3. Lithotrya cauta, magnified between seven and eight times; (a), scutum; (b), tergum.
3c. Lithotrya cauta, latus, greatly magnified.
3d. Lithotrya cauta, uppermost scales of the peduncle, greatly magnified.
3e. Lithotrya cauta, star-shaped discs of hard chitine, supported on a peduncle of the same substance, taken from the lower exterior surface of the peduncle, very greatly magnified.
4. Lithotrya Rhodiopus, (magnified five times,) internal views of; (a), scutum; (b), tergum; (c), latus; (d), carina.
5. Lithotrya Valentiana, (magnified between three and four times;) (a), internal view of scutum and tergum, locked together; (b), capitulum seen from vertically above; (c), internal view of carina; (d), section across the middle of the carina.
1. Lithotrya truncata, (magnified four times.)
1a'. Lithotrya truncata, capitulum seen from vertically above, not so distinctly represented as in fig. 5 b, Pl. VIII.
1b'. Lithotrya truncata, internal views of valves; (a), rostrum, with a few subjacent scales of the peduncle; (b), scutum; (c), tergum; (d), carina.
2. A portion (about 1/10th of an inch square) of the surface of attachment of the peduncle of Pollicipes polymerus, seen from the outside, greatly magnified, showing the small circular (bb) patches of cement, poured out from the cement-ducts (aa) which lie within the peduncle.
2a'. A portion of a section, still more magnified, through the basal membrane of the peduncle, through one of the loops of the cement-ducts (aa), and through one of the circular patches (b) of cement.
3. Cement gland, duct, and ovarian tubes of Conchoderma aurita; (aa), ovarian tubes, with ova in process of formation; (b), cement-gland; (c), cement-duct.
4. Conchoderma virgata, enlarged, with one side of the capitulum and of the peduncle removed, to show the form and position of the body.
(a.) tergum, edge of.
(b.) mouth, with one of the palpi seen on the inner, upper corner.
(c.) adductor scutorum muscle.
(d.) orifice of acoustic (?) sack.
(e.) scutum, occludent margin of.
(f.) branching ovarian tubes within the peduncle.
(g.) filamentary appendage on the prosoma.
(h.) ditto, close to basal articulation of the first cirrus.
(i.) ditto, on the pedicel of the first cirrus.
(j.) ditto, on the pedicel of the third cirrus.
(k.) ditto, on the pedicel of the fourth cirrus.
(l.) ditto, on the pedicel of the fifth cirrus.
(m.) edge of the carina.
(n.) prosoma.
5. Apex of one of the filamentary appendages of Conchoderma aurita, greatly magnified, exhibiting the included branching testes.
6. Acoustic (?) sack of Conchoderma virgata, taken out of the acoustic meatus, with the diaphragm from the summit removed; greatly magnified.
7. Terminal part (magnified seven times), of the peduncle of an elongated specimen of Scalpellum vulgare, slit open, with the corium removed, showing the two cement-ducts (aa), and a row of circular patches (bb) of cement, by which the peduncle, along its rostral edge, is attached to the thin horny branches of the coralline. The larval antennae are seen at the terminal point, and the two cement-ducts can be traced into them.
Figures all greatly magnified.
1. Mandibles of Pollicipes mitella: exhibiting the upper (a) and lower (b) articulations, and the three principal muscles; the short upper cut off muscle runs to its attachment at the base of the palpus.
2. Mandibles of Lithotrya dorsalis, exhibiting four (aa) roughened, thin, ligamentous apodemes for the attachment of the muscles.
3. Mandibles of Scalpellum Peronii.
4. Mandibles of Ibla Cumingii.
5. Mandibles of Lepas anatifera.
6. Palpus of Lepas anatifera.
7. Palpus of Pollicipes mitella.
8. Palpus of Alepas cornuta.
9. Maxilla of Lepas anatifera.
10. Maxilla of Lithotrya dorsalis, exhibiting the horny, rigid apodeme (a) buried in muscles, together with the two other principal bundles of muscles.
11. Maxilla of Ibla Cumingii.
12. Maxilla of Lithotrya Rhodiopus.
13. Maxilla of Pollicipes polymerus.
14. Maxilla of Pollicipes mitella.
15. Maxilla of Poecilasma eburnea.
16. Outer maxilla of Conchoderma virgata; (a), orifice of the olfactory cavity, the inner delicate chitine membrane of which is seen within, the specimen having been treated with caustic potash.
17. Outer maxilla of Pollicipes mitella, showing the two principal muscles, and the prominent, tubular, (b) olfactory orifices.
18. Caudal appendages, and basal segments of the sixth pair of cirri, of Lepas anatifera; (a), anus; (b), caudal appendages; (c), lower segment of pedicel of sixth cirrus; (d), upper segment of ditto; (e), basal segments of the two rami.
19. Caudal appendage (right-hand side) of Pollicipes sertus.
20. Caudal appendage (right-hand side) of Scalpellum Peronii.
21. Caudal appendage (right-hand side) of Scalpellum vulgare.
22. Caudal appendage (right-hand side) of Pollicipes cornucopia.
23. Caudal appendage (left-hand) Lithotrya dorsalis; (a), caudal appendage; (c), lower segment of pedicel of sixth cirrus; (d), upper segment of ditto; (e), segments of one of the rami.
24. Portion of caudal appendage of Lithotrya dorsalis, highly magnified.
25. Pollicipes polymerus; anterior ramus of the second cirrus.
26. Lepas anatifera; a segment of the sixth cirrus, showing the arrangement of the spines; (a), main anterior spines, of which there is a corresponding row on the opposite side; (c), dorsal tuft.
27. Pollicipes polymerus; a segment of the sixth cirrus, showing the arrangement of the spines; (a), main anterior spines, of which there is a corresponding row on the opposite side; (b b), calcareous shields on the dorsal surfaces, with tufts of fine spines near their upper edges.
28. Alepas cornuta; sixth cirrus of; (a) basal portion of one ramus, consisting of numerous segments; (k), the other and almost rudimentary ramus.
29. Poecilasma fissa; segments of the sixth cirrus, showing the arrangement of the spines; (a), anterior spines; (c), dorsal tufts.
Synonyms and doubtful species are printed in italics.
Abortion, extreme, in the male of Ibla, 202.
Absia, 332.
Acari, development of, 18.
Acoustic (?) organs, general description of, 53.
Adductor scutorum muscle, 39.
Affinities of the Lepadidae, 64.
Alepas, Genus, 156. cornuta, 165. minuta, 160. parasita, 163. squalicola, 170. tubulosa, 169.
Allman, Professor, on Cyclops, 38.
Anatifa vel Anatifera, Genus, 67, 99, 215. crassa, 107. dentata, 73. elongata, 374. engonata, 73. hirsuta, 203. laevis, 73, 77. oceanica, 92. obliqua, 264. parasita, 163. quadrivalvis, 203. sessilis, 81. spinosa, 324. striata, 81, 86. substriata, 77. sulcata, 86. tricolor, 77. truncata, 361. univalvis, 163. villosa, 367. vitrea, 92.
Anelasma, Genus, 169.
Antennae, larval, 33. in the Lepadidae, table of measurements, 286. of Ibla Cumingii, 191. of Lepas australis, 15. of Scalpellum vulgare, 237.
Appendages, caudal, 43. in larva, 19. filamentary, 38.
Asplanchna, male of, 292.
Attachment of Cirripedes, 33. of Scalpellum vulgare, 226. of Pollicipes polymerus, 310.
Balanidae, affinities of, 64.
Bate, Mr. C. S., on the metamorphoses of Cirripedes, 9-16.
Bopyrus, parasite allied to, 55.
Branta, 137. aurita, 141. virgatum, 146.
Brightwell, Mr., on the Asplanchna, 292.
Brisnaeus, 332. Rhodiopus, 363.
Brugiere, date of work of, 67.
Buoyancy, means of, in Lepas fascicularis, 95.
Burmeister, Professor, on the metamorphoses of Cirripedes, 9, 13.
Burrowing powers of, in Lithotrya, 337.
Calentica, 215. Homii, 274.
Capitulum, general description of, 28.
Capitulum, Genus, 293. mitella, 316.
Carapace of the larva, 15.
Caudal appendages, 43. in larva, 19.
Cement-discs, in a straight row, in Scalpellum vulgare, 226. in Pollicipes polymerus, 310.
Cement-ducts, 34. in the larva, 20.
Cement-glands, incipient in larva, 24, 34.
Cement, nature of, 36.
Cement-tissue, modified as a float in Lepas fascicularis, 95.
Chitine, chemical nature of, 30.
Chthamalinae, 2, 65.
Cineras, Genus, 137, 156. bicolor, 146. Cranchii, 146. chelonophilus, 146, 151. megalepas, 146. membranacea, 146. Montagui, 146. Olfersii, 146, 152. Rissoanus, 146. vittatus, 146.
Circulation, 46.
Cirri, general description of, 42. of young Cirripede, 22.
Cirripede, immature whilst within the larva, 20.
Cirripedes, sessile, affinities of, 64. sub-families of, 2. useful as food, 66.
Clyptra, 374.
Coates, Dr., on Lepas fascicularis, 96.
Conchoderma, Genus, 136. aurita, 141. Hunteri, 153. leporinum, 141. virgata, 146.
Conchotrya, 332. Valentiana, 371.
Cuming, Mr., obligations to, 181, 189. on the Cirripedes of the Philippine Archipelago, 65. on Balanus psittacus, 66.
Cup, basal calcareous, in Lithotrya, 338.
Dana, Mr. J. D., on the ovaria in certain Crustacea, 26. on the antennae of larval Cirripedes, 15, 26.
Dichelaspis, Genus, 115. Grayii, 123. Lowei, 128. orthogonia, 130. pellucida, 125. Warwickii, 120.
Distribution, geographical, 65.
Dosima, 67. fascicularis, 92.
Dujardin, on the larvae of Acari, 18.
Encyclopedie Method., date of, 67
Entozoons, sexes of, 201.
Epidermis of valves, 31.
Exuviation, 61, 63. of the larval eyes, 24. of the larval integuments, 20. of the membrane of peduncle in Lithotrya, 336.
Eyes, in the Lepadidae, 49. of the larva, first stage, 10. last stage, 16, 24.
Families of Cirripedes, 2.
Farre, Dr., on the acoustic organs in Crustacea, 54.
Female organs of generation in the Lepadidae, 56.
Filaments, 38.
Forbes, Prof. E., on the homology of the peduncle, 26.
Fraena, ovigerous, 59.
Ganglia, ophthalmic, 49.
Generation, organs of, in the Lepadidae, 55.
Glands, supposed salivary, 57. on the ovigerous lamellae, 60.
Goodsir, Mr., on the metamorphosis of Cirripedes, 9, 16. on the supposed male of Balanus, 55.
Gray, Mr. J. E., on the genus Dosima, 99. on the metamorphosis of Cirripedes, 9. on the inequality of the valves in Paecilasma, 101, 103. on an unknown 7-valved Lepas, 374. on the genus Scalpellum, 216.
Growth, rate of, 63.
Gymnolepas, 137. Cranchii, 146. Cuvierii, 141.
Habitats, 65.
Hancock, Mr., on the burrowing of Cirripedes, 346. on the larva of Lepas, 11.
Hectocotyle, 200.
Heptalasmis, 115.
Hermaphroditism, peculiar kind of, 201.
Heteroura androphora, 201.
Homologies of the Cirripedia, 25-28.
Ibla, Genus, 180. Cumingii (female), 183. (male), 189. Cuvieriana, 203. quadrivalvis (hermaphrodite), 203. (complemental male), 207. general summary on its sexual relations, 281.
Impregnation of the females and hermaphrodites in Ibla and Scalpellum, 290.
King, Captain, on a new Scalpellum, 375.
Koelliker, on the males of Cephalopoda, 200.
Labrum, general description of, 40.
Lamellae, ovigerous, 58.
Larvae, general description of, 8.
Larva of Ibla quadrivalvis, 210.
Leidy, Professor, on the eyes of Cirripedes, 2, 49.
Lepas, Genus, 67. anatifera, 73. anserifera, 81, 86. australis, 89. australis, metamorphosis of, 14. coriacea, 146. cornuta, 141. cygnea, 92. dilata, 92. dorsalis, 351. fascicularis, 92. fascicularis, peduncle, remarkable structure of, 95. Gallorum, 298. Hillii, 77. leporina, 141. membranacea, 146. mitella, 316. muricata, 85. nauta, 81. pectinata, 85. pollicipes, 298. scalpellum, 222. sulcata, 86. virgata, 146.
Lerneidae, males of, 200.
Leucifer, 28.
Litholepas, 332. de Mont Serrat, 351.
Lithotrya, Genus, 332. cauta, 356. dorsalis, 351. Nicobarica, 354. Rhodiopus, 363. truncata, 366. Valentiana, 371. powers of burrowing, 337.
Loven, Dr., on the habits of the Alepas squalicola, 178. on the homologies of Cirripedes, 26.
Lowe, Rev. R. T., on the fishes of Madeira and Japan, 106. on the Cirripedes of Madeira, 65.
Macgillivray, Prof., on Conchoderma, 140. on Lepas anserifera, 81.
Malacotta, 137. bivalvis, 141.
Male Cirripedes, discussion on, 281. of Ibla Cumingii, 189. " quadrivalvis, 207. of Scalpellum ornatum, 248. Peronii, 270. rostratum, 262. villosum, 278. vulgare, 231. organs of generation in the Lepadidae, 55.
Mandibles, general description of, 41.
Martin St. Ange, on the affinities of Cirripedes, 1. on a closed tube within the stomach, 45. on the generative organs, 55.
Maxillae, general description of, 41.
Membrane covering valves, 30.
Metamorphoses, first stage, 9. second stage, 13. last stage, 14.
Mitella, Genus, 293.
Mouth, general description of, 39. of young Cirripede, 22. of the larva, first stage, 11. last stage, 17.
Muscles, 39. without striae in Anelasma, and in embryonic Cirripedes, 172.
Nerves, general system of, 46. of Ibla Cumingii, 188.
Nomenclature of the parts of Cirripedes, 3. Rules of, 293.
Octolasmis, 115. Warwickii, 120.
OEsophagus, general description of, 44.
Orders of Cirripedes, 2.
Organs acoustic (?) general description of, 53. of the larva of Lepas, 15. female, of generation, in the Lepadidae, 56. male, of generation, in the Lepadidae, 55. olfactory, general description of, 52.
Otion, 137. auritus, 141. Bellianus, 141. Blainvillianus, 141. Cuvieranus, 141. depressa, 141. Dumerillianus, 141. Rissoanus, 141. saccutifera, 141.
Ova, 58.
Ovaria, incipient in the larva, 20, 24. in the Lepadidae, 57.
Oviducts (supposed), 59.
Owen, Professor, on certain Entozoic Worms, 201. on the Conchoderma Hunteri, 154.
Oxynaspis, Genus, 133. celata, 134.
Pamina, 137. trilineata, 146.
Peach, Mr., obligations to, 240. on the movements of pedunculated Cirripedes, 33.
Peduncle, general description of, 31. origin and homologies of, 21.
Penis, general description of, 56. of Ibla quadrivalvis, 206.
Pentalasmis, vel Pentalepas, 67. anseriferus, 81. dentatus, 73. dilatata, 81. Donovani, 92. fascicularis, 92. Hillii, 77. inversus, 86. laevis, 73, 77. radula, 86. spirulae, 86. spirulicola, 92. sulcata, 86.
Pentalepas vitrea, 92.
Poecilasma, Genus, 99. aurantia, 105. crassa, 107. eburnea, 112. fissa, 109. Kaempferi, 102.
Pollicipes, 293. cornucopia, 298. elegans, 304. mitella, 316. Mortoni, 307. obliqua, 264. polymerus, 307. ruber, 304. scalpellum, 222. sertus, 327. sinensis, 375. Smythii, 298. spinosus, 324. tomentosus, 274. villosus, 274.
Polylepas, 215, 293. mitella, 316. sinensis, 375. vulgare, 222.
Primordial valves, 22.
Prosoma, shape of, 39.
Proteolepas, 3, 26.
Pupa, locomotive or last larval state, in Cirripedes, 18.
Ramphidiona, 293.
Range, geographical, 65.
Rate of growth, 63.
Reinhardt on the burrowing of Lithotrya, 346.
Reproduction, organs of, in the Lepadidae, 55.
Rotifera, sexes of, 292.
Rules of nomenclature, 293.
Sack, description of, 31. origin of, 15, 23.
Scalpellum, genus, 215. laevis, 376. laeve, 222. Sicilice, 222. ornatum, (female,) 244. (male,) 248. papillosum, 375. Peronii, 264. (male,) 270. rostratum, 259. (male,) 262. rutilum, 253. (male,) 258. villosum, 274. (male,) 278. vulgare, 222. larva of, 9. (complemental male,) 231. general summary on sexual relations, 281.
Schmidt, Dr., on chitine, 30. on the muscles in young crustacea, 172.
Senoclita, 137. fasciata, 146.
Sexes, discussion on, in Ibla and Scalpellum, 281.
Siebold, Dr. C. Von, 201.
Smilium, 215. Peronii, 264.
Spermatozoa in Scalpellum vulgare, 236.
Sprengel, Ch. K., on compositous flowers, 203.
Steenstrup, Prof., on the homology of the peduncle, 26. on the non-hermaphroditism of Cirripedes, 55.
Stomach of larva, 19. general description of, 44.
Stroem on a seven-valved Lepas, 374.
Syngamus trachealis, 201.
Testes in the Lepadidae, 55.
Tetralasmis, 180. hirsutus, 203.
Thaliella, 215. ornata, 244.
Thompson, Mr. W., on Lepas anatifera, (var.) 74. on the exuviations of sessile Cirripedes, 63. obligations to, 240. Mr. Vaughan, on the metamorphoses of Cirripedes, 9, 10.
Trilasmis, genus, 99. eburnea, 112.
Triton, genus, 156. fasciculatus, 163.
Upopi, or young acari, 18.
Vesiculae seminales, 56.
Valves, general description of, 28.
Valves, chemical nature of, 30. horny, colour changed by pressure, 184. primordial, 22.
Wagner, R., on the male organs of generation, 55.
Xiphidium, 215.
Transcriber's Notes:
Ditto is often represented by —— or . . . . or ".
Page ix
Enclycopaedia of Anatomy and Physiology
'Enclycopaedia' changed to 'Encyclopaedia'.
Page xii
These changes were not added, due to the general nature of most of the comments.
Page xii
Paecilasma is used throughout (et passim) most of the text.
It should read Poecilasma.
No change from the original.
Page 27
pedunculum mutatae et invoucrum
'invoucrum' changed to 'involucrum'.
Page 57
touch the caeca were such exist
'were' changed to 'where'.
Page 75
References to Mouth parts read Pl. IX, where I believe that Pl. X was meant. No change except for inserted links that refer to plate X.
Page 136
Magaz. der Gesellsch. Natuforsch.
'Natuforsch' may be 'Naturforsch'.
Page 222
Bold T used to represent a dagger here.
Page 238
Length of whole organ, to the inner margin of the oblique basal articulation } 1/6000
The number here was not legible, as printed. I think it may be 19/6000 from the table of comparative measurements later in this book.
Page 259
Bold TT used to represent double daggers.
Page 299
Frith of Forth
'Frith' may be 'Firth'.
Page 397
membrancea, 146
'membrancea' changed to 'membranacea'.
Inconsistent accents were verified and follow the original.
Hyphen variability
multiarticulate multi-articulate uniarticulate uni-articulate