A Narrative of the Mutiny, on Board the Ship Globe, of Nantucket, in the Pacific Ocean, Jan. 1824
by William Lay
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Not twenty-four hours had elapsed after I took the cocoanut, before they missed it, and coming immediately to me, charged me with having taken it, telling me that not a native on the Island would have dared so much as to handle it, for fear of the bad spirit, (Anit.)

I then told them that I had taken it, but pleading ignorance in the case, and promising never to do any thing of the like again, and making it appear to them that I was surprised at what they told me of the bad spirit, and also that I believed the same, they left me, after telling me that if I ever handled another of them, it would not only bring sickness and death upon myself, but would bring it upon the whole Island.

The reader will naturally suppose, that my mind was considerably relieved on their leaving me so soon, fearing that something serious might be the result.

After this I was very careful how I did any thing that I thought would in the least displease, or irritate them, and made myself content with the portion they saw fit to give me.

I frequently fired a musket to please them, by their request; and told them if they would let me have some powder, I would fire off the swivel, left by the Globe. They consented, and collected in great numbers, and after I had loaded the gun with a heavy charge, I told them they had better stand back. They said I must set her on fire, and tell them when she was going off, and they would run! I however, touched her off, when they instantly fell on their faces in the greatest panick. When their fears had subsided, they set up howling and yelling with ecstacy!

They said, if they should have a battle, I must carry that gun with me, which would alone vanquish their enemies!

We were visited by eight or ten canoes, from a distant Island, called Alloo. They came to exchange presents with our chiefs, and very soon a great quantity of pero, &c. was baked, and having been inspected by the chiefs, to see that it was in a proper state to be presented to their visitors, it was given them to eat.

As these people had never seen me before, I was much annoyed by them. During their stay, I was constantly surrounded; my skin felt of, and often became the sport of the more witty, because my skin was not of so dark a hue as their own, and more especially, as my ears remained in the same form, as when nature gave them to me. These visitors, to my great satisfaction, did not remain long with us.

Their mode of anchoring their canoes is singular. One of them takes the end of a line, and diving to the bottom, secures it to a rock; and in the same way do they dive down to cast it off. I have seen them do this in five fathoms of water.


It was not until the 23d of December, 1825, that the prospects of being relieved from my disagreeable situation began to brighten. Early in the morning of that day, I was awakened by a hooting and yelling of the natives, who said, a vessel had anchored at the head of the Island. They seemed alarmed, and I need not assure the reader, that my feelings were of a contrary nature. Their God was immediately consulted, as to the measures to pursue; but as I was not allowed to be present when he was invoked, I cannot say what was the form of this ceremony, except that cocoanut leaves were used. Their God, however, approved the plan, which was, that they should go to the vessel, or near her, and swim on board, a few at a time, until two hundred were on board, and then a signal was to be given, when they were to throw the persons on board into the water, and kill them. Two large canoes which would carry fifty men each, were put in readiness, but at first they refused to let me accompany them, fearing that I would inform of their having killed our men, and they would be punished. I assured them that the vessel, having but two masts, did not belong to my nation, and I was certain I could not speak their language.

They at length consented for me to go. We arrived within a few miles of the vessel at night, and early the following morning, were joined by a number of canoes, which made in all two hundred men. It being squally in the forenoon, we remained where we were, but when it cleared up, the yells of the Indians announced the approach of the vessel. I had only time to see that it was really an armed schooner, when I was secreted with their women, about forty in number, in a hut near the shore, and the women had orders to watch me close, that I did not get away.

A boat at this time from the schooner, was seen approaching the shore. She landed at about a hundred yards distant from where I was confined; but it being near night, I soon found she was making the best of her way towards the schooner. Night came, and I was sent for by the principal chief, and questioned closely concerning the schooner. My fears and apprehensions were now excited to a degree beyond human expression, and the kind reader will pardon all attempts to express them.

The natives seeing the whites so bold, excited in them a fear which induced them to flee the Island. Accordingly, about midnight, the canoes were launched, and I was carried to a remote part of the Island, a distance of about 40 miles, where I remained until my fortunate escape.

29th. Early in the morning, we discovered a boat under sail, standing directly for the place where we were; the natives were considerably agitated with fear, and engaged in planning some method by which to overcome the people in the boat, if they should come where we were; and, as I expected, the natives would hide me, as they had heretofore done, I thought it best to offer my services to assist them—I said I would aid them in fighting the boat's crew—and that, as I could talk with them, I would go to them, in advance of the natives, deceive the crew, and prevail on them to come on shore and sit down, and for us to appear friendly till in possession of their arms, then rise upon the crew and kill them without difficulty or hazard. Some of the natives suspected that I should revolt to the other party, and turn the current of destruction on them; but the chief Luttuon said he liked my plan much, and would inquire of their God, and if he found that I should be true to them, my plan should be adopted. The inquiry resulted in favor of my plan, and they said I might go. The boat was now within one hundred rods of the shore, and Luttuon called me to him, oiled my head and body with cocoanut oil, and gave me my charge how to conduct. I pledged myself to obey his orders. My joy at this moment was great, as the boat anchored near where we were. I went to the beach, accompanied by about one hundred of the smartest natives, whom I charged not to manifest a hostile appearance. I hailed the boat in English, and told the crew what the calculations of the natives were, and not to land unless they were well armed. The officer of the boat replied that he would be among them directly; and in a few minutes they landed, (13 men and 2 officers,) and when within a rod of us, I ran to Lieut. H. Paulding, who took me by the hand, asked if I was one of the Globe's crew, and inquired my name, &c. &c. We then retreated to the boat, facing the natives, who all kept their seats, excepting the one I called father, who came down among us, and took hold of me to carry me back, but desisted on having a pistol presented to his breast.

Lieut. Hiram Paulding, of the Navy, for such was the name of this gentlemanly officer, informed me that the vessel, was the U. S. Schooner Dolphin, sent on purpose to rescue us, and commanded by Lieut. Com't. John Percival.

After expressing my gratitude as well as I was able, to Heaven, which had furnished the means of my deliverance, I acquainted Mr. Paulding, that the only survivor of the Globe, except myself, was Cyrus M. Hussey; who was held in bondage upon a neighbouring Island. After the boat's crew had taken some refreshment, we left the landing place, and soon arrived at the place where Hussey lived. The natives had concealed him, but after some threatenings from us, restored him, and we were received on board of the Dolphin, and treated in the most kind and hospitable manner.

Our hair was now cut, and we were shaved. Our appearance must have been truly ludicrous, our hair having been growing twenty-two months, untouched by the razor or scissors.

Our joy and happiness on finding ourselves on board an American Man-of-War, and seeing "the star spangled banner," once more floating in the air, we will not attempt to describe. Suffice it to say, that none can form a true estimate of our feelings, except it be those who have been suddenly and unexpectedly rescued from pain and peril, and threatening death. In the afternoon the Captain wished me to go on shore with him, as an interpreter. We accordingly went, and passed over to the village on the other side of the Island, where we had an interview with a woman of distinction, (the men having fled, being principally absent with the chiefs at Alloo.) The captain informed her he wished to see the chiefs, and requested her to send for them that night, that he might visit them in the morning, and make them some presents. We then returned to the vessel; and the following day, Dec. 1st, went on shore for the purpose of seeing the chiefs, but could not obtain an interview with them. The captain informed the natives that he must see the chiefs, and that he would wait another day, but if disappointed then, he should be compelled to use coercive means. They immediately sent another messenger after them, and we returned on board, accompanied by several of the natives, among whom was Ludjuan. The captain made him several presents, and informed him they were given as a compensation for saving my life. Shortly after, the natives went on shore.

The next morning, Dec. 2d, the captain sent me on shore, to ascertain whether the chiefs had returned, and I was informed by the natives that they had, and were then at a house half a mile distant. This intelligence having been communicated to the captain, he went on shore, and took myself and Hussey for interpreters; but we found on our arrival, that the natives had been practising a piece of deception—the chiefs not having returned. Very much displeased at this perfidious treatment, the captain made a demand of the chiefs before sunset, threatening, if it were not complied with, to go on shore with fifty men, well armed, and destroy every person he could find. This threat threw the natives into consternation, and immediately another messenger was despatched for the chiefs. The natives were so alarmed, that they soon sent off three or four more messengers; and we returned on board to dine. After dinner, I went on shore with Mr. Paulding, the first Lieutenant, and some of the under officers, for the purpose of shooting birds. After rambling round the Island for some time, we discovered a number of natives quickly approaching us from the lower part of the Island; and supposing the chiefs were with them, we sat down to await their arrival; but before they came to us, a signal was set on board the schooner, for us to return, which was immediately obeyed, without waiting for an interview with the natives. Early on the next morning, I was sent ashore to ascertain whether the chiefs had arrived, and soon found that they had, and were in a hut, waiting to receive a visit from the captain, who, I informed them, would come on shore after breakfast, to have a talk with them, and also to bestow some presents. Accordingly, the captain, with myself and Hussey, repaired to the hut, where we found them sitting, and ready to commune with us.

The captain told them he had been sent out by the Head Chief of his country, to look for the men that had been left there by the ship Globe—that he had been informed they murdered all but two—that, as it was their first offence of the kind, their ignorance would plead an excuse—but if they should ever kill or injure another white man, who was from any vessel or wreck, or who might be left among them, our country would send a naval force, and exterminate every soul on the Island; and also destroy their fruit trees, provisions, &c. and that if they would always treat white men kindly, they never would receive any injury from them, but would have their kindness and hospitality reciprocated. He also adverted to the practice of stealing, lying, and other immoralities; stating to the natives that these crimes are abhorred and punished in our country; and that murder is punished with death. He then sent me to the boat, lying at the beach, to bring three tomahawks, one axe, a bag of beads, and a number of cotton handkerchiefs, which were presented to the chiefs. He also gave them two hogs, and a couple of cats, with injunctions not to destroy them, that they might multiply. The captain caused potatoes, corn, pumpkins, and many valuable seeds to be planted, and gave the natives instructions how to raise and preserve them. He then explained to them that these acts of kindness and generosity were extended, because they saved us alive, and had taken care of us while among them. This conversation with the natives being ended, we went on board, dined, and the captain and Hussey went again on shore. The first Lieutenant made preparations for cruising in the launch, round the Island, to make topographical surveys, who took me with him, as interpreter, and about 4 o'clock, we commenced a cruise with a design to sail up an inlet or inland sea; but the wind blowing fresh, and having a head sea, at 12 o'clock we anchored for the night.

Dec. 4th. At sunrise, we found ourselves not more than a mile from the place where we crossed over the evening before; and immediately getting under weigh, and rowing to the westward, we soon came to the place where the Globe's station had been; anchored, and went on shore, for the purpose of disinterring the bones of Comstock, who had been buried there, and to obtain a cutlass, which was buried with him; but before we had accomplished the undertaking, the schooner got under weigh, and soon anchored abreast of us, at the same place where the Globe's provisions were landed. The captain and Hussey immediately came on shore to view the place; but as I caught cold the preceding night, by lying exposed in our launch, I was excused from serving further with Mr. Paulding in making surveys, and Hussey supplied my place. Soon after, I went on board with the captain, carrying with me the skull of the person we had dug up, and the cutlass, intending to convey them to America.

After dinner, the captain made a trip in the gig, to Alloo, taking me for his interpreter, where we arrived in half an hour, and soon travelled up to the village. The natives received us with marks of gladness, and in a short time the house at which we stopped was surrounded by them, who came undoubtedly for the purpose of gratifying their curiosity, by gazing at us. We remained at the village about two hours, during which time we had considerable talk with two of the chief women, and made some small presents to the people, such as beads, &c. They did not treat us as they usually do visitors, with fruit, &c. there being at that time what we call a famine, which in their language, is Ingathah.

After having taken leave of the natives, and walked about half the distance to the shore, we stopped to refresh ourselves under a fine cool shade. While in conversation on the manners and customs of the natives, an old man and woman approached us, who had acted towards me, during my residence among them, as father and mother. I immediately made them and their kindness to me known to the captain, who, in consideration of their humane treatment, rewarded them with a few beads and a handkerchief, for which they appeared thankful and grateful—telling them at the same time, the presents were to recompense their hospitality to me, and enjoining on them at all times to be friendly to the whites, and a reward would certainly await them. It being near the close of the day, we left Alloo, and having a fair wind, reached the schooner before dark.

The next morning, Dec. 5th, being very pleasant, all hands were employed in procuring wood for the schooner—some in cutting it down, and others in boating it off. Our carpenter had been engaged for a few days, at Milly; to instruct and assist the natives in repairing a canoe. The distance was four or five miles, and the captain wanting the carpenter, set sail for Milly in his gig, and soon arrived there; where he learned that the carpenter had repaired the canoe, to the great satisfaction of the natives, who expressed a strong desire that he might be permitted to remain among them on the Island; but the captain informed them he could not spare him. When the natives saw the carpenter packing up his tools, they expressed to me an expectation that the tools would be left with them as a present. We left the natives, and reached the schooner a little before sunset; the captain feeling anxious for the fate of the launch, as nothing yet had been heard of the fortune which had attended her, or the men in her.

Dec. 6th. Having procured a sufficient supply of wood, though our supply of provisions was hardly sufficient for the voyage, and the launch having returned, at about 10 A. M. we weighed anchor and proceeded to the place called Milly, where we anchored for the purpose of planting some seeds, and taking a last farewell of the chiefs and their people. The captain went immediately on shore, taking Hussey for his interpreter. He was gone till nearly night, when he returned, bringing with him Luttuon and several other natives. The captain gave orders to beat to quarters, to exhibit the men to the natives, and explain to them the manner of our fighting. Those untutored children of nature, seemed highly gratified with the manoeuvres, but were most delighted with the music, probably the first of the kind they ever heard. We informed them we always have such music when we are fighting an enemy. The natives were then landed, and we immediately made sail for the head of the Island, intending to cruise around the other shores of it, for the purpose of making surveys, and constructing a map of it. We stood eastward till nearly morning, then altered our course and headed towards the Island.

During the following day, Dec. 7th, having favorable winds and weather, we made a regular survey of the whole length of the groupe, before sunset.—The captain now steered N. W. to endeavour to discover other Islands which the natives had often described to me, during my abode with them. They said they had frequently visited ten or twelve different Islands in their canoes, and that the people who inhabit them, all speak the same language, which is the same as their own, and that the Islands lie about one day's sail from each other.

Dec. 8. The weather pleasant and fair; about 9 o'clock, A. M. we saw land ahead, and passed it on the windward side, then varied our course and sailed to the leeward of the Island; but night coming on, we were obliged to defer landing till morning. The captain then attempted to reach the shore in the gig, but was not able to land, on account of the surf. After he returned on board, we made sail, cruising farther to the leeward, in hopes of finding a place to anchor, but in this we were disappointed, not being able to find bottom thirty yards from the rocks. However, at high water, the captain, at imminent hazard in passing the surf, succeeded in landing. He had previously given orders to me and Hussey, not to let the natives know that we could converse with, or understand them, but to be attentive to every thing that might pass among them, to ascertain whether their intentions and dispositions were hostile or friendly. After landing, the captain and Hussey visited the house where the head chief, or king of all those Islands lived, of whom I had formerly heard so much, while I was on the Mulgraves.—They continued with him about two hours, were treated well, and discovering nothing unfriendly in the natives, the captain told Hussey he might make them acquainted with his knowledge of their language, by conversing with them. The king, on hearing Hussey speaking in the language of the natives, appeared at first so frightened and agitated, that he could scarcely reply; but by degrees became composed, and inquired of Hussey where he learned their language, and why he had not spoken to them immediately on coming ashore. Hussey then informed him he was one of the two persons that had been on the Mulgraves, (in their language, Milly,) and that the other person (myself) was on board the schooner—that the schooner had been there after us, that we left the Mulgraves the day before, and had then visited that Island for the purpose of examining it, &c. &c. The king had long before heard of our being at the Mulgraves, and told Hussey he had been repairing his canoe, in order to go to those Islands, with a view to induce us to live with him, who, had that been the case, would undoubtedly have used us well. The king was about 70 years of age, and had a daughter on the Island where we had resided, wife to Luttuon. He inquired if his daughter was alive and well, with tears in his eyes and trembling form, for it was a long time since he had received any intelligence of her; and hearing of her welfare so unexpectedly, quite overcame the good old father's feelings. And here the reader will observe, that the pure and unaffected emotions produced by parental affection, are similar among all the human species, whether civilized or savage. The natives of the Island we were then visiting, may be ranked with those that have made the fewest approaches towards the refined improvements of enlightened nations, yet the ground work of humanity was discovered to be the same; and the solicitude of a fond father for a beloved child, was manifested in a manner which would not disgrace those who move in the most elevated circles of civilized life. The old king expressed his regret that he had not visited the Mulgraves during our stay there, was very sorry we were about to return to America, and used all the force of native eloquence, to persuade us to continue with him. He inquired if we had got the whale boat he had heard of our having at the Mulgraves. Hussey informed him it was on board the schooner, and the swivel likewise. The captain then informed the king that he wanted cocoanuts and bup, which were obtained; and in return, the captain gave the natives some beads and handkerchiefs. The captain then went on board the schooner, made sail, standing a N. W. course, in pursuit of another Island.

Dec 9th. About 10 o'clock in the forenoon, we discovered land ahead and off our lee bow. About 2 o'clock, P. M. we arrived near the land, hove the schooner to, and sent two boats ashore, to get provisions. At sunset the boats returned, loaded with cocoanuts and bup. We hoisted up our boats, and with a strong breeze, it being the inclement season of the year, prosecuted our voyage to the Sandwich Islands, & had much boisterous weather during the passage.

On Jan. 8th, 1826, we expected to make one of the Sandwich Islands, called Bird's Island, but night came on before we discovered it. But early on the following morning, we saw land about four leagues to the leeward, and bore down to the Island for the purpose of sending a boat ashore, to kill seals.—We arrived near the landing place, hove to, and the captain with six men went ashore in the whale boat. We now stood off from the shore for about an hour, then tacked and stood in, for the boat to come off. The wind had increased to almost a gale, and continuing to blow harder, when we were within a quarter of a mile of the Island, not discovering any thing of the boat, we veered off again, and continued tacking till night came on, but saw nothing of the boat or her crew. About 9 or 10 o'clock, the wind abated, and we found ourselves two leagues to the leeward of the Island, where we lay to all night under easy sail, anxiously waiting for the approach of morning, in hopes then to learn the fate of the captain and men who had gone on shore. At length the horizon was lighted by the dawn of day, which was succeeded by the opening of a very pleasant morning. We immediately made all sail for the Island, but having a head wind, we did not arrive at the landing till near the middle of the day. A boat was sent on shore to learn what had befallen the crew of the whale boat, and shortly returned with all the men except the captain and one man that could not swim. We ascertained, that in attempting to come off through the surf, they were swamped and lost their boat. We a second time sent the boat ashore with means to get the captain and other man, who were soon brought on board. We now made sail and steered our course for Woahoo, one of the Sandwich Islands, and nothing very material occurring on our passage, we anchored in the harbour of that Island on the 14th. On the 16th procured a supply of fresh provisions. On the 19th, Hussey and myself went on shore for the purpose of rambling round the Island, but nothing occurred worthy of notice.

Our foremast being found rotten a few feet below the top, it was deemed necessary to take it out for repairs, which required the daily employment of the carpenter and others for some time.—On the 27th, the captain received a letter, giving intelligence that the ship London had been driven ashore at an Island not far distant from Woahoo.—As the Dolphin's foremast was out, the captain was under the necessity of pressing the brig Convoy, of Boston, and putting on board of her about 90 of his own men, taking with him 2 of his lieutenants and some under officers, he sailed to the assistance of the ship London.

Feb, 3d, the brig Convoy returned laden with a part of the cargo of the London, and the specie which was in her at the time of her going ashore, under the command of our 2d lieutenant, leaving the remainder of her cargo in another vessel, under the command of Capt. Percival.

Feb. 5th. The captain returned with the residue of the London's cargo, and the officers and crew of that ship. After the cargo of the London had been secured, we were employed in finishing the repairs on our foremast, which were completed on the 21st; and we commenced rigging.

Feb. 26th. On the morning of this day, permission was granted to a number of our crew, to go on shore. In the afternoon, Hussey and myself went and took a walk. About 4 or 5 o'clock, I observed a great collection of natives, and on inquiring the reason, learned that several of the Dolphin's crew, joined by some from other ships lying in port, had made an assault upon Mr. Bingham, the missionary, in consequence of ill will towards that gentleman, strongly felt by some of the sailors, but for what particular reason, I did not distinctly ascertain. They carried their revenge so far, that they not only inflicted blows upon Mr. Bingham, but attacked the house of a chief. The natives, some with cutlasses, and others with guns, repelled the unjustifiable attack; and during the affray, several of our men were slightly injured, and one badly wounded, whose life was despaired of for some time. The offenders were arrested, sent on board, and put in irons.

On the next day, 27th, Mr. Bingham came on board with the captain and witnesses against the men engaged the preceding day, in the assault on shore. After a fair examination of evidence in the case, the aggressors were properly punished, and ordered to their duty.—The whale ships now began to arrive for the purpose of recruiting, and for some particular reasons, several of the captains of those ships requested captain Percival to remain at the Island as a protection to them, till they could obtain the necessary supplies, and resume their cruises. From the present date, nothing of importance occurred that would be interesting to readers, till April 3d, when great preparations were made on board the Dolphin, to give a splendid entertainment to the young king. The gig and second cutter were employed in the morning, to borrow signals from the different ships in the harbour, in order to dress out the schooner in a fanciful style. About 11 o'clock, the gig and second cutter were sent ashore for the king and several chiefs and natives of distinction, who were soon conveyed on board. The yards were manned, and a general salute fired. After partaking of as good a dinner as our resources and the means within our reach would afford, the king and his attendants were disembarked under the honour of another salute.—During the remainder of this month, the events which transpired, were principally of an ordinary cast, and not thought worthy of record.

May 3d. This day we were employed in bending sails; and from this date to the 11th, the necessary preparations were made to commence our homeward voyage. This day (11th,) the pilot came on board, and for the last time we weighed our anchors in the harbour of Woahoo. While retiring from the shore we were saluted with 21 guns from the fort. We hove about, returned the salute, and then resumed our destined course, and bid a last adieu to Woahoo, after a tedious and protracted stay of about four months.

From the time of our departure, on the 11th of May, from Woahoo, nothing of importance transpired till the 12th of June. On the morning of this day we discovered the Island Toobowy; and at 9 o'clock saw a sail, which proved to be a whale ship. At half past 2 came to anchor at a convenient place near the Island, and sent a boat ashore, which returned at night with two natives, who gave us a description of the harbour, and directions how to enter it; and as our mainmast was injured, we entered it to make the necessary repairs. On the 13th, we beat up the harbour, and at 3 o'clock anchored, where we continued repairing our mast, and procuring wood and water, till the 22d; when we weighed anchor and made sail for Valparaiso, favoured with fine weather and good winds. July 18th, made the Island of Massafuero, and passed it about midnight. On the 19th, in the forenoon, made the Island of Juanfernandez; and at 11 P. M. on the following day, discovered the land at the south of Valparaiso. On the 22d, beat up the harbour, and at 2 o'clock on the morning of the 23d, came to anchor.—At Valparaiso, we learned that the frigate United States was at Callao; and after getting a supply of provisions, we sailed for Callao on the 9th of August, and arrived on the 24th. Here we found the United States, lying under the Island of Lorenzo, with several English ships of war.

On the 26th, the Dolphin in company with the United States, passed over to Callao; and Sept. 1st, I and the crew of the Dolphin were transferred to the United States.

Sept. 10th. All the men that had been transferred from the Dolphin to the United States, had liberty to go to Lima; at 12 o'clock we went on shore, and at 4 P. M. entered the gates of the city. I employed my time while on shore, in roving about the city, and viewing the various objects it presents; and on the 13th returned on board the United States. We were detained here till the 16th of December, when we sailed for Valparaiso, and having a pleasant passage, arrived on the 6th of January, where we were happy to find, for our relief, the Brandywine. From the 8th to the 24th, all hands were engaged in preparing the ship for her homeward voyage; when at 9 o'clock we weighed our larboard anchor, and at 1 P. M. were under sail, passing out of the harbour, when the Cambridge, (an English 74,) then lying in the harbour, gave us 3 cheers, which we returned with 3 times 3; she then saluted us with 13 guns, which we returned with the same number, and then proceeded to sea.

Being favoured with fine weather and good winds, we had a prosperous voyage to Cape Horn, and arrived off the pitch on the 7th of Feb. and passed round with a pleasant breeze. In prosecuting our voyage home, off the mouth of the river Rio de la Plata, and along the coast of Brazil, we had rough weather and thick fogs. On the 6th we made the land and harbour of St. Salvador, and about 9 o'clock came to anchor.—On the 7th we fired a salute for the fort, which was returned.

We were now employed in watering our ship, and making other preparations for continuing our voyage homeward; and on the 15th got under weigh, with a fine breeze.

April 1st. At 10 o'clock, made the Island of Barbadoes, and at 1 P. M. came to anchor, where we lay till 5 P. M. on the 3d, when we got under weigh, and sailed down the Island to St. Thomas, where we sent a boat ashore, and after transacting the business for which we stopped, made sail on the 9th for the port of New-York. On the 21st, made the highland of Neversink; at 2 P. M. took a pilot on board, but owing to fogs and calms, did not arrive to the port of destination till 1 P. M. next day, when we anchored opposite the West Battery, with a thankful heart that I was once more within the United States.


I will now proceed to give the reader some account of the Islands I visited, and of the manners and customs of the natives, and shall endeavour to be as candid and correct as possible.

The Mulgrave Islands are situated between 5 and 6 degrees north latitude, and between 170 and 174 degrees of east longitude. They are about 50 miles in length, and lie in the form of a semi-circle, forming a kind of inland sea or lake; the distance across it being about 20 miles. The land is narrow, and the widest place is probably not more than half a mile. On the north side of the group are several inlets or passages, of sufficient depth to admit the free navigation of the largest ships; and if explored, excellent harbours would in all probability be found. In the inland sea are numerous beds of coral, which appear to be constantly forming and increasing. These coral beds are seen at low water, but are all overflowed at high tide. The whole group is entirely destitute of mountains, and even hills, the highest land not being more than six feet above the level of the sea at high water. By the accounts given me from the natives, it appears that some parts have been overflowed by the sea. Their being so low, makes the navigation near them very dangerous in the night, both because they would not be easily seen, and because the water is very deep quite to the shores; and a place for anchoring can scarcely be found on the outside of the Island.

The air of these Islands is pure, and the climate hot; but the heat is rendered less oppressive by the trade winds, which blow constantly, and keep the atmosphere healthful and salubrious for so low a latitude.

The soil, in general, is productive of little besides trees and shrubs, and most of it is covered with rough coral stones.

The productions are breadfruit in its proper season, and cocoanuts, which they have throughout the year; and a kind of fruit different from any that grows in America, which the natives call Bup—all growing spontaneously. Of the leaves of the trees the women manufacture very elegant mats, which they wear as blankets and clothing; of the bark of a vine they make men's clothing; and of the husks of the cocoa they make ropes and rigging for their canoes, and for almost every other purpose. The waters round the Islands abound with fish, and the natives are very expert in catching them.

There are no animals on the Islands, excepting rats; and by these little quadrupeds they are literally overrun.

The number of all the inhabitants, men, women, and children, is probably between five and six hundred.

The following may be given as prominent characteristics of the natives.—They are in general, well made and handsome—very indolent and superstitious. They are morose, treacherous, ferociously passionate, and unfriendly to all other natives. When they are not fishing, or otherwise employed, they are generally travelling about, and visiting each other. They have no salutations when they meet, but sit down without exchanging a word of civility for some minutes; but after a silent pause, the head of the family, if there is any thing in the house to eat, presents it to his guests, who, when they have eaten sufficiently, if there are any fragments left, are very careful to secure them and carry them off when they return home; and the host would regard it as an imposition, if his visitors were to neglect this important trait of politeness, and fashionable item in etiquette. They accustom themselves to frequent bathing; and commence with their children on the day of their birth, and continue the practice twice a day, regularly, till they are two years old. They do this to invigorate the system, and render the skin of their children thick and tough by exposure. Their living consists simply of breadfruit, cocoanuts, and bup; but cocoanuts are all they can depend on the year round—the two other articles being common only a part of the year.

Their diversions consist in singing, dancing, and beating time with their arms, in a manner similar to the amusements of the natives at the Sandwich Islands; in which they appear to take great delight.

They wear their hair long, and tie it up in a kind of bow on the top of the head, and this is all the covering they have for their heads. The men have long beards. One part of their dress makes a singular and ludicrous appearance, which resembles two horse tails suspended from the waist, one before and the other behind. The women's dress consists of two mats, about the size of a small pocket-handkerchief, which they tie round them like an apron.

I never saw any form of marriage among them, but when a couple are desirous of being united, their parents have a talk together on the subject, and if the parties all agree to the union, the couple commence living together as man and wife; and I never knew of an instance of separation between them after they had any family. In a few instances polygamy prevailed.

The following will give a pretty correct idea of their funeral rites and solemnities:

When a person dies, the inhabitants of the village assemble together, and commence drumming and singing, halloing and yelling; and continue their boisterous lamentations for about 48 hours, day and night, relieving each other as they require. This they do, because they imagine it is diverting to the person deceased. They bury the body at a particular place back of their houses, and use mats for a coffin. After the ceremony of interment is performed, they plant two cocoanut trees, one at the head and the other at the feet of the buried person. But if the trees ever bear fruit, the women are prohibited from eating thereof, for fear of displeasing the bad spirit, Anit. And here it may not be inappropriate to remind the reader that Eve ate of the forbidden fruit, notwithstanding she knew it would displease the GOOD SPIRIT.

In their personal appearance, the natives are about the middle size, with broad faces, flat noses, black hair and eyes, and large mouths.

In relation to literature, they are as ignorant as it is possible for people to be, having not the most distant idea of letters.

Concerning the religion of the untaught natives of the Mulgraves, the following remarks will give all the knowledge I am in possession of:

They believe there is an invisible spirit that rules and governs all events, and that he is the cause of all their sickness and distress;—consequently they consider him to be a very bad being.—But they have no belief in a good spirit, nor have they any modes of worship.—It is a prevalent opinion among them, when any are sick, that the bad spirit rests upon them; and they believe that particular manoeuvres and a form of words, performed round and said over the sick, will induce Anit, the bad spirit, to cease from afflicting, and leave the unfortunate sufferers. With regard to a future state of existence, they believe that the shadow, or what survives the body, is, after death, entirely happy; that it roves about at pleasure, and takes much delight in beholding everything that is transacted in this world;—and as they consider the world as an extensive plain, they suppose the disembodied spirits travel quite to the edge of the skies, where they think white people live, and then back again to their native Isles; and at times they fancy they can hear the spirits of departed friends whistling round their houses, and noticing all the transactions of the living. Singular as some of these notions and opinions may appear, there is much to be met with in Christendom equally at variance with reason; and I have heard from the pulpit, in New-England, the following language: "I have no doubt in my own mind that the blessed in Heaven look down on all the friends and scenes they left behind, and are fully sensible of all things that take place on earth!"


This chapter, and the concluding remarks of the narrative, will be collated from a Journal kept by Cyrus M. Hussey; and if there appear occasionally some incidents similar to those recorded in the preceding account, it is believed the value and interest of this history will not be diminished by them.—Hussey commences thus:

About the last of April, myself and Lay were separated, destined to different Islands, not knowing whether we should ever see each other again. At night we arrived at an Island, and hauled up our canoe. We found but few natives, but among the number was the mother of the chief with whom I lived. She was very inquisitive respecting me, and talked so incessantly through the night that I could not sleep. The next morning we were employed in gathering breadfruit, for the purpose of curing it for the winter. This employment continued about three months, during which time I was very uneasy about my situation. At intervals of leisure, when the old chief had no particular engagements to engross his attention, he would launch his canoe and go and search for fish; but my shoes having been taken from me, whenever I was employed round the rough shores of the Island, my feet were so wounded that I could hardly walk. The natives now commenced the destruction of my clothing, and not being able to converse with them, I found it very difficult to preserve my apparel. They often requested me to divest myself of my clothing, and dress as they did, or rather not dress at all. I made signs that the sun would burn me, if I should expose myself to its scorching rays. When they found that persuasion would not induce me to divest myself of clothing, they began to destroy my clothes, by tearing them in pieces. It was some time before I could understand their language, so as to inform them that the sun would burn my back; and being robbed of my clothes, the powerful influence of the sun soon scorched me to such a degree that I could scarcely lie down or take any rest.

About the latter part of July, William Lay and others came to the Island in a canoe, to see me, being the first interview we had enjoyed since our separation, which was about three months previous. Lay informed me that the natives had taken his bible from him and torn it up, and threatened his life. He informed me that it seemed to him as though he was robbed of that comfort which none in a christian land are deprived of. We were soon parted; he in a canoe was taken to an Island by the natives called Dilabu, and I went to my employment, repairing a canoe which was on the stocks. After I had finished the canoe, the natives prepared a quantity of bread fruit and fish for the chiefs, and on the following morning we set sail for an Island called Milly, one of the largest in the group, at which resides the principal chief. We arrived just at night and were cordially received by the natives, who had assembled on the beach in great numbers, for the purpose of getting some fish which the old chief had brought with him. He then hauled his canoe on shore; and I had again the pleasure of seeing my fellow sufferer, William Lay, after a month's separation. Since our first meeting we were not allowed to converse much together.

The old chief tarried at this Island but a short time, and Lay and myself were once more separated. The old chief, his family, and myself, returned to the Island which we had left two or three days before, called, in the language of the natives, Tabarawort; and he and his family commenced gathering bread fruit. As the old man with whom I lived had charge of several small Islands, we found it difficult to gather the fruit as fast as it ripened, so that a considerable part fell to the ground and perished. In the mean time, while we were employed in gathering in the fruits of the earth, news came to the Island, to inform the chief with whom I lived, that it was the intention of the highest chiefs to destroy us both, (that is myself and Lay,) because a severe sickness prevailed among them, and they being superstitious, supposed we were the occasion of it. I informed them that we could not have been the cause of the sickness, as no such sickness prevailed in our country, and that I never before had seen a similar disease. But still they talked very hard about us; and the highest chief sent to the chief I lived with, to have me brought to the Island of Milly, where Lay lived, in order that we might be killed together. Preparations having been made, the old chief, whom I called father, with his family and myself, set sail the next morning for Milly, where we arrived about sun set. He immediately went to see the chief of Milly, to inquire the circumstances relating to the necessity of taking our lives, leaving me and the rest of the family in the canoe. I shortly perceived William Lay and his master coming towards the canoe, which produced sensations hard to be described. Affectionate and sympathizing reader, what must have been our feelings and conversation at that moment, when nothing seemingly was presented to our view but death? We were allowed an interview of only a few minutes, when we were again separated.

My master soon returned to the canoe, and entered into very earnest conversation with his family, which, at the time, I did not fully understand; but found afterwards it was a relation to his family of his interview with the natives on the subject of taking our lives; and that if they killed me, they would first have to kill him, (my master,) which they were unwilling to do. My kind old master told them he had preserved me, and always should. Night now coming on, I lay down to sleep, but fear had taken such possession of my mind, that the night was spent in wakeful anxiety.

The next morning I asked leave of my master to visit Lay, which he readily gave. I set out for the hut in company with my master's son; but on approaching it, Lay called out to me, to inform me that I must not come—that the natives did not like to have us together. On my turning to go back, Lay's master called to me to come. I went and sat down, and entered into conversation with Lay, to ascertain what the intention of the natives towards us were. He told me it was the design of the high chief to kill us. I observed to him, that we were in the hands of the natives; still there was a higher and more powerful Hand that could protect us, if it were the Divine pleasure so to do. I then bade him farewell, and returned to the canoe, never expecting to see each other again till we should meet on the tranquil ocean of eternity.

My master being now ready to return to his Island, the canoe was launched, and we set sail, and arrived the same night, having been absent two days.—The natives expressed much joy on seeing me return, and asked many questions respecting the chief of Milly; but as I was unable to speak their language intelligibly, I could give them but little information. We then went on with our work as usual, which was fishing, &c. &c.

After having been at this Island some time, my master's wife manifested an inclination to go and visit her friends, who lived at an Island called in their language Luguonewort. After a successful excursion in fishing, we cooked a part, and took some breadfruit, and embarked, agreeably to the wishes of my master's wife, and arrived at Luguonewort in two days. The natives of that Island gave us a cordial reception. We hauled up our canoe and remained some time among them. After our agreeable visit was ended, we returned to the other Island, found the natives well, and that good care had been taken by the chief's mother, an old woman to whom the superintendence of things had been left.

About six months after the massacre of my shipmates, the brother of the native in whose possession I was, came to the Island, and informed us that a ship had been seen to pass a day or two before, and that it caused great disturbance among the chiefs—that they thought it was the ship that left the Islands, (the Globe,) and that she was in search of us. My old master immediately prepared his canoe to visit the chiefs, and he wanted also to inquire of me what I thought respecting the ship. We loaded our canoe and made sail for Milly, where the chiefs were. We arrived at night, and found a great number of natives collected on the beach, to see if we had any fish. We hauled up our canoe for the night, and the natives began to question me about the ship.—I told them I did not know, concluding it would be good policy to say but little on the subject. The natives crowded round me in great numbers; and I did not see Lay till he came to me. I inquired of him what he had seen, and he informed me that there had been a ship in sight about half an hour before sun set, and that she was near enough for him to see them take in their fore and mizen top gallant sails, but could give no definite account of her, as she was soon out of sight. We were not allowed to be together long; and I went to rest as usual, but could not sleep.—"Hope springs eternal in the human breast"—and hope that the ship which had been seen had come to deliver us from savages and transport us to our native country and dear friends, had an influence on my feelings more powerful than sleep, and imagination was busy through the night in picturing scenes of future happiness.

But the prospect of our being released from our unpleasant situation was not very flattering. Early next morning I asked and obtained permission from my master, to pay a visit to Lay, before passing round to the opposite side of the Island. Accompanied by my master's son and several others, I went to the hut where Lay lived, and we had the pleasure of another interview; but it was of short duration, for we were not allowed to be together more than a quarter of an hour. I returned to my master's canoe, and there continued till the middle of the day; we then launched and set sail for Tabanawort, where we arrived the fore part of the night.—Early next morning we prepared for a fishing cruise, had pretty good success, and returned just before night, made a fire, cooked some fish, and ate a delicious supper.

Our canoe being leaky and very much out of repair, my master and I commenced taking her to pieces, for the purpose of re-building her; and we were occasionally employed upon her nearly two months, when we launched her, and commencing fishing business, had alternately good and bad success. One day we had the good fortune to enclose, in a kind of wear made for the purpose, a large quantity of fishes, and with a scoopnet we caught a plentiful supply. After cooking them, we set out with a quantity to dispose of to the chiefs of Milly, where we arrived before night, on the same day of sailing. Very soon after our arrival I saw Lay and his master approaching the canoe, and we once more had a short but pleasant interview. I inquired of Lay how he fared, as to food, &c. His reply was, better than he expected, and that the natives were kind to him, always giving him his part. I informed him I had a basket of fish reserved for him as a present, which he requested me to keep till dark, that he might be enabled to carry them home without having them all begged by the natives. He came at night for the fish, and I retired, agreeably to my master's wishes to sleep in the canoe, to prevent the natives from stealing the remainder of the fish that were on board. The next morning my master was highly pleased to find that nothing was missing; and gave me liberty to go and see Lay. I went to the hut and found him with his master. They gave me a cordial welcome, and presented me with some cocoanuts in return for the fish. Lay's master inquired of me very particularly respecting my master, and the quantity of fish we caught. I then returned to the canoe, carrying the cocoanuts, to deposite in the hold. My master asked me where I got them; I told him Lay's master gave them to me. If this minute detail should appear unimportant to the reader, he may draw a moral from it; for it evinces that my master was like other masters, desirous to know if his servant came honestly in possession of the cocoanuts. He then ordered me and his son to launch the canoe, which we did, got under sail for the Island we left the day before, and arrived back at night. We learned that during our absence the natives had caught a considerable quantity of fish; and in a few days we caught a large quantity more; loaded our canoe, and embarked for one of the head Islands to pay a visit, where we stopped some time. On our return, we commenced catching a kind of fish called by the natives kierick. They are about the size of a small codfish; and the manner of taking them is very curious—they make a line of the husk of cocoanuts, about the size of a cod line; they then in the canoe pass round the fish to the windward of the flat, then lie to till a considerable quantity of them get on the flat, then square away by the wind and run down and go round the flat with this line, and thus catch them, men, women, and children being employed. I have known them catch one hundred at a draught. The fish are afraid of the line, and when enclosed, taken by a scoopnet. After taking a sufficient quantity, they go on shore to prepare for cooking them, which is done by digging a large hole in the earth, filling it with wood, covered with stones. The wood is then consumed, which heats the stones—the fish are wrapped in leaves to prevent them from falling to pieces, then covered with green leaves, and cooked by the heat of the stones. About an hour is required to cook them sufficient for eating. Their manner of curing fish, is, to split them and dry them in the sun, without using salt. Thus cured, they will keep some time. While we were employed in fishing, Lay came to the Island, in company with a native, to visit me; but did not stay long, for the chief sent for him, fearing, as I afterwards found out, that they should lose us. From some hints that had been dropped, a report had got in circulation that my master and Lamawoot, (Lay's master,) intended to leave their Islands, and embark for an Island to the north west, where the king lived, and carry us with them as a great curiosity. Lay was carried back to the chiefs—the head one sent an express to my master and Lay's to come and see him—they made preparations and set sail for Milly; where they were closely questioned respecting their going to the other Island, &c. &c. They denied that they had even intimated any such design; which was false, for I had frequently heard them talking on the subject myself, but kept silent, as it appeared to be a great crime for any to desert their Islands; and I feared the consequences of making it known.—They then parted in peace and friendship, and I and my master returned to our habitation.

We then went to an Island to catch fish, and a disagreement taking place between two of the natives, about some trifling affair, the particulars of which I did not learn, one of them took a spear belonging to the other, and after breaking it across his knee, with one half of it killed his antagonist, and left him. The parents of the man killed, being present, laid him out on some mats, and appeared to regret their loss very much. They kept a continual drumming over the body of the deceased for two or three days; after which he received a decent burial on another Island at some distance from the Island where he was killed.


Having a successful fishing voyage, we loaded our canoe, and carried our cargo to the chiefs of Luguonewort. I had the satisfaction of an interview with Lay; but our provisions being soon exhausted, we were obliged to go again in search of fish. At this time there was a severe drought, and breadfruit trees suffered extremely, many of them entirely died. The superstitious natives supposed the drought was sent upon them as a judgment, because myself and Lay were allowed to live. I informed them that we could neither make it rain nor prevent it; but some of them were so ignorant that they believed we could control the weather. But some of the chiefs thought the drought was visited upon them because they had killed our shipmates, and I was always ready to join with them in that opinion. The drought continued about four months with such severity that most of the breadfruit trees on the small Islands were so completely dried up that they never sprouted again. Many of the ignorant natives still insisted that their sickness and drought were occasioned by suffering us to live upon their Islands; but this gross ignorance was counterbalanced by most of the chiefs, who believed differently, and to their more liberal opinion we are indebted for our lives.

About this time the Islands were refreshed by plentiful showers of rain, and the natives assembled at Milly to sing for the breadfruit to come in abundance. They said their singing would please Anit, and that he would reward them with a very great crop.

A disturbance existed between the high chief and his brother Longerene. The disagreement lasted about nine months, during which time the two brothers did not see or speak to each other. Luttuon, the high chief, then sent a canoe to inform his brother Longerene that he wished to see him. An interview took place, and a treaty of peace was ratified.

During our stay at Milly, I had frequent opportunities of seeing Lay, my fellow sufferer; but the only relief we could afford each other was derived from a sympathy of feelings, and in conversations relating to our homes and native country, by blending our mutual wishes for a safe return, &c. &c. The reader can hardly conceive the unpleasantness of our situation at this time—the famine was so great that the tender branches of trees were cooked, and the nutricious juice drank as food. My strength was so reduced in consequence of being deprived of my usual quantity of provisions, that I was unable to accompany my master on a fishing voyage. When my master returned, he found me lying in the hut, and asked me what was the matter. I informed him my indisposition proceeded from hunger; he cooked a fish and gave me, which, though it afforded me some relief, was not half enough to satisfy the cravings of appetite.

After I had recruited my strength, one day while engaged in fishing, a canoe came to the Island; and as soon as the canoe was near enough for the natives in her to be heard, they commenced hallooing and making dreadful noises, which is their practice when war is declared. They informed us that the high chief had killed several of the lower chiefs who belonged to the Island called Alloo; that Longerene had fled to Alloo, his own Island; and that the high chief was determined to pursue and kill him. We were ordered to go immediately to his assistance; accordingly we set sail for the Island Milly, where we found a great number of natives collected for war. Again I had the satisfaction of being with Lay; who informed me that they were going to fight the other party at Alloo; and that the high chief had told him that he and I must prepare two muskets, and go and fight with them. Luttuon sent for me and Lay, and informed us he was about to have a battle, and that we must prepare to take a part in it. We asked him if he had any powder—he said he had a plenty, and showed us a small box, which contained a little powder and mustard seed mixed together, which, if it had been good powder, would not have made more than five or six charges. We told him it was good for nothing; but he said we must do the best we could with it. As we were afraid to offend him, we went to work with the powder, and dried it in the sun, and prepared our muskets for battle.—The next morning we launched 15 or 16 canoes, containing in all about 200 natives, and set sail for Alloo; where we arrived and landed, and proceeded to a village in order to give battle to the enemy. On learning that the chief of Alloo and his family had fled in a canoe, we returned to our canoes, made sail in pursuit of the chief, but did not overtake him. After returning and spending a day or two at the Island of Alloo, we launched our canoes and went to our respective homes, and heard no more of the war.

Some time after my master returned to the Island where we usually resided, a canoe came and brought the information that a vessel was anchored near one of the head Islands—that she carried guns on each side, and had a hundred men—that they (the natives that brought the news) had been on board of the vessel, and received presents of beads, which they had on their necks. The natives said the vessel was not like our ship which we came in, but had only two masts. I told them we had vessels of all descriptions, some with one mast only. They said the men on board did not look like us, and that they were very saucy. I informed the natives the vessel was a war vessel, and that if molested by the natives, they would shoot them. The natives said they would take the vessel and kill all the men on board. I told them their safety consisted in friendship, and that any hostile attack on the crew of the schooner would lead to their own destruction.—They then set sail for Milly, to inform the chiefs of the arrival of the vessel at the head Island. The chiefs of Milly gave orders to launch the canoes, 15 in number, to go and take the schooner. These canoes were manned by 200 natives. My master's canoe not being in perfect repair, we could not join the party. On the night of the 25th, (Nov.) we saw several of the canoes returning towards the Island where I was. From one of the canoes landed the high chief, who began to question me respecting the vessel. I told him I had not seen the vessel, and of course could not tell much about her; but that I expected she had come after me and Lay, and that she would have us. He then said he had better kill us both, and then there would be no one to tell that the natives had killed the rest of our crew. I told him that the people on board the schooner knew there were two alive, and if they killed us, the crew of the vessel would kill all the natives. This appeared to perplex his mind, and he shortly left me, and retired to rest.

On the next morning, 26th, the chief again questioned me respecting the vessel, but I could give him no particular information, as I had not seen her.—The natives then commenced knotting up leaves to inquire of their god, who, they said, would inform them what was best to be done. Towards night they departed, leaving me with my master, giving him strict orders not to let me go to the vessel, fearing that I should not only remain on board, but give information that my shipmates had been murdered. I was glad to see them depart, for I feared they would kill me.—The reader can have but a faint idea of my feelings at that time; nor will I attempt to describe them.

Towards the close of the next day, (27th,) a canoe came to the Island which had been boarded by a boat from the schooner. The natives offered the men in the boat some cocoanuts, which they would not accept. The boat then proceeded towards the Island of Milly.—The natives informed me that the men in the boat inquired after the men who were left there by the ship Globe; but they would not give any information where they were. The canoe left the Island, and we went to rest. The next day passed without hearing any thing of the schooner; but the day following, (29th of Nov.) as I was walking in the woods in the afternoon, I heard a dreadful outcry for Hussey. I ran to the hut to learn the cause, and to my unspeakable joy, I discovered that one of the schooner's boats was on the beach, waiting for me, the men all armed and equipped for battle. As I approached, the Lieutenant spoke to me and told me to come to him. I went and sat down by him. He asked me several questions, but my feelings were so overcome and agitated, that I know not whether I replied in English, or the language of the natives. While we were sitting together, the old man whom I had always called master, but who was now willing to be considered my servant, asked me if the white people were going to kill him. The Lieutenant inquired of me to know the purport of the old man's question; I told him he was afraid of being killed. The Lieutenant replied that he should not be hurt, if he behaved himself properly.

We then walked round the Island, and I collected what few things I had, a musket, &c. and made preparations for our departure. My old master being unwilling to part with me, asked permission to go with me. I spoke to the Lieutenant on the subject, and he readily consented. We then set sail, accompanied by my master and his son. We soon fell in with the 2d Lieutenant, in another boat, who informed that all the survivors of the Globe's crew were now rescued. The boats soon lost sight of each other, as night came on, and that in which I was arrived at the Island about 9 o'clock in the evening. We landed, cooked supper, and anchored our boat at a little distance from the shore for the night.

The next morning, (30th,) we got under weigh, accompanied by the other boat, beat to the windward, for the outside passage, and then ran down to the schooner, and got along side at 9 o'clock. I will leave it for the reader, to picture my feelings on entering once more on board of an American vessel, after having been among unmerciful savages 22 months. We soon had some breakfast, after which my hair was cut, which was of two year's growth, and I was furnished with clothing, and remained on board till the next day.

From this date to the time of our arrival in the United States, all the important incidents and facts which transpired, will be found in the preceding pages, arranged from the journal kept by Lay.

After expressing my thanks to all who assisted to rescue us from savage bondage, and my gratitude to Heaven for a safe return to my friends and native land, I bid the reader a respectful farewell.


Of Words and Phrases, used by the natives of the Mulgrave Islands, with their definitions and so spelt and divided in syllables as to give the Reader a very clear understanding of the pronunciation.

Beard Cor y ack

Iron Maale

A sail Wood je lah

An oar Thib bet

Steering Kib bet tebet

Sailing Der rauk yruk

Sleep Mad du rah

Awake Mim mit

Dark Mar roak

Light Mar rum

Night Boong

Day Roun

Growing Aung

Drowned Mal long

Oil Bin in yep

Water Pir ren

A long time Et tow

Yourself Guay

Sleepy Mil tegee

Victuals Cuck con

Scrape Goo tock

Build Ae

Hold on Coppy dirry

Man Mum marn

Woman Civ rah

Boy Lod rick

Girl Lid rick

An infant Hi dir ry

Black Eg gil ly mit

White Em mew it

Red Em mirt

Drink E ranck

Fingers Jan thurt

A bird Paw o

A knife Noad rick

Begging Angue ot

Work Derry bol

An adze Jal tosk

A nail Mer ry

Grass Oo joo et

Leaves Bel ly bal

Counting Bun ne bun

One Jew on

Two Roo ah

Three Te lew

Four A men

Five Ri lim

Six Dil je mo

Seven Dil jil je ma jew on

Eight Ad je no

Nine Ad dil y mo jew on

Ten Dongue ole

Musketoe To cotch up

Fear Cwurd

Giving Hi dir inge

A rope Tow

Wind Gut to

Rain Woot

Lay down Bah boo

Get up Der ry cock

Not good Nah nah

Very good En no

Talking Com el tah to

Fighting Tarr yin ia

Kill Mon ny

Smoke Bout

Sand Boak

Diving Doo lock

Digging Cob e coob

Bury Col ly boo ny

Sewing Thil thil

Eat Mong ah

Singing Al lil

Sun Al

Moon Al lung

Star E jew

Sky I id ere lung

Sun down Doo lock Al

Sun rise Tuck in Al

To-day Raun ene

Yesterday In nay

To-night Boon ene

Tomorrow Geen a raun

Puking Mom mit

A blanket Cawd

A costume Ene

Fuel Con ny

Land Yin ny

A bottle Buck ah

Cutting Boo way

Fastening Geal ing

Stealing Mid dart

A rat Kid dir rick

Hair Co coa no bot

Ear Lou dil lyg nui

Eyes Mid dat

Nose Baw thurt

Mouth Loung ing

Chin Chim in ny gne ad

Chief Tam moon

Forward A marn

Egg Lip

Drift Pay lock

Paddle Aun arn

I know E del lah

Yes Ing ah

No Aub

Backside Al by gin

Playing Cook ke ry

Medicine Oo noe

Whale Rat

A louse Git

Strong Mad jo jow

Enough Em mut

Thread Uer

Forget Mer no lock wy

See Lal ly

Bailing An ain

Mast Cod jew

A saw Dir re ban

A sword Jah jay

A handle Je jew er

Running Tit thurt

A musket Boo wat

A cannon Bac ca

Powder Bow on ope

Fire Kid ja ick

Hewing Jick e jick

A house Imm

Fish Ikk

Stone Buck ah

Head Bur run

Hand Bon

Foot Nane

A shark Bac co

A spear Mor ry

Cocoanuts Koree

Breadfruit Mah

Go Wy lum

Come Wy to

Very large El lip

Scar or cut Gin net

Thunder Daw roort

Lightning Dar rum

Lizard Cid re be lin

A canoe, or any vessel Woa or Wah

Put it down there Lickitin i genny

Throw it away Jow lock y

I am thirsty E mar row

Give me some drink Letto lim ma dirick

Finger nails Og guck

Your father Gim mum

His father Gim men

My father Gim mah

Your mother Gin mum

His mother Gin nen

My mother Gin nah

Where are you going Guay te wy jickut

What are you doing Guay je thah

Where have you come from Guay te wy to den air

Is there any O ra cy

One hundred Jib be wee

One thousand Der rab bin

What is the news Ere nin narn

A bag or pocket Pau jaw

Do you know Guay del larky

What is that Mer root thany

What part E thane

You must not A mow

A cable or anchor Em mi tock

A cask or chest Tub be tub

Chips or rubbish Men a ca noak

Laying a rope Bit the bit

A cloud or squall Cur raw

Fair weather Em mon Lung

Don't say a word Tab co war roang aroang

Sharpening iron tools Jim me jim mal

Day before yesterday Jay marn

Take that and go Book y em ettal

Sick at the stomach Ma long a lung

How large is this Island Rir ret Ilong ene

What's the name of this Isle I tan Iling ene

Going to sea Gib be lak


Transcriber's Note

Archaic and uncommon spelling has been preserved as printed—for example, chesnut instead of chestnut, pummice instead of pummace, etc. Inconsistencies in hyphenation have been retained.

Variable spelling has been preserved where it appears due to differences between the two authors, or where there was no way to determine which was correct; instances include Humphreys—Humphries, Edgarton—Edgartown, and Tabanawort—Tabarawort.

Minor punctuation errors have been repaired. The following amendments have been made:

Page 11—Lumbard amended to Lumbert—"... William Beetle, (mate,) John Lumbert, (2d mate,) ..."

Page 15—Liliston amended to Lilliston—"... Wm. Humphries, a black man, and steward, and Thomas Lilliston."

Page 20—Linniston amended to Lilliston—"... William Humphries, (the steward) of Philadelphia, and Thomas Lilliston; ..."

Page 49—There amended to Their—"Their names were, Gilbert Smith, George Comstock, Stephen Kidder, ..."

Page 74—fastastic amended to fantastic—"... and all ornamented in the same fantastic manner."

Page 132—heathful amended to healthful—"... and keep the atmosphere healthful and salubrious ..."

Page 166—Diveing amended to Diving—"Diving ... doo lock"

A table of contents has been added for the convenience of the reader.


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