[Transcriber's note: The name Zitkala-Sa is written with two dots on the S; entries marked with a degree symbol in the original are marked with @ in this ASCII version.]
Non minima pars eruditionis est bonos nosse libros
Inscription over the doorway of Bishop Cosin's Library, Durham, England
Copyright A.C. McCLURG & CO. 1909
Entered at Stationer's Hall, London, England
All rights reserved
Published October 9, 1909
The University Press, Cambridge, U.S.A.
PREFACE (p. ix)
This little book, a revision of one privately printed a few years ago, has been prepared for home use, and for this reason the classification has been made according to the age, and not the school grade, of the child. But as children differ so greatly in capacity, it should be understood that in this respect the arrangement is only approximate. The endeavor has been made to choose those fairy tales which are most free from horrible happenings, and to omit all writings which tolerate unkindness to animals. Humorous books are designated by a star and the few sad ones by a circle.
The prices given are the same as those in the publishers' catalogues; booksellers' prices are often less.
My thanks are extended to those publishers who have time and again courteously provided the facilities for the examination of their publications.
Miss Annie Carroll Moore, of the New York Public Library, was kind enough to read for me the notes and comments. I wish most gratefully to acknowledge the generous assistance given me by Miss Hewins, of (p. x) the Hartford Public Library, Miss Hunt, of the Brooklyn Public Library, and Miss Jordan, of the Boston Public Library, who examined the List, and suggested some changes and a few additions. Their approbation is elsewhere expressed. GERTRUDE WELD ARNOLD. NUTLEY, NEW JERSEY.
It is said, in that earliest collection of English proverbs which was made by John Heywood, more than three hundred years ago, that "Children must learn to creep before they can go." This little book for which I am asked to write a brief preface is, so far as I can find out, the first consistent effort yet made towards teaching children to read on John Heywood's principle. It is safe to say that it is destined to carry light and joy into multitudes of households. It is based upon methods such as I vaguely sighed after, nearly fifty years ago, when I was writing in the North American Review for January, 1866, a paper entitled Children's Books of the Year. The essay was written by request of Professor Charles Eliot Norton, then the editor of that periodical, and I can now see how immensely I should have been relieved by a book just like this Mother's List, a device such as nobody in that day had the wisdom and faithful industry to put together.
In glancing over the books discussed in that early paper of mine, it is curious to see how the very titles of some of the most prominent have now disappeared from sight. Where are the Little Prudy books (p. xii) which once headed the list? Where are the stories of Oliver Optic? Where is Jacob Abbott's John Gay; or Work for Boys? Even Paul and Virginia have vanished, taking with them the philosophic Rasselas and even the pretty story of Undine. Nothing of that list of thirty titles is now well remembered except Cooper's Leatherstocking and Jane Andrews's Seven Little Sisters Who Live on the Round Ball That Floats in the Air, a book which has been translated into the languages of remote nations of the globe, I myself having seen the Chinese and Japanese versions. Thus irregular is the award of time and we must accept it. Meanwhile this new book is organized on a better plan than any dreamed of at that former period, the books being arranged not merely by classes alone, but according to the age of the proposed readers and stretching in regular order from two years old until fourteen. The whole number of books being very large, there is no overdue limitation, and this forms the simple but magical method of reaching every variety of childish mind.
Thus excellent have been the changes: yet it is curious to (p. xiii) observe on closer study that the two classes of books which represent the two extremes among the childish readers—Mother Hubbard and Shakespeare—may still be said to be the opposite poles between which the whole world of juvenile literature hangs suspended. A child needs to be supplied with a proper diet of fancy as well as of fact; and of fact as well as fancy. He is usually so constituted that if he were to find a fairy every morning in his bread and milk at breakfast, it would not very much surprise him; while yet his appetite for the substantial food remains the same. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland seem nowhere very strange to him, while Chaucer and Spenser need only to be simply told, while Dana's Two Years Before the Mast and Hughes's Tom Brown's School Days at Rugby hold their own as well as Jack and the Bean-Stalk. Grown up people have their prejudices, but children have few or none. A pound of feathers and a pound of lead will usually be found to weigh the same in their scales. Nay, we, their grandparents, know by experience that there may be early cadences in their ears which may last all their lives. For instance, Caroline (p. xiv) Fry's Listener would now scarcely find a reader in any group of children, yet there is one passage in the book—one which forms the close of some beggar's story about "Never more beholding Margaret Somebody and her sunburnt child"—which would probably bring tears to the present writer's eyes today, although he has not seen the book since he was ten years of age.
It may be that every mature reader will miss from the list some book or books of that precious childish literature which once throve and flourished behind school desks. They were books founded partly on famous history, as that of Baron Trenck and his escapes from prison, Rinaldo Rinaldini, and The Three Spaniards. I am told that children do not now find them in a pedlar's pack as we once found them, accompanied by buns and peddled like them at recess time. Even if we should find them both in such a place, they might have no such flavor for us now. It is something if the flowers of American gossip are retained in similar stories, even if their atmosphere is retreating from all the hills. It is enough to know that we have for all our children the works of Louisa Alcott and Susan Coolidge; that they (p. xv) have Aldrich's Story of a Bad Boy and Mrs. Dodge's Hans Brinker and Miss Hale's Peterkin Papers and The William Henry Letters by Mrs. Diaz. We need not complain so long as our children can look inexhaustively across the ocean for Andrew Lang's latest fairy-book and Grimm's Household Stories as introduced to a new immortality by John Ruskin. THOMAS WENTWORTH HIGGINSON. CAMBRIDGE, MASS., January 4, 1909.
I think your selections very carefully made and well adapted to children who have books at home and mothers who read them.... With many congratulations on the excellence of your book, both in form and substance, believe me yours sincerely, CAROLINE M. HEWINS. Hartford Public Library.
You do not owe me any thanks for my little assistance, for you have given me quite as much as I have given you. It is more stimulating than you can believe to discuss the subject with one whose point of view is not that of the librarian. You must not call yourself an amateur, however, for you are an expert on children's books. I have gained a great many ideas from you, and have enjoyed comparing notes with you immensely. Sincerely yours, CLARA W. HUNT. Brooklyn Public Library.
I am sending back your book with my notes and suggestions. It is (p. xviii) an uncommonly good list, however, and there is little that I have wished to add or to take away.... Your list is so good that I know you must have spent a great deal of time and very definite thought over it. You have certainly covered the ground thoroughly.... I have enjoyed seeing your list and shall be greatly interested in seeing it in final form.
Sincerely yours, ALICE M. JORDAN. Boston Public Library.
CONTENTS (p. xix)
PREFACE ......................................... ix
APPRECIATIONS ................................. xvii
TWO YEARS OF AGE ................................ 21
THREE YEARS OF AGE .............................. 23
FOUR YEARS OF AGE ............................... 28
FIVE YEARS OF AGE ............................... 32
SIX YEARS OF AGE ................................ 40
SEVEN YEARS OF AGE .............................. 50
EIGHT YEARS OF AGE .............................. 59
NINE YEARS OF AGE ............................... 73
TEN YEARS OF AGE ................................ 92
ELEVEN YEARS OF AGE ............................ 114
TWELVE YEARS OF AGE ............................ 141
THIRTEEN YEARS OF AGE .......................... 171
FOURTEEN YEARS OF AGE .......................... 198
AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX ......................... 233
KEY TO PUBLISHERS .............................. 269
O Babees yonge, My Book only is made for youre lernynge. THE BABEES BOOK. Circa 1475.
The baby's first book will naturally be a picture-book, for pictures appeal to him early, and with great force.... If we understood children better, we should realize this vitality which pictures have for them, and should be more careful to give them the best. W.T. FIELD.
These colored pictures of the different farm animals, mounted on boards, will please the littlest ones.
CRANE, WALTER (Illustrator). Mother Hubbard. Lane. .25
As children are favorably influenced by good pictures, it is a pity to give them any but the best, among which Walter Crane's certainly stand. Attention is drawn to the designs of the cover-pages of the (p. 22) books of this series, which are quite as attractive as the text illustrations.
The drawings for Mother Hubbard are among Mr. Crane's most successful efforts. Tiny folk will be entranced with the pictures of this marvellous white doggie.
"This wonderful Dog Was Dame Hubbard's delight, He could sing, he could dance, He could read, he could write."
CRANE, WALTER (Illustrator). This Little Pig. Lane. .25
Let us travel to Piggy-land for a few moments, with the baby, and it will probably be the first of many trips, with these gay pictures to guide us.
A dreary place would be this earth, Were there no little people in it; . . . . . . . . . . Life's song, indeed, would lose its charm, Were there no babies to begin it. WHITTIER.
What an unprejudiced and wholly spontaneous acclaim awaits the artist who gives his best to the little ones! They do not place his work in portfolios or locked glass cases; they thumb it to death, surely the happiest of all fates for any printed book. GLEESON WHITE.
BANNERMAN, HELEN. *The Story of Little Black Sambo. Stokes. .50
Written and illustrated by an Englishwoman in India for her two small daughters, Little Black Sambo, with its absurd story, and funny crude pictures in color, will delight young children of all lands.
CALDECOTT, RANDOLPH (Illustrator). The Farmer's Boy. Warne. .25
These delicately colored prints, with their atmosphere of English country life, well accord with the old cumulative verses which they accompany. Mr. Caldecott has charmingly illustrated this and the (p. 24) following picture-books. Some of the illustrations in each book are in color and some in black and white.
The Caldecott toy-books, They fix for all time The favorite heroes Of nursery rhyme.
The Caldecott toy-books— We never shall find A gracefuller pencil, A merrier mind! L.
CALDECOTT, RANDOLPH (Illustrator). A Frog He Would a-Wooing Go. Warne. .25
The drawings portray Mr. Frog, Mr. Rat, and the tragic ending to the festivities at Mousey's Hall.
Caldecott was a fine literary artist, who was able to express himself with rare facility in pictures in place of words, so that his comments upon a simple text reveal endless subtleties of thought.... You have but to turn to any of his toy-books to see that at times each word, almost each syllable, inspired its own picture.... He studied his subject as no one else ever studied it.... Then he portrayed it simply and with inimitable vigor, with a fine economy of line and colour; when colour is added, it is mainly as a gay convention, and not closely imitative of nature. GLEESON WHITE.
CALDECOTT, RANDOLPH (Illustrator). (p. 25) Hey Diddle Diddle, and Baby Bunting. Warne. .25
The pictures to Hey Diddle Diddle are instinct with joyousness. Baby Bunting's father was a jovial huntsman of the old English type.
CALDECOTT, RANDOLPH (Illustrator). The House that Jack Built. Warne. .25
Children will be greatly amused by the funny Rat.
"That ate the Malt, That lay in the House that Jack built."
CALDECOTT, RANDOLPH (Illustrator). The Milkmaid. Warne. .25
We are glad when the young squire, whose interest in the destination of the pretty maid the old song recounts, meets his proper deserts through the clever pencil of Mr. Caldecott.
CALDECOTT, RANDOLPH (Illustrator). The Queen of Hearts. Warne. .25
These pictures suggest in color and design those found on playing cards, and they are very good indeed.
CALDECOTT, RANDOLPH (Illustrator). (p. 26) Ride a-Cock Horse to Banbury Cross, and A Farmer Went Trotting upon His Grey Mare. Warne. .25
Wouldn't we all like to ride these sturdy nags through the lovely English country, even if we weren't to have the extra attraction of seeing a fine lady on a white horse?
Children will love to read of the stout farmer and his pretty daughter, who went trotting to market,
"Bumpety, bumpety, bump!"
CALDECOTT, RANDOLPH (Illustrator). Sing a Song for Sixpence. Warne. .25
The little boy and girl king and queen are fascinating to real little boys and girls, and it is pleasant to be sure from the pictures that they liked the same things that children like to-day.
CRANE, WALTER (Illustrator). The Baby's Opera. Warne. 1.50
A Book of Old Rhymes with New Dresses by Walter Crane. The Music by the Earliest Masters.—Title-page.
This collection of English rhymes contains The Mulberry Bush, King Arthur, Jack and Jill, and many others equally familiar, with the accompanying music for each.
CRANE, WALTER (Illustrator). (p. 27) The Fairy Ship. Lane. .25
One of Mr. Crane's best. The duck captain and mouse sailors are utterly captivating.
"There were fifty little sailors Skipping o'er the decks; They were fifty little white mice, With rings around their necks."
He that neer learns his A B C, For ever will a blockhead be; But he that learns these letters fair, Shall have a Coach to take the Air. THE ROYAL BATTLEDORE. Newbery. Circa 1744.
Summer fading, winter comes— Frosty mornings, tingling thumbs, Window robins, winter rooks, And the picture story-books. . . . . . . . . All the pretty things put by, Wait upon the children's eye, Sheep and shepherds, trees and crooks, In the picture story-books. STEVENSON.
CRANE, WALTER (Illustrator). The Baby's Own Alphabet. Lane. .25
The A B C, accompanied by old English rhymes. There are three or four illustrations to a page.
FRANCIS, J.G. *A Book of Cheerful Cats and Other Animated Animals. Century. 1.00
Funny verses and even funnier animal pictures. A delightful book for old and young, because of the ability shown in the illustrations.
The mother sits and sings her baby to sleep; here is one of the very best opportunities for the right literature at the right time. Mrs. H.L. ELMENDORF.
LANG, ANDREW (Editor). The Nursery Rhyme Book. Illustrated by L. Leslie Brooke. Warne. 1.50
An exceptional collection of the ancient rhymes, songs, charms, and lullabies, accompanied by interesting pictures.
"In Mr. Halliwell's Collection, from which this volume is abridged, no manuscript authority goes further back than the reign of Henry VIII, though King Arthur and Robin Hood are mentioned.... Thus our old nursery rhymes are smooth stones from the book of time, worn round by constant friction of tongues long silent."
STEVENSON, R.L. A Child's Garden of Verses. Illustrated by Jessie Willcox Smith. Scribner. 2.50
It is generally admitted that no one has comprehended and written from the child's point of view as did Stevenson. This volume should be among the first to be put into the hands of our little ones. (p. 30) Besides the black and white text illustrations there are twelve full-page pictures in color, all by Jessie Willcox Smith.
STEVENSON, R.L. A Child's Garden of Verses. Illustrated by Charles Robinson. Scribner. 1.50
There are some who will prefer this small edition, beautifully illustrated in black and white.
WELSH, CHARLES (Editor). A Book of Nursery Rhymes. Heath. .30
Mr. Welsh has arranged this excellent collection of Mother Goose in accordance with the child's development, placing the rhymes in four divisions: Mother Play, Mother Stories, Child Play, and Child Stories.
To Master John the English maid A hornbook gives, of gingerbread; And that the child may learn the better, As he can name, he eats each letter. Proceeding thus with vast delight, He spells and gnaws from left to right. PRIOR. 1718.
POTTER, BEATRIX. The Tale of Peter Rabbit. Illustrated by the Author. Warne. .50
The diverting history of four little rabbits: Flopsy, Mopsy, Cotton-tail, and naughty Peter who would go into Mr. McGregor's (p. 31) garden, where he had many exciting adventures. The tiny volumes of this series, with their fascinating colored illustrations, are very delightful.
SMITH, GERTRUDE. The Arabella and Araminta Stories. Illustrated by Ethel Reed. Small. 1.00
Simple every-day happenings in the lives of little twin sisters, related with much of the repetition so pleasing to very young children. There are plenty of pictures.
SMITH, GERTRUDE. The Roggie and Reggie Stories. Illustrated by M.H. Squire and E. Mars. Harper. 1.50
This companion to The Arabella and Araminta Stories tells in the same pleasant reiterative style of the doings of the little girls' little twin brothers. The illustrations are in color.
How am I to sing your praise, Happy chimney-corner days, Sitting safe in nursery nooks, Reading picture story-books? STEVENSON.
When the ice lets go the river, When the wild-geese come again, When the sugar-maple swells, When the maple swells its buds, Then the little blue birds come, Then my little Blue Bird came. Indian lullaby from THE CHILDHOOD OF JI-SHIB THE OJIBWA.
DEMING, T.O. Indian Child-Life. Illustrated by E.W. Deming. Stokes. 2.00
Pleasant sketches of the children of different tribes, with many full-page color plates after paintings in water-color, and black and white illustrations. The big oblong pictures, with their primitive Indian coloring, are unusually attractive.
Jack, commonly called the giant-killer, and Thomas Thumb landed in England from the very same keels and war-ships which conveyed Hengist and Horsa, and Ebba the Saxon. SCOTT.
BROOKE, L.L. (Illustrator). The Golden Goose Book. Warne. 2.00
Mr. Brooke has appropriately illustrated these old favorites: The Golden Goose, The Story of the Three Bears, The Story of the Three Little Pigs, and Tom Thumb. Of the four, the most popular is the tale of the adventures of little Tom, the favorite dwarf of the Court of King Arthur.
"Long time he lived in jollity, Beloved of the Court, And none like Tom was so esteemed Amongst the better sort."
LA FONTAINE, JEAN DE. Select Fables from La Fontaine. Illustrated by L.M. Boutet de Monvel. S.P.C.K. Stechert. 1.80
This edition is chosen because of Monsieur Boutet de Monvel's charming small illustrations in color. There are from two to eight pictures on each page, accompanying the text, which is in verse. (p. 34)
As color appeals to the child before he has much notion of form, his first picture-book should be colored, and as his ideas of form develop slowly, his first pictures should be in outline, and unencumbered with detail. The French illustrator, Boutet de Monvel, has given us the ideal pictures for young children. W.T. FIELD.
Blind Homer and the chief singer of Israel and skalds and bards and minnesingers are all gone, tradition is almost a byword, but mothers still live, and children need not wait until they have conquered the crabbed types before they begin to love literature. Mrs. H.L. ELMENDORF.
ADELBORG, OTTILIA. *Clean Peter and the Children of Grubbylea. Longmans. 1.25
This large oblong book contains simple verses accompanying delightful full-page pictures in delicate colors somewhat after the French manner. It tells how Clean Peter brought tidiness to a little town.
"The children out in Grubbylea Are all as clean as clean can be. And Peter's living there to-day, The children begged him so to stay."
BURGESS, GELETT. (p. 35) *Goops and How To Be Them. A Manual of Manners for Polite Infants. Illustrated by the Author. Stokes. 1.50
If there ever was anyone who could cover little pills with a thick coating of sugar, it was Mr. Burgess when he wrote these clever verses and drew these ninety original and always funny pictures. Children delight in the Goops. It is almost worth while being one to have this volume of warning thrust into our hands.
"I never knew a Goop to help his mother, I never knew a Goop to help his dad, And they never do a thing for one another; They are actually, absolutely bad!
"If you ask a Goop to go and post a letter, Or to run upon an errand, how they act! But somehow I imagine you are better, And you try to go, and cry to go, in fact!"
BURGESS, GELETT. *More Goops and How Not To Be Them. A Manual of Manners for Impolite Infants. Illustrated by the Author. Stokes. 1.50
A delightful companion volume of dreadful examples. With ninety-seven illustrations.
"You who are the oldest, You who are the tallest, Don't you think you ought to help The youngest and the smallest?
"You who are the strongest, (p. 36) You who are the quickest, Don't you think you ought to help The weakest and the sickest?
"Never mind the trouble, Help them all you can; Be a little woman! Be a little man!"
HEADLAND, I.T. (Translator). Chinese Mother Goose Rhymes. Revell. 1.00
Mr. Headland, who is a professor in the Imperial University at Peking, tells us: "There is no language in the world, we venture to believe, which contains children's songs expressive of more keen and tender affection.... This fact, more than any other, has stimulated us in the preparation of these rhymes.... The illustrations have all been prepared by the translator specially for this work."
The Oriental atmosphere of the book and the many Chinese pictures lead our children of the Western world most delightfully into this old land.
"He climbed up the candlestick, The little mousey brown, To steal and eat tallow, And he couldn't get down. He called for his grandma, But his grandma was in town, So he doubled up into a wheel And rolled himself down."
LEAR, EDWARD. (p. 37) *Nonsense Books. Little. 2.00
The nonsense classic, which should be among the first books secured for a child's library. This edition contains all the Nonsense Books, with all the original illustrations.
"'How pleasant to know Mr. Lear,' Who has written such volumes of stuff! Some think him ill-tempered and queer, But a few think him pleasant enough."
NORTON, C.E. (Editor). Heart of Oak Books. Volume I. Rhymes, Jingles, and Fables. Heath. .25
"Mother Goose is the best primer. No matter if the rhymes be nonsense verses; many a poet might learn the lesson of good versification from them, and the child in repeating them is acquiring the accent of emphasis and of rhythmical form."—Preface.
SAGE, BETTY (Pseudonym of Mrs. E. (S.) Goodwin). Rhymes of Real Children. Illustrated by Jessie Willcox Smith. Duffield. 1.50
These verses are written from the child's point of view, and are delightful alike to young and old. Miss Smith never did better work than in these beautiful sympathetic pictures and fascinating borders. The book is a large square one.
"If you could see our Mother play (p. 38) On the floor, You'd never think she was as old As twenty-four. On Sunday, when she goes to church, It might be, But Tuesdays she is just the age Of Joe and me."
UPTON, BERTHA. *The Adventures of Two Dutch Dolls and a Golliwogg. Illustrated by Florence K. Upton. Longmans. 2.00
Children will like the funny, brightly colored pictures in this large oblong book, and will be fascinated by the Golliwogg. The verses are not equal to the illustrations.
President Thwing says: "Children rarely have but one object in reading, and that is to amuse themselves"; and surely in this playtime of life this aim should be the chief one. A.H. WIKEL.
CRAIK, G.M. (Mrs. G.M. (C.) May). So-Fat and Mew-Mew. Heath. .20
An account of two little animal friends, a cat and dog, which will please small children who are outgrowing Mother Goose.
HOPKINS, W.J. The Sandman: His Farm Stories. Page. 1.50
Very simple and delightful narratives of the life of a little boy (p. 39) on a farm seventy-five years ago. The atmosphere of the sketches is redolent of wholesome country life. They were used as bedtime stories at home for several years before publication.
POTTER, BEATRIX. The Tale of Benjamin Bunny. Illustrated by the Author. Warne. .50
The story of little Benjamin Bunny's visit to his cousin Peter Rabbit. A companion volume to The Tale of Peter Rabbit. These colored pictures of the small bunnies seem to the compiler the cunningest of this charming series.
POTTER, BEATRIX. The Tale of Squirrel Nutkin. Illustrated by the Author. Warne. .50
Telling how bad little Nutkin was rude and saucy to Old Brown the owl, and what came of it. Very exciting, but not harrowing, even for tiny listeners. The pictures are in color.
"Babies do not want," said he, "to hear about babies; they like to be told of giants and castles, and of somewhat which can stretch and stimulate their little minds". Dr. JOHNSON. Recorded by Mrs. Piozzi.
Happy hearts and happy faces, Happy play in grassy places— That was how, in ancient ages, Children grew to kings and sages. STEVENSON.
WALKER, M.C. Lady Hollyhock and Her Friends. Baker. 1.25
Suggestions for making charming dollies from fruits, vegetables, and flowers. The illustrations, many in color, are attractive and explanatory, but the text must be read to the children, as it is somewhat advanced for them.
Little Indian, Sioux or Crow, Little frosty Eskimo, Little Turk or Japanee, O! don't you wish that you were me? . . . . . . . You have curious things to eat, (p. 41) I am fed on proper meat; You must dwell beyond the foam, But I am safe and live at home. STEVENSON.
ANDREWS, JANE. The Seven Little Sisters Who Live on the Round Ball That Floats in the Air. Ginn. .50
These simple stories, written for the girls and boys of a generation ago, have taken their place among the charming and vivid descriptions of child-life in different lands.
The round ball is the earth, and the sisters are the tribes that dwell thereon. The little book was conceived in a happy hour; its pictures are so real and so graphic, so warm and so human, that the most literal and the most imaginative of children must find in them, not only something to charm, but also to mould pleasant associations for maturer years. THOMAS WENTWORTH HIGGINSON.
And as with the toys, so with the toy-books. They exist everywhere: there is no calculating the distance through which the stories come to us, the number of languages through which they have been filtered, or the centuries during which they have been told. Many of them have been narrated, almost in their present shape, for thousands of years since, to little copper-coloured Sanscrit children, listening to their mother under the palm-trees by the banks of the yellow Jumna—their (p. 42) Brahmin mother, who softly narrated them through the ring in her nose. The very same tale has been heard by the Northmen Vikings as they lay on their shields on deck; and by Arabs couched under the stars on the Syrian plains when the flocks were gathered in and the mares were picketed by the tents. THACKERAY.
CRANE, WALTER (Illustrator). Aladdin. Lane. .25
These richly colored Eastern pictures will give even little children a suggestion of the splendor of the Orient. Let us hope that they will never be too ready to answer the call of "New lamps for old ones."
Walter Crane is the serious apostle of art for the nursery, who strove to beautify its ideal, to decorate its legends with a real knowledge of architecture and costume, and to mount the fairy stories with a certain archaeological splendor.... As a maker of children's books, no one ever attempted the task he fulfilled so gayly, and no one since has beaten him on his own ground. GLEESON WHITE.
CRANE, WALTER (Illustrator). Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves. Lane. .25
It seems hardly right to omit this edition of so celebrated a tale pictured by so celebrated an artist, yet Mr. Crane's work breathes mystery and Oriental cunning from every page, and should be given to our youngsters only after examination, as a highly-strung child might be frightened by it. The picture of the resourceful Morgiana filling the oil-jars, while a dreadful robber with saucer-like eyes peers (p. 43) from one of them, is awful indeed.
CRANE, WALTER (Illustrator). Beauty and the Beast. Lane. .25
Charming illustrations accompany this prose version of the ancient favorite which will long endure because of the great truth underlying the grotesque tale.
CRANE, WALTER (Illustrator). Cinderella. Lane. .25
May every little girl find the fairy prince of her imagination!
CRANE, WALTER (Illustrator). The Frog Prince. Lane. .25
The story of the frog who was transformed into the handsome prince is as immortal as childhood. May we all remember the King's command to his daughter: "He who helped you in the time of your trouble must not now be despised."
CRANE, WALTER (Illustrator). Jack and the Bean-Stalk. Lane. .25
Ogre-like indeed is the giant, and we breathe a sigh of relief when verses as well as pictures make it quite certain that Jack has escaped for the third time with his golden treasure. The beans of King (p. 44) Alfred's day seem to have closely resembled the wild oats of our own.
CRANE, WALTER (Illustrator). The Sleeping Beauty. Lane. .25
"So sweet a face, so fair—was never beauty such as this; He stands—he stoops to gaze—he kneels— he wakes her with a kiss. He leads her forth; the magic sleep of all the Court is o'er— They wake, they move, they talk, they laugh, just as they did of yore A hundred years ago."
Children seem to possess an inherent conviction that when the hole is big enough for the cat, no smaller one at the side is needed for the kitten. They don't really care for "Glimpses" of this, or "Gleanings" of that, or "Footsteps" to the other—but would rather stretch and pull, and get on tiptoe to reach the sweeter fruit above them, than confine themselves to the crabs which grow to their level. Miss RIGBY. 1844.
COWPER, WILLIAM. *The Diverting History of John Gilpin. Illustrated by Randolph Caldecott. Warne. .25
A spirited delineation of the never-to-be-forgotten ride.
COX, PALMER. (p. 45) *The Brownies: Their Book. Illustrated by the Author. Century. 1.50
Every child should know Mr. Cox's prankish, helpful Brownies. The verses are accompanied by many delightful pictures.
HAZARD, BERTHA (Editor). Three Years with the Poets. Houghton. .50
While these selections are intended for memorization by children, and are arranged by months for the school year, the collection is so good as to fill a useful place in the home library. At the end of the book are a few pages of wisely chosen little selections of poetry and prose, truly called Helps for the Day's Work.
OSTERTAG, BLANCHE (Editor and Illustrator). Old Songs for Young America. Music arranged by Clarence Forsyth. Doubleday. 2.00
The familiar songs, set to the music of the old tunes, and charmingly illustrated,—the costumes those of olden days. Some of the pictures are in color and some in black and white. The Monkey's Wedding, Bobby Shafto, and Old Dan Tucker, are included in the contents.
This carefully chosen collection—in which American poets are well represented—although made over thirty years ago, still holds its (p. 46) own as a standard. One of the divisions is devoted to hymns.
TAYLOR, JANE and ANN. Little Ann, and Other Poems. Illustrated by Kate Greenaway. Warne. 1.00
It is a good thing for children to learn from these quaint verses, with their charming illustrations, the sort of reading which pleased the small folks of long ago. The Taylors seldom struck so happy a vein as in the poem called The Field Daisy, which begins:
"I'm a pretty little thing, Always coming with the Spring; In the meadows green I'm found, Peeping just above the ground, And my stalk is covered flat With a white and yellow hat."
I prefer the little girls and boys ... that come as you call them, fair or dark, in green ribbons or blue. I like making cowslip fields grow and apple-trees bloom at a moment's notice. That is what it is, you see, to have gone through life with an enchanted land ever beside you.—Kate Greenaway to Ruskin.
Little Jesus, wast Thou shy Once, and just so small as I? And what did it feel like to be Out of Heaven, and just like me? Didst Thou sometimes think of there,
And ask where all the angels were? (p. 47) I should think that I would cry For my house all made of sky; I would look about the air, And wonder where the angels were; And at waking 'twould distress me— Not an angel there to dress me!
Hadst Thou ever any toys, Like us little girls and boys? And didst Thou play in Heaven with all The angels, that were not too tall, With stars for marbles? Did the things Play Can you see me? through their wings? FRANCIS THOMPSON.
This careful chronological arrangement of Bible history, from the King James version, is very satisfactory. The book is a large one, with full-page illustrations from the Old Masters.
It is enough fame for any author to be loved by children, generation after generation, long after he himself has left the scene. W.A. JONES. 1844.
ABBOTT, JACOB. A Boy on a Farm. Edited by Clifton Johnson. From Rollo at Work and Rollo at Play. Introduction by Dr. Lyman Abbott. American Book. .45
Few books axe remembered with greater affection by persons (p. 48) who were children in the middle of the last century than those written by Jacob Abbott.... The educational effect of Jacob Abbott's stories, both mental and moral, was very great.... The insistence, however, with which these virtues were proclaimed and emphasized, constitutes a weakness in the books as we view them now.—Preface.
Here we have the very saturnalia of common-sense.... These works are invaluable to fathers; by keeping always one volume in advance of his oldest son, a man can stand before the household, an encyclopaedia of every practical art. THOMAS WENTWORTH HIGGINSON.
CRANE, WALTER (Illustrator). Goody Two Shoes. Lane. .25
The text of this famous tale, attributed to Oliver Goldsmith, is perhaps somewhat beyond the easy comprehension of children of six years, but they will enjoy the interesting pictures of Margery and her animal friends.
SCUDDER, H.E. (Editor). The Children's Book. Houghton. 2.50
If a child could have but one story-book, a better choice could scarcely be made than this storehouse of fables, wonder tales, myths, songs, and ballads. Selections from Andersen, The Arabian Nights, Gulliver, and Munchausen, are included. There are many illustrations.
TRIMMER, S. (K). (p. 49) The History of the Robins. Edited by E.E. Hale. Heath. .20
Small people like to hear about this father and mother robin and their four babies.
Mrs. Sarah Trimmer ... was a woman of more than the average education and accomplishment of her day, and enjoyed the friendship of Dr. Samuel Johnson, Sir Joshua Reynolds, and nearly all of the more celebrated English authors and painters of that time. She wrote a great many books.... They are now nearly all of them dead and forgotten; but one of them at least has lived, and has been the delight of thousands of children for over three-quarters of a century.—Introduction.
WIGGIN, K.D. (S.), and N.A. SMITH. The Story Hour. Houghton. 1.00
These fourteen little stories include some about children and some about animals. They are just the sort of narratives that small folks love, and are designed for retelling in the kindergarten and home. There are, in addition, three adaptations of well-known tales: Moufflou, Benjy in Beastland, and The Porcelain Stove, and a poem by Mrs. Wiggin.
To go sailing far away To the pleasant Land of Play; To the fairy land afar Where the Little People are. STEVENSON.
So many, and so many, and such glee. KEATS.
WHITE, MARY. The Child's Rainy Day Book. Doubleday. 1.00
This fully illustrated little volume gives clear directions for making simple toys and games, weaving baskets, working with beads, clay, et cetera. There is a good chapter on Gifts and How to Make Them.
Where shall we adventure, to-day that we're afloat, Wary of the weather and steering by a star? Shall it be to Africa, a-steering of the boat, To Providence, or Babylon, or off to Malabar? STEVENSON.
ANDREWS, JANE. Each and All. Ginn. .50
A companion volume to The Seven Little Sisters, telling more of (p. 51) these happy children and their common bond of loving friendship.
This is fairy gold, boy, and 't will prove so. SHAKSPERE.
BROWNE, FRANCES. Granny's Wonderful Chair and Its Tales of Fairy Times. Dutton. .35
A series of delightful wonder stories, through which runs a vein of true wisdom. Miss Browne was blind from infancy, and her writings stand as the accomplishment of a brave and unselfish woman.
HOLBROOK, FLORENCE. The Book of Nature Myths. Illustrated by E. Boyd Smith. Houghton. .65
The subject-matter is of permanent value, culled from the folk-lore of the primitive races.—Preface.
We are told The Story of the Earth and the Sky, Why the Bear has a Short Tail, Why the Cat Always Falls upon Her Feet, and many other mythical reasons for natural wonders.
KIPLING, RUDYARD. (p. 52) Just So Stories. Illustrated by the Author. Doubleday. 1.20
"I keep six honest serving-men; (They taught me all I knew) Their names are What and Where and When And How and Where and Who. I send them over land and sea, I send them east and west; But after they have worked for me, I give them all a rest. . . . . . . . . . But different folk have different views; I know a person small— She keeps ten million serving-men, Who get no rest at all! She sends 'em abroad on her own affairs, From the second she opens her eyes— One million Hows, two million Wheres, And seven million Whys!"
To this small person, Best Beloved, these twelve remarkable tales were related. We learn how the elephant got his trunk, how the first letter came to be written, and so forth. There are two editions of the book at the same price. Most children will prefer the one in large octavo.
MURRAY, HILDA. Flower Legends for Children. Illustrated by J.S. Eland. Longmans. 2.00
Mothers may find the text somewhat advanced for children of seven years, but the full-page colored pictures are sure to be enjoyed. The volume is a large oblong one.
NORTON, C.E. (Editor). (p. 53) Heart of Oak Books. Volume II. Fables and Nursery Tales. Heath. .35
The next step is easy, to the short stories which have been told since the world was young; old fables in which the teachings of long experience are embodied, legends, fairy tales, which form the traditional common stock of the fancies and sentiment of the race.—Preface.
SCUDDER, H.E. (Editor). The Book of Legends. Houghton. .50
Famous tales, such as King Cophetua, The Wandering Jew, St. Christopher, and The Seven Sleepers of Ephesus, retold for the children.
WILSON, G.L. Myths of the Red Children. Ginn. .45
The stories are true examples of Indian folk-lore and are very old.... Care has been taken to make the drawings archaeologically correct for each tribe.—Foreword.
These traditions of various tribes were gathered from the best sources, and are here related in simple language. There is a supplement giving directions for making different articles: a tent, Indian dress, a bow and arrow, a stone axe, et cetera.
Most joyful let the Poet be; It is through him that all men see. CHANNING.
BLAISDELL, E.W. *The Animals at the Fair. Russell. 1.40
Mr. Blaisdell's attractive and amusing illustrations may well serve as a substitute for the ordinary comic pictures of the newspapers.
WHITTIER, J.G. (Editor). Child-Life. Houghton. 1.50
Although thirty-seven years have passed since Child-Life was compiled, it stands now, as then, far ahead of most collections of poetry for American children. Our own poets are well represented.
Loving Jesus, meek and mild, Look upon a little child!
Make me gentle as Thou art, Come and live within my heart.
Take my childish hand in thine, (p. 55) Guide these little feet of mine.
So shall all my happy days Sing their pleasant song of praise. CHARLES WESLEY.
BEALE, H.S. (B.). Stories from the Old Testament for Children. Duffield. 2.00
These Bible tales are simply told, and follow closely the lines of the Old Testament, a considerable portion of the narratives being in the language of Scripture.
MOULTON, R.G. (Editor). Children's Series of the Modern Reader's Bible. Bible Stories. New Testament. Macmillan. .50
The stories are in the language of Scripture, altered only by omissions.... The Revised Version is used, with the frequent substitution of the marginal renderings.... In the introductions and notes I have carefully avoided any wording which might insinuate doctrinal instruction.—Preface.
MOULTON, R.G. (Editor). Children's Series of the Modern Reader's Bible. Bible Stories. Old Testament. Macmillan. .50
The stories which make the text are in the language of Scripture, altered only by omissions.... The volume is arranged according to the natural divisions of Bible history.... Each period is represented by its most important stories; the purpose of the introduction and notes to each section is to weave all (p. 56) together by indicating briefly the bearing of each story on the general history.—Preface.
O velvet bee, you're a dusty fellow; You've powdered your legs with gold! O brave marshmary buds, rich and yellow, Give me your money to hold!
O columbine, open your folded wrapper, Where two twin turtle-doves dwell! O cuckoo-pint, toll me the purple clapper That hangs in your clear green bell!
And show me your nest, with the young ones in it— I will not steal it away; I am old! you may trust me, linnet, linnet— I am seven times one to-day. JEAN INGELOW.
ANDREWS, JANE. The Stories Mother Nature Told Her Children. Ginn. .50
Miss Andrews's books were the pioneers of the great crowd of present-day nature-books for young children, and they still compare favorably in dignity and true interest with their successors.
Amber, coal, the work of water, and seeds, are among the objects in regard to which Mother Nature told her stories. PRENTICE AND POWER.
STORIES (p. 57)
We take it for granted that books for children belong to the easy play rather than to the hard work of life, and that they are an utter failure if they do not win their way by their own charms. SAMUEL OSGOOD.
HOPKINS, W.J. The Sandman: His Ship Stories. Page. 1.50
Simple descriptions of the building of the good ship Industry and her voyages to the far-away countries in the days long gone.
SEGUR, S. (R.) DE. The Story of a Donkey. Heath. .20
A translation from the Comtesse de Segur's Memoirs of a Donkey. Neddy's account of his own life—and he was a good and faithful beastie who had many adventures—has been a favorite with children for years.
WARD, M.A. (A.) (Mrs. Humphry Ward). Milly and Olly. Doubleday. 1.20
This charming story, written many years ago and now revised, tells of childish holidays spent in the Windemere region. Aunt Emma—a really, truly old lady, who owns a fascinating parrot—proves a sort of modern fairy-godmother to the little brother and sister. The atmosphere is not too pronouncedly English to interfere in the least with our children's enjoyment.
WHITE, E.O. (p. 58) A Little Girl of Long Ago. Houghton. 1.00
The experiences of a little New England girl of eighty years ago, telling of her return voyage from Scotland, and of her happy life in Boston and Springfield.
WHITE, E.O. When Molly was Six. Houghton. 1.00
A pleasant sunny story of the simple happenings in the every-day life of a small girl.
And I wrote my happy songs, Every child may joy to hear. BLAKE.
By sports like these are all their cares beguil'd, The sports of children satisfy the child. GOLDSMITH.
Indoor and outdoor games, tricks and puzzles, the making of various articles, and the care of home pets, are some of the subjects treated in this volume of old and new pastimes.
The use of history is to give value to the present hour and its duty. EMERSON.
BOUTET DE MONVEL, L.M. Joan of Arc. Illustrated by the Author. Century. 3.00
In these truly remarkable pictures, instinct with spirit, dignity, and pathos, the peasant girl of Domremy, martyr and patron saint, lives (p. 60) for children. The book is a large oblong one with full-page illustrations in color. While the text is somewhat advanced for children of eight years, the pictures really tell, the story.
EGGLESTON, EDWARD. Stories of Great Americans for Little Americans. American Book. .40
A collection of many noted tales with which all of our children should be familiar. It includes Franklin's Whistle, Putnam and the Wolf, and Daniel Boone and his Grapevine Swing.
Even John Locke (1632-1704), in his Thoughts on Education (1693), recommends, besides the Psalter and the New Testament, AEsop and Reynard the Fox, as good food for infant minds. This was an excellent basis to start upon. MONTROSE J. MOSES.
ADVENTURES OF REYNARD THE FOX. Edited by W.T. Stead. Review. .05
There is no entirely satisfactory edition, for children, of this classic. The language of one edited by Jacobs seems to the compiler of this list somewhat unsuited to small people, and E.L. Smythe in her version substitutes an entirely different ending for that of the (p. 61) original. This very inexpensive little book has more than a hundred interesting small pictures, and children will love to read of bad Reynard, who is told about in diverting fashion.
AESOP. The Fables of AEsop. Edited by Joseph Jacobs. Illustrated by Richard Heighway. Macmillan. 1.50
It is difficult to say what are and what are not the Fables of AEsop.... In the struggle for existence among all these a certain number stand out as being the most effective and the most familiar. I have attempted to bring most of these into the following pages.—Preface.
Children cannot read an easier, nor men a wiser book. THOMAS FULLER.
BROWN, A.F. The Book of Saints and Friendly Beasts. Houghton. 1.25
These sweet tales of the saints of long ago and their little brothers the beasts have a gentle influence. The stories include that of Saint Bridget and the King's Wolf, Saint Fronto's Camels, Saint Rigobert's Dinner, and Saint Francis of Assisi.
BROWN, A.F. In the Days of Giants. Illustrated by E. Boyd Smith. Houghton. 1.10
The old Norse myths acceptably told.
CARROLL, LEWIS (Pseudonym of C.L. Dodgson). (p. 62) Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. Illustrated by John Tenniel. Macmillan. 1.00
First told in 1862 to the little Liddell girls. It was written out for Alice Liddell, was published, and the first copy given to her in 1865.
The illustrations are those which appeared in the original issue. Many artists have tried their hand in making pictures for "Alice," but none have succeeded in displacing those of John Tenniel.
Extract from the diary of C.L. Dodgson: July 4, 1862.—I made an expedition up the river to Godstow with the three Liddells; we had tea on the bank there, and did not reach Christ Church till half-past eight.... On which occasion I told them the fairy tale of Alice's Adventures Underground, which I undertook to write out for Alice.
"Alice! a childish story take, And with a gentle hand Lay it where Childhood's dreams are twined In Memory's mystic band, Like pilgrim's withered wreath of flowers Plucked in a far-off land."
CARROLL, LEWIS (Pseudonym of C.L. Dodgson). Alice in Wonderland. Illustrated by Arthur Rackham. Doubleday. 1.40
Those wishing to depart from John Tenniel's illustrations will find (p. 63) these pictures of Arthur Rackham very interesting. We are given delightful black and white work, though most of the full-page pictures are in color.
Enchanting Alice! Black-and-white Has made your deeds perennial; And naught save "Chaos and old Night" Can part you now from Tenniel; But still you are a Type, and based In Truth, like Lear and Hamlet; And Types may be re-draped to taste In cloth of gold or camlet. AUSTIN DOBSON.
CARROLL, LEWIS (Pseudonym of C.L. Dodgson). Through the Looking-Glass. Illustrated by John Tenniel. Macmillan. 1.00
The sequel to Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. The illustrations are the same as those that appeared in the original edition.
"To the Looking-Glass world it was Alice that said, 'I've a sceptre in hand, I've a crown on my head. Let the Looking-Glass creatures, whatever they be, Come and dine with the Red Queen, the White Queen, and me!'"
COLLODI, C. (Pseudonym of Carlo Lorenzini). Pinocchio, The Adventures of a Marionette. Illustrated by Charles Copeland. Ginn. .40
Of all the fairy stories of Italian literature this is the (p. 64) best known and the best loved.... The Florentines call it a literary jewel, and as such it should be known to all young readers.—Preface.
Though children can but dimly comprehend this charming allegory, they will recognize its truth. Pinocchio, the wayward and mischievous marionette, through his kindly actions grows to be a real little boy, with an unselfish loving heart. There are many attractive drawings.
CRUIKSHANK, GEORGE (Illustrator). The Cruikshank Fairy Book. Putnam. 2.00
Puss in Boots, Jack and the Bean-Stalk, Hop-o'-my-Thumb, and Cinderella, are the four famous fairy tales pictured by this famous illustrator.
JUDD, M.C. Wigwam Stories. Ginn. .75
The book is divided into three parts: Sketches of Various Tribes of North American Indians; Traditions and Myths; and Stories Recently Told of Hiawatha and Other Heroes. It is interesting and informing. There are three sketches by Angel de Cora, and many illustrations from photographs.
LA FONTAINE, JEAN DE. La Fontaine's Fables. Translated by Edward Shirley. Illustrated by C.M. Park and Rene Bull. Nelson. 1.50
An acceptable selection in verse. There are illustrations in color (p. 65) as well as in black and white.
"These fables are much more than they appear— The simplest animals are teachers here. The bare dull moral weariness soon brings; The story serves to give it life and wings."
LANG, ANDREW (Editor). The Blue Fairy Book. Longmans. 2.00
This first volume of Andrew Lang's colored fairy books contains the better known tales from the folk-lore of many nations, and is, like the others of this series, attractively illustrated.
And when the cuckoo clamours six We put away our games and bricks
And hasten to the shelf where hang The books of Mr. Andrew Lang. . . . . . . . . . And when we read the Red, the Blue, The Green—small matter what's the hue
Since joy is there in black and white— Remember him who cared to write,
For little ones, tales old and sweet, And ask the fairies (when you meet)
To always keep unharmed and well From ogre's maw and witch's spell,
From genie's clutch and dragon's fang, The kind magician, Andrew Lang! ST. JOHN LUCAS.
MULOCK, D.M. (Mrs. D.M. (M.) CRAIK). (p. 66) The Adventures of a Brownie. Harper. .60
"Only I think, if I could be a little child again, I should exceedingly like a Brownie to play with me. Should not you?"
We should all say yes, after reading this charming modern fairy story.
MUSSET, PAUL DE. Mr. Wind and Madam Rain. Illustrated by Charles Bennett. Putnam. 2.00
A famous Breton folk-tale which is made additionally attractive by the unusual quality of the illustrations.
I will not say that I have added nothing to the unconnected recitals of the Breton peasants, ... but I have added only what was necessary to link together the different events, and to supply passages that were entirely wanting.—Preface.
PAINE, A.B. The Hollow Tree and Deep Woods Book. Illustrated by J.M. Conde. Harper. 1.50
Mr. Paine writes in his delightful vein of Mr. Coon, Mr. Possum, and Mr. Crow. The book is always funny, and Mr. Conde's pictures are in their way as good as the text.
WILLISTON, T.P. Japanese Fairy Tales. Illustrated by Sanchi Ogawa. Rand. .50
These eight wonder stories incidentally illustrate the every-day (p. 67) life of the people. The Japanese pictures are reproduced in color.
So, in this matter of literature for the young, the influence of the home teaching is enormous; all the school can do pales before it. Let the mother add to the poet's rhyme the music of her soft and beloved voice; let great fiction be read to the breathless group of curly heads about the fire; and the wonders of science be enrolled, the thrilling scenes and splendid personalities of history displayed. Children thus inspired may be trusted to become sensitive to literature long before they know what the word means, or have reasoned at all upon their mental experiences. RICHARD BURTON.
LUCAS, E.V. (Editor). A Book of Verses for Children. Holt. 2.00
Mr. Lucas has shown his unvarying good taste in compiling this charming volume. Most of the poems are British, and among them are many delightful old songs and rhymes, verses of bygone days, ballads, and carols.
WIGGIN, K.D. (S.), and N.A. SMITH (Editors). The Posy Ring. Doubleday. 1.25
This admirable collection of poems, chosen from the standpoint of (p. 68) childish enjoyment, forms a lane of lovely verse leading into the great highway of literature. The poems are classified under different headings such as The Flower Folk, Other Little Children, Playtime, Story time, and Bedtime.
Honest myrth in measure, is a pleasaunt thyng, To wryte and to rede well, be gyftes of learnyng; Remember this well, all you that be young, Exercise vertue, and rule well your toung. DIVES PRAGMATICUS. 1563.
BUNYAN, JOHN. The Pilgrim's Progress. Illustrated by the Brothers Rhead. Century. 1.50
Children will enjoy the fine illustrations in this soberly bound volume, whose brown coat is much the color of the one good Pilgrim wore on the long journey where he led the way for so many earnest souls.
THE PSALMS OF DAVID. With an introductory study by N.D. Hillis. Illustrated by Louis Rhead. Revell. 2.50
No David can fall so low but that Christ's mercy and God's love can lift him from the depths of selfishness and sin back to the throne of manhood and the sceptre of influence.—Introductory Study.
Even young children can grow to love the simpler and more peaceful (p. 69) Psalms. The fine full-page pictures in this large well-printed volume add to its beauty and interest.
All things bright and beautiful, All creatures great and small, All things wise and wonderful, The Lord God made them all.
Each little flower that opens, Each little bird that sings, He made their glowing colors, He made their tiny wings. . . . . . . . He gave us eyes to see them, And lips that we might tell, How great is God Almighty, Who hath made all things well. KEBLE.
AIKEN, JOHN, and A.L. (A.) BARBAULD. Eyes and No Eyes, and Other Stories. Heath. 20
"Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes, in Over the Teacups, says of the story Eyes and No Eyes: I have never seen anything of the kind half so good. I advise you, if you are a child anywhere under forty-five, and do not yet wear glasses, to send at once for Evenings at Home, and read that story. For myself, I am always grateful to the writer of it for calling my attention to common things."
Eyes and No Eyes, and Travellers' Wonders, from Aiken and Barbauld's Evenings at Home, The Three Giants, by Mrs. Marcet, and A Curious (p. 70) Instrument, by Jane Taylor, are the tales given. They all encourage a child's powers of observation.
PARSONS, F.T. (S.) (formerly Mrs. W.S. Dana). Plants and Their Children. American Book. .65
While these elementary talks have been arranged to accompany the school year, they give so much information about fruits and seeds, young plants, roots and stems, flowers, et cetera, told in Mrs. Dana's clear, informing way, that we shall all want our children to know the book, and to learn the great lesson of how to see, which is taught them. The many illustrations are helpful.
WEED, C.M. Stories of Insect Life. Volume I. Ginn. .25
The insects described are the more interesting common forms of Spring and early Summer. The plain little volume contains twenty short, fully illustrated chapters.
The fiction which children first hear should be adapted in the most perfect manner to the promotion of virtue. PLATO.
AANRUD, HANS. Lisbeth Longfrock. Ginn. .65
A vivid description of Norwegian farm and saeter life. Little (p. 71) Lisbeth loses her mother and goes to live with the good Kjersti, the mistress of Hoel Farm, helping to take care of the cattle.
Hans Aanrud's short stories are considered by his own countrymen as belonging to the most original and artistically finished life pictures that have been produced by the younger literati of Norway.—Preface.
CAROVE, F.W. The Story without an End. With a preface by Thomas Wentworth Higginson. Heath. .25
There is a very delightful old story which used to be given to children, though I have not seen it for a long time in the hands of any children. It was called The Story without an End. WALTER BESANT.
Written by an eminent German philosopher, and translated by Mrs. Sarah Austin for her own daughter, this beautiful tale, with its exquisite language, leads a child into the land of truth and beauty.
PEARY, J. (D.). The Snow Baby. Stokes. 1.20
An account of Lieutenant Peary's little daughter, who was born amid the ice and snow of the Polar regions. The book is well illustrated from photographs.
SNEDDEN, G. (S.). Docas, the Indian Boy of Santa Clara. Heath. .35
Three phases of Indian life in California, given in the form of a (p. 72) story. The ways and customs of the red man are described as they existed during the early days of this boy, before the coming of the whites. Later Docas had his home at the Mission in the days of Father Junipero Serra, and last of all, an old old man, dwelt, with his children and grandchildren, on a ranch.
Now I like a really good saga, about gods and giants, and the fire kingdoms, and the snow kingdoms, and the Aesir making men and women out of two sticks, and all that. KINGSLEY.
It is a poor sport that is not worth the candle. HERBERT.
CANFIELD, DOROTHY, and Others. What Shall We Do Now? Stokes. 1.50
This book of suggestions for children's games and employments will be a help to the busy mother when her own supply of indoor and outdoor amusements is exhausted. There are directions for five hundred plays and pastimes, including gardening, candy-making, and writing, guessing, and acting, games.
What we should expect and demand is, that our children should be brought up to regard American principles as matters of course; and their books should take these principles for granted, and illustrate them with all possible interest and power. SAMUEL OSGOOD.
ANDREWS, JANE. (p. 74) Ten Boys Who Lived on the Road from Long Ago to Now. Ginn. .50
This account of the boyhood of ten lads illustrates different periods and civilizations from Aryan days to the present time.
DRAKE, S.A. On Plymouth Rock. Lothrop. .60
The narrative of the first two years of the Pilgrims at Plymouth, based largely on Governor Bradford's history. Maps and illustrations add to the book's interest.
I have given as much of Bradford's own story as possible in the following pages, interwoven with the relations of Mount and Winslow, to which Bradford himself makes frequent reference.—Preface.
GILMAN, ARTHUR. The Discovery and Exploration of America. Lothrop. .40
The history of our country naturally divides itself into three portions. First, there is the period of Discovery and Exploration.... It is with this romantic time that the present volume deals.... The latest authorities have been made tributary to this volume, and the author has spared no pains to have it correct in every statement of facts, and in the difficult matter of dates.—Preface.
GUERBER, H.A. The Story of the Greeks. American Book. .60
An elementary account of Hellas from legendary times to its (p. 75) becoming a Roman province. Many well-known mythical and historic tales are included. There are maps and illustrations.
GUERBER, H.A. The Story of the Romans. American Book. .60
This companion to The Story of the Greeks gives, in like manner, a simple relation of Roman history from mythical days to the fall of the Empire. It contains maps and illustrations.
HORNE, O.B., and K.L. SCOBEY. Stories of Great Artists. American Book. .40
Children will find this small book interesting. It tells of the lives of some of the noted painters of different lands and periods; among them Raphael, Rembrandt, Reynolds, and Millet. The illustrations are from famous paintings.
HORNE, O.B., and K.L. SCOBEY. Stories of Great Musicians. American Book. .40
A companion to Stories of Great Artists, which briefly recounts the careers of famous musicians; among them Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, Schumann, and Wagner. Many of the illustrations are from paintings.
SMITH, E.B. The Story of Pocahontas and Captain John Smith. Illustrated by the Author. Houghton. 2.50
The brief pathetic life of Powhatan's daughter is well portrayed. (p. 76) This large oblong volume contains full-page pictures in color.
STONE, G.L., and M.G. FICKETT. Every-Day Life in the Colonies. Heath. .35
These short sketches of colonial life picture the first New England Christmas and a Puritan Sabbath. They also tell of the use of the hornbook and the sun-dial, describe the making of soap and candles, and so forth.
WRIGHT, H.C. Children's Stories in American History. Scribner. 1.25
Although we learn about our country from prehistoric days to the time of Washington, most of the book is devoted to the early exploration and settlement of North and South America. The second chapter contains an account of the Mound-builders.
I cannot cease from praising these Japanese. They are truly the delight of my heart. ST. FRANCIS XAVIER.
AYRTON, M.C. Child-Life in Japan. Heath. .20
Mrs. Ayrton took a keen interest in the Japanese people and never wearied of studying them and their beautiful country.... (p. 77) After her return to England, in 1879, she wrote this book. WILLIAM ELLIOT GRIFFIS.
Our young people will enjoy hearing of the amusements and festivals of these far-away boys and girls. The volume contains, in addition, child stories, and an article entitled The Games and Sports of Japanese Children, by W.E. Griffis.
Where the bee sucks, there suck I: In a cowslip's bell I lie; There I couch when owls do cry. On the bat's back I do fly After summer merrily. Merrily, merrily shall I live now, Under the blossom that hangs on the bough. SHAKSPERE.
ANDERSEN, H.C. Stories. Houghton. .60
The tales in this excellent little edition are well chosen.
A prime advantage in an early acquaintance with Andersen springs from the stimulus which his quaint fancy gives to the budding imagination of childhood. It may be said without exaggeration that Andersen truly represents creative childhood in literature. H.E. SCUDDER.
ASBJOeRNSEN, P.C. Fairy Tales from the Far North. Translated by H.L. Braekstad. Nutt. 2.00
"The author, a distinguished Norwegian student of folk-lore (p. 78) and zooelogy, made long journeys on foot for scientific purposes, in the course of which he collected, among others, these popular stories and legends. Mr. Braekstad in his translation endeavors to retain the atmosphere of the original."
FRANCILLON, R.E. Gods and Heroes. Ginn. .40
It will be seen that the Mythology adopted throughout is strictly of the old-fashioned kind which goes to Ovid as its leading authority, and ignores the difference between the gods of Greece and the gods of Rome.—Preface.
This small volume is included because it gives quite fully the Labors of Hercules.
FRERE, MARY. Old Deccan Days. McDonough. 1.25
Hindoo fairy legends of Southern India, recorded by Miss Frere in 1865-1866, as they were related to her by her Indian ayah during a tour through the Southern Mahratta country, in the Bombay Presidency, of which Sir Bartle Frere, her father, was then Governor.
GRIMM, J.L. and W.K. Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm. Translated by Mrs. Edgar Lucas. Illustrated by Arthur Rackham. Lippincott. 1.50
Barring a few horrible incidents, this is an excellent selection of these famous stories. Mr. Rackham's illustrations help to place the edition above many others.
GRIMM, J.L. and W.K. (p. 79) German Household Tales. Houghton. .60
With very few exceptions, an unusually wise choice of the Tales.
Grimm was the name of two German brothers.... Their studies they carried on together, though Jacob was the more learned, and made great contributions to the science of language, while Wilhelm was more artistic in his tastes and was a capital story-teller.... They lived in the province of Hesse-Cassel, ... and it was from the peasants in this province that they derived a great many tales. The best friend they had was the wife of a cowherd, a woman of about fifty, who had a genius for story-telling. H.E. SCUDDER.
HAWTHORNE, NATHANIEL. A Wonder Book. Illustrated by Walter Crane. Houghton. 3.00
No epoch of time can claim a copyright in these immortal fables. They seem never to have been made; and certainly, so long as man exists, they can never perish.—Preface.
Hawthorne wrote comparatively little for children. Let us be thankful that he did retell with such charm these Greek myths. The full-page pictures in color are worthy of the stories, which comprise The Gorgon's Head, The Golden Touch, The Paradise of Children, The Three Golden Apples, The Miraculous Pitcher, and The Chimaera.
HOLBROOK, FLORENCE. Northland Heroes. Houghton. .60
For centuries the songs of Homer ... have delighted the (p. 80) children, young and old, of many lands. But part of our own heritage, and nearer to us in race and time, are these stories of the Danish Beowulf and the Swedish Fridthjof.—Preface.
These simple versions of saga and epic recount for our children the bravery and endurance of a ruder age.
HOUGHTON, L. (S.). The Russian Grandmother's Wonder Tales. Illustrated by W.T. Benda. Scribner. 1.50
Slavonic folk-stories told by a Russian peasant to her little grandson, with the village life of Southern Russia as a background. Based on Dr. Frederich Kraus's German collection of Tales and Legends of South Slavonia. NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY.
Children will love to dwell for a time in Russia with the boy who was always saying "Tell me a story, little grandmamma." The character of the grandmother is drawn in a measure from that of Dr. Kraus's peasant mother, who was, though illiterate, intelligent and learned in the wonder-lore of her people.
JACOBS, JOSEPH (Editor). Celtic Fairy Tales. Illustrated by J.D. Batten. Putnam. 1.25
I have endeavored to include in this volume the best and most typical stories told by the chief masters of the Celtic folk-tale, Campbell, Kennedy, Hyde, and Curtin, and to these I have added the best tales scattered elsewhere.... In making (p. 81) my selection, and in all doubtful points of treatment, I have had resource to the wide knowledge of my friend Mr. Alfred Nutt in all branches of Celtic folk-lore.... With him by my side I could venture into regions where the non-Celt wanders at his own risk.—Preface.
The charm and humor of Celtic tradition is conveyed to the reader.
JACOBS, JOSEPH (Editor). Indian Fairy Tales. Illustrated by J.D. Batten. Putnam. 1.75
From all these sources—from the Jatakas, from the Bidpai, and from the more recent collections—I have selected those stories which throw most light on the origin of fable and folk-tales, and at the same time are most likely to attract English children.—Preface.
KEARY, ANNIE and ELIZA. The Heroes of Asgard. Macmillan. .50
This is a rather unattractive little volume, but the myths are so well told that we feel while reading them that real events of heroic days are being recounted.
KINGSLEY, CHARLES. The Heroes. Illustrated by M.H. Squire and E. Mars. Russell. 2.50
In these Greek tales Kingsley is at his best for children. He writes without digression, the language is clear and dignified, and we feel the spirit of the bygone age of which the story tells. Many of the illustrations are in color.
KINGSLEY, CHARLES. (p. 82) The Water-Babies. A Fairy Tale for a Land-Baby. Illustrated by Linley Sambourne. Macmillan. 1.25
This original and charming story is in some parts rather over the heads of children, and a few of the incidents seem gruesome to the compiler. For this reason it is better to read the book to the child, so that these portions may be omitted.
LAGERLOeF, S.O.L. The Wonderful Adventures of Nils. Doubleday. 1.50
Selma Lagerloef, the foremost writer of Swedish fiction, in response to a commission to prepare a reader for the public schools, devoted three years to nature study, and to seeking out hitherto unpublished folk-lore and legends of the different provinces. The result, of which we have as yet only the first volume, is this remarkable book. Bad cruel Nils is transformed into an elf, and on the back of a goosey-gander, Thumbietot, as he is now called, visits distant regions, and learns kindness to his animal brothers.
LANG, ANDREW (Editor). The Red Fairy Book. Longmans. 2.00
In this volume, second in order of publication, less familiar fairy stories are given, including The Twelve Dancing Princesses, Kari Woodengown, and Mother Holle.
MULOCK, D.M. (Mrs. D.M. (M.) CRAIK). (p. 83) @The Little Lame Prince. Heath. .30
The story of Prince Dolor of Nomansland who floated out of Hopeless Tower on the wonderful traveling cloak of Imagination. An allegorical tale teaching patience and true kingship. PRENTICE AND POWER.
This beautiful wonder story, because of its pathos, should perhaps be withheld from a very sensitive child.
NORTON, C.E. (Editor). Heart of Oak Books. Volume III. Fairy Tales, Ballads, and Poems. Heath. .40
These naturally serve as the gate of entrance into the wide open fields of literature, especially into those of poetry. Poetry is one of the most efficient means of education of the moral sentiment, as well as of the intelligence. It is the source of the best culture.—Preface.
PAINE, A.B. *The Arkansaw Bear. Illustrated by Frank Verbeck. Altemus. 1.00
The altogether charmingly impossible story of the travels of a little boy and a bear who played the violin.
"And they travelled on forever and they'll never, never sever, Bosephus and the fiddle and the old black bear."
PYLE, HOWARD. (p. 84) The Wonder Clock. Illustrated by the Author. Harper. 2.00
Any undertaking of Mr. Pyle's is a guarantee of distinction in material, style, and production, and these four and twenty fairy tales, one for each hour of the day, are no exception. The illustrations are among the author's best, and Miss Katharine Pyle supplies charming little verses for the different hours.
VALENTINE, L. (J.) (Editor). The Old, Old Fairy Tales. Warne. 1.50
The tales contained in this volume have been the delight of many generations of children, and can, in fact, claim a very distant origin, though they were retold in their present form as late as the age of Louis XIV. They are generally supposed to have come from the East, for they are to be found in varied forms in all the countries of Europe that sent forth Crusaders.... As children always like stories to be retold in the same words as far as possible, these tales have not been rewritten (except in two cases); the original translations in their quaint simplicity have been collected, and merely corrected so far as to meet the modern ideas of the kind of tale to be given to children; the old ones being occasionally a little coarse.—Preface.
Madame D'Aulnoy, Charles Perrault, and La Princess de Beaumont, are represented in this collection, taken, with few exceptions, from French sources.
ZITKALA-SA. (p. 85) Old Indian Legends. Illustrated by Angel de Cora. Ginn. .50
Under an open sky, nestling close to the earth, the old Dakota story-tellers have told me these legends.—Preface.
The great man is he who does not lose his child's heart. MENCIUS.
LONGFELLOW, H.W. The Song of Hiawatha. Illustrated by Frederic Remington. Houghton. 2.00
"Ye who love a nation's legends, Love the ballads of a people That like voices from afar off Call to us to pause and listen, . . . . . . . . "Listen to this Indian Legend, To this Song of Hiawatha!"
LUCAS, E.V. (Editor). Another Book of Verses for Children. Macmillan. 1.50
Admirable selections, chosen partly with view to reading aloud, a large proportion not being found in other children's (p. 86) anthologies. They range from Shakspere, Blake, Tennyson, to modern nonsense rhymes. Attractively illustrated. NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY.
What can I give Him, Poor as I am? If I were a shepherd I would bring a lamb, If I were a wise man I would do my part— Yet what I can I give Him, Give my heart. C.G. ROSSETTI.
HODGES, GEORGE. When the King Came. Houghton. 1.25
The life of Christ told with simplicity and breadth, making real to children the events of the Gospel story. Tested by ten years' home use before publication. The biblical text is not adhered to strictly.
I love to rise in a summer morn, When the birds sing on every tree; The distant huntsman winds his horn, And the skylark sings with me: O what sweet company! BLAKE.
CHAMPLIN, J.D. (p. 87) The Young Folks' Cyclopaedia of Common Things. Holt. 3.00
In the present work the writer has attempted to furnish in simple language, aided by pictorial illustrations when thought necessary, a knowledge of things in Nature, Science, and the Arts, which are apt to awaken a child's curiosity.—Preface.
Young people thoroughly enjoy this excellent book.
MILLER, O.T. (Pseudonym of Mrs. H. (M.) MILLER). The First Book of Birds. Houghton. 1.00
Intended to interest children in birds by an account of their habits of eating, sleeping, nesting, etc., with illustrative anecdotes, many from original observation. AUDUBON SOCIETY.
Though Mrs. Miller is herself an expert, she tells us that she has been careful to have the latest and the best authorities for the statements made, and presents a list of them. The author, while never a sentimentalist, constantly teaches kindness to the birds. There are both colored and plain plates.
MORLEY, M.W. The Bee People. Illustrated by the Author. McClurg. 1.25
Miss Apis Mellifica, with her wonderful eyes, her queer tongue, her useful furry legs, and her marvellous ways, is described for us in (p. 88) delightfully simple fashion by Miss Morley, who has also made many instructive and interesting small illustrations. The last chapter is on Bombus, the Bumblebee.
The bee has a mighty soul in a little body. Virgil.
MURTFELDT, M.E., and C.M. WEED. Stories of Insect Life. Volume II. Ginn. .30
"This book, like its predecessor, aims to give to young pupils an accurate and readable account of the life histories of some common insects. It is designed for use during the autumn months."
There are many illustrations.
SAUNDERS, M.M. Beautiful Joe. American Baptist. .50
Primarily intended to inculcate kindness to dogs, and other animals. It is pleasant to know that the tale has secured an immense popularity.
SEWELL, ANNA. Black Beauty. Edited by E.R. Shaw. Newson. .30
The horse gives his own account of his life with good and bad masters; the purpose of the book being to instil care and consideration for animals. Many copies have been distributed among draymen and cabmen. Children find the story very interesting.
STORIES (p. 89)
Consult the taste of your child in selecting or guiding his reading.... Let the boys and girls choose for themselves within certain limits, only trying to guide them to the best books upon the subject of their interest, whatever that may be. Mrs. G.R. FIELD.
BURNETT, F.E. (H.). Little Lord Fauntleroy. Scribner. 1.25
Mrs. Burnett's well-known story of the little American boy who in the course of events becomes heir to an English earldom is included in this list because of the beautiful and kindly spirit shown by the child to those about him.
DRUMMOND, HENRY. *The Monkey That Would Not Kill. Illustrated by Louis Wain. Dodd. 1.00
Professor Drummond wrote these two tales—his first attempt at fiction—while acting as temporary editor of a children's magazine. The first, that of Tricky, was so liked by children all over the world that the second, Gum, was written soon after. Mr. Wain's pictures are very good.
JEWETT, S.O. Play Days. Houghton. 1.50
This little book for little girls has all the quiet charm of Miss Jewett's books for older people. The author has a great gift for making the fine and beautiful things which lie at the heart (p. 90) of every-day life stand forth in their true colors, and making simple pleasures seem very pleasant. PRENTICE AND POWER.
LUCAS, E.V. (Editor). Old-Fashioned Tales. Illustrated by F.D. Bedford. Stokes. 1.50
Selections from the writings of Maria Edgeworth, Mary Lamb, Peter Parley, and others.
"The children come, the children go; To-day grows quickly yesterday; And we, who quiz quaint fashions so, We soon shall seem as quaint as they."
The children of those days—our great-great-grandfathers—expected didacticism. It was part of the game.... In the present collection there is, I think, no example either of condescension or showing-off—the two principal faults of books for children. All the authors seem to me to be simple and single-minded: they wished above all to be interesting.—Introduction.
McINTYRE, M.A. The Cave Boy of the Age of Stone. Appleton. .40
Written in accordance with modern views of science, and calculated to give children a good idea of prehistoric man and his ways. What is more, the story is sufficiently interesting to attract them.—The Athenaeum.
OTIS, JAMES (Pseudonym of J.O. Kaler). Toby Tyler, or Ten Weeks with a Circus. Harper. .60
Little freckled Toby runs away and joins a circus, where he makes a (p. 91) friend of Mr. Stubbs, an old monkey. Before long, however, he is glad to be welcomed home again by old Uncle Daniel. The tawdry life of the ring is well drawn.
OUIDA (Pseudonym of Louise de la Rame). Bimbi. Lippincott. 1.50
Louise de la Rame wrote these stories in a way that charms alike grown people and children. Little August and his beloved Hirschvogel the great Nuernberg stove, Florentine Lolo and his faithful Moufflou, Raphael the child of old Urbino, and others, are vividly pictured.
There comes a voice that awakes my soul. It is the voice of years that are gone, they roll before me with their deeds. OSSIAN.
Where's the cook? is supper ready, the house trimmed, rushes strewed, cobwebs swept? SHAKSPERE.
BENTON, C.F. A Little Cook-Book for a Little Girl. Estes. .75
"But Margaret said, 'I don't want to wait till I'm big; I want to cook now; and I don't want to do cooking-school cooking, but little girl cooking, all by myself.'"
So they gave her this simple cook-book on her birthday, and she learned to make all the different dishes before another birthday came.
BENTON, C.F. Saturday Mornings. Estes. .75
Margaret loved housekeeping, and the big people taught her on Saturday mornings how to take care of the house and its contents, how to launder, to market, et cetera. The directions, given in story form, are very clear and simple, and girls greatly enjoy the book. In fact, work becomes as joyful as play.
HALL, A.N. (p. 93) The Boy Craftsman. Lothrop. 2.00
The Boy Craftsman has been undertaken with a view of helping boys with their problems of earning money, as well as furnishing recreative and entertaining work, and to this end the first portion has been devoted to suggestions for the carrying on of a number of small business enterprises, and the second and third parts to outdoor and indoor pastimes for all seasons of the year.—Preface.
The handling and care of tools, simple carpentry, printing, photography, the making of an outdoor gymnasium and a miniature theatre, are among the topics included. There are many illustrations.
"Here may we sit and converse hold With those whose names in ages old Were in the book of fame enrolled."
BROOKS, E.S. The True Story of Christopher Columbus. Lothrop. 1.50
Columbus ... left a record of persistence in spite of discouragement and of triumph over all obstacles, that has been the inspiration and guide for Americans ever since his day.—Preface.
The life of the great admiral is described in a simple and interesting manner. Many pictures are given.
BROOKS, E.S. (p. 94) The True Story of George Washington. Lothrop. 1.50
One of the best of modern Americans, James Russell Lowell, who was born on the same day of the month as Washington, February twenty-second, wrote, shortly before his death, to a school-girl whose class proposed noticing his own birthday: "Whatever else you do on the twenty-second of February, recollect, first of all, that on that day a really great man was born, and do not fail to warm your hearts with the memory of his service, and to brace your minds with the contemplation of his character. The rest of us must wait uncovered till he be served."
This is a good text for those boys and girls who may be led to read this true story of George Washington.—Preface.
The book is fully illustrated.
CATHERWOOD, M. (H.). The Heroes of the Middle West. Ginn. .50
The French discovery and settlement of this country to the time of Pontiac, and the coming of the English. A vivid, carefully drawn picture of those adventurous days. Marquette, Joliet, La Salle, and Tonty, are sketched for us.
CHAMPLIN, J.D. The Young Folks' Cyclopaedia of Persons and Places. Holt. 3.00
A companion to The Young Folks' Cyclopaedia of Common Things, which tells, in the same simple way, of well-known persons and places. It is, as is the former, most satisfactory. There are many illustrations.
GILMAN, ARTHUR. (p. 95) The Colonization of America. Lothrop. .45
This volume, like The Discovery and Exploration of America, of which it is a continuation, is a study of the best authorities. It is intended to present to young readers the salient points in the story of the colonization of the United States.—Preface.
HILL, MABEL. Lessons for Junior Citizens. Introduction by A.B. Hart. Ginn. .50
By this series of talks about the make-up and workings of different civic departments and institutions Miss Hill arouses the attention and holds the interest of our children. The police, fire, and street departments, are described, and among other subjects, juvenile courts, the school system, and the village improvement association, are pleasantly discussed.
McMURRY, C.A. Pioneers of the Rocky Mountains and the West. Macmillan. .40
A good account of the exploring expeditions of Coronado, Lewis and Clark, Fremont, Powell, Parkman, and others. The book contains maps and illustrations.
MARSHALL, H.E. An Island Story. Illustrated by A.S. Forrest. Stokes. 2.50
The child is to put this volume, not at the lesson-book end of the shelf, but with Robinson Crusoe and the like. So the preface suggests, and rightly. It is eminently readable, a success, (p. 96) we should say, in what looks much easier than it is, telling a story in simple words.—The Spectator.
A history of the Mother Country, from earliest legendary times delightfully related. The thirty full-page illustrations in color add to its attraction.
MARSHALL, H.E. Stories of William Tell and His Friends. Dutton. .50
The Swiss national hero is told of in a series of thrilling narratives, teaching children what brave men will dare and do for freedom. There are eight pictures in color.
So geographers, in Afric maps, With savage pictures fill their gaps, And o'er unhabitable downs Place elephants for want of towns. SWIFT.
DU CHAILLU, P.B. The Country of the Dwarfs. Harper. 1.25
The author relates in his informal way, among many other experiences, his encounters with the little people of Herodotus; their tiny houses, curious customs, and uncommon shyness. This trip to Africa was begun in 1863.
DU CHAILLU, P.B. (p. 97) Wild Life under the Equator. Harper. 1.25
The hunting of hippopotami and gorillas is most interestingly narrated by the great explorer who also tells about the method employed in catching elephants, about snake-charming, and so forth.
FINNEMORE, JOHN. Switzerland. Illustrated by J.H. Lewis and A.D. McCormick. Macmillan. .75
These small books—the Peeps at Many Lands Series—"are intended to give children a glimpse at the scenes, people, and characteristics, of foreign countries.... A strong feature is made of the work and play of children in the land described." The illustrations, though as a rule somewhat highly colored, are very attractive. There are many titles in the series, but only the most important are included in this list. Besides descriptions of beautiful lakes and great mountains, this volume includes tales of the struggle for Swiss freedom, accounts of mountain-climbing, sports, and chamois-hunting. There are twelve colored plates, among which are a number of fine snow scenes.
SCHWATKA, FREDERICK. The Children of the Cold. Educational. 1.25
Frederick Schwatka says: To describe these Arctic babies is the main object of this book—to tell the boys and girls what kind of toys (p. 98) and pleasures and picnics and all sorts of fun may be had where you would hardly think any could be had at all; also, some of the discomforts of living in this most uncomfortable country.
TAYLOR, BAYARD. Boys of Other Countries. Putnam. 1.25
Experiences in the lives of five boys, whose respective homes were Sweden, Egypt, Iceland, Germany, and Russia.
The purpose of the author, of course, was to give a glimpse of the habits and customs of these countries.
It would be hard to estimate the amount of gentleness and mercy that has made its way among us through these slight channels. Forbearance, courtesy, consideration for the poor and aged, kind treatment of animals, the love of Nature, abhorrence of tyranny and brute force—many such good things have been nourished in the child's heart by this powerful aid. It has greatly helped to keep us ever young, by preserving through our worldly ways one slender track, not overgrown with weeds, where we may walk with children, sharing their delights. DICKENS. |