A Man's Value to Society - Studies in Self Culture and Character
by Newell Dwight Hillis
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Abelard, 166

Abraham, influence on posterity, 16

Abundant Life, 29

AEschylus, 198

Agassiz, 102, 237

Aristotle, 124

Arkwright, 99

Arnold, 135, 216, 292 Thos., 164

Aspirations and Ideals, 53 number and kind, 61 power to lift life, 58 the use of, 63 rebuke lower life, 66 enemies of, 70

Babbage, 287

Bancroft, Geo., 10

Beatrice, 44

Beecher, 19, 95, 134, 142, 188, 258

Bible, 32, 98, 142, 164, 255

Body, a thinking machine, 80 delicacy of sensation, 80 evolution, 81 its needs as stimuli, 88 channel of knowledges, 88 system of moral registration, 92

Books and reading, 233 increase of power of vision, 238 show men at their best, 239 tools for the mind, 240 multiply brain forces, 242 preserve the spirit of great men, 243 give information, 246 show unity of progress, 249 choice of books, 250

Brooks, Phillips, 44, 254

Brown, John, 58

Browning, Mrs., 248

Bulwer Lytton, 135

Bunyan, 114

Burns, 158, 294

Byron, 48, 188, 198, 250

Cadmus, 16

Caird, 84

Capital, original, 13

Carlyle, 76, 214, 234, 239, 255

Castelar, 40

Channing, 192, 225, 234

Character, 31, 44 defined, 34 materials of, 34

Charles IX., 203

Clay, 154, 262

Climate, effect on race, 16

Coleridge, 47, 132, 200, 293

Columbus, 56, 152

Confucius, 32

Conscience and Character, 187 working of conscience, 191, 201 uses and functions, 199 standard, 199 relation to judgment, 200 influence on memory, 201 in daily life, 202 commercial, 205 emotional, 208 to the past, 209

Contrasts and extremes, teachers, 47

Cooper, Peter, 177

Cranmer, 145

Cromwell, 39, 40, 100

Curtis, Geo. Wm., 23

Dana, 84

Dante, 21, 78, 129, 150, 165, 198, 215, 312, 318

David, 48, 165

Death, 95

Demosthenes, 198

De Tocqueville, 126

Dickens, 106

Distribution of ability in U.S., 22

Dore, 124

Douglass, Frederick, 223

Dreams, 64

Drummond, 82, 84

Dwight's dictum, 15

Edison, 169, 304

Elements of worth in individual, 9

Eliot, Geo., 178, 196, 222

Emerson, 13, 31, 34, 42, 98, 103, 122, 150, 164

Enthusiasm, 168 of friendship, 165

Epictetus, 174

Evolution, 82

External world a teacher, 37

Faraday, 248

Fiske, 94

Friendship, 163 secret of eminence, 173 refining, 178

Froude, 172

Garibaldi, 171, 184

Gladstone, 43, 69

Goethe, 151

Grant, 184

Greeley, 33

Guttenberg printing press, 82

Hamilton, 133, 201

Handel, 153

Harrison, Frederic, 234, 250, 314

Hawthorne, 107

Health, 75

Helps, Arthur, 253

Heredity, 130

Herod, 189

Heroes raised up to teach men, 58, 59

Hoe, printing press, 82

Holland, J.G., 23

Holmes, O.W., 13

Homer, 60, 312

Hugo, 193

Huss, 145, 150

Huxley, 76

Ideals, teachers, 49

Ignorance, 19, 31

Imagination, 141 defined, 147 sustains men, 149 place in science and invention, 157 mechanics, 152 helps character, 156 abuse of, 157 lifts above misfortune, 159 reveals God, 160

Integrity, 27

Iron, value of raw and manufactured, 20

Jacob's vision, 70, 166

Jesus, 14, 29, 30, 31, 40, 51, 59, 115, 118, 183, 189, 210, 215, 271, 309, 318, 319

John, 14

Johnson, 47, 166

Jones, Sir Wm., 304

Judas Iscariot, 135

Keats, 106

King, Starr, 312

Knowledge, 20

Kossuth, 184

Lamartine, 34

Lamb, 47, 166, 244

Lecky, 45

Lee, inventor of loom, 47

Lincoln, 34, 41, 169, 219, 284, 312

Livingstone, 58, 78, 236, 241

Living with men, 257 the largest subject, 259 training necessary, 262 the most important act, 264 the most difficult, 266 aim and end of life, 274 test of manhood, 275

Locke, 122

Lodge's study of distribution of ability, 22

Longfellow, 129, 252

Lowell, 31, 98, 142, 312

Lubbock's inquiry of Indian chief, 16, 175

Luther, 40, 41, 58, 78, 100, 171

Macaulay, 132, 262

Making the most of one's self, 299 self-care and self-love, 301 debt of strength to weakness, 305 examples from history, 309 examples from great men, 309 duty of the nation, 316 teaching of Christ, 318

Man a double creature, 85

Mann, Horace, 17

Massachusetts, education, 22

McCosh, 84

Michael Angelo, 118, 149, 214

Mill, John Stuart, 12, 25

Millais, Martyr, 58

Millet's Angelus, 20

Milton, 34, 56, 79, 114, 129, 153, 167, 174, 198, 234, 312

Mind and the duty of right thinking, 97 its wonderfulness, 101 its fruitfulness, 103 determines character, 114

Misfits in life, 13

Mivart, 116

Monotony, a teacher, 43

Moral uses of the memory, 121 basis of civilization, 125 power, 131 examples, Macaulay, Niebuhr, etc., 131 influenced by conscience, 201

Napoleon, 17, 142, 153, 184

Newness as a teacher, 42

Newton, 84, 237, 238

Nestor, 307

Niebuhr's memory, 131

Nilsson, 154

Northampton, noted men, 23

Obedience to law, 27

Oken, 151

Paganini, 14, 262

Pasteur, 312

Paul, 12, 41, 234, 235, 282

Paupers, plebeian and patrician, 12

Peter, 135

Petrarch, 166

Phillips, 135, 170, 217, 307

Phidias, 79, 125

Phocion, 34

Physical basis of character, 74

Pitt, 135

Plato, 13, 163, 183, 189, 214, 306

Pliny, 70

Proctor, 103

Ptolemy, 45

Pythagoras, 144

Racial elements, 15

Rameses, 77

Raphael, 51

Rasselas, 47

Responsibility a teacher, 46

Revelators of character, 279 the face, 283 instances, 285 body, 285 habits and unconscious desires, 292 power of pure character, 297

Richter, 121

Rosetti, 121

Ruskin, 41, 43, 255, 258

Savonarola, 41, 171,191

Scaliger's memory, 131

Schopenhauer, 227

Schiller, 167, 214

Scott, 150, 201

Seneca's memory, 131

Servetus, 203

Seward, 188

Shakespeare, 22, 47, 51, 53, 79, 97, 125, 136, 164, 193, 307

Silas Marner, 178

Sin, a personal fact, 87

Skill in handling men, 25

Smith, Adam, 12 Sidney, 111

Socrates, 14, 57, 92, 130, 165, 190, 214

Solon, 144

Sophocles, 198

Sophroniscus, 147

Southey, 244

Spencer, Herbert, 50, 168

Stanley, 217, 292

Sterne, 188

Stupidity of sin, 25

Strength, physical, 17

Strikes, 25

Swing, 97, 164, 212, 258

Taylor, 212

Teachers in life external world, 37 temptation, 39 newness and zest, 42 monotony, 44 responsibility, 46 contrasts and extremes, 47 ideals, 49

Temptation, 39

Tennyson, 121, 165, 172, 284

Themistocles, 23

Theseus, 16

Tholuck, 51

Thomson, Sir Wm., 248

Thompson, 75

Thoughts affect face's expression, 109

Thucydides, 199

Titian, 262

Trademarks, 281

Tubman, Harriet, 223

Tupper, 35

Tyndall, 101

Value of man, financial, 11 acc. to race, 16 thoughts determine, 111

Veronese, 113

Virgil, 110

Vision hours, 50, 62, 68, 230

Visions that disturb, 211 shape great lives, 217 bring life's best moods, 222 conquer sin, 223 secure service for right, 223 make good men perfect, 224 for our nation, 225

Von Humboldt, 189 Moltke, 23 Rile, 118

Wastes of Society, 9 through ignorance, 19 hatred, 28

Washington, 34, 188

Watson, Wm., 212

Watts, 29, 80, 125, 152

Webster, 153, 192, 220, 256, 262, 284, 312

White, Pres., 314

Whitney, Prof., 23

Wordsworth, 47, 97, 106, 178

Zeno, 318

Zacharias, 14

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- Typographical errors corrected in text: Page 27: Obedince replaced with Obedience Page 40: sweetnees replaced with sweetness Page 83: miscroscope replaced with microscope Page 88: civilzation replaced with civilization Page 133: provison replaced with provision Page 164: Goethe replaced with Goethe Page 237: eloqunce replaced with eloquence Page 325: M'Cosh replaced with McCosh Page 327: Thunistocles replaced with Themistocles Page 327: Thesnes replaced with Theseus The following words are correct: Page 63: stithy, noun meaning 1. an anvil, 2. a forge or smithy. Page 161: bowlder, an obsolete spelling for boulder Page 288: accidently, alternate spelling for accidentally Page 311: peans, noun meaning 1. any song of praise, joy, or triumph. 2. a hymn of invocation or thanksgiving to Apollo or some other ancient Greek deity. -

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