Ffetan, n. budget, a saucy girl
Ffetanu, v. to budget, to bag
Ffetanwr, n. a bagman
Ffetur, n. wild oats
Ffetus, a. subtle, sly, wily
Ffi, n. a loath: inter. fie
Ffiaidd, a. loathsome, detestable
Ffieidd-dra, n. abomination, disgust
Ffieiddiad, n. abhorrence
Ffieiddio, v. to loath, to abominate
Ffieiddiol, a. abhorrent, abominable
Ffieiddiwr, n. an abhorrer
Ffieiddrwydd, n. abhorrence
Ffil, n. a scud, a quick dart
Ffilcas, n. offcasts, old rags
Ffilog, n. a wing; a filly, a wanton girl: a. that scuds or darts
Ffiloges, n. flirting girl
Ffilor, n. a minstrel, a fiddler
Ffiloreg, n. vain babbling, idle talk
Ffilores, n. a female fiddler
Ffill, n. a writhe, a twist
Ffilliad, n. a writhing about
Ffillio, v. to writhe, to twist
Ffin, n. a boundary, a limit
Ffinedd, n. a boundary
Ffinfa, n. a boundary
Ffinfaen, n. a boundary stone
Ffiniad, n. a bounding
Ffinio, v. to bound, to limit
Ffiniol, a. bouncing, limiting
Ffiogen, n. a coney, a rabbit
Ffion, n. a crimson hue: a. crimson
Ffith, n. a gliding motion
Ffithell, n. a young salmon
Ffithelliad, n. a platting the upper row of rods in hedging
Ffithellu, v. to plat the top row in hedging
Ffithlen, n. a glider, a writher
Ffithliad, n. a gliding
Ffithlio, v. to glide, to dart
Ffla, n. a parting off, or from
Fflaced, n. a flock, a bunch
Ffladr, a. doting; oafish; flattering
Ffladraidd, a oafish; fondling
Ffladriad, n. doting
Ffladru, v. to dote, to fondle
Fflag, n. what parts from, or rifted
Fflaim, n. a lancet
Fflair, n. a feist; a puff
Fflais, n. a break, a rent
Fflam, n. a flame, a blaze
Fflamaidd, a. like a flame, flaming
Fflameg, n. inflammation, blearedness
Ffiamiad, n. a flaming
Fflamio, v. to inflame, to blaze
Fflamiol, a. flaming, blazing
Fflamllyd, a. flammeous, flamy
Fflamwch, n. a flaming state
Fflamychu, v. to emit flame
Fflask, n. a basket: a flask
Fflasgaid, n. a flaskful
Fflasged, n. a straw vessel
Fflau, n. a spread out, radiation
Fflaw, n. a ray, a dart
Ffle, n. a hem round, a closure
Fflech, n. a squeak, a squeal
Ffled, n. restraint; refusal, a. restricted; scarce
Ffleg, n. a squeak, a squeal
Fflegam, squeaking; chuckling
Fflleimio, v. to lance, to use a fleam
Ffleiriad, n. a feisting
Ffleirio, v. to feist; to stink
Ffleiryn, n. a stinkard
Ffles, n. lees, or dregs
Fflew, n. that keeps in; a guard
Ffliciad, n. a darkening over
Fflicio, v. to be overcast
Fflich, n. a squeak, a squeal
Fflichio, v. to squeak out
Ffload, n. a darting, radiation
Ffloch, a. rise, abrupt; quick
Fflochen, n. a splinter; a rift
Fflochenu, v. to splinter
Fflochi, v. to dart suddenly
Fflochiad, n. a darting out
Ffloew, radiant, lucid, dazzling
Ffloi, v. to radiate, to diverge
Ffloyn, n. a shiver; a shred
Fflu, n. a breaking out
Fflur, n. bright hue; bloom
Fflureg, n. a ship's prowl forecastle
Ffluro, v. bloom, to seem bright
Ffluwch, n. a bushy hair
Fflw, n. tendency, to spread out
Fflwch, a. rife, full, brisk
Fflychio, v. to break out suddenly
Ffo, n. a flight, to retreat: v. to flee
Ffoad, n. a running away, a fleeing
Ffoadur, n. a fugitive
Ffoaduriad, n. a fugitive
Ffoadures, a. fugitive, fugacious
Ffoawd, n. the act of retreating
Ffoawdr, n. a fugitive
Ffoawl, a. fugitive, fleeing
Ffoc, n. fire place, furnace
Ffod, n. a shank, a leg
Ffodog, a. thick-shanked
Fodio, v. to prosper, to be lucky
Ffodiog, a. prosperous
Ffodus, a. fortunate, lucky
Ffoddi, v. to cast a splendour
Ffoddiain, a. phosphoric
Ffoddiaint, n. phosphorus
Ffoedig, a. fugitive, retreating
Ffoedigaeth, n. fugation
Ffoedigrwydd, n. fugacity
Ffol, v. to retreat, to run away, to flee
Ffol, round; silly, foolish; vain
Ffoledd, n. foolishness, folly
Ffolen, n. buttock, haunch
Ffolenig, n. a little buttock
Ffolenog, a. of large buttock
Ffolenu, v. to become round
Ffoles, n. a silly female
Ffoli, v. to delude; to deride
Ffolineb, n. foolishness, folly
Ffoll, n. a broad squab
Ffollach, n. a squab, a waddlen
Ffon, n. a staff; a cudgel
Ffondoriad, n. a striking with a stick, a breaking a stick on one
Ffondorio, v. to beat with a stick, to cudgel
Ffonodio, v. to cudgel
Ffonwaew, n. javelin
Ffor, n. an opening, a pass
Fforch, n. a fork; a prong
Fforchaid, n. what is taken upon a fork
Fforchdroed, n. a cloven foot: a. bisulcous
Fforchi, v. to fork; to furcate
Fforchiad, n. furcation, a forking
Fforchog, a. forked; straddling
Fforchogi, v. to divaricate, to straddle
Fforchogiad, n. a forking
Fforchol, a. forking, forked
Fforchwain, n. a rustic cart
Ffordd, n. a way, a passage, highway
Fforddiad, n. a directing a way, a finding out a way
Fforddio, v. to explore a way, to direct a way
Fforddol, a. wayfaring
Fforddoli, v. to direct a way
Fforddrych, a. wayfaring
Forddwr, n. a traveller
Fforddrwydd, n. a wayfare
Fforest, n. a forest; a park
Fforestu, v. to forest
Fforfed, n. a forfeit
Fforiad, n. an exploration
Fforio, v. to explore a way
Fforiol, a. exploratory
Ffos, n. a ditch, a trench
Ffosawd, n. a gash, a cut
Ffosi, v. to trench, to ditch
Ffosiad, n. a trenching
Fosp, n. breach, a gap
Ffoswn, n. a gasher; a sword
Ffothell, n. a blister, a wheal
Ffothelliad, n. a blistering
Ffothellu, v. to blister
Ffraeth, a. prompt, fluent
Ffraethaidd, of fluent utterance
Ffraethder, n. fluency
Ffraetheb, n. oratory
Ffraethebu, v. to harangue
Ffraethineb, n. eloquence
Fraethoneg, n. elocution
Ffral, n. a crazy fellow
Ffranc, n. a youth, a freeman, a frenchman
Ffranc, a. prompt; free, frank
Ffrancon, n. a beaver
Ffrau, n. a flux, a torrent: a. streaming, gushing
Ffraul, n. a rippling
Ffraw, n. state of motion, bustle: a. full of motion, alert
Ffrawd, n. commotion, bustle
Ffrawdd, n. stir or tumult: a. agitated; prompt
Ffrawdden, n. humour, fancy
Ffrawddenas, a. humoursome
Ffrawddiain, a. full of motion
Frawddu, v. to be full of bustle
Ffawddun, n. a commotion
Ffrawddus, a. agitated, bustling
Ffrec, n. chatter, gibberish
Ffregod, n. a preachment
Ffregodi, v. to chatter
Ffreinig, a. free; of free growth
Ffres, a. active, pure, fresh
Ffresgaidd, a. of a fresh nature
Ffresgiad, n. freshness
Ffresgu, v. to grow fresh
Ffreuad, n. a gushing out
Ffreulad, n. a purling; a rippling
Ffreulo, v. to purl; to ripple
Ffreuo, v. to gush, to spurt
Ffreuol, a. gushing, spouting
Ffrew, n. a state of stillness
Ffrewi, v. to quell, to pacify
Ffrewyll, n. a scourge, whisp, whip
Ffrewylliad, n. a scourging
Ffrewyllio, v. to whip to scourge
Ffrewylliwr, n. a scourger
Ffrewyllydd, n. a scourger
Ffrewyn, n. a quelled state
Ffrewynu, v. to stop a quarrel
Ffrewynydd, n. a pacifier
Ffrid, n. sudden start
Ffridd, n. a forest; a park
Ffril, n. a trifling thing
Ffrill, n. a twiter, a chatter
Ffrin, n. the brow of a cliff
Ffring, n. a brow, a ledge
Ffris, n. a nap, a frieze
Ffrist, n. a cube; a dice
Ffristial, n. a dice-box
Ffrit, n. a quick start or jerk
Ffritten, n. a flighty female; a little girl
Ffrittyn, n. a flighty fellow
Ffriw, n. mien, aspect
Ffroch, n. fury, rage: a. raging
Ffroell, n. inflammation
Ffroen, n. a nostril, a nose
Ffroeni, v. to snort, to snuff
Ffroeniad, n. a snorting
Ffroeniol, a. of the nostril
Ffroenllym, a. sharp of scent
Ffroenllymder, n. keenness of scent
Ffroenuchel, a. of high gait
Ffroenydd, n. a snorter
Ffroes, n. an omelet
Ffrom, a. fuming; testy, touchy
Ffromder, n. testiness
Ffromi, v. to fume; to be testy
Ffromiad, n. a taking a pet
Ffronc, n. a cage; a hut
Ffros, n. a quick rise, a toss
Ffrost, n. a vaunt; ostentation
Ffrostiad, n. a vaunting
Ffrostio, v. to vaunt, to boast
Ffrostiwr, a bragger, a boaster
Ffrowyll, n. outrage, tumult
Ffrowyllu, v. to do outrage
Ffrowys, a. turbulent; terrible
Ffrwch, n. violent ruption
Ffrwd, n. a stream, a torrent
Ffrwg, n. violence, outrage
Ffrwgwd, n. squabble, brawl
Ffrwm, a. luxuriant, rank
Ffrws, n. sudden motion
Ffrwst, n. hurry, bustle
Ffrwt, n. jet, a toss; a frisk
Ffrwyd, n. pulsion, impulse
Ffrwydro, v. to explore
Ffrwydrol, a. exploding
Ffrwyl, n. drizzle, mist
Ffrwylo, v. to drizzle
Ffrwyn, n. a bridle; restraint
Ffrwyno, v. to bridle
Ffrwynol, a. bridling
Ffrwys, n. vehemency
Ffrwys, a. vehement, violent
Ffrwyso, v. to act violently
Ffrwyth, n. fruit; strength
Ffrwythiad, n. fructification
Ffrwythiannu, v. to fructify
Ffrwythiant, n. fructification
Ffrwythineb, n. fructuosity
Ffrwythlon, fruitful; luxuriant
Ffrwythlondeb, n. fruitfulness
Ffrwhthloni, v. to be fruitful
Ffrwytho, v. to fructify, to bear fruit
Ffrydan, n. a streamlet
Ffrydiad, n. a flowing
Ffrydio, v. to stream
Ffrydiol, a. streaming
Ffrydiolrwydd, n. fluidity
Ffrymiaw, v. to grow luxuriant
Ffryn, n. a quiver, a shudder
Ffrysiad, n. a bustling
Ffrysio, v. to bustle
Ffrystell, n. a hurly-burly
Ffrystellu, v. to bustle
Ffrystiad, n. festination
Ffrystio, v. to hurry off
Ffrystiol, a. full of bustle
Ffrystiwr, n. a bustler
Ffu, n. fleeting state; a. passing
Ffuanniad, n. a feigning
Ffuannol, feigning, dissembling
Ffuanu, v. to feign, to dissemble
Ffuant, n. a feint, a pretence
Ffuantu, v. to counterfeit
Ffunntwr, n. a hipocrite
Ffug, n. feint, disguise
Ffugiad, n. a disguising
Ffugio, v. to disguise
Ffugiwr, n. a deceiver
Ffugliad, n. an inflation
Ffugliaw, v. to inflate
Ffugyr, n. a type, a figure
Ffull, n. haste; celerity
Ffulliad, n. a hastening
Ffullio, v. to hasten, to hustle
Ffulliog, a. full of bustle
Ffumer, n. a chimney
Ffun, n. a bundle, a bind
Ffunell, n. a small bundle
Ffunen, n. a lace, a fillet
Ffuneniad, n. a filleting
Ffunenu, v. to bind, to lace
Ffunud, n. figure, manner
Ffur, a. wary, wily, wise
Ffured, n. a wily one, a ferret
Ffuredu, v. to ferret out
Ffurf, n. shape; form; order
Ffurfafen, n. a firmament
Ffurfeiddio, v. to frame
Ffurfiad, n. a shaping
Ffust, n. a flail, a thrasher
Ffustiad, n. a thrashing
Ffusto, v. to beat, to bang
Ffwdan, n. bustle, hurry
Ffwdanu, v. to be in a hurry
Ffwdanus, a. fidgetty, hurried
Ffwg, n. what is volatile
Ffwgws, n. dry leaves; tobacco
Ffwl, n. a blunt one; a fool
Ffwlach, n. refuse; light-corn
Ffwn, n. a pwff; a sigh
Ffwrch, n. a furcation
Ffwrdd, n. a going off: prep. off, from: ad. away
Ffwrn, n. a furnace, an oven
Ffwrw, n. soft hair: fur
Ffwtiar, n. a squab, a paunch
Ffwtog, n. a short tail, a scut
Ffwyl, n. a stroke; a foil
Ffwyn, n. hay newly cut
Ffwynen, n. a hay bandage
Ffwynog, n. a meadow
Ffwyr, n. a drive: an onset
Ffwyriad, n. an impulsion
Ffwyro, v. to impel
Ffyd, n. garments, robes
Ffydd, n. faith, reliance
Ffyddio, v. to have faith
Ffyddiol, a. relating to faith
Ffyddlon, a. faithful
Ffyddlondeb, n. faithfulness
Ffydloniad, n. a faithful one
Ffylor, n. dust, powder
Ffyll, a. overgrown; gloomy
Ffyllio, v. to overshade
Ffynadwy, a. fortunate
Ffyned, n. a respiration
Ffynegl, n. a furrow
Ffyneglu, v. to furrow
Ffynel, n. an air-hole, a vent
Ffyniant, n. prosperity
Ffyniannus, a. prospering
Ffynnon, n. a fountain, a well, a spring
Ffynnonell, n. an issue
Ffynnoni, v. to rise in springs
Fynnu, v. to prosper
Ffyr, n. a solid body
Ffyrf, a. thick; firm, steady
Ffyrfau, v. to become thick
Ffyrfder, n. thickness firmness
Ffyrfeiddio, v. to become firm; to make firm
Ffyrfiant, n. thickness
Ffyrnig, a. fierce
Ffyrnigo, v. to grow fierce
Ffyrnigrwydd, n. fierceness
Ffysg, n. impetuosity: a. hasty, impetuous
Ffysgiad, n. a hastening
Ffysgio, v. to hasten
Ffysgiol, a. impetuous
Gad, n. a parting; leave
Gadael, v. to quit, to leave
Gadaw, v. to quit, to leave
Gadawedigaeth, n. act of leaving
Gadawiad, n. a leaving
Gadawedig, a. relinquished permitted
Gafael, n. a hold, a grasp
Gafaelfach, n. grappling-hook
Gafaelgar, a. apt to hold
Gafaelgarwch, n. tenaciousness
Gafaelgi, n. mastiff dog
Gafaeliad, n. a hold; a caption
Gafaeliog, a. having hold
Gafaelu, v. to hold, to grasp
Gafaelus, a. apt to lay hold
Gafaelwr, n. a distrainer
Gafl, n. a fork: the stride
Gaflach, n. a fork; the stride an angle; a dart
Gaflachiad, n. a forking
Gaflachu, v. to furcate
Gaflaw, n. a salmon peel
Gaflaweg, n. a salmon-net
Gafr, n. a goat, a she-goat
Gafraidd, a. like a goat
Gafren, n. a little goat
Gafriad, n. a stacking of corn
Gafriaw, v. to stack corn
Gafrlam, n. a capriole
Gag, n. an aperture, a cleft
Gagen, n. a cleft, a chink
Gagendor, n. yawning gulf
Gageniad, n. a rifting
Gai, n. foam, spray, froth
Gail, n. the eyelid
Gaing, n. a wedge
Gair, n. word; a saying
Gaith, n. utterance: a. open
Gal, n. a plain; a gaol; a foe: a. spread out; clear, fair
Galaeth, n. the galaxy
Galan, n. dead body, corpse
Galanas, n. murder
Galanastra, n. a massacre
Galanasol, a. murderous
Galanasu, v. to murder
Galar, n. mourning, grief
Galareb, n. threnody
Galargan, n. a monody
Galariad, n. a mourning
Galarloes, n. pang of grief
Galarnad, n. lamentation
Galarnadu, v. to utter moans
Galarnwyf, n. passion of grief
Galaru, v. to lament
Galarus, a. mournful, sad
Galarwisg, a. mourning dress
Galarwr, n. a mourner
Galawnt, a. fair, brave, gallant
Galeg, n. Gaulish tongue
Galiod, n. people of Gaul
Galofydd, n. an architect
Galofyddiaeth, n. architecture
Galon, n. hostile ones, foes
Galw, n. a call; a vocation
Galwad, n. calling: vocation
Galwai, n. vocative case
Galwedig, a. called, named
Galwedigaeth, n. a calling
Galwedigol, a. denominative
Galwyn, n. a gallon, eight pints
Gall, n. energy; ability
Gallad, n. a being able
Galldwymyn, n. tertian ague
Galldwyn, n. the plague
Galledig, a. potential
Galledigaeth, n. possibility
Gallel, v. to be possible, to be able
Gallt, n. an ascent, a cliff
Galltofydd, n. a mechanic
Gallu, n. power, ability: v. to be able, may or can
Galluad, n. a making able
Galluadwy, a. possible
Galluedigaeth, n. a making able
Galluedd, n. puissance
Galluog, a powerful, mighty
Galluogrwydd, n. potentiality
Galluogi, v. to empower
Galluol, a. energetic, potent
Gan, n. a birth: the thrush: n. capacity; a mortice
Gan, prep. with, in connection: conj. because; whereas
Ganiad, n. a containing
Ganu, v. to contain, to hold
Gar, n. the ham; the shank
Gar, prep. at, by, near
Garan, n. a shank; a crane
Garanu, v. to shank, to shaft
Gardys, n. a garter
Gardd, n. a close; a garden
Garddiad, n. a gardening
Garddu, v. to make a garden
Garddwr, n. a gardener
Garddy, n. the seed caraway
Gargam, a. knock-kneed
Garhir, a. long-shanked
Garllaes, a. limping, halting
Garlleg, n. the garlick
Garllegan, n. the head of garlick
Garm, n. a shout, an outcry
Garmiad, n. a shouting
Garmio, v. to set up a cry
Garmiol, a. shouting, bawling
Garsyth, a. stiff in a ham
Garth, n. a buttress; a ridge; enclosure
Garthan, n. an encampment
Garthan, v. to fortify, to defend
Garthon, n. an ox goad
Garw, n. a rough; a torrent; the after-birth: a. rough
Garwaad, n. a roughening
Garwau, v. to roughen
Garwedd, n. a roughness
Garwen, n. a virago
Gast, n. a bitch
Gau, n. a falsehood, a lie: a. masked, false
Gauaf, n. the winter
Gauafdy, n. a winter-house
Gauafie, n. winter quarters
Gauafnos, n. winter night
Gauafol, a. wintry, brumal
Gauafu, v. to pass a winter
Gaugrefydd, n. heresy
Gaw, n. a sinew, a tendon
Gawl, n. a dawn: a. holy
Gawr, n. shout; a grey colour
Gawri, v. to bawl
Gawriad, n. a shouting
Gawy, a sinewy; nervous
Gefail, n. tongs, pincers; smithy
Gefeiliad, a. a nipping
Gefeilio, v. to hold with tongs
Gefell, n. a twin
Gefyn, n. a fetter
Gefyniad, n. a fettering
Gefynog, a. fettered, sheckled
Gefynu, v. to fetter
Gefynwr, a. fetterer
Geian, a. spray, foam
Geifawr, a. greatly foaming
Geilig, a. hunting, exploring
Geilwad, n. a caller; a driver
Geingiad, n. a wedging
Geingio, v. to drive a wedge
Geida, n. good report, fame
Geirdardd, n. etymology
Geirdarddawg, a. etymological
Geirdro, n. pun, quibble
Geirdroi, v. to pun, to quibble
Geirddadlu, v. to cavil
Geirddoeth, a. of discreet words
Geirgar, a. verbose, wordy
Geiriad, n. a wording
Geiriadur, n. a dictionary
Geirio, v. to word, to phrase
Geiriog, a. abounding in words
Geiriol, a. verbal, verbose
Geiriolaeth, n. phraseology
Geirwir, a. of true words
Geirydd, n. a worder: a speaker
Gel, n. aptness to glide; a leech
Gelach, n. a sorry fribble
Gele, n. a leech
Gelen, n. that glides; leech
Geleurudd, a. crimson stained
Geleuruddio, to stain with blood
Gelin, n. a shoot, a sprig
Gelwain, v. to be crying out
Gelwig, n. brushwood
Gelyn, n. a foe, an enemy
Gelynes, n. a female foe
Gelyniaeth, n. hostility
Gelyniaethus, a. hostile
Gelynol, a. hostile, adverse
Gelyst, n. sedges, flags
Gell, n. a dun hue: a. dun
Gellaig, n. pears
Gellast, n. buck-hound bitch
Gellegwydd, n. pear trees
Gellgi, n. a buck hound
Gellhesg, n. the corn sedge
Gem, n. a gem, a jewel
Gemu, v. to set with gems
Gemydd, n. a jeweller
Gen, n. intellect; soul life; mouth: a jaw; a chin
Genau, n. jaws, a mouth
Genedigaeth, n. nativity
Genedigol, a. native, natal
Geneth, n. a girl; a daughter
Genethaidd, a. girlish
Genethig, n. a little maid
Geneuaid, n. a chopful
Geneugoeg, n. a lizard
Geneuol, a oral, by mouth
Genfa, n. a snaffle, a bit
Geni, v. to be brought forth; to be contained
Genid, n. nativity, birth
Genill, n. offspring, issue
Genilles, n. a young nymph
Genogyl, n. the mandible
Genwair, n. angling rod
Genweiriad, n. angling
Genweiriaw, v. to angle
Ger, n. utterance; a cry: prep. by, at, near
Gerag, prep. in a direction to
Gerain, v. to squeak, to cry
Gerbron, prep. in presence of
Gerfydd, prep. in contact with
Geri, n. choler, bile, gall
Geriaidd, a. choleric, bilious
Geriawl, a. relating to bile
Gerllaw, prep. at hand, by
Germain, v. to be wailing
Gern, n. a progenitor in the fifth degree
Gerwin, a. rough, severe
Gerwinad, n. a roughening
Gerwindeb, n. roughness
Gerwino, v. to roughen
Gerwinol, a. rough; horrid
Gerwydd, prep. in presence of
Gerwynebol, a. opposite
Gerwynebu, v. to place opposite
Geryn, n. a squeaker, a drake
Geuaddoli, v. to worship falsely
Geuaddoliad, n. idolatry
Geuaddolwr, n. an idolater
Geuaw, v. to falsify, to lie
Geuawd, n. a falsifying
Geuawl, a. false, deceiving
Geubwll, n. false reason
Geudeb, n. falsehood, deceit
Geudy, n. a privy-house
Geuddadlu, v. to parologize
Geudduw, n. a false god
Geuedd, n. falsity, fallacy
Geuffydd, n. a false faith
Geulith, n. heterodoxy
Geulin, n. a chimera
Geurith, n. a phantom
Geuwedd, n. an illusion
Gewach, n. a greedy gut
Gewai, n. a lean glutton
Gewyn, n. a sinew
Gewynog, a. having sinews
Gewynol, a. relating to sinews
Gi, n. a fine fibre; a nerve
Giach, n. a snipe
Giau, n. system of the nerves
Gieuawg, a. having nerves
Gieuawl, relating to the nerves
Gid, n. a she goat, a goat
Gien, n. a single nerve
Gieuedd, n. nervous system
Gieuyn, n. a nerve, a sinew
Gil, n. a yielding; a ferment
Gildiaw, v. to yield, to produce
Gilydd, n. mutual selves: pro. each other
Gin, n. a pelt; a thin skin
Gingroen, n. the toad-flax, a stinking mushroom
Giniad, n. a flaying
Ginio, v. to flay, to strip
Girad, n. mourning; a piteous
Gist, n. clay earth
Giten, n. a little she goat
Gith, n. cockle
Glafoerion, n. drivel; slaver; the foam of the mouth, spittle
Glafriad, n. a glavering
Glafru, v. to glaver, to flatter
Glai, a. glistening, smooth
Glaif, n. a crooked sword
Glain, n. that is pure, a gem; an angel; a saint: a. pure
Glan, n. a brink side
Glan, a. pure, clear, clean; holy
Glanhad, n. a cleansing
Glanawl, a. cleansing
Glanau, v. to purify, to cleanse
Glandeg, a. comely and fair
Glaniad, n. going ashore
Glaniaw, v. to go ashore
Glanwaith, a. clean, tidy
Glanweithiad, n. cleansing
Glanweithdra, n. cleanliness
Glanweithio, v. to make clean
Glas, n. blue; verdancy: a. blue, pale; gray
Glasawg, a. being blue or livid
Glasbaill, n. bloom of fruit
Glasdonen, n. scarlet oak
Glasdorch, n. leveret; a cub
Glasdwr, n. milk and water
Glasddydd, n. dawning day
Glasfaen, n. blue stone, vitriol
Glasfarau, n. a samlet
Glasgangen, n. a grayling
Glasgoch, n. purple: a. purple
Glasgoed, n. green trees
Glasgolydd, n. the small guts
Glasgroen, n. a cuticle
Glashaid, n. a young swarm
Glasiad, n. a tingeing with blue
Glaslangc, n. a youth
Glaslannerch, n. a paddock
Glasog, n. a liver; a gizzard
Glasresaw, n. half welcome
Glasrew, n. a hoar frost
Glassan, n. a greyling
Glasu, v. to make blue
Glaswelw, a. of a blue paleness
Glaswellt, n. green grass
Glaswelltyn, n. a blade of green grass
Glaswen, n. a simper, a smirk
Glasweniad, n. a simpering
Glaswenu, v. to simper
Glaswst, n. the choloris
Glaswydd, n. green sapplings
Glaswyn, a. of a bluish white
Glaswyrdd, a. of a bluish green
Glaw, n. brightness, lucidity
Glawdd, n. lustre, splendour
Gleiad, n. dried dung, blake
Gleiaden, n. blake, a case
Gleindid, n. purity; holiness
Gleindorch, n. a string of beads
Gleinfaen, n. the alabaster
Gleiniad, n. a brightening
Gleiniadur, n. a pair of snuffers
Gleiniaw, v. to purify
Gleisiedyn, n. a salmon
Gleisiadeg, n. a salmon net
Gleision, n. clarified whey
Glendid, n. purity; fairness
Glesid, n. blueness; paleness
Glesin, n. the greensward
Glesni, n. blueness; verdaney
Gleswg, n. blueness: verdancy
Glesygen, n. a green spot
Glesyn, n. what is blue
Glew, n. a resolute man; a. persevering; brave
Glewa, v. to scrape together
Glewder, n. resolution; bravery
Glin, n. the knee
Glingam, a. knock-need
Gliniad, n. a kneeling
Glinio, v. to knee; to kneel
Gliniogai, n. cow-wheat
Glo, n. that is bright; coal
Globwll, n. a coal-pit
Gloddest, n. a carousal
Gloddestu, v. to carouse
Gloddestwr, n. a reveller
Gloen, a glower; a glow-worm
Gloen-byw, n. a butterfly
Gloes, n. a pang; a qualm
Gloesi, v. to cause a pang
Gloesiad, n. a causing a pang
Gloesineb, n. state of anguish
Gloesion, n. pangs, qualms
Gloesygiad, n. a swooning
Gloesygu, v. to faint
Gloesyndod, n. fainting state
Gloesynu, v. to swoon, to faint
Gloth, a. voluptuous; greedy
Glowr, n. a collier
Gloyn, n. a burning coal; a glow-worm
Gloyw, a. bright, transparent
Gloywdeg, a. brightly fair
Gloywder, n. clearness, brightness
Gloywddu, a. of bright black
Gloywedd, n. transparency
Gloywgain, a. brightly fair
Gloywgoch, a. of bright red
Gloywi, v. to clear, to brighten
Gloywiad, n. a brightening
Gloywineb, n. lucidity
Gloywlys, n. the euphrasy
Gloywon, n. clear of liquids
Glud, n. a leader, a chief
Glwth, n. voluptuary; a couch; a. voluptuous, sensual
Glwyd, a. of fair appearance
Glwys, a. pure; holy: fair
Glwysdeb, n. sanctitude
Glwyso, v. to sanctify
Glwysol, a. sanctified; pure
Glyd, n. glue; birdlime; a. tenacious, diligent
Glydaidd, a. of a sticky nature
Glydaw, v. to cement; to glue
Glydedd, n. viscidity
Glydiad, n. a glueing
Glydiogi, v. to make viscid
Glydiogrwydd, n. clamminess
Glydiol, a. viscous, glutinous
Glydioli, v. to make viscid
Glydrwydd, n. clamminess
Glydwydd, n. lime twigs
Glyfoer, n. drivel, slobbet
Glyfoerllyd, a. apt to drivel
Glyn, n. a deep vale, a glen
Glyn, n. adhesion, sticking: a. adherent
Glynedig, a. sticking
Glyniad, n. a clinging
Glynol, a. adhering, sticking
Glynu, v. to stick, to cling
Glynwr, n. an adherent, stickler
Glythi, n. voluptuousness
Glythig, a. voluptuous; greedy
Glythineb, n. riotous living
Glythinebgar, a. voluptuous
Glythinebgarwch, n. voluptuousness
Glythinebu, v. to revel
Glythinebwr, n. a voluptuous
Glythni, n. sensuality
Glythog, a. voluptuous
Glythol, a. voluptuous, greedy
Glythu, v. to live sensually
Glythwr, n. a gormandizer
Glythyn, n. a small couch
Glyw, n. a governer, a ruler: a. regulating, ruling
Gnawd, n. habit; custom: a. habitual, usual
Gne, n. hue, tint, complexion
Gnes, n. a flutter, a hover
Gni, n. what pervades; shock
Gnif, n. pain, anxiety; toil
Gnis, n. a brandish, a flourish
Gnisiad, n. a brandishing
Gnodawl, a. customary
Gnodi, v. to habituate
Gnodig, a. habitual, common
Gnotaad, n. an accustoming
Gnotai, n. a token; a halo
Gnotoal, a. accustomed, usual
Go, ad. somewhat, partly
Goachol, a. somewhat puny
Gob, n. a mound, a pad
Gobaill, n. a coarse flour
Gobaillio, v. to make coarse flour
Gobaith, n. hope, expectation
Gobant, n. small dingle
Gobed, n. a cobiron
Gobeithgar, a. hopeful
Gobeithiad, n. a hoping
Gobeithio, v. to hope
Gobeithiol, a. hoping
Gobeithioldeb, n. hopefulness
Gobell, n. a pad, a saddle
Gobellu, v. to pad, to saddle
Goben, n. a penultima
Gobenol, a. penultimate
Gobenu, v. to conclude nearly
Gobenydd, n. a bolster
Gobenyddiad, n. a bracketing; bolstering
Gobenyddu, v. to bolster
Gober, n. operation, deed
Goberiad, n. an operating
Goberol, a. operating, effective dubbingly
Goberu, v. to operate
Gobiso, v. to discharge urine
Goblyg, n. a half double
Gobr, n. recompense; fee; wages; bride
Gobriad, n. recompense
Gobrid, n. what is somewhat dear; a. somewhat dear
Gobrol, a. compensative
Gobru, v. to compensate, to fee
Gobrwy, n. reward, fee
Gobrwyad, n. a rewarding
Gobrwyaeth, n. act of feeling
Gobrwyedigaeth, n. remuneration, the act of hiring
Gobrwyo, v. to reward, to remunerate; to bride
Gobrwyol, a. rewarding
Gobryn, n. dessert, merit
Gobrynol, a. meriting
Gobryniad, n. a meriting
Gohrynu, v. to merit, to deserve
Gobwyll, n. consideration
Gobwyllo, v. to consider
Gobwyllus, a. considerate
Gobwys, n. tendency to press
Gobwyso, v. to gravitate
Goganu, v. to lampoon, to sing ironically
Gochel, v. to avoid, to beware
Gocheladwy, a. avoidable
Gochelgar, a. apt to shun
Gochelgarwch, circumspection
Gocheliad, n. a shunning
Gochelog, a. avoiding, wary
Gochelyd, v. to avoid, to shun
Gochrymu, v. to crouch
Gochrynu, v. to quake a little
Gochwaeth, n. a slight taste
Gochwerw, a. somewhat bitter
Gochwilio, v. to search slightly
Gochwith, a. rather awkward
Gochwyth, n. a slight puff
God, n. incontinence; adultery
Godaer, a. slightly importunate
Godaran, n. a hollow murmur
Godarth, n. slightly vapour
Godawel, a. somewhat
Godeb, n. incontinence
Godhog, a. incontinent
Godebyg, a. slight, similar
Godech, n. a lurk, a skulk
Godechfa, n. a lurking place
Godechiad, n. a lurking about
Godechwr, n. a skulker
Godeneu, a. somewhat thin
Godew, a. somewhat thick, or fat
Godid, n. what is out of order
Godidog, a. rare; excellent
God dogrwydd, n. excellence
Godineb, n. adultery
Godinebiad, n. an adultering
Godinebus, a. adulturous
Godinebu, v. to commit adultery
Godinebwr, n. an adulterer
Godlawd, a somewhat poor
Gododdi, v. to dissolve partly
Godor, n. a rupture; a let
Godori, v. interrupt; to let
Godoriant, n. interruption
Godre, n. a skirt, or edge
Godread, n. a skirting
Godref, n. lodge
Godrem, n. a glance
Godremu, v. to glance
Godrig, n. delay; an abode
Godro, n. a milking; v. to milk
Godroad, n. act of milking
Godrudd, a. slightly agitated
Godrwy, n. a wreath, a chain
Goduth, n. a jog trot
Godwrdd, n. murmur
Godwyth, n. slight elasticity
Gody, n. a shed, an outhouse
Godyrfu, v. to rumble
Goddail, n. tender leaves
Goddaith, n. a smothering fire, a burning of a wild
Goddan, n. shrubs, shrubbery
Godde, n. a design, purpose: v. to design, to intend
Goddef, n. sufferance, leave
Goddefaint, n. sufferance
Goddefgar, a. forbearing
Goddefiad, n. a suffering
Goddefiant, n. sufferance
Goddefol, a. passive
Goddefus, a. passive; forbearing
Goddeg, n. utterance, speech
Goddegiad, n. enunciation
Goddeithiad, n. a consuming
Goddeithio, v. to burn heath, &c.
Goddenu, v. to allure gently
Goddeu, n. intent, to design; v. to intend
Goddif, n. a fling: v. to fling
Goddiweddydd, n. day of doom
Goddiweddiad, n. an overtaking
Goddiweddu, v. to overtake
Goddiweddwr, n. overtaker
Goddiwes, v. to overtake
Goddiwesu, v. to come up with
Goddiwestwr, n. overtaker
Goddolawg, a. endowed
Goddoli, v. to enrich, to endow
Godduned, n. a vow; pledge
Godduw, n. a demigod
Goddwr, n. an adviser
Goddyar, n. soft murmur
Goddyariad, n. a murmuring
Goddyaru, v. to murmur
Goddyfod, v. to come gradually
Goddyn, n. an axis
Goen, n. influence, bias
Goer, n. freshness: a. fresh
Gof, n. smith; metallurgist
Gofail, n. smithy
Gofal, n. care, anxiety, solicitude, charge
Gofalhad, n. becoming anxious
Gofalhau, v. to grow anxious
Gofaliad, n. a taking care
Gofalu, v. to care, to mind
Gofalus, a. careful, solicitous
Gofalwr, n. a care-taker
Gofaniaeth, n. a smith's craft
Gofar, n. wrath, ire, fury
Gofaran, a. apt to be forward
Gofas, a. somewhat shallow
Gofeg, n. mind; will; affection
Gofegol, a. mental
Gofeiliant, n. solicitude
Gofer, n. a rivulet, a rill
Goferiad, n. an effusion
Goferol, a. purling, rippling
Goferu, v. to effuse slowly
Gorferwi, v. to parboil
Gofid, n. affliction, grief
Gofidiad, n. an afflicting
Gofidio, v. to afflict, to grieve
Gofidiol, a. afflixing, vexing
Gofidus, a. vexatious, grievous
Goflaen, n. a front station
Goflawd, n. mill dust
Goflodi, v. to sprinkle flour
Goflwch, n. a small box
Gofod, n. a space, a while
Gofras, a. somewhat course
Gofreg, n. frolic gambol
Gofregedd, n. frolicsomeness
Gofri, n. attribute; glory
Gofriad, n. an attribution
Gofriol, a. conferring dignity
Gofrwy, n. a spread out
Gofrwyd, n. a quirk, a maze
Gofrwysg, n. half drunk
Gofryd, n. design, purpose
Gofryn, n. a hillock
Gofrys, n. a slight haste
Gofunad, n. a vow; a wish
Gofunedu, v. to make a vow
Gofurthiach, n. slight bickering
Gofwr, n. a mound
Gofwy, n. a visit, a visitation
Gofwyo, v. to visit
Gofwyad, n. visitation
Gofwyedig, a. visited
Gofwyol, a. visiting
Gofydd, n. an artist
Gofyddeb, n. a canon: or correspondence
Gofyddebol, a. scientific; canonical
Gofyddiad, n. a rendering scientific, or regular
Gofyddu, v. to render scientific
Gofygedd, n. a dignified state
Gofyn, n. a demand, question: v. to demand, to ask
Gofynag, n. confidence, trust
Gofynaig, n. a request
Gofynedigaeth, n. an inquiry
Gofynedigol, a. inquistorial
Gofyniad, n. an asking; question
Gofynol, a. inquisitive, asking
Gofynnod, note of interrogation
Goffrwd, n. a streamlet
Gog, n. velocity; plenty; the cuckoo
Gogaled, a. somewhat hard
Gogam, a. somewhat crooked
Gogan, n. satire, a lampoon
Goganiad, n. a lampooning
Goganol, a. lampooning
Goganu, v. to satrize, to lampoon
Goganwawd, n. irony
Gogarth, n. that is cleansing
Gogawn, n. capability; energy, plentitude: a. capable
Gogawn, v. to endue with power
Gogawr, n. a fodder
Gogel, a. somewhat concealed
Gogelu, v. to shelter
Gogelus, a. apt to shun; very careful
Gogelyd, v. to shun, to avoid
Gogerdd, n. a burlesque
Gogern, n. a leer, a sly look
Gogi, v. to shake, to agitate
Gogil, n. small decline
Gogiliad, n. a slight recession
Gogilio, v. to recede slightly
Gogis, n. a gentle slap
Goglais, n. a tickle
Goglawd, n. a murmur, a hum
Gogledd, n. the north: a. north
Gogleddiad, a going northward
Gogleddol, a. northern
Gogleddu, v. to veer northward
Gogleddwr, n. a Norman
Gogleisiad, n. a tickling
Gogleisio, v. to tickle
Goglud, n. a dependance, trust: v. to depend
Goglywed, v. to over-hear
Gognoi, v. to gnaw slightly
Gogochi, v. to give a red hue
Gogof, n. a cavern, a den
Gogofawg, a. cavernous
Goganawl, a. glorious, exalted
Gogonedd, n. that is exalted, glorification: a. glorious
Gogoneddu, to exalt; to glorify
Gogoneddus, a. glorious, grand
Gogoni, v. to make glorious
Gogoniant, n. glory; grandeur
Gogoriad, n. foddering
Gogorio, v. to fodder
Gogr, n. a sieve, a sierce
Gograid, n. a sieveful
Gogrin, a. somewhat brittle
Gogrisbin, a. partly crinkled
Gogrych, a. partly curled
Gogrwr, n. a sifter, a siercer
Gogryddes, n. a female shifter
Gogryn, v. to sift, to bolt
Gogryniad, n. shifting, a bolting
Gogrynwr, n. a shifter
Goguddio, v. to hide partly
Gogus, n. daliance, a toying
Gogusol, a. dallying, toying
Gogwy, a. full of motion, active
Gogwydd, n. obliquity, bent
Gogwyddedigaeth, n. an inclination, a declination
Gogwyddiad, n. an inclination
Gogwyddo, v. to incline, to lean
Gogwyddol, inclining, tending
Gogydryw, n. homogeny: a homogenial
Gogyfaddaw, v. to threaten
Gogyfarch, a conspicuous
Gogyfartal, a. co-equal, similar
Gogyfiad, n. equalization
Gogyfled, n. mean breadth: a. of equal breadth
Gogyfnos, n. partial twilight
Gogyfoed, a. partly coetaneous
Gogyfred, a. partly concurrent
Gogyfres, a. of uniform range
Gogyfun, a. partially united
Gogyfurdd, n. a compeer
Gogyfuwch, a. of equal height
Gogyffrawd, n. slight impulse
Gogyffred, n. slight idea
Gogyhyd, a. of equal length
Grogylch, n. a circumference
Gogylchiaith, n. periphrasis
Gogymaint, of equal magnitude
Gogynnal, v. to uphold equally
Gogysgod, n. a phantom
Goheb, n. correspondence
Gohebiad, n. a corresponding
Gohebol, a. corresponding
Gohebu, to talk; to correspond
Gohebwr, n. a correspondent
Gohen, n. inclination; bias
Gohil, n. that is but half produce; a degenerate breed
Gohir, n. a linger, a delay
Gohiriad, n. a lingering; an adjournment
Gohirio, v. to delay, to adjourn
Gohiriol, a. prolonging, delaying; lingering
Gohiriwr, n. prolonger
Gohorian, v. to act sluggishly
Gohew, a. pretty, sprightly
Gohyd, n. a mean length
Goian, n. the Omnipresent
Gol, n. covering, vesture
Golaeth, n. adoration, worship
Golaith, n. death; dissolution: v. to cause disolution
Golam, n. a hop, a skip
Golas, n. pale bluish: a. bluish
Golast, n. a hoop that is put under a bee-hive
Golau, n. light: a. light
Golch, n. lie; urine; wash
Golchbren, n. wash beetle
Golchfa, n. a washing place
Golchffon, n. a battingstaff
Golchi, v. to wash, to cleanse
Golchiad, n. a washing
Golchion, n. slops; suds
Golchioni, v. to make slops
Golchwr, n. a washer
Golchydd, n. a washer
Golchwraig, n. washer-women
Gole, n. a splendour
Goleau, v. to illumine
Golechu, v. to skulk, to lurk
Goledu, v. partly, to expand
Goleddf, n. slight obliquity
Goleddfu, v. to go a little awry
Golefain, v. to cry faintly
Goleithio, v. to cause dissolution
Goleithwch, n. state of dissolution
Goleithychu, v. to bring into a state of dissolution
Golemain, v. to hobble, to hop
Golesg, a. somewhat feeble
Goleu, n. light: a. light
Goleuad, n. an illumination; a luminary; a light
Goleadol, a. illuminative
Goleannu, v. to illumine
Goleuant, n. illumination
Goleuder, n. light; brightness
Goleuddal, n. a chandelier
Goleuddydd, n. a splendid day
Goleuedigaeth, n. the act of enlightening
Goleuen, n. a glow-worm
Goleufawr, a. refulgent
Goleufer, n. light, splendour
Goleuferu, v. to make luminous
Goleufynag, n. explanation
Goleulawn, a. refulgent
Goleuliw, n. a light hue: a. of a light hue
Goleulosg, n. a bright burning
Goleulosgi, v. to burn brightly
Goleuni, n. light: illustration
Goleunwy, n. gaslight
Goleuo, v. to enlighten, to give light; to reveal
Goleuol, a. enlightening
Goleuwr, n. a lighter
Geleuydd, n. a lighter
Golewychu, v. to shine faintly
Golf, n. a swallow; a gulf
Golfan, n. a sparrow
Goliniaw, to push with the knee
Golith, n. a gradual training
Golithro, v. to slip gradual
Goliw, n. a faint hue
Goliwiad, n. a giving a tint
Goliwio, v. to tint faintly
Golo, n. a covering
Goloi, v. to envelope; to protect
Goload, n. all enveloping
Golochi, v. to protect partly
Golochwyd, n. a retreat
Golochwyda, v. to live secluded
Golochwydol, a. eremetical
Goloed, n. a covering
Golof, n. a covert, a shelter
Goloni, v. to cheer a little
Golosg, n. coke: a. coked
Golosged, n. char; the snuff of a candle; tinder
Golosgi, v. to char; to singe
Golosgiad, n. a charring
Goluch, n. adoration worship
Golucho, v. to adore, to worship
Golud, n. wealth, riches
Goludiad, n. a making wealthy
Goludog, a. wealthy, rich
Goludogi, v. to make wealthy
Goludd, n. an obstruction
Goluddiad, n. an obstructing
Goluddio, v. to obstruct slightly
Goluddias, n. slight obstruction
Golwch, n. adoration
Golwg, n. sight, look, view
Gulwrch, n. a box
Golwst, n. an interpreter
Golwth, n. couch, sofa
Golwybr, n. a slight trace
Golwyth, n. a collop
Golwytho, v. to cut chops
Golychiad, n. a worshipping
Golychu, v. to adore, to worship
Golychwyd, n. worship
Golygfa, n. scenery, scene
Golygiad, n. a looking; vision
Golygiadu, v. to superintend
Golygiannu, v. to speculate
Golygiant, n. scene
Golygol, a. perspective
Golygu, v. to behold, to view
Golygus, a. sightly, comely
Golygwr, n. speculator, overseer, intendant; an editor
Golyn, n. guard of a sword
Golyrchiad, n. a boxful
Gollwng, n. a loosing: v. to loosen, to let go
Gollyngdod, n. absolution, acquittal
Gollyngiad, n. a loosening, a letting go; remission
Gollyngol, a. loosening
Gollyngwr, n. a loosener
Gomach, n. a shank, a shin
Gommedd, n. a refusal: v. to refuse
Gommeddiad, n. a refusing
Gonaddu, v. to shave, to plane
Gonaid, n. a hop
Goneges, n. a petty errand
Gonest, a. honest
Gonestrwydd, n. honesty
Gonestu, v. to become honest
Gonofio, v. to swim partly
Gonwyf, n. liveliness
Gor, n. an extreme; an opening; a rim; a gore, a puss; a brood. Also a prefix, denoting augmentation: a. superior; high; broody: ad. greatly; above; very
Gorad, n. superior activity
Goradain, a. of great velocity
Goraddfed, a. too ripe
Goraeth, n. a tent of a wound
Goraethu, v. to tent a wound
Goraf, a. most excellent
Goraig, n. a super or source
Gorair, n. an adverb
Goralw, n. a calling out aloud
Goralw, v. to call out loudly
Gorall, n. a superior power
Goramledd, n. superabundance
Goramlu, v. to superabound
Goramlwg, a. very conspicuous
Goraniar, a. supernatural
Gorarianu, v. to silver over
Gorarw, a. extremely rough
Gorasglod, n. fine shavings
Gorasgwn, n. excrescence
Gorau, n. the superlative: a superlative, best
Gorawen, n. transport, joy
Gorawenu, v. to be joyous
Gorawenus, a. joyous
Gorawl, a. effectual, successful
Gorbais, n. an upper coat
Gobarchu, v. to over-prize
Gorbell, a. very far
Gorben, n. pre-eminence
Gorbigrwydd, n. remorse
Gorbigo, v. to prick greatly
Gorboeth, a. intensely hot
Gorborth, n. a carrying off
Gorbwyll, n. intimation
Gorbwyllo, v. to hint
Gorbwylliad, n. a hinting
Gorbwys, n. a dependence
Gorbwyso, v. to depend, to rely
Gorch, n. what encompasses
Gorchadw, v. to keep strictly
Gorchaeth, a. greatly straitened
Gorchafarwy, n. an overspreading gloom; evening
Gorchafedd, n. supremacy
Gorchafaeth, n. superiority
Gorchafu, v. to exalt, to overcome
Gorchafus, v. tending to superiority
Gorchaled, a. extremely hard
Gorchalledd, n. conceitedness
Gorcham, n. an overstride
Gorchamu, v. to overstride
Gorchan, n. canon; incantation
Gorcharfan, n. the upper jaw
Gorcharfanedd, n. palate
Gorchaw, n. descendant in the fifth degree
Gorchawn, a. towering
Gorcheidwad, n. a guardian
Gorcheifn, n. collateral relation in the seventh degree
Gorcheiniad, n. enchanter
Gorcheiniaeth, n. incantation
Gorchest, n. an enigma; a question; a feat
Gorchestiad, n. an excelling
Gorchestol, a. extraordinary
Gorchestu, v. to do a feat
Gorchfannad, n. the upper jaw
Gorchfannedd, n. the palate
Gorchfant, n. upper jaw
Gorchfygadwy, a. vincible
Gorchfygedig, a. vanquished
Gorchfygiad, n. a vanquishing
Gorchfygol, a. vanquishing
Gorchfygu, v. to vanquish
Gorchfygwr, n. a vanquisher, a subduer
Gorchoddion, n. potentates
Gorchordd, n. supreme circle
Gorchrain, a. extremely abject
Gorchroni, v. to aggregate greatly
Gorchrwm, a. extremely bowing
Gorchrynu, v. to quake much
Gorchu, v. to fence round
Gorehudd, n. an envelope, a cover, veil
Gorchuddiad, n. an enveloping
Gorchuddio, v. to envelope
Gorchuddiol, a. enveloping
Gorchwai, a. very nimble
Gorchwant, n. extreme desire
Gorchwil, n. cautious glance
Gorchwilio, v. to look cautiously
Gorchwim, n. quick motion
Gorchwimio, v. to move suddenly
Gorchwir, n. a clear truth
Gorchwith, a. clumsy
Gorchwiw, n. a sudden whirl
Gorchwasg, n. a dead sleep
Gorchwy, n. overwhelming
Gorchwyd, n. excessive vomit
Gorchwydd, n. excessive swell
Gorchwyf, n. extreme motion
Gorchwhl, n. employ, labour
Gorchwylgar, a. labourious
Gorchwyliad, n. a labouring
Gorchwyliaeth, n. a transaction
Gorchwylio, v. to labour
Gorchyfant, n. the palate
Gorchyfarwy, n. the twilight
Gorchyflym, a. very nimble
Gorchyfnai, n. a descendant in the eighth degree
Grorchyfran, n. super-proportion
Gorchyfrif, n. over-reckoning
Gorchymaint, adv. so very great
Gorchymyn, n. injunction; command: v. to command
Gorchymynedigaeth, n. the act of commanding
Gorchymyngar, a. peremptory
Gorchymyniad, a commanding
Gorchythrudd, n. excess of affliction
Gordaenu, v. to overspread
Gordaliad, n. an overpaying
Gordarddu, v. to issue extremely
Gordasg, n. excessive task
Gordawel, a. very serene
Gordew, a. excessively thick
Gordirion, a over kind
Gordoni, v. to peel the surface
Gordrethu, v. to overtax
Gordrist, a extremely pensive
Gordroi, v. to turn excessively
Gordrosi, v. to overdrive
Gordrymau, v. to depress much
Gordudd, n. outer covering
Gordudded, n. an overcover
Gorduddo, v. to cover over
Gordwf, n. an overgrowth
Gordwyad, n. an over-ruling
Gordwyllo, v. to deceive much
Gordwyo, v. to over-rule
Gordwyth, n. great elasticity
Gordyfu, v. to overgrow
Gordynu, v. to pull extremely
Gordywyll, a. extremely dark
Gordd, n. an impetus; a mallet; a beetle; a churn staff: a. impetuous, ardent
Gorddail, n. exterior leaves
Gorddal, Gorddaliad, n. an upholding: v. to uphold
Gordden, n. impulse; necessity
Gordderch, n. a paramour
Gordderchad, n. a wooer
Gordderchfun, n. a concubine
Gordderchiad, n. a gallanting
Gordderchol, a. wooing; adulterous
Gordderchu, v. to gallant
Gordderchwr, n. a paramour; a wooer; an adulterer
Gorddestlu, v. to trim overmuch
Gorddethol, a. very select
Gorddewis, n. nice choice
Gorddewr, a. brave excess, foolhardy
Gorddi, v. to impel; to thumb
Gorddiad, n. an impelling
Gorddial, n. extreme revenge
Gorddibed, n. an outskin
Gorddibyn, n. overhanging precipice
Gorddibyniad, n. an overhanging
Gorddibynol, a. overhanging
Gorddibynu, v. to overhang
Gorddichellu, v. to be overcrafty
Gorddichlyn, a. over-diligent
Gorddichoni, v. to be more than able
Gorddifant, n. utter deletion
Gorddifanw, a. very fleeting
Gorddifwng, a. extreme firm
Gorddig, a. very irritable
Gorddigon, n. a redundance
Gorddigoni, v. to over-satiate
Gorddigor, n. prevailing passion
Gorddillyn, a. prim to excess
Gorddin, n. impulse; a. rare
Gorddinaad, n. an impelling
Gorddinau, Gorddino, v. to impel
Gorddiniad, n. an impelling
Gorddiog, a. extremely lazy
Gorddiogi, v. to be very lazy
Gorddirwy, n. excessive fine
Gorddisgyn, n. a steep pitch
Gorddisgyniad, n. pitching over
Gorddiwedd, Gorddiweddu, v. to overtake
Gorddiwedd, n. extreme end
Gorddiwes, n. an overtaking
Gorddiwesiad, n. an overtaking
Gorddiwesu, v. to overtake
Gorddiwyd, a. over diligent
Gorddod, n. impulse: a stroke
Gorddodi, v. to place over
Gorddodo, n. a burrowing
Gorddodyn, n. a burrower
Gorddoi, a. impulsive, driving
Gorddoeth, a. over sapient
Gorddor, n. a hatch, wicket
Gorddrud, a. over daring
Gorddrws, n. a wicket; a threshold
Gorddrych, n. a similitude
Gorddryn, a. terrific
Gorddu, a. of a blackish tinge
Gordduad, n. a blacking over
Gordduo, v. to black over
Gorddwfn, a. profound
Gorddwfr, n. a water brink
Gorddwy, n. impulse; violence
Gorddwyad, n. oppression
Gorddwyar, n. din of violence
Gorddwyo, v. to oppress
Gorddwyol, a. oppressive
Gorddwyn, n. mallet; a rammer
Gorddwyrain, v. to over-exalt
Gorddwyre, a. being extremely exalted
Gorddwyreain, v. to rise over
Gorddwys, a. extremely dense
Gorddyar, n. roar: a. roaring
Gorddyarad, n. a roaring
Gorddyaru, v. to make a roar
Gorddyeithr, a. over strange
Gorddyfnad, n. an habituating
Gorddyfnaid, v. to habituate
Gorddyfnder, profundity, depth
Gorddyfniad, n. what habituates
Gorddyfnu, v. to accustom, to habituate
Gorddyfod, v. to come upon
Gorddyfodi, v. to supervene
Gorddyfodiad, n. supervention; a coming upon
Gorddyfn, n. habit, custom
Gorddygai, n. what draws away; an abductor
Gorddygan, n. harmony
Gorddygiad, n. abduction
Gorddygnu, v. to overtoil
Gorddygyd, v. to superinduce
Gorddylif, n. an overflow
Gorddylifiad, n. defluxion
Gorddylifo, v. to over flow
Gorddyn, n. a boundary
Gorddynead, n. an effusion
Gorddyneu, v. to effuse
Gorddyrchafu, v. to over-raise
Gorddysgwyl, to expect earnestly
Gorddywal, a. extremely fierce
Goreb, n. a response
Gorebiad, n. a responding
Gorebu, v. to respond
Gored, n. a fishing-wear
Goredu, v. to set a wear
Gorefras, a. very plump
Goregni, n. over exertion
Goreiliad, n. a superstructing
Goreilid, n. a grievance
Goreilidiad, n. a grieving
Goreilidio, v. to aggrieve
Goreilio, v. to superstruct
Goreirian, a. extremely fair
Goreiriol, a. adverbial
Goreiste, n. a sitting aloft
Goreisteddiad, n. a presiding
Gorel, n. an aperture
Gorelu, v. to make an aperture
Gorelwain, v. to keep crying
Gorentrych, a. supercelestial
Gorenw, n. a surname
Gorenwi, v. to surname
Gorergyd, n. an over-shot
Gorerlid, v. to pursue eagerly
Gorerlyn, v. to follow eagerly
Gores, n. waste: a. open
Goresgyn, n. a coming upon possession; conquest; a lease
Goresgyniad, n. an overcoming; a conquering
Goresgyniaeth, n. subjugation
Goresgynol, a. overcoming
Goresgynu, v. to overcome
Goresgynwr, Goresgynydd, n. an occupant; a vanquisher; a descendant in the fifth degree
Goresiad, n. a laying open
Gorest, n. a waste; a. open waste
Gorestwng, v. to yield homage
Gorestyngiad, n. liege subject
Gorestyn, n. over-extension
Goresymu, v. to talk familiar
Goretholi, v. to select nicely
Goreu, a. best. O'r goreu very well: v. to make, to create
Goreuad, n. a bettering
Goreuaeth, n. optimism
Goreuant, n. optimacy
Goreuo, v. to make better
Goreurad, n. a troding
Goreuraid, a. done with gold
Goreuro, v. to gild
Gorewi, v. to freeze slightly
Gorewydd, n. bodily vigour
Gorewyn, n. mantling foam
Gorewynu, v. to foam over
Gorfainc, n. a supreme seat
Gorfaint, n. an oversize
Gorfalch, a. supercilious
Gorfan, a. extremely lofty
Gorfanal, n. broom-rape
Gorfanson, n. a muttering
Gorfant, n. upper mandible
Gorfantol, n. overbalance
Gorfantoli, v. to overbalance
Gorfaran, n. a grand front
Gorfas, a. extremely shallow
Gorfawr, a. extremely great
Gorfeddu, to possess overmuch
Gorfeiddio, v. to over-dare
Gorfelyn, a. very yellow
Gorferw, n. froth, scum
Gorferwi, v. to bubble
Gorfethiant, n. extreme debility
Gorfethu, v. to fail completely
Gorfin, n. the outer edge
Gorflawdd, n. extreme uproar
Gorflun, a. very tiresome
Gorfloedd, n. an outcry
Gorflwch, n. goblet, cup
Gorflwng, a. very sullen
Gorfod, n. impulse: necessity; mastery victory: v. to get superior; to necessitate, to oblige, to be obliged
Gorfodaeth, n. compulsion
Gorfodedd, n. ascendency
Gorfodiad, n. a compelling
Gorfodog, a. being compelled
Gorfodogaeth, n. obligation
Gorfodogi, v. to take obligatory
Gorfodol, a. compulsive
Gorfuledd, n. triumph; gladness
Gorfoleddiad, n. a triumphing
Gorfoleddu, v. to triumph, to rejoice greatly
Gorfoleddus, a. triumphant
Gorfoli, v. to flatter
Gorfoliant, n. adulation
Gorfras, a. over gross, over fat
Gorfraint, n. superior privilege
Gorfrau, a. extremely brittle
Gorfraw, n. extreme panic
Gorfrwd, a. very ardent
Gorfryd, n. magnanimity
Gorfrydiant, n. a paroxysm
Gorfrydio, v. to overheat
Gorfrydol, a. magnanimous
Gorfrys, n. great haste
Gorfuan, a. being over quick
Gorfudd, n. supreme gain
Gorfygu, v. to vanquish
Gorfyd, n. rivalship, envy
Gorfyniad, n. emulation
Gorfynig, a. emulous, envious
Gorfynog, a. emulous, envious
Gorfynu, n. ascent, up-hill
Gorfynydd, n. an ascent
Gorfyw, a. living beyond
Gorffawd, n. extreme luck
Gorfflam, n. bright flame
Gorfflemychu, v. to flame greatly
Gorfflwch, a. extremely rife
Gorffrwd, n. a violent torrent
Gorffyniant, n. excess of prosperity
Gorffysg, n. extreme speed
Gorgoch, a. extreme red
Gorgoddi, v. to vex, to excess
Gorgred, n. implicit belief
Gorgyd, n. implicit belief
Gorgryd, n. extreme agitation
Gorguddio, v. to cover over
Gorgwyddo, v. to over fall
Gorgyfuwch, a. superior
Gorgyffraw, n. extreme agitation
Gorgyffred, n. a surmise
Gorgylch, n. an outer circle
Gorgylchynu, v. to surround
Gorhael, a. over liberal
Gorheb, n. a response
Gorhediad, n. a flying above
Gorhelaeth, a. over ample
Gorhenaint, n. extreme age
Gorhendad, n. great grandfather
Gorhendaid, great great grandfather
Gorhenfam, n. great grandmother
Gorhengaw, n. ancestor in the fifth degree
Gorhennain, great great grandmother
Gorhenw, n. a surname
Gorhenwi, v. to surname
Gorhesg, n. large reeds
Gorhiliog, a. very prolific
Gorhiniog, n. a lintel
Gorhirio, v. to linger much
Gorhoen, n. extreme vivacity
Gorhoeni, v. to exhilarate
Gorhoenus, a. extremely joyous
Gorhoff, a. very delectable
Gorhoffedd, n. chief delight
Gorhoffi, v. to delight extremely
Gorhoffiant, n. extreme delight
Gorholi, v. to inquire overmuch, to question overmuch
Gorhoni, v. to assert overmuch
Gorhudd, n. extreme illusion
Gorhuddo, v. to overveil
Gorhun, n. excess of sleep
Gorhydru, n. over confidence
Gorhynod, a. very remarkable
Gorhynt, n. a superior course
Gori, n. brooding; suppuration: v. to brood
Goriad, n. a brooding
Gorian, v. to be querulous
Goriain, v. to keep crying out
Gorifynu, n. ascent
Gorimyn, n. a chink, a cleft
Goris, prep. inferior to below: adv. beneath, underneath
Goriselu, v. to make very low
Gorisgell, n. scum of liquor
Gorith, n. phantom, illusion
Goriw, n. gentle ascent
Gorlad, n. supreme grace
Gorlaes, a. very low or trailing
Gorlais, n. shrill tone
Gorlaith, a. extremely moist
Gorlam, n. an overskip
Gorlamu, v. to overskip
Gorlanad, n. super-purgation
Gorlanw, n. repletion; high tide
Gorlas, n. superior blue; a. of superior blue
Gorlasar, n. blue enamel
Gorlasu, v. to give a blue hue
Gorlawen, a. extremely joyful
Gorlawn, a. over-full
Gorledu, v. to over-expand
Gorlefain, v. to cry out aloud
Gorlenwi, v. to over-fill
Gorlesu, v. to benefit extremely
Gorlewin, n. the west
Gorlidio, v. to chafe extremely
Gorlif, n. an upper current
Gorlifiant, n. a flowing over
Gorlifo, v. to flow very strongly, to flow above
Gorlithro, v. to overslip
Gorliw, n. an apparent hue
Gorliwio, v. to colour over
Gorloes, n. a murmuring sound, an organ: a murmuring
Gorloni, v. to cheer extremely
Gorlosgi, v. to over-burn
Gorlosgiad, n. an over-burning
Gorludd, n. extreme depression
Gorludded, n. extreme fatigue
Gorlwng, a. extreme indraught
Gorlwm, a. extreme bare
Gorlwybro, v. to over-trace
Gorlwyddo, v. to help on
Gorlwyno, v. to escort; to convey
Gorlwyth, n. an over-load
Gorlwytho, v. to overburden
Gorlyd, a. broody; suppurative
Gorlyfnu, v. to smooth over
Gorlyna, v. to tipple to excess
Gorlyncu, v. to gorge, to gulp, to swallow greedily
Gorllad, n. benediction
Gorlladen, n. consecrated bread
Gorllaes, a. trailing; drooping
Gorllaesu, v. to trail; to drawl
Gorllanw, n. full tide
Gorllawes, a. extremely expert
Gorllawn, a. over full, replete
Gorllechu, v. to skulk much
Gorllenwi, v. to overflow
Gorllewin, n. the ultimate; a rear; the west
Gorllewinol, a. westerly
Gorllewydd, n. the west
Gorllwyn, n. an escort
Gorllyd, a. suppurative
Gorllydd, n. an embryo
Gorllym, a. extremely sharp
Gorm, n. a plenum
Gormail, n. oppression
Gormant, n. plentitude
Gormedd, n. an over-running
Gormeilio, v. to prevail, to predominate; to over-run
Gormeisiad, n. a molester
Gormes, n. molestation
Gormesdeyrn, n. an usurping prince, an intruding tyrant
Gormesiad, n. a molesting
Gormeslyn, n. plethora
Gormesol, a. molesting, intrusive
Gormesu, v. to molest, to intrude
Gormesydd, n. a molester
Gormod, Gormodd, n. excess: a. too much
Gormodedd, n. superabundance, excess
Gormodi, v. to superabound
Gormodol, a. superabundant
Gormodoldeb, n. excess
Gormu, to intrude; to pervade
Gormwyth, n. a rheum
Gormwytho, to generate rheum
Gorne, n. superior or exterior hue; blush
Gornerth, n. superior power
Gornerthu, v. to excel in power
Gornofiad, n. swimming above
Gornofio, v. to swim above
Gornwyf, n. extreme vivacity
Gorofni, v. to fear extremely
Gorol, a. effectual, successful
Gorolchi, v. to wash over
Gorolygu, v. to supervise
Goror, n. a confine, a border
Gorphen, n. conclusion, end: v. to conclude, to determine; to end
Gorphenaf, n. July
Gorpheniad, n. a finishing
Gorphenol, a. concluding, finishing
Gorphwyll, n. madness; folly
Gorphwylliad, n. a distracting
Gorphwyllo, v. to grow mad
Gorphwyllus, a. irrational
Gorphwys, n. repose, rest
Gorphwysdra, n. repose
Gorphwysfa, n. a resting place
Gorphwyso, v. to repose, to rest, to take a respite
Gorphwysol, a. quiescent
Gorsaf, n. a station, a stand
Gorsafiad, n. a stationing
Gorsafol, a. stationary
Gorsafu, v. to station; to withstand
Gorsangu, v. to over-tread
Gorsedd, n. a supreme seat
Gorseddol, v. relating to session
Gorseddfainc, n. a throne
Gorseddiad, n. a presiding
Gorseddu, v. to preside
Gorseddwr, n. a president
Gorsefyll, v. to take a stand
Gorsefylliad, n. a stationing
Gorsengi, v. to over-tread
Gorselu, v. to gaze steadfastly
Gorsing, Gorsin, n. a door post
Gorsylw, n. earnest regard
Gorsyllu, v. to look steadfastly
Gorsynu, v. to amaze greatly
Gort, n. a sharp spring
Gortio, v. to spring sharply
Gorth, n. what stands opposite
Gorthwasgu, v. to over-task
Gorthaw, taciturnity; patience
Gorthew, a. extremely thick
Gorthir, n. upper country
Gortho, n. an envelope; a roof
Gorthoad, n. a covering over
Gorthoi, v. to cover over
Gorthorch, n. a torque; a collar
Gorthordd, n. an exile
Gorthori, v. to cut over
Gorthoriant, n. an incision
Gorthrain, a. lavish to excess
Gorthrais, n. extreme violence
Gorthrech, n. mastery; violence
Gorthrechiad, n. a subduing
Gorthrechiant, n. domination
Gorthrechol, a. domineering
Gorthrechu, v. to master, to overcome
Gorthrechwr, n. a dominator, an oppressor
Gorthrin, n. extreme toil
Gorthroi, v. to turn over
Gorthrwch, n. a groove
Gorthrwm, a. oppressive
Gorthrychiad, n. a grooving
Gorthrymder, Gorthrymiant, n. oppression
Gorthrymiad, n. an oppressing
Gorthrymu, v. to oppress
Gorthrymus, a. oppressive
Gorthrymwr, n. an oppressor
Gorthwf, n. an overgrowth
Gortliwym, Gorthwymyn, a. overwarm
Gorthynu, v. to overstrain
Gorthywys, n. a general
Goru, v. to cause, to accomplish, to do
Goruch, n. a supreme: a. upper; adv. above, over
Goruchadeilad, n. superstructure
Goruchaf, a. most high, highest
Goruchafiaeth, n. supremacy, promotion; triumph
Goruchafol, a. supereminent
Goruchafu, v. to exalt over
Goruchanian, a. supernatural
Goruchanianoldeb, n. preternaturalness
Goruchder, n. superiority; supremacy
Goruchel, a. supreme, very high
Goruchelder, n. a summit
Goruchelion, n. meteors
Goruchelu, v. to render lofty, to exalt
Goruchiad, n. heavenly body; a planet
Goruchiant, n. supereminency
Goruchio, v. to raise supreme
Goruchiol, a. supereminent
Goruchion, n. meteors
Goruchionen, n. a meteor
Goruchlyw, n. lord paramount
Goruchragor, n. superexcellence
Goruchwyliad, n. a supervising, an overlooking
Goruchwyliaeth, a supervision; stewardship
Gorug, v. did, did perform, did act; he did, he made. Imperfect tense of Goru
Gorugo, v. to accomplish
Gorugiad, n. an accomplishing
Gorun, n. surge, spray, foam
Gorurddas, n. supreme rank
Goruthro, to amaze exceedingly
Goruwch, prep. above, over
Gorwaedd, n. a loud cry
Gorwael, a. very abject
Gorwaered, n. a declivity
Gorwg, a. vain-glorious, vain
Gorwagedd, n. vain glory
Gorwall, n. extreme remissness; extreme fault
Gorwan, a. extreme weak
Gorwancu, v. to overgorge
Gorwar, a. extremely gentle
Gorwas, n. a hero, a worthy
Gorwasgu, v. to overpress
Gorwedd, n. recumbence; v. to lie, to recline
Gorweddiad, n. a lying down
Gorweddial, n. concubinage
Gorweddol, a. recumbent
Gorwegi, n. extreme vanity
Gorwel, n. the horizon
Gorweled, v. to see over
Gorwen, a. very white
Gorwenu, v. to laugh, to grin
Gorwerthu, v. to oversell
Gorwir, a. quite true
Gorwireb, n. an hyperbole
Gorwisg, n. an outer garment
Gorwisgo, v. to clothe over
Gorwiw, a. superexcellent
Gorwlad, n. bordering country
Gorwlyb, a very wet
Gorwlychu, v. to over-drench
Gorwregus, n. a bracing girdle
Gorwy, n. a margin, a rim
Gorwych, a. very brave
Gorwydr, n. hoar frost
Gorwydd, n. a summit, a top: a courser, a steed: a. of easy progress
Gorwyddod, n. cavalry
Gorwyddfarch, managed horse
Gorwygo, v. to tear slightly
Gorwyl, n. an overlooking
Gorwyliad, n. an overlooking
Gorwylio, v. to overlook
Gorwyll, a. very gloomy
Gorwyllt, a. frantic, mad
Gorwym, n. a slight bandage
Gorwymp, a. very fair
Gorwyn, a. over-white
Gorwyr, n. a great grandson
Gorwyrain, n. of theme, praise
Gorwyres, great grand-daughter
Gorwys, n. a public summons
Gorwyth, n. very ire
Gorymboeni, v. to over-fatigue one's self
Gorymborth, n. excess of food
Gorymchwal, n. an overspreading one's self
Gorymchwel, n. a conversion
Gorymchwylo, v. to be subverted
Gorymdaith, n. perambulation
Gorymdanu, v. to overspread one's self
Gorymdeithio, v. to sojourn
Gorymdeithydd, n. one who travels much; a wayfaring man
Gorymddwyn, n. a bringing over
Gorymddygiad, n. abduction
GorymegFiad, n. over-exertion, an overtoiling
Gorymyl, n. great edge
Gorymyru, v. to over-pursue
Goryn, n. a pimple, a wheal
Gorynog, a. having pimples
Gorynys, n. a peninsula
Gorysgwr, n. a yoke
Gorysgwydd, n. a jutting out
Gorysu, v. to consume greatly
Goryw, n. a degenerate kind
Gorywio, v. to degenerate
Grosaig, n. a slight meal
Gosail, n. groundwork; a sole
Grosathru, v. to tread slightly
Gosbaith, a. polished, glittering
Gosbarth, n. a distinct part: prep. toward
Gosbenu, v. to particularize
Gosborthi, v. to support slightly
Gosbwyllo, v. to decide partly
Goseb, n. a handsel
Gosefyll, v. to stand slightly
Goseilad, n. a founding
Goseilio, v. to found
Gosel, n. a peep, a glance
Gosenu, v. to chide slightly
Gosgedd, n. figure, shape
Gosgeridiad, n. a shaping
Gosgeiddig, a. shapely, comely
Gosgel, n. a gloom: a. gloomy
Gosgelu, v. to half conceal
Gosgil, n. a half-retreat
Gosglwm, n. a tent fastening
Gosglymu, v. to tie slightly
Gosgo, n. obliquity, slope
Gosgoad, n. a going aside
Gogoi, v. to go aside, to avoid
Gosgordd, n. a retinue, a train
Gosgorddi, v. to form a retinue
Gosgrain, a. partly crawling
Grosgred, n. a faint belief
Gosgrynu, v. to cause quaking
Gosgudd, a. skulking, lurking
Gosgymon, n. a combustible
Goslef, n. organ of utterance; a tone, a note
Gosmeithio, v. to yield aliment
Gosod, n. a placing; a statute, an ordinance; a position; an onset
Gosod, v. to put, to set, to lay, to place
Gosodedigaeth, n. a proposition, an ordinance
Gosodi, v. to set, to put, to lay
Gosodiad, n. a placing; a position; an establishing; a proposition
Gosodol, a. positional statute
Gosomi, v. to partly disappoint
Goson, n. an intimation, rumour; v. to intimate slightly
Gosonial, v. to be whispering
Gosori, v. to behalf offended
Gosoriant, n. slight offence
Gosranu, v. to divide partly
Gosteg, n. silence, attention; a publishing; an address, an invocation; a prelude. Gostegion priodas, bans of matrimony
Gostegiad, n. a silencing
Gostegu, v. to silence, to still
Goategwr, n. the crier of a court, who commands silence; a silencer
Gostrodyr, n. a pannel
Gostwng, n. a lowering: v. to bring down
Gostyngedig, a. lowered; humble; humbled, abased
Gostyngeiddio, v. to become abased, to become humble
Gostyngiad, n. a lowering
Gostyngu, v. to lower, to abase
Gostyngwr, n. one who abases, inclines, lowers, or humbles
Goswydd, n. a petty office
Goswyn, n. a slight charm
Gosymdaith, n. provision, support
Gosymdeithiad, n. a provisioning
Gosymdeithio, v. to provide sustenance
Gosymerth, n. the gossamer
Gosymmaith, n. support, food
Gosymu, v. to warble
Gosymud, n. a slight move
Gosymwy, n. warbling, trilling
Gosyn, a. half amazed
Gosynio, v. to half consider
Gosyrthio, v. to totter
Got, n. incontinence
Gotiar, n. a coot, a moor-hen
Gotio, v. to commit adultery
Gotoew, n. a spur
Goth, n. repulsion; pride
Gothi, v. to scorn; to be proud, to act proudly
Gowaered, n. declivity, a slope
Gowanu, v. to divide; to gash
Gowci, n. a jackdaw
Gowel, a. transparent, clear
Gowelu, n. somewhat pale
Gowenu, v. to half smile
Gower, n. a croft, a close
Gowni, n. basting stitch
Gowregysu, v. to gird slackly
Gowrid, n. a slight blush
Gowrthodi, v. to half reject
Gowybod, v. to know partly
Gowych, a. somewhat brave
Goyfed, n. a slight nipping
Goysu, v. to half consume
Gra, n. frieze of cloth
Grab, n. a bluster, exuberance
Graban, n. what is clustered
Grabin, a. clasping; scrambling
Gradd, n. degree, rank, state
Graddeb, n. a climax
Graddedigaeth, n. a graduation
Graddiad, n. a graduation
Graddiannu, v. to graduate
Graddiant, n. graduation
Graddineb, n. graduality
Graddio, v. to confer rank
Graddogi, v. to graduate
Graddol, a. progressive
Graddoli, v. to graduate
Grae, n. what is asperate, sharp, or rough
Graean, n. gravel, course sand
Graeanol, a. granular, gritty
Graeander, n. granulosity
Graeandde, a. granular
Graeanen, n. a grain
Graenllyd, a. gravelly, gritty
Graeanu, v. to granulate
Graen, n. asperity; grief, asperate; grievous
Graender, n. poignancy
Graenon, n. gravelly particles
Graenu, v. to make rough
Graf, n. the garlic
Grafel, n. a lubber; a ruffian
Grai, n. a blight, a blast
Groiad, n. a blighting
Graid, n. sun heat; ardency, a. ardent, vehement
Grain, n. a socket; a ring
Gram, n. a sign, a symbol
Grammadeg, n. a grammar
Grammadegol, a. grammatical
Grammadegwr, a grammarian
Grammadegydd, n. a grammarian
Gran, n. the cheekbone: a. precipitous, shelvy
Granwg, n. side of the face
Granygre, n. the visage
Gras, n. grace
Grawg, n. a horrid uproar
Grawn, n. berries; grain; roe of fish. Grawn Corinth, currants
Grawnafal, pomegranate
Grawnwin, n. grape wine
Grawth, n. a plunge
Grawthiad, n. a plunging
Grawys, n. a festival, lent
Gre, n. a flock, a herd; a stud
Gread, n. a herding, a flocking
Greal, n. an aggregate of elements, a code; a collection; a magazine
Grealu, to aggregate elements
Greant, n. an aggregate; a collection; a code
Greawd, n. an aggregate
Greawr, n. a flock, a herd
Greddf, n. nature; disposition
Greddfiad, n. an habituating
Greddfol, a. habitual, natural
Greddfu, v. to habituate
Greff, n. a sneer; irony
Greffiad, n. a sneering
Greg, n. a cackle, a cackling
Greiad, n. a singeing
Greiau, n. what gives heat
Greaddell, a griddle, a bake-stone
Greidiad, n. the scorching of the sun
Greidio, to scorge, to singe
Greidiol, a. scorching, blasting
Greiddyll, n. a griddle, grid-iron
Greienyn, n. a grain of gravel
Greinio, v. to form a ring
Greinyn, n. an ear-ring, a pendant
Greio, v. to singe, to blast
Grelyn, n. a drinking-pool
Grem, n. a crash; a gnash
Gremaid, a crashing; a gnashing
Gremio, v. to crash: to gnash
Gren, n. a large earthen vessel
Greolen, n. a briony plant
Gres, n. what is warm
Gresaw, n. a welcome
Gresawiad, n. a welcoming
Gresawu, v. to welcome
Gresi, n. pity, compassion
Gresin, a. pitying, piteous
Gresyn, n. piteous, misery
Gresynol, a. deplorable
Gresyndod, n. pitifulness
Gresyn-gar, a. compassionate
Gresyni, n. piteousness
Gresynu, v. to commiserate
Greynus, a. miserable, pitiful
Greu, v. to aggregate
Grewys, n. a herd; a stud
Griddfan, n. a groan, a moan
Griff, n. the frog-spawn
Griffyll, n. frog-spawn
Grig, n. a low rustle
Grigwd, n. a rustling
Grill, n. a creak, a chirp, a creaking, chirping
Grillgnoi, v. to cranch
Grilliad, n. a creaking
Grillian, v. to keep creaking
Grilliedydd, n. a cricket
Grillio, v. to creak, to chirp
Gro, n. pebbles: n. a ridge of pebbles, formed by the sea
Groeg, n. the Greek language
Gronell, n. hard roe of fish
Gronellu, to generate roe
Gronyn, n. a grain, a particle
Gronynog, a. having grains
Gronynol, a. granular
Gronyniad, n. granulation
Gronynu, v. to granulate
Groyn, n. a pebble
Grual, n. gruel, porridge
Grualu, v. to turn to gruel
Grud, n. grain of stone, grit
Grudd, n. cheekbone; cheek
Gruff, n. what is fierce; a griffon
Grufft, n. a griffon
Grug, n. heath, or ling
Grugiad, n. an emmet
Grugiar, n. moor-hen, grouse
Grugion, n. emmets, ants
Grugionyn, n. an emmet
Gruglwyn, n. sweet broom
Grugo, v. to gather heath
Grugog, a. having heath
Grut, n. grit; a fossil
Grutio, v. to lay on grit
Grwgach, v. to rumble
Grwgnachiad, n. a rumbling
Grwgnach, v. to grumble
Grwgnachiad, n. a grumbling
Grwgyn, n. broken rumbling
Grwng, n. a grunt; a noise
Grwm, n. a murmur; a growl
Grwn, n. a ridge in a field; a trembling noise
Grwnach, n. a grumbling
Grwnachu, v. to grumble
Grwnan, n. a hum; a purring: v. to hum, to drone
Grwniad, n. a droning
Grwys, n. wild gooseberries
Grwysed, n. a gooseberry
Grwyswydden, n. gooseberry-tree
Grwyth, n. a murmur
Grwythiad, n. a murmuring
Grwytho, v. to murmur
Gryd, n. a scream; war-hoop
Grydiau, v. to scream, to whoop
Grydiant, n. a screaming out
Grydio, v. to scream, to whoop
Grydwst, n. a murmur
Gryg, n. harshness
Gryglys, n. heath berries
Grygnant, n. harshness
Grygon, n. heath berries
Gryngiad, n. a grunting
Gryngian, v. to be grunting
Gryngio, v. to grunt
Grym, n. force, energy
Grymiad, n. a making strong
Grymial, v. to mutter
Grymiala, v. to mutter
Grymialus, a. muttering
Grymian, v. to drone; to grunt
Grymiannu, v. to make potent
Grymiant, n. potency, energy
Grymio, v. to give energy
Grymus, a. powerful; nervous
Grymusder, n. potency
Gryniad, n. a laying in ridges
Grynio, v. to form ridges
Gubain, v. to howl, to moan
Gwach, n. a hole; a cavity
Gwachell, n. a skewer; a knitting needle
Gwachellu, v. to skewer
Gwachul, a. lean, lank; feeble
Gwad, n. a denial, a disowning
Gwadaeth, n. a spout, a cock
Gwadal, a. being stanch or firm
Gwadalwch, n. stanchness
Gwadiad, n. a denying
Gwadn, n. a base, a sole
Gwadnu, v. to sole; to foot it
Gwadol, a. denying, negative
Gwadu, v. to deny; to disown
Gwadd, n. a mole
Gwaddeg, n. a spout; a scuttle
Gwaddod, n. sediment, lees
Gwaddodi, v. to cast a sedement
Gwaddodlyd, a. feculent, dreggy
Gwaddol, n. a portion; money
Gwaddoli, v. to dower
Gwae, n. woe
Gwaed, n. blood or gore
Gwaedboer, n. blood-spitting
Gwaedgi, n. a blood-hound
Gwaedglais, n. blood stripe
Gwaedgoll, n. bloodshed
Gwaediad, n. a bleeding
Gwaedled, bloody, blood-stained
Gwaedlif, n. a bloody-flux
Gwaedlin, n. an issue of blood
Gwaedlyd, a. bloody; cruel
Gwaedlydu, to stain with blood
Gwaedlys, n. blood-wort
Gwaedneu, n. a blood issue
Gwaedog, abounding with blood
Gwaedogaeth, n. sanguinity
Gwaedogen, n. a blood pudding, a black pudding
Gwaedoli, v. to sanguify
Gwaedol, sanguineous of blood
Gwaedoliaeth, n. kindred by blood, consanguinity
Gwaedraidd, a. running with blood
Gwaedrod, n. a course of blood
Gwaedu, v. to bleed, to let blood
Gwaedd, n. a cry, a shout
Gwaeddan, n. a bawler
Gwaeddfan, a. loud shouting
Gwaeddgreg, a. hoarse shouting
Gwaeddi, v. to cry, to shout
Gwaeddiad, n. a crying out
Gwaeddolef, n. a cry a woe
Gwaefyd, n. a state of woe
Gwaeg, n. a fibula; a clasp
Gwaegiad, n. a buckling
Gwaegu, v. to buckle; to clasp
Gwael, a. low, vile; poorly
Gwaeledd, n. vileness; misery
Gwaeleddu, v. to make wretched
Gwaelni, vileness; wretchedness
Gwaelod, n. a bottom, a base
Gwaelodi, v. to bottom
Gwaelodiad, n. a bottoming
Gwaelodion, n. bottoms
Gwaelu, v. to grow low or poor; to become faint
Gwaeddol, a. crying, shouting
Gwaeu, v. to make vile
Gwaell, gweyll, n. a skewer, a broach; a knitting needle; a spindle. Gwaell, neidr, a dragon-fly
Gwaelliad, n. a skewering
Gwaellu, v. to skewer, to broach
Gwaen, n. a meadow
Gwaeniad, n. a going headlong
Gwaened, a. headlong; furious
Gwaent, n. a full view
Gwaer, simple: rustic, clownish
Gwaered, n. a descent, a slope
Gwaeredu, v. to tend downward
Gwaes, n. a pledge
Gwaesaf, n. a pledge; a deposit, a warrant; a deposition
Gwaesafiad, n. a pledging
Gwaesafu, v. to pledge; to insure
Gwaesiad, n. a giving pledge
Gwaesol, a. earnest; warranting
Gwaesu, v. to pledge
Gwaeth, a. worse
Gwaethad, n. an impairing
Gwaethach, a. worse, more bad
Gwaethaf, a. worst, most bad
Gwaethau, v. to grow worse
Gwaetherwydd, interj. alas
Gwaethliad, n. a struggling
Gwaethu, v. to make worse
Gwaethwaeth, worse and worse
Gwaethwg, n. impaired state
Gwaethygiad, n. an impairing
Gwaethygu, v. to impair
Gwaew, n. pang, pain, agony, spasm; a lance
Gwaewffon, n. a javelin
Gwag, n. avoid, a vacuum, a void, empty, vacant
Gwagder, n. emptiness
Gwagedd, n. emptiness, vanity
Gwageddu, v. to act vainly
Gwagelog, a. circumspect
Gwagelu, v. to act cautiously
Gwagelyd, v. to shun, to avoid
Gwagfolach, n. vain boasting
Gwagad, n. an emptying
Gwagau, v. to make a void
Gwagiad, n. a making void
Gwagiaith, n. vain prattle
Gwaglais, n. a hollow voice
Gwaglwyf, n. a linden tree
Gwagoniant, n. vain glory
Gwagorchest, ostentations skill
Gwagorfoledd, n. vain triumph or boasting
Gwagymffrost, n. swaggering
Gwagymgais, n. vain attempt
Gwang, n. greed, voracity
Gwangen, n. the shad fish
Gwangiad, n. the sewin fish
Gwahan, a. separate, distinct
Gwahanadwy, a. separable
Gwahanai, n. genitive case
Gwahanblyg, n. the diaphora
Gwahanedigaethydd, n. the genitive case
Gwahanfod, n. diversity of being
Gwahan-glwyf, n. leprosy
Gwahan-glwyfus, a. leprous
Gwahaniad, n. a separating
Gwahaniaeth, n. a separation
Gwahaniaethol, a. disjunctive
Gwahaniaethu, to discriminate
Gwahanlen, n. separation veil
Gwahannod, n. a colon
Gwahanol, separating, different
Gwahanoldeb, n. separateness
Gwahanoli, v. to make distinct
Gwahanran, n. a paragraph
Gwahanred, n. discrimination
Gwahanredol, a. distinguishing
Gwahanredu, v. to distinguish
Gwahansang, n. a parenthesis
Gwahansangiad, n. interposition
Gwahansangu, v. to interpose
Gwahanu, v. to divide, to part
Gwahardd, n. a prohibition
Gwaharddedig, a. prohibited
Gwaharddiad, n. a forbidding
Gwaharddol, a. prohibitory
Gwaharddu, v. to prohibit
Gwahen, n. exhaustion
Gwaheniad, n. an exhausting
Gwahenu, to exhaust, to empty
Gwahoddedig, a. invited, or bidden
Gwahoddiad, n. invitation
Gwahoddi, v. to invite, to bid
Gwahoddwr, n. an inviter
Gwail, n. that if over
Gwailg, n. that turns over
Gwain, n. what serves or supports; a carriage; a sheath: a. smart, neat, brisk
Gwaint, n. what is smart or lively: a. smart, neat; brisk
Gwair, n. hay: a. fresh, sprouting; ardent
Gwaisg, n. vigour; briskness; a. brisk, lively: ad. briskly
Gwaith, n. act, action; work; n. course, turn, time: ad. because, that, since
Gwal, n. a couch; an inhabited region; a plat; a fallow; rampart, a wall
Gwala, n. fullness, sufficiency
Gwalabyr, n. a pathway
Gwalad, n. arrangement, order
Gwaladr, n. a ruler, a sovereign
Gwaladru, to arrange, to order
Gwalaeth, n. grief, sorrow
Gwalaethu, v. to grieve
Gwalas, n. a couch: low land
Gwalbant, n. the top of a building where the beams rest
Grwalc, a turn up; fencework, battlement, a rail; cock of a hat
Gwalciad, n. a turning up, a cocking
Gwalcio, v. to turn up, to cock
Gwalciog, a. turned up, cocked
Gwalch, n. that soars; a hawk; a hero
Gwalches, n. a female hawk
Gwalchiad, n. a soaring aloft
Gwalchwr, n. a falconer
Gwalchyddiaeth, n. falconry
Gwald, n. a hem; a welt
Gwaldas, n. a strengthening welt
Gwaidiad, n. a welting
Gwaldon, n. raised bank
Gwaldu, v. to welt, to hem
Gwales, n. a couch; a region
Gwalfa, n. a layer, a stratum
Gwaliad, n. a walling
Gwalio, v. to wall, to fence
Gwaling, n. a litter, a brood
Gwaltes, n. a welt of shoe
Gwalteisiad, n. a welting
Gwalteisio, v. to form a welt
Gwalwys, n. the Gauls
Gwaly, n. capacity, inside
Gwalyaw, v. to make full
Gwall, n. defect, neglect
Gwallaw, v. to pour, to empty
Gwallawd, n. failure, mistake
Gwallawg, a. defective, faulty
Gwallawgair, n. error in pleading
Gwallawiad, n. a pouring out
Gwallbwyll, n. irrationality, defect of reason
Gwalldan, n. wild fire
Gwallfarn, n. faulty judgment
Gwallgof, n. distraction
Gwargofi, v. to fail in memory
Gwalliad, n. a failing
Gwallofaint, n. defection
Gwallofi, v. to pour out
Gwallt, n. hair of the head
Gwalltawg, a. having hair
Gwalltiad, n. a growing hair
Gwalltu, v. to grow hair
Gwallusdra, n. neglectfulness
Gwallwg, n. defection
Gwallygfa, n. imperfection
Gwallygiad, n. making faulty
Gwallygus, a. defective, fallible
Gwammal, a. wavering, fickle
Gwammaldra, n. waveringness
Gwammalddyn, a flighty person
Gwammaliad, n. a wavering
Gwammalrwydd, n. fickleness
Gwammalu, v. to waver
Gwan, n. thrust, stab, prick
Gwan, a. weak, feeble; faint
Gwanaad, n. a weakening
Gwanaf, n. a layer, a row
Gwanafu, v. to place in lavers
Gwanar, a. leading; forward
Gwanau, v. to weaken
Gwanas, n. a jut; a prop; a shank; a clasp; a hook
Gwanasu, v. to prop; to clasp
Gwanawl, a. stabbing
Gwanbwyll, n. a weak understanding
Gwanc, a frail; a basket; voracity
Gwanciad, n. a gorging
Gwanciaw, v. to gorge; to glut
Gwancus, a. voracious, greedy
Gwancusrwydd, n. voraciousness
Gwanciwr, n. a greedy devourer
Gwander, n. weakness
Gwanedig, a. divided; transfixed
Gwaneg, n. a gait; a drift; a haunch; a surge
Gwanegiad, n. a drifting
Gwanegu, v. to rise in waves
Gwanffyddiaw, v. to mistrust
Gwangalon, a. weak hearted
Gwangalondid, n. timidity
Gwangaloniad, n. a disheartening
Gwangalonus, a. fainthearted
Gwangoeliaw, v. to distrust
Gwangred, n. faint belief
Gwangredu, v. to distrust
Gwanobeithiaw, v. to despond
Gwant, n. a but, or mark
Gwantan, a. fickle; wanton
Gwantiad, n. a severing
Gwantu, v. to sever; to thrust
Gwanu, v. to pierce, to thrust
Gwanwyn, n. the spring
Gwanychiad, n. a debilitating
Gwanyrhu, v. to debilitate
Gwang, n. greediness, voracity
Gwangen, n. the shad fish
Gwangiad, n. the suin fish
Gwar, a. placid tame
Gwara, n. fencing; play, game: v. to fence; to play
Gwaraad, n. a making tame
Gwaradwydd, n. a reproach
Gwaradwyddo, v. to disgrace
Gwaradwyddus, a. scandulous
Gwaradwyddwr, n. a reproacher
Gwarafun, n. restraint
Gwrafunaw, v. to begrudge
Gwarafuniad, n. a begrudging
Gwaranred, n. a guarantee
Gwaranredu, v. to guarantee
Gwarant, n. security, warrant
Gwarantawl, a. warranting
Gwarantiad, n. warranting
Gwarantu, v. to warrant
Gwarau, n. play, sport; v. to make gentle
Gwarbin, n. bow-pin of yoke
Gwarcen, n. top of the back
Gwarchad, n. a guarding
Gwarchae, n. a siege: v. to block up; to besiege
Gwarchaead, n. a besieging
Gwarchaedig, a. blocked
Gwarchadwr, n. one who guards a warden, a conservator
Gwarchan, n. an incantation
Gwarchae, v. to confine
Gwarchdwr, n. a watch-tower
Gwarched, v. to ward, to watch
Gwarcheidiol, a. conservatory: n. conservation
Gwarcheidwad, n. guardian
Gwarcheidwadaeth, n. a guardianship
Gwarcheidwadu, v. to act as a trustee
Gwarchen, n. a surface
Gwarchglawdd, n. intrenchment
Gwarchiad, n. a covering up
Gwarchod, n. a guarding in; v. to look after
Gwarchodaeth, n. wardship
Gwarchodi, v. to ward, to watch
Gwarchodwr, n. a protector
Gward, n. a guard; a ward
Gwarder, n. placidness
Gwarddrws, n. lintel of a door
Gware, n. play, sport; a game: v. to play, to sport
Gwaread, n. playing, a gaming
Gwared, n. release, deliverance, remedy; after-birth: to deliver, to redeem
Gwaredigawl, a. redemptory
Gwarediad, n. a deliverance
Gwarediant, n. deliverance
Gwaredred, n. refuge
Gwaredydd, n. a redeemer
Grwaredd, n. placidness, mildness, gentleness
Gwareddawl, a. humanizing
Gwareddgi, v. to render mild
Gwareiddiad, n. a humanizing, a becoming gentle
Gwarffoni, v. to trounce with a staff
Gwarffoniad, n. a trouncing
Gwargaled, a. stiffnecked
Gwargaledrwydd, n. stiffneckedness
Gwargaledu, v. to become stubborn
Gwargam, a. having a stooping
Gwargemi, n. stoop in the back
Gwarged, n. a surplus; orts
Gwargrwm, a. round shouldered
Gwargrwth, a. hunch-backed
Gwargrymi, n. stoopingness
Gwargrymu, v. to stoop the back
Gwariad, n. a spending
Gwariaw, v. to expend
Gwarineb, n. gentleness
Gwariwr, n. a spender
Gwarllost, n. bar part of a yoke
Gwarogaeth, n. homage
Gwarogaethu, v. to do homage
Gwarogi, v. to subjugate
Gwarogiad, n. a subjugating
Gwarsangiad, n. a trampling
Gwarsyth, a. stiffnecked
Gwarsythni, n. stiffneckedness
Gwartiad, n. a guarding
Gwartu, v. to guard, to ward
Gwarth, n. a shore; reproach
Gwartha, v. to throw upon
Gwarthaad, n. disparaging
Gwarthaed, n. aspersion
Gwarthaf, n. summit, surface
Gwarthaflu, v. to put on a stirrup
Gwarthafu, v. to go upon; to ride
Gwarthal, n. a thing to boot
Gwarthan, n. covert, shelter
Gwarthau, v. to asperse
Gwarthawr, n. a quadrature
Gwarthedig, degraded, disgraced
Gwartheg, n. horned cattle
Gwarthegydd, n. a drover
Gwarther, n. a cavalier
Gwarthfa, n. the private part
Gwarthfor, n. surf of the sea
Gwarthiad, n. an aspersion
Gwarthle, n. the privities
Gwarthlef, n. calumny
Gwarthol, n. a stirrup
Gwarthrudd, n. disgrace
Gwarthruddiad, n. scandalising
Gwarthruddio, v. to scandalise, to disparage
Gwarthruddiol, a. scandalising
Gwarthu, v. to asperse
Gwarthus, a. shameful
Gwarwch, n. gentleness
Gwarwg, n. a stoop, a bend
Gwarwy, n. pleasure
Gwary, n. bow of a yoke
Gwas, n. servant
Gwasaeth, n. service
Gwasan, n. a youth; a page
Gwasanaeth, n. service
Gwasanaethgar, a. serviceable
Gwasanaethiad, n. a serving
Gwasanaethol, a. ministering
Gwasanaethu, v. to serve
Gwasanaethydd, n. a server
Gwasarn, n. a foundation; what is strewed; litter; booty
Gwasarniad, n. a strewing
Gwasarnu, v. to strew, to litter
Gwasg, n. a press; a waste
Gwasgar, n. dispersion: a. scattered
Gwasgaredig, a. scattered
Gwasgaredd, n. the quality of being dispersed
Gwasgarfa, n. scene of scattering or dispersion
Gwasgariad, n. a scattering
Gwasgarod, n. a dispersion
Gwasgarog, a. being scattered
Gwasgarol, a. scattering
Gwasgaru, v. to scatter
Gwasgfa, n. pressure; pang
Gwasgiad, n. a pressing
Gwasgod, n. shelter, covert
Gwasgodfa, n. covert; bower
Gwasgodi, v. to shelter, to shade
Gwasgodiad, n. sheltering
Gwasgodlen, n. an awning
Gwasgodol, a. sheltering
Gwasgodwydd, n. bower, arbour
Gwasgol, a. pressing, squeezing
Gwasgrwym, n. a bandage
Gwasgu, v. to press, to squeeze
Gwasod, n. tufty, as a cow
Gwasodi, v. to be tufty
Gwasodrwydd, n. tuftiness
Gwasol, a. ministering, serving
Gwastad, n. a level, a plain: a. even, steady
Gwastadedd, n. eveness, a level
Gwastadfa, n. a level space
Gwastadfod, n. constant state
Gwastadiad, n. a levelling
Gwastadle, n. level place
Gwastadol, uniform, continued
Gwastadoldeb, n. continuity
Gwastadrwydd, n. eveness
Gwastadu, v. to make level
Gwastata, v. to be steady
Gwastatad, n. making steady
Gwastatau, v. to smooth; to rest, to be composed
Gwastraff, n. prodigality
Gwastraffiad, n. a squandering
Gwastraffu, v. to squander
Gwastraffwr, n. a prodigal or wasteful man
Gwastrawd, n. a groom
Gwastrin, n. servitude, toil
Gwastrodedd, n. office of a groom
Gwastrodi, v. to serve as a groom
Gwasu, v. to make as a servant
Gwatwar, n. mockery, jest: v. to mock, to deride
Gwatwaredigaeth, n. derision
Gwatwareg, n. sarcasm, irony
Gwatwargar, a. derisive, sarcatic
Gwatwargerdd, n. irony, satire
Gwatwariad, n. a mocking
Gwatwarol, a. mocking, sarcatic
Gwatwaru, v. to mock, to jest
Gwatwarus, a. mocking
Gwatwarwr, n. a mocker
Gwau, n. weaving; a knitting: v. to weave; to knit
Gwaudd, n. a daughter-in-law
Gwaun, n. a meadow, a down
Gwawch, n. a loud scream
Gwawd, n. panegyric; irony
Gwawdgar, a. fond of praise; apt to jeer
Gwawdiad, n. a panegyrising
Gwawdio, v. to jeer
Gwawdodyn, n. a metre
Gwawdus, adj. encomastic; jeering, ironical
Gwawdydd, n. a panegyrist
Gwawl, n. light, radiancy
Gwawn, n. the gossamer
Gwawr, n. the dawn; a hue
Gwawriad, n. a dawning
Gwawrio, v. to dawn
Gwb, n. a moan, a doleful cry
Gwden, n. a withe; a coil
Gwdeniad, n. a withing
Gwdenu, v. to twist a withe
Gwdd, n. what twists or turns
Gwddor, n. a wooden bridge
Gwddw, Gwddf, n. the neck
Gwddwgen, n. a neckcloth
Gwe, n. a web
Gwead, n. a weaving
Gweadur, n. weaver
Gweb, n. a visage; a phiz
Gwech, a. brave; fine, gay
Gwed, n. utterance; a saying
Gwedi, prep. after, later than; adv. after afterwards
Gwediad, n. a saying
Gwedol, a. relating to speech
Gwedresi, n. a lizard
Gwedyd, n. speaking or telling: v. to say, to speak
Gwedd, n. aspect, form; a team
Gweddaidd, orderly, appropriate
Gweddeidd-dra, n. orderliness, propriety, decency; moderation; handsomeness
Gweddeiddgar, a. orderly, decent
Gweddeiddiad, n. a making decent or becoming
Gweddi, n. supplication, prayer
Gweddiad, n. a praying
Gweddiad, n. a conforming
Gweddiant, n. conformity
Gweddig, a. seemly, decent
Gweddill, n. remnant
Gweddillio, v. to leave remnants
Gweddio, v. to pray, to supplicate
Gweddiwr, n. a supplicator, a petitioner
Gweddlys, n. the herb woad
Gweddog, a. connected, yoked
Gweddol, a. orderly; reasonable
Gweddoldeb, n. orderliness
Gweddoli, v. to render orderly
Gweddu, v. to render orderly; to yoke; to wed; to become
Gweddus, a. orderly; seemly
Gweddusdra, n. orderliness
Gweddusiad, n. making orderly
Gwedduso, v. to render orderly
Gweddw, a. fit for connection: single; widow
Gweddwad, n. a rendering single or widow
Gweddwdod, n. single state; widowhood
Gweddwi, v. to render single
Gweddyg, n. a shoe-last
Gwefl, n. a chop, a snout, a lip
Gwefliad, n. a chop-full
Gweflod, n. dash on the chops
Gweflodio, v. to dash the chops
Gweflog, a. blubber-lipped
Gwefr, n. the drug amber
Gwefraidd, the nature of amber
Gwifrol, a. of amber quality
Gwefru, v. to do with amber
Gwefus, n. the human lip
Gwefusglec, n. lip smack
Gwefusiad, n. a touching the lip
Gwefuso, v. to touch the lips
Gwefusog, a. having lips
Gwefusol, a. labial of the lip
Gweg, n. a totter, a wagging
Gwegi, n. vanity, levity
Gwegiad, n. a tottering
Gwegian, v. to keep tottering
Gwegil, n. the nape of the neck
Gwegilad, n. a turning from
Gwegilio, v. to turn the back
Gwegilsyth, a. stiffnecked
Gwegio, v. to totter, to wag
Gwegiol, a. tottering, wagging
Gweglyd, a. tottering, feeble
Gwegriad, n. a searching, a sifting
Gwegru, v. to searce, to sift
Gwegrwr, n. a sifter
Gwegryn, n. a searcing, a sifting
Gwegryniad, n. a searcing
Gwegrynu, v. to searce, to sift
Gwengyn, n. the sewin, a fish
Gwehelyth, n. a lineage; a tribe
Gwehil, n. imperfect fruit
Gwehiliad, n. yielding of refuse
Gwehilio, v. to yield refuse
Gwehilion, n. refuse, trash
Gwehyn, n. an exhaustion
Gwehyniad, n. effusion
Gwehynol, a. effusive, pouring
Gwehynu, v. to effuse, to pour
Gweiddi, v. to cry out, to call
Gweilgi, n. torrent; ocean
Gweilging, n. a beam, a bar, a perch
Gweili, n. spare, surplusage
Gweiling, n. pale brass
Gweilw, n. a spare, a surplus
Gweilydd, n. a sparer
Gweini, v. to attend, to minister, to serve
Gweiniad, n. a serving; a sheathing
Gweiniant, a ministration
Gweinid, n. attendance; service
Gweinidog, n. minister; servant
Gweinidogaeth, n. ministry, service
Gweinidogaethu, v. to minister
Gweinidoges, n. a maidservant
Gweinidogiad, n. a ministering
Gweinidogol, a. ministrant
Gweinif, n. ministration
Gweinifiad, n. one who serves
Gweinig, a. ministrant, serving
Gweinigiad, n. a ministering
Gweimgio, v. to minister
Gweinigiol, a. ministrant
Gweinio, v. to put in a sheath
Gweiniol, a. being ministrant; sheathing
Gweinydd, n. an attendant; servitor
Gweinyddes, n. female attendant
Gweinyddferch, n. a serving woman
Gweinyddiad, n. a ministering
Gweinyddiaeth, n. ministry
Gweinyddol, a. ministering
Gweirdir, n. hay land
Gweirglawdd, n. a hay-field
Gweiriad, n. a making into hay
Gweirio, v. to become hay
Gweiryn, n. a blade of hay
Gweisgwen, n. a press, a stamp
Gweisgi, a. alert, brisk, gay. Cnau gweisgi, ripe nuts
Gweisgiad, n. a rendering brisk; a slipping out
Gweisgio, v. to slip about
Gweisgion, n. husks, shells
Gweisgioni, v. to husk; to crumble
Gweisionain, n. tiny striplings
Gweitio, v. to wait
Gweithdy, n. a workhouse
Gweithfa, n. a manufactory
Gweithfuddig, a. victorious
Gweithgar, a. industrious
Gweithiad, n. a working
Gweithian, adv. now
Gweithiau, adv. sometimes
Gweithiedydd, n. an operator
Gweithio, v. to work
Gweithiol, a. working
Gweithiwr, n. a workman
Gweithle, n. a workshop
Gweithon, adv. at present, now
Gweithred, n. action, act
Gweithredai, n. an operator
Gweithrediad, n. working
Gweithrediant, n. operation
Gweithredol, a. operative, active
Gweithredu, v. to operate
Gweithredwr, n. a worker
Gwel, n. the sight or vision
Gweladwy, a. what may be seen
Gwelameg, n. haw in the eye
Gwelchyn, n. pert little fellow
Gweled, n. vision: v. to see
Gwelediad, n. a seeing
Gwelediant, n. vision
Gweledig, a. being seen, visible
Gweledigaeth, n. a vision
Gweledydd, n. a spectator
Gweli, n. a wound; calumny
Gweliad, n. a laying open; a wounding
Gwelio, v. to lay open; to wound
Gwelw, n. a pale hue: a. pale
Gwelwad, n. a making pale
Gwelwder, n. paleness
Gwelwi, v. to grow pale |