A Manual of Pronunciation - For Practical Use in Schools and Families
by Otis Ashmore
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=Acapulco= äkä-p[=oo]lkō =Aconcagua= äkŏn-kägwä =Adriatic= ădre-ătĭk =AEgean= ē-jēan =Afghanistan= äf-gänĭs-tän =Albuquerque= äl-b[=oo]-kĕrka or ălb[=oo]-kẽrk =Altai= äl-tī =Altamaha= alta-ma-ha =Antarctic= ănt-ärktĭk =Antilles= än-tĭllēz or ŏ+n+tēl =Appalachian= ăppȧ-lā''chĭ-an or ăppȧ-lăchĭ-an =Aral= ăral =Ararat= ărȧ-răt =Arctic= ärktĭk =Arequipa= ä-ra-kēpä =Argentina= ärjĕn-tēnä =Argentine= ärjĕn-tīn =Aryan= äryan or ărĭ-an =Asia= āshĭ-ȧ =Atoll= ȧ-tŏl =Avon= āvŭn =Azores= ȧ-zōrz =Bahia= bä-ēä =Baikal= bīkäl =Balearic= băle-ărĭk =Balkan= bäl-kän =Barbados= bär-bādōz =Baton Rouge= bătŭn r[=oo]zh =Beaufort= bōfẽrt (N.C.) or bū'fẽrt (S.C.) =Benares= bĕn-ärĕz =Bengal= bĕn-gal =Ben-Nevis= bĕn-nĕvĭs =Bering= (strait) bērĭng or bĕrĭng =Boer= b[=oo]r =Bogota= bōgo-tä =Boise= (city) boizā =Bolivar= bŏl-ĭ-vär or bo-lēvär, Sp. =Bolivia= bo-lĭvĭ-ȧ or bo-lēve-ä, Sp. =Bombay= bŏm-bā =Bosporus= bŏspo-rŭs =Brahmaputra= brämä-p[=oo]trȧ =Brazos= bräzŏs =Bucharest= būkȧ-rĕst =Budapest= b[=oo]dȧ-pĕst =Buddha= b[=oo]ddȧ =Buenos Ayres= bōnŭs ārĭz or bwānŏs īrĕs, Sp. =Butte= būt =Cairo= kāro, U.S., or kīro, Egypt =Calais= kălĭs, U.S., or kälā, France =Canton= kăntŭn or kăn-tŏn, China =Cape Breton= kāp brĕtŭn =Caracas= kä-räkas =Cardenas= kärdā näs =Caribbean= kărĭb-bēan =Caucasian= ka-kāshan =Caucasus= kakȧ-sŭs =Cavite= käve-tā =Cayenne= ka-yĕn or ki-ĕn =Cebu= se-b[=oo] =Celebes= sĕle-bēz or sĕle-bĕs =Ceylon= se-lŏn =Chautauqua= sha-takwȧ =Cheviot= cjĭve-ŭt or chĕvĭ-ŭt =Cheyenne= shiĕn =Chimborazo= chĭmbo-räzo =Cienfuegos= se-ĕn-fwāgos =Colorado= kŏlo-rädo =Costa Rica= kŏstä rēkä =Cracow= krā'kō =Des Moines= de moin or dā moin =Dnieper= nēpẽr =Dniester= nēstẽr =Donegal= dŏne-gal =Dubuque= d[=oo]-būk =Dundee= dŭn-dē =Dwina= dwēnȧ =Edinburgh= ĕdĭn-bŭr-ro =Elbe= ĕlb or ĕlbe, Ger. =Elbruz= ĕlbr[=oo]z =Elburz= ĕlb[=oo]rz =Euphrates= u-frātēz =European= ūro-pēan =Fezzan= fĕz-zän =Fiji= fēje =Filipino= fĭlĭ-pēno =Fiord}= =Fjord}= fyôrd =Galveston= gălves-tŭn =Garonne= gä-rŏn =Genoa= jĕno-ȧ =Ghent= ḡĕnt, not jĕnt =Gila= hēlä =Gloucester= glŏstẽr =Gobi= gōbe =Granada= grä-nädä =Greenwich= grēnwĭch, U.S., or grĭnĭj, Eng. =Guadalajara= gwä-dä-lä-härä =Guam= gwäm =Guatemala= ga-te-mälä =Guayaquil= gwī-ä-kēl =Guiana= ge-änä =Haiti}= =Hayti}= hātĭ =Havre= häver =Hawaii= hä-wīe =Henlopen= hĕn-lōpĕn =Herculaneum= hẽrku-lāne-ŭm =Himalaya= hĭm-älȧ-yȧ or hĭm-ȧ-lāyȧ =Hindustan= hĭndŭ-stän =Houston= (Tex.) hūstŭn =Illimani= el-ye-mäne =Iowa= īo-wȧ =Irkutsk= ĭr-k[=oo]tsk =Java= jävȧ =Joliet= (city) jōlĭ-ĕt =Jungfrau= y[=oo]ngfrou =Kamchatka= käm-chätkȧ =Kashmir= kăshmēr =Khartum= kär-t[=oo]m =Kilauea= kē-lou-āä =Kilimanjaro= kĭle-mänjä-rō =Kronstadt= krōnstät =Ladoga= lădo-gȧ =Ladrones= lȧ-drōnz or lä-drōnĕs, Sp. =La Guaira= lä gwīrä =Lancaster= lănkas-tẽr =Laramie= lărȧ-me =Leicester= lĕstẽr =Leipsic= līpsĭk =Leyden}= =Leiden}= līden =Lima= līmȧ, U.S., or lēmȧ, Peru =Lipari= lĭpä-re =Lisle= lēl =Lofoden= lo-fōden =Louisville= l[=oo]ĭs-vĭl or l[=oo]ĭ-vĭl =Louvre= l[=oo]vr =Lucerne= l[=oo]-sẽrn =Luzon= l[=oo]-zōn or l[=oo]-thōn, Sp. =Mackinac= măkĭ-na =Madrid= mădrĭd or mä-drēd, Sp. =Malay= mȧ-lā =Manitoba= mănĭ-tōbȧ or mănĭ-to-bä =Maracaibo= mä-rä-kībo =Marmora= märmo-rȧ =Mendocino= mĕn-do-sēno =Milan= mĭlan or mĭ-lăn =Mohave= mo-häva =Montana= mŏn-tänȧ =Mont Blanc= mo+n+ blŏn =Monterey= mŏnte-rā =Moscow= mŏsko =Munich= mūnĭk =Navajo= nävä-ho =Negritos= ne-grītoz =Neuse= nūs =Nevada= ne-vädä =Newfoundland= nūfŭnd-lănd =New Orleans= nū ôrle-anz =Nice= nēs =Niger= nī'jẽr =Ogeechee= o-gēche =Okefinokee= ōke-fĭ-nōke =Oklahoma= ōklȧ-hōmȧ =Oneida= o-nīdȧ =Oporto= o-pōrto =Orizaba= ore-zäbä =Oswego= ŏs-wēgo =Ozark= o-zärk =Palermo= pȧ-lẽrmo =Palestine= pălĕs-tīn =Pampas= pămpȧz or pämpäs, Sp. =Panama= pănȧ-mä =Para= pä-rä =Paraguay= pä-rä-gwī or pärä-gwā =Pasig= pä-sēg =Passaic= păs-sāĭk =Pedee= pēdē =Pekin= pēkĭn =Peking= pēkĭng =Peru= pe-r[=oo] =Philippine= fĭlĭp-ĭn =Pierre= peâr =Pompeii= pŏm-pāye =Popocatepetl= po-pōkăt-ȧ-pātl =Port Said= pōrt sä-ēd =Poughkeepsie= po-kĭpsĭ =Prussia= prŭshȧ or prŭsh'ĭ-ȧ =Pueblo= pwĕblo =Pyrenees= pĭre-nēz =Quito= kēto =Racine= rȧsēn =Rainier= rānēr =Rio de Janeiro= rēo da zhä-nāe-ro =Rio Grande= rēo grända =Roanoke= rōȧ-nōk =Rochester= rŏches-tẽr =Russia= rŭshȧ or rŭshĭ-ȧ =Saginaw= săḡĭ-na =Sahara= sȧ-härȧ =Saint Augustine= sānt agŭs-tēn =Saint Gothard= sānt gŏthärd orn gotär, Fr. =Saint Louis= sānt l[=oo]ĭs or l[=oo]ĭ =San Diego= sän de-āgo =San Joaquin= sän hō-ä-kēn =San Jose= sän ho-sā =Santa Fe= säntä fā =Santiago= sän-te-ägo =Santos= säntos =Sault Sainte Marie= s[=oo] sĕnt mārĭ =Seine= sān =Seoul= sa-[=oo]l =Shoshone= sho-shōne =Sierra Madre= se-ĕrrä mädra =Sierra Nevada= se-ĕrrä na-vädä =Sioux= s[=oo] =Steppes= stĕps =Strasburg= străzbẽrg =Stuttgart= st[)oo]tgärt =Sudan= s[=oo]-dän =Suez= s[=oo]-ĕz =Sumatra= s[=oo]-mäträ =Syracuse= sĭrȧ-kūs =Tahlequah= tä'le-kwä =Tahoe= tä-hō =Tanganyika= tän-gän-yēkä =Tchad= chäd =Teheran= te-hrän =Tehuantepec= ta-wän-ta-pĕk =Terre Haute= tĕre hōt =Thames= tĕmz =Tien-Tsin= te-ĕn-tsēn =Tierra del Fuego= te-ĕrrä dĕl fwāgo =Titicaca= tĭt-e-käkä =Tocantins= tōkän-tēns =Tokyo= tōke-o =Transvaal= trăns-väl =Triest= tre-ĕst =Tripoli= trĭpo-lĭ =Tucson= tu-sŏn =Tuskegee= tŭs-kēgē =Uruguay= [=oo]r[=oo]-gwī or ūr[=oo]-gwā =Valparaiso= väl-pä-rīso =Venezuela= vĕne-zwēlȧ =Venice= vĕnĭs =Vienna= (Aus.) ve-ĕnnȧ =Vistula= vĭs'tū-lȧ =Vladivostok= vläde-vōs-tōk =Willamette= wĭl-ämĕt =Worcester= w[=oo]stẽr =Yazoo= yä-z[=oo] =Yenisei= yĕne-sāe =Yokohama= yō-ko-hämä =Yosemite= yo-sĕmĭ-te =Zambezi= zäm-bāze =Zante= zäntā =Zuyder Zee= zīdẽr zē or zoidẽr zā, D. =Zurich= zūrĭk


AEschines ĕskĭ-nēz AEschylus ĕskĭ-lŭs Agassiz ăgȧ-se or ȧ-găssĭz Agesilaus ȧ-jĕs-ĭ-lāŭs Alaric ălȧ-rĭk Alcibiades ăl-sĭ-bīȧ-dēz Alcott awlkŏt Ali Pasha älē pȧ-shä Ampre ŏ+n+pâr Andr ăndra or ăndrĭ Anne ăn, not ănne Anthony ănto-nĭ Apelles ȧ-pĕllēz Archimedes ärkĭ-mēdēz Aristides ărĭs-tīdēz Ayllon, de da īl-yon Bachk Balfour bălf[=oo]r or bălfẽr =Balzac= bälzäk, bălzăk, Eng. =Bartholdi= bärtōldē, Fr. =Beaconsfield= bĕkŭnz-fēld or bēkŭnz-fēld =Blcher= bl[=oo]kẽr Boadicea bō-ăd-ĭ-sēȧ Boleyn, Anne b[)oo]lĭn, ăn Bolingbroke bŏlĭng-br[)oo]k Bowdoin bōd'n Buchanan bŭk-ănan Burleigh bûrlĭ Cabot kăbŭt Cambyses kăm-bīsēz Carlisle kär-līl Cartier kärtya Cleopatra klēo-pātrȧ Coeur de Lion kẽr de līŭn, kẽr de leo+n+, Fr. Coleridge kōlrĭj Colfax kōlfăks Coligni / Coligny kolenyē or kō-lēnye Constantine kŏnstan-tīn Corneille kôr-nāl or kornāy Cuvier kve-a Disraeli dĭz-rālĭ Dor dōra Dumas dụmä Duquesne dụkān Eiffel īfĕl or ĕffĕl Encke ĕnke Eric ĕrĭk or ērĭk Estaing, d' dĕstăn Farragut făra-gŭt Faust foust Flammarion flämäreo+n+ Fr. Froebel frẽbel Froude fr[=oo]d =Galileo= găl-ĭ-lēo =Gama, da= dä gämä =Garibaldi= găr-ĭ-băldĭ or gä-re-bälde =Gauss= gous =Geikie= ḡēkĭ =Goethe= gẽte =Gounod= g[=oo]nō Grouchy gr[=oo]shē =Guelph= gwĕlf =Guizot= gwezō or gezō =Gustavus= gŭs-tāvŭs, Eng. =Gutenberg= g[=oo]ten-bĕrg Haeckel hĕkel Halstead halsted Hastings hāstĭngs Hegel hāgel Hemans hĕmanz Hesiod hēsĭ-od Hippocrates hĭp-pŏkrȧ-tēz Houston, Sam. hūstŭn Joliet zhōlēā Joule j[=oo]l =Kaulbach= koulbäk =Lancaster= lănkas-tẽr =Lannes= lăn or län =Laplace= läpläs, Fr. =La Salle= lä säl, Fr. =Liddell= lĭdel =Liebig= lēbĭg =Linnaeus= lĭn-nēŭs =Liszt= lĭst =L'Ouverture= l[=oo]vĕrtụr Maria Theresa mȧ-rīȧ te-rēsȧ Marquette märkĕt Miltiades mĭl-tīȧ-dēz Mirabeau meräbō, Fr. Moltke mōltke Montagu mŏntȧ-gu Montcalm mŏnt-käm Montesquieu mŏntĕs-kū Mosby mōzbĭ Moultrie m[=oo]ltrĭ or m[=oo]trĭ Mhlbach mlbäk Mller mler Murat mrä, Fr. Murillo m[=oo]-rēlyo, Sp. mu-rĭllo, Eng. =Ney= nā =Oersted= ẽrstĕd =Ohm= ōm =Pecci= (Leo XIII) pĕtche =Pestalozzi= pĕs-tä-lŏtse =Pinzon= pen-thōn, Sp. =Pizarro= pe-zărro =Powhatan= powhȧ-tăn =Pythagoras= pĭ-thăgo-ras =Raumur= raomur or rōmẽr =Reclus= re-kl =Ribault= or =Ribaut= rebō =Richelieu= reshe-l[=oo] Rienzi re-ĕnze Robespierre rōbes-pēr Fr. robĕspe-âr Roosevelt rōze-vĕlt[6] (Theodore) Rousseau r[=oo]sō =Schiller= shĭlẽr =Schopenhauer= shōpen-houẽr =Schurz= sh[)oo]rts =Secchi= sĕkke =Semiramis= se-mĭrȧ-mĭs =Sigourney= sĭgēr-nĭ, not sĭj'- =Soult= s[=oo]lt Spinoza spe-nōzä Strabo strābo Stuyvesant stīve-sant Thales thālēz Titian tĭshan Tocqueville tŏkvĭl or tokvēl, Fr. Vasco da Gama väsko dä gämä Vespasian vĕs-pāzhĭ-an Vespucci vĕs-p[=oo]tche =Warwick= wŏrĭk =Worcester= w[)oo]stẽr, not w[=oo]stẽr


Achilles ȧ-kĭllēz Adonis ȧ-dōnĭs, not ȧ-dŏnĭs AEneas e-nēas AEneid e-nēĭd AEsculapius ĕsku-lāpĭ-ŭs Alcestis ăl-sĕstĭs Alcyone ăl-sīo-ne Amphion ăm-fīŏn Anchises ăn-kīsēz Aphrodite ăfro-dīte Ascanius ăs-kānĭ-ŭs Astyanax ăs-tīȧ-năx Calliope kăl-līo-pe Cerberus sẽrbe-rŭs Charon kārŏn Chronos krŏnŏs Clio klīo Clytaemnestra klĭtĕm-nĕstrȧ Daedalus dĕdȧ-lŭs Dardanus därdȧ-nŭs Delphi dĕlfi Diana di-ānȧ or di-ănȧ Diomed dīo-mĕd Euterpe u-tẽrpe Ganymede găn-ĭ-mēde, gănĭ-med, Eng. Hades hādēz Hebe hēbe Hecate hĕkȧ-te Hecuba hĕku-bȧ Hyades hīȧ-dēz or hīădz Iphigenia ĭfĭ-ge-nīȧ Isis īsĭs Laocoon la-ŏko-ŏn Lares lārēz Lethe lēthe Melpomene mĕl-pŏme-ne Menelaus mĕne-lāŭs Milo mīlo Nemesis nĕme-sĭs Niobe nīo-be Orion o-rīŏn Osiris o-sīrĭs Pegasus pĕgȧ-sŭs Penates pe-nātēz Pleiades plēyȧ-dēz Psyche sīke Saturn sătŭrn Serapis se-rāpĭs Telemachus te-lĕmȧ-kŭs Terpsichore tẽrp-sĭko-re Ulysses u-lĭssēz Uranus ūrȧ-nŭs Zeus zūs


(See "How to Use the Book," page vii)


abdomen absolutory abstemious accent n. accent v. accessory acclimate acetic acoustics acumen address n., v. adept adipose


adobe adult adverse advertisement after again aged adj. aggrandizement agile alabaster albino albumen alkali alkaline allopathy ally alma mater almond alpaca


altercation alternate n., adj. alternate v. amateur amen amenable ampere anchovy anemone animalcule antipodes apotheosis apparatus apparent appendicitis apricot


apron apropos aquiline arbitrament architect archives arctic area armada asphalt n. aspirant assignee attach audacious automobile avalanche aye (in voting) aye (always) azure


bade balcony ballet banana banquet basalt bas-relief baton bayou been belles-lettres beloved part. beloved n., adj. beneath bequeath bestial bicycle


biography bissextile bitumen bivouac blanc-mange blessed part. blessed adj. boatswain bombast bonbon bon ton boudoir boulevard bouquet bourn bovine bravado bravo intj. bravo n.


brethren brigand brigantine bromide bromine bronchitis brooch brusque buoy burro cadaver calcine calliope calm caloric


camelopard candelabrum canine cantata caoutchouc caprice caret carmine caricature casement cayenne cement n. cerebrum


cerement certain chagrin chaise chamois chaperon chaps (the jaws) charlatan chasten chastisement chivalric chivalrous chloride chlorine chores clematis coadjutor cocaine coffee


cognizance cognomen column comatose combat combatant commandant comparable compensate comrade concentrate condolence conduit confidant confiscate


connoisseur conservator conspiracy construe consummate v. consummate adj. contemplate contumely conversant coop coral coronal cortge costume coterie courteous


courtier cowardice crematory cuirass cuisine curator cylindric cynosure dahlia dais Danish data datum daunt deaf debauchee dbris dbut dbutant decade


decadence dcollet decorative decorous defect deficit demoniacal demonstrate dengue dnouement depot deprivation derisive desideratum despicable desquamation destine desuetude detestation


devastate devastation diamond digitalis diphtheria diphthong discourse disfranchise disputable disputant divan docile dolorous domicile dost doth douche drama


duodenum dynamite dynasty eclat economical ecumenical eczema either eleemosynary lite elm embalm employ employee empyrean


encore enervate enfranchise engine ennui entre envelope epizotic epoch equable equation equipage equitable ere err espionage European


evening every ewe excursion exemplary exorable expletive expurgate exquisite extirpate extol extraordinary façade facile fairy falchion falcon faux pas


febrile fiance figure finale finance financier flaccid florid flotsam folio forbade forehead fortnight franchise n. fraternize fratricide fulsome gala gallant (polite)


gallant (brave) gantlet gape gastritis gauntlet (a glove) genealogy generic genre genuine geyser ghoul giaour giraffe glacier gladiolus gondola government


granary gratis greasy grimace guano guardian gubernatorial gum arabic harass harem hasten haunt hearth heaven hegira heinous herb hereditament


heroine heroism hiccough history holocaust homeopathy homogeneous horizon hostile houri hovel humble humor hygiene hymeneal hypocrisy idea ignoramus illustrate


imbecile imbroglio incisive incomparable indecorous indicatory indisputable indissoluble industry inexorable inexplicable infinitely inquiry integer integral interesting interpolate interstice inveigle inventory


iodide iodine iron irrefutable irremediable irreparable irrespirable irrevocable isochronous isolate isotherm italic jaundice jaunt jocund jowl juvenile kinetoscope


knoll kraal lamentable latent laudanum launch laundry lava learned part. learned adj. legend legged leisure lenient lever lichen livelong long-lived lullaby lyceum


maintenance malaria mall (a walk) mandamus maniacal maritime massacre massage matrix matron mausoleum memoir meningitis


mercantile microscopy miniature mirage mischievous mistletoe molecule monomania morphine museum mustache naïve naïvet nape national negligee neither nephew


nepotism news niche nicotine nominative nuisance obeisance obese obesity obligatory oblique obscenity occult octavo office often ogle olden oleomargarine onerous only


onyx opponent orchestra orchid ordeal orthoepy oxide pageant panorama pantomime papier-mach parent paresis parietal parse patent pathos patriot


patriotic patron patronage pecan pedagogical pedagogy peremptory perfect v. perfect adj. perfume n. perfume v. peritonitis permit n. permit v. petal phaeton phalanx pharmaceutic


philanthropic phosphorus phthisis pianoforte piquant placard plait platinum plebeian porcelain


portrait prairie precedence precedent n. precedent adj. precise predecessor preface n. and v. prelate prelude n. presentation prestige pretense pretext pretty pristine probity process produce n. profile


programme or program progress n. promenade pro rata protg protestation provocative provost prussic psalms puerile put v. pyramidal pyrites pyrotechnics quadrille quagmire


quarrel quay query quinine qui vive radish raillery rapine raspberry rather ration rational rationale recess recluse


recondite reconnoissance reconnoiter recourse recreant recreate (to refresh) re-create (to create anew) refuse n. refutable rgime relaxation remediable renaissance rendezvous reparable repartee repertoire reptile reputable requiem


research resource respirable respite n. and v. rsum retch retrocede retrograde revocable revolt rise n. rise v. robust romance root route routine sacrament sacrifice n. sacrifice v.


sacrificable sacrilege sacristy sagacious said saline salivary sanguine sarsaparilla satin satire satrap satyr saucy saunter scallop scenic schedule


seismic senile sepulcher sergeant servile sesame sew sheik shekel shew shewn shone silhouette simile simultaneous sinecure sirup or syrup skein slake sleek


sloth slough (a mire) slough (to cast off) sobriquet soften soire solder solecism sonorous soot soporific sough souvenir sovereign spheroid spinach or spinage


spirit splenetic squalid squalor stalwart stanch status stereopticon stereoscope stereotype stolid strategic stratum strew strychnine student


suave suavity subsidence subtile (thin) subtle (sly) suffice suite superfluous supple survey n. survey v. suture swath sword syllabic synod syringe systole tapis tassel


taunt tedious telegraphy temperament tenacious tenet tepid tête—tête thyme tiara tiny tirade to tomato tortoise


towards trachea transparent travel traveler traverse n., a., v. treble tremor tribune trio tripartite troche trochee troth truculent truths tuberose turquoise


tuxedo tyranny ultimatum umbilicus umbrella unprecedented unwary usurp vaccinate vaccine vagary valet varioloid vase vehemence vehement venison veratrine


verdigris vermicelli vignette vindicatory violin virile virulence virulent vis-a-vis viscount visor vivacious vizier volatile wainscot warrior wary


weapon wont wound yew yolk youths zenith zodiacal zology zymotic



Acapulco Aconcagua Adriatic AEgean Afghanistan Albuquerque Altai Altamaha Antarctic Antilles Appalachian Aral Ararat Arctic Arequipa Argentina Argentine Aryan Asia Atoll Avon Azores Bahia Baikal Balearic Balkan Barbados Baton Rouge Beaufort Benares Bengal Ben-Nevis Bering (strait) Boer Bogota Boise (city) Bolivar Bolivia Bombay Bosporus Brahmaputra Brazos Bucharest Budapest Buddha


Buenos Ayres Butte Cairo Calais Canton Cape Breton Caracas Cardenas Caribbean Caucasian Caucasus Cavite Cayenne Cebu Celebes Ceylon Chautauqua Cheviot Cheyenne Chimborazo Cienfuegos Colorado Costa Rica Cracow Des Moines Dnieper Dniester Donegal Dubuque Dundee Dwina Edinburgh Elbe Elbruz Elburz Euphrates European Fezzan Fiji Filipino Fiord or Fjord Galveston Garonne Genoa Ghent Gila Gloucester Gobi Granada Greenwich Guadalajara Guam Guatemala Guayaquil Guiana Haiti or Hayti Havre Hawaii Henlopen Herculaneum


Himalaya Hindustan Houston (Tex.) Illimani Iowa Irkutsk Java Joliet (city) Jungfrau Kamchatka Kashmir Khartum Kilauea Kilimanjaro Kronstadt Ladoga Ladrones La Guaira Lancaster Laramie Leicester Leipsic Leyden or Leiden Lima Lipari Lisle Lofoden Louisville Louvre Lucerne Luzon Mackinac Madrid Malay Manitoba Maracaibo Marmora Mendocino Milan Mohave Montana Mont Blanc Monterey Moscow Munich Navajo Negritos Neuse Nevada Newfoundland New Orleans Nice Niger Ogeechee Okefinokee Oklahoma Oneida Oporto Orizaba Oswego Ozark


Palermo Palestine Pampas Panama Par Paraguay Pasig Passaic Pedee Pekin Peking Peru Philippine Pierre Pompeii Popocatepetl Port Said Poughkeepsie Prussia Pueblo Pyrenees Quito Racine Rainier Rio de Janeiro Rio Grande Roanoke Rochester Russia Saginaw Sahara Saint Augustine Saint Gothard Saint Louis San Diego San Joaquin San Jose Santa F Santiago Santos Sault Sainte Marie Seine Seoul Shoshone Sierra Madre Sierra Nevada Sioux Steppes Strasburg Stuttgart Sudan Suez Sumatra Syracuse Tahlequah Tahoe Tanganyika Tchad Teheran Tehuantepec Terre Haute Thames Tien-Tsin Tierra del Fuego Titicaca


Tocantins Tokyo Transvaal Triest Tripoli Tucson Tuskegee Uruguay Valparaiso Venezuela Venice Vienna (Aus.) Vistula Vladivostok Willamette Worcester Yazoo Yenisei Yokohama Yosemite Zambezi Zante Zurich Zuyder Zee



AEschines AEschylus Agassiz Agesilaus Alaric Alcibiades Alcott Ali Pasha Ampre Andr Anne Anthony Apelles Archimedes Aristides Ayllon, de Bach Balfour Balzac Bartholdi Beaconsfield Blcher Boadicea Boleyn, Anne Bolingbroke Bowdoin Buchanan Burleigh Cabot Cambyses Carlisle Cartier Cleopatra Coeur de Lion Coleridge Colfax Coligni or Coligny Constantine Corneille Cuvier Disraeli Dor Dumas Duquesne Eiffel Encke Eric Estaing, d'


Farragut Faust Flammarion Froebel Froude Galileo Gama, da Garibaldi Gauss Geikie Goethe Gounod Grouchy Guelph Guizot Gustavus Gutenberg Haeckel Halstead Hastings Hegel Hemans Hesiod Hippocrates Houston, Sam Joliet Joule Kaulbach Lancaster Lannes Laplace La Salle Liddell Liebig Linnaeus Liszt L'Ouverture Maria Theresa Marquette Miltiades Mirabeau Moltke Montagu Montcalm Montesquieu Mosby Moultrie Mhlbach Mller Murat Murillo Ney Oersted Ohm Pecci (Leo XIII) Pestalozzi Pinzon Pizarro Powhatan Pythagoras Raumur Reclus Ribault or Ribaut Richelieu Rienzi


Robespierre Roosevelt Rousseau Schiller Schopenhauer Schurz Secchi Semiramis Sigourney Soult Spinoza Strabo Stuyvesant Thales Titian Tocqueville Vasco da Gama Vespasian Vespucci Warwick Worcester



Achilles Adonis AEneas AEneid AEsculapius Alcestis Alcyone Amphion Anchises Aphrodite Ascanius Astyanax Calliope Cerberus Charon Chronos Clio Clytaemnestra Daedalus Dardanus Delphi Diana Diomed Euterpe Ganymede Hades Hebe Hecate Hecuba Hyades Iphigenia Isis Laocoon Lares Lethe Melpomene Menelaus Milo Nemesis Niobe Orion Osiris Pegasus Penates Pleiades Psyche Saturn Serapis Telemachus Terpsichore Ulysses Uranus Zeus


[Footnote 1: The weight of authority is for ȧ-sĕtĭk, though ȧ-sētĭk would distinguish this word from another word, ascetic, of different meaning.]

[Footnote 2: This expression has become thoroughly anglicized.]

[Footnote 3: There is a very close balance in the pronunciation of this word. Perry, Knowles, Cull, Goodrich, and Fyfe prefer ēko-nomĭ-kal, while Cooley and Ayres prefer ĕko-nŏmĭ-kal.]

[Footnote 4: For the pronunciation īthẽr and nīthẽr there is no authority, either of analogy or of the best speakers. It is an affectation, and, in this country, a copy of a second-rate British affectation.—Richard Grant White.]

[Footnote 5: There is no more authority for prōgrŭm than there is for tĕle-grŭm. Both are wrong]

[Footnote 6: By the authority of the President himself.]


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