Jan. 2, 1851. A week ago I wrote the preceding paragraph. During this week I have still been helped, day by day, and more than once every day, to seek the guidance of the Lord about another Orphan-House. The burden of my prayer has still been, that He, in His great mercy, would keep me from making a mistake. During the last week the Book of Proverbs has come in the course of my Scripture reading, and my heart has been refreshed, in reference to this subject, by the following passages: "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths." Prov. iii. 5, 6. By the grace of God I do acknowledge the Lord in my ways, and in this thing in particular; I have therefore the comfortable assurance that He will direct my paths concerning this part of my service, as to whether I shall be occupied in it or not. Further: "The integrity of the upright shall preserve them; but the perverseness of fools shall destroy them." Prov. xi. 3. By the grace of God I am upright in this business. My honest purpose is to get glory to God. Therefore. I expect to be guided aright. Further, "Commit thy works unto the Lord and thy thoughts shall be established." Prov. xvi. 8. I do commit my works unto the Lord, and therefore expect that my thoughts will be established.—My heart is more and more coming to a calm, quiet, and settled assurance, that the Lord will condescend to use me yet further in the Orphan Work. Here, Lord, is Thy servant!
Jan. 14. Twelve days have passed away since I wrote the last paragraph. I have still, day by day, been enabled to wait upon the Lord with reference to enlarging the Orphan Work, and have been, during the whole of this period also, in perfect peace, which is the result of seeking in this thing only the Lord's honour and the temporal and spiritual benefit of my fellowmen. Without an effort could I, by His grace, put aside all thoughts about this whole affair, if only assured that it is the will of God I should do so; and, on the other hand, would at once go forward, if He would have it to be so. I have still kept this matter entirely to myself. Though it is now about seven weeks, since day by day, more or less, my mind has been exercised about it, and since I have daily prayed concerning it; yet not one human being knows of it. As yet I have not mentioned it even to my dear wife, in order that thus, by quietly waiting upon the Lord, I might not be influenced by what might be said to me on the subject. This evening has been particularly set apart for prayer, beseeching the Lord once more, not to allow me to be mistaken in this thing, and much less to be deluded by the Devil. I have also sought to let all the reasons against building another Orphan-House, and all the reasons for doing so, pass before my mind; and now, for the sake of clearness and definiteness, write them down.
Reasons against establishing another Orphan-House for
Seven Hundred Orphans.
1. Would not this be going beyond my measure spiritually? according to that word: "For I say through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as God has dealt to every man the measure of faith." Rom. xii. 3.
Answer: If the Lord were to leave me to myself, the tenth part of the difficulties and trials, which befall me now in connexion with the various objects of the Scriptural Knowledge Institution for Home and Abroad, would be enough to overwhelm me; but, whilst He is pleased to sustain me, I am able day by day to pass on peacefully, and am carried through one difficulty after the other: and thus, by God's help, even with my present measure of faith, if continued to me, should be enabled to bear up under other difficulties and trials; but I look for an increase of faith with every fresh difficulty, through which the Lord is pleased to help me.
2. Would it not be going beyond my measure naturally with reference to mental and bodily strength? Answer: Of all the objections against establishing another Orphan-House, there is none that weighs more with me than this; I might say, it is the only real difficulty. This, however, too, I am enabled to put aside and to overcome thus: By husbanding my strength, by great order, by regular habits, by lightening the work as much as possible, and by using every help that I can, I have been enabled to get through a vast quantity of work. My immense correspondence of about 3000 letters a-year, I have been enabled to accomplish without a secretary. The entire management and direction, and the whole vast correspondence of the Scriptural Knowledge Institution has devolved upon myself alone these sixteen years and ten months, and I have been thinking that, by seeking for an efficient secretary, an efficient clerk, and an inspector of the schools, I might, with God's help, accomplish yet more, though much of what I have been doing hitherto would need to be done by others. There have been several other arrangements brought before my mind, since I have been exercised about this matter, whereby, with the blessing of God, the work might be lightened. I should certainly need efficient helpers to carry out the plans before me; but with such, I, as director, might be enabled, by God's help, to accomplish yet more.
3. There must be a limit to my work and service. Answer: That is true, and if I were quite sure that the present state of the Scriptural Knowledge Institution were to be the limit, I would at once lay aside this thing; but I am not sure that I am come as yet to God's limit. All these sixteen years and ten months, the work has been constantly progressing, and the Lord has helped me continually; and now my mind is just in the same way exercised, as when fifteen years ago I began the Orphan Work, and as when thirteen years ago it was enlarged, and as when seven years and nine months since it was still further enlarged, and as when five years and two months since I was led to decide on building the New Orphan-House. Under these circumstances, having been helped through all these difficulties, and seeing such a vast field of usefulness before me, and having so many applications for the admission of very destitute Orphans, I long to be used still further, and cannot say that as yet the Lord has brought me to His limit.
4. Is it not like "tempting God," to think of building another Orphan-House for seven hundred more orphans? Answer: "Tempting God" means, according to the Holy Scriptures, to limit Him in any of His attributes by His grace I do not wish to limit His power or His willingness, to give to me, His poor servant, simply in answer to prayer, all the means, and every other help and blessing which I shall need to build another large Orphan-House.
5. You will not get the means for building and fitting up so large an Orphan-House; and, even if you did, how will you, at the same time, get the means for carrying on the work, which already exists? Answer: Looking at the matter naturally, this is indeed a weighty objection.
The New Orphan-House, with its 300 Orphans only, cost about fifteen thousand pounds to build and to fit up and furnish, and still the expenses are not all met even now. It will in all probability cost several hundred pounds yet. And this large sum was needed, though the style of the building is most simple, and though the field in which it was built was comparatively cheap. After this rate, a building to accommodate seven hundred Orphans, with the necessary ground attached to it for the cultivation of the vegetables used in the Institution, could not be less than thirty-five thousand pounds. Now, looking at it naturally, where is this great sum to come from? Though I looked at all my friends who have given hitherto, and several have done so very liberally, yet there is no natural prospect whatever of receiving this amount; especially if it be kept in mind that six or seven thousand pounds besides, every year, would be needed for carrying on that which is already in existence. I might, therefore, well tremble, looking at the matter naturally, and say, I shall never have the money for this intended Orphan-House for 700 children; for where is this large sum of thirty-five thousand pounds to come from? And even if I were to get the money, will not persons, in giving means for such a Building-Fund, take it away from what they might have given me for carrying on the work which exists already? But whilst thus, naturally, there is no hope of succeeding, I am not in the least discouraged spiritually; for by faith in the living God I say this: He has the power to give me this thirty-five thousand pounds, and much more, were it needed: and He has the power, in the mean time., to give me also all the large sums required, week after week, for meeting the current expenses for the present state of the work. Moreover, I delight in the greatness of the difficulty, as it respects the large sum needed for building and fitting up such an Establishment; for I desire to be most fully assured, from the very outset, that I go forward in this matter according to the Lord's bidding. If so, He will give me the means; if not, I shall not have them. Nor do I mean to apply to any one personally for pecuniary help, but purpose to give myself to prayer for means, as heretofore.
6. Suppose now, you were even to succeed in getting this large Orphan House built, how will you be able to provide for 700 other Orphans? Answer: There is much weight in this objection, looking at it naturally. I am too much a man of business, and too much a person of calm, quiet, cool calculation, not to feel its force. And indeed, were I only to look at the thing naturally, I should at once be ready to own that I am going too far; for the increase of expenditure for the support of these 700 other Orphans could not be less than eight thousand pounds a-year more, so that the current expenses of the Scriptural Knowledge Institution, reckoning its present state, and including those eight thousand pounds, would be about fifteen thousand pounds a-year. Now, I am free to own, that I have no human prospect of obtaining such a sum year by year. But while matters stand thus, looking at them naturally, I see no difficulty at all in them spiritually. If according to the will of God I am enabled to go about this intended second Orphan House; and if, with His help, I shall be enabled to finish it; He will surely provide for those who are gathered together in it, as long as He shall be pleased to enable me to trust in Him for supplies. And here I look back upon the way in which the Lord has led me and dealt with me. When, about seventeen years ago, I took up, in dependence upon the living God for means, two Charity Schools, with which the Scriptural Knowledge Institution commenced (and this involved an expense of less than one hundred pounds a-year), I had no certain prospect of being able to meet even that small sum; but God so helped me, that I had shortly six Charity Schools. He helped me then also, and enabled me to meet all their expenses. When, fifteen years ago, I began the Orphan Work, which was connected with far heavier expenses, I had still less prospect, according to natural reason, of being able to meet them; but I trusted in God, and He helped me, and He not only enabled me to meet the current expenses for thirty Orphans in the first house rented for them, but also soon to open another for thirty-six more, and to meet all those expenses; for as I had begun in faith in the living God, and not by putting my trust in my brethren in Christ, so I was not confounded. After I had gone on some time with these Orphans in the two rented houses, about thirteen years ago the Lord was pleased greatly to encourage me and to increase my faith by a donation of 500l. for the Orphans; for up to that period I had never received more than One Hundred Pounds at once. But this kind donor, a stranger to me up to that time, suggested to me the propriety of investing this sum and using only the interest of it, as I could not expect to have the Orphans supported for a continuance in the way they had been till then; for that such Institutions must depend upon regular subscriptions or funded property, otherwise they could not go on. As, however, this was only a friendly hint, and no condition under which the money was given, I took this 500l. towards fitting up a third house for the reception of thirty more Orphans. From that time the work has been increasing more and more, till it came to what it is at present. Now, suppose I had said, seventeen years ago, looking at matters according to natural reason, "the two Charity Schools are enough, I must not go any further;" then the work would have stopped there. Or, if I had had a little more trust in my exertions or my friends, I might have taken at the utmost one or two steps further. Instead of this, however, I looked in no degree whatever at things according to my natural fallen reason, and trusted not in the circle of my Christian friends, but in the living God; and the result has been, that there have been since 1834 ten thousand souls under our instruction in the various Day Schools, Sunday Schools and Adult Schools; several hundred Orphans have been brought up, and many of them from their very tenderest infancy; several hundred thousand tracts and many thousand copies of the Word of God have been circulated; about forty preachers of the Gospel at Home and Abroad have been, for several years, assisted in connection with the Scriptural Knowledge Institution; and a house has been built and fitted up for the accommodation of 300 destitute Orphans, each of whom has neither father nor mother. How blessed therefore it is to trust in God, and in Him alone, and not in circumstances nor friends There is, however, one thing which I must record here, because it has taken place since I last wrote in my journal on this subject on January 2nd. It is this. During these twelve days I have received for the various objects of the Scriptural Knowledge Institution in smaller donations 64l. 15s. 6 1/2 d., also a donation of 150l. and one of 3000l. Is not this a plain proof that God is both able and willing to help simply in answer to prayer? Is not human reason confounded by such instances? When I first began to write these exercises of my mind about another Orphan House, I knew not that on January 4th I should receive a donation of 3000l., yet I was fully assured that God was able to support one thousand Orphans as easily as He did the thirty whom I first received in a rented house. Does He not, however, tell me by all this: Go forward, my servant, and I will help thee?
7. But it might be said, suppose you were able by prayer to obtain this large sum for building a house for seven hundred other Orphans; and suppose you were able to provide for them during your lifetime, what would become of this Institution after your death? Answer: I am quite familiar with this objection, having heard it many times as a reason against the way of obtaining the means for the Scriptural Knowledge Institution, simply by trusting in God, without any funded property, and without looking to regular subscribers; but my reply is this. My business is, with all my might to serve my own generation; in doing so I shall best serve the next generation, should the Lord Jesus tarry. Soon He may come again but, if He tarry, and I have to fall asleep before His return, I shall not have been altogether without profit to the generation to come, were the Lord only to enable me to serve my own generation. Suppose this objection were a sound one, I ought never to have commenced the Orphan. Work at all, for fear of what might become of it after my death, and thus all the hundreds of destitute children without father and mother, whom the Lord has allowed me to care for, during the last fifteen years, would not have been taken up by me. The same argument was again and again used to Franke, my esteemed countryman, who at Halle, in Prussia, commenced about A.D. 1696, the largest charitable establishment for poor children that, as far as I know, exists in the world. He trusted in God alone. He went on trusting in God alone. And God helped him throughout abundantly. Simply by trust in the living God the Institutions, resembling a large street rather than a house, were erected, and about two thousand children instructed in them. For about thirty years all was going on under his own eye, until 1727, when it pleased God to take His servant to Himself. At his death these Institutions were directed by his truly pious son-in-law. It is true that, at the latter part of the last century, and during the first part of the present, there was little real vital godliness in these Institutions; still they were a temporal blessing to many tens of thousands of young persons even then. So then for several tens of years they were carried on in a truly Godly way, after Franke's death, and when afterwards there was but little real, vital godliness found in these schools, yet tens of thousands of children were benefited at least for this life. Now these Institutions have existed already 150 years, and are in existence still: and, if the Lord Jesus tarry, are likely, humanly speaking, to exist hereafter, as they have existed hitherto. Suppose then, that dear man of God, A. H. Franke, had listened to the suggestions of unbelief, and said, I must not undertake this work, for what will become of it after my death, then all the blessing which spiritually resulted from it to thousands, and all the temporal benefits which have resulted from it to hundreds of thousands, would have been lost. I add, however, this. The New Orphan House has been placed in the hands of eleven trustees, and has been properly enrolled in Chancery, and so also, should God condescend to honour me further in building for Him this intended house for 700 Orphans, it would likewise be placed in the hands of trustees and enrolled in Chancery. One word in conclusion on this subject: let every one take heed lest, in caring about what will become of the next generation, he forget to serve his own generation. The latter each one should seek to do with his might, and thus it should be with each succeeding generation; then, though we be dead, yet should we be speaking. A. H. Franke is long since gone to his rest, but he spoke to my soul in 1826, and he is speaking to my soul now; and to his example I am greatly indebted for having been stirred up to care about poor children in general, and about poor Orphans in particular.
8. The last objection which has occurred to my own mind is, that by building another Orphan House, I should be in danger of being lifted up. Answer: I should be in danger of it indeed, and am in great danger, even were I not in the least degree to go forward. Yea, the tenth part of the honour which the Lord has condescended to bestow upon me, and the tenth part of service with which He has been pleased to intrust me, would be enough, if I were left to myself, exceedingly to puff me up. I cannot say that hitherto the Lord has kept me humble; but I can say, that hitherto He has given me a hearty desire to give to Him all the glory, and to consider it a great condescension on His part that He has been pleased to use me as an instrument in His service. I do not see, therefore, that fear of being lifted up ought to keep me from going forward in this work; but that I have rather to beseech the Lord that He would be pleased to give me a lowly mind, and never suffer me to rob Him of the glory which is due to Him alone.
Jan. 25. Great pressure of work has kept me from going on writing my reasons for establishing another Orphan-House till now, but being more and more convinced that it is of God I should do so, I now proceed in writing.
Reasons for establishing another Orphan House for Seven Hundred Orphans.
1. The many applications for the admission of destitute Orphans, which continue to be made, I consider as a call from God upon me, to do all that is in my power to provide a Home and Scriptural Education for a still greater number of Orphans. Nothing but positive inability to go forward ought to keep me standing still, whilst I have almost daily fresh entreaties to receive Orphans. Since I began writings on this subject in my journal, thirty more Orphans have been applied for, from two years old and upwards. I cannot refuse to help, as long as I see a door open, and opened by God, as I consider, to help them.
2. The moral state of the Poorhouses greatly influences me to go forward. I have heard it again and again, from good authority, that children, placed in the Unions, are corrupted, on account of the children of vagrants, and other very bad young people who are in such places; so that many poor relatives of Orphans, though unable to provide for them, cannot bear the idea of their going there, lest they should be corrupted. I therefore judge that, even for the sake of keeping Orphans of poor yet respectable people from being obliged to mix with the children of vagabonds, I ought to do, to my utmost power, all I can to help them. For this reason, then, I purpose, in dependence upon the living God, to go forward and to establish another Orphan House for seven hundred destitute children, who are bereaved of both parents. When writing thus about the Poorhouses, I do not wish it to be understood in the way of reproof; for I know not how these matters could be altered; but simply state the fact that thus it is.
3. In this purpose I am the more confirmed, since it is a fact, that the Orphan Houses already in existence in the kingdom are by no means sufficient to admit even the most deserving and distressing cases, and far less all that it would be well to provide for. Moreover, there is great difficulty connected with the admission of Orphans into most of the ordinary Orphan Establishments, on account of the votes which must be obtained, so that really needy persons have neither time nor money to obtain them. Does not the fact that there were six thousand young Orphans in the prisons of England about five years ago, call aloud for an extension of Orphan Institutions? By God's help, I will do what I can, to keep poor Orphans from prison.
4. In this purpose I am still further encouraged by the great help which the Lord has hitherto given me in this blessed service. When I look at the small beginning, and consider how the Lord has helped me now for more than fifteen years in the Orphan work; and when I consider how He has been pleased to help me through one great difficulty after another; and when I consider, especially, how, as with an unseen hand, almost against my will and former desires and thoughts, He has led me on from one step to another, and has enlarged the work more and more: I say, when I review all this, and compare with it my present exercise of mind, I find the great help, the uninterrupted help, which the Lord has given me for more than fifteen years, a great reason for going forward in this work. And this, trusting in Him, I am resolved to do.
5. A further reason for going forward in this service I see in the experience which I have had in it. From the smallest commencement up to the present state of the establishment, with its 300 Orphans, all has gone through my own hands. In the work itself I obtained the experience. It has grown with the work. I have been the sole director of the work, under God, from its smallest commencement. Now this is not an every day case. No committee member of a society, no president or vice-president of an institution, except they had been situated as myself, could have this experience. Coupled with this is the measure of gift which the Lord has been pleased to give me for such work, and for the exercise of which I am responsible to Him. These things, in connexion with the former reasons, it appears to me, are a call from God to go forward in a greater degree than ever in this work.
6. The spiritual benefit of still more Orphans is another especial reason, why I feel called to go forward. The Orphans, who have been under my care hitherto, were almost all the children of parents who were naturally weak in body, if not consumptive. The very fact of a child being deprived of both parents when four, five, six, or seven years old, shows that, except the parents lost their lives by casualty, they were constitutionally weak. On this account young Orphans, generally speaking, require particular care as to their health. In this respect I desire to care for them; but there is more than that to be attended to. I further heartily desire to keep them from the corrupting and demoralizing effect of the lowest sort of children in the streets, courts and Unions; but I desire more for them than mere decency and morality. I desire that they should be useful members of society, and that the prisons of the United Kingdom should not be filled with poor, destitute, and homeless Orphans. We bring them up therefore in habits of industry, and seek to instruct them in those things which are useful for the life that now is; but I desire more than this for the Orphans. I cannot be satisfied with anything concerning them short of this, that their souls be won for the Lord. For this reason I long to have them from their earliest days, yea, the younger the better, under my care, that thus, under godly nurses and teachers, they may be brought up in the fear of the Lord. Now as this is the chief and primary aim concerning the dear Orphans, even the salvation of their souls through faith in the Lord Jesus, I long to be more extensively used than hitherto, even that I may have a thousand of them instead of three hundred under my care.
7. But there is one point which weighs more strongly with me than even the last mentioned one. It is this. When I began the Orphan Work more than fifteen years ago, it was for the definite and especial purpose, that, by means of it, the unconverted might see, through the answers of prayer that I received in connection with it, that there is verily reality in the things of God; and that the children of God might have their faith strengthened by means of it, and be encouraged, in all simplicity to deal with God under every circumstance, and trust in Him at all times. But if this would be answered in a measure by the state in which the Orphan Work has been in former times, and more so by what it has been since the erection of the New Orphan House, it would be still more so, by the blessing of God, by my going forward in it to a far greater degree than before. This point, even the glory of God in the manifestation of His readiness to hear prayer, has weighed especially and supremely with me in purposing to enlarge the Orphan Work.
8. Lastly, I am peaceful and happy, spiritually, in the prospect of enlarging the work, as on former occasions when I had to do so. This weighs particularly with me as a reason for going forward. After all the calm, quiet, prayerful consideration of the subject for about eight weeks, I am peaceful and happy, spiritually, in the purpose of enlarging the field. This, after all the heart searching which I have had, and the daily prayer to be kept from delusion and mistake in this thing, and the be-taking myself to the Word of God, would not be the case, I judge, had not the Lord purposed to condescend to use me more than ever in this service.
I, therefore, on the ground of the objections answered, and these eight reasons for enlarging the work, come to the conclusion that it is the will of the blessed God, that His poor and most unworthy servant should yet more extensively serve Him in this work, which he is quite willing to do.
Up to this day, January 25, 1851, I have not spoken to one human being about it. As yet even my dear wife knows not about it. I purpose to keep the matter still for some time entirely to myself, dealing with God alone about it, in order that no outward excitement may be in the least degree a stimulus to me. I still pray to be kept from mistake and delusion in this thing, not that I think I am mistaken or deluded, quite the reverse; but yet I would distrust myself and cling to God, to be kept from mistakes and delusions.
January 31st. For several weeks past I have had no doubt that the Lord would have me to serve Him in the erection and fitting up of another Orphan-House for seven hundred Orphans, and I am quite decided on doing so, with His help, and I am now quiet about it, not because I have the least misgiving in my own mind, but because I know that it is most suitable that I should still for some time continue to deal quietly with God alone about it.
March 5th. Nearly five weeks have passed away since I wrote the last paragraph, and my mind has not been once, during this time, even for a moment, in uncertainty as to what I ought to do. It is now about fifteen weeks since I have been especially praying about this subject, and three months since. I began first to write on the subject in my journal, and about ten weeks since I have had any doubt as to what is the will of the Lord concerning this service. I believe that, altogether unworthy though I am of this great honour, He will condescend to use me further and more extensively than before in caring for destitute children who are bereaved of both parents. And this I purpose to do.
April 5th. Another month has passed away, and my mind is just in the same state as it was when I wrote in my journal on the subject on March 5th.
May 5th. One more month has passed away, and still my mind remains quietly assured that, utterly unworthy though I am to be allowed to go forward in this work, and great though the difficulties are, which must be overcome, yet that it is the will of God I should serve Him in this way. It is now this day five months since I first wrote on this subject in my journal, and longer even than that since it has been before rue, during which time I have day by day prayed concerning this matter.
May 24th. From the time that I began to write down the exercises of my mind on Dec. 5th, 1850, till this day, ninety-two more Orphans have been applied for, and seventy-eight were already waiting for admission before. But this number increases rapidly as the work becomes more and more known.
On the ground of what has been recorded above, I purpose to go forward in this service, and to seek to build, to the praise and honour of the living God, another Orphan-House, large enough to accommodate seven hundred Orphans.
When I published these exercises of my mind, and made known my purpose respecting the intended Orphan-House for 700 Orphans, in the Twelfth Report of the Scriptural Knowledge Institution, the following particulars were added to what has been stated.
1. All this time, though now six months have elapsed since. I first began to be exercised about this matter, I have never once been led to ask the Lord for means for this work, but have only continued day by day to seek guidance from Him as to whether I should undertake it or not.
2. The means requisite, to accomplish the building and fitting up of a house, which shall be really suitable for my intended purposes, though the building be quite simple, cannot be less than Thirty-Five Thousand Pounds, including fifteen or twenty acres of land round the building for cultivation by the spade, in order to obtain out of our own grounds all the vegetables, which are so important to the health of the children.
3. I do not mean to begin the building until I have the means requisite in hand, just as was the case with regard to the New Orphan-House. If God will condescend to use me in building for Him another Orphan-House (as I judge He will), He will give me the means for it. Now though I have not on my mind any doubt left that it is His will I should do so; yet there is one point still wanting for confirmation, and that is that He will also furnish me, without personal application to any one, with all the means requisite for this new part of my service. I the more need also to my own soul this last of all the proofs that I have not been mistaken, in order to have unquestionable assurance that, whatever trials hereafter may be allowed to befall me in connexion with this work, I did not at my own bidding and according to my own natural desire undertake it, but that it was under the guidance of God. The greatness of the sum required affords me a kind of secret joy; for the greater the difficulty to be overcome, the more will it be seen to the glory of God, how much can be done by prayer and faith; and also, because, when God Himself overcomes our difficulties for us, we have, in this very fact, the assurance that we are engaged in His work and not in our own.
4. It is intended to place this Orphan-House also, as was the New Orphan-House, in the hands of godly Trustees.
5. Orphans from any part of the world, provided they speak English, if bereaved of both parents, lawfully begotten, and in destitute circumstances, are intended to be admitted, as is the ease now, irrespective of any sectarian feeling or preference whatever. Neither entrance money nor any particular interest will be required, in order to obtain a ticket for the admission of destitute Orphans, bereaved of both parents, as long as there is room.
6. Individuals who desire to contribute towards the Building Fund for this intended Orphan-House for seven hundred destitute Orphans, are requested to state that the donation is "for the Building Fund." Indeed concerning all the donations for any part of the Scriptural Knowledge Institution for Home and Abroad, it is requested that the donors will kindly state, for what they wish their donations to be applied; or to say expressly that they leave the application of their donations to me, as the various objects may more particularly need help.
Supplies for the School—, Bible—, Missionary and Tract Fund, sent in answer to prayer, from May 26, 1850, to May 26, 1851.
At the commencement of this period it was my purpose to seek help from the Lord that I might be able, in a still greater degree than before, to assist brethren who labour in the Gospel, at Home and Abroad, in dependence upon God for their temporal supplies, and to labour more than ever in the circulation of the Holy Scriptures and of simple Gospel Tracts. The following extracts from my journal will now show how kind the Lord has been in answering my requests, and in furnishing me with the means for carrying out the desire of my heart.
June 7, 1850. Today I have received 50l. for missions from a Brother whose heart the Lord has inclined to spend, as a steward of God, a second property, with which He has intrusted him.
June 10. Received 150l., the disposal of which was left to me. I took half for the Orphans and half for these objects.
June 11. Received from C. W. 50l. for missions.—By these sums which, besides smaller donations, came in within the first fifteen days of this period, I was able to begin to carry out my purpose; and as the Lord enabled me, without anxious reckoning, to go on giving out as He was pleased to intrust me with means, so again He sent further supplies before all was gone. It is a point of great importance in the divine life, not to be anxiously reckoning about the morrow, nor dealing out sparingly, on account of possible future wants, which never may come; but to consider, that only the present moment to serve the Lord is ours, and that the morrow may never come to us.
July 2. 170l. has come in today. The donor kindly gave me permission to use this amount as might be most needed. I took therefore 80l. of it for the Orphans, the other for these objects.
Of the various donations which came in for these objects, between July 2nd and Aug. 13th, I only mention, that I received on Aug. 5th a silver salver, 2 silver table spoons, a silver sugar spoon, and a silver mustard spoon; all to be sold for missionary purposes. On Aug. 13th a Christian Friend gave me 50l., of which I took one half for missionary operations and the other half for the Orphans, as the donation was left at my disposal as most needed.
Aug. 15. Today I have received from the same donor, who sent me on June 7th 50l., another donation of 110l, of which he wishes me to apply 10l. for the use of the Orphans and 100l. for missionary purposes. This day I have also received a donation of 120l., of which I took half for the Orphans, and half for these objects.—Several other small donations came in on the following day.
Aug. 24. Have received from C. W. 30l., of which the donor kindly intends 10l. for foreign missions, 10l. for the Orphans, and 10l. for my own personal expenses. I have sent out already during this month 170l. to Home and Foreign labourers, and the Lord continues to give me means for this and all the other parts of the work.
Sept. 14. Received again 190l., of which I took half for the Orphans and half for these objects.
Sept. 19. Today I received a registered letter from the donor referred to under June 7th and Aug. 15th containing Four Hundred Pounds and these words:
"Dear Brother,
Herewith I send you 400l., of which three parts are to be expended on missionaries, the rest you may expend on the Orphans, if needed; else the whole to be disposed of to the Lord's ministering servants. I thank you for your prayers that I may not regret this step. Were the Lord to come tomorrow, how glad I should be that the whole was thus sent on before me! . . If yourself or dear brother Craik (to whom give my love in Christ) are at all in need, scruple not to take five pounds each.
Yours in the Lord Jesus,
* * * * *"
I took the whole amount for labourers in the word and doctrine. My soul does magnify the Lord for His condescension in listening to my supplications, and, in answer to them, sending me means, and thus allowing me more and more to help missionary brethren. During the last five weeks I have sent again to them about 300l., but I long to be more than ever their servant. What the donor says about "the money going before him," is in reference to his having now spent two properties for the Lord.
Sept. 27. Still further abundant help. Received from a new donor 200l., which, being left at my disposal as most needed, I took of it 100l. for the Orphans, and 100l. for these objects.
Oct. 9. The Lord condescends to use me more and more as His steward. Today I have again received 200l., which might be used as most needed. I have therefore taken of it 100l. for the Orphans, and the other half for these objects.
Oct. 28. Since Oct. 9th many small donations have come in, chiefly for missions; now today I received again 200l., of which I took one half for the Orphans, and the other half for these objects. By these donations (large and small) the Lord enables me to send more and more help to Home and Foreign labourers. During the last seven weeks, only little, comparatively, has come in for these objects, while several hundred pounds have been expended; yet, through the rich abundance which the Lord had sent me before, I have not only had no lack of means, but had still about 300l. in hand, before this donation was received today. Nevertheless it was very sweet to receive it as the fruit of earnest prayer for several weeks, as so little, comparatively, had come in during the last seven weeks.
Dec. 18. This evening was given to me 90l. As the donor stated in the course of conversation, that he felt especially interested about those brethren who labour in the Gospel in various countries, whom I seek to assist, I took of this sum 60l. for that object, and 30l. for the Orphans.
Jan. 4, 1851. This evening I received Three Thousand Pounds, of which I took half for these objects, and half for the Orphans, as the disposal of it was entirely left to me. I am thus enabled more and more to enlarge the work, and to assist increasingly home and foreign labourers in the Word. When I gave myself more particularly to this part of the work, now about six years since, I had not the least human prospect of being able to do so much; but the Lord has been pleased to condescend to listen to my supplications on behalf of these brethren who trust in Him for their temporal supplies. I am in this way also furnished with means, on a larger scale than ever, to circulate copies of the Holy Scriptures and simple Gospel Tracts, which was always of deep importance, but in these days of increasing darkness more so than ever.
Jan. 11. A further rich supply. I have received 150l., of which I took half for the Orphans and half for these objects, as the disposal of it was left to me.
Feb. 24. The donor, who has spent two properties in the service of the Lord, receiving a present of 100l., sent me today 50l. of it for missions. This instance shows, that if we use the means with which the Lord may intrust us, as stewards for Him, He will make us stewards over more.
Since Feb. 1851, the donor just now referred to has come into the possession of a third property, which likewise, as the two previous ones, he has entirely spent for the Lord.
March 7. Exceedingly little, comparatively, has come in since Jan. 11th; yet, as I had means, I expended them to the full degree in which it appeared to me that the Lord pointed out openings, and, in the meantime, I continued praying for more means. Now the Lord has again given much encouragement for continuing to wait upon Him, by a donation of 200l., received today, of which the donor kindly wishes me to take 20l. for my own personal expenses, and the 180l. to be used as may be most needed, which sum I have divided between the Orphans and the other objects.
April 15. From C. W. 40l. for foreign missions.
April 17. Further supplies for missionary purposes. This evening 1 found a letter containing a check for 50l., of which the donor intends one half for missionary purposes, and the other for the Orphans.
April 30. Received 200l., of which I took half for the Orphans and half for these objects. Besides the donations above referred to, of a larger kind, I received for these objects more than two hundred other donations in pence, shillings, pounds, five pounds, ten pounds, and upwards, during this period. In order to save room I have refrained from particularizing these smaller sums, and especially because it was my more immediate object to show, by the above, how bountifully the Lord was pleased to furnish me with means for the carrying out my desires concerning these objects. Yea, the Lord so abundantly supplied me with means, that during the whole of this period there came not one single case before me in which it would have been desirable to help, according to the measure of light given to me, or to extend the work, without my having at the same time ample means for doing so. In the midst of the great depression of the times, which was so generally felt, and on account of which, humanly speaking, I also might have been exceedingly tried for want of means, I, on the contrary, at no period of the work for the seventeen years previous had a greater abundance of means. I do on purpose lay stress upon this, because I desire that it may become increasingly known, that there is no easier, no better, and no happier way in the end than God's way, and this in particular also with regard to the obtaining of means, simply in answer to prayer, without personal application to any one. I value all the smaller donations which have not been referred to, as well as the larger ones; and many of them, in the sight of the Lord, may have been greater donations than the hundreds of pounds which have been mentioned; but it appeared to me necessary to give the above facts, as I could not mention every single donation, in order to prove the easy way in which prayer and faith may procure means, if we walk uprightly, and if the work in which we are engaged is really the work of God. Were the obtaining of money my aim, by thus writing, it would be bad policy indeed, to bring out all these instances of rich and most abundant supplies for the work; for persons might be led to think that I need no money, or that, if I did, I should have only to pray and it would soon come in, through some one or other, without their helping me; but since my chief aim in the whole work, and in the writing of these accounts in particular, is, that the blessedness of the life of faith may be seen, and that the hearts of the children of God may be allured more and more to their Heavenly Father, and be led more and more to cast their every care upon Him, and to trust in Him at all times, yea, in the darkest moments, therefore I take pleasure in speaking about this rich abundance which God gave me for His own work.
Some readers may say, And what use was made of the money which was received in this way? Such a one is referred, for a full answer, to the next chapter but one, which speaks of the operations of the Scriptural Knowledge Institution for Home and Abroad; yet I would give to him here a few outlines of the operations of the Institution. By the funds, which were intrusted to me during this period, several hundred poor children and adults were provided with schooling; many hundreds of copies of the Holy Scriptures were circulated; about three hundred thousand Gospel Tracts were distributed; forty-five preachers of the Gospel in the East Indies, British Guiana, Canada, the United States, France, Switzerland, Germany, Ireland, Scotland and England were, to a greater or less degree, assisted with pecuniary help; and, lastly, three hundred Orphans were provided with everything they needed for this life, besides being under continual Scriptural instruction. Thus, at least, fifteen thousand souls were during this period under habitual Scriptural instruction in connection with this Institution, either in the Sunday Schools, Adult Schools, Day Schools, and the Orphan House, or through the preachers of the Gospel referred to.
Supplies for the support of the Orphans, sent in answer to prayer, from May 26, 1850, to May 26, 1851.
When this period commenced, I had more in hand for the Orphans than for many years before, under similar circumstances, the balance for current expenses on May 26, 1850, being 150l. 7s. 10d. Yet, much as this was, in comparison with what the balance had generally been before, how small was the amount in reality! About 300 persons were connected with the New Orphan House, who day by day were to be provided with all they needed, besides several apprentices who also were still to be supported. On this account, the one hundred and fifty pounds in hand would only furnish that which was needed for about fifteen days, as the average expenses of the Orphan Work alone were about Ten pounds daily.10 Place yourself, therefore, dear reader, in my position. Three hundred persons daily at table, and 150l. in hand! Looking at it naturally, it is enough to make one tremble; but, trusting in the living God, as by His grace I was enabled to do, I had not the least trial of mind, and was assured that God would as certainly help me as He had done fourteen years before, when the number of the Orphans was only the tenth part as large. The following record will now show that I was not mistaken; and thus another precious proof is furnished to the believing reader of the truth of that word: "Whosoever believeth on Him shall not be confounded."
On the very first day of this new period I received from a sister in the Lord 6l. Another sister gave me 3l., the price of a piece of work done by her. Thus, as the Lord commenced this period, so He was pleased generally day by day to send me something, either in small or large donations. I can, however, only refer to a few instances, to save space.
Between May 26 and June 30, 1850, God was pleased to send in 193l. 4s. 5d., so that I had more than enough with the balance left in hand, to meet all the expenses.
July 1. Paid an account to a Christian brother, and received 10l. back from him for the Orphans. More than 3l. came in besides.
July 2. Received 170l., of which I took 80l. for the Orphans, the rest for the other objects. 17l. 10s. 1d. came in besides.
On Aug. 16th I had purposed to leave Bristol for a time, having been for two years and four months uninterruptedly there, in the midst of more work than I had ever had before. I went, not because I was quite unfit for work, but in order that, labouring for a little while in a different air, I might, with the blessing of God, keep off illness. On the 13th, when going to take lodgings in the country, a Christian, residing at a distance, whom I met, by God's ordering, no doubt, gave me at the Railway station, just before starting, 50l., of which I took half for the Orphans and half for missionary purposes. On the 15th I received 110l., of which 100l. was intended for missions, and 10l. for the Orphans; and also on the same day 120l. Both donations were from considerable distances. Besides this I received several small donations, so that within three days, from the 13th to the 16th, came in about 300l. While absent from the work, from Aug. 16th to Sept. 13th, I was able to help by my prayers. This was the heaviest month in the way of current expenses. During no month, all the sixteen years and five months previously, had there been so much expended for current expenses, as in August, 1850; but, by what was in hand on August 1, by what came in, as just related, and by all the many smaller donations, we were most comfortably helped through. While absent I was also enabled to wait upon God for means for the work, besides seeking His blessing in other respects. That this was not in vain, was most evident; for not only did many donations come in while I was away, but, on my return, God so abundantly poured in the means, that, within thirteen days after, I received altogether about One Thousand Pounds; for on the very morning after my return, Sept. 14th, came in 190l., on Sept 19th 400l., on Sept. 17th 31l. 18s. 3d., on Sept. 25th 50l., on Sept. 27th 200l., besides many donations of smaller amounts. Truly I do not wait on the Lord in vain! One thing more I must add here. For several years I had not been so poor, with regard to means for myself, as when going away for change of air. But seeing it to be the will of God that I should go, I was sure that He would help me. Thus it was. On Aug. 13th my dear wife received from a sister in the Lord 5l. for change of air; and from a Christian lady near Bridgewater was sent to me for my own personal expenses 1l., from Cork 2l., and from a brother in Bristol 1l. On Aug. 15th was sent for myself from a considerable distance 18l. 11s. 3d. On Aug. 21st from Glasgow 1l. On Aug. 24th from Sunderland 1s., from Cork 1l., and from Liverpool 10l. Thus the Lord sent me for my own personal expenses such an abundance, that from Aug. 13th to Sept. 13th, 1850, I received altogether 61l. 13s. 6d. Truly I serve a good master, and this I delight to show. Not only with regard to the obtaining of means for the work, in which I am engaged, have I found simple trust in the Lord alone the easiest, the happiest, and the best way; but also in the obtaining of supplies for my own personal necessities.
Nov. 27. For seven weeks the income has been very small, in comparison with what has been expended, both for the Orphans and for the various other objects of the Scriptural Knowledge Institution. There has come in for the Orphans 187l. 16s. 2 3/4 d., and for the other objects 62l. 11s. 1d.; and the expenditure has been for the Orphans during these seven weeks 477l. 2s. 11d., and for the various other objects 394l. 9s. 8d. Therefore altogether 871l. 12s. 7d. has been expended, whilst the income altogether has been only 250l. 7s. 3 3/4 d. Of course, we have not gone into debt, as we never order anything, except we have the means in hand for it. Nor has there been even the least difficulty experienced with regard to means, as the Lord in His kindness had sent in considerable sums just before this season commenced. About 330 persons now sit down to their meals in the New Orphan House, day by day, and the expenses for the Orphans alone are about Ten Pounds daily, and those for the other parts of the work are also about Ten Pounds daily, so that I need to receive after the rate of 20l. a day, in order to go on with the work; but during these forty-nine days there has been only one single day that I have received about 20l., and for the greater part of the time only a few pounds daily, and sometimes even only a few shillings. But what was to be done under these circumstances? I gave myself to prayer. God, whom I have now been enabled to make my refuge, and my only refuge for more than twenty years, I have besought day by day. And when now day by day I still have received only small sums, and sometimes nothing or scarcely anything at all: the only effect that it has had upon me has been, to pray the more earnestly. My confidence in God is not at all shaken. I have never had a thought that He would not help me; nor have I even once been allowed to look upon these seven weeks in any other way than that the Lord, for the trial of my faith, has ordered it thus that only so little should come in. I am sure that, when He has tried me sufficiently, there will come in again larger sums. In the mean time, how good has the Lord been, not only to have given all I have needed, but I have even now money in hand! And as to our stores in the New Orphan-House, they are as full as usual. We have at least 150 sacks of potatoes in the house, 20 sacks of flour, 33 barrels of oatmeal, each containing about 200 lbs., about 300 pairs of new shoes (besides about 900 pairs in use), about ten tons of coal, a large quantity of soap and rice; and so all other parts of the stores in proportion. Indeed while there has been little coming in, I have just ordered articles in the wholesale way as formerly, when our income was perhaps four or five times as much during the same period. My judgment is, that it will now soon please the Lord again to send in larger sums, as He has been pleased to exercise my faith for some time in this way. Let me see the result!
Nov. 28. This morning the Lord has given me a fresh proof, that I had not waited on Him in vain, and that my confidence in Him, as recorded last evening, has not been confounded. I received early this morning a donation of 200l., of which I took one half for the Orphans and the other half for the other objects.
Nov. 30. Evening. I am brought to the close of another month. Great have been the expenses, as I have paid out above 400l. for the Orphans, and above 200l. for the other objects; but I have always had the means to meet every payment.
Jan. 4, 1851. Besides a donation of 1l. from Newton Ferrers, 1l. 8s. from Keswick, 4l. 6s. 9d. from the neighbourhood of Bath, I received also this morning anonymously from Torquay 5s. worth of postages, with these words: "Open thy mouth wide, and I will fill it." I am doing this. I expect much, very much indeed, in every way. I also expect much in the way of means. Evening. This very day the Lord has given me a most precious proof, that He delights in our having large expectations from Him. "My mouth has been filled," according to the portion of Holy Scripture sent to me this morning. I have received this evening the sum of Three Thousand Pounds, being the largest donation which I have had as yet. I have had very many donations of 100l. and of 200l., several of 300l., one of 400l., several of 500l., some from 600l. to 900l., four of l000l., two of 2000l. and one of 2050l. But I never had more than this given to me at one time; yet I have expected more than 2050l. in one donation, and, accordingly, it has pleased the Lord to give me 3000l. this evening. I now write again that I expect far larger Sums still, in order that it may be yet more and more manifest, that there is no happier, no easier, and no better way of obtaining pecuniary means for the work of the Lord, than the one in which I have been led. How great my joy in God is, on account of this donation, cannot be described; but it is not in the least coupled with excitement. I take this donation out of the hands of the living God; I continually look for His help, and am perfectly assured that I shall have it, and therefore is my soul calm and peaceful, without any excitement, though the donation is so large. This donation is, however, like a voice from heaven, speaking to me concerning a most deeply important matter respecting which I am seeking guidance from the Lord, the building of another Orphan-House. For several years, while the Orphans were living in rented houses in Wilson Street, Bristol, it pleased the Lord to manifest His power by helping us from day to day, and sometimes even from meal to meal; but of late years He has more especially been pleased to show His power by sending us abundant supplies. Should it please Him, however, hereafter to cause us again to be similarly situated, He will surely help; and, by His grace, we will then trust in Him as heretofore. Moreover, though we have not been so low with regard to means, yet my faith has not been without trial even in this particular; but especially in other respects it has pleased God continually to keep my faith in exercise. This sum of 3000l. was entirely left at my disposal, and it was therefore portioned out thus: 1500l. for the Orphans, 500l. for foreign labourers in the Gospel, 500l. for home labourers in the Gospel, 200l. for the circulation of Gospel Tracts, 100l. for the circulation of the Holy Scriptures, and 200l. for the support of Day Schools, Adult Schools, and Sunday Schools.
As an instance to show in what a variety of ways the Lord is pleased to help me with means, I insert here the following kind but anonymous letter, which was left at my house on January 27th, 1851.
"Dear Mr. Mueller,
" I left at Mr. W—'s last week a donation of 1l. 1s. towards the Orphan-Houses, which I hope you received safely. It is indeed encouraging and strengthening to read the account of the many indubitable answers you have had to prayer, and I pray God, dear sir, to strengthen your hands, and prolong your life, if it be His will, that both the servants of Christ and of Satan, the former to their comfort, the latter to their confusion if not to their conversion, may see that God alone reigns, and that the hearts of all are in His hand. I now inclose you some coins (there are 18), which may be disposed of for the Orphan-Houses. Truly we wish you good luck in the name of the Lord.
"Believe me, dear sir,
"To remain your unknown but true Friend,
"A Minister of the Church of England."
"N.B. I earnestly solicit an interest in your prayers."
The letter contained a two-guinea piece, a small Portuguese gold coin, 15 silver coins, and a copper coin.
March. 7. Very great have been the expenses for the Orphans of late. During the short month of February alone I spent 386l. for them. For nearly eight weeks, since Jan. 11th, the expenses have been nearly four times as great as the income, which, however, I have been able amply to meet, on account of the previous abundance which the Lord had been pleased to send in. Now, however, after much prayer for means, the Lord has been pleased to refresh my heart by a donation of 200l., referred to under this date in the account of the income for the other objects. I took of this sum 90l. for the Orphans. I received also this day 4l. 10s., being the bequest of a Swiss brother in the Lord, who fell asleep in Devonshire, and who desired that what he left should be sold for the benefit of the Orphans.
April 30. At the morning exposition of the Holy Scriptures at the New Orphan-House, I was led particularly to dwell upon the blessedness of the believer having to do with the living God, and referred, in the way of illustration, to His care in supporting the Orphan Work. Immediately after the exposition was over, I received a donation of 12l. 12s. for the Orphans, another of 200l. (which I took half for the Orphans and half for the other objects), and in the afternoon came in still further through the boxes in the New Orphan-House 2l. 14s. 4 1/2 d. Concerning the donation of 12l. 12s. the hand of the Lord is the more manifest, in that it came from a place whence. I had never received any donation, as far as I know, and towards it a vicar, an archdeacon, and one of the Queen's chaplains contributed, gentlemen entirely unknown to me, and yet they felt thus kindly disposed towards this work.
May 26. I am brought to the close of this period. The work is more and more enlarging. During the last month I have paid out for the Orphans more than 450l., and for the other objects more than 500l., being nearly One Thousand Pounds during one month; and yet I have a greater balance left in hand, through the Lord's kindness, than at the close of any of the previous periods.
Of the several hundreds of donations, large and small, received during this period, I have thus taken a few, to show in what way it pleased the Lord to supply me with means for the Orphan Work.
Miscellaneous Points respecting the Scriptural Knowledge Institution for Home and Abroad, with reference to the period from May 26, 1850 to May 26, 1851.
1. There were during this period four Day Schools in Bristol, with 286 children in them, entirely supported by the funds of the Institution, and three others in Devonshire, Gloucestershire, and Norfolk, with 180 children in them, were assisted.—Further, one Sunday School in Bristol, with 184 children, was entirely supported, and two others, in Devonshire and Gloucestershire, with 213 children, were assisted.— Lastly, an Adult School in Bristol, with 90 persons in it, was entirely supported.—The expenses connected with all these various Schools were, during this period, 379l. 17s.—From the formation of the Institution, on March 5, 1834, up to May 26, 1851, there were 5,343 children in the various Day Schools in Bristol alone, 2,379 in the Sunday School, and 1,896 persons in the Adult Schools, besides the thousands in the Schools out of Bristol, which were assisted.
2. During this period I sought again especially to supply very poor persons, whose character was known by their being visited, with copies of the Holy Scriptures; and also to put copies which are printed with large type in to the hands of aged persons, which seems to me of especial need, as such Bibles are still expensive, considering the means of the poor. There was expended during this period, out of the funds of the Institution, on the circulation of the Holy Scriptures, 150l. 16s. 5d. There were 345 Bibles sold and 899 given away; and 30 New Testaments sold, and 413 given away, during this period. From March 5, 1834, to May 26, 1851, there were circulated 7,709 Bibles and 4,442 New Testaments.
3. During this year was spent of the Funds of the Institution for Missionary objects the sum of 2000l. 11s. 1d. By this sum, forty-five labourers in the word and doctrine, in various parts of the world, were to a greater or less degree assisted. The amount sent to each of these servants of Christ was as follows.
To No. 1. Labouring in British Guiana 91l. 10s.
To No. 2. Ditto 82l.
To No. 3. Ditto 80l. 10s.
To No. 4. Ditto 55l.
To No. 5. Ditto 55l.
To No. 6. Ditto 30l.
To No. 7. Ditto 20l.
To No. 8. Ditto 10l.
To No. 9. Labouring in the East Indies 100l.
To No. 10. Ditto 40l.
To No. 11. Ditto 40l.
To No. 12. Ditto 20l.
To No. 13 Ditto 14l.
To No. 14 Labouring in Canada 20l.
To No. 15 Ditto 20l.
To No. 16 Labouring in the United States 30l.
To No. 17 Labouring in France 60l.
To No. 18. Labouring in Switzerland 50l.
To No. 19. Ditto 10l.
To No. 20. Ditto 10l.
To No. 21. Labouring in Germany 10l.
To No. 22. Labouring in Ireland 70l.
To No. 23. Labouring in Scotland 115l.
To No. 24. Labouring in England 130l.
To No. 25. Labouring in England 115l.
To No. 26. Ditto 80l.
To No. 27. Ditto 65l.
To No. 28. Ditto 65l.
To No. 29. Ditto 57l.
To No. 30. Ditto 50l.
To No. 31. Ditto 50l.
To No. 32. Ditto 50l.
To No. 33. Ditto 45l.
To No. 34. Ditto 45l
To No. 35. Ditto 30l.
To No. 36. Ditto 30l.
To No. 37. Ditto 30l.
To No. 38. Ditto 20l.
To No. 39. Ditto 15l.
To No. 40. Ditto 10l.
To No. 41. Ditto 10l.
To No. 42. Ditto 10l.
To No. 43. Ditto 10l.
To No. 44. Ditto 5l.
To No. 45. Ditto 5l.
There was also sent to me anonymously for the support of native preachers of the Gospel in China 11s. ld., which was forwarded . . . . . . . 11s. 1d.
The total amount of 2000l. was sent to these forty-five servants of the Lord Jesus in 264 different sums, generally not less than 5l. and not more than 10l. at one time to each, except there were especial reasons pointing to a different course. Almost all these brethren were habitually assisted; a few needed only occasional assistance.
I have great joy, in being able to inform the believing reader, that it pleased the Lord again to let great blessing rest upon the labours of these preachers of the Gospel, whom I sought to assist during this year; which is alike true both with reference to those who labour in our own country and those who preach the Word in foreign lands.
I consider it a great privilege to be permitted to defray in part or altogether, from the funds of this institution, the expenses connected with the voyage and outfit of brethren who desire to go out as Missionaries, or to help them after their arrival in their field of labour; but I do not bind myself to support them habitually, seeing that thus they would be out of the position of simple dependence upon God for their temporal supplies.
4. During this period 358l. 7s. 3d. was expended on the circulation of Tracts, and 303,098 Tracts and Little Books were circulated.
The Lord was pleased to give me such an abundance of opportunities for circulating tracts by means of godly men, both in this and foreign countries, that, during this year, I was permitted to send out more tracts than during the whole of the previous ten years taken together. Nor must it be withheld from the reader, as matter for thankfulness, that the Lord was pleased to allow me to hear again and again of instances of conversion, by means of the distribution of these Tracts during this period.
5. On May 26, 1850, there were Two Hundred and Seventy-five Orphans in the New Orphan House on Ashley Down, Bristol. There were admitted into it, during this year, 45 Orphans, making 320 in all. Of these, however, two were removed by their relatives, who were able by that time to provide for them, seven died during the year, five of the elder girls were sent out to service, and six of the elder boys were apprenticed; so that on May 26, 1851, there were 300 Orphans in the New Orphan House. The total number of Orphans who were under our care from April, 1836, to May 26, 1851, is Four Hundred and Eighty-Eight. There came in altogether during this year 4102l. 14s. 9 1/4 d. for the support of the Orphans, and 3,640l. 9s. 1 3/4 d. for the other objects; and, after having met to the full every demand with reference to the Orphans, the balance of 970l. 13s. 11 3/4 d. remained in hand. Also, after having entered into every door, which the Lord was pleased to set before me respecting the other objects, and to do far more than during any one year previously, the balance of 809l. 10s. 6d. remained in hand on May 26, 1851. Verily we do not trust in the Lord in vain!
Without any one having been personally applied to for anything by me, the sum of 38,018l. 4s. 6 1/2 d. was given to me for the Orphans as the result of prayer to God from the commencement of the work to May 26, 1851.—It may be also interesting to the reader to know, that the total amount which was given as free contributions, for the other objects, from the commencement of the work to May 26, 1851, amounted to 13,988l. 11s. 9 1/4 d.; and that which came in by the sale of Bibles and Tracts, and by the payments of the children in the Day-Schools, amounted to 2,890l. 9s. 11 3/4 d.—Besides this, also a great variety and number of articles of clothing, furniture, provisions, &e., were given for the use of the Orphans.
It pleased the Lord greatly to gladden our hearts by the working of His Holy Spirit among the Orphans during this period.
Matters connected with my own personal affairs, or the work of the Lord in my hands, not immediately connected with the Scriptural Knowledge institution, from May 26, 1850, to May 26, 1851.
Dec. 31, 1850. During this year there have been received into Fellowship 57, and altogether, from the time that Brother Craik and I began to labour in Bristol, 1313, which, with the 68 believers whom we found in Fellowship, make 1381. Of these 174 have fallen asleep, 160 have left us during these 18 years and a half, 355 have removed from Bristol, and 80 have been excluded from Fellowship; so that there are at present only 612 in communion.
During this year the Lord has been pleased to give me—-
1. By anonymous offerings through the Chapel boxes ... ... ... L148 11 0
2. By presents in money from believers in Bristol, not given anonymously 86 1 9
8. By presents in money from believers not residing in Bristol ... ... 160 0 8
4. By presents in provisions, clothes, &c., worth to us at least ... ... 7 11 0
L402 4 5
Further account of the intended Orphan House for Seven Hundred Poor Children, bereaved of both Parents by
death, from May 26, 1851, to May 26, 1852.
The reader will remember it was stated in the previous chapter on this subject, that I purposed, not in dependence upon my Christian Friends, nor upon former donors, but alone in dependence upon the living God, who, I trust, has called me for it, notwithstanding all my unworthiness, to enlarge the Orphan Work. The Godly reader will now be desirous to learn how far I have been helped, in this my intention, to enlarge the field of labour in caring for the vast numbers of helpless Orphans in our land. I will, therefore, give an extract, in the way of specimens, from the account book, kept for the purpose, together with the remarks and observations which I wrote down at the time of the receipt of the donations, and make also here and there additional remarks, as the occasion may call for.
Before I brought before the public my purpose, I gave the record of the exercises of my mind, on this subject, to a valued Christian friend to read, the only one who, besides my family, knew anything of my intention, before it came before the public. I did this particularly in order that, after waiting for several months in secret upon God for guidance and direction concerning it, I might also have the counsel of a prayerful, judicious, and cautious man of God. When this brother returned the manuscript, he spoke to me words of encouragement concerning this purpose, and gave me a half-sovereign towards the Building Fund for this house for 700 destitute Orphans. This was the first donation, which I received on May 13, 1851, and which, I confess, was a great refreshment and encouragement to me, the more so as it came from so cautious a brother, and after I had been for several months, through secret prayer, assured that I should go forward.
On May 28th, 1851, my intention became publicly known, and in the evening of May 29th I received from a Christian lady a sovereign towards the Building Fund.
May 30. One of the Orphans in the New Orphan House gave 6d. for the Building Fund, and one engaged in the work gave an old silver watch for sale and 5s.
June. 1. A brother in the Lord, who gives his donations with the letter "P.," gave me 10s.—I also received a sovereign.—This evening I received still further 4 half-crowns, with very encouraging words and expressions of joy, that I have been led to this purpose of building another Orphan House for 700 more Orphans.—There came to hand also anonymously 3s. Ditto an old shilling, a small American coin, and two shillings. Also from a Christian servant in Clifton 2s. 6d.
June. 3. From one of the Orphans in the New Orphan House 6d., and from another 6d.
June 4. From another Orphan in the New Orphan House, 6d. I received also 8s. 0 1/2 d., which the Orphans in the Girls' School of the New Orphan House gave between them for the Building Fund.
June 5. Through one of the boxes at the New Orphan House twopence and likewise one half-penny. These two small donations are very sweet to me. I take them as a further earnest, out of the hands of my heavenly Father, that He, in His own time, will give me the whole sum requisite. Evening: From a sister from Norwich 2s. 6d. From a sister in the Lord in Bristol 1s.
June. 6. Anonymously 5l. 0s. 1d., with these words: "Towards the Building Fund of the proposed Orphan House 2l., for Brother Mueller 1l. 10s., for Brother Craik 1l. 10s."
June 7. Anonymously 1s. 6d.
June. 8. From a brother 5s.—From one of the Orphans formerly under our care, a believer, a sovereign, of which she intends 5s. for the Building Fund, 5s. for present use for the Orphans, 5s. for Brother Craik, and 5s. for my own personal expenses. How sweet a donation! Anonymously 1s. From "P." 1s. 6d.
June 11. Anonymously, from Sunderland 1l—A lady gave to my daughter at my house 5l., but would not give her name.
June. 12. From Richmond 5l.
I have thus given minutely an account of the income during the first two weeks, after my purpose had become known; but shall now only, for the sake of brevity, refer to some of the donations.
June. 21. Twenty-four days have now passed away since I have been enabled, day by day, to wait with a goodly measure of earnestness and in faith upon the Lord for means; but as yet only a little above 28l. has come in. But I am not discouraged. The less there comes in, the more earnestly I pray, the more I look out for answers, and the more assured I am that the Lord, in His own time, after He has tried my faith, will send me larger sums, and, at last, all I need.
July 27. From a Christian gentleman in Clifton 20l. This donation has much refreshed my spirit. I am, day by day, expecting help from the Lord, in large and small sums as He pleases; but as He is trying my faith, in that only so little as yet has come in, this donation has been very precious.
Aug. 8. From a Christian lady in London 5l.—From Somersetshire 40l.
Aug. 12, Day by day I am waiting upon the Lord for means for this object, and generally more than once a day am bowing my knees before God with reference to it. Moreover, of late I have been enabled, with increasing earnestness, to beseech the Lord, that He would be pleased to send in means for the Building Fund. My soul has been all along at peace, though only so little as yet, comparatively, has come in (in all 127l. 19s. 9d.) and though Satan has, in the most subtle way, sought to shake my confidence, and to lead me to question, whether, after all, I had not been mistaken concerning this whole matter. Yet, though he has aimed after this, to the praise of God I have to confess, that he has not been allowed to triumph. I have especially besought the Lord of late, that He would be pleased to refresh my spirit by sending in some large donation for this part of the work. Under these circumstances, I received this morning the following letter with 500l.:
"* * * * August 8.
"My Dear Brother,
"Trusting that God has indeed called you to this work, viz., caring for poor Orphans, and will not allow you to be deceived as to His will regarding the increasing it, but will greatly use you for His own glory and for blessing to many poor destitute children, it is my desire, and I humbly thank our most gracious God and Father for the ability, to have fellowship with you in this work, as far as He permits. Will you, therefore, use the enclosed check for 500l. for the Orphans, towards the present Establishment or the proposed new one, as you may judge best, or taking any part thereof for one or the other. The Lord Jesus be your counselor, your joy, your strength, your all.
"Affectionately yours,
"* * * *"
I took the whole amount for the Building Fund. I was not in the least excited. I look out for means. Even at that very moment, when I received this donation, I was looking out for means, for large donations; and I should not have been surprised if 5,000l. had come in, or more. The Lord be praised for this precious encouragement, which has still further quickened me for prayer!
Aug. 14. From the neighbourhood of Leeds 10l.—From Essex 5l.
Aug. 15. Anonymously from Hull 5s.—From Cornwall a copy of "Greece" for sale.
Aug. 19. From Shirehampton 5l.
Aug. 20. From Mirfield 2l. Also 150l. came in today which, being left at my disposal by the donor, as most needed, I took the whole of this amount for the Building Fund, having sufficient means in hand for the current expenses of the various objects of the Scriptural Knowledge Institution.
Aug. 30. From M. S. 30l., of which the donor desires 20l. to be used for missionary objects, and 10l. for the Building Fund. The donor writes: "My present inducement to remit this is, that God has lately prospered me in business, and I had been putting by for this and a few other similar purposes, intending to make bequests in my will, but am convinced that this is the best course to pursue, if not the only justifiable one, with what I can spare from my business and other necessities."
Sept. 1. From a much afflicted sister seven dolls' bonnets for sale. — A picture in frame.
Sept. 2. From an individual living in Nicholas Street, Bristol, 1l.— From a brother in the Lord, in Wandsworth Road, London, 5s., with 1l. for present use for the Orphans, and 15s. for missionary purposes.— From a poor Christian widow in London 1s., with 1s. for present use for the Orphans.—I am day by day labouring in prayer for this object, and with a goodly measure of fervency of spirit, by the grace of God; and am day by day looking out for answers. These sums last recorded are but small, yet they tell me that my Heavenly Father is not unmindful of my supplications, and of those of His dear children who help me with their prayers, and that, in His own time, He will send me more, and also large sums. I magnify His holy name that He does not in the least allow me to question either His power or His willingness to give me all that I shall need; yea, my soul is as assured that I shall have this my request fully granted, unworthy though I am of it, as if the whole amount were already in my hand.
Sept. 4. From a Christian at Keswick 10s., and a lady through ditto 5s.
Sept. 5. From the neighbourhood of Keswick 1l.—From Hull 1l.— From Shrewsbury 20l.
Sept. 10. As yet the Lord delays sending in larger sums; but I am looking out for them, and am confidently expecting them. This delay is only for the trial of my faith; after He has tried it, He will help me. Applications for the admission of Orphans continue to be made. Within the last ten days eighteen poor children, bereaved of both parents, have been applied for; and since Aug. 15th, therefore in twenty-six days, thirty-two altogether. My heart longs to be allowed of God to help poor Orphans more extensively than ever. Whence the means are to come for the building of this house for 700 Orphans, I know not; but still, by God's help, my confidence in Him is not shaken. To Him it is a very small matter to give me all I need for this work.
Sept. 11. From Ludgvan 10s. Evening. Only these ten shillings have come in today, but three more Orphans have been applied for, making thirty-five in less than a month. Does not the Lord tell me by this, that He will provide another home for Orphans? I will therefore patiently wait upon Him for the means, and after He has tried my faith and patience, He will show Himself as the bearer and answerer of prayer. Today came in the course of my reading John xiv. 13, 14, "And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If ye shall ask anything in my name I will do it." I pleaded this word of promise, and look for answers, even for the fulfilment of this promise. Nor do I doubt that the Lord Jesus will fulfil this His promise in this my case.
Sept. 12. From Guildford 1l. 8s.—From Bath 1l.
Sept. 13. Patience and faith are still called for, and, by God's grace, my desire is to "let patience have her perfect work," Not one penny has come in today for the Building Fund, but five more Orphans have been applied for, so that now forty in less than one single month have been brought before me, all bereaved of both parents, and all very destitute. Under these circumstances, how can I but fervently labour in prayer that the Lord would be pleased to intrust me with means for building another Orphan-House for 700 Orphans. The more I look at things according to natural appearances and prospects, the less likely is it that I should have the sum which is needed; but I have faith in God, and my expectation is from Him alone. From the beginning I depended upon Him only, concerning this proposed enlargement of the work, and therefore have not been disappointed, though as yet only the fortieth part of what is needed has come in (882l. 18s. 7 1/2 d). But how soon, how very soon can the Lord alter the aspect of things. Even this very evening, while I am writing, He can give me many thousand pounds. I continue therefore, to wait upon God, and seek to encourage my heart by His holy word, and while he delays giving me answers, to be occupied in His blessed service. Of this, however, my soul has not the least doubt, that, when the Lord shall have been pleased to exercise my soul by the trial of faith and patience, He will make bare His arm, and send help. The fact that the applications for the admission of destitute Orphans are so many, does both quicken me to prayer, and is also a great encouragement to me, that the Lord will give me the desire of my heart, to provide another home for these destitute, fatherless and motherless children. |