Astarte, Luna, Europa, Dea Syria, Rhea, the same. Lucian. de Syria Dea.
[Greek: Keioi Aristaion ton auton kai Dia kai Apollo nomizontes. ktl.] Athenagoras. p. 290.
[Greek: Helios, Zeus]. Sanchoniathon. Euseb. P. E. lib. 1. c. x. p.34.
[Greek: Helios, Kronos]. Damascius apud Photium. c. 242.
[930] Auson. Epigram. 30.
See Gruter for inscriptions to Apollo Pantheon. Dionusus was also Atis, or Attis. [Greek: Dionuson tines Attin prosagoreuesthai thelousin]. Clementis Cohort. p. 16.
[931] Orphic. Hymn. x. p. 200. Gesner.
[Greek: Par' Aiguptioisi de Pan men archaiotatos, kai ton okto ton proton legomenon Theon.] Herodotus. l. 2. c. 145. Priapus was Zeus; also Pan, and Orus: among the people of Lampsacus esteemed Dionusus.
[932] Euphorion.
[933] L. 10. p. 805.
[934] Oprhic. Hymn. in Poseidon xvi. p. 208.
[935] Selden de Diis Syris. p. 77. and additamenta. He was of old styled Arcles in Greece; and supposed to have been the son of Xuth. [Greek: Kothos kai Arkles, hoi Chuthou paides.] Plutarch. Quaestiones Graecae. v. 1. p 296.
[936] Nonnus. l. 40. p. 1038.
[937] In Demosthenem [Greek: Kata Meidiou. Pan schema peritetheasin autoi.] p. 647. See also Macrob. Sat. l. 1. c. 18.
[Greek: Auton ton Dia kai ton Dionuson paidas kai neous he theologia kalei.] Proclus upon Plato's Parmenides. See Orphic Fragments. p. 406.
[938] Hesychius. The passage is differently read. Kuster exhibits it [Greek: Aphroditos]. [Greek: Hode ta peri Amathounta gegraphos Paian, hos andra ten theon eschematisthai en Kuproi phesin.]
[939] Servius upon Virgil. AEneid. l. 2. v. 632.
[940] Scholia upon Apollon. Rhod. l. 3. v. 52. [Greek: Ton kaloumenon Moiron einai presbuteran.] In some places of the east, Venus was the same as Cybele and Rhea, the Mother of the Gods: [Greek: Peri tes choras tautes sebousi men hos epi tan ten Aphroditen, hos metera theon, poikilais kai enchoriois onomasi prosagoreuontes.] Ptol. Tetrabibl. l. 2.
[941] Apud Calvum Acterianus. Macrob. Sat. l. 3. c. 8. Putant eandem marem esse ac foeminam. Ibidem.
[942] Apud Augustin. de Civitate Dei. l. 4. c. 11. and l. 7. c. 9.
The author of the Orphic verses speaks of the Moon as both male and female.
[Greek: Auxomene kai leipomene, theluste kai arsen.] Hymn 8. v. 4.
Deus Lunus was worshipped at Charrae, Edessa, and all over the east.
[943] Synesius. Hymn 3. p. 26. Edit. H. Steph.
The Orphic verses [Greek: peri phuseos] are to the same purpose.
[Greek: Panton men su pater, meter, trophos, ede titheios.] Hymn 9. v. 18.
[944] Orphic Hymn 31. v. 10. p. 224.
[945] Orphic Fragment. vi. p. 366. Gesner's Edit. from Proclus on Plato's Alcibiades. See also Poesis Philosophica H. Stephani. p. 81.
[946] Jupiter Lucetius, or God of light. Macrob. Sat. l. 1. c. 15. p. 182.
[947] Orphic Fragm. vii. p. 371. See Poesis Philosoph. H. Stephani. p. 85.
Orpheus of Protogonus.
[Greek: Protogon', Erikapaie, theon pater, ede kai huie.] Hymn. 51. p. 246.
[948] Apuleii Metamorph. l. xi. p. 241.
[949] Porphyr. apud Eusebium Praep. Evang. l. 3. c. 11.
[Greek: Timaitai para Lampsakenois ho Priapos, ho autos on toi Dionusoi.] Athenaeus. l. 1. p. 30.
[950] Janus Gulielmus Laurenbergius.
[951] Selden de Diis Syris. p. 77.
* * * * *
Corrections made to printed original.
(Introductory poem.) In tamen incultis: 'tamem' in original, no such word.
(Nimrod.) wherefore it is said: 'it it said' in original.
(On and Eon) [Greek: Onoma autoi Hebraisti]: diaresis on [Greek: a]; in original.
(Gau., near ref. 383) [Greek: hois kai ton Hermen houtos]: [Greek: Ermen] with smooth breath mark in original.
(ibid., near ref. 407) [Greek: Kokutos hudor aterpestaton]: '[Greek: hudos]' in original, no such form, amended to match Perseus E-Text.
(ibid., near ref. 409) quem Coilus genuit: 'genuvit' in original, cited as 'genuit' in Lewis & Short.
(Dissertation upon the Helladian, near ref. 514) [Greek: Hellenon echein ouden]: '[Greek: echien]', with a transpose mark over the '[Greek: ie]', in original.
(Of the Omphi, near ref. 739) [Greek: hothi t' omphalos esti thalasses]: [Greek: hothit'], no space in original.
(ibid., near ref. 766) [Greek: kubernetera te Tiphun]: [Greek: teTiphun], no space in original.
(ibid., near ref. 779) [Greek: dos d' himeroessan]: '[Greek: dosth']', no space in original
(ibid., near ref. 804) any ness or foreland: 'nees' in original, no such word.
(An Account of the gods of Greece, near ref. 918) [Greek: proen te kai chthes]: '[Greek: printe]' in original, no such word, amended to match Perseus E-Text.
(ibid., near ref. 929) [Greek: Hermes th', Hephaistos te klutos]: [Greek: Hermesth'], no space in original.
(Note 26.) [Greek: Mestraious tous Aiguptious]: '[Greek: Aigptious]' in original, obvious typo.
(Note 39.) hinnulea: 'hinnulae' in original. Cited as 'hinnulea' in Lewis & Short.
(Note 170.) l. 6. c. 7.: 'l. c. 7.' in original.
(Note 354.) changed this termination into e: 'into r' in original. Sense requires 'into e'.
(Note 355.) [Greek: huionoi te ton d' andron]: [Greek: huionoite] no space in original.
(Note 426.) [Greek: Hoid' ixon]: '[Greek: 'Thid']' in original.
(Note 430.) p. 3?6: middle digit illegible in original.
(Note 465.) [Greek: eputhonto hoi Hellenes]: [Greek: oi] with smooth breathing mark in original (smooth breathing is generally not marked).
(Note 466.) [Greek: he homou polesis]: [Greek: e omou] with smooth breathing marks in original.
(Note 540.) [Greek: to de porro duselenkton]: '[Greek: duselegton]' in original, no such word, amended to match Perseus E-Text.
(Note 542.) [Greek: kai teratologein]: '[Greek: teratolegein]' in original, no such word, amended to match Perseus E-text.
(Note 543.) [Greek: presbuterous emou genesthai]: '[Greek: tresbuterous]' in original, obvious typo.
(Note 623.) [Greek: poietai psuchroteta adousi]: '[Greek: psukroteta]' in original, no such word.
(Note 631.) [Greek: diskos brachus]: '[Greek: dischos]' in original, no such word.
(Note 645.) [Greek: kuros gar ho helios]: '[Greek: eilios]' in original - hypogegrammeni instead of breath mark.
(Note 708.) [Greek: tois posi di' anthrakian]: '[Greek: anthakian]' in original, no such word - r restored to match meaning of embers.